Oakseed Bazaar Catalog

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Oakseed’s Mission, Vision,

and Strategy

Since 1992, our mission has been for Oakseed Ministries to

assist indigenous ministries who serve abandoned children

and the poor in the developing world’s largest cities, bringing

the good news of Jesus in word and action.

The vision for Oakseed Ministries comes from Isaiah 61:3:

“to give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes,

the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the garment of

praise instead of a faint spirit; that they may be called

oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that he

may be glorified.”

Oakseed aims to plant “oaks of righteousness” among the

poorest of the poor, breaking the chains of poverty with the

power of the gospel.

Our strategy is to empower Ministry Partners through:

n Prayer—Praying and mobilizing prayer partners in

support of Ministry Partners as they share the gospel and

work to bring transformation among the urban poor and

their communities.

n Capacity building—Helping fulfill the vision of the

indigenous ministry through long-term relationships

and creative entrepreneurial support, including the

development of income-generating and self-sustaining


n Training—Bringing​ministry expertise for

on-site training and counseling in response

to local needs.

n Financial Support—Providing financial

support for indigenous ministries without

creating dependency.

50 www.oakseed.org

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