Travel & Hospitality Award | Africa 2019 |
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TRAVEL &<br />
AWARDS<br />
AFRICA <strong>2019</strong><br />
Image by: Zoltan Tasi<br />
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TEAM<br />
CEO<br />
Robert Bruce<br />
Katherine Lozell<br />
Marcs Bacera<br />
Stanley Lucas<br />
Brian Anson<br />
David Hyde<br />
Azim Aftab<br />
Tasmai Dave<br />
Jacqui Irvine<br />
Joseph Wilton<br />
Antoine Jackson<br />
Hafiz Arslan<br />
Adam Cole<br />
Joseph Malabanan<br />
Zach Ford<br />
Peter Clement<br />
Joyce Lee<br />
Contents<br />
CRITERIA 6<br />
MOROCCO10<br />
Morrocon Wine13<br />
Domaine de Baccari 14<br />
Taroudant, Morocco’s Hidden Gem17<br />
GHANA 20<br />
Ghana, An Introduction23<br />
Accra25<br />
Tamale29<br />
Jeyads Lodge32<br />
NIGERIA 34<br />
Cultural Experience 37<br />
TANZANIA 40<br />
Adventure Holiday43<br />
Mbeya City47<br />
Tesha Home48<br />
Dodo Group Tanzania Ltd.50<br />
The Big 5 55<br />
The Stunning Eastern Cape59<br />
Casa Mia Health Spa and Guesthouse 60<br />
Beach Lovers Paradise65<br />
Sail Seychelles69<br />
MAURITIUS 70<br />
Top 3 Things to do 73<br />
Jerald Jaime<br />
Mukul<br />
Tracy Morgan<br />
Joseph Malabanan<br />
Aisha Ahmed<br />
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Excellence in Service is an important category, as customer<br />
service can often be responsible for having guests return<br />
year after year. We look for the hotels and tour operators<br />
that go out of their way to please their guests, those that<br />
provide a personal level of service and take the time to<br />
get to know each visitor so that they might anticipate their<br />
every need. This can be something as simple as a 24-hour<br />
concierge desk, a hotel manager who offers a personal<br />
greeting or a tour guide who is happy to create bespoke<br />
private tours – but whatever it is, we are always pleased<br />
when we encounter staff that have been trained in the art<br />
of customer satisfaction.<br />
It is no question that style and design plays a big part in<br />
selecting our awards shortlist. A guest will form an opinion<br />
about a hotel as soon as they arrive so it is important<br />
to us that all our winners make those first impressions<br />
count. We’re certainly not partial to a particular period of<br />
architecture – but whether we’re judging a gothic castle or<br />
an environmentally friendly lodge, the criteria remains the<br />
same. We consider factors such as architectural features,<br />
use of materials, creation of spaces, décor and the overall<br />
feel. We love it when we find a hotel that tells a story<br />
through its design and construction, or offers a design that<br />
is sympathetic to the natural surroundings of its location.<br />
Knowledge of the local area is essential for any<br />
organization, be it a hotel or a tour operator. The quality<br />
of services takes a great hit when the quality of this<br />
element is not up to the mark. Quite a few of our winners<br />
in this category are because they have displayed excellent<br />
knowledge about the surrounding areas. The criteria for a<br />
hotel is slightly lenient <strong>com</strong>pared to a tour operator, as the<br />
latter is expected to have thorough knowledge of the area<br />
in order to provide good services.<br />
Image by: Orlova Maria<br />
<strong>Award</strong>-winning guest rooms <strong>com</strong>e in all shapes and sizes,<br />
but they all have one thing in <strong>com</strong>mon – a home-awayfrom-home<br />
feel. The <strong>com</strong>fort of the facilities on offer are<br />
of vital importance; we look for luxurious linens, stylish<br />
bathrooms and a coordinated colour scheme that work<br />
together to create a cohesive sense of relaxation. Additional<br />
touches, such as <strong>com</strong>plimentary toiletries, free wi-fi or tea<br />
and coffee making facilities are always a bonus in making<br />
us feel wel<strong>com</strong>e. We’re always impressed to find hotel<br />
rooms that embrace technology and offer amenities like<br />
tablets or smart thermostat systems, but this does not<br />
always necessarily trump the traditional – four poster beds,<br />
ornate fireplaces or antique furniture can add a touch of<br />
decadence to a hotel stay.<br />
Location is one of the most important factors, but also<br />
one of the most subjective, as the ‘ideal’ is very much<br />
determined by the type of visitor and the type of hotel<br />
itself. However, there are a few factors we take into<br />
consideration when determining the winners of locationbased<br />
awards. The first is convenience; that is, hotels that<br />
are easy to travel to. Many of our winners in this category<br />
are in convenient locations, such as adjacent to airports,<br />
close to beaches or found in the heart of easy-to-navigate<br />
cities. We are always impressed when hotels go the extra<br />
mile to take the hassle out of traveling and offer such<br />
additional services as airport shuttles or car hire services.<br />
However, we’re always excited to <strong>com</strong>e across a hotel<br />
that is, to use a familiar phrase, off-the-beaten-track. A<br />
hotel that can offer something a little different, in terms of<br />
natural surroundings, can make the difference between a<br />
good holiday and an incredible one.<br />
In today’s modern age, a hotel or tour operator cannot<br />
rely on word of mouth to get their message out into the<br />
world. As social media has be<strong>com</strong>e a vital part of everyday<br />
life, we like to see <strong>com</strong>panies that go the extra mile to<br />
engage with their guests, both past and future. Attractive<br />
and informative websites and engaging and honest<br />
content are what we look for when judging a <strong>com</strong>pany’s<br />
use of marketing; how well they display their services, how<br />
up-to-date their content is, how well they get their brand<br />
message across, and, most importantly, how well their<br />
marketing can tempt us to go and see what they have to<br />
offer for ourselves.<br />
What better way is there to know about an organization<br />
than by getting first hand reviews? Customers are the best<br />
judges of any service out there as they are the ones who<br />
experience them and can assess whether they were up to<br />
the mark or not. Considering reviews from hundreds of<br />
customers gives us a fair idea about the general pros and<br />
cons of any organization and also gives us valuable inputs<br />
for the other criteria as well.<br />
Diversity is one important aspect that needs to be taken<br />
into consideration when in the travel and hospitality<br />
industry. It is essential to have staff that has varying diversity<br />
to ensure that the organization can properly connect with<br />
their guests. Diversity is taken into account in terms of<br />
gender, nationality as well as languages spoken among<br />
other factors. Not only do we take the diversity of the staff<br />
into account but even that of the facilities and services<br />
offered; a hotel or tour operator providing a better range<br />
of services is preferred over those that do not.<br />
It is of prime importance that an organization has thorough<br />
industry knowledge. Without knowing the nit-bits of the<br />
in, it is difficult to flourish and provide services which are<br />
a class apart. Before any organization ventures into the<br />
industry, it is essential that they know how the industry<br />
is moving and how they should make changes to their<br />
methodologies in order to remain relevant and also be a<br />
top-performing organization.<br />
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Image by: Louis Hansel<br />
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Morrocon Wine<br />
Although one might not necessarily associate Morocco with winemaking, prior to<br />
it be<strong>com</strong>ing an Islamic nation in the 7 th century, the country had a history of wine<br />
production that predated the Roman Era. Following the French colonisation in the 19 th<br />
century and Spanish influence in the beginning of the 20 th century, Morocco began to take<br />
wine production more seriously.<br />
Under the influence of two successive Kings, foreign investment in production has<br />
increased considerably and in the last two decades or so, Moroccan wine has been<br />
building a strong international following. It is currently the second biggest producer of<br />
wine in the Arab nations, after Algeria.<br />
Château Roslane in Meknès is a<br />
favourite with wine connoisseurs. It<br />
spreads over 700 hectares of vineyards,<br />
gorgeous bio gardens with fountains<br />
and a seating area and it contains a huge<br />
wine cellar. Make a reservation for an<br />
unforgettable experience of lunch with<br />
wine pairing and a tour of the vineyard<br />
and herb garden. There are excellent<br />
varieties of bold, superbly oaked and<br />
fruity red wines. Try the great texture of<br />
the dark fruity Premier Cru Rouge.<br />
Despite Morocco being a very hot country,<br />
the majority of vineyards are located in<br />
the foothills of the Atlas Mountains and<br />
so majorly benefit from the breeze of the<br />
nearby ocean. The climate here is relatively<br />
stable and this helps the production of<br />
balanced wines.<br />
Three quarters of the wines made here are<br />
red and traditionally the grapes belonged<br />
to the Carignan, Cinsaut and Grenache<br />
variety. More recently, improver varieties<br />
such as Merlot, Syrah and Cabernet<br />
Sauvignon have joined the production.<br />
Approximately 20% of wine produced<br />
here is Rose and Vin Gris and there is<br />
only a minuscule amount of white wine<br />
production.<br />
There are 5 main wine regions in Morocco:<br />
the East, Meknès/Fès region, the Northern<br />
Plain, Rabat/Casablanca region and El-<br />
Jadida region. Within these regions there<br />
are 14 Appellation d’Origine Garantie<br />
(AOG) areas. Some of the most <strong>com</strong>mon<br />
appellations include Guerrouane and<br />
Beni MTtir in the Meknes religion, which<br />
in fact account for approximately 65% of<br />
Moroccan wine production.<br />
For a more relaxed wine tour, opt for<br />
Le Val d’Argan, only a 20-minute drive<br />
from Essaouira. This is a smaller vineyard<br />
with a very personal feel to it. It started<br />
as a tiny 5-hectare field and currently<br />
measures over 55 hectares. The lunch<br />
contains many vegetarian options and<br />
wine tasting takes place underneath the<br />
olive trees. There is unlimited wine of<br />
numerous varieties, try any of the Roses<br />
for subtle bursts of flavour.<br />
Another one worth visiting, also in the region of Meknès is the Volubilia-Domaine<br />
de la Zouina. It offers a beautiful, picturesque vista of the countryside and the staff is<br />
remarkably friendly here. They specialize in the Syraz and Cabernet Sauvignon varieties<br />
and the delicious lunch is paired with 5 different wines. The owner Muhammad is a very<br />
friendly and gracious host and takes his time explaining the history of the vineyard.<br />
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Morocco<br />
The <strong>Award</strong> for Excellence in Service<br />
Close to Meknes,<br />
at the heart of<br />
Morocco’s winegrowing<br />
region since ancient times,<br />
Domaine de Baccari is<br />
located in a serene setting<br />
with hilly terrain and natural<br />
beauty. At an altitude of<br />
650m, Domaine de Baccari<br />
nestles on the foothills of<br />
the Middle Atlas mountain<br />
range. It sits on fine, red<br />
clay and a soft limestone<br />
under soil. The <strong>com</strong>bination<br />
of this generous country<br />
and a sunny, if cool, climate<br />
produces a soil ideal for<br />
growing wine with a strong<br />
identity. For the sake of<br />
biodiversity, we also grow<br />
cereals, almond trees and<br />
olive trees; the Meknes<br />
region is widely known for<br />
its famous olive oil and<br />
almonds.<br />
Morocco ♦ Tel +212 668125017 ♦ domainedebaccari.<strong>com</strong><br />
The winery operates by applying<br />
sustainable agriculture methods,<br />
respectful of the land, plants, the<br />
environment and people, with the<br />
aim being to produce high-end<br />
Moroccan wines which meet the highest<br />
international standards. Additionally,<br />
Domaine is also into organic conversion.<br />
The Domain’s grape variety is <strong>com</strong>posed<br />
of Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon, and<br />
Cabernet Franc for red wines, Cinsault<br />
and Grenache for rosé. The Cabernet<br />
Franc has shown itself to be perfectly<br />
suited to the soil and the production of<br />
balanced, delicate, fresh and <strong>com</strong>plex<br />
wines. This grape variety, emblematic<br />
of limestone soils, perfectly matches the<br />
desired style of wine.<br />
The winemaking in Morocco goes back to the ancient Phoenicians and Greeks, and owes<br />
its development to the colonization by the Roman Empire. The wines produced in this<br />
region had a strong reputation. The wine tradition prolonged throughout the centuries<br />
and reached its flourishing success in the 20th century during the French Protectorate.<br />
The proprietors of this family-owned land, since generations, have embarked with energy<br />
and passion on this exciting adventure, devoted to preserve this noble heritage, with<br />
an innovative and ethical spirit, respecting nature and humans, in permanent quest for<br />
excellence, to produce the best Moroccan wines.<br />
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Taroudant, Morocco’s Hidden Gem<br />
Spending any time in Taroudant makes you truly feel like you’ve gone back in time.<br />
It is a small city nestled in the Sous Valley of Southern Morocco. Ramparts that were<br />
built in 1528 under the Saadi Dynasty specifically to attack the Portuguese fortify the area.<br />
The entire city is contained within these walls, which are 7 kilometers long. Taroudant is<br />
often referred to as “Little Marrakesh’ and was in fact once the Capital city of the country,<br />
albeit for a very short while.<br />
Taroudant is full of charming souks and squares bathed in the magical Berber culture. The<br />
town is small enough and it is worth exploring it on foot, getting lost in the little alleyways.<br />
It takes roughly an hour to walk the length of the entire town.<br />
Unlike exceptionally busy Marrakesh,<br />
hawkers and touts are not a <strong>com</strong>mon<br />
feature here, although you can still try out<br />
your haggling skills in one of the markets.<br />
In fact, this is one of the major pastimes for<br />
tourists visiting the area. The town is known<br />
for its two markets, mainly catering to local<br />
people. A variety of items are on offer<br />
here, including beautiful jewellery, silver<br />
and carpets so visitors are unlikely to leave<br />
empty-handed.<br />
Large orchids and palm trees add to the mythical feel of this quaint little town, with the<br />
Atlas Mountains towering in the background.<br />
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The former home of Spanish Artist<br />
Claudio Brave has recently been<br />
turned into a stunning museum full<br />
of interesting artefacts and is fast<br />
be<strong>com</strong>ing one of the area’s most<br />
popular attractions. There is even the<br />
option for being served tea in the<br />
gardens of the Pavilion overlooking<br />
the lake.<br />
Taroudant is usually an<br />
overnight stop for travellers<br />
on their way to Agadir or<br />
Marrakech. However, it is also<br />
a great base for exploring the<br />
nearby Atlas Mountains and<br />
there are tour <strong>com</strong>panies that<br />
arrange a variety of exciting<br />
treks and hikes. There are<br />
some virtually undiscovered<br />
areas and some of them only<br />
a 45-minute drive from the city.<br />
Head for the Afensou/Mentaga<br />
Valley, for a magnificent hike<br />
through wild argan forests<br />
and river pools suitable for<br />
swimming.<br />
Venture even further for a<br />
breathtakingly scenic trek of the<br />
palm-filled gorges of the Anti-<br />
Atlas Mountains. And for an<br />
even grander day trip, Tafraout<br />
is a tiny oasis in the central part<br />
of the Anti-Atlas Mountains<br />
certainly worth exploring.<br />
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GHANA<br />
Image by: Kobe Subramaniam<br />
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Ghana, An Introduction<br />
Ghana is known as the ‘golden child’ of West <strong>Africa</strong>. This is due to its successful<br />
democratic constitution and steadily growing economy. The country first began<br />
establishing trade with Europeans in the 15th century when it was known as The Golden<br />
Coast because the abundance of gold that was found on its land.<br />
One of the most stable countries of West <strong>Africa</strong>, Ghana is a popular tourist destination.<br />
Situated right on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea, Ghana’s tropical climate means there is<br />
warm weather all year round. The country has an incredibly diverse wildlife and multiple<br />
national parks and gardens filled with exotic flora. It also boasts many miles of white sandy<br />
beaches.<br />
After a lengthy period of<br />
colonisation by the British, the<br />
country declared independence<br />
in 1957 and named itself Ghana,<br />
literally meaning “Warrior King’.<br />
Ghana’s population is multi-ethnic<br />
and rounds up to nearly 31 million<br />
people, the vast majority being<br />
Christian of various denominations.<br />
English is widely spoken across<br />
the country, as are many different<br />
languages and dialects.<br />
In a 2011 Forbes survey, Ghana was ranked the friendliest country in all of <strong>Africa</strong> and the<br />
11th friendliest country worldwide. This is largely due to the vivacious, colourful energy<br />
of its people and the cultural diversity of this beautiful country. It is very <strong>com</strong>mon for<br />
<strong>com</strong>plete strangers to greet you in the street and there is a widespread ‘sharing is caring’<br />
attitude that extends to foreigners or ‘oburani’, as they are amicably known.<br />
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Accra<br />
Accra is Ghana’s splendid capital and it will likely be your first point of contact with<br />
the country. Accra is hot all year round, with a couple of short rainy seasons; one<br />
between April and mid-July and another one occurring in October. When it does rain, it’s<br />
not usually a lengthy downpour but rather short bursts of intense rainfall, gladly wel<strong>com</strong>ed<br />
by the locals due to the levels of humidity in the area.<br />
Over the last 2 decades, Accra has developed considerably. It has a great selection of<br />
shopping malls, brilliant nightlife choices and ample opportunities to sample delicious<br />
Ghanaian cuisine. Because of its rich history, Accra offers a range of options for culturehungry<br />
visitors.<br />
Getting around in Accra is pretty easy,<br />
despite regularly congested traffic. There<br />
are various intercity bus routes that cover<br />
the entire area and taxis are literally<br />
everywhere and cheap enough. You can<br />
also easily get an Uber. For a truly local<br />
experience, hop on a tro tro, a shared<br />
minivan that follows a specific route in and<br />
around the city centre.<br />
Make sure to taste kelewele (caramelised<br />
plantain), a local delicacy you can find almost<br />
everywhere. Many snack bars prepare authentic<br />
local cuisine at very cheap prices so allow<br />
yourself to be immersed in the warmth of the<br />
local hospitality. Coffee culture is a big thing in<br />
Accra with hip and quirky coffee shops popping<br />
up all around the city, frequented by cool youths<br />
eager to share their latest escapades with you.<br />
Accra hosts numerous art exhibitions<br />
and there are various galleries to<br />
visit if you are an Art enthusiast.<br />
Tiga <strong>Africa</strong>n Art Consultancy houses<br />
remarkable paintings and sculptures.<br />
The Artists’ Alliance Gallery features<br />
excellent items to buy at considerably<br />
reasonable prices, including wooden<br />
carvings and curious artefacts and<br />
local souvenirs.<br />
Though Accra is a coastal city with<br />
long sandy stretches, it’s worth<br />
venturing a few kilometres west to<br />
find Bojo, one of the most glorious<br />
and pristine beaches of the area.<br />
Far quieter and cleaner then its main<br />
<strong>com</strong>petitors, this is a lovely spot for<br />
relaxation, swimming and sunbathing,<br />
suitable for the entire family. To get to<br />
the actual beach you board a little<br />
boat and pay a small entrance fee- all<br />
worth it just to be able to lie one the<br />
unspoiled sandy beach and get lost<br />
in the clear blue skies. There is also<br />
a restaurant that sells fresh food and<br />
drinks.<br />
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Ghana<br />
Apartments<br />
Independence Arch is 11 km from the<br />
apartment, while Wheel Story House is<br />
3.8 km away. The nearest airport is Kotoka<br />
International, 13 km from Green Court, and<br />
the property offers a paid airport shuttle<br />
service.<br />
The ac<strong>com</strong>modation offers a children’s<br />
playground. A car rental service is available<br />
at Green Court.<br />
Green Court Off Tenth Street, Tesano, Tesano, Accra, Ghana<br />
Located 9 km from Kwame<br />
Nkrumah Memorial Park, Green<br />
Court provides ac<strong>com</strong>modation with<br />
a shared lounge, a garden and a<br />
shared kitchen for your convenience.<br />
Both WiFi and private parking are<br />
available at the apartment free of<br />
charge.<br />
Certain units are equipped with<br />
air conditioning, a flat-screen TV,<br />
washing machine and a kettle,<br />
<strong>com</strong>pleted with a kitchen.<br />
Guests at Green Court can enjoy a<br />
continental breakfast.<br />
Couples particularly like the location —<br />
they rated it 9.0 for a two-person trip.<br />
We speak your language!<br />
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Tamale<br />
Tamale is one of Ghana’s fastest growing cities and the third most populous area of<br />
the country. Although Ghana has be<strong>com</strong>e a popular tourist destination in the last two<br />
decades, Tamale is still relatively unknown and remains well off the beaten path. This is<br />
what makes this city so unique: it’s an authentic introduction into the remarkable North<br />
Ghanaian culture and hospitality and genuine snapshot of the West <strong>Africa</strong>n way of life.<br />
Tamale has been consistently voted<br />
the cleanest city of the country by the<br />
Ghanaian Government. It has a distinctive<br />
architecture that <strong>com</strong>bines modern highrise<br />
buildings with traditional mud houses<br />
and an array of intricately designed<br />
mosques. The city is easily explored by<br />
bicycle and bike tours are the best way to<br />
get lost in the humble neighbourhoods.<br />
Located in the northern region of<br />
the country, the city’s population is<br />
predominantly Muslim. Praying is an<br />
important requirement of the Islamic<br />
faith and the Call to Prayer can be heard<br />
echoing through the city 5 times a day.<br />
Tamale’s Central Mosque is the most<br />
popular one, a humongous and imposing<br />
structure with tall minarets and emerald<br />
domes, right in the centre of the city.<br />
It is a well-known fact that people in Ghana<br />
are extremely friendly and approachable;<br />
the same goes for Tamale. Locals simply<br />
love to get to know visitors and will<br />
frequently start conversations in order to<br />
know more about you but also share their<br />
own stories and wisdom. Language is not<br />
a barrier as English is widely spoken. With<br />
their warm attitude and eagerness to<br />
help, the locals will easily win your heart.<br />
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Strolling around the local markets should probably be number one on visitors’ lists. The<br />
National Cultural Centre is the place to go for cheap souvenirs and original traditional<br />
crafts. Some days, later in the evening when the weather cools down, you can enjoy<br />
and even take part in traditional Ghanaian dances and cultural performances.<br />
One of Tamale’s greatest attractions can be found 120 kilometers west of the city.<br />
Mole National Park is Ghana’s largest wildlife conservatory and is certain to be an<br />
unforgettable experience. Here you can really experience elephants in their natural<br />
habitat as well as spot antelopes, vultures, beautiful birds and monitor lizard to name<br />
just a fraction of the incredible fauna of the area. There are various safari tours that can<br />
be arranged for different times of the day. The park is never very busy and there are<br />
options to go for day excursions or stay over night in one of the hotels, if you’d prefer<br />
to take your time exploring the Ghanaian Savannah.<br />
As Ghana’s most fertile area, Tamale is an agricultural heaven and offers some of the<br />
greatest produce in the country. This means that local restaurants cook delicious hearty<br />
meals at very reasonable prices. There are also various tours you can join, from cotton<br />
spinning to traditional food cooking as well as spending time with local families and<br />
learning about how the locals live, earn a living and have fun.<br />
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Ghana<br />
Lodge<br />
Yendi, Salaga Rd, Tamale, Ghana ♦ Tel +233 55 255 9442 / +233 243337288 ♦<br />
<strong>www</strong>.jeyadslodge.<strong>com</strong><br />
Jeyads Lodge has a serene environment where you are assured of good relaxation, <strong>com</strong>fort<br />
and luxury. All of their rooms are well ventilated with air conditioning, water heaters, cable<br />
TV, fridges and free Wi-Fi. Your health as lodgers is their priority, hence the fitness bay, which<br />
offers you the opportunity for good exercise at all times. The chefs are experts in continental and<br />
local dishes. The bar is also well stocked with an array of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.<br />
The staff is well trained, hospitable, friendly and will provide you with great memorable service<br />
you will always want to <strong>com</strong>e back. Great Ghanaian and northern hospitality is assured during<br />
your stay with us.<br />
Each and every room is fitted with queensized<br />
beds, large enough for occupancy<br />
of two guests per room, with private<br />
washrooms. Enjoy a delicious breakfast<br />
too, as it is served to you each morning.<br />
The staff and reception are always on<br />
stand-by to attend to every guest’s needs<br />
24/7 in order to make your stay at Jeyads a<br />
memorable one. The facility also provides<br />
laundry services to guests; ranging from<br />
washing, dry cleaning and ironing. As a<br />
convenience to guests, they provide free<br />
shuttles to/from Airport and Transport<br />
Stations. Before you touch ground, the staff<br />
will be there to pick you up. The amazing<br />
restaurant provides continental and local<br />
dishes with a well stocked bar with an array<br />
of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.<br />
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Image by: Ovinuchi Ejiohuo<br />
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Cultural Experience<br />
With over 200 million people, Nigeria is the most populous country of the continent<br />
and thus nicknamed the ‘ Giant of <strong>Africa</strong>’. The country has phenomenal cultural<br />
diversity, with over 250 different ethnic groups that altogether speak approximately 500<br />
different languages. There is an abundance of historical sights of interest making this a<br />
culture-rich travel destination.<br />
Nigeria was colonised by Britain by the beginning of the 20 th century. Under British rule<br />
in 1914, the northern and southern parts of the country were joined in what was known<br />
as the Colony and Protectorate of Nigeria. The country gained independence from the<br />
UK in 1960 and has since gone on to be<strong>com</strong>e one of the fastest growing <strong>Africa</strong>n nations.<br />
Being a coastal country, its stunning<br />
beaches attract flocks of tourists each<br />
year. But by far the most enticing<br />
advantage of Nigeria is its vast cultural<br />
mixture and associated customs and<br />
traditions. The three most prominent<br />
ethnic groups in the country are the<br />
Yoruba, Hausa and Igbo. They each<br />
have their own caste systems and<br />
administrative policies as well as differing<br />
political and religious ideologies.<br />
One of the most popular destinations in<br />
Nigeria can be found in the ancient town<br />
of Abeocuta. Olumo Rock stands tall at<br />
137 meters above seal level and was<br />
once used as a fort and watchtower. The<br />
area is full of unusual trees and mystical<br />
monuments and once you reach the<br />
very top you are treated to a panoramic<br />
view of the surrounding city.<br />
37 38
The megacity of Lagos, the country’s financial<br />
hub and former Capital, is a melting pot of<br />
cultural traditions. This is one of the best<br />
places to visit in order to savour the incredible<br />
cultural diversity Nigeria has to offer. Lagos<br />
acts as a microcosm of the entire country,<br />
representing customs and ideas from a wide<br />
range of tribes.<br />
There are plenty of impressive galleries<br />
where one can learn about arts and crafts<br />
and multi-functional concept spaces that hold<br />
numerous recreational events each season.<br />
Nigerian artists often get their inspiration<br />
from the country’s rich history. Some<br />
artists integrate Nsibidi symbols, a type of<br />
indigenous scripture, in an attempt to honour<br />
and preserve bygone eras.<br />
Fashion is fast be<strong>com</strong>ing a huge industry here and there are regular displays that showcase the<br />
country’s vivacious colour palette. Nigerian fashion is really unique, with elements of traditional and<br />
pre-colonial dress styles mixed with modern materials to produce show-stopping pieces.<br />
The more time you spend Nigerian people,<br />
the more likely it is that you’ll be lucky<br />
enough to encounter some of the unusual<br />
traditions that are the trademark of Nigerian<br />
culture. For example it is imperative that<br />
natives who choose to get married have<br />
not one but…three weddings: a traditional<br />
one, one at the town hall and then one<br />
more at the church or mosque. Other<br />
quirky customs include ‘showering’ people<br />
with money at various events as an act of<br />
appreciation and….ensuring you never<br />
extend your left arm to greet, eat or in<br />
fact do anything at all whatsoever as this is<br />
highly frowned upon!<br />
39 40
Image by: Ray Rui<br />
41 42
Adventure Holiday<br />
Some of the world’s most famous sights and wonders are located in the mountainous<br />
and densely forested plains of Tanzania. Serengeti, Mt Kilimanjaro and the<br />
Ngorongoro nature reserve are amongst some of the most visited destinations. Tanzania<br />
is filled with abundant wildlife, captivating cultures and some of the world’s most revered<br />
safari experiences. It is not by chance that the country’s name translates as ‘Sail in the<br />
Wilderness’<br />
With a <strong>com</strong>bination of stunning natural beauty, unusual rocky formation and endless<br />
magnificent woodlands, Tanzania offers a variety of adventurous and challenging hiking<br />
trails.<br />
Mount Kilimanjaro<br />
Kilimanjaro is Tanzania’s best-known mountain and the world’s tallest freestanding volcano.<br />
For many, climbing Kilimanjaro is fulfilling a major life goal and thousands of people each<br />
year make the pilgrimage to the top. This climb is not for the faint hearted but with right<br />
physical and mental attitude this iconic peak can be conquered.<br />
The mountain is vast so there are numerous routes to choose from, each going through<br />
a variety of landscapes. Some are a lot more demanding than others and more suitable<br />
for super fit and experienced hikers. Fitness levels aside, other factors to take into<br />
consideration are acclimatisation profiles, ac<strong>com</strong>modation preference and seasonal<br />
restrictions. It is especially important to be<strong>com</strong>e familiar with the symptoms of altitude<br />
sickness and definitely inform your guides immediately if you start to feel unwell.<br />
Here are 2 of the most popular routes to the top:<br />
Machume Route<br />
Probably not for beginners, this route offers outstanding views of the Lava Tower and the<br />
Barranco Wall. Parts of it are highly strenuous so this is it a tough hike with steep trails<br />
for long distances. The route is best done in 7 days to account for acclimatisation. This<br />
in fact increases the chances of successfully reaching the summit<br />
Rongai Route<br />
This trail has overall great success rates. The ascent is very steady and the route is far<br />
less crowded that the main <strong>com</strong>petitors due to it being more expensive. It is moderately<br />
difficult and therefore more suitable for less experienced hikers. The Rongai route is<br />
thought to be less scenic than some of the other main routes but it makes up for it by<br />
allowing for encounters with wildlife (antelopes and elephants make regular appearances)<br />
map from <strong>www</strong>.media.followalice.<strong>com</strong><br />
43 44
Other points of interest<br />
Beyond hiking Kilimanjaro, there are a variety of lesser-known trails worth pursuing.<br />
Olmoti Crater Walk<br />
Located near the Ngorongoro Nature Reserve, this hike is perfect for beginners who<br />
want an easy, pleasant trail without missing out on gorgeous vistas of the surrounding<br />
plains. The gentle ascent through lush greenery and rocky formations finally lead to<br />
some spectacular views of the volcanic crater and the Munge Waterfall.<br />
Udzungwa Mountains National Park<br />
Located in Southern Tanzania, this is another top destination for hikers who love trails<br />
filled with wildlife and crystal clear plunge pools. Trails here range from short walks to<br />
longer 2 to 3 night hikes offering the chance to encounter species endemic to this area.<br />
45 46
Mbeya City<br />
Mbeya is a small city in Southwest Tanzania surrounded by a range of high<br />
mountains. Virtually unknown before the 1930s, the city then became popular<br />
due to the nearby gold deposits. It currently functions as a business hub for the<br />
surrounding countries. Mbeya is the quintessential ‘off the beaten path’ destination in<br />
Tanzania, surrounded by stunning natural wonders and beautiful scenery. You can fly into<br />
Mbeya easily from Dar es Salaam or get there by bus if you don’t mind the long journey.<br />
Though Mbeya’s centre is rather unassuming, the surrounding area has been called<br />
‘the Scotland of <strong>Africa</strong>’, with heather and bracken cloaking the hillsides. The region is<br />
mountainous, with Loleza mountain towering over behind the town. There are over 10<br />
dormant volcanic craters located in and around Mount Rungue, the tallest mountain in<br />
the area.<br />
For outdoor enthusiast’s, Mbeya will not disappoint. There are numerous natural reserves<br />
and national parks to visit and plenty of available tour operators that can arrange day<br />
excursions and hiking trips. Witness the cosmic wonder of the Mbozi meteorite, one of<br />
the largest to have been found on earth weighing 12 metric tons. Get lost in the scenic<br />
fields of Kitulo national park and take in the view of the endless plains full of exquisite<br />
flowers and wildlife. A visit to Mbeya wouldn’t be <strong>com</strong>plete without a trip to Ngozi crater<br />
lake, for a picnic looking over the captivating beauty of this ancient crater<br />
47 48
Tanzania<br />
Guest House<br />
Block T, Tanzania House 106, Mbeya City, Tanzania ♦ Tel +255 757 466 315 ♦ teshahome.<strong>com</strong><br />
Tesha Home provides traditional Home Stay ac<strong>com</strong>modation located in the centre of<br />
Mbeya, a city in Southwest Tanzania.<br />
Guests at Tesha home be<strong>com</strong>e a part of our family for the duration of their stay. We love<br />
to show them what true Tanzanian hospitality feels like. Our guests have the opportunity to<br />
engage authentically in the daily activities alongside locals.<br />
Enjoy gardening or strawberry picking, or even popping to the local market to buy fresh<br />
produce and cook back at home. We love explaining our cultural values and we like to teach<br />
Swahili as well as hear our guests’ own stories.<br />
We offer 3 very <strong>com</strong>fortable rooms with a<br />
uniquely traditional atmosphere. All rooms<br />
have en-suite bathrooms with hot shower<br />
facilities- perfect after a long day’s hike.<br />
Breakfast in included in the price and the<br />
House offers free WIFI connection.<br />
Completely untouched by the madness<br />
of modern tourism, Mbeya has a lot to<br />
offer our guests. The surrounding area is<br />
literally a hiker’s paradise. Go on day hikes<br />
up mount Rungwe at an altitude of nearly<br />
3000 meters. Get up close and personal<br />
to the numerous volcanic craters or have<br />
a picnic over looking the breath-taking<br />
beauty that is the Ngozi Lake Crater. The<br />
rural landscape is filled with incredible<br />
nature and wildlife and thus has earned this<br />
area the nickname “Scotland of <strong>Africa</strong>’<br />
We have our own local guide who enjoys<br />
yoga and hiking. You can join one of his<br />
yoga classes for free and heal your mind<br />
and body.<br />
49 50
Tanzania<br />
Tailor Made Tour Company<br />
P.O.BOX 6850 KILIMANJARO-TANZANIA ♦ Tel +255 754 537 513 ♦<br />
Cell +255 (0) 674 517573 ♦ <strong>www</strong>.dodogrouptz.<strong>com</strong> ♦ e-mail: info@dodogrouptz.<strong>com</strong> ♦<br />
Facebook.<strong>com</strong>/dodogrouptz ♦ Twitter.<strong>com</strong>/dodogrouptz.<strong>com</strong> ♦ Skype.<strong>com</strong>/dodogrouptz<br />
In addition to wildlife safaris and treks,<br />
Dodo Group offers exclusive helicopter<br />
tours to the summit and around Kilimanjaro<br />
region. Don’t miss out on their selection<br />
of handpicked beach holiday tours that<br />
let you experience the best of the Indian<br />
Ocean. Adventure enthusiasts can also opt<br />
for bike tours across Tanzania and other<br />
parts of <strong>Africa</strong>.<br />
Tanzania, with its endless savannahs and mesmerizing national parks, is a mecca for<br />
wildlife enthusiasts. Its exquisite wildlife, <strong>com</strong>prising the renowned “big five” game,<br />
draws tourists from all across the globe. Its rich natural beauty is perfectly <strong>com</strong>plemented by<br />
the secluded beaches of Zanzibar. If you want to plunge into the depths of Tanzania’s vast<br />
wilderness, make sure you book a tour with Dodo Group Tanzania Limited.<br />
This tailor-made tour <strong>com</strong>pany is located in Moshi, home to <strong>Africa</strong>’s highest mountain, Mt.<br />
Kilimanjaro. From jeep safari tours in Serengeti National Park to gorilla tours in Uganda - Dodo<br />
Group offers a plethora of customized packages to choose from. Moreover, they organize treks<br />
to Mt. Kilimanjaro and Mt. Meru as well as day trips to the major attractions of Tanzania. The<br />
best part is that all these tours are tailored according to your preference and budget.<br />
Whats sets this tour <strong>com</strong>pany apart is its<br />
team of experienced travel consultants.<br />
Apart from customizing the tour according<br />
to your needs, they also ensure that you<br />
make optimum use of your time there.<br />
Dodo Group also has a power-packed<br />
group of trained safari guides and climbing<br />
specialists who speak multiple languages<br />
including English, French, and German.<br />
They work round-the-clock to ensure that<br />
your tour is of impeccable quality.<br />
The <strong>com</strong>pany provides high-end camping<br />
equipment to ensure that your safety is<br />
never <strong>com</strong>promised with. Wildlife safaris<br />
are organized in luxurious SUV Land<br />
Cruisers equipped with <strong>com</strong>fortable<br />
seats, refrigerators, WiFi, GPS tracking,<br />
and charging points for phones/cameras.<br />
In addition to airport transfers, they have<br />
a dedicated Airport Team to assist you as<br />
soon as you arrive.<br />
However, the most remarkable aspect of<br />
Dodo Group is that they strive to protect<br />
the environment and develop a sense<br />
of <strong>com</strong>munity. Their team works hard to<br />
ensure that the tours don’t have an adverse<br />
effect on the natural surroundings. In<br />
addition, part of their profits is donated<br />
for the upliftment of orphans and disabled<br />
children in Kilimanjaro Region. In an age<br />
when tour <strong>com</strong>panies are be<strong>com</strong>ing<br />
increasingly <strong>com</strong>mercialized, Dodo Group<br />
promises to breathe new life into the<br />
tourism industry.<br />
51 52
Image by: Finding Dan dan<br />
53 54
The Big 5<br />
A<br />
trip to South <strong>Africa</strong> wouldn’t<br />
be <strong>com</strong>plete without a<br />
carefully planned expedition to<br />
catch a glimpse of five of the most<br />
majestic animals in the South <strong>Africa</strong>n<br />
jungle. Lions, Leopards, Rhinos,<br />
<strong>Africa</strong>n Elephants and Cape Buffalos,<br />
nicknamed ‘The Big 5’, are known<br />
for being extremely dangerous to<br />
hunt on foot. National Geographic<br />
has termed them the must-see list<br />
of iconic ‘mega fauna’. The Big 5 live<br />
amongst hundreds of other beautiful<br />
species in national parks and the wild<br />
terrains of Botswana, South <strong>Africa</strong>,<br />
Kenya and Tanzania.<br />
When to Go<br />
Seeing any of the big 5 is an<br />
unforgettable experience and safari<br />
enthusiasts are known to get up at<br />
the crack of dawn in order to increase<br />
the chances of witnessing these<br />
creatures in their natural habitat. It is<br />
widely thought that the best time of<br />
the year for spotting them is during<br />
the dry season from July to October.<br />
As rivers dry up, animals are forced<br />
to group together to drink the<br />
remaining water. Thinner flora and<br />
folliage during dry season means the<br />
animals are more exposed, less able<br />
to hide therefore easier to spot in<br />
some areas of South <strong>Africa</strong>.<br />
55 56
Popular Spots<br />
There are numerous excellent areas for safaris all<br />
around South <strong>Africa</strong> and researching thoroughly is<br />
highly re<strong>com</strong>mended. Not all 5 animals may make<br />
an appearance and that shouldn’t detract from the<br />
overall experience. However, there are some places<br />
where, with the aid of a good guide and a little bit of<br />
luck, you may be able to see all 5 of them.<br />
South <strong>Africa</strong><br />
Kruger National Park<br />
Kruger Park prides itself for all-year-round Big 5<br />
sightings. It has great infrastructure and facilities<br />
include wheelchair accessibility, WIFI spots and both<br />
walking as well as driving safaris. There are plenty<br />
of ac<strong>com</strong>modation options to suit all budgets and<br />
tastes as well as the choice of private reserves with<br />
far less crowds, making the experience even more<br />
unique.<br />
Most <strong>com</strong>panies organise 3-5 day tours, with<br />
optional extra activities. Some organise longer,<br />
7-day treks. It is not guaranteed that you will spot all<br />
5 in one day or even throughout the duration of the<br />
safari, but the breathtaking beauty of the wilderness<br />
and the numerous other animals roaming free will<br />
more than make up for it. Make sure to check the<br />
weather for the particular area you are visiting as<br />
weather can be quite unpredictable. It gets quite<br />
cold during dry season so pack appropriately!<br />
57 58
The Stunning Eastern Cape<br />
Eastern Cape offers some of the most spectacularly diverse landscape in all of <strong>Africa</strong>.<br />
It includes stunning ancient forests, a seemingly endless, untouched coastline and<br />
the untamed beauty of multiple nature reserves. The province also has the only ski and<br />
snowboarding resort in South <strong>Africa</strong>, operating all-year-round, earning it the nickname of<br />
‘National Treasure’<br />
The enormous variety of things to see and do is sure to satisfy the needs of even the most<br />
demanding traveller. Visitors <strong>com</strong>e to Eastern Cape precisely because of the abundant<br />
wildlife and biodiversity. The area is popular with outdoor enthusiasts, adventurous<br />
travellers and those who like to immerse in deep cultural experiences.<br />
Hiking Trails<br />
Blessed with such gorgeous countryside, trekking and hiking are very popular choices<br />
and trails range from easy to extreme. The Otter trail is quite possibly one of the most<br />
famous in the world. The route follows the Eastern Cape coastline with magnificent views<br />
over the Indian Ocean and it takes 5 days to <strong>com</strong>plete. The Chokka trail takes visitors<br />
through picturesque fishing villages, endless sand dunes and includes a visit to a penguin<br />
rehabilitation centre.<br />
National Parks<br />
Coastline Magic<br />
The Wild Coast is a long expanse of<br />
beautiful coastline filled with rocky<br />
headlands, massive cliffs and an indigenous<br />
forest full of rare flora. It is also the official<br />
home of the native Xhosa people. One<br />
of the most fascinating sights in the area<br />
can be found at Coffee Bay, a small beach<br />
town on the wild coast. Apart from being<br />
a surfing hotspot, this is where you can<br />
start your hike to the ‘Hole in the Wall’. As<br />
the name suggests, this is a natural arch<br />
that has been carved by waves crushing<br />
through the freestanding island.<br />
If you are keen on safaris and close encounters with the Big 5, there are plenty of parks to<br />
choose from. Inkwenkwezi Private Game Reserve is a Malaria-free zone and offers amazing<br />
opportunities to spot fascinating wildlife including cape buffalos, lions and rhinos. Visitors<br />
can explore the park in their own car or choose one of the experienced operators for a<br />
guided tour. Mountain Zebra National Park offers visitors the chance to track the elusive<br />
mountain cheetahs on foot, an unforgettable, adrenalin-pumping experience.<br />
What ever your choice of activity when in Eastern Cape, there are many different<br />
ac<strong>com</strong>modation options available; from chalets, to mountain cottages or simple oldfashioned<br />
camping facilities.<br />
59 60
South <strong>Africa</strong><br />
CASA MIA<br />
Guest House & Spa<br />
R336 from Addo to Kirkwood ♦ Tel +27 (42) 2330075, ♦ <strong>www</strong><br />
If you are looking for country<br />
charm, natural areas and<br />
a sense of tranquillity, a mere<br />
45minutes drive from Port<br />
Elizabeth, you will find Casa<br />
Mia Health Spa & Guest House<br />
nestled among citrus trees on<br />
a working citrus farm. We are<br />
just 15km from Addo Elephant<br />
National Park on the R336 to<br />
Kirkwood.<br />
Casa Mia Health Spa & Guest<br />
House is privately owned and<br />
managed. Here guests will<br />
find genuine hospitality. Enjoy<br />
our trademark of personal<br />
attention, friendly service and<br />
consistency to deliver high<br />
standards of service to ensure<br />
total relaxation. We are wellknown<br />
for our encouraging<br />
respect for the environment<br />
and nature. We offer 6<br />
spacious, en-suite luxury guest<br />
rooms all with double showers<br />
and baths. Non- Smoking<br />
Guest Rooms. All amenities in a<br />
phyto-effective product range.<br />
– Member of Health Spas Association.<br />
– 4 Star Tourism Grading Guesthouse.<br />
– Best Value Establishment 2018 Afristay<br />
– Sanlam Top Destination <strong>Award</strong>s Nominee 2018<br />
– <strong>Travel</strong> & <strong>Hospitality</strong> <strong>Award</strong> Winner, Eastern Cape, <strong>2019</strong><br />
– <strong>Travel</strong>myth Top 5, <strong>2019</strong> – Ac<strong>com</strong>modation for<br />
Honeymoon, Addo<br />
– Superhost, Airbnb, <strong>2019</strong><br />
Suzette Meyer<br />
Spa Owner<br />
Two of our luxury guest rooms are filled<br />
with personal touches:<br />
– King Size Bed with fine linen<br />
– Private area with jacuzzi and sun loungers<br />
– Nespresso coffee machine (Guest room 3)<br />
– Lounge area with sleeper couch (Guest<br />
room 3)<br />
The Spa boasts 6 specialized treatment<br />
rooms, a Couple’s room, Sauna, Tropical<br />
shower room, Vichy shower, Pilates Studio,<br />
Pool, Hydrotherapy Bath and 3 outdoor<br />
Jacuzzi’s.<br />
While each of our guest rooms are<br />
individually styled and decorated, they<br />
all have some features in <strong>com</strong>mon:<br />
– Complimentary Wi-Fi<br />
– Flat-screen TV<br />
– Air-conditioned rooms<br />
– Breakfast included<br />
– Tea and Coffee Facilities<br />
– Fridge<br />
– Hairdryer<br />
– Bathrobes and slippers<br />
– Bottled Water<br />
We offer self -drive Game drives, Bird<br />
watching, Scenic walks, tours to Scotia<br />
Safari and Elephant Back Safaris are nearby.<br />
Transfers to and from Port Elizabeth airport<br />
can be arranged.<br />
61 62
Image by: Alin Meceanu<br />
63 64
Beach Lovers Paradise<br />
The Seychelles is an archipelago of 115 islands located off the east coast of<br />
<strong>Africa</strong> and surrounded by the Indian Ocean. 44 of theses islands are inhabited<br />
and are collectively known as the ‘Inner Islands’. The picture-perfect landscapes radiate<br />
impressive exotic vibes that make this place one the most photographed areas in the<br />
world. The Seychelles is the perfect destination for tourists who love to unwind on white<br />
sandy beaches or swim in the warm and tranquil emerald waters.<br />
Mahe<br />
Mahe is the nation’s cultural and financial hub and<br />
all visitors’ first point of contact. Approximately<br />
90% of the population lives here and is a place<br />
that is ethnically diverse, and its people hail from<br />
many different corners of the earth. With almost<br />
40 beaches to choose from, there is something in<br />
Mahe for everyone.<br />
The northern part of the island<br />
is also the busiest one. Beau<br />
Vallon is Mahe’s most popular<br />
beach. It offers calm waters for<br />
swimming and is a hot spot for<br />
snorkelling and diving owing<br />
to the crystal clear water. Anse<br />
Major is considered one of<br />
the most beautiful secluded<br />
beaches of the island. This is<br />
not an easily accessible beach.<br />
The fact that you can only get to<br />
it either by boat or by following<br />
a hiking trail means that this<br />
part of the island is <strong>com</strong>pletely<br />
unspoiled. Further down, Anse<br />
Takamaka is the perfect place<br />
to relax and unwind far from the<br />
madding crowds of the north.<br />
The majority of visitors stay in one of<br />
the 3 most popular islands: Mahe,<br />
Praslin and La Digue. These are<br />
highly developed and home to<br />
the nation’s best ac<strong>com</strong>modation<br />
facilities. Mahe Island is the<br />
biggest one, measuring 28<br />
kilometers in length, with 38<br />
beaches. Praslin is a medium size<br />
island with 22 beaches and La<br />
Digue is famous for being one<br />
of the most magnificent islands<br />
in the whole of the Seychelles.<br />
All three islands offer amazing<br />
opportunities for boat tours of the<br />
surrounding islands.<br />
65 66
Praslin<br />
Praslin is a magical paradise that is home to UNESCO Heritage site Vallee de Mai. The<br />
island is covered in a jungle with rare species of flora and fauna and it is home to 2<br />
beaches that have consistently appeared on the Top 10 list of the world’s best beaches:<br />
La Digue<br />
This gem is famous for its breath-taking beaches. Anse Coco is reminiscent of the<br />
scenery in the old classic Blue Lagoon. Perfect calm sea, clean sand and a backdrop<br />
of lush greenery make for a very tranquil and otherworldly landscape. Anse Source<br />
D’Argent offers yet another slice of paradise. Get lost in the majestic ocean in the<br />
background of granite boulders and swaying palm trees.<br />
Anse Lazio is the perfect Seychelles post-card beach. With a very long stretch of fine<br />
white sand and deep turquoise water, this is what dreams are made of. It is exceptionally<br />
well maintained and child friendly with a lifeguard on site.<br />
You can enter Anse Georgette via the adjacent golf club. This is a more secluded<br />
beach and therefore ideal for romantic getaways. Friendly vendors on the beach offer<br />
coconut water and other refreshments.<br />
67 68
Sail Seychelles<br />
The Seychelles islands are the glorious<br />
paradise on everyone’s bucket list.<br />
They are the epitome of the idyllic holiday:<br />
turquoise seas, white sandy beaches and<br />
luxury resorts surrounded by graceful palm<br />
trees gently swaying to the cool breeze of the<br />
Indian Ocean. It is a tropical oasis with great<br />
weather all-year-round and has been a major<br />
tourist destination since the 1970s.<br />
The Seychelles archipelago is made up of 115<br />
islands. It is hardly surprising then, that visitors<br />
ache to discover their beauty and witness for<br />
themselves some of the most photographed<br />
scenery on Earth.<br />
Numerous tour operators offer day boat trips<br />
and excursions and the fleet and prices vary.<br />
Snorkelling is a must as this particular spot of<br />
the Indian Ocean offers a spectacular view of<br />
some of the most rare species of aquatic life,<br />
including the nearly extinct Hawksbill Turtle,<br />
which <strong>com</strong>es to nest only in this area. From<br />
Praslin island, you can follow the footsteps of<br />
Robinson Cruise aboard a modern catamaran,<br />
following a carefully designed multi-stop<br />
route.<br />
Kayaking allows visitors to explore the<br />
majestic landscape and underwater life in a<br />
more eco-friendly way, whilst also keeping<br />
fit. Island tours can be <strong>com</strong>bined with fishing<br />
experiences. Seychelles is a rare fishing<br />
destination so expect unusual catches of the<br />
day!<br />
One of the most popular activities particularly<br />
favored by honeymooners is of course a sunset<br />
cruise. Glide down the Indian Ocean as the<br />
sun starts to set and make a toast while you<br />
take in the unforgettable scenery: a perfect<br />
end to a perfect day.<br />
69 70
Image by: Xavier Coiffic<br />
71 72
Top 3 Things to do<br />
Located off the southeast coast of <strong>Africa</strong>, Mauritius is an island paradise encircled by<br />
the deep turquoise water of the Indian Ocean. With a tropical climate all year round<br />
and no actual Monsoon season, Mauritius is the perfect hotspot for sun and sea lovers<br />
alike.<br />
1. Savour the Gorgeous Beaches<br />
The island is famous for its spectacular beaches. Stunning blue water, long stretches<br />
of white sand and fresh sea breeze make this a magnificent destination for a holiday.<br />
There is no shortage of beaches to choose from and most are surrounded by coral<br />
reefs that burst with aquatic life.<br />
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2. Visit Blue Bay<br />
Blue Bay is one of the<br />
must-see places of the<br />
island. It is located in the<br />
south and though famous<br />
with tourists it is still<br />
relatively undeveloped<br />
<strong>com</strong>pared to the northern<br />
part of the island. Blue<br />
Bay’s fantastic underwater<br />
life makes this a perfect<br />
spot for snorkelling and<br />
scuba diving.<br />
3. Water Sports and Boat Tours<br />
Catamaran tours are a great way to discover the nearby islands that make up the rest of<br />
the country. Sail along the Indian Ocean, snorkel above the reefs and try the delicious<br />
lunch and BBQs on offer aboard the boat.<br />
Dolphin and whale spotting is another very popular choice. And weather permitting, you<br />
can even jump in the warm sea for a swim alongside these majestic giants. For even<br />
more adventurous types, the island offers plenty of water sports opportunities including<br />
windsurfing and parasailing.<br />
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