Oakseed Bazaar Catalog

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Edith cooks

meals for the


over a wood

fire each day.

The gift of

a working


would be a


blessing to the


Bazaar Gifts

New Life Orphanage

Kampala, Uganda

Oakseed’s Ministry Partner since 2019

New Life Orphanage is a ministry just outside

of Kampala, Uganda which cares for 21 children

ages 2-14. Joseph Nsereko, the founder of the

orphanage, grew up on the streets in Kampala

and was taken into an orphanage at the age of 12,

where he became a Christian and had the call to

begin an orphanage to help other children. New

Life has recently started growing its own crops

and building a shelter for chicken and goats in

order to supplement their daily food needs.

NL1 – Chicken................................................................................... $5

NL2 – Children’s Bibles and Biblical Teaching Materials...........$15

NL3 – Gardening Equipment and Seeds......................................$25

NL4 – Classroom Tables and Chairs...........................................$460

NL5 – Kitchen and Brick Stove................................................$1,200

NL6 – Where Most Needed...........................................................$25

Pray for New Life Orphanage:

Pray that the Lord would give Joseph Nsereko the endurance,

stamina, and pacing needed to insure long-term, fruitful ministry.

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