
This is the Sri Lankan's Most Popular & Leading Monthly International Buddhist Magazine, “Mettavalokanaya” on December Edition - 27. “Mettavalokanaya” Buddhist Magazine has been successfully distributed to 40 countries worldwide. Specially distributed Overseas High Buddhist Monks, Masters, Nuns, Worldwide Buddhist Monasteries & Associations, International Buddhist conferences, Forums and High Commissions & Embassies situated in Sri Lanka & overseas Sri Lankan High Commissions & Embassies.

This is the Sri Lankan's Most Popular & Leading Monthly International Buddhist Magazine, “Mettavalokanaya” on December Edition - 27. “Mettavalokanaya” Buddhist Magazine has been successfully distributed to 40 countries worldwide. Specially distributed Overseas High Buddhist Monks, Masters, Nuns, Worldwide Buddhist Monasteries & Associations, International Buddhist conferences, Forums and High Commissions & Embassies situated in Sri Lanka & overseas Sri Lankan High Commissions & Embassies.


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the way of


At the heart of the Japanese

culture lies Zen, a school of

Mahayana Buddhism. Zen is,

first and foremost, a practice

that was uninterruptedly transmitted

from master to disciple, and that goes

back to the spiritual Enlightenment

of a man named Siddhārtha Gautama

(Shakyamuni Gotama in Japanese) - The

Buddha - 2500 years ago in India.

The practice of Zen meditation or

World Popular Dharma

Lecture & Buddhist Books


Liang Chung Ming


Zazen ( 座 禅 - za meaning sitting, and Zen

meaning meditation in Japanese), is

the core of Zen Buddhism: without it,

there is no Zen. Zen meditation is a way

of vigilance and self-discovery which is

practiced while sitting on a meditation

cushion. It is the experience of living

from moment to moment, in the here

and now. It is through the practice of

Zazen that Gautama got enlightened and

became the Buddha.

Zazen is an attitude of spiritual

awakening, which when practiced,

can become the source from which all

the actions of daily life flow - eating,

sleeping, breathing, walking, working,

talking, thinking, and so on. Zen is not a

theory, an idea, or a piece of knowledge.

It is not a belief, dogma, or religion; but

rather, it is a practical experience (read

our Buddhism FAQ for more details). We

cannot intellectually grasp Zen because

human intelligence and wisdom are

too limited - the dojo (the hall where

Zazen is practiced) is different from the


Based on the Four Noble Truths

and the Eightfold Path, Zen is not a moral

teaching, and as it is without dogma,

it does not require one to believe in

anything. A true spiritual path does not

tell people what to believe in; rather it

shows them how to think; or, in the case

“Zen is an attitude

of spiritual


Goh Bee Wah

From Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

of Zen - what not to think. Zen is not a stronger as my eyes brimmed with tears.

theory, an idea, or a piece of knowledge. I kept searching for the truth about who I

It is not a belief, a dogma, or a religion. was, and what “life” was all about.

Zen is not interested in metaphysical I held my baggage in a determined

theories and rituals and focuses entirely way, trying to seek the truth while

on the mindful practice of Zazen. Zen is lading a meager life along this journey.

very simple. It is so simple, in fact, that When I observed and pondered more

it’s very difficult to grasp. In the silence thoroughly, I discovered that everyone

of the dojo or temple, quietly sit down, could be my own mentor, as I was able

stop moving, and let go your thoughts. to learn from them in some way. For that

Focus just on your Zazen posture and reason, I regard my journey of life as

your breathing. Keep your back straight. seeking the way of Zen.

Let your ego and your unconscious mind During this journey, I came across

melt away, merge with the universe. This eight people, just like Sudhana took

is the Zen.

great pains to visit 53 wise advisors

When I turned sixteen, I left my described in Huayen Sutra. This has

hometown, embarking on my solo helped me to open up my mind’s eye

journey. It is not an overstatement to and gain wisdom. These eight people

say that was prompted by Karma, since I were: a young traveler, a parvenu boss,

could not find the courage to look back. a child with a negative thinking pattern,

I just walked on and on, starting that trip a young man who made cutting remarks,

without the slightest clue as to what I a short-tempered chief supervisor on

was heading.

the construction site, a muddle-headed

Then I learned to embrace the abbot, a traveler who lost his way, and

unknown and let go of the burden of a kid who learned to adapt himself to

Karma. I wiped away my tears, and reality.

opened my eyes just trying to see myself, These small clues helped me to

and the world, more clearly. I wept slowly find the way toward Zen, and

alone in this prosperous bustling city. I made me less afraid of uncertainty.

also struggled and felt depressed and “When I realize what śūnyatā is, I see the

lost in the big city… I learned to become Buddha. Then I feel at home wherever I

go.” As long as I get a grasp of śūnyatā,

I will be feeling calm and composure at

the present moment, no matter where I


禪 之 旅 梁 崇 明 十 六 歲 那 年 ,

我 就 離 開 故 鄉 , 開 始 過 著 流

浪 的 生 涯 。 說 是 業 力 的 驅

使 , 一 點 也 不 為 過 。 那 時

候 連 頭 都 不 敢 回 , 只 能 往 前 走 去 , 踏 上 未

知 的 盲 目 之 旅 。 擁 抱 未 知 , 我 放 下 業 力 的

包 袱 , 拭 去 淚 水 擦 亮 雙 眼 , 就 是 想 看 清 自

己 , 看 清 這 個 世 界 。 我 在 繁 華 的 都 市 裡 哭

泣 、 掙 扎 、 悲 傷 、 徬 徨 ……, 在 城 市 裡 閃

著 淚 光 學 習 堅 強 。 不 斷 地 尋 尋 覓 覓 , 就 是

為 了 瞭 解 自 己 的 真 相 , 生 命 到 底 是 什 麼 ?

提 起 不 認 輸 的 行 囊 , 在 邊 求 生

存 、 邊 尋 求 真 理 的 過 程 中 , 當 我 深 入 的 觀

察 , 才 發 現 每 一 個 人 都 是 自 己 的 老 師 , 都

是 我 生 命 中 最 好 的 借 鏡 。 因 此 , 我 將 自 己

的 生 命 之 旅 , 視 為 「 問 禪 之 旅 」。 在 旅 程

中 , 奇 遇 的 八 人 , 就 像 《 華 嚴 經 》 裡 的 善

財 童 子 的 53 參 , 讓 我 開 啟 生 命 的 智 慧 , 包

括 年 輕 旅 行 者 、 暴 發 戶 大 老 闆 、 往 壞 處 想

的 小 孩 、 很 毒 舌 的 公 哥 、 急 性 子 的 工 地 主

任 、 糊 塗 的 住 持 、 盲 目 的 旅 人 、 學 會 自 我

改 變 的 小 孩 。 這 些 悟 道 的 敲 門 磚 , 讓 我 不

再 害 怕 無 常 ,「 悟 得 空 性 見 如 來 , 天 地 何

處 不 悠 哉 。」 只 要 契 入 空 性 第 一 諦 。 此 時

此 刻 即 是 故 鄉 的 本 地 風 光 。

38 l Mettavalokanaya l December l 2019 l www.mettavalokanaya.com www.mettavalokanaya.com l 2019 l December l Mettavalokanaya l 39

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