Boat Rentals in Newport Beach

Newport Fun Tours is renowned for providing the best boat rentals in Newport Beach at the most competitive prices. Their Newport Beach boat rentals offer you a comfortable and enjoyable boating experience that no other boating service can offer. So learn more about their boat rentals in Orange County by getting in touch with them at 949-675-8433 or emailing at reservations@newportfuntours.com . https://newportfuntours.com/electric-boats/

Newport Fun Tours is renowned for providing the best boat rentals in Newport Beach at the most competitive prices. Their Newport Beach boat rentals offer you a comfortable and enjoyable boating experience that no other boating service can offer. So learn more about their boat rentals in Orange County by getting in touch with them at 949-675-8433 or emailing at reservations@newportfuntours.com . https://newportfuntours.com/electric-boats/


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Newport Fun Tours is renowned for providing the best boat rentals in

Newport Beach at the most competitive prices. Their Newport Beach

boat rentals offer you a comfortable and enjoyable boating experience

that no other boating service can offer. So learn more about their boat

rentals in Orange County by getting in touch with them at 949-675-

8433 or emailing at reservations@newportfuntours.com

Boat Rentals in Newport Beach

• Newport Fun Tours is

renowned for providing the

best boat rentals in Newport

Beach at the most competitive

prices. Their Newport Beach

boat rentals offer you a

comfortable and enjoyable

boating experience that no

other boating service can offer.

So learn more about their boat

rentals in Orange County by

getting in touch with them at

949-675-8433 or emailing at



Boat Rentals in Newport Beach

• Address : 2901 West Coast Hwy #160

• City : Newport Beach

• State : CA

• Zip : 92663

• Country : USA

• Phone : 949-675-8433

• Website URL: https://newportfuntours.com/

• Email : info@newportfuntours.com

• Instagram :


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