Kingstown College Coaching Magazine vol.5 2019/2020

Welcome to another information filled publication of our Coaching Magazine!

Welcome to another information filled publication of our Coaching Magazine!

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When the tree flowers and bear fruits, all of

its branches receive mineral sap. Mineral

sap comes from the Earth, it is water and

minerals that are absorbed through the

root system. In the leaves, the process of

photosynthesis transforms it in organic

sap, containing sugars that are enabling

the tree to grow. Each part of the tree is

essential to its life. They are connected

and each has a purpose. A single branch

cannot live on its own.

In order to become the best we can be it is

crucial to define and be aware of the core

of who we are, the me, from whom comes

all of our likenesses. Me is my anchor, the

conscience of who I am as an individual.

My true self. My true self feeds from

some of the energy/experience gathered

in some likenesses and redirect some

energy/experience to other likenesses.

This give and take has the purpose of

creating balance.

It would be very difficult to be truly fulfilled

if one decides to rather be a single likeness

and forget the rest of what he/she is. This is

going into denial, into denying that we are

many in one and that it is the source of our

complexity as human beings.

A tree is well anchored in Earth, it has

balance in its roots and branch system

in order to stand straight, its crown


In the same way we have to have balance

between the different parts of us and it

can be done by acknowledging core and


How does the concept of the tree of life

and core can be useful for a coach?

The concept is powerful tool of self


Core means who we really are. It is about

coming back to our bone marrow, to our

essence, to take the time to reflect and

define the “me“. It is about finding the

balance between the likenesses around

our core. The core is our anchor.

How do we achieve that?

The coach has a huge treasure box to sort

out as the knowledge of who the person

is can be completely non existent if the

person is lost into the most important of

her ‘now likeness‘.

For example, some women thrive to be

moms. Once they are moms they forget

to be the wife to their husband, the friend

to their friends, the colleague at work, the

daughter, the aunt...Everything becomes

secondary after the child. They are lost

in their now likeness, which is, being

mom. Yet, being mom is only a branch

of her Tree of Life. Not her whole tree.

It’s like looking at something through a

microscope. Enhanced, clear, intense, but

also a distortion of reality.

The coach has to lead the person through

his questions to the self discovery journey

of herself, in other words to define her

core, her likenesses. See if she has the

consciousness of either.

Start with writing down a list of adjectives

that the person feel define her at the

beginning of the session.

(The coach can double check that list later

on with the key words that came up during

the self discovery journey: Is there ‘par‘

between the first list aka feeling of who

the person think she is and what appears

to be her core? Or is the ‘par‘ happening

more with what appears to be one of her

likenesses, probably her ‘now likeness’?)

Some of the following powerful

questions could help Identify the

likenesses and the core:

• How would you describe who you are


• Is it different from whom you were?


• Is it different from whom you thought

you would be?

• Can you get a sense of who you are as

a person and describe it?

• How does it feel?

• What is fully contented for you?

• How do you define contentment?

• What is the picture of happiness for


• Who is in that picture?

• Has the picture changed? How?


• If tomorrow you could be whatever

you want to be what will it be? With

who? Where? How would it feel?

• What would be missing?

• What is whole for you?

The challenge for the coach is to grow the

understanding of the person about herself

in terms of core and likenesses.

What are her likenesses? Identify them,

explore them.

Which are the common parts between

these likenesses as they get together to

form her core? (Here we work backwards in

a way as it is from the core that likenesses

branch out).

Through intuition and listening skills,

the coach will be able to get the mental

picture projected by the person. He can

write down the key words which can be

names of likenesses, their respective

attributes (among which lay values,

strengths, beliefs), or/and pieces of core,

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