ETBI - Journal of Education - Vol 1:1 October 2019 (Student Voice)
This first Journal of Education produced by Education and Training Boards Ireland (ETBI) concentrates on the theme of 'Student Voice'. Contributors discuss the topic of student voice in the post primary curriculum in Irish education. A variety of articles engage in discussion and reflection from a policy, practice, evaluation, student and school perspective.
This first Journal of Education produced by Education and Training Boards Ireland (ETBI) concentrates on the theme of 'Student Voice'.
Contributors discuss the topic of student voice in the post primary curriculum in Irish education. A variety of articles engage in discussion and reflection from a policy, practice, evaluation, student and school perspective.
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Journal of Education
Volume 1 October 2019
Produced by Education and Training Boards Ireland
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
© 2019 Education and Training Boards Ireland.
Education and Training Boards Ireland (ETBI) is a national association established to
collectively represent and promote the interests of the sixteen education and training boards
Published by Education and Training Boards Ireland, Piper’s Hill, Kilcullen Road, Naas, Co. Kildare.
This publication may be accessed at
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
Volume 1 (1) 2019
Valerie Lewis
Junior Cycle and Student Voice
Norman Emerson
Our Journey with Student Voice
Veronica Walshe
Student Voice: opportunities and challenges in an Irish
Gráinne Macken
The Motivation for Student Voice in Irish Post-Primary
Schools: a challenge in a changing educational landscape
Dr Domnall Fleming
Activating voice in the ‘Learner Voice Space’ framework
Dr. Paula Flynn
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
Valerie Lewis Education and Training Boards Ireland
In this first edition of the ETBI Education Journal
we give voice to voice itself by exploring the
many facets of student and learner voice across
our post primary schools. At a time when we
have never had more vehicles to communicate,
especially through social media and
technological platforms, our contributors
explore what that student voice looks, and
sounds like in practice.
Over the past year we have seen and heard
many young people become involved in public
activism, exercised by their concerns, and the
apparent lack of concern by the adults in their
midst, about issues surrounding climate change.
These teenagers have chosen to make their
voices heard outside the school gates and in
some instances on the world stage.
As part of these activities, students have
highlighted that they bring a perspective to
these discussions which are not only specific to
their experiences, but also demonstrate that
these perspectives cannot be seen in the same
way by the adult cohort which surrounds them.
While this public manifestation of student voice
has gained momentum in recent times, it is not
an entirely new phenomenon in our schools. In
fact, research and conversations about the many
aspects of student voice and learning, have been
explored in various facets over the past two
In the Irish policy context, the latest iteration of
Looking at Our School 2016, provides a
framework for self-evaluation to be used by
both teachers and school leaders to undertake
effective and engaging teaching and learning
approaches. At the heart of this framework is of
course the student, who is rightly given a central
role. “It views students as active agents in their
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
learning who engage purposefully in a wide
range of learning activities and who respond in a
variety of ways to different learning
opportunities” (The Inspectorate, 2016, p7)
Through the range of articles, you will read of
the perspectives of both the authors and the
participants in the varying projects and
research. One of the recurring projects, Student
Voice: The BRIDGE to Learning (2016 – 2019)
provides engagement from the many
experiences of the project coordinators,
partners and participants, which is
demonstrated through the first three articles of
the journal. This Erasmus project aims to
empower students to participate meaningfully
and collaboratively in their experience of school.
The final two articles in this journal attend
separately to ‘motivation’ and ‘activation’ of
student voice. The motivation for student voice
in Irish post-primary schools is explored
through a journey of many recent procedural
documents and notes that that there may still be
some way to go. Activation is addressed through
a structure for activating voice through
listening, leadership and learning and the
significant role for school leaders in the pursuit
of authentic school voice experiences is
highlighted. All learner roles in dialogue must be
acknowledged, driven by the potential positive
improvement in relationships, a sense of
belonging as well as increased confidence and
Regardless of perspective, all the articles
underscore the importance of the process and
not just product. While the power of
application and initiation for student voice
projects and conversations may lie with the
policy makers, leaders and educators, there is
no doubt the role of expert in the student voice
landscape are the students themselves. Not
only is involving students in the conversations
that impact their learning pivotal, it ensures
“they are prepared to grapple with issues and
participate in conversations related to the
broader education system” (Rennie Center for
Education Research & Policy, 2019)
Now more than ever is the time to channel the
strength of student voice, empowering
students to promote and campaign for
themselves, sharing who they are, what they
believe in and what they think. "When students
believe that they are valued for their
perspectives and respected, they begin to
develop a sense of ownership and attachment
to the organization in which they are
involved" (Mitra & Goss, 2009). In time, this
empowerment could and should transform into
active participative citizenship, giving rise to a
voice which was heard and responded to in the
school community and amplified and
motivated in the working world.
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
Mitra, D.L. & Gross, S.J. 2009. Increasing Student Voice in High School Reform: Building Partnerships,
Improving Outcomes. Educational Management Administration & Leadership. Vol. 37, No. 4.
Rennie Center for Education Research & Policy Student Voice, How Young People Can Shape the Future
of Education, blog post, March 2019, accessed 31 August 2019
The Inspectorate, 2016, Looking at our School: A Quality Framework for Post-primary Schools. Dublin:
Department of Education and Skills.
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
Junior Cycle and Student Voice
Norman Emerson Director Curriculum and Assessment NCCA
The importance of Student Voice in Ireland is
recognised in Junior Cycle reform. The vision for
junior cycle places students at the centre of the
educational experience and the Framework for
Junior Cycle (Framework, 2015) has been
designed as a means through which this vision
can be realised.
The Framework for Junior Cycle highlights how
listening to students’ voices needs to be at the
core of junior cycle provision if schools are to
ensure that all students are engaging in a
programme that best suits their needs. In the
new junior cycle, students are encouraged to
reflect on how they are progressing in their own
learning and provide feedback to their teachers.
In developing the capacity for self-management
and self-awareness, students are more likely to
approach their learning more confidently and be
better prepared to meet the challenges of life
beyond school.
One of the drivers for Student Voice in Ireland
has been the Erasmus Project – Student Voice -
The Bridge to Learning. Ireland is one of five
European partners in this project, which aims to
develop different models of working in
partnership with students in schools and in
classrooms. NCCA in partnership with the JCT is
taking a collaborative approach to the project
and is working with nine schools and over thirty
One of the key features of this Erasmus project
is an attempt to focus not just on the “what” of
student voice, but also on the “how” of the
implementation process. In taking this forward,
many partner countries aim to develop student
voice through a shift from top down policy
implementation towards an approach with a
strong dimension of school collaboration at
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
policy, school and classroom level. This
approach aims to empower teachers to take the
Student Voice project forward in a way that is
most useful/ appropriate for their unique local
This approach aligns with OECD advice as set
out by Viennet and Pont (2017) in What makes a
School a Learning Organisation. The rationale for
this school based approach to policy
implementation is based on long standing
evidence from research which indicates that,
despite the plethora of education reforms by
policy makers in the last 30 years, there has
been little real evidence of centrally driven
reforms being sustained. “Hurricane winds sweep
across the sea tossing up twenty foot waves; a
fathom below the surface turbulent waters swirl
while on the ocean floor there is unruffled
calm” (Cuban, 1994).
Cuban argues that, despite all the “sea tossing”
of various policy papers, conferences and
activities associated with education reform,
there is little or no evidence of its impact on
classroom practice - “the ocean floor.” More
recently, Viennet and Pont (2017) highlighted
how OECD countries had adopted 450 major
education reforms between 2008 and 2014 and
pointed to the lack of evidence of these having a
sustained impact on classroom practice.
In the Erasmus project, there has been a
significant emphasis on collaboration which
involves supporting teachers to enable students
to take a central role in their own learning.
Tracing the project journey reveals key features
on what is most likely to enable a culture of
student voice in learning and teaching in
classrooms. The project highlighted, in
particular, the impact a collaborative approach
has on teacher professional development.
The diagram shows the model that teachers in
Erasmus project schools in Ireland used to
structure their work in the project.
Teachers collaborated to develop a culture in
classrooms where there was a shift in the
balance of responsibility from the teachers to
the students. As a result, all students in a class
are involved in working with their peers and
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
teachers in a process of feedback, self -
evaluation and questioning aimed at delivering
enhanced student voice.
Changes in classroom cultures were not
established quickly, but early indications are
that the approach used has started to build
teaching effectiveness, student confidence and
some signs of improved student achievement.
Setting out the vision and anticipated benefits
of the project for the participating teachers was
an important first step. Teachers resist change
that they do not fully understand. The key to
achieving this change was structured peer
interaction across and within the project
schools. In planning for building collaborative
learning cultures, research (Hayward and
Spencer 2010) has shown that teachers develop
their practice best when learning from each
other. However, it takes time to build trust
across all the partners before effective
collaboration can be achieved. Similarly, the
changed dynamic in the class between teachers
and students takes time and requires students
to understand the rationale for the changes in
I liked the notion that we could
start from our own context and also
work collaboratively with other schools. After
that first day, I returned to my classroom and
quickly realised how much of my lessons were
dominated by my voice. I was quietly
embarrassed. I started a journey of activating
student voice within my classroom and on a
The impact of the Erasmus Project on teachers’
pedagogy is best illustrated listening to the
voices of teachers themselves:
My work has been enriched by
this process. I stepped out of my
comfort zone and asked the students to
reflect on how they learned in my lessons, and
I became more conscious of the relationship
between us that is conducive to learning. I
became more relaxed; the reality of their
experiences informed my lesson preparation.
I initiated more peer conversations, we
designed success criteria collaboratively, my
colleagues observed and recorded my lessons.
I embraced it to see what the outcome would
be, and I have nothing but positive feedback
to report. student voice has been embedded
in my practice. It is not tokenistic; it is
meaningful and honest.
In Ireland, we are developing curricula which
firmly place the learner at the centre and
emphasise the value of student voice as part of
the learning process. This has meant a move
away from an understanding of student voice as
only limited to a process where a small select
number of students have their voice heard in
the representational space.
Embedding a culture of student voice whereby
all students can exert agency over their
educational experience needs support at system,
school and classroom level. One of the longer
term aims is to encourage a substantial and
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
sustained shift in the culture of the classrooms
and schools beyond the initial group of schools
that were involved.
Whilst the development of student voice in the
project rested largely with the teachers, the role
of the school leadership was seen to be critical,
as was the opportunity to collaborate and
reflect on their professional learning across
school networks. Teachers having time to
collaborate was seen to be extremely important.
This reflects observations made by Hargreaves
and Fullan (1992) that “Critical reflection will
not take place if there is neither time nor
encouragement for it.”
The project demonstrates that taking time to
fully engage all stakeholders in ownership of
the process together with a focus on planned
changes in learning and teaching can have a
significant impact on classroom practice and
lead to enhanced student voice for a greater
number of students.
Cuban, L. (1994). How teachers taught: Constancy and change in American classrooms 1890–1980. New
York, NY: Teachers College Press
Hargreaves, A., & Fullan, M. (1992). Understanding teacher development. London: Cassell/ New York,
Teachers College Press.
Hayward, L. and Spencer, E. (2010) The complexities of change: formative assessment in Scotland.
Curriculum Journal, 21(2), pp. 161-177
Viennet, R., & Pont, B. (2017). Education policy implementation: A literature review and proposed
framework. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 162. Paris: OECD Publishing.
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
Our Journey with Student Voice
Veronica Walshe Deputy Principal, Coláiste Treasa, Cork
In September 2017 we were delighted to
receive an invitation to get involved in a pilot
project between the National Council for
Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA), Junior
Cycle for Teachers (JCT), Cork ETB and
Monaghan-Cavan ETB called Student Voice –
The Bridge to Learning. Ireland is one of five
European partners in this project, which aims
to develop different models of working in
partnership with students in schools and in
Three teachers from Cola iste Treasa, Mary
Angland (English & History), Joanne Corkery,
(Science, Biology & Chemistry) and A ine Irwin
(French), as well as Veronica Walsh, Deputy
Principal volunteered to get involved. During
an initial meeting in Portlaoise, over the course
of two days, we discussed, brain-stormed and
heard from various speakers, which resulted in
the starting point for our work on Student
Much of the direction for the framework for our
approach came from the methods learned and
experienced by our staff who had participated
in the Barrie Bennet Instructional Leadership
Programme. Nine teachers in Cola iste Treasa
were qualified in the IL Programme, and those
who had graduated provided CPD to all staff
based on what they had learned. This ensured
that all the teachers involved in The Bridge to
Learning Programme were engaged in similar
approaches, with strategies also being
modelling in staff meetings where appropriate.
Inspired by a talk from Dr. Domnall Fleming
(School of Education, UCC) we decided we
would begin by posing two questions that Dr.
Fleming had used in his research on student
1. What are we currently doing in the class
that helps you learn?
2. What could we do in class to help you learn
These questions were initially given as part of a
survey, to the second and fifth-year students of
the teachers who were involved in the
programme and the results provided much food
for thought. We truly did not realise the impact
the answers would have had on our teaching
and the students’ learning.
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
Initial survey results from the Science classes
showed that students really liked when they
were engaged using various cooperative
learning and teaching strategies. Approaches
such as Teams Games Tournament, Kahoot,
Quizlet as well as the use of various graphic
organisers and placemats, tended to provide
most engagement.
However, it was also noted that some
respondents felt that the same students were
answering all the questions and that others did
not get the chance to engage. Teacher Joanne
Corkery knew that for Student Voice to work
effectively, she must react to this student
feedback. She chose to address this equal
participation challenge by using a simple ‘name
on a popsicle stick’ approach, with a stick
assigned to each student. She selects a stick
from the container and poses a question to the
named student. When it is answered she puts
the stick back in the container so the students
know they could be asked a question several
times. She found that this approach encourages
students to continue listening and ensures that
all students were given a voice.
While this approach works well with Junior
Cycle students, senior students felt it was a bit
childlike, so further adaptations were made. She
now poses a question to the first students who
after answering it, poses a question to the next
student and so on.
Note-taking also arose as an area of concern for
students, who commented that it was at times
‘boring’ and ‘time-wasting’. Joanne chose to
tackle this issue by moving to an approach called
note-making as an alternative. Topics are
initially presented in a brief lecture format, with
students listening and engaging with the
teacher. Labelled diagrams e.g bacteria are
presented, and parts and their functions named
orally. This is followed by the presentation of an
unlabelled diagram, which students name and
label themselves. Finally, the slides are removed
completely, and the students are asked to draw
a labelled diagram of the bacteria in their notes
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
Students worked in groups and/or pairs
throughout the lesson and all presentations
are available on Edmodo following the lessons.
This allows for students to expand on notes
already written or to create their own notes
based on their experience. As a result of this
change in approach, collaborating with
students in the process, she has found that
they are much more involved, and the class is
built around the students’ prior knowledge.
She has also found that students are retaining
information in a better way and the results
that they are attaining are much higher.
The feedback that the French Teacher received
from posing the two questions was similar.
A ine also reviewed her approach and opted for
a more visual presentation when teaching the
topic of vocabulary. She airdrops a
presentation to students with a picture and
accompanying French word, students then
make a copy on their ipad, delete the French
word and store the picture for later revision.
Students also have an opportunity to make
their own presentations, which increases
retention and can be shared with the entire
class group. They continue to write the
vocabulary into their notebooks at the end of the
lesson or for homework.
For senior cycle students A ine uses a placemat
activity where students work in groups to come
up with as much as they can themselves on a
topic which they write on the placemat in their
own section. She then gives the students a
French vocabulary list with no English, one
group will translate the first 15 words, the next
group will do the next 15 words and so on,
comparing as a class afterwards. Depending on
the topic, they divide the vocabulary into causes
and/or solutions using placemat or graphic
organisers and call out their ideas as she writes
them on a flip chart.
She does note that while it takes longer to do
vocabulary this way, they are remembering
content much better. Every exercise in the book
no longer needs to be completed, but students
are better prepared for the exam as they have
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
become critical
thinkers and they
have their own
opinions and
Concept attainment is
used at Leaving
Certificate level,
where students figure
out rules around
different pronouns by
looking at examples. Exercises are completed in
groups with members of each group sharing
their learning with other students. As students
move around and share, they also bring the
knowledge back to their ‘home’ group and teach
their peers what they have learned. Students
apply the learning to further examples, which
previously would have mirrored the information
on a handout but is now being developed by the
students themselves.
With greater student collaboration, A ine notes
that her classroom practice has been
transformed in a positive way, both in terms of
student/teacher relationships but also in
relation to student attainment and results,
which have increased since the change in
approach has been implemented. Similarly
impact has been noted outside the classroom
and the school, with the topic of Student Voice
being raised by parents with one noting
'whatever it is, it's working'.
Extending the
survey across the
school cohort, we
worked with
Transition Year
students. . Using a
SWOT analysis
approach, they
gave input on
school policies,
codes of behaviour, homework and attendance.
This work was then extended to some formal
survey questions complied from looking at our
school’s document for School Self Evaluation
Questions in the survey ranged across several
areas and asked for comments on fairness and
respect, expectations for teaching and learning,
student access to participation and access to and
availability of support. This exercise was
repeated with all staff and responses from both
staff and students were used to inform and
update school policies and will impact their
development in an ongoing manner.
As part of the Student Voice - The Bridge to
Learning project, we were given several
opportunities to share our work outside of the
school environment and in other jurisdictions.
Following the presentation of our work to Junior
Cycle for Teachers (JCT) associates we also
travelled to Scotland to participate in the
international aspect of the programme.
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
Representatives of the schools involved in the
BRIDGE Programme from five different
countries and several students and teachers of
East-Lothian schools, participated in the second
International dissemination conference for
teachers. Local school visits during this
conference also allowed us to experience
Student Voice in a different setting.
Student Voice - The Bridge to Learning has
transformed our classrooms, improved rapport
between students and teachers, motivated
teachers and improved students’ learning. This
increased engagement across the school
environment has been fully supported by
management and we look forward to enhancing
the project as it continues to develop
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
Student Voice: opportunities and challenges in
an Irish context
Gráinne Macken Junior Cycle for Teachers
Junior Cycle for Teachers (JCT) and National
Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA)
have been partners in a three-year Erasmus Plus
project, Student Voice – Bridge to Learning. The
project, which reached completion in June 2019,
aimed to develop different models of working in
partnership with students in schools and in
JCT and NCCA worked collaboratively with nine
schools and over twenty teachers in two
different Education and Training Boards in
Ireland (ETB), Cavan/Monaghan ETB and Cork
ETB. Much of this work involved supporting
these teachers and their schools as they
developed learning and teaching approaches
that enabled students to become active agents in
their own learning, taking early steps in a
journey to enhanced student voice.
This collaborative work has key learning to
share on the experiences of teachers and
students pursuing more authentic student voice
in the school and in the classroom. It also
illuminates the impact a collaborative approach
has on teacher professional development and
the effect this has on students’ experiences in
the classroom. Tracing the journey of this
project to date, reveals the opportunities and
challenges that exist in embedding a culture of
student voice in every classroom in every school
in Ireland.
The models of partnership that were developed
all hinged on the centrality of students in their
own educational experience. Student voice is not
understood as a collective or homogenous
representative voice for students. Rather, the
project recognised that all students’ voices are
unique and equally valuable, in keeping with
leading theorists in student voice, Lundy (2009)
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
and Cook-Sather (2006). The work carried out
over the three years sought to develop models
that activate and develop the voices of all
students in learning.
From a system level point of view, enhancing
student voice in post-primary education in
Ireland is supported by policy. The Department
of Education and Skills (DES), recognises the
significant role of students’ voices in education.
The School Self Evaluation Guidelines (SSE) for
schools highlights the importance of including
students’ voices in evaluating practices in
schools (DES, 2016). Whole School Evaluations
also capture voices of students as a means of
reflecting on the effectiveness of a school (DES,
In 2017 the Department of Child and Youth
Affairs (DCYA) published their report ‘So How
was School Today?’, which sets out the views of
3,242 young people, aged 12-17 from across all
sectors of post-primary schools in Ireland. The
findings reveal much about young people’s
experiences of post-primary education in
Ireland and will inform policy.
The NCCA have been exploring ways of
activating student voice in curriculum
development for several years. They have been
involved in a Learner Voice Project, a Negotiated
Integrated Curriculum project and in 2012 they
engaged students’ voices in evaluating the
impact of Project Maths. With regards to junior
cycle reform, NCCA worked closely with Dr.
Paula Flynn, DCU, on facilitating students’ voices
in the process of drafting the new subject
specifications. Currently, the NCCA are
undertaking a significant review of senior cycle
and students’ voices from 41 schools are an
integral part of this review process.
Most notably, enhancing student voice is an
important aspect of the current junior cycle
reform. The vision for junior cycle ‘places
students at the centre of the educational
experience’ and the Framework for Junior Cycle,
2015 (Framework) has been designed as a
means through which this vision can be realised
(DES, 2015). Student voice is a core aspect of the
Framework as a child cannot take centre stage
in their own educational experience if they do
not have opportunities to exercise their voice. It
is a flexible framework intended to be
responsive to the needs of individual students in
different school contexts (DES, 2015). A junior
cycle programme need not be the same for every
child in every school. Rather, junior cycle
provision has the space to reflect the cultural
context of a school and the needs of its students.
Authentically listening to students’ voices is at
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
the core of junior cycle provision in schools. If
schools are to ensure that all students are
engaging in a programme that best suits their
needs, they must first listen to their students.
The Framework has been designed in a way that
supports teachers and schools in approaching
learning and teaching in a way that enables
students to exert agency over their own
learning. The introduction of a learning
outcomes-based curriculum, an emphasis on the
development on key skills and significant
changes to assessment, where ongoing
assessment values the synergy between
formative and summative assessment, all
provide opportunities for students to take
centre stage in their own learning.
These core
elements of the
reform also
provide the
richest avenues
through which
students’ voices
are placed at the
core of learning
and teaching in
classrooms and in
schools. Hence,
the objectives of
the Erasmus-
Student Voice
project echo the
vision of the
Framework, which
Figure 1: Levels of support
places students at the centre of their own
educational experience. Voice is central to this
endeavour and calls on all stakeholders to
reconceptualise what we value in terms of
student learning. Given the similar aims, the
work of the Erasmus project was situated within
the context of Junior Cycle reform.
The project partners in Ireland recognise that
student voice cannot happen in a vacuum.
Students will only truly become central players
in their own educational experience, when they
can voice agency over their own learning, if
teachers engage with them in ways that develop
this capacity. Teachers themselves will only feel
enabled to develop
models of working in
partnership with
students if they are
supported at school level
and all partners in
schools will need the
support at system level
if enhancing student
voice is to become a
central concern
As mentioned
previously, JCT and
NCCA are working
collaboratively with
three teachers and a
member of school
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
leadership in nine schools in
Cavan/Monaghan ETB And
Cork ETB. Both ETBs
actively supported the
project at all levels and fully
supported the teachers and
students at the heart of this
work. Teachers are the key
influencers on students’
learning and they have a
fundamental role in what
happens in the classroom and how it happens
(Fullan, 2006).
In keeping with a truly collaborative approach
the teachers involved were included as one of
the main stakeholders at every level of decision
making. The collaborative approach taken in this
project is very much in keeping with Hargreaves
& Ainscow (2015). All learning must be
grounded in cultural context and as such what
works in one context may not necessarily apply
in every school (Conway, Murphy, Rath & Hall,
2009). This is particularly true of working in
partnership with students in schools and
classrooms. Given the collaborative decisionmaking
approach, models being developed
between teachers and students varied from
teacher to teacher and school to school,
depending on the context and the choice of
starting point.
One of the schools chose to focus on their SSE
process and look at ways of embedding
students’ voices more fully in the evaluation
process in their school. Other teachers explored
what kinds of active
methodologies best
provide avenues for
students’ voices to be
heard in the learning
space. Some
participating teachers
began to focus on how
formative assessment
practices like success
criteria, peer assessment
and student reflection provide opportunities to
activate and develop students’ voices in the
classroom space.
One school focused on its Wellbeing
Programme and developed ways of engaging
with students to design a programme that best
responds to their identified needs. Regardless
of the starting point, the end is always the same
as they are all on a journey towards enhanced
student voice for all students.
According to Cook-Sather (2006), students
have a unique perspective on being a student
and as such their voices are integral to any
discussion of students’ experiences of learning.
As synopsised by Dr Paula Flynn, (2018)
activating and developing students’ voices
empowers students to participate in school life,
encourages student engagement in learning,
improves student-teacher relationships and
encourages active, democratic citizenship.
Teacher and student testimony from the
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
partner schools echo this theoretical base for
enhanced student voice in education. Evidence
from the project reflects that activating and
developing students’ voices is positively
impacting students, teachers and the overall
school communities.
Each of the participating schools experimented
with ways to extend the models their teachers
and students developed across the wider school
community. The impetus for this appears to
have come from students sharing with fellow
students and teachers their experiences of
learning in environments where their voices are
being activated and developed. Testimony from
these schools also suggests that the positive
impact working in partnership with students is
having on the professional lives of the teachers
involved is spilling over into their day to day
working lives and motivating other teachers to
reflect on their practice. Significantly, evidence
suggests that deepening the confidence of
teachers in working in partnership with
students is a key component of enhancing
student voice in an authentic way in the
classroom. Reflective feedback from the
participating teachers early on in the project
highlighted how the power dynamic in the
classroom is a space where teachers might feel
most vulnerable. It took time to and patience to
come to the realisation that activating students’
voices in the classroom doesn’t open the floor to
teachers being undermined. It is not a hand over
of power. Rather, it is a more equitable balance
of voices in the learning and teaching space. This
is where the professional and the personal
journey align in terms of professional learning
(Timperley et al, 2007). In keeping with
Guskey’s theory of teacher change, once the
participating teachers began to have authentic
experiences of students’ voices positively
impacting learning and teaching, they became
increasingly motivated to pursue other ways to
further enhance students’ voices in their
classroom (Guskey, 2002).
The Irish experience in this project reflects that
the journey towards enhanced student voice
takes time and needs to be supported at
classroom, school and system level. One of the
strengths of the Irish context is that all three
levels of support were in place for the students
at the heart of this project. Given the current
educational reform climate, the system level
support and most significantly, the commitment
of teachers and schools to improved learning
outcomes for students, embedding a culture of
enhanced student voice in learning and teaching
in Ireland has never been more possible.
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
Conway, P.F., Murphy, R., Rath, A., & Hall, K. (2009). Learning to teach and its implications for the continuum of
teacher education: A nine-country cross-national study. Dublin: Teaching Council Ireland.
Cook-Sather, A. (2006). Sound, Presence, and Power: "Student Voice" in Educational Research and Reform.
Curriculum Inquiry 36, 359-390.
Department of Child and Youth Affairs (DCYA). (2017). So how was school today? Dublin: Government
Department of Education and Skills (DES). (2016). A guide to inspections in post-primary schools. Dublin:
Government Publications.
Department of Education and Skills (DES). (2015). School self-evaluation guidelines for post-primary schools.
Dublin: Government Publications.
Department of Education and Skills (DES). (2015). Framework for Junior Cycle, 2015. Dublin: Government
Fullan, M. (2006). Quality Learning=Quality Leadership. IPPN
Guskey, T.R. (2002). Professional development and teacher change. Teachers and teaching: Theory and
practice, 8(3), 381-391.
Hargreaves, A. & Ainscow, M. (2015). The top and bottom of leadership and change. Phi Delta Kappan
International, 97(3), 42-48.
Lundy, L. (2009). ‘Voice’ is not enough: conceptualising Article 12 of the United Nations
Convention on the Rights of the Child. British Educational Research Journal, 33(6), 927-942.
Timperly, H., Wilson, A., Barrar H., & Fung, I. (2007). Teacher professional learning and development. New
Zealand Ministry of Education
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
The Motivation for Student Voice in Irish Post-
Primary Schools: a challenge in a changing
educational landscape
Dr Domnall Fleming School of Education UCC
The volume of student voice has been raised
across the Irish post-primary sector. The terms
student voice, learner voice, pupil voice have
become part of the language and jargon current
in schools particularly since 2016 following the
publication by the Department of Education and
Skills (DES) of their quality framework for
schools Looking at our School (2016). Student
voice has since become the focus of a range of
conferences, workshops, continuing
professional development initiatives and
national programmes. As a term and concept, it
now features in frameworks for external and
school self-evaluation. This paper seeks to track
these developments and critically evaluate the
motivation behind the current acoustic of
student voice.
It is of significant importance in any discussion
of student voice to have some insight into the
complexity of the concept referencing its origins,
definitions, motivations and contestations. At its
most basic level the concept can be viewed as
simply talking to students about their
experiences in schools with a view to changing
these conditions and the position of the student
within school culture (Rudduck, 2005). It can
emphasise dialogue and consultation leading to
action within a democratic and representative
framing of the students’ role and position in
schools and classrooms (Fielding, 2004).
Student voice also speaks to a rights-based
conceptualisation of a student’s role and
position in schools and classrooms within which
students are afforded a voice in matters that
affect them with the clear expectation that their
voices will be heard and that action arising from
dialogue will result. A rights-based
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
conceptualisation of student voice also brings
overtones of power and challenge to power and
authority towards change and transformation in
schools and classrooms (Cook-Sather, 2006).
This positioning of student voice as discussion
and comment towards change and improvement
in the students’ experience of their school and
classroom should be viewed in the context of
dialogic consultation (Fleming, 2013). Students
are thus positioned as active stakeholders and
partners in the classroom and school within a
person-centred democratic experience
(Fielding, 2011). The students should have a pre
-figurative democratic experience: a lived
experience of democracy in the routine
transactions of school (McCowan, 2010).
The concept can therefore be theorised as social
constructivism in the context of dialogic
teaching, learning and assessment in the
classroom and from a social constructionist
framing in its democratic and representative
questioning and challenge to the authority,
orthodoxy and established practices and
routines of the students’ school experience
(Fleming, 2013). An ‘authentic dialogue’ should
be generated between student and teacher to
shed light on the ‘social reality’ of the student
and the curriculum (Alexander, 2008, p. 20).
Student voice should empower students to
move from silence to challenge, thus creating a
‘democratic disturbance of the teacher-centred
classroom…’to restructure education into
something done by and with students rather than
by the teacher for and over them’ (Shor, 1996, p.
148). Students are then positioned as active
agents in their own knowledge construction and
in the resolution of perceived problems and
injustices (Cook-Sather, 2002).
Engaging with and consulting students therefore
moves strongly towards the transformative and
agentive impact of student voice on pedagogy
and thus ‘carving a new order of
experience’ (Rudduck and Flutter, 2000, p. 75) in
classrooms and creating and transmitting new
knowledge in relation to school culture.
Whether these voices are simply instrumental or
fundamentally transformative in the context of
‘radical collegiality and dialogue’ (Fielding,
1999) and whether they have the potential to
transform school culture, is clearly contested
(Fleming, 2013).
At whole-school level, the student council, as set
out in the Education Act (1998), provided the
initial construct that would allow students to
challenge the reality of their school experience
and move towards transformation of school
culture. However, the enactment and the lived
reality of the students’ experience of the student
council construct in Irish schools has been
largely tokenistic, and at best circumscribed by
the power and authority of school leadership
(Keogh and White, 2005, Fleming, 2013). It is
argued that the inclusion of a meeting with the
student council in the initial iteration of wholeschool
evaluation in 2004 was a significant
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
motivation for the visibility of the council in
schools (Fleming, 2015). This was followed by
the inclusion of questionnaires for students in
the more refined Whole-School Evaluation:
Management, Leadership and Learning
(WSEMLL) from 2010. This began to focus
schools on the need to engage with student
voice beyond any motivation for a rights-based
or democratic framing within school culture but
to fulfil the perceived demands of recently
embedded external evaluation within the
education landscape at second level (Fleming,
School self-evaluation (SSE), mandated by the
DES in 2012, it is argued became the most
significant starting point and motivation for the
increasing volume of student voice in postprimary
schools. While led by school personnel,
consultation with students (and parents) to
identify school strengths and areas for
improvement was clearly outlined in guideline
documents, SSE presentations to school
personnel, and in on-line support materials (SSE
Domains and Standards:
Looking at Our School 2016 A Quality Framework for Post-Primary Schools (Department of Education and Skills, 2016)
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
Guidelines, 2012). Through consultation with
the school community, that included students,
schools were required to develop a time-bound
school-improvement plan (SIP) focusing on
identified areas for development, and an SSE
report of their strategies and progress in
implementing that improvement plan.
SSE processes were further developed and
integrated into the whole school by the
publication of the more detailed evaluation
framework: Looking at our School (2016).
Through the provision of domains, standards
and statements of practice, schools were
directed towards ‘very good practice’ in a
range of ‘quality areas’. Student voice became a
significant presence within the statements of
The statements of practice reference student
voice in the classroom in the context of ‘learner
experiences’ positioning students as active and
reflective learners, goal setting and negotiating
their own learning. The teacher is positioned as
facilitator of individualised and personalised
approaches and practices that…‘engage with
students’ opinions, dispositions, and contexts,
and modify their teaching practice to build on
opportunities and address any limitations that
they present’. (LAOS, 2016. p19)
Statements of practice: Learner experiences
Looking at Our School 2016 A Quality Framework for Post-Primary Schools (Department of Education and Skills, 2016)
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
Statements of practice: Teachers individual practice
Looking at Our School 2016 A Quality Framework for Post-Primary Schools (Department of Education and Skills, 2016)
All DES inspectorate models and practices were
‘informed’ by the LAOS framework from 2017.
The framework seeks to combine or facilitate
complementarity between the outcomes of SSE
and the range of external evaluations
experienced by schools towards setting their
own improvement roadmap.
‘Taken together, the statements of effective
practice and highly effective practice should
enable teachers, school leaders, and others
involved in internal or external evaluation to
arrive at evidence-based evaluative judgements
about the quality of aspects of a school’s
provision’. (LAOS, 2016, p 8.)
Significantly, from a school leadership
perspective, the representative student voice is
framed as recognising students as ‘stakeholders’,
‘involving’ them in the ‘operation of the school’.
Similarly, very effective practice points to a
student council that is ‘democratically elected
and representative, and is a catalyst for change,
with an active role in decision-making and policy
development’ It is noteworthy that consultation
with students regarding improving teaching,
learning and assessment experiences is also
viewed as very good practice. Highly effective
schools leaders would…consult and engage with
students to review and improve teaching,
learning and assessment practices (LAOS, 2016,
p 29.).
These inclusions that could promote a culture of
student voice and the potential for meaningful
actions are a significant advancement for the
voice of students in schools. This marks the first
reference in education policy to a consultative
and review role for students in their own
classroom experiences and positioning them as
stakeholders at whole-school level whose views
are valued. Such a positioning is to be lauded.
The challenge is clearly how these policy
positions are enacted at school level from the
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
Domain: Leadership and management:
Statements of practice: Developing leadership capacity
Looking at Our School 2016 A Quality Framework for Post-Primary Schools (Department of Education and Skills, 2016)
perspective of the student.
The language register of the LAOS document
has begun to populate published post-primary
school inspection reports. It is clear from a
review of final published reports that inspectors
are now asking schools about their student
voice activities and initiatives in the context of
evaluating school culture and climate. They are
similarly seeking to evaluate student voice
processes and initiatives within SSE in schools
and in the context of the student council. The
following WSEMLL report for a post-primary
school provides an insight into the current
inspectorate focus on student voice in external
Student leadership is promoted through the
student council. The council is a well-organised
group with regular meetings, and is actively
involved in the review of relevant policies. The
importance of student leadership is recognised by
those in management roles, and it is very positive
that the student council meets annually with the
board of management. In interviews with the
inspectors, as well as in their responses to the
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
questionnaire, students strongly supported the
importance of a focus on student voice, and this
should be pursued so as to ensure their greater
involvement in the operation of the school.
The report clearly references student voice in
one of its main recommendations as …The
further development of student voice within the
school should be pursued. Following the finalising
of the report in advance of publication, the board
of management is afforded an opportunity to
respond to report recommendations. In this case
the board provided a short statement in
response to this particular
recommendation…..The school will continue to
develop initiatives which provide an opportunity
for student voice. (WSEMLL report published
While this and other reports clearly position
student voice within the evaluative gaze of the
inspector, it is unclear at best whether there is a
shared understanding of student leadership or
what student voice might look like in this
context. The lack of direction provided by the
recommendation is complemented by the lack of
detail in relation to the initiatives planned by the
school. The report, while affirming student
leadership in the context of the student council,
provides no direction for the board to assist it in
implementing the recommendation.
It is argued therefore that there is clear risk of a
motivation of accountability for the development
of student voice in schools arising from its
inclusion in an external evaluation framework.
The enactment of initiatives and strategies at
school level risk tokenism and shallowness with
limited impact on students’ experience of
dialogic consultation, pre-figurative democratic
practice, or the transformation of school
culture. The primary motivation for schools to
engage with student voice risks becoming
compliance with the inspectorate’s evaluation
framework towards a positive school report.
Any right-based or pedagogical motivation
could be diminished.
The revision of section 28 of the Education Act
(1998) within the Education (Parent and
Student Charter) Bill 2016 could act as a further
policy motivation for schools to engage with
and consult students on a range of school issues.
The bill will amend Section 9 of the 1998 act to
include among the functions of a school a
requirement that a school must promote the
involvement of parents and students in the
education provided to students. A revision of
section 28 (1) will ….’ensure that a school
provides a quality experience for its students,
embraces an inclusive role for parents and
demonstrates how the school will relate to
students they serve and to parents’. Significantly
an amendment to section 27 of the act
will….change the requirement on a student
council from one of promoting the interests of the
school to the promoting of the interests of the
students of the school (General Scheme of an
Education (Parent and Student Charter) Bill,
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
The bill speaks to many elements of student
voice including participation, positioning
students at the centre of school life, inviting
‘feedback, comment and observations from
students and parents and developing a listening
culture in school’ and consulting with students
(and their parents) to encourage their
engagement in school planning and policy
development (Developing a Parent and Student
Charter: Briefing note, 2016).
The bill represents a significant legislative shift
in the policy positioning of students in their
schools. The repositioning of the role of the
student council to one that promotes the
interests of students in the school is equally
significant. Once again a policy motivation,
mandated centrally, speaks to the further
integration of the voice of the student in the
Pupil voice has a strong curricular foundation at
primary level. Aistear, the early year’s
curriculum, positions pupils as citizens with
rights. This clearly reflects the UNCRC (1992).
Aistear positions children as…citizens with
rights and responsibilities. They have opinions
that are worth listening to, and have the right to
be involved in making decisions about matters
which affect them. In this way, they have a right
to experience democracy (Aistear, 2009, p 8). No
such strong curricular position for students to
have a voice in their learning and pedagogical
experiences existed at post-primary level until
the implementation of the Framework for Junior
Cycle (2015).
The Framework represents a significant
curricular, pedagogical and assessment reform
process that has been progressively advanced in
post-primary schools since 2015. This skills and
learning-outcomes focussed curriculum for
lower secondary level places a considerable
emphasis on formative assessment allowing a
further opportunity for student voice, but
significantly a student voice in pedagogy. The
framework requires that students would have
the opportunity to discuss their learning,
negotiate learning intentions and success
criteria and to engage in peer and selfassessment
of their work in classrooms.
Summative assessments are rebalanced to allow
some elements of classroom-based assessment
as an element of overall summative assessment
The formative assessment emphasis…involves
teachers and students reflecting on how learning
is progressing and deciding next steps to ensure
successful outcomes’ Teacher planning will
require the development of…learning intentions
and success criteria to be shared and discussed
with their students’. These should be negotiated
with students as an element of…formative
assessment conversations in the classroom.
Students should also be encouraged reflect
on how they are progressing in their own learning
and provide feedback to their
teachers’ (Framework for Junior Cycle, 2015 pp
29-36). Embedded here is the potential for a
meaningful authentic student voice. It provides
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
the opportunity to embed student voice in
pedagogy in the classroom relational, interactive
and pedagogical space between student and
teacher in the context of co-constructing
learning and teaching that is underpinned by
equality, right and trust (Fleming, 2013)
The education policy progression for student
voice in Ireland can be traced from the United
Nations Convention and Charter on the Rights of
the Child (UNCRC, 1989,1992), through the
Education White Paper (1995), the Education
Act (1998), The National Children’s Strategy
(2000 and 2014), the inspectorate SSE and
external evaluation initiatives, to the current
Education (Parent and Student Charter) Bill
(2016). The Framework for Junior Cycle (2015)
provides a parallel opportunity to embed
student voice in pedagogy.
While arising initially from rights-based
motivation and then mandated centrally in the
years following, the key challenge for schools is
still one of motivation. Schools are required to
comply with education policy. Therefore, a
significant accountability motivation surrounds
student voice developments and initiatives in
schools. The challenge for school leadership is
the motivation to vindicate the rights of the
child…to have a say in matters that affect them.
The leadership challenge is to provide students
with the right to express a view and the right to
have the view given due weight (UNCRC, Article
12) at both classroom and at whole-school level.
The challenge is also to provide a pre-figurative
democratic experience based on whole-school
consultation, inclusion, personalised learning
and dialogic consultation in the classroom. The
challenge is also to provide space within which
students can express a view, voice to allow them
to express their views, an audience that will
listen, and that their expressed views will
stimulate a response and action (Lundy, 2007)
This will certainly challenge established power
and authority structures, and routines in schools
but meaningful student voice initiatives have the
potential to transform school culture. An
embedded and meaningful student voice culture
will significantly advance relationships,
participation, pedagogical change and student
outcomes and can equally satisfy the policy
compliance demands outlined. With this
motivation the tyranny of tokenism can be
avoided. (Fleming, 2013).
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
Alexander, R. (2008). Essays on Pedagogy. Oxfordshire: Routledge.
Cook-Sather, A. (2006). Sound, Presence, and Power: “Student Voice” in Educational Research and Reform.
Curriculum Inquiry, 36, 359-390.
Cook-Sather, A. (2002). Authorising Students’ Perspectives: Towards Trust, Dialogue, and Change in Education.
Educational Researcher, 31, 3-14.
Department of Education and Skills (DES) (2015). A Framework for Junior Cycle.
Developing a Parent and Student Charter: Briefing note, 2016. Dublin: Government Publications.
Education Act (1998). Dublin: Government Publications.
Fielding, M. (1999). Radical collegiality: Affirming teaching as an inclusive professional practice. Australian
Educational Researcher, 26(2), 1-34.
Fielding, M. (2004). Transformative approaches to student voice: theoretical underpinnings, recalcitrant
realities. British Educational Research Journal, 30 (2), 295-311.
Fielding, M. (2011). Student voice and the possibility of radical democratic education: re-narrating forgotten
histories, developing alternative futures. In Czerniawski, G. and Kidd, W. (eds.), The Student Voice Handbook:
Bridging the Academic /Practitioner Divide. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
Fleming, D. (2013). Student Voice in Irish Post-Primary Schools – A Drama of Voices. University College Cork,
Unpublished PhD thesis.
Fleming, D. (2015). Student voice: An emerging discourse in Irish education policy. International Electronic
Journal of Elementary Education, 8 (2), 223–242.
General Scheme of an Education (Parent and Student Charter) Bill (2016). Dublin: Government Publications.
Government of Ireland (1995). Charting our Education Future: White Paper on Education. Dublin: Government
Government of Ireland (2014). Better Outcomes Brighter Futures - 2014 -2020: Dublin: Government
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
Inspectorate (2012). School Self-Evaluation: Guidelines for Post-primary Schools. Dublin: Department of
Education and Skills.
Inspectorate (2016). Looking at our School: A Quality Framework for Post-primary Schools. Dublin:
Department of Education and Skills.
Keogh, A, and Whyte, J. (2005). Second level Student Councils in Ireland: A study of enablers, barriers and
supports. Dublin: The Children’s Research Centre, Trinity College Dublin.
Lundy, L. (2007). 'Voice’ is not enough: conceptualising Article 12 of the UnitedNations Convention on the
Rights of the Child. British Educational Research Journal, 33, 927-942.
McCowan, T. (2010). School democratization in prefigurative form: two Brazilian experiences. Education,
Citizenship and Social Justice, 5, 21-41.
National Children's Strategy (2000). Dublin: Government Publications.
National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA), (2009). Aistear: The Early Childhood Curriculum
Framework. Dublin.
Rudduck, J. (2005). Pupil voice is here to stay! Qualifications and Curriculum Authority QCA. (UK).
Rudduck, J. and Flutter, J. (2000). Pupil Participation and Pupil Perspective: `carving a new order of experience’.
Cambridge Journal of Education, 30(1), 75-89.
Shor, I. (1996). When Students have Power: Negotiating Authority in Critical Pedagogy. Chicago: University of
Chicago Press.
United Nations (1989). United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
United Nations (1992). United Nations Charter on the Rights of the Child.
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
Listening, leadership and learning:
Activating voice in the ‘Learner Voice
Space’ framework
Dr. Paula Flynn Assistant Professor in the School of Inclusive and Special Education in Dublin
City University
There has been a growing significance in the
importance of children’s rights especially
influenced by the United Nations Convention on
the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), 1989. The
UNCRC challenged the treatment of children and
sought to improve this by affirming their need
for special consideration. Consequently, the
convention enshrined a number of rights,
including the right for young people to express
their views on matters affecting them, and to
have their opinions given due weight
commensurate with age and maturity (Article
12, UNCRC).
Pursuing opportunities in the education space
to activate young people’s voices is not a new
phenomenon and there is substantial research
evidence that indicates this engagement has the
potential to empower students to participate
meaningfully and collaboratively in improving
their experience of school (Tangen 2009).
Consulting children and young people on
matters that affect them in schools has been
shown to encourage student engagement in
learning and positively impact on teacherstudent
relationships (Sebba & Robinson 2010).
A prevailing argument for including students’
voices in education matters recognises their
(2003, P.4)
expert role with respect to knowledge and
understanding of what it is to be a student and
acknowledges insights on their experience
which only they can share (Shevlin & Rose,
2010). However, there is also a persuasive
argument for student voice activity to go
beyond ‘eliciting perspectives and insights’ from
young people and move towards a more
democratic process of shared collective
responsibility in developing solutions on all
education matters (Fielding 2015).
Findings from research conducted in the Irish
education context identify a significant role for
school leaders in the pursuit of sustainable and
meaningful student voice engagement (Flynn,
2017). A ‘bottom-up’ approach that facilitates
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
student participation, consultation and
partnership in decision-making and school
improvement, is unrealizable without a ‘top
down’ response that is committed both to
facilitating opportunities for young people to be
heard and responding to what is shared and
‘learned’ as a consequence. Underpinning this
argument is the assumption that ‘listening’ is
integral to the process of activating and
amplifying the voices of any group within
society or education. This assumption resonates
with the UN Committee on the Rights of the
Child (2003, p.4) directive that ‘…appearing to
listen to children is relatively unchallenging;
giving due weight to their views requires real
change’. It is important, however, that this
potential relationship of listening and learning
between adults and young people is conducted
in partnership, in order to mitigate the
possibility of ‘adult’ rationality and inference or
unintentional adulteration of young people’s
perspectives (Flynn, 2014). Listening
authentically requires subsequent affirmation
from the young person to confirm that what has
been heard is
interpreted as it was
intended to be received.
This necessitates more
than ‘listening’ but
rather, a shared
experience of
understanding or
indeed co-construction
of language. Such a
shift suggests changes
in the power relations of discourse across
education stakeholders both at national/policy
level as well as within schools.
The powerful impact evident from encountering
opportunities for shared understanding and
discourse across adults and young people on
education matters is evident from Irish research
where students realised potential benefits when
their opinions were heard, and encountered an
authentic response to their views and input
(Flynn 2014). These benefits include: significant
improvement in the quality of relationships with
teachers and their sense of belonging and
connectedness to school; an improvement in self
-reported levels of confidence and wellbeing; a
heightened sense of being cared for and general
experience of comfort in their education
environment. Significantly, the development and
sustainability of inclusive practice is strongly
linked to our understanding of learning and the
experience of schools as perceived and
experienced by all students (Flynn, 2014).
Hearing and including the views of the hard to
reach student in particular, requires openminded,
courageous and
strong leadership to foster
an inclusive and listening
school culture.
Findings from an Irish study
conducted with the National
Council for Curriculum
Council (NCCA) focusing on
a consultative process with
post-primary level students
on Junior Cycle Reform,
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
Table 1. The Learner Voice Space, adaptation of “Transformative Dialogue” Diagram (Flynn,
2017 p.30)
argues for encouragement and inclusion of
student perspectives in education discourse
within a framework of listening and learning for
all participants; adults and young people. This
framework, entitled, The Learner Voice Space,
was designed with a presumption to influence
change and transformative practice, and to
foster leadership and agency within that
experience (Flynn, 2017, p.30). It has since been
adapted and refined further to emphasise the
inclusive nature of the model and acknowledge
all ‘learner roles’ in dialogue together, which at
school level may include students, parents and
all teaching members of staff; and at system
level, the addition of policy makers and state
agencies, equally, as participant learners.
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
This ‘Learner Voice Space’ is an inclusive
framework in which any student can be heard. It
is predicated on the Lundy (2007) model for
children’s rights participation with an emphasis
on the importance of ‘space, voice, audience and
influence’. However, it expands upon this model
to provide a space in which all participants, i.e.
children/young people and/or adults, are in
dialogue together. Significant to this model is
the presumption for ‘learning’ from each other
as a consequence of ‘listening’. Therefore, all
parties are ‘learners’.
Considerations which are integral to this
framework include the following:
• The provision of appropriate media and
channels of communication for children and
young people to express their views
• Constant checking and co-construction of
language and vocabulary to ensure it is
appropriate for and understood by all
participant learners
• Avoidance of adult interpretation or
‘adulteration’ of what has been shared by
young people. In dialogue with any underrepresented
or potentially marginalized
young person or group, it is particularly
important to check understanding and
interpretation to mitigate ‘selectiveness’
• Pursuit and establishment of a ‘listening
culture’ in which there is a focus on: process,
rather than product, and with emphasis on all
participants learning from each other and
pursuing sustainable opportunities to share,
listen and learn.
The emphasis on ‘process’ as opposed to the
‘product’ of dialogue is to avoid the potential for
such activity to reside in the ‘latest initiative’ or
‘newest project’ space. On the contrary, it
provides a framework for the establishment of a
partnership response to managing and
developing change, within a culture of
embedded listening. School leaders, teachers
and students are facilitated to work, discuss,
listen to each other, and ‘learn’ from one another
within this space which is designed to ‘activate’
all voices. It is crucial that schools and school
personnel are supported to promote structures
and opportunities to activate and encourage
student voice engagement. At the time of
writing, ‘student voice’ is a familiar concept in
education discourse but with varying
interpretations of that construct in practice
across schools in Ireland (Flynn, 2017). Some
Irish education conferences (e.g. NCCA 2017;
ETBI 2018) have recently provided a platform
for students and teachers to discuss their
valuable experiences of best practice in
establishing partnerships of learning and
‘learner voice space(s)’. Further dedicated
opportunities for shared learning and expertise
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
across school clusters and regions could
promote the establishment of more sustainable
practice based on evidence and peer expertise.
Education research has identified considerable
commonality across aspirations and interests
expressed by students and teachers in Irish
schools when external opportunities are
initiated for shared perspectives (Flynn, 2017).
However, it has also indicated that young people
and adults are often surprised by and interested
in realizing where their views are similar and
indeed, different. Similarly, both teachers and
students commented on the fact that they
learned more about the other cohort’s thinking
on teaching and learning as a consequence of
external activities than they would have had the
opportunity to ascertain from routine school
engagement (Flynn, 2017). Opportunities for
students and teachers to share ideas and
interrogate the learning space, provides tangible
evidence of potential benefits in shared
opportunities for communication, listening and
being heard. These benefits resonate with
Fielding’s (2015) call for ‘participatory
traditions of democracy in schools through
‘patterns of partnership’ and the promotion of
‘active listening, recognition of shared concerns
and collective responsibility for developing
solutions’ (2015, p.26).
Amplifying student voices within an inclusive
framework of listening has the potential to
position school leaders, teachers and students in
a dialogical relationship of learning, i.e. the
Learner Voice Space. The inherent challenge in
fostering a climate of listening for students in
education discourse, is in the maintenance and
progression of structures to ensure an authentic
response to what has been heard. Embedding
these structures as habitual practice will ensure
a sustainable and credible approach to intergenerational
dialogue, and a democratic, shared
process of listening, learning and leadership.
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
Fielding, M. (2015) ‘Student Voice as Deep Democracy’ in C. McLauglin (Ed.) The Connected School - a design
for well-being: Supporting children and young people to flourish, thrive and achieve London: Pearson / National
Children’s Bureau, 26-32.
Flynn, P. (2014) ‘Empowerment and transformation for young people with social, emotional and behavioural
difficulties engaged with student voice research’ New Zealand Journal of Educational Studies 49:2 162 – 175
Flynn, P. (2017) The Learner Voice Research Study. Embedding student voices in education discourse:
Curricular co-construction and development, Dublin: NCCA
Lundy, L. (2007) 'Voice' is not Enough: Conceptualising: Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the
Rights of the child. British Educational Research Journal, 33(6) 927 - 942.
Sebba, J & Robinson, C, 2010, The Evaluation of UNICEF UK’s Rights Respecting Schools Award, London,
Shevlin, M. & Rose, R. (2008) Pupils as Partners in Education Decision-Making: Responding to the Legislation
in England and Ireland. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 23(4) 423-430.
Tangen, R. (2009) Conceptualising Quality of School Life From Pupils' Perspective: A Four Dimensional
Model. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 13(8) 829 - 844.
United Nations (1989) Convention on the Rights of the Child. New York: United Nations General Assembly.
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
Norman Emerson Director Curriculum and Assessment NCCA
Norman Emerson was a teacher, Head of Department, Deputy Head and National Development Officer before
being appointed to lead the national development programme - ‘Assessment is for Learning’ in Scotland.
The success of the programme in making significant changes to assessment practice was recognised in a number
of Independent evaluations and praised by the Education Minister as a ‘quiet revolution’ in Scottish education.
Following the merger of Learning and Teaching Scotland and the Inspectorate (HMI) in 2010, he was appointed
to the post of Assistant Director within Education Scotland with responsibility for the new assessment
arrangements as part of the Curriculum for Excellence programme. In March 2014, he was appointed to the post
of Director - Assessment with the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment in the Republic of Ireland to
support the introduction of new curriculum and assessment arrangements in post-primary schools.
Dr Domnall Fleming School of Education UCC
Domnall Fleming was a teacher at second-level from 1980 - 2002. He was appointed as an inspector with the
Department of Education and Skills in 2002 and was conferred with a PhD in Education at UCC in 2013. In 2018 he
took up a full-time lecturing post in the School of Education in UCC. Domnall’s research focus has been on student
voice particularly in post-primary settings. Domnall is a member of the Department of Children and Youth Affairs
(DCYA) Comhairle na nÓg National Executive Steering Committee focusing on student voice. He is also working
with the Association of Community and Comprehensive Schools (ACCS) and Education and Training Boards Ireland
(ETBI) on their student-voice initiatives. He is currently working with a network of voluntary secondary schools in
Cork who are embarking on embedding a culture of voice for students in their schools.
Dr. Paula Flynn Assistant Professor in the School of Inclusive and Special
Education in Dublin City University
Paula Flynn (Ph. D.) is an Assistant Professor of Inclusive Education at DCU Institute of Education. Her research
and teaching interests include: student/learner voice; children's rights-based methodologies; inclusive education;
and leadership for learning. She taught English and Music at post primary level before embarking on doctoral
research in 2008.
Paula has led a number of research projects focussed on learner voice including: ‘Listening to students identified
with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties’ (2008-12); NCCA research on the consultation of post primary
students in the development of opportunities for curricular development (2014-17); NAPD research on cultivating
a student voice culture to examine ‘trust, relationships and inclusion’ (2012-13); SCoTENs funded research on
‘Teachers’ beliefs about education and children’s voice practices on the island of Ireland’ (2015-18); and a recent
study on ‘Supporting schools in preparation for and evaluation of change within a model of learner voice and
theory of change’ (King & Flynn, 2018-2020).
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
Gráinne Macken Junior Cycle for Teachers
Gráinne Macken is a seconded post-primary school teacher from Athlone Community College, Athlone. Currently
working as Regional Team Leader for Whole School CPD with Junior Cycle for Teachers Support Service.
Veronica Walshe Deputy Principal, Cola iste Treasa, Cork
Veronica began her career as a teacher of Science, Biology and Agricultural Science in Coláiste Treasa, Kanturk
Co.Cork in 2002. She was appointed Deputy Principal in Coláiste Treasa in 2012.
She completed Cohort 5 Instructional Leadership Programme in 2014. Veronica was part of a committee involved
in developing and facilitating the EDISON Entrepreneurial Education programme. Since 2017 Coláiste Treasa was
a pilot school for NCCA/JCT Student Voice - A bridge to learning programme.
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
ETBI Education Journal October 2019
Journal of Education Produced by Education and Training Boards Ireland
October 2019