healing rituals for those who have lost a loved one

this small booklet was created for those who are experiencing the loss of someone they have loved. some of these small grief rituals are based on Native and indigenous traditions and are spiritual rather than religious, offering an opportunity to share sacred moments cross culturally in an appropriate and respectful way.

this small booklet was created for those who are experiencing the loss of someone they have loved. some of these small grief rituals are based on Native and indigenous traditions and are spiritual rather than religious, offering an opportunity to share sacred moments cross culturally in an appropriate and respectful way.


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written & illustrated by gemma b benton

Losing some<strong>one</strong> we love is often the most painful and difficult thing we will<br />

experience in life. Even when death marks the end of a long period of<br />

suffering <strong>for</strong> our <strong>loved</strong> <strong>one</strong>, the actual weight of the loss can be<br />

overwhelming and confusing.<br />

Over the three decades that I've worked in and around Native American<br />

and indigenous communities as a substance abuse counselor and as part of<br />

traditional <strong>healing</strong> teams, I've been honored to be part of many traditional<br />

Native American burials and <strong>healing</strong> ceremonies. Traditional Native<br />

American and indigenous practices are varied and complex, but <strong>one</strong> of the<br />

things they often <strong>have</strong> in common is an emphasis on community support of<br />

<strong>those</strong> <strong>who</strong> <strong>have</strong> survived and reconnecting them with <strong>healing</strong> power of<br />

nature, the earth, and a spiritual path in life.

In this small booklet, I've tried to share some of these ideas and concepts in<br />

a few simple, practical <strong>rituals</strong> that can be d<strong>one</strong> al<strong>one</strong> or with an entire<br />

community as a way of drawing together and moving through the grief<br />

process in meaningful ways.<br />

My prayer and intent is that you will find some com<strong>for</strong>t in these <strong>healing</strong><br />

<strong>rituals</strong> and practices and that it draw you closer to <strong>those</strong> that you love<br />

- both living and on the other side.<br />

Gemma B. Benton<br />

Spiritual Activist & Healing Ritual Specialist

Write about <strong>those</strong> special moments be<strong>for</strong>e, during or after the passing of<br />

your <strong>loved</strong> <strong>one</strong> and share them with some<strong>one</strong> <strong>who</strong> is sharing your loss<br />

Like birth, these places of crossing between thresholds are full of precious<br />

and extraordinary moments. These experiences break us open and in the<br />

breaking we find we are changed, maybe we find that we are able to be<br />

more compassionate to <strong>those</strong> suffering or maybe we become better<br />

listeners.<br />

This ritual creates the opportunity <strong>for</strong> both.<br />


Think back to <strong>those</strong> moments, what do you remember? Their hands in<br />

yours. Laughter that cleared the sadness in the room. The quality of air in a<br />

particular moment. Maybe there was a conversation you had with your<br />

<strong>loved</strong> <strong>one</strong> be<strong>for</strong>e their passing that you'd like to remember and honor, or<br />

maybe you experienced a special “visit” from them days after. These are<br />

important experiences to remember and honor. By writing them down,<br />

recalling and recording them on your ph<strong>one</strong> or on video you're not only<br />

doing important grief work <strong>for</strong> yourself, you are honoring these special<br />

moments <strong>for</strong> your <strong>loved</strong> <strong>one</strong> and may be helping others find meaning out of<br />

this difficult time as well. Here are a few writing suggestions you might find<br />

helpful;<br />

I'll never <strong>for</strong>get the way you held my hand ..<br />

At your funeral, they played your favorite song ...<br />

The morning after you crossed...<br />


Stack rocks, plant a memorial garden or create an outdoor sanctuary<br />

In older times, indigenous peoples used to stack rocks as a way of pointing<br />

out a “turn in the road” or a particularly special place. And there's<br />

something especially soothing about holding a smooth, river rock in your<br />

hand. This ritual is intended to help you ground and connect with the<br />

<strong>healing</strong> of the earth as well as the strength of the st<strong>one</strong>s themselves.<br />

Pick a spot in nature where you can watch the sunrise or sunset and<br />

remember your <strong>loved</strong> <strong>one</strong> throughout the seasons. Gather up a few st<strong>one</strong>s<br />

from within the landscape. Feel their shape and texture.<br />

As you begin to stack the st<strong>one</strong>s, ask the st<strong>one</strong>s to share the burden of this<br />

loss with you – to mark this “turn in the road” and to be a place of<br />

remembering with you.<br />


I heard your voice in the wind today<br />

and I turned to see your face;<br />

The warmth of the wind caressed me<br />

as I stood silently in place.<br />

I felt your touch in the sun today<br />

as its warmth filled the sky;<br />

I closed my eyes <strong>for</strong> your embrace<br />

and my spirit soared high<br />

I saw your eyes in the window pane<br />

as I watched the falling rain;<br />

It seemed as each raindrop fell<br />

it quietly said your name.<br />


I held you close in my heart today<br />

it made me feel complete;<br />

You may <strong>have</strong> died...but you are not g<strong>one</strong><br />

you will always be a part of me.<br />

As long as the sun shines...<br />

the wind blows...<br />

the rain falls...<br />

You will live on inside of me <strong>for</strong>ever<br />

<strong>for</strong> that is all my heart knows.<br />

- Unknown<br />


Visit places in nature where you've shared memories with your<br />

<strong>loved</strong> <strong>one</strong>.<br />

Nature invites us into spaces where time dissolves and we can heal<br />

our wounds. The wind blows away the grief and helps us to feel<br />

connected with life again.<br />

Where did you and your <strong>loved</strong> <strong>one</strong> enjoy spending time together?<br />

At the beach? The park?<br />

Picking fruit in the summer?<br />

Perhaps you could invite others to join you in a game of “cloud<br />

busting”, imagining the clouds as messages from your angels,<br />

ancestors or <strong>loved</strong> <strong>one</strong>. Write poetry or learn to take nature photos<br />

with your ph<strong>one</strong>. Walk a labyrinth and invite your <strong>loved</strong> <strong>one</strong> to walk<br />

beside you on the other side.<br />


Make new daily <strong>rituals</strong> and self care practices.<br />

There is some science that points to ritual as a critical element in the grief<br />

or trauma recovery process.<br />

Grief <strong>rituals</strong> can be very simple such as pouring a cup of tea or be more<br />

extensive such as collective grief <strong>rituals</strong> that are facilitated by a ritual<br />

specialist and often involve entire families or communities.<br />

Grief <strong>rituals</strong> are especially important when there has been a sudden or<br />

tragic death or when a there is a painful loss that affects the larger<br />

community such as when a young person or important community member<br />

passes.<br />


This is a simple grief ritual that is inspired by indigenous practices. You can<br />

do this al<strong>one</strong> or invite a few friends to join you;<br />

Gather up items from around the house belonging to your <strong>loved</strong> <strong>one</strong>. Look<br />

<strong>for</strong> items that trigger a memory or a story. Like a favorite fall t-shirt, or<br />

garden gloves, or a favorite mug.<br />

Gather up all the items and speak to each <strong>one</strong>, thanking it <strong>for</strong> the memory<br />

and <strong>for</strong> bringing happiness into your <strong>loved</strong> <strong>one</strong>s life.<br />

“Thank you {coffee cup} <strong>for</strong> making their morning brighter”<br />

“Thank you {t-shirt} <strong>for</strong> the fun and laughter you shared with her”<br />

You can then place all of these items together so that you can take them<br />

out and repeat the ritual on special occasions and/or you can write a little<br />

about each item and place them somewhere safe <strong>for</strong> others to enjoy in the<br />

future.<br />


Honor significant moments such as memorials, anniversaries,<br />

birthdays, and holidays<br />

Some of us believe that life continues on the other side and that our<br />

<strong>loved</strong> <strong>one</strong>s are not distant from us but are only different than us. Your<br />

<strong>loved</strong> <strong>one</strong> continues to remember and share moments with you. They<br />

grow and heal with you. Some cultures believe that it is important <strong>for</strong><br />

soul keeping that we continue to remember and include our <strong>loved</strong> <strong>one</strong>s<br />

in our activities, especially at <strong>those</strong> special moments of our lives like<br />

weddings, births, and death as welcoming ancestors. You can honor<br />

these places in life by setting out a special place setting <strong>for</strong> them, playing<br />

a special song at an event, ringing a bell or lighting a candle – either<br />

quietly or with your family and <strong>loved</strong> <strong>one</strong>s as a way of remembering their<br />

<strong>loved</strong> <strong>one</strong>s significance in their lives and continuing the relationship<br />

beyond the illusion of death.<br />

For additional support with soul keeping and grief <strong>rituals</strong>, please reach out to<br />

Gemma at gbenton789@gmail.com

May the Creator Bless & Watch Over<br />

You & Your Loved Ones always and<br />

especially during this difficult time.

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