Carolina Footsteps February 2020 Web Final
February 2020 Edition of the Carolina Footsteps
February 2020 Edition of the Carolina Footsteps
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<strong>Carolina</strong> <strong>Footsteps</strong><br />
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Take One!<br />
North <strong>Carolina</strong><br />
Bow Hunters<br />
Association<br />
Page 16<br />
Eastern North <strong>Carolina</strong> Stories of Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow. <strong>February</strong> <strong>2020</strong>
2<br />
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Cover: October 2019 boat races<br />
in downtown Plymouth, NC<br />
We now have videos and slide shows in the online Magazine.<br />
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and check out the enhanced version<br />
of the <strong>Carolina</strong> <strong>Footsteps</strong>.<br />
Our Sister Magazine<br />
Albemarle Tradewinds Magazine<br />
covers the Northeastern part of North<br />
<strong>Carolina</strong> and Chesapeake Virginia.<br />
View the Online Version at<br /><br />
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<strong>February</strong> <strong>2020</strong>
<strong>February</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />
CONTENTS 3<br />
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Tradewinds<br />
Virginia<br />
Beach<br />
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<strong>Carolina</strong><br />
<strong>Footsteps</strong><br />
5<br />
6 7<br />
8<br />
11<br />
Chowanoke History<br />
Financial Focus<br />
Chuck O’ Keefe<br />
Orthodox<br />
Technology<br />
Milkweed<br />
12<br />
13<br />
14<br />
16<br />
18<br />
Poetry by<br />
Ron Ben Dov<br />
Economics<br />
Dr. Crime<br />
Bowhunting<br />
What’s in<br />
Your Diet?
4 PUZZLES<br />
The hero with a thousand faces by Joseph Campbell<br />
The Hero with a Thousand Faces (first published in 1949) is a<br />
work of comparative mythology by Joseph Campbell, in which<br />
the author discusses his theory of the mythological structure of<br />
the journey of the archetypal hero found in world myths.<br />
Since the publication of The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Campbell’s<br />
theory has been consciously applied by a wide variety of<br />
modern writers and artists. Filmmaker George Lucas acknowledged<br />
Campbell’s theory in mythology, and its influence on the<br />
Star Wars films.<br />
The Joseph Campbell Foundation and New World Library issued<br />
a new edition of The Hero with a Thousand Faces in July 2008 as<br />
part of the Collected Works of Joseph Campbell series of books,<br />
audio and video recordings. In 2011, Time placed the book in its<br />
list of the 100 best and most influential books written in English<br />
since the magazine was founded in 1923.<br />
Word Search<br />
mythological boons<br />
narratives stages<br />
fundamental threshold<br />
similarities allies<br />
monomyth resurrection<br />
adventure ordinary<br />
supernatural world<br />
encountered folklore<br />
mysterious quest<br />
bestow<br />
initiation<br />
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Want to know more? Call for more info:<br />
In laying out the monomyth, Campbell describes a number of stages or<br />
steps along this journey. “The hero’s adventure” begins in the ordinary<br />
world. He must depart from the ordinary world, when he receives a call<br />
to adventure. With the help of a mentor, the hero will cross a guarded<br />
threshold, leading him to a supernatural world, where familiar laws and<br />
order do not apply. There, the hero will embark on a road of trials, where<br />
he is tested along the way. The archetypal hero is sometimes assisted by<br />
allies. As the hero faces the ordeal, he encounters the greatest challenge<br />
of the journey. Upon rising to the challenge, the hero will receive a reward,<br />
or boon. Campbell’s theory of the monomyth continues with the inclusion<br />
of a metaphorical death and resurrection. The hero must then decide to<br />
return with this boon to the ordinary world. The hero then faces more trials<br />
on the road back. Upon the hero’s return, the boon or gift may be used to<br />
improve the hero’s ordinary world, in what Campbell calls, the application<br />
of the boon.<br />
CALL 252-221-9996<br />
<strong>February</strong> <strong>2020</strong>
Chowanoke Native American History<br />
Many people are unaware that certain U.S. Navy<br />
ships are named after American Indian Tribes.<br />
Ship naming conventions were established in the 1800’s<br />
by Congress in Title 13, Chapter 6 of the United States<br />
Code and allow the Secretary of the Navy to name the<br />
Navy’s vessels following certain rules. Specifically, ocean<br />
fleet tugs and harbor tugs are named after American Indian<br />
tribes and the highest honor a Secretary of the Navy<br />
can bestow is in the naming of a ship.<br />
With that being said, few know that a US Navy ATF ship<br />
was named after the Chowanoc (Chowanoke) Tribe. Of<br />
the many possible Tribal names considered, the USS<br />
Chowanoc (ATF-100) was part of the Abnaki Class of<br />
Ocean Fleet Tugs that consisted of twenty-two ships.<br />
Fleet Ocean Tugs are used to tow ships, perform rescue<br />
missions, clean up ocean oil spills and conduct various<br />
other naval exercises or missions.<br />
The USS Chowanoc was commissioned in 1944 and was<br />
used extensively during World War II, the Korean War,<br />
and the Vietnam War. It earned the Navy Unit Commendation<br />
for service in Salvage, Fire Fighting, and Rescue<br />
Unit in Philippine Islands, four battle stars for its services<br />
during World War II, one battle star during the Korean<br />
War, and seven campaign stars during Vietnam War.<br />
The USS Chowanoc was decommissioned in 1977 and<br />
sold to Ecuador. The other Ocean Fleet Tugs in the Abnaki<br />
Class were likewise decommissioned and most were<br />
sold to various countries in South America, with a couple<br />
remaining stateside or lost. The Abnaki Class of Ocean<br />
Fleet Tugs have since been succeeded by the Powhatan<br />
Class of Ocean Fleets Tugs, which consisted only of<br />
seven ships. Only four are currently active.<br />
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Duvonya, a Chowanoke descendant,<br />
is President of Roanoke-Chowan<br />
Native American Association, a<br />
non-profit organization whose<br />
mission is to help American Indians<br />
in Northeastern NC and<br />
Southeastern VA. In partnership<br />
with another Chowanoke descendant,<br />
she is currently developing the<br />
historic Chowanoke Reservation in<br />
Gates County for Tribal descendants<br />
to hold cultural events<br />
By Duvonya Chavis<br />
A hero is someone who has given<br />
his or her life to something bigger<br />
than oneself.<br />
- Joseph Campbell<br />
Thorn Tree Shoots<br />
Bamboo Shoots<br />
Available in Season<br />
Email<br />
<strong>February</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />
Hardison’s<br />
<strong>Carolina</strong><br />
Barbecue<br />
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6<br />
T<br />
Beef Stew and Dumplings<br />
he boys loved the beef stew Grandma Swain<br />
made. She made her own biscuit dough until<br />
canned dough became readily available. It was one of<br />
the few shortcuts she took.<br />
Grandma Swains<br />
Recipes<br />
Ingredients:<br />
Can of ready made biscuit dough<br />
1 onion chopped<br />
1 clove garlic - crushed<br />
Beef Stew Meat cut in cubes (leftover<br />
roast works good)<br />
2 cups water or beef stock<br />
1-2 tbs of plain flour (depending on<br />
how thick you like your gravy)<br />
Vegetables (Carrots, Celery, Okra,<br />
Turnip or potatos cubed, be creative,<br />
whatever your family likes)<br />
2 Tablespoons butter<br />
Directions:<br />
Fry onion and garlic in the butter then add the<br />
cubed beef. Next add the vegetables and water<br />
or stock.<br />
Mix the flour into a paste with a little cold water,<br />
and add to the pan and simmer for 10 minutes.<br />
Season with salt and pepper and leave to cool.<br />
Fill with the beef and vegetables in a glass<br />
baking dish and then drape the biscuit dough<br />
over it.<br />
Cook at 350 for 35-45 minutes until the tops of<br />
the biscuits are golden.<br />
Can You Improve Your Relationship with Money?<br />
In your life, you will have all sorts of relationships – with your family,<br />
your friends, your co-workers, and even with civic groups and<br />
charitable organizations you support. But have you ever considered<br />
another key relationship – the one you have with money?<br />
Of course, this type of relationship has several aspects, such as saving,<br />
spending and investing. And your fellow Americans clearly face<br />
some challenges in these areas. For example, in a recent survey by<br />
financial services firm Edward Jones, only 21% of respondents reported<br />
that they feel happy when thinking about saving money, while<br />
92% said they see room for improvement in their financial health. Yet<br />
only one in four plan to improve their spending habits. Furthermore,<br />
just 26% said retirement was a top savings priority.<br />
If you share some of these concerns, what should you do? Here are a<br />
few suggestions:<br />
• Identify your money-related emotions. Try to recognize the emotions<br />
you feel in connection with saving and investing. Do you get nervous<br />
about spending? Does putting away money for the future give you<br />
satisfaction or not? Do you worry that you don’t know how much you<br />
should be investing, or whether you’re investing in the right way?<br />
Clearly, these types of questions can cause some anxiety – and, even<br />
more importantly, they may lead you to make poor decisions. Emotions<br />
are obviously closely tied to money – but they really should not<br />
play a big role in your spending, saving and investing choices.<br />
• Develop a financial strategy. By developing a sound financial strategy,<br />
you can reduce money-related stress and help yourself feel empowered<br />
as you look to the future. A comprehensive strategy can help<br />
you identify your goals – a down payment on a new home, college<br />
for your children, a comfortable retirement, and so on – and identify a<br />
Submitted by Chuck O’Keefe<br />
Chuck.O’<br />
path toward reaching them. Your financial strategy should incorporate<br />
a variety of factors, including your age, risk tolerance, income level,<br />
family situation and more. Here’s the key point: By creating a longterm<br />
strategy and sticking to it, you’ll be far less likely to overreact<br />
to events such as market downturns and less inclined to give in to<br />
impulses such as “spur of the moment” costly purchases. And without<br />
such a strategy, you will almost certainly have less chance of achieving<br />
your important goals.<br />
• Get an “accountability partner.” Your relationship with money doesn’t<br />
have to be monogamous – you can get help from an “accountability<br />
partner.” Too many people keep their financial concerns and plans to<br />
themselves, not even sharing them with their partners or other family<br />
members. But by being open about your finances to your loved ones,<br />
you can not only avoid misplaced expectations but also enlist the help<br />
of someone who may be able to help keep you on track toward your<br />
short- and long-term goals. But you may also benefit from the help of<br />
a financial professional – someone with the perspective, experience<br />
and skills necessary to help you make the right moves.<br />
Like all successful relationships, the one you have with money requires<br />
work. But you’ll find it’s worth the effort.<br />
This article was written by Edward Jones for use by your local Edward<br />
Jones Financial Advisor.<br />
Comments or suggestions?<br />
Email<br />
Chuck O’Keefe is a<br />
Financial Advisor with<br />
Edward Jones.<br />
Edward Jones<br />
(252) 335-0352<br /><br />
Find me on Facebook at:<br />
Edward Jones - Financial<br />
Advisor: Chuck O’Keefe<br />
<strong>February</strong> <strong>2020</strong>
Orthodox Christianity<br />
Orthodoxy and Politics<br />
by Fr Jonathan Tobias, MDiv, MSEd<br />
It’s hard to put the Orthodox Church on a political spectrum.<br />
If asked whether Orthodoxy is Republican or Democrat,<br />
Conservative or Liberal, an Orthodox Christian would (or<br />
should) say “None of these.”<br />
To be sure, the Orthodox Church has always taught what is<br />
commonly called “traditional morality.” This includes a high<br />
view of family life; sex within a heterosexual marriage; rejection<br />
of abortion and euthanasia.<br />
It is lamentable that these traditional affirmations are often<br />
taken as a “rightwing” affiliation, and that Orthodoxy — just<br />
because it is traditional — is lumped in with partisan politics.<br />
This is not the case, mainly because there is a lot of Orthodox<br />
traditional morality that cannot fit nicely into a partisan agenda.<br />
From the time of the Lord’s ministry upon the earth, the<br />
Church has always held to the standard “Put not your trust in<br />
mortal princes” (Psalm 146.3). It has always criticized politics<br />
for its tendency toward empty words, economic injustice, and<br />
oppression of the weak and the poor.<br />
joined with Martin Luther King in the Selma March in 1965 —<br />
one of the few white leaders who participated.<br />
Gregory, along with many other Fathers of the Church, also<br />
condemned “usury,” which is the charging of interest. And<br />
thus, the Church has never signed on to an economics based<br />
on centralized industrial profit-making. St John Chrysostom,<br />
later in the fourth century, was never shy about denouncing<br />
the Emperor and Empress for their failure to take care of the<br />
poor — sometimes to their face while sitting in the balcony of<br />
the Cathedral of the Holy Wisdom in Constantinople. He was<br />
frog-marched across modern-day Turkey for his behavior, and<br />
died of exhaustion along the way.<br />
Such facts, indeed, do not fit within the simplistic labels of<br />
modern politics. That is a good thing, actually. The Orthodox<br />
Church is “traditional,” certainly: but it is neither Republican<br />
nor Democrat, Conservative or Liberal, rightwing or leftwing<br />
just because Orthodoxy witnesses to the whole Christian Tradition,<br />
not just part of it.<br />
<strong>February</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />
ORTHODOX 7<br /><br />
inquiries c/o St. George’s Church, P.O. Box 38,<br />
Edenton, NC. (252) 482-2006.<br />
The Orthodox Church has always waved the banner of protecting<br />
humanity and the earth. St Gregory of Nyssa, writing<br />
in the fourth century, condemned slavery outright: “… if God<br />
does not enslave what is free, who is he that sets his own<br />
power above God’s?” It is because of this old Christian tradition<br />
of human dignity that the Orthodox Archbishop Iakovos<br />
Comments or suggestions?<br />
Email<br />
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What each must seek in<br />
his life never was on land<br />
or sea. It is something out<br />
of his own unique potentiality<br />
for experience,<br />
something that never has<br />
been and never could<br />
have been experienced by<br />
anyone else.<br />
-Joseph Campbell<br />
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9 subscription services that make the perfect gift<br />
(BPT) - Subscription boxes are gifts that keep on giving.<br />
Not only will your loved one be ecstatic to receive the first<br />
box, but they’ll also be reminded of your thoughtfulness<br />
every time a new one shows up on their doorstep.<br />
Throughout the past few years, subscription boxes have<br />
gained popularity, and now there’s an option for just about<br />
everything. From books to beauty, cookies to clothes,<br />
there’s a subscription box for everyone on your list.<br />
For the book worm<br />
With so many books to choose from, it can be nice to let<br />
someone else pick the reading list. MyBookBox has options<br />
for all ages and many genres, so you can give the<br />
avid reader in your life their very own book-of-the-month<br />
club.<br />
For the one who loves baking treats<br />
Make it easier than ever to bake the perfect cookie. Tasty’s<br />
first-ever food-based subscription box, LG | Tasty Cookie<br />
Club, features helpful tools and delicious recipes designed<br />
to be baked best in an LG ProBake Oven - which can be<br />
controlled remotely through WiFi and offers convection<br />
technology that distributes optimum heat for faster baking<br />
times.<br />
For the caffeinated<br />
Most people know someone who can’t live without their<br />
morning coffee. Make sure that person is never far from<br />
their next cup with a gift subscription from Driftaway Coffee.<br />
They’ll receive freshly roasted whole-bean coffee<br />
from around the world. The first box comes with a tasting<br />
kit, and once subscribers note their preferences, they’ll<br />
receive future deliveries catered to their specific taste.<br />
For the pampered person<br />
Experimenting with new hair and skin products can be expensive.<br />
But with Birchbox, you can enter specific details<br />
about your loved one and they’ll receive five mini high-end<br />
products each month, specifically tailored to their unique<br />
needs.<br />
For the trendsetter<br />
Give the gift of a personal stylist to help your loved one<br />
stay on trend without the hassle of shopping. Stitch Fix<br />
assigns your own personal stylist to send a customized<br />
selection of clothes through the mail whenever you need<br />
it. Pay for what you keep and send the rest back for free.<br />
For the clean-shaven<br />
Sometimes the best gift is the most practical. Here’s a<br />
subscription box you know they’ll use. Billie has a directto-consumer<br />
model that cuts down the cost of shaving<br />
supplies like razor handles, cartridges and holders.<br />
For the plant person<br />
A box of pretty blooms from Bouqs makes the perfect<br />
gift. Choose your cadence - weekly, bi-weekly, monthly<br />
or bi-monthly - and select your flower style. You can even<br />
create custom blends of fresh seasonal flowers.<br />
For the wine-lover<br />
Connect a wine-lover to unique and exclusive wines - delivered<br />
right to their door. Winc offers personalized bottles<br />
for every subscriber, helping them discover a new wine to<br />
love in each shipment.<br />
For your furry friend<br />
Your pup - or your favorite animal lover - will love receiving<br />
curated toys and treats each month. BarkBox has monthly<br />
themed boxes full of innovative pet supplies, chew toys<br />
and doggy snacks.<br />
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I think the person who<br />
takes a job in order<br />
to live - that is to say,<br />
for the money - has<br />
turned himself into a<br />
slave.<br />
- Joseph Campbell<br />
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Maybe the ad you ran just did not get<br />
attention. We also have a split testing<br />
system that can let you know which<br />
ads your customers respond to.<br />
Whether it is Radio, TV, printed ads<br />
texting, or internet advertising,<br />
we can track the response and<br />
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Did you<br />
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Maybe it’s time to<br />
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Ad Trac<br />
Want to know more? Call ....<br />
252-312-2302<br />
<strong>February</strong> <strong>2020</strong>
ACROSS<br />
1. Sell illegally<br />
6. Crime scene evidence<br />
9. “From California to the New York<br />
Island,” e.g.<br />
13. Berth deck in relation to poop deck<br />
14. Poetic over<br />
15. Chocolate cake ingredient<br />
16. Like Solitaire player<br />
17. Go a-courting<br />
18. Packing<br />
19. *”Go Tell It on the Mountain” author<br />
21. *South Africa’s first black president<br />
23. Bag, à Paris<br />
24. Schooner pole<br />
25. #1 on Billboards Chart, e.g.<br />
28. One way to memorize<br />
30. *Civil rights activist and Ferguson<br />
opponent<br />
35. Single pip cards<br />
37. Give a shot of novocaine<br />
39. Call forth<br />
40. Long John Silver’s walk<br />
41. Sauna product<br />
43. Dashing style<br />
44. Pariah, for medical reasons<br />
46. Back arrow key<br />
47. As opposed to gross<br />
48. Kane and Goldberg, TV characters<br />
50. Georgia ____ university<br />
52. Poseidon’s domain<br />
53. MXN, as in currency<br />
55. Snowman Olaf’s favorite thing<br />
57. *2019 eponymous movie character<br />
61. Errand runner, at court<br />
65. Matter of debate<br />
66. Harry Potter’s Hedwig<br />
68. Ineffectual vomiting<br />
69. Giblets part<br />
70. *Famous movie director, Spike<br />
71. Ruhr’s industrial center<br />
72. Played at military funerals<br />
73. Flow alternative<br />
74. Nostradamus and such<br />
DOWN<br />
1. Hunk of something<br />
2. Flavored with kola nuts<br />
3. Absent without leave<br />
4. Gives a helping hand<br />
5. Antebellum<br />
6. Pillow filler<br />
7. ____colonial or ____classical<br />
8. Oven emanation?<br />
9. Lady’s man<br />
10. Ne plus ultra<br />
11. Famous Coward<br />
12. Man Ray’s genre<br />
15. Back of a saddle<br />
20. Popular Byzantine artwork<br />
22. Nile viper<br />
24. Reminder of times past<br />
25. *First African American to win<br />
Best Actress Oscar<br />
26. More slippery<br />
27. Allegro and lento, in music<br />
29. *Nobel Peace Prize laureate,<br />
1984<br />
31. Like fair share<br />
32. Arch and ball location, pl.<br />
33. *On Debi Thomas’ foot when<br />
she won Olympic medal<br />
34. Busybody, in Yiddish<br />
36. Work detail<br />
38. Bid, past tense<br />
42. Coffee shop order<br />
45. D’Artagnan’s weapon of<br />
choice<br />
49. Get the picture<br />
51. *Harlem Renaissance poet<br />
54. Fur shawl<br />
56. Canada flyers<br />
57. Handle of #45 Down<br />
58. Most populous continent<br />
59. Invitation request<br />
60. Regrets<br />
61. Commoner<br />
62. Diamond’s corner<br />
63. Walkie-talkie word<br />
64. Japanese money, pl.<br />
67. *Du Bois<br />
Solution on Page 13<br />
<strong>February</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />
PUZZLES 9<br />
Sudoku<br />
Solution on Page 14<br />
Comments or suggestions?<br />
Available locally at:<br />
OBX Marina<br />
708 Harbor Rd<br />
Wanchese NC<br />
252-473-5344<br />
Bridge Turn Exxon<br />
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Edenton, NC 27932<br />
252-482-8441<br />
Southgate Shell<br />
1416 W.Ehringhaus St<br />
Elizabeth City, NC 27909<br />
252-331-7075<br />
J&D Holton Automotive LLC<br />
223 Perkins Rd<br />
Camden, North <strong>Carolina</strong> 27921<br />
(252) 312-7286<br />
Ballance Diesel Inc<br />
133 Oak St, Moyock, NC 27958<br />
252-435-2374<br />
252-429-8884<br />
If you would like to carry Gas or<br />
Desl Shok in your business,<br />
call this number 252-429-8884.<br />
All local carriers of USA Fuel<br />
Service products will get a mention<br />
in the Tradewinds magazine.<br />
Call us and find out how USA Fuel<br />
LLC will help advertise your business<br />
for carrying our products.<br />
252-429-8884<br />
<strong>February</strong> <strong>2020</strong>
How do You Milk a Weed?<br />
6 Myths About Pet Allergies Feb. <strong>2020</strong> NATURE 11<br />
by: Coy Domecq<br />
(NewsUSA) - By gaining a better understanding of the allergies<br />
caused by pets, you may be able to find a healthier<br />
coexistence with your furry friend.<br />
According to The Humane Society, 62 percent of American<br />
households have at least one pet. Yet, an estimated 31<br />
million Americans are allergic to animals, including up to 30<br />
percent of those who have asthma. Here’s what you should<br />
know about pet allergies:<br />
Myth 1: It’s only pet hair that causes allergies to flare up.<br />
Not true. Pet hair is a nuisance and causes allergies, as it<br />
contains saliva or other pet proteins. Allergic reactions to pets<br />
are actually caused by pet proteins contained in pet dander,<br />
such as microscopic skin flakes, saliva and urine. Overactive<br />
immune systems in those with allergies attack these otherwise<br />
harmless substances.<br />
Myth 2: Continuous exposure to animals will eventually<br />
desensitize you to them.Not only is this not true, but in some<br />
cases the opposite is true. If you have a confirmed allergy to<br />
animals, it usually will not get better through increasing exposure.<br />
In fact, it may get worse.<br />
Myth 3: With the right pet breed, allergy problems go away.<br />
Not true. All cat or dog breeds produce dander. However,<br />
some breeds are believed to be better for allergy sufferers<br />
than other breeds. Typically the best breeds are those that<br />
shed the least fur and/or are the most frequently bathed. Also,<br />
smaller dogs produce less saliva than do bigger dogs.<br />
Myth 4: Small animals are not a problem for allergies.<br />
Wrong. Hamsters, guinea pigs, birds and other warm-blooded<br />
mammals can also trigger asthma and allergies in people with<br />
allergies to animal dander, according to the U.S. Environmental<br />
Protection Agency.<br />
Myth 5: Outside the home, you shouldn’t have pet allergies.<br />
Not necessarily. Because of their microscopic size and jagged<br />
shape, pet allergens easily stick to clothing and other fabrics<br />
and are carried to other locations. Animal dander -- in<br />
sufficient levels to cause allergies -- can be found in many<br />
public places such as the workplace, classrooms and hospitals,<br />
according to the American Lung Association.<br />
Myth 6: An air purifier will help with pet allergies.<br />
It depends on the air purifier. Only a high-performance air<br />
purifier can help. Some allergy sufferers report that small,<br />
low-quality air cleaners make little or no difference at all.<br />
However, many allergy sufferers report that their IQAir air<br />
purifier, in combination with improved cleaning methods, has<br />
reduced or completely eliminated their allergic reactions to<br />
pets in their homes.<br />
For more information, visit the IQAir website at www.iqair.<br />
com.<br />
Like many misunderstood native plants, some are maligned<br />
for seemingly having no redemptive value to humans.<br />
This is often the case for milkweed. Many people are aware<br />
that the larvae of Monarch butterflies feed specifically on the<br />
milkweed plant as their sole source of nutrition. Some naturelovers<br />
plant milkweed plots to bolster butterfly food resources.<br />
Unfortunately, and in some cases, for good reason, the presence<br />
of milkweed plant is unwelcome because it impinges<br />
upon farming practices. After all, isn’t that what “weeds” do?<br />
It may come as a surprise that parts and stages of milkweed<br />
are edible by humans. As always, positive identification is<br />
required so as not to be confused with the similar-looking toxic<br />
dogbane and proper preparation is required to minimize any<br />
adverse effects. The tender young shoots and pods can be<br />
prepared as boiled or sautéed once properly leeched. The<br />
silk extracted from the pods has a cheese-like texture useful<br />
as a binder in casseroles. Native Americans used milkweed<br />
as a dietary supplement, much as we use green peppers,<br />
and even extracted a mild sweetener from the plant. Probably<br />
more importantly, they derived medicinal uses for ailments<br />
ranging from warts to fever, stomach and lung conditions. The<br />
milkweed genus name Asclepias is a nod to the Greek god of<br />
medicine, Asclepius.<br />
In order to gain absolute certainty of the variety of your<br />
milkweed plant, the best way is to plant seeds from a known<br />
source and type. I am actively seeking any seeds that may be<br />
available for chocolate milkweed.<br />
Individual therapy<br />
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DOT SAP services<br />
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We accept private insurance<br />
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110 S. Respass Street<br />
Washington, NC 27889<br />
Phone: 252-623-2736<br />
Fax: 252-623-2843<br />
Lynn Piersall<br />
Dr. Martha Early<br />
B E H A V I O R A L H E A L T H<br />
New practice group serving the area<br />
For more Dr. Dave recipes, a book is<br />
available by contacting Dr Dave at<br />
252-312-0295<br />
All proceeds go to the Oak Grove<br />
United Methodist Church<br />
Potato Pancakes<br />
Combine 2 eggs<br />
1 slice of onion<br />
1 teaspoon of salt<br />
chopped parsley<br />
1 cup of diced potatoes in a blender<br />
if available<br />
Turn blender on high, remove<br />
cover and add 1/4 cup of flour and<br />
a second cup of diced potatoes<br />
(do not over blend)<br />
Pour batter on to hot greased<br />
griddle and cook until browned on<br />
both sides. Serve with sour cream.<br />
Dr. Dave is an Ivy League<br />
Trained Executive Chef and Early<br />
American Historian
12<br />
Albemarle Eye Center<br />
<strong>February</strong> is Macular Degeneration Awareness<br />
Month. Macular Degeneration is the leading<br />
cause of vision loss, affecting more than 10 million<br />
Americans – more than cataracts and glaucoma<br />
combined.<br />
At present, Macular Degeneration is considered an<br />
incurable eye disease.<br />
Macular Degeneration is caused by the deterioration<br />
of the central portion of the retina, the inside back<br />
layer of the eye that records the images we see and<br />
sends them via the optic nerve from the eye to the<br />
brain. The retina’s central portion, known as the macula,<br />
is responsible for focusing central vision in the eye,<br />
and it controls our ability to read, drive a car, recognize<br />
faces or colors, and see objects in fine detail.<br />
Macular Degeneration<br />
As part of our month-long focus on healthy aging,<br />
we’re sharing some information about how a healthy<br />
diet promotes more than just healthy living. While it<br />
should come as no surprise that the foods you eat<br />
have a direct impact on the health of your eyes, do<br />
you know what foods you should be eating for good<br />
eye health? Here’s a hint, it’s not just carrots! We’ve<br />
created a list of several foods that have the best benefit<br />
for your eyes so you can plan better meals for you<br />
and your family.<br />
Leafy Greens: Collards are a southern tradition, but<br />
they’re also a source of Lutein and Zeaxathin, two key<br />
antioxidants that may help prevent the age-related<br />
eye diseases, macular degeneration and cataracts.<br />
Other leafy greens are rich sources of theses antioxidants<br />
as well. So the next time you’re at the farmer’s<br />
market, be sure to stock up on plenty of kale, spinach,<br />
romaine lettuce, turnip greens, and more.<br />
Oranges, Grapefruit Juice, Broccoli, Etc.: We all know<br />
that vitamin C helps boost our immune system, but it<br />
can also help protect against cataracts and macular<br />
degeneration. Oranges and orange juice are loaded<br />
with vitamin C, and Grapefruit Juice, while not as<br />
potent as oranges, still pack a strong punch. In fact,<br />
there are tons of fruits and veggies full of this powerful<br />
vitamin. The more you add into your diet, the better<br />
chance you have in avoiding those age-related eye<br />
diseases.<br />
Fish: Fish are chalk-full of essential fatty acids (or<br />
amino acids) that are the building blocks of good muscle<br />
growth. But those fatty acids also play a key role<br />
in the continued development of your eyes. They help<br />
with things like retinal function and can even protect<br />
against dry eye. Not every fish has the same benefit,<br />
so make sure you’re loading up on salmon, tuna, and<br />
mackerel at the market.<br />
Almonds and Other Nuts: Nuts are loaded with vitamin<br />
E, which protects your eye from the slow deterioration<br />
of your sight from diseases like cataracts and<br />
macular degeneration. In fact, almonds are so packed<br />
with vitamin E, that one ounce can account for almost<br />
1/3 of your daily recommended intake. In addition to<br />
their high vitamin E content, almonds and nuts make a<br />
great nutritious snack during the day. They can stave<br />
off those hunger cravings without leaving you feel<br />
groggy around 3 o’clock.<br />
Any physician or dietitian will tell you to make these<br />
foods part of your regular diet, as they are essential<br />
to maintaining a good overall health. But most folks<br />
aren’t aware of the benefits they offer to your eyes as<br />
well. Many of the same nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants<br />
that improve our overall health have a similar<br />
benefit for our eyes. Knowing which foods will give<br />
you the biggest benefits is essential to making sure<br />
you can avoid many age-related eye disease, such<br />
as cataracts and macular degeneration. So the next<br />
time you visit your local farmers market or head to the<br />
grocery store, make sure to load up on the foods in<br />
this list to keep seeing everything life has to offer for<br />
years to come.<br />
To learn more about what foods can help you, and to<br />
test yourself for cataracts, macular degeneration and<br />
other age-related eye diseases, contact us, AECPEC,<br />
today at 1-800-755-7535 and let us show you what we<br />
have been missing!<br />
In Him I Am<br />
by Ron Ben-Dov<br />
Copyright all rights reserved<br />
How do you answer,<br />
When you are asked<br />
How are you doing?<br />
Do you complain,<br />
All mealy mouthed?<br />
Spouting all the minutiae,<br />
The minor problems;<br />
The ones you think you have;<br />
Or do you break out in praise;<br />
Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah,<br />
Praising the, Lord God, Almighty<br />
For I am blessed and highly favored;<br />
Saved by the blood of Jesus,<br />
The mighty blood of Jesus,<br />
And in Him, I am.<br />
The author was born in Telaviv, Israel - In 2008 a life<br />
changing event occurred and the flow of faith based poetry<br />
has run ever since.<br />
Author of the following books:<br /><br />
Copyright all rights reserved<br />
FREE<br />
FREE eyeglasses<br />
with a complete eye exam!<br />
($100 value)<br />
No other discounts, insurance and /or hardware benefit<br />
plans or specials may be combined with this program.<br />
This program is for self-pay patients only.<br />
Edenton, Elizabeth City, Kitty Hawk, Nags Head & Washington<br /> 1-800-755-7535<br />
Comments or suggestions?<br />
Email<br />
Faith Based Poetry<br />
Inspiration by God, Perspiration by Ron<br />
Inspiration by God, More Perspiration by Ron<br />
Inspiration by God, Even More Perspiration by Ron<br />
Inspiration by God, Perspiration by Ron, Volume IV<br />
Inspiration by God, Perspiration by Ron, Volume V<br />
Inspiration by God, Perspiration by Ron, Volume VI<br />
Inspiration by God, Perspiration by Ron, Volume VII<br />
School of Life<br />
– Secular Poetry<br />
American Legion Post 126 – Photo collection of<br />
members and activities of Hertford’s Post 126<br />
<strong>February</strong> <strong>2020</strong>
“Let Them Eat Whole Foods”: The Appalling Elitism of Dollar Store Bans<br />
by: Dr. Laura Williams<br />
What’s really driving dollar-store bans? Could it be a simple lack of empathy?<br />
Should city governments dictate where you can shop for<br />
food? If your neighbors see a need for a store, and happily<br />
patronize it, should outsiders shut down that option?<br />
These are the battle lines of the emerging movement<br />
against dollar stores. Tulsa, Oklahoma, Mesquite, Texas,<br />
Dekalb County, Georgia, New Orleans, Louisiana, and<br />
other municipalities nationwide are trying to limit the number<br />
of dollar stores that can serve their population.<br />
The people who actually shop at dollar stores love them.<br />
The most frequent customers are seniors on fixed incomes,<br />
cash-strapped students, and busy parents. If<br />
you don’t have a car or access to public transit, there’s<br />
probably one within five miles of your house. If you drive,<br />
there’s a dollar store on your way to just about anywhere.<br />
In a compact space, dollar stores stock household staples<br />
like toothpaste, toilet paper, soap, and pet supplies at rockbottom<br />
prices. Only Dollar Tree still prices all its goods<br />
at $1, but Family Dollar and Dollar General might have<br />
10,000 products for that price, and reasonable deals on<br />
$2-$10 goods. It’s a place where almost anyone on any<br />
budget can splurge a little on treating themselves.<br />
Sixty-two percent of adults surveyed by brand intelligence<br />
firm Morning Consult say Dollar Tree “has a positive effect<br />
on my community” (compared to 51 percent for Starbucks<br />
and 59 percent for Target).<br />
People who can afford more choices—driving out to a<br />
big-box store, buying in bulk, ordering online, patronizing<br />
a farmer’s market—simply can’t see the perspective of<br />
someone for whom the dollar store is the most practical<br />
option.<br />
Relatively wealthy dollar store detractors exhibit the obliviousness<br />
of an out-of-touch aristocracy. According to legend,<br />
Marie Antoinette, queen of France, when told that her<br />
subjects were going hungry for want of bread, responded<br />
blithely, “Let them eat cake.”<br />
Now, politicians and middle-class activists seek to ban<br />
sources of $1 bread with an unspoken, “Let them eat<br />
Whole Foods.”<br />
“Terrible food...and such small portions!”<br />
Opponents of dollar stores often contradict each other or<br />
even themselves.<br />
Haters complain retail jobs offered by dollar stores are<br />
“low quality and low-wage” but also that dollar stores don’t<br />
create enough of these low-quality, undesirable jobs. One<br />
is reminded of the Woody Allen line complaining about a<br />
restaurant’s “terrible food...and such small portions!”<br />
A Tulsa councilwoman begrudgingly confirmed that dollar<br />
retailers offer essentials like toothpaste and school supplies,<br />
bread and eggs, in areas where supermarkets “have<br />
consistently failed.” Why this is condemnable, rather than<br />
laudable, she does not explain.<br />
With backward economic thinking, CNN claimed dollar<br />
stores “limit poor communities’ access to healthy food,”<br />
blaming low-cost retailers for the gaps they try to fill.<br />
Bans on walkable, ultra-affordable stores do nothing to<br />
increase the availability of fresh food; they merely stamp<br />
out the only existing option.<br />
A Failure to Relate<br />
So if not those surface-level concerns, what’s really driving<br />
dollar-store bans? Could it be a simple lack of empathy?<br />
In the neighborhoods and rural areas where dollar retailers<br />
are most popular, they offer affordable groceries to those<br />
with tight budgets, packed schedules, and limited mobility.<br />
These laws are proposed by people who don’t shop in dollar<br />
stores and can’t understand why anyone would want to.<br />
A planner and architect from Baltimore said dollar stores<br />
were popping up in poorer neighborhoods, “like a parasite.”<br />
Bill Torpy, columnist for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution<br />
said County Commissioners were right to be “disgusted”<br />
as dollar stores moved in (the headline has since been<br />
changed to “rightly sees little value in”).<br />
Residents of Chester, Vermont, rejected a proposed dollar<br />
store because residents feared “the beginning of the end<br />
for Chester’s Vermontiness.” Dollar store skeptics nationwide<br />
say they value “community character” and reject the<br />
“unsightliness” of dollar store signage.<br />
For people with cars, free time, and disposable income,<br />
“just drive two miles to the grocery store” may seem like<br />
benign advice. But for people just getting by, it’s dismissive<br />
of their real challenges.<br />
<strong>February</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />
Reprinted with permission from<br />
ECONOMICS 13<br />
that you’ll use government power to block (other) people’s<br />
access to affordable bread, pencils, and toilet paper. And it<br />
adds condescending insult to injury to claim to be doing so<br />
“for their own good.”<br />
Dr. Laura Williams teaches communication strategy<br />
to undergraduates and executives. She is a passionate<br />
advocate for critical thinking, individual liberties,<br />
and the Oxford Comma.<br />
Critics objected when suburban growth sent stores running<br />
for whiter, more affluent suburbs. But dollar stores’ explicit<br />
attempts to reverse this trend—to set up affordable retail<br />
options in poorer, underserved neighborhoods—are somehow<br />
also the target of scorn.<br />
You’ll also hear critics claim dollar stores engage in “predatory”<br />
behavior by offering prices that are simultaneously<br />
too low (undercutting potential competitors) and also too<br />
high (as compared to a per-unit cost at the Costco 15 miles<br />
away).<br />
If the same work had been done by a food bank—30,000<br />
locations providing ultra-affordable, shelf-stable groceries,<br />
concentrated in areas with the most need—would we<br />
applaud it?<br />
Perhaps, but only if the signage were subtle and they<br />
weren’t close enough that people could walk to them. We<br />
wouldn’t want to look like the kind of neighborhood that<br />
needs those.<br />
It’s not wrong to care about community character or beautiful<br />
streets. But it’s an injustice to care about them so much
Dr. Crime is a pseudonym for a social scientist holding a Ph.D. degree in sociology and in criminology.<br />
He has worked in all major parts of the criminal justice system. Drop him a note at the<br />
website if you or your child is in trouble, or you have custody issues, he<br />
may be able to help, give him a call (252-339-0000).<br />
Dear Dr. Crime: You wrote in the past that we should try<br />
to help kids that might kill themselves. I don’t see a lot of<br />
kids doing that. Are you sure it is a problem? HiSchool-<br />
Teacher<br />
• Dear Teach: Recent research showed that although<br />
we spent more health funds than most developed<br />
countries, we have lower life expectancy than most and<br />
highest suicide rates. Criminal justice issues tend to<br />
overlap with other problems, and depressed kids might be<br />
involved in many issues. Yes, it pays off to act if you feel<br />
a kid is unusually “upset”. Research on college students<br />
found depressed students had a high rate of crime, and<br />
there were no gender differences.<br />
Dear Dr. Crime: What makes women scared of being<br />
assaulted? BoyFriend<br />
• Dear Boyfriend: Research on women in Canada<br />
found that ladies are more afraid of strangers than men<br />
they know. Yet, they are more likely to be assaulted by a<br />
someone they know.<br />
Dear Dr. Crime. Our criminal justice system works to<br />
reduce repeat offenses, right? Citizen<br />
• Dear Citizen: The US Bureau of Justice Statistics<br />
followed up state court offenders after release and found<br />
say that our body of criminological research shows that<br />
more objective, research based information must be used<br />
to guide policy. We can do better.<br />
Dear Dr. Crime: Are we having a lot of “mass shootings”?<br />
It seems it is on the TV every day. Mayor<br />
Dear Mayor: You should be planning for mass shooting,<br />
just in case. National TV (CBS News) reported that<br />
by the end of 2019, there were 417 mass shootings in<br />
the U.S.. The study was produced by the Gun Violence<br />
Archive (GVA). Thirty-one of those shootings were mass<br />
murders.<br />
Dear Dr. Crime: What are the people called “LBGTQ”<br />
and are they more criminal than others? Confused fellow<br />
Dear Confused. The term you mention changes from<br />
time to time. One definition includes lesbian, gay, bisexual,<br />
transgender, queer or questioning, intersex, and<br />
asexual or allied. This involves social change of importance.<br />
The Williams Institute reported that LGBQ Youth<br />
are Disproportionately Incarcerated in the U.S. Juvenile<br />
Justice System. Almost 60% of locked up girls fall in one<br />
of those categories.<br />
Martin County Farmers Market<br />
4001 W Main Street Ext, Williamston, NC 27892<br />
Phone: (252) 792-1900<br />
Washington County Farmers Market<br />
Plymouth Nc<br />
Phone: (252) 793-2163<br />
Located Hwy 64 E approx. one mile east of<br />
intersection US 64 & NC 32 Plymouth, NC<br />
M-F 9am - 5pm June Thru September<br />
Saturday 8 am-3 pm; May thru December<br />
Leroy James Farmers Market<br />
4560 County Home Road<br />
Greenville, North <strong>Carolina</strong> 27858<br />
Apr - Dec<br />
(252) 355-7612<br />
Tuesday: 8:00am - 1:00pm<br />
Thursday: 8:00am - 1:00pm<br />
Friday: 8:00am - 1:00pm<br />
Saturday: 8:00am - 1:00pm<br />
HomeGrown-HandMade Market Tarboro<br />
526 N Main Street<br />
Tarboro, North <strong>Carolina</strong> 27886<br />
(252) 563-6611<br />
1st and 3rd Saturday Each Month<br />
May till October<br />
Farmers Market Rocky Mount<br />
1006 Peachtree St<br />
Rocky Mount, North <strong>Carolina</strong> 27804<br />
(252) 407-7920<br />
Saturdays from April through November<br />
Washington Harbor District Farmers &<br />
Artisans Market<br />
140 W Main St<br />
Washington<br />
252-947-1487<br />
Thursday-Friday 10-4<br />
Saturday 8-4<br />
This could be your Ad!<br />
Advertising with <strong>Carolina</strong> <strong>Footsteps</strong><br />
Magazine is Local, Targets an<br />
audience and is Frequent.<br />
Call us at (252) 377-5296<br />
We display your business<br />
to different demographics,<br />
in Print, Internet, and Social<br />
Media. All at a cost that<br />
is less than regular print ads.<br />
Comments or suggestions?<br />
Email<br />
<strong>February</strong> <strong>2020</strong>
Feb. <strong>2020</strong><br />
LOCAL<br />
15<br />
Fresh Eggs & Raising Chickens<br />
By: Jimmy Fleming<br />
One of my favorite memories of when<br />
I was a little boy was collecting eggs<br />
with my grandmother. When I got married<br />
and we bought our first house, it didn’t take<br />
me long to buy some chickens and start<br />
collecting my own fresh eggs. My dad used<br />
to incubate quail eggs, hatch them out, and<br />
raise them which also influenced my love for<br />
fowl. I incubated eggs in his old incubator,<br />
put eggs under a setting hen, and sometimes<br />
ordered baby chicks through the mail.<br />
There was just something relaxing about<br />
watching the chickens in the yard and collecting<br />
those fresh eggs. It was also great<br />
eating those fresh eggs too. A fresh egg<br />
from chickens that are allowed to free range<br />
in the yard looks and tastes totally different<br />
than the eggs you buy in the big supermarkets.<br />
An egg that comes from a home raised<br />
chicken has a dark orange colored yolk and<br />
the white of the egg is very firm. The egg<br />
shell is also very tough and harder to crack<br />
than store bought eggs. When hatching<br />
your own chicks or even buying what is<br />
known as straight run chicks, you end up<br />
with more roosters than you need. The best<br />
way to solve that problem is to raise them<br />
till they are about 3-4 months of age and<br />
have yourself a chicken killing. At 3-4 lbs<br />
each, they make great fryers, chicken salad,<br />
chicken soup, or any other way you prefer<br />
your chicken. The meat from these chickens<br />
also looks totally different than the chicken<br />
meat you buy in the store. The meat is richer<br />
in color and actually has some fat on the<br />
carcass. Anyway, I highly recommend raising<br />
your own chickens if you live in an area<br />
where you can. If I ever get back to living in<br />
the country again, chickens will definitely be<br />
on my list of things to do.<br /><br />
Pinetops<br />
A&S Flea Market<br />
113 East Hamlet Street<br />
Pinetops, NC 27864<br />
(252) 827-5004<br />
Ayden<br />
Stockyard Flea Market<br />
7835 HWY 11 South,<br />
Ayden, NC 28513<br />
252-746-2457<br />
Bailey<br />
Krivanec<br />
252-312-2047<br /><br /><br />
Washington<br />
Poormans Flea Market<br />
7160 US Highway 264 E<br />
Washington, North <strong>Carolina</strong> 27889<br />
(252) 721-3177<br />
Greenville<br />
Greenville Market<br />
1114 N. Greene Street<br />
Greenville, North <strong>Carolina</strong> 27834<br />
(252) 341-2878<br />
Rocky Mount<br />
Tar River Flea Market<br />
Hwy 301 just one mile south<br />
of Hwy 97 between Rocky Mount<br />
and Sharpsburg<br />
252-442-2597<br />
Bailey<br />
Krivanec<br />
Uptown Greenville Umbrella Market<br />
408 S. Evans St. Suite 102<br />
Greenville, NC<br />
252.561.8400<br /><br />
Comments or suggestions?<br />
16 BOW HUNTING<br />
Bowhunter Gifts<br />
North <strong>Carolina</strong> Bow Hunters Association<br />
By now the small game season is about ½ over with a little under a<br />
month remaining. If you haven’t had the opportunity to get out and<br />
bowhunt for squirrel or rabbits I urge you to take the time to go!<br />
After the small game season is over I urge you to do a complete<br />
inspection on all of your gear. First check your bows for loose cables,<br />
screws that may be loose, or sights that may need to be adjusted. If<br />
you shoot recurves or longbows, check your strings for fraying, check<br />
your bows for any damage that may have occurred, check your rests.<br />
Perhaps it is time to once again get new arrows or a new release.<br />
After all, turkey season is on the horizon. Get all preps done now!<br />
In July 2017, the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC) was<br />
granted authority to allow Sunday hunting on public lands via the Outdoor<br />
Heritage Enhanced Act. The WRC has been gathering data and<br />
public input to help inform this decision. There are some pertinent<br />
questions that have been asked and the NCWRC is in the process of<br />
gathering data.<br />
Is Sunday hunting currently allowed on game lands?<br />
No, Sunday hunting is not allowed on any game lands at this time.<br />
All game lands are designated as three-day-per-week areas, six-dayper-week<br />
areas, or permit-only areas for hunting during open seasons.<br />
None of these designations currently include Sundays.<br />
If the Commission allows Sunday hunting on game lands, will<br />
there be any restrictions?<br />
Yes, as specified in the Outdoor Heritage Enhanced Act, the following<br />
activities will be prohibited:<br />
- Hunting with a firearm between 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.,<br />
- Hunting deer with the use of dogs, and<br />
- Hunting within 500 yards of a place of worship.<br />
There will be several forums where the public is invited to express its<br />
input on Sunday hunting on Gamelands.<br />
Monday <strong>February</strong> 10 Martin Community College (Auditorium<br />
Building 2) Williamston NC<br />
Tuesday <strong>February</strong> 11 Bladen Community College ( Auditorium )<br />
Dublin, NC<br />
Wednesday <strong>February</strong> 12 Foothills Higher Ed Center ( Auditorium )<br />
Morganton, NC<br />
Thursday <strong>February</strong> 13 Haywood Community College (Reg. High<br />
Tech Aud.) Clyde, NC<br />
Tuesday <strong>February</strong> 18 Almace Community College (Auditorium )<br />
Graham, NC<br />
Wednesday <strong>February</strong> 19 James Garner Center<br />
Troy, NC<br />
Come and give your input. This will benefit all hunters, bow or firearm.<br />
Until next time, Practice shooting!<br />
Respectfully submitted.<br />
Talmage Dunn, District 1 Wildlife Rep for NCBA<br /> 252-267-5437<br />
Arrows<br />
Binoculars<br />
Bowfishing Gear<br />
This could be your Ad!<br />
Advertising with <strong>Carolina</strong> <strong>Footsteps</strong><br />
Magazine is Local, Targets an<br />
audience and is Frequent.<br />
Call us at (252) 377-5296<br />
We display your business<br />
to different demographics,<br />
in Print, Internet, and Social<br />
Media. All at a cost that<br />
is less than regular print ads.<br />
Comments or suggestions?<br />
Email<br />
Bow Sight<br />
Compass<br />
<strong>February</strong> <strong>2020</strong>
Call 252-200-3321<br />
Mention the Referral Number 6322600 when ordering<br />
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and click the Amsoil Logo<br />
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18<br />
HEALTH<br />
Health and Nutrition Strategies for<br />
Cancer Survivors and Everybody Else<br />
5 Cool Gift Ideas That Last Beyond<br />
Valentine’s Day<br />
Warren is a 30 year member of the Institute of Food<br />
Technology, A HAACP (hazard analysis critical control point)<br />
Instructor with a Batchelors degree in Nutrition Science.<br />
What’s in your diet?<br />
It’s <strong>February</strong> and I thought I’d devote a little reflection<br />
about Black History Month, particularly from my<br />
personnel exposure. I’m personally proud of my newly<br />
achieved, octogenarian status, and my early roots. So,<br />
how to link the two in my health oriented perspective?<br />
In 1937, my mother migrated from the Albemarle, in<br />
Northeast North <strong>Carolina</strong>, to the Morrisiana Section of<br />
the Bronx during the Harlem Renaissance. I was privileged<br />
to grow up in a multicultural neighborhood that<br />
exposed me to that remarkable era of cultural creativity.<br />
Langston Hughes who was one of my best friend’s<br />
uncle, was a frequent visitor to our block. My friend lived<br />
on the top floor of a five story walk up, so Mr. Hughes<br />
would stop and chat with us kids before his trek to visit<br />
his brother. He was a talkative guy with a lot to say. How<br />
I wish that there were personal technology like smart<br />
phones in those days, to have captured his incredible<br />
wisdom.<br />
It was not uncommon to hear musical icons like Thelonius<br />
Monk, Errol Garner, and Elmo Hope rehearsing<br />
their craft, in their apartments, and on the roofs. In those<br />
days, music was part of many school curriculum’s. Public<br />
schools even supplied loaner instruments, a practice<br />
that spawned generations of internationally acclaimed<br />
musicians. It seems to me, the world class musicians<br />
that came out of that environment, were a positive use of<br />
the educational budget. To have removed art and music<br />
appreciation from inner city schools, was misguided. The<br />
return of investment, justified continuance.<br />
A few years ago, I went home to attended a tribute to<br />
Elmo Hope Concert at Fordham University, that featured<br />
Jazz Master Jimmy Owens- Board Member of the Jazz<br />
Comments or suggestions?<br />
Email<br />
Foundation of America, and a life long friend. My column,<br />
that month, talked about the intense stress of NYC traffic<br />
and how after a few minutes of the concert, I was totally<br />
unstressed. Pharmaceuticals usually require about 20<br />
minutes. The old adage, music calms the savage beast,<br />
probably has some merit. It seems to me that we have<br />
been marketed away from our best first option.<br />
I began researching music therapy as a health strategy.<br />
Here are my findings: Music Therapy is an established<br />
health profession with a strong research foundation,<br />
which when used within a therapeutic relationship,<br />
addresses overall physical rehabilitation, facilitates<br />
movement, and provides among other things, an outlet<br />
for expression of feelings. My new 62+ community is a<br />
perfect spot to observe and promote music therapy as a<br />
viable component of health and nutrition strategies. .<br />
That segues into my Health & Nutrition Strategy Workshops,<br />
here at Overture, Virginia Beach .The initial<br />
workshop was a great success. We started with the<br />
essential nutrient,Lipids (oils/fats), then we had a Q and<br />
A interaction. I thought the Q & A, was the highlight of<br />
the session. I like the idea of being able to support my<br />
information with spontaneous visual documentation in a<br />
Q & A forum.<br />
Looking forward to the next workshop, <strong>February</strong> 19th<br />
3pm. We’’ll finish up lipids, and begin protein. Join us.<br />
You are what you eat.<br />
(StatePoint) Flowers, chocolate and candlelit dinner are<br />
classic ways to show devotion on Valentine’s Day, but by<br />
tapping into your loved one’s hobbies and interests, you<br />
will discover gifts that truly last.<br />
• For readers: For avid readers, it can seem as though<br />
there are never enough books. However, a book-of-themonth<br />
subscription box can help satiate bibliophiles.<br />
Delivered right to their doorstep, discovering new favorite<br />
authors and titles has never been so convenient.<br />
• For music-makers: A keyboard with versatile features<br />
such as the ultra-compact CT-S200 from Casio can<br />
inspire any aspiring or seasoned musician to learn the<br />
basics or take the show on the road. With its 61 full-size<br />
keys and built-in carrying handle, beginners can connect<br />
it to the Chordana Play app, which features progressive<br />
lessons, or take advantage of its dance music mode to<br />
create and remix electronic dance music tracks.<br />
• For artists: A gift certificate to an art studio is a thoughtful<br />
way to cultivate your loved one’s talent. It also gives<br />
them the flexibility to select a class that fits their schedule<br />
and level of experience. If classes that meet outside the<br />
home are not viable, consider a subscription to an online<br />
learning platform such as Skillshare, which offers thousands<br />
of classes, including those in fine art, digital art,<br />
photography and more.<br />
• For gamers and sports enthusiasts: Gamers and sports<br />
fans have one thing in common, and it’s the need for a<br />
great home theater set-up that offers clear, bright images.<br />
You can help them experience their favorite pastime in a<br />
brand-new way with a home projector, such as the Slim<br />
XJ-A257, a low-maintenance, high-brightness projector<br />
that incorporates a CASIO developed hybrid light source<br />
combining laser and LED technology.<br />
• For writers: Whether your loved one is a budding novelist,<br />
a poet or essayist, a beautiful journal in which to capture<br />
their thoughts will be much appreciated. For those<br />
prone to writer’s block, consider a journal that includes<br />
writing prompts and other exercises to get the wheels<br />
spinning.<br />
This year, try gifting something different than the old<br />
standbys. Valentine’s Day lasts one day but the right gift<br />
will bring your loved one joy throughout the year.<br />
<strong>February</strong> <strong>2020</strong>
5 Foods for Gut Health<br />
Bananna<br />
Yogurt<br />
Sauerkraut<br />
Garlic<br />
History of Self Defense:<br />
The Origins of Fairbairn’s DEFENDU<br />
The first appearance of the term DEFENDU was<br />
as the title of W.E. Fairbairn’s 1926 publication on<br />
his method of “scientific self-defence”. We are further<br />
informed that this treatise is the “official text book for the<br />
Shanghai Municipal Police, Hong Kong (sic) Police and<br />
Singapore Police”.<br />
The usage of DEFENDU is found twice in the forward<br />
of the 1926 edition. However, in this context it would<br />
be important to remember that Fairbairn claims almost<br />
complete originality in the methods presented, stating<br />
however that they are drawn from several different<br />
sources. In this regard it would not be applicable to use<br />
Asian terms or nomenclature, i.e. “Jiu jitsu” or Western<br />
descriptive phrases such as “Chinese Boxing”. Fairbairn<br />
claims originality in the methods presented, hence an<br />
“original” descriptive term would be apropos.<br />
This situation however caused confusion among readers<br />
of this edition and hence in the 1931 edition of Fairbairn’s<br />
work the title was changed to “Scientific Self-Defence”.<br />
This was done to make the content of this edition<br />
more clear to the average individual.<br />
The term DEFENDU is found again in Biddle’s work “DO<br />
OR DIE”(1937). Fairbairn is credited with developing<br />
this method. It is interesting to note that Biddle makes a<br />
clear distinction between “Jiu-Jitsu” and “Defendu”. The<br />
1944 edition of Colonel Biddle’s book also uses the term<br />
DEFENDU and the text is virtually the same as in the<br />
earlier edition. Excepting one important point: In the later<br />
edition Biddle refers to Fairbairn’s book “GET TOUGH”.<br />
However, he does not correct the fact that Fairbairn by<br />
this time was a Major serving with US Forces(not Assistant<br />
Commissioner of the SMP). There are of course<br />
obvious reasons for this lapse.<br />
The point however is that the term DEFENDU relates<br />
too much earlier methods espoused by Fairbairn and<br />
did not reflect his thinking at this time (1944). The British<br />
edition of “ALL IN FIGHTING” also mentions DEFENDU,<br />
but just as a passing comment in reference to Fairbairn’s<br />
earlier works. “GET TOUGH” the US reprint of<br />
“ALL IN FIGHTING” refers to the close combat fighting<br />
method present as the “Fairbairn System”.<br />
So what is the point? Well here it is……… I believe that<br />
the changes in terminology referring to LT. COLONEL<br />
(NOT CAPTAIN, NOT MAJOR, as so MANY ill informed<br />
<strong>February</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />
DEFENSE 19<br />
individuals refer-DO YOUR DAMN RESEARCH!) Fairbairn’s<br />
methods reflect a CHANGE (growth if you will) in<br />
his COMPLETE ATTITUDE regarding close combat.<br />
In describing his MOS for paperwork detailing his duties<br />
and responsibilities in connection with being awarded<br />
the “Legion of Merit”, Fairbairn refers to his methods of<br />
close combat as “Gutter-fighting”. Consider if you will<br />
the change in attitude from “Scientific Self-Defence” to<br />
“GUTTER FIGHTING”. Fairbairn further elucidates his<br />
feelings by describing two key elements: VEHEMENCE<br />
and ARTIFICE! “SCIENTIFIC” self defense this is NOT!<br />
Now for those who have proposed that DEFENDU<br />
remains the POLICE “version” of the Fairbairn method<br />
and make a distinction as to the military method, well<br />
consider that after WWII the manual of choice used by<br />
POLICE agencies under Fairbairn’s consult was “GET<br />
TOUGH”, reprinted in the language of that particular<br />
agency.<br />
Now as to the possible origins of the original term<br />
DEFENDU. I have over the years heard several stories.<br />
Some were simply ridiculous in light of the facts we<br />
KNOW! Two however stand out as possible(and very<br />
plausible) candidates. First, is the simple use of DE-<br />
FEND combined with the well known term jiu-jits”U”.<br />
Hence, DEFENDU. Aside from what others may claim,<br />
Jiu Jitsu(of this period) influenced Fairbairn far more<br />
than even he was willing to admit. And that goes for the<br />
staple methods of the edge hand, chin-jab, and even<br />
the “tiger” claw. Jiu jitsu had these very blows and gave<br />
great credence to their effectiveness in “real” combat<br />
(YES! this can be verified by books, manuals, etc. in the<br />
writer’s possession) these “rock crushing” blows HANDS<br />
OFF, however predated by usage in turn of the century<br />
Jiu jitsu manuals describing these Atemi) were extant<br />
in “real” Jiu jitsu for centuries. As far as the claims of<br />
GREAT influence by “Chinese” boxing methods, such as<br />
Chin-Na, Ba Gua, Hsing-I, etc., I feel that the evidence<br />
denies this (Yeaton’s letter concerning Fairbairn’s<br />
thoughts on the matter).<br />
Hence, the use of DEFENDU pays some homage to Jiu<br />
jitsu, as well as giving the Western flavor to Fairbairn’s<br />
methods.<br />
Want to know more<br />
about Self Defense<br />
Company?<br />
Go to<br />
Kimchi<br />
Upcoming Auctions!<br />
This charming home located at 603 South Edenton Road Street in Hertford, NC is close to Hwy 17 and<br />
downtown Hertford. Home includes 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, enclosed porch and<br />
1 bathroom. Home could use some TLC, but with some updates it could be a charming affordable home<br />
with a convenient location. Property will be offered for sale at a live public auction onsite at the property on<br />
Saturday March 14th at 12:00 P.M.. Bidder registration will start at 11:00 A.M. and the house will be open<br />
for preview at that time. Private showings are available prior to the auction.<br />
A 10% Buyer's Premium will apply on this auction. The successful high bidder will be required to put<br />
down a $3,000 Non-Refundable Earnest Money Deposit. Closing to take place on or before April 15th, <strong>2020</strong>.<br />
BUILT IN 1945<br />
LOT SIZE .55 +/- ACRES<br />
AUCTION MARCH 14TH @ 12:00 PM<br />
104 Manor Road Edenton, NC 27932 is located just off of Hwy 17, which makes for an easy commute to<br />
Elizabeth City, Windsor, Hertford, or the Hampton Roads Virginia area. The property is also ideally located<br />
just a few minutes from Historic Downtown Edenton. Enjoy the convenience of living close to restaurants,<br />
small town boutiques, historic sites and the Taylor Theater. This home includes 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms,<br />
an attached two car garage, and a sun room. The home's floorplan is ideal if one desired to section off a<br />
part of the house so that a family member could have their own private living area. The backyard has<br />
cypress trees planted along the property lines, which offers a lot of privacy for backyard cookouts and room<br />
for animals or children to play.<br />
The home is priced to sell at $119,000 and the property will be offered for purchase via an online only auction<br />
starting on Thursday March 19th and closing on Thursday March 26th at 7:00 P.M. if an offer is not accepted<br />
prior to the auction. Bid Online at<br />
Online Only Auction at opening on Thursday April 9th at 12:00 P.M. and closing<br />
on Thursday April 16th at 7:00 P.M. Property is located at 300 Pocahontas Trail Edenton, NC 27932 in Chowan<br />
County in the Arrowhead Beach Community. The property includes a spacious home with well over 2000<br />
square feet. The home has a first level above ground basement with multiple rooms a 2nd level living area<br />
and the 3rd level. This home has suffered extensive fire damage in a fire that started on the 3rd floor this<br />
past year. The property is being sold as is and all prospective buyers should due extensive due diligence<br />
on this property prior to bidding.<br />
Opening bid is $30,000 and a 10% Buyer's Premium will apply on this auction.