North Canterbury News: November 07, 2019

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Thursday,<strong>November</strong>7,<strong>2019</strong> | Issue871 | www.starnews.co.nz<br />

JJ Ltd Christchurch<br />

726 Main South Road<br />


Phone: 03 344 5645<br />

Southern adventure ... Stewart and Jane Whiteside have bought Tipapa Estate and are moving down from Auckland.<br />


Historic Tipapa Estate sold<br />


GretaValley’shistoricTipapa<br />

Estate has beensold.<br />

John Carr wantedhis home of<br />

nearly15years soldbythe time<br />

he was75. And he wantedthe<br />

buyer to loveit, justasheloves.<br />

‘‘You havetofindthe right<br />

buyer for properties like this.It<br />

is not likeselling the standard<br />

house.<br />

‘‘Ithas to be the right person<br />

who connects,caresaboutit, and<br />

looks after it.’’<br />

His wishhas come true.<br />

The property has been soldto<br />

Stewartand JaneWhiteside,<br />

who willtake overearlynext<br />

year.<br />

Stewartsays theyhave been<br />

searching for the right property<br />

for along time.<br />

‘‘Weloveditrightfrom the<br />

first time we sawit,’’hesays.<br />

‘‘Weunderstand the<br />

responsibilityofowning an<br />

historicalpropertysuch as<br />

Tipapa, and very muchsee the<br />

needtobeinvolvedwiththe<br />

local community andpeople in<br />

the area to make it work.’’<br />

Theyplan to continuetorun it<br />

as aweddingand eventscentre,<br />

but willalsooffer aluxury<br />

boutique bed­and­breakfast<br />

experiencesopeople can enjoy<br />

thebeautifulold home, high­end<br />

accommodation, andsample<br />

what thelocal areahas to offer<br />

from wineriesand restaurant<br />

food to trufflesand visitor<br />

attractions.<br />

‘‘It is an up and coming<br />

region,’’ he says.<br />

John is happyStewart and<br />

Jane aregoing to continue to<br />

build on whathehas started,<br />

such as extendinginto lodging.<br />

‘‘I’mdelighted aboutthat.’’<br />

John putthe property on the<br />

marketinFebruarylast year.<br />

After he hands overthe reins he<br />

is off to Berlintoimmerse<br />

himself in theart world.<br />

He boughtthe Tipapa Estate<br />

in February2004, at atimewhen<br />

thehomeand gardenneeded<br />

extensivework.<br />

Continued Page 2<br />

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NEWS<br />

2 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> 7, <strong>2019</strong><br />

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Deputy mayor ponders growth<br />


‘‘Is minimal growthabad<br />

thing?’’asks Neville<br />

Atkinson.<br />

Thenew Waimakariri<br />

deputymayorsayswhile he<br />

hasalwayssupported<br />

growth, the prospect of<br />

climate change, water<br />

quality challenges and the<br />

geographicalconstraintsfor<br />

theexpansion of Kaiapoi<br />

means nowmightbethe time<br />

to start planning forminimal<br />

growth.<br />

‘‘Andwehave to keep<br />

askingourselves,‘is thata<br />

badthing?’ andI’m notsure<br />

that it is.<br />

‘‘Movingforward,there<br />

will be alot of challenges<br />

with climate change,water<br />

andgovernmentregulations<br />

andIwant to seeuslobbying<br />

forequity in tax andrates.’’<br />

Mr Atkinson says the<br />

council will needtomake<br />

some bigdecisionsover<br />

drinkingwater, stormwater,<br />

sewage, waste, climate<br />

Auckland couple buy Tipapa Estate<br />

From Page 1<br />

Renovations to the twostorey<br />

Heathcote Helmoredesigned<br />

homestead,<br />

considered one of the finest<br />

period houses in the South<br />

Island, took nine months,<br />

with the servants’ quarters<br />

at the back removed and the<br />

gardens and grounds turned<br />

into apark­like setting.<br />

Today, the home has five<br />

ensuite bedrooms and large<br />

interconnecting living and<br />

entertainment areas<br />

opening on to the garden.<br />

Part of the woolshed,<br />

which is more than 125 years<br />

old, was refurbished from a<br />

working woolshed into an<br />

events centre.<br />

Next to the woolshed, an<br />

original stables and shed<br />

complex has been converted<br />

into agallery, office or<br />

boardroom, as well as a<br />

small cottage, retaining all<br />

its original character.<br />

Kate Blundell, the<br />

director of Collective<br />

Concepts, will continue to<br />

market and manage the<br />

Tipapa enterprise.<br />

‘‘It is aspecial property<br />

and there are alot more<br />

opportunities for it than just<br />

weddings,’’ she says.<br />

Expansion of the<br />

accommodation, offering<br />

facilities for small board<br />

meetings, and corporate<br />

events are just some of the<br />

things being explored.<br />

Neville Atkinson<br />

change and Plan Change 7.<br />

‘‘They arebig issues and<br />

theyare notgoingtobeeasy<br />

to tackle.’’<br />

In Decemberlast year, Mr<br />

Atkinson voted againstthe<br />

Waimakariri Zone<br />

Committee’szone<br />

implementation plan<br />

addendumbecause he feltit<br />

Timber in all its glory ... The historic Tipapa woolshed set up for afunction.<br />

‘‘The way John speaks<br />

about the venue<br />

encapsulates the way he has<br />

restored the history. He has<br />

done such an incredible<br />

job,’’ Kate says.<br />

John says Kate’s<br />

experience has been an<br />

‘‘integral part to the whole’’.<br />

‘‘It’s athree­part deal.<br />

They (the Whitesides) are<br />

buying, Iamoff to Berlin,<br />

and Kate will run Tipapa,’’<br />

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PATAKA<br />

did not go far enough or fast<br />

enough,and that was backed<br />

by feedbackfromhis<br />

constituents.<br />

While he understands the<br />

concerns of farmers and the<br />

potentialimpact on their<br />

livelihoods, he says it is no<br />

different fromthe impacts<br />

on businessownersin<br />

Kaiapoiand Rangiora.<br />

‘‘The servicestation<br />

owner that strugglesto<br />

survive willhavetochange<br />

the way he doesthings.<br />

‘‘Everyone who lives in<br />

thisdistrict has to take<br />

responsibility for whatthey<br />

do. Everybodyisgoingto<br />

havetopay.<br />

‘‘I would suggest thatthe<br />

retailersinWilliamsStreet<br />

havebeeninthe position<br />

farmersare now in for years,<br />

so we areall in this together<br />

and thereneeds to be<br />

empathy for everybody.’’<br />

Despitethe constraints on<br />

its expansion, Kaiapoi hasa<br />

lot going for it, includingthe<br />

river, the developments<br />

he says.<br />

Meanwhile, local staff will<br />

continue to keep the<br />

grounds and property in<br />

good shape, while Neroli<br />

Jones will continue to be onsite<br />

to show prospective<br />

clients what is available.<br />

While it will be Stewart<br />

and Jane’s home, for the<br />

past year they have worked<br />

on abusiness plan to ensure<br />

the Tipapa enterprise can<br />

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alongthe river’s edge,<br />

Trousselot Parkand theredzone<br />

developments, Mr<br />

Atkinsonsays.<br />

‘‘I’ve alwaysdescribed<br />

Kaiapoi as theQueenstown<br />

of Christchurch andpeople<br />

have laughedatmefor that,<br />

butIabsolutely believethat<br />

thecatalyst is there now.’’<br />

To meetits challenges, Mr<br />

Atkinsonsaysthe new<br />

council will needunitygoing<br />

forward.<br />

‘‘No achievementismade<br />

on yourown. It takes about<br />

twomeetingtoworkthatout<br />

when you’reanew<br />

councillor.’’<br />

Mr Atkinson has been a<br />

councillorfor 15 years and<br />

servedaterm on theKaiapoi<br />

CommunityBoard before<br />

that.<br />

He is justthe second<br />

Kaiapoi councillortohold<br />

thepositionofdeputy mayor<br />

in the 30­yearhistory of the<br />

Waimakariri District<br />

Council,followingDick<br />

Wylie in 1989.<br />


be sustainable.<br />

Stewart, acommercial<br />

airline pilot and pilot<br />

training manager, will<br />

continuing working, and<br />

commute, while Jane will do<br />

much of her academic<br />

administrative role at<br />

Massey University remotely<br />

from Tipapa.<br />

‘‘We are escaping<br />

Auckland. Tipapa will be<br />

our home and our farm.’’

River Queen launched<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> 7, <strong>2019</strong><br />

3<br />



Operating the Kaiapoi River<br />

Queen is an exciting new<br />

venture for aMarlborough<br />

couple.<br />

Judith and Dennis<br />

Andreassend, who operate a<br />

resort on D’Urville Island in<br />

the Marlborough Sounds, were<br />

in Kaiapoi this week to witness<br />

its much­anticipated launch.<br />

The boat was transportedto<br />

Kaiapoi last year by a<br />

consortium of five local<br />

businesspeople, including<br />

developer JeddPearce.<br />

The Andreassends will lease<br />

the boatand plantomove to<br />

<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

‘‘We got to meet Jedd and he<br />

askedifwe would be<br />

interested in operatingitand<br />

we decided this would be a<br />

really good venture,’’ Mrs<br />

Andreassendsays.<br />

She saysthere is still work to<br />

do, including fitting out the<br />

boat,but the raceisontohave<br />

it ready in time for the<br />

Christmas office­party rush.<br />

‘‘We’ve got to get it ready and<br />

do afew test runsbefore the<br />

end of <strong>November</strong>, as we have<br />

several Christmas functions<br />

already booked in.’’<br />

She saysthey will be<br />

employing askipperand<br />

casual staff to operatethe boat,<br />

whichcan carry up to 99<br />

people. Its restaurantwill<br />

comfortablycater foraround<br />

50 to 60 people.<br />

The Kaiapoi River Queen’s<br />

berthwillbeonthe new<br />

Ready to launch ... The Kaiapoi River Queen was launched by crane at the Kaiapoi River on Monday<br />

by crew from Smith Crane and Construction Ltd.<br />


marina,outsidethe Port &<br />

Eagle Brewpub.<br />

Thanks to the efforts of the<br />

Waimakariri District Council<br />

in dredging the Kaiapoi river,<br />

the Kaiapoi River Queen willbe<br />

abletooperateatlow tide.<br />

Mayor Dan Gordon said:‘‘I<br />

would love to get on board. I’m<br />

hoping we can get acouncil<br />

functionbooked on it before<br />

the end of the year to show our<br />

support.’’<br />

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Big moment ... Operators Judith Andreassend, left, and her husband<br />

Dennis, secondfrom right, with, fromleft, Wayne Anderson, who<br />

repaintedthe boat, developer Jedd Pearceand WaimakaririDeputy<br />

MayorNeville Atkinsonwere thrilled to see the Kaiapoi River Queen<br />

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NEWS<br />

4 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> 7, <strong>2019</strong><br />

Aspooky evening was had by all<br />


The votes have beencounted,and the<br />

winnersofthisyear’s ‘‘Trickor<br />

Treating in Rangiora’’ competition<br />

havebeenchosen.<br />

Congratulationsgotothe bestdressed<br />

girl, Leila McArthur;bestdressed<br />

boy JacobiBurnby; and<br />

runners­upRubyGray and Spencer<br />

Hicks­Robertson.<br />

The contesthas been running for<br />

three yearsnow,and provides a<br />

Facebook guide to homesinthe town<br />

thatare happytohosttrickortreaters<br />


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2021055<br />

on Halloweennight.<br />

There is even acategoryfor bestdressedhouse.<br />

Thepagenow has more then 600<br />

followers, including members from<br />

Amberleyand Kaiapoi seeking abit<br />

more of aspooky experience than is<br />

offered locally forchildren on the<br />

night, explainsadministratorTara<br />

Gibson.<br />

‘‘Wegot an amazing turnout this<br />

year, and hadsponsors helping to<br />

provideprizes forthe firsttime,too,’’<br />

shesays. ‘‘New Worldcame to the party<br />

with acake for the best­dressed house;<br />

alady in the <strong>North</strong> Island,who has a<br />

business called Spider’s Web donated<br />

allsorts of bitsand piecesfor winners’<br />

packs; andInspiration Designgave us<br />

stickers for spotprizes.’’<br />

However, thebestpart of the<br />

evening, saysTara, was seeingsomany<br />

young people—frompre­schoolers to<br />

teenagers—gettingdressed up and<br />

takingtothe streets withtheirparents.<br />

‘‘Thecommunity reallycomes<br />

together.Wehavethese homeowners<br />

listed on theFacebook page who go alloutashosts.<br />

‘‘Thechildrengoand knockonthe<br />

door, andthe parents all standatthe<br />

endofthe drivewayand chat,’’ she<br />

says.<br />


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Scary clown ... Best­dressed boy Jacobi<br />

Burnby<br />

‘‘We just treat it as afun, fantasy<br />

dress­up night, andpeople comeup<br />

with some fabulouscostumes.<br />

‘‘It willbeinteresting to see what<br />

Head on adinner table ... Best­dressed<br />

girl Leila McArthur.<br />


happensnextyear, whenHalloween<br />

falls on aSaturday, so that might<br />

givepeople an extra day to get<br />

involved.’’<br />

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Bewitching look ... Girls’ runner­up Ruby<br />

Gray.<br />

Ouch ... Boys’ runner­up Spencer Hicks­<br />

Robertson.<br />

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NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> 7, <strong>2019</strong><br />

5<br />

Stu’scan-do attitude<br />

<br />


StuReed has athingforbeer<br />

cans.<br />

He seeksthemoutfarand<br />

wide,andreckons he probably<br />

has the biggest collection in the<br />

country.<br />

His 20­metre by 12­metre<br />

shed in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> has<br />

an array of cans carefully<br />

shelved by country, brewery,<br />

and series.<br />

They are also fast taking over<br />

the shed next door, and the rest<br />

sit in cartons waiting to be<br />

added. Heisuptoabout<br />

100,000, he says.<br />

And every singlecan is<br />

different.<br />

He alsohas whatisprobably<br />

thecountry’s largest collection<br />

of Guinness products and<br />

memorabilia,allgatheredin<br />

hispoolden.And he doesn’t<br />

even drink Guinness.<br />

‘‘Istarted collecting cans in<br />

my teens,’’heexplains. ‘‘Iwas<br />

illicitly havingafew DB<br />

Bitters, when Ifound onecan<br />

wasonlyhalf full. Iput it onthe<br />

windowsill, and before Iknew<br />

it,Iwas adding others.<br />

‘‘These days,Ibelong to<br />

clubs in New Zealand,<br />

Australia and the US. Idon’t<br />

buymuchonline, because it’s<br />

all about the thrill of the chase<br />

—completingaset orfinding<br />

something I’m missing —soI<br />

trade, swap and sell at club<br />

meetings. And every couple of<br />

years, I’llgotothe US meeting.<br />

‘‘This year, Ibrought a<br />

40­footshippingcontainer­load<br />

❛This year, Ibrought<br />

a40­foot shipping<br />

container­load of<br />

cans back. ❜<br />

—Stu Reed<br />

of cans back.Thehuge<br />

challenge now is making sure<br />

none of the ones I’ve just<br />

importedmatchthe onesI’ve<br />

already got.’’<br />

So many ofthecans<br />

currently on the shelves are<br />

amazing to lookat. Walking<br />

into theshed,the firston<br />

displayare four­litreorfivelitre<br />

cans fromEnglandor<br />

Germany, then two­litreones<br />

from New Zealand.<br />

Anotherroom featurescans<br />

by breweriesandsets—we’re<br />

talkinggraphics of Vikings,hotairballoons,trains,<br />

orknights<br />

on horseback. Theartwork is<br />

impressive.<br />

‘‘When you’ve got one or two<br />

of aset,thedriveisthere to<br />

findtherest.’’<br />

Anotherroominthe same<br />

shedisfullofcollectables —<br />

notGuinnessthistime—from<br />

miniaturesand coasters to the<br />

oldlong­necked bottles. At<br />

some point, this spacewill<br />

become abar forfriends,Stu<br />

says.<br />

Theirony of it allis that Stu<br />

doesn’t drink the bulk of the<br />

beer he brings home.<br />

Cans galore ... Stu Reed with some of his collection of 100,000<br />

beer cans.<br />


He’saTui guy.Sohe gives<br />

thecanstofriends, andhas<br />

developedapunch machine<br />

thatdrainsthe beerfromthe<br />

bottom, leavingthetopofthe<br />

canintact.<br />

Some ofthe beer is great,<br />

some of it gets poureddown<br />

thesink, butthecan stilljoins<br />

thethousands on theshelf.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Stretch your legs &<br />

turn afew heads<br />

Walkable Traveller<br />

Black, Navy,Grey.Sizes L36–42<br />

Were $79<br />

NOW $59<br />

Rubbish fire jumps into forestry debris<br />


If you’re going to light arubbishfire,<br />

don’t do it on abreezy, 32­degree day.<br />

Especially, don’t do it within 10<br />

metres of aforestryplantationthat<br />

has been loggedout and stillhas slash<br />

lyingall over theblock.<br />

There might notyet befirebansin<br />

place, but people shoulduse their<br />

common sense.<br />

Those are the words of Cust fire<br />

chief Peter Clements, whose team —<br />

and severalothers—werecalledto<br />

an extensiveblaze on Sunday.<br />

‘‘I initially thought it was atractor<br />

on fire,butitwas this largepileof<br />

rubbish.Itwas in agreen paddock,<br />

butthenthewindcameupand<br />

❛No burn­up is that urgent. Check the weather conditions, and if<br />

you’re not sure, don’t light it.❜<br />

carrieditover thefence,where there<br />

was plenty of fuel there to feed it and<br />

it took offdownthe windrows.<br />

‘‘We couldn’tget our newtruck in<br />

there, sowe hadtocallfor fourwheel­drive<br />

tankers from other<br />

brigades, which delayed our<br />

response.<br />

‘‘We still had six appliancesup<br />

thereinthe evening checking for hot<br />

spots.’’<br />

He said it wasluckythe windwasn’t<br />

—Cust fire chief PeterClements<br />

stronger, as that would have puttwo<br />

houses in the line of fire.<br />

‘‘If the easterly had beenblowing,<br />

asit oftenisup there, we would have<br />

really struggled.<br />

‘‘No burn­up is that urgent. Check<br />

the weatherconditions, and ifyou’re<br />

notsure,don’t lightit,’’ hesays.<br />

‘‘It’s noteven summer,butalready,<br />

we’vegot to beso, socareful, and<br />

that’s especiallytruewithfireworks<br />

on sale this week too.’’<br />

Hurry in -selling fast!<br />

Offer closes 20/11/19.<br />

Kaiapoi Mill, Ranfurly Street, Kaiapoi<br />

Monday –Friday 9am –5pm<br />

Saturday 10am –1pm<br />

Closed on Public Holidays<br />

Ph 03 327 0576<br />

2215667<br />


Lawnmaster walk behind<br />

mowers from<br />

Only $379<br />

Stiga ride-on mowers<br />

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ECHO line trimmer<br />

Only $299<br />

5year<br />

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Dentures not fitting properly?<br />

Ill-fitting dentures can affect your teeth &<br />

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We can relineyour dentures foroptimal fit and<br />

comfort, and you’llbesurprised how quickand<br />

convenient the entire process is.<br />

Call now to book your FREE<br />

Consultation at either of our<br />

2<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Clinics<br />

210 HighSt<br />

Rangioraa<br />

03 313 3001<br />

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See us now to arrangeyou FREE, NO OBLIGATION<br />

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available for purchases over $500<br />

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Ph03313 5563<br />

www.kingsmowersheating.co.nz<br />


VIEWS<br />

6 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> 7, <strong>2019</strong><br />


This<br />

Week<br />

Sun<br />

Fishing<br />

Guide<br />

Moon<br />

Wind<br />

Ok<br />

Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday<br />

Nov 7 Nov 8 Nov 9 Nov 10 Nov 11 Nov 12 Nov 13<br />

Rise 6:05am<br />

Set 8:20pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

9:20am<br />

9:41pm<br />

Set 3:59am<br />

Rise 2:49pm<br />

Moderate Nbecoming<br />

fresh NW<br />

In the Electoratewith<br />

MattDoocey<br />

MP forWaimakariri<br />

Ok<br />

Rise 6:03am<br />

Set 8:21pm<br />

Best 10:02am<br />

Times 10:23pm<br />

Set 4:24am<br />

Rise 3:49pm<br />

Fresh Nbecoming<br />

strong NW<br />

Ok<br />

Authorised by Matt Doocey, Level 1ConwayLane, 188 High Street, Rangiora.<br />

Pressure paid off<br />

Our community kept up the pressure for<br />

after­hours health provision and the<br />

announcement we’re getting asevenday,<br />

integrated family health service to<br />

provide after­hours healthcare in the<br />

Waimakariri is agreat win.<br />

Many areas would have given up, I’m<br />

sure.<br />

From the beginning, with campaigners<br />

like Paula Thackwell, right up to my<br />

public meeting this year where Sandi<br />

and David McLean and Ipresented our<br />

community’s petition to the <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

District Health Board (CDHB), we have<br />

stood together on this issue.<br />

There has been some hard work and<br />

important milestones we’ve crossed<br />

along the way.<br />

We had our first win at my public<br />

meeting in 2016 when the CDHB<br />

announced it would start working with<br />

our community stakeholders to look at<br />

expanding after­hours provision and<br />

what that would look like.<br />

As local MP, Isee my role as fighting<br />

for infrastructure solutions to match our<br />

growth. We have increasing numbers of<br />

young families moving into our area and<br />

agrowing population of seniors choosing<br />

to make their home in Waimakariri.<br />

It makes sense we would be eligible<br />

for after­hours health provision closer to<br />

where we live.<br />

No surprise, then, that more than<br />

10,500 residents put their names on our<br />

petition. We look forward to the new<br />

facility opening in 2020/21.<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> residents packed<br />

Loo feedback<br />

Residents are being asked<br />

about their preferred location<br />

for new toilets to finish off the<br />

Tirikatene Reserve in<br />

Silverstream, Kaiapoi.<br />

Three locations have been<br />

identified for toilet facilities<br />

beside the reserve. The<br />

Waimakariri District Council<br />

wants to know which one will<br />

work best for the community.<br />

Feedback will go to the<br />

Kaiapoi Tuahiwi Community<br />

Board for afinal decision.<br />

To learn more, visit<br />

waimakariri.govt.nz/have­asay/lets­talk<br />

the Oxford Town Hall for my Water and<br />

Rural Issues public meeting with<br />

National’s agriculture spokesperson<br />

and Bay of Plenty MP Todd Muller.<br />

Our rural sector is resilient and has<br />

proved more than capable of adapting to<br />

new technologies, but we need to ensure<br />

they get the right tools and support as<br />

they navigate the Government’s complex<br />

proposals to meet new freshwater and<br />

climate­change targets.<br />

We need sustainable rural<br />

communities and better environmental<br />

outcomes, and Todd told the audience<br />

that, with the right support, our rural<br />

sector can produce both.<br />

Accurate, on­farm data to manage<br />

emissions is going to be essential and we<br />

support acomprehensive roll­out of<br />

farm plans across the sector.<br />

Around 60 percent of New Zealand’s<br />

exports come from agriculture and we<br />

know from experience that when our<br />

farmers do well, we do well.<br />

It was aday for country to come to<br />

town at the Rangiora A&P Show and we<br />

had aperfect <strong>Canterbury</strong> day for it.<br />

Ienjoy catching up with everyone at<br />

the show with my wife and children.<br />

Well done to the organisers for another<br />

well­run event.<br />

My over­60s coffee mornings have<br />

come to an end for this year. Isent an<br />

invitation to every resident in the<br />

electorate over the age of 60 to come and<br />

enjoy acuppa and achat with me on<br />

Monday mornings. Thank you to all who<br />

attended.<br />

Rise 6:02am<br />

Set 8:23pm<br />

Best 10:43am<br />

Times 11:04pm<br />

Set 4:48am<br />

Rise 4:48pm<br />

Fresh Nturning<br />

NW<br />

Ok<br />

Rise 6:01am<br />

Set 8:24pm<br />

Best 11:25am<br />

Times 11:46pm<br />

Set 5:11am<br />

Rise 5:49pm<br />

Fresh NE turning<br />

NW<br />

Rise 6:00am<br />

Set 8:25pm<br />

Best 12:<strong>07</strong>pm<br />

Fair<br />

Times<br />

Set 5:34am<br />

Rise 6:51pm<br />

Light SW becoming<br />

moderate E<br />

Waimakariri<br />

Focus from Dan Gordon, Mayor<br />

Help from police much appreciated<br />

Dear Editor,<br />

Recently, Ihave had dealings<br />

with the police. One was the<br />

theft of my security light bulbs.<br />

(Yes, hard to believe as they<br />

were working and would have<br />

been warm).<br />

They were stolen right from<br />

outside my front door.<br />

My son reported it and the<br />

next day ayoung policewoman<br />

and policeman appeared at my<br />

door. It was aSunday.<br />

They were so nice and<br />

courteous to me. They looked<br />

all around my house. Idid not<br />

expect much as they were only<br />

$20 to replace.<br />

The next time my computer<br />

on my car malfunctioned on a<br />

roundabout, so you can imagine<br />

the build­up of traffic behind<br />

me.<br />

Luckily, apolice car was<br />

coming down the road. Iwaved<br />

and and he did au­turn to come<br />

to my aid.<br />

An honour to be mayor<br />

In my first columnasthe Mayorofthe<br />

Waimakariri DistrictIwouldlike to<br />

startbythanking allthose who voted<br />

during thelocalbodyelections.<br />

Since becoming mayorIhave<br />

continuedto build on the connections<br />

madeduring the campaign andithas<br />

been greattosee so many of you at<br />

localeventslike the <strong>North</strong>ern A&P<br />

Show, theKaiapoi RSA Centenary and<br />

the<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Sport and<br />

Recreation Trust Awards.<br />

Iwas particularly proud to be<br />

present when the Kaiapoi River Queen<br />

waslaunchedthis week.Thiswillbea<br />

fantastic attractionfor Kaiapoiand<br />

ourdistrict.<br />

My firstweeks in officehavebeen<br />

spentgetting togetherwith councillors<br />

to identify priorities andkey projects<br />

forthe comingthree yearsonwhich<br />

we willbeconsulting withresidents<br />

during theAnnualPlan periodnext<br />

year.<br />

Ihave also been workingtoset up<br />

thestructure of the council and, at the<br />

inauguralmeeting last week,<br />

allocatedcommittees, portfoliosand<br />

confirmedthe appointment of Neville<br />

Atkinsonasdeputy mayor.<br />

All councillorswill be rotated as<br />

chairs of various committees during<br />

thetermasitis important that each<br />

memberhas achance to lead.<br />

Theinaugural council meetingwas<br />

particularly specialasthe new<br />

councilwas welcomedinto the<br />

Good<br />

He managed to get the car<br />

started and got it around the<br />

corner. It was not running<br />

properly and he asked me<br />

where Ilived, as he realised I<br />

was not comfortable driving it<br />

home.<br />

He contacted his partner and<br />

asked to be picked up at my<br />

house. He drove me home and<br />

Rise 5:59am<br />

Set 8:27pm<br />

Best 12:29am<br />

Times 12:51pm<br />

Set 5:59am<br />

Rise 7:54pm<br />

Light Sturning<br />

E<br />

Good<br />

Rise 5:58am<br />

Set 8:28pm<br />

Best<br />

Times<br />

1:14am<br />

1:38pm<br />

Set 6:27am<br />

Rise 8:59pm<br />

Light SW becoming<br />

moderate NE<br />

❛Being available to residents<br />

is something Iamparticularly<br />

passionate about and Iwould<br />

encourage all residents to<br />

feel free to contact me if they<br />

have any issues or concerns<br />

they want to discuss.❜<br />

buildingbyour kaumatua, Aroha<br />

Reriti­Crofts.<br />

Thiswelcome was apoignant<br />

reminder of thespecialrelationship<br />

ourcouncil has with Ngai Tuahuriri.<br />

During theelectioncampaignI<br />

made aparticular effort to get outand<br />

about in the community, be seen and<br />

available to talk to and hear from<br />

residentsaboutissues or thoughts<br />

theyhaveabout howto make<br />

Waimakariri an evenbetter placeto<br />

work andlive.<br />

Beingavailable to residents is<br />

something Iamparticularly<br />

passionateaboutand Iwould<br />

encourage allresidents to feelfreeto<br />

contactmeiftheyhave any issues or<br />

concernstheywanttodiscuss.<br />

Iamhumbled by thesupport shown<br />

to me by the Waimakariricommunity<br />

andIlookforward to workingfor all<br />

residentsinthe comingyears.<br />

put the car in the garage.<br />

Senior Sergeant Greg Cottam,<br />

you have agreat bunch of<br />

people working for you. Keep<br />

up the good work. It was much<br />

appreciated as they went<br />

beyond the call of duty.<br />

Yours,<br />

Margaret Upston<br />

Rangiora<br />

Swell<br />

Pegasus Bay<br />

Tide Chart<br />

3<br />

2<br />

E0.6 m E1.0 m E0.8 m NE 1.4 m E1.2 m E1.1 m SE 1.1 m<br />

3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9 3 6 9 NOON 3 6 9<br />

1<br />

0<br />

Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows Highs Lows<br />

Waimakariri 1:31am 2.1 7:39am 0.7 2:19am 2.1 8:28am 0.7 3:06am 2.1 9:16am 0.7 3:51am 2.2 10:02am 0.7 4:35am 2.2 10:47am 0.7 5:17am 2.2 11:31am 0.7 5:59am 2.2<br />

Mouth<br />

1:55pm 2.2 8:12pm 0.7 2:43pm 2.2 8:57pm 0.6 3:28pm 2.2 9:40pm 0.6 4:10pm 2.2 10:23pm 0.6 4:51pm 2.2 11:05pm 0.6 5:32pm 2.2 11:47pm 0.6 6:14pm 2.2 12:14pm 0.7<br />

Amberley 1:31am 2.1 7:39am 0.7 2:19am 2.1 8:28am 0.7 3:06am 2.1 9:16am 0.7 3:51am 2.2 10:02am 0.7 4:35am 2.2 10:47am 0.7 5:17am 2.2 11:31am 0.7 5:59am 2.2<br />

Beach<br />

1:55pm 2.2 8:12pm 0.7 2:43pm 2.2 8:57pm 0.6 3:28pm 2.2 9:40pm 0.6 4:10pm 2.2 10:23pm 0.6 4:51pm 2.2 11:05pm 0.6 5:32pm 2.2 11:47pm 0.6 6:14pm 2.2 12:14pm 0.7<br />

1:40am 2.1 7:48am 0.7 2:28am 2.1 8:37am 0.7 3:15am 2.1 9:25am 0.7 4:00am 2.2 10:11am 0.7 4:44am 2.2 10:56am 0.7 5:26am 2.2 11:40am 0.7 6:08am 2.2<br />

Motunau 2:04pm 2.2 8:21pm 0.7 2:52pm 2.2 9:06pm 0.6 3:37pm 2.2 9:49pm 0.6 4:19pm 2.2 10:32pm 0.6 5:00pm 2.2 11:14pm 0.6 5:41pm 2.2 11:56pm 0.6 6:23pm 2.2 12:23pm 0.7<br />

1:42am 2.1 7:50am 0.7 2:30am 2.1 8:39am 0.7 3:17am 2.1 9:27am 0.7 4:02am 2.2 10:13am 0.7 4:46am 2.2 10:58am 0.7 5:28am 2.2 11:42am 0.7 6:10am 2.2<br />

Gore Bay 2:06pm 2.2 8:23pm 0.7 2:54pm 2.2 9:08pm 0.6 3:39pm 2.2 9:51pm 0.6 4:21pm 2.2 10:34pm 0.6 5:02pm 2.2 11:16pm 0.6 5:43pm 2.2 11:58pm 0.6 6:25pm 2.2 12:25pm 0.7<br />

1:36am 1.6 7:43am 0.5 2:23am 1.6 8:32am 0.6 3:08am 1.6 9:19am 0.6 3:54am 1.6 10:05am 0.6 4:38am 1.7 10:49am 0.5 5:21am 1.7 11:33am 0.5 6:04am 1.7<br />

Kaikoura 2:02pm 1.7 8:17pm 0.5 2:48pm 1.7 9:01pm 0.5 3:33pm 1.7 9:44pm 0.5 4:16pm 1.7 10:27pm 0.5 4:59pm 1.7 11:09pm 0.5 5:41pm 1.7 11:51pm 0.5 6:25pm 1.7 12:17pm 0.5<br />

*Not for navigational purposes. Wind and swell are based on apoint off Gore Bay. Maori Fishing Guide by Bill Hohepa. www.ofu.co.nz www.tidespy.com Graphic supplied by OceanFun Publishing Ltd.<br />


NEWS<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> 7, <strong>2019</strong><br />

7<br />

Winning entries ... Some of the standout wines in the challenge.<br />


Riesling reigns supreme<br />

Deborah and Graham Pearson tookout<br />

Supreme Champion honours in the<br />

Amberley A&P Show’sAlpine PacificWine<br />

Challenge.<br />

The pair, who own PearsonEstate,won<br />

the honourfor their 2012 Mon Cheval<br />

Riesling. They becamethe first three­time<br />

overall winners of the award.<br />

There were74entriesinthe competition<br />

withfive goldmedals, 23 silver and 38<br />

bronze being awarded. Only eightwines<br />

did not receive an award.<br />

The Tiki Koro Noble Riesling, Straight 8<br />

Dry Rieslingand FrenchPeak Pinot Noir<br />

willbefeaturedatNo. 31 Restaurant in<br />

Hanmer Springsthroughout <strong>November</strong><br />

and December.<br />

The eight winning wines can be tasted at<br />

VinoFino on Saturday,<strong>November</strong> 23, and<br />

at PukekoJunction on Friday and<br />

Saturday, <strong>November</strong> 22 and 23.<br />

Many are also stocked at Fiddler’sGreen<br />

Bistro on Georges Road,Waipara.<br />

Medallabels have been supplied by<br />

sponsorsW­Rapt Labels.<br />

Results<br />

Supreme champion and Museum<br />

champion: Mon Cheval2012 Riesling.<br />

Champion wine of theshow: Tiki Wines’<br />

2017 KoroNoble Riesling,Accolade’s 2018<br />

Saving Grace Riesling and its 2018 Saving<br />

GraceChardonnay, Weka Plains Estate’s<br />

2018 OldsteamPinot Blanc.<br />

Organic wineofthe show: TerraceEdge’s<br />

2016 Pinot Noir.<br />

People’s choice red and naturalwine of the<br />

show: FrenchPeak’s 2018 PartagePinot<br />

Noir.<br />

People’s choice white: Straight 8Estate’s<br />

2018 Dry Riesling.<br />

Welcoming ... La Verdure owner Aneeshisafirm believer that going organic provides aholistic<br />

way of life,nurturing not just the land but ourselves,our families and the widercommunity.<br />

The organic path<br />

to good health<br />

Tucked away in Good Street, Rangiora, an<br />

organic market expressesapassion for<br />

organic productsand healthy living.<br />

La Verdure Organics is offering certified<br />

organic productssuch as the popular<br />

Ceres, Chantal, and Australia’sBiologika<br />

brands, along withbulk foods.<br />

La Verdure is an ideal spotfor the<br />

health conscious,allergysufferers and<br />

anyone looking to improve their health.<br />

Thereare many gluten­free and vegan<br />

products availablefrom the well­stocked<br />

shelves, along withorganic food.<br />

In the personal carerange there are<br />

plasticand chlorine­free sanitary<br />

products, organic shampoos, conditioners<br />

and colouringkits, along withbamboo<br />

toothbrushes for adults andchildren,<br />

organic toothpaste, men’s toiletries,<br />

reusable straws, plastic­free vegetable<br />

brushes and much more.<br />

The latest organicgoodies suchas<br />

toastedtahini paste, hemp peanut butter,<br />

creamy hemp­seed­based milk and sweet<br />

treats are also available,plus pantry<br />

staples such as riceand coconut flour.<br />

La Verdure is proud to be <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>’s exclusive stockistofDr<br />

Hauschka products.The rangefirst<br />

appeared on the marketin1967 when the<br />

concept of anaturalcosmetics range that<br />

promotes healthy skin was revolutionary.<br />

Wide choice ... La Verdure offers certified<br />

organic products<br />

Having been aroundfor morethan 50<br />

years, Dr Hauschka products dominate the<br />

market. They arerecognised as amarket<br />

leader, and are certifiedwith the<br />

NATUREinternational quality seal of<br />

approval for organic cosmetics.<br />

Owner Aneesh is friendly, welcoming<br />

and very knowledgeable.Heis afirm<br />

believerthatorganic is aholistic way of<br />

life,nurturingnot just theland but<br />

ourselves, our families and the wider<br />

community. His aim is to share his passion<br />

for organics and healthy living with<br />

Rangiora and beyond.<br />

Popular choice ... The Straight 8dry<br />

riesling that won the people’s choice white.<br />

On top ... The 2012 Mon Cheval Riesling<br />

that was crowned supreme champion.<br />

Organic Market in the Heart of Rangiora<br />


• All your swimming & spa pool<br />

chemicals<br />

• Water filtration supplies<br />

• Irrigation Supplies<br />


P: 03 313 0408 • www.tiw.co.nz<br />

2224342-7/11<br />

2095268<br />

Kaiapoi Lodge<br />

Residential Care<br />

Nursing Home, Hospital and<br />

Respite<br />

Person Centred Care,<br />

Care that’s built<br />

around you<br />

6Cass Street, Kaiapoi<br />

Ph 03 327 7235<br />

2220643<br />

♥<br />

♥<br />

♥<br />

Organic Groceries<br />

Bulk food<br />

Health &Beauty<br />

products<br />

♥<br />

♥<br />

DR Hauschka products<br />

-100% natural and vegan<br />

Hair colours and<br />

henna cream<br />

A: 2Good Street, Rangiora<br />

P: 021 0236 6530<br />

E: laverduresales129@gmail.com<br />


NEWS<br />

8 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> 7, <strong>2019</strong><br />

‘Best friend’ gets life membership<br />


The Rangiora RSA paid tribute to its<br />

‘‘best friend’’ last Thursday.<br />

Defence and Veterans Affairs Minister<br />

Ron Markwas made alife member of the<br />

Rangiora RSA at aspecial function at the<br />

RSA Club in Victoria Street.<br />

Rangiora RSA president Ian<br />

Thompson says Mr Mark has been a<br />

member of the localRSA for some years<br />

and has achieved ‘‘a hellofalot’’ for<br />

RSAs during his time as acabinet<br />

minister.<br />

‘‘It is my privilege to make this<br />

presentation to our best friend,Ron<br />

Mark.<br />

‘‘I can remember him since he first<br />

came to the RSA while stillinuniform.’’<br />

Rangiora RSA Club president Ross<br />

Ditmer says Mr Mark has been astrong<br />

advocate for veterans.<br />

‘‘What resonatedwith me is we havea<br />

minister who has grassunder his feet. He<br />

understandswhat the veterans need<br />

because he is one.’’<br />

It was Mr Mark’s second life<br />

membershipfrom an RSA in the region,<br />

with <strong>Canterbury</strong> district RSA president<br />

Stan Hansenpresenting him with one at<br />

the TempletonRSA.<br />

‘‘These thingsare not givenout lightly<br />

and are about respect, total respect,’’ Mr<br />

Hansen says.<br />

An emotional Mr Marksaid he ‘‘never<br />

imagined’’ he would become alife<br />

member when he first visited the<br />

Rangiora RSA.<br />

‘‘We moved herein2002, but Ihad been<br />

coming here before that.Rangiora is a<br />

special place for me and Ilived on and<br />

off in <strong>Canterbury</strong> for anumber years in<br />

between being posted overseas.’’<br />

His first connection withthe<br />

Waimakariridistrictwas while<br />

campaigningasaLabourParty<br />

Newest life member ... Rangiora RSA president Ian Thompson, right, presents Defence<br />

and Veterans Affairs Minister Ron Mark with alife membership.<br />


candidate in the 1993general election,<br />

and he laterstoodasaNew Zealand First<br />

candidate in the Waimakariri electorate<br />

in several elections,becoming alist MP<br />

in 1996.<br />

While Mr Mark returned to the <strong>North</strong><br />

Island in 20<strong>07</strong>, he still has familyinthe<br />

Waimakariridistrict and is aregular<br />

visitor.<br />

He said he could never have achieved<br />

what he has without the support of<br />

others, including his friendsatthe<br />

Rangiora RSA.<br />

‘‘They say I’ve done well, but none of it<br />

is possible without people like this and I<br />

wouldn’t be doing it without their<br />

encouragement and their inspiration.<br />

‘‘It’s my privilege to servethem in my<br />

job and to do the best for veterans and<br />

theirfamilies.’’<br />

On display ... Artist Bree Van Keulen<br />

with her father, Dick Van Keulen, in front<br />

of Bree’s drawing, Mum and Dad,atthe<br />

Our Studio Art exhibition.<br />

Artworks<br />

on display<br />

The Our StudioArt exhibition has<br />

opened in Rangiora Library’s<br />

Chamber Gallery.<br />

The large selection of paintings,<br />

drawings, clothing,hexagons and<br />

woodcut printsisthe work of artists<br />

largely from <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>IDEA<br />

Services,and the Te RoopuTaurima<br />

Trust, whichsupport adults with<br />

intellectual impairments.<br />

The students are tutored by artist<br />

Victoria Bennett,who recently had an<br />

exhibition at Art on The QuayGallery.<br />

The Our StudioArt exhibition artists<br />

were given photographsand asked to<br />

create their interpretation of those<br />

images, she said. The resultisa<br />

charmingexhibition of uniquework.<br />

It runs untilDecember 5.<br />

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NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> 7, <strong>2019</strong><br />

11<br />


Handbags of Hope ... Rangiora Lionesses secretary Rachel Bloomfield, left, and president<br />

Anne Thorne hand over handbags and toiletries as part of the Handbags of Hope appeal to<br />

Compass FM content manager Steph McDonald.<br />


Handbagshanded<br />

over forcharity<br />


The Rangiora Lionesses are offering<br />

hope in ahandbag.<br />

More than 250 items, including<br />

handbags and toiletries,were delivered<br />

to Compass FM on Friday to pass on to<br />

those in need as part of the Handbags for<br />

Hope appeal.<br />

Rangiora Lionesses secretary Rachel<br />

Bloomfield says the items are what a<br />

woman would needwhen staying away<br />

from home and are passed on to<br />

organisations such as Aviva (women’s<br />

refuge), the Salvation Army and the<br />

OxfordCommunity Trust.<br />

The group has been supporting<br />

Compass FM in the project for around 12<br />

months.<br />

Compass FM content managerSteph<br />

McDonald says backpacks for men and<br />

schoolbags with goodies for children are<br />

also collected.<br />

‘‘We gave some school bags out awhile<br />

ago after afamily lost pretty much<br />

everything in ahouse fire in arental, so<br />

the children had something to taketo<br />

dad’s for the weekend.’’<br />

She saysthe handbags make abig<br />

difference to people going through a<br />

difficult time.<br />

The Rangiora Lionesses group has<br />

been going for 34 years. It has more than<br />

30 members and is one of only five<br />

Lionesses groups still active in the South<br />

Island.<br />

Threefundraising raffles are held each<br />

year for mother’s day, father’sday and<br />

Christmas, as well as quiz nights,selling<br />

cheese rolls and booksales, Rachel says.<br />

‘‘We try to get involved in local<br />

community projects.<br />

‘‘We have 12 main groups that we<br />

contributeto, but we wanttobemore<br />

hands­on with peopleand to helppeople<br />

in need.’’<br />

Fundsare put aside for youth projects,<br />

with the Lionesses making an annual<br />

donation to RangioraHigh School to<br />

assist those struggling to affordschool<br />

shoes, and alocal student was recently<br />

supported to go on the Spirit of Adventure.<br />

The group meets at the Rangiora RSA<br />

every second Wednesday of the month for<br />

ameal and aguestspeaker.<br />

It hosts acraft meetingevery Monday<br />

and has regular social lunches.<br />

‘‘We need some younger members. We<br />

are women only, but all women are<br />

welcome and it’s agreat way to meet new<br />

people,’’Rachel says.<br />

‘‘It’s hard to get new people, because<br />

most people are working and they are<br />

working for longer.’’<br />

Anyone interestedinjoining can<br />

contact Rachel on (03) 313 1113.<br />

22215673<br />

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PARTY<br />




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like us on Facebook for up and coming events<br />

Thank You for your support of the Rotary Book Fair<br />

Your support allows the Rotary Club of Rangiora to support the<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Community including these individuals and organisations:<br />

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Over the past decade, the Rotary Club ofRangiora has distributed over $500,000<br />

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Club of Rangiora Charitable Trust


12 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> 7, <strong>2019</strong><br />

Kazuma aces<br />

top regional<br />

sports award<br />


Kazuma Kobori was just seven<br />

years old when he joined the<br />

Rangiora Golf Club and set his<br />

sights on becoming an<br />

accomplished golfer.<br />

Adecade later, he has astring<br />

of successes to show for his<br />

hours of practice and<br />

dedication to the sport.<br />

The talented teenage golfer<br />

was named the MainPower <strong>2019</strong><br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Supreme<br />

Sport Award winner at a<br />

ceremony in Ohoka last Friday<br />

evening.<br />

The 18th annual awards,<br />

hosted by the <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Sports Trust and led by master<br />

of ceremonies Jendy Harper,<br />

celebrated the region’s best<br />

sporting talent.<br />

Kazuma was unable to be on<br />

hand to accept the Supreme<br />

Award as he was playing in a<br />

tournament in Auckland, but<br />

spoke via video of being<br />

honoured to be named the<br />

winner.<br />

He said, to date, the highlight<br />

of his chosen career was<br />

winning the New Zealand<br />

Professional Golfers<br />

Association (NZ PGA)<br />

Championship at Pegasus<br />

earlier this year.<br />

The Rangiora High School<br />

17­year­old, who caddied for<br />

himself at the tournament, won<br />

by four shots with a21­under<br />

267 tournament total, winning<br />

the Sir Bob Charles Trophy as<br />

the leading New Zealand<br />

player, but not the winner’s<br />

purse of $125,000 because of his<br />

amateur status.<br />

Kazumo stressed the support<br />

from the Rangiora Golf Club<br />

and Pegasus Golf &Sports Club<br />

as being integral to his success.<br />

Kazuma had earlier taken out<br />

the N.F. Preen Contracting<br />

Sportsman award.<br />

The awards evening<br />

celebrated everything from dog<br />

trialling, sailing,<br />

mountainbiking, croquet and<br />

basketball, to rugby, cricket,<br />

crossfit, archery, golf and<br />

athletics.<br />

Sports award winners were:<br />

Active Health junior<br />

sportswoman: Esra McGoldrick<br />

(basketball).<br />

Rangiora New World junior<br />

sportsman: Fletcher Newell<br />

(rugby).<br />

Pegasus Golf &Sports Club<br />

sports coach: Liam Connelly<br />

(basketball).<br />

McAlpines Mitre 10 athlete<br />

The master and the apprentice ... Golfing great Sir Bob Charles, from Oxford, with Rangiora High School<br />

student Kazuma Kobori, after the teenager’s win in the New Zealand Professional Golfers’ Association<br />

Championship at the Pegasus Golf and Sports Club earlier this year.<br />


with adisability: Kyle Harpur<br />

(athletics).<br />

The Sports Shop sports team:<br />

Glenmark Cheviot Division 1<br />

rugby team.<br />

Rangiora Vet Centre master<br />

sportsperson: Sara Schist<br />

(crossfit).<br />

All Insure sports official: Kim<br />

Cotton.<br />

R. Grant Electrical<br />

sportswoman: Grace Brooker<br />

(rugby).<br />

N.F. Preen Contracting<br />

sportsman: Kazuma Kabori<br />

(golf).<br />

BNZ, Harcourts Four Seasons<br />

Reality &Hurunui District<br />

Council service to sport:<br />

Gordon Wong (basketball), Mike<br />

Smart (BMX), John Hamilton<br />

(cricket).<br />

Injury Prevention Waimak club<br />

of the year:(Peter Allen Safe<br />

Sport award): Rangiora<br />

Croquet Club.<br />

Waimakariri District Council<br />

sports event: NCBA South<br />

Island Primary School<br />

Basketball tournament.<br />

Supreme sports award: Kazuma<br />

Kabori.<br />

MainPower youth sport<br />

scholarship finalists: Helen<br />

Jones (basketball), Rececca<br />

Jones (archery), Gabrielle<br />

Rennie (football), Jacob Turner<br />

(mountainbiking), Olivia Sloan<br />

(archery), George Prain<br />

(Rugby), Blair Currie (football).<br />

Runners up: Angus Kelliher<br />

(swimming), Macey Fraser<br />

(football&futsal).<br />

Winner: Kazuma Kabori (golf).<br />

Success celebrated ... The<br />

awards drew alarge crowd.<br />


Active Health junior sportswoman ... Basketballer Esra McGoldrick,<br />

centre, with the Active Health team, from left, Bevan Lawson, Simon<br />

Wheeler, Kirwan Franke, John Roach and Mark Hollands.<br />

Youthful sailors ... Members of the Waimakariri Sailing Club youth<br />

team who were finalists in the team of the year award, from left, manager<br />

Joanna Lowrey, Georgina Lowrey, Dominic Pulley, Alex Humphrey and<br />

coach Jeff O’Leary. Ben Lowrey is absent.<br />

Honoured ... Ann Rogers, from R. Grant Electrical,<br />

with sportswoman winner Grace Brooker.<br />

Recognition ... Robin Brown, from Rangiora New<br />

World, withjunior sportsman winner Fletcher Newell.

<strong>2019</strong> NORTH CANTERBURY SPORTS AWARDS<br />


<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong>businesses,sportsclubs,athletes andsportsofficialscelebrated<br />

the regions best sporting talentatthe 18th annual MainPower <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Sports Awards lastFridaynight. Winnerswereannounced<br />

in 12 categories covering allaspects of sport from playersto<br />

administrators to long-term serviceawards, andatall levels<br />

from grassroots to success at internationallevel.<br />

The10MainPowerYouth SportScholarship finalists were<br />

also presentedwiththeirscholarships on thenight.<br />

Theteam from RangioraCroquet Clubaccepted the Injury<br />

Prevention WaimakaririPeter Allen Safe SportsAward forSports<br />

Club from Kirsten Barnett(right).<br />

Left:Ben<br />

Davidsonof<br />

RangioraVet<br />

Centre with<br />

SaraSchist,<br />

Masters<br />

Sportsprson<br />

winner.<br />

Above:Nigel Lavender from<br />

TheSportShop with Ben<br />

Anderson from Glenmark<br />

Cheviot Rugbywhich won<br />

Team of the Year Award.<br />

Above: ServicetoSportAward recipients:<br />

1. Mike Smartwith Lisa TippenfromHarcouts Four Seasons Realty;<br />

2. JohnHamilton with Hurunui MayorMarie Black;<br />

3. George Robinson (R) accepted the awardfor Gordon Wong from<br />

Nick Tomkins of the BNZ.<br />

<strong>2019</strong> MainPower Youth SportScholarship recipients: (back row) John<br />

Roche (ActiveHealth), Andrew Currie (for BlairCurrie), Gabi Rennie,<br />

George Prain, Rebecca Jones,Helen Matthews, Pennie Kibblewhite<br />

(MainPower); (frontrow)Olivia Sloan, Angus Kelliher,Sue McFarlane<br />

(for Kazuma Kobori), MaceyFraser,Jacob Turner.<br />

Coach awardwinner Liam<br />

Connelly (L) with James Devlin<br />

from Pegasus Golf &Sports Club.<br />

Left:Inaugural Athletes with aDisabilityAward finalists<br />

CarlyRobb,KylaHarpur (winner) &Haven Drennan.<br />

More pictures at: www.sportstrust.org.nz<br />

Above: AnnRodgersfromR.Grant<br />

Electrical with Sportswoman<br />

winner GraceBrooker.<br />

Left:NCBasketball’s nightincludedawardsfor Junior Sportswoman<br />

(EsraMcGoldrick),Event (South Island Primary School Tournament),<br />

Coach (Liam Connelly)and ServicetoSport(Gordon Wong).<br />

Theteam from CaveFitness in Kaiapoi were there<br />

to supportSaraSchist (frontcentre),winner of the<br />

RangioraVet Centre Masters Sportsperson Award, and<br />

Luke Hopkinson (frontleft) Junior Sportsman finalist.<br />

Robin BrownfromRangiora<br />

New Worldwith Junior<br />

Sportsman Fletcher Newell.<br />

Kazuma Koboriwas awarded the<br />

Supreme Sports Award, accepted by<br />

Sue McFarlane (RangioraGolf Club)<br />

from Tony VoiceofMainPower.<br />

PeterWillams accepts the<br />

Sports Official awardfor<br />

KimCotton from Shona<br />

Pope of AllInsure.<br />

Photos by: RichardConnelly of Gamefacenz<br />


Congratulations to allwinners of the<strong>2019</strong><br />

MainPower<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>Sports<br />

Awards...<br />

ActiveHealthJunior Sportswoman:<br />

EsraMcGoldrick –Basketball<br />

Rangiora NewWorldJunior Sportsman:<br />

Fletcher Newell –Rugby<br />

Pegasus Golf &SportsClub Sports Coach:<br />

Liam Connelly –Basketball<br />

McAlpinesMitre10 Athletewith a<br />

Disability:<br />

Kyle Harpur–Athletics<br />

TheSportsShop Sports Team:<br />

GlenmarkCheviot Division 1RugbyTeam<br />

RangioraVet Centre Masters Sportsperson:<br />

Sara Schist –Crossfit<br />

AllInsure Sports Official:<br />

KimCotton–Cricket Umpire<br />

R. GrantElectricalSportswoman:<br />

GraceBrooker –Rugby<br />

N.F.Preen Contracting Sportsman:<br />

Kazuma Kobori –Golf<br />

BNZ, HarcourtsFourSeasons Realty<br />

&Hurunui DistrictCouncil<br />

ServicetoSport:<br />

Gordon Wong –Basketball<br />

Mike Smart–BMX<br />

John Hamilton –Cricket<br />

InjuryPrevention Waimak Club of the Year:<br />

(Peter Allen SafeSport Award)<br />

RangioraCroquet Club<br />

Waimakariri DistrictCouncil Sports Event:<br />

NCBA SouthIsland Primary School<br />

Basketball Tournament<br />

Supreme Sports Awardwinner:<br />

Kazuma Kobori<br />

MainPower Youth SportScholarship<br />

Finalists:<br />

Helen Jones -Basketball<br />

Rebecca Jones –Archery<br />

Gabrielle Rennie –Football<br />

Jacob Turner –Mountainbiking<br />

Olivia Sloan –Archery<br />

George Prain –Rugby<br />

BlairCurrie–Football<br />

Runners up:<br />

Angus Kelliher –Swimming<br />

MaceyFraser –Football &Futsal<br />

Winner:<br />

KazumaKobori –Golf

NEWS<br />

14 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> 7, <strong>2019</strong><br />

MattDoocey<br />

MP forWaimakariri<br />

Kaiapoi Office 156BWilliams St<br />

P 03 3270514 |Ekaiapoi@parliament.govt.nz<br />

Rangiora Office Level1Conway Lane,188 High St<br />

P 03 31<strong>07</strong>468 |Ewaimakariri@parliament.govt.nz<br />

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Sat &Sun 8.00am -5.30pm<br />

Your Hosts,<br />

Trent and Carolyn Allison<br />

Main Rd, Culverden<br />

Ph 03 315 8492<br />

2<strong>07</strong>5889<br />

Showstopper ... Owen Frew, left, of Fernside, with his 1934 Buick 68C, asix­seater, eightcylinder<br />

convertible, which was admired by Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon.<br />

Dan ponders some<br />

new mayoral wheels<br />


Waimakariri Mayor Dan Gordon had his<br />

eye on aclassy line­up of Mustangs in<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> last Sunday.<br />

The mayor, who is aself­confessed<br />

petrolhead from way back, attends the<br />

American Classic Car Club’s annual<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> USA Day every year, but was<br />

an invited guest at this year’s event, held<br />

last Sunday at Woodend’s Gladstone<br />

Park.<br />

‘‘I’ve been abig car fan ever since I<br />

was asmall boy,’’ he said. ‘‘I love the<br />

Mustangs.’’<br />

He joked that aMustang would make a<br />

fine mayoral car, before quickly adding<br />

that no money was budgeted for one, so<br />

it would have to be apersonal purchase.<br />

Dan also admired asix­seater, eightcylinder<br />

convertible 1934 Buick 68C<br />

owned by Owen Frew, of Fernside.<br />

The gleaming, immaculately<br />

presented Buick won the Best in Show<br />

award at the event.<br />

Dan thought it would also make a<br />


The following property has been<br />

reported as lost to the <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>police. Have you seen it?<br />

classy mayoral car.<br />

The Buick is one of only five still<br />

registered worldwide.<br />

The annual show was held in hot,<br />

sunny weather with alarge crowd,<br />

thought to be arecord, turning out for<br />

the event.<br />

The day focuses on American­made<br />

vehicles, cars, pick­up trucks and<br />

motorbikes.<br />

The family­oriented day drew about<br />

650 vehicles, ranging from the 1920s to<br />

present­day models.<br />

There was also live music by Sign of<br />

the Firebird.<br />

It was the club’s 28th anniversary and,<br />

to celebrate, members decided to raise<br />

money on the day for the Ronald<br />

McDonald House charity.<br />

Club treasurer Jimmi Anderson said<br />

on Monday it was too early to confirm the<br />

exact amount the club would raise, but<br />

the gate tally had been bigger than usual<br />

and they were hoping to be able to<br />

donate $4000 or more.<br />

More pictures, page 25<br />

Abrown leather wallet(Kaiapoi), a<br />

Samsung J6 mobilephone (Kaiapoi),<br />

and ablack vinyl wallet(Rangiora).<br />

Christmas<br />

Celebration Night<br />

late night shopping<br />


9:30PM!<br />

Friday 22 <strong>November</strong> |5:30pm to 9:30pm<br />

High Street, Rangiora<br />



<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> 7, <strong>2019</strong><br />

15<br />

Aglorious day under the spring sun<br />

Starting young...<br />

Kane Robert­Williams,<br />

aged 4, of Broomfield,<br />

sits at the wheel of a<br />

McCormick­Deering<br />

Standard diesel<br />

tractor. PHOTOS:SHELLEY TOPP<br />

Highlanddancers ... AnnabelleJohns,left,ofOhoka,and Jessica<br />

Radka, of Loburn, dancethe six­step highland fling.<br />

Meeting Ceasar ... Annie McCracken, from Hawarden, and her grand­daughter Izzy<br />

Stone, aged 3, from Amberley, say hello to billy goat Ceasar.<br />

Looking sharp ... Jaime Winter, left, holds Glen Lie Emily, while her sister­in­law Maggie<br />

Winter holds Glen Lie Lisa, from the Glen Lie Clydesdale Stud at Sefton.<br />

Wool judging ... Nicola Peddie, of the New Zealand Merino Company, with Des<br />

Crampton, head of the wool section at the show.<br />

Acting the goat ... Ameeting of minds at the show.<br />

Mixing it up ... Rangiora’s Rodger Pearson with the 1920<br />

Little Jumbo concrete mixer which he restored in 1988 and<br />

had on display at the show.<br />

Blade shearer ... Richard Watson during one of his sheepshearing<br />


NEWS<br />

18 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> 7, <strong>2019</strong><br />

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<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

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Proudly 100% Kiwi owned and operated<br />

Alison Erikson<br />

Kahikatea forest<br />

to be established<br />


Kahikatea trees have beenplanted<br />

upstream of the Kate Pond wetland in<br />

Tiromoana Bush, in the first stage of<br />

establishing akahikatea forest.<br />

It is part of theambitious restoration<br />

project beingundertaken by Transwaste<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> ,which owns TiromoanaBush<br />

and the adjoining landfill in Kate Valley.<br />

Transwastechairwoman Gill Cox says<br />

annual treeplanting is akey part of<br />

restoringthe native foreststotheiroriginal<br />

condition.<br />

‘‘While we’ve fenced Tiromoana Bush to<br />

keep out pests such as deer and goats who<br />

were damaging the existingnative bush,<br />

we’vealso hadtohelp alongthe<br />

regeneration processwith annualtreeplanting,’’<br />

he says.<br />

‘‘Since therestoration project beganin<br />

2004,we’ve planted thousands of native<br />

treestokick­startnatural regeneration.<br />

‘‘As many of the plantings are now<br />

producing theirown seedlings, it looks as<br />

though we’ve beensuccessful.’’<br />

Kahikatea were first plantednear Kate<br />

Pond morethan 10 years ago.They are now<br />

4to5metrestall.<br />

Dr David Norton, aprofessorfrom the<br />

University of <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s Te Kura<br />

Ngahere, SchoolofForestry, says the<br />

successfulplanting has led to afocus on<br />

creating akahikatea forestand wetland<br />

around Kate Pond.<br />

Dr Norton, who wrotethe Tiromoana<br />

Bush RestorationManagement Plan in 2004<br />

and provides ongoing advice to<br />

Transwasteonthe bush restoration<br />

project, says the aim is to establish amixed<br />

kahikatea forest­wetlandsystem,restoring<br />

aregionallyrare habitat for arangeof<br />

native fauna.<br />

‘‘We assume birds including kereruand<br />

korimako help disperse planted species<br />

In it goes ... Tania Edward at work near<br />

Kate Pond.<br />

Planting for the future ... Mike Jackson,<br />

from the Wai­ora Ecological Restoration<br />

Service, plants aseedling near Kate Pond.<br />


more widely through TiromoanaBush.<br />

‘‘Therefore it’s important to ensure trees<br />

provide sufficientfood resources to<br />

sustain these species.<br />

‘‘This meansplantingngaio, totara,<br />

karamu and other speciesfor fruit on the<br />

valley slopes, while on the valley floor<br />

adjacent to Kate Pond we are plantingflax/<br />

harakekeand manuka for nectar,and<br />

kahikatea,cabbage tree/ti koukaand other<br />

appropriate species for fruit.’’<br />

Plantingisusually scheduled for latewinter/spring<br />

afterthe worst of the frosts<br />

and to takeadvantage of soilmoisture<br />

beingatapeak.<br />

Dr Nortonsays preparation is essential.<br />

‘‘Thevalley floor was usedfor grazing, so<br />

it’s covered withpasture grasses,<br />

especially cocksfoot. These grasses have to<br />

be sprayedwith herbicides prior to<br />

planting.<br />

‘‘We plant eachtree by hand,usually<br />

spaced 1m to 1.5m apart. Fertilisertabs<br />

are placed in planting holes and water<br />

retentioncrystals are usedatsites likely to<br />

dry out in summer.’’<br />

Post­plantingmaintenance involves<br />

herbicide application or hand weeding.<br />

More than1000 more kahikateatrees,<br />

alongwith other appropriate species,will<br />

be planted in latewinter/early spring of<br />

2020 on the valleyfloor by Kate Pond to<br />

continuecreating the mixed kahikatea<br />

forest and wetland.<br />

AQE2 Covenant protects Tiromoana<br />

Bush for perpetuity.<br />

Jim Beam<br />

White<br />

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pack<br />

Heineken or Monteith's<br />

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23 .99<br />

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Woodstock 7% 330ml<br />

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pack<br />

Jim Beam White &Cola<br />

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pack<br />

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pack<br />

Panhead 330ml<br />

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DB Draught, Export<br />

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HOURS: Monday to Thursday 10am–9pm, Friday &Saturday 10am–10pm, Sunday 11am–7pm<br />

Henry’s encourages safe &responsible use of alcohol. Shout prices run from Monday 28th October until Sunday 10th <strong>November</strong> <strong>2019</strong> orwhile stocks last.<br />

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The Station is available for Christmas functions with free<br />

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Closed public holidays<br />


Phone: 03 313 6018 |www.therangiorastation.co.nz<br />

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Reservations welcome butnot essential<br />

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For good food, good company and good times Tikka Talk is<br />

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Located in central Kaiapoi, it’s a great place for a staff<br />

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If you can’t get away this year, arrange for adelicious Indian<br />

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HOST<br />

ONE TO<br />


NEWS<br />

20 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> 7, <strong>2019</strong><br />

TELLUS<br />

what you think!<br />

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Volunteering with credit ... Volunteers at Rangiora’s Hope Community Trust opportunity<br />

shop have been earning NCEA credits in retail for their efforts.<br />


Learning on the job<br />


Rangiora’sHope Community Trust is<br />

giving its volunteersthe chance to earn<br />

NCEA credits.<br />

The first group of eight volunteers were<br />

recognised withaspecial morningtea last<br />

week after completingtheirlevel 3retail<br />

savvyaward certificatesthrough<br />

ServiceIQ,while volunteering at Hope<br />

Trust’s opportunity shop.<br />

Hope Trustvolunteers Julie Cloughley<br />

and Trace Graham, who are registered<br />

trainersand assessors, have been giving<br />

theirtime freelytosupport volunteers<br />

doingthe course, meaning there is no cost<br />

to the volunteers to complete their<br />

certificates.<br />

‘‘They volunteer in the shopand we have<br />

some separate classes, and when they’re<br />

readythey do the assessments,’’Juliesays.<br />

‘‘It takes up to fourmonths to qualify.’’<br />

She saysthere is amix of Rangiora New<br />

Life School pupils seekingextra creditsto<br />

completeNCEA level three, mums looking<br />

to get backinto the workforce, people<br />

looking to boost theirself­confidence, and<br />

recent migrants looking to improve their<br />

English.<br />

The assessmentismoderated by<br />

ServiceIQ,agovernment­funded industry<br />

trainingorganisation, which then passes<br />

on the resultstothe New Zealand<br />

Qualifications Authority.<br />

ServiceIQ training adviser Ben Clark<br />

says the retail savvy award is widely<br />

recognised in the retailsector,and staff at<br />

retailerssuch as Farmers or the Warehousework<br />

towards thesame certificate.<br />

‘‘It’s aqualificationmost of the major<br />

retailersare doing,soitgets them afoot in<br />

the door. As longasthey can do it in a<br />

workplace, so it’s job training and not just<br />

in aclassroom.’’<br />

Hope Trustopportunity shop manager<br />

Tracy Pirie says she has beenimpressed<br />

with how her volunteers havetaken to the<br />

courseand plans to do it herselfnext year<br />

‘‘so Ican understand what they are doing’’.<br />

‘‘There’salways roomfor more<br />

volunteersfor the right people. We have<br />

about 30 volunteers for theopshop to<br />

cover two shifts aday, five days aweek.’’<br />

Tracy took overasmanager amonth ago,<br />

after beingthe founding manager of<br />

Rivertown Cafe in Kaiapoi and<br />

establishing the RivertownOptions op<br />

shop.<br />

‘‘WhatI’ve noticediseachshift is like a<br />

littlefamily and they all supporteach<br />

other.It’s not only about supporting agood<br />

course; it’s thoserelationships whichare<br />

so valuable. It’sthe bestkept secret in<br />

Rangiora.’’<br />

www.foursquare.co.nz<br />

facebook.com/FourSquareNZ<br />

Specials available South Island only from Monday 4th <strong>November</strong> until Sunday 10th<br />

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licence. Wine and beer purchases restrict cted to persons aged 18 years old and over.<br />


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Offers andproduct prices advertised here expire 25/11/19.<br />

Sale excludes Manchesterand Accessories.

Artistic touch for mayor’soffice<br />


Art is adorning Dan Gordon’s office,<br />

thanks to the Waimakariri Art<br />

Collection Trust.<br />

The new Waimakariri mayor has<br />

decorated the mayoral office with<br />

artworks on loan from the trust.<br />

‘‘I will collect some of my own over<br />

time, but it’s nice to have these artworks<br />

which are generously on loan from the<br />

trust.’’<br />

Mr Gordon says his personal favourite<br />

is apainting of the Waimakariri<br />

landscape by former Waikuku artist<br />

John Coley.<br />

He has long had apersonal interest in<br />

art, having studied art and art history at<br />

school, including doing oil painting.<br />

He continued with his interest in art<br />

history while studying at the University<br />

of <strong>Canterbury</strong>, and this interest has seen<br />

him work to ‘‘see the arts supported<br />

more in the district’’.<br />

Over the years he has helped to<br />

establish the Kaiapoi Art Expo and the<br />

Oxford Art Gallery.<br />

‘‘The Kaiapoi Art Expo was only<br />

supposed to last for acouple of years,<br />

but now it’s one of the major dates in the<br />

arts calendar.<br />

Art appreciation ... Waimakariri Mayor<br />

Dan Gordon admires alandscape of the<br />

Waimakariri district by former Waikuku<br />

artist John Coley, which now adorns his<br />

office.<br />


‘‘And we are so lucky in this district<br />

that we have so many events that allow<br />

people to appreciate art and to buy<br />

artworks at an affordable level.’’<br />

Contenders ... The white heron, left, and bellbird are among nominees.<br />

Bird voting under way<br />

Voting for Forest and Bird’s annual<br />

Birdofthe Year competitionisunder<br />

way.<br />

It is always ahotly foughtcontest,<br />

withsome birds even having theirown<br />

campaign manager.‘‘Bird of theYear<br />

campaign managersare the heart of the<br />

competition,’’ explains Forest andBird<br />

spokeswomanMeganHubscher.<br />

‘‘Wehavealreadyhad severalearly<br />

birds come forwardtomanage<br />

campaignsfor this year.’’<br />

The kereru(wood pigeon) flew to an<br />

early lead in 2018,and cruised to a<br />

comfortable win with more than2000<br />

votes.<br />

‘‘But whoknowswhat<strong>2019</strong> will<br />

bring?’’ Megan says. ‘‘Maybe we will see<br />

one of ourdelightful sea birds paddle<br />

off with thecrown.’’<br />

Thisyearthere are 84 birds from<br />

which to choose, many of them<br />

considered at risk.<br />

The competitionisopentoeveryone<br />

and each voter canselect fivebirdsby<br />

ranking each in their preferred order.<br />

VotingclosesonSunday,<strong>November</strong><br />

10 andisdone on theForest andBird<br />

website by clicking on the ‘‘pickme’’<br />

button situatedbesidephotos of this<br />

year’scandidates, withinformation<br />

about eachbird.<br />

WWW.<br />

NEWS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> 7, <strong>2019</strong><br />

Your fresh food people.<br />

OURweekly specials<br />

loose &trusstomatoes ......................... 2<br />

loose eve apples .................................................. 2<br />

loose red orgreen grapes.............. 6<br />

redorgreencapsicums ............................ 1<br />

white button mushrooms ........................ 9<br />

lettuce....................................................................................... 1<br />

beef rump steak.................................................... 13<br />

butterflied lamb legs ............................. 19<br />

boneinpork leg ................................................ 7<br />

pork legsteaks ................................................... 14<br />

chicken tenderloins .................................... 12<br />

.CO.NZ<br />

23<br />

Save atrip to town<br />

and see your orthodontist<br />

in Rangiora<br />

Orthodontist Phil Murfitt holds<br />

fortnightly clinics at Good Street<br />

Dental, 19 Good Street<br />

in Rangiora.<br />

For appointments or<br />

enquiries please visit:<br />

www.philmurfitt.co.nz<br />

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<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> 7, <strong>2019</strong><br />

25<br />

Aperfect day for sparkling chrome<br />

Green machine ... Stu Jones, of Christchurch, with his 1939 Ford pick­up truck, on display at the American<br />

Classic Car Club’s annual USA Day car show at Gladstone Park, Woodend, last Sunday. The truck was the first<br />

vehicle Stu owned. It was restored for him in 1980 by his late brother, Gary Jones, and it has recently been reconditioned<br />

by Tony Pascoe, manager at Stu’s Power Steering Shop in Christchurch.<br />

Dressed to impress ... Shonny McCormick, left, of Irwell,and Natasha<br />

Pearson, of Rangiora, wereinkeepingwith the day’s theme.<br />

PHOTOS:<br />


Luxury cruiser ... A1935 Chrysler drew plenty of admirers.<br />

Big bird ... A1958 SQ Thunderbird, owned by Neil and Andrea Hawker.<br />

Classic touring ... Paul and Janeen Keating’s 1959 Chevrolet Impala with aStarliner<br />

Standard Caravan.<br />

Perfect picnic weather ... Fiona Leys and Wayne Nolan with his 1936 Ford Coupe.<br />

Labour of love ... Stu Scott,ofRangiora, spent more than40<br />

years‘‘collecting bits and pieces’’torestore his 1926 Ford<br />

ModelTSpeedster.<br />

Classy ride ... Gavin Field’s 1976 Lincoln Continental Town Car, which was aone­owner car in the United States before<br />

being imported to New Zealand.


26 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> 7, <strong>2019</strong><br />

Tempting fete as Christmas looms<br />

Country flair ... Part of the large crowdwhichattended<br />

last Thursday’s annual Christmas Country Fete, heldfor<br />

the first timethis year at LyddingtonGardeninFernside.<br />

It has previously been held at Wynyard Farm,near<br />

Culverden, and Glenmark Domain.<br />


Tempting offerings ... Sculptor Jane Downes, of Little<br />

River, with some of her work.<br />

Splash of colour ... The Peninsula Flowers Stall,with employees<br />

Sharon Hooper and Matt Morrison, of Rangiora, offered afloral feast.<br />

Clever use for tea cups ... Mother and daughter<br />

Jennifer Feutz, of Pegasus, left, and Joyce Wylie, of<br />

Amberley, leave the fete with their purchases.<br />

Comfortable accommodation ... Megan Collings,<br />

from Sumner, with the birdhouses she was selling at<br />

the fete. All proceeds go to educating children in Nepal.<br />

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<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> 7, <strong>2019</strong><br />

29<br />

Inaugural fete amemorable day<br />

Got it licked ... Ayoung fete­goer gets stuck into his ice cream.<br />


Overview ... A<br />

drone captures the<br />

scene of the<br />

inaugural Hanmer<br />

Springs Fete, in the<br />

grounds of the<br />

former Queen Mary<br />

Hospital.<br />


Day to remember ... Agroup of women from Nelson enjoy the music, food and drink in<br />

the sunshine. The group takes an annual trip to a<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> fete.<br />


Memorable day ...<br />

Fete organisers Abby France, left, and Catherine Batterson.<br />

PHOTO: KERRYNCLARK Relaxing time ... Fete­goers soak up the relaxing atmosphere. PHOTO: KERRYN CLARK<br />

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Perfectly preened<br />

gardens adelight<br />

Aweekend of fantastic weather played<br />

its part in attracting record crowds to<br />

the annual Hurunui Garden Festival.<br />

Twenty­three gardens from Amberley<br />

to Hanmer Springs, and Hawarden to<br />

Gore Bay, opened for the three­day<br />

garden festival from <strong>November</strong> 1to3.<br />

Early indications are visitor numbers<br />

were up on last year, with Saturday a<br />

particularly busy day for many gardens.<br />

Events held in gardens proved<br />

extremely popular with visitors. More<br />

than 200 people visited Waihui on<br />

Saturday to enjoy the band Alpine<br />

Echoes and adisplay of classic Jags from<br />

the Christchurch Drivers’ Club.<br />

The two special tours arranged for<br />

<strong>2019</strong>, the Woodchester Walls and<br />

Waterfalls bus tour and the Hidden Gems<br />

in the Lowry Hills self­drive tour were<br />

both popular, with some people doing<br />

both tours over the weekend.<br />

The Hidden Gems tour was an<br />

adventure, with an hour­long drive over<br />

the range from Lou and Tim Davison’s<br />

Wynyard, inland from Culverden, to<br />

Debbie and Stuart Anderson’s Black<br />

Rock gardens, nestled in the Kaiwara<br />

Valley.<br />

Drivers were treated to spectacular<br />

views, and some interesting gradients,<br />

streams and farm gates to open and shut.<br />

On arrival lunch was served, with<br />

visitors seated in the shady spots in the<br />

garden. After awander around the<br />

garden, the tour moved on to<br />

Ribbonwood Country House, north over<br />

the Waiau River valley toward Mt<br />

Parnassus and the Seaward Kaikouras<br />

to wind up the day.<br />

Acting festival chairwoman Meg<br />

Macfarlane says there is no doubt the<br />

spectacular weather encouraged people<br />

to venture out over the weekend.<br />

‘‘Visitors weren’t even deterred by the<br />

heat on Sunday, though garden seats<br />

strategically placed in the shade were<br />

very popular.’’<br />

As well as the many events,<br />

exhibitions and stalls in gardens, Meg<br />

says feedback from visitors was<br />

unanimous about how much they valued<br />

meeting the garden owners.<br />

‘‘While visitors enjoyed each garden<br />

for its individuality and diversity, they<br />

loved meeting us,’’ Meg says.<br />

‘‘It seems we’re fast becoming the<br />

‘friendly garden tour’, which is<br />

tremendously rewarding for us since it’s<br />

what we set out to do —tocreate an<br />

event that really made visitors feel<br />

welcomed to the district. It’s great to<br />

know we’re succeeding.’’<br />

Planning for next year’s event begins<br />

later this month, when the date for 2020<br />

will be set.<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> 7, <strong>2019</strong><br />

31<br />

Native canopy ... Lou Davison, top right, leads visitors through Wynyard’s extensive<br />

native plantings. Visitors also enjoyed acuppa and avisit to the former Country Christmas<br />

Fete paddock, before departing on the next leg of the Hidden Gems tour.<br />

Black Rock ... Debbie Anderson in her garden nestled in the Kaiwara Valley, surrounded<br />

by mature trees, with an abundance of colourful perennials, including many varieties of<br />

euphobia, iris, penstemon, peony, salvia, and tulip, some of which are grown from seed.<br />

Embracing ... Ahidden gem tucked into Black Rock garden in the Kaiwara Valley.<br />

Top view ... The Kaiwara Road, part of the Hidden Gems tour, stretches west into the<br />

Amuri Basin.<br />

Glorious ... Waihui is aone­hectare garden with more than 170 roses, including<br />

floribunda, hybrid­teas, climbers, old­fashioned and David Austen varieties. Music and<br />

classic cars also entertained guests in the garden near Rotherham.<br />



32 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> 7, <strong>2019</strong><br />

Spring sun and rain the perfect recipe<br />


<strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> farmers are<br />

cautiously optimistic about<br />

theseason ahead.<br />

Plenty of springrainand hot,<br />

sunnylate­springweather<br />

means farmersare setupfor a<br />

good season,with many<br />

beginningtomake some hay,<br />

baleageand silage whilethe<br />

sunshines, Federated<br />

Farmers arablechairman<br />

RoscoeTaggart says.<br />

‘‘At themoment it feels like<br />

we are setupfairly well. Last<br />

year we had alot of dreary<br />

days in the spring andthena<br />

drysummer, but so far this<br />

seasonwe’vehad good<br />

amounts of rainand plenty of<br />

suninbetween.’’<br />

TheCust farmersaidhewas<br />

unfazed by hot temperatures<br />

of 30­plusdegreesatthe<br />

beginningof<strong>November</strong>.<br />

‘‘They saythat crops don’t<br />

reallygrow over 26 degrees, so<br />

really, reallyhot temperatures<br />

aren’tfantastic,but that comes<br />

at this time of year.<br />

‘‘Butitdepends on where<br />

your farm is locatedand what<br />

sort of farm youhave.’’<br />

Farmers on irrigationcould<br />

offset any moisture loss, but<br />

fordryland farmers hot days<br />

couldmean thelossof<br />

moisture.<br />

‘‘But, to be honest,aside<br />

from thepressures of new<br />

nutrientand freshwater<br />

policies,peopleare quietly<br />

optimistic,though theprices<br />

forour crops could be higher,’’<br />

Mr Taggart says.<br />

‘‘It’s easy to say ‘it’s going<br />

well’.I’vebeenoptimistic the<br />

last fewyearsand thenthere’s<br />

somethingthatcomesalong<br />

andsquashes us.’’<br />

He says weather forecasts<br />

forthe summer ahead have<br />

predicted‘‘anaverage<br />

season’’,but what is ‘‘average’’<br />

in today’senvironment is open<br />

❛It’s easy to say ‘it’s<br />

going well’. I’ve been<br />

optimistic the last few<br />

years and then there’s<br />

something that comes<br />

along and squashes<br />

us.❜<br />

—Roscoe Taggart<br />

to interpretation.<br />

‘‘Wecan probablyexpect<br />

similarweathertowhat we’ve<br />

had,but withlessrain.’’<br />

Mr Taggart says he still has<br />

somehemptoput in the<br />

ground, but most arable<br />

farmers would havealready<br />

sowntheircrops.<br />

‘‘There’s definitely some<br />

growth around and there’s<br />

somesilage being beingmade<br />

all over the place.<br />

‘‘I was talking to alocal<br />

contractor theotherday and<br />

while he said thework was<br />

steady, they’renot rushedoff<br />

their feet.’’<br />

Omihi­basedcontractor Sam<br />

Bethell says work has picked<br />

up overthe last week for<br />

cuttingbaleage.<br />

‘‘Itwas abit frustrating<br />

sittingaround waiting over the<br />

lastthreetofour weeks,but<br />

now we’re finallygettinginto<br />

it.<br />

‘‘The growthhas been slow,<br />

but it’s certainly improving.<br />

It’stoo early to sayifit’s going<br />

to be agoodseason,but we are<br />

extremelybusy at the<br />

moment.’’<br />

Mr Bethell operatesinthe<br />

Amberley,Waikari, Hawarden<br />

and Omihi areas.Hesaysthe<br />

seasonislatergettingunder<br />

way thisyear forthe farmers<br />

he workswith, but thehot<br />

weather hascertainlyhelped<br />

turnthings around.<br />

What’s in store? ... An average<br />

summer season is predicted, but<br />

what does that mean in today’s<br />

environment?<br />


Busy time ahead ... Work for<br />

agricultural contractors is starting<br />

to pick up as the warmer weather<br />

kicks in.<br />


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Also available •Horsch Terrano: Primary cultivator,chisel plough /ripper, discs &roller •Catros: secondary<br />

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<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> 7, <strong>2019</strong><br />

33<br />

Brian &Val Ginders<br />


3Loader Wagons<br />

10mTriplemower<br />

12.5m &8.5m rotor rakes<br />

9m Tedder<br />

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For all your Silage,<br />

Baleage, Hay & Straw<br />

requirements<br />

Sensible silage strategies ... Attention to detail will ensure stored silage will not harm the environment.<br />

Feed storage solutions<br />

need to stack up<br />

Storing feed close to where it is needed<br />

makessense, DairyNZsays.<br />

Agood designwill help to reduce<br />

spoilage from rodents or pooling water,<br />

and prevent water pollution by capturing<br />

toxicleachate and run­off.<br />

Placement should also take the food<br />

safety minimum distances into account.<br />

Silage storage facilitiesshould be sited<br />

on landthat is easily accessible (close to<br />

the feed pad if you have one), is relatively<br />

flat,atleast 45 metres fromany farmdairy,<br />

and at least 50 metres fromwaterways,<br />

open drains or dams, and the catchment<br />

areasofbores.<br />

It pays to site it further away if the land<br />

is steep, soils are coarse textured, or<br />

groundwater may enter sensitive<br />

waterways.<br />

Keep the silage bunker pit well away<br />

from gullies or other places whererunoff<br />

catchment watercan flow intothe storage<br />

area.Ensure the site is not proneto<br />

floodingorhas ahigh water table. It<br />

should be away from any subsurface<br />

drains.<br />

The walls and floor of asilagebunker<br />

must be capable of withstanding the hard<br />

knocks of tractors and other machinery, as<br />

well as resisting corrosionfrom leachate.<br />

Concrete with awater/cement ratio of<br />

less than 0.4:1 should be used. Aconcrete<br />

floorshouldbe125mmthick and<br />

reinforced if vehicles are usedonit.<br />

The silage bunker floor should be<br />

watertight and extend out beyond the<br />

bunker walls. Construct anib wall along<br />

the sides. This willkeep freshwater out<br />

and leachate in.<br />

Slope the floor 1:50 towardsadrainage<br />

channellaid across the front of the bunker.<br />

For bunkers cut into theside of ahill, an<br />

impermeable surface is stillessential.<br />

Concrete is best, but compacted clay may<br />

be suitable. Check with the local council<br />

for any requirements it may have.<br />

Silage stacksonthe ground require a<br />

sealedsurface withleachate directed to a<br />

collectionpointand properly contained.<br />

Ashallow cut­off trench aroundthe<br />

stack will help preventwaterrun­offfrom<br />

the paddock entering the stack.<br />

All other stored feed is bestcontained in<br />

aconcretebunker. At the very leastit<br />

needs asealedsurface plus proper sides<br />

and acover to keep rain and wind out, and<br />

to controlleachate production.<br />

Silageleachate is surplus water from<br />

silage, which carries soluble sugars,<br />

proteins and nutrientswith it as it seeps<br />

out of the stack.<br />

This leachate is acidic and can pollute<br />

waterways.<br />

It is around 40 times stronger thanfarm<br />

dairy effluent and 200 times stronger than<br />

raw domestic sewage.<br />

It is corrosive and can damage concrete<br />

and steel.<br />

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Raking it in ... Gathered feed needs to be properly stored to ensure its quality and prevent<br />

leachate from entering the environment.<br />

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MainPower<br />

Live Lines<br />

Issue 179 <strong>November</strong> <strong>2019</strong><br />

Work at Kairaki<br />

Beachand<br />

Pines Beach<br />

MainPower crews have started work in the<br />

Kairaki Beach and Pines Beach areas.<br />

The projectispartofMainPower’s ongoing<br />

networkmaintenance work and will help ensure<br />

asafe and reliable supplyofelectricity to the<br />

area into the future.<br />

The work will involve laying new underground<br />

cables,installing newpower poles and general<br />

equipment upgrades and maintenance.<br />

Several power outages have been scheduled to<br />

complete the necessary work.<br />

To work safely, MainPower willhave traffic<br />

management in place.Please takeextra care<br />

when driving around worksites.<br />

If your propertywillbeaffected by apower<br />

outage,you will receive anotificationfrom your<br />

electricity retailer.<br />

Formore information aboutplanned power<br />

outages, visit mainpower.co.nz/outages.<br />

Fallen powerlinesafety<br />

Makesureyou know what to do in an emergency to keep yourself, and others,safe.<br />

If youcome across avehicle accidentinvolving powerlines:<br />

• Alwaysassumeall power lines and equipment are live.<br />

• Stay at least 8meters away from power linesorother network equipment, warn othersof<br />

thedanger and call 111 immediately.<br />

What to do if you’re inside avehicle:<br />

• If you candososafely,drive well clear of thepower lines.<br />

• If you’re unable to move your vehicle, thesafest thing to do is stayinthe vehicle until<br />

emergencycrewsarrivetoassist you.<br />

NEVER<br />

TOUCH<br />

FALLEN<br />

LINES<br />

Keep clear, warn others<br />

of the dangerand phone<br />

MainPowerimmediately.<br />

www.mainpower.co.nz<br />

0800 30 90 80<br />

24 hourfaults line<br />

• If you must exit the vehicle becauseofalife-threatening danger (suchasfire), evacuate the<br />

vehicle onto aninsulated platform (for example several rubber car mats stackedtogether).<br />

Jump onto the platform, makingsurethat you are never touching thevehicle and ground at<br />

the sametime.<br />

MainPower 24 Hour Faults Line<br />

0800 30 90 80

Ruakaka lass loves life<br />


Tammy D’Ath hails from<br />

Ruakaka, just south of<br />

Whangarei, in <strong>North</strong>land.<br />

However, for eight seasons<br />

now, she has come downtothe<br />

South Island for work,and for the<br />

secondyear in arow she is herein<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

She comes withall the tools of<br />

the tradefor the seasonal job she<br />

loves.She drives alargeute<br />

loadedwith gloves, overalls, and<br />

strawsofbull semen. Tammy is an<br />

artificial breeding technician for<br />

LIC.<br />

‘‘I make cow babies, and while<br />

the herd sizes here in the south<br />

are ahuge challenge, it’s just the<br />

most fulfilling job Ican thinkof,’’<br />

she says.<br />

‘‘I love the people, Ilove the<br />

freshair and exercise. And I<br />

absolutelylove the cows.Ilike the<br />

thought that I’m contributing to<br />

the future of the dairy industry<br />

and our economy, but doing it<br />

with compassion —every cow<br />

needs to be treatedwith respect.’’<br />

Tammy trainedasan<br />

insemination technician at the<br />

age of 17. Now, with years of<br />

experience and areputation for<br />

great resultsunder her belt, she is<br />

charged with the responsibility of<br />

teaching others.This season’s<br />

apprentice is the sixthshe has<br />

been entrusted with.<br />

‘‘I left school and did afarming<br />

course. Ialways wanted to work<br />

with animals,’’ she says.<br />

‘‘I’vedone some seasons in<br />

Australia,but it’s not the same as<br />

comingdown southhere.The vibe<br />

is amazing; the people are great<br />

and I’ve made lots of friends; and<br />

the snowymountainsmake me<br />

cry.’’<br />

All that said, her LIC<br />

equipment is not the only luggage<br />

in Tammy’s ute. When she’s not<br />

Breeding technician ... Tammy D’Ath at work.<br />

inseminating, she is a<br />

professional singer. She works<br />

her way through the dairyoffseason<br />

entertaining audiencesat<br />

wineries and restaurants. In fact,<br />

one of the highlightsofher trip<br />

southsofar was singing for her<br />

return passage on the<br />

Interislander ferry from<br />

WellingtontoPicton.<br />

‘‘Music makesmehappy,<br />

although afterall theseyears I<br />


stillget stage nerves. Ifigure,<br />

though, thatifyou lose those<br />

butterflies, you loseyour edge,’’<br />

she says.<br />

‘‘I usually do at least four gigs a<br />

week through the summer,<br />

singing alot of the older classics<br />

—Ising songs my audiences tell<br />

me theyhaven’theard in years.<br />

And it feelsreally nicetoget<br />

dressed up when Ispend so much<br />

of the year in overalls.’’<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> 7, <strong>2019</strong><br />

35<br />

Lowline cattle to<br />

feature at show<br />


Lowline cattleare settobe<br />

afeature breedatnext<br />

week’s NewZealand<br />

Agricultural Show.<br />

About 35 lowlines have<br />

beenenteredout of 316<br />

cattle entriesinwhatis<br />

provingtobearesurgent<br />

cattleshow,says section<br />

convenor AnneRogers, of<br />

Okuku,near Rangiora.<br />

Retaining thecattle<br />

sectionatthe New<br />

ZealandAgricultural<br />

Showhas beenamajor<br />

undertaking,with a<br />

biosecurityprotocol<br />

developedahead of last<br />

year’sshow.<br />

‘‘Wedid really welllast<br />

yearand MPI (the Ministry<br />

for PrimaryIndustries)<br />

was extremelypleased<br />

withthe arrangementswe<br />

put in place.<br />

‘‘And so we areable to go<br />

ahead thisyear with pretty<br />

muchthe same protocols<br />

and there’s even afew<br />

little things we did last<br />

yearthat MPI hasadvised<br />

we don’tneed to do.’’<br />

The changesadopted<br />

lastyearincluded<br />

allocating eachherdits<br />

own washing bay, and<br />

dairy herds alsohad their<br />

own milking bay.<br />

The bays were washed<br />

downthoroughly after<br />

their usetoavoid anyrisk<br />

of infection.<br />

Developing the protocol<br />

alsosaw improvements<br />

madetothe show’s<br />

processesaround<br />

checkingNait<br />

identification<br />

requirements.<br />

‘‘It’s amassive<br />

undertaking,but it really<br />

paid dividends and we<br />

went into the showreally<br />

well prepared, andweare<br />

goinginto thisyear’s show<br />

knowingwecan do it.’’<br />

Allcattle arechecked<br />

forNait compliance as<br />

they enter,and theyare<br />

scanned as they comeoff<br />

thetrucks to makesure<br />

they are the animals<br />

entered.<br />

‘‘It’s quite abit of work,<br />

butitmeanswecan keep<br />

goingand theexhibitors<br />

love coming to the show.<br />

It’s abig partoftheir<br />

year.’’<br />

Successfullyretaining<br />

cattleatthe showhas<br />

givenother shows around<br />

thecountry theconfidence<br />

to reintroducecattle<br />

classes this year,<br />

includingthe Royal Show<br />

in HawkesBay,the Selwyn<br />

Spring Show at Leeston,<br />

held lastmonth, and the<br />

Courtenay A&P Showat<br />

Kirwee, near<br />

Christchurch,laterthis<br />

month.<br />

MrsRogers says the<br />

extra entries thisyear<br />

means thereismorework<br />

in planning the layout.<br />

‘‘OurpresidentChris<br />

Herbert has been busy<br />

workingonmapping out<br />

thecattlesectionand<br />

ensuring there is space<br />

between eachherd,’’ she<br />

says.<br />



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36 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> 7, <strong>2019</strong><br />

Leading the NZ Show ahumbling experience<br />

Chris Herbert says his farm is taking a<br />

back seat ahead of the country’s biggest<br />

A&P show next week.<br />

The New Zealand Agricultural Show<br />

president says he is ‘‘campedout’’ in<br />

Christchurch and makingday­trips back to<br />

check on his farm at Omihi, in <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>, as Show Week approaches.<br />

‘‘It’s goingextremelywell. The cattle<br />

shed is going to be chocka. We couldn’t fit<br />

in anymore without the nose­to­nose<br />

contact.<br />

‘‘It’s not thenumberswehad before<br />

Mycoplasmabovis,but it’s as much as we<br />

can cope with.’’<br />

He says316 cattle are entered, up from<br />

238 lastyear.<br />

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‘‘Everything is shaping up welland<br />

everyone is getting on withwhat they did<br />

last year.’’<br />

He says he is thankful for the support of<br />

dairycattle breeders suchasthe Sherriff<br />

family of Ohoka, near Rangiora, and the<br />

Geddes family of Tai Tapu, nearLincoln.<br />

‘‘Peter (Sherriff) is areally big supporter<br />

of our show. When M. bovis was hittinglast<br />

year he was the first to stepupand say,<br />

‘I’m coming, who else is?’ and that<br />

encouraged otherstocome.’’<br />

Mr Herbertsays the sheepentries are<br />

down slightlyonlast year, but remain<br />

strong,while horse entries are up on last<br />

year.<br />

‘‘I’mlooking forward to it and I’ve been<br />


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thinking about my speech, which Ihave to<br />

give at the members’ muster on Thursday,<br />

becausepublic speaking is not my natural<br />

habitat.<br />

‘‘I’m comparing it to my third childI<br />

never had and Ithink that sums it up,<br />

becauseittakesover your life when you’re<br />

at your busiest, but what you put in, you get<br />

out of it and it can be extremely<br />

rewarding.<br />

‘‘When you see it all happen, it’sa<br />

humbling experience. It’ssuch abig<br />

show.’’<br />

The A&P show is also one of the rare<br />

opportunities when town and country<br />

come together, he says.<br />

‘‘I was blownaway by the Rangiora<br />

Show on Saturday (October 26). Therewas<br />

just so much going on and the whole<br />

ground was absolutely packed.<br />

‘‘As Isaid to Katrina, ‘it’s the one point<br />

of contactwhich urban folk have with<br />

rural people’.’’<br />

With Mr Herbert on presidential duties<br />

and his wifeKatrina judging the besttrade<br />

exhibitor on the Wednesday, the couple’s<br />

sons Louie, aged 16, and Charlie,14, will<br />

be in chargeofthe family’s team of five<br />

d’Aquitaine cattle and one steer.<br />

‘‘They havebeen out there in the yard in<br />

the weekendsleadingthe cows, so they are<br />

rearingtogo.’’<br />

Mr Herbert says his sister is coming<br />

Show preparations ... <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

farmers Katrina and Chris Herbert are<br />

looking forward to the New Zealand<br />

Agricultural Show in Christchurch next<br />

week.<br />


down from the <strong>North</strong> Island and Mrs<br />

Herbert’s father will be at theshow ‘‘to<br />

offerthe boys moralsupport’’.<br />

‘‘They understandmum and dad won’t<br />

be helpingthem out.’’<br />

Local wines honoured<br />

Two <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> wineries were<br />

among the winnersinthe New Zealand<br />

Agricultural Show’s wine competition.<br />

The Mount Brown Estates and Omihi<br />

Road wineries took home prizesinthe<br />

New Zealand Aromatic Wine<br />

Competition which was judgedlast<br />

month ahead of the <strong>Canterbury</strong> A&P<br />

Association’s annualshow being held<br />

from <strong>November</strong> 13 to 15.<br />

More than 260 wines were judged over<br />

two days by apanel of judges, led by<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>’s Jim Harré.<br />

Marlborough wineries tookhome the<br />

top two prizes, with Spy Valley Envoy<br />

Johnson Vineyard Riesling 2013 named<br />

as the Beck &Caul supreme champion<br />

wine in show.<br />

Runner­up went to Two RiversJuliet<br />

Riesling <strong>2019</strong>, also from Marlborough.<br />

The judgeswere impressed withSpy<br />

Valley’s 2013 riesling, commentingthat it<br />

boasted a‘‘mouthwatering acidity and<br />

freshness thatbelies its age’’, and<br />

championedits intense aromasoffresh<br />

lemon,making it amust for any summer<br />

wine list.<br />

The Two RiversJulietRiesling <strong>2019</strong><br />

was named champion riesling. The<br />

judgesnoted its fresh grapefruit notes.<br />

Its spicy acidity was concentrated and<br />

balanced,and the wine showed layers of<br />

complexity.<br />

Two Riversfounder and winemaker<br />

DavidCloustonsaid the win was ‘‘a true<br />

testament to the site and shows the<br />

vineyard’sreal potential to make great<br />

wines’’.<br />

The Macvine champion <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

wine in show was awardedtoMount<br />

BrownEstates’ <strong>2019</strong> Riesling.<br />

The judgespraised its definition and<br />

textural acidityand championed it as a<br />

perfect exampleofariesling.<br />

MountBrown director Catherine Keith<br />

was ecstatic about the win.<br />

‘‘This is the third trophy for our<br />

riesling in as many years, so we are very<br />

excited about it.<br />

‘‘Making agreat wine consistently,<br />

across vintages, is very hard to do, but a<br />

smallfamily­owned vineyard in the heart<br />

of <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> is doing just that.’’<br />

The judgeswere impressed withthe<br />

high quality of wines on offer in both<br />

competitions,awarding 22 golds,62<br />

silvers and 104 bronzes, Mr Harré said.<br />

‘‘Theblind judgingprocess ensures<br />

quality wins out and the results list is<br />

trulydeserving acclamations.’’<br />

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ContactRobin Wilson<br />

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Telephone 03 3478939 or 021 1583866<br />

www.wilfieldsheepstud.co.nz<br />


Advertising feature<br />



DTS<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> 7, <strong>2019</strong><br />

Tru-Test Dairy Solutions rebranded as DTS<br />

Trevor Green<br />

In amove going back to the future, DTS<br />

is the new brand name for Tru­Test<br />

Dairy Solutions.<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> and Marlborough area<br />

sales manager Trevor Green says the<br />

new branding not only creates anew,<br />

bright look for the company, but also<br />

ushers in anew direction.<br />

‘‘DTS has always been synonymous<br />

with quality stainless steel milk vats,<br />

farm holding tanks (FHTs), as well as<br />

milk refrigeration systems,’’ he says.<br />

Trevor has aDiploma in Agriculture<br />

and also one in Farm Management<br />

from Lincoln University, and owns a<br />

small farm near Christchurch.<br />

‘‘Our Normanby plant in Taranaki,<br />

which manufactures 95% of FHTs in<br />

New Zealand, has always been known<br />

as Dairy Technology Services.’’<br />

The new brand’s strapline is ‘‘Growth<br />

Through Innovation’’ which signifies<br />

DTS’s continued move into providing<br />

effective milk­vat and herd­monitoring<br />

software solutions.<br />

Through its nationwide network of<br />

sales and service teams, it has a<br />

contract to supply farm holding tanks<br />

to Fonterra Co­op farmers right around<br />

New Zealand. It is also commissioned<br />

to supply FHTs to other dairy industry<br />

players such as Synlait, Open Country,<br />

Westland and Tatua.<br />

DTS’s milk­cooling product range<br />

includes high performing refrigeration<br />

units for pre­cooling milk before the<br />

FHT, FHT refrigeration, and FHT<br />

insulation wraps.<br />

DTS is also aleader in remote onfarm<br />

monitoring. It’s Vat­Man solution<br />

provides acomprehensive vat<br />

management software solution,<br />

measuring and reporting on milk<br />

temperature as it first enters the FHT,<br />

and then as it is refrigerated, as well as<br />

milk volumes and agitation.<br />

All data is communicated via smart<br />

devices, complete with automated<br />

alerts.<br />

Herd­Man is DTS’s dairy automation<br />

solution, which includes manual and<br />

autodrafting, walk­over weighing, feed<br />

control, in­bail identification and<br />

inline milk sensors —all run off smart<br />

devices.<br />

New, bright look ... DTS is the new brand name for Tru­Test Dairy Solutions.<br />

37<br />


As anationwide provider of milk cooling products, DTS has so many ways to<br />

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NEWS<br />

38 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> 7, <strong>2019</strong><br />

Kaikoura prepares for royal visit<br />


Apendingroyal visit will be the<br />

highlight of abusy month for<br />

Kaikoura’s newly elected council.<br />

Whilethe locals enjoyed aday at<br />

the races on Monday,newlyreappointedDeputyMayor<br />

Julie<br />

Howden is anticipatingavisit from<br />

Charles,Prince of Wales, and<br />

Camilla,DuchessofCornwall, in<br />

two weeks.<br />

The coupleare due to visit<br />

Kaikouratocheck on the district’s<br />

earthquake recovery towards the<br />

end of their week­longNew<br />

Zealand tour, from <strong>November</strong> 16 to<br />

23.<br />

In 2017, Cr Howdenhosted<br />

British Prime Minister Boris<br />

Johnson, who was thenforeign<br />

secretary, withnow­retiredmayor<br />

Winston Gray.<br />

Mr Johnson visited Kaikoura to<br />

thankthe local community for<br />

theirhospitalitytoward British<br />

tourists stranded in the town after<br />

the 2016 earthquake.<br />

But Mrs Howdensays the royal<br />

visitisamuch moresignificant<br />

occasionfor the district.<br />

Cr Howden was appointed<br />

deputy mayor to assist newMayor<br />

CraigMackleatlast week’s<br />

inaugural council meeting.<br />

Mr Mackle saidhehad no<br />

hesitation in askingCrHowden to<br />

be his deputy,aftershe performed<br />

the role for thelast three years.<br />

‘‘It was alwaysthe plan. She is<br />

extremely good at what she does<br />

and I’ve knownher most of my<br />

life.’’<br />

Afterthe Kaikoura Cup race<br />

meeting on Sunday and Monday,<br />

councillors were due to meet again<br />

yesterday, beforegoing on a<br />

council retreatonThursday and<br />

FridayatMtLyford.<br />

The retreatwill be achance to<br />

finalise portfolios and committee<br />

appointments, and to plan ahead<br />

for the next three years, Mr Mackle<br />

said.<br />

‘‘As far as the community goes, I<br />

believe you couldn’t have asked for<br />

abettermix of people.<br />

‘‘I am looking to matchthem with<br />

their skill setsand Iwill mix it up<br />

abit so they learnsomething new<br />

as well.’’<br />

Cr Howdenisinher thirdterm<br />

on the council and is amember of<br />

the Kaikoura Trotting Cluband<br />

DestinationKaikouracommittees,<br />

as well as running abed­andbreakfast.<br />

She says the new council is<br />

looking forward to continuing to<br />

work closely with the Hurunui<br />

District Council and other<br />

neighbouring councils.<br />

‘‘We’ve had astrong relationship<br />

with Hurunui, particularly over<br />

the last three years. Winton<br />

(Dalley) has beenareal legendand<br />

he and Winston worked well<br />

together.<br />

‘‘Winston and Wintonare both<br />

real community men,sothey will<br />

continue to do whatthey can<br />

aroundthe place.’’<br />

Cr Howdensays the town is<br />

‘‘hotting up’’, with the races,the<br />

communitypool development, the<br />

new SudimaHoteland the<br />

proposed eco­zip all progressing.<br />

She says more than170<br />

submissions havealso been<br />

received on the proposed freedom<br />

camping bylaw,‘‘so that will take<br />

up mostthe week’’.<br />

Re­appointed ... Julie Howden is looking forward to her second term as<br />

Kaikoura’s deputy mayor.<br />


Centenary<br />

T-shirt<br />

AKaiapoi High School<br />

pupil’s artwork will appear<br />

on aspecialKaiapoi RSA<br />

centenary T­shirt.<br />

JadeRasmussenwas the<br />

lucky pupil whoseT­shirt<br />

designwas chosen as the<br />

winner in acompetitionrun<br />

by theKaiapoi RSA recently,<br />

with entries from Year10art<br />

students fromKaiapoi High<br />

School.<br />

‘‘Wehad acompetition<br />

where theydesigned a<br />

T­shirt based on atalk RSA<br />

membersgave to theschool<br />

about whoweare and what<br />

we do,’’ centennial<br />

committee chairwoman<br />

Kerry McCabe says.<br />

The T­shirtshave been<br />

screenprinted andare on<br />

salefor $15.<br />

The KaiapoiRSA is<br />

updatingits display at the<br />

Kaiapoi Club thanks to the<br />

support of MiscoJoinery,<br />

which hasprovided a<br />

display cabinet.<br />

Thecabinet willcontain<br />

artwork createdbythe<br />

Kaiapoi Club’screativearts<br />

group,while alocal artist<br />

hasdesigned someartwork<br />

to go on the door.<br />

‘‘The RSA appreciates the<br />

assistanceand the cooperationfrom<br />

the Kaiapoi<br />

Club, notonlyfor the<br />

centenary, but also for our<br />

ongoing activities,’’ Kaiapoi<br />

RSA presidentNeillPrice<br />

said.<br />





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40 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> 7, <strong>2019</strong><br />

RSA centenary<br />

marked in style<br />


Old soldiers, friends and<br />

families came together to<br />

reminisce in Kaiapoi over the<br />

weekend.<br />

The Kaiapoi RSA’s centenary<br />

celebrations included astreet<br />

parade on Saturday and<br />

concluded with aspecial<br />

church service on the Kaiapoi<br />

River Terraces, outside the<br />

Port &Eagle Brewpub, in the<br />

basking hot sun on Sunday<br />

morning.<br />

One of the highlights was a<br />

formal dinner in the Kaiapoi<br />

Club, where New Zealand<br />

Returned Services Association<br />

president BJ Clark presented<br />

Kaiapoi RSA president Neill<br />

Price with alife membership.<br />

Saluting party ... Royal New<br />

Zealand Navy officers salute<br />

during aspecial church service on<br />

Sunday morning as part of the<br />

Kaiapoi RSA’s centenary<br />

celebrations.<br />


On song ... The Kaiapoi Brass Band performed during the special<br />

church service.<br />

Combined churches ... Kaiapoi<br />

Co­operating Parish minister Rev<br />

Stephanie Wells was one of<br />

several ministers and pastors who<br />

led the service.<br />


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4pk 7% 250ml cans 6pk cans (incl zero) Soda 5% &7%12pk range 12pk/DC 8pk all cans<br />

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65 Victoria St, Christchurch CBD<br />

03 260 1155

Improved standard at<br />

junior tennis champs<br />

SPORT<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> 7, <strong>2019</strong><br />

41<br />

Classie BrigadewinsCup<br />

TENNIS<br />

The <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong> JuniorTennis<br />

Tournament was played on <strong>November</strong> 2<br />

and 3inseeringtemperatures.<br />

However, theheat did not dampen<br />

the spirit of more than 78 young players<br />

who registered to playsingles, doubles<br />

and mixed­doubles matches.<br />

Tennistalentwas on display in all age<br />

groups,with alot of improvements by<br />

players.<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>JuniorTennis<br />

president KerryWalshwas impressed<br />

by thesportsmanship of the children<br />

overtheweekend.<br />

‘‘It’s alsogreat to seearecord number<br />

of entriesthis year —itbodeswellfor<br />

the future.’’<br />

The championship is open to all<br />

children playing for <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

clubs .Those placed in the top four<br />

singlesofeach agegroup go on to<br />

represent<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> at three<br />

representative fixtures overthe coming<br />

season,inEllesmere,Mid <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

and Malvern.<br />

Convenor of the mixed anddoubles<br />

matchesand localtennis coach Aaron<br />

Pullar wasimpressed by playerswho<br />

havejust startedtoplay competitive<br />

tennisthis season, nothing theprogress<br />

theyhad madeinthe short time since<br />

the season started.<br />

Results were:<br />

Singles<br />

10s:Boys: SamReilly 1, Sean Scheepers<br />

2, LiamTrolove 3, Finlay Newman4.<br />

12s:Boys: Fynn Harris1,Ethan Trolove<br />

2, MarcusLeopold3,Max Martin4.<br />

Girls: HannahLawler1,JoJoBaldwin<br />

2, Sarah Caldwell 3, AneroosBeneke4.<br />

14s:Boys:Josh Silcock 1, TomKerry 2,<br />

Jonas Keeys 3, RileyAcutt 4. Girls:<br />

Danielle Scheepers1,TineshaBenson<br />

2, Tayla Smart 3, AshleighLawler 4.<br />

16s:Boys:Jackson Pullar 1, Jacob<br />

Harvey­Heyward 2, RommelWilson 3,<br />

Lucas Kerry 4. Girls: Megan Green 1,<br />

Emma Sewell2,Sophie Dobson3,<br />

Jordan Silcock 4.<br />

Doubles<br />

Boys12s: MarcusLeopold &Ethan<br />

Trolove 1, Seth Green &Max Martin 2,<br />

Regan Birdling&Elliot Husband3.<br />

Girls: HannahLawler&Aneroos<br />

Beneke1,Tilly Dodd &Claudia Grigg 2.<br />

14s: Boys: Max Walsh &Cayden Lewis<br />

1, Riley Acutt&Jonty Howard 2, Tom<br />

Kerry &JonasKeeys 3. Girls: Maddy<br />

Smart &TaylaSmart1,Ashleigh<br />

Lawler&Maddie Scott 2, Ariel<br />

Cuthbertson &LucyWard3.<br />

16s: Boys: Jackson Pullar &Tom Marsh<br />

1, SamuelGrigg &Jake Harvey­<br />

Heyward 2, Asher Farrowand Caleb<br />

Farrow 3. Girls: Megan Green and<br />

EmmaSewell1,Eva Kim &Sophie<br />

Dobson 2, AmyMatheson &Louise<br />

Morton 3.<br />

Mixed doubles<br />

12s: Ethan Trolove and HannahLawler<br />

1, Elliot Husband &AJBattersby2,<br />

JosephHussey and Alex Walton 3.<br />

14s: Max Walsh &MaddySmart 1, Asher<br />

Farrow and Ashleigh Lawler 2, Caden<br />

Lewis &TaylaSmart3.<br />

16s: Aaron Pullar &Eva Kim1,Jake<br />

Harvey­Heyward &Evie Howe 2.<br />

From the front... ClassieBrigade, driven by JohnDunn and trained by his father RobertDunn<br />

at Woodend Beach, won the $46,000 Kaikoura Trotting Cup at South Bay Racecourse in Kaikoura<br />

on Monday. Favourite Cruz Bromac, (No. 6), driven by Mark Purdonand trained by him in<br />

partnership with Ntalie Rasmussen, at Rolleston,finishedsecond, with<strong>North</strong> Islander TripleEight,<br />

far left, drivenbyDavid Butcherand trained by Steve Telfer at Papakura, finishing third. The<br />

KaikouraCup is akey lead­up race to the $750,000 New Zealand Trotting Cup at Addington<br />

Raceway next Tuesday.<br />


<strong>North</strong> Canty sports results<br />

Rangiora Golf Club<br />

Nine hole ­Putting: Dennis Brook 14,<br />

1; Ron Stroud 14, 2; Elaine Klopper<br />

16(c/b), 3.<br />

Midweek men, stableford: Jeff Brown41,<br />

1; Mel Bonner 41, 2; EricCrawford 41, 3.<br />

Fridayopen ­mixed stableford: Barbara<br />

Cornwall 42, 1; AnneCampbell43, 2;<br />

BrianHawke 42,3.<br />

Weekend men ­stroke: Division one:<br />

Neil Hewitt 67, 1; Dave Ritchie 67, 2;<br />

KevinJones68, 3.<br />

Div 2: Ray Southam 67, 1: John Edwards<br />

67, 2; Jim Cook 67, 3.<br />

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774m 2<br />

Price<br />

$665,000<br />

Superb spacious country manor. Unique and spacious, two<br />

storey country manor offering four/five bedrooms, study, media<br />

area, office, loft and conservatory. Large internal access double<br />

garage with workshop (three phase power) and sealed road<br />

access to gate. This unique property offers versatile grazing, small<br />

plantation/shelter areas, an implement shed, wood shed, 4-bay<br />

barn with power, lean to, elevated playhouse and cattle yards with<br />

loadout ramp. The well fenced, mature sheltered paddocks offer<br />

quality TaiTapu Loam Soils. | Property ID RX1753909<br />

Open Home<br />

Sunday 1.00 to 1.45pm<br />

Contact<br />

Russell Clifford 027 434 3122<br />

Entertainers dream. This large family home boasts four double<br />

bedrooms, afabulous family bathroom and alaundry room with<br />

excellent storage. The kitchen/dining area has abreakfast bar and<br />

butlers pantry. The master bedroom has awalk-in wardrobe, a<br />

large en-suite with bath, patio area and aprivate spa. There are<br />

two spacious living areas, ensuring that this is truly an entertainers<br />

dream. The gardens are wonderfully established with stunning roses,<br />

camellias and raised garden beds. The hard work has been done -<br />

so sit back and enjoy this fabulous home! | Property ID RX2047402<br />

Open Home<br />

Sunday 1.30 to 2.30pm<br />

Contact<br />

Carol Thompson 027 914 2341<br />

Katy Biggs 022 068 7415<br />

Oxford<br />

780 Woodstock Road<br />

4.5 Hectares<br />

Price<br />

$770,000<br />

Contact<br />

Maurice Newell 027 240 1718<br />

HamishAnderson 027 6788888<br />

Quality home and industrial shed. This beautiful, 216m², three bedroom two bathroom home, has<br />

been built to the highest standards. Stylish designer kitchen with butler's pantry, stone top butchers block<br />

and Belling stove with 5ring gas hob. Three car internal access garage and designs available for the<br />

creation of aforth bedroom. High stud, 211m² steel framed workshop with three-phase power, anoffice<br />

and bathroom. Selling below new RV of $805,000. | Property ID RX<strong>2019</strong>476<br />

Summerhill | 230 Cottles Road<br />

8.54 Hectares<br />

Secluded lifestyle property. Partially renovated Oamaru Stone<br />

clad home with three bedrooms, two bathrooms, aseparate lounge<br />

and stunning mountain views. New four car garage and numerous<br />

sheds. The property is fenced into four paddocks with deer fencing<br />

with atree lined stream which runs through the property into a<br />

landscaped pond. There isawell for domestic and stock water.<br />

Amenity tree plantings. Set on an elevated terrace with rolling<br />

contour. The house is being sold "As is where Is" (house requires<br />

finishing). Plans are available on request. | Property ID RX2069211<br />

Price<br />

Available on application<br />

Inspection<br />

By appointment<br />

Contact<br />

Malcolm Garvan 027 231 4425<br />

Summerhill<br />

345 Ashley Road<br />

164.16 Hectares<br />

Deadline Sale<br />

Closing 1pm, 20 <strong>November</strong><br />

<strong>2019</strong> (unless sold prior)<br />

Contact<br />

HamishAnderson 027 6788888<br />

Maurice Newell 027 240 1718<br />

Retiring vendors –now’s your chance. Well located and balanced farm of 164.1656 hectares. With<br />

four titles and excellent road frontage there clearly exists options for sale as awhole or in parts. High<br />

proportion of deer fencing, Irrigation from WIL, and its own water source. Currently leased and running<br />

predominantly dairy support stock. Available with or without the four bedroom homestead, with Historic<br />

Places Trust status, set in beautiful grounds. | Property ID RX2066221<br />

James Murray<br />

027 436 8103<br />

Jenny Rouse<br />

027 314 6119<br />

Hamish Anderson<br />

027 678 8888<br />

MalcolmGarvan<br />

027 231 4425<br />

Maurice Newell<br />

027 240 1718<br />

Alan Eastwick<br />

027 447 00<strong>07</strong><br />

Russell Clifford<br />

027 434 3122<br />

Carol Thompson<br />

027 914 2341<br />

Katy Biggs<br />

022 068 7415<br />

Licensed under REAA 2008


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> 7, <strong>2019</strong><br />

45<br />

Public Notices<br />

Public Notices<br />

Public Notices<br />

Rangiora Sunday Market<br />

The Rangiora Sunday Market is back in<br />

the Blake Street carpark on Sunday,<br />

<strong>November</strong> 10 and 24, from 9am to 2pm.<br />

There are lots of great bargains,<br />

including plants, clothing, household<br />

items, garden tools, health products,<br />

bikes, books, gift cards, handyman tools,<br />

jewellery, toys, garden sculptures and<br />

woodcraft. Children can also pop into<br />

the nearby <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Model<br />

Railway Club rooms to operate Thomas<br />

and friends.<br />

Dementia seminar<br />

Dementia <strong>Canterbury</strong> is back in <strong>North</strong><br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> to offer afree public<br />

seminar on Tuesday, <strong>November</strong> 19, from<br />

10.30am to 12pm, in the Rangiora Town<br />

Hall function room. The seminar is on<br />

Maintaining Brain Health with<br />

psychiatrist Dr Chris Collins, who will<br />

speak on optimising brain health and<br />

reducing your risk of developing<br />

dementia, including what to eat,<br />

managing stress, exercise, and social<br />

and mental stimulation. Everyone is<br />

welcome. Registrations are essential.<br />

Phone 0800 444 776 or email<br />

admin@dementiacanterbury.org.nz.<br />

Christmas concert<br />

AChristmas concert featuring the<br />

Rangiora Community Choir and guest<br />

performers will be held at the Rangiora<br />

Methodist Church at 2pm on Sunday,<br />

<strong>November</strong> 24. Entry is $7.50, door sales<br />

only, with afternoon tea included.<br />

Eco babes<br />

If you’re concerned about the waste and<br />

cost of disposable nappies, come and<br />

discuss alternatives with Eva, amidwife<br />

and mother of two on Sunday, <strong>November</strong><br />

Public Notices<br />

Kaiapoi Christadelphians<br />

“The Key ofKnowledge ..“(Luke 11:52)<br />



From creation to the fulfillment of God’s purpose,<br />

prophecy has been given as an encouragement to<br />

mankind for hope and assurance in aWorld that<br />

cannot find the solution to the World’s problems.<br />

Who do we look to for answers in a rapidly<br />

declining society? God or man?<br />

DVD presentation -Sunday 10th <strong>November</strong>,7.00pm<br />

Kaiapoi Community Centre, 24 Sewell Street<br />

Contact: 03 352 5453<br />

2224352<br />

17, from 2pm to 3.30pm, at Greta Valley.<br />

She is using cloth nappies and trying out<br />

nappy­free times based on learning to<br />

respond to ababy’s ‘‘need to go’’ cues.<br />

Other infant products, such as baby<br />

wipes, food pouches, and commercial<br />

care products can also be substituted.<br />

Cost: 1.5 TimeBank Hurunui credits or<br />

$10. Registration: (03) 314 3406 or email<br />

tbhlearningexchange@gmail.com.<br />

2040: The Regeneration Movie<br />

2040 highlights apathway of change<br />

towards amore ecologically focused and<br />

equitable future. It will play at the<br />

Amberley School Hall on Tuesday,<br />

<strong>November</strong> 19, from 7.30pm to 9pm. The<br />

docu­drama draws on the best minds and<br />

positive solutions to address humanity’s<br />

challenges with climate, economics,<br />

technology, civil society, agriculture and<br />

sustainability. It is aimed at abroad<br />

audience, including children and their<br />

parents. Tickets are $5; schoolchildren<br />

are free. Book now by emailing<br />

tbhlearningexchange@gmail.com or<br />

phone (03) 314 3406. It is supported by<br />

the Amberley District Residents<br />

Association, TimeBank Hurunui and<br />

Amberley School.<br />

Christmas picnic tour<br />

The <strong>2019</strong> Christmas picnic tour will be<br />

held on Sunday, <strong>November</strong> 24, starting<br />

at the Hurunui District Council carpark<br />

in Amberley. The cost is $15 per vehicle.<br />

The route will be sealed throughout.<br />

Registrations will be taken from 9am<br />

until 10.50am in the adjacent St John’s<br />

Lounge. The first 70 to register receive a<br />

NZ Classic Car magazine. Members of<br />

the Nelson branch of the Classic<br />

Motoring Society will be taking part.<br />

Public Notices<br />

We provide free confidential budgeting<br />

assistance to individuals, families and whānau<br />

of the Waimakariri and Hurunui communities.<br />

• Do you need help to manage your money better?<br />

• Going flatting, having ababyorretiring and you<br />

need abudget health check?<br />

• Is managing debt becoming aproblem?<br />

• We can provide one-to-one financial mentoring<br />

and help you create your own personal budget.<br />

• We can advocate on your behalf with<br />

Government departments (e.g. Work and Income,<br />

Inland Revenue).<br />

• MoneyMates …ask about our FREE community<br />

education programme where people can talk,<br />

share and learn about money and money matters.<br />

Phone 03 313 3505 anytime<br />

servicemanager@bsnc.org.nz<br />

www.bsnc.org.nz<br />

WarMemorial Hall,<br />

1Albert Street,<br />

Rangiora 7400<br />

Covering<br />

the Waimakariri<br />

and Hurunui<br />

districts<br />

Affiliated member of the National Building Financial Capability<br />

Charitable Trust. Registered Charity Number: CC1<strong>07</strong>10<br />

2002654<br />

Earthquake-prone Buildings –which are the<br />

busy streets in your town?<br />

Under the Building Act 2004 asystem has been<br />

introduced across NZ to identify and manage<br />

buildings that are expected to suffer significant<br />

damage in a moderate earthquake. These are<br />

called earthquake-prone buildings. Houses and<br />

farmbuildings are generally excluded.<br />

Earthquake-prone buildings locatedinplaceswhere<br />

there is high pedestrian or vehicular traffic are<br />

considered higher risk and must bestrengthened<br />

or demolished earlier than other earthquake-prone<br />

buildings. These are called priority earthquakeprone<br />

buildings.<br />

To establish the priority earthquake-pronebuildings<br />

in the Hurunui District the Council would like to<br />

hear from the community about what public roads,<br />

footpaths or other thoroughfares in each of the<br />

District’s towns itconsiders are highly used. A<br />

Statement of Proposal containing proposed high<br />

traffic areas and further information on the national<br />

system is available from the Council. The Statement<br />

of Proposal also includes adescription of how a<br />

person interested in the proposal can present their<br />

views to the Council and further details about the<br />

process.<br />

Find out more<br />

A full Statement of Proposal is available for<br />

inspection:<br />

•Onthe HurunuiDistrict Councilwebsite:<br />

www.hurunui.govt.nz<br />

•Atthe offices of the Hurunui DistrictCouncil:<br />

66 Carters Road, Amberley.<br />

Make your submission<br />

Online: www.hurunui.govt.nz/report/<br />

consultations<br />

Email to: submission@hurunui.govt.nz<br />

Post /deliver to: Hurunui District Council<br />

66 Carters Road<br />

PO Box 13<br />

Amberley 7441<br />

Please indicate if you wish to be heard in supportof<br />

your submission. All submissions will be publicly<br />

available on the Council’s website.<br />

Submissions close 5pm Monday 2 December<br />

<strong>2019</strong><br />

2224272<br />

Thursday,August 2, 2018 | Issue 808 | www.ncnews.co.nz<br />



www.ncnews.co.nz<br />

Visit now to view the paper online &more!<br />




SECTION 101, SALE<br />


ALCOHOL ACT 2012<br />

K.E.F. Ltd, Karl Eric<br />

Horwarth, 1A Elm Drive,<br />

Rangiora has made<br />

application to the District<br />

Licensing Committee at<br />

Rangiora for the renewal<br />

an On Licence in respect of<br />

the premises situated at 176<br />

High Street, Rangiora known<br />

as Fools of Desire Cafe.<br />

The general nature of<br />

the business conducted<br />

(or to be conducted) under<br />

the licence is Cafe.<br />

The days on which and the<br />

hours during which alcohol<br />

is (or is intended to be)<br />

sold under the licence are<br />

Sunday-Thursday 8.00am<br />

-11.00pm, Friday-Saturday<br />

8.00am - 1.00am the<br />

following day.<br />

The application may be<br />

inspected during ordinary<br />

office hours at the office<br />

of the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee at 215<br />

High Street, Rangiora.<br />

Any person who is entitled<br />

to object and who wishes<br />

to object to the issue of the<br />

licence may,not laterthan 15<br />

working days after the date of<br />

the publication of this notice,<br />

file anotice inwriting of the<br />

objection with the Secretary<br />

of the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee at<br />

Private Bag 1005, Rangiora.<br />

No objection to the renewal<br />

of alicence may be made<br />

in relation to amatter other<br />

than a matter specified in<br />

section 131 of the Sale and<br />

Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.<br />

This is the first publication of<br />

this notice.<br />

2223880v1<br />




Section 101,Sale<br />

and Supply of<br />

AlcoholAct 2012<br />

Imperial Discount Liquor<br />

Ltd has made application<br />

to the District Licensing<br />

Committee at Rangiora<br />

for the renewal of an Off<br />

Licence in respect of the<br />

premises situated at 14<br />

Southbrook Road, Rangiora<br />

known as Henrys BWS<br />

Rangiora.<br />

The general nature ofthe<br />

business conducted under<br />

the licence is Bottlestore.<br />

The days on which and the<br />

hours during which alcohol<br />

is soldunder thelicence are<br />

Monday to Sunday 9am to<br />

10pm.<br />

The application may be<br />

inspected during ordinary<br />

office hours at the office<br />

of the Waimakariri District<br />

LicensingCommittee at 215<br />

High Street, Rangiora.<br />

Any person who isentitled<br />

to object and who wishes<br />

to object to the issue of<br />

the licence may, no later<br />

than 15 working days after<br />

the date ofthe publication<br />

of this notice, file anotice<br />

in writing of the objection<br />

with the Secretary of<br />

the Waimakariri District<br />

Licensing Committee at<br />

Private Bag 1005,Rangiora.<br />

No objection to the renewal<br />

of alicence may be made<br />

in relation toamatter other<br />

than amatter specified in<br />

section131 of theSale and<br />

Supply of Alcohol Act 2012.<br />

This is the second<br />

publication of this notice.<br />

This notice was first<br />

published on 31st October<br />

<strong>2019</strong>.<br />

2219876v2<br />

Annual General Meeting<br />

Monday 11 th <strong>November</strong> @7.30pm<br />

At the Southbrook Clubrooms<br />

As the largest Club In <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> ittakes<br />

alarge team of people to keep things running<br />

smoothly. Weare still seeking some volunteers to<br />

help out next season. Come along and see how<br />

you can help out! Many hands make light work!<br />

All Welcome<br />

2221834-31/10-h<br />

58,000 people live within our<br />

circulation area. Just one ad in the<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong> will be read<br />

by 46,000 of them every week!<br />

Phone<br />

03 314 8335<br />

Source 2018 Nielsen Readership research all people 10+ NCN Circulation area


46 <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> 7, <strong>2019</strong><br />

Public Notices<br />

Amberley District Residents<br />

Association /The Hotline AGM<br />

Amberley District Resident’s Association Inc invite<br />

Amberley Residents to their AGM tobeheld on<br />

Monday, 18th <strong>November</strong>, <strong>2019</strong>, at6.00 pm at the<br />

Amberley Library.<br />

Come and hearTony Trewinnard, along timeresident<br />

of Amberley speak about his vision to engage and<br />

meet theneeds of the Amberley Community.Roger<br />

Hornblow, the new HDC Community Connector,<br />

will also speakabout his new appointment with the<br />

Hurunui District Council.<br />

Light refreshments will be served and there will be<br />

an opportunity to meet and talk with Tony and Roger.<br />

Y.R. Turnbull<br />

Secretary-ADRAInc<br />

Phone 03 314 5875<br />

Email –turnbull.chilternhills@xtra.co.nz<br />

2223187<br />

Julia Holcroft’s<br />

Piano Performance<br />

Students in Concert<br />

SUNDAY17 th<br />

<strong>November</strong> at 4.00 pm<br />

Small Theatre Rangiora<br />

Town Hall<br />

2224766<br />

Proudly supported by<br />

CreativeCommunities NZ<br />

2225287<br />


CHURCH<br />

AGM<br />

7.30pm Tuesday 26th<br />

<strong>November</strong>,<br />

Ballarat Village<br />

Community Centre,<br />

21 Ballarat Rd, Rangiora.<br />

Enquiries 027 289 1380<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

Alone Is No Fun…<br />

Joinourmembersseeking<br />

companionship/love!<br />

Meet viaPersonal phone callsnot<br />

computer matchups<br />

25+years of matchmaking experience.<br />

City/Rural membersofall ages(seniors<br />

welcome!)<br />

Call 0800 315 311<br />

to seewho is waiting to meet you!<br />

www.newbeginningsnetwork.co.nz<br />

Plumber/Gas Certifier &Sales Role<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Based<br />

Pump Services 2010 Ltd, based in Rangiora, has a<br />

vacancy for aperson who is qualified to check and<br />

sign off, of our plumbing and gas work. We would<br />

also hope the right person, may want tobeinvolved<br />

in asales roles.<br />

We want them to have an outgoing and pleasant<br />

personality,todeal with arangeofclients.<br />

Although we are based in Rangiora, we service the<br />

entire <strong>North</strong>ern <strong>Canterbury</strong>Region.<br />

We specialise in pump repairs, replacements,<br />

irrigation andeffluent servicingand installation, water<br />

purification and testing, drainage, gas hot water and<br />

plumbing. All of these are across the rural sector,<br />

lifestyle blocks and domestic users.<br />

We always have anumber of projects on the go, and<br />

require asuitably qualified person to oversee our<br />

tradesman’s work,and complete the appropriatesign<br />

off.<br />

Duties include<br />

•Checkingand certifying plumbingand gas work,<br />

andhelping where required<br />

•Asales role, if experienced<br />

•Engaging with existing, and new clients<br />

The successful applicant would require a<br />

combination of the above, butalso have<br />

•Afull driver’s licenceisessential<br />

•Theability to work unsupervised<br />

•Havestrongself-management/timemanagement<br />

skills<br />

The hours of employment will be discussed with<br />

suitable applicants.<br />

We require someone whoisexperienced, is willingto<br />

work, is reliable and honest<br />

Our employment will offer good work conditions and<br />

remuneration, awork vehicle, and awide range of<br />

duties.<br />

Pre-employment healthscreening will be undertaken,<br />

alongwith ongoing drug and alcohol testing.<br />

For further information, contact Craig Wilson,<br />

phone 03 313 3444, option4,<br />

or email craig@pumpservices.co.nz<br />

2224262<br />

2202068<br />

For Sale<br />

HONEY 4kg bucket<br />

cooking honey, $30 special.<br />

Available at Gracebrook,<br />

Amberley. Telephone 03<br />

314 7<strong>07</strong>6.<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

Landfill -Operator/Driver<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Waste Services provides resource<br />

recovery, waste transport and waste disposal<br />

services in <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Waste Services is seeking a<br />

fit, versatile team player, preferably with<br />

heavy plant operating experience, willing to<br />

learn all aspects of waste disposal and civil<br />

construction works at the Kate Valley Landfill<br />

in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>. The position is part of a<br />

dedicated team involved in the operational<br />

aspects of earthworks construction and<br />

waste disposal, in asafe and environmentally<br />

secure manner.<br />

If you are an experienced multi-skilled<br />

operator, driver or relatively new to the<br />

construction industry, then wewould like to<br />

hear from you.<br />

Youwill need the following attributes:<br />

•Possess appropriate licences to operate<br />

heavy machinery –Classes 1&4.<br />

•Ideally have experience in the operation of<br />

heavy earth moving machinery.<br />

•Bephysically fit.<br />

•Bereliable and trustworthy.<br />

•Have initiative and apositive attitude.<br />

•Have awillingness to learn.<br />

•Enjoy working as part of aproductive team.<br />

•The ability and willingness to work within<br />

the variable timeframes required by the<br />

CWS operation.<br />

•Apositive, friendly attitude and outlook.<br />

The closing date for applications is 5.00 pm<br />

on Monday 18 <strong>November</strong> <strong>2019</strong>. To obtain an<br />

application form and job description, please<br />

contact:<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Waste Services<br />

PO Box 142, Amberley 7441<br />

Attention: Linda Chandler<br />

or email: lindac@cws.co.nz<br />

or telephone 03 359 1800<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong> Waste Services has aZero Tolerance to<br />

drugs and alcohol in the workplace and undertakes pre<br />

employment and random testing.<br />

2224255<br />



Full time position<br />

Required for busy<br />

dealership. Must be<br />

reliable, hard working<br />

and conscientious.<br />

Afull clean drivers<br />

licence and agood sport<br />

mentality is essential.<br />

To apply send your CV to<br />

craig@stadiumcars.co.nz<br />

609 Lineside Rd, Rangiora<br />


Drivers, Roading, Traffic<br />

control, Factory, Process<br />

work. Avariety of shifts.<br />

We also do cvs. Superior<br />

Personnel, 6 Cone Street.<br />

Ph 313 6180 Rangiora.<br />

www.superiorpersonnel.co.nz.<br />

Gardening<br />

TIDY TREES and gardens.<br />

All tree pruning,<br />

felling, hedge trimming and<br />

general gardening. Telephone<br />

Daniel 027 373 7001<br />

tidytreesnandgarden@gmail.com.<br />

GARDEN hedges cut to<br />

perfection. Tree & arbor<br />

work. Also spraying. Free<br />

quotes. Ph 03 312 0668 or<br />

021 111 4322.<br />

Wanted To Lease<br />

WANTED ~Farm to Lease/Equity<br />

Opportunity<br />

Are youconsidering leasing your property or looking<br />

for retirement options? We have an experienced<br />

farming couple looking tolease a3,000 to 5,000<br />

stockunit sheep and beef property in the <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

region. They would also consider equity investment<br />

opportunities in the sheep andbeef sector.<br />

Please contact Paul McCarron at Brown Glassford<br />

for further details:<br />

Paul McCarron<br />

Brown Glassford &CoLtd<br />

Phone: (03) 3650881<br />

Email: admin@brownglass.co.nz 2224260<br />

To Let<br />


Close to shops and Medical Centre. All day sun, 2<br />

bedrooms, internal access double garage. As this is a<br />

stand-alone with four other units, best suited to over<br />

55’s. No animals or smoking.<br />

Phone 027 957 8030.<br />

2223296<br />

HOMESITTERS req’d<br />

Xmas /New Year. Beautiful<br />

homes / pets. Phone<br />

Lisa 03 359 2323<br />

www.townandcountryhomesit.co.nz.<br />

Tenders<br />

TENDER<br />

INVITE<br />

Tuahiwi School<br />

Must submit by<br />

10am on Monday<br />

11th <strong>November</strong><br />

Documents can<br />

be requested from<br />

tenders.chch@<br />

wattsgroup.co.nz<br />

or contact our<br />

office for more<br />

details<br />

2224256<br />

Wanted To Buy<br />

TOOLS, garden, garage,<br />

saw benches, lathes. Cash<br />

buyer. Phone 03355 2045.<br />

DOWNSIZING? Garage<br />

sale? Cash for estate china.<br />

Please telephone 313 1878<br />

or 027 350 3963.<br />

CASH PAID for all types<br />

of scrap, farm machinery,<br />

old vehicles etc. Phone<br />

Wayne 027 749 9736, 03<br />

323 6610, Licenced Dealer.<br />

SHEEP<br />


WANTED<br />

Phone Vicki<br />

027 749 6814<br />

or 03 312 9827<br />

2225055<br />

Pets<br />


for smaller dogs. We look<br />

after your dog in our home.<br />

"No kennels". Phone today<br />

03 314 6110.<br />

GREYHOUND just<br />

retired from racing. If you<br />

love walking and want<br />

company, this is the pet for<br />

you. Female, 4yo, speyed<br />

and fully vaccinated. Quite<br />

happy for atrial period to<br />

see if suitable with any new<br />

owner. Phone Ken 03 327<br />

7190.<br />

Cars Wanted<br />

CASH 4CARS<br />

and 4WD'S<br />

Phone<br />

Automotive<br />

Parts<br />

03 313 7216<br />

CASH / CASH for any<br />

unwanted vehicles. Ph 03<br />

347 9354 or 027 476 2404.<br />

Trade&Services<br />

ABEL &Prestige Chimney<br />

Cleaning. Nth Cant owned<br />

& operated. Covering all<br />

areas from Waimak to Hanmer.<br />

Professional, guaranteed,<br />

service. Firebox<br />

repairs, carry most parts. Ph<br />

0800 661 244.<br />


cutting with quality and<br />

removal work. Free quotes.<br />

No job too small. Ph 027<br />

442 2219, Fax 03 359 6052<br />

or A/H 03 359 4605.<br />

BRIAN’S Tree Services.<br />

Tree felling, topping,<br />

shaping, firewood cut, rubbish<br />

removed, stump grinding,<br />

branch chipping.<br />

Affordable rates. Phone 03<br />

327 5505 or 021 124 4894.<br />

BRICK &Blocklayer. All<br />

types of work undertaken.<br />

New, EQC, repairs, LBP.<br />

Phone Hamish 313 5678 or<br />

027 238 6003.<br />

CARPENTER / Painter<br />

specialising in alterations &<br />

renovations, repairs &<br />

maintenance, 35 plus years,<br />

experienced licenced<br />

builder. Telephone Trevor<br />

313 5013 or 027 431 1864.<br />


Sew Good Services, still<br />

open for all your alterations,<br />

repairs, dressmaking,<br />

curtains. Phone<br />

327 5535. (Formerly from<br />

Tamara’s).<br />


mobile. Fast, friendly, professional<br />

service. 25 years<br />

exp. Shearing, drenching,<br />

hoof trimming etc. Call<br />

Shaun 021 204 1274.<br />

PAINT & wallpaper<br />

services. Wayne Bryant.<br />

Exterior, interior, qualified<br />

tradesman. Free quotes. Ph<br />

313 5337 or 027 654 4568.<br />

SHEARER. Hap’s Farm &<br />

Lifestyle Services. Shearing,<br />

crutching, drenching,<br />

tailing, feet trimming &<br />

health check. Trailer, generator<br />

&mobile handpiece<br />

available. Experienced,<br />

reliable and honest. Ph 03<br />

312 1214 or 021 267 4025.<br />

SHOE REPAIRS, key cutting,<br />

engraving, giftware.<br />

10 years experience.<br />

BESK, 683 Main <strong>North</strong><br />

Road, Belfast. Telephone<br />

027 311 3423.<br />


Specialising in <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong>.<br />

Contact Geoff at<br />

Maxwell Valuation. Phone<br />

03 310 8541 or email<br />

geoff@maxval.co.nz.<br />

Lilybrook Decorators<br />

Paint &Wallpapering<br />

Free Quotes.<br />

Ph Gordon 313 3309<br />

or 027 430 2938<br />

2172996<br />

Trade&Services<br />

ROOFER All roof repairs,<br />

roof painting, waterblasting,<br />

moss treatment,<br />

repointing, gutter clean &<br />

snow straps. And more.<br />

Free quotes. Phone Nathan<br />

027 516 6609.<br />

PAINTER & Decorator.<br />

25 + years experience.<br />

Interior /exterior, roofs &<br />

waterblasting. For a free<br />

quote. Please ph Steve 03<br />

314 4620 or 027 477 1930.<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> specialist.<br />

All plastic &fibreglass<br />

repairs. Telephone James<br />

021 180 5103.<br />

ENGINEERING. Qualified<br />

Fitter /Welder available<br />

to work on contract<br />

basis. Casual or full time.<br />

Fabrication, repairs &<br />

maintenance, MIG, TIG,<br />

ARC. Please phone Andy<br />

027 735 1988.<br />

PAINTER, qualified local<br />

professional, Int / Ext,<br />

roofs, wallpaper. Call or txt<br />

Corban 027 846 5033.<br />

AFFORDABLE house<br />

painting, exterior /interior.<br />

Free quotes. Phone Mike<br />

027 444 8577.<br />

METAL WORX. Flashing,<br />

Sheetmetal Fabrication,<br />

Wrought Iron,<br />

Welding, Custom Trailers,<br />

General Metalwork. No job<br />

too big or too small. Ph 021<br />

265 5428 or 03 314 6908.<br />

Find us on facebook/<br />

Glenmark Metal Worx.<br />

glenmarkmetalworx.ltd@gmail.com.<br />


Tree Care. Qualified<br />

Arborist specialising in big<br />

trees in small places, long<br />

term tree plans, Riparian &<br />

shelter planting, land clearing,<br />

stump grinding, branch<br />

chipping, fully insured, free<br />

quotes. Ph 0800 873 336.<br />

PAINTER & Decorator.<br />

Semi retired painter. Small<br />

jobs. Ph Peter 03 312 7945<br />

or 027 693 8360.<br />

POWER TOOLS repairs,<br />

parts &sales for over 30<br />

years. All main brands serviced.<br />

Grossman Trade<br />

Tools, 31A Watts Road,<br />

Christchurch. Ph 389 9230.<br />

SHEARER Mobile sheep<br />

shearer available for lifestyle<br />

blocks. Over 30 years<br />

experience. Phone Stuart<br />

027 315 6916.<br />

PROPERTY maintenance,<br />

lawns, hedges, chainsaw<br />

work, pruning, painting &<br />

minor home alterations.<br />

Town &Country. Ph Mike<br />

concrete 03 313 0261.<br />

RANGIORA Rubbish<br />

Removal and RRR skips.<br />

Wheelie bins any frequency<br />

and skips from 1.5 cube to<br />

9cube. Skips and wheelie<br />

bins for any use, rubbish,<br />

greenwaste, building sites<br />

or just cleanups. Give us a<br />

phone call 313 6957 or for<br />

skips 021 313 255.<br />


For all your printing<br />

requirements. T­shirts,<br />

Hoodies, Hi­Vis vests and<br />

polos, Overalls, Caps etc.<br />

Please phone Heather 03<br />

313 0261 or email<br />

heather.norstar@gmail.com.<br />

Trade&Services<br />

HOUSE<br />


Are you<br />

moving house<br />

or trying to<br />

downsize?<br />

Call All Clear<br />

<strong>Canterbury</strong>. We work<br />

with you to recycle,<br />

sell and dispose of<br />

unwanteditems.<br />

Ph: 03 260 0934<br />

or 021 <strong>07</strong>8 4553<br />

raewynlcooke@gmail.com<br />

www.allclearcanterbury.co.nz<br />

www.curtainfabric-outlet.com<br />

FashionDesigns &Colours<br />

Discontinued Designs<br />

EndofLines BargainPrices<br />

Call at OurShop<br />


71 Hawdon St Sydenham<br />

Ph 366-5026<br />


Reg Tradesman<br />

Interior,exterior.<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> Painters<br />

specialising in decorating for<br />

over 65 at adiscount rate.<br />

Free quotes.<br />

Covering Nth Canty,Oxford,<br />

Kaiapoi, Rangiora, Amberley.<br />

Robin Driver 03 327 7899<br />

or 027 432 3520 1859949<br />


Paving<br />

Patio &Pathways<br />

-New or Existing<br />

Free Quotes<br />

–Competitive Pricing<br />

Blair Gibson<br />

027 699 5815 03 313 7933<br />




Lifestyle or farm, sheep, cattle,<br />

horse, all types of animals.<br />

Fences, yards, sheds, arenas,<br />

shelters, runs.<br />

30+ years contract fencing.<br />

Steve is available to help with<br />

your design &planning.<br />

Ph office03312 4747<br />

2091848<br />



Bill’s Liquid<br />

Waste<br />

Under New Management<br />

You dump it...<br />

Blair pumps it...<br />

Blair Tavendale<br />

Ph 03 314 9371<br />

0275 379-694<br />

2130820<br />

2152265<br />


Plastering &Painting<br />

Services<br />

Local with 30 years<br />

experience<br />

All workmanship<br />

Guaranteed.<br />

Phone 021 344 023<br />

2217414<br />


2Men &agood<br />

sized truck.<br />

From $157 per hour<br />

(incl gst).Kaiapoibased.<br />

Call Gerard<br />

027 668 3636<br />

2225244<br />

Pride &Quality Painting<br />

&Decorating Services<br />

20 yrs exp, fast and friendly<br />

service. For all your painting<br />

needs, phone: Martin 310<br />

6187 or 021 128 9867

Butchery<br />

Oxford Butchery<br />

Shane and Leanne Frahm<br />

We cankill &processyourstock<br />

FourGenerations of Frahms<br />

since 1957<br />

Ph 312 4205<br />

Oxford<br />

Concrete<br />


•Driveways, patios &paths •Bridges and Culverts<br />

•Retaining walls &landscaping<br />

•Silage pits, effluent ponds •Swimming pools &ponds<br />

•Excavation and cartage<br />

Daryl Power 027 230 9401<br />

email concretepower@scorch.co.nz<br />

1680439<br />

Number one<br />

old-fashioned bacon<br />

&ham curing.<br />

A/H 312 4709<br />

2047298<br />

2<strong>07</strong><strong>07</strong>88<br />

Automotive &Recovery<br />



Garry WMechen<br />

Registered Clinical Dental Techncian<br />

Phone (03) 313-9192<br />

38a Ashley Street, Rangiora<br />



* I S<br />

HOURS<br />

8.30am -12noon<br />

- Monday to Friday<br />

FREE E<br />



A V C<br />

For a/h repairs<br />

phone (03) 310-3044<br />


<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>November</strong> 7, <strong>2019</strong><br />

• WOF Cars &Trailers<br />

• Vehicle Servicing &<br />

Repairs<br />

• Tyres &Punctures<br />

• Jump Starts<br />

• Towing &Salvage<br />

• Courtesy Car Available<br />

Ph Aaron Rowlands<br />

0272 588 366<br />

13 Stone Eyre Place,<br />

Swannanoa<br />

Eftpos available Mon –Fri 8am –5pm, Sat 9am –1pm<br />


YOU<br />

COULD<br />

BE<br />

HERE<br />

2089195v2-4/4-S<br />

Advertise<br />

your business<br />

in our Trades<br />

and Services<br />

Phone<br />

Amanda Keys<br />

on<br />

03 313 2840<br />

Carpet Binding<br />

CARPET<br />


Carpet<br />

squares &<br />

rugs at<br />

factoryprices<br />


2105472<br />

RUGS<br />

30 William Coup<br />

Road<br />

(off Island Road)<br />

Kaiapoi<br />

Ph 03 327 6936<br />

Computer Repairs<br />

CompuCare<br />

Bruce Evans<br />

131 OhokaRoad<br />

Kaiapoi<br />

p. 03 327 3111<br />

m. 021293 6331<br />

Phone 03 313 7144<br />

027 432 1534<br />

Fax 03 313 2144<br />

rgrantelectrical@gmail.com<br />

PO Box 69, Rangiora<br />

Builder<br />

Electrician<br />

47<br />



Repairs &Upgrades<br />

Virus &Malware Removal<br />

Checkup to IncreaseSpeed<br />

Home&Business Onsite Visits<br />

Prompt Professional Service<br />

“If it’sbroke, let’s fixit”<br />

ncn12334<strong>07</strong>aa<br />

Allan Pethig<br />

For all your electrical needs. Residential &Commercial<br />

Heating<br />

Electrician<br />

Plumbing and Gas<br />

Handyman &Landscaping<br />






Pool Accessories<br />


•All your<br />

swimming &spa<br />

poolchemicals<br />

•Water filtration<br />

supplies<br />

•Irrigation<br />

Supplies<br />


PHONE033130408•www.tiw.co.nz<br />

Scrap Metal<br />


•Car Bodies •Scrap Steel •Specialists in Farm<br />

Machinery•All non Ferrous<br />



Ph (03)338 7000<br />

Mike0274 818544 •Robbie 0274 818 027<br />

Locally owned and operated<br />

2225211<br />

Visit us<br />

at The New<br />

Zealand<br />

Agricultural<br />

show site<br />

S3<br />

1902273<br />

2224341<br />

2218589<br />

M: 0275 543 958 E: aaron@ahel.co.nz<br />

Property Maintenance<br />

Our yard maintenance programs will leave<br />

your feeling<br />

relaxed, relieved &stress free!<br />

•Mowing •Weeding •Yard tidy-up’s<br />

•Shrub trimming •Prunining<br />


Call 0800 669 7483<br />

info@mowrite.co.nz<br />

mowrite.co.nz<br />


by mowrite<br />

mow<br />

RITE<br />


2020478<br />

● Filtration –whole house, kitchen tap<br />

● Domestic maintenance<br />

● Gas fitting –servicing, new,<br />

renovations<br />

● Gas hot water installs<br />

● Gas cookers and Gas fires<br />

● Kitchen /Bathroom renovations<br />

● Backflow testing and installs<br />

2063426<br />

Discount forSuper Gold card holders!<br />

james@plumbingandgashq.co.nz<br />

0800 H2O LPG<br />

Plumbing<br />

For all<br />

general<br />

aspects of<br />

plumbing<br />

Discounts for over<br />

65years old<br />

Fast friendly service<br />

All work guaranteed<br />

Aaron McCartney<br />

Certifying Plumber<br />

Cell 027 366 9091<br />

A/H 03 310 2137<br />

Free Call:<br />

0508 44EVER<br />

EMAIL:<br />

plumber_27@yahoo.com<br />

4 2 6 574<br />

2172994<br />

Water Blasting<br />


Waterblasting Ltd<br />

Servicing <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />

Commercial &Residential<br />

<br />


Get cleanedupfor<br />

the summer<br />

months, getrid of<br />

the winter grime.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

W<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />


0800 SITECLEAN<br />

(0800 748 325)<br />

Mobile 0274 369 187<br />

2197694<br />

Scaffolding<br />

•Edge protection<br />

•Working platform<br />

Phone<br />

0274 366 901<br />

Plans for pricing<br />

jas.rangiorascaffolding@xtra.co.nz<br />

<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> wide<br />

1783878<br />

Windows &Doors<br />

1831495<br />


•New &Used<br />

•Timber&Aluminium<br />

•Windows &Doors<br />

8am-5pmWeekdays<br />

8am-2pm Saturday<br />

215 Waltham Rd,Sydenham<br />

Ph (03) 3796159 info@windowmarket.co.nz<br />

Fax(03) 962 1012 www.windowmarket.co.nz<br />


ARTHUR BURKE LTD Amberley&Waikari<br />

Trusted in <strong>North</strong><strong>Canterbury</strong><br />


Get your boat trailer / caravan WOF<br />

done now so you can relax and enjoy<br />

your summer holidays<br />

Bridgestone tyres<br />

Warrants<br />

Batteries<br />

Anti freeze<br />

Holden genuine parts<br />

Good range of ACDelco parts<br />

Wheel alignments<br />

Brake and clutch repairs<br />

Car mats and accessories<br />

Suzuki genuine parts<br />

From Sales to ServicetoGenuine Parts<br />

Holden Sales: Tim 03 314 0135 Parts Department: Alan and Sally 03 314 0136<br />

Suzuki Sales: John 03 314 0132 Motorcycles Service: Ryan 03 314 0134<br />

Authorised Holden Service Agents: Michael 03 314 0131 (Amberley), Brian 03 314 4477 (Waikari)<br />

Bridgestone Tyres Sales: Ash and George 03 314 0137<br />

Visit www.arthurburke.co.nz<br />

MarkhamStreet, Amberley |KarakaRoad,Waikari<br />


Established1935<br />


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