
A Free local magazine for the El Campello area of the Costa Blanca

A Free local magazine for the El Campello area of the Costa Blanca


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Gardens tailor made

to suit your needs

On each day in September . . .

1st 1939 Poland

2nd 1945 Vietnam

3rd 1943 Italy

4th 2006 Steve Irwin

5th 1666 London

6th 1995 Cal Ripken, Jr.

7th 1986 South Africa

8th 1974 Richard Nixon

9th 1543 Mary Stuart

10th 1967 Gibraltar

11th 2001 New York City

12th 1953 John F. Kennedy

13th 1996 Tupac Shakur

14th 1982 Grace Kelly

15th 1950 Korean War

16th 1620 The Mayflower

17th 2011 Occupy Wall Street

18th 1970 Jimi Hendrix

19th 1995 Ted Kaczynski

20th 2011 Don't Ask, Don't Tell

21st 1937 The Hobbit

22nd 1994 Friends

23rd 1973 Argentina


www.mediterragarden.es Tel: 630 477 295


Avenida del Reino 1, 3a - 30130 Beniel (Murcia)

Puzzle Solutions

24th 1957 Barcelona

25th 1981 U.S. Supreme Court

26th 1580 Francis Drake

27th 1996 Taliban

28th 1928 Penicillin

29th 1938 Munich

30th 1955 James Dean

HAIRDRESSER PUZZLE (left to right)

Rachel, blonde, programmer

Teresa, brunette, saleslady

Mavis, redhead, secretary

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