Aktive's Strategic Framework 2020-2040
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Our<br />
Values<br />
Ō Mātou Uara<br />
Our values reflect a<br />
sporting approach and<br />
our drive to achieve<br />
results for Aucklanders.<br />
Gutsy Kia maia<br />
We make transparent,<br />
bold decisions in pursuit<br />
of our vision for Auckland<br />
Te Tiriti o<br />
Waitangi<br />
Team up<br />
Kia tū takitini<br />
We succeed by trusting<br />
and playing to each other’s<br />
distinctive strengths<br />
Be on the front foot<br />
Kōkiri whakamua<br />
We take the initiative, adapt<br />
quickly to change, and keep<br />
an eye on the horizon<br />
Go hard Kia kaha<br />
We work relentlessly,<br />
persevere, and see<br />
things through<br />
Play it straight<br />
Kia tākaro tōtika<br />
We deal with the facts,<br />
focus on solutions,<br />
and treat everyone<br />
fairly and with integrity<br />
Treaty of Waitangi<br />
We are committed to Te Tiriti<br />
o Waitangi and proactively<br />
engage with and support the<br />
aspirations of Māori and iwi. We<br />
acknowledge mana whenua’s<br />
responsibility for kaitiakitanga.<br />
These commitments will be<br />
given effect through regular<br />
board review of our Tiriti o<br />
Waitangi Responsiveness Policy,<br />
advisory support through our<br />
Aktive Māori Advisory Group,<br />
and the specific “Partnering<br />
with Māori” strategic priority.