Aktive's Strategic Framework 2020-2040

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Keeping pace with<br />

a changing Auckland<br />

Kia oma tahi me te panoni<br />

4haeretanga o Tāmaki<br />

A fast-changing world challenges<br />

Aktive and Auckland’s sport and<br />

recreation sector to keep pace<br />

and adapt. We can’t predict with<br />

any great certainty the changes that<br />

we will face between now and <strong>2040</strong>.<br />

However, some of the broad<br />

changes we will all need to<br />

respond to are known and can,<br />

to some extent, be planned for.<br />

The types of changes facing the<br />

sector are:<br />

Technological innovations:<br />

These will significantly change the<br />

way services are delivered and the<br />

types of jobs available within the<br />

sector.<br />

Environmental change:<br />

Climate change will affect the<br />

ability to provide suitable facilities<br />

in Auckland and access to some<br />

sport and active recreational<br />

activities. Changing environmental<br />

values and behaviours will require<br />

organisations to put sustainability<br />

at the core of their governance<br />

and operation.<br />

Political change: These bring<br />

shifts in priorities, including how<br />

funding is allocated. Shortfalls in<br />

public sector and gaming funding<br />

will continue, placing pressure on<br />

organisations to find alternative<br />

sustainable funding sources.<br />

Population change:<br />

Organisations will need to<br />

understand, include and be<br />

connected to the changing nature<br />

of the communities that they<br />

represent and are trying to reach.<br />

This will require greater cultural<br />

knowledge and confidence.<br />

Workforce changes: By <strong>2040</strong><br />

the ethnic and cultural composition<br />

of Auckland will be very different.<br />

For example, one-third of<br />

Aucklanders will identify as Asian.<br />

It will be challenging to develop a<br />

workforce that is representative<br />

and reflective of this diversity. This<br />

is a particular issue for those<br />

communities where a career within<br />

the sport and recreation sector is<br />

not seen as attractive.<br />

Goal<br />

Sport and recreation organisations are representative of and relevant to<br />

Auckland’s communities and can adapt to change.<br />

Aktive’s Role<br />

Leading<br />

Advocating<br />

Catalysing<br />

Best Practice<br />

Key <strong>Strategic</strong><br />

Initiatives<br />

• Empower Auckland’s sport and recreation organisations to be reflective of<br />

their communities at the governance, management and coaching levels.<br />

• Catalyse workforce development programmes that will generate a sport and<br />

recreation workforce in <strong>2040</strong> that is representative of Auckland’s diverse<br />

communities.<br />

• Drive the sharing of knowledge and resources and the collection of relevant<br />

data within the sector to improve organisational agility, efficiency and<br />

effectiveness.<br />

Outcome<br />

• Sport and recreation organisations have diverse governance and workforces.<br />

• Sport and recreation organisations have adapted their delivery to Auckland’s<br />


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