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Dec 25 - Dec 31, 2019 www.TheTownCommon.com Page 3

Continued from page 1

Mead, made with a variety of

honeys, can be thick and sweet,

but they can be thin and not so

sweet. At 1634 Meadery, Clapp

uses clover honey, orange blossom

honey and wild flower honey.

Adding locally grown fruits and

spices is where the fun is. It is also

where the creativity comes in,

along with naming the meads.

Two new meads at 1634

Meadery are Little Jack Horner,

a plum mead, using Cider Hill

Farm plums. This after-dinner

sipper has a high alcohol content,

Clapp said. There is also a new

Minuteman mead, created from

a recipe in the 1678 English

Book of Drink. It has raspberries,

grains of paradise, cloves and


“That’s going to be a fun one,”

Clapp said.

Beth Borges and Carl Hirshfeld

opened House Bear Brewing in

2013 in Amesbury. Borges had

experimented with mead making

during her Babson College days

and decided to try producing

mead when she found a career in

financial services a bit tedious.

Continued from page 1

“Humans were fooled into

thinking the northern part of the

island is more stable than it really

is,” Hein said. “They built houses

that are now valuable.”

Hein said there is a multitude

of things impacting Plum Island.

“No one thing is causing the

erosion,” he said.

According to Storm Surge,

“Erosion problems are nothing

new to the island, where six

homes were destroyed during

three major storms in the

winter of 2012-2013. Various

interventions have been made to

try to mitigate erosion problems,

Mead Growing In Popularity

Plum Island Erosion Discussed


She was winning awards for her

mead even before the doors to the

meadery even opened.

Clapp opened 1634 Meadery

in a former motorcycle repair

shop, across from a Dunkin’

Donuts on Rte. 1A. He did not

want to name it Ipswich Mead

to avoid confusion with the wellestablished

Ipswich Ale. A friend

suggested using 1634, the date

Ipswich was founded, to give the

meadery the historic flavor he

was seeking.

An ocean engineer, Clapp

discovered mead during a family

genealogy trip to Denmark with

his aunt. His wife, Deb, a school

teacher, was not particularly

excited by mead, but she

encouraged him to follow his

passion. He found mead “cool,

different and exciting,” he said.

From a torn-down barn in

Maine he collected wood to

redecorate the motorcycle repair

shop in an old-world style. He

started researching old recipes

and stories that might be used to

give his meads a special cache. He

designed his bottles to look old

and nothing like a wine bottle.

including the rebuilding of the

south jetty in May 2013 by the

Army Corps of Engineers, the

construction of dunes along

Reservation Terrace by DCR (the

state Department of Conservation

Resources) in 2016 and the

creation of a man-made berm of

compressed sand, financed by the

City of Newburyport and Plum

Island residents in 2018. In spite

of these measures, what often

helps some residents salvage their

homes often threatens others.”

Hein credited Storm Surge’s

Mike Morris with figuring out

that there is a “see saw effect” with

the sand. The sand that is not


Stop at the meaderies for a taste

and listen to the stories behind

their products. At 1634 Meadery,

Clapp has meads that bear such

names as Puritan Pride, a mead

that pairs well, he said, with

seafood and lobster.

He named one mead Wicked

Wench, a semi-sweet traditional

mead made with Northshore

wildflower honey. And he

named at least two for relatives.

His Beewitched Mead is named

for Elizabeth Howe, his ninth

generation aunt, who was tried

for witchcraft. The Choate Bridge

Cyser honors an uncle who

helped built the iconic bridge

over the Ipswich River.

And then there is the

Mooncusser, named for Harry

Maine, the legendary landbound

pirate who lured ships to

their destruction on Plum Island

beaches on dark nights. He was

convicted of plundering the ships

leaking through the southern jetty

onto the beach along Reservation

Terrace is being deposited on the

ocean side of the island.

Hein said he expects the topic

to be controversial. He does not

plan to offer any specific solutions

to the erosion problem, but will

leave time for questions and

discussion about his findings.

Storm Surge provides the

Greater Newburyport area with

information on the impacts

of extreme weather and longterm

climate change. For more

information about Storm

Surge-sponsored events, email






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If you would like to taste

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