Cambodia Real Estate Survey 2019
- Page 3 and 4: 2 4 8 11 16 17 18 21 Introductions
- Page 5 and 6: With surveys like this it can be ha
- Page 7 and 8: Nationality The survey was relevant
- Page 9 and 10: Living situation Similar to last ye
- Page 11 and 12: Property possession With this quest
- Page 13 and 14: Do you plan to buy property? As the
- Page 15 and 16: There was an intriguing shift this
- Page 17 and 18: As always, respondents overwhelming
- Page 19 and 20: General situation in Cambodia This
- Page 21 and 22: Following along this call for more
- Page 23 and 24: Young generation fuels rise of midd
- Page 26: For media and other enquiries, plea
2<br />
4<br />
8<br />
11<br />
16<br />
17<br />
18<br />
21<br />
Introductions<br />
Who took the <strong>Cambodia</strong> <strong>Real</strong> <strong>Estate</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2019</strong>?<br />
How is the <strong>Cambodia</strong> property market?<br />
Market demand<br />
<strong>Real</strong> estate financing<br />
General situation in <strong>Cambodia</strong><br />
<strong>Real</strong> estate industry feedback<br />
Conclusion<br />
Established in 2009, <strong>Real</strong> has grown to be the foremost real estate<br />
portal in <strong>Cambodia</strong>, working with the nation's leading real estate agencies,<br />
developers and lenders. In 2015, Australia-based DCG partnered with founder<br />
Moek Chenda to develop the business rapidly. The platform, with content in<br />
Khmer, English and Chinese, showcases over 25,000 properties for sale and<br />
rent, and tens of thousands of property hunters visit the website and app each<br />
month.<br />
<strong>Real</strong> also produces the biannual <strong>Cambodia</strong> <strong>Real</strong> <strong>Estate</strong> Magazine<br />
in English and Chinese and hosts a series of industry shows called<br />
<strong>Real</strong> Expo. The event facilitated over US$30 million in direct sales<br />
last year alone.<br />
We would like to acknowledge the efforts of our team, real estate agents,<br />
developers and sponsors, without whom this survey would not be possible.
<strong>Real</strong>, <strong>Cambodia</strong>'s leading real estate platform, is delighted<br />
to share the results of this year’s <strong>Cambodia</strong> <strong>Real</strong> <strong>Estate</strong> <strong>Survey</strong>. The<br />
survey provides valuable insight into the Kingdom’s real estate industry,<br />
in all its diversity.<br />
“On behalf of our<br />
team, I would like to<br />
thank everyone who<br />
took the time to<br />
complete the 2018<br />
survey.”<br />
“As the second survey<br />
of its kind, this year’s<br />
results are especially<br />
interesting. We hope<br />
the public and<br />
private sectors find<br />
the data of value in<br />
future planning.”<br />
Tom O’Sullivan<br />
CEO<br />
<strong>Real</strong><br />
This is the third version of our annual survey. Each year, we make<br />
changes and tweaks to our questions in order to best capture the state<br />
of the local real estate industry. However, many of the questions we ask<br />
are the same so that we can chart the changes occurring in real-time.<br />
In many ways, <strong>2019</strong>’s data show a continuation of the growth we have<br />
seen in <strong>Cambodia</strong> over the past few years. In general, property<br />
ownership is on the rise, average incomes are rising, and younger<br />
people are becoming more active by both renting and owning property.<br />
One drawback we saw this year is the perceived affordability of the<br />
market. There was a slight move in the data where people are seeing<br />
property as less affordable than they did last year. This, in some part,<br />
could be due to the rising standards in the industry as more<br />
international businesses and expats enter the country.<br />
On the other hand, there is even more confidence this year in the<br />
growth of the market. The majority of our respondents have seen<br />
significant market growth over the last year, expect continued growth<br />
and think real estate is a good investment.<br />
<strong>Real</strong> estate developers in <strong>Cambodia</strong> are, for the most part, responding<br />
to this changing market. They see that more people are looking to<br />
become homeowners. This has led to an increasing amount of<br />
affordable condominium projects offering homes under $75,000 as well<br />
as breakneck expansion in the borey market.
With surveys like this it can be hard to distill them down into a central<br />
message. Well, I’m going to do exactly that right now. The continuing<br />
thread this year is about the younger generation. In most parts of the<br />
Western world, young adults don’t start thinking about homeownership<br />
until they are in their thirties or even forties. Here in <strong>Cambodia</strong>, this<br />
couldn’t be further from the truth.<br />
“This year’s survey<br />
shows that<br />
<strong>Cambodia</strong>’s real<br />
estate buyers are<br />
growing and<br />
changing almost as<br />
fast as the country<br />
itself is.”<br />
“More young families<br />
are striving for<br />
homeownership than<br />
ever before.”<br />
Tyler Lebens<br />
Editor<br />
<strong>Real</strong><br />
With the <strong>Real</strong> <strong>Estate</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2019</strong> we saw an increasing number of<br />
respondents in their late teens and early twenties. While these people<br />
are still making, on average, less than $1,000 per month (many are only<br />
working part-time), they are showing a firm interest in the real estate<br />
sector not only in terms of residence but also as investments.<br />
As <strong>Cambodia</strong> urbanises, incomes grow and family sizes shrink. This<br />
means young families are routinely bringing in $2,000 or more per<br />
month in disposable income while simultaneously pursuing<br />
homeownership in a safe and well-located community.<br />
More and more, these young families are taking out mortgages in order<br />
to buy borey homes or even small- or medium-sized condos in and<br />
around Phnom Penh.<br />
Whether you’re an aspiring real estate investor, a renter who is shopping<br />
for your first home, or an international tycoon looking for the next piece<br />
of your growing portfolio, we hope you find the data in this survey<br />
useful and insightful.
Over 2000 people, from a variety of<br />
backgrounds, responded to the <strong>Cambodia</strong><br />
<strong>Real</strong> <strong>Estate</strong> <strong>Survey</strong> <strong>2019</strong>. <strong>Real</strong><br />
aimed to create a question set that was<br />
relevant to speakers of Khmer, English and<br />
Chinese people.<br />
Age of respondents<br />
On the whole, this year’s respondents lined<br />
up closely to last year’s in terms of age. The<br />
youngest group, however, saw a big jump.<br />
Almost three percent of respondents this<br />
year reported their age as 20 or younger.<br />
The same group was less than one percent<br />
of the total last year.<br />
As the level of education rises in the<br />
country, more youths are entering the<br />
workforce and actively participating in the<br />
economy. This, no doubt, has led many to<br />
start thinking about and researching<br />
homeownership and other real estate<br />
topics from a younger age.
Nationality<br />
The survey was relevant to anyone<br />
connected to the real estate industry in<br />
<strong>Cambodia</strong>. That said, the market is quite<br />
diverse, with both locals and foreigners<br />
occupying many roles.<br />
Nearly 74 percent of the respondents were<br />
<strong>Cambodia</strong>n. The foreign demographic was<br />
mostly made up of Asian expatriates,<br />
though Westerners were also represented.<br />
Purchasing power<br />
Past <strong>Real</strong> surveys have almost<br />
always shown an upward shift in<br />
purchasing power. This year, however,<br />
something different has occurred.<br />
We did see growth in the lower-middle<br />
brackets. Yet there was a spike in those<br />
making $500 or less per month. This could<br />
be due to the participation of younger<br />
respondents, many of whom work only<br />
part-time.<br />
2018 <strong>2019</strong>
It’s no surprise that those working in the<br />
real estate industry represented the largest<br />
single group of respondents. Indeed, those<br />
in banking and finance stay on top of the<br />
news coming out of the property sector.<br />
Many of these people use<br />
<strong>Real</strong> for that express<br />
purpose.<br />
Proportions for each industry were similar<br />
to those of the respondents last year.<br />
However, we saw growth in the number of<br />
students who answered our questions.<br />
This growth isn’t surprising given the<br />
previous questions about age and income.<br />
The fact that these young people are<br />
educating themselves on real estate is<br />
exciting for the country.
Living situation<br />
Similar to last year, the majority of<br />
respondents claimed to live with their<br />
partners or spouses. On the other hand, a<br />
slightly larger percentage of respondents<br />
claimed to live with their family, parents or<br />
grandparents.<br />
There are two clear reasons for this<br />
movement: First, many of those living with a<br />
spouse last year have since started families<br />
of their own. Additionally, because of a<br />
more active and aware young generation,<br />
more people in their late teens or early<br />
twenties are keeping themselves informed<br />
about the real estate industry.
Affordability<br />
As the property market continues to grow<br />
and mature, many in the country can see<br />
prices rising. Yet, over half of our<br />
respondents still perceive the market to be<br />
affordable.<br />
The scales are tipping somewhat, as fewer<br />
people this year perceived affordability.<br />
However, most people are confident that<br />
prices will rise and investments in the<br />
country will remain stable.<br />
Is property in <strong>Cambodia</strong><br />
Property possession<br />
With this question, we wanted to know<br />
whether respondents were<br />
homeowners, on the way to becoming<br />
homeowners or renters.<br />
23.4%<br />
19%<br />
50.8%<br />
Unsurprisingly, homeownership grew<br />
slightly from last year. With the growing<br />
number of affordable projects in the<br />
market, more people are getting a<br />
chance to own property. This push for<br />
homeownership is also apparent in the<br />
number of people who said they are<br />
renting but have a desire to own; over<br />
23 percent responded as such.<br />
7.5%<br />
12%<br />
18.2%<br />
20%<br />
48%<br />
2018<br />
<strong>2019</strong><br />
Do you own or rent?<br />
●<br />
Full Owners<br />
Is it a better time to buy or<br />
sell property? ● Renters<br />
●<br />
Own with loan<br />
●<br />
Buy a Property<br />
●<br />
Renters but would like to<br />
own a house<br />
●<br />
Sell a Property<br />
Is it a better time to buy or sell?<br />
24%<br />
<strong>2019</strong><br />
Buyers have expressed continued confidence in the<br />
property market, similarly to last year. Three-quarters of<br />
survey takers said it was a better time to buy property<br />
than sell it.<br />
75%<br />
The bullish sentiments continue the trend of the last few<br />
as people see development grow and prices rise.
Will growth continue?<br />
Looking more closely at perceptions of the<br />
property market, it’s clear that consumers<br />
think the expansion will continue. Nearly 85<br />
percent said prices have increased over the<br />
last year, while over 77 percent think they<br />
will increase over the next year.<br />
A whopping 86 percent of respondents<br />
claimed that buying real estate is a good<br />
investment. Indeed, real estate is one of<br />
the main avenues for investment in the<br />
country. Less than 14 percent of<br />
respondents had reservations about<br />
investing in real estate.<br />
How have property<br />
prices changed over<br />
the past year?<br />
How will prices change<br />
over the next year?<br />
●<br />
Increased<br />
●<br />
Increase<br />
●<br />
Decreased<br />
●<br />
Decrease<br />
●<br />
Stayed the same<br />
●<br />
Stay the same<br />
1.8%<br />
13.6%<br />
16%<br />
7.6%<br />
14.5%<br />
9%<br />
13%<br />
2018<br />
2018<br />
79%<br />
<strong>2019</strong><br />
78%<br />
<strong>2019</strong><br />
77.7%<br />
84.4%<br />
1.8%<br />
Is buying real estate a<br />
good investment?<br />
1.8%<br />
●<br />
●<br />
●<br />
Yes<br />
Not really<br />
No<br />
Do you plan to buy property?<br />
As the <strong>Cambodia</strong> property market opens up<br />
and diversifies, it seems that more people<br />
are planning to buy property. Over 78<br />
percent of respondents plan to buy this<br />
year. What’s more, a significant proportion<br />
of these people will be first-time buyers.<br />
With more inclusion in the real estate industry,<br />
we are also seeing more participation in the<br />
banking and lending sectors. Over 75 percent of<br />
those planning to buy this year will need a loan<br />
for their purchase. This illustrates growing<br />
confidence in the country’s banking sector.<br />
Do you plan to buy property<br />
this year?<br />
Will you need a loan for your<br />
next property purchase?<br />
●<br />
Yes<br />
●<br />
No<br />
●<br />
Yes<br />
●<br />
No<br />
21.5%<br />
26%<br />
2018<br />
24.4%<br />
74%<br />
<strong>2019</strong><br />
75.2%<br />
What type of property will<br />
you buy?<br />
What type of property will you buy?<br />
The <strong>Cambodia</strong>n property market has many<br />
distinct sections. Interestingly, nearly all the<br />
consumer segments were represented<br />
equally among respondents. Over 27<br />
percent of people said they plan on buying<br />
a borey home this year. Just over 25<br />
percent, meanwhile, said they were<br />
planning to buy a condo in a new<br />
development. Almost the same proportion<br />
had plans to buy an independent house or<br />
villa. Around 20 percent had plans to buy<br />
land.<br />
These numbers show both the diversity of<br />
property buyers and demand in the<br />
country. No single type of property<br />
dominates the market, and different kinds<br />
have different appealing aspects.<br />
Property in borey<br />
Condo in new development<br />
Land<br />
Independent house or villa<br />
Commercial space<br />
0.7%<br />
25.8%<br />
27.7%<br />
20%<br />
25.5%<br />
Will your property be a personal<br />
residence or investment?<br />
Personal residence<br />
Investment<br />
We then wanted to know whether people<br />
who plan to buy this year are looking for a<br />
personal residence or an investment<br />
property. The results echoed previous<br />
questions with strong evidence for a high<br />
level of confidence in the market.<br />
34.4%<br />
65.5%<br />
Over 65 percent of respondents plan to buy<br />
property as an investment this year. The<br />
rest, meanwhile are looking to buy real<br />
estate that will become their primary<br />
residence. There are many opportunities<br />
for investment in the sector, and they are<br />
growing more numerous every day.
There was an intriguing shift this year in<br />
property budgets among our survey<br />
respondents. Again this year, most people<br />
said they were planning to spend $50,000<br />
or less. However, this section of buyers was<br />
down significantly from last year.<br />
On the rise is the $50,001 to $75,000<br />
segment. Last year, this section<br />
represented around 20 percent of<br />
respondents, whereas this year it was up to<br />
almost a quarter.<br />
Little movement in high brackets<br />
This move reflects not only rising budgets<br />
but also a growing amount of projects that<br />
are enticing buyers to spend more.<br />
No significant changes were seen in the<br />
middle brackets. Both $75,001 to $100,000<br />
and $100,001 to $200,000 pulled in around<br />
12 percent each. Likewise, the two highest<br />
segments each accounted for a relatively<br />
small proportion of respondents.<br />
How much are you planning<br />
to spend on a property<br />
purchase this year?
Where do people want to buy?<br />
Phnom Penh is still the area in the country that commands most of the property demand. Over 77<br />
percent of responders said they want to buy in the capital. This proportion is even up slightly from<br />
2018’s data.<br />
Coming up in a distant second place was Siem Reap. Just over 7 percent of respondents claimed<br />
they want to buy there, while only 5 percent said the same for Kampot in the south.<br />
Sihanoukville, which claimed almost 10 percent of demand in last year’s survey, captured just 4<br />
percent this year.<br />
Phnom Penh demand<br />
Demand for property in different areas of the capital remained similar to where numbers stood<br />
last year. Sen Sok and Chroy Changvar districts still command the highest demand; their leads<br />
became even more pronounced with this year’s data.
As always, respondents overwhelmingly<br />
said that location was their top factor when<br />
purchasing a property in <strong>Cambodia</strong>. A<br />
distant second was the potential for high<br />
returns. This reflects the high percentage of<br />
people who are planning to buy an<br />
investment property this year.<br />
Around 14 percent of survey respondents<br />
claimed that infrastructure was the most<br />
critical factor when buying property. As the<br />
country grows and urbanises, we see more<br />
pressure on the government to update and<br />
maintain the Kingdom’s road systems.<br />
After all, a property’s location depends in large<br />
part on how easy it is to get to. The importance<br />
of infrastructure can already be felt in the outer<br />
areas of the capital. In these areas, land prices<br />
can vary wildly, due in part to the fact that<br />
some have access to main highways while<br />
others rely on small dirt roads.<br />
In years to come, we may see infrastructure<br />
become even more important to buyers.<br />
There’s also the balance between public and<br />
private infrastructure. In many boreys, for<br />
example, developers include parks,<br />
playgrounds and other spaces for their<br />
resident’s exclusive use.
Earlier in the survey, we saw that over 75<br />
percent of respondents plan to take a loan<br />
for their next property purchase. Diving a<br />
little deeper, we wanted to see how much<br />
the average purchaser planned for their<br />
down payment.<br />
The proportions who expected to put down<br />
nothing or less than 10%, both shrank from<br />
last year. This is a positive move, to be sure.<br />
This year, the majority of our survey takers<br />
plan to put down 30 percent.<br />
Growth in the segment expecting to pay 30<br />
percent is, no doubt, due to the popularity<br />
of the borey market. Though many borey<br />
developers offer in-house mortgages with<br />
no set down payment, many are taking<br />
loans through banks that still require 20 or<br />
30 percent deposit.<br />
Upper segments either shrunk or stayed<br />
relatively the same as last year. In general,<br />
most people are paying between 20 and 50<br />
percent down payments.<br />
9.5%<br />
5.4%<br />
4%<br />
22.2%<br />
How much will you pay as a<br />
down payment?<br />
15%<br />
25%<br />
●<br />
No down payment<br />
32%<br />
20%<br />
30.5%<br />
36%<br />
<strong>2019</strong><br />
2018<br />
●<br />
●<br />
●<br />
●<br />
A 10% down payment<br />
A 30% down payment<br />
A 50% down payment<br />
A 70%+ down payment
General situation in <strong>Cambodia</strong><br />
This year has been relatively quiet.<br />
<strong>Cambodia</strong>n affairs, in most cases, haven’t<br />
caught the international press since the<br />
general election in July of 2018.<br />
In general, do you think <strong>Cambodia</strong><br />
is improving as a country?<br />
Indeed, the vast majority of our<br />
respondents expressed the belief that<br />
<strong>Cambodia</strong> is improving as a country.<br />
Foreign direct investment (FDI) is on the<br />
rise and businesses are growing.<br />
●<br />
●<br />
Yes<br />
●<br />
No<br />
The situation is staying<br />
the same<br />
The real estate sector, too, is playing off<br />
the breakneck progress of the nation. In<br />
addition to rising incomes and land values,<br />
international development companies are<br />
coming with an increasing number of<br />
projects.<br />
2.3%<br />
5.9%<br />
Not only is this progress bringing jobs and<br />
opportunities to the country, but it’s also<br />
making <strong>Cambodia</strong> more competitive on a<br />
regional level.<br />
As the real estate industry in <strong>Cambodia</strong><br />
grows, <strong>Real</strong> wishes to be a<br />
positive force in improving the sector.<br />
Paramount in this progress is keeping up<br />
with customer and client demands.<br />
<strong>Cambodia</strong>, as a country, is in the midst of<br />
an amazing period of growth. But pivotal to<br />
this growth is the bolstering of human<br />
resources, training and feedback, both<br />
internally and externally.<br />
This year, we again asked respondents<br />
about the changes they most wanted to see<br />
in the industry.<br />
Answers were largely similar to those last<br />
year. Most people are calling for mandatory<br />
real estate agent licensure. This information<br />
falls directly in line with the need for<br />
training and education throughout the<br />
nation.<br />
As a testament to the industry’s growing<br />
professionalism, <strong>Real</strong> has<br />
worked with the Ministry of Economy and<br />
Finance (MEF) and the <strong>Cambodia</strong>n Valuers<br />
and <strong>Estate</strong> Agents Association (CVEA) to<br />
establish the <strong>Cambodia</strong> <strong>Real</strong> <strong>Estate</strong> Awards.<br />
This event serves to celebrate the nation’s<br />
finest real estate professionals.
Following along this call for more training<br />
and education, we asked our responders<br />
what they value most in a real estate agent.<br />
Specifically, what factor do they look for<br />
most as the indicator of a good agent?<br />
Nearly 38 percent of respondents said that<br />
honesty was the top quality they looked for<br />
in a good real estate agent. Almost 27<br />
percent, meanwhile, prized professionalism<br />
as the top factor when choosing an agent.<br />
Under <strong>Cambodia</strong>n law, agents must have<br />
the proper licence. The MEF, CVEA and<br />
<strong>Real</strong> are all going to great<br />
lengths to ensure agents are getting the<br />
right accreditation.<br />
Additionally, both the MEF and CVEA have<br />
this year established industry-leading<br />
courses to provide education to the sector’s<br />
professionals.<br />
Factors people consider when choosing<br />
a real estate agent<br />
(in order of most importance to least)
Pulling back the camera, we wanted<br />
to see how <strong>Real</strong> stacks<br />
up to other resources for property in<br />
<strong>Cambodia</strong>.<br />
Where do you get information about<br />
<strong>Cambodia</strong>n property?<br />
(number of respondents)<br />
Of course, there is a substantial<br />
selection bias here. Regular site<br />
visitors were the primary<br />
demographic for survey<br />
respondents. Yet, it is interesting to<br />
see what other places our users get<br />
information about real estate in the<br />
country.<br />
Unsurprisingly, the lion’s share of<br />
respondents get their real estate<br />
information online.<br />
Print media like newspapers and<br />
magazines were a driving force in<br />
<strong>Cambodia</strong> just a few years ago.<br />
However, only a small percentage of<br />
our respondents reported that they<br />
looked to print for real estate<br />
information.<br />
What do you use<br />
<strong>Real</strong> for?<br />
(number of respondents)<br />
To look at how our own visitors are<br />
using <strong>Real</strong>, we asked<br />
them what they use the site for. Most<br />
respondents said they used the site<br />
to search for properties for sale,<br />
while many also said they use it for<br />
property news.
Young generation fuels rise of middle<br />
class<br />
This year’s <strong>Cambodia</strong> <strong>Real</strong> <strong>Estate</strong> <strong>Survey</strong><br />
shows that the property market in the<br />
Kingdom is stronger than ever. Incomes in<br />
the country are rising and more people are<br />
looking to the sector for both residence and<br />
investment purposes.<br />
Amid an updating and diversifying economy,<br />
the demographics of the country are shifting<br />
as well. This year, this was apparent in how<br />
our respondents answered the questions in<br />
our survey. More young people in their late<br />
teens and early twenties are becoming active<br />
in the economy and preparing for adulthood<br />
and future homeownership.<br />
Meanwhile, more people are entering the<br />
middle class in the country and looking for<br />
affordable avenues toward homeownership.<br />
Many of these people are shopping for<br />
homes in boreys on the outskirts of the city.<br />
This option gives them the chance to own a<br />
home for less than $100,000.<br />
Indeed, there is still a massive amount of<br />
confidence backing <strong>Cambodia</strong>’s real estate<br />
sector. People understand that prices have<br />
been on the rise, and the majority are<br />
confident that they will continue to rise as the<br />
months go on.<br />
Much of this confidence, no doubt, comes from<br />
the huge influx of foreign direct investment<br />
(FDI) in <strong>Cambodia</strong>. People are aware that<br />
international businesses see the potential for<br />
massive growth in the country.<br />
There are, however, a few drawbacks to this<br />
rapid growth. Despite a strong sense of<br />
confidence that real estate is a good<br />
investment, many think that prices are<br />
becoming unaffordable.<br />
What comes next?<br />
If <strong>Cambodia</strong>’s real estate market in 2018 were<br />
summed up in just a few words, most industry<br />
figures would mention the rise of Sihanoukville,<br />
new condo projects and borey developments<br />
on the outskirts of Phnom Penh.
While these three areas are still relevant today,<br />
they have each headed in slightly different<br />
directions.<br />
Sihanoukville, which was previously the hub of<br />
land speculation, has now become the prime<br />
location for hospitality developments like<br />
resorts and hotels. In the coming year, many of<br />
these projects will be officially complete and<br />
start welcoming visitors, renters and owners<br />
alike.<br />
Condos, which in past years were marketed<br />
almost exclusively to foreigners in the country,<br />
are now being offered at more affordable price<br />
points. This means more <strong>Cambodia</strong>ns will be<br />
both buying and renting these units.<br />
Boreys, on the other hand, have always<br />
been geared toward local buyers. In the<br />
coming year, we will see the continued<br />
expansion of the borey sector in terms of<br />
price point, location and offerings.<br />
As the economy and real estate market of<br />
<strong>Cambodia</strong> continue to grow and diversify,<br />
<strong>Real</strong> plans to remain a<br />
steadfast resource for everyone in the<br />
industry.<br />
We would like to thank everyone who took<br />
the time to complete the survey.<br />
For media or other enquiries, please email:<br />
For media and other enquiries, please email:<br /><br />