Oakseed Bazaar Catalog

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Association for Christian

Thoughtfulness (ACT)

Mumbai, India

Oakseed’s Ministry Partner since 2004

The Association for Christian Thoughtfulness is a multi-faceted

discipleship and leadership development ministry. ACT achieves this

through 6-month training courses for church pastors covering biblical

worldview and care for the poor and abused in India. ACT also partners

with the U.S. based Christian Counselling and Education Foundation

to provide Certification Courses in Biblical Counseling. Once trained,

ACT partners with these pastors to counsel and serve the needs in the

communities under their care.

Bazaar Gifts

AC1 – Training Materials for Vulnerable Girls........................................$20

AC2 – Trauma Counseling for a Girl Rescued from Trafficking...........$50

AC3 – Tuition for CCEF Certification Course in Biblical

Counseling for One Pastor or Church Leader............................$200

AC4 – Where Most Needed........................................................................$25

Pray for ACT:

Pray for pastors who attend ACT training conferences. Pray that these

men would be strengthened to lead their churches to serve struggling

members of their community.

10 www.oakseed.org

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