North Canterbury News: October 03, 2019
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Thursday, <strong>October</strong> 3, <strong>2019</strong> | Issue 866 |<br />
Caterpillar migration<br />
and MARK PRICE<br />
Truckloads of New Zealand’s<br />
agriculturalhistory wound its<br />
way out of asecret locationnear<br />
Waiau, <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>, last<br />
weekend.<br />
The 20 trucks in the Wanakabound<br />
convoywere loaded with<br />
vintageheavy machinery, the<br />
productofthe world’s biggest<br />
constructionequipment<br />
manufacturer, Caterpillar.<br />
They are destined for display<br />
at the Wheels at Wanaka show.<br />
Ben Gough and Gina<br />
Satterthwaite had held the<br />
collection forsix years.<br />
‘‘The intention has always been<br />
to keep the collectiontogether,’’<br />
Gina says.<br />
‘‘That is why Ben and I<br />
purchased it from Lindsey Willis<br />
in Rotorua.<br />
‘‘The collection is uniquely<br />
Kiwi and reflects the<br />
contribution the Caterpillar<br />
brand and the Gough Group have<br />
made to the development of New<br />
Zealandinfrastructure and<br />
farming.<br />
‘‘We’redelighted apiece of our<br />
family legacy willbepreserved.’’<br />
The Gough Group has been<br />
buying and servicing Caterpillar<br />
equipment since1932. It is the<br />
oldest dealershipoutside of the<br />
United States,and thesecondoldest<br />
in the world.<br />
Gina says every significantcivil<br />
constructionprojectover many<br />
decadeshas usedCaterpillar<br />
machinery and it has helped<br />
shape the South Island.<br />
Those who operated and<br />
preserved it recognised an<br />
important part of New Zealand’s<br />
history.<br />
The collection of 35 machines,<br />
between60and 90 years old,have<br />
been in storagefor around six<br />
years while their future was<br />
contemplated.<br />
Caterpillar collection heads south ... The great grandchildren of Tracey and Peggy Gough, the founders of the Gough Group, from left, Harriet<br />
Gough, Georgia Satterthwaite, Sam Gough, Jack Satterthwaite and Thomas Gough, sit atop aD8bulldozer.<br />
Gina had considered opening a<br />
museumherself, but in the end<br />
decided Wheels at Wanaka was<br />
alreadyset up, and it was<br />
somewherewhere the<br />
equipment wouldbelooked after<br />
and enjoyed. ‘‘We wanted to<br />
share them and not hidethem<br />
away in ashed. They should be<br />
enjoyed,’’ she says.<br />
Wanakacollector and Wheelsat<br />
Wanaka show generalmanager<br />
Allan Dippie, who acquired the<br />
machines, sent trucks north over<br />
the weekendtocollect them.<br />
They are now safely in Wanaka<br />
where he plans to have them all<br />
in workingorder for his next<br />
show duringEaster 2021.<br />
Some are in good condition<br />
and were running, while others<br />
neededliftingontothe<br />
transporters.<br />
Among them is one of the only<br />
two remaining Russell graders in<br />
the world, and arare Speeder<br />
dragline.<br />
Continued Page 2
NEWS<br />
2 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> 3, <strong>2019</strong><br />
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Caterpillar collection heads south<br />
From Page 1<br />
‘‘We’re trying to showcase the<br />
history of Caterpillar in New<br />
Zealand and the tremendous<br />
things that were achieved<br />
with Caterpillars both on<br />
farms and on the big projects<br />
that happened to make the<br />
country what it is,’’ Mr Dippie<br />
says.<br />
Some of the machines have<br />
been restored to asnew<br />
condition, but Mr Dippie said<br />
others would be left with<br />
their dents and scratches.<br />
‘‘If you find agood original<br />
machine, the thought<br />
nowadays is to leave it like<br />
that because there’s alot of<br />
history you see in that<br />
machine —all the scrapes it’s<br />
had.<br />
‘‘Some of them got into<br />
terrible predicaments —they<br />
were pretty fearless some of<br />
those early guys.’’<br />
Lindsay Willis, aforestry<br />
contractor and the man<br />
responsible for the<br />
collection, started saving as<br />
much as he could after<br />
becoming concerned vintage<br />
equipment was being<br />
scrapped.<br />
He began restoring aCat 22<br />
and overtime amassed alarge<br />
collection of vintage Cat<br />
machinery which he housed<br />
in a1500 square metre<br />
building in Rotorua. It was<br />
officially endorsed by<br />
Caterpillar Incorporated and<br />
Goughs NZ.<br />
The New Zealand<br />
Caterpillar Experience<br />
museum was officially<br />
opened in Rotorua in 2006 by<br />
Mr Willis. The collection was<br />
later bought by the Goughs.<br />
Museum pieces ... The collection has been in the<br />
Gough family for six years.<br />
It’s better in yellow ... Jack Satterthwaite at the controls of one of the Caterpillars.<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Soroptimist<br />
Annual Fair<br />
Tuesday 22 <strong>October</strong>, 10am -4pm<br />
Rangiora Showgrounds<br />
70 Stalls full of variety with revamped format<br />
Free Parking<br />
Admission $5 –Children free<br />
Cafe<br />
Cash Machine<br />
Bring your own bags<br />
Crafts | Collectables | Food Hall<br />
Plants &Produce<br />
Southbound... The convoy leaves the Waiaudistrict, boundfor Wanaka.<br />
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On the move ...<br />
Twenty truck and<br />
trailer units were<br />
required to shift<br />
the collection.
Tributes flow for outgoing mayor<br />
David Ayershas beenhailed as<br />
‘‘a gentle, logical voice’’ who<br />
led Waimakariri’s earthquake<br />
recovery.<br />
Tributes flowed at the<br />
Waimakaririmayor’s farewell<br />
function at the Rangiora RSA<br />
on Friday, with special<br />
mentiongivenfor the support<br />
of his wife,Marilyn.<br />
Mr Ayers will retireon<br />
<strong>October</strong>12, after 36 years in<br />
local government, including<br />
the last nineasmayor, leading<br />
the Waimakariri district it its<br />
recovery fromthe 2010 and<br />
2011 earthquakes.<br />
Minister for Greater<br />
Christchurch Regeneration, Dr<br />
Megan Woods, said the<br />
enormity of the challengeof<br />
stepping up as mayor just a<br />
month after theSeptember<br />
2010 earthquake ‘‘must have<br />
been overwhelming’’.<br />
She praised Mr Ayers’<br />
leadership in preparing the<br />
Waimakariri Residential Red<br />
Zone RecoveryPlan,which<br />
provided ablueprint for<br />
developing the AvonOtakaro<br />
River Corridor Regeneration<br />
Plan, whichwas signed off<br />
recently.<br />
She said Mrs Ayers’ lovefor<br />
her communitywas ‘‘justas<br />
strong’’ and ‘‘you will be<br />
missed just as much’’.<br />
WaimakaririMPMatt<br />
Doocey shared some words<br />
from former Earthquake<br />
Recovery MinisterGerry<br />
Brownlee.<br />
‘‘Youled the councilwith a<br />
considered approach, you<br />
worked collaborativelywith<br />
CERA (the <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Earthquake Recovery<br />
Authority)and you always did<br />
what was bestfor the<br />
Waimakariri district.’’<br />
Mr Doocey saidofMr Ayers:<br />
‘‘Yourespected youroffice,<br />
whileremaining<br />
approachable.’’<br />
Deputy Mayor Kevin<br />
Felstead said Mr Ayers had<br />
worked tirelessly to get the<br />
best possible outcome for the<br />
district after the earthquakes.<br />
‘‘When Iwas first elected to<br />
counciltherewas atension<br />
between Rangiora and<br />
Kaiapoi, but that has quickly<br />
eroded underDavid’s<br />
leadership, as he has been a<br />
veryinclusive mayor.’’<br />
Mr Ayers said he was just<br />
one leader in ‘‘a community of<br />
leaders’’.<br />
‘‘Inthis context Ialways see<br />
myself as part of amuch wider<br />
context, with you and allthe<br />
people out there in thewider<br />
community.’’<br />
He said the responsibilities<br />
of amayor can vary daily. ‘‘I<br />
remember being at ahighpowered<br />
meeting at the<br />
Praise for<br />
mayor ...<br />
Minister for<br />
Greater<br />
Christchurch<br />
Regeneration,<br />
Dr Megan<br />
Woods,<br />
seated at left,<br />
paid tribute to<br />
David and<br />
Marilyn Ayers.<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> Club in Christchurchplanningthe<br />
futureof<br />
Greater Christchurchand then<br />
later that day chasing aftera<br />
runaway rooster in Blackett<br />
Street.’’<br />
His most emotional moment<br />
as mayorwas at ameetingin<br />
Kaiapoi just after the earthquakes,<br />
when Waimakariri<br />
DistrictCouncil engineer Gary<br />
Boot announced thatsewage<br />
was no longer being flushed<br />
into the Kaiapoi River and the<br />
audience cheered. ‘‘That<br />
showedthat even though the<br />
peoplewere doing it hard, the<br />
river was important too.’’<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> 3, <strong>2019</strong><br />
Meeting canned<br />
Authentic<br />
Moroccan Cuisine<br />
3<br />
Apublicmeetingwhich wastobeheldat<br />
theRangioraTownHall tonightto<br />
discuss theGovernment’sproposed new<br />
freshwater and environment proposals<br />
has beencancelled. It wasorganised<br />
after<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> wasnot included<br />
in consultation meetings nationwide.<br />
It wascancelled after aministry<br />
representative was not abletoattend.<br />
Hula Hooping<br />
Classes for Adults<br />
with Julie Winton<br />
Thursday nights x8 weeks<br />
When:<br />
Starting: 17 th <strong>October</strong><br />
Time: 7:00-8:00pm<br />
Where:<br />
Price:<br />
Fernside Memorial Hall<br />
$120; with an Early Bird Price of<br />
$100 if paid on or before the 8th <strong>October</strong>.<br />
Contact Julie on: 021 083 237<strong>03</strong><br />
or visit<br />
to sign up &find out more about the health benefits<br />
of Hula Hooping<br />
2211129<br />
Ayers reflects on 36 years of challenges<br />
Outgoing Waimakariri Mayor<br />
DavidAyers would like to see<br />
barriersreduced to encourage<br />
more diversityaroundcouncil<br />
tables.<br />
Mr Ayers, who retires on<br />
<strong>October</strong> 12 after acareer in<br />
localgovernment spanning36<br />
years, says it is getting harder<br />
for young people to serve in<br />
localpolitics.<br />
‘‘Thework of acouncilloris<br />
much harder than it used to be<br />
and it’s getting very difficult to<br />
be acouncillor and haveajob<br />
or run abusiness or afarm,’’<br />
he says. ‘‘And to me that’s<br />
the biggest barriertohaving<br />
more diversityaroundthe<br />
council table.<br />
‘‘Across the whole local<br />
governmentsector,reducing<br />
those barriers should be seen<br />
as something to be considered<br />
with some urgency.’’<br />
Mr Ayerssaidhenever<br />
lookedonlocal government as<br />
acareer. ‘‘Itwas something<br />
extra Idid’’hesaid, because it<br />
did not have high job security,<br />
being three yearsatatime.<br />
‘‘You can’tassume youwill be<br />
reelected’’.<br />
For him, the mayoralty was<br />
somethinghecould do when<br />
he retired from his career as a<br />
teacher and deputy principal.<br />
‘‘That’s aquestionfor a<br />
younger mayor. Do you do it<br />
for30years, or do you suspend<br />
your careerfor three, six, nine<br />
or 12 years?<br />
‘‘And do you simply go back<br />
to your career,orcan you go<br />
back to your career?’’<br />
He says the community and<br />
itspriorities havechanged<br />
significantly over the last36<br />
years and he has had to<br />
change with it.<br />
Thirtysixyears ago climate<br />
change wasnot talked aboutas<br />
much ‘‘and the questionof<br />
human impact wasn’t widely<br />
understood’’, but it is likely to<br />
be the dominant issue for the<br />
incoming council.<br />
As he geared up for his last<br />
ordinary council meeting, Mr<br />
Ayers said the atmosphere<br />
around the council table had<br />
usually beenfriendly.<br />
‘‘There havebeen times of<br />
tension, but certainlyinthe<br />
lastnine years Ihaven’t found<br />
chairing the councildifficult.<br />
‘‘It’s been arewarding<br />
experiencehavingavarietyof<br />
people around the table and<br />
sitting with people who care<br />
about their community.’’<br />
LastFriday, on the day of<br />
the studentled climatestrike,<br />
Mr Ayers said he wondered<br />
how many of his council<br />
colleagues had attendeda<br />
protestordemonstration.<br />
‘‘I have been in lots,’’ he<br />
recalled.<br />
2211413<br />
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NEWS<br />
4 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> 3, <strong>2019</strong><br />
Bylaw looks to tackle<br />
nuisance properties<br />
When is ashipping container useful<br />
storage or an unwelcome eyesore? Is a<br />
rooster awelcome or an unwelcome<br />
addition to the street?<br />
And how long is too long when it comes<br />
to keeping your lawn down?<br />
Anew bylaw being considered by the<br />
Waimakariri District Council aims to<br />
address untidy properties and nuisance<br />
behaviour in communities in the<br />
district.<br />
Issues listed under the framework of<br />
the proposed bylaw include unkempt<br />
properties, hoarding, keeping<br />
inappropriate livestock in urban areas,<br />
and acting in away that otherwise<br />
constitutes ageneral nuisance.<br />
The depositing, storage, or<br />
accumulation of waste, compost,<br />
manure, or offal, for example, is in there,<br />
as well as the storage or use of shipping<br />
containers, vehicles, vehicle bodies or<br />
parts, caravans, or motorhomes.<br />
The proposed bylaw is the result of<br />
changes in national legislation, says<br />
council resource management planner<br />
Garry Blay.<br />
‘‘Fire hazards are no longer currently<br />
addressed by council, which limits<br />
opportunities to control long grass, in<br />
terms of fire risk, in the summer. And<br />
overgrown properties can also create a<br />
habitat for vermin, which can be ahealth<br />
hazard,’’ he says.<br />
However, it is also about about<br />
aesthetics and amenity; how people,<br />
animals and items on properties are<br />
interfering with the peace, comfort, or<br />
convenience of neighbours.<br />
‘‘We talked to council staff about the<br />
issues we might need to consider under<br />
abylaw like this,’’ Garry says.<br />
‘‘We also consulted with other<br />
councils around the country about what<br />
they have put in place and whether there<br />
are measures they have taken that might<br />
work for us.’’<br />
He says that, if passed, the bylaw will<br />
be ratified by the council under the<br />
powers bestowed by the Local<br />
Government Act 2002, the Health Act<br />
1956, and the Litter Act 1979.<br />
It is envisioned that acomplaint under<br />
the new bylaw would trigger a<br />
reasonable investigation, followed by a<br />
monitoring and enforcement response,<br />
starting with atalk with the property<br />
owner to develop astrategy to resolve<br />
the issue.<br />
If the problem remained unaddressed,<br />
council staff might end up<br />
going out to mitigate the situation, with<br />
any resulting costs passed on to the<br />
property owner.<br />
Alast resort would be conviction<br />
under the Local Government Act,<br />
resulting in afine, Garry says.<br />
The consultation process closes on<br />
<strong>October</strong> 21, with public hearings taking<br />
place in December. Anyone making a<br />
submission has the opportunity to be<br />
heard by the council’s hearing panel in<br />
an open meeting, and can make that<br />
request in their submission.<br />
‘‘We want to know whether the whole<br />
exercise is necessary or relevant to the<br />
district, whether there are too many or<br />
too few items on the list, and whether<br />
they are the right ones,’’ Garry says.<br />
The proposed bylaw can be viewed on<br />
the council’s website at<br /><br />
New location ... Fi Sidey, thirdfrom left, the owner of Fi’s Flowers ’n’ Art, with her staff,<br />
from left, Vivienne Williams, Roslyn Harris, and Sharon MacDonald.<br />
Fi headsfor High Street<br />
Fi’s Flowers ’n’ Art has moved from<br />
Rangiora’sConway Lane to the Sparks<br />
Menswear buildinginHigh Street.<br />
The specialistflorist business has<br />
been trading from ConwayLane for<br />
threeyears, and froma‘‘tiny shop’’in<br />
Good Street foreight years before that.<br />
However, owner Fi Sidey wanted bigger<br />
premises to expand her business.<br />
She opened her new shop at 156 High<br />
Street last Monday.<br />
Fi also wantedtoprovide her team<br />
with abigger workspace.‘‘To have more<br />
room for my team to workisour first<br />
pointofcall, and to expandour giftware,<br />
develop agarden section with more<br />
indoor plants and topiaries.’’<br />
Aprivatearea for bridal and<br />
bereavement consultationshas been<br />
developed andFialso plans to offer<br />
floral art night classes.<br />
The storewas stopping shoppers in<br />
their tracksonopening day.<br />
The SparksMenswearbuilding,<br />
owned by Adrienne Spark,ofRangiora,<br />
is one of High Street’s oldest remaining<br />
landmarks.Ithas had extensive quake<br />
strengthening work to bring it up to<br />
required modernstandards,plus a<br />
makeover for its new tenant.<br />
However, the building’s original old<br />
safeand distinctive pressedmetal<br />
ceiling, plusaflowerlike chandelier<br />
thatwas installed more recently,have<br />
all beenretained.<br />
Adriennesays she is excited to have<br />
Fi’sFlowers ’n’ Art in the shop. ‘‘It will<br />
be so good for Rangiora.’’<br />
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NEWS<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> 3, <strong>2019</strong><br />
5<br />
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Toughgoing ... Ita Gain, of Christchurch,competes in the 10km Muddy Good Run lastSunday.<br />
Swannanoa’smuddy good show<br />
Manmade mud and mad costumes<br />
featured at the Muddy Good Run in<br />
Swannanoa last Sunday.<br />
Alarge crowd turned out for the<br />
annual event at the Mandeville Sports<br />
Centre, where hot, dry, sunny weather<br />
greeted entrants.<br />
The Swannanoa Volunteer Fire and<br />
Rescue Service crew provided the mud.<br />
Many of the 200 adults and children who<br />
took part ran in fancydress costumes.<br />
The racing included a500metre<br />
junior KIDZ Mud Run for 46 yearolds,<br />
accompanied by aparent.<br />
The 1.5km races for older children<br />
were staged ahead of the adult races —<br />
aonelap 5km race or atwolap 10km<br />
race. The adult course included mud<br />
pits, slippery slides, mud and water<br />
slides, cars to climb over, trucks to crawl<br />
under, containers to scale and cargo<br />
nets to crawl under. Prizes were hidden<br />
in the mud for contestants to seek out<br />
along the way. Adult race results, 5km<br />
1339 years: Female winner, Jeanna<br />
Abelson. 5km 1339 years: male winner:<br />
Darren Espin. 5km 40plus years: female<br />
winner Mary Orton. 5km 40plus years:<br />
male winner, Darren Whittington. 10km<br />
1339 years: female winner, Kim<br />
Nutbrown. 10km 1339 years male<br />
winner, William ClasonThomas. 10km<br />
40plus years: female winner, Ita Gain.<br />
10km 40plus years: male winner, Matt<br />
Spark. Combined teams: female<br />
winners, Wine About Mud, male<br />
winners, Muddy McMuddy Mud<br />
Mudders. Mixed team winners, Sponge<br />
Bob Muddy Pants. Corporate team<br />
winners, 2Wellnz 2.<br />
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ffer finishes 17 th <strong>October</strong><br />
Wonder Women ... ‘‘Mad friends’’ Penny Monteath, left, from Hanmer Springs, and Catherine Colllings, from Christchurch, at the finish<br />
of the 5km Muddy Good Run.<br />
Kaiapoi Mill, Ranfurly Street, Kaiapoi<br />
Monday –Friday 9am –5pm<br />
Saturday 10am –1pm<br />
Closed on Public Holidays<br />
Ph <strong>03</strong> 327 0576<br />
2202879<br />
• Red beech<br />
• Golden totara<br />
• Golden elms<br />
• Maples<br />
• Dogwoods<br />
• Claret ash<br />
• Flowering cherries<br />
• Cercis forest pansy<br />
• Ash<br />
• Magnolias<br />
• Portuguese laurel standards<br />
to name just afew<br />
Monday7 th Oct-Friday1 st Nov<br />
Monday-Friday9am-4pm<br />
Sunday13 th &Sunday20 th Oct<br />
479 AshleyGorge Road, Oxford<br />
Phone 0272837279<br />
VIEWS<br />
6 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> 3, <strong>2019</strong><br />
This<br />
Week<br />
Sun<br />
Fishing<br />
Guide<br />
Moon<br />
Wind<br />
Swell<br />
Pegasus Bay<br />
Tide Chart<br />
3<br />
2<br />
1<br />
Ok<br />
Around the electorate with<br />
Water plan ‘short-sighted’<br />
Water is aboth acritical strategic asset<br />
and asource of recreation in New<br />
Zealand, and we all knowitmust be<br />
abundant, healthy, clean and costeffective.<br />
While National encourages the<br />
constant improvement of our waterways,<br />
the recent proposalsfrom the<br />
Governmentonfreshwater are shortsighted,<br />
and destined to have perverse<br />
effects on our primary sector and wider<br />
economy.<br />
These wideranging proposals will<br />
limit the flexibilityofNew Zealand<br />
farmers to adjusttomarket conditions<br />
and change their land use,including<br />
dairy conversions.<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> is agreat example of<br />
flexible land use but these proposals will<br />
impactfarmers’ ability to diversify in<br />
future.<br />
But this is not just afarmingissue,it’s<br />
aNew Zealand issue and urban<br />
ratepayers would stand to bear a<br />
significant cost.<br />
Iunderstand that, in Christchurch,the<br />
cost could be in the hundreds of millions,<br />
while in smaller centres, the costs of<br />
compliant sewage schemes are likely to<br />
Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday<br />
Oct 3 Oct 4 Oct 5 Oct 6 Oct 7 Oct 8 Oct 9<br />
Rise 6:59am<br />
Set 7:37pm<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
4:48am<br />
5:15pm<br />
Moderate SW easing<br />
to light S<br />
S1.8 mdecreasing<br />
to 1.0 m<br />
Ok<br />
Rise 6:58am<br />
Set 7:38pm<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
5:42am<br />
6:09pm<br />
Rise 9:48am Set 12:49am<br />
Rise 10:29am<br />
Light Wbecoming<br />
moderate N<br />
SE 0.6 mturning<br />
W<br />
be more than the local community can<br />
afford.<br />
Solving such issues,whichare also<br />
likely to be present in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s<br />
smaller communities, will cost big<br />
money, with only asmall number of<br />
ratepayers to cover the bill.<br />
The millions of dollars thatittook to<br />
repair the earthquake damageto<br />
Kaikoura’ssewer and wastewater<br />
infrastructure gives agood idea of the<br />
true costs communities may face.<br />
In all likelihood, councils will consider<br />
thesebills too high, yet everyone expects<br />
farmers to act and changeovernight.<br />
Nationalestablishedacomprehensive<br />
NationalPolicy Statementwhile in<br />
Government and worked alongside our<br />
primary sector to clean our waterways,<br />
whichhave been steadily improving,as<br />
shownbythe Government’s own data.<br />
Alargepart of this is the hugeamount<br />
of work farmers have already done to<br />
improve water quality.<br />
We shouldbeencouraging sustainable<br />
growth for our industriesand<br />
communities, not stiflingourselves with<br />
costly regulations in the name of political<br />
ideology.<br />
Voters proving tardy<br />
Electors across <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> are being tardy in<br />
returning their postal votes to<br />
help shape their local<br />
councils.<br />
Voters have until noon next<br />
Saturday, <strong>October</strong> 12, to make<br />
their vote count.<br />
Only 11.22 percent of voters<br />
in the Waimakariri district<br />
had voted as of Tuesday, well<br />
down on the 14.34% who had<br />
voted at this stage in the 2016<br />
election.<br />
In the Kaikoura district,<br />
where there is only amayoral<br />
election for the local council,<br />
just 15.64% have voted,<br />
compared to 23.40% three<br />
years ago.<br />
In Hurunui, there has been<br />
abit more interest, with a<br />
16.76% voter turnout to date,<br />
which is down only slightly on<br />
the total at the same time in<br />
2016, when 17.02% had voted.<br />
The low turnout to date is in<br />
spite of electors being asked<br />
to vote for anew mayor in all<br />
three districts, where the<br />
incumbents are standing<br />
down.<br />
The largest turnout to date<br />
in the Waimakariri district is<br />
in the RangioraAshley ward<br />
(12.57%).<br />
In the OxfordOhoka ward<br />
10.50% have voted, while<br />
10.<strong>03</strong>% have posted their<br />
votes in the Kaiapoi<br />
Woodend ward.<br />
The new east ward of the<br />
Hurunui district has pulled<br />
the most returns —19.84%. In<br />
the west ward 16.80% have<br />
voted, while in the south ward<br />
15.19% have returned their<br />
voting papers.<br />
Good<br />
Rise 6:56am<br />
Set 7:39pm<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
6:36am<br />
7:02pm<br />
Set 1:53am<br />
Rise 11:15am<br />
Fresh NW easing<br />
to moderate SW<br />
Good<br />
Bureaucrats should shoulder blame<br />
Dear Editor,<br />
Thoseofthe postRogernomics<br />
generation who ‘‘vent their<br />
spleen’’ at the farming<br />
community, blaming them for a<br />
multitude of environmental sins,<br />
especially water quality, are<br />
sadlyinneed of arecent history<br />
lesson. So here goes!<br />
Up until the ‘‘reforms’’ of the<br />
mid 80s/90s which gaveusthe<br />
Resource Management Act1992,<br />
basedonsome bizarre theories<br />
purveyedbyLabour andseized<br />
on by National,most rivers and<br />
streams in provincial <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
were swimmable and,yes,<br />
drinkable (I’m not dead yet!)<br />
Believe it or not!<br />
And theywere seasonally<br />
grazed by millions of sheep and<br />
some cattle. Wool, meatand<br />
arable/grain were the staple of<br />
the economy and had paidfor 150<br />
yearsofprogress —the<br />
infrastructure we enjoy today.<br />
Nationally, farming was then<br />
Rise 6:54am<br />
Set 7:40pm<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
7:28am<br />
7:54pm<br />
Set 2:51am<br />
Rise 12:06pm<br />
Light Wturning<br />
NE<br />
Rise 6:52am<br />
Set 7:41pm<br />
Moderate NE<br />
Rise 6:51am<br />
Set 7:42pm<br />
Set 4:22am<br />
Rise 2:00pm<br />
Moderate NWturning<br />
N<br />
Rise 6:49am<br />
Set 7:44pm<br />
Best 9:55am<br />
Times 10:18pm<br />
Set 4:57am<br />
Rise 2:59pm<br />
Light SW turning<br />
E<br />
NW 0.9 mturning<br />
S S1.0 m SE 0.8 m SE 0.8 m E0.8 m<br />
3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9<br />
Fair<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
So many people to thank<br />
Nine years and 176 mayoral columns<br />
later, writing for the Hurunui <strong>News</strong> and<br />
more recentlythe <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
<strong>News</strong>,itisstrangetobewritingmyfinal<br />
column.<br />
It has been aprivilege to regularly<br />
sharethoughtsand information withour<br />
community. Ithank the editors for that.<br />
Icongratulatesuccessive editors who<br />
have maintained highstandardsof<br />
honestyand fairness in reporting<br />
controversialissues, at the same time<br />
generously highlighting our goodand<br />
positive people, and the great stuff that<br />
happens across the fantastic districts<br />
comprising its readership.Thank you.<br />
It is also astrange feeling to be leaving<br />
behind aquarter of acentury of local<br />
government involvement.<br />
Therehas been aconvention for<br />
retiring members to do valedictory<br />
speeches,oratleastanexpectationthat a<br />
summary of your time in office is<br />
delivered. Istruggle with the concept.<br />
Afterlistening to many speeches over<br />
the years,and reluctantly submitting to<br />
doingseveral recently myself,the reality<br />
is that there’snoway to adequately<br />
8:20am<br />
8:44pm<br />
Set 3:40am<br />
Rise 1:02pm<br />
Ok<br />
Best<br />
Times<br />
smashed and millions of sheep<br />
liquidated, along with farming<br />
families of three generations. All<br />
watercourses passedinto the<br />
managementofbureaucrats and<br />
theirminions —and who’s<br />
surprised —the rot setin!<br />
What has this to do withwater<br />
quality, Ihear you ask?Well, take<br />
agood lookatthe Waipara, Weka<br />
and Omihirivers as you drive by.<br />
Thoseinitial willows thathad<br />
been planted to preventflood<br />
damage/erosion of property no<br />
longer have thousandsofwoolly<br />
vacuum cleaners chasing after<br />
theirfavourite food —twigs and<br />
leaves —thus preventing them<br />
from falling in the streams and<br />
growing into the now obvious<br />
forest choking the flow and<br />
drinkingupmillions of litres in<br />
9:09am<br />
9:32pm<br />
Ok<br />
convey the experiences, the ups and<br />
downs, failuresand successes, severe<br />
frustrations, or the exhilaration of great<br />
community achievements.<br />
Retirement is inevitably atime for<br />
thankyous. Jean andIhave been the<br />
recipients of manylately, from<br />
community groups and individuals.We<br />
were humbled, but apart of me would<br />
have preferred to have slippedquietly<br />
from thescene,back into normal life.<br />
It is alsotime to say our thankyous —<br />
an impossible task to do adequately.<br />
Postearthquake, we needed to thank<br />
thousands of people, manyunknown,for<br />
their generosity and help.<br />
To identify someand leave others<br />
unacknowledgedwas unacceptable for<br />
me.Alternatively, Ipresented one<br />
SpecialCommunity Service Award<br />
dedicated to everyNew Zealander who<br />
hadcontributed. It hangs in the Waiau<br />
Memorial Hall.<br />
Iaminthe sameposition now. Please<br />
accept this as your personalthankyoufor<br />
everything you havedonefor us, and our<br />
communities. Our time has been what it<br />
hasbeen —aprivilege.Thank you.<br />
hot <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> summers.<br />
About 4km of the WekaCreek<br />
runsthrough the middle of the<br />
WekaPlains.Itwas once grazed<br />
by up to 3000sheep and some<br />
cattle,but the lower,wide shingle<br />
fanswere always destocked for<br />
nesting seasonwhen hundreds of<br />
banded dotterels, piedstilts,<br />
oyster catchersand gullsarrived.<br />
I’m still here entering my 9th<br />
decade and Ican tell you all —<br />
the Weka CreekI’ve known (and<br />
could safely drink from)isnow a<br />
drain for thepollution off State<br />
Highway 7, and there are people<br />
who think land owners should<br />
pay for government neglect!<br />
ECANtake note!<br />
Yours,<br />
JohnMcCaskey,<br />
Waipara<br />
0<br />
Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows<br />
Waimakariri 9:09am 2.6 2:50am 0.3 10:05am 2.5 3:44am 0.4 11:00am 2.4 4:39am 0.5 11:55am 2.3 5:35am 0.5 12:21am 2.2 6:30am 0.6 1:15am 2.2 7:24am 0.6 2:07am 2.1 8:16am 0.7<br />
Mouth<br />
9:34pm 2.4 3:20pm 0.4 10:30pm 2.3 4:17pm 0.5 11:26pm 2.3 5:15pm 0.5<br />
6:14pm 0.6 12:50pm 2.3 7:10pm 0.6 1:43pm 2.3 8:02pm 0.6 2:34pm 2.2 8:50pm 0.6<br />
Amberley 9:09am 2.6 2:50am 0.3 10:05am 2.5 3:44am 0.4 11:00am 2.4 4:39am 0.5 11:55am 2.3 5:35am 0.5 12:21am 2.2 6:30am 0.6 1:15am 2.2 7:24am 0.6 2:07am 2.1 8:16am 0.7<br />
Beach<br />
9:34pm 2.4 3:20pm 0.4 10:30pm 2.3 4:17pm 0.5 11:26pm 2.3 5:15pm 0.5<br />
6:14pm 0.6 12:50pm 2.3 7:10pm 0.6 1:43pm 2.3 8:02pm 0.6 2:34pm 2.2 8:50pm 0.6<br />
9:18am 2.6 2:59am 0.3 10:14am 2.5 3:53am 0.4 11:09am 2.4 4:48am 0.5<br />
5:44am 0.5 12:30am 2.2 6:39am 0.6 1:24am 2.2 7:33am 0.6 2:16am 2.1 8:25am 0.7<br />
Motunau 9:43pm 2.4 3:29pm 0.4 10:39pm 2.3 4:26pm 0.5 11:35pm 2.3 5:24pm 0.5 12:04pm 2.3 6:23pm 0.6 12:59pm 2.3 7:19pm 0.6 1:52pm 2.3 8:11pm 0.6 2:43pm 2.2 8:59pm 0.6<br />
9:20am 2.6 3:01am 0.3 10:16am 2.5 3:55am 0.4 11:11am 2.4 4:50am 0.5<br />
5:46am 0.5 12:32am 2.2 6:41am 0.6 1:26am 2.2 7:35am 0.6 2:18am 2.1 8:27am 0.7<br />
Gore Bay 9:45pm 2.4 3:31pm 0.4 10:41pm 2.3 4:28pm 0.5 11:37pm 2.3 5:26pm 0.5 12:06pm 2.3 6:25pm 0.6 1:01pm 2.3 7:21pm 0.6 1:54pm 2.3 8:13pm 0.6 2:45pm 2.2 9:01pm 0.6<br />
9:15am 2.0 2:59am 0.3 10:12am 1.9 3:55am 0.3 11:08am 1.9 4:50am 0.4<br />
5:44am 0.4 12:30am 1.7 6:37am 0.5 1:22am 1.7 7:28am 0.5 2:11am 1.6 8:18am 0.5<br />
Kaikoura 9:43pm 1.9 3:31pm 0.3 10:40pm 1.8 4:30pm 0.3 11:36pm 1.7 5:28pm 0.4 12:04pm 1.8 6:24pm 0.4 12:58pm 1.8 7:18pm 0.5 1:50pm 1.8 8:08pm 0.5 2:39pm 1.7 8:55pm 0.5<br />
*Not for navigational purposes. Wind and swell are based on apoint off Gore Bay. Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa. Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.<br />
Your Environment Needs YouNow. It Needs Your Vote!<br />
Birds Dying InTheir Thousands InOur District, Rate Increases for Frivolities.<br />
Serious Polluting Beach Sludge. Toxic Waterways. YouCan Make The Difference!<br />
On 3December2018 the council tested the beach foam/sludgeatPines Beach for Enterococci bacteria and the results were<br />
24200 MPN per 100ml and the action level is 280 MPN per 100ml, no action or further testing was taken by the council. EColi<br />
was 6.5 times over the action level.<br />
See more at<br />
See more at<br />
1. Upgrade wastewater treatment for safer,<br />
healthier beaches for all to be proud of.<br />
2. Trytohold rate increases to inflation level.<br />
3. Upgrade drainagetoprevent flooding in and<br />
around our homes and businesses.<br />
4. Increase debt repayment to prevent rates<br />
escalating.<br />
5. Concentrate on core council business and a<br />
commonsense practical approach across all<br />
issues and be transparentacrossall issues.<br />
6. A greater emphasis to upgrade roads<br />
footpaths and pedestrian crossings.<br />
7. More attention to ensure appropriate bus<br />
stops and bus routes for all.<br />
8. Reduce spraying in our rivers, streams and<br />
creeks, storm water drains, gutters and in<br />
and around our parks.<br />
9. Better testing and reporting on the nitrate<br />
levels indrinking wateracross the district.<br />
10. Our waterways and beachesare not healthy,<br />
this must change<br />
11. We must acknowledge our environmental<br />
issues and not ignore them as we are today.<br />
12. AMaori proverb states, ‘If the land is well<br />
and the sea is well, the people will thrive.”<br />
The land and the sea are not well, wemust<br />
step up and change this.<br />
Iamstanding for Mayor for the Waimakariri District and<br />
Councillor for the Kaiapoi/Woodend Ward with the intention<br />
of agreater emphasis on areturntocouncil core business<br />
in order to hold our every increasing rate increases due<br />
largely to council spending on non essential issues.<br />
My vision is to see the Waimakariri District as the<br />
healthiest place to live in New Zealand with amuch greater<br />
emphasis on our environment, waterways and updated<br />
wastewater treatment plant at the same time encouraging<br />
our people and economy to thrive.<br />
Our Waimakariri Wastewater System is outdated and a<br />
source of botulism toxin which poisons and kills large<br />
numbers of waterfowl and wildlife everyyear.Weare well<br />
overdue for amodern upgraded wastewater system for a<br />
healthier environment.<br />
Why is the storm water in the new earthworks running<br />
into the Feldwick Drive drain? Why is it not running away<br />
from the built up area? At the first sign of intensive flooding<br />
this area will flood. Drainage issues must be forefront and<br />
not running on hope.<br />
Our environment determines our standard of the quality<br />
of life that we experience in the outdoors today. Past<br />
councils have mostly ignored the quality of our outdoor<br />
experience, the rivers are polluted, toxic herbicides and<br />
pesticides are used in most drains and streams, our<br />
beaches are covered in a green/brown sludge in an<br />
onshore breeze and our council does not seem to care.<br />
Where is our outdoor experience in this district headed<br />
today?<br />
Community based housing for the elderly or disabled<br />
provided by the council must be forefront as there are<br />
many among us who cannot afford mainstream housing.<br />
An increase in council housing stock would not be remiss.<br />
Pegasus township need an underpass for crossing<br />
access at the roundabout on the main road and another<br />
at the main road for school children to cross to Woodend<br />
School.<br />
Iconsiderthat Iamthe best person for these positions as<br />
I am very approachable with a commonsense, e practical<br />
attitude across all issuess<br />
221<strong>03</strong>73<br />
See more<br />
Authorised by Michael Bate, 2Kalmia Place, Kaiapoi.
NEWS<br />
8 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> 3, <strong>2019</strong><br />
Gail’sdedication made her astar<br />
Gail Fox started in musical<br />
theatre as, in herown words,a<br />
budding prospect —achorus<br />
member with afew stars in her<br />
eyes.<br />
Now, after more than 25 years<br />
in show biz, she has been<br />
recognised by her theatrical<br />
colleagues.<br />
Thoseattending the recent<br />
AucklandconferenceofMusical<br />
Theatre New Zealand gaveher a<br />
MeritAward —atop honourfor<br />
thoseinher field.<br />
Gail has now framed the<br />
award, which takespride of place<br />
in her independent apartment in<br />
RymanHealthcare’s Charles<br />
Honoured ... Gail Fox holds the<br />
merit award, presented by <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> Musicals’ president,<br />
Michelle Hampton.<br />
UphamRetirement Village in<br />
Rangiora, where she lives with<br />
her husband, Bob.<br />
The awardswere introduced in<br />
1993 to honour those who have<br />
made an outstanding<br />
contributiontomusical theatre<br />
in communities.<br />
Gail’s society, <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> Musicals (NCM),<br />
applied on her behalffor the<br />
recognition and highlightedthe<br />
fact that she had been asociety<br />
member and practising<br />
stagecraft for 29 years.<br />
Before joining, she started in a<br />
singing group with the League of<br />
Mothers, and played piano from<br />
the age of 7.<br />
When she became ajunior cast<br />
member with the Rangiora<br />
Society, based in <strong>North</strong>brook<br />
Road,she was encouraged by a<br />
contemporary, JocelynJones.<br />
Her husband, Bob, soon joined<br />
and becameaproduction<br />
manager.<br />
Her early castwork included a<br />
chorus partinOklahoma,Mrs<br />
Harcourt in AnythingGoes,Mrs<br />
Pearce in My Fair Lady,Mother<br />
Superior in Nunsense,aswell as<br />
regular townhall based War<br />
Concerts.<br />
On the administrative side,<br />
Gail was soonpart of the NCM<br />
committee. She served atermof<br />
15 years, of which 13 wereasthe<br />
secretary.<br />
She attended the monthly<br />
meetingsaswell as doing<br />
paperworkfor the bigger shows.<br />
More recently,she has been a<br />
musical director for the NCM<br />
singers performing in classic<br />
showssuch as The Sound of<br />
Long service ... Gail Fox has given years of service to <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Musicals.<br />
Music.‘‘I had to getall the music<br />
together, the chorus, the<br />
harmonies and conductthem all,<br />
put the orchestra together and<br />
conduct that,’’she says of the<br />
role.<br />
Separately, she has put on<br />
concertswith the singersin<br />
venues such as the Rangiora<br />
Town Hall and the <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> RSAs.<br />
She has also worked in a<br />
similar vein for the Hurunui<br />
Theatre Company and the<br />
Kaiapoi TheatreCompany,<br />
sometimes working alongside<br />
DougClark of the Riccarton<br />
Players.<br />
She hasalso assisted the <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> Musical Society with<br />
its fundraisingefforts.She has<br />
raisedthe profileofthe society<br />
within the surrounding<br />
community.<br />
Everyone who knows Gail has<br />
no doubt at some point thanked<br />
her for her support.<br />
Bob and Gail havetwo<br />
children, Greg,who lives near<br />
Newcastle in Australia,and<br />
Bronwyn, who livesinKaiapoi,<br />
and four grandchildren.<br />
She and Bob moved to the<br />
Charles Uphamvillage three<br />
years ago.<br />
‘‘Wehave watchedthe village<br />
growand consider the movehere<br />
one of our best life decisions. The<br />
friendliness of people and staff,<br />
the choices of activities are great;<br />
it’sthe best place to live out our<br />
senior years,’’ Gail says.<br />
End of Season<br />
SALE<br />
Lifestyles and Fashionworks <strong>October</strong> Sale<br />
is moving from Labour Weekend to…<br />
The first weekend of <strong>October</strong><br />
4 th 5 th 6 th 7 th <strong>October</strong> (2 nd weekend of the school holidays)<br />
Opens Friday 3pm -6pm and Sat, Sun, Mon at 10am<br />
Hanmer Spring’s Memorial Hall<br />
The Courtyard<br />
Conical Hill Road, Hanmer Springs<br />
Ph <strong>03</strong> 315 7120<br />
Alpine Pacific Centre<br />
Conical Hill Road, Hanmer Springs<br />
Ph <strong>03</strong> 315 7126<br />
2208981<br />
OR TO MAKE<br />
YOUR BOOKING<br /><br />
EACH<br />
$15<br />
EACH<br />
$10<br />
MON – WED 4PM<br />
THURS – SUN 11AM OR 3PM<br />
Pizzaschoolisavailabletoall preschool and<br />
primary schools. Childrenmustbesupervised<br />
at alltimes whilethey areonthe premises.<br />
amaximum of 20.
Markdown<br />
Madness FinalWeekk<br />
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58” 4K SmartUHD TV RU7100<br />
58"<br />
OUR<br />
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PER<br />
NEWS<br />
10 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> 3, <strong>2019</strong><br />
Tickets selling fast<br />
for special tours<br />
Tickets to specialtours being staged as<br />
partofthe HurunuiGarden Festival are<br />
selling out.<br />
Withjustamonth until the festival,<br />
tickets to the HiddenGems and<br />
Woodchester Wallsand Waterfallstours<br />
are proving popular.<br />
The two tours are being offered in<br />
addition to the 23 gardens thatwill be open<br />
for the festival, from November 1to3.<br />
Hidden Gemsisaselfdrivetour in the<br />
Lowry Hillstovisit three gardens and<br />
enjoy hospitality at eachdestination.<br />
The Woodchester Walls and Waterfalls<br />
excursionisabus tour of ahigh country<br />
station.<br />
Festival secretary Anita Toddsays while<br />
it is called Hidden Gems,the word is out<br />
about the selfdrive tour of three gardens<br />
nestledagainst the Lowry Hills.<br />
‘‘Wethoughtthis year we would offer our<br />
visitorsanunforgettable selfdrive tour of<br />
Wynyard,with its native garden, Black<br />
Rock with its rare and unusualperennials,<br />
and Ribbonwood,which has the most<br />
amazingviews of the Kaikouras,’’Anita<br />
says.<br />
‘‘Ticketsalesfor the tour, which must be<br />
purchasedinadvance, are selling well,<br />
particularly on Friday and Saturday.<br />
‘‘Ifpeoplewant to discover these hidden<br />
gems, whichincludesmorning tea at<br />
Wynyard,lunch at BlackRock and wine<br />
and cheese at Ribbonwood,they needto<br />
buy their tickets today,’’ she says.<br />
The Wallsand Waterfallstour visits<br />
Woodchester Station,home to the<br />
celebrated Wall of Waiau and Lake<br />
Rebekah, created whenfaultlines<br />
ruptured in the 2016 WaiauKaikoura<br />
earthquake.<br />
Amassivelandslidedammed the Leader<br />
River and flooded the valley to form the<br />
kilometrelong lake.<br />
Tourguestswillbeserved lunch in the<br />
garden of the homesteadwhich includes<br />
an extraordinaryhillside garden featuring<br />
morethan 100 rhododendrons.<br />
‘‘Itseems the chance to inspect the<br />
awesome impact of the 2016 Waiau<br />
Do you need abackflow<br />
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Changing landscape ... Participants in the<br />
the Walls and Waterfalls tour will be able to<br />
inspect Lake Rebekah, which formed on<br />
Woodchester Station after the 2016<br />
earthquake.<br />
Kaikouraearthquakes is proving very<br />
popular,’’Anita says.<br />
‘‘With justone tour eachday, limitedto<br />
40 visitors,almostall the tickets to Friday’s<br />
and Saturday’s tours have sold. Seats are<br />
stillavailable on Sunday for peoplewho<br />
get in quick.’’<br />
Tickets for eachtour cost $95. For more<br />
information and to buy tickets, visit<br /><br />
Burglars eye rural buildings<br />
Rural properties such as farm<br />
outbuildings and commercial<br />
properties in <strong>Canterbury</strong> are most at<br />
risk of being burgled, according to<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> Police.<br />
Police say people should remember<br />
to lock premises and vehicles at night<br />
and put tools or equipment out of view.<br />
Welllit premises, security cameras<br />
and alarms are also adeterrent.<br />
The warning comes in spite of nonresidential<br />
burglaries being down 15.5<br />
percent in <strong>Canterbury</strong> in the three<br />
months from May to July, compared to<br />
the previous three months.<br />
In the MayJuly period, there were<br />
579 reported burglaries of nonresidential<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> 3, <strong>2019</strong><br />
11<br />
Youngsters aim for apolished performance<br />
Two terms of hard work is<br />
starting to pay off for agroup of<br />
talented young musicians.<br />
The Rangiora Salvation<br />
Army’s Just Brass music<br />
programme, aimed at children<br />
who would otherwise miss out<br />
on music lessons, has been<br />
running for just two school<br />
terms, but is already proving a<br />
hit with families.<br />
‘‘It’s aimed at families who<br />
can’t afford to have music<br />
lessons, but it’s open to any<br />
students.<br />
‘‘We ask the teachers if there<br />
are any kids who would benefit<br />
from music lessons,’’ Rangiora<br />
Salvation Army captain<br />
Christine De Maine says.<br />
‘‘Research shows that<br />
children benefit from playing<br />
music, as it helps their<br />
attention spans and their<br />
learning.’’<br />
She says 14 children at<br />
Ashgrove and Rangiora<br />
Borough Schools are receiving<br />
lessons at school each week,<br />
with aband practice every<br />
Tuesday after school led by<br />
Christchurch musician Barrett<br />
Hocking.<br />
Some of the children had<br />
never played an instrument<br />
before joining Just Brass.<br />
‘‘I love it. It’s such an amazing<br />
thing that the Salvation Army is<br />
doing in providing free music<br />
lessons,’’ Barrett says.<br />
‘‘We’re now two terms into it<br />
and Ican’t wait for the next.<br />
‘‘We started in week one of<br />
term two. They were given their<br />
instruments and shown how to<br />
hold them, and 24 hours later it<br />
was the first band practice,’’<br />
Barrett says.<br />
Aconcert is held at the end of<br />
each term, with ashared meal,<br />
so parents, grandparents,<br />
teachers and friends can check<br />
on their progress.<br />
‘‘Last term the kids were just<br />
on ahigh after they achieved<br />
their first concert,’’ Christine<br />
says.<br />
The second Rangiora Just<br />
Brass concert was held last<br />
Tuesday at the Rangiora<br />
Salvation Army Hall.<br />
The next one will be held on<br />
December 10, with aChristmas<br />
theme.<br />
Zeke Stirling, aged 9, has<br />
been learning the tuba, which<br />
he says is played by ‘‘blowing<br />
lots of air into it’’.<br />
He says his friends at school<br />
are intrigued by the tuba, and<br />
‘‘some of them even ask how<br />
heavy it is —it’s pretty heavy’’.<br />
He wrote aspeech on the<br />
importance of learning music<br />
for aschool assignment and<br />
presented it during Tuesday’s<br />
concert.<br />
‘‘I might be learning the<br />
guitar next year.<br />
‘‘I want to be afamous<br />
musician and me and my<br />
friends are going to play in a<br />
band.’’<br />
The Rangiora Salvation Army<br />
provides the instruments and<br />
funds the music lessons.<br />
Christine says she is keen to<br />
hear from potential sponsors to<br />
keep the programme going.<br />
The programme is for up to 16<br />
children, so there are two<br />
vacancies available.<br />
Setting the tone ...<br />
Conductor Barrett Hocking leads a<br />
rehearsal for last week’s concert<br />
for the Just Brass music<br />
programme run by the Rangiora<br />
Salvation Army.<br />
Duet ... Grace Seaton, left, and<br />
Joseph De Maine receive alesson<br />
from Rangiora Salvation Army<br />
captain Nigel De Maine.<br />
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NEWS<br />
12 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> 3, <strong>2019</strong><br />
Rangiora’sheritage features on calendar<br />
Photographs of old Rangiora<br />
are once again featuring on a<br />
fundraising calendar.<br />
Rangiora Museum curator<br />
Ann Jelfs says the 2020<br />
calendar, afundraiser for the<br />
museum, has once again been<br />
sponsored by R. Grant<br />
Electrical and Wilson Print.<br />
Mrs Jelfs says her favourite<br />
photo is the one chosen for<br />
January of the Cam Dairy<br />
Produce Company Ltd’s cheese<br />
factory on the corner of<br />
<strong>North</strong>brook and Boys roads,<br />
‘‘because it’s where Igrew up’’.<br />
‘‘It was closed after World<br />
War 1and it was empty during<br />
World War 2, so it was used as a<br />
playground for children.’’<br />
Later, it become the St<br />
Clement’s Peel Factory, where<br />
Mystery object ... Rangiora Museum volunteers are keen to learn what<br />
this device was used for.<br />
Mrs Jelfs was employed for a<br />
holiday job peeling ginger and<br />
taking the pips out of cherries.<br />
‘‘We lived downstream, so<br />
you always knew when they<br />
were emptying the vat, because<br />
the water would be red or<br />
green.’’<br />
The cover page features a<br />
horse fair at the former<br />
Rangiora saleyards site, which<br />
was situated between Victoria<br />
and Percival streets.<br />
The calendars are on sale for<br />
$15 from Rangiora Museum or<br />
from Ian McIntosh at Rangiora<br />
Barbers.<br />
Mrs Jelfs says the calendar<br />
would make the perfect<br />
Christmas present alongside a<br />
booklet, Rangiora Random<br />
Jottings,which sell for $10 each.<br />
The booklet is acollection of<br />
‘‘little snippets’’ written by the<br />
late Don Hawkins for the<br />
museum’s newsletter.<br />
Amystery object, aPhotax<br />
chrome glazing plate, had<br />
museum volunteers scratching<br />
their heads and they are keen<br />
to learn more about it.<br />
The item is electrical and has<br />
acloth top, which folds on top of<br />
astainless steel base.<br />
Aquick Google search<br />
suggests achrome glazing plate<br />
is used in developing<br />
photographs.<br />
The Rangiora Museum is<br />
open on Wednesdays and<br />
Sundays from 1.30pm to 4pm.<br />
With children’s activity sheets<br />
available, it is worth avisit<br />
during the school holidays.<br />
Admission is $2 for adults, and<br />
50 cents for children.<br />
New calendars ... Rangiora Museum curator Ann Jelfs displays a2020<br />
calendar of old Rangiora photographs, which the museum is selling as<br />
afundraiser.<br />
Youngsters<br />
shine in<br />
production<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> 3, <strong>2019</strong><br />
13<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Encore ... Rangiora’s Hartley School of<br />
Performing Arts pupils Jasper Atkin, left, as<br />
The Happy Prince, with Neve Aitken as Fidel<br />
the Swallow.<br />
Town Hall performance ... Emmelia<br />
Williams, dancing as Reed,front, with other<br />
pupilsfrom Rangiora’s Hartley School of<br />
Performing Arts during the school’s<br />
production of The HappyPrince. PHOTOS:SUPPLIED<br />
Rangiora’sHartley SchoolofPerforming<br />
Arts is celebratingthe success of its latest<br />
theatricalproduction.<br />
The schoolheld two performances of<br />
OscarWilde’s The Happy Prince in the<br />
Rangiora Town Halllast Saturday.<br />
Both shows featured more than 100<br />
pupils, aged 4to11, fromthe school’s<br />
junior department.<br />
Bothperformances werealmost full<br />
houses.<br />
‘‘Weare very happy with that —aroom<br />
fullofproud and supportive parents to<br />
cheer on our young cast of performers,’’<br />
school founder DaleHartley said.<br />
‘‘The show came along in leapsand<br />
bounds, from aslightly hairy first dress<br />
rehearsal on Wednesday, to anearperfect<br />
pairofperformances today,’’ she<br />
saidafterthe show.<br />
Large hailstones pepper nursery<br />
Hail rippednets and peppered plants at<br />
CJ’s Plant Farmonthe outskirts of<br />
Amberley on Wednesdaylast week,<br />
leaving someplants damaged.<br />
The storm rolled in about 4.30pm,<br />
delivering hail stones half the size of golf<br />
balls. Nets tore apart or collapsed on to<br />
plants underthe weight of the hail, which<br />
pelted theregion for about 15 minutes<br />
before heavy rain delivered adrenching.<br />
CJ’s owner Jeff Elliott was assessing the<br />
cost of the storm.<br />
He said CJ’s retail area wasn’taffected,<br />
but the larger wholesale side, Elliott’s<br />
Wholesale Nursery, came under siege.<br />
The storm had hit at one of the<br />
nursery’s busiesttimes, and not being<br />
able to get plants out of the wholesale<br />
area had proved to be the biggest issue.<br />
Also, he had to waituntil the hailhad<br />
meltedbeforehecouldget stafftostart<br />
cleaning up, with acold night following<br />
the storm slowing the thaw.<br />
Thestormhad left afew tonnes of hail,<br />
he said. Irrigation sprinklerswere also<br />
damaged.<br />
‘‘Itisabit of adoubleedged sword.We<br />
saved alot of plants because of the nets,<br />
but somewere damaged when they<br />
collapsed and ripped.’’<br />
He and his wife Caroline were able to<br />
collapse twoofthe larger nets while hail<br />
stones rained down on them, but others<br />
weretorn, leaving holes for the hailstones<br />
to pierce holesinthe leavesofplants.<br />
‘‘Wewill have to thinkabit sideways to<br />
tryand recoversome of ourlosses. We<br />
might havetohave awhale of ahailsale.’’<br />
Stocktake Clearance<br />
Strainer H4 Unpointed<br />
180-200 approx SED:<br />
2.1m $22.00 ea<br />
2.4m $25.00 ea<br />
Timber<br />
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150x25 NZ Cedar Rough sawn pack approx. 250m $375.00 ea<br />
Truck/trailer timber H3 rebated 140x30 8/4.8m $220.00 per pack<br />
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Scaffold planks Laminated Damaged 225 x3m<br />
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Builder pegs 1mixed pallet Treated $35.00<br />
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Delivery Available<br />
PHONE 0800 502 333<br />
<strong>2019</strong> MainPower <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Sports Awards Finalists<br />
The<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Sport&RecreationTrust is pleased to announcefinalists forthe <strong>2019</strong> MainPower <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Sports Awards. These<br />
finalists were selected from 66 high calibrenominationscovering an incredible 32 different sporting codes,fromgrass-rootstointernational<br />
representatives. CATEGORY and SUPREMEAWARD winners willbeannounced at the awards dinner on Friday 1st November at the Ohoka Sport&<br />
Events Centre. Tickets areavailable nowfromthe <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Sport &Recreation Trust. Ph: <strong>03</strong> 975 5560. Email:<br />
The <strong>2019</strong> finalists are...<br />
Pictured LtoR:<br />
RangioraCroquet Club,EsraMcGoldrick,<br />
KimCotton,Omihi School Farm Race<br />
Sportsman (sponsoredbyNFPreen Fencing)<br />
Kazuma Kabori -Golf. Winningthe <strong>2019</strong> NZ PGA at Pegasus<br />
against afield of seasoned professionals capped agreat year for<br />
Kazuma, which included wins and topplacings at tournaments<br />
across NZ and Australia.<br />
JacobVincent - Rugby. Astandoutperformer in the successful<br />
Glenmark-Cheviot Div 1rugbyteam, Jacob also claimed the<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Senior RugbyPlayerofthe Year Award.<br />
Fraser Sheat-Cricket. OurJunior Sportsman from 2018<br />
continued to perform through last summer’s season and has<br />
recently secured acontract with <strong>Canterbury</strong> Cricketfor the<br />
upcoming domestic provincial season.<br />
Sportswoman (sponsored by R. Grant Electrical)<br />
Debs Bean -Boxing. In just her second year of boxing Debs<br />
wonboth the <strong>North</strong> and South Island Champs in her division<br />
and qualified for the NZ Champs in <strong>October</strong>.<br />
Thesingle mother of three is on a7-fight<br />
winning streak she hopes to extend.<br />
GraceBrooker - Rugby. Gracemade a<br />
strong impressionondebut forthe Black<br />
Fernsoff the bench against Australia this year,<br />
and wasakey member of the <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
team thatwon the FarahPalmer Cup in 2018.<br />
StephTweed -Dog Trials. Thefirst woman<br />
in over 100 years to win aNZDogTrials event.<br />
Steph, from Waikari, wonthe StraightHunt<br />
section of both the <strong>North</strong> Islandand NZ<br />
Kazuma Kabori<br />
Champs with dogGrit, after finishing third at the SouthIsland<br />
Champs in theZigZag Hunt with dog Lou.<br />
Junior Sportsman (sponsored byRangioraNew World)<br />
Luke Hopkinson-Wrestling. Judged as one of the country’s<br />
most promising young wrestlersin2018, Luke has gone on to<br />
win at the National Wrestling Champs and the NZ Secondary<br />
School Champs. Luke wasalso selectedfor the NZ Junior<br />
Wrestling Team that travelled to the US earlier this year.<br />
GusKelliher -Swimming. Breaking the long-standing NZ<br />
50m Butterfly record at the Australian StateTeamsChamps put<br />
the gloss on astrong showing against Aussie’s best swimmers,<br />
which included bronzemedals in 100m and 200m backstroke.<br />
Fletcher Newell -Rugby. Strong performancesfor <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
at the 2018 Jock Hobbs National U19 tournamentsaw Fletcher<br />
selectedfor the NZ side to contest theU20WorldChamps.<br />
Rhys Mariu -Cricket. At just 17 Rhys was one of the youngest<br />
members of the NZ U19 Cricket team which played5ODIs<br />
againstits Australian counterparts in July,and wasthe only<br />
playerfromeither team to scoreacenturyinthe series.<br />
Junior Sportswoman (sponsored by Active Health)<br />
Esra McGoldrick-Basketball. After returning from a<br />
scholarship in theUS, Esrawas selectedfor the National<br />
Women’s Team for the <strong>2019</strong> Asia Cupand William Jones Cup,<br />
and wasakey figureinthe triumphant<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Basketball’s Premier Women’s team this season.<br />
MaceyFraser - Futsal &Football. Selectiontothe NZ Futsal<br />
Fernswas greatrewardfor Macey’sefforts in the <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
and Rangiora High SchoolFutsal teams which both won<br />
national titles thisyear. Maceywasalsoakey member of NZ<br />
U17 team which came thirdattheFIFAU17 WorldCup.<br />
Gabrielle Rennie-Football. Alwaysathreatonattack Gabi<br />
wasasenior member of the NZ teamthatmade historyby<br />
finishing 3rdatthe U17 Women’s Football WorldCup. Gabby<br />
has sincebeen selectedfor the NZ U19 team and the Football<br />
FernsTraining camp ahead of the WorldCup.<br />
HelenMatthews-Basketball. Abusy year sawHelen selected<br />
to attend theSteve AdamsInvitational Camp while playing<br />
forthe <strong>Canterbury</strong> Wildcats,NCBA Premier Women’s team and<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>U19 team, topped off with selection to the NZ U18<br />
3-on-3 TournamentAsia Qualifier.<br />
Sports Team (sponsored by TheSport Shop)<br />
GlenmarkCheviotDiv 1RugbyTeam. An undefeatedseason<br />
sawthis team declared jointwinners of the Combined Country<br />
Div1competition after drawing with Southerninanover-time<br />
thriller,and winners of the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Div 1competition.<br />
Rangiora High School Girls Futsal Team. Strong<br />
performances through the tournamentand alast second goal<br />
sawthe team win the National Secondary SchoolsSenior Futsal<br />
Championships forthe firsttime.<br />
Olivia Cottam &Lauren Sim -Rowing. Afterbeing partof<br />
8s and 4s crewsthatmade Afinalsatthe Rowing National<br />
Championships,Olivia and Lauren teamed up to win the final of<br />
the Women’s Club Coxless Pair.<br />
Sports Coach (sponsored by Pegasus Golf &Sports Club)<br />
Liam Connelly -Basketball. This year Liam took on the<br />
co-coaching role forthe Waitaha (<strong>Canterbury</strong>) U19 boys<br />
team, helping both A&Bteams qualify forthe National<br />
U19 Championships,where they finished 3rd and 10th<br />
respectively.<br />
MatthewCunningham - Basketball. Coach of the NCBA<br />
U20 team which won the<strong>Canterbury</strong>club competition<br />
in <strong>2019</strong>, Matt isalsoheadcoachfor the highlysuccessful<br />
NCBA Hoops & StarsAcademies.<br />
SamWatkins-Basketball. This year Samhas takenon<br />
coachingroles with the Waitaha U15 girls(3rdatNationals)<br />
and RangioraHigh School Senior Ateam which finished<br />
6th at the South Island Champs, qualifying them forthe NZ<br />
SecondarySchool Nationals in <strong>October</strong>.<br />
Masters Sportsperson (sponsoredbyRangiora VetCentre)<br />
Julia Spark-Triathlon. Competing in events around the world<br />
Julia has had memorable results at the Grape Ride (1st overall<br />
female),ChallengeWanakaHalf Ironman (1st in age group), and<br />
AntarcticaMarathon(2nd in age group).<br />
Sara Schist -Crossfit. Selection to the NZ Crossfitteam for<br />
the Masters League Games came afterSarafinished 2nd at the<br />
National semifinals and in the toptwo in her division and age<br />
group in <strong>Canterbury</strong>inthe Australasian Masters League Open.<br />
Leigh Routhan -Bodybuilding. Afterjust 2years in thesport<br />
of bodybuilding Leigh placed2nd in his age group at the Asia<br />
Pacific and Otago Championships recently.<br />
Sports Official (sponsoredbyAll Insure)<br />
TomMosely-Hockey. Afamiliar facein<strong>Canterbury</strong>Hockey<br />
Premier and Div 1fixtures this year,<br />
Tomumpired at the recent Rankin<br />
Cup&India ShieldSecondarySchool<br />
tournamentfor the 10thyear running.<br />
Kim Cotton -Cricket. This year Kim<br />
wasnamed Umpireofthe Year by<br />
the NZ Cricket Umpires &Scorers<br />
Association afterstanding in several<br />
matchesaspartofthe Women’s World<br />
T20 competition and the ICCWomen’s<br />
T20 WorldCup Qualifying tournament.<br />
Rangiora HighSchool FutsalTeam<br />
Athlete withaDisability (sponsoredbyMcAlpinesMitre10)<br />
Kyle Harpur -Athletics. Kyle representedNZinShot Putand<br />
Mini Javelin at the Special Olympics WorldSummer games in<br />
AbuDhabi this year,winning bronzeand silver medals.<br />
HavenDrinnan-Swimming. Following gold medals at the last<br />
Special Olympics,Havencompeted in the regional Tier 1event in<br />
Blenheim recently,returningwith goldmedals in her specialist<br />
Freestyle &Breaststroke events.<br />
CarlyRobb -Swimming. At the regional Ribbon Dayevent in<br />
Blenheim Carlywon gold in Assisted Swim and Freestyle events.<br />
She has also performed well in the pool at NZ Special Olympics<br />
and plays Netball at Hagley Park everyweek through winter.<br />
Sports Event (sponsored by Waimakariri DistrictCouncil)<br />
NCBA South Island PrimarySchool Tournament<strong>2019</strong>.<br />
Bringing in 43 teams and over 450 Year 5-8 players,the SIPT is<br />
one of <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>’slargest sporting events. It provides<br />
local school players arareopportunitytoplayagainst teams<br />
from across the South Island.<br />
<strong>2019</strong> <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>SwimClub Ribbon Meet. Attracting<br />
almost 300 swimmers and their supporters from all <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Swimming Clubs,thistwo-day eventprovides valuable<br />
competition experiencefor swimmersand officials.<br />
Omihi School Farm Race. In just its second yearthe Omihi<br />
School Farm Raceattracted273 runners,walkers and<br />
mountainbikers from 7to90years old,including toplevel<br />
international athletesand first timers. The event is amajor fund<br />
raiser forthissmallschool, raising over $12,000.<br />
Club of the Year (InjuryPreventionWaimakariri)<br />
RangioraGolf Club. The110 year old RangioraGolf Club<br />
continues to provide forits 411 members and the wider<br />
community. With astrong committee and volunteerbase the<br />
club is introducing new initiatives forplayers young and old to<br />
carry its success into the future.<br />
RangioraCroquet Club. Promoting Croquet asasportfor all<br />
ages has been one of the key focuses of the RCCoverthe past<br />
year. Withitsnew facilityonRiver Road theclubhas been able<br />
to increase membership from 9to46, with manyofthe new<br />
members having never playedthe sportbefore.<br />
<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> SwimClub. Ourlocal swim club continues<br />
to grow and is bringing through increasing numbers of<br />
swimmers from its juniorprogrammes into teamstocompete<br />
at regional and national meets,supportedbyexcellentcoaches<br />
and officials.<br />
GlenmarkCheviotRFC. Fielding aColts team to playinthe<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> Countrycompetition this year helped boost the<br />
success of this club across the board-success which included<br />
winning both the Combined and NC Div 1titles and claiming<br />
the Club of the Year awardattheNC RugbyAwards.<br />
ServicetoSport (sponsored by BNZ, Harcourts RangioraFour<br />
SeasonsRealty&Hurunui District Council)<br />
John Hamilton -Cricket. Amember of the OhokaCricket Club<br />
forover40years,Johnhas spent the last 30 of these in roles for<br />
the club committee,including President, and for<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
CountryCricket as boardmember,coach and selector. John<br />
also prepares the cricket pitchesatMandeville<br />
Sports Club and sponsors manyteams and<br />
sports through his local business.<br />
Mike Smart-BMX. Despitebeing with the<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> BMX Club foronly ashort<br />
time,Mike’sinput has been pivotal in the<br />
developmentofthe club’s new track in Rangiora<br />
with the aim of making it afantastic facilityto<br />
benefit the whole community.<br />
Gordon Wong -Basketball. Chairmanof<br />
NCBA is just the latest of many rolesGordon<br />
has undertaken forthe bettermentofthe sport<br />
across the region. While still coaching and managing teams<br />
-and mentoring others in these roles too-his mainaim is to<br />
continue to raise the profile of the sportand theopportunities<br />
it givestoour players both young and old.<br />
Official Media Partner of the <strong>2019</strong><br />
MainPower NC Sports Awards
<strong>2019</strong> MainPower Youth Sports<br />
Scholarship Finalists<br />
MainPower is pleased to supportyouth sporting achievementin<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Theaim of the MainPower Youth Sports Scholarships is to assist local sporting talenttoperform to their utmost ability. TheScholarships<br />
support high achieving young sports people from within Waimakariri, Hurunui and Kaikouradistricts to achieveattainable goals and to build<br />
afoundation thatwill encourage astrong cultureofsportingsuccessand excellenceacross the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> region.<br />
Through apartnership between MainPower and the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Sport & Recreation Trust,scholarships totalling$30,000 will be<br />
awarded to these outstanding young <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> sports people at the 18th annual MainPower <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Sports Awards on<br />
Friday1st November,with these funds going towardstheir continued developmentintheir chosen sport for the next 12 months.<br />
Tickets to the awards areavailable fromthe <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Sport&Recreation Trust.Ph: <strong>03</strong> 975 5560 oremail<br />
Kazuma Kabori (17) -Golf<br />
•1st -<strong>2019</strong> NZPGA Championship<br />
•1st -2018 Victoria Junior Amateur Championships<br />
•2nd -<strong>2019</strong> NZ Strokeplay<br />
•2nd -<strong>2019</strong> Australasian Boy’sChampionships<br />
•1st -<strong>2019</strong> South Island Strokeplay<br />
•NZRepresentativeatIMG Junior Worlds,Mexico International,<br />
2018 Jack Newton International Championship<br />
Blair Currie (18)-Football<br />
•NZ Football U17 women’s team 2018<br />
-3rd at FIFA 2018 U17 WorldCup<br />
-<strong>2019</strong> HalbergAwardsfinalists<br />
-<strong>2019</strong> winners of NZ Football Team of the Year<br />
•Selected to SetonHall University(NJ)team -Div1NCAA<br />
•Mainland Football Senior Women’s GK of theYear 2018<br />
Olivia Sloan (17) - Archery<br />
•Member of ArcheryNZWomen’s team U17 and Open<br />
•33rdfrom 83 at <strong>2019</strong> Youth World Championships<br />
•NZteamat ArcheryWorld Championships in the Netherlands<br />
•Currently holds 7xNZrecords<br />
• <strong>2019</strong> ArcheryNZNationals<br />
-1st Cadet Recurve and 1st MatchPlay<br />
-3rd Senior Division Matchplay<br />
Helen Matthews (17) -Basketball<br />
•Member of NZU18 3-on-3 team for AsiaCup<br />
•Member of <strong>Canterbury</strong>Wildcats Women’s Basketball team<br />
•Member of<strong>Canterbury</strong>U19 team and selectedfor<br />
Tournamentteam at U19 Nationals<br />
•Selected to Steven Adams Camp forNZ’sbest Secondary<br />
School Players<br />
•Member of Mainland Eagles Academy<br />
GeorgePrain (19) -Rugby<br />
•<strong>Canterbury</strong>Under 19 team<br />
• Lincoln UniversityPremier Colts<br />
• NZSecondary Schools RugbyTeam<br />
• 50Caps forRangioraHigh School 1st XV<br />
• <strong>Canterbury</strong>Country&<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Representative<br />
Gabrielle Rennie (18) - Football<br />
•NZFootball U17 women’s team 2018<br />
-3rd at FIFA2018 U17 World Cup<br />
-<strong>2019</strong> HalbergAwardsfinalists<br />
-<strong>2019</strong> winners of NZ Football Team of the Year<br />
•Selectedfor NZ Football Fernstraining camp<br />
•PartofNZU20Team thatqualified for2020 WorldCup<br />
RebeccaJones (18) -Archery<br />
•7th in Individual MatchPlayat2018 YouthOlympicGames<br />
•4th in Teams MatchPlayat2018 Youth Olympic Games<br />
•NZIndoor Nationals <strong>2019</strong><br />
-1st in Target,2nd in MatchPlay<br />
•NZOutdoor Nationals<br />
-1st in Clout,3rdinTarget<br />
•Nominatedfor Halberg“Emerging Talent”Award <strong>2019</strong><br />
Jacob Turner (16) -Mountainbiking<br />
•1st -U17 at <strong>2019</strong> Oceania XCOChampionships<br />
•3rd -U17 at <strong>2019</strong> NZ National MTBChampionships<br />
•2018 South Island Schools Championships -1st overall<br />
-1st Enduro, 1st Downhill,2nd Cross Country<br />
•1st at Cyclocross Nationals<br />
• 2ndatSouth Island Mountainbike Championships<br />
Angus Kelliher(17) - Swimming<br />
•Member of NZ team at 2018 Australian State Championships<br />
-set new NZ 50m Butterfly record<br />
-3rd in 100m &200m Backstroke<br />
-4th in 100m &200m Butterfly<br />
•Selectedfor NZ team at <strong>2019</strong> Australian StateChampionships<br />
•Multiple Golds at NZ AgeGroupChampionships<br />
•MemberofNZGold SwimmingSquad<br />
MaceyFraser(17)-Football&Futsal<br />
•NZFootball U17 women’s team 2018<br />
-3rd at FIFA2018 U17 WorldCup<br />
•NZNational Women’s Futsal Team forTourtoChina<br />
•NZSecondarySchools U19 Football team<br />
•<strong>Canterbury</strong>United Pride Women’s Football and Futsal teams<br />
-Both national champions in 2018.<br />
•Led RHS Futsal team to National SecondarySchools Title<br />
This year 14 applications were received forthe MainPower Youth Sports Scholarships. All applicants were extremely well qualified andasusual some<br />
difficult decisionsweremadebythe judges to selectjust tenfinalists from this talentedgroup,and the topthree from these ten. Unfortunately,the<br />
following three young sports men and women did not receiveascholarship this year,but we congratulate them on their successes and encourage them to<br />
keep achieving greatresults over the coming year so we see them in our finals list in the future...<br />
Kate Campbell - Rifle Shooting; Luke Hopkinson - Wrestling; Star Richens - Iceskating<br />
<strong>2019</strong> Judges :<br />
Julie Seymour,Pat Barwick,Lorraine McLeod &Athol Earl
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‘It has been achallenge<br />
for all of us,’ says mayor<br />
Winston Gray has had his last council<br />
meeting, as he counts down to<br />
retirement.<br />
The Kaikoura mayor, who will bow out<br />
on <strong>October</strong> 12, attended Friday’s<br />
retirement function for Waimakariri<br />
Mayor David Ayers.<br />
‘‘We had the last council meeting on<br />
Wednesday (last week) and<br />
we had afunction that night<br />
and went out for tea.<br />
‘‘It’s nice to be finished.<br />
There’s still some work to<br />
tidy up yet and reporting to<br />
do, so I’m not really in<br />
retirement mode yet.’’<br />
Mr Gray says he has<br />
enjoyed his nine years as<br />
mayor, with the last three<br />
years being the most<br />
eventful.<br />
He could not have<br />
imagined what lay ahead<br />
when reelected for athird<br />
term three years ago.<br />
Amonth after the election Mr Gray and<br />
his fellow councillors were at aretreat at<br />
St Arnaud in the Nelson region when the<br />
7.8magnitude earthquake struck early<br />
on November 14, 2016.<br />
Once the heartstopping shaking<br />
subsided, thoughts immediately turned<br />
to getting home.<br />
But as they wove their way along<br />
damaged and broken roads they soon<br />
realised aroad trip was futile and gave<br />
up at Rita farm, four kilometres south of<br />
the Clarence Valley.<br />
Eventually, ahelicopter could be<br />
heard flying toward their convoy, which<br />
they managed to wave down. They<br />
Winston Gray<br />
hitched aride back to their battered<br />
seaside township.<br />
‘‘It is coming up to three years since<br />
the earthquake that struck our area and<br />
it is hard to imagine that we are where<br />
we are today.<br />
‘‘A huge thanks must go out to central<br />
government for their support to us,<br />
which is ongoing.<br />
‘‘Throughout our town the work is<br />
really ramping up, with<br />
bridges being built, water<br />
works and sewer works<br />
being carried out.’’<br />
Mr Gray says the<br />
Kaikoura council is<br />
grateful for the support it<br />
has received from other<br />
councils, including<br />
Hurunui, Waimakariri and<br />
Christchurch.<br />
‘‘As Inear the end of nine<br />
years’ involvement in local<br />
government, it is time to<br />
reflect on what has<br />
happened.<br />
‘‘It has been achallenge for all of us to<br />
get through and Ibelieve we are getting<br />
through this process with another year<br />
to run.<br />
‘‘It has been difficult to minimise the<br />
impact of the cost to our community. As<br />
far as rates go, this has been the biggest<br />
challenge for our council.’’<br />
Mr Gray extended his thanks to<br />
council staff, who he says have worked<br />
tirelessly to meet the challenges of<br />
earthquake recovery.<br />
He says there is some stability around<br />
the council table, with only himself and<br />
Cr Celeste Harnett standing down. The<br />
only contest in the district is for the<br />
mayoralty.<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> 3, <strong>2019</strong><br />
17<br />
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2009 Subaru Impreza 1.5I-L<br />
1500cc with 40,198kms, Boxer Engine, ABS Brakes,<br />
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2010 Suzuki SX-4 1.5XG<br />
1500cc with 47,350kms, Auto, Alloys, Auto Air Con,<br />
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2008 Toyota Blade G<br />
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$60.17<br />
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2008 Mitsubishi Galant Fortis<br />
Sport 2000cc with 53,972kms, Tiptronic Auto,<br />
Paddle Shift, Aero Body Kit, Alloys, Auto Air Con,<br />
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2007 Toyota Auris 150X<br />
1500cc with 19,624kms, Auto, CD Player, Auto<br />
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2006 Mazda MPV 23T<br />
2300cc with 69,676kms, Tiptronic Auto, Alloys, Auto<br />
Air Con, CD Player, Centre Shoulder Belt in Rear,<br />
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View Camera, Smart Key with Smart Door Lock.<br />
2010 Mazda Premacy 20S<br />
2000cc with 51,857kms, Tiptronic Auto, Alloys, Auto<br />
Air Con, CD Player, Centre Shoulder Belt in Rear,<br />
Child Seat Anchor Points, Dual Airbags, Dual Electric<br />
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$11,990 $11,990<br />
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Spacious Wagon<br />
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$65.30<br />
Plenty of Power<br />
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2008 Nissan X-Trail AXIS Autech<br />
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2013 Toyota Aqua (Prius C)S<br />
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Wheel, Reverse Camera, Smart Key, Traction Control.<br />
2009 Toyota Corolla Fielder 1.8S<br />
Aero Tourer 1800cc with 66,932kms, Alloys,<br />
Tiptronic Auto, Aero Body Kit, Auto Air Con, CD<br />
Player, Dual Airbags, Fog Lights, Power Steering,<br />
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2008 Toyota Vanguard 240S<br />
7Seater 2400cc with 65,017kms, Tiptronic<br />
Auto, 4WD, 8Airbags, Alloys, CD Player, Dual Zone<br />
Climate Control, Fog Lights, Half Leather Seats,<br />
High Seating Position, Reverse Camera, Smart Key.<br />
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2014 Hyundai Accent 1.6 5D A4<br />
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2017 Ford EcoSport Trend<br />
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2016 LDVG10 Turbo 2.0 7Seat<br />
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2016 Nissan X-Trail ST 4WD<br />
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20 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> 3, <strong>2019</strong><br />
Thousands of plants bed in at Silverstream<br />
Volunteershave planted about 3500<br />
nativeseedlingsatSilverstream Reserve<br />
this year.<br />
WaimakaririDistrict Council<br />
community projects officer Mike Kwant<br />
says he has enjoyed working with the<br />
SilverstreamVolunteers,the<br />
SilverstreamReserveAdvisory Group<br />
and other community organisations,<br />
since he took oversight of the project two<br />
monthsago.<br />
‘‘It’sabusy time of year with planting<br />
Matt Smith<br />
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2134091<br />
Kaiapoi RSA<br />
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NZ Army band<br />
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2pm<br />
To mark the Kaiapoi RSA’s<br />
100 year Anniversary<br />
Road closures will be inplace<br />
2210117<br />
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Cnr Smith &Ranfurly Streets<br />
and whenyou’reusing community and<br />
volunteersittakes abit more time, but<br />
it’s more enjoyable.<br />
‘‘With the SilverstreamReserve,the<br />
beauty of it is that alot of the neighbours<br />
are either on the advisorygroup or<br />
among the volunteers, so it’sareal<br />
collaborative effort and you can see the<br />
progress of what’shappened over the last<br />
10 years,’’hesays.<br />
‘‘I feel quite privileged to havehad the<br />
mantle passed on to me and it’s agood<br />
crew to work with.’’<br />
While much of the earlier workhad<br />
been carried out at the easternend of the<br />
reserve, around 2000 kanuka seedlings<br />
have been planted at the western end in<br />
the last 18 months, Mr Kwantsays.<br />
‘‘Some of these plantings don’ttake off,<br />
but at SilverstreamReserve you can see<br />
you are contributingand the rewardsare<br />
there. Peopleare now walking their dogs<br />
and there’shorseridinginthe reserve,<br />
so people are enjoying the<br />
environment.’’<br />
Taggarts Earthmoving recently<br />
mulchedgorse and broom in the reserve<br />
as partofthe company’scommunity<br />
environmental project, whilestaff from<br />
Fulton Hogan helped plant 650 seedlings<br />
near the Heywards Road entrancelast<br />
week.<br />
Other businesses and community<br />
organisations whichhave supported the<br />
projectthis year include staff from Spark<br />
(575 seedlings), RSA volunteers (660<br />
seedlings), the University of <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
and WaimakaririStudent Volunteer<br />
Armies (600 seedlings), community Arbor<br />
Day planting (300seedlings), Church of<br />
Latterday Saints (290 seedlings)and<br />
Kaiapoi RSA gears up for centenary<br />
The communityisencouraged to join in<br />
celebrations for the Kaiapoi RSA’s<br />
centenarynext month.<br />
PresidentNeillPrice says local RSA<br />
members are lookingforward to<br />
celebratingthe milestone.<br />
‘‘We are keen for the public to come and<br />
help us celebrate the occasion. Local<br />
people have been very good at supporting<br />
us over the years, particularly on Anzac<br />
Day.’’<br />
The Kaiapoi RSA turned100 earlier<br />
this year,but opted to hold off on its<br />
celebrations untilNovember.<br />
Acommunity evening will be held at the<br />
Kaiapoi Club on Friday, November 1,<br />
followed the next day by amilitary parade<br />
from 2pm, featuring the New Zealand<br />
Army Band.<br />
Planting day ... Fulton Hogan staff joined volunteers for arecent planting day at<br />
Silverstream Reserve.<br />
conservation volunteers (420seedlings).<br />
Mr Kwant saysplantingat<br />
Silverstream Reserve is now winding<br />
down as the weather conditions will get<br />
warmer and drierover coming months.<br />
However, there will be plenty of<br />
opportunities for the community to get<br />
involved nextyear.<br />
‘‘When you plant acouple of thousand<br />
seedlings you don’t want to be constantly<br />
watering them. But we will be starting<br />
againinthe autumn.<br />
‘‘If you’ve got agroup that’skeen to do<br />
The procession will start in Fuller<br />
Streetand continue along Williams<br />
Street, finishing at the Kaiapoi Cenotaph<br />
on RavenQuay.<br />
Royal New ZealandRSA president BJ<br />
Clark will be among thoselaying awreath,<br />
while representativesofthe army, navy<br />
and air force, the Rangiora 88 Squadron<br />
Air Cadets, RSA members and local<br />
groupssuch as police, fire and ambulance<br />
have been invited to participate in the<br />
parade.<br />
Local schoolchildren will form aguard<br />
of honour along Williams Street, Mr Price<br />
says. ‘‘We findthat’sbetterthan having<br />
them walk all the way, because they’vegot<br />
to be able to keep up.’’<br />
Acentennial plaque ‘‘inmemoryof<br />
those who have gone beforeus’’ will be<br />
placednext to the memorialwall and<br />
dedicated duringashort service.<br />
some work in their community, we can<br />
offer an opportunity to helpout.<br />
‘‘We’ve got all the spadesand the gear<br />
and we can connectyou withthe<br />
SilverstreamVolunteers, who are out<br />
there every week.’’<br />
Any groups wantingtovolunteer at<br />
SilverstreamReserve or other planting<br />
projects in the district can email Mike at<br />, or,<br />
alternatively, Noelene at<br />, or<br />
phone (021)067 6446.<br />
AKaiapoi RSA contingent will alsolay<br />
awreath at the RSA cemetery,before a<br />
dinner on Saturday evening for members,<br />
attendedbyDefence and Veterans Affairs<br />
MinisterRon Mark at the Kaiapoi Club.<br />
Theevening’sentertainment will be<br />
provided by the New Zealand Army Band,<br />
Kaiapoi HighSchool’s kapa haka group<br />
andother student entertainers.<br />
Ashortchurch servicewill be held on<br />
theriver terraces, next to the Port&<br />
Eagle Brewpub at 11.30amonSunday,<br />
with local churchministers and the<br />
Kaiapoi Brass Band to complete the<br />
weekend’s festivities.<br />
Mr Price says he has beenworking with<br />
theKaiapoi PromotionsAssociation to coordinate<br />
local retailers to get in behind<br />
thecelebrations with shop window<br />
displays ‘‘tomake it acolourful<br />
weekend’’.<br />
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<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> 3, <strong>2019</strong><br />
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Family Affair ... NeillPrice, second left at front, had plenty of family<br />
support when he received his Queen’s Service Medal on Friday from<br />
DamePatsyReddy,secondright at front.<br />
Recognition for years of service<br />
Two Kaiapoi community<br />
stalwartsreceived their<br />
Queen’s Service Medals(QSM)<br />
at separate investiture<br />
ceremonies recently.<br />
Retired Kaiapoilawyer<br />
Philip Redmond received his<br />
QSM fromGovernorGeneral<br />
Dame Patsy Reddy at<br />
GovernmentHouse in<br />
Wellington on September 20,<br />
whileNeill Price receivedhis<br />
Peach tree asymbol of agrowing trend<br />
The Kaiapoi Food Forest is<br />
sowing the seeds of<br />
wellbeing for university<br />
students.<br />
Trust chairman Brent<br />
Cairns was on hand on<br />
Saturday at the start of the<br />
Great Otakaro Avon River<br />
Walk, one of the first events<br />
in The Breeze Christchurch<br />
Walking Festival, to present<br />
ablackboy peach tree and<br />
other plants to the<br />
University of <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Student Volunteer Army.<br />
Student Volunteer Army<br />
member Grace Feltham said<br />
the plants will be added to<br />
the university’s edible<br />
campus walk, which was<br />
started earlier this year to<br />
support wellbeing —abig<br />
issue for students.<br />
Brent says the edible<br />
campus food fits in well with<br />
the Kaiapoi Food Forest’s<br />
at aceremonyatLarnach<br />
Castle in DunedinonFriday.<br />
‘‘It was the culmination of a<br />
lifetime’swork serving the<br />
community andIwas<br />
honoured to receive the<br />
award,’’MrRedmondsaid.<br />
He is aformer lawyerand<br />
businessman. He has served on<br />
the KaiapoiTuahiwi<br />
Community Board and is<br />
involved in several community<br />
organisations, including Big<br />
Brothers Big Sisters of <strong>North</strong><br />
philosophy.<br />
‘‘We’re trying to show that<br />
it’s not so hard to grow food<br />
and it’s not hard to grow<br />
things sustainably.<br />
‘‘The university is<br />
obviously setting the<br />
example as well.’’<br />
Grace said she was<br />
‘‘excited’’ by the prospect of<br />
tasting ablackboy peach.<br />
‘‘Next year, around about<br />
midMarch, Grace will be<br />
able to grab apeach as she<br />
goes off to class,’’ Brent says.<br />
The Kaiapoi Food Forest<br />
will be presenting afruit<br />
tree to the Waimakariri<br />
Student Volunteer Army at<br />
the start of the Kaiapoi<br />
River Wellbeing Walk on<br />
Saturday, <strong>October</strong> 12, during<br />
the final weekend of the<br />
Christchurch Walking<br />
Festival.<br />
Both walks, which are<br />
Queen’s Service Medal ... Philip Redmond received his Queen’s<br />
Service Medal from Dame Patsy Reddy recently in Wellington.<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>and Coastguard<br />
<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />
He was involved with the<br />
formation of the MV Tuhoe<br />
Kaiapoi Rivertown Trust,now<br />
the Kaiapoi MaritimeHeritage<br />
Trust, serving as chairman<br />
since2005.<br />
Mr Price instigatedthe<br />
purchaseofthe MV Tuhoe in<br />
20<strong>03</strong> and has served as a<br />
trustee and secretary.<br />
He was elected to the<br />
Kaiapoi Borough Council in<br />
Planting wellbeing ... Kaiapoi High School pupil Sasha<br />
Crawford, left, aged 17, and Kaiapoi Food Forest Trust chairman<br />
Brent Cairns present apeach tree to University of <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Student Volunteer Army member Grace Feltham. PHOTO: DAVID HILL<br />
being sponsored by Walk for<br />
the Planet, aMethodist<br />
Church initiative, have a<br />
focus on youth wellbeing<br />
and the wellbeing of the<br />
1986, beforeserving three<br />
terms on the Waimakariri<br />
DistrictCouncil. He hasbeen<br />
Kaiapoi RSA president since<br />
2012and hasfilled other<br />
communityroles.<br />
Mr Price was joinedin<br />
Dunedin by Rangiora’s Jan<br />
Pentecost,whose QSM was<br />
announced in the New Year’s<br />
Honours List.She has been the<br />
national secretary of Grey<br />
Power since 2010, and local<br />
secretary and cochair.<br />
planet.<br />
They are being led by<br />
17yearold Sasha Crawford,<br />
who is attending Kaiapoi<br />
High School this year.<br />
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NEWS<br />
22 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> 3, <strong>2019</strong><br />
Chris shows his<br />
skills at the wheel<br />
ARangiora firefighter has hadhis<br />
driving skills put to the test.<br />
ChrisAndrew received the award<br />
for top rookieatthe recentUnited<br />
Fire Brigades’ Associationnational<br />
driver competition at Mansfield Park<br />
in Feilding.<br />
He was competing in the<br />
competition for the first time, up<br />
against 100 drivers, including 32<br />
rookies.<br />
He finished 20th overall and was<br />
the toprookie.<br />
‘‘I wasgobsmacked. Iwas blown<br />
away.Ididn’t expecttodosowellthe<br />
firsttime round. I’m just absolutely<br />
rapt withthe result,’’ Chris says.<br />
He was one of seven<strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> firefighters in the<br />
competition, including five from<br />
Waikuku Beach and one from Cust.<br />
The competitionwas heldovertwo<br />
days and involved atheory test and<br />
11 individualexercises, which tested<br />
drivers’ overall ability, efficiency,<br />
aptitude and smoothness of<br />
operationoffire appliances.<br />
Exercises included bay and<br />
parallel parking, straightline<br />
driving, lane changes, braking,<br />
estimatingclearance and negotiating<br />
serpentine and shrinkingchicanes.<br />
Driversreceivedpenalties for<br />
knocking over road conesand any<br />
mistakes they made.<br />
Chrissays fireappliances are now<br />
fullyautomatic, making themalittle<br />
easier to manoeuvre.<br />
‘‘But just because the siren is going<br />
and the lights are flashing, it doesn’t<br />
meanother drivers willget out of<br />
yourway any quicker, so you’ve got to<br />
knowwhat you’re doing.<br />
‘‘I learned alot out of it and I’m<br />
keentohave another go next year<br />
and Iencourage others from<strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> to enter.’’<br />
He entered the <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
provincial drivers’ competition<br />
earlier thisyear and enjoyed the<br />
experience.<br />
While he came 17th out of 21<br />
drivers, it was enough for him to<br />
decidetogive thenationals acrack.<br />
‘‘I was prettygreen and Ididn’t<br />
knowwhat to expect, but acouple of<br />
the guys created some training<br />
exercisesbehind the Rangiora Fire<br />
Stationinthe car parkand then<br />
there was training at Lincoln<br />
University.<br />
‘‘There’s definitelyafew tricks to<br />
eachofthe exercises to try to be the<br />
bestthat you can.’’<br />
Originallyfrom Christchurch,<br />
Chris has beenafirefighter for 17<br />
years, joining the Renwick Volunteer<br />
FireBrigade in 2002, before<br />
transferringtoRangiorain2013.<br />
He is an aircraftengineer and<br />
builder by trade, returning to<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> to work for the<br />
EarthquakeCommission and then<br />
insurance company IAG on<br />
earthquake work.<br />
Lastyear he returned to aircraft<br />
engineering, working at<br />
Christchurch International Airport.<br />
Rookie driver ... Rangiora Volunteer Fire Brigade member<br />
ChrisAndrewwas thrilled to win the award for toprookie at<br />
the United Fire Brigades’ Association national driver<br />
competition.<br />
Dalley chairs<br />
last meeting<br />
Hurunui Mayor Winton<br />
Dalleypresidedoverhis last<br />
council meeting on Thursday<br />
lastweek, as his retirement<br />
nears.<br />
Mr Dalley willbedrawing<br />
the curtain on about 26 years<br />
of involvement with the<br />
Hurunui DistrictCouncil,<br />
nineofthemasmayor, six as a<br />
councillor and therestasa<br />
member of his localWaikari<br />
community wardcommittee.<br />
He described themeeting<br />
as alittledifferent and alittle<br />
special, before getting down<br />
to the business of the day.<br />
Mr Dalley toldthe <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong><strong>News</strong> earlier in<br />
the year thathestood forthis<br />
lasttermbecausethe district<br />
was grippedbydrought.He<br />
was chairman of the drought<br />
committee andwas tryingto<br />
keepthe community in agood<br />
space.<br />
Three weeks after the<br />
election,the district was<br />
faced withanother big<br />
challenge when the<br />
November 2016earthquake<br />
hit Waiau and surrounding<br />
areas.<br />
‘‘You don’twalk out on a<br />
community whenthings are<br />
not good,’’ he says.<br />
Thistime, though,therewas<br />
no compelling reason to<br />
remain.<br />
‘‘Itistimetomove on and<br />
leave it to other people who<br />
haveadifferentcontribution<br />
to make, to stand.’’<br />
VoTE<br />
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NEWS<br />
26 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> 3, <strong>2019</strong><br />
Record submissions<br />
over water plan<br />
Environment<strong>Canterbury</strong>has received<br />
several hundred submissions on its<br />
proposed Plan Change7tothe Landand<br />
WaterRegional Plan.<br />
Planningmanager Andrew Parrish says<br />
the exact number of submissionswill be<br />
knowninafew weeks, but it is ‘‘safe to say,<br />
however, that we have neverreceived<br />
anywhere near as many for any previous<br />
plan change, even to the original Land and<br />
WaterRegional Plan’’.<br />
‘‘This showshow interested<br />
communities are in important freshwater<br />
provisions that mayaffect them —with<br />
further focus now on the Government’s<br />
Action Plan for Healthy Waterways as<br />
well,’’ Mr Parrish says.<br />
The plan change aimstoimprove freshwaterquality<br />
and outcomes, increase<br />
minimum flows of rivers and streams, and<br />
further reduce nitrate lossesfrom farms.<br />
A‘‘summary of decisions requested’’ is<br />
now beingpreparedbyEnvironment<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>, whichwill be publicly notified<br />
for further submissions later in the year.<br />
Following this, apublic hearing of<br />
submissions and evidence will take place<br />
before an independent hearing panel,<br />
probably in the firsthalfof2020.<br />
Proposed Plan Change 7tothe Land and<br />
WaterRegional Plan, the last to be notified<br />
with the Environment<strong>Canterbury</strong> Act still<br />
in place,isinthree parts.<br />
Part Aisregionwide and concerns<br />
improvingfreshwater outcomes in<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>, protecting habitats of<br />
indigenousspecies, and providing for<br />
managed aquiferrecharge, as well as<br />
establishing anew nutrientframework for<br />
commercial vegetablegrowing operations.<br />
PartsBand Crelate to the Orari Temuka<br />
OpihiPareoraand Waimakariri subregions<br />
respectively, and have been<br />
developed by theirzone committees.<br />
Key changes introduced by Parts Band<br />
Cinclude new waterquality limits for<br />
groundwater and surface water;<br />
requirements for farms to further reduce<br />
nitrogen losses; increases to minimum<br />
flows for rivers and streams; acap on the<br />
volumeofwater availablefor allocation;<br />
and requirementstoexcludestock from a<br />
broader range of water bodies.<br />
Plan Change 7isnot affected by the<br />
Government’s proposalsinthe Action Plan<br />
for HealthyWaterways at this stage.<br />
Mr Parrish says if the Government<br />
reaches the stage of gazetting anew<br />
National PolicyStatementonfreshwater<br />
beforethe hearing panel delivers its<br />
recommendationsonPlan Change 7, the<br />
panel will consider the contents and<br />
relevanceofthe new policy statement<br />
when preparing its recommendations.<br />
ECan says the Government’s announcement<br />
includes actionsalreadybeingtaken<br />
in <strong>Canterbury</strong>, such as workingwith<br />
farmers to bring downnutrient limits.<br />
He says Proposed Plan Change 7isa<br />
further development of this approach, with<br />
specific rulesinthe Waimakariri as well as<br />
new regionwide rules. Landuse consent<br />
to farm, FarmEnvironmentPlans (FEP)<br />
and independentFEP auditsare already<br />
features of <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s planning regime.<br />
‘‘We have in placerules around stock<br />
exclusion and winter grazing, and the<br />
farming communityhas respondedto<br />
these as they havebeen introduced.<br />
‘‘ECanisconsidering the detail in the<br />
proposals,but overall there are no<br />
surprisesand <strong>Canterbury</strong> is well down the<br />
track already with changes through its<br />
plans and the community’s response.’’<br />
Acclaimed trio to perform<br />
An internationally acclaimed<br />
classical chamber music trio<br />
will perform in the Chamber<br />
Gallery in Rangioranext<br />
week.<br />
The Jacquin Trio features<br />
violist and violinist Kay<br />
Stephen,from Aberdeen,<br />
Londonbased Irish<br />
clarinettist and base<br />
clarinettist Jessie Grimes,<br />
and pianistCharis Hanning,<br />
who is also based in London.<br />
The Rangiora concert is<br />
part of the Jacquin Trio’s<br />
nationwide tour. It will be<br />
held on Wednesday<strong>October</strong><br />
9, from 7.30pm.<br />
It is presented by the WaimakaririCommunity<br />
Arts<br />
Council in conjunction with<br />
ChamberMusic New<br />
Zealand.<br />
The three have been<br />
playing together for almost a<br />
decade. They are noted for<br />
their audience rapport,<br />
ability to play in avariety of<br />
settings, and for performing<br />
with passion and energy.<br />
In Rangiora, they will play<br />
avaried programme ranging<br />
from Mozart and Beethoven<br />
to amodern piece written<br />
just for them by young British<br />
composer Charlotte Bray.<br />
New Zealandcomposer<br />
Dame Gillian Whitehead’s<br />
Arapatiki,alandscape<br />
prelude for piano, will also<br />
be featured.<br />
Tickets cost $30 (students<br />
$15). They can be purchased<br />
at the RangioraLibrary with<br />
acheque or cash.<br />
On tour ... The Jacquin Trio,from left, Jessie<br />
Grimes, Kay Stephen and Charis Hanning. PHOTO:SUPPLIED<br />
Gordon’sPink Gin Jim Beam Gold/Canadian Club Cody’s12pk cans Jim Beam &Cola/Canadian Club (incl zero)<br />
Woodstock 5% bottles/ Woodstock<br />
Jack Daniel’s&Cola 330ml cans/Part<br />
4pk bottles premium 7% 330ml 6pk cans $<br />
$<br />
19 .99 4.8% 10pk cans/Jim Beam gold 7% 8pk cans 250ml 7% cans (incl zero) all 12pks<br />
Time Rangers 6% cans all 10pks<br />
$<br />
12 .99 $<br />
14 .99 ea $<br />
20 .99 ea .99 ea<br />
Billy Maverick 18pk cans<br />
$<br />
22<br />
21<br />
.99 ea $<br />
24 .99 ea $ 29<br />
.99<br />
Taylors promised<br />
Lake Chalice/Waipara<br />
Squealing Pig<br />
Villa Maria Private Bin<br />
land range<br />
Hills ranges 19 Crimes Range The Ned Range range (ex PN)<br />
Stoneleigh Marlborough/ Seagers 1L<br />
Esk Valley range<br />
Larios/Teacher’s1L/ Finlandia/Southern<br />
$<br />
Range (ex PN &Syrah) $ $<br />
10 .99 ea $<br />
13 .99 ea $<br />
13 .99 ea (ex PN &chardonnay) $<br />
15 .99 ea (ex PN and Syrah)<br />
32 .99 Coruba 1L (incl Gold)<br />
Lighter ranges<br />
Midori 700ml Comfort 1L $<br />
12 .99 ea $ $<br />
14 .99 ea $<br />
16 .99 ea 34 .99 ea $<br />
36 .99 ea .99 ea<br />
2 for $<br />
25 .00<br />
39<br />
$<br />
23 .99 ea $<br />
24 .99 ea $<br />
24 .99 ea $<br />
29 .99<br />
Stoneleigh Marlborough/<br />
14<br />
$<br />
43<br />
Somersby 12pk bottles<br />
Lion Red/Speights/Waikato/<br />
range Stella/Steinlager Pure 12pk Summit 15pk bottles<br />
Peroni/Asahi 12pk bottles Heineken 15pk bottles<br />
Monteith’sClassics &cider<br />
Johnnie Walker Red/<br />
Jim Beam/Canadian Club (incl Absolut/Beefeater/<br />
Jameson 1L/Chivas<br />
spiced)/Larios Rose/Chatelle 1L Ballantine’s1L<br />
Bombay Sapphire 1L Jagermeister/Mt<br />
Glenfiddich 12yr Tiger 12pk<br />
12pk range<br />
Bacardi Range 1L Jim Beam Devil’scut 1L/Jim Beam Black 1L/<br />
12yr 700ml<br />
$<br />
$<br />
39 .99 ea $<br />
39 .99 ea 47 .99 ea Gay Eclipse 1L<br />
700ml $<br />
$<br />
20 .99 $ .99 ea<br />
Larios 12 1L/Maker’sMark 700ml<br />
21<br />
$<br />
48 .99 ea 49 .99 ea $<br />
.99 ea<br />
62 .99<br /><br />
398 High Street, Rangiora<br />
<strong>03</strong> 313 7207<br />
1275 Main <strong>North</strong> Road, Bridgend<br />
<strong>03</strong> 323 8833<br />
585 Springs Rd, Prebbleton<br />
<strong>03</strong> 349 6<strong>03</strong>1<br />
45 South Terrace, Darfield<br />
<strong>03</strong> 317 9499<br />
$<br />
39 .99 ea Cruiser cans/KGB bottles all 12pks<br />
$<br />
25 .99 ea 24pk bottles<br />
$<br />
33 .99 ea $<br />
39 .99<br />
Tui/Export Gold/Extra/DB Draught Export 33 -24pk bottles<br />
Available from 1st –31st <strong>October</strong>.Specials while stocks last. Available at participating stores.<br />
1147 West Coast Rd, West Melton<br />
<strong>03</strong> 347 8460<br />
670 Main South Rd, Islington<br />
<strong>03</strong> 349 7337<br />
Main Rd, Lake Tekapo<br />
<strong>03</strong> 680 6242<br />
42 Waimate Highway, St Andrews<br />
RD24 <strong>03</strong> 612 6740<br />
Corona 18pk<br />
$<br />
41 .99<br /><br />
69 Main St, Fairlie<br />
<strong>03</strong> 685 8061<br />
21 Aldwins Road, Linwood<br />
<strong>03</strong> 982 1753<br />
9 Parnwell St, Burwood<br />
<strong>03</strong> 383 2564<br />
495 Papanui Rd, Christchurch<br />
<strong>03</strong> 260 2380<br />
65 Victoria St, Christchurch CBD<br />
<strong>03</strong> 260 1155
NEWS<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> 3, <strong>2019</strong><br />
27<br />
Efforts recognised ... Amberley Trotting Club president Ross Rennie at the Rangiora<br />
Raceway last Sunday with his trophy for Volunteer of the Year Award, presented to him at<br />
the recent <strong>Canterbury</strong> Harness Racing Awards dinner.<br />
Ross honoured for his<br />
efforts as avolunteer<br />
LongstandingAmberley Trotting Club<br />
president Ross Rennie received a<br />
surprisewhen hiseffortsasa<br />
volunteer were recognised during the<br />
recent <strong>Canterbury</strong> Harness Racing<br />
Awards.<br />
Rosshas beenpresident of theclub<br />
for six years.<br />
He wasone of five<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
people to winawards at the event,held<br />
at Addington Raceway.<br />
He wonthe Volunteer of theYear<br />
Award on thenight,but hadnoidea<br />
whatwas coming.<br />
He said he was ‘‘totally blindsided’’<br />
whenhis name wascalled out. As far as<br />
Rossknew, he wasattendingthe<br />
awards with hiswife, Pam, andagroup<br />
of friends foranightout.<br />
‘‘Itwas an unexpected andnice<br />
surprise,’hesaid of theaward.<br />
‘‘Itisreally cool to be acknowledged<br />
in thisway by your peers in the game,’’<br />
he said.<br />
However, he saidthat althoughhis<br />
namewas on the trophy,the award was<br />
reallyrecognitionfor the manyhours<br />
of volunteer workdone by the<br />
Amberley Trotting Clubcommittee.<br />
‘‘Theyare an awesome committee to<br />
workwith,’’Rosssaid.<br />
Other <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>winners at<br />
the awards includedColinand Nancy<br />
Hair, from Kaiapoi, who wonthe<br />
Trotting Breeders of theYear Award.<br />
Their broodmare Stardon,dam of their<br />
outstanding trotterSundees Son<br />
($329,605instakes), wonTrotting<br />
Broodmare of theYear.<br />
Stablehand NicoleThomas,from<br />
Rangiora,won the Rising Star Award<br />
and Woodend Beach trainer Regan<br />
Toddwon theHorsemans’ Association<br />
Trainers Award.<br />
Picnic area for Hanmer reserve<br />
Asmall section of the Queen Mary<br />
Historic Hospital Reserve is being turned<br />
into apicnic area.<br />
The Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools<br />
andSpa will lease about 1000 square<br />
metres of the reserve for ayear to<br />
accommodate an expected increase in<br />
visitors as its new attractions open for<br />
business.<br />
Pools general manager Graeme Abbot<br />
says the pools and spa are delighted the<br />
council has approved the lease.<br />
‘‘We believe the new cascadepools and<br />
Conical Thrill ride will increase our<br />
patronage this summer and are very<br />
pleased that we will have additional land<br />
to accommodate everyone comfortably,’’<br />
he says.<br />
Progress through Collaboration<br />
and Partnership<br />
Authorised by John Faulkner 758MousePoint Road, Culverden.<br />
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NEWS<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> 3, <strong>2019</strong><br />
29<br />
Who nose what will happen next?<br />
Reviving New Zealandmade ... Eightyfive percent of the clothes that Swannanoa’s<br />
Juliet Henry designs for her fashion boutique, Lordship Linens, carry a‘‘Made in New<br />
Zealand’’ label.<br />
Juliet takes the<br />
Kiwi-made route<br />
‘‘Made in New Zealand’’ labels are a<br />
rarity thesedays,but aRangiora<br />
retailerisbucking thattrend.<br />
Eightyfivepercentof theclothesfor<br />
sale in Juliet Henry’snewRangiora<br />
clothingboutique, Lordship Linens,at<br />
130HighSt, carrya‘‘MadeinNew<br />
Zealand’’label.<br />
Only herknitwearismade in China<br />
because of the technical requirements<br />
forthenatural fibresheuses.<br />
It is achoice shehasmadebecause<br />
sheenjoysthe simplicity of havingthe<br />
clothes she designsandsells made<br />
locallyin<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />
‘‘I likehonesty andintegrity in<br />
people,food and fabrics,’’ Juliet<br />
says.<br />
‘‘You take abeautiful fabric, you<br />
designanitem of clothing, youhaveit<br />
made. You don’t need to be in Chinato<br />
do that.’’<br />
Juliet, wholives in Swannanoa,<br />
❛You take abeautiful fabric,<br />
you design an item of<br />
clothing, you have it made.<br />
You don’t need to be in China<br />
to do that.❜<br />
—JulietHenry<br />
beganher clothing business at the<br />
OhokaFarmersMarket several years<br />
ago.<br />
Shehas alsohad afew popup shops<br />
around Rangiora, butisnow excitedto<br />
have apermanentretail space.<br />
Sheplanstointroduce asmall range<br />
of children’s clothing soon. Shekeeps<br />
herdesigns simpletoallow the<br />
natural fibres fromwhichtheyare<br />
made to shine.<br />
‘‘It is allabout thefabric,’’she says.<br />
‘‘I love elegantsimplicity.’’<br />
Fun to be had ... The Avis Budget Group Cure Kids 1000 stopped in at Cheviot Area School<br />
recently to run Red Nose Day activities, including an eggandspoon race and athreelegged<br />
race. The charity car rally has raised $32,000 for children’s mental health research, and<br />
development of an app to help parents support their children’s wellbeing.<br />
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NEWS<br />
30 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> 3, <strong>2019</strong><br />
Strong year for community team<br />
Collaboration hasbeen the key to another<br />
successfulyearfor the Waimakariri<br />
District Council’scommunity team.<br />
Supporting youngand old, empowering<br />
migrants, neighbourhoodbarbecuesand<br />
raising awareness of family violencewere<br />
highlights forthe teamduringthe 2018/19<br />
financialyear.<br />
‘‘What acollaborativecommunity this<br />
is,’’says community teamleader Tessa<br />
Sturley, in reflecting on herteam’s annual<br />
report.<br />
‘‘Andweare there to facilitate thatand<br />
we thoroughlyenjoyit.<br />
‘‘As ateam of councilbased facilitators,<br />
we work withthe people from these<br />
communities to help make stuff happen.’’<br />
Thecouncil launchedits updated youth<br />
development strategy in December and<br />
this year hasseenthe WaimakaririYouth<br />
Council worktoput the strategy into<br />
action.<br />
‘‘Theyouth council is reallygoing from<br />
strength to strength and peopleare<br />
consultingthem regularly. Theyouthare<br />
takingareal lead in anumberofareas,’’<br />
Tessa says.<br />
Thecommunityteamhas been<br />
facilitating an ‘‘agefriendlyplan’’, which<br />
hasbeen adoptedbythe council’s<br />
community andrecreation committee and<br />
will be launched soon.<br />
Tessa says‘‘someincredibly talented<br />
people’’are leadingarange of initiatives<br />
in local communities.<br />
Theseincludeanumber of initiativesto<br />
support and promote our cultural<br />
diversity,including the recent Suitcase<br />
exhibition.<br />
Theneighbourhood parks barbecues<br />
initiativelast summer was asuccess and<br />
nowthe community team is partnering<br />
with NeighbourhoodSupport <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>and otherlocalgroups to run<br />
similar events.<br />
‘‘As we move intosummer we would like<br />
to remindpeople that the community<br />
trailer is availableand afew sausages and<br />
games in apark is agreat waytoget to<br />
know yourneighbours—and we can help<br />
with that,’’ Tessa says.<br />
Shesaysthe councilwillbegoing<br />
through the processofreaccreditation as<br />
a‘‘Safer Community’’ in December.<br />
‘‘It’s an opportunity forthe whole<br />
community to celebrate what asafe<br />
community we livein.<br />
‘‘It’s all about our welcoming,inclusive<br />
and safe community. Our strength is based<br />
on encouragingwellbeingand connection<br />
across the community, which reduces the<br />
riskofsome those community safety<br />
issues.’’<br />
The community team worked with<br />
Violence Free <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> to<br />
Supporting the<br />
community ... The<br />
Waimakariri District<br />
Council’s community<br />
team, from back left,<br />
Wendy Howe, Tessa<br />
Sturley, Madeleine<br />
Burdon, Natalie<br />
Paterson and Sam<br />
Redman; and, from<br />
front left, Nicola<br />
Trolove, Kerry Miles,<br />
Serena Peychers and<br />
Denise Wiggins.<br />
deliver 14 family violenceeducation<br />
talks across<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> —three<br />
times thenumberdelivered theprevious<br />
year.<br />
Staff have enjoyed supporting the<br />
establishment of TimeBankWaimakariri<br />
and look forwardtosupportingthe<br />
potential development of shared<br />
learningworkshops.<br />
‘‘Wethink thatthis initiative is agreat<br />
platform to recognise and celebratethe<br />
skillsand talents of adiverserange of<br />
local residents’’ Tessa says.<br />
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the changes toKiwiSaver for<br />
over-65’s recently introduced.<br />
Joining Martin will be<br />
Authorised Financial Advisers<br />
from Forsyth Barr who will beon<br />
hand to answer any questions.<br />
Date: Monday,21<strong>October</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />
Times: 12:00pm -2:00pm<br />
and 5:00pm-6:30pm<br />
Venue: Rossburn Receptions,<br />
Spark Lane, Rangiora<br />
RSVP:<br />
by Wednesday,<br />
16 <strong>October</strong>byvisiting<br /><br />
or calling Ella Falkner<br />
on <strong>03</strong> 363 1412<br />
KWS5752-12(NCN) -September <strong>2019</strong><br />
Do you know how<br />
to use your new bins?<br />
This year the Councilintroduced an expanded<br />
kerbsidecollection service that includes organics<br />
and rubbish bins.<br />
We’re seeing some people are puttingthe wrong<br />
things in the bins, includingthe recycling bin.<br />
We'll be at the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Business Expo<br />
to talk about what goes where,aswell as how we<br />
can all reduce,reuse and recycle.<br />
Come and have achat and enter our draw to win<br />
afabulous hamper full of useful goodies.<br />
The SummerKiwiSaverSchemeismanagedbyForsythBarrInvestmentManagement Ltd. Youcan obtain<br />
theScheme’s product disclosurestatement andfurther information aboutthe Scheme on ourwebsite at<br />, from one of our offices, or by calling us on 0800115566. Disclosurestatementsare<br />
available forMartinHawes andForsyth Barr Authorised Financial Advisers,onrequest andfreeofcharge.<br />
12 OCT<br />
<strong>2019</strong> 10AM -3PM<br />
OVER<br />
70<br />
WIN<br />
GREAT<br />
PRIZES<br />
EXPO<br />
ONLY<br />
FREE<br />
KIDS<br />
ZONE<br />
MEGA<br />
RAFFLE<br />
WIN A<br />
FUNKY<br />
MONKEY<br />
BARS SET<br />
valued at $1290<br />
Abacus<br />
Abbott Insurance Brokers<br />
Anna Margaret Interiors<br />
Anytime Fitness Rangiora<br />
Bay Audiology Rangiora<br />
Beststart Rangiora<br />
Beverley Shepherd Wright -Celebrant<br />
Bowden Environmental<br />
Busy Bumbles<br />
Clyne and Bennie Plumbing<br />
Corcoran French<br />
Create Design Studio<br />
CTMH Scrapbooking and Paper Crafting<br />
Driving Miss Daisy<br />
Fatweb Design and Marketing<br />
Flex Fitness Kaiapoi<br />
Freenzi Real Estate Auctions<br />
Funky Monkey Bars<br />
Hachi Hachi Restaurant<br />
Handzon<br />
Happy Coffee Queen<br />
Happyhire<br />
Horton Signs<br />
iDeliver Freight Limited<br />
Isagenix<br />
Kidsbase<br />
Le Plaisir<br />
LED Zero Limited<br />
Lawnfix <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Matt Campbell -Mike Pero Mortgages<br />
Michelle Nelson -Bayleys Real Estate<br />
NPower Business Solutions<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Business Services<br />
NRF2N<br />
Health -Horses, Humans and Hounds<br />
Numi Fitness and Wellbeing<br />
Oxford Observer<br />
Property Brokers Rangiora<br />
Quinovic Property Management<br />
Rangiora Promotions Association<br />
RBRees Chartered Accountants<br />
Reality Control Computer Services &Legend PC<br />
Riverstone Motel<br />
Saunder Robinson Brown<br />
Securely<br />
Senior Move Managers<br />
Silver Prints Fingerprint Jewellery<br />
Silverstream Subdivision<br />
Snap Fitness Rangiora<br />
Snappy Communication<br />
Southbrook Hire<br />
Success Factor Business Consultancy &Coaching<br />
Sysinct<br />
Talk Therapy with Action<br />
The Organic Coffee LAB<br />
Total Realty Rangiora<br />
Video Testimonials<br />
88 Rangiora Squadron ATC<br />
Bellyful Waimakariri<br />
Mini Haha Horse Haven Charitable Trust<br />
Rotary Club of Rangiora<br />
Te Matauru Primary School<br />
The Order of St John<br />
Ara Institute of <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Community Wellbeing <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Trust<br />
Enterprise <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Kaiapoi i-SITE Visitor Centre<br />
Ministry of Social Development<br />
Timebank Waimakariri<br />
Visit Waimakariri<br />
Violence Free <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Waimakariri District Council -Kerbside Collection
NEWS<br />
32 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> 3, <strong>2019</strong><br />
Rangiora RSA<br />
to host service<br />
PasschendaeleDay commemorations<br />
are returning to Rangiora.<br />
The Rangiora RSA willhost the<strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> commemorationsfor the first<br />
time since 2015, at theRangiora<br />
Cenotaph on Saturday,<strong>October</strong> 12, from<br />
11am.<br />
PresidentIan Thompson says David<br />
Ayerswill‘‘give atribute’’ in what is<br />
likely to be his last officialact as<br />
Waimakariri mayor.<br />
Kaiapoi RSA presidentNeill Pricewill<br />
also speak,while Salvation Army band<br />
majorBill Peck willofferaprayer and<br />
play The Last Post and Reveille.<br />
Waimakariri MP Matt Doocey will also<br />
be in attendance, while Rangiora’s88<br />
Squadron Air Cadets will be on dutyand<br />
will raise the New Zealandand Belgium<br />
flagsduring the playingofthe two<br />
nationalanthems.<br />
The annualremembrance servicehas<br />
been hosted by the KaiapoiRSA for the<br />
last three yearswhile its Rangiora<br />
counterpart completed its rebuild.<br />
Mr Thompsonsays it is abusy time for<br />
the Rangiora RSA, with its centennial<br />
celebrations beingplanned in<br />
November.<br />
Aspecialevent is also planned on<br />
<strong>October</strong> 31, duringwhich Defence and<br />
VeteransAffairs Minister Ron Markwill<br />
be presented with alife membership of<br />
the Rangiora RSA.<br />
‘‘I will be at the Royal New Zealand<br />
RSA nationalconferenceinWellington<br />
from <strong>October</strong> 30 to 31, so Iwill bring him<br />
back to Rangiora,’’MrThompsonsays.<br />
‘‘He’s beenavery good member. Ican<br />
remember him coming to the Rangiora<br />
RSA when he was still in uniform.’’<br />
Pageturners ... St Bartholomew Church Book Fair organiser Norman Clark, of Kaiapoi, at the fair in the church hall in Kaiapoi last<br />
Saturday morning.<br />
School’slibrary books boost fair<br />
Organisers of Kaiapoi’s St<br />
BartholomewChurch Book Fair hada<br />
welcome windfallfromKaiapoi High<br />
School last week.<br />
The schooldonateda‘‘great pileof<br />
books’’removedfromits libraryto<br />
makeway for new additions.<br />
The book fair was held last Friday<br />
and Saturday at the churchspacious<br />
hallinCass Street.<br />
Students from KaiapoiHighSchool<br />
helpedchurch members set up the<br />
bookfaironThursday lastweek.<br />
The fairisone of three heldeach<br />
yearbythe Anglican Parishof<br />
Kaiapoitoraisefundsfor<br />
maintenanceofthe church buildings.<br />
Organiser Norman Clark, of<br />
Kaiapoi, saidall types of people<br />
bought books.<br />
Even visitorsfromGore turned up<br />
on Friday.<br />
‘‘They were in Rangiora visiting<br />
theirdaughter, heardaboutthe fair,<br />
andcalled in,’’ Norman said.<br />
‘‘We even havecommercial<br />
booksellers buyingpilesofbooks.We<br />
don’tdiscouragethem. Their money<br />
is as good as anybody’s’’<br />
Books sold for $2 each, or six for<br />
$10.<br />
VOTE<br />
FOR<br />
CLAIRE<br />
MCKAY<br />
MAKING&<br />
TO :<br />
Visit us at<br />
*New Vehicle 3% FinanceOfferTerms and Conditions: 1. These termsand conditions aresubject to Toyota New Zealand’s General Terms andConditionsunless otherwise specified below. 2. Offer available on allnew Toyota vehicles purchased at TDP,BronzeorFarmlands Shareholder pricing through<br />
an Authorised Toyota Dealer between 1<strong>October</strong><strong>2019</strong> and 31 December <strong>2019</strong> and delivered by 31 December <strong>2019</strong>. 3. Offer is only availablewith aminimum10% deposit on aClassic FinanceLoan through Toyota Financial Services forterms up to 36 months.4.Excludes loans with structured payments.5.Offer<br />
is subject to Toyota Financial Services normal lending criteria. 6. Adocumentation feeofupto$400 and a$9.20 PPSR feewill be charged.7.Offerisavailable with other current offers.8.Offerissubject to stock availability.<br />
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Ex-Demo 2018 Toyota HiluxS 2012 Toyota Hiace<br />
2016 ToyotaRav4Limited<br />
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2012LandCruiser200VX<br />
•4.5LTwin Turbo Diesel, 8-Seater<br />
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2012 LandCruiser 200Limited<br />
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*Allbased on a10% deposit over60months, with an interestrateof10.75%. Weekly payments.<br />
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2013LandCruiser200VXLtd<br />
200VXL d 2015LandCruiser200VXLtd<br />
200VXLtd<br />
•4.5LTwin Turbo Diesel,<br />
•4.5LTwin Turbo Diesel<br />
•Sunroof,KDSS<br />
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2015LandCruiserPradoLimited<br />
•2.8L TurboDiesel Auto<br />
•KDSSSuspension,<br />
•Sunroof,Leather $<br />
59,995<br />
$272 p/w –total cost $70,860<br />
NEWS<br />
34 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> 3, <strong>2019</strong><br />
• Openness<br />
• Straight Talk<br />
• No Vested Interest<br />
• Inclusiveness<br />
• Deep Desire to<br />
Improve Our<br />
Community<br />
Want To Talk?<br />
Give me acall <strong>03</strong> 314 9905<br />
or 027 225 5068<br />
✓<br />
Authorised by Michael Ward. 3Johnson Avenue,Amberley<br />
Michael Ward<br />
For Council<br />
2208802<br />
Strong emotions ... Susan Higgs works on the stylised ceramic heads in an installation<br />
that will feature in the upcoming Sculpture on the Peninsula exhibition.<br />
First came the shock,<br />
then came the art<br />
Rangiora’s Susan Higgs,amusicianturnedsculptor,<br />
is oneofarecord<br />
number of acclaimedand emerging<br />
artistsselected to take part in the largest<br />
sculpture exhibition in theSouthIsland,<br />
Sculptureonthe Peninsula.<br />
The eventisbeing held on November<br />
8, 9and 10 at Loudon Farm,Teddington,<br />
on BanksPeninsula.<br />
Susan’s workisbasedondisplaced<br />
people, and was originally inspired by<br />
women of theCongo whohave been<br />
under threat fromwarringrebels forthe<br />
past20years.<br />
Susan said it stemmedfrom meeting a<br />
woman in Britain whenshe wasstudying<br />
at Harrow Art Schoolatthe University of<br />
Westminster who had survivedthe<br />
Rwandangenocide.<br />
‘‘I wassoshocked by what happened to<br />
her and the women of hervillage that I<br />
becameabit obsessed aboutmaking an<br />
installation representingthesewomen,<br />
mainlytheir constantneedtomovefrom<br />
place to place, on foot, across milesof<br />
dangerous country,tryingtoprotect<br />
themselves.<br />
‘‘I can’tevenbegin to imagine how<br />
impossibletheirlivesmust be,the<br />
trauma they carry withthem.<br />
‘‘I learntabout manyof the thingsthat<br />
happenedtothemand their familiesat<br />
the timethatIwas doing my degree in<br />
ceramics.Iwas galvanised by their<br />
stories.’’<br />
Susan wasn’tinterestedinmaking<br />
potsand foundthinking aboutusing<br />
ceramic as aportrayalofcertain<br />
subjectsmoreinspiringand captivating.<br />
‘‘It was ariskydeparture for me at the<br />
timeas, up until thatpoint,Ihad beena<br />
classicalmusician for many years.<br />
‘‘ Iwas a‘mature’ student at the<br />
ceramic school andwasgiving up my<br />
careerasaviolinist.’’<br />
Susan makesheadsfrom moulds.<br />
‘‘They are allthe same form, with only<br />
slight variationsfrom my owncarving<br />
and firingthemwith awhite crackled<br />
glazethatsortofrepresented the dry<br />
land, thedamage/trauma of thewomen,<br />
The following property has been<br />
reported to the police as lost in <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>. Haveyou seen it?<br />
Ablack under armour sports bag<br />
(Rangiora), asilver Apple iPhone 5S<br />
(Cheviot), ablack wallet (Rangiora), a<br />
❛As it is in ceramics, it is with<br />
trepidation that one opens the<br />
kiln at the end of asevenday<br />
cycle of firing.❜<br />
—SusanHiggs<br />
andthe large numbers theymigrate in.<br />
‘‘Animportant aspect formewas the<br />
useofmultiples.Ifind multiplesof<br />
objects all in one place veryintense and<br />
expressive and Iparticularly wanted to<br />
portray thesewomen like thisbecause of<br />
my experience as aprotectedand<br />
privileged child growing up in New<br />
Zealand, seeingthese people on<br />
television appearing all the sameand<br />
being completely removedfromthemas<br />
individuals,’’ she says.<br />
Theheadsare made with gritty clay<br />
slabs andeach one is glazed differently.<br />
Susan saysher intention is to have<br />
themall look the same fromadistance.<br />
‘‘Howeverwhenyou go up closeyou<br />
see they have details all over their<br />
heads, differentfromeach other.It’s<br />
quite an involved processbecause the<br />
drying timehas to be slow.<br />
‘‘And, as it is in ceramics, it is with<br />
trepidationthatoneopensthe kiln at the<br />
endofasevendaycycle of firing. And<br />
thatisjust fourheadsatatime!’’<br />
Susan is now trying to do both music<br />
andceramics.<br />
She has been playing violininthe<br />
Christchurch SymphonyOrchestrafor<br />
the past fiveyears.<br />
Tickets forthe grandopening of<br />
Sculpture on thePeninsula cost $75 and<br />
arelimited. Theywillbeonsalefrom<br />
<strong>October</strong>1.Entry on Saturday and<br />
Sunday is $15 peradult (childrenunder<br />
12 arefree)andpayment can be madeon<br />
arrival. Forfurther information,<br />
including afull listofcontributing<br />
artists, visit:<br />
red carabiner with about six keys<br />
(Hanmer Springs), ablack Samsung<br />
Galaxy phone (Rangiora), gold rim<br />
prescription Aviator sunglasses with<br />
brown arms (Kaiapoi), awhite gold and<br />
diamondwedding band (Rangiora).
MainPower<br />
Live Lines<br />
Issue 178<strong>October</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />
Networkupgrade work in Cheviot andWaiau<br />
Work commenced latelastmonth on an<br />
upgradeproject in the Cheviot and Waiau areas.<br />
The work is partofMainPower’s ongoing<br />
maintenanceprogramme andwill help ensure<br />
asafe andreliable supply of electricity to the<br />
region into the future.<br />
Themaintenancework includes replacing some<br />
of the 22kV linesinthe area andisscheduled to<br />
be completed in December.<br />
To reduce the impact on the local community,<br />
MainPower will be carrying out live line work,<br />
where possible. Unfortunately, some planned<br />
power outagesare necessary to carry out this<br />
work safely.<br />
If your propertywillbeaffected by an outage,<br />
youwill receive anotification from your<br />
electricity retailer.<br />
Information about planned power outages<br />
is also available on theMainPowerwebsite,<br /><br />
Community<br />
Fund voting<br />
Voting in the<strong>2019</strong>MainPower Community<br />
Fund closes Friday 18 <strong>October</strong>. Get your votes<br />
in nowfor the community groupand school<br />
thatyou think should receive ashare.<br />
$10,000 willbeallocated to <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
schools and $20,000 willbeallocatedto<br />
community groups operating in or serving<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />
Thefinalists were selectedfrom nominations<br />
received in the month of August from<br />
membersofthe community.<br />
Fundingrecipientswillbenamed on the<br />
MainPower website after voting has closed.<br />
Visit to vote.<br />
SLOW<br />
DOWN<br />
If you seeour crews<br />
working on or near<br />
theroad, please take<br />
special careand<br />
followall signage.<br />
0800 30 90 80<br />
24 hour faults line<br /><br />
Windy weather<br />
can cause<br />
outages<br />
Thewindy weather at the end of September<br />
wasagoodreminder that it’simportant to<br />
check the trees andothervegetation on your<br />
property to makesurethey aren’t growing too<br />
close to, or overhanging, power lines.<br />
Around one-third of MainPower’s fault call<br />
outsare due to branches andother debris<br />
interfering with power lines.<br />
Do your partand regularly inspect your trees.<br />
Always book arborists that arequalifiedto<br />
worksafely around powerlines.<br />
If you need advice,orwould like to book afree<br />
inspection and quote, call MainPower on<br />
080<strong>03</strong>09080formoreinformation.<br />
MainPower24Hour Faults Line<br />
0800 30 90 80
RuralLife<br />
Help at hand for farmers<br />
Help is just aphone callaway<br />
for farmers feeling the<br />
pressure.<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Rural<br />
SupportTrust chairman Andy<br />
Munro says there are arange of<br />
pressures on farmers,<br />
including the ongoing effects of<br />
the Mycoplasma bovis outbreak,<br />
and new waterquality and<br />
environmental legislation.<br />
‘‘There’s just afeelingthat<br />
everybodyseems to be against<br />
farmersand it’sall adding up.<br />
‘‘Farmers are concerned<br />
about what’s happening to the<br />
environment, butthey’realso<br />
concerned that they’renot<br />
being listened to, so there’s a<br />
lot of anxiety out there.<br />
‘‘But we’re getting into<br />
spring,whichbrings brighter<br />
weather.<br />
‘‘Spring growth seems to be<br />
pretty slowaroundthe area,but<br />
once we get some more fine<br />
weatheritwillbeaway.’’<br />
Trust coordinator Claire<br />
Ford says she receives on<br />
averagetwo phone callsaweek<br />
throughthe 0800helpline.<br />
‘‘They’ve got pressures<br />
coming from every which<br />
direction,soit’s not easyfor<br />
people out there,’’ she says.<br />
‘‘If people just want to havea<br />
chat, even if it’s for halfan<br />
hour, I’m happytodothat and<br />
we canrefer them for further<br />
Andy Munro<br />
help if required.’’<br />
The rural support trust has<br />
volunteerfacilitators, with<br />
basic mentalhealthtraining,<br />
throughoutthe <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> region, which<br />
coversfrom Rakaia Riverto<br />
Kaikoura. They can pop in for<br />
‘‘a cuppaand achat’’, Mrs Ford<br />
says.<br />
‘‘We can be alistening ear to<br />
their problems and if we can<br />
help with one problem, even<br />
better. We’re not trained<br />
counsellors, but we canpoint<br />
them in the right direction<br />
where needed.<br />
‘‘Theyare all farmers or<br />
retired farmers and they’ve<br />
been through hard times<br />
themselves, so they know what<br />
you are goingthrough—they<br />
get it.’’<br />
Mr Munro says it has beena<br />
busy timefor thetrust as it<br />
looks to extend its reach to<br />
support West Coast farmers in<br />
the M.bovis response.<br />
The <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Rural<br />
Support Trust is offering four<br />
firstaid courses during<br />
November and December, in<br />
partnershipwith the <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> Farmers<br />
Charitable Trust, whichis<br />
another chance for farmers to<br />
get off farm.<br />
The workshops are in<br />
RangioraonNovember 1,<br />
Kaikoura and Culverden, both<br />
on November 22, and in<br />
Dunsandel on December 6.<br />
Numbers are limited, so<br />
contact Claire Fordbyemail on<br /><br />
or text/phone (027) 384 9715.<br />
To contact the <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> Rural Support<br />
Trust,phone 0800 787 254,go<br />,<br />
or followthe <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Rural Support Trust page on<br />
Facebook.<br /><br />
<strong>03</strong> 344 5645<br />
Wetlands field<br />
day and tour<br />
Anaturalwetland, which<br />
is afeatureofaCulverden<br />
dairy farm, will take<br />
centrestage at afieldday<br />
organised by theHurunui<br />
Biodiversity Group.<br />
Sharemilker Nigel<br />
Gardiner has been looking<br />
after thewetland since<br />
2015.<br />
He is also creating new<br />
wetlands, doing extensive<br />
riparian anddryland<br />
native plantings, and<br />
protecting astream with a<br />
population of endangered<br />
freshwater mussels<br />
(kakahi).<br />
There willbeatourof<br />
sites at thefieldday,on<br />
Thursday,<strong>October</strong>10,<br />
from1.30pmto4.30pm.<br />
The tour will visit these<br />
and othersites to learn<br />
about the values of<br />
wetlands and streams,<br />
optionsfor protectionand<br />
enhancement,and<br />
ongoingmanagement<br />
challenges. To discuss<br />
these issues, agroup of<br />
presenters will<br />
accompanyNigel on the<br />
tour.<br />
Theyinclude: John<br />
Preece, aWetlandsNZ<br />
ecologist who has<br />
extensive knowledgeof<br />
wetlands and hasworked<br />
with various councils; the<br />
Department of<br />
Conservation;<br />
Environment <strong>Canterbury</strong>;<br />
andprivate landowners;<br />
consultant Jamie<br />
McFadden, coowner of<br />
theHurunui Nativesplant<br />
nursery; Miles Giller,a<br />
representativeofthe QEII<br />
NationalTrustand<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> Botanical<br />
Society; and Alastair<br />
Rutherford, the<br />
environmental manager<br />
for theAmuriIrrigation<br />
Company.<br />
The event is from<br />
1.30pm till about 4.30pm at<br />
The Triangle, 865<br />
Balmoral Station Road,<br />
Culverden. For more<br />
information, visit the<br />
Hurunui Biodiversity<br />
Group’s Facebook page.<br />
To RSVP,email<br />
hurunuibiodiversity@<br />, visitits<br />
Facebook page, or call<br />
Maria Hoban on (<strong>03</strong>)<br />
314 8293.<br />
T U E S DAY 8 T H O C TO B E R 2 0 1 9<br />
At 2pm – Viewing from 12pm<br />
76 Yearling Herford Bulls For Sale<br />
8Speckle Park/Hereford Bulls ForSale<br />
All BVD/EBL Tested and Vaccinated<br />
Vendor Contact:Rob Burrows: 027 2633582<br />
Rob Stokes: 027757 1673<br />
HelenMolloy: 0272<strong>03</strong> 3854<br />
AgentContact: AnthonyCox: 027208 3071
New migrant rules are<br />
good news for farmers<br />
FederatedFarmers has welcomed<br />
changes to migrantworkerrules.<br />
The federation’s <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
dairy chairman, Karl Dean, says last<br />
month’s announcement by Immigration<br />
Minister Iain LeesGalloway of threeyear<br />
visas and renewals, following a<br />
consultation processwhich began last<br />
December, is ‘‘verypositive newsfor<br />
farmers’’.<br />
‘‘Obviously it’sgoing to take time for<br />
the legislation to take effect, so the visas<br />
that are being processednow will still<br />
only be renewedfor 12 months.<br />
‘‘But the salary limits should makeita<br />
bit easier to retain longterm<br />
employees.’’<br />
Projections produced by<br />
ChristchurchNZshow that, by 2<strong>03</strong>1,<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> could be short by 70,000<br />
workers under existing scenarios and<br />
longterm migration trends.<br />
‘‘I rememberwhen we wentfrom threeyear<br />
to oneyear visas.Most of those<br />
migrants employed at the time moved to<br />
other countries where there was an<br />
easier path to residency,’’ Mr Dean says.<br />
‘‘We are still in askills shortage in<br />
ruralareasand thoseworkers pay alot of<br />
tax dollars to our country,but theycan’t<br />
get the benefits they should be getting<br />
unless they can get residency.’’<br />
Mr Dean says he is going throughthe<br />
process now to renewthe visa of one of<br />
his workersand expects he willhave to<br />
do it again nextyear, oncethe new<br />
legislation is in place.<br />
He saysthe threeyear visas will allow<br />
farmers to invest in the training of their<br />
workers to get them to the salarylevel<br />
New rules ... Federated Farmers <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> dairy chairman Karl Dean says<br />
new immigration rules will help him retain<br />
workers.<br />
required to allow them to stay in New<br />
Zealandlonger.<br />
‘‘Itusually takes 2 1 ⁄2 years to get to level<br />
three and to start level four,through<br />
PrimaryITO,sowe’ve beenhavingto<br />
renew avisa threetimesbefore they can<br />
move up.<br />
‘‘It can be demoralising for workers<br />
and there’s no guarantee avisa willbe<br />
renewed, so there’snoincentive to offer<br />
the training.<br />
‘‘Some workers have been herefor six<br />
yearsand working as 2ICs, but they<br />
haven’t completed the training, so these<br />
new rules should improve this process<br />
and offer an incentive for farmersto<br />
invest in their workers.’’<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> 3, <strong>2019</strong><br />
37<br />
Financial boost for vets<br />
Thirtytwograduatevetswill<br />
receiveafinancial boost from the<br />
Voluntary Bonding Scheme for<br />
Veterinarians to help ease the<br />
shortage of veterinarians working<br />
with productionanimals, the<br />
Ministryfor Primary Industries<br />
says.<br />
Theministry’s director of<br />
investment programmes, Steve<br />
Penno, says the bondingscheme is<br />
designed to support and boost the<br />
number of graduate vetsinthe<br />
regions.<br />
‘‘It’s available forgraduates who<br />
areworking withproduction<br />
animals suchascows, sheep and<br />
working dogs.<br />
‘‘This year’s successfulrecipients<br />
Post-quakeday<br />
The fourth postquake Forestry and<br />
Farming Field Day willbeheld in<br />
Kaikouraand Waiau tomorrow, Friday,<br />
<strong>October</strong> 4.<br />
It starts at Steepdown, 300 Blunts Road,<br />
Kaikoura,at10am and finishes at Lynton<br />
Downs, 1717 InlandRoad, Waiau, at 4pm.<br />
Adiscussion at Steepdown will centre on<br />
nativereversion and how it works<br />
successfully under the Emissions Trading<br />
Scheme. Visitors willalso explore anew<br />
area of poplar poles used as acombination<br />
of permanent carbon forest and grazing.<br />
At Lynton Downs, there will be atour of<br />
acommercial plantationforestrybusiness,<br />
including tree management, typical<br />
income, costs, markets, and risk<br />
management. There will also be discussion<br />
on how forestrycan integrate into hill and<br />
high countryfarms in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />
will each receive funding of $55,000<br />
over fiveyears, atotal of $1.76<br />
million,’’ he says.<br />
The scheme generally provides<br />
fundingfor 30 graduate vetsayear.<br />
However, additional funding was<br />
available this year for an extra two.<br />
Since theprogramme started in<br />
February 2009, the ministryhas<br />
approved funding for318 graduate<br />
vets.<br />
‘‘Vetsplayavital roleinour<br />
primaryindustries and rural<br />
communities,’’ he says.<br />
The bonding scheme is akeyway<br />
ofattracting skilled workers to hardtostaff<br />
veterinarypracticesinthe<br />
regions, and giving graduates an<br />
early boost to their careers.<br />
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38 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> 3, <strong>2019</strong><br />
Dozer and Digger<br />
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Warning after farm dog collapses<br />
Afarmer who had previouslyfed her dog<br />
calf milk replacerwas unaware that an<br />
alternative brand she gave to her dog on<br />
this occasion containedcoccidiostats.<br />
Thecollapsed dog was taken to the<br />
Rangiora Vet Centre. Shewas barely<br />
responsive,unabletostand, withaltered<br />
behaviour and nerve function within afew<br />
hours of drinkingthe milk.<br />
Workingwith the farmer, we were able<br />
to determine the only thing she had had<br />
different to the other dogsonthe property<br />
wasthe new milk replacer.<br />
Thedog was hospitalisedfor four days,<br />
where she received aroundtheclock care<br />
andsupportivetreatment. She wasalucky<br />
dog, in that she survived, but neurological<br />
changesmay be permanent, or couldtake<br />
up to two months to resolveonce the drug<br />
is clear from her system.<br />
An ultrasoundscan of her heartwas also<br />
clear, arelief for the RangioraVet Centre<br />
team supportingher, as these drugs can<br />
cause permanent damagetothe heart<br />
muscle,leadingtoheart failure.Thereis<br />
no known antidote—only supportivecare,<br />
andreducing absorptionifany has been<br />
consumed, using appropriate veterinary<br />
medicinesand treatment.<br />
HS 45 450<br />
$495<br />
The Rangiora Vet Centre is urging vigilancefollowing the recent<br />
suspectedpoisoning of aworking farm dog,which was givencalf milk<br />
replacerasatreat for working hard, andtoadd somebody condition.<br />
Coccidiosisincalves is somethingall<br />
farmers are keen to avoid, as it can leadto<br />
significantfinancial losses, poor health, ill<br />
thrift, reduced weightgain, and in some<br />
casesdeath.Coccidiosis can be present on<br />
farmswith the higheststandardsof<br />
hygiene and infection control. Casescan<br />
be obviousorsubclinical.<br />
The parasite reduces intestinal<br />
absorption of nutrients, and leadsto<br />
intestinal bleeding and scouring.<br />
Coccidiosiscan alsobefound in young<br />
chicks and chickens.<br />
The solution to prevent coccidial losses<br />
from illness and deathsistouse a<br />
coccidiostat —anantiparasitic<br />
medication,which whengiventorearing<br />
calves and young chicks,reduces the<br />
number of parasites in the gut, and<br />
consequently reducesproduction losses.<br />
Coccidiostats are found in some calf<br />
milk replacers,calf mealand chick crumb.<br />
When usedinthe intended species, they<br />
are safe to use,atthe appropriate<br />
Waiau wool field day<br />
People working in the woolharvesting<br />
industry are invited to afieldday at<br />
the Highfield Woolshed nearWaiau<br />
on Thursday, <strong>October</strong> 10.<br />
The day is designedfor classers,<br />
senior woolhandlers and pressers,<br />
but Bill Dowle fromthe New Zealand<br />
WoolClassersAssociation says it will<br />
be of interest and benefit to anyone<br />
workinginthe industry, such as young<br />
shedhandsoranyoneconsidering<br />
becomingawool handler.<br />
He says it is importanttotrain up<br />
shedhandsbecausewithoutthem<br />
woolclassing cannot be done<br />
properly.<br />
The day opens at 9amwith wool<br />
exercisestohelp withrecognising<br />
different sheepbreedstypes,oddment<br />
recognitionand colour.<br />
Thiswill be followed by a<br />
manufacturer’sdose,ascalculated by<br />
nutritionists. However,itisknownthe<br />
compounds which containcoccidiostats,<br />
are highly toxic and often fatal if drunk or<br />
eaten by dogs, cats,horses, sheep and<br />
goats, and other unintended species.<br />
Always check the packingtosee what<br />
additives are in the products, and onlyuse<br />
them for the species for which it is<br />
intended. Residuescan remainin<br />
containers, even when washed, so it is<br />
recommended to keepseparate<br />
equipment for products containing<br />
coccidiostats.<br />
In the event of accidental ingestion for a<br />
workinganimal or pet, contactyour<br />
veterinary teamimmediately. If it is<br />
accidentally selfingested, contact your<br />
doctor or emergency room immediately.<br />
Bevigilant makingup, storing, and<br />
feedingcalf milkreplacer, calf meal and<br />
chick crumb itcouldbefatal for working<br />
dogs, pets, and potentiallypeople if<br />
consumed by mistake.<br />
demonstration and discussion on clip<br />
preparation, andanoverview and<br />
demonstration of wool pressing by the<br />
company Heiniger.<br />
Therewill be adisplay and a<br />
discussion on contamination of<br />
fleeces.<br />
Therewill alsobepresentations<br />
fromthe Drug Detection Agency, local<br />
wool representatives and the New<br />
Zealand Wool Classers Association.<br />
Representativesfrom NZ Merino<br />
and PGG Wrightson will be in<br />
attendance.Bill says the day coincides<br />
withthe annual meeting of the New<br />
Zealand WoolClassers Associationin<br />
Christchurch.<br />
For further information,contact<br />
Billon(029) 358 3175orBruce Abbott<br />
on (027) 228 0868,oremail<br /><br />
STIHL SHOP <strong>North</strong>wood<br />
554 Main <strong>North</strong> Road, Belfast, Christchurch<br />
Ph: <strong>03</strong>-974-2469<br />
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Corner Lineside and Station Road, Rangiora<br />
Ph: <strong>03</strong>-313-3398<br />
STIHL SHOP Fosters<br />
559 Blenheim Road,Sockburn, Christchurch<br />
Ph: <strong>03</strong>-343-6339<br /><br />
Suitable for Simba<br />
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from $ 49 95<br />
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Ellis<br />
NOW $85<br />
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NOW $75<br />
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Offersand product prices advertised hereexpire21/10/19.<br />
Sale excludesManchester and Accessories.
SPORT<br />
40 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> 3, <strong>2019</strong><br />
Coast to coast ... The Rangiora Bowling Club’s women bowlers hosted players from the West Coast recently.<br />
Bowling season opens<br />
The Rangiora Bowling Club<br />
officially opened the new<br />
bowling season recently with an<br />
initial ‘‘rollup’’ by retiring<br />
mayor David Ayers.<br />
The club has since launched<br />
many activities, including<br />
Saturday afternoon mixed<br />
tournaments, monthly gettogether<br />
dinners, and club<br />
championships. Tuesday<br />
mornings are being touted as<br />
ladies’ club day.<br />
Events have included a<br />
weekend tournament against a<br />
West Coast club.<br />
It arose through club member<br />
Sydney Mulligan’s friendship<br />
with Cathy Richards. The pair<br />
had met through lawn bowls in<br />
Central Otago.<br />
Sydney later moved to<br />
Rangiora and Cathy to Hokitika.<br />
Remaining in touch, Cathy<br />
noted that there are fewer<br />
opportunities on the West Coast<br />
for women to play bowls due to<br />
both alack of numbers and<br />
artificial turfs for playing outside<br />
of the growing season.<br />
The pair arranged for two West<br />
Coast teams to travel over and<br />
challenge the Rangiora ladies to<br />
aweekend tournament recently.<br />
Wet weather prevented play on<br />
the artificial green, but the men<br />
rearranged the indoor facility to<br />
allow for two hours of ‘‘stadium<br />
bowls’’ in the clubhouse, with<br />
West Coast and Rangiora scoring<br />
two wins each.<br />
The bowlers then retreated to a<br />
local restaurant for an evening<br />
meal. Sunday’s kinder weather<br />
allowed play to continue outside<br />
on the artificial green.<br />
The West Coasters pulled<br />
ahead to claim the Mullrich<br />
Trophy.<br />
The weekend ended with a<br />
light morning tea and, after photo<br />
sessions, the visitors returned to<br />
the West Coast promising to host<br />
areturn weekend later in the<br />
bowling season.<br />
Rangiora Golf<br />
championships<br />
Seniormen: AlisdairReid;<br />
runnerupEdDickinson.<br />
Ladies: KarenCraigie;<br />
runnerupJoKent.<br />
Intermediate men: Ross<br />
Campbell; runnerup Carl<br />
Hadler.<br />
Junior Amen: Martin<br />
Ashton;runnerupHarry<br />
Rutledge.Ladies:Sue<br />
McFarlane;runnerup<br />
Barbara Cornwall.<br />
Junior Bmen: Steve<br />
Jones;runnerup Tony<br />
Walmsley.Ladies:Ann<br />
Woods;runnerupSandy<br />
Hood.<br />
Junior Cmen: Terry<br />
Adams;runnerupNick<br />
McPherson.<br />
Ninehole divisionone<br />
men: MarkWebb; runnerup<br />
EricPollock.Ladies:<br />
RitaMoore; runnerup<br />
ColeenWhite.<br />
Nineholedivisiontwo<br />
men: JohnTaylor; runnerup<br />
HowardThomas.<br />
Ladies: Ruth Crawford;<br />
runnerup PatBenney.<br />
Seniorflightsmen: Karl<br />
Rollinson; runnerupNick<br />
Bishop. Ladies: Chris<br />
Rhea; runnerupDi<br />
Archer.<br />
Juniorflights men: Ian<br />
Johnston; runnerup Jim<br />
Martin. Ladies: Bex<br />
Crosbie, runnerup Sandy<br />
Claxton.<br />
Other competitions:<br />
Nine holeputting:Ann<br />
Cameron 12,1;Ross<br />
McQueen13, 2; Sarah<br />
Rutherford 13, 3.<br />
Midweek men: Par: Les<br />
Hampton+4, 1; Craig<br />
Bonner +4,2;Ken<br />
McFarlane +3 (c/b)3.<br />
Weekendmen,stableford:<br />
Div 1: Paul Woods41, 1;<br />
PeteDavis 36, 2; Grant<br />
Hoben 36 (c/b), 3.<br />
Div 2: JimWoods 38, 1;<br />
GaryForster38, 2; Bob<br />
Cusdin37, 3.<br />
Hobnailtovisit<br />
Hobnail will play at the Balcairn Hall on Friday, November 1,<br />
as part of its 25th anniversary tour.<br />
Tickets to listen to the classic Celtic country folk music are<br />
$25 and available from Sally Mac’s, Amberley; Mumma T<br />
Trading Lounge, Amberley; Stan’s 7Day Pharmacy, Rangiora;<br />
and the Sefton Garage. People can also book online at<br /><br />
2-for-1<br />
tickets on<br />
Sat 5 & Sun 6<strong>October</strong>, 10am–5pm<br />
Horncastle Arena, Christchurch<br />
Door Sales $10 |Kids Under 12 Free<br />
Everything from gourmet food, tea and artisan products to fashion, beauty, travel and more!<br />
•200 Exhibitors •Goodie Bags •Vivo Hair &Beauty Lounge<br />
•Southern Reflexology Relaxation Lounge •Taste Zone<br />
•Little Biddy School ofGin Lounge •Artisan Craft Zone<br />
Find out more at<br />
Dilmah is celebratingthe amazing women of<br />
New Zealand with the gift of tea. Stop by our<br />
stand to nominate the unsung heroes in your life!
SPORT<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> 3, <strong>2019</strong><br />
41<br />
Call for action ...<br />
Students make their<br />
feelings known<br />
during arecent<br />
climate protest in<br />
Hawarden.<br />
It’sour future, we are<br />
going to fight for it<br />
See website for details<br />
Tessa Allan, astudent from Hurunui College, explains her motivation to<br />
take part in the recent International School Strike for Climate Day.<br />
Idecided as one of HurunuiCollege’s<br />
head students to join the International<br />
School Strike for Climate Day on<br />
September 27.<br />
Iorganised aproactive day of action at<br />
the college to raise awareness by having<br />
Nicola Toki, the Department of<br />
Conservation endangered species<br />
ambassador, speak to the students about<br />
the need to protect our fragile<br />
ecosystems and what climate change<br />
means for our native species.<br />
Thirtyfive students supported the<br />
Climate Strike by creating banners,<br />
using recycled cardboard and unwanted<br />
paint, then went on to protest in<br />
Hawarden.<br />
It was an extremely successful day,<br />
with passersby waving and tooting,<br />
while others came out of their homes to<br />
take photosand videos.<br />
This was wellsupported by staff<br />
membersand our principal, Stephen<br />
Beck.<br />
Striking locally was more practical<br />
than driving into Christchurch.<br />
We didn’t release any carbon<br />
emissions by travelling and it allowed<br />
more students to express their message<br />
in asmall town.<br />
We hope that this will put pressure on<br />
the government and the Hurunui<br />
District Council to take this issue more<br />
seriously and to declare aclimate<br />
emergency.<br />
We know that our council and the New<br />
Zealand government are taking steps in<br />
the right direction to attack climate<br />
❛We want stricter laws and<br />
policies on theuse, extraction<br />
and explorationoffossil fuels.We<br />
want to investinarenewable<br />
and regenerative economy. We<br />
need everyonetothink about<br />
how their actions will affect our<br />
environment,not only the<br />
economy.❜<br />
change. However, Ibelievethat<br />
committing to, and declaring, aclimate<br />
emergency will force more urgent<br />
action, lead to more ambitious goals,<br />
and create more accountability for<br />
governmental and municipal bodies.<br />
We, the youth, are asking the<br />
government to declare aclimate<br />
emergency.<br />
We want crossparty supportfor the<br />
Zero Carbon Act. We want abetter<br />
public transport system.<br />
We want stricter laws and policies on<br />
the use, extraction and exploration of<br />
fossil fuels. We want to invest in a<br />
renewable and regenerative economy.<br />
We need everyone to think about how<br />
their actions will affect our<br />
environment, not only the economy.<br />
We need change now. Not in ayear’s<br />
time. Not in amonth. Now. This is our<br />
future and we are going to fight for it.<br />
Join us onThursday 10th <strong>October</strong><br />
between 5–7pm for afabulous<br />
night ofFashion and Savings.<br />
See for more details<br />
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CHRISTCHURCH 409 Main South Road, Hornby<br /><br />
40% off all footwear.<br />
30% off Youth apparel.<br />
Conditions apply<br />
BENDON<br />
Up to 80% off. Selected<br />
styles. T&Cs apply<br />
Buy 3items &take a<br />
further 30% off<br />
BONDS<br />
Mid season sale.<br />
40% off all marked<br />
prices storewide<br />
Bell's Original<br />
Scotch Whisky<br />
1Litre<br />
34 .99<br />
each<br />
Jules Taylor<br />
750ml (excl Pinot<br />
Noir)<br />
19 .99<br />
each<br />
Seagers Gin or Ivanov<br />
Vodka 1Litre<br />
31 .99<br />
each<br />
Coruba Rum<br />
1Litre<br />
39 .99<br />
each<br />
Absolut Vodka or St-<br />
RémyVSOP Brandy<br />
1Litre<br />
39 .99<br />
each<br />
Baileys Irish Cream<br />
1Litre<br />
40 .99<br />
each<br />
Jim Beam White Label<br />
Bourbon 1.125 Litre<br />
42 .99<br />
each<br />
Maker's Mark Bourbon<br />
700ml<br />
44 .99<br />
each<br />
Bombay Sapphire<br />
Gin 1Litre<br />
46 .99<br />
each<br />
Chivas Regal 12YO<br />
Whisky 700ml<br />
49 .99<br />
each<br />
Jack Daniel's No.7<br />
Whiskey 1Litre<br />
51 .99<br />
each<br />
Billy Maverick 7%<br />
250ml 12 Pack Cans<br />
21 .99<br />
pack<br />
Speight's Gold Medal Ale<br />
or Summit Lager 330ml<br />
24 Pack Bottles<br />
34 .99<br />
pack<br />
Woodstock 7% 330ml<br />
6Pack Cans<br />
12 .99<br />
pack<br />
Vodka Cruiser 7% 250ml<br />
12 Pack Cans or Vodka<br />
Cruiser 5% 275ml<br />
12 Pack Bottles<br />
21 .99<br />
pack<br />
Coruba &Cola 7%<br />
250ml 12 Pack Cans<br />
24 .99<br />
pack<br />
Woodstock 5% 330ml<br />
18 Pack Bottles or<br />
Cody's 7% 250ml<br />
18 Pack Cans<br />
29 .99<br />
pack<br />
Tuatara 330ml<br />
6Pack Bottles<br />
18 .99<br />
pack<br />
Panhead 330ml<br />
6Pack Bottles (excl<br />
Rat Rod)<br />
19 .99<br />
pack<br />
Heineken or<br />
Monteith's Craft Beer<br />
330ml 12Pack Bottles<br />
23 .99<br />
pack<br />
DB Draught, Export<br />
Gold or Tui 330ml<br />
15 Pack Bottles<br />
23 .99<br />
pack<br />
Corona 355ml<br />
12 Pack Bottles or<br />
Steinlager Classic 330ml<br />
15 Pack Bottles<br />
27 .99<br />
pack<br />
RANGIORA 16 Southbrook Road •<strong>03</strong>313 6684 •<br />
HOURS: Monday toThursday 10am–9pm, Friday &Saturday 10am–10pm, Sunday 11am–7pm<br />
Henry’s encourages safe &responsible use of alcohol. Shout prices run from Monday 30th September until Sunday 13th <strong>October</strong> <strong>2019</strong> orwhile stocks last.<br />
Collect Fly Buys or Airpoints for every $20 spent.<br />
Shout prices exclusive to<br />
Henry’s Rangiora ONLY
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><strong>News</strong><br />
Private Sanctuary<br />
13 Elm Drive, Rangiora<br />
This large family home is in awell sought after location and amust see! This quality built<br />
home boasts four double bedrooms, fabulous family bathroom and laundry room with<br />
excellent storage. The kitchen/dining area has abreakfast bar and butler’s pantry. The<br />
master bedroom has awalk in wardrobe, large en suitewith bath and is in asecluded haven<br />
away from the rest ofthe house with its own patio area and private spa giving this home a<br />
fantastic parents retreat!<br />
Thereare two large living areas with more than enough space for thewhole family!The outdoor<br />
area is extremely private with abeautiful court-yard feel. It is also very well connected tothe<br />
living areas, ensuring that this is truly anentertainer’s dream. The gardens are wonderfully<br />
established with stunning roses, Camellias and raised garden beds, the hard work is done<br />
-sosit back and enjoy this fabulous home!<br />
Deadline Sale<br />
closing 2pm, Thursday<br />
31st <strong>October</strong> <strong>2019</strong> (unless sold prior)<br />
Open Home<br />
Sunday 3.30pm –4.30pm<br />
For more information contact<br />
Katy Biggs 022 068 7415<br />
Carol Thompson 027 914 2341<br />
Farmlands Real Estate<br />
Website ID: RX2047402<br />
2202884<br />
Residential<br />
Lifestyle<br />
For Sale<br />
Oxford | 2535 Oxford Road<br />
4.41 Hectares<br />
Amazing Starter Lifestyle Block. This period villa has three<br />
bedrooms, twobathrooms andtwo spacious livingareas with<br />
decorative fireplaces.The kitchen/diningareahas alarge wetback<br />
firewith aheat transfersystem and radiators. Thereisalsothe added<br />
bonus of asunroom/playroom.Otherbuildings include separate<br />
garage with three phasepower,adetached laundry and storage area,<br />
a3bayhay barn,achicken shed, glasshouse and alarge raised<br />
garden.The eleven acresofland is fenced into fivepaddocks, with<br />
some maturetrees as well as establishing shelter. | Property ID RX2046433<br />
Price<br />
Offers over $540,000<br />
Inspection<br />
By appointment<br />
Contact<br />
Carol Thompson 027 914 2341<br />
Maurice Newell 027 240 1718<br />
Yaldhurst | 95 Ryans Road<br />
4.67 Hectares<br />
Lifestyle Property With Unsurpassed Quality<br />
• Immaculately presented, 360m 2 two storey home<br />
• Four double bedrooms, spacious modern kitchen<br />
• Heat pump, nitestore &underfloor heating<br />
• Open-plan living, library with balcony, formal lounge<br />
• Attached three car garage with accessible loft storage<br />
• Salt treated heated pool, an outdoor spa and apaved area<br />
• 2 x3bay, fully enclosed shed and extensive workshop<br />
• Excellent horticultural soils | Property ID RX2<strong>03</strong>9363<br />
Deadline Sale<br />
Closing 2pm, Friday<br />
18 <strong>October</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />
Inspection<br />
By appointment<br />
Contact<br />
Malcolm Garvan 027 231 4425<br />
Oxford<br />
780 Woodstock Road<br />
4.5 Hectares<br />
Deadline Sale<br />
Closing 4pm, 9<strong>October</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />
List With Us Today<br />
(unless sold prior)<br />
Contact<br />
Maurice Newell 027 240 1718<br />
HamishAnderson 027 6788888<br />
Open Home Sunday 11.15am to 12.00pm. This beautiful, 216m², three-bedroom two-bathroom home,<br />
has been built to the highest standards. Stylish designer kitchen with butler's pantry, stone top butchers<br />
block and Belling stove with 5ring gas hob. Three car internal access garage and designs available for the<br />
creation of aforth bedroom. High stud, 211m² steel framed workshop with three-phase power, anoffice<br />
and bathroom. The land comprises three main paddocks &four smaller paddocks. | Property ID RX<strong>2019</strong>476<br />
Swannanoa<br />
24 West Denbie Lane<br />
4Hectares<br />
Deadline Sale<br />
Closing 4pm, 10 <strong>October</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />
(unless sold prior)<br />
Contact<br />
Maurice Newell 027 240 1718<br />
HamishAnderson 027 6788888<br />
Open Home Sunday 1.30pm to 2.30pm. Beautifully appointed four bedroom, two bathroom home,<br />
with open plan living and alarge second living area/media room. Seamless indoor/outdoor flow to the<br />
private deck. Double internal access garage, separate laundry, separate toilet and gas hot water. High<br />
output log-burner eco heaters and two heat pumps. Four main paddocks, alarge dog run, sheep yards,<br />
astock shelter and alarge three bay barn. Good shelter, own well and water race. | Property ID RX2044461<br />
Members ofour <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> team recently received awards<br />
at our National Conference. Our team are local and understand<br />
the current market whether itisresidential, lifestyle or rural.<br />
Call ouragentstoday to help you make an informeddecisionon<br />
thebest way to market your propertyand get the best results.<br />
Licensed under REAA 2008<br />
James Murray<br />
027 436 81<strong>03</strong><br />
Jenny Rouse<br />
027 314 6119<br />
Hamish Anderson<br />
027 678 8888<br />
MalcolmGarvan<br />
027 231 4425<br />
Maurice Newell<br />
027 240 1718<br />
Alan Eastwick<br />
027 447 0007<br />
Russell Clifford<br />
027 434 3122<br />
Carol Thompson<br />
027 914 2341<br />
Katy Biggs<br />
022 068 7415<br />
Licensed under REAA 2008
Four SeasonsRealty<br />
Is acareer<br />
in real estate<br />
in your sights?<br />
Join our team!<br />
Real estateisadynamicand evolving industry,offering challenges<br />
and opportunities.<br />
Talk to us andfind outwhat it takestosucceed in real estate!<br />
Flexiblehours<br />
Limitlessearning potential<br />
Exciting andrewarding<br />
Full training and supportprovided<br />
Phone for aconfidential chat<br />
James Twiss 027 421 1164<br /><br />
Four Seasons Realty<br />
Your home forlocal property<br />
Four Seasons Realty 2017 Ltd|Licensed Agent REAA 2008<br /><br />
Your home forlocal property.
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> 3, <strong>2019</strong><br />
45<br />
Waipara fireworks<br />
The annual fireworks display will be held at the<br />
Glenmark Reserve, Waipara, on Friday, November<br />
8. The postponement day will be November 9.<br />
There will be food and entertainment. The gates<br />
open at 5.30pm and the fireworks display will be<br />
held when it is dark. Entry is $20 acar load; or<br />
adults are $10 and schoolaged child $5.<br />
Preschoolers are free.<br />
Blues and jazz concert<br />
The celebrated Muddy Mama Blues Band from<br />
Christchurch will deliver arich blend of<br />
instrumental and vocal blues and jazz from 1914 to<br />
the present day at the Balcairn Hall on Saturday,<br />
<strong>October</strong> 12. There will be space to dance —no<br />
stilettos. It is an alcoholfree event. Doors open at<br />
7pm for a7.30pm start. Cost: $20, (or ask about<br />
family/unwaged discounts). Tickets are available<br />
from Sigrid McTurk on (<strong>03</strong>) 312 9208 or email<br /> There will be limited door<br />
sales. The concert celebrates 20 years of music and<br />
education of ‘‘Joyful Sounds Music —education for<br />
Life’’.<br />
Variety benefit evening<br />
Avariety benefit concert is being held at the<br />
Rangiora RSA on Saturday, <strong>October</strong> 12, from 7pm.<br />
It will be presented by recording artist Danny<br />
McGirr and will feature country artists including<br />
Don White, Ernie Andrew, Greg and Deb Duo, Ivan<br />
Burkin, Michael McGirr, Silverado and KZees<br />
Duo. Tickets are $10, with door sales available, or<br />
phone Ngaire Harpur on (<strong>03</strong>) 312 9378 or (021)<br />
102 5044. Raffles will also be on sale on the night.<br />
Proceeds will go to support Special Olympics <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />
Rangiora Sunday Market<br />
The Rangiora Sunday Market in the Blake Street<br />
car park will be held twice this month, on <strong>October</strong><br />
13 and 27, from 9am to 2pm. As always, there will be<br />
many bargains, including plants, clothing,<br />
household items, garden tools, health products,<br />
bikes, books, gift cards, handyman tools, jewellery,<br />
toys, garden sculptures and woodcraft. Young<br />
children will get the chance to operate Thomas and<br />
friends at the nearby <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Model<br />
Railway Club rooms.<br />
Rotary Book Fair<br />
The Annual Rotary Club of Rangiora Book Fair<br />
returns to the Rangiora Borough School Hall this<br />
Friday and Saturday. This annual event features<br />
tens of thousands of books, starting at 50 cents. CDs,<br />
records, puzzles and games are also available. The<br />
fair runs from 8.30am to 7pm on Friday and 8.30am<br />
to 5pm Saturday. All proceeds will be distributed<br />
within the local community. Last year, more than<br />
$30,000 was raised.<br />
Golden Oldies Country Music<br />
Tuesday Country with Smokey &Lorraine,along<br />
with their group of followers, will be held on<br />
Tuesday, <strong>October</strong> 15, in the Rangiora RSA, at 2pm.<br />
There will be arelaxing hour or so of oldtime songs<br />
and the sounds of guitar, banjo, harmonica,<br />
accordions and keyboard, along with maybe alittle<br />
linedancing and ‘‘walkups’’ if time permits.<br />
Included in the $2 admission charge is a‘‘cuppa<br />
and biscuits’’, with raffles available. For details,<br />
phone Lorraine on (<strong>03</strong>) 327 3231.<br />
Dairy Network<br />
The Dairy Women’s Network is hosting an event on<br />
Wednesday, <strong>October</strong> 9, at which the <strong>2019</strong> Dairy<br />
Woman of the Year Trish Rankin will speak about<br />
her journey through the Dairy Woman of the Year<br />
contest. She will talk about her passion for creating<br />
acircular economy in New Zealand agriculture and<br />
how to reduce waste on farm by making good<br />
decisions around consumption. The event is open<br />
to all and will be held at the Hurunui Hotel at<br />
5.30pm. To register and buy tickets, go to<br /> or<br />
email<br />
Juggling, poitwirling, bubbles<br />
Give your kids afun holiday activity that will spark<br />
their coordination and dexterity. Chen Moked will<br />
demonstrate juggling and poi, then show kids easy<br />
games and progress to teaching patterns. Belinda<br />
Meares will demonstrate how to make bubble<br />
wands and abubble mix for big bubbles, and<br />
participants will all have aplay. Time: 1.30pm to<br />
3.30pm, Waikari Domain, Monday, <strong>October</strong> 7. Cost:<br />
1.5 TimeBank Hurunui credits or adonation<br />
appreciated to cover materials costs. Register: (<strong>03</strong>)<br />
314 3406 or<br />
All the Juicy Pastures: Greville Texidor<br />
and New Zealand, by Margot Schwass<br />
GrevilleTexidorwas borninEngland in<br />
1902 and,before her arrivalinNew<br />
Zealand as arefugee at the outbreak of<br />
WorldWar 2, shehad worked as an artist’s<br />
model, actress and music hall dancer, and<br />
had fought in the anarchist militia in the<br />
Spanish CivilWar. WhileinNew Zealand,<br />
she turned to writing,and by the time she<br />
left for Australia and Spain in 1947 she<br />
had produced asmallbut impressive body<br />
of fiction.<br />
The Carer, by DeborahMoggach<br />
James is getting on abit and needs fulltime<br />
help. So Phoebe and Robert,his middleaged<br />
children, employ Mandy,who seems<br />
willing to takehim off their hands.But as<br />
James regales his familywith talesof<br />
Mandy’s virtues, their shoppingtrips, and<br />
the shared pleasure of their journeys to<br />
gardencentres,Phoebe and Robert sense<br />
somethingisamiss. Is this reallytheir<br />
father, happily chortling over cuckoo clocks<br />
and television soaps? Then something<br />
happens that throws everything into new<br />
relief. Phoebeand Robert discoverlife does not stop for the<br />
elderly.<br />
AConversation withmyCountry, by Alan<br />
Duff<br />
Afresh, personal account of New Zealand<br />
fromone of our hardesthitting writers.<br />
Returned from livinginFrance, he views<br />
his country with fresh eyes,asitis now:<br />
homing in on thecrisesinparenting, our<br />
prisons, educationand welfare systems,<br />
and agrowingculture of entitlement that<br />
entraps Pakehaand Maori alike. Never one<br />
to shy away from being awhetstone on<br />
which others can sharpen their own<br />
opinions, Alan tells it how he sees it.<br />
These titles are available in Waimakariri and Hurunui<br />
libraries.For recentadditionstothe library collection go to<br /> or visit you local<br />
library.<br />
58,000 people live within our<br />
circulation area. Just one ad in the<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong> will be read<br />
by 46,000 of them every week!<br />
Phone<br />
<strong>03</strong> 314 8335<br />
Source 2018 Nielsen Readership research all people 10+ NCN Circulation area
46 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> 3, <strong>2019</strong><br />
Public Notices<br />
The following table is the Council’sreport on the Dog Control Policy for the period 4<br />
September 2018 –17September <strong>2019</strong> in accordance with the Dog Control Act 1996 (s10A).<br />
Reporting Requirements<br />
Total number of registered dogs<br />
Number of dogs currently unregistered (at this date)<br />
The number of probationary owners and disqualified owners 0<br />
The number of dogs classified as dangerous within last year 1<br />
(section 31).<br />
Any dog which the Territorial Authority has, on the basis of sworn<br />
evidence attesting to aggressive behaviour by the dog on one<br />
or more occasions, reasonable grounds to believe constitutes a<br />
threat to the safety of any person, stock, poultry,domestic<br />
animal or protected wildlife.<br />
The number of dogs classified as menacing (section 33):<br />
Classified under s33(A)(1)(b)(i) -observed or reported behaviour 4<br />
Classified under s33C(1) –Breed or type 1<br />
The number of Infringement Notices sent to Court:<br />
Failure to comply with classification effects 1<br />
Failure to keep dog under control 5<br />
Failure to register dog 27<br />
Number<br />
5,501 dogs<br />
2,309owners<br />
354 dogs<br />
The number of complaints received and their nature.<br />
Categories of complaints are:<br />
Aggressive behaviour 32<br />
Dog biting dog 8<br />
Dog biting person 5<br />
Stock worrying 17<br />
Barking 61<br />
Lost/Found/Roaming 318<br />
Welfare 11<br />
Impounded Dogs 8<br />
Surrendered 2<br />
Rehomed 2<br />
The number of prosecutions undertaken 0<br />
Animal Control Officers:<br />
Employed 1<br />
Contracted -HSSecurity and Smith Security 2<br />
Ashburton Fanciers<br />
Society<br />
Sunday,<strong>October</strong> 13<br />
Sports Hall,<br />
Tancred Street West,<br />
Ashburton<br />
Viewing 11am<br />
Start 12.30pm<br />
Poultry,Bantams,<br />
Ducks, Cavies<br />
Fertile eggs for hatching.<br />
Day old chicks, unsexed.<br />
Selected purebreeds<br />
for $6.00 each<br />
2212333<br />
Swannanoa Hall<br />
AGM<br />
Wednesday 9 th<br />
<strong>October</strong>, 7.30pm<br />
2211918<br />
Anyone interested<br />
welcometoattend<br />
Personal<br />
Alone Is No Fun…<br />
Joinourmembersseeking<br />
companionship/love!<br />
Meet viaPersonal phone callsnot<br />
computer matchups<br />
25+years of matchmaking experience.<br />
City/Rural members of all ages (seniors<br />
welcome!)<br />
Call 0800 315 311<br />
to seewho is waiting to meet you!<br /><br />
Pets<br />
2202068<br />
for smaller dogs. We look<br />
after your dog in our home.<br />
"No kennels". Phone today<br />
<strong>03</strong> 314 6110.<br />
2211124<br />
“The Key of Knowledge ..“(Luke 11:52)<br />
“GOOD NEWS”<br />
Jesus Christ is coming back -soon!!<br />
“Behold Icome quickly; and My reward is with<br />
Me, to give to everyman according as his works<br />
shall be.” Rev 22:12.<br />
Musical Instruments<br />
GUITAR and Ukukele<br />
tuition, Rangiora based,<br />
experienced tuition in Folk,<br />
Blues, Rock, instrument<br />
setup and basic repairs.Ph<br />
Tim 027 489 5957.<br />
Wanted To Buy<br />
CASH PAID for all types<br />
of scrap, farm machinery,<br />
old vehicles etc. Phone<br />
Wayne 027 749 9736, <strong>03</strong><br />
323 6610, Licenced Dealer.<br />
TOOLS, garden, garage,<br />
saw benches, lathes. Cash<br />
buyer. Phone <strong>03</strong>355 2045.<br />
DOWNSIZING? Garage<br />
sale? Cash for estate china.<br />
Please telephone 313 1878<br />
or 027 350 3963<br />
Get results for<br />
your business<br />
-advertise in<br />
the <strong>North</strong><br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
<strong>News</strong><br />
Phone <strong>03</strong> 314 8335<br />
or email<br /><br />
Gardening<br />
2209494<br />
gardening, hedge trimming,<br />
section tidies, green waste<br />
removal. Call or text<br />
Megan 021 337 489. Pensioner<br />
quotes available.<br />
TIDY TREES and gardens.<br />
All tree pruning,<br />
felling, hedge trimming and<br />
general gardening. Telephone<br />
Daniel 027 373 7001<br /><br />
TRILLIAMS 4th & 5th<br />
year Tubers. 1st &2nd year<br />
seedlings. White &<br />
maroon. Ph 021 171 7584.<br />
GARDEN hedges cut to<br />
perfection. Tree & arbor<br />
work. Also spraying. Free<br />
quotes. Ph <strong>03</strong> 312 0668 or<br />
021 111 4322.<br />
Public Notices<br />
SECTION 101, SALE<br />
ALCOHOL ACT 2012<br />
Dream Project NZ Ltd<br />
has made application<br />
to the District Licensing<br />
Committee at Rangiora<br />
for the renewal of an On<br />
Licence in respect of the<br />
premises situated at 76<br />
Main Street, Oxford known<br />
as Indian Hut Restaurant.<br />
The general nature of the<br />
business conducted (or to<br />
be conducted) under the<br />
licence is Restaurant.<br />
The days on which and<br />
the hours during which<br />
alcohol is (or is intended to<br />
be) sold under the licence<br />
are Mon -Sun, 11.30am -<br />
10.30pm.<br />
The application may be<br />
inspected during ordinary<br />
office hours at the office<br />
of the Waimakariri District<br />
Licensing Committee at<br />
215 High Street, Rangiora.<br />
Any person who is entitled<br />
to object and who wishes<br />
to object to the issue of<br />
the licence may, not later<br />
than 15 working days after<br />
the date of the publication<br />
of this notice, file anotice<br />
in writing of the objection<br />
with the Secretary of<br />
the Waimakariri District<br />
Licensing Committee<br />
at Private Bag 1005,<br />
Rangiora.<br />
No objection to the renewal<br />
of alicence may be made<br />
in relation to amatter other<br />
than amatter specified in<br />
section 131 of the sale and<br />
supply of alcohol act 2012<br />
This is the second<br />
publication of this<br />
notice. This notice was<br />
first published on 26th<br />
September,<strong>2019</strong>.<br />
2209609<br />
Situations Vacant<br />
Cars Wanted<br />
CASH 4CARS<br />
and 4WD'S<br />
Phone<br />
Automotive<br />
Parts<br />
<strong>03</strong> 313 7216<br />
CASH / CASH for any<br />
unwanted vehicles. Ph <strong>03</strong><br />
347 9354 or 027 476 2404.<br />
Cars For Sale<br />
$44,000 Ad# 31511<br />
Reluctant Sale: 2017 Holden<br />
Colorado 4x4 Ute, 30,000km,<br />
5-seater, 2.8L diesel auto,<br />
N.Z. new, reg. and w.o.f.<br />
Search<br />
for more details.<br />
Aposition foramotivated&well<br />
presented person.<br />
Includes cashier duties, sales&<br />
assistingcustomers.<br />
Computer &communicationskills<br />
would beanadvantage.<br />
Phone Andrew 021 355 890<br />
2090492<br />
Trade&Services<br />
ABEL &Prestige Chimney<br />
Cleaning. Nth Cant owned<br />
& operated. Covering all<br />
areas from Waimak to Hanmer.<br />
Professional, guaranteed,<br />
service. Firebox<br />
repairs, carry most parts. Ph<br />
0800 661 244.<br />
BRIAN’S Tree Services.<br />
Tree felling, topping,<br />
shaping, firewood cut, rubbish<br />
removed, stump grinding,<br />
branch chipping.<br />
Affordable rates. Phone <strong>03</strong><br />
327 5505 or 021 124 4894.<br />
BRICK &Blocklayer. All<br />
types of work undertaken.<br />
New, EQC, repairs, LBP.<br />
Phone Hamish 313 5678 or<br />
027 238 60<strong>03</strong>.<br />
CARPENTER / Painter<br />
specialising in alterations &<br />
renovations, repairs &<br />
maintenance, 35 plus years,<br />
experienced licenced<br />
builder. Telephone Trevor<br />
313 5013 or 027 431 1864.<br />
Time to service your fire.<br />
Accumulation of soot seriously<br />
affects performance.<br />
Latest rotary brush technology.<br />
Free moisture check<br />
on wood. Safety inspection.<br />
All work insured &<br />
guranteed. From $70 single<br />
story. 0800SWEEPME or<br />
021 0277 1927.<br />
LAWNMOWING Phone<br />
Stu 027 315 6916.<br />
Situations Vacant<br />
Seasonal Mower Operator<br />
GSL is headquartered in Hornby, Christchurch and has been<br />
providing arange of services across civil contracting, open<br />
spaces and mechanical repairs for the last 20 years. Our<br />
capabilities range from mowing services, hydro seeding,<br />
landscaping, construction, sports turf, spraying to pest plant<br />
control.<br />
We are seeking a seasonal Mower Operator to work<br />
predominantly during the peak seasons of September to<br />
December and February to April. You would be working<br />
primarily in the Hurunui District however may also work outside<br />
this area from time to time. Your primary role will be to deliver<br />
ahigh standard of mowing that meet the client’srequirements<br />
and industry standards.<br />
Ideally you will have experience mowing in aroadside<br />
environment and be able to deliver ahigh standard of mowing<br />
that meet the client’s requirements and industry standards.<br />
Youwill operate to ahigh safety standard and have the ability<br />
to work both independently and as part of ateam. ACurrent<br />
Full NZ Drivers License with Class 2WTR is essential for the<br />
role.<br />
Applicants for this position must have NZ residency or a<br />
valid NZ work permit. Youwill also be required to pass apreemployment<br />
drug and alcohol test.<br />
If this sounds like the type of role you are looking for please<br />
apply now before applications close on 25 <strong>October</strong> <strong>2019</strong> by<br />
sending your CV with acover letter to<br />
2210092<br />
Eskburn Farm<br />
Eskburn Farm consistsof221 hectaresinthree titles<br />
with agood balance of soils fromheavy flatswhich<br />
providevery goodyields of supplements to lighter<br />
flats whichare suitable forwintering cows. Situated<br />
just inland fromthe township of St Andrewsand<br />
within verycomfortable distance to Timaru andthe<br />
Temukasaleyardsthisproperty is ideally suitedfor<br />
dairy support or beef rearing andfinishing.<br /><br />
required for casual event<br />
work over the summer<br />
period. Acurrent C.O.A is<br />
essential. Ph 028 419 3720.<br />
Trade&Services<br />
PAINT & wallpaper<br />
services. Wayne Bryant.<br />
Exterior, interior, qualified<br />
tradesman. Free quotes. Ph<br />
313 5337 or 027 654 4568.<br />
ROOFER. All roof repairs,<br />
roof painting, waterblasting,<br />
moss treatment,<br />
repointing, gutter cleans &<br />
snow straps. And more.<br />
Free quotes. Phone Nathan<br />
027 516 6609.<br />
AFFORDABLE concrete<br />
cutting with quality and PLASTIC WELDING<br />
removal work. Free quotes.<br />
No job too small. Ph 027<br />
442 2219, Fax <strong>03</strong> 359 6052<br />
or A/H <strong>03</strong> 359 4605.<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> specialist.<br />
All plastic &fibreglass<br />
repairs. Telephone James<br />
021 180 51<strong>03</strong>.<br />
METAL WORX. Flashing,<br />
Sheetmetal Fabrication,<br />
Wrought Iron,<br />
Welding, Custom Trailers,<br />
General Metalwork. No job<br />
too big or too small. Ph 021<br />
265 5428 or <strong>03</strong> 314 6908.<br />
Find us on facebook/<br />
Glenmark Metal Worx.<br /><br />
Tree Care. Qualified<br />
Arborist specialising in big<br />
trees in small places, long<br />
term tree plans, Riparian &<br />
shelter planting, land clearing,<br />
stump grinding, branch<br />
chipping, fully insured, free<br />
quotes. Ph 0800 873 336.<br />
PAINTER & Decorator.<br />
Semi retired painter. Small<br />
jobs. Ph Peter <strong>03</strong> 312 7945<br />
or 027 693 8360.<br />
POWER TOOLS repairs,<br />
parts &sales for over 30<br />
years. All main brands serviced.<br />
Grossman Trade<br />
Tools, 31A Watts Road,<br />
Christchurch. Ph 389 9230.<br />
Trade&Services<br />
Bill’s Liquid<br />
Waste<br />
Under New Management<br />
You dump it...<br />
Blair pumps it...<br />
Blair Tavendale<br />
Ph <strong>03</strong> 314 9371<br />
0275 379-694<br />
Builder<br />
LOCAL<br />
Ring Mark<br />
027 229 7310<br />
for afree quote<br />
www.longsilver<br /><br />
•Licensed Building<br />
Practitioner<br />
•Registered<br />
Master<br />
Builder<br />
1233373<br />
Appliance Repairs<br />
F&P,Bosch, Smeg,<br />
ASKO, Ariston, LG,Classique,<br />
Haier, Samsung andmore....<br />
2152265<br />
PROPERTY maintenance,<br />
lawns, hedges, chainsaw<br />
work, pruning, painting &<br />
minor home alterations.<br />
Town &Country. Ph Mike<br />
<strong>03</strong> 313 0261.<br />
RANGIORA Rubbish<br />
Removal and RRR skips.<br />
Wheelie bins any frequency<br />
and skips from 1.5 cube to<br />
9cube. Skips and wheelie<br />
bins for any use, rubbish,<br />
greenwaste, building sites<br />
or just cleanups. Give us a<br />
phone call 313 6957 or for<br />
skips 021 313 255.<br />
For all your printing<br />
requirements. Tshirts,<br />
Hoodies, HiVis vests and<br />
polos, Overalls, Caps etc.<br />
Please phone Heather <strong>03</strong><br />
313 0261 or email<br /><br />
SHEARER. Hap’s Farm &<br />
Lifestyle Services. Shearing,<br />
crutching, drenching,<br />
tailing, feet trimming &<br />
health check. Trailer, generator<br />
&mobile handpiece<br />
available. Experienced,<br />
reliable and honest. Ph <strong>03</strong><br />
312 1214 or 021 267 4025.<br />
SHEARER Mobile sheep<br />
shearer available for lifestyle<br />
blocks. Over 30 years<br />
experience. Phone Stuart<br />
027 315 6916.<br />
SHOE REPAIRS, key cutting,<br />
engraving, giftware.<br />
10 years experience.<br />
BESK, 683 Main <strong>North</strong><br />
Road, Belfast. Telephone<br />
027 311 3423.<br />
Specialising in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />
Contact Geoff at<br />
Maxwell Valuation. Phone<br />
<strong>03</strong> 310 8541 or email<br /><br />
Trade&Services<br />
HOUSE<br />
Are you<br />
moving house<br />
or trying to<br />
downsize?<br />
Call All Clear<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong>. We work<br />
with you to recycle,<br />
sell and dispose of<br />
unwanteditems.<br />
Ph: <strong>03</strong> 260 0934<br />
or 021 078 4553<br /><br /><br />
Paving<br />
Patio &Pathways<br />
-New or Existing<br />
Free Quotes<br />
–Competitive Pricing<br />
Blair Gibson<br />
027 699 5815 <strong>03</strong> 313 7933<br />
Lifestyle or farm, sheep, cattle,<br />
horse, all types of animals.<br />
Fences, yards, sheds, arenas,<br />
shelters, runs.<br />
30+ years contract fencing.<br />
Steve is available to help with<br />
your design &planning.<br />
Ph office<strong>03</strong>312 4747<br />
“For best results be sure to use authorised service”<br />
Rangiora: <strong>03</strong> 313 4420 Kaiapoi: <strong>03</strong> 327 3810<br />
2091848<br />
Roof Painting<br />
Moss Spraying<br />
Ph Peter<br />
313 0022<br /><br />
2202007<br />
Pride &Quality Painting<br />
&Decorating Services<br />
20 yrs exp, fast and friendly<br />
service. For all your painting<br />
needs, phone: Martin 310<br />
6187 or 021 128 9867<br />
YOU<br />
COULD<br />
BE<br />
HERE<br />
Advertise<br />
your business<br />
in our Trades<br />
and Services<br />
Phone<br />
Amanda Keys<br />
on<br />
<strong>03</strong> 313 2840<br />
2130820<br />
2164822<br />
Builder<br />
Recovering the Past<br />
Discovering the Future<br />
Give Malcolm acall, you’ll be glad<br />
you did<br />
Ph. 021 809 108<br />
or <strong>03</strong> 312 8880 (AH)<br />
Specialists in<br />
Earthquake<br />
damage assessing<br />
&full repairs<br />
Residential<br />
Construction<br />
Taking the stress out of any project<br />
We’re locals providing atrusted,<br />
quality service to <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
2208126<br />
Builder<br />
Computer Repairs<br />
For all your computer repairs, parts, servicing, sales &more..<br />
Come and see us for friendly &supportive service<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>October</strong> 3, <strong>2019</strong><br />
Butchery<br />
Oxford Butchery<br />
Shane and Leanne Frahm<br />
We cankill &processyourstock<br />
FourGenerationsofFrahms<br />
since 1957<br />
Ph 312 4205<br />
Oxford<br />
Concrete<br />
•Driveways, patios &paths •Bridges and Culverts<br />
•Floors, foundations, sheds and buildings<br />
•Dairy Sheds,Herd homes •Precast concrete<br />
•Placing &Finishing<br />
Daryl Power 027 230 9401<br />
email<br />
1680439<br />
Number one<br />
old-fashioned bacon<br />
&ham curing.<br />
A/H 312 4709<br />
2047213<br />
Denture Clinic<br />
47<br />
CLINIC<br />
(Formerly Riccarton DentureClinic)<br />
1843944<br />
Chiropractic Services<br />
Dr Carissa McGregor Chiropractor<br />
Injury, accidents and maintenance<br />
ACC Registered and Accredited<br />
Monday-Thursday | <strong>03</strong> 313 <strong>03</strong>50<br />
Libi McKinnon Physiotherapy<br /><br />
<strong>03</strong> 0278 686 2574<br />
ACC Registered Provider | Tuesday &Friday<br />
Select Health<br />
New Dentures<br />
Relines<br />
Repairs<br />
Kaiapoi<br />
Ph (<strong>03</strong>)327-0077<br />
Gold Card<br />
Discount<br />
51 Ashley Street, Rangiora<br />
21<strong>03</strong>107<br />
Drainlayer<br />
Electrician<br />
Handyman &Landscaping<br />
♦ New Residential Drains, Commercial &Alterations<br />
♦ Supply and Install of Septic Tanks &Effluent Systems<br />
♦ Stormwater Retention Ponds &Tanks<br />
♦ AllTypes of Field Drainage &Trenching<br />
FREE<br />
QUOTES<br />
Jesse McAnulty 027 259 8560<br />
Email:<br />
21584<strong>03</strong><br />
2089195v2-4/4-S<br />
M: 0275 543 958 E:<br />
2020478<br />
1831495<br />
Lawn Maintenance<br />
Landscaping<br />
Landscaping -Fencing<br />
& Earthworks<br />
Plumbing and Gas<br />
Scaffolding<br /><br />
by mowrite<br />
Our tailored lawn science programs will<br />
leave your lawns<br />
lushious, green &weed free!<br />
•Lawn Renovation •Scarifying •Fertilising<br />
•Disease &pest control<br />
Call 0800 669 7483<br /><br />
mow<br />
RITE<br />
<strong>03</strong> 313 9375 •027 369 3974<br /><br /><br />
Motorcycles<br />
ATV<br />
Servicing<br />
Contact Mike<br />
Sales -Service -Repairs -Servicing Rangiora<br />
362 Fernside Road Ph: 0275 350 147<br />
Rangiora<br /><br />
2136148<br />
2207722<br />
● Filtration –whole house, kitchen tap<br />
● Domestic maintenance<br />
● Gas fitting –servicing, new,<br />
renovations<br />
● Gas hot water installs<br />
● Gas cookers and Gas fires<br />
● Kitchen /Bathroom renovations<br />
● Backflow testing and installs<br />
2063426<br />
Discount forSuper Gold card holders!<br /><br />
0800 H2O LPG<br />
4 2 6 574<br />
•Edge protection<br />
•Working platform<br />
Phone<br />
0274 366 901<br />
Plans for pricing<br /><br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> wide<br />
1783878<br />
CAP 65<br />
CAP 40<br />
CAP 20<br />
Shingle<br />
Quarry Prices<br />
from $40 per cube<br />
from $23 per cube<br />
from $25 per cube<br />
from $30 per cube<br />
all +gst<br />
Plus all excavation and truck hire<br />
house excavations, driveways, subdivisions<br />
Ph: KEN 027 201 3302<br />
Email:<br />
2009594<br />
Scrap Metal<br />
•Car Bodies •Scrap Steel •Specialists in Farm<br />
Machinery•All non Ferrous<br />
Ph (<strong>03</strong>)338 7000<br />
Mike 0274 818 544•Robbie0274 818 027<br />
Locally owned and operated<br />
Stump Grinding<br />
1902273<br />
Stump grinding, <strong>Canterbury</strong> wide.<br />
Single stumps, half day and<br />
full day rates.<br />
Experienced and friendly staff.<br /><br /><br />
Phone 022 385 2905<br />
2207101<br />
2194351<br />
Tree Maintenance<br />
❖ Tree Topping ❖ Tree Removal<br />
❖ Stump Grinding ❖ Earthworks<br />
Apurpose built ‘Tree Snip’ unit for safe<br />
and controlled tree topping and removal.<br />
CALL<br />
0800 764 748<br />
Septic Waste<br />
Tyres<br />
Best Brands -Best Prices<br />
5Star Service<br />
346a Flaxton Road<br />
<strong>03</strong> 310 6666<br />
0800 226 324 for 24/7 Service<br />
2059023<br />