Lernwortschatz Englisch

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lernwortschatz<br />

Prüfungsrelevante Vokabeln mit Beispielsätzen<br />

englisch<br />

Sekundarstufe I<br />

A2–B1<br />

• Die Sprachzeitung •

table of contents<br />

Vorwort. .....................3<br />

culture & lifestyle<br />

At school ....................4<br />

Reading and writing ........ 9<br />

Entertainment and media ...13<br />

Sports and games ...........18<br />

economy & employment<br />

Business ................... 23<br />

Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27<br />

Markets and finance. ....... 32<br />

Travel. ..................... 35<br />

Transport .................. 38<br />

environment<br />

Animals and plants. ........ 42<br />

Energy and pollution ....... 46<br />

Nature ......................51<br />

Weather and geography .....55<br />

Everyday life<br />

Clothes .................... 59<br />

Shopping .................. 62<br />

Food ....................... 64<br />

Restaurant ................. 69<br />

people<br />

Physical characteristics .... 79<br />

Describing character ........81<br />

Family and relatives. ....... 86<br />

Human body ............... 89<br />

Health ..................... 92<br />

Interactions. ............... 96<br />

society & politics<br />

Government ............... 99<br />

Institutions ............... 101<br />

Migration ................. 103<br />

History ................... 105<br />

War and conflict .......... 108<br />

Justice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111<br />

Crime ......................115<br />

Religion ...................118<br />

Social problems ........... 122<br />

solutions<br />

index<br />

............. 126<br />

................... 129<br />

Household ..................72<br />

Housing and home ..........75<br />


lernwortschatz englisch<br />

Vorwort<br />

Für die Vorbereitung auf den Mittleren Schulabschluss und andere Prüfungen im<br />

Fach <strong>Englisch</strong> brauchst du einen guten Wortschatz in der Fremdsprache. Er gibt dir<br />

Sicherheit und Selbstvertrauen in der stressigen Prüfungssituation.<br />

Die Vokabeln in diesem <strong>Lernwortschatz</strong> decken alle prüfungsrelevanten Themen<br />

ab, sodass du dir schnell den Kernwortschatz zu einem bestimmten Themengebiet<br />

aneignen kannst. Bei einigen Wörtern sind die Schreibweisen für britisches und<br />

amerikanisches <strong>Englisch</strong> (BE, AE) angegeben, soweit diese sich voneinander<br />

unterscheiden.<br />

Wichtig dabei ist, dass du Vokabeln erstens regelmäßig lernst und zweitens in<br />

Zusammenhängen. Es nützt nicht viel, wenn du 1× pro Woche versuchst, dir<br />

viele Vokabeln auf einmal zu merken. Es ist viel effektiver, wenn du dir täglich<br />

eine überschaubare Anzahl an Wörtern vornimmst und diese auch regelmäßig<br />

wiederholst. Du wirst sehen, dass du auf diese Weise in relativ kurzer Zeit deinen<br />

Wortschatz spürbar gefestigt hast.<br />

Auch das Lernen in Zusammenhängen ist sehr wichtig: Präge dir jeweils immer den<br />

Beispielsatz gut ein, denn im Kontext merkt man sich Wörter meistens besser.<br />

Bei unregelmäßigen Verben sind die jeweiligen Formen in diesem <strong>Lernwortschatz</strong><br />

angegeben.<br />

In regelmäßigen Abständen findest du außerdem kleinere Übungen, mit denen du<br />

das Gelernte festigen und in neuen Kontexten anwenden kannst.<br />

Viel Erfolg und gute Noten wünscht<br />

die <strong>Englisch</strong>-Redaktion<br />


1 culture & lifestyle • at school<br />

subjects Fächer, Themen<br />

My favourite subjects are English and maths.<br />

maths Mathematik (BE)<br />

Pupils who are good at maths often become programmers or engineers.<br />

science Naturwissenschaft(en)<br />

We did an interesting experiment in yesterday’s science lesson.<br />

physics Physik<br />

We learned about magnets in our physics lesson today.<br />

chemistry Chemie<br />

In chemistry, we learned the periodic table.<br />

biology Biologie<br />

Today in biology class, we learned how plant cells multiply.<br />

geography Erdkunde<br />

I like geography because you learn about other countries.<br />

art Kunst<br />

In art class, we studied expressionist paintings.<br />

history Geschichte<br />

History is an important subject that teaches pupils about the past, so they can<br />

understand the present better.<br />

PE (physical education) Sport<br />

To get a good mark in PE, we had to play basketball, football and hockey.<br />

home economics Hauswirtschaft<br />

In home economics, pupils learn how to cook.<br />


culture & lifestyle<br />

religious education Religionsunterricht<br />

Today in religious education, we discussed different world religions.<br />

nursery school Kindergarten<br />

Children under five go to nursery school.<br />

primary school Grundschule (BE)<br />

Children aged 5 to 11 go to primary school in the UK.<br />

secondary school weiterführende Schule<br />

Which uni will you go to once you have finished secondary school?<br />

comprehensive school Gesamtschule<br />

I attend a mixed comprehensive school for students of all abilities.<br />

middle school Schule für die Mittelstufe (AE)<br />

In the two years before high school, students go to middle school.<br />

high school Schule für die Oberstufe (AE)<br />

In high school, American students learn important skills and prepare for college<br />

or university.<br />

boarding school Internat<br />

When I was at boarding school, I only went home to my parents for the holidays.<br />

college Hochschule<br />

I went to college to study biology after I finished high school.<br />

university Universität<br />

British teenagers have to do A-levels if they want to study at university.<br />

assembly hall Aula<br />

An assembly hall is a place where pupils and teachers come together for meetings<br />

and events.<br />


culture & lifestyle<br />

classroom Klassenzimmer<br />

It was so hot in the classroom today, I couldn’t concentrate on writing my essay.<br />

gym Turnhalle<br />

We played basketball in the gym.<br />

playground Pausenhof, Spielplatz<br />

All the children enjoy the big slide at the playground.<br />

blackboard Schultafel<br />

The blackboard was so dirty that we could hardly read what the teacher had<br />

written on it.<br />

lesson Unterrichtsstunde<br />

A lesson typically lasts 45 to 60 minutes.<br />

to attend besuchen<br />

If you do not attend school regularly, you will miss important lessons.<br />

class Klasse<br />

There are 30 pupils in my class.<br />

head teacher Schuldirektor/in<br />

The head teacher has decided that the students will have to wear uniforms<br />

next year.<br />

grade Klasse (AE)<br />

After 12th grade, American high school students finish school.<br />

break Pause<br />

There is always a five-minute break between lessons.<br />

excursion Ausflug<br />

Classes sometimes go on excursions to places where they can learn more about a<br />

certain subject.<br />


culture & lifestyle<br />

to hand in abgeben<br />

Please hand in your homework tomorrow.<br />

to hand out austeilen<br />

The teacher handed out the exam papers.<br />

to collect (ein)sammeln<br />

When all the students had finished their exam papers, the teacher collected them.<br />

to complete vervollständigen<br />

The students have to complete all the tasks in the exercise.<br />

complete<br />

to draw zeichnen<br />

Today in art class, we learned how to draw straight lines without a ruler.<br />

grid Tabelle, Raster<br />

Please write your answers in the grid.<br />

to repeat wiederholen<br />

Can you repeat the question? I couldn’t hear it over the noise.<br />

to listen zuhören<br />

Please listen to the words in the song.<br />

to concentrate on sich konzentrieren auf<br />

Please concentrate on your own work.<br />

to forget vergessen<br />

I’m sorry, I forgot my book, can I look at yours?<br />

forgot, forgotten<br />

to interrupt unterbrechen<br />

Please don’t interrupt each other when we have a discussion.<br />

to practise üben<br />

If you are not successful the first time, you need to practise and try again.<br />

practice<br />


culture & lifestyle<br />

to pronounce aussprechen<br />

Words in other languages can be difficult to pronounce.<br />

to understand verstehen<br />

Spoken English can be difficult to understand.<br />

understood, understood<br />

to notice bemerken, sehen<br />

The teacher noticed that two students were passing notes during class.<br />

to bully tyrannisieren, mobben<br />

Some pupils are bullied by their mean classmates.<br />

detention Nachsitzen<br />

Pupils who behave badly during lessons sometimes have to sit in detention<br />

after school.<br />

1 Match each word or phrase with its definition.<br />

1. to practise a) Naturwissenschaft(en)<br />

2. comprehensive school b) weiterführende Schule<br />

3. blackboard c) besuchen<br />

4. lesson d) Fächer, Themen<br />

5. to hand in e) Gesamtschule<br />

6. subjects f) Unterrichtsstunde<br />

7. gym g) Schultafel<br />

8. science h) Sport<br />

9. to attend i) verstehen<br />

10. to understand j) abgeben<br />

11. secondary school k) Turnhalle<br />

12. PE (physical education) l) üben<br />

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.<br />

10. 11. 12.<br />


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