Fall 2019 OLLI Catalog (Interactive)

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at California State University Dominguez Hills is a program of educational, cultural, and social opportunities for retired and semi-retired individuals age 50 and above. Members experience taking courses in a relaxed atmosphere for the pure pleasure of learning. For more info, visit: https://csudh.edu/olli

The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at California State University Dominguez Hills is a program of educational, cultural, and social opportunities for retired and semi-retired individuals age 50 and above. Members experience taking courses in a relaxed atmosphere for the pure pleasure of learning.

For more info, visit:


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<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> Course <strong>Catalog</strong> September-December<br />

Enrich Your Life,<br />

Enrich <strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH<br />

Osher Lifelong<br />

Learning Institute

Thank you<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Volunteers, for<br />

your time, energy and<br />

dedication to making<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH a success!<br />

Your contributions have<br />

helped to broaden and<br />

elevate <strong>OLLI</strong> offerings,<br />

and make classes,<br />

outings and events run<br />

smoothly and seemlessly.<br />

We appreciate you!<br />

Enrich Your Life,<br />

Enrich <strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH

Enrich Your Life,<br />

Enrich <strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH<br />

Pearl Harbor Reconsidered<br />

A reconsideration of the events leading up to and including the<br />

attack on Pearl Harbor, and its aftermath on Asia and Greater<br />

United States.<br />

5 Wednesdays: November 13, 20, 27, December 4, 11<br />

(See page 17)<br />

Local Republic of the Congo activist<br />

Olga Duchemin speaks to the United Nations<br />

Olga Duchemin, originally from the Republic of the Congo, was invited<br />

to address the United Nations Human Rights division on the instability,<br />

corruption and abuses of power under the republic’s current president.<br />

Thursday, September 5 (See page 18)<br />

Caregivers: the Heart and<br />

Lifeline of the Family<br />

This workshop will help caregivers deal with two of the major obstacles<br />

in giving care: doctor appointments and medications, along with tips to<br />

navigate through healthcare’s sea of red tape.<br />

2 Fridays October 11, 18 (See page 15)<br />

Osher Lecture Series (See pages 25 & 26)<br />

Tuesdays, 3:30pm - 5:30pm<br />

Levy Adult Centers<br />

September 10<br />

China: Did America misread<br />

China and what should<br />

America’s China foreign policy<br />

be in the 21st Century?<br />

September 24<br />

Preventing Heart Disease,<br />

Cancer and Alzheimer’s<br />

Disease, Part 1<br />

October 8<br />

Cognition and Affective<br />

Processes in Older Adulthood<br />

October 22<br />

The Bend and Beyond…<br />

A Continued Discussion of Up<br />

Around the Portuguese Bend<br />

November 5<br />

Preventing Heart Disease,<br />

Cancer and Alzheimer’s<br />

Disease, Part 2<br />

Wednesdays, 10:00am-12:00pm<br />

CSUDH<br />

September 11<br />

China: Did America misread<br />

China and what should<br />

America’s China foreign<br />

policy be in the 21st Century?<br />

September 25<br />

Twitter as a Tool of<br />

American Foreign Policy<br />

October 9<br />

Cognition and Affective<br />

Processes in Older<br />

Adulthood<br />

October 23<br />

Nonviolent Resistance<br />

Movements in the<br />

Age of Trump<br />

November 6<br />

Politics and Government<br />

in the U.S.

<strong>OLLI</strong> <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Open House &<br />

Orientation<br />

Join us at an <strong>OLLI</strong> Open House to learn more<br />

about lifelong learning for retired and semiretired<br />

adults. For more information on<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH visit www.csudh.edu/olli<br />

or call (310) 243-3208.<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Open House<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Members are welcome to invite friends<br />

to the <strong>2019</strong> <strong>Fall</strong> Open House. This is a great<br />

opportunity to learn about membership in the<br />

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute and to find<br />

out how to register for classes.<br />

Light refreshments will be served.<br />

Tuesday, September 3, <strong>2019</strong>, 10:00am – 12:00pm, CSUDH<br />

Campus, Extended Education Building, EE-1213 (Auditorium)<br />

RSVP to (310) 243-3208 or by email to olli@csudh.edu<br />

by August 27, <strong>2019</strong><br />

Registration Drop-off<br />

Drop off your registration forms at the Registration Office.<br />

Save the Date!<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Volunteer Orientation<br />

Tuesday, September 3<br />

following the <strong>OLLI</strong> Open House (See page 43)<br />

RSVP to (310) 243-3208 or by email to olli@csudh.edu<br />

by August 27, <strong>2019</strong><br />

Table of Contents<br />

Open House ....................................... 1<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Contact Information ................... 2<br />

Dean’s Welcome ................................ 2<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Membership Information .........3-4<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Classes at CSUDH ...............5-30<br />

Art, Culture & Language ...............6-11<br />

Health & Wellness ...................12-16<br />

History & Social Science ..........17-19<br />

Science & Technology ....................... 20<br />

Business & Finance ........................... 21<br />

Discussion Groups ...................22-24<br />

Osher Lecture Series ................25-26<br />

Field Trips ................................27-28<br />

Special Events .........................29-30<br />

Peer-Led (Omnilore) ................31-40<br />

University Courses<br />

for <strong>OLLI</strong> Members ................... 41<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Sponsors .................................. 42<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Volunteer Opportunities ......42-43<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Waitlist Procedures ................... 44<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Codes of Conduct .................... 45<br />

Instructors and Lecturers .............46-47<br />

Chronological List of Courses ......48-53<br />

Extended Ed Classroom Map ............ 54<br />

Parking and Directions ..................... 55<br />

CSUDH Campus Map ....................... 56<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong>’s Peer-Led Program (Omnilore) Orientations<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> is on Facebook!<br />

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute<br />

Tuesday, October 15 at 10:00am<br />

at Cal State University Dominguez Hills<br />

or Friday, November 22 at 1:30pm<br />

www.facebook.com/csudholli<br />

Beach Cities Health Center<br />

Osher Lecture Series – South Bay<br />

514 N Prospect Ave, Lower Level Suite L8 www.facebook.com/OsherLecture<br />

Redondo Beach, CA 90277<br />

Social Tennis for Seniors<br />

RSVP to (310) 215-1848 or<br />

www.facebook.com/groups/<br />

Membership@Omnilore.org<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong>SocialTennis<br />

Directions and parking information<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Online Calendar<br />

will be provided. Additional fees apply. www.csudh.edu/<strong>OLLI</strong>/Calendar<br />

(See page 31)<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 1


Contact Information<br />

Osher Lifelong<br />

Learning Institute (<strong>OLLI</strong>)<br />

California State University,<br />

Dominguez Hills<br />

College of Extended &<br />

International Education<br />

EE-1300<br />

1000 East Victoria Street<br />

Carson, CA 90747<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Office: (310) 243-3208<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Registration: (310) 243-3741<br />

Extended Education Building, EE-1100<br />

Website: www.csudh.edu/olli<br />

Email: olli@csudh.edu<br />

Registration Office Hours:<br />

Monday-Thursday 8:00am – 8:00pm<br />

Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm<br />

Saturday 8:00am – 1:30pm<br />

Sunday Closed<br />

Bernard and Barbro Osher<br />

Bernard Osher<br />

Foundation<br />

The CSUDH Osher Lifelong<br />

Learning Institute is funded in<br />

part by a generous grant from<br />

the Bernard Osher Foundation.<br />

The Bernard Osher Foundation<br />

funds a national network of<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong>s located at 123 colleges<br />

and universities throughout the<br />

United States.<br />

www.osher.net<br />

A Message from Dean McNutt<br />

College of Extended and International Education, CSUDH<br />

By now, many <strong>OLLI</strong> Members have heard me<br />

use the phrase, “The College of Extended<br />

and International Education is all about K-80<br />

Education.” It’s a play on the term, K-12 or K-16<br />

education. What I mean by that is CEIE provides<br />

a learning continuum, whether a summer<br />

reading program for kindergarteners, a project management<br />

training program for adult learners looking to advance at work or<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Members reading a play or playing social tennis for seniors.<br />

Going forward, I will use the term, “K-100 education” and here’s<br />

why. I was asked to make opening remarks at our fall Osher<br />

Life Long Learning Institute (<strong>OLLI</strong>) Open House. The Extended<br />

Education auditorium was filled with new and continuing<br />

members. After describing the 50 academic, continuing and<br />

lifelong learning courses we have in our portfolio, I said how<br />

much I believe in K-80 education. After my brief talk, a Member<br />

came to me and said, “Dean McNutt, I take umbrage with your<br />

remarks about K-80 learning.” I was taken aback by her comment<br />

and thought she might even be joking with me, but she was not.<br />

“You should know,” she said, “I am 95 years of age, and I am still<br />

learning through <strong>OLLI</strong> classes at CSUDH.” Much to my chagrin,<br />

I discovered we have several <strong>OLLI</strong> and Omnilore Members in their<br />

90’s who are engaged in active learning. So next time you hear<br />

me talk about the depth and breadth of our membership and the<br />

myriad opportunities we have for continuous learning, listen for<br />

the phrase, “The College of Extended and International Education<br />

is all about K-100 Education.”<br />

With that in mind, be sure to pick up your own copy of the<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> <strong>Fall</strong> course catalog. There are at least 23 new programs and<br />

topics for your consideration.<br />

Finally, I’d like to thank all the donors who contributed to our<br />

Membership campaign this year. <strong>OLLI</strong> cannot thrive without<br />

donors, dedicated volunteers, staff, Extended Education and<br />

CSUDH. We look forward to another great <strong>Fall</strong> of exciting<br />

programming. See you around campus!<br />


<strong>OLLI</strong> MEMBERSHIP<br />

Lifelong Learning at CSUDH is a membership<br />

organization for those individuals age 50+<br />

who are seeking intellectual and social<br />

activities. These activities include short<br />

courses on a variety of topics, peer-led<br />

courses, discussion groups, field trips,<br />

computer workshops, social gatherings<br />

and campus cultural events. Learning takes<br />

place in a supportive environment without concern for grades,<br />

tests, or requirements.<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH Membership Benefits<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Members enjoy many benefits inherent in student status.<br />

• Attend the popular Osher Lecture Series (<strong>Fall</strong> and Spring<br />

Semesters only)<br />

• Participate in discussion groups on a variety of topics each term<br />

• Enroll in special interest, technology and other workshops<br />

designed for lifelong learners<br />

• Attend short courses and participate in field trips<br />

• Receive notifications by mail or email about campus events<br />

• Receive CSUDH Student ID card for library privileges and<br />

bookstore discounts<br />

• Meet in state-of-the-art classrooms<br />

• Receive an <strong>OLLI</strong> catalog each semester<br />

• Participate in University and other selected Extended Education<br />

programs for reduced rates<br />

• Become involved in determining <strong>OLLI</strong> curriculum and events<br />

• Meet like-minded adults in a supportive learning<br />

environment<br />

• Email account at ToroMail<br />

• Reduced annual parking pass fees (See page 55)<br />

Become a Member!<br />

You can become an <strong>OLLI</strong> Member by<br />

calling (310) 243-3741 or completing<br />

the membership portion of the<br />

registration form in this catalog.<br />

Fee: Annual <strong>OLLI</strong> membership is $30.<br />

This includes the Osher Lecture Series<br />

and other benefits. Some <strong>OLLI</strong> activities<br />

have additional nominal fees. These<br />

include <strong>OLLI</strong> courses, field trip fee,<br />

computer courses and the peer-led<br />

(Omnilore) program.<br />

Meeting Times – Dates and times<br />

for courses are listed with course<br />

descriptions in this schedule.<br />

Course Registration – In this catalog<br />

Members will find many courses,<br />

programs and special activities.<br />

Fees are listed with the courses.<br />

Registration for courses listed in this<br />

catalog is available to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members.<br />

To enroll in these courses complete<br />

the tear-out registration form (gold<br />

pages) in this catalog and mail<br />

with payment.<br />

A Note About our Peer-led<br />

Program (Omnilore)<br />

Registration in our Omnilore courses<br />

in Redondo Beach requires attendance<br />

at an orientation prior to registration.<br />

Visit www.omnilore.org or call<br />

(310) 215-1848 for more information<br />

Become a Member or Renew Your <strong>OLLI</strong> Membership<br />

To participate in <strong>OLLI</strong> courses your membership must be current, which includes the <strong>Fall</strong>, Spring and<br />

Summer semesters. The cost is only $30 for an annual membership. If your membership has lapsed,<br />

please sign up as soon as possible. If you aren’t sure whether your membership is current, call the<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> office at (310) 243-3208. Please make checks payable to CSUDH.<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 3

<strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH<br />


BL<br />

110 Fwy<br />

91 Fwy<br />

405 Fwy<br />

Parking at CSUDH<br />

PCH<br />

AVALON<br />


DEL AMO<br />


710 Fwy<br />

Annual Parking<br />

Passes are available<br />

to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />

for only $20.<br />

Call the <strong>OLLI</strong> office<br />

at (310) 243-3208<br />

for details.<br />

Effective July 1, <strong>2019</strong>,<br />

the fee to park on campus is $9 per<br />

day. Daily parking permits can be<br />

purchased at one of the many yellow<br />

parking lot permit machines using cash,<br />

debit or credit card. Permits must be<br />

displayed face-up on your dashboard.<br />

Visit the <strong>OLLI</strong> website at<br />

www.csudh.edu/olli to find out<br />

about carpooling or taking public<br />

transportation to the campus.<br />

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at CSUDH<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> Programs and Activities<br />

In this catalog, programs and activities for <strong>OLLI</strong> Members at the<br />

CSUDH campus are listed in the following categories:<br />

• Lecture Series – Series of presentations by CSUDH professors<br />

on a topic or theme suggested by <strong>OLLI</strong> Members. <strong>Fall</strong> and Spring<br />

semesters only!<br />

• Courses – <strong>OLLI</strong> courses are a series of classroom meetings<br />

organized around a topic and led by an instructor. Additional fees<br />

and/or waivers may apply.<br />

• Discussion Groups – Discussions are often conducted in<br />

conjunction with a video or film and facilitated by a discussion<br />

leader. Additional fees may apply.<br />

• Computer Workshops – Computer workshops include<br />

presentations on various computer applications and their uses.<br />

Classes meet in two modern computer labs with ample<br />

opportunity for hands-on practice. Additional fees may apply.<br />

• Field Trips – Members visit local museums, gardens, and<br />

historic sites. Additional fees and/or waivers may apply.<br />

• Peer-led (Omnilore) – This program consists of study/discussion<br />

groups in which each member participates by presenting a topic<br />

related to the subject under study. Additional fees apply. <strong>OLLI</strong><br />

Members must attend an Omnilore orientation prior to registering<br />

for a peer-led class. See Peer-led section on pages 31-40 for more<br />

information or visit www.omnilore.org or call (310) 215-1848.<br />

Special Event<br />

Save the Date!<br />

A Taste of <strong>OLLI</strong> Celebration (<strong>OLLI</strong>day)<br />

Thursday, December 5, 1:00pm - 4:00pm<br />

(See page 30)<br />

Friends don’t let Friends miss out!<br />

Invite a friend to experience a taste of <strong>OLLI</strong> at our<br />

annual gathering—its a great way to get to know<br />

us—as we celebrate 16 years of success, a future of<br />

greatness, and you, <strong>OLLI</strong> Members, in your <strong>OLLI</strong>day.<br />


<strong>OLLI</strong> Lectures,<br />

Classes,<br />

Workshops and<br />

Activities<br />

California State University<br />

Dominguez Hills<br />

Many classes, workshops and<br />

discussion groups take place on<br />

the campus of California State<br />

University Dominguez Hills in Carson.<br />

In addition to modern classroom<br />

buildings and a dedicated computer<br />

lab, the University has many resources<br />

which include a library, food<br />

court, restaurants, and bookstore.<br />

Involvement in University activities is<br />

one of the many benefits of <strong>OLLI</strong>.<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> More.<br />

LIVE<br />

More.<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 5


Instructor and Facilitator: Maria Ruiz,<br />

a 9-Year <strong>OLLI</strong> and Omnilore Member,<br />

District Toastmasters Qualified Speaker<br />

and winner of two Distinguished<br />

Toastmasters Awards, and the 2013<br />

Roy D. Graham Lifetime Achievement<br />

Award. She is the “drama guru” at the<br />

Joslyn Center and regularly conducts<br />

play readings there. She also directs<br />

and produces the Dramatic Readers<br />

Theater in Manhattan Beach and<br />

Palos Verdes.<br />

6 Wednesdays<br />

September 11, 18*<br />

October 9, 16<br />

November 6*, 13<br />

1:30pm – 3:30pm<br />

Extended Education Building,<br />

EE-1218, *meet in EE-1201<br />

Fee: $20<br />

NLLL 154 Section 01<br />

Course No. 44501<br />

Important Announcement:<br />

Renew Your <strong>OLLI</strong><br />

Membership<br />

To participate in <strong>OLLI</strong> courses<br />

your membership must be current.<br />

The cost is only $30 for an annual<br />

membership. If your membership<br />

has lapsed, please sign up as soon<br />

as possible. If you aren’t sure<br />

whether your membership is<br />

current, call the <strong>OLLI</strong> Office at<br />

(310) 243-3208. Please make<br />

checks payable to CSUDH.<br />

Let’s Read a Play!<br />

No stage or acting experience required. Join us for the opportunity<br />

to have some fun and to polish our dramatic skills. Our director,<br />

Maria Ruiz, will introduce the authors and theater history of each<br />

play before readings begin. You are invited to become a part of<br />

this interesting and interactive approach to enjoying a play and to<br />

experience cold readings. Expect lively discussion about meaning<br />

and content. Students usually obtain copies of the plays from<br />

libraries or purchase copies.<br />

Refreshments will be served. Bring your own drink.<br />

To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee<br />

September 11, 18<br />

Scout, and her brother, Jeremy are raised by their<br />

widowed father, Atticus Finch, a prominent lawyer<br />

who encourages his children to be empathetic and<br />

just. The story is about Atticus defending a black<br />

man accused of raping a white woman. Scout<br />

is shaken by the trial because the man could not have physically<br />

committed the crime.<br />

Some Like It Hot screenplay by Billy Wilder<br />

October 9, 16<br />

After witnessing a Mafia murder, slick saxophone<br />

player Joe, and his long-suffering buddy Jerry,<br />

improvise a quick plan to escape from Chicago<br />

with new lives. Disguising themselves as women,<br />

they join an all-female jazz band and hop a train<br />

to sunny Florida. While Joe pretends to be a millionaire to win over<br />

the band’s sexy singer Sugar, Jerry finds himself pursued by a real<br />

millionaire as things heat up and the mobsters close in. Great fun!<br />

The Verdict by Sydney Lumet,<br />

based on a novel by Barry Reed<br />

November 6, 13<br />

Frank Galvin is a washed-up alcoholic lawyer,<br />

reduced to ambulance-chasing cases. He is given<br />

one last chance to redeem himself with an open<br />

and shut malpractice case against the Boston<br />

medical establishment. He refuses an out-of-court settlement,<br />

believing it is negligence that has left a young mother in a coma.<br />

Smelling a cover-up, he takes the case and the entire legal system<br />

to court.<br />



Felting Your Own Hat<br />

NEW!<br />

This fall make your own one of a kind felt hat in this new class with<br />

milliner and crafter Yolanda Fielder. Yolanda worked at Eric Javits<br />

Hats in New York while studying millinery at The Fashion Institute<br />

of Technology in New York. She was owner of a hat shop called,<br />

King George’s Daughter. Yolanda also studied fashion design at<br />

Los Angeles Trade-Technical College. She has other various craft<br />

experiences under her belt.<br />

Why search near and far for expensive<br />

felt hoods to make a felt hat? You<br />

will wet felt multi colors of roving,<br />

(roving is a long and narrow bundle<br />

of fiber, usually used to spin woolen<br />

yarn or to create other textile arts)<br />

with a mixture of wool, silk and other<br />

blended fibers to create a tam or<br />

small cap. Then trim your creation<br />

with flowers, fabric, ribbon, and beads or charms. Most class<br />

materials will be provided. Additional materials needed for the<br />

following classes will be announced at each meeting.<br />

Instructor: Yolanda Fielder, a 2-year<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Member and Millinery/Hat<br />

Instructor, CSUDH Alumni, and City of<br />

Carson Women’s Issues Commissioner<br />

3 Tuesdays<br />

September 10, 17, 24<br />

12:00pm – 3:00pm<br />

Extended Education Building,<br />

EE-1205<br />

Fee: $20 (Course Materials)<br />

Registration is limited to 10<br />

participants.<br />

Note: You Must be at the 1st class<br />

meeting to wet felt and bring a hat<br />

box 12”x7”.<br />

NLLL 151 Section 01<br />

Course No. 44479<br />

Crafts with Norma Bates<br />

Join this fun and<br />

productive class<br />

with crafterextraordinaire,<br />

Norma Bates, <strong>OLLI</strong><br />

Member, volunteer<br />

and Ambassador.<br />

Norma brings a<br />

lifetime of crafting experience to this class. We have all seen<br />

examples of her crafting with prizes and table décor at <strong>OLLI</strong><br />

Open Houses and other special events.<br />

You will be surprised at the ingenious projects she has in store<br />

for us: gift boxes, small purses, cards and envelopes. Projects are<br />

completed in each class.<br />

Projects and supplies needed for each following class will be<br />

announced at each meeting.<br />

Facilitator: Norma Bates, a 10-year<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Member, Crafts and Raffle Prizes<br />

Contributor for <strong>OLLI</strong> and Juneteenth<br />

Celebrations<br />

4 Tuesdays<br />

October 8, 15, 22, 29<br />

11:30am – 1:30pm<br />

Extended Education Building,<br />

EE-1217<br />

Fee: $15 (Course Materials)<br />

Registration is limited to 10<br />

participants.<br />

NLLL 151 Section 03<br />

Course No. 44481<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 7


Lecturer: Chet Hanley,<br />

Lecturer for DHTV at CSUDH/LA 36,<br />

Broadcast on channel LA 36<br />

6 Thursdays<br />

September 19, 26*<br />

October 3*, 17, 24, 31<br />

10:00am – 12:30pm<br />

Extended Education Building,<br />

EE-1213 (Auditorium) & *EE-1218<br />

Fee: Free to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />

NLLL 152 Section 01<br />

Course No. 44499<br />

Classic Jazz 107: The Beat Goes On!<br />

This six-session series is a continuation of Classic Jazz 101 through<br />

106 when we examined the world of jazz through the eyes and<br />

ears of an avid listener and enthusiast. Featured will be audio<br />

and video selections, discussions of the music (the content will<br />

take a thematic approach), the performers, and the literature.<br />

This course is geared to the casual listener as well as the<br />

confirmed jazz aficionado.<br />

These topics will be addressed:<br />

Session #1: September 19<br />

NEA Jazz Masters (part 1)<br />

Session #2:<br />

Session #3:<br />

September 26 *EE-1218<br />

CSUDH Jazz Stalwarts<br />

October 3 *EE-1218<br />

Central Avenue Revisited<br />

Session #4: October 17<br />

The Flute in Jazz<br />

Session #5: October 24<br />

NEA Jazz Masters (part 2)<br />

Session #6: October 31<br />

”Live” from the Vanguard<br />



Let’s Paint a Picture...<br />

It’s easier than you think.<br />

Rick begins with the basics and shares his experience and methods.<br />

Step-by-step lessons show you how to create your own painting<br />

renditions using your own water-based pigments …Watercolors!<br />

Beginners are welcomed! You will start painting on the first day<br />

of class. Each project begins with a demonstration and samples<br />

to get you started. So, bring your own watercolor art supplies.<br />

You will need a watercolor paint set (at least 12 colors), Brushes<br />

(1” flat brush and a #8 brush) a watercolor textured paper pad.<br />

Estimated cost of supplies is $30.00.<br />

Instructor: Rick Irons, a 5-year <strong>OLLI</strong><br />

Member, a Creative Graphic Artist<br />

6 Mondays<br />

September 30<br />

October 7, 14, 21, 28<br />

November 4<br />

1:00pm - 3:30pm<br />

Extended Education Building,<br />

EE-1201<br />

Fee: Free to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />

(Course materials not include in<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Fees)<br />

Class is limited to 15 students.<br />

NLLL 151 Section 02<br />

Course No. 44480<br />

Extra Extra Casting<br />

NEW!<br />

This class teaches seniors how to be an Extra in movies and TV<br />

shows. How to sign-up as a non-union or union Extra. Deborah has<br />

been an Extra on such movies as Spiderman, La La Land, and the<br />

Greatest Showman and many TV shows such as Mike and Molly,<br />

2 Broke Girls, SWAT, the Mindy Project and This Is Us.<br />

Instructor: Deborah Strayhand,<br />

a 10-year <strong>OLLI</strong> Member<br />

Thursday, November 14<br />

1:30pm - 3:30pm<br />

Extended Education Building,<br />

EE-1218<br />

Fee: Free to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />

NLLL 152 Section 02<br />

Course No. 44500<br />

A background actor or extra is a performer in a film, television<br />

show, stage, musical, opera or ballet production, who appears in a<br />

nonspeaking or nonsinging (silent) role, usually in the background<br />

(for example, in an audience or busy street scene).<br />

– From Wikipedia<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 9


Lecturer: Bridgitte Montgomery,<br />

an 8-year <strong>OLLI</strong> Member, Artist,<br />

Educator, and Art Historian<br />

Wednesday, November 20<br />

2:00pm - 4:00pm<br />

Extended Education Building,<br />

EE-1218<br />

Fee: Free to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />

NLLL 155 Section 01<br />

Course No. 44504<br />

Instructor: Yolanda Fielder, a 2-year<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Member and Millinery/Hat<br />

Instructor, CSUDH Alumni, and City of<br />

Carson Women’s Issues Commissioner<br />

2 Mondays<br />

November 18, 25<br />

10:00am - 1:00pm<br />

Extended Education Building,<br />

EE-1217<br />

Fee: $15 Material fee due to instructor<br />

at the 1st class meeting<br />

Registration is limited to 12<br />

participants.<br />

NLLL 151 Section 04<br />

Course No. 44498<br />

The Wonderful African, Japanese,<br />

and Folk Influences on Modern Art<br />

to That? ⊲<br />

Did You Ever Wonder How Art<br />

⊳ Went from This<br />

Come and learn about all the wonderful cultural influences<br />

of African sculpture, Japanese art, and folk art on European,<br />

American, and African American Modern art. See how these<br />

cultural influences changed how artists approached figuration,<br />

perspective, form, and color. European artists created new forms<br />

of art and became the avant-garde modern artists of the art<br />

world. Americans were also inspired to invent totally new forms of<br />

Modern art. See how African American artist, Aaron Douglas, was<br />

inspired by African sculpture to create abstract murals at historically<br />

black colleges. Join art historian, Bridgitte Montgomery, and see her<br />

Power Point presentation on the variety of cultural influences that<br />

inspired Impressionism, abstract art, and modern art in Europe<br />

and America.<br />

The Art of Book Folding<br />

NEW!<br />

Use those old books that are<br />

lying around collecting dust<br />

and turn them into works of<br />

art that will jump out of the<br />

pages with Yolanda.<br />

Once you have some basic<br />

knowledge on folding, it’s a<br />

very easy and affordable craft<br />

with minimal supplies.<br />

It is a craft for both men and women. Yolanda will show you<br />

samples of books with only folded pages, and some cut and<br />

folded book pages which are more intricate. You may add a bit of<br />

scrapbooking to finish off the book (this is optional).<br />

Most materials will be provided. Additional materials needed for<br />

the following class will be announced at the class meeting.<br />

NEW!<br />



<strong>OLLI</strong> & International Student Services<br />

Thanksgiving Potluck<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> & International Student Services (ISS) are pleased to<br />

collaborate and host the 3rd Annual Thanksgiving Potluck.<br />

This event is a favorite of our CSUDH International students who<br />

do not have family or friends to spend the holidays with while<br />

studying in the United States. The potluck brings a mixture of<br />

traditional Thanksgiving foods and foods that represent individual<br />

cultures and family heritage. The event shows students that they<br />

have support on campus and teaches them about the diversity<br />

of holidays in the United States and the evolving meaning of<br />

Thanksgiving.<br />

Bring your favorite Holiday Dish! The potluck is a lunch<br />

gathering and we hope to have enough food for students<br />

to make to-go plates!<br />

NEW!<br />

Facilitators: Darlene Peceimer<br />

Nguyen, International Student Services<br />

Specialist, and Josi Goldsby, a 9-Year<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Member<br />

Thursday, November 21<br />

11:30am – 2:00pm<br />

Extended Education Building,<br />

EE-1213 (Auditorium)<br />

“Day” Parking Passes available for all<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Volunteers<br />

NLLL 154 Section 03<br />

Course No. 44503<br />

Your participation is greatly appreciated, and we hope to<br />

see you there!<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 11


Facilitator: Eula Slater, a 10-year<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Member and Registered Dietitian<br />

5 Thursdays<br />

September 5, 12, 19*, 26<br />

October 3<br />

1:30pm – 3:30pm<br />

Extended Education Building,<br />

EE-1218, EE-1213* (Auditorium)<br />

Fee: $20<br />

NLLL 355 Section 02<br />

Course No. 44518<br />

Living Well For Older Adults<br />

This <strong>Fall</strong> we’ll focus on two DVD series that will take you from<br />

Garden to Table: How to Grow Anything: Food Gardening for<br />

Everyone and The Everyday Gourmet Making Healthy Food<br />

Taste Great .<br />

Melinda Myers is a garden expert, television/radio host, author,<br />

columnist, and educator with more than 30 years’ of experience,<br />

and a Master’s degree in Horticulture. She has written more than<br />

20 gardening books and is the recipient of American Horticultural<br />

Society’s B. Y. Morrison Communication Award for effective and<br />

inspirational communication. Ms. Myers will show us how to<br />

prepare the soil, plant seed and grow our own food.<br />

After we learn how to grow food, Bill Briwa, Chef Instructor and<br />

Connie Guttersen, Nutrition Instructor, both from the Culinary<br />

Institute of America at Greystone, will teach us how to make a<br />

healthy meal. In essence, we will go from garden to table.<br />

September 5 1) Jump Start Your Edible Garden<br />

2) Good Better Best Strategies<br />

September 12 3) Planning for Gardening Success<br />

4) Nutritious and Satisfying Whole Grains<br />

September 19* 5) Building Your Garden Foundation<br />

*EE-1213 6) Adding Flavor with Healthy Oils<br />

September 26 7) Starting Plants from Seeds<br />

8) Protein—Understanding Your Choices<br />

9) Planting Vegetables and Herbs<br />

October 3<br />

10) Powerful Micronutrient-Cooking with Color<br />

11) Low-Maintenance Garden Tips<br />

12) Making Healthy Cooking a Lifestyle<br />

Special Event<br />

Save The Date!<br />

• International Student<br />

Services and <strong>OLLI</strong><br />

Thanksgiving Celebration<br />

Thursday, November 21<br />

11:30pm – 2:00pm<br />

• Set-up Help Wednesday, November 20 12:00pm – 5:00pm<br />



Fun and<br />

Games<br />

“No experience<br />

necessary.”<br />

This class is all<br />

about having fun,<br />

friendship, and<br />

“exercising”<br />

our brains. This<br />

semester we will<br />

introduce two<br />

new card games: Bid Whist and Spades. An assortment of games<br />

are provided; members are encouraged to bring their favorites.<br />

Some popular games we have been playing are: Mexican Train<br />

Dominoes, Scrabble, Tripoley, Rummy Tiles and Jenga. We break<br />

into groups, play familiar games and learn some new ones.<br />

Come join the fun!<br />

Class members volunteer to bring refreshments.<br />

You bring your drink.<br />

Facilitator: Valerie Dingwall,<br />

a 9-year <strong>OLLI</strong> Member and<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Historian<br />

7 Fridays<br />

September 6, 20<br />

October 4, 18<br />

November 1, 15<br />

December 13<br />

11:30am – 1:30pm<br />

Extended Education Building,<br />

EE-1218<br />

Fee: Free to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />

NLLL 355 Section 04<br />

Course No. 44521<br />

T’ai Chi Chuan for Beginners<br />

T’ai Chi Chaun is a slow martial art comprised of a series of<br />

postures which flow together in a holistic and unified manner.<br />

T’ai Chi is essentially a moving meditation accessible to everyone,<br />

regardless of age or physical ability.<br />

Join me in exploring this ancient art, which is still practiced worldwide<br />

today, known<br />

to bring about<br />

calmness, strength,<br />

optimum health,<br />

body awareness,<br />

improved balance,<br />

community and<br />

lasting friendships.<br />

Instructor: Linda Kahn,<br />

a 3-year <strong>OLLI</strong> Member<br />

6 Fridays<br />

September 6, 13, 27<br />

October 4, 11, 25<br />

1:30pm - 2:30pm<br />

Extended Education Building,<br />

EE-1218<br />

Fee: $15<br />

Class is limited to 15 students<br />

NLLL 355 Section 05<br />

Course No. 44522<br />

Please wear comfortable clothes.<br />

Note: <strong>OLLI</strong> Members are required to sign a waiver<br />

at first class session.<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 13


NOTE: <strong>OLLI</strong> is pleased to offer Social Tennis for Seniors, Crocheting for Health, Urban Hiking,<br />

T’ai Chi Chuan for Beginners, and Fun and Games to focus on learning experiences that optimize<br />

brain fitness and promote physical fitness through exercise and coordination. Have fun!<br />

Instructor: Donald Means,<br />

a 10-Year <strong>OLLI</strong> Member<br />

Donald’s Vision: “We will be the<br />

fittest Seniors we know”<br />

13 Tuesdays<br />

September 10, 17, 24<br />

October 1, 8, 15, 22, 29<br />

November 5, 12, 19, 26<br />

December 3<br />

9:00am – 11:00am<br />

13 Fridays<br />

September 6, 13, 20, 27<br />

October 4, 11, 18, 25<br />

November 1, 8, 15, 22<br />

December 6<br />

9:00am – 11:00am<br />

Practice only:<br />

2 Tuesdays<br />

December 10, 17<br />

9:00am – 11:00am<br />

2 Fridays<br />

December 13, 20<br />

9:00am – 11:00am<br />

CSUDH Tennis Courts<br />

Fee: $20<br />

NLLL 355 Section 03<br />

Course No. 44520<br />

Social Tennis for Seniors<br />

The game of tennis is a lifetime sport. Now is the opportune time<br />

to join our class. We are a group with many different attributes<br />

who enjoy a moderate level of physical activity. The tennis class has<br />

wonderful health benefits; just to name a couple; fun and social<br />

interaction. We participate in medium stretching and warm-up<br />

exercises. Instructions are easy. We gain knowledge of tennis rules<br />

and tennis etiquette. We continue to learn the essentials of tennis,<br />

beginning with the classic grip, forehand, backhand, serve, volley,<br />

topspin, drop shot and doubles play.<br />

To get started bring a tennis racket, wear tennis shoes and bring<br />

sunglasses, hat, small towel, and water. Class meets for 26 sessions<br />

and will remain available four additional weeks for practice.<br />

Note: <strong>OLLI</strong> Members are required to sign a waiver<br />

at first class session.<br />



Could U.S. Healthcare Become the<br />

Best in the World?<br />

Getting to first from last is not an easy task. Confounding our high<br />

cost, dysfunctional healthcare is economic inequality (income, pay<br />

and wealth). We can learn a lot from other high-income countries<br />

who have universal healthcare and are more equalitarian.<br />

Major issues that must be addressed:<br />

• Employer health insurance<br />

(EHI). Origin of high cost.<br />

Unique to the U.S.<br />

• Lack of government<br />

decision making and<br />

decision makers entity for<br />

all healthcare prices.<br />

• Untamed capitalism –<br />

found in the behavior of<br />

insurers and providers.<br />

NEW!<br />

• Use of 3rd party administrators<br />

that don’t take the RISK and can<br />

perpetuate fraud and waste.<br />

• Inability to curb Big Ag and Big<br />

Food from putting unhealthy<br />

food on the table.<br />

• Wage stagnation, a high<br />

poverty and obesity rate,<br />

Rich US is low on the<br />

happiness scale.<br />

Instructor: Joy Jurena, RN, MHA – a<br />

9-Year <strong>OLLI</strong> and Omnilore Member<br />

Wednesday, October 2<br />

1:30pm – 3:30pm<br />

Extended Education Building,<br />

EE-1218<br />

Fee: Free to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />

NLLL 355 Section 06<br />

Course No. 44523<br />

We need leaders (elections coming up!) who understand why<br />

other high-income countries do not have total government control<br />

and payment but do assure everyone receives quality healthcare.<br />

So, arm yourself with the facts, the math and realize we do have<br />

the resources to build a bona fide healthcare system to move from<br />

last (at least closer) to first in Health and Wellness and equality.<br />

Caregivers: the Heart and<br />

Lifeline of the Family<br />

NEW!<br />

Caregiving is a labor of love and sometimes the labor load is heavy.<br />

Besides your own immediate family, you may find yourself caring<br />

for a parent or relative who can no longer live alone. This workshop<br />

will help caregivers deal with two of the major obstacles in<br />

giving care: doctor appointments and medications.<br />

Presenter Angela McGowan is a Patient Advocate and Caregiver<br />

Strategist, as well as the author of the new book, How to Get Out<br />

of The Hospital ALIVE! She invites you to engage your feelings and<br />

fears about suddenly being a caregiver, and obtain tips and ways<br />

to navigate through healthcare’s sea of red tape. Learn to create<br />

strategies for giving excellent care to others, as you care for<br />

yourself as well.<br />

Presenter: Angela H. McGowan,<br />

Teacher, Author, Publisher and Founder<br />

and CEO of Angie’s PACE: Patient<br />

Advocates Committed to Excellence!<br />

2 Fridays<br />

October 11 11:00am – 1:00pm<br />

October 18 1:30pm – 3:30pm<br />

Extended Education Building,<br />

EE-1213 (Auditorium)<br />

Fee: $15 (Course Materials)<br />

Pay at first meeting<br />

NLLL 355 Section 08<br />

Course No. 44525<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 15


Facilitator: Eula Slater, a 10-Year<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Member<br />

8 Tuesdays<br />

October 8, 15, 22, 29<br />

November 5*, 12, 19, 26<br />

1:30pm – 3:30pm<br />

Extended Education Building,<br />

EE-1218, *EE-1217<br />

Fee: $15<br />

NLLL 355 Section 07<br />

Course No. 44524<br />

Crocheting For Health<br />

Let’s complete a project for <strong>Fall</strong>! Crocheting is a part of our Healthy<br />

Living series. It stimulates our brains and can promote mental<br />

health by reducing stress. Class times are scheduled to allow<br />

a solid beginning in the art and skill of crocheting, as well as for<br />

feedback on progress.<br />

Past projects have been donated as prizes at<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Celebrations, Juneteenth and to<br />

Knots of Love.<br />

Please bring yarn<br />

and hook (size I or J)<br />

to first meeting.<br />

Presenter: Frankie Stewart,<br />

M.A., an 8-year <strong>OLLI</strong> Member and<br />

CSUDH Alumna<br />

3 Thursdays<br />

October 17, 24, 31*<br />

1:30pm - 3:30pm<br />

Extended Education Building,<br />

EE-1213 (Auditorium), *EE-1218<br />

Fee: $15<br />

NLLL 355 Section 09<br />

Course No. 44526<br />

Attitude<br />

Appreciation<br />

Adaptation<br />

Aging Gracefully and Gratefully<br />

Aging is inevitable. As we study and examine what the experts<br />

have to say about aging, we learn from each other by sharing our<br />

individual experiences. Attitudes, decisions, choices and acceptance<br />

are guidelines that assist us on this road called “aging.” Class<br />

participants are encouraged to suggest additional aging issues that<br />

are affecting them. We will discuss and explore various concepts,<br />

share techniques and consider how to age “gracefully and<br />

gratefully.”<br />

October 17<br />

Session 1: My Health<br />

• Mental, Physical,<br />

Emotional Health<br />

• Losses – Senses (See,<br />

Hear, Taste, Feel, Smell)<br />

• Loved Ones –<br />

Bereavement<br />

• Dementia (Alzheimer’s,<br />

Pre-senility, etc.)<br />

• Elder Abuse (Hotline:<br />

877/477-3646)<br />

October 24<br />

Session 2:<br />

Personal Care –<br />

Concerns<br />

• Diet (Weight<br />

Gain/Loss)<br />

• Exercise<br />

• Sleep Habits<br />

• Relationships<br />

• Spirituality/<br />

Religion<br />

• Living<br />

Arrangements<br />

October 31<br />

Session 3:<br />

Business Affairs<br />

* EE-1218<br />

• Trusts/Wills<br />

• Finances (Will<br />

you outlive your<br />

Money?)<br />

• Fraud<br />

• Legacy: What<br />

will we pass on?<br />



Pearl Harbor Reconsidered<br />

Seventy-eight years ago, United States military personnel and<br />

civilians were “suddenly and deliberately attacked” by Japanese<br />

forces at Pearl Harbor, leaving more than 2400 people killed and<br />

nearly 1200 people<br />

wounded.<br />

The consequences<br />

of that action<br />

continue to<br />

reverberate in<br />

our nation today.<br />

Through historic<br />

and recently<br />

declassified<br />

information,<br />

you will explore<br />

what was actually happening in Washington, Tokyo, and Oahu, in<br />

the months, weeks, and days before the attack. What you discover<br />

in this course will shock you and may change your view of history.<br />

Videos and historic images accompany the lectures to bring to life<br />

this powerful event and generate lively discussions.<br />

A reconsideration of the events leading up to and including the<br />

attack on Pearl Harbor and its aftermath on Asia and Greater<br />

United States.<br />

Session #1: November 13<br />

Video (Road to War), lecture (Screws), discussion<br />

Session #2: November 20<br />

Lecture (Veils), video (Sacrifice at Pearl Harbor),<br />

discussion<br />

Session #3: November 27<br />

Lecture (Cocktails), video (The Battle of China),<br />

discussion<br />

Session #4: December 4<br />

Lecture (China, China, China), video (Japanese<br />

Planes Bomb Pearl Harbor, Pearl Harbor Aftermath,<br />

Attack on Pearl Harbor), discussion<br />

Session #5: December 11<br />

Video (Asia After World War II), discussion<br />

NEW!<br />

Instructor: John Powers has produced<br />

cultural programs for the City of<br />

Torrance and El Camino College. He<br />

is noted for his theater series “Works<br />

in Progress,” presented at Nakano<br />

Theater.<br />

5 Wednesdays<br />

November 13, 20, 27<br />

December 4, 11<br />

10:00am – 12:00pm<br />

Extended Education Building,<br />

EE-1213 (Auditorium)<br />

Fee: $10 to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />

Fee: $15 to Non-<strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />

$15 optional course materials<br />

at door to Instructor<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Members Only<br />

NLLL 251 Section 01<br />

Course No. 44506<br />

Non-<strong>OLLI</strong> Members Only<br />

NLLLL 251 Section 02<br />

Course No. 44507<br />

Field Trip<br />

Save the Date!<br />

Marine Exchange<br />

of Southern California<br />

Wednesday, October 30<br />

(See page 27)<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 17


Presenters: Olga Duchemin and<br />

Bernard Poungui, activists from the<br />

Republic of the Congo<br />

Thursday, September 5<br />

10:00am - 12:00pm<br />

Extended Education Building,<br />

EE-1213 (Auditorium)<br />

Fee: Free to <strong>OLLI</strong> and<br />

Non-<strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Members only:<br />

NLLL 256 Section 01<br />

Course No. 44512<br />

Non-<strong>OLLI</strong> Members only:<br />

NLLL 256 Section 02<br />

Course No. 44513<br />

Local Republic of the Congo<br />

activist Olga Duchemin speaks<br />

to the United Nations<br />

NEW!<br />

Olga Duchemin is a political activist originally from the Republic of<br />

the Congo, (AKA Congo-Brazzaville, AKA West Congo) located<br />

on the western coast of Central Africa. Ms. Duchemin grew up in<br />

France and currently resides in California. She will speak on the<br />

eroding democratic institutions, economic instability, corruption<br />

and abuses of power perpetuated by the current president Denis<br />

Sassou Nguesso.<br />

Ms. Duchemin was invited by the Human Rights division of the<br />

United Nations to address the state of affairs in the Republic of the<br />

Congo. The United Nations has since studied and compiled a report<br />

in order to expose these abuses.<br />



Cruise to the North Pole &<br />

Chasing a Total Solar Eclipse<br />

In the summer of 2008 a group of polar adventurers and eclipse<br />

chasers boarded Russia’s largest and newest nuclear-powered<br />

icebreaker Fifty Years of Victory. This unique cruise started in<br />

Murmansk, broke ice in the Arctic Ocean, stopped at the North<br />

Pole for festive celebrations, then went on to the remote Franz<br />

Josef archipelago for various shore landings. Numerous species of<br />

arctic birds and polar bears were seen along the way. Lastly, the<br />

ship dashed to the distant coastline of Novaya Zemlaya where a<br />

total solar eclipse was witnessed.<br />

Rich Abele is a veteran of numerous trips to the Arctic and<br />

Antarctic including the South Pole. He will take you on a<br />

photographic and oral journey across the Arctic Ocean where he<br />

encountered huge icebergs and miles of pack ice enroute to the<br />

North Pole. After celebrating at “the top of the world,” the ship<br />

made landings on remote islands in Franz Josef Land by helicopter<br />

where abandoned explorer camps and research stations were<br />

visited. Numerous polar bears, walruses and various species of<br />

arctic birds were also sighted.<br />

Please join us and find out how icebreakers are reaching the<br />

North Pole and other remote destinations in Russia’s high Arctic<br />

regions. This is an <strong>OLLI</strong> Special Event presentation you will<br />

not want to miss.<br />

NEW!<br />

Presenter: Rich Abele, a 1-Year<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Member and a veteran of five<br />

Antarctica expeditions and tour guide<br />

aboard the museum battleship USS<br />

IOWA (BB-61).<br />

Tuesday, November 12<br />

11:00am - 1:00pm<br />

Extended Education Building,<br />

EE-1213 (Auditorium)<br />

Fee: Free to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />

NLLL 270 Section 01<br />

Course No. 44528<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 19


Facilitator: Eula Slater, a 10-year<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Member<br />

15 Fridays<br />

September 6, 13, 20, 27<br />

October 4, 11, 18, 25<br />

November 1, 8, 15, 22<br />

December 6, 13, 20<br />

3:00pm – 4:30pm<br />

The Urban Farm is located at the<br />

southeast corner of campus<br />

at S. Central & Glen Curtis/Pacific View.<br />

next to Facilities Services (80)<br />

(See Campus Map on page 56)<br />

Fee: Free to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />

Class is limited to 10 students<br />

NLLL 352 Section 01<br />

Course No. 44516<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> @ Campus Urban Farm<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> has requested and received a raised planting bed as part<br />

of the Campus Urban Farm.<br />

Founded in early 2018, the Campus Urban Farm is an outdoor<br />

classroom, living laboratory, and garden that uses a multidisciplinary<br />

approach to address student food insecurity,<br />

urban agriculture, and sustainability.<br />

The farm produce will be available upon request and is regularly<br />

donated to the Toro Food Pantry and other locations.<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Members must register and complete a half-hour<br />

orientation. Please coordinate with your <strong>OLLI</strong> @ Urban Farm<br />

facilitators.<br />

Special Event<br />

Save the Dates!<br />

Ballroom and Social Dance<br />

15 Saturdays, August 31<br />

September 7, 14, 21, 28<br />

October 5, 12, 19, 26<br />

November 2, 9, 16, 23, 30<br />

December 7<br />

1:30pm-3:10pm (See page 29)<br />

Special Event<br />

Save the Date!<br />

Our Communities<br />

and Personal Safety<br />

Friday, November 22<br />

(See page 29)<br />



How to Build a Dividend Portfolio<br />

NEW!<br />

Safe, fixed, and conservative investments have yielded low<br />

rates for the past 30 plus years causing investors to search high<br />

and low for income. Fear of stock market volatility have made<br />

dividend paying portfolios an attractive strategy. What is a dividend<br />

portfolio? This workshop will answer this question, present the<br />

pros/cons of owning dividend paying investments, and show you<br />

how to build one from scratch. We’ll also discuss tax efficient<br />

methods of managing income distributions such as asset location,<br />

dividend reinvestment plans, and tax-free accounts. Attendees<br />

should have a better idea of the suitability of adding these incomeproducing<br />

assets to their portfolios.<br />

John C. Pak is a Certified<br />

Financial Planner with<br />

20 years of experience<br />

in the financial<br />

advisory industry. BA<br />

in Finance, Cal State<br />

Fullerton’s Mihaylo<br />

School of Business, and<br />

completed his financial<br />

planning training<br />

through NYU/UCLA.<br />

Active in spearheading ‘community outreach’ initiatives with<br />

local companies, colleges, public libraries, and Southern<br />

California lifelong learning centers to promote financial literacy<br />

and empowerment through workshops and seminars. Joined<br />

Bloomberg prep as a member of their CFP exam authoring team.<br />

He is the founder of Otium Advisory Group, a fee only, fiduciary<br />

financial planning firm based in West Los Angeles.<br />

Instructor: John C. Pak, Certified<br />

Financial Planner (CFP ® ), Retirement<br />

Income Financial Planner (RIFP ® )<br />

Wednesday, September 25<br />

1:30pm – 3:30pm<br />

Extended Education Building,<br />

EE-1213 (Auditorium)<br />

Fee: Free to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />

NLLL 255 Section 01<br />

Course No. 44508<br />

Field Trip<br />

Save the Date!<br />

Aquarium of the Pacific<br />

Private Tour<br />

Wednesday, November 7<br />

(See page 28)<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 21


Facilitator: Denise Jefferson,<br />

a 4-year <strong>OLLI</strong> Member<br />

7 Mondays<br />

September 9, 16, 23, 30<br />

October 7, 14, 21<br />

12:00pm - 12:50pm<br />

Extended Education Building,<br />

EE-1218<br />

Fee: Free to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />

NLLL 258 Section 01<br />

Course No. 44509<br />

TED Talks at Lunch<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Members are invited to bring their lunch and watch<br />

short videos (18 minutes or less), and then discuss the topic.<br />

The speakers on the videos will present well-formed ideas in<br />

the most innovative and engaging ways they can, often<br />

through story telling. This is called TED Talks.<br />

TED—(Technology, Entertainment, Design)—is a nonprofit media<br />

organization that posts talks online for free distribution under<br />

the slogan “ideas worth spreading.” It is watched over one billion<br />

times worldwide. TED started in 1984 as a conference and its<br />

early emphasis was on technology and design. TED has since<br />

broadened its perspective to include talks on a variety of subjects.<br />

They believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes,<br />

lives and ultimately the world. TED commitment is to seek out the<br />

most interesting people on earth and let them communicate their<br />

passion and spark conversation.<br />

Save the Dates!<br />

Urban Hiking<br />

in the South Bay<br />

4 Mondays, October 28<br />

November 4, 18, 25<br />

9:00am-11:00am (See page 28)<br />

September 9<br />

How to stop screwing yourself over<br />

(How you get what you want) – Mel Robbins<br />

September 16 How to live passionately – no matter<br />

your age – Isabel Allende<br />

September 23 Hey, it’s not about you – Skyler McCurine<br />

September 30 How I’m preparing to get Alzheimer’s<br />

– Alana Shaikh<br />

October 7<br />

October 14<br />

October 21<br />

Get Comfortable with being uncomfortable<br />

– Luvvie Ajayi<br />

Inside the mind of a master procrastinator<br />

– Tim Urban<br />

No. You cannot touch my hair – Mena Fombo<br />



The Thursday Morning Book Club<br />

We’ll read and discuss these books selected by the club members.<br />

Some questions to consider might be: How well has the author<br />

made their point? What surprised you about a character or the<br />

ending? How does the story relate to today’s ideas and lifestyles?<br />

Bring your own beverage; members provide snacks.<br />

September 12<br />

Blanche on the Lam by Barbara Neely<br />

Blanche White is a feisty, middle-aged African-American<br />

housekeeper working for the genteel rich in North Carolina.<br />

When an employer stiffs her, and her checks bounce, she goes on<br />

the lam, hiding out as a maid for a wealthy family at their summer<br />

home. Her plan is interrupted when she becomes the prime suspect<br />

in a murder investigation. Her sharp wit, and her old-girl network<br />

of domestic workers help her discover the truth.<br />

October 10*<br />

The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration<br />

in the Age of Color Blindness by Michelle Alexander<br />

The author is a civil rights litigator and legal scholar. The book<br />

discusses race-related issues specific to African-American<br />

males, and mass incarceration in the U.S., but noted that the<br />

discrimination is prevalent among other minorities and socioeconomically<br />

disadvantaged populations. The central premise is<br />

that “mass incarceration is, metaphorically, the New Jim Crow.<br />

November 14<br />

I Feel Bad About My Neck by Nora Ephron<br />

The woman who brought us When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless<br />

in Seattle, and You’ve Got Mail, discusses everything—from<br />

how much she hates her purse to how much time she spends<br />

attempting to stop the clock: the hair dye, the treadmill, the lotions<br />

and creams that promise to slow the aging process but never does.<br />

It’s a hilarious look at women who are dealing with the tribulations<br />

of maintenance, menopause, empty nests, and life itself.<br />

December 12<br />

Factfulness by Hans Rosling, Ola Rosling, Anna Rosling Ronnlund<br />

When asked simple questions about global trends we systematically<br />

get the answers wrong. The authors offer the radical and stressreducing<br />

strategy of only carrying opinions for which you have<br />

strong, supporting facts. They reveal ten instincts that distort our<br />

perspective, including our tendency to divide the world into “us<br />

and them,” and how we consume media.<br />

Facilitators: <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />

4 Thursdays<br />

September 12, October 10*<br />

November 14, December 12<br />

10:00am – 12:00pm<br />

Extended Education Building,<br />

EE-1218, *Conf-1319<br />

Fee: Free to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />

NLLL 154 Section 02<br />

Course No. 44502<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 23


Facilitator: Miami Gelvezon,<br />

Coordinator for the CSUDH’s Center<br />

for Service Learning, Internships<br />

& Civic Engagement (SLICE)<br />

Tuesday, October 1<br />

1:30pm - 3:30pm<br />

Extended Education Building,<br />

EE-1218<br />

Fee: Free to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />

NLLL 258 Section 02<br />

Course No. 44510<br />

Center for Service Learning (SLICE)<br />

“Service is our middle name”<br />

NEW!<br />

It is our goal at the SLICE Center to help students get connected<br />

to their communities. Whether it is through short term volunteer<br />

projects or internships, we believe community engagement is a key<br />

component of student success. The staff at SLICE will provide more<br />

information about what our center does and what students can do<br />

to get more involved in the community.<br />

Building and maintaining proactive partnerships is one of CSUDH’s<br />

core values. SLICE recognizes the value and contributions of<br />

community partners in CSUDH students’ academic experience.<br />

Developing meaningful partnerships with our community is a<br />

critical part of the SLICE mission to help fulfill the service learning<br />

and internship experiences of our students, while meeting<br />

important needs of our community. To ensure that our office<br />

continues to develop and maintain strong, healthy, and positive<br />

relationships with community partners.<br />


OSHER LECTURE SERIES at Torrance<br />

September 10, <strong>2019</strong><br />

China: Did America misread China<br />

and what should America’s China<br />

foreign policy be in the 21st Century?<br />

Ambassador J. Steven Rhodes, a new <strong>OLLI</strong> Member,<br />

Adjunct Professor in the Negotiation, Conflict Resolution<br />

and Peace Building Department at CSUDH.<br />

Tuesdays,<br />

3:30pm - 5:30pm<br />

September 24, <strong>2019</strong><br />

Preventing Heart Disease, Cancer<br />

and Alzheimer’s Disease, Part 1<br />

Wendell L Covalt, Certified Food Over Medicine Instructor<br />

October 8, <strong>2019</strong><br />

Cognition and Affective Processes<br />

in Older Adulthood<br />

Monique Turner, M.A., Adjunct Faculty,<br />

Department of Psychology, CSUDH<br />

October 22, <strong>2019</strong><br />

The Bend and Beyond…<br />

A Continued Discussion of<br />

Up Around the Portuguese Bend<br />

Don Christy, Local Historian, Author, Stepson of Frank Vanerlip Jr.<br />

November 5, <strong>2019</strong><br />

Preventing Heart Disease, Cancer<br />

and Alzheimer’s Disease, Part 2<br />

Wendell L Covalt, Certified Food Over Medicine Instructor<br />

This series is presented at<br />

Levy Adult Centers<br />

Room #2<br />

3420 W. 229th Place<br />

Torrance, CA 90505<br />

About the series<br />

The <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> Torrance Series features<br />

CSUDH faculty presenting recent research<br />

in their fields of expertise. You<br />

will learn how CSUDH faculty research<br />

is affecting communities locally and<br />

globally. Emerging issues will be related<br />

to applications and real life examples.<br />

This is an opportunity to ask the experts<br />

in a relaxed and collegial setting.<br />

Fee: Free to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />

NLLL 422 Section 01<br />

Course No 44530<br />

For current <strong>OLLI</strong> Members, there is no charge,<br />

but registration is required.<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 25


BL<br />

Wednesdays,<br />

10:00am-12:00pm*<br />

91 Fwy<br />

AVALON<br />

405 Fwy<br />



DEL AMO<br />

710 Fwy<br />

September 11, <strong>2019</strong><br />

China: Did America misread China<br />

and what should America’s China foreign policy<br />

be in the 21st Century?<br />

Ambassador J. Steven Rhodes, a new <strong>OLLI</strong> Member,<br />

Adjunct Professor in the Negotiation, Conflict Resolution and<br />

Peace Building Department at CSUDH.<br />

110 Fwy<br />

This series is presented at<br />

California State University,<br />

Dominguez Hills<br />

1000 East Victoria Street<br />

Carson, CA 90747<br />

About the series<br />

The <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> CSUDH Series features<br />

CSUDH faculty presenting recent<br />

research in their fields of expertise. You<br />

will learn how CSUDH faculty research<br />

is affecting communities locally and<br />

globally. Emerging issues will be<br />

related to applications and real life<br />

examples. This is an opportunity to ask<br />

the experts in a relaxed and collegial<br />

setting.<br />

PCH<br />


5 Wednesdays<br />

September 11, September 25*<br />

October 9, October 23<br />

November 6<br />

10:00am – 12:00pm<br />

Extended Education Building,<br />

EE-1213 (Auditorium)<br />

* Location for this lecture is<br />

Loker Student Union, Ballroom A<br />

Fee: Free to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />

NLLL 420 Section 01<br />

Course No. 44529<br />

September 25, <strong>2019</strong> – LSU Ballroom-A*<br />

Twitter as a Tool of American Foreign Policy<br />

Hamoud Salhi, Ph.D., Associate Dean of International Education<br />

& Senior International Officer, CSUDH<br />

October 9, <strong>2019</strong><br />

Cognition and Affective Processes<br />

in Older Adulthood<br />

Monique Turner, M.A., Adjunct Faculty, Department of<br />

Psychology, CSUDH<br />

October 23, <strong>2019</strong><br />

Nonviolent Resistance Movements<br />

in the Age of Trump<br />

Linda Groff, Ph.D., Emeritus Faculty, Political Science<br />

Department, CSUDH<br />

November 6, <strong>2019</strong><br />

Politics and Government in the U.S.<br />

Stephen Sloane, Ph.D., Emeritus Faculty and Dean<br />

at Saint Mary’s College of CA, <strong>OLLI</strong> Member<br />

For current <strong>OLLI</strong> Members, there is no charge,<br />

but registration is required.<br />



NOTE: <strong>OLLI</strong> Members are required to sign a waiver prior to participating in field trip activities. Check the<br />

field trip description for any additional expenses that may be incurred on-site.<br />

Marine Exchange of<br />

Southern California<br />

The Marine Exchange of Southern California is a 96-year old<br />

non-profit firm which has two primary functions, its Maritime<br />

Information Service and Vessel Traffic Service. The Maritime<br />

Information Service collates and disseminates the schedule<br />

for large vessels arriving, departing, and moving around the<br />

Los Angeles and Long Beach Port Complex, as well as Port<br />

Hueneme, the Chevron Refinery Offshore Moorings in El Segundo,<br />

and San Diego. More than 4,500 large vessels arrive in LA/LB each<br />

year. The Vessel Traffic Service performs a function like Air Traffic<br />

Control, but for ships. The primary mission of the vessel traffic<br />

service is to prevent groundings and collisions. Together, the<br />

Maritime Information Service (MIS) and Vessel Traffic Service (VTS)<br />

ensure the safe, secure, efficient, reliable, and environmentally<br />

sound movement of vessels throughout Southern California.<br />

We will receive a briefing on the MIS and VTS and tour the<br />

facilities. As a bonus, we will tour the 100-year old, WW-1 Gun<br />

Emplacement that the Marine Exchange is built on top of.<br />

There is a fascinating series of underground facilities, hallways,<br />

and rooms that we will tour.<br />

All are recommended to wear enclosed flat shoes and pants.<br />

Please bring flashlights. There is limited access for those who<br />

have limited mobility.<br />

Wednesday, October 30<br />

10:00am – 12:00pm<br />

Participants will meet at the<br />

Marine Exchange of Los Angeles<br />

main entrance at 9:30am<br />

3601 South Gaffey Street, BLDG 803<br />

San Pedro, CA 90731<br />

(310) 832-6411<br />

www.mxsocal.org<br />

Fee: Free ot <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />

NLLL 270 Section 01<br />

Course No. 44514<br />

NEW!<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 27


Hiking Guides: Janice Champion and<br />

Lori Davidson-Fox, <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />

4 Mondays<br />

October 28<br />

November 4, 11, 18<br />

9:00am – 11:00am<br />

Extended Education Building,<br />

EE-1222 (First Meeting Only)<br />

Fee: $10<br />

NLLL 370 Section 01<br />

Course No. 44527<br />

Urban Hiking in the South Bay<br />

Walkers, get your gear together! We will be taking four urban<br />

hikes. The first meeting will be at CSUDH. We meet in a classroom<br />

for an introduction, sign waivers and receive information on the<br />

locations of the other three urban hikes. Then we will take our first<br />

urban hike on the CSUDH campus. The other hikes will be in the<br />

South Bay. These hikes will be low-impact on flat or gently rolling<br />

sidewalks or pathways. Wear a hat, durable shoes, sunscreen,<br />

and bring water to drink.<br />

Tour guides: Charter Volunteers:<br />

Leah Young and Valerie Hoffman<br />

Thursday, November 7<br />

10:00am – 12:00pm<br />

Participants will meet at the<br />

Aquarium of the Pacific (AoP)<br />

main entrance at 9:30am<br />

100 Aquarium Way<br />

Long Beach, California 90802<br />

(562) 590-3100<br />

www.aquariumofpacific.org<br />

Fee: Group tours, seniors in a<br />

group of 10+, $22.95<br />

Parking is $8.00 with AoP validation.<br />

NLLL 270 Section 02<br />

Course No. 44515<br />

Aquarium of the Pacific Private Tour<br />

Your private tour begins with immersion in the Aquarium’s new<br />

wing, Pacific Visions, including new exhibits and our state-of-theart<br />

theater. We will then highlight certain animals as we move<br />

through each of the galleries representing our local waters<br />

Southern California/Baja, the chilly waters of the Northern Pacific<br />

and the warm waters of the Tropical Pacific. You will be able to<br />

touch moon jellies,<br />

sharks, rays and animals<br />

found in colder<br />

water tide pools.<br />

We hope that you<br />

can join us!<br />

NEW!<br />



University Courses for <strong>OLLI</strong> Members (<strong>OLLI</strong> Benefit):<br />

Ballroom and Social Dance<br />

Dance Faculty Jeff Hendrix<br />

(M.F.A. Dance) has invited<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Members to join the<br />

CSUDH Open University<br />

Course “Dance of World<br />

Cultures: Ballroom and<br />

Social Dance.” Participants<br />

will learn a variety of<br />

Ballroom dances that may include: Waltz, Foxtrot, Tango, Hustle,<br />

Cha Cha, Rumba, Samba, Swing, Zouk and Merengue.<br />

This is a fantastic opportunity for <strong>OLLI</strong> Members to receive months<br />

of quality instruction in a beautiful dance studio right here on<br />

campus for an incredibly affordable price. Partner not required.<br />

Instructor permission is required so please contact the <strong>OLLI</strong> Office<br />

for forms and registration information: CSUDH Open University<br />

Registration Form & Approval for Audit Form.<br />

Instructor: Jeff Hendrix, CSUDH<br />

Dance Faculty, M.F.A.<br />

14 Saturdays<br />

August 31<br />

September 7, 14, 21, 28<br />

October 5, 12, 19, 26<br />

November 2, 9, 16, 23<br />

December 7<br />

1:30pm – 3:10pm<br />

CSUDH Gym A-102 (Dance Studio)<br />

Audit Fee: $35<br />

NLLL 355 Section 01<br />

Course No. 44517<br />

Our Communities and Personal Safety<br />

Our world has changed and our personal safety and<br />

the safety of those we love is important.<br />

It is important to practice Situational Awareness. Do you include<br />

safety in your daily plans? Police response time on average is 7 to<br />

11 minutes. We see and hear about tragedies in the news that<br />

are happening in our neighborhoods; home invasions, street and<br />

parking lot robberies, and much worse, kidnappings and loss of<br />

life. Criminals hide in plain sight.<br />

It is important to talk to your family and friends about safety.<br />

We all want our loved ones to be safe too. The tragedies and<br />

victims we see on the news didn’t think it would happen<br />

to them – but it did.<br />

NEW!<br />

Linda Benecke, the Safety Advocate and representative for Damsel<br />

in Defense will be giving a presentation on safety with numerous<br />

suggestions on how to protect ourselves, as well as introducing<br />

Damsel in Defense safety tools. Damsel’s mission is to Empower,<br />

Educate and Equip. Better to have a safety tool and not need it for<br />

that ‘Just in Case’ moment. We have a right to protect ourselves<br />

should we be in an uncomfortable or threatening situation.<br />

Instructor: Linda Benecke, the<br />

Safety Advocate and representative<br />

for Damsel in Defense<br />

Friday, November 22<br />

1:30pm – 3:30pm<br />

Extended Education Building,<br />

EE-1213 (Auditorium)<br />

Fee: Free to <strong>OLLI</strong> Member<br />

and the Public<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Members only:<br />

NLLL 001 Section 01<br />

Course No. 44475<br />

Non-<strong>OLLI</strong> Members only:<br />

NLLL 001 Section 02<br />

Course No. 44476<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 29


Host: Cassandra Reed, a 1-Year <strong>OLLI</strong><br />

Member,<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Ambassdor Committee and<br />

Curriculum Committee<br />

Thursday, December 5<br />

1:00pm - 4:00pm<br />

Extended Education Building,<br />

EE-1213 (Auditorium)<br />

Seating is limited; please<br />

register early!<br />

Fees:<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Members: $10<br />

Non-<strong>OLLI</strong> Members: $15<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Members Only<br />

NLLL 001 Section 03<br />

Course No. 44477<br />

Non-<strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />

NLLL 001 Section 04<br />

Course No. 44478<br />

Important Announcement:<br />

Renew Your <strong>OLLI</strong><br />

Membership<br />

To participate in <strong>OLLI</strong> courses<br />

your membership must be current.<br />

The cost is only $30 for an annual<br />

membership. If your membership<br />

has lapsed, please sign up as soon<br />

as possible. If you aren’t sure<br />

whether your membership is<br />

current, call the <strong>OLLI</strong> office at<br />

(310) 243-3208. Please make<br />

checks payable to CSUDH.<br />

A Taste of <strong>OLLI</strong> Celebration (<strong>OLLI</strong>day)<br />

16 Years of Success – A Future of Greatness! Join us on<br />

Thursday, December 5 for A Taste of <strong>OLLI</strong> Celebration as we<br />

celebrate you, <strong>OLLI</strong> Members, in your <strong>OLLI</strong>day.<br />

Thank you for your membership in the Osher Lifelong Learning<br />

Institute at California State University, Dominguez Hills<br />

(<strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH). As fellow <strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH members, we want to<br />

acknowledge you in your day with fun, prizes and refreshments.<br />

It is also <strong>OLLI</strong>@<br />

CSUDH’s 16th<br />

anniversary.<br />

<strong>2019</strong> is our year<br />

to celebrate 16<br />

years of success<br />

and create a<br />

future filled<br />

with discovery<br />

and fun for our<br />

community.<br />

During this special season of the year, we will have another<br />

anonymous gift exchange (max $10.00) – Bring a Gift, Get a Gift.<br />

Friends don’t let Friends miss out on <strong>OLLI</strong>!<br />

Interested in experiencing a taste of <strong>OLLI</strong> before enrolling<br />

as a member? The <strong>OLLI</strong> Celebration is a great way to get<br />

to know us.<br />

By now your friends know how much you are enjoying your<br />

membership in <strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH and all the “lifelong learning”<br />

opportunities it has to offer. Why not invite a friend to join you,<br />

as your guest, when attending the Taste of <strong>OLLI</strong> Celebration<br />

this year? Our belief is once your friend gets a Taste of <strong>OLLI</strong>;<br />

they will want to become a member and continue learning<br />

with us as we continue to create our Shared Adventures!<br />

Lifelong Learning<br />

is a shared adventure<br />


<strong>OLLI</strong>’s Peer-led<br />

Program—<br />

Omnilore<br />

Recently celebrating its 29th<br />

anniversary, Omnilore is <strong>OLLI</strong>’s peerled<br />

group, a learning-in-retirement<br />

community of approximately 300<br />

seniors who organize study/discussion<br />

groups on dozens of diverse topics<br />

that are conceived, planned and<br />

directed by the Members. Omnilore is<br />

open to active <strong>OLLI</strong> Members who<br />

seek intellectual stimulation and the<br />

challenge of shared inquiry.<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 31

PEER-LED CLASSES (Omnilore)<br />

Before registering in the peer-led<br />

program, an orientation session<br />

is required. Please RSVP to<br />

(310) 215-1848 at least 3 days prior.<br />

Directions and parking information<br />

will be provided.<br />

Orientation dates<br />

for Summer <strong>2019</strong> have passed.<br />

Additional fees apply.<br />

Beach Cities Health Center<br />

Lower Level Suites L8 & L9<br />

514 N Prospect Ave<br />

Redondo Beach, CA 90277<br />

www.omnilore.org<br />

Directions and parking information<br />

will be provided.<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong>’s Peer-led (Omnilore) Orientation<br />

The peer-led program of <strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH is known as Omnilore.<br />

The study/discussion group is the core of the peer-led program.<br />

Within the group, each member participates by choosing a topic<br />

related to the subject under study, doing research on it and then<br />

presenting the information to the group. Some study/discussion<br />

groups are structured around a book, which all members read<br />

and discuss as part of the meetings. Groups meet for two hours<br />

twice each month, 8 meetings for a total of 16 hours. The exact<br />

time of each class is set by the participants.<br />

Please note that the books listed for each course are only possible<br />

candidates. Do not buy any until the pre-meeting and a decision<br />

on the common reading is made.<br />

Holiday periods are adapted to by individual class voting.<br />

Although the <strong>Fall</strong> orientation dates have passed, you<br />

can prepare for the following trimester by attending orientation<br />

meetings on Tuesday, October 15 at 10am or Friday, November<br />

22 at 1:30pm in L8.<br />

Call (310) 215-1848 for more details and payment information,<br />

or visit the Omnilore website at www.omnilore.org<br />

Spring classes start in May and end in August.<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> classes start in September and end in December.<br />

The Forum (Speaker Luncheon)<br />

The Forum is a special luncheon held by Omnilore (<strong>OLLI</strong>’s peer-led<br />

learning group) every quarter which features a speaker on a<br />

variety of topics. It is a social as well as an educational event.<br />

Open to members and non-members, reservations must be<br />

received 10 days prior to the event. Cost is $27. Speakers have<br />

included best-selling authors, public affairs experts, college<br />

professors, magazine and newspaper columnists, music, art<br />

and food experts, librarians as well as many other specialists.<br />

For further information or to make a reservation for attendance,<br />

please e-mail Forum@Omnilore.org.<br />

Questions? Contact Linda Jenson (310) 375-7693.<br />


PEER-LED CLASSES (Omnilore)<br />

Omnilore Topics Offered For <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />

Please note that the books listed for each course are only possible<br />

candidates. Do not buy any until the pre-meeting and a decision<br />

on the common reading is made.<br />

Classes start September 3, <strong>2019</strong><br />

and end December 27, <strong>2019</strong><br />

Holiday periods are adapted to by<br />

individual class voting.<br />

(ACW) Art That Changed The World<br />

Understand art from a completely new perspective. This S/DG<br />

will look at art through the lens of history and transformation of<br />

the world and the culture within it. Seminal works of genius are<br />

portrayed in their historical context, with attention paid to the<br />

culture of the time and the lives of their creators.<br />

Possible presentation topics include: Choosing an artist and a time<br />

period and presenting on how that person transformed the world<br />

around them with their art.<br />

Common Reading:<br />

Art That Changed the World:<br />

Transformative Art Movements and<br />

the Paintings That Inspired Them,<br />

by DK (August 2013)<br />

(BMS) Broadway To Mainstreet—How Show<br />

Tunes Enchanted America<br />

The music of Broadway is one of America’s most unique and<br />

popular genres. From sheet music to radio broadcasts to<br />

recordings, all influencing stage, television, the motion picture<br />

industry and now streaming and the internet. Broadway to Main<br />

Street is a fascinating look at show music’s hold on the American<br />

imagination. We will explore the music from Jerome Kern to<br />

Lin-Manuel Miranda, from Tin Pan Alley to John Legend and feature<br />

interviews with Stephen Schwartz, Harold Prince, Sheldon Harnick,<br />

prominent record producers and music critics to mention a few.<br />

This class is designed for music lovers of Broadway and the book<br />

will prove to be an ideal companion for all fans of musical theatre<br />

and popular music. So, Leader, “Strike up the Band!”<br />

Common Reading:<br />

Broadway to Mainstreet—How<br />

Show Tunes Enchanted America<br />

by Laurence Maslon (August 2018)<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 33

PEER-LED CLASSES (Omnilore)<br />

Common Reading:<br />

Europe: A History, by Norman Davies<br />

(January 1998)<br />

(EUR) Europe: A History<br />

Here is a masterpiece of historical narrative that stretches from<br />

the Ice Age to the Atomic Age, as it tells the story of Europe, East<br />

and West. Norman Davies captures it all--the rise and fall of Rome,<br />

the sweeping invasions of Alaric and Atilla, the Norman Conquests,<br />

the Papal struggles for power, the Renaissance and the Reformation,<br />

the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars, Europe’s rise<br />

to become the powerhouse of the world, and its eclipse in our<br />

own century, following two devastating World Wars. This is the<br />

first major history of Europe to give equal weight to both East and<br />

West, and it shines light on fascinating minority communities, from<br />

heretics and lepers to Gypsies, Jews, and Muslims. It also takes an<br />

innovative approach, combining traditional narrative with unique<br />

features that help bring history alive: 299 time capsules scattered<br />

through the narrative capture telling aspects of an era; 12 snapshots<br />

offer a panoramic look at all of Europe at a particular moment in<br />

history; full coverage of Eastern Europe—100 maps and diagrams,<br />

72 black-and-white plates. All told, Davies’s Europe represents<br />

one of the most important and illuminating histories to be published<br />

in recent years.<br />

Common Reading:<br />

The Once and Future Worker:<br />

A Vision for the Renewal of Work<br />

in America, by Oren Cass<br />

(November 2018)<br />

(FOW) Future of Work<br />

The American worker is in crisis. Wages have stagnated for more<br />

than a generation. Automation is eliminating careers and jobs.<br />

Companies are hiring part-time workers instead of full-time or using<br />

Uber’s concept of “independent contractors” thereby eliminating<br />

many company-supplied benefits. All too many workers are unprepared<br />

for the changing conditions while at the same time many job<br />

openings cannot be filled. Reliance on welfare programs has surged<br />

severely stressing government budgets. Life expectancy is falling as<br />

substance abuse and obesity rates climb. These woes are the direct<br />

consequence of a decades-long economic consensus that prioritized<br />

increasing consumption regardless of the costs to American workers,<br />

their families, and their communities. Our systems of education<br />

and training, business and labor law, tax and welfare were created<br />

under very different conditions from those of today and are all in<br />

need of rethinking. Our common reading selection provides stimulation<br />

and shift of perspective as aids to such rethinking.<br />


PEER-LED CLASSES (Omnilore)<br />

(HDD) How Democracies Die<br />

Donald Trump’s presidency has raised a question that many of us<br />

never thought we’d be asking: Is our democracy in danger? Harvard<br />

professors Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt have spent more than<br />

twenty years studying the breakdown of democracies in Europe<br />

and Latin America, and they believe the answer is yes. Democracy<br />

no longer ends with a bang—in a revolution or military coup—but<br />

with a whimper: the slow, steady weakening of critical institutions,<br />

such as the judiciary and the press, and the gradual erosion of longstanding<br />

political norms. The good news is that there are several<br />

exit ramps on the road to authoritarianism. The bad news is that we<br />

have already passed the first one. Drawing on decades of research<br />

and a wide range of historical and global examples, from 1930s<br />

Europe to contemporary Hungary, Turkey, and Venezuela, to the<br />

American South during Jim Crow, Levitsky and Ziblatt show how<br />

democracies die—and how ours can be saved.<br />

Common Reading:<br />

How Democracies Die,<br />

by Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt<br />

(paperback <strong>2019</strong>)<br />

(HIH) How The Internet Happened<br />

The story of the Internet is often focused on hackers and software<br />

engineers. Who wrote the code? Who did it first? And who did it<br />

best? There is plenty of this in Brian McCullough’s book, but there<br />

is also the broader view showing how a handful of powerful<br />

companies came to dominate the technology. The internet didn’t<br />

happen only because of wizardly coding and cheaper computers.<br />

It also happened because of serendipity, failures, friendships and<br />

feuds; and through it all a flood of cash eased the path to success.<br />

We will look at the interlocking histories of start-ups and how<br />

entrepreneurs and CEOs battled one another on the technological<br />

and financial playing fields. Some of the most interesting moments<br />

occur when we meet the already forgotten players of the early days<br />

that gave rise to the dominating businesses of today. In many ways,<br />

the history of the internet was ugly, but as the smoke clears, we<br />

find that we are left with something truly new, ubiquitous and<br />

even beautiful, like the sleek new iPhone.<br />

Common Reading:<br />

How the Internet Happened:<br />

From Netscape to the iPhone<br />

by Brian McCullough (October 2018)<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 35

PEER-LED CLASSES (Omnilore)<br />

Common Reading:<br />

Nature’s Mutiny: How the Little Ice<br />

Age of the Long Seventeenth<br />

Century Transformed the West<br />

and Shaped the Present,<br />

by Philipp Blom (February <strong>2019</strong>)<br />

(ICE) How The Little Ice Age Changed History<br />

Starting in the fourteenth century and lasting several hundred<br />

years, cooling temperatures disrupted the world’s economic and<br />

social structures—contributing to the rise of the modern world.<br />

This epoch is known as the Little Ice Age, during which average<br />

earth surface temperatures dropped by as much as two degrees<br />

Celsius, or 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit. (This is the same amount of<br />

temperature change as the goal to limit global warming now.)<br />

These cooling temperatures and accompanying major storms<br />

reduced crop yields which disrupted the feudal and guild economic<br />

and social structures of the time, giving rise to the modern world.<br />

People migrated, cities grew, food was transported long distances,<br />

banking emerged and money became more important. These social<br />

and economic changes were coincident to the beginnings of modern<br />

science, the Enlightenment, and the innovation of capitalism.<br />

Common Reading:<br />

The Library Book, by Susan Orlean<br />

(October 2018)<br />

(LIB) Libraries<br />

The S/DG will examine the role of libraries in society and in our<br />

lives, as well as reading about the 1986 fire at the Los Angeles<br />

Central Library where we trace the early history of this local library<br />

and its colorful head librarians; we read about the issues that<br />

face libraries today (homeless users) as well as the puzzling selfcontradictory<br />

man who was accused of but probably did not start<br />

the library fire. We’ll study the changes libraries face as interest in<br />

books is being replaced by digital media, the rise of internet use in<br />

libraries, the history of libraries in America, the history of famous<br />

libraries in ancient and medieval history, and the role of the<br />

Library of Congress.<br />


PEER-LED CLASSES (Omnilore)<br />

(LUH) Lift Up Humanity<br />

“If you want to lift up humanity, empower women. It is the most<br />

comprehensive, pervasive, high-leverage investment you can make<br />

in human beings.” These are the words of Melinda Gates in her<br />

book, The Moment of Lift, the common reading for this S/DG.<br />

This book describes the challenges of poor communities around the<br />

world and the work that the Gates Foundation is doing to alleviate<br />

them. It also reveals some of Ms. Gates challenges in causing all<br />

this to happen.<br />

Common Reading:<br />

The Moment of Lift:<br />

How Empowering Women<br />

Changes the World, by Melinda Gates<br />

(April 23, <strong>2019</strong>)<br />

(MID) View From The Middle<br />

The “Heartland of America” has often been used to describe that<br />

large portion of the country between the Appalachian and<br />

Rocky Mountains and north of the Mason-Dixon Line. It is highly<br />

agricultural and industrial and many who live along the East and<br />

West Coasts consider it “fly over country,” “a flat undifferentiated<br />

mass of square tracts and crop circles,” “a land of farmers of<br />

northern European descent … a psychic fall-out shelter in which to<br />

seek refuge from a changing and dangerous world.” The region is<br />

much more complex than that. This S/DG will explore this region<br />

and the viewpoints of its residents and voters with aid of our<br />

Common Reading. This region will almost certainly decide the next<br />

U.S. presidential election, which will be one of the most crucial in<br />

our country’s history.<br />

Common Reading:<br />

The Heartland: An American<br />

History, by Kristin L. Hoganson<br />

(April 23, <strong>2019</strong>)<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 37

PEER-LED CLASSES (Omnilore)<br />

Common Reading:<br />

The Disordered Mind—What<br />

Unusual Brains Tell Us About<br />

Ourselves, by Eric R. Kandel<br />

(2000 Nobel Prize in Medicine<br />

for Physiology) (August 2018)<br />

(MND) The Disordered Mind<br />

Our culture’s conception of the varieties of mental illness was<br />

formed over a century ago with delineation of the major categories<br />

physicians now use to diagnose psychiatric diseases. Our author,<br />

Kandel, holds that mental illnesses are simply brain disorders,” and<br />

is particularly focused on the importance of genetics. Neurobiology<br />

may indeed be well poised to promote this kind of synthesis. Kandel<br />

illuminates the link between mental illness and artistic creativity, and<br />

tries to reconcile Kraepelin-style biologism with more humanistically<br />

oriented psychotherapy, correctly assailing the false dichotomy<br />

between these two approaches. There are many indications that<br />

the brain’s interactions with the rest of the body, both during<br />

development and later in life, can have a major impact on health.<br />

There is a need to consider our brains in the social, environmental<br />

and bodily contexts in which they operate — contexts that help<br />

make us who we are, in both sickness and health. This S/DG will<br />

explore modern models of mental disorders.<br />

Common Reading:<br />

Reconstruction: A Concise History,<br />

by Allen C. Guelzo (May 2018)<br />

(REC) Reconstruction—The Worst Phase<br />

of American History<br />

At the end of the Civil War, the United States began the effort of<br />

putting the country back together again. This meant restoring<br />

commerce, governmental processes, and dealing with the multitude<br />

of freed, black slaves. This whole process was very badly handled<br />

and resulted in even greater division in the country than there<br />

had been before the war. For example, the border states of West<br />

Virginia (broken off from Virginia during the war), Tennessee,<br />

Kentucky, and Missouri shifted their sympathies from the North,<br />

to the South. These Appalachian people had largely hated the<br />

wealthy Southern land and slave holders, but found the selfrighteous<br />

Northern “reformers” even more offensive. This S/DG<br />

will review the history of this period and what its impacts are on<br />

us today. We will consider how we might correct the various social<br />

and political structures that resulted from Reconstruction.<br />


PEER-LED CLASSES (Omnilore)<br />

(SAN) The Best American Science and Nature<br />

Writing 2018<br />

This book is a collection of articles that have recently appeared in<br />

magazines such as The Atlantic, The New Yorker, California Sunday<br />

Magazine, Esquire, Vox, Science, e.g. All are aimed at the general<br />

reader. Articles run 15-20 pages and are on a variety of topics.<br />

According to the editor of the 2018 edition, Sean Kean, “This is one<br />

of the most exciting times in the history of science…Things aren’t<br />

perfect by any means. But there are more scientists making more<br />

discoveries in more places about more things than ever before.”<br />

Common Reading:<br />

The Best American Science and<br />

Nature Writing 2018 edited by<br />

Sam Kean (October 2, 2018)<br />

(SBP) The Seven Basic Plots to Stories<br />

It is often heard that there are only so many story lines or plots to all<br />

of the novels, movies, plays and tales that we read or see. Now here<br />

is an author that has both spelled them out, and explained how<br />

many stories we are familiar with fit into his categories. He discusses<br />

stories as varied as those from the Greeks, the movies, fairy tales,<br />

Shakespeare, and contemporary literature—from Gilgamesh (the<br />

oldest written story known) and Beowulf to Star Wars and the Lord<br />

of the Rings—showing how they all fit into his scheme of plots.<br />

His seven plots are: (1) Overcoming the Monster, (2) Rags to Riches,<br />

(3) The Quest, (4) Voyage and Return, (5) Comedy, (6) Tragedy, and<br />

(7) Rebirth.<br />

Common Reading:<br />

The Seven Basic Plots: Why We Tell<br />

Stories by Christopher Booker<br />

(January 31, 2005)<br />

(SHK) Shakespeare: All The World’s A Stage…<br />

With players standing and with a few props, we will do reading<br />

walk-throughs of Edward III as our History play and we’ll use<br />

Love’s Labor’s Lost as our Comedy. We’ll pick our third play, a<br />

tragedy, depending on preferences expressed at the pre-meeting in<br />

August. Class members will learn how to research all perspectives<br />

of Shakespeare’s works — sources upon which the Bard builds rich<br />

characters and enhances the plots, how to play each character<br />

“in character,” themes, symbols, images, motifs, and commentary<br />

on issues of the day. Members will leave this class with a fuller<br />

understanding of the masterful story construction, realistic<br />

characters with depth and humanity, and the rich, evocative<br />

language which have earned William Shakespeare the title of<br />

greatest writer in the English language.<br />

Common Reading:<br />

Selected Plays<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 39

PEER-LED CLASSES (Omnilore)<br />

Common Reading:<br />

The Best American Short Stories<br />

2018, edited by Roxane Gay<br />

(October 2018)<br />

(SSS) The Best American Short Stories 2018<br />

Roxane Gay writes in her introduction to The Best American Short<br />

Stories 2018 that she loves it when a story has a powerful message<br />

and when a story teaches something about the world. In this<br />

collection of short stories you will be transported from a fraught<br />

family reunion to an immigration detention center, from a<br />

psychiatric hospital to a coed class sleepover in a natural history<br />

museum. You will meet a rebellious summer camper, a Twitter<br />

addict, and an Appalachian preacher. These profound, artful, and<br />

sometimes funny stories with interesting characters and unusual<br />

circumstances will show us what we need to know about the lives<br />

of others. The discussions pertaining to these stories will prove<br />

to be thought provoking beyond our wildest imagination.<br />

Common Reading:<br />

The Most Dangerous Branch:<br />

Inside the Supreme Court’s Assault<br />

on the Constitution,<br />

by David A. Kaplan (September 2018)<br />

(SUP) The Supreme Court<br />

The Most Dangerous Branch takes us inside the secret world of the<br />

Supreme Court. David A. Kaplan, former legal affairs editor of<br />

Newsweek, shows how justices subvert the role of the other government<br />

branches—and how we’ve come to accept it at our peril.<br />

Based on exclusive interviews with the justices and dozens of their<br />

law clerks, Kaplan provides fresh details about life behind what goes<br />

on at the Court, and presents a sweeping narrative of the justices’<br />

aggrandizement of power over the decades—from Roe v. Wade to<br />

Bush v. Gore to Citizens United, to rulings during the 2017-18 term.<br />

Common Reading:<br />

Spying on Whales: The Past,<br />

Present, and Future of Earth’s<br />

Most Awesome Creatures,<br />

by Nick Pyenson (June 2018)<br />

(WDP) Thar’ She Blows…Discovering Whales,<br />

Dolphins and Porpoises<br />

It is impossible to live in the South Bay without at some time being<br />

treated to the beauty of our local cetaceans: porpoises, dolphins<br />

and whales. We live in such close proximity to them yet we do not<br />

know much about them. This S/DG will take an in-depth look at<br />

the past, present and future of these awesome creatures. Focusing<br />

primarily on whales, we will look at the evolution of this species,<br />

what we can learn from fossil remains and history, recent knowledge<br />

about the intelligence and brain power of cetaceans and what<br />

the future with climate changes holds for them.<br />


UNIVERSITY COURSES for <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />

A program for <strong>OLLI</strong> Members who want to<br />

participate in University courses<br />

Eligibility to enroll in regular campus courses through the <strong>OLLI</strong><br />

University program for a significantly reduced fee is one of the<br />

membership benefits of <strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH.<br />

The <strong>OLLI</strong> University program allows individuals to enroll in regular<br />

campus classes without being admitted to the University. Transcripts,<br />

application and other documentation are not required. However,<br />

instructor permission is required to participate in a course, and<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> University students are accepted on a space available basis.<br />

The regular Open University fee is $311 per unit for undergraduate<br />

courses, and $369 per unit for graduate courses, but <strong>OLLI</strong> Members<br />

may audit courses for only $30 per unit.<br />

Note: Enrollment as an auditor<br />

means the student does not take tests<br />

or complete graded assignments.<br />

At the discretion of the instructor an<br />

auditor may be required to participate<br />

in classroom activities.<br />

You are invited to view the<br />

Open University Class<br />

Schedule online by visiting the<br />

Extended Education website at<br />

www.csudh.edu/ceie<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Members may audit campus<br />

courses for $30 per unit.<br />

The process is easy.<br />

1. Pick up an Open University class schedule from the<br />

Extended Education Registration office.<br />

2. Find the course you would like to enroll in.<br />

3. Fill out the registration forms in the Open University<br />

class schedule.<br />

4. Bring the completed registration form to the first class<br />

meeting and ask the instructor to sign the form.<br />

5. Then return the signed and completed form to the<br />

Extended Education Registration office and pay fees.<br />

6. You will be enrolled in the course on an audit basis<br />

and receive an “AU” on your transcript for the course.<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 41

<strong>OLLI</strong> SPONSORS AND VOLUNTEERS<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Sponsors<br />

& Contributors<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH Invites<br />

Sponsors and Contributors<br />

CSUDH, through the Osher Lifelong<br />

Learning Institute, provides collegelevel<br />

experiences and activities to<br />

community residents 50+ years of<br />

age who become Members.<br />

Individuals, businesses, and<br />

organizations who wish to support<br />

the goal of expanding <strong>OLLI</strong> programs<br />

to meet the intellectual and social<br />

needs of older learners, please contact<br />

the <strong>OLLI</strong> office at (310) 243-3208 or<br />

olli@csudh.edu to discuss a taxdeductible<br />

donation or sponsorship.<br />

Everyone brings valuable knowledge<br />

and experience to the organization.<br />

Look for calls for volunteers or call our<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> office at (310) 243-3208 to say<br />

that you are interested in becoming<br />

an <strong>OLLI</strong> volunteer.<br />

Become a<br />

friend of <strong>OLLI</strong>!<br />

Donate your time<br />

and expertise.<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH Volunteer Opportunities<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> is a volunteer organization that depends on the involvement<br />

of its membership to function and grow. We are looking for<br />

individuals who would like to lend their skills to the day-to-day<br />

administration of classes and to planning courses, activities<br />

and publications.<br />

Please see the Volunteer Checklist on the Gold <strong>Fall</strong><br />

Registration Form for a complete list of opportunities,<br />

and to signify your interest in volunteering.<br />

Here are some of the ways you can share<br />

your love for <strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH:<br />

Activities—Coordinate field trips, special events, offsite activities.<br />

Communications—Develop Membership publications.<br />

Curriculum Committee—Develop ideas for courses, lectures,<br />

computer workshops, discussion groups and field trips; identify<br />

instructors from CSUDH faculty, community experts, and <strong>OLLI</strong><br />

Members; organize class schedules, and publish the <strong>OLLI</strong> catalogs.<br />

Fundraising Committee—Work with the program leadership<br />

to establish fun and learning events to invite members, prospective<br />

members and donors to. Tasks include assuring that every <strong>OLLI</strong> donor<br />

feels thanked and valued. Fundraising training will be provided.<br />

Hospitality—Organize and coordinate the social aspects of<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH events like Open House, the holiday party,<br />

Junteenth Celebration and the annual meeting.<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Speakers’ Bureau—Help promote <strong>OLLI</strong> to seniors<br />

throughout the South Bay for the purpose of increasing <strong>OLLI</strong><br />

membership. As part of a team, speakers will work in groups of<br />

two to meet, present, and share information about <strong>OLLI</strong> to others.<br />

All volunteers will be trained.<br />

Instructor Relations—Work to enhance <strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH<br />

relationships with existing and potential instructors.<br />

Membership—Conduct activities to welcome new members to<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH and coordinate distribution of course catalogs.<br />

Ambassador Committee—Assist with special events, reminder<br />

phone calls, special mailings, survey reviews, etc.; supports <strong>OLLI</strong><br />

instructors in class, and represents <strong>OLLI</strong> at designated South Bay<br />

events. Committee members are also responsible for greeting <strong>OLLI</strong><br />

Members at meetings and events.<br />


<strong>OLLI</strong> VOLUNTEER ORIENTATION<br />

Do What You Love<br />

and Love What You Do at <strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong><br />

Osher Lifelong<br />

Learning at<br />

California State<br />

University,<br />

Dominguez Hills is a<br />

OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE CSULB 2003 - <strong>2019</strong> volunteer-member<br />

driven program<br />

whose culture springs from a sense of belonging and a shared<br />

commitment. Whether<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong><br />

it is telling a friend, facilitating a class,<br />

coordinating an event, raising funds, or serving on a committee to<br />

build a sustainable <strong>OLLI</strong> program we need members like you.<br />

Active members are the creative lifeblood of <strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH<br />

program. Volunteer-Members are involved in many aspects of the<br />

OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE CSULB 2003 - <strong>2019</strong><br />

<strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH program. Enthusiastic volunteers work with the <strong>OLLI</strong><br />

staff members to bring <strong>OLLI</strong> classes, lectures, events, and programs<br />

and we are always looking<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong><br />

for fresh ideas, new talents and skills.<br />

There are several ways to get involved.<br />

Want to help every once in a while, when you have an hour or<br />

two available? Become an event volunteer. Want to plan quarterly<br />

events with a minimum meeting-time commitment? Join a party<br />

OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE CSULB 2003 - <strong>2019</strong><br />

planning committee. Looking for a way to connect with members<br />

on an ongoing basis, using your talent and expertise to work in a<br />

variety of areas from making phone calls to developing curriculum<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong><br />

to arranging field-trip transportation. <strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH has the need<br />

and committee to match your area of interest to do what you love<br />

and love what you do.<br />

Facilitators: <strong>OLLI</strong> Volunteers and<br />

Staff, <strong>OLLI</strong> Members and <strong>OLLI</strong><br />

Office Staff<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong><br />

Tuesday, September 3<br />

12:30pm - 1:30pm<br />

Extended Education Building, EE-1218<br />

Fee: Free to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members and Guests<br />

(Non-<strong>OLLI</strong> Members)<br />

OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE CSULB 2003 - <strong>2019</strong><br />

RSVP to (310) 243-3208 or by<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong><br />

email to olli@csudh.edu by<br />

August 19, <strong>2019</strong><br />

All guests will receive a<br />

Free “Day” Parking Pass<br />

The Volunteer Orientation meeting<br />

is a one-hour informational session<br />

held 30 minutes after Open House,<br />

and provides individuals interested<br />

in volunteering an overview of the<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH volunteer<br />

opportunities.<br />

OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE CSULB 2003 - <strong>2019</strong><br />

OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE CSULB 2003 - <strong>2019</strong><br />

<strong>OLLI</strong><br />

OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE CSULB 2003 - <strong>2019</strong><br />

OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE CSULB 2003 - <strong>2019</strong><br />

<strong>OLLI</strong><br />

<strong>OLLI</strong><br />

OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE CSULB 2003 - <strong>2019</strong><br />

OSHER LIFELONG LEARNING INSTITUTE CSULB 2003 - <strong>2019</strong><br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 43

<strong>OLLI</strong> WAITLIST PROCEDURES<br />

Enrich Your Life,<br />

Enrich <strong>OLLI</strong><br />

at CSUDH<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Waitlist Procedures<br />

NEW!<br />

At the request of <strong>OLLI</strong> Members and to maximize opportunities for<br />

all <strong>OLLI</strong> Members to enroll in courses and events, <strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH has<br />

implemented a Waitlist Procedure.<br />

1. What are waitlists?<br />

If a course enrollment reaches capacity, members can place<br />

themselves on a waitlist and will be notified if a spot in the class<br />

becomes available. When you register by phone or in-person<br />

you will immediately know what courses are full and what<br />

course are available.<br />

2. How do I waitlist for a course / event?<br />

Follow your current enrollment procedure (1st page of catalog’s<br />

gold pages). If the course or event is full, ask to be placed on<br />

the waitlist. Registration will place the member in the next<br />

chronological waitlist space.<br />

3. How will I know if I am can get into the class?<br />

After the first day of class or when space becomes available<br />

(whichever comes first), you will be notified through email by<br />

an <strong>OLLI</strong> Staff member. <strong>OLLI</strong> Staff will contact the members in<br />

chronological waitlist order advising them of space available.<br />

Members have until the next class to enroll.<br />

4. Is there a charge to be placed on a waitlist?<br />

No. You will not be charged any fees for courses or events for<br />

which you are waitlisted. You are only charged when you are<br />

fully enrolled.<br />

5. How can I do my part?<br />

Make space for others. If you are unable to attend a course,<br />

please cancel through <strong>OLLI</strong> Registration at (310) 243-3741 or<br />

contact the <strong>OLLI</strong> Office through email at olli@csudh.edu<br />

So, registering early—even for courses or events that are already<br />

full—is the best way to get into the courses you really want.<br />



<strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH<br />

Codes of Conduct<br />

NEW!<br />

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at California State University,<br />

Dominguez Hills (<strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH) is a community of active<br />

mature lifelong learners. The College of Extended and International<br />

Education (CEIE) is committed to maintaining a safe<br />

and healthy learning environment for <strong>OLLI</strong> Members, students,<br />

faculty, and staff. Many of our programs offer a forum for a lively<br />

and sometimes passionate exchange of views. Members of our<br />

learning community are expected to follow principles of courtesy<br />

and mutual respect that promote reasoned discourse and engage<br />

in responsible behaviors that reflect well upon the university.<br />

To be civil to one another, to others in the campus community,<br />

and contribute positively to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members, students, faculty,<br />

staff, and university life.<br />

Violations include conduct that threatens or endangers the<br />

health or safety of any person within or related to the University<br />

community, including but not limited to physical abuse, threats,<br />

intimidation, harassment, sexual misconduct, denigrating others’<br />

views or opinions, offensive or abusive language, disruptive<br />

classroom conduct, discrimination, and monopolizing discussions.<br />

Failure to treat ideas, viewpoints, the classroom environment,<br />

and interests of members in the community with respect and<br />

civility compromises the intellectual climate at <strong>OLLI</strong> and cannot<br />

be tolerated.<br />

The <strong>OLLI</strong> Director and CEIE leadership are responsible for ensuring<br />

that the Code of Conduct is being followed in all <strong>OLLI</strong>-sponsored<br />

programs. Members who do not adhere to these principles or<br />

interfere with the goals of our learning community may be<br />

removed from the class and/or activities and denied the privilege<br />

of future participation at the discretion of the <strong>OLLI</strong> Director<br />

and CEIE Leadership.<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> More.<br />

Live More.<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 45

FALL <strong>2019</strong> <strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH INSTRUCTORS<br />

Rich Abele, a 1-Year <strong>OLLI</strong> Member<br />

and a veteran of five Antarctica expeditions<br />

and tour guide aboard the<br />

museum battleship USS IOWA (BB-61).<br />

Olga Duchemin, local human rights<br />

activist from the Republic of Congo<br />

Linda Avery, a 6-Year <strong>OLLI</strong> Member,<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Will Call – Preview Performances<br />

for the CSUDH Department of Theatre<br />

and Dance <strong>2019</strong>/2020 Season<br />

Cecilia Ball, a 6-Year <strong>OLLI</strong> Member,<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Will Call – Preview Performances<br />

for the CSUDH Department of Theatre<br />

and Dance <strong>2019</strong>/2020 Season<br />

Yolanda Fielder, a 2-Year <strong>OLLI</strong><br />

Member and Millinery/Hat Instructor,<br />

CSUDH Alumni, and City of Carson<br />

Women’s Issues Commissioner<br />

Josi Goldsby, a 9-Year <strong>OLLI</strong><br />

Member, <strong>OLLI</strong> and ISS Thanksgiving<br />

Potluck Volunteer<br />

Norma Bates, a 10-Year <strong>OLLI</strong><br />

Member, <strong>OLLI</strong> Contributor which<br />

includes her numerous Crafts given<br />

as Raffle prizes in the <strong>OLLI</strong> and<br />

Juneteenth Celebrations<br />

Linda Benecke, the Safety<br />

Advocate and representative for<br />

Damsel in Defense<br />

Janice Champion, a 9-Year <strong>OLLI</strong><br />

and Omnilore Member, Urban Hiking<br />

Guide and Travel Buddy for the On<br />

the Move Riders Club<br />

Linda Groff, Ph.D., Emeritus Faculty,<br />

Political Science Department, CSUDH<br />

Chet Hanley, Lecturer for DHTV at<br />

CSUDH/LA 36, Broadcast on channel<br />

LA 36. Retired teacher, program coordinator<br />

and administrator for LAUSD<br />

Jeff Hendrix, CSUDH Dance<br />

Faculty, M.F.A., Ballroom and<br />

Social Dance Instructor<br />

Don Christy, historian and author<br />

of the book Up Around the Bend on<br />

the early history of Palos Verdes.<br />

Valerie Hoffman, Aquarium<br />

of the Pacific (AoP) Charter<br />

Volunteers Tour Guides<br />

Lori Davidson-Fox, a 6-Year <strong>OLLI</strong><br />

Member, Chair <strong>OLLI</strong> Ambassador<br />

Committee and Urban Hiking Guide<br />

Rick Irons, a 5-Year <strong>OLLI</strong> Member,<br />

a creative Graphic Artist and<br />

Toy Designer<br />

Valerie Dingwall, a 9-Year <strong>OLLI</strong><br />

Member and Historian, <strong>OLLI</strong><br />

Curriculum Committee Member<br />

Denise Jefferson, a 4-Year <strong>OLLI</strong><br />

Member, co-Chair of <strong>OLLI</strong><br />

Speakers’ Bureau<br />

Joy Jurena, a 9-Year <strong>OLLI</strong> and<br />

Omnilore Member, RN, MHA,<br />

Wellness Advocate<br />


FALL <strong>2019</strong> <strong>OLLI</strong>@CSUDH INSTRUCTORS<br />

Linda Kahn, a 3-Year <strong>OLLI</strong> Member<br />

and T’ai Chi Chuan for Beginners<br />

Instructor<br />

Angela H. McGowan, Teacher, Author,<br />

Publisher and the Founder and CEO<br />

of Angie’s P.A.C.E.: Patient Advocates<br />

Committed to Excellence!<br />

Donald Means, a 10-Year <strong>OLLI</strong> Member,<br />

Social Tennis for Seniors’ Coach<br />

Bridgitte Montgomery, an 8-Year<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Member, Artist, Educator, and Art<br />

Historian<br />

Maria Ruiz, a 9-Year <strong>OLLI</strong> and Omnilore<br />

Member, District Toastmasters Qualified Speake<br />

director, drama guru, and Dramatic Readers<br />

Theater producer.<br />

Hamoud Salhi, Ph.D., Associate Dean<br />

of International Education & Senior<br />

International Officer, CSUDH<br />

Eula Slater, a 10-Year <strong>OLLI</strong> Member,<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Ambassador Committee, <strong>OLLI</strong><br />

Curriculum Committee, Registered<br />

Dietician<br />

Stephen Sloane, Ph.D., a 3-Year <strong>OLLI</strong><br />

Member, Emeritus Faculty and Dean at<br />

Saint Mary’s College of CA<br />

Darlene Peceimer Nguyen,<br />

International Student Services (ISS)<br />

Specialist<br />

Frankie Stewart, M.A., an 8-Year<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Member and CSUDH Alumna<br />

John C. Pak is a Certified Financial Planner, <br />

BA in Finance, Cal State Fullerton’s Mihaylo<br />

School of Business, financial planning training<br />

through NYU/UCLA.<br />

Deborah Strayhand, a 10-year<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Member<br />

Bernard Poungui, local human rights activist<br />

from the Republic of Congo<br />

Monique Turner, M.A.,<br />

Adjunct Faculty, Department of<br />

Psychology, CSUDH<br />

John Powers has produced cultural programs<br />

for the City of Torrance and El Camino College.<br />

He is noted for his theater series “Works in<br />

Progress,” presented at Nakano Theater.<br />

La Margo Washington, a 6-Year<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Member and Volunteer,<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Program Director<br />

Cassandra Reed, a 1-Year <strong>OLLI</strong> Member,<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Ambassdor Committee and Curriculum<br />

Committee<br />

Leah Young, Aquarium of the<br />

Pacific (AoP) Charter Volunteers<br />

Tour Guides<br />

Ambassador J. Steven Rhodes, a new <strong>OLLI</strong><br />

Member, Adjunct Professor in the Negotiation,<br />

Conflict Resolution and Peace Building<br />

Department at CSUDH.<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 47


Date Day Time Location Class Title Pg #<br />

NOTE: Classes in Bold indicate first meeting<br />

31-Aug Sat 1:30pm-3:10pm GYM A-102 Ballroom & Social Dance 29<br />

2-Sep Mon N/A N/A Labor Day Holiday<br />

(No Classes, Campus Closed)<br />

3-Sep Tue 12:30pm-1:30pm EE-1218 <strong>OLLI</strong> Volunteer Orientation 42-43<br />

5-Sep Thu 10:00am-12:00pm EE-1213 Local Republic of the Congo activist 18<br />

Olga Duchemin speaks to the United Nations<br />

5-Sep Thu 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Living Well for Older Adult Health Series 12<br />

6-Sep Fri 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 14<br />

6-Sep Fri 11:30am-1:30pm EE-1218 Fun and Games 13<br />

6-Sep Fri 1:30pm-2:30pm EE-1218 T’ai Chi Chuan for Beginners 13<br />

6-Sep Fri 3:00pm-4:30pm Urban Farm <strong>OLLI</strong> @ Campus Urban Farm 20<br />

7-Sep Sat 1:30pm-3:10pm GYM A-102 Ballroom & Social Dance 29<br />

9-Sep Mon 12:00pm-12:50pm EE-1218 TED Talks at Lunch 22<br />

10-Sep Tue 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 14<br />

10-Sep Tue 12:00pm-3:00pm EE-1205 Felting Your Own Hat 7<br />

10-Sep Tue 3:30pm-5:30pm Levy Adult Center Osher Lecture Series: China: 25<br />

Room #2 Did America misread China<br />

11-Sep Wed 10:00am-12:00pm EE-1213 Osher Lecture Series: China: 26<br />

Did America misread China<br />

11-Sep Wed 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Let’s Read a Play! 6<br />

12-Sep Thu 10:00am-12:00pm EE-1218 The Thursday Morning Book Club 23<br />

12-Sep Thu 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Living Well for Older Adult Health Series 12<br />

13-Sep Fri 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 14<br />

13-Sep Fri 1:30pm-2:30pm EE-1218 T’ai Chi Chuan for Beginners 13<br />

13-Sep Fri 3:00pm-4:30pm Urban Farm <strong>OLLI</strong> @ Campus Urban Farm 20<br />

14-Sep Sat 1:30pm-3:10pm GYM A-102 Ballroom & Social Dance 29<br />

16-Sep Mon 12:00pm-12:50pm EE-1218 TED Talks at Lunch 22<br />

17-Sep Tue 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 14<br />

17-Sep Tue 12:00pm-3:00pm EE-1205 Felting Your Own Hat 7<br />

18-Sep Wed 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1201 Let’s Read a Play! 6<br />

19-Sep Thu 10:00am-12:30pm EE-1213 Classic Jazz 107: The Beat Goes On! 8<br />

19-Sep Thu 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Living Well for Older Adult Health Series 12<br />

EE = Extended Education Building, CSUDH<br />

BCHC = Beach Cities Health Center, Suite L8<br />

Campus Urban Farm = See map on page 44<br />

GYM A-102 = Campus Gymnasium (Bldg 60 on the campus map)<br />

Levy Adult Center = Room #2,Torrance,<br />

LSU Ballroom-A = Loker Student Union (Bldg 26 on the campus map)<br />

LVCC = Los Verdes Country Club<br />

Tennis Courts = CSUDH Tennis Courts<br />



Date Day Time Location Class Title Pg #<br />

NOTE: Classes in Bold indicate first meeting<br />

20-Sep Fri 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 14<br />

20-Sep Fri 11:30am-1:30pm EE-1218 Fun and Games 13<br />

20-Sep Fri 3:00pm-4:30pm Urban Farm <strong>OLLI</strong> @ Campus Urban Farm 20<br />

21-Sep Sat 1:30pm-3:10pm GYM A-102 Ballroom & Social Dance 29<br />

23-Sep Mon 12:00pm-12:50pm EE-1218 TED Talks at Lunch 22<br />

24-Sep Tue 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 14<br />

24-Sep Tue 12:00pm-3:00pm EE-1205 Felting Your Own Hat 7<br />

24-Sep Tue 3:30pm-5:30pm Levy Adult Center Osher Lecture Series: Preventing Heart 25<br />

Room #2 Disease, Cancer and Alzheimer’s Disease<br />

25-Sep Wed 10:00am-12:00pm LSU Ballroom-A Osher Lecture Series: Twitter as a 26<br />

Tool of American Foreign Policy<br />

25-Sep Wed 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1213 How to Build a Dividend Portfolio 21<br />

26-Sep Thu 10:00am-12:30pm EE-1218 Classic Jazz 107: The Beat Goes On! 8<br />

26-Sep Thu 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Living Well for Older Adult Health Series 12<br />

27-Sep Fri 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 14<br />

27-Sep Fri 1:30pm-2:30pm EE-1218 T’ai Chi Chuan for Beginners 13<br />

27-Sep Fri 3:00pm-4:30pm Urban Farm <strong>OLLI</strong> @ Campus Urban Farm 20<br />

28-Sep Sat 1:30pm-3:10pm GYM A-102 Ballroom & Social Dance 29<br />

30-Sep Mon 12:00pm-12:50pm EE-1218 TED Talks at Lunch 22<br />

30-Sep Mon 1:00pm-3:30pm EE-1201 Let’s Paint a Picture 9<br />

1-Oct Tue 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 14<br />

1-Oct Tue 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Center for Service Learning (SLICE) 24<br />

2-Oct Wed 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Could U.S. Healthcare Become the 15<br />

Best in the World?<br />

3-Oct Thu 10:00am-12:30pm EE-1218 Classic Jazz 107: The Beat Goes On! 8<br />

3-Oct Thu 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Living Well for Older Adult Health Series 12<br />

4-Oct Fri 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 14<br />

4-Oct Fri 11:30am-1:30pm EE-1218 Fun and Games 13<br />

4-Oct Fri 1:30pm-2:30pm EE-1218 T’ai Chi Chuan for Beginners 13<br />

4-Oct Fri 3:00pm-4:30pm Urban Farm <strong>OLLI</strong> @ Campus Urban Farm 20<br />

5-Oct Sat 1:30pm-3:10pm GYM A-102 Ballroom & Social Dance 29<br />

7-Oct Mon 12:00pm-12:50pm EE-1218 TED Talks at Lunch 22<br />

7-Oct Mon 1:00pm-3:30pm EE-1201 Let’s Paint a Picture 9<br />

8-Oct Tue 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 14<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 49


Date Day Time Location Class Title Pg #<br />

NOTE: Classes in Bold indicate first meeting<br />

8-Oct Tue 11:30am-1:30pm EE-1217 Crafts with Norma Bates 7<br />

8-Oct Tue 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Crocheting for Health 16<br />

8-Oct Tue 3:30pm-5:30pm Levy Adult Center Osher Lecture Series: Cognition and 25<br />

Room #2 Affective Processes in Older Adulthood<br />

9-Oct Wed 10:00am-12:00pm EE-1213 Osher Lecture Series: Cognition and 26<br />

Affective Processes in Older Adulthood<br />

9-Oct Wed 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Let’s Read a Play! 6<br />

10-Oct Thu 10:00am-12:00pm EE-1319 Conf Rm The Thursday Morning Book Club 23<br />

11-Oct Fri 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 14<br />

11-Oct Fri 11:00am-1:00pm EE-1213 Caregivers: the Heart and Lifeline 15<br />

of the Family!<br />

11-Oct Fri 1:30pm-2:30pm EE-1218 T’ai Chi Chuan for Beginners 13<br />

11-Oct Fri 3:00pm-4:30pm Urban Farm <strong>OLLI</strong> @ Campus Urban Farm 20<br />

12-Oct Sat 1:30pm-3:10pm GYM A-102 Ballroom & Social Dance 29<br />

14-Oct Mon 12:00pm-12:50pm EE-1218 TED Talks at Lunch 22<br />

14-Oct Mon 1:00pm-3:30pm EE-1201 Let’s Paint a Picture 9<br />

15-Oct Tue 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 14<br />

15-Oct Tue 11:30am-1:30pm EE-1217 Crafts with Norma Bates 7<br />

15-Oct Tue 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Crocheting for Health 16<br />

16-Oct Wed 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Let’s Read a Play! 6<br />

17-Oct Thu 10:00am-12:30pm EE-1213 Classic Jazz 107: The Beat Goes On! 8<br />

17-Oct Thu 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Aging Gracefully 16<br />

18-Oct Fri 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 14<br />

18-Oct Fri 11:30am-1:30pm EE-1218 Fun and Games 13<br />

18-Oct Fri 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1213 Caregivers: the Heart and Lifeline 15<br />

of the Family!<br />

18-Oct Fri 3:00pm-4:30pm Urban Farm <strong>OLLI</strong> @ Campus Urban Farm 20<br />

19-Oct Sat 1:30pm-3:10pm GYM A-102 Ballroom & Social Dance 29<br />

21-Oct Mon 12:00pm-12:50pm EE-1218 TED Talks at Lunch 22<br />

21-Oct Mon 1:00pm-3:30pm EE-1201 Let’s Paint a Picture 9<br />

22-Oct Tue 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 14<br />

22-Oct Tue 11:30am-1:30pm EE-1217 Crafts with Norma Bates 7<br />

22-Oct Tue 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Crocheting for Health 16<br />

22-Oct Tue 3:30pm-5:30pm Levy Adult Center Osher Lecture Series: 25<br />

Room #2 The Bend and Beyond<br />



Date Day Time Location Class Title Pg #<br />

NOTE: Classes in Bold indicate first meeting<br />

23-Oct Wed 10:00am-12:00pm EE-1213 Osher Lecture Series: Nonviolent 26<br />

Resistance Movements in the Age of Trump<br />

24-Oct Thu 10:00am-12:30pm EE-1213 Classic Jazz 107: The Beat Goes On! 8<br />

24-Oct Thu 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Aging Gracefully 16<br />

25-Oct Fri 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 14<br />

25-Oct Fri 1:30pm-2:30pm EE-1218 T’ai Chi Chuan for Beginners 13<br />

25-Oct Fri 3:00pm-4:30pm Urban Farm <strong>OLLI</strong> @ Campus Urban Farm 20<br />

26-Oct Sat 1:30pm-3:10pm GYM A-102 Ballroom & Social Dance 29<br />

28-Oct Mon 9:00am-11:00am EE-1222 Urban Hiking 28<br />

(1st Meeting Only)<br />

28-Oct Mon 1:00pm-3:30pm EE-1201 Let’s Paint a Picture 9<br />

29-Oct Tue 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 14<br />

29-Oct Tue 11:30am-1:30pm EE-1217 Crafts with Norma Bates 7<br />

29-Oct Tue 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Crocheting for Health 16<br />

30-Oct Wed 10:00am-12:00pm Off Campus Marine Exchange of Southern California 27<br />

31-Oct Thu 10:00am-12:30pm EE-1213 Classic Jazz 107: The Beat Goes On! 8<br />

31-Oct Thu 11:30am-1:30pm LVCC Omnilore Annual Meeting 31<br />

31-Oct Thu 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Aging Gracefully 16<br />

1-Nov Fri 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 14<br />

1-Nov Fri 11:30am-1:30pm EE-1218 Fun and Games 13<br />

1-Nov Fri 3:00pm-4:30pm Urban Farm <strong>OLLI</strong> @ Campus Urban Farm 20<br />

2-Nov Sat 1:30pm-3:10pm GYM A-102 Ballroom & Social Dance 29<br />

4-Nov Mon 9:00am-11:00am Off Campus Urban Hiking 28<br />

4-Nov Mon 1:00pm-3:30pm EE-1201 Let’s Paint a Picture 9<br />

5-Nov Tue 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 14<br />

5-Nov Tue 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1217 Crocheting for Health 16<br />

5-Nov Tue 3:30pm-5:30pm Levy Adult Center Osher Lecture Series: Preventing Heart<br />

Room #2 Disease, Cancer and Alzheimer’s Disease 25<br />

6-Nov Wed 10:00am-12:00pm EE-1213 Osher Lecture Series: Politics and<br />

Government in the U.S. 26<br />

6-Nov Wed 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1201 Let’s Read a Play! 6<br />

7-Nov Thu 10:00am-12:00pm Off Campus Aquarium of the Pacific Private Tour 28<br />

8-Nov Fri 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 14<br />

8-Nov Fri 3:00pm-4:30pm Urban Farm <strong>OLLI</strong> @ Campus Urban Farm 20<br />

9-Nov Sat 1:30pm-3:10pm GYM A-102 Ballroom & Social Dance 29<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 51


Date Day Time Location Class Title Pg #<br />

NOTE: Classes in Bold indicate first meeting<br />

11-Nov Mon N/A N/A Veterans Day Holiday<br />

(No Classes, Campus Closed)<br />

11-Nov Mon 9:00am-11:00am Off Campus Urban Hiking 28<br />

12-Nov Tue 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 14<br />

12-Nov Tue 11:00am-1:00pm EE-1213 Cruise to the North Pole & 19<br />

Chasing a Total Solar Eclipse<br />

12-Nov Tue 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Crocheting for Health 16<br />

13-Nov Wed 10:00am-12:00pm EE-1213 Pearl Harbor Reconsidered 17<br />

13-Nov Wed 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Let’s Read a Play! 6<br />

14-Nov Thu 10:00am-12:00pm EE-1218 The Thursday Morning Book Club 23<br />

14-Nov Thu 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Extra Extra Casting 9<br />

15-Nov Fri 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 14<br />

15-Nov Fri 11:30am-1:30pm EE-1218 Fun and Games 13<br />

15-Nov Fri 3:00pm-4:30pm Urban Farm <strong>OLLI</strong> @ Campus Urban Farm 20<br />

16-Nov Sat 1:30pm-3:10pm GYM A-102 Ballroom & Social Dance 29<br />

18-Nov Mon 9:00am-11:00am Off Campus Urban Hiking 28<br />

18-Nov Mon 10:00am-1:00pm EE-1217 The Art of Book Folding 10<br />

19-Nov Tue 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 14<br />

19-Nov Tue 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Crocheting for Health 16<br />

20-Nov Wed 10:00am-12:00pm EE-1213 Pearl Harbor Reconsidered 17<br />

20-Nov Wed 2:00pm-4:00pm EE-1218 The Wonderful African, Japanese and 10<br />

Folk Influences on Modern Art<br />

21-Nov Thu 11:30am-2:00pm EE-1213 <strong>OLLI</strong> & ISS Thanksgiving Potluck 11<br />

22-Nov Fri 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 14<br />

22-Nov Fri 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1213 Our Communities and Personal Safety 29<br />

22-Nov Fri 3:00pm-4:30pm Urban Farm <strong>OLLI</strong> @ Campus Urban Farm 20<br />

23-Nov Sat 1:30pm-3:10pm GYM A-102 Ballroom & Social Dance 29<br />

25-Nov Mon 10:00am-1:00pm EE-1217 The Art of Book Folding 10<br />

26-Nov Tue 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 14<br />

26-Nov Tue 1:30pm-3:30pm EE-1218 Crocheting for Health 16<br />

27-Nov Wed 10:00am-12:00pm EE-1213 Pearl Harbor Reconsidered 17<br />



Date Day Time Location Class Title Pg #<br />

NOTE: Classes in Bold indicate first meeting<br />

28-Nov Thu N/A N/A Thanksgiving Day Holiday<br />

(No Classes, Campus Closed)<br />

29-Nov Fri N/A N/A Thanksgiving Break (No Classes,<br />

Campus Closed - Not a Holiday)<br />

30-Nov Sat N/A N/A Thanksgiving Break (No Classes,<br />

Campus Closed - Not a Holiday)<br />

3-Dec Tue 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 14<br />

4-Dec Wed 10:00am-12:00pm EE-1213 Pearl Harbor Reconsidered 17<br />

5-Dec Thu 1:00pm-4:00pm EE-1213 A Taste of <strong>OLLI</strong> Celebration 30<br />

6-Dec Fri 9:00am-11:00am Tennis Courts Social Tennis for Seniors 14<br />

6-Dec Fri 3:00pm-4:30pm Urban Farm <strong>OLLI</strong> @ Campus Urban Farm 20<br />

7-Dec Sat 1:30pm-3:10pm GYM A-102 Ballroom & Social Dance 29<br />

11-Dec Wed 10:00am-12:00pm EE-1213 Pearl Harbor Reconsidered 17<br />

12-Dec Thu 10:00am-12:00pm EE-1218 The Thursday Morning Book Club 23<br />

13-Dec Fri 11:30am-1:30pm EE-1218 Fun and Games 13<br />

13-Dec Fri 3:00pm-4:30pm Urban Farm <strong>OLLI</strong> @ Campus Urban Farm 20<br />

20-Dec Fri 3:00pm-4:30pm Urban Farm <strong>OLLI</strong> @ Campus Urban Farm 20<br />

25-Dec Wed N/A N/A Winter Break and<br />

New Year’s Day Holiday<br />

(No Classes, Campus Closed)<br />

December 25-January 1<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 53


EE-1100<br />

EE-1300<br />

Registration Office Hours:<br />

M-Th 8am-8pm | F 8am-5pm | 8am-1:30pm<br />

Administration Office Hours:<br />

M-F 8am-5pm<br />


VALLEY<br />




California State University,<br />

Dominguez Hills is located at:<br />

1000 East Victoria Street<br />

Carson, CA 90747<br />



190th<br />

Main Campus Phone Number: (310) 243-3696<br />

Extended Education Office Phone Number: (310) 243-3737 TORRANCE BL<br />

Directions for reaching our campus by car:<br />

Our campus is located within five minutes of the 91, 110 and 405<br />

freeways, which makes travel to campus convenient no matter<br />

where you are coming from.<br />

From the Los Angeles Civic Center:<br />

110 South to Artesia Freeway (91) east to Avalon Blvd.<br />

Take Avalon Blvd. south to Victoria Street, turn left.<br />

The entrance to campus is a right turn at Tamcliff Avenue.<br />

From Santa Monica:<br />

10 East to San Diego Freeway (405) south toward Long Beach.<br />

Exit at Vermont Avenue off-ramp. Turn left (east) at the end<br />

of the off-ramp onto 190th Street. Follow 190th east<br />

approximately two miles to the campus (190th becomes Victoria<br />

Street). The campus entrance is a right turn at Tamcliff Avenue,<br />

the second traffic signal past Avalon Blvd.<br />

From San Bernardino:<br />

10 West to San Gabriel Freeway (605) south. Take Artesia<br />

Freeway (91) west toward Redondo Beach. Take the Central<br />

Avenue exit and turn left; turn right onto Victoria Street. The<br />

campus entrance is a left turn at Tamcliff Avenue, a traffic signal.<br />

From San Fernando Valley:<br />

405 South/101 East – Follow the San Diego Freeway (405) south<br />

toward Long Beach. Exit at Vermont Avenue off-ramp.<br />

Turn left (east) at the end of the off-ramp onto 190th Street.<br />

Follow 190th east pproximately two miles to the campus (190th<br />

becomes Victoria Street) The campus entrance is a right turn at<br />

Tamcliff Avenue, the second traffic signal past Avalon Blvd.<br />

From Anaheim:<br />

5 North to Artesia Freeway (91) west toward Redondo Beach.<br />

Take the Central Avenue exit and turn left; turn right onto<br />

Victoria Street. The campus entrance is a left turn at<br />

Tamcliff Avenue, a traffic signal.<br />

GATE D is the preferred entrance for <strong>OLLI</strong> Members.<br />

PARKING LOT 3 is the preferred parking lot for <strong>OLLI</strong> Members.<br />

MAPLE<br />



110 Fwy<br />

91 Fwy<br />

AVALON<br />

405 Fwy<br />


Parking at CSUDH<br />

PCH<br />

DEL AMO<br />


Annual Parking<br />

Passes are available<br />

to <strong>OLLI</strong> Members for<br />

only $20.00.<br />

Call the <strong>OLLI</strong> office<br />

at (310) 243-3208<br />

for details.<br />

Please be aware that<br />

there is a daily charge of $9 to park on<br />

campus. Daily parking permits can be<br />

purchased at one of the many yellow<br />

boxes near the parking lots using cash,<br />

debit or credit card. Permits must be<br />

displayed face-up on your dashboard.<br />

Visit the <strong>OLLI</strong> website at www.csudh.<br />

edu/olli to find out about carpooling<br />

or taking public transportation to<br />

the campus.<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> More.<br />

Live More.<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong> | www.csudh.edu/olli | (310) 243-3208 55<br />

710 Fwy

2258<br />

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (<strong>OLLI</strong>)<br />

College of Extended & International Education<br />

California State University, Dominguez Hills<br />

1000 E. Victoria St, EE-1300<br />

Carson CA 90747<br />

Osher<br />

Lifelong<br />

Learning<br />

Institute<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />

Course <strong>Catalog</strong><br />

September-December<br />

<strong>OLLI</strong> Open House<br />

Please join us and bring a guest to our <strong>OLLI</strong> open house to learn more about<br />

lifelong learning for retired and semi-retired adults. For more information<br />

or to RSVP contact <strong>OLLI</strong> at CSUDH online at www.csudh.edu/olli or call<br />

(310) 243-3208. You can also email us at olli@csudh.edu.<br />

Tuesday, September 3, <strong>2019</strong><br />

10:00am-12:00pm<br />

CSUDH Campus,<br />

Extended Education Building,<br />

EE-1213 (Auditorium)<br />

“Lifelong learning is a<br />

shared adventure”<br />

RSVP to (310) 243-3208, or by email to olli@csudh.edu by<br />

August 27, <strong>2019</strong> Directions and parking information will be provided.<br />

• Registration Drop-off<br />

You can drop off your registration after this event from 12:00pm to 1:00pm.

Gate D<br />

CSUDH<br />

Urban<br />

Farm<br />

CSUDH Passport Hub has been<br />

relocated to SAC 2 2130 (102)<br />

near Lot 7, east of the Gymnasium.<br />

You can park in Lots 7 (closest), 4, or 2.<br />

Passport Center Hours:<br />

M-F 9am-3pm | Sat 9am-1pm (by appt. only)<br />

Questions or need help making an appointment? Call<br />

(310) 243-2570 or email eepassporthub@csudh.edu.<br />


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