Furnishing Fabric Fashion January/February 2019

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Furnishing Fabric Fashion

Used widely across fashion and interiors, velvet has long been a go-to fabric for generating a

high-style look. But it can come off as a little intimidating—you might feel it reads too extravagant.

It’s a common misconception that velvet is high-maintenance. In truth, the fabric isn’t

all that delicate and can last for decades if properly cared for. Even in a family room that gets

a lot of action, a velvet sectional is a functional option that will hold up beautifully to years of

wear. The simplest way to maintain your velvet is to incorporate it into your regular cleaning

routine. When vacuuming the carpet, use the hand-held nozzle on any velvet pieces to get up

dirt that might be caught inside the pile.

As far as spills are concerned, velvet is often treated with stain repellents, so you should be

able to gently dab the liquid up with a damp towel. It does get a little trickier once the stain

has dried—because velvet can be made with so many types of yarn, it’s best to consult the

manufacturer to figure out the best way to proceed.

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