Beacon News- March 2020
Regional Reach. Community Commitment. Covering Dearborn, Franklin, Ohio, and Ripley Counties in Southeast Indiana and Southwest Ohio.
Regional Reach. Community Commitment. Covering Dearborn, Franklin, Ohio, and Ripley Counties in Southeast Indiana and Southwest Ohio.
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INSIDE<br />
The BEACON<br />
The proposed fourth port of Indiana<br />
is still in the works and will be located<br />
in Lawrenceburg. While Rome wasn’t<br />
built in a day, the construction of the<br />
port seems to be moving at an even<br />
slower rate. Rest assured, preparations<br />
are moving full steam ahead.<br />
On Jan. 14, Governor Eric Holcomb<br />
delivered his State of the State Address.<br />
While the rest of the world waited<br />
to hear about economic statistics<br />
such as the unemployment rate and<br />
capital investments, southeast Indiana<br />
eagerly listened for news about the<br />
proposed fourth port. The reference<br />
made by the governor was brief.<br />
THE<br />
BEACON<br /> | PUBLISHED MONTHLY SINCE 1994 | <strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />
Indiana’s Fourth Port- Where Are We Now?<br />
Governor Holcomb said, “Now, being<br />
the Crossroads of America means<br />
more than just building roads. That’s<br />
why we’re cleaning up our highways,<br />
having picked up nearly 16 million<br />
pounds of litter last year, blazing the<br />
most trail-friendly state in the nation,<br />
connecting thousands of unserved<br />
homes and businesses to high-speed<br />
internet service, adding more nonstop<br />
flights, transforming northwest Indiana<br />
with two rail projects totaling well<br />
over a billion dollars, finishing our<br />
due diligence on a fourth water port<br />
in Lawrenceburg, and facilitating the<br />
investment of $436 million in 20 communities<br />
to improve local community<br />
water infrastructure, just part of what<br />
cities all over the state are doing to<br />
enhance their water systems.”<br />
Mayor Mollaun, the mayor of Lawrenceburg,<br />
was happy that the fourth<br />
port was mentioned in the Governor’s<br />
State of the State address. “We are<br />
confident that the state will do their<br />
best at ensuring the most environmentally<br />
safe project before any development<br />
or construction occurs,” he said.<br />
In the past, the Ports of Indiana<br />
Commission has extended their contract<br />
to purchase land in Lawrenceburg<br />
Continued on page 3A<br />
Touching Many Lives<br />
The memory of Jesse Smith as<br />
seen through the eyes of his wife.<br />
Page 9A<br />
Library Friends<br />
More than just a lifetime love of<br />
reading! Elise Bostick and Dahlia<br />
Fuson met at the library and have<br />
been best friends ever since. See<br />
what else is going on. Page 7B<br />
100th Win!<br />
EC wrestler Ben Wolf celebrating<br />
his 100th win, and he is only a<br />
junior!<br />
Page 10B<br />
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Permit No. 9714<br />
PO Box 4022<br />
Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025<br />
Clara Ann Zinser and Sandy<br />
Wagner coordinate preparations<br />
and deliveries for the Sunman<br />
Pantry.<br />
Hope<br />
Bohman<br />
worked<br />
dilligently<br />
to restock<br />
items as<br />
volunteers<br />
prepared<br />
food baskets.<br />
The Schneider<br />
family travelled<br />
from Harrison<br />
to lend a hand-<br />
Xavier (7),<br />
Sharon (mother),<br />
Felicity<br />
(4), Teresa (9),<br />
Maddie (15),<br />
Randy (17),<br />
Nicholas (13)<br />
Giving Back<br />
Volunteers gathered<br />
from all parts of our<br />
community helped those<br />
in need by volunteering at<br />
the Sunman Food Pantry.<br />
Jane Werner and Nathan Haller<br />
teamed up to fill boxes with food<br />
and supplies.<br />
One Mile Bridge<br />
Moving Forward<br />
The replacement of the bridge on<br />
One Mile Road is gradually moving<br />
forward. The project has been<br />
delayed due to the requirement for<br />
a redesign of the proposed project.<br />
Initially, the goal was to coordinate<br />
the demolition and reconstruction of<br />
the bridge by maintaining one lane of<br />
the current structure to accommodate<br />
traffic during construction. However,<br />
those who were approached about<br />
bidding on the project declined, citing<br />
that utilizing one lane was virtually<br />
impossible.<br />
According to Dearborn County<br />
Engineer Todd Listerman, the services<br />
of Jacobi, Toombs and Lanz,<br />
Inc. have been secured to provide<br />
professional engineering services<br />
required for the specified changes in<br />
the project. Certain alterations were<br />
requested to be made to the design of<br />
the project to make it more attractive<br />
to construction contractors.<br />
New specifications were created for<br />
the project, which includes fabricating<br />
a temporary run-a-round for<br />
traffic. The path will be located to the<br />
south of the current bridge. The plan<br />
is to acquire a temporary right-of-way<br />
from an adjoining property owner<br />
where the runaround will be located.<br />
Upon completion of the bridge, the<br />
elements of the runaround will be<br />
removed, and the rented land will be<br />
returned to its original condition.<br />
The need for the replacement of<br />
small structure 667 was discovered<br />
during the annual county-wide bridge<br />
inspection. Repairs would have been<br />
cost-prohibitive, especially when<br />
Continued on page 3A<br />
Dearborn County Courthouse History Preserved<br />
The Dearborn County Courthouse centers around a<br />
gold leaf dome and cupola.<br />
By Maureen Stenger<br />
In 1803 Dearborn County, named after General Henry<br />
Dearborn, who was the Secretary of War for President<br />
Thomas Jefferson, was organized by Governor William<br />
Henry Harrison. At this same time, Lawrenceburg was established<br />
as the county seat. Surprisingly, what is now Ohio<br />
County was originally part of Dearborn County. In 1810 a<br />
two-story courthouse was built on the public square in the<br />
heart of Lawrenceburg.<br />
The original courthouse was a brick building with a<br />
hipped roof, where all sides slope downward to the walls,<br />
it also consisted of an octagonal cupola. The design mimicked<br />
that of most other public buildings at the time. The<br />
courtroom was located on the first floor, while the judges’<br />
chambers and the jury room were on the floor above.<br />
Unfortunately, in <strong>March</strong> of 1826, the courthouse burned to<br />
the ground as the result of alleged arson. The fire was so<br />
devastating that property owners had to bring in their deeds<br />
to be re-copied by hand by the recorder.<br />
A second courthouse was built to replace the previous<br />
one. Local architect Jesse Hunt worked with construction<br />
superintendents George H. Dunn and James W. Hunter. In<br />
1828 the building was ready for use. In addition, two separate<br />
brick buildings were built between the rebuilt courthouse<br />
and Mary Street. These housed the county clerk and<br />
recorder. In February of 1832, the Ohio River flooded as a<br />
result of a warm front that quickly melted the snow and<br />
Continued on page 4A<br />
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Page 2A THE BEACON <strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />
By<br />
Tamara<br />
Taylor<br />
Cookie Altoff, Bright<br />
Leap of Fate<br />
It’s LEAP YEAR! How<br />
exciting! Okay, realistically<br />
leap year is another year to<br />
celebrate. Or at least smile a<br />
bit more. And we can all use a<br />
reason to do that.<br />
So what’s the deal? Every<br />
year we think the number of<br />
days is 365. Ha- not! Each<br />
year actually consists of<br />
365.2421 days, which adds<br />
up to an extra day every four<br />
years. To compensate and fit<br />
our calendar, we celebrate<br />
leap year.<br />
So what are you going to<br />
do to celebrate the leap year?<br />
If you were born on Feb. 29,<br />
you are 75% younger than<br />
those of us who are mere<br />
mortals. I personally like the<br />
idea of writing a letter to your<br />
future self. Please email me<br />
at editor@goBEACONnews.<br />
com about how you will celebrate<br />
this event. A follow-up<br />
article is planned for our website<br /><br />
I recently received a call<br />
from Cookie Altoff, Bright,<br />
about a photo that was on the<br />
cover of last month’s <strong>Beacon</strong>.<br />
It seems that a long lost<br />
friend, Wayne Browning, was<br />
pictured in the article about<br />
the Christmas with Friends<br />
event. Mr. Browning was in<br />
Mrs. Altoff’s wedding fiftytwo<br />
years ago! Sadly, the<br />
Altoffs lost touch with Mr.<br />
Browning and were eager to<br />
get back in touch. How neat!<br />
This isn’t the first story<br />
I have heard about people<br />
featured in the <strong>Beacon</strong> being<br />
long-lost acquaintances and<br />
reunited with friends. Dottie<br />
Schipper was stunned when<br />
a friend she hadn’t seen for<br />
over forty years showed up on<br />
her doorstep. The gentleman<br />
had seen Dottie’s ad for her<br />
shop, Wagonshed Candles,<br />
Wayne Browning, Rising Sun<br />
in Aurora. Ray Leslie had<br />
worked with Mrs. Shipper’s<br />
husband years ago, and then<br />
they lost touch. Today, Mrs.<br />
Shipper, Mr. Leslie, and a mutual<br />
friend, Ms. Hensley, get<br />
together to visit every week.<br />
Very neat. And another<br />
reason why our community is<br />
so great!<br />
I have noticed that so<br />
many of our communities are<br />
intertwined because of lifelong<br />
friendships and family<br />
relationships, especially in St.<br />
Leon. EVERYBODY knows<br />
EVERYBODY! This month’s<br />
volunteers are no exception.<br />
Mention the Hoogs, and<br />
you are sure to see a smile<br />
on other people’s faces. The<br />
Hoogs have lived in St Leon<br />
all of their lives, luckily for<br />
St. Joseph. Yes, there are three<br />
of them- three of the most<br />
amazing, willing volunteers<br />
Marlene Hoog and her<br />
granddaughter Samantha<br />
Hensley during a pilgrimage<br />
to the Holy Land.<br />
Buck and Linda Hoog took<br />
a parish youth mission trip<br />
to West Virginia where they<br />
helped with home repairs<br />
and chaperoning.<br />
you could ever meet. And of<br />
course, they drag their family<br />
into as much as possible to<br />
help the community.<br />
Linda and Buck Hoog currently<br />
reside on State Route<br />
1. At ages seventy-two, they<br />
both keep active with the<br />
church, especially on the<br />
physical facilities committee.<br />
As we all know, keeping<br />
up with an older building is<br />
no small feat. Thanks to the<br />
Hoogs, the challenge is well<br />
in hand for St. Joseph. The<br />
Hoogs can be found, weather<br />
permitting (and sometimes<br />
even when it’s not!), mowing<br />
the grass, and tending to the<br />
grounds of the cemetery. They<br />
are the first to lead the way<br />
when decorating for Christmas,<br />
Lent, and Advent.<br />
Mrs. Hoog is always ready<br />
to handle whatever is needed<br />
for funerals and visitations,<br />
including getting ready for<br />
Mass and preparing meals for<br />
the families. She also takes<br />
it upon herself to clean the<br />
church. Mrs. Hoog retired<br />
from being the secretary at<br />
the Sunman Dearborn Middle<br />
School, and one can only<br />
imagine how she kept that<br />
school running!<br />
Mr. Hoog has a longstanding<br />
reputation of being able<br />
to fix just about anything.<br />
He does odd jobs around the<br />
church, from fixing pipes<br />
to moving things and even<br />
tearing down walls. What he<br />
doesn’t know how to do, he<br />
certainly learns quickly.<br />
Linda and Buck Hoog are in<br />
good company with sister-inlaw<br />
Marlene Hoog. I heard<br />
an exclamation point in the<br />
comment that she does not<br />
mow grass! But she does everything<br />
else. Mrs. Hoog also<br />
coordinates the rentals for the<br />
St. Joseph campus. Not an<br />
easy task when one considers<br />
that the building site is rented<br />
every day. She schedules the<br />
big gym for baseball, basketball,<br />
and softball practices.<br />
She also handles reservations<br />
for showers and parties.<br />
According to Emily Alig,<br />
the office and parish coordinator,<br />
“Marlene, Linda, and<br />
Buck give so much to All<br />
Saints and expect nothing in<br />
return. We are beyond blessed<br />
to have so many dedicated<br />
volunteers at All Saints to<br />
help care for our four campuses.”<br />
Linda and Buck have three<br />
daughters- Bonnie Lobenstein<br />
(St. Leon), Sherri Sterwerf<br />
(West Harrison), and Tammy<br />
Vonderheide (St. Leon). Seven<br />
grandchildren round out<br />
the family as well as many,<br />
many granddogs.<br />
Bonnie describes her parents<br />
as being very dedicated<br />
to both the church and the<br />
St. Leon American Legion.<br />
She shared, “if they aren’t at<br />
home, we know where to find<br />
them- the church, the parish<br />
life center, or the legion!” My<br />
guess is that members of this<br />
large family are the first to<br />
be called by the Hoogs when<br />
volunteers are needed for<br />
events and special occasions.<br />
Thank you, Linda, Buck,<br />
and Marlene Hoog, for setting<br />
the example of the types of<br />
volunteers to which we should<br />
all aspire. Your efforts make<br />
an incredible difference in<br />
St. Leon and throughout our<br />
community.<br />
Publisher/Editor<br />
Tamara M. Taylor<br />
Publishers Emeritus<br />
Elizabeth Morris, Celeste Calvitto<br />
Sales Manager - New Accounts<br />
Lisa Schall<br />
Editorial Assistants<br />
Connie Webb, Cherie Maddin<br />
Columnists & Contributors<br />
Debbie Acasio, Melanie Alexander,<br />
Doris Butt, Susan Carson,<br />
Gloria Carter, Susan Cottingham,<br />
PG Gentrup, John Hawley,<br />
Mary-Alice Helms, Merrill and<br />
Linda Hutchinson, Elizabeth Janszen,<br />
Korry Johnson, Laura Keller,<br />
Chris Nobbe, Fred Schmits,<br />
Marie Segale, Sue Siefert,<br />
Maureen Stenger, Rhonda Trabel,<br />
Karis Troyer, Katie Ulrich,<br />
Bob Waples, Lorene Westmeyer<br />
Barbara Wetzler, Debbie Zimmer<br />
Production<br />
FX-Design, Inc.<br />
Over 21,500 distribution & growing! To advertise, call 812-637-0660<br />
For advertising rate inquiries<br />
and to submit news and photos:<br /><br />
Phone: 812-637-0660<br />
website:<br /><br />
The <strong>Beacon</strong> is an independent<br />
monthly publication with<br />
distribution in Dearborn, Ripley,<br />
Franklin and Ohio Counties in<br />
Indiana and Harrison, Ohio.<br />
Published since 1994.<br />
<strong>Beacon</strong> <strong>News</strong>, Inc.<br />
PO Box 4022<br />
Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025.<br />
Member:<br />
Dearborn County<br />
Chamber of Commerce,<br />
Ripley County<br />
Chamber of Commerce,<br />
Bright Area Business Association,<br />
Batesville Chamber<br />
of Commerce<br />
Twenty-five Years of Bringing our Community and Businesses Together.<br />
THE<br />
<strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong> THE BEACON Page 3A<br />
What is it?<br />
Last month’s item was<br />
a kitchen match holder.<br />
Loraine Rumsey, Aurora,<br />
submitted, “The item<br />
pictured in the February<br />
<strong>Beacon</strong> looks like a holder<br />
for wood matches. Of<br />
course, I would probably<br />
fill it with life savers, paperclips, or candy kisses.”<br />
Carol Morton, Brookville, said that the item could<br />
be used as a wall-mount letter holder/<br />
organizer. Karen Getz, Franklin County,<br />
Robert Sommer, Bear Branch, and Larry<br />
J. Meister, Lawrenceburg, also identified<br />
the item correctly.<br />
This month’s challenge was submitted<br />
by Ken Burger of Manchester. Please<br />
e-mail your guesses along with your<br />
name and the community in which you<br />
live to by<br />
Wednesday, February 19.<br />
sponsored by Cornerstone Realty/Lutz<br />
Auction Services<br />
Last month:<br />
match holder<br />
One Mile Bridge Replacement<br />
Specifications Being Redesigned<br />
Continued from page 1A<br />
weighed against their potential<br />
longevity.<br />
The cost of the project is to<br />
be taken out of the county’s<br />
cumulative bridge fund,<br />
which is funded by a .3 1 /3<br />
% bridge tax. For example,<br />
every $100 of property tax<br />
that is paid, $.333 goes into<br />
the cumulative bridge fund.<br />
While the tax rate is capped<br />
at 10%, the tax has not been<br />
raised in Dearborn County<br />
since the early 1980s. In the<br />
past, additional funds for<br />
bridge projects have come<br />
from riverboat gaming monies.<br />
“Part of the need for<br />
upgrading small structures<br />
throughout the county is<br />
doing so with the limited<br />
funds we have.’” shared Todd<br />
Listerman, Dearborn County<br />
Engineer.<br />
Construction of the new<br />
One Mile bridge is slated to<br />
take place during the summer<br />
of <strong>2020</strong>.<br />
Dearborn County is home<br />
to twenty-four bridges and<br />
small structures. Currently,<br />
six, and perhaps a seventh,<br />
are slated for replacement. In<br />
the 2019 budget, the cumulative<br />
bridge fund amount is<br />
$750,000. Funding for larger<br />
projects may be pursued<br />
through federal and state<br />
funding. For example the<br />
bridge on North Hogan Road<br />
is funded through federal<br />
dollars as an 80/20 match.<br />
The county will be required<br />
to fund twenty percent of the<br />
project. Funding opportunities<br />
such as this significantly<br />
reduce the strain on counties<br />
where reconstruction is<br />
concerned.<br />
Another program that has<br />
a significant impact on the<br />
taxpayers’ responsibility for<br />
road construction costs is<br />
the Community Crossings<br />
Matching Grant Program.<br />
Started in 2016, it provides<br />
funding to cities, towns, and<br />
counties throughout Indiana<br />
to allow them to make<br />
improvements to local roads<br />
and bridges. The investment<br />
by the State, counties, and<br />
local governments fosters an<br />
investment in infrastructure.<br />
The result is greater opportunities<br />
for economic development,<br />
which leads to more<br />
employment opportunities<br />
while strengthening the local<br />
economy.<br />
The Stateline Road project<br />
located at the intersection<br />
of Georgetown Road is also<br />
moving forward. It is set<br />
to be re-let for bid in early<br />
<strong>March</strong>. Concerning the moving<br />
of utilities for the project,<br />
the water line has been<br />
relocated. Both power lines<br />
and gas lines are slated to<br />
be relocated in early <strong>March</strong>.<br />
Every effort will be made to<br />
keep traffic running smoothly<br />
during the reconstruction of<br />
the area around the intersection.<br />
State of the Port- Where Are We Now?<br />
Continued from page 1A<br />
for the 725-acre site. The<br />
caveat is that it must meet the<br />
state’s environmental viability<br />
process for the purchase<br />
to move forward. Currently,<br />
the land is owned by Tanners<br />
Creek Development, LLC.,<br />
a private entity based out of<br />
St. Louis, MO. Late last year,<br />
the Indiana Department of<br />
Environmental Management<br />
(IDEM) sent a request for<br />
further information to Tanners<br />
Creek Development citing<br />
deficiencies identified in a<br />
site investigation work plan<br />
(SIWP). The SIWP described<br />
the methods to control or minimize<br />
contaminant releases to<br />
groundwater from the main<br />
ash pond.<br />
According to IDEM, the additional<br />
information provided<br />
by Tanners Creek Development<br />
about the SIWP was<br />
sufficient for approval. Tanners<br />
Creek Development can<br />
now move forward with the<br />
implementation of the SIWP.<br />
The company can also move<br />
forward with the groundwater<br />
monitoring plan that was approved<br />
on Aug. 27, 2019.<br />
Upon completion of the<br />
SIWP, Tanners Creek Development<br />
will be able to proceed<br />
with the development of<br />
a site conceptual model. The<br />
company will be required to<br />
submit a closure plan for the<br />
main ash pond that includes<br />
information collected through<br />
the groundwater monitoring<br />
plan, the site conceptual<br />
model, and the SIWP.<br />
In other words, the project<br />
is moving forward.<br />
Staying on top of the development<br />
of a potential fourth<br />
port is the Southeast Indiana<br />
Regional Port Authority<br />
(SIRPA). The organization is<br />
comprised of four representatives<br />
from the City of Lawrenceburg,<br />
four representatives<br />
from the City of Aurora,<br />
and one representative from<br />
Dearborn County. SIRPA was<br />
created under Indiana Code<br />
8-10-5 and has complete<br />
authority independent of any<br />
political entity.<br />
SIRPA is currently considering<br />
several economic opportunities<br />
and projects related<br />
to the development of the<br />
port. According to Dearborn<br />
County’s website, the entity<br />
can legally do the following:<br />
• Purchase, construct, sell,<br />
lease, and operate docks,<br />
wharves, warehouses, piers,<br />
and any other port, terminal,<br />
or transportation facilities<br />
within its jurisdiction consistent<br />
with the purposes of<br />
the port authority and make<br />
charges for the use thereof.<br />
• Straighten, deepen, and<br />
improve any canal, channel,<br />
river, stream, or other water<br />
course or way which may be<br />
necessary or proper in the<br />
development of the facilities<br />
of such port.<br />
• Establish dock lines, piers,<br />
and other facilities necessary<br />
to the conduct of pleasure<br />
boating within the territory<br />
under the jurisdiction of the<br />
port authority.<br />
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Aurora Mayor Mark Drury<br />
is a member of SIRPA. “I’m<br />
always in favor of regional<br />
economic development. Anything<br />
in which we can engage<br />
to promote employment and<br />
positive opportunities for our<br />
citizens, we should pursue.<br />
But, as with any growth, we<br />
must exercise due diligence in<br />
evaluating the overall impact<br />
of those opportunities to ensure<br />
positive results. The spinoff<br />
possibilities from the port<br />
are far-reaching encompassing<br />
peripheral industries and services<br />
such as housing, retail,<br />
health, and human services,<br />
etc. Controlled growth is<br />
within the grasp of our region<br />
and state as we truly become<br />
‘The Crossroads of America.’”<br />
The strategic plan compiled<br />
by One Dearborn is proving to<br />
be an invaluable tool in preparation<br />
for the proposed port.<br />
The plan focuses on the quality<br />
of life in Dearborn County,<br />
including housing, potential<br />
workforce, current businesses,<br />
and attracting new businesses.<br />
The implementation of the<br />
strategic plan is of great interest<br />
to the SIRPA concerning<br />
the development of infrastructure<br />
and other items that may<br />
need to be addressed.<br />
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SHOP LOCAL and tell our advertisers you saw them in The BEACON!
Page 4A THE BEACON <strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />
Courthouse Houses More Than County Administration<br />
Continued from page 1A<br />
brought continuous rain. The<br />
flooding waters broke the levee<br />
and caused major destruction.<br />
The crest of the flood<br />
in Cincinnati came on Feb.<br />
18, rising to just a little over<br />
sixty-four feet. One exaggerated<br />
report at the time stated<br />
that the cupola of the Dearborn<br />
County Courthouse was<br />
the only visible part above the<br />
waters. No matter what the<br />
truth may be, the floodwaters<br />
caused a great deal of strife<br />
and wreaked havoc in the<br />
area.<br />
The county seat was moved<br />
to the village of Wilmington,<br />
now an unincorporated<br />
community in Hogan Township,<br />
from 1836 to 1843. A<br />
courthouse was built there. At<br />
the same time, the governor<br />
of Indiana signed an act that<br />
the part of Dearborn County<br />
south of Laughery Creek was<br />
to be divided to form Ohio<br />
County.<br />
In 1843 the county seat was<br />
moved back to Lawrenceburg.<br />
The courthouse was reverted<br />
to the one built in the 1820s.<br />
As the population in Dearborn<br />
County grew, the wildness of<br />
the frontier had begun to die<br />
down, and wealth was being<br />
accumulated in the area. The<br />
county commissioners wanted<br />
a new courthouse to reflect<br />
the progression.<br />
The commissioners decided<br />
to build the new courthouse,<br />
whose design mirrored the<br />
Floyd County courthouse<br />
located in New Albany,<br />
Indiana. George H. Kyle,<br />
who had lived in Vevay since<br />
1840, was hired as the architect<br />
to carry out the task.<br />
Mr. Kyle was very talented<br />
and had earned an excellent<br />
reputation. On June 15, 1870,<br />
his plans for the new courthouse<br />
were approved, and the<br />
The original finish had deteriorated<br />
beyond repair and<br />
had to be carefully removed.<br />
project began. The pearl gray<br />
limestone used to construct<br />
the courthouse was quarried at<br />
Elliotsville in Monroe County,<br />
Indiana. Francis Raman of Indianapolis<br />
had the contract for<br />
stone cutting, and T.J. Shannor<br />
of Lawrenceburg was the<br />
general contractor.<br />
The ceremonial laying<br />
of the cornerstone for the<br />
new courthouse took place<br />
on April 13, 1871, and was<br />
attended by thousands of<br />
people. Some cornerstones<br />
include time capsules, and<br />
this courthouse was no different.<br />
Items placed in the time<br />
capsule included documents<br />
about the histories of the<br />
Masons, Druids, Good Templars<br />
(a fraternal organization<br />
against the use of alcohol and<br />
drugs), and other articles from<br />
area religious societies. Old<br />
coins from the Revolution,<br />
stamps, and newspapers were<br />
also included in the capsule.<br />
The three-story Greek<br />
revival style courthouse was<br />
completed in 1873 at the final<br />
cost of one hundred thirtyfive<br />
thousand seven hundred<br />
seventy-five dollars. The<br />
towering building included<br />
city offices and a public opera<br />
house. The second floor was<br />
A detail of the original egg<br />
and dart molding on the<br />
courtroom furniture.<br />
One of the pieces midway<br />
through the restoration<br />
process.<br />
home to a large courtroom<br />
measuring roughly seventy<br />
feet long by fifty feet wide.<br />
On a rainy January morning,<br />
Circuit Court Judge<br />
James Humphrey was kind<br />
enough to take time out of<br />
his busy schedule to give me<br />
a tour of the beautiful courthouse.<br />
The circuit court is<br />
the last actual circuit court in<br />
the state of Indiana. When I<br />
walked into the older part of<br />
the Dearborn County Courthouse,<br />
I felt as if I had truly<br />
stepped back in time. The<br />
sweeping courtroom is a sight<br />
to behold. The high ceilings<br />
and stained glass windows<br />
garner your attention. The<br />
large chandelier in the center<br />
The historic Dearborn County Courthouse was completed in<br />
1873.<br />
The judge’s bench after expert repair and restoration.<br />
of the courtroom is the only<br />
original one left. Of course,<br />
in the 1870s when the courthouse<br />
was built, everything<br />
was lit with gas since electricity<br />
was not available. An old<br />
box with a door is located in<br />
the circuit courtroom wall.<br />
Once opened, a valve is revealed<br />
that lit the gas lights in<br />
the room.<br />
The original ceiling in the<br />
courthouse was an ornate<br />
plaster ceiling painted to replicate<br />
the sky with clouds and<br />
stars. It had arches, plaster<br />
cherubs, and two medallions<br />
from which the giant brass<br />
chandeliers were hung. According<br />
to history, during a<br />
trial, one of the cherubs fell<br />
from the ceiling landing on a<br />
juror!<br />
In 1902 Judge George E.<br />
Downey had the courtroom<br />
divided in half. He had the<br />
plaster ceiling covered with<br />
the pressed tin ceiling that is<br />
visible in the courtroom today.<br />
Continued on page 5A<br />
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<strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong> THE BEACON Page 5A<br />
Community History Preserved for Future Generations<br />
The Circuit Courtroom is filled with historic elements such<br />
as the original stained glass windows.<br />
Hidden above the courtroom is the original mural of stars<br />
and clouds centered around a gold leaf medallion.<br />
An antique safe once held<br />
courthouse documents.<br />
Continued from page 4A<br />
Luckily for me, Judge Humphrey<br />
was willing to take me<br />
on a field trip up to the third<br />
floor of the courtroom in the<br />
attic, where I got to see the<br />
original ceiling! Even through<br />
the cobwebs and rafters, I<br />
could see what a beauty she<br />
had once been.<br />
Another interesting tidbit<br />
about the courthouse is that<br />
during renovations, the insulation<br />
was found to be made<br />
up of dirt, gravel, and horsehair<br />
in the floors! Some of<br />
Photos by Maureen Stenger<br />
the original black and white<br />
marble flooring remains on<br />
the second floor. If you look<br />
at it carefully, the remnants<br />
of shells are visible where it<br />
was originally cut, reflecting<br />
the time period in which they<br />
were formed.<br />
Another neat feature to<br />
the courthouse is the flood<br />
markers that are displayed<br />
outside of the courthouse. A<br />
brass plaque can be found on<br />
the second floor that serves<br />
as a reminder of how high<br />
floodwaters rose in the flood<br />
of 1937.<br />
A marking is etched on one<br />
of the columns at the front of<br />
the courthouse showing how<br />
high the water came up in the<br />
1887 flood.<br />
The renovation and maintenance<br />
of old buildings and all<br />
of their adornments take time<br />
and expertise. Terry Stephens,<br />
a professional woodworker<br />
and resident of Guilford, is involved<br />
in various woodworking<br />
projects at the courthouse.<br />
Artwork such as this portrait<br />
of President Abraham<br />
Lincoln adorn the walls<br />
throughout the courthouse.<br />
Mr. Stephens<br />
was<br />
contacted<br />
by Judge<br />
Humphrey<br />
to examine<br />
a piece of<br />
furniture<br />
that had a<br />
crack in it.<br />
Plaster detail That one<br />
piece grew<br />
into a long list of restoration<br />
projects and new designs.<br />
Although he is now retired,<br />
Mr. Stephens was more than<br />
willing to help. The piece<br />
of furniture that started it all<br />
was the bailiff’s desk that<br />
had a 3/8” crack across the<br />
front of it. Mr. Stephens told<br />
Judge Humphrey, “Give me<br />
the worst piece he had, the<br />
bailiff’s desk, and I would<br />
repair/refinish it. Then if<br />
he was satisfied, we would<br />
talk about the other pieces.”<br />
And the rest, as they say, is<br />
history. In addition to the<br />
bailiff’s desk, Mr. Stephens<br />
has repaired and restored the<br />
judge’s bench, a desk, and<br />
both of the attorney’s tables.<br />
He shared that the furniture<br />
is all quartered red oak. Mr.<br />
Stephens said, “The work<br />
consisted of stripping the<br />
original badly-checked finish,<br />
repairing cracks, fabricating<br />
missing pieces, and recreating<br />
some carving to match the existing<br />
carving.” Mr. Stephens<br />
is in the process of building<br />
a ten-foot-high by fourteenfoot-wide<br />
quartered oak<br />
bookcase resembling the other<br />
courthouse furniture. This<br />
new bookcase will become<br />
the home for a collection of<br />
the original leather-bound law<br />
books. Mr. Stephens explains<br />
he has, “Enjoyed working<br />
on these historical pieces of<br />
furniture and helping out the<br />
county.” Judge Humphrey<br />
raved to me about his incredible<br />
craftsmanship! I know the<br />
county is incredibly grateful<br />
for Mr. Stephens’ excellent<br />
work.<br />
Although the hands of time<br />
keep turning and the winds of<br />
change keep blowing, a true<br />
effort has been made to keep<br />
the Dearborn County Courthouse<br />
and its furnishings in<br />
pristine condition. Old glass<br />
in the circuit courtroom had<br />
to be swapped out for safety<br />
glass, but Judge Humphrey is<br />
planning to have the old glass<br />
framed and displayed. In addition<br />
to upholding the law, the<br />
courthouse was once used as a<br />
venue to host political rallies,<br />
graduation ceremonies, and<br />
other public events. A concerted<br />
effort is being made to<br />
pay homage to its history. We<br />
are fortunate to not only have<br />
such a magnificent timepiece<br />
in our community but also<br />
to have such devoted people<br />
dedicated to preserving its<br />
character.<br />
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Page 6A THE BEACON <strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />
B<br />
<strong>Beacon</strong><br />
Sams Named<br />
Civista Regional<br />
Market Executive<br />
Civista Bank has named<br />
Mark J. Sams as Senior<br />
Vice President, Regional<br />
Market Executive for the<br />
bank’s Southeastern Indiana<br />
and Greater Cincinnati<br />
region. Mr. Sams is based<br />
at the bank’s Lawrenceburg<br />
branch. He succeeds former<br />
Market Executive, Mike M.<br />
McLaughlin, who recently<br />
retired after thirty-six years of<br />
service.<br />
Mr. Sams joined Civista in<br />
2014, after being recruited<br />
by current board members,<br />
E.G. McLaughlin and Bill<br />
Ritzman. He has over twenty<br />
years of community banking<br />
and commercial lending<br />
experience. Mr. Sams earned<br />
his bachelor’s degree in<br />
business administration from<br />
the University of Illinois<br />
and is an alumni of the<br />
Graduate School of Banking<br />
in Madison, Wisconsin. Mark<br />
Sams is a Board Member<br />
Mark Sams, Senior Vice<br />
President, Regional Market<br />
Executive for Civista Bank.<br />
of the Civista Charitable<br />
Foundation, a Board Member<br />
and Treasurer of the Sacred<br />
Heart Boosters Club, and a<br />
Board Member and Treasurer<br />
of Dearborn County’s<br />
economic development group,<br />
One Dearborn.<br />
“Mark Sams is an effective<br />
leader who is dedicated<br />
to delivering exceptional<br />
customer service to our<br />
communities,” said Civista<br />
Bank CEO and President,<br />
Dennis G. Shaffer. “He will<br />
continue to lead Civista’s<br />
commercial lending team in<br />
the region, while working<br />
closely with regional sales<br />
leaders – Bridget Davidson,<br />
Assistant Vice President,<br />
Retail Market Leader; Jim<br />
Kittle, Senior Vice President,<br />
Credibility • Advocacy • Education • Visibility<br />
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Mortgage Lending; Tom<br />
Palmer, Vice President,<br />
Financial Consultant;<br />
and Amanda Corsmeier,<br />
Community Relations<br />
Coordinator,” added Mr.<br />
Shaffer.<br />
Auxiliary Contributes<br />
To Highpoint Health<br />
The Auxiliary of Highpoint<br />
Health has contributed more<br />
than $2.19 million to the<br />
hospital since its founding<br />
in 1958. Its most recent<br />
donation of $14,000 was<br />
made at the organization’s<br />
recognition luncheon. It<br />
served as the final payment<br />
on the GE SenoClaire<br />
3D (three-dimensional)<br />
Mammography Unit used<br />
in the hospital’s Breast Care<br />
Center.<br />
Each year, the hospital<br />
hosts a luncheon at the<br />
Dearborn Country Club for<br />
the Auxiliary to thank their<br />
volunteers for their service.<br />
Auxilians are recognized for<br />
their volunteer hours with<br />
service pins and/or guards<br />
and a gift from the hospital.<br />
“It’s truly a blessing to<br />
have the Auxiliary as part of<br />
our hospital family,” stated<br />
Michael W. Schwebler,<br />
Highpoint Health President/<br />
CEO. “Thank you for your<br />
many hours of service and<br />
dedication to our hospital.<br />
Your welcoming smiles and<br />
the care and concern you<br />
show for our patients and<br />
their families help to make<br />
for a more comfortable and<br />
pleasing patient experience.”<br />
At the event, the Auxiliary<br />
held its annual election of<br />
officers. Re-elected to their<br />
current offices were Second<br />
Vice President, Paul Filter;<br />
Recording Secretary, Marge<br />
Waldon; and Treasurer,<br />
Marilyn Courtney. Fulfilling<br />
Jacquie Ritzmann, Highpoint Health Birthing Center<br />
Manager; Angela Scudder, Highpoint Health Chief Nursing<br />
Officer; Tracy Lee; Dr. Natalie Adams ; Dr. Stephan Kraeling.<br />
Jacqueline Pitts (seated) and Rylie Lee.<br />
Highpoint Health Welcomes First<br />
Baby of New Decade<br />
The Highpoint Health Birthing Center welcomed its first<br />
baby of the new decade, Rylie Renee Lee. Delivered by<br />
Highpoint Health Physician Partners Obstetrician/Gynecologist<br />
Dr. Natalie Adams on January 5, at 1:34 a.m., Rylie weighed 6<br />
pounds, 12 ounces and was 20 inches in length.<br />
Rylie is the daughter of Jacqueline Pitts and Tracy Lee.<br />
As the first baby born at Highpoint Health in <strong>2020</strong>, Rylie<br />
was presented a certificate for a $500 savings account at<br />
the Dearborn County Federal Credit Union, courtesy of the<br />
hospital.<br />
their current terms of service<br />
are Sylvia Plashko, President;<br />
Marita Cizek, First Vice<br />
President; and Sharyn<br />
Makrancy, Corresponding<br />
Secretary.<br />
Entertainment was provided<br />
by two well-known local<br />
musicians, pianist Mark A.<br />
Tanner of Greendale and<br />
flautist Hollie Hosier of<br />
Milan. The duo performed<br />
both classical and Broadway<br />
melodies.<br />
Individuals recognized for<br />
their service at the luncheon<br />
were:<br />
500 hours: Colleen<br />
Aug, Daniel Aug, Mildred<br />
Gensheimer, Mary Kephart,<br />
Janet Petty and Barbara<br />
Vandermuellen<br />
1,000 hours: LaVerne<br />
Bryant, Claudia Richardt,<br />
Winifred Roland and John<br />
Vandermuellen<br />
2,000 hours: Barry Hussung<br />
3,000 hours: Etta Bostwick,<br />
Evelyn Click, Stella Dobson,<br />
Walter Shroyer and Paul<br />
Titkemeyer<br />
4,000 hours: Janice Metcalf<br />
7,000 hours: Jean Benning<br />
8,000 hours: Marita Cizek<br />
and Marilyn Courtney<br />
11,000 hours: Marge Waldon<br />
12,000 hours: Wilma<br />
Holden<br />
14,000 hours: Sylvia<br />
Plashko<br />
18,000 hours: Ruth Wilson<br />
Life Members: Bruce<br />
Plashko, Dean Tuggle, Wilma<br />
Wittrock and Jerrie Wuest<br />
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Twenty-five Years of Bringing our Community and Businesses Together.
<strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong> THE BEACON Page 7A<br />
Planning Ahead- The Greatest Gift<br />
Only the good die young, to<br />
quote singer Billy Joel. And<br />
since thirty is the new twenty...<br />
Or is it fifty is the new<br />
thirty? No, it’s seventy is the<br />
new fifty... You get the picture.<br />
Planning ahead requires<br />
overcoming the art of procrastination,<br />
and planning your<br />
estate often falls into that category.<br />
As Paul Elliott, the son<br />
of Nelson Elliott, said at his<br />
father’s funeral, “The greatest<br />
gift my father ever gave<br />
me came on Christmas Day.<br />
He handed me a box and said,<br />
‘These are all of the instructions<br />
for when I die.’” At the<br />
time, Paul thought the “gift”<br />
was a little odd, but that was<br />
par for Nelson. Years later,<br />
Paul was incredibly grateful<br />
for his father’s foresight and<br />
thoughtfulness.<br />
Let’s face it- we are all going<br />
to pass on to our eternal<br />
reward. Why not give some<br />
thought to pre-planning the<br />
details to ease the burden on<br />
your friends and family?<br />
A few steps in the right direction<br />
and the help of qualified<br />
professionals can make<br />
the process much easier.<br />
The first item of business<br />
is to see an attorney concerning<br />
your legal paperwork. For<br />
most, this step has already<br />
been completed. Documents<br />
imperative to proper planning<br />
include a will, a durable power<br />
of attorney, and a medical<br />
power of attorney.<br />
A last will and testament,<br />
or will, acts as an instruction<br />
sheet for how your estate<br />
should be handled. A will is<br />
especially critical if you have<br />
minor children who are dependent<br />
upon you. The assignment<br />
of an executor is part of<br />
creating your will. An executor<br />
must be at least eighteen<br />
years old and of sound mind.<br />
Indiana has an additional requirement<br />
that, if the executor<br />
is a non-resident, an in-state<br />
co-executor must be appointed.<br />
The non-resident executor<br />
may be required to post a<br />
bond. A non-resident can serve<br />
alone as executor if he or she<br />
posts a bond and files a written<br />
notice accepting the appointment<br />
and naming an in-state<br />
agent to receive legal papers.<br />
(Ind. Code Ann. § 29-1-10-1.)<br />
In other words, your best<br />
bet is to consult a lawyer.<br />
Responsibilities of an executor<br />
include:<br />
• locating documents pertaining<br />
to your estate<br />
• hiring an attorney if necessary<br />
• applying for probate<br />
• notifying interested parties<br />
• manage the deceased’s<br />
property<br />
• paying claims and debts and<br />
fees<br />
• filing tax returns<br />
• distribute assets to beneficiaries<br />
• keep accurate records<br />
• file a final accounting with<br />
the court<br />
Should you not have a will<br />
at the time of your death, the<br />
state will assume the responsibility<br />
and “provide” a will for<br />
you based upon state law.<br />
Another item to be considered<br />
for pre-planning is a<br />
durable financial power of attorney.<br />
This document assigns<br />
a person to manage your financial<br />
affairs should you become<br />
incapacitated. It stays in effect<br />
until such time that you regain<br />
your ability to care for yourself<br />
or until you pass away.<br />
A healthcare power of attorney<br />
designates a person to<br />
make medical decisions for<br />
you when you are unable to<br />
make decisions for yourself.<br />
Handling your financial<br />
accounts may be as simple as<br />
making beneficiary designations<br />
on the accounts. These<br />
designations can be assigned<br />
on life insurance policies,<br />
investment accounts, bank<br />
accounts, etc.<br />
If you have minor children,<br />
consider guardianship designations<br />
for them. Establishing<br />
trusts and detailed instructions<br />
concerning insurance, etc.<br />
may be necessary.<br />
“The benefit of pre-planning<br />
is knowing what is wanted<br />
ahead of time rather than<br />
during a stressful time,” said<br />
Melissa Scholl, Esq.<br />
As far as the details of a<br />
service, a vast array of options<br />
are available. However, one<br />
fact is indisputable. By law, a<br />
licensed funeral director must<br />
oversee the final disposition<br />
of a body in Indiana. Which<br />
means there is no opportunity<br />
to prop Grandpa up in the<br />
passenger seat of your convertible<br />
and take one last spin<br />
as he requested. A licensed<br />
Aurora Not-for-Profit Grants Available<br />
Grant applications are now<br />
being accepted for projects of<br />
not-for-profit organizations<br />
that will directly benefit Aurora<br />
residents. An advisory committee<br />
consisting of the members<br />
of the Aurora City Council will<br />
work with the Dearborn Community<br />
Foundation.<br />
Entities that provide services<br />
for the City of Aurora<br />
are also eligible to apply.<br />
Examples of the types of services<br />
include: EMS, historic<br />
preservation, housing, technical<br />
assistance, transportation<br />
and youth services.<br />
For more information visit<br /><br />
grants-2/g_aurora/.<br />
Come dine with Third and Main in our family owned<br />
Restaraunt and Tavern, open since 1891!<br />
Serving mouth watering, dry-aged steaks, fresh<br />
seafood, & dazzling cocktails.<br />
Bill Ullrich, Grand Knight of the Aurora Knights of<br />
Columbus Council 2111, and Paul Herberling, Knights<br />
of Columbus Council 1231 presented checks to Amy<br />
Phillips, YES Home Executive Director, to assist with<br />
the cost of new entry doors.<br />
Knights of Columbus<br />
Step Up to Help the YES Home<br />
During a recent wind storm, the doors of the YES Home<br />
shook so badly that the frame was pulled from the opening<br />
and the glass blew in. Thanks to the generosity of the The<br />
Aurora Knights of Columbus Council 2111 and Lawrenceburg<br />
Knights of Columbus Council 1231, new doors are being<br />
installed.<br />
Mr. Ullrich shared, “I’m just glad we had the resources to<br />
take care of a real need for a very deserving group of caring<br />
people that do so much for children and familiies in need.”<br />
The YES Home is a residential group home that provides<br />
a structured, nurturing environment for children ages twelve<br />
to twenty. Their efforts promote connections with youth, their<br />
families, and the community.<br />
For more information on the YES Home and how to help,<br />
visit their website<br />
funeral director is needed to<br />
file a death certificate and<br />
obtain the necessary permits<br />
for transporting the body, and<br />
for burial or cremation.<br />
Any pre-planning that has<br />
been made comes into play<br />
at this point. To begin the<br />
process, those interested in<br />
pre-planning a funeral should<br />
meet with a Pre-Planning consultant.<br />
Most funeral homes<br />
such as Andres Wuestefeld<br />
Funeral Home, Brater-Winter<br />
Funeral Home, Jackman<br />
Hensley Funeral Home, and<br />
Fitch-Denney Funeral Home<br />
can assist you in this area.<br />
When pre-planning, some<br />
considerations need to be<br />
taken into account. For<br />
example, where one keeps<br />
pertinent information and<br />
legal documents is vital to<br />
ensure that one’s wishes are<br />
carried out. The funeral home<br />
should only collect information<br />
needed to plan ahead.<br />
If a person chooses to prepay,<br />
the insurance company<br />
would need a social security<br />
number and date of birth. All<br />
personal information required<br />
by a funeral home should be<br />
stored in a secured location to<br />
prevent identity theft.<br />
Planning ahead does not<br />
mean that costs must be prepaid.<br />
In fact, planning ahead<br />
should not be associated with<br />
any price. According to Jolene<br />
Winter, Brater-Winter Funeral<br />
Home, “Planning ahead<br />
shouldn’t cost you money.<br />
The funeral home should<br />
give you a cost estimate. This<br />
allows you to think over the<br />
options and make sure you<br />
understand the costs. If you<br />
have questions, speak up.”<br />
If you choose to prepay<br />
funeral expenses, be sure to<br />
make the payment to an insurance<br />
company or trust company,<br />
not a funeral home. This<br />
process protects you in case a<br />
funeral home ever goes out of<br />
business.<br />
Almost all funeral homes<br />
guarantee services and merchandise.<br />
Be sure that guarantees<br />
of services and merchandise<br />
are clear. Cemetery<br />
costs, announcements, etc. are<br />
usually not guaranteed.<br />
Pre-planning does not<br />
automatically ensure that your<br />
wishes will be met. In Indiana,<br />
a Funeral Planning Declaration<br />
must be in place. Ohio<br />
weekly specials<br />
Half Price Bottle of Wine<br />
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Seafood Night:<br />
$1 Oysters, $2 Prawns,<br />
$30 1lb Alaskan King Crab<br />
requires that you have an Appointment<br />
of Representative.<br />
Death is something that<br />
100% of us will go through,<br />
so planning ahead makes<br />
sense. The most important<br />
consideration when choosing<br />
a funeral home and director is<br />
to be sure that you don’t feel<br />
pressured to make a decision.<br />
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Page 8A THE BEACON <strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />
Mardi Gras Celebration Brings Communities Together for a Good Cause<br />
The Children’s Advocacy<br />
Center of Southeastern<br />
Indiana (CACSEI) is once<br />
again hosting Mardi Gras on<br />
Feb. 29. This annual fundraiser<br />
supports efforts to help<br />
abused, neglected and maltreated<br />
children.<br />
The CAC helps children<br />
become kids again by helping<br />
them begin the healing<br />
process. It is a child-friendly<br />
nonprofit corporation created<br />
to minimize the trauma<br />
suffered by victims of child<br />
abuse. The CAC is designed<br />
with a multidisciplinary team<br />
approach which facilitates the<br />
prevention, detection, investigation<br />
and treatment of child<br />
abuse.<br />
“We help over 500 kids and<br />
their families every year after<br />
an allegation of abuse. All<br />
of the proceeds from Mardi<br />
Gras benefit CACSEI and<br />
help fund our three regional<br />
locations throughout the year.<br />
We use this money to cover<br />
education and community<br />
outreach programs, provide<br />
forensic interviews and further<br />
our mission of helping<br />
children heal after an allegation<br />
of abuse,” said CACSEI<br />
Executive Director Stephanie<br />
Back.<br />
The Mardi Gras event<br />
includes a King and Queen<br />
contest with candidates representing<br />
each county the CAC<br />
serves. The King and Queen<br />
couple who raises the most<br />
money by 11 p.m. the night of<br />
the event will be crowned the<br />
King and Queen of the Mardi<br />
Gras Ball, <strong>2020</strong>! Every dollar<br />
counts as one vote.<br />
And Mardi Gras wouldn’t<br />
be complete without king<br />
cakes!<br />
“For all of us at Mardi<br />
Gras, it’ll be a fun night<br />
with great memories. However,<br />
the money that comes<br />
from it serves a much higher<br />
purpose for children and<br />
families who have a very<br />
different set of memories<br />
after trauma,” says CACSEI<br />
Development Coordinator<br />
Shannon Perry.<br />
Representing Dearborn<br />
County are Kevin Alan Ruwe<br />
Turner and Marisa Dawn<br />
Selmeyer Turner. They are<br />
lifelong residents of Dearborn<br />
County. Both went to<br />
South Dearborn High School,<br />
Marisa in the Class of 1995<br />
and Kevin the Class of 1996.<br />
They have two children:<br />
Katelyn and Molly.<br />
Marisa was raised in<br />
Dillsboro by her parents<br />
Don and Ora Selmeyer. Her<br />
brother Justin also stayed in<br />
Dearborn County where he is<br />
the choir director and director<br />
of the Opening Knights<br />
Show Choir at South Dearborn.<br />
Marisa earned a degree<br />
in chemistry from Xavier<br />
University and a doctorate in<br />
pharmacy from Ohio State<br />
University. Marisa leads<br />
the Dillsboro Girl Scout<br />
Troop, is a member of the<br />
Dillsboro Redevelopment<br />
Committee, and volunteers<br />
with Bible School. She has<br />
previously been Sunday<br />
School Superintendent at the<br />
family’s church. For fun she<br />
tap dances and performs in<br />
recitals.<br />
Kevin was raised in Aurora<br />
by Randy Turner and Susan<br />
(nee Bentle) Bowling.<br />
In high school he served<br />
on Student Government all<br />
four years, being elected<br />
Student Body President his<br />
senior year. He worked for<br />
Aurora Police as a dispatcher<br />
and reserve police officer.<br />
In 2000 he was hired as a<br />
full time police officer for<br />
Greendale Police, where he<br />
currently works as the Patrol<br />
Sergeant, an investigator,<br />
and a training officer. Kevin<br />
also volunteered as a fire<br />
fighter and fire investigator<br />
for the Aurora Fire Department.<br />
He rejoined the fire<br />
service with Dillsboro Fire,<br />
where he is a Lieutenant and<br />
fire investigator. Kevin is a<br />
first-term Dearborn County<br />
Councilman for District 3.<br />
He previously volunteered<br />
with Aurora Emergency<br />
Rescue Unit as a driver then<br />
EMT. Kevin enjoys coaching<br />
youth sports and recently<br />
obtained certification by the<br />
Indiana High School Athletic<br />
Association as a referee in<br />
football, basketball, and soccer.<br />
In his spare time, Kevin<br />
enjoys playing drums, guitar,<br />
and bass guitar. He also<br />
enjoys reading (still mostly<br />
history), and spending time<br />
with his family including<br />
brothers Wilson, Jake, Oren,<br />
his Uncle Steven and Dad.<br />
Ryan and Rachel Holcomb<br />
of Batesville are representing<br />
Ripley County. Ryan is<br />
a 1997 graduate of South Ripley<br />
High School and a 2003<br />
graduate from Purdue University.<br />
He is currently working<br />
as a Financial Advisor with<br />
Edward Jones in Versailles.<br />
Ryan is also involved with the<br />
Versailles Lions Club, Batesville<br />
Community Education<br />
Foundation, and South Ripley<br />
FFA. Rachel is a 2000 graduate<br />
from Batesville High<br />
School, 2004 graduate from<br />
Purdue University School<br />
of Nursing, and earned her<br />
Kevin and Marisa Turner<br />
are representing Dearborn<br />
County.<br />
Masters of Nursing as a Family<br />
Nurse Practitioner (FNP)<br />
from University of Indianapolis<br />
in 2009. Rachel is working<br />
as a FNP in Family practice,<br />
involved in Mom2Mom in<br />
Batesville and is a health and<br />
wellness coach as well. Ryan<br />
and Rachel have 2 daughters,<br />
Paige and London and they<br />
enjoy going camping and<br />
traveling as a family.<br />
Brian and Courtney Monahan<br />
are your Ohio County<br />
CAC Mardi Gras King and<br />
Queen candidates for <strong>2020</strong>.<br />
Brian is a graduate of Rising<br />
Sun High School. After Brian<br />
graduated High School, he<br />
started his career in public<br />
safety. He has held positions<br />
as a Deputy for the Ohio<br />
County Sheriff’s Office, Jail<br />
Officer and Jail Administrator<br />
with the Dearborn County<br />
Sheriff’s Office, and Reserve<br />
Police Officer with the Aurora<br />
Police Department. Brian is<br />
currently employed with the<br />
Ohio County 911 Communications<br />
Center. He also works<br />
for Ohio County Rescue as an<br />
ambulance driver. Courtney is<br />
a graduate of South Dearborn<br />
High School and grew up in<br />
Dillsboro. Courtney attended<br />
Ryan and Rachel Holcomb<br />
represent Ripley County.<br />
Brian and Courtney Monahan<br />
are representing Ohio<br />
County.<br />
Cincinnati State where she<br />
played on the golf team.<br />
Courtney later graduated<br />
from The Medical Institute<br />
of Kentucky as a Nationally<br />
Certified Medical Assistant.<br />
Brian and Courtney are active<br />
donors with the Children’s<br />
Advocacy Center and have<br />
attended the Mardi Gras Ball<br />
the last three years. Brian and<br />
Courtney have a beautiful,<br />
1 year old daughter, Kinley<br />
Aleece. They enjoy golfing,<br />
traveling, and spending time<br />
with their family and friends.<br />
To learn more or make an<br />
individual donation, visit<br />
Twenty-five Years of Bringing our Community and Businesses Together.
<strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong> THE BEACON Page 9A<br />
Our community recently<br />
said goodbye to<br />
Bright resident Jesse<br />
Smith. While we are<br />
saddened by the loss of<br />
such a great friend and<br />
neighbor, we know that<br />
his faith led him to his<br />
eternal reward. To honor<br />
Mr. Smith’s memory, we<br />
have chosen an article<br />
penned by his wife and<br />
longtime <strong>Beacon</strong> correspondent,<br />
Jeannie Smith.<br />
Written over four years<br />
ago, Mrs. Smith shared a<br />
lifetime of memories and<br />
laughter that she and<br />
her husband shared. Her<br />
words reflect the spirit<br />
and joy that Mr. Smith<br />
shared with us all.<br />
And They Said<br />
It Wouldn't Last<br />
This past April, Jesse and I<br />
celebrated our 69th wedding<br />
anniversary! In some ways it<br />
seems like it hasn't been that<br />
long ago, but at the same time<br />
I feel like we have always<br />
been married - and I mean that<br />
in a good way. In celebration<br />
of our anniversary, I thought<br />
I'd reminisce about Jesse and<br />
I getting married and share a<br />
little insight to how we started.<br />
On April 18, 1947, Jesse<br />
and I walked down the aisle<br />
of Bright Christian Church to<br />
exchange our vows. We were<br />
only 19 years old and had<br />
no idea what we were doing.<br />
Jesse's uncles, Walter and For-<br />
Half the nap had been eaten George Bentle. It is still there<br />
G W W<br />
In the by mice. She beat it on the hat's today. It's the little white<br />
hat's<br />
clothesline to get the dust Happening house Inthat sets next to Casey's Happening In<br />
OOD OLD<br />
out of it and this became LOGAN our Nursery on Stateline Road. Milan<br />
DAYS<br />
bedroom rug. It looked just We really thought we had<br />
fine to me.<br />
By moved up. It had an upstairs<br />
By<br />
We had a five-foot Crosley Myrtle and a cellar, but we still had<br />
Susan<br />
By<br />
Shelvadore refrigerator that White an outside bathroom. We were<br />
Cottingham<br />
Jeanie we bought from Mike and 25 years old when we lived<br />
(Hurley) Margaret Renck. The house Community there and 30 years later our<br />
Community<br />
Correspondent<br />
Correspondent<br />
Smith was heated with a wood stove daughter Cyndi moved into<br />
in the kitchen - a red Heatrola that same house when she was<br />
that we bought<br />
from Aunt 25! I couldn't believe it.<br /><br />
Bernice and Uncle Joe Jackson.<br />
Each room Whad a door our little house on Salt Fork<br />
Then in 1955 we built<br />
est Kidwell, did everything<br />
W<br />
they could to persuade Jesse that went from one room to Road - now Jackson Ridge. I<br />
hat's<br />
hat's<br />
Happening In<br />
not to marry me. They were the other. Over each door was Happening thought In we were the luckiest<br />
Wsure it wouldn't last. They said a transom. A transom was a couple on earth. We already MOORES HILL<br />
hat's<br />
AURORA<br />
I was irresponsible, Happening haphazard,<br />
and didn't have a brain in you could close the doors and moved in and shortly after,<br />
By<br />
In small window that opened so had Scott and Mark when we<br />
By<br />
my head! They were probably the heat would still circulate we had Cyndi. It was a three<br />
Linda<br />
Fred<br />
Ickenroth<br />
right on all three counts, but throughout the house. bedroom Schmits ranch with an inside<br />
thank goodness Jesse didn't By We fastened orange crates bathroom, cistern water, and Jeanie and Jesse Community in their "early<br />
Paul<br />
listen to them.<br />
together to make a "wash an Community unfinished basement with years." Correspondent<br />
Filter &<br />
We moved into a little fourroom<br />
house in Bright, that Louwas<br />
on top and then made a skirt "stoop" on the front of the We don't have a secret for a<br />
stand." We tacked oil cloth a<br />
Correspondent<br />
Mary<br />
coal furnace. It had a little<br />
located next to where Prime from feed sacks to hide the house and a back porch. I<br />
Powers<br /><br />
successful marriage. We are<br />
Time Pizza is today. We had no bottom. We sat our wash pan, thought we had everything we as different as night and day!<br />
running<br />
Community<br />
water,<br />
Correspondents<br />
so I would go soap, and bucket of water could ever want.<br />
We have plenty of arguments,<br /><br />
W W<br />
to the well across the street, in with a dipper in it, on the top. This is where Jesse and I but sometimes hat's<br />
hat's<br />
we just agree<br />
Happening In<br />
front of Renck's Store, and carry<br />
buckets of water back to our is where I kept my towels, MANCHESTER<br />
We raised our kids here and is the most GREENDALE<br />
important part of<br />
On the shelves underneath Happening have spent Inthe last 61 years. to disagree. Making sure God<br />
W<br />
house. If we wanted hat's hot Happening water, wash cloths and extra soap, welcomed so many others our life, makes all the difference.<br />
As we've gotten By older<br />
In the<br />
it was heated on the kitchen tucked behind the skirt. We over the years to stay with<br />
stove. WhitewaterTw<br />
By<br />
Our bathroom was outside<br />
and p there Franklin was a little path anything we could think of. We Poth welcomed grandchildren, Christians, which makes our<br />
used those orange crates for us whenever the need arose. we've become even Shirley<br />
Christina<br />
stronger<br />
Seitz<br />
that led to the "privy." We paid When you don't have much, great grandchildren, and relationship stronger. Community They go<br />
$25 a month for rent and By Jesse you get very creative. Growing<br />
up during the Depression survived Correspondent<br />
great-great Community grandchildren. We hand-in-hand. Correspondent<br />
Linda<br />
made 75 cents per hour working<br />
at Miami Fort power plant. made you perfectly happy and grieved over the deaths out Jesse. One day without<br />
Hall<br />
sicknesses, tragedies I can't imagine my life with-<br />
Our house was mainly furnished<br />
with hand-me-downs. Community After spending about four all, we stayed devoted to each many. I pray that when the<br />
with whatever you had. of loved ones. But through it<br /><br />
him would be one day too<br />
Nevertheless, I was sure Correspondent we years in that little house we other. I'm sure Jesse could Wtime does come - God willing,<br />
had the cutest house in Bright. moved to the "Bentle" house. have found plenty of reasons He would let hat's Jesse and I walk<br />
Mother<br /><br />
dragged a rug down We called it the Bentle house to trade me in over the years, "into the sunset" Happening hand-in-Ihand.<br />
God RISING bless. from the top of the corn crib. because it was owned by but I'm glad he didn't.<br />
SUN<br />
M<br />
DEAR<br />
ARIE<br />
Dear Marie,<br />
My mom is going to have<br />
major surgery and will need<br />
help and care during her recovery.<br />
My mom works full time<br />
and lives alone.<br />
I am very concerned about<br />
my mom and want to be there<br />
to help. When I discuss this<br />
with her, she replied, “No, you<br />
are already busy with your<br />
life, with your kids and your<br />
job, it’s too much to ask.”<br />
Marie, my feelings are hurt.<br />
I think my mom believes that<br />
I’m incapable of helping her<br />
and doesn’t want me around.<br />
What can I do?<br />
Jane in Greendale<br />
By<br />
Marie<br />
Segale<br /><br />
Dear Jane.<br />
I do understand your hurt<br />
feelings. Mother-daughter<br />
relationships are complicated.<br />
Mothers believe one thing,<br />
and daughters believe another.<br />
Mothers know what it feels<br />
like to be a woman, a mom,<br />
and maybe even a woman<br />
who works outside the home.<br />
Wanting to help one’s daughter<br />
is quite natural, but accepting<br />
help from one’s child is a<br />
foreign concept.<br />
Jane, consider that your<br />
mom does not want to accept<br />
getting older and needing<br />
help. It’s entirely possible that<br />
your mom does not want to<br />
be thought of as a burden to<br />
anyone and believes she can<br />
take care of herself.<br />
I recommend open and honest<br />
communication between<br />
you and your mother, and<br />
I know that can be hard to<br />
achieve. Get the feelings you<br />
both have out into the open<br />
where you both can determine<br />
what is going on between you.<br />
You may both be surprised to<br />
learn your perception of the<br />
situation is different.<br />
Have a pressing issue?<br />
Contact Marie@go<strong>Beacon</strong><br />
Fairhaven Apartments, Inc.<br />
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812-926-1466 Home • 859-512-9792 Cell<br />
By<br />
Tracy<br />
(Aylor)<br />
Russell<br /><br />
Community<br />
Correspondent<br />
Checking | Savings | Loans | CDs & IRAs | Trusts<br />
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SHOP LOCAL and tell our advertisers you saw them in The BEACON!
Page 10A THE BEACON <strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />
By Linda Hutchinson<br />
Very few folks who have<br />
lived in the Bright area for<br />
any length of time have not<br />
personally met or heard of the<br />
name Jesse Smith. Mr. Smith<br />
passed away on January 17,<br />
<strong>2020</strong>, at the age of ninetyone<br />
and received his eternal<br />
reward. As I looked around<br />
the room at his funeral held<br />
at the church where Jesse had<br />
worshipped for over eightytwo<br />
years, I couldn’t help but<br />
think about the legacy he left<br />
behind. A massive crowd of<br />
family and friends came to<br />
celebrate a life well-lived.<br />
Jesse Smith understood this<br />
counter-cultural way of living<br />
that I want to propose to you<br />
today. In God’s eyes, he was a<br />
very rich man!<br />
Let’s face it, so many things<br />
in life compete for your time,<br />
attention, and resources. In<br />
this 24/7 digital age, you can<br />
be quickly overwhelmed and<br />
bombarded from all sides. If<br />
your phone vibrates in your<br />
pocket day and night to the<br />
constant feed of fake news on<br />
social media, filtering out the<br />
good from the bad becomes<br />
harder and harder. For many,<br />
all these things become just<br />
“noise.” Every week we see<br />
individuals, couples, and<br />
families in our office that are<br />
having a hard time discerning<br />
what is worth their time<br />
and attention and what is not.<br />
Many folks become overwhelmed,<br />
shut down, and<br />
even turn on each other due to<br />
the stress. So, where do YOU<br />
spend your valuable resources?<br />
Could I suggest it is NOT<br />
on Facebook or your 401K?<br />
The world today says financial<br />
investments are the most<br />
important ones you can make,<br />
but the reality is they are the<br />
least. What is the “best bang<br />
for your buck” when it comes<br />
to your time, energy, and<br />
resources if it’s not money?<br />
The Greatest Investment You Could Ever Make<br />
It’s relationships! Jesse Smith<br />
would say it’s first a relationship<br />
with Jesus Christ, who<br />
died for you, followed by a<br />
close second, your spouse.<br />
Jesse and his wife Jeanie had<br />
been married seventy-two<br />
years. He understood he was a<br />
rich man!<br />
In today’s digital world, we<br />
have lost the investment of<br />
human connection. Families<br />
are disconnecting, marriages<br />
are crumbling, friendships<br />
are starving, and our mental<br />
health is suffering. Suicide is<br />
now the second leading cause<br />
of death for those between the<br />
age of ten and twenty-four.<br />
Why? This time should be the<br />
prime of their life. Research<br />
shows that, in an age where<br />
we seem so “connected,” we<br />
are feeling more disconnected<br />
and isolated than ever.<br />
How can we change this?<br />
What can we do TODAY to<br />
help build a healthier tomorrow<br />
for our families? Our<br />
community? Our world?<br />
Some simple things we all can<br />
do that don’t require a lot of<br />
money or any special talents<br />
are:<br />
1. LOOK UP. Turn off your<br />
phone in the waiting room or<br />
in line and look around you.<br />
Who is sitting alone? Who<br />
looks like they could use a<br />
smile or a kind word? Reaching<br />
out doesn’t take much<br />
time, and it could make a<br />
massive difference in someone’s<br />
life. You never know<br />
what they are going through<br />
and how your kind word<br />
could make a difference.<br />
Often someone in your own<br />
home is craving face-to-face<br />
connection with you. Maybe<br />
your son who wants you<br />
to put down the phone and<br />
shoot hoops with him. Maybe<br />
your mom would love for<br />
you to take the earbuds out<br />
of your ears and ask about<br />
her day. Look up and look<br />
around.<br />
2. SLOW DOWN. When<br />
is the last time you stepped<br />
away from your desk and<br />
went to lunch with your coworkers?<br />
How about the last<br />
time you called an old friend<br />
and checked on him or her?<br />
Could you slow down long<br />
enough to open the door for<br />
someone or let someone go<br />
ahead of you in grocery line?<br />
So many people, including<br />
myself at times, use the word<br />
“BUSY” as a badge of honor.<br />
You know what I’m talking<br />
about… “Linda, I can’t slow<br />
down and do those things. I<br />
am soooo BUSY!” The time<br />
has come to slow down and<br />
take our “busy badges” off. As<br />
a family, we have overscheduled<br />
our kids and ourselves<br />
so tightly that we don’t even<br />
have time to sit down and<br />
share a meal. We’re missing<br />
out on the greatest time of the<br />
day to connect as a family.<br />
Make it a rule that NO phones<br />
or other screens are permitted<br />
at the table. I’m sure all<br />
of us have seen families out<br />
at restaurants where everyone<br />
is looking at phones or<br />
a TV screen on a wall. Why<br />
bother even eating together?<br />
Spend that time engaging and<br />
reconnecting. Ask about each<br />
other’s day. What were the<br />
highs? What were the lows?<br />
3. REACH OUT. How<br />
about sending an old fashioned<br />
birthday card to a<br />
family member or a sympathy<br />
card to a neighbor who just<br />
lost a spouse? You know those<br />
things you put stamps on and<br />
put in the mail. Make dinner<br />
time with your family a priority.<br />
If you’re married, spend at<br />
least fifteen minutes every day<br />
in face-to-face dialogue. If<br />
you have little ones, your kids<br />
must know how important this<br />
“mom and dad time” is. Take<br />
that initiative to reconnect and<br />
recalibrate your relationship.<br />
Help your spouse feel like the<br />
most important person in your<br />
world. Both communication<br />
at the dinner table and couple<br />
dialogue are tools you can<br />
use to read the temperature of<br />
your family and your marriage.<br />
In today’s digital age,<br />
we are losing those skills.<br />
We’re too busy with our heads<br />
buried in screens. We’ve lost<br />
that human connection.<br />
4. INVEST IN. I believe<br />
the greatest investment of<br />
time and energy you could<br />
ever make is investing in<br />
the life of a child. Want to<br />
know what will give you an<br />
EXPONENTIAL return on<br />
your investment? Before you<br />
give me your excuse as to<br />
why you can’t...let me clarify.<br />
Everyone, regardless of how<br />
old you are or how much time<br />
or money you have, can do<br />
SOMETHING. We are all<br />
called to do SOMETHING.<br />
When we adopted our three<br />
youngest children four years<br />
ago, my husband and I were<br />
so thankful for the many other<br />
men and women God placed<br />
in their lives to encourage<br />
Four Rising Sun High<br />
School senior students have<br />
been named as the <strong>2020</strong> recipients<br />
of the Ohio County<br />
Community Foundation<br />
Scholarship administered by<br />
the Ohio County Community<br />
Foundation.<br />
Emma Davis, Emma Levi,<br />
Kinsey Price and Trey (T.J.)<br />
Manifold will each receive a<br />
$4,000 scholarship for being<br />
named Ohio County Community<br />
Foundation Scholars.<br />
The scholarship will be paid<br />
up to $1,000 a year over<br />
four consecutive years of<br />
study. It may be used at any<br />
post-secondary educational<br />
institution such as a technical<br />
school, a community college<br />
or a four-year college or<br />
university. The scholarship<br />
must be used for books or<br />
tuition.<br />
The four Rising Sun High<br />
School seniors were awarded<br />
the Ohio County Community<br />
Foundation Scholarship<br />
for being selected out<br />
of a pool of eight applicants<br />
as one of the five finalists<br />
of the Lilly Endowment<br />
Community Scholarship<br />
process. The Ohio County<br />
Community Foundation<br />
Board of Directors and the<br />
Ohio County Community<br />
Foundation Scholarship<br />
Selection Committee recognizes<br />
the achievements<br />
of those students chosen to<br />
advance to the interview<br />
process of the Lilly Endowment<br />
Community Scholarship.<br />
The Ohio County<br />
Community Foundation<br />
Scholarship was established,<br />
in 2000, by the Ohio<br />
County Community Foundation<br />
Board of Directors to<br />
provide the financial means<br />
to assist these outstanding<br />
students in their pursuit<br />
them and help them grow.<br />
Watching the connections<br />
they have made with their<br />
new aunts, uncles, cousins,<br />
grandparents, coaches, teachers,<br />
youth group leaders,<br />
neighbors, you name it, has<br />
been amazing.<br />
So look around you? Who<br />
could YOU reach out to and<br />
invest in today? Is it another<br />
adult or maybe a child? Did<br />
you know that over 9,000<br />
children just in Indiana alone<br />
are currently in foster care<br />
with many of those waiting<br />
for a forever home? If foster<br />
care or adoption isn’t for you,<br />
what about giving a few hours<br />
a week as a Big Brother or<br />
Sister? Hundreds of kids in<br />
the Greater Cincinnati area<br />
are waiting to be matched<br />
with a mentor. Maybe you<br />
could be the voice for a child<br />
in need and serve as a local<br />
Child Advocate. What about<br />
loving on babies in your<br />
church’s nursery or volunteering<br />
to coach a neighborhood<br />
t-ball team? People like<br />
Jesse and Jeanie Smith get it.<br />
Investing in things that are<br />
intangible and long-lasting<br />
like relationships may seem<br />
to be counter-cultural, but<br />
they bring the most significant<br />
rewards.<br />
Linda Hutchinson is the Executive<br />
Director of Rock Solid<br />
Families, a faith-based life<br />
coaching organization in St.<br />
Leon, IN. For more information,<br />
go to rocksolidfamilies.<br />
org.<br />
Ohio County Community Foundation Scholars Named<br />
Emma<br />
Davis<br />
Kinsey<br />
Price<br />
Emma<br />
Levi<br />
TJ<br />
Manifold<br />
of higher education. Since<br />
2000, the Ohio County<br />
Community Foundation has<br />
awarded a total of $257,000<br />
to seventy-four Rising Sun<br />
High School students for<br />
being named Ohio County<br />
Community Foundation<br />
Scholars.<br />
Emma Davis is the daughter<br />
of Michael and Sue<br />
Davis. Emma Levi is the<br />
daughter of Nick and Andrea<br />
Levi. Kinsey Price is<br />
the daughter of Jeffrey and<br />
Julie Price. Trey Manifold<br />
is the son of Mark and Kim<br />
Manifold.<br />
215 E. Broadway St, P.O. Box 513<br />
Harrison, Ohio 45030<br />
(513)367-4545 Fax: (513)367-4546<br /><br />
We believe in going beyond what is<br />
expected to offer each family a caring<br />
compassionate service for<br />
an affordable price.<br />
“Providing funerals and cremations with dignity and compassion.”<br />
215 E. Broadway St, P.O. Box 513<br />
Harrison, Ohio 45030<br />
(513)367-4545 Fax: (513)367-4546<br /><br />
Twenty-five Years of Bringing our Community and Businesses Together.
<strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong> THE BEACON Page 11A<br />
FROM<br />
H ere<br />
By<br />
Ollie<br />
Roehm<br />
I’m writing this on Tuesday,<br />
Jan. 7, and the world<br />
is on fire. The president has<br />
been impeached, we could be<br />
going to war with Iran, and<br />
Australia is burning.<br />
I have plenty to say about<br />
the sad state of our nation<br />
and the world. But I promised<br />
myself and my editor that I<br />
would refrain from writing<br />
about politics, and I will keep<br />
that promise. So let’s talk<br />
about food!<br />
We all know that southeastern<br />
Indiana is the fried<br />
chicken capital of the known<br />
universe. You just can’t beat<br />
the chicken we have here, be<br />
it pan-fried or deep-fried.<br />
The recipe varies a little,<br />
spice wise, but not that much.<br />
A ton of pepper is always<br />
used, but it never turns out<br />
to be overwhelming. I know<br />
several guys who fry chicken,<br />
and they say lard makes the<br />
best chicken-frying oil. I tend<br />
By Ruby and Tammy Turner<br />
Hi, my name is Ruby, and<br />
I am here at PAWS waiting<br />
for my forever family. I am<br />
a four-and-a-half-year-old<br />
female Pit Bull. I recently<br />
had ACL surgery that Paws<br />
took up a collection for.<br />
I want to thank everyone<br />
who donated and sent good<br />
thoughts for my recovery.<br />
I am doing very well now,<br />
even though I have been<br />
told that I still need to stay<br />
calm for a while. I am okay<br />
with that because I know<br />
it’s really cold outside, so<br />
I prefer to stay inside and<br />
let them wait on me hand<br />
and foot. You may think<br />
that I am going to get really<br />
spoiled, but they say it’s<br />
okay because I am such a<br />
good girl. I can also receive<br />
visitors (and gifts if you<br />
would like) and can now be<br />
adopted.<br />
I want to talk to you<br />
about what we feel when<br />
you come in and adopt us<br />
to take home. For some,<br />
the transition can be a little<br />
stressful, and for some (like<br />
me), we adjust to our new<br />
home just fine. Here is a<br />
list that may help when you<br />
are adopting, so that you<br />
know what to expect. This<br />
chart came from Rescue<br />
to agree.<br />
I’ve had chicken in<br />
St. Leon, New Alsace,<br />
Brookville, Oldenburg, and<br />
at many parties and events.<br />
Every piece was great.<br />
Southeastern Indiana fried<br />
chicken is so good, it was the<br />
subject of a June 2019 article<br />
in The New York Times. It’s<br />
a darned fine read, and you<br />
can find it here: https://www.<br /><br />
dining/fried-chicken-indiana.<br />
html.<br />
But I think the whole story<br />
is bigger than a bunch of yard<br />
birds. I maintain that not only<br />
is southeastern Indiana the<br />
fried chicken capital of the<br />
known universe, other deepfried<br />
delights found around<br />
here are as good or better<br />
than you’re going to find<br />
anywhere. You’re probably<br />
thinking, “Uh Ollie, people<br />
deep-fry all over the world,<br />
not just Indiana.”<br />
That’s true. Deep-frying<br />
is a popular cooking method<br />
everywhere. People deep-fry<br />
everything from Snickers<br />
bars to possums.<br />
However, southeastern<br />
Indiana has a few deep-fried<br />
signature items that are probably<br />
better than what you’d<br />
From a Dog’s Point of View<br />
Dogs 101, and I hope it will<br />
help you to understand. It’s<br />
called the 3-3-3 Rule.<br />
In the first three days:<br />
-Feeling overwhelmed.<br />
-May be scared and unsure of<br />
what is going on.<br />
-Not comfortable enough to<br />
be “himself.”<br />
-May not want to eat or drink<br />
-Shut down and want to curl<br />
up in his crate or hide<br />
under a table<br />
-Testing the boundaries<br />
After 3 Weeks:<br />
-Starting to settle in<br />
-Feeling more comfortable<br />
-Realizing this could possibly<br />
be his forever home<br />
-Figured out his environment<br />
-Getting into a routine<br />
-Lets his guard down and<br />
may start showing his true<br />
personality.<br />
-Behavior issues may begin<br />
showing up.<br />
After 3 Months:<br />
-Finally feeling completely<br />
comfortable in his home<br />
-Building trust and a true<br />
bond<br />
-Gained a complete sense of<br />
security with his new family.<br />
-Set in a routine.<br />
This list may not apply to<br />
have in other areas of the<br />
Midwest and the nation.<br />
You won’t find a bigger or<br />
better pork tenderloin sandwich<br />
than the ones in southeastern<br />
Indiana, and throughout<br />
the state for that matter.<br />
The tenderloin is smashed out<br />
and usually lightly spiced and<br />
battered. The thing turns out<br />
to be as big as a truck hubcap<br />
and is served with pickle on a<br />
normal-sized hamburger bun.<br />
It’s a very strange looking<br />
sandwich and pretty daggoned<br />
good.<br />
When it comes to fish in<br />
southeastern Indiana, cod is<br />
king. Most, if not all, of the<br />
places offering great fried<br />
chicken also put out a mean<br />
cod fish sandwich. I know<br />
there are delicious fish sandwiches<br />
all over the country,<br />
but every piece of fish I’ve<br />
had at an Indiana chicken<br />
restaurant or Lenten fish fry<br />
has been wonderful. Put it<br />
between two slices of rye<br />
with some good tartar sauce,<br />
and you’re in business, my<br />
friend.<br />
The jo-jo potato is another<br />
southeastern Indiana staple.<br />
If you attend an event or<br />
party where chicken is being<br />
fried, chances are there will<br />
Ruby<br />
all, but it may help you understand<br />
what a new home is<br />
like to us. We all want a forever<br />
home, even though we<br />
do have it pretty good here<br />
at the shelter. We just want a<br />
warm bed and someone who<br />
will make us a member of<br />
their family. So please come<br />
in and visit with us. I’m sure<br />
you can find a companion<br />
who will fit into your household<br />
just perfectly, even if it<br />
is a cat!<br />
We’ll be waiting for your<br />
visit. Take care, and stay<br />
warm. Don’t forget to keep<br />
your pets inside, because,<br />
like you, we don’t do well in<br />
the cold either.<br />
Hugs & Kisses,<br />
Ruby<br />
be jo-jos swimming in the oil<br />
with the chicken. When they<br />
come out of the oil, they are<br />
brown and crisp on the outside<br />
and soft and downright<br />
delectable on the inside.<br />
There is a lot of disagreement<br />
as to where and how<br />
the jo-jo originated. Some<br />
say they were invented in<br />
the Pacific Northwest, others<br />
say Cleveland Ohio, and yet<br />
others maintain they came<br />
from Chicago. Ollie says the<br />
jo-jos at a southeastern Indiana<br />
chicken fry are the best<br />
anywhere.<br />
And then there are “turkey<br />
fries.” Since this is a familyoriented<br />
newspaper, I’ll skip<br />
the description for right now.<br />
OK, back to the world…<br />
Old Friends Luncheon<br />
The Old Friends and Bright Beginnings luncheon will be<br />
held on Thursday, <strong>March</strong> 5. A presentation on America’s<br />
Sweetheart “Doris Day’ will be given by a speaker from the<br />
Cincinnati Museum Center Heritage Program. The luncheon<br />
begins at 11:30 in the Dearborn Hills United Methodist<br />
Church, 25365 State Line Road.<br />
To make reservations and a $10 donation, please call the<br />
church office by Monday, <strong>March</strong> 2 at 812 637-3993.<br />
2 3<br />
3 4<br />
4 3 7<br />
4 7 6 9<br />
2 6 7<br />
7 5 8 3<br />
2 6 1 8<br />
7 3 9 6<br />
1 7 6<br />
Sudoku<br />
Sudoku is a logical puzzle game that may seem difficult at<br />
first glance, but actually it is not as hard as it looks! Fill a<br />
number in to every cell in the grid, using the numbers 1 to<br />
9. You can only use each number once in each row, each<br />
column, and in each of the 3×3 boxes. The solution can be<br />
found on our website<br />
edition. Click on the link for Sudoku and view the solution<br />
for this month and last. Good luck and have fun!<br />
SHOP LOCAL and tell our advertisers you saw them in The BEACON!
Page 12A THE BEACON <strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />
By<br />
Doris<br />
Butt<br />
Community<br />
Correspondent<br /><br />
Jimmy Carter’s<br />
Sunday School Lesson<br />
President Carter came<br />
into the sanctuary at 9:55.<br />
As Jan predicted, he asked<br />
with a chuckle, “Do we<br />
have any visitors?” One<br />
soldier stood up, and President<br />
Carter asked him his<br />
name and where he served.<br />
Then as directed, sectionby-section,<br />
we called out<br />
some twenty-six states and<br />
five countries in an orderly<br />
manner. Three ministers and<br />
three Mormon missionaries<br />
introduced themselves. The<br />
minister from Australia led<br />
our prayer.<br />
When President Carter began<br />
his Sunday school lesson<br />
on Revelation chapter 5, he<br />
was quick to say he did not<br />
like to teach the book, which<br />
he considered very visionary.<br />
I certainly could understand.<br />
It was an international lesson<br />
series, and our class had<br />
struggled with the lessons at<br />
my church in Florida.<br />
President Carter began by<br />
asking us about John, the<br />
writer of Revelation. I must<br />
say we were quite knowledgeable<br />
about him. He<br />
eased his way through the<br />
lesson emphasizing that God<br />
is most powerful, and there<br />
is hope for the future. We<br />
were reminded that our sins<br />
are forgiven; we have hope<br />
and reassurance in our faith<br />
in Jesus Christ.<br />
After the lesson, President<br />
Carter remarked about<br />
picture-taking time, “I once<br />
was delighted to have my<br />
picture taken with you, now<br />
I am willing.” That brought a<br />
chuckle from us.<br />
About half of the visitors<br />
left after the Sunday school<br />
lesson. Ray and I stayed for<br />
the worship service. Those<br />
who remained from the fellowship<br />
hall came in and<br />
filled the sanctuary again.<br />
When President and Mrs.<br />
Carter came into the sanctuary<br />
for the worship service, I<br />
wondered who the handsome<br />
fellows were with them. Oh,<br />
they were Secret Service<br />
men, I realized. Later I asked<br />
one of the gentlemen, “How<br />
many of you are there?”<br />
“Lots,” he replied. I wondered<br />
if one was seated near<br />
Make a difference in your community…<br />
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Batesville. To apply visit or email<br /> or call 812.934.4528, ext 225.<br />
The time is now!<br />
Ray Butt, President Carter, Rosalynn Carter, Doris Butt<br />
me.<br />
The worship service that<br />
followed was impressive.<br />
The organist’s prelude included<br />
Morning Has Broken,<br />
and for a time, I drifted back<br />
to when daughter Jennie,<br />
then a teenager, played it at<br />
our church. They were celebrating<br />
the third Sunday of<br />
the Seven Sundays of Eastertide<br />
and sang two favorites<br />
of mine, Christ the Lord has<br />
Risen Today and Low in the<br />
Grave He Lay. I thought I<br />
would not get to sing them<br />
again until next Easter. A<br />
choir of ten sang a very nice<br />
When it comes to the prom,<br />
the sky is the limit. From the<br />
“promposal” to the stretch<br />
limo, there seems to be a<br />
never-ending list of costs.<br />
Why are students spending<br />
so much on the prom? One<br />
word: fabulosity. Students<br />
want to be fabulous for social<br />
media. The days of a grainy<br />
photo your parents take and<br />
show only to close friends and<br />
family are over. Prom pictures<br />
are splashed all over social<br />
media platforms like Snapchat,<br />
Instagram, Facebook,<br />
special.<br />
The children’s service<br />
brought laughter when<br />
the pastor asked, “What is<br />
love?”<br />
And a little boy answered,<br />
“When you have a girlfriend,”<br />
and then went on to<br />
give a few details causing<br />
the pastor to stumble around<br />
a bit, much to the delight of<br />
the crowd.<br />
The chubby-faced young<br />
pastor, with a most pleasant<br />
southern accent, gave an impressive<br />
sermon comparing<br />
the peace of fishing to the<br />
peace offered in Christ.<br />
Fabulosity At The Prom Doesn’t<br />
Have To Break Your Wallet<br />
and Twitter. Today’s plans for<br />
the prom center around how<br />
students will look on social<br />
media where their photos will<br />
be seen for years to come.<br />
The average prom dress<br />
costs $200 or more. That’s<br />
a lot of money to spend on<br />
a dress that will probably<br />
only be worn once. And that<br />
doesn’t even include the cost<br />
of accessories, shoes, hair<br />
styling, and make-up, transportation,<br />
or even the ticket.<br />
So why not cut down those<br />
costs by exchanging last<br />
year’s dress for another fabulous<br />
dress for this year?<br />
ReProm, the Dearborn<br />
County Recycling Center’s<br />
formal and semi-formal dress<br />
exchange, saves money and<br />
reduces waste by reusing<br />
dresses that otherwise would<br />
be used only once. ReProm<br />
has over one thousand formal<br />
and semi-formal dresses<br />
that are both new and used.<br />
Dresses that are exchanged<br />
must be contemporary, clean,<br />
and in good condition. From<br />
black to shell pink, dresses<br />
are available in every color.<br />
Styles range from short to<br />
long, straight to full, satin to<br />
sparkly, all in a broad range<br />
of sizes. Everyone can find a<br />
fabulous dress that fits their<br />
size, shape, and style for the<br />
simple cost of exchanging a<br />
dress worn last year.<br />
The dress-exchange is not<br />
a need-based program. The<br />
program is based on the principle<br />
that buying something<br />
to wear only one time can be<br />
After the service, Ray and<br />
I had our picture taken with<br />
President and Mrs. Carter.<br />
We remembered all the rules.<br />
I had my camera ready. We<br />
did not shake hands. We<br />
knew where we were going<br />
to stand. Mrs. Carter invited<br />
us back again.<br />
Afterward, we ate at a<br />
local buffet and watched all<br />
of the familiar church folks<br />
parade through. Even Jan<br />
was there directing people.<br />
Visiting Maranatha Baptist<br />
Church in Plains, Georgia,<br />
was a most pleasant experience.<br />
A wide variety of prom<br />
dresses are available for<br />
purchase at the Dearborn<br />
County Recycling Center.<br />
incredibly wasteful. It is open<br />
to everyone, not just Dearborn<br />
County residents. Those<br />
who do not have dresses to<br />
exchange are welcome to<br />
donate instead. The donations<br />
received are used to grow the<br />
ReProm program. This year<br />
marks the eighth annual Re-<br />
Prom event. The popularity of<br />
the program has allowed the<br />
Dearborn County Recycling<br />
Center to expand the program<br />
from twelve dresses the first<br />
year to over one thousand<br />
dresses this year.<br />
ReProm is open year-round<br />
on Wednesdays from 3-6<br />
P.M. during Creation Station<br />
hours. Extended hours will<br />
be offered on Wednesdays<br />
starting <strong>March</strong> 4-28 from 3-8<br />
P.M. and Saturdays from 9<br />
A.M.-3 P.M. Dress donations<br />
are accepted year-round from<br />
people who have dresses to<br />
donate but do not wish to<br />
receive one in return.<br />
•<br />
•<br />
Are you ready?<br />
Announcing a new Adult Education & Workforce Scholarship:<br />
EdOPP<br />
to $5000 for ANY ADULT STUDENT in the Lawrenceburg campus<br />
service area seeking a credential or workforce class at Lawrenceburg Ivy<br />
Tech campuses. Covers TUITION, ALL FEES & BOOKS for all qualified<br />
programs offered at the Lawrenceburg campuses.<br />
Don’t miss this opportunity! Funds are first come, first serve.<br />
Contact Express Enrollment for eligibility & complete details:<br /><br /><br />
812.537.4010 ex 5305<br />
Made possible in part by a<br />
generous grant from the<br />
City of Lawrenceburg<br />
Twenty-five Years of Bringing our Community and Businesses Together.<br />
<strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong> THE BEACON Page 1B<br />
S<br />
BEACON<br />
PORTS<br />
SCENE<br />
By<br />
Chris Jack<br />
Nobbe<br />
Zoller<br />
beaconsports<br /><br /><br />
EC Wrestling Finishes<br />
Undefeated and Captures<br />
EIAC Crown<br />
The East Central wrestling<br />
team completed the regular<br />
season with an unblemished<br />
35-0 record in dual meets (a<br />
school record) with a win<br />
over Cincinnati Elder as well<br />
as capturing<br />
By<br />
the EIAC title.<br />
Maxine<br />
EIAC Klump Championships<br />
The EIAC meet was held<br />
at South Dearborn Community with EC<br />
coming into<br />
Correspondent<br />
the meet heavilyfavored<br />
and advancing 13 of<br /><br />
14 wrestlers to the finals and<br />
coming away with 6 individual<br />
titles. Lawrenceburg claimed<br />
4 titles, SD 2, and FC 1, with<br />
Rushville claiming the other.<br />
While the team score was<br />
never in doubt for the Trojans<br />
with 302.5 points, the battle<br />
for second went back and<br />
forth between Lawrenceburg,<br />
South Dearborn, and Rushville<br />
through every round. The<br />
Tigers would put together arguably<br />
the best final round of<br />
any team and would finish as<br />
runner-up with 182.5 points.<br />
South Dearborn was third<br />
with 175, and Rushville ended<br />
with 164. FC (121.5), Connersville<br />
(99.5), Batesville<br />
(98.5), and Greensburg (86)<br />
were the remaining scores.<br />
The individual title matches<br />
saw EC come out strong with<br />
three straight victories started<br />
off by Dylan Lengerich with<br />
a fall over Tristan Smith of<br />
Greensburg at 106. That was<br />
followed by Blake Wolf gaining<br />
a fall over Isaiah Otto of<br />
East Central, under the guidance of Head Coach Adam Wolf, celebrates the <strong>2020</strong> EIAC<br />
title (Photo by Chris Nobbe)<br />
SD at 113. Tyler Schneider<br />
won by fall over FC’s Andrew<br />
Merritt at 120.<br />
The 126-pound title would<br />
go to SD’s Eli Otto, who<br />
avenged a season loss to EC’s<br />
Rider Searcy. Otto garnered<br />
a second period fall to claim<br />
his third consecutive EIAC<br />
title. The 132 crown would<br />
go to Lawrenceburg’s Corbin<br />
Walston who recorded a fall<br />
over Dillon Heinrich of EC.<br />
Adam Crouch of FC would<br />
get the only title for the<br />
Wildcats with a 3-0 decision<br />
over EC’s Charlie Euson.<br />
Lawrenceburg’s Jayce Bohan<br />
would claim a 7-5 decision at<br />
145 over EC’s Ben Wolf.<br />
EC’s Bryer Hall would<br />
receive his second EIAC<br />
MVP and third conference<br />
title by pinning Batesville’s<br />
Josh Mobley at 152 pounds.<br />
Lawrenceburg’s Andrew Roth<br />
would win his second EIAC<br />
title at 160 with a fall over<br />
Kasey Carr of EC. At 170,<br />
Rushville’s Marcus Malson<br />
defeated EC’s Brady Rullman.<br />
Kole Viel of EC would win<br />
his second title with a 16-1<br />
technical fall over Rushville’s<br />
Nick Lawler. Kyle Krummen<br />
of EC would win the<br />
195-pound title with a fall over<br />
Lawrenceburg’s Jack Bradley.<br />
At 220, Lawrenceburg’s<br />
fourth title came from Noah<br />
Rowlett with a 15-5 major decision<br />
over Connersville’s Evan<br />
Shafer. SD’s Jackson Goodall<br />
won an exciting 285-pound<br />
title with a 2-1 tiebreaker win<br />
over EC’s Logan Adams.<br />
Elder Dual<br />
The Performing Arts Center<br />
at East Central became a<br />
sports venue for a tremendous<br />
matchup between the undefeated<br />
Trojans, ranked #13 in<br />
Indiana, and the top-ranked<br />
team in Cincinnati, the Elder<br />
Panthers, which coincided<br />
with Alumni Night.<br />
The dual would start at 160<br />
where Bartley Thomas got<br />
the Panthers off to a strong<br />
start with a 13-3 major decision<br />
over Kasey Carr. Brady<br />
Rullman would get EC on<br />
the board with a 7-3 win by<br />
taking control of a tied match<br />
entering the third period and<br />
leaving the team score 4-3 in<br />
favor of Elder.<br />
Next up came two of EC’s<br />
strongest wrestlers at 182 and<br />
195. Kole Viel captured a<br />
major decision over Montana<br />
Klayman by the score of 15-4,<br />
and Kyle Krummen got a first<br />
period fall over Beau Bryson<br />
to make the team score 13-4<br />
for EC.<br />
The Panthers then exhibited<br />
some muscle of their own<br />
at 220 and 285. Jack Tucker<br />
recorded a fall over EC’s Austin<br />
Cox, and Rowan Tolbert<br />
would get a first period fall<br />
over Phillip Sims to quickly<br />
swing the team score back in<br />
favor of Elder at 16-13.<br />
The 106-pound match was<br />
a tough battle between Dylan<br />
Lengerich and Elder’s Drew<br />
Magness, ranked #11 in Ohio.<br />
Although Magness won by<br />
decision 6-3, Lengerich was<br />
able to keep the score close,<br />
even getting the first takedown<br />
in the match. This left<br />
the team score at 19-13.<br />
Elder would then sub in<br />
Brent Stahl to replace stateranked<br />
Willie Doepker (out<br />
due to injury) to wrestle Indiana’s<br />
#7 ranked Blake Wolf.<br />
Wolf would gain the impressive<br />
second period fall to tie<br />
the score at 19.<br />
Tyler Schneider at 120<br />
put together a strong match<br />
against Jack Roth to earn a 6-0<br />
decision and put EC back in<br />
front at 22-19. The Panthers<br />
got bonus points at 126 with<br />
a 15-0 technical fall by team<br />
captain Jack Collins over<br />
Rider Searcy. Elder’s Kody<br />
Kaimann then turned around<br />
an early deficit and near defeat<br />
(with a save from his back due<br />
to blood timeout) to gain a<br />
second period fall over Dillon<br />
Heinrich at 132. These two<br />
matches swung the score again<br />
to be 30-22 for the Panthers.<br />
Charlie Euson at 138 scored<br />
a first period takedown and<br />
weathered out a strong match<br />
that ended just that way over<br />
Aiden Williams making it<br />
EC’s Bryer Hall celebrates<br />
after gaining the fall against<br />
Elder’s Seth Lambers to<br />
secure the dual meet win.<br />
(Photo by Chris Nobbe)<br />
30-25.<br />
Ben Wolf and Elder’s Patrick<br />
Barrett squared off with<br />
only two matches remaining in<br />
a close dual with a match that<br />
would exhibit the toughness of<br />
the sport. Barrett would suffer<br />
a very limiting shoulder injury<br />
and use up all of his injury<br />
time in the first period. Despite<br />
this, Barrett was able to<br />
get a takedown and put Wolf<br />
on his back before a reversal<br />
left the score at 4-2 after the<br />
first period. The second period<br />
saw the two exchange reversals<br />
as Barrett seemed to no<br />
longer favor the shoulder.<br />
Up 6-4, Barrett chose the<br />
down position to begin the<br />
third; however, about a minute<br />
into the period, the injury<br />
became too much again, and<br />
he took a second injury time<br />
allowing Wolf to choose the<br />
bottom position for the next<br />
restart. Wolf was then able<br />
to gain an escape and a late<br />
takedown over Barrett to win<br />
the match 7-6 leaving the<br />
team score at 30-28 with one<br />
deciding match left.<br />
Bryer Hall, #3 in Indiana,<br />
and Seth Lambers, #9<br />
in Ohio, would put it all on<br />
the line in the final match<br />
which would see each ranked<br />
wrestler get put on his back.<br />
Lambers would gain a pair of<br />
takedowns in the first period<br />
and caught Hall in a headlock<br />
for 3 nearfall and left the<br />
score at 7-3 after the period.<br />
The second period continued<br />
the fast-paced action of this<br />
match. Two escapes by Lambers<br />
led to a second takedown<br />
and throw by Hall to put Lambers<br />
on his back. Hall would<br />
get the pin from the throw<br />
and the EC would win the<br />
dual 34-30 as he and the large<br />
crowd erupted in the excitement<br />
of the moment.<br />
Common Investing Mistakes<br />
In our personal lives, we have a conscience that keeps us<br />
from doing not-so-nice things. Sometimes we even get a<br />
creepy-crawly feeling when we think someone may be up to<br />
no good.<br />
Fortunately, there also are some common red flags that warn<br />
us about things we should avoid when investing. For example,<br />
it’s usually not a good idea to buy a stock just because<br />
“everyone is doing it.” Not only does herd investing run up<br />
the stock price, but not doing your own due diligence can<br />
often lead to a poor result. While it’s best to buy into a stock<br />
position when prices are down, you should check and see<br />
how long and how often that price is depressed. What looks<br />
like a good deal could just be a perennial loser. 1<br />
By the same token, buying a stock just to chase performance is<br />
a common mistake. If you have some good performers in your<br />
portfolio, it’s usually a good idea to periodically rebalance so<br />
that your asset allocation doesn’t get out of whack. Don’t get<br />
so caught up in gains that you<br />
forget about the risks involved. 2<br />
Another illusion investors<br />
may experience is the need<br />
to maximize their portfolio.<br />
In other words, everything<br />
should be gaining all the time.<br />
Unfortunately, unless you’ve<br />
got a crystal ball, that’s not<br />
how the stock market works.<br />
Develop a strategy and stick<br />
with it, and that may mean<br />
Roger Ford<br />
“Recognize that the stock<br />
market is like a roller coaster,<br />
and upward rides eventually<br />
come back down.”<br />
selling when you hit certain price points, or your asset<br />
allocation gets skewed in the wrong direction. The opportunity<br />
to cash out for substantial gains is one way to help maximize<br />
your investment. 3<br />
Recognize that the stock market is like a roller coaster, and<br />
upward rides eventually come back down. The best way<br />
to deal with a decline is to have a plan. For example, don’t<br />
“panic sell” — it could just be a short-term blip. Evaluate<br />
how much you believe in your investments and prepare to<br />
dig in for the long haul regardless of volatility. Finally, if you<br />
do decide it’s time to cash out of some positions, it may<br />
make sense to use that as an opportunity to buy into other<br />
investments you’ve been considering. 4<br />
Also, don’t confuse investment success with some sort of<br />
wunderkind prowess. Markets are cyclical; they’re going to go<br />
up and down no matter what you do. If you deploy some basic<br />
financial strategies like automatic contributions, diversification<br />
or periodic rebalancing, you give yourself the opportunity to slowly<br />
build wealth without succumbing to dramatic fluctuations. While<br />
you may not become a Wall Street genius, you certainly have<br />
the potential to build a healthy retirement portfolio.<br />
1<br /><br />
2<br /><br />
3<br /><br />
4<br /><br />
Conservative Financial Solutions | Roger Ford<br />
10403 Harrison Ave., Harrison, OH 45030 (513) 367-1113<br />
307 Walnut Street, Lawrenceburg, IN 47025 (812) 537-1347<br /><br />
Securities offered only by duly registered individuals through Madison Avenue<br />
Securities, LLC (MAS), member FINRA/SIPC. Investment advisory services<br />
offered only by duly registered individuals through AE Wealth Management,<br />
LLC (AEWM), a Registered Investment Advisor. MAS and Conservative Financial<br />
Solutions are not affiliated companies. AEWM and Conservative Financial<br />
Solutions are not affiliated companies. 909937C<br />
SHOP LOCAL and tell our advertisers you saw them in The BEACON!
Page 2B THE BEACON <strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />
BRIGHT/<br />
By<br />
Bob<br />
Waples<br />
Community<br />
Correspondent<br />
O<br />
ur<br />
Communities<br />
A Family Tradition Since 1800’s<br /><br />
I hope everyone enjoyed<br />
Valentine’s Day… I celebrate<br />
it all year long by eating my<br />
share of sweets whenever the<br />
urge hits me.<br />
This month’s Salute to a<br />
Veteran- David Anderson,<br />
US Air Force (1986-90); Ray<br />
Brichler, US Army (1963-<br />
69); Ted Hendren, US Navy<br />
(1969-73); Joshua Price, US<br />
Army (2008-10)<br />
A big congratulations to<br />
Tyler Schneider, a wrestler<br />
at East Central, who recently<br />
achieved his one-hundredth<br />
high school career win. Tyler<br />
wrestles in the 120-pound<br />
weight category for EC and<br />
reached this milestone on Jan.<br />
4. Tyler is the son of Todd<br />
and Alissa Schneider from<br />
Bright. Way to go, Tyler!!<br />
The North Dearborn Library<br />
is expanding its activities and<br />
now offers some exciting new<br />
classes for DIY crafters and<br />
those who love to cook.<br />
In The Kitchen<br />
With Marcia- Mondays<br />
6-8 P.M. on Mar 2<br />
(Casseroles&Appetizers)<br />
and May 4 (Cooking for 1-2,<br />
Make & Freeze)<br />
Taste & Trade– 6 P.M. on<br />
Apr 6 (Italian dishes) and<br />
June 1 (salads). Optionalbring<br />
a recipe to share.<br />
Homemade with Hazelgreen<br />
Farms– Thurs. 6-8 P.M. on Apr<br />
Tyler Schneider achieved his one-hundredth win in wrestling.<br />
16 (Garden Pallets) and June<br />
18 (Fabric American Flag)<br />
Contact the library at 812-<br />
637-0777 for more information.<br />
The North Dearborn Pantry<br />
recently received their portion<br />
of the proceeds from the<br />
Gobble Wobble on Thanksgiving<br />
with a check presentation<br />
from All Saints Parish<br />
for a whopping $22,000! A<br />
big thank you to the organizers,<br />
volunteers, and runners/<br />
walkers for this outstanding<br />
community event.<br />
Hope all you February<br />
folks mentioned last month<br />
enjoy your birthdays. Here is<br />
a heads up for those celebrating<br />
in <strong>March</strong>: Eric Jones<br />
(nephew) 3/3, Caden Wesley<br />
(great-nephew) 3/22, Isabella<br />
Jones (great-niece) 3/31, and<br />
Ann Jeffries on 3/27… don’t<br />
worry, Ann, I won’t reveal the<br />
magic number. Speaking of<br />
magic numbers, may I have a<br />
drum roll, please…. a HUGE<br />
Happy Birthday to Mr. Jim<br />
Stallard, who, on Mar. 28,<br />
will be a very young 101.<br />
On a sad note, we said<br />
goodbye in January to a true<br />
gentleman… Mr. Jesse Smith<br />
(1928-<strong>2020</strong>). Your passing<br />
brings to mind a verse I once<br />
Jim Stallard<br />
read – “Death is the last chapter<br />
in life but the first chapter<br />
in eternity.” Rest in peace, my<br />
friend. Your kindness will be<br />
missed.<br />
Have a good month, and<br />
I will close with this (from<br />
my sis-in-law Mary. Even<br />
though there are days I wish I<br />
could change some things that<br />
happened in the past, there’s a<br />
reason the rearview mirror is<br />
so small, and the windshield<br />
is so big – where you are<br />
headed is more important than<br />
what you left behind.<br />
Just a reminder that if you<br />
have any family news items<br />
you would like to share or<br />
birthdays/anniversaries,<br />
please email me at bright@<br /><br />
Ava Myers, Alex Rummel, Tatum Johnson, Samantha Airgood,<br />
Bella Nare, and Lexi Elza collected winter gear for the<br />
homeless.<br />
HIDDEN<br />
By<br />
Korry<br />
Johnson<br />
Community<br />
Correspondent<br /><br />
Leap Year, Leap Year!!!!<br />
One extra day of <strong>2020</strong> to<br />
enjoy life and be grateful...<br />
February 29th!!! What are<br />
your plans? The HVL Children’s<br />
Activity Committee<br />
(CAC) is finalizing dates for<br />
all of our wonderful events,<br />
so watch for the schedule<br />
on FB soon. Looks like the<br />
Easter Egg Hunt will be the<br />
next planned event (TBD).<br />
Continuing from a previous<br />
article, let’s give recognition<br />
to six sixth- grade<br />
students- Ava Myers, Alex<br />
Rummel, Tatum Johnson,<br />
Samantha Airgood, Bella<br />
Nare, and Lexi Elza (four of<br />
the girls live in HVL). They<br />
are organizing a drive for<br />
the homeless thru Destination<br />
Imagination. The girls<br />
collected winter gear for the<br />
homeless at the entrance of<br />
HVL and through the Lawrenceburg<br />
School District.<br />
Just over $600 was received<br />
as well! Thank you, thank<br />
you!!!! The girls donated to<br />
many places, one of which<br />
was organized by an incredible<br />
group in Cincinnati<br />
called Maslow’s Army. The<br />
girls and their moms packed<br />
up the collected items and<br />
headed to Cincinnati’s Public<br />
Library to help distribute<br />
them. This service project<br />
was an eye-opening experience<br />
for the sixth graders.<br />
Locally, the girls used the<br />
donated money to purchase<br />
much-needed items for<br />
Closet of Promises in Aurora<br />
(diaper’s, underwear, socks,<br />
wipes, etc.). I would highly<br />
recommend donating items<br />
to both of these trustworthy<br />
and fantastic non-profit organizations<br />
<strong>March</strong> Birthdays: Elliott<br />
Johnson, Juliet Johnson,<br />
Samantha Airgood, Hattie<br />
Hampton, Jason Armbruster,<br />
Cathy Witte, Leah<br />
Cox, Jared Lischkge, Celia<br />
Jasper, Sheri Trumbull,<br />
Jacob Clark, Matt Clark<br />
<strong>March</strong> Anniversaries: David<br />
and Sheri Trumbull<br />
Please email me, Korry<br />
H. Johnson, if you have<br />
something to share in next<br />
month’s article at hvl@go-<br /> Share<br />
your positive news at The<br />
<strong>Beacon</strong>!<br />
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Ric Harves<br />
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<strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong> THE BEACON Page 3B<br />
ST. LEON<br />
By<br />
Debbie A.<br />
Zimmer<br />
Community<br />
Correspondent<br /><br />
Just a reminder to high<br />
school seniors that now is<br />
the time to check with your<br />
guidance counselors about<br />
the scholarship application<br />
process. So many scholarships<br />
are available and go<br />
unclaimed.<br />
Jim Horstman, a former<br />
St. Leon resident, was<br />
inducted into the Ripley<br />
County Basketball Hall of<br />
Fame. My brothers, Ron and<br />
Greg, played sports with Jim<br />
at Sunman High School. Jim<br />
graduated from Sunman in<br />
1972. He is remembered as<br />
a great athlete who played<br />
all of the sports that were<br />
offered at SHS. He was a<br />
three-year varsity basketball<br />
starter and scored 1,498<br />
points during that time, making<br />
him first in all-time in<br />
the school’s scoring records.<br />
In addition to being SHS’<br />
only player to break 1,000<br />
points, his career total places<br />
him seventh all-time high in<br />
Ripley County.<br />
Jim averaged 22.4 points<br />
per game, capped by a<br />
game-high forty-three points<br />
against Batesville in 1972.<br />
He graduated with thirteen<br />
varsity letters, more than any<br />
athlete in school history. In<br />
addition to basketball, Jim<br />
played four years of varsity<br />
baseball. He was the MVP<br />
O<br />
ur<br />
and leading hitter on the<br />
1972 sectional championship<br />
team. He played in the morning<br />
regional baseball game<br />
in Columbus then traveled<br />
to Indianapolis for the state<br />
track & field championship,<br />
where he finished seventh in<br />
the high hurdles, then went<br />
back to Columbus to play in<br />
the baseball regional championship<br />
game. He was a<br />
four-year letterman in track<br />
and field being named MVP<br />
of his team. He finished in<br />
seventh place in the state<br />
track meet. Jim married his<br />
high school sweetheart Debbie<br />
Wagner, and they now<br />
reside in Plainfield, Indiana.<br />
Congratulations Jim.<br />
Dave Kuhn recently<br />
retired from his position as<br />
EMS chief from the St. Leon<br />
Volunteer Fire Dept. He was<br />
presented with an award<br />
honoring his many years of<br />
dedicated service to our department.<br />
Dave and Dianne<br />
will be missed by all of us!<br />
Anna Mae “Annie” Werner,<br />
93 years old, passed<br />
away peacefully Jan. 14,<br />
surrounded by family. The<br />
legacy for this family began<br />
when Al Werner was visiting<br />
his uncle at the hospital,<br />
and his nurse, Annie, caught<br />
Al’s eye. Home on leave<br />
from the Army, Al had lunch<br />
in the hospital cafeteria with<br />
a few of his friends, including<br />
Annie, whom he did not<br />
know at that point. Taken by<br />
her charm, Al began writing<br />
to Anna when he was redeployed<br />
to Europe. Married<br />
on July 21, 1954, Annie and<br />
Al celebrated their sixty-fifth<br />
wedding anniversary last<br />
Communities<br />
year.<br />
Annie will be greatly<br />
missed by her husband, Al,<br />
and their children Anthony<br />
(Ty) of St. Leon, Art (Lynne)<br />
of St. Leon, Rick (Brenda)<br />
of Sunman, Anita (Charley)<br />
Smith of Michigan, Jerry of<br />
Lawrenceburg, and daughterin-law<br />
Darlene of St. Leon;<br />
twenty grandchildren and<br />
twenty-six great-grandchildren.<br />
She was preceded in<br />
death by sons Andy and<br />
Alvin Werner Jr.<br />
Annie was a charter member<br />
of the St. Joseph American<br />
Legion Auxiliary Unit<br />
464 and was a past auxiliary<br />
president of the 9th district.<br />
I grew up next door to<br />
Annie’s family and babysat<br />
for her children. Annie and<br />
I worked together on many<br />
projects at the legion. Ronnie<br />
and I enjoyed going to legion<br />
events throughout the state<br />
with Al and Annie. She was a<br />
longtime organist for St. Joseph<br />
Church and even played<br />
the organ for my wedding.<br />
So many beautiful memories.<br />
I will miss Annie’s smile.<br />
Rest in peace, dear friend.<br />
Happy wedding anniversary<br />
in sunny Florida to my<br />
niece Roxanne and Mike<br />
Haag on <strong>March</strong> 3.<br />
<strong>March</strong> Birthdays–2 Henry<br />
Stenger, Shelly Bischoff<br />
and Lisa Nobbe, 3 my<br />
daughter Melissa Barrett,<br />
Joe Schuman, and Shirley<br />
Huber, 4 Jacob Bittner,<br />
my sister-in-law Schere<br />
Kramer, Harper Vogelsang,<br />
and Jackie Gaynor,<br />
5 Danny and Jack Deddens,<br />
6 my daughter Jennie<br />
Geisheimer, Keith Fox,<br />
Stephanie Bulach, Chris<br />
Bischoff, and Robin Fox, 7<br />
Melanie Gutzwiller, Margo<br />
Whitehead, Jacob Stenger,<br />
and Andy Hornbach, 8 Joe<br />
Baker and Matt Wilgenbusch,<br />
9 Tammy Vonderheide<br />
and Nikki Kamos, 10<br />
Virginia Eckstein and Steve<br />
“Buck” Hoog, 11 Corey<br />
Brock, 12 Randy Zimmer<br />
and Chuck Hautman, 13<br />
Mike Haag, Dennis and<br />
Joan Wuestefeld, and Anita<br />
Alig, 14 Jackie Sims, Rick<br />
Kurelic and Kevin Stenger,<br />
15 cousin Mindy Puente and<br />
Estelle Salisbury, 16 cousin<br />
Kari Andres and Roseann<br />
Fuernstein, 18 Justin Alig,<br />
Larry Schuman and Donna<br />
Smith, 19 Carson Whitehead,<br />
20 Ruth Bischoff, 21<br />
Joey Alig, 22 Jill Wilhelm,<br />
Steve Hornberger, Paula<br />
Brennan and Karen Herth,<br />
23 Megan Steurenberg, 24<br />
John Erfman, 25 Stephanie<br />
Smith, 26 McKenzie Callahan<br />
and Danny Craft,<br />
27 cousin Tim Andres,<br />
Pat Schlarmann, 28 Rick<br />
want<br />
more?<br />
<strong>March</strong> in Dearborn County, Southeast Indiana...the Perfect Place to Play!<br />
Dave Kuhn received an<br />
award for his years of<br />
service to the St. Leon Fire<br />
Dept.<br />
Stenger, 29 Chad Sterwerf,<br />
my niece in San Antonio<br />
Jennifer Andres and Cindy<br />
Fasi, 30 Mary Jane Telles,<br />
31 Jeff Bulach and Jenna<br />
Dee.<br />
Get in touch with me with<br />
any news items for the column<br />
at stleon@goBEACON<br /><br />
visit<br /><br />
Spring Carnival at Perfect North Slopes<br />
Southeast Indiana Junkin’ Trail Extravaganza<br />
Vince Neil at Lawrenceburg Event Center<br />
February 1 - <strong>March</strong> 28 – The Call Back Show - Dillsboro<br />
Arts Friendship Gallery - 12926 Bank Street, Dillsboro.<br />
Open Tuesdays 6-8PM, Thursdays 4-8PM, Saturdays 10AM-<br />
2PM. Opening reception is February 7, 6-8PM. Exhibition<br />
of invited local and regional artists who have previously<br />
entered this group exhibition. Info: 812-532-3010, Dillsboro<br />
Arts.<br />
<strong>March</strong> 1-31 – Casey’s Outdoor Solutions Events &<br />
Workshops - Casey’s is located at 21481 State Line Road,<br />
Lawrenceburg. Casey’s is a premier garden center and<br />
full service florist and offers monthly educational and fun<br />
events and classes for all ages. Info: 812-537-3800 or<br /><br />
<strong>March</strong> 2-31 – The Framery Events, Camps and Classes<br />
- The Framery, 84 East High Street, Lawrenceburg. The<br />
Framery is a unique frame shop specializing in creating<br />
shadow boxes personalized for each recipient. Visit the web<br />
site for a list of monthly classes, parties, and camps for all<br />
ages. Included are pottery, fused glass, and painting. Info:<br />
812-537-4319 or<br />
<strong>March</strong> 7 – Little River Band at Lawrenceburg Event<br />
Center - 7:30 pm, Lawrenceburg Event Center, 91 Walnut<br />
Street. Doors open at 7PM for 7:30PM performance. Hits<br />
include “Cool Change”, “Lonesome Loser” and “Lady”.<br />
Free shuttle service from Hollywood Casino to the Event<br />
Center.<br />
<strong>March</strong> 7 – Great Crescent Brewery - Comedy at the<br />
Taproom - 9:00 pm, Great Crescent Brewery, 315 Importing<br />
Street, Aurora. David Drake performs at 9PM. He is a New<br />
York based comedian who has been featured on Sirius<br />
XM’s Raw Dog Comedy, Fox’s laughs and Comcast’s Who’s<br />
Laughing Now and Trial by Laughter. The show will also<br />
feature Cincinnati-based comedians Jeremy Johnston,<br />
Grant Stiles and Dearborn County native Logan Cummins.<br />
Tickets are $10 and available for purchase. 812-655-9079 or<br /><br />
<strong>March</strong> 8 – Perfect North Slopes Spring Carnival -<br />
9:30AM-4:00PM, 19074 Perfect Lane, Lawrenceburg.<br />
A family event on the snow, with activities for skiers,<br />
snowboarders and snow tubers. Featured are a decorated<br />
box race, slush pit crossing, garbage bag race and a<br />
downhill dummy contest. No admission. A valid lift ticket<br />
is required to be on the snow and participate in special<br />
events. Info: 812-537-3754 or<br />
<strong>March</strong> 8 – New Alsace American Legion Chicken<br />
Dinner - 12PM-4PM, 25329 Legion Road, New Alsace,<br />
Indiana. All You Can Eat chicken dinner with all the<br />
trimmings. Carryout dinners available. $12.00/adults;<br />
$6.00/children age 4-10. Info: 812-623-3695 or www.<br /><br />
<strong>March</strong> 10 – Oxbow Program-Freeze Tolerant Frogs -<br />
7:30PM at Oxbow office, 301 Walnut Street, Lawrenceburg.<br />
Presentation by Dr. Clara do Amaral, assistant professor of<br />
Biology at Mount St. Joseph University. Info: 812-290-2941<br />
or<br />
<strong>March</strong> 12-15 – Southeast Indiana Junkin’ Trail<br />
Extravaganza - Shop at 12 local shops in southeast Indiana<br />
for antique, vintage and/or new gifts and home decor.<br />
The Trail is full of incentives and prizes for a fun shopping<br />
experience. A second weekend of Junkin’ Trail shopping<br />
is planned for <strong>March</strong> 19, 20 & 21. Info: 812-487-8008/The<br />
Greenbriar Shop or 812-432-3330/Blue Willow House or visit<br />
the Junkin Trail’s facebook page.<br />
<strong>March</strong> 13, 20 & 27 – St. Mary Lenten Fish Fry - Cod with<br />
God - 4PM-7:30PM, St. Mary Activity Center, 214 Fifth Street,<br />
Aurora. Meals served in the Activity Center on Fifth Street.<br />
Carry-out available in the school cafeteria at 211 Fourth St.<br />
Drive-thru also available. Info: or 812-<br />
926-1558.<br />
<strong>March</strong> 14 – “Luck of the Irish” - Main Street Aurora<br />
Dancing on Main - 7PM-10:30PM, 228 Second Street,<br />
Aurora (Lions Club). $5.00 admission. Dinner is served by<br />
the Lions, for $7.00, with all proceeds going to Relay for Life.<br />
Info: 812-926-1100 or<br />
<strong>March</strong> 19-21 – Southeast Indiana Junkin’ Trail<br />
Extravaganza - Shop at 12 local shops in southeast Indiana<br />
for antique, vintage and/or new gifts and home decor.<br />
The Trail is full of incentives and prizes for a fun shopping<br />
experience. Info: 812-487-8008/The Greenbriar Shop or<br />
812-432-3330/Blue Willow House or visit the Junkin Trail’s<br />
facebook page.<br />
<strong>March</strong> 28 – Vince Neil at Lawrenceburg Event Center<br />
- Vince Neil of Motley Crue, brings “The Legacy Continues<br />
Tour” to the Event Center for a powerful performance.<br />
This includes all the great Motley Crue hits, plus select<br />
cuts from his three solo albums. Doors open at 7PM and<br />
the show begins with local opening act, Counting Stars, at<br />
7:30PM. Buy tickets at<br />
<strong>March</strong> 29 - Aug 21 – Playball!! - Dearborn County<br />
Historical Society Exhibit - 508 West High Street,<br />
Lawrenceburg. Monday, Wednesday, Friday 1:00PM-<br />
4:00PM. Closed Saturday, Sunday & holidays. Other hours<br />
by appointment. Included in the exhibit are early Dearborn<br />
County baseball players who played against the Cincinnati<br />
Reds, up to the most recent players to make the big leagues.<br />
Early family memorabilia, baseball cards and photos of<br />
Dearborn County ballplayers are also a part of the exhibit.<br />
Info: 812-537-4075 or<br />
<strong>March</strong> 29 – New Alsace Conservation Club Sausage<br />
& Pancake Breakfast - 7:30am - 12:00pm. Breakfast held<br />
at the New Alsace American Legion, 25329 Legion Rd., off<br />
North Dearborn Road. $10.00/adults, $4.00/children under<br />
10. Free/children under 3. 812-623-2431 or<br /><br />
Dearborn County Convention, Visitor and Tourism Bureau<br />
320 Walnut St. • Lawrenceburg, Indiana 47025<br />
1-800-322-8198 or<br />
SHOP LOCAL and tell our advertisers you saw them in The BEACON!
Page 4B THE BEACON <strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />
O<br />
ur<br />
Communities<br />
Kayla Suits, Kris Beal, Jaime Nobbe and Shannon McBeath,<br />
founders of Batesville’s “So Loved Clothing Closet” (Photo<br />
by Debbie Blank)<br />
By<br />
Sue<br />
Siefert<br />
Community<br />
Correspondent<br /><br />
So Loved … so needed<br />
A team of four Batesville<br />
Intermediate School employees,<br />
Kayla Suits, Kris Beal,<br />
Jaime Nobbe, and Shannon<br />
McBeath, recognized an unmet<br />
need in our community as<br />
children, especially those in<br />
the foster care system, needed<br />
assistance with the necessities<br />
of clothing, hygiene items<br />
and sometimes even a bed in<br />
which to sleep. Through their<br />
efforts, the So Loved Clothing<br />
Closet was born.<br />
The closet has been established<br />
within the Batesville<br />
Intermediate School in its<br />
former computer lab. The<br />
team soon reached out to the<br />
community seeking new and<br />
gently-used items needed by<br />
Wednesday, February 26th<br />
HOT<br />
CROSS<br />
BUNS<br />
Yummy!<br />
Harrison Home Bakery<br />
513-367-6117<br /><br />
Like us on Facebook<br />
the children – and the community<br />
responded by filling<br />
their shelves and offering<br />
their time to help launder and<br />
organize items in the closet<br />
to ensure children in need are<br />
receiving necessities. In the<br />
beginning, efforts were focused<br />
on children in the foster<br />
care system. However, as the<br />
response to the program has<br />
grown, their scope of care has<br />
broadened.<br />
The Indiana Department of<br />
Child Services caseworkers,<br />
CASAs, school counselors,<br />
and One Community One<br />
Family were all contacted to<br />
spread the word, and soon<br />
requests were being filled for<br />
needs in surrounding counties.<br />
The group’s motto is Be<br />
the Village because when<br />
people come together for a<br />
common cause – great things<br />
happen! I encourage those<br />
interested in helping to follow<br />
the So Loved Clothing Closet<br />
Facebook page to learn about<br />
items needed and volunteer<br />
opportunities!<br />
Congratulations are in<br />
order …<br />
The Batesville Area Chamber<br />
of Commerce hosted its<br />
Annual Dinner in January and<br />
recognized: Mary Dickey –<br />
Distinguished Service Award<br />
Recipient; Kim Linkel – Volunteer<br />
of the Year; Paul Ketcham<br />
– Educator of the Year;<br />
and the John A. Hillenbrand<br />
Foundation – Organization<br />
of the Year. The theme was<br />
“Share in the Magic … 100<br />
Years in the Making” as the<br />
Chamber celebrated its onehundredth<br />
anniversary with<br />
slideshow trip down memory<br />
lane capturing Batesville<br />
commerce’s history. Congratulations<br />
to all!<br />
That’s Sue’s news for now!<br />
Tax reform<br />
questions?<br />
Block has answers.<br />
Cub Scout Pack 610 conducted their annual Pinewood Derby on Jan. 18.<br />
By<br />
Laura<br />
Keller<br />
Community<br />
Correspondent<br /><br />
Cub Scout Pack 610 held<br />
its annual Pinewood Derby on<br />
Jan. 18. Each Cub Scout had<br />
a pinewood derby car kit and<br />
modified his car based on provided<br />
rules. Every pack participates<br />
in the annual derby,<br />
and the winners compete in a<br />
district race. Pack 610 is the<br />
Sunman pack, which includes<br />
boys from Sunman, New<br />
Alsace, and Yorkville, respectively.<br />
Great job!<br />
By<br />
Gloria<br />
Carter<br />
Community<br />
Correspondent<br /><br />
My daughter Debbie,<br />
granddaughter Ella Seymour,<br />
and I started off the New Year<br />
with our New Year’s Day<br />
hike at Versailles State Park.<br />
When we arrived, the parking<br />
lot was filled with over thirty<br />
cars.<br />
Ella decided it was only<br />
a walk, not a hike, because<br />
we did not hike the hills of<br />
the park. Instead, we walked<br />
through The Bradt Natural<br />
Area, which consists of<br />
eighty-three acres with three<br />
hiking trails that wind through<br />
woodland, grasslands, and a<br />
constructed wetland. The farm<br />
has been in the Bradt family<br />
since 1906 when F. Hale<br />
and Lizzie Bradt and their<br />
three children moved into a<br />
log house along US 50. Mr.<br />
Hale accepted a position as<br />
a school superintendent in<br />
Versailles. When Mr. Hale<br />
Valentine’s Day is the time<br />
of year to show your loved<br />
ones how much they mean<br />
to you. If you’re looking<br />
for a special gift for the<br />
men in your life, tickets are<br />
still available for the <strong>2020</strong><br />
E6 Men’s Conference held<br />
Feb. 22 from 8 A.M. to 3:30<br />
P.M. at the East Central<br />
High School Performing<br />
Arts Center. The ticket price<br />
includes inspiring talks by<br />
renowned speakers, free<br />
books, lunch, and much<br />
more. For more information<br />
or to purchase tickets, go to<br /><br />
If you’ve been craving fried<br />
chicken, mark your calendars<br />
for Sunday, Mar. 8. The North<br />
Dearborn American Legion<br />
and Lizzie passed, the family<br />
eventually deeded the farmland<br />
to the State of Indiana,<br />
who then made the property<br />
part of the Versailles State<br />
Park.<br />
If you have been down at<br />
the park by the pool in Greendale,<br />
you might have noticed<br />
a box containing books located<br />
near the playground. This<br />
box is the Eagle Scout project<br />
of Braydon Nutley. Braydon<br />
decided on his project because<br />
Greendale does not have a library.<br />
His parents would have<br />
to drive him to Lawrenceburg<br />
whenever he wanted to go to<br />
a library. Braydon will also<br />
(New Alsace Post 464) is<br />
hosting their annual chicken<br />
dinner 11 A.M. – 4 P.M. Dinners<br />
cost $12 for adults and<br />
$6 for children ages twelve<br />
and under.<br />
The North Dearborn American<br />
Legion is hosting its<br />
monthly euchre tournament<br />
on Feb. 16 and Mar. 22. Doors<br />
open at noon and games begin<br />
at 1 P.M. The entry fee is $5<br />
per person with cash payouts<br />
to the four highest scores. Refreshments<br />
are available for<br />
purchase. Call 812.623.3695<br />
for more information.<br />
I would love to hear from<br />
you! If you have news in the<br />
New Alsace area you’d like<br />
me to share, please contact me<br />
at<br />
Braydon Nutley is making convenience library boxes to be<br />
placed throughout Greendale.<br />
be placing his convenience<br />
library boxes in three more<br />
locations: Oakey Park, Schnebelt<br />
Park, and Homestead<br />
Park. He is a member of troop<br />
604 of Lawrenceburg and<br />
has been in scouts since the<br />
first grade. Please support his<br />
library by placing books in his<br />
boxes. Braydon is a 17-yearold<br />
senior at Lawrenceburg<br />
High.<br />
Happy twelfth birthday to<br />
my granddaughter Ella Seymour<br />
on Mar. 10. Her brother<br />
Allen will be seventeen on<br />
Mar. 14. Time sure goes by<br />
fast. I hope you guys have a<br />
good birthday.<br />
Tax reform impacts virtually<br />
all returns this year. If you're<br />
confused about what the<br />
changes mean for you,<br />
you're not alone. With more<br />
than 60 years of experience,<br />
making sense of new tax<br />
laws isn't new to H&R Block.<br />
Block has your back.<br />
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BATESVILLE, IN 47006<br />
812-934-4626<br />
OBTP#B13696 ©2018 HRB Tax Group, Inc.<br />
Twenty-five Years of Bringing our Community and Businesses Together.
<strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong> THE BEACON Page 5B<br />
By<br />
Sue<br />
Siefert<br />
Community<br />
Correspondent<br />
O<br />
ur<br />
CommunitiesDOVER<br />
By<br />
Rhonda<br />
Trabel<br />
Community<br />
Correspondent<br /><br /><br />
A peaceful Dover snow.<br />
OA’s Feldhaus is<br />
nearing completion<br />
Oldenburg Academy broke<br />
ground on the Hillenbrand<br />
Family Feldhaus last year<br />
and soon students will benefit<br />
from the long-awaited facility<br />
once the installation of the<br />
scoreboard, hardwood floor,<br />
bleachers plus all the components<br />
of the locker rooms,<br />
restrooms, concessions are<br />
complete. Patrick Kolks, athletic<br />
director, has been seen<br />
checking out his office as the<br />
anticipation across campus<br />
builds for the spring opening.<br />
Oldenburg landscape featured<br />
on OA Mural<br />
OA hallways are coming<br />
alive with a collaboration<br />
between Batesville Area Arts<br />
Council funded muralist, John<br />
McCoy, senior Anthony Alderson,<br />
and OA’s Art students.<br />
Under the guidance of Muralist<br />
John McCoy and senior Anthony<br />
Alderson, students are<br />
enhancing the wall outside the<br />
Chemistry Room. The mural<br />
depicts the landscape around<br />
Seniors Anthony Alderson and Ruth Heile with the muralist,<br />
John McCoy.<br />
the Oldenburg community.<br />
John McCoy is a Cincinnati/Northern<br />
Kentucky<br />
based artist and nationally<br />
recognized muralist. Senior<br />
Anthony Alderson created the<br />
design for the mural as his<br />
senior capstone project. He<br />
recruited many of his fellow<br />
OA art students to participate<br />
in bringing the beauty of Oldenburg<br />
indoors.<br />
A welcome change…<br />
Sometimes change can be<br />
difficult and welcoming at the<br />
same time. Such is the case<br />
with the addition of the Village’s<br />
two stop signs. Following<br />
the repaving of Highway<br />
229, a stop sign was added at<br />
the bottom of the hill where the<br />
highway turns right. A threeway<br />
stop at this intersection<br />
was created and significantly<br />
improved traffic safety. Later,<br />
an early Christmas present arrived<br />
when the intersection of<br />
Highway 229 and Washington<br />
Street was converted to a fourway<br />
stop. Previously the intersection<br />
was almost blind as<br />
drivers turning onto the highway<br />
had to cautiously venture<br />
out into the intersection before<br />
they were able to see oncoming<br />
cross-traffic – often resulting in<br />
near-miss accidents. While it<br />
has taken drivers a while to get<br />
used to the new stops … the<br />
increased safety of the Village<br />
people is a welcome benefit.<br />
The winds of change are blowing<br />
in the ’Burg!<br />
Das ist alles von der ’Burg!<br />
Although I am a little behind<br />
on this, I wanted to recognize<br />
the following couples<br />
in the area who have new additions<br />
to their families. Congratulations<br />
to Jonathan and<br />
Lori Hartman on the birth of<br />
their twins last Oct. 22, Elizabeth<br />
Kay and Luke James.<br />
Welcoming them home was<br />
big sister Ainsley. Maternal<br />
grandparents are Steve and<br />
Jeri Eisele of St Leon, and<br />
paternal grandparents are Jim<br />
Hartman of Dover and the<br />
late Belinda Hartman. I’m<br />
sure things are exciting at<br />
the Hartman residence with<br />
two to take care of and not<br />
much sleep to be had. The<br />
twins were also baptized at<br />
All Saints Parish on Dec. 26.<br />
I’m sure Belinda is a proud<br />
grandma from up above.<br />
Congratulations also go out<br />
to Dane and Carrie White<br />
on the birth of their son, Eli<br />
Thomas, last June 11. Welcoming<br />
him home were his<br />
older sister and brother Anna<br />
and Samuel. Maternal grandparents<br />
are Tom and Terri<br />
Huber of Dover, and paternal<br />
grandparents are Tony and<br />
Angie White of Yorkville.<br />
Get well wishes for a<br />
speedy recovery to Alice and<br />
George Klaserner, who were<br />
both hospitalized recently.<br />
Now that we are well into<br />
the winter of <strong>2020</strong>, I see the<br />
snow blanketing the roads and<br />
fields around us. With this,<br />
there seems to be a calmness<br />
and beauty not evident at any<br />
other time of the year. Even<br />
though we hate the cold, we<br />
surely appreciate a few of<br />
these calm days. Pictured here<br />
is one of my favorite scenes<br />
of winter. If you have any<br />
news from the Dover area,<br />
please email me at dover@<br /><br />
LOGAN<br />
By<br />
Susan<br />
Carson<br />
Community<br />
Correspondent<br /><br />
As spring approaches, many<br />
of us will be looking forward<br />
to the outdoor activities we<br />
promised ourselves we would<br />
do in our New Year’s resolutions.<br />
For Logan resident<br />
Phyllis Barker, it is bicycling.<br />
She tells her story of<br />
how she became such an avid<br />
rider.<br />
“When I retired, I wanted to<br />
find something to do to stay<br />
active. So I decided to start<br />
riding with some other ladies<br />
in the neighborhood. That’s<br />
when I bought my first bike, a<br />
green cruiser. Initially, I rode<br />
at the park in Harrison and the<br />
Lawrenceburg/Aurora trail on<br />
the levy. A year or two later,<br />
I was in the little bike shop<br />
in Harrison, and a gentleman<br />
said I should check out<br />
the Cincinnati Cycle Club.<br />
The group holds over thirty<br />
weekly rides for all levels of<br />
ability and experience. On my<br />
very first ride, I pulled into<br />
the Hartwell Kroger and saw<br />
about thirty people with their<br />
fancy road bikes.<br />
Maybe four of us were<br />
there for the casual ride. The<br />
leader alongside me gave me<br />
the “dos” and “don’ts” as we<br />
rode. I made it to the end of<br />
the eighteen-mile ride, and I<br />
was hooked. I’ve been riding<br />
with the CCC ever since.<br />
Sometime later, I was invited<br />
to ride in the Tree City Rolling<br />
Tour in Greensburg. While<br />
the ride was wonderful, the<br />
problem was I could barely<br />
keep up. My cruiser wasn’t<br />
fast enough. Five years later,<br />
I purchased my road bike<br />
(actually, I was very nervous<br />
about riding on the skinny<br />
tires). Then I began riding<br />
with the West Side Spokes in<br />
Motion cluster with the CCC.<br />
They have a Saturday morning<br />
ride that leaves from Wm.<br />
Henry Harrison High School<br />
and uses all back roads. One<br />
day we rode to Dayton for<br />
lunch. The Tuesday morning<br />
group rides are all around the<br />
Cincinnati area, including a<br />
ride that leaves from Harrison.<br />
I put together an Indiana<br />
ride and lead it several times<br />
a year. We begin at the North<br />
Phyllis Barker, Logan, is a<br />
member of the Cincinnati<br />
Cycling Club.<br />
Dearborn Library and head<br />
to St. Leon and St. Peters.<br />
The group thoroughly enjoys<br />
this ride. On the return trip,<br />
we always stop for lunch at<br />
Logan Supermart, which they<br />
love as well.<br />
A couple of rides in Indiana<br />
are fun. One is held the Saturday<br />
morning of Freudenfest in<br />
Oldenburg in July. The other,<br />
The Hope Ride in Hope, IN,<br />
is in September. They are both<br />
nice countryside rides.<br />
The best thing about riding<br />
is the friends I made along the<br />
way. We all share the passion<br />
for the bicycling adventure<br />
come rain or shine. You always<br />
have someone to ride with.”<br />
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Page 6B THE BEACON <strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />
AURORA<br />
By<br />
Margaret<br />
Drury<br />
Community<br />
Correspondent<br />
O<br />
ur<br />
Communities<br />
AURORA<br />
By<br />
Fred<br />
Schmits<br />
Community<br />
Correspondent<br /><br />
Living in an historic home in<br />
Aurora has its share of charm<br />
and challenges, especially in<br />
the cold winter months. Thank<br />
God for things like gas fireplace<br />
logs! With just a flip of<br />
a switch, WAA-LAA, there is<br />
warmth.<br />
Now, not only are my hands<br />
warm, but my heart is warm as<br />
I ponder our Bicentennial year<br />
in review for Aurora. So many<br />
special people and activities<br />
made 2019 a year to remember<br />
with many a Norman Rockwell<br />
moment! We are truly rich<br />
with assets here. Assets that<br />
include our people, our history,<br />
our churches, and our architecture…<br />
all of which add to<br />
our small-town charm. Those<br />
assets contributed to the City of<br />
Aurora making the <strong>2020</strong> list for<br />
Visit Indiana. OUR CITY, li’l<br />
ole Aurora, was named one of<br />
the MUST-SEE small towns in<br />
Indiana. Our Main Street Aurora<br />
was named a Top 10 Main<br />
Street, and our brewery was<br />
named a Top 10 Brewery. Main<br />
Street Aurora, led by Director<br />
Nancy Turner, spearheads so<br />
many different activities making<br />
our city not only a destination<br />
for tourists but also a cool<br />
place for about four thousand<br />
of us to call home. In putting<br />
their 20 In 20 List together<br />
(featuring 20 things you can<br />
do from 20 lists), Visit Indiana<br />
said that we, Aurora, are<br />
a UNIQUE destination! Yay<br />
Cassie Busse, Kristan Roedl, Anna Freeman, Devin Elder,<br />
Maria Whitaker, & Natalie Cauble enjoying one of the 2019<br />
Get Wine(d) & Dine(d) events.<br />
Aurora!<br />
Main Street Aurora sponsored<br />
a New Year’s Eve Dance,<br />
an excellent way to wrap<br />
up the monumental year we<br />
had. I am so accustomed to<br />
seeing Brad Peddenpohl in<br />
some silly outfit at the Main<br />
Street events, but I had to do<br />
a double-take with the photo<br />
that Nancy shared of him and<br />
his wife, Samantha, shown in<br />
formal attire at the dance. What<br />
a lovely couple. Samantha,<br />
how did you manage to get him<br />
to be serious for the picture?<br />
Main Street’s Get Wine(d)<br />
& Dine(d) events will continue<br />
this year, with the next one<br />
being scheduled in Downtown<br />
Aurora from 5 P.M. to 8:30<br />
P.M. on Feb. 21. Mark your<br />
calendars for a good time,<br />
young and old alike.<br />
A few years ago, to improve<br />
the appearance of historic<br />
downtown Aurora and to help<br />
stimulate the business environment,<br />
the city created the<br />
Façade Improvement Matching<br />
Grant (FIMG) & Sign Grant<br />
Program for residential and<br />
commercial properties located<br />
within the core business<br />
district. New in <strong>2020</strong>, eligible<br />
property owners in the Westside<br />
neighborhood accessible<br />
W ellingtons<br />
ice cream<br />
palace<br />
Brad and Samantha<br />
Peddenpohl<br />
off SR 350 may also apply.<br />
Grants are limited to exterior<br />
preservation, restoration, or<br />
rehabilitation of real properties,<br />
including signage improvements<br />
identified on eligible<br />
sites. Do YOU or someone<br />
you know live in the Aurora<br />
Downtown Historic District<br />
or the Hanover west side?<br />
They may qualify for the <strong>2020</strong><br />
Facade Improvement grant<br />
program. The deadline to apply<br />
is Feb. 28. Guidelines can be<br />
found on the City of Aurora<br />
website at https://www.aurora.<br /> If eligible, BE SURE to<br />
take advantage of this program<br />
as it is one of the tools that has<br />
helped to ensure the “small<br />
town” charm of our beloved<br />
City of Aurora and to ensure its<br />
architectural assets continue.<br />
One last important Public<br />
Service Announcement… If<br />
you are a resident of Aurora,<br />
I recommend that you sign<br />
up for REACH Alert. Aurora<br />
residents can receive notification<br />
regarding such things as<br />
waterline breaks/ boil advisories,<br />
road closures, construction<br />
or accident delays, hazmat<br />
situations, AMBER / Silver<br />
alerts, police actions, and civic<br />
events. Go to www.reachalert.<br />
com to create a new account.<br />
If you have any problems, you<br />
may call them at (877) 307-<br />
9313… Just DO IT and be “in<br />
the know”!<br />
AND, I know I said I had<br />
ONE last public Service Announcement,<br />
but here’s the last<br />
one… for this month anyway!<br />
If you would like Aurora<br />
Bicentennial memorabilia (tee<br />
shirts, sweatshirts, AuroraOpoly<br />
games, Aurora Picture<br />
books, etc.), we still have items<br />
available. Contact the Main<br />
Street office at 812-926-1100<br />
or<br /><br />
Occasionally a neighbor of<br />
ours here in Aurora receives<br />
well-deserved recognition<br />
for just being “an ordinary<br />
guy.” These were the words<br />
this particular person used<br />
to describe himself when<br />
we met to talk about a<br />
life devoted to family and<br />
Aurora youth. “STRAUTY”<br />
is the short name many in<br />
and around town have used<br />
to talk about Bob Strautman.<br />
We can appreciate<br />
him by taking a look at his<br />
life. He also has the title of<br />
“Mr. Scorekeeper for SDHS<br />
Athletic Dept!”<br />
The story begins with a<br />
Strautman Appreciation<br />
Night held Dec 6. when<br />
the boys’ basketball teams<br />
honored their long-time<br />
scorekeeper and friend. Our<br />
community has received<br />
the best Strauty has to offer<br />
over many years.<br />
Mr. Strautman attended<br />
Cochran elementary, followed<br />
by Northside Middle<br />
school, and finally AHS,<br />
graduating in 1955. He participated<br />
in basketball and<br />
baseball, but his true talent<br />
is for leadership.<br />
After high school, Mr.<br />
Strautman worked at a<br />
cleaning company in Aurora,<br />
married his sweetheart,<br />
Chris, and started a family.<br />
They had three sons, John,<br />
Brian, and Chris, and a<br />
daughter, Lori. Mr. Strautman<br />
shared his passion<br />
for athletics as a volunteer<br />
athletic director and coach<br />
at St. Mary’s and a referee<br />
of many sports for twenty<br />
years. He quit when his hip<br />
gave out while refereeing a<br />
game. After thirty-five years<br />
of volunteering, he fondly<br />
shares memories of his experiences.<br />
In 1972 Mr. Strautman<br />
created the basketball program<br />
at St. Mary’s. He then<br />
helped his daughter start the<br />
volleyball program. During<br />
that time, he coached<br />
Little League baseball and<br />
Babe Ruth baseball teams.<br />
Mr. Strautman continued to<br />
coach basketball for a few<br />
years until Chris Jameson<br />
assumed the responsibility.<br />
Then following in his<br />
father’s footsteps, Chris<br />
Strautman became coach.<br />
Mr. Strautman stayed<br />
involved in athletics at St.<br />
Mary’s over the years by<br />
handling all of the athletic<br />
teams’ needs for schedules,<br />
Bob Strautman<br />
officials, and uniforms.<br />
What made the job even<br />
more challenging was that<br />
St. Mary’s did not have a<br />
gym!! All practices and<br />
games were held either<br />
at the opponent’s gym or<br />
Northside, St. Lawrence, or<br />
Homestead School.<br />
As coach, Mr. Strautman<br />
had an experience not to<br />
be forgotten. His team was<br />
facing a good team from<br />
Brookville, who executed<br />
a full-court press for the<br />
entire game. It wasn’t pleasant!!<br />
On a happier note,<br />
his boys’ team played the<br />
Aurora seventh and eighthgrade<br />
teams twice and beat<br />
them both times. This was<br />
the same AHS team that<br />
went to semi-state in high<br />
school!<br />
“Strauty” had many good<br />
memories, the happiest being<br />
when his 1975 team won<br />
the county tournament. He<br />
is noted for the famous saying,<br />
“That player would trip<br />
over the black ten-second<br />
line,” as a way of describing<br />
players.<br />
Mr. Strautman is still<br />
a scorekeeper at SDHS<br />
for girls’ basketball. This<br />
connection with youth has<br />
existed for forty-eight long<br />
years.<br />
Well, that’s it. But writing<br />
this about “Strauty” has<br />
been an honor! He is an<br />
inspiration to all.<br />
Did you ever wonder…<br />
from where will our leaders<br />
of tomorrow come?<br />
COUNTY<br /><br />
After covering all of the<br />
wonderful news in Franklin<br />
County, correspondent Karis<br />
Troyer has decided to pass the<br />
torch. We will miss her wit<br />
and love for her community.<br />
If you would like to become<br />
involved as a correspondent,<br />
please email the BEACON at<br />
editor@ goBEACONnews.<br />
com.<br />
Be sure to share news by<br />
emailing franklin@goBEA-<br /><br />
February 8th - Be My Valentine<br />
<strong>March</strong> 14th - Luck of the Irish<br />
April 11th - Swing into Spring<br />
June 13th - Take me out to the ballgame<br />
August 8th - Pool Daze<br />
September 12th - Oktoberfest<br />
Thursday, December 31st - New Years Eve<br />
Voted<br />
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228 Second Street, Aurora Indiana<br />
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<strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong> THE BEACON Page 7B<br />
O<br />
ur<br />
Communities<br />
Jazzy Blackburn lifted high<br />
by fellow cheerleaders after<br />
coming in second to South<br />
Dearborn High School in the<br />
cheerleader competition.<br />
By<br />
Debbie<br />
Acasio<br />
Community<br />
Correspondent<br /><br />
Indiana basketball. Exciting,<br />
invigorating! Where were<br />
you when Milan took the state<br />
title in 1954? Most senior citizens<br />
can remember that day<br />
By<br />
Lorene<br />
Westmeyer<br />
Community<br />
Correspondent<br /><br />
Our town is thrilled to hear<br />
that we finally have a new<br />
grocery store. We welcome<br />
the new owners, Perry and<br />
Meggie Parmar and family.<br />
We are also happy to have<br />
Phil Hustler back to serve<br />
us.<br />
We are so excited to see<br />
the remodeling of the Victorian<br />
house next to the post<br />
office. It is going to be so<br />
pretty!<br />
The Dillsboro Heritage<br />
Car Show was very successful<br />
last year. Committee<br />
members Gene Barth,<br />
Tracy and Missy Weatherford,<br />
Greg Beetz, Danny<br />
Gall, Bobby Carter, and<br />
Chairman Steve Harmeyer<br />
raised over $5,000. Proceeds<br />
went to the following nonprofits:<br />
Heritage Festival: established<br />
in 2016 to celebrate<br />
Gavin Yoon- boys MVP at<br />
Rivertown Tournament.<br />
as well as the day that man<br />
landed on the moon. Although<br />
I was born two years after the<br />
victory, my mother and aunts<br />
passed on to me the excitement<br />
they felt as the police<br />
and fire departments escorted<br />
the Milan team down State<br />
Route 46 into Sunman from<br />
Indianapolis. Ruth Bernhard<br />
still remembers the massive<br />
cheering crowds and the<br />
excitement. Yes, David slew<br />
Goliath that day.<br />
Lawrenceburg High Schoolbasketball<br />
teams are continuing<br />
the Indiana basketball<br />
fever of 1954 into <strong>2020</strong>. The<br />
girl’s team beat out Switzerland<br />
County for their fourth<br />
championship in a row in the<br />
Rivertown Classic Tournament.<br />
With this year’s win,<br />
the boys have won the most<br />
championships in tournament<br />
history! The most valuable<br />
players of the tournament<br />
were Juliana Kemper and<br />
Gavin Yoon. Gavin achieved<br />
the history and heritage of<br />
our community.<br />
Historical Society: contributions<br />
and proceeds from<br />
the sale of Alan Smith’s<br />
historical collections with<br />
the goal of finding a place to<br />
preserve and display items<br />
and collections of historical<br />
value to the town of Dillsboro.<br />
CARE Team (Community,<br />
Action, Response, Engagement):<br />
the objectives are to<br />
bring together leaders of the<br />
Faith Community to provide<br />
help and assistance in times<br />
of crisis.<br />
Dillsboro Community<br />
Partnership, Inc. General<br />
Fund: The Dillsboro Community<br />
Partnership fosters<br />
community pride, enhances<br />
and promotes growth,<br />
and supports local businesses<br />
and organizations<br />
to strengthen the quality of<br />
life in our community. The<br />
fund provides the match for<br />
grants which support the<br />
activities of the DCP.<br />
Dillsboro Veterans Walk:<br />
We continue to salute our<br />
Veterans throughout the<br />
year by making our Veterans<br />
Walk available to any group<br />
Macy Radenheimer cutting<br />
the net at Rivertown Classic<br />
Tournament.<br />
a personal goal of 1000 baskets<br />
in his high school career<br />
and was recently presented<br />
the 1000 point ball during a<br />
home game at Lawrenceburg<br />
High School. The MVP award<br />
was Juliana’s third straight.<br />
Congratulations to all!<br />
Have you been caught in<br />
the winter blahs? If you have<br />
not visited the Lawrenceburg<br />
Public Library, you are missing<br />
out on some boredom<br />
relief and a gem in our community.<br />
Visit the website, lpld.<br />, to see what<br />
all is happening there. Newly<br />
created this year is a program<br />
called mobile media maker<br />
labs. When the laptops are<br />
not in use for this program,<br />
they can be checked out to<br />
use within the library. Guess<br />
what? You can also check<br />
out a ukulele. During Lawrenceburg<br />
E-learning days,<br />
the library is available for all<br />
students. An adult must supervise<br />
grade K-4. Library staff<br />
or organization that should<br />
choose to honor them with<br />
the display.<br />
Evening of Thanks: an annual<br />
event held to recognize<br />
and thank our vast number<br />
of volunteers and contributors.<br />
Other volunteers assisting<br />
with the car show included<br />
Chris and Brooke Patrick,<br />
Cathy Beetz, Jerry Laker,<br />
Danny Goodman, Kim<br />
Harmeyer and DJ – Jared<br />
Teaney.<br />
Sponsors deserving special<br />
thanks include Friendship<br />
State Bank and Boggs &<br />
Race.<br />
“The Call Back Show”<br />
is the current exhibition<br />
at Dillsboro Arts. This<br />
show features the work of<br />
fourteen artists who have<br />
supported Dillsboro Arts<br />
through their participation<br />
in past shows. Each artist<br />
has up to three pieces in<br />
this show running through<br />
<strong>March</strong> 28.<br />
The community is saddened<br />
by the losses of Melinda<br />
“Susie” (Stambaugh)<br />
Morrone, Scharline (Utter)<br />
Fields, Jeanette (Huntington)<br />
Thayer, and Denver Mills.<br />
Elise Bostick and Dahlia<br />
Fuson met at the Lawrenceburg<br />
library for the first time<br />
three years ago. They have<br />
been best friends ever since.<br />
is available for supervision<br />
and help for all. Check out the<br />
beginning crochet classes, the<br />
book clubs, and Pinterest craft<br />
clubs. There is something for<br />
everyone—including a $5<br />
lunch Monday through Friday.<br />
I hope you all enjoyed the<br />
High on the hill with the city<br />
of Lawrenceburg as a view,<br />
Sophia Courtney (daughter<br />
of Ella Schwartz) enjoys her<br />
first birthday cake.<br />
long, carb-filled winter (dark<br />
at 5 P.M.) days and are looking<br />
forward to spring as much<br />
as I am! I am ready to come<br />
out of hibernation. Farewell,<br />
winter!<br />
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SHOP LOCAL and tell our advertisers you saw them in The BEACON!
Page 8B THE BEACON <strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />
O<br />
ur<br />
Communities<br />
Goldie Bolin<br />
By<br />
Barbara<br />
Wetzler<br />
Community<br />
Correspondent<br /><br />
Betty and Ken Bolin<br />
Good news to share from<br />
Moores Hill:<br />
Congratulations to the family<br />
of Rod (Karen) Bolin<br />
and Debbie Bolin (Greg)<br />
Posey on reaching several<br />
milestones. Rod and Debbie’s<br />
grandmother, Goldie Bolin,<br />
turned 102 on Jan. 28. Mrs.<br />
Bolin has been blessed with<br />
three sons (Kenny, Steve,<br />
and Larry Bolin) and one<br />
daughter (Janice), seven<br />
grandchildren, eight greatgrandchildren,<br />
and six great,<br />
great-grandchildren. In 2017,<br />
Mrs. Bolin was crowned Miss<br />
Cochran, as part of Main<br />
Street Aurora’s 150th birthday<br />
celebration. She is the oldest<br />
living person to have ever<br />
lived in the little known part<br />
of Aurora called Cochran.<br />
Karen Bolin says her motherin-law<br />
loves her Lord, loved<br />
to sew, and going to craft<br />
shows. Happy 102 Birthday to<br />
Mrs. Goldie Bolin<br />
Congratulations to Kenny<br />
and Betty Bolin on celebrating<br />
sixty-two years of marriage<br />
in November 2019.<br />
Happy Birthday to Betty<br />
Bolin, who celebrated turning<br />
80 in January, with a surprise<br />
party at Rod and Karen Bolin’s<br />
house in Moores Hill.<br />
Rod and Karen moved back<br />
to their roots in Moores Hill<br />
in 2018, where they both grew<br />
up, graduated from Moores<br />
Hill School, and became<br />
school sweethearts. They will<br />
celebrate forty-four years of<br />
marriage in May <strong>2020</strong>. They<br />
recently rebuilt on the land<br />
where Karen grew up. Rod<br />
serves as the pastor at Hogan<br />
Hill Baptist Church. Karen<br />
is a talented quilter and has<br />
worked in Aurora for twentyeight<br />
years.<br />
I plan to devote a future<br />
column on others who have<br />
moved back to Moores Hill,<br />
such as Bobbi Elza and<br />
Randy Foley. Bobbi is restoring<br />
a house on Manchester<br />
Street and doing much of the<br />
work herself.<br />
As soon as HGTV announced<br />
plans for a contest<br />
for one of its shows to renovate<br />
an entire town, Tamila<br />
Wismann, Lynn Allen,<br />
and other volunteers began<br />
developing a plan to submit<br />
a proposal for Moores Hill to<br />
be considered. So much spirit<br />
and love are felt for Moores<br />
Hill among former and current<br />
residents. The annual<br />
Rod and Karen Bolin<br />
Christmas Walk, the 2018<br />
Bicentennial Celebration, and<br />
the 2019 Carnival are examples<br />
of the tireless volunteerism<br />
and support to enrich<br />
living in Moores Hill. Thank<br />
you to this team of neighbors<br />
and friends for undertaking<br />
another large community<br />
project.<br />
If you have news to share<br />
with our <strong>Beacon</strong> readers,<br />
please contact me at<br /><br />
By<br />
Lisa<br />
West<br />
Community<br />
Correspondent<br />
Celebrating 100th Day!<br />
North Dearborn Elementary’s first grade class celebrated<br />
their one hundredth day of class by dressing up as their<br />
favorite historic characters. Their teacher, Mrs. Dennis,<br />
shared that they are officially 100 days smarter!<br />
To add anticipation after the holidays, many schools<br />
celebrate the 100th day. The celebration helps break up<br />
winter with fun and activities.<br />
South Dearborn High School Cheerleaders (not in order): Leah Kemper, Blake Sizemore,<br />
Kinley Sweeney, Cambrey Gilbert, Marrgo Arnsperger, Jozie Mason, Brenna VanGuelpen,<br />
Cadence Denney, Elissa Grehl, Taylor Ferguson, Shanna Tschaenn, Zoey Cunningham,<br />
Kendyl McAllister, Macie Teke, Ava Kraemer, Emalee Ramsey, Alyvia Percival, Coaches Lori<br />
Rinehart, Lindsay Buerger, Lisa West and Tara West.<br />
Fridays<br />
4:30-7:00pm<br />
Feb 28<br />
Mar 6,13,20,27<br />
April 3<br />
8044 Yorkridge Rd<br />
$10 for adults/$5 for children<br />
Carry Out Available<br />
MENU:<br />
Hand Breaded Fried Cod or<br />
Baked Cod or Cheese Pizza<br />
Macaroni & Cheese<br />
French Fries<br />
Green Beans<br />
Slaw or Applesauce<br />
Homemade Pies & Cakes<br />
Soft Drinks, Coffee & Tea<br /><br />
The cheerleaders of South<br />
Dearborn High School<br />
certainly have something to<br />
cheer about this year. They<br />
placed fifth in their division<br />
at the Indiana State Championships.<br />
To top that, they<br />
won the Rivertown Classic<br />
Cheerleading Championship<br />
in <strong>2020</strong>. Since they also won<br />
in 2019 and 2018, they are officially<br />
“3-Peat” Champions!<br />
Five out of the seventeen<br />
SDHS competitive cheerleaders<br />
are from the Manchester<br />
area. They include seniors<br />
Blake Sizemore (Competition<br />
Captain) and Leah Kemper<br />
(Squad Captain), juniors<br />
Marrgo Arnsperger and<br />
Jozie Mason, and freshman<br />
Kendyl McAllister.<br />
The team won several<br />
regional competitions leading<br />
up to State and Rivertown.<br />
At the December Jefferson<br />
High School competition, the<br />
SDHS Senior cheerleaders proudly holding Rivertown<br />
trophy - Kinley Sweeney, Leah Kemper, Cambrey Gilbert,<br />
Blake Sizemore.<br />
team won “Best Tumbling”<br />
in addition to 1st place. They<br />
have also been recognized for<br />
outstanding stunting (builds),<br />
jumps, cheers, and dance. The<br />
nearly year-long commitment<br />
demands lots of time and intense<br />
physical requirements.<br />
Leah Kemper shared, “This<br />
year’s cheer season was nothing<br />
short of eventful. Receiving<br />
the opportunity to attend<br />
state, and winning Rivertown<br />
was awesome. I am so grateful<br />
that I had the chance to be part<br />
of this winning team during<br />
my final year of high school!”<br />
Blake Sizemore added,<br />
“This season has been so incredible.<br />
Being named captain<br />
of the competition team was<br />
a great honor. It was hard at<br />
first, but as the season went<br />
on I grew into the role. I am<br />
so thankful that my coaches<br />
Lisa, Lindsay, and Lori saw<br />
enough potential in me to<br />
switch our division to coed.<br />
We knew it wasn’t going to<br />
be an easy switch, but our<br />
team adapted very quickly.<br />
We worked very hard and it<br />
paid off by ending in many<br />
successes including Indiana<br />
State and Rivertown honors! I<br />
was also fortunate enough to<br />
help coach our middle school<br />
team. I am excited to continue<br />
working with them and help<br />
them grow.”<br />
Twenty-five Years of Bringing our Community and Businesses Together.
<strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong> THE BEACON Page 9B<br />
MILAN<br />
By<br />
Susan<br />
Cottingham<br />
Community<br />
Correspondent<br /><br />
This month is all about<br />
basketball! You may have heard<br />
that the Milan High School<br />
Boys Basketball Team won<br />
the Ripley County Tourney<br />
after a sixty-year dry spell! We<br />
certainly congratulate the team<br />
and their coaches on such an<br />
accomplishment. The 72-63<br />
win was over the Batesville<br />
Bulldogs. The <strong>2020</strong> MHS Boys<br />
Basketball team is made up of<br />
Parker Lewis, Matt Riehle,<br />
Kaleb Rinear, Matt Schmitt,<br />
Carter Wade, Carsyn<br />
Ascherman, Joshua Clark,<br />
Evan Miller, Adam Norman,<br />
Chandler Reatherford,<br />
Ethan Schwipps, Bo Wade,<br />
and Peyton Wert. The Head<br />
coach is Randy Combs, and he<br />
is assisted by coaches Travis<br />
Butte, Luke Williams, Andy<br />
Finnegan, Joel Norman, and<br />
Ethan Voss. Peyton Wert was<br />
named MVP of the tournament.<br />
Carsyn Asherman, Adam<br />
Norman, and Carter Wade<br />
made the All-Tourney Team.<br />
Interesting to note is that<br />
both of Ethan Schwipps’<br />
grandfathers, Don Call and<br />
Dick Schwipps, were on the<br />
last team from MHS to win the<br />
Ripley County Tourney in 1960.<br />
Ethan Schwipps is a member of<br />
this year’s winning team. The<br />
1960 team was coached by Ray<br />
Craft, who was a player and<br />
high scorer for the 1954 State<br />
Championship team. Members<br />
of the 1960 team were Frank<br />
Arkenberg, Bill Burkett, Don<br />
Call, Jerry Caplinger, Bob<br />
Cunningham, Tim Heller,<br />
Jim Lafollette. Jimmy Dale<br />
Richardson, Jim Shanks,<br />
Dick Schwipps, Hank Voss,<br />
and Tom Voss. They defeated<br />
Versailles in the final game<br />
78-47.<br />
Milan was recognized by the<br />
Ripley County Basketball Hall<br />
of Fame with the induction<br />
of Ray Baurley and Craig<br />
Cutter. Ray received the<br />
Meritorious Service Award.<br />
He is best known for his long<br />
involvement with Milan’s<br />
O<br />
ur<br />
<strong>2020</strong> Ripley County Tournament Champions: Milan Indians: Parker Lewis, Matt Riehle, Kaleb<br />
Rinear, Matt Schmitt, Carter Wade, Carsyn Ascherman, Joshua Clark, Evan Miller, Adam<br />
Norman, Chandler Reatherford, Ethan Schwipps, Bo Wade and Peyton Wert. Head coach<br />
Randy Combs assisted by coaches Travis Butte, Luke Williams, Andy Finnegan, Joel Norman,<br />
and Ethan Voss. Cheerleaders: Payton Bledsoe, Madison Cavins, Riley Clark, Olivia<br />
Davis, Autumn Dunn, Abbey Knowlton, Amanda Peckham, Avery Robbins, Maddie Welch,<br />
Lauren Werner.<br />
Milan resident, Ray Baurley,<br />
and MHS graduate, Craig<br />
Cutter, were honored with<br />
induction into the <strong>2020</strong> class<br />
of the Ripley County Hall of<br />
Fame.<br />
basketball program. He was a<br />
business teacher and coach at<br />
Milan High School for thirtyseven<br />
years. Mr. Baurley was<br />
a member of the only New<br />
Marion High School team to<br />
win a sectional and county<br />
tourney. He was named an All-<br />
Conference player in 1963 and<br />
also lettered three years in track,<br />
cross-country, baseball, and<br />
basketball. Upon retirement,<br />
Mr. Baurley continued<br />
his participation in Milan<br />
basketball by being the team’s<br />
official scorer since 2009. He<br />
also currently serves on the<br />
Board of Directors for the<br />
Milan ‘54 Hoosiers Museum.<br />
Craig Cutter graduated from<br />
Milan High School in 1979<br />
and was the all-time leading<br />
scorer, where he amassed<br />
1,502 points over his four-year<br />
career as a varsity starter. He<br />
averaged 21.5 points per game<br />
during his senior year. He was<br />
named to the All-Sectional<br />
Communities<br />
Ray Baurley, Ripley County<br />
Hall of Fame Meritorious<br />
Service Award recipient with<br />
his grandchildren Lainey<br />
Stock, Taylor Stock, Nicholas<br />
Lieland, Brody Stock,<br />
Ross Lieland, and Cayden<br />
Lieland.<br />
team three years, the All-<br />
County team three years, the<br />
EIAC All-Conference team his<br />
senior year, and received an<br />
Honorable Mention All-State<br />
Academic team his senior<br />
year. Before graduation, he<br />
received letters of interest<br />
from several esteemed<br />
colleges, including IU, Purdue,<br />
Notre Dame, and Duke. Cutter<br />
went on to play three sports in<br />
college. He currently lives in<br />
Canon City, CO.<br />
In closing, I would also<br />
like to thank The Rising Sun<br />
Regional Foundation (RSRF)<br />
for their support in awarding<br />
a total of $275,420 in new<br />
grants in the fourth quarter of<br />
2019. These grants included<br />
$12,630 to Milan Community<br />
School Corporation for the<br />
purchase of stop-arm cameras<br />
for school buses.<br />
& GUILFORD<br />
By<br />
Laura<br />
Keller<br />
Community<br />
Correspondent<br /><br />
Many years ago, I had a<br />
colleague who joked that his<br />
wife was only eight years old.<br />
She was one of the 187,000<br />
people in the United States<br />
who was born on leap day,<br />
otherwise known as February<br />
29. If you’ve ever been<br />
curious why February has<br />
29 days roughly every four<br />
years, here are a few facts for<br />
you.<br />
Our modern calendar<br />
contains 365 days; however,<br />
it takes the earth roughly<br />
365.2421 days to orbit its<br />
star. To ensure we remain<br />
consistent with the calendar,<br />
we periodically add in an<br />
extra day to make sure the<br />
calendar is in sync with the<br />
actual orbit. Pope Gregory<br />
XIII instituted the Gregorian<br />
Calendar in 1582, and according<br />
to this calendar, leap year<br />
occurs every four years except<br />
for years evenly divisible by<br />
100 and not by 400. If you<br />
were like me and thought leap<br />
year always occurred every<br />
four years, we both learned<br />
something new!<br />
Our condolences go out to<br />
the Martini family. Donna<br />
Kennett Martini passed away<br />
on December 24. She loved<br />
to play cards and enjoyed<br />
traveling to Las Vegas. Donna<br />
was an excellent cook. One of<br />
her favorite meals was roast<br />
beef with potatoes and carrots,<br />
potato salad, and german<br />
chocolate cake. She would<br />
fry up whatever her husband<br />
Leo brought home from hunting,<br />
which usually included<br />
squirrels and rabbits! Donna<br />
liked playing tennis and going<br />
out with the girls. She was<br />
a member of the “Golden<br />
Girls.”<br />
Donna leaves behind her<br />
husband Leo and children<br />
Donald (Tammy) Martini<br />
of Bright, daughter-in-law<br />
Lynda Martini of Yorkville,<br />
Brenda (Philip) Jonas of<br />
Harrison, and Rhonda (Eric)<br />
Sizemore of Bright; and<br />
sister Dorothy Cox and<br />
brothers Denver and Ron<br />
Kennett. She will also be<br />
fondly remembered by her<br />
nine grandchildren and greatgrandchildren.<br />
If you have news in the<br />
Yorkville/Guilford area you’d<br />
like me to share, please contact<br />
me at yorkville@Go<strong>Beacon</strong><br />
ReProm<br />
dress exchange<br />
bring a dress<br />
& take a dress<br />
By<br />
Elizabeth<br />
Janszen<br />
Community<br />
Correspondent<br />
Special <strong>March</strong> Hours<br /><br />
Harrison correspondent<br />
Elizabeth Janszen will be back<br />
next month with all of the<br />
exciting things happening in<br />
Harrison. Send news to<br />
SHOP LOCAL and tell our advertisers you saw them in The BEACON!
Page 10B THE BEACON <strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />
SUNMAN<br />
By<br />
Maureen<br />
Stenger<br />
Community<br />
Correspondent<br />
O<br />
ur<br />
Communities<br /><br />
Lisa Wolf of Sunman<br />
shared some exciting news<br />
with me. The East Central<br />
Wrestling Team has beaten<br />
the school record of wins<br />
with a record of 34-0!<br />
Previously the most wins<br />
were twenty-eight back in<br />
2009. Three wrestlers are<br />
undefeated: Blake Wolf, one<br />
hundred thirteen pounds;<br />
Rider Searcy, one hundred<br />
twenty-six pounds; and<br />
Bryer Hall, one hundred<br />
fifty-two pounds. The EC<br />
wrestling team also won<br />
the Eastern Indiana Athletic<br />
Conference on Jan. 19 by<br />
over one hundred points!<br />
A huge congratulations<br />
to these wrestlers, the<br />
entire team, and all of the<br />
coaches. What an impressive<br />
accomplishment.<br />
East Central wrestler Ben<br />
Wolf, son of Adam and Lisa<br />
Wolf of Sunman, had quite<br />
the accomplishment as he<br />
celebrated his one-hundredth<br />
win. Ben wrestles in the one<br />
hundred forty-five pound<br />
weight class for the Trojans.<br />
Few wrestlers achieve this<br />
goal by their senior year, so<br />
for Ben to accomplish this<br />
Kelsey Huber, Lisa Wolf, Ben Wolf, Shirley Huber, Jacob<br />
Huber, Kendall Huber, and Jill Wolf celebrating EC Wrestler<br />
Ben Wolf’s 100th Win!<br />
as a junior makes it even<br />
more amazing. Kudos to Ben<br />
for all of your hard work!<br />
This team sure is making its<br />
school, and this town, proud!<br />
The students at Sunman<br />
Elementary School were<br />
treated to a special visit<br />
from the Cincinnati Reds<br />
Caravan. Sunman Elementary<br />
Instructional Assistant, Miss<br />
Hardin, entered the school in<br />
the Reds Caravan Takeover<br />
Contest this past summer.<br />
Sunman Elementary was<br />
selected as a private stop on<br />
the tour! Reds players Amir<br />
Garrett, Josh VanMeter,<br />
and Jonathan India visited.<br />
A lucky group of twenty<br />
randomly selected students<br />
and staff got the opportunity<br />
to participate in a meetand-greet<br />
after the school<br />
assembly. A great time was<br />
had by all.<br />
Mike Martini of St.<br />
Nicholas School shared<br />
with me that the school has<br />
received a grant for a new<br />
program helping children<br />
in need. The “You Can<br />
Use a Friend” project will<br />
take donations of crayons,<br />
coloring books, and other<br />
items, combining them with<br />
notes of support and prayer<br />
for children going through<br />
challenging circumstances.<br />
Funding for the project is<br />
provided by a Ripley Youth<br />
Outreach Grant. Students<br />
at St. Nicholas will be<br />
asking area businesses<br />
for permission to display<br />
collection bins where people<br />
By<br />
PG<br />
Gentrup<br />
Community<br />
Correspondent<br />
Participating in the program, “You can use a Friend,”<br />
Emma Eckstein, Amelia Eckstein, Isaiah Uhlarik, August<br />
Kulhmann, Brandon Broering, second - Lily Hauefle-Rynn,<br />
Emery Maple, Holly Hoff, Alicia Hudepohl, Cody Batta, Mrs.<br />
Schutte- teacher, Conner Eckstein, Hank Craig, Daniel Perkins,<br />
Lucas Watson, Gabe Yunger, Riley Schebler, Elizabeth<br />
Gigrich, Zeb Streator, Abe Streater<br />
can donate the items for<br />
reuse. The donated items,<br />
along with letters of support,<br />
will be distributed to area<br />
service organizations.<br />
Principal Sherri Kirschner<br />
explains, “We are combining<br />
academics, faith, writing<br />
skills, service and empathy in<br />
this project.” Area businesses<br />
that would like to display<br />
a collection bin can call St.<br />
Nicholas School at 812-623-<br />
2348 or email: grade2@<br /><br />
A lot of great things are<br />
going on around Sunman.<br />
The town has a new website,<br /> Please<br />
check it out! Congratulations<br />
to the new town board<br />
members and a new town<br />
clerk who were sworn in on<br />
Jan. 7. Please continue to<br />
share your stories with me<br />
at sunman@gobeaconnews.<br />
com. I love hearing from<br />
you!<br />
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Time continues to fly by,<br />
and as I get older, it seems<br />
like I spend a lot of time going<br />
to funerals. I thank God<br />
every day when I wake up<br />
for another day on earth. We<br />
have had six military funerals<br />
in the past three weeks, and<br />
I have attended a few others<br />
for friends.<br />
I recently lost a good<br />
friend, John Wolfe, here in<br />
Rising Sun. John retired from<br />
the U.S. Army after over<br />
twenty years of service as a<br />
Master Sergeant and proudly<br />
served in Vietnam. I knew<br />
John for about fifty years.<br />
He had a memorabilia and<br />
antique shop in Rising Sun<br />
and dealt in baseball cards<br />
and other sports items. When<br />
my brother, Cruiser, would<br />
come to town, he and John<br />
would wheel and deal. I<br />
purchased a lot of Rising Sun<br />
memorabilia from John. He<br />
would always call me right<br />
after making a purchase,<br />
and I usually took all of it.<br />
Myron Gehring was recently<br />
presented a patriotic lap quilt.<br />
John was married to Gloria<br />
Neaman Wolfe, who was the<br />
granddaughter of J.W. Whitlock,<br />
and she was quite the<br />
artist. I will miss stopping by<br />
and chatting with John.<br />
I always enjoy meeting and<br />
greeting our World War II<br />
Veterans. America’s Greatest<br />
Generation has some neat<br />
stories to tell. I have been<br />
visiting veterans and presenting<br />
them with lap quilts. We<br />
also present Quilts of Valor.<br />
I met a WW II guy who will<br />
be ninety-eight years old this<br />
year. Myron Gehring was<br />
married to Mildred Bruns for<br />
sixty-seven years until she<br />
passed away. Myron lived in<br />
the Batesville and Oldenburg<br />
area. He was a veteran of<br />
the 36th Infantry, Co. G, and<br />
was a part of the invasion of<br />
Salerno, Italy. He served in<br />
North Africa before going to<br />
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Rhonda Stinson and Tom<br />
Ward<br />
Italy. Most of his company<br />
was eliminated, and he hid in<br />
the bushes along a river for<br />
three days but was captured<br />
and became a Prisoner of<br />
War (POW) for eighteen<br />
months and kept on a fivehundred-acre<br />
farm in Germany.<br />
He told me the story<br />
of how toward the end of<br />
the war, the Germans forced<br />
them to hike eight hundred<br />
kilometers until the Americans<br />
and Russians were<br />
closing in, and the Germans<br />
fled. They had to sleep in<br />
the woods and barns along<br />
the way. Myron served from<br />
1943-45. He said there was<br />
a statue in Oldenburg that<br />
someone had carved of Mary<br />
holding the crucified Christ,<br />
and his mom would walk two<br />
miles each day to pray at the<br />
carving for his safe return.<br />
I saw Chick Kittle, a<br />
ninety-two-year-old Korean<br />
War Veteran. He talked about<br />
serving with Omer Schmeltzer<br />
in the 4th Infantry Division.<br />
I worked with Omer at<br />
I&M for many years. I have<br />
known Chick since I was a<br />
kid. I also worked with Mike<br />
Perdue at I&M and visited<br />
with him. He was on the USS<br />
Forrestal when the big fire hit<br />
back in 1967.<br />
I also got to present a lap<br />
quilt to Tom Ward with<br />
the assistance of Rhonda<br />
Stinson from the Lawrenceburg<br />
Public Library. Tom is a<br />
Korean War veteran.<br />
I’m trying to get healthier<br />
and started the first of the<br />
year by doing some running<br />
and walking. I should hit the<br />
150-mile mark this month at<br />
my present rate. I’ve cut back<br />
on bread, pop, snacks, and<br />
eating too late in the evening.<br />
Last year at this time, I was<br />
about 250 pounds; on Jan.<br />
21, I weighed in at 205, so<br />
something is working. If I<br />
can do it, anyone can!<br />
I pray for good health for<br />
all of you and ask God to<br />
bless you and your family.<br />
Twenty-five Years of Bringing our Community and Businesses Together.
<strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong> THE BEACON Page 11B<br />
By<br />
John<br />
Hawley<br />
Purdue<br />
Extension<br />
Educator<br /><br />
By<br />
Jack<br />
Zoller<br />
beaconsports<br /><br />
By<br />
Melanie<br />
Alexander<br />
Regular readers of this<br />
By<br />
column have Maxine come to expect<br />
that sometime Klump early in the<br />
calendar year, I will devote<br />
a column specifically Community to<br />
Correspondent<br />
chocolate treats. Something<br />
about the cold days of<br /><br />
winter makes thought of<br />
chocolate enticing. I love all<br />
things chocolate, whether<br />
they use the milder taste of<br />
milk chocolate or the deep<br />
rich taste of dark chocolate.<br />
I rarely refuse any offer of<br />
a chocolate treat, and this<br />
month is devoted to some of<br />
my recipe collection that use<br />
this flavor.<br />
This quick and easy recipe<br />
involves confiscating “eat<br />
straight from the package”<br />
favorite cookies. I prefer a<br />
relatively small piece of the<br />
Creating a<br />
Garden Plan for a<br />
Successful <strong>2020</strong><br />
Whether you’ve gardened<br />
for forty years or you’ve just<br />
recently decided to sprout<br />
a green thumb, creating a<br />
garden plan is a must. When<br />
making decisions about what<br />
to plant, how to plant, and<br />
when to begin, gardeners can<br />
waste a lot of time and money<br />
if they fail to plan accordingly.<br />
In today’s article, I<br />
will discuss garden planning<br />
and what you can do to make<br />
<strong>2020</strong> a successful year.<br />
Gardening is an Art<br />
While the primary goal for<br />
most gardeners is the production<br />
of edible fruits and<br />
vegetables, many also focus<br />
on aesthetics and habitat<br />
improvement. Regardless of<br />
production goals, there is little<br />
denying that gardens beautify<br />
our properties.<br />
When planning your garden,<br />
make landscape beautification<br />
a priority. Consider colorful<br />
additions that benefit both<br />
your palate and landscape.<br />
For instance, many gardeners<br />
include multi-color tomatoes,<br />
peppers, and greens. Flowers<br />
are also easy additions to<br />
consider!<br />
Sketching a mock-aerial<br />
view of your garden can help<br />
you better understand the<br />
space you are working with.<br />
Adding garden decorations,<br />
such as signs, scarecrows,<br />
birdbaths, gnomes, and other<br />
stone art pieces, can make<br />
your garden an enjoyable<br />
sight, even in the dead of<br />
winter. Adding a bird feeder<br />
is also a nice touch following<br />
harvest.<br />
Hope for the Best, Prepare<br />
for the Worst<br />
We’ve all been told never<br />
to count chickens before they<br />
hatch, and the same goes<br />
with tomatoes, peppers, and<br />
any other vegetable! Don’t<br />
hesitate to estimate yields, but<br />
if you are planning on sharing,<br />
canning, or freezing large<br />
quantities, don’t make any<br />
promises or plans you can’t<br />
keep.<br />
From pests and disease to<br />
weather and human error…<br />
countless scenarios wreak<br />
havoc on our gardens. To prepare<br />
for the worst, be sure to<br />
have the equipment, tools, and<br />
chemical ready when needed.<br />
cookies (1/2 inch or so) that<br />
you place into the batter, but<br />
the cheesecake is good no<br />
matter the size of the Oreo<br />
pieces.<br />
Oreo Cheesecake<br />
1 package Oreo Chocolate<br />
Sandwich Cookies<br />
¼ cup butter, melted<br />
4 packages (8 oz size) cream<br />
cheese softened<br />
1 cup sugar<br />
1 teaspoon vanilla extract<br />
1 cup sour cream<br />
4 eggs<br />
Preheat oven to 325°. Place<br />
30 cookies in food processor;<br />
cover. Process 30-45 seconds<br />
or until finely ground. Add<br />
butter; mix well. Press firmly<br />
onto bottom of 13 x 9-inch<br />
baking pan which has been<br />
lined with aluminum foil that<br />
extends over the ends of the<br />
pan. (Trust me-this really<br />
makes it easy to remove the<br />
dessert from the pan.)<br />
Beat cream cheese, sugar<br />
and vanilla in large bowl with<br />
electric mixer on medium<br />
speed until well blended. Add<br />
sour cream; mix well. Add<br />
One of the most frustrating<br />
scenarios as a gardener can be<br />
scrambling for a pest treatment<br />
or weeding tool when<br />
conditions have rapidly turned<br />
for the worst. Be sure your<br />
tools are in good working condition<br />
and ensure that you are<br />
fully stocked with supplies.<br />
Embrace New Ideas<br />
The best parts of Master<br />
Gardener and garden club<br />
membership are networking<br />
and exposure to new ideas.<br />
Most experienced gardeners<br />
will have taken recommendations<br />
from others in the past<br />
and be happy to pass on those<br />
that are successful. As you<br />
consider what to grow and<br />
how to grow it, keep an open<br />
mind!<br />
When planning, research<br />
recommendations from<br />
friends and prepare accordingly.<br />
You will need to consider<br />
factors such as planting<br />
dates and local soil conditions.<br />
Some plants and ideas<br />
will work well in our area,<br />
and others will be a risky<br />
Call your<br />
local<br />
licensed<br />
Humana<br />
sales agent.<br />
Call your<br />
local<br />
licensed<br />
Humana<br />
sales agent.<br />
Y0040_ GHHHXDFEN18 Accepted<br />
Y0040_ GHHHXDFEN18 Accepted<br />
eggs, one at a time, beating<br />
just until blended after each<br />
addition. Chop remaining<br />
cookies. Gently stir 1 ½ cups<br />
of the chopped cookies into<br />
the cream cheese batter. Pour<br />
over crust. Sprinkle remaining<br />
chopped cookies over top of<br />
cheesecake.<br />
Bake for 45 minutes or<br />
until center is almost set.<br />
Cool. Refrigerate at least 3<br />
hours or overnight. Cut into<br />
squares. Store any leftovers in<br />
refrigerator.<br />
Both of the following recipes<br />
come courtesy of my daughter,<br />
Maria. Although I frequently<br />
take advantage of a brownie<br />
mix, this fudge-like brownie<br />
treat is wonderful topped with<br />
vanilla ice cream for a brownie<br />
sundae.<br />
Easy One Bowl Brownies<br />
1 stick butter, melted<br />
2 (1 oz) squares baking<br />
chocolate, melted<br />
1 cup sugar<br />
½ cup flour<br />
1 teaspoon baking powder<br />
1 teaspoon vanilla extract<br />
2 eggs<br />
endeavor. If in doubt, give me<br />
a call. I’ll be happy to provide<br />
a recommendation and share<br />
resources from our experts on<br />
campus.<br />
Gardening is an ever-evolving<br />
pastime. No two gardeners<br />
will do things the same,<br />
but planning accordingly is<br />
essential. Your plan does not<br />
need to be a formal document<br />
printed on fancy paper. Start<br />
small and use bulleted lists<br />
or sticky notes that will help<br />
organize your ideas and keep<br />
you on track throughout the<br />
growing season.<br />
To learn more about managing<br />
your lawn and garden from<br />
our experts on campus, please<br />
search “Purdue Consumer<br />
Horticulture” on your home<br />
computer or smartphone.<br />
For additional information<br />
about other agriculture and<br />
natural resources topics, please<br />
email me at hawley4@purdue.<br />
edu. You can also reach our<br />
office at 812-926-1189. We<br />
are located at 229 Main Street,<br />
Aurora, IN 47001.<br />
Talk with your local licensed<br />
Humana Sales agent today.<br />
513-857-9513 (TTY: 711)<br />
Talk with your local licensed<br />
Humana Sales agent today.<br />
Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.<br />
513-857-9513 (TTY: 711)<br />
Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.<br />
Dan Art<br />
Dan Art<br />
Sunday Services 9:00 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.<br />
Fresh Worship • Relevant Messages • Warm Welcome<br />
24457 State Line Road, Bright, Indiana 47025<br />, (812) 637-3388<br />
Jeff Stone, Lead Minister<br />
American Legion Post 452 New Alsace<br />
Perfect for Wedding Receptions,<br />
Birthday Parties, Anniversaries,<br />
Reunions, Holidays<br />
Reasonable rates, nice atmosphere<br />
Contact Art @ 812-623-2771 or visit<br /><br />
Next euchre party Feb. 16 & <strong>March</strong> 22<br />
Doors open 12 noon • Games begin at 1 • All are invited<br />
Proudly serving our veterans and the community since WWII<br />
Using a medium bowl,<br />
melt the butter and chocolate<br />
in microwave. Remove and<br />
add sugar, flour, baking<br />
powder, and vanilla extract.<br />
Mix well with a spoon or<br />
electric mixer. Add eggs, one<br />
at a time, mixing after each<br />
addition. Pour batter into a<br />
9-inch square pan that has<br />
been lightly greased or sprayed<br />
with cooking spray. Bake at<br />
350° for 30 minutes. Cool in<br />
pan before cutting into serving<br />
pieces.<br />
I usually do not use white<br />
chocolate, but this candy is so<br />
good that I always “squirrel<br />
away” a few pieces for myself.<br />
I sometimes include pieces of<br />
this treat on a tray of cookies<br />
because of the contrast color<br />
and the difference in flavor<br />
from regular chocolate.<br />
Almond Butter Candy<br />
½ teaspoon butter(softened)<br />
1 ¼ pounds white chocolate<br />
1 ½ cups chunky almond<br />
butter<br />
Line a 9-inch square pan<br />
with foil. Spread butter over<br />
foil. In a microwave or double<br />
boiler, melt the chocolate,<br />
stirring frequently until a<br />
smooth consistency is reached.<br />
Stir in almond butter. Pour into<br />
prepared pan. Cool to room<br />
temperature before cutting into<br />
squares.<br />
I just realized that all the<br />
recipes for this month do<br />
NOT have ingredients that are<br />
“healthy,” but they certainly<br />
satisfy the wish for a taste of<br />
something sweet. Enjoy but<br />
remember to say over and over,<br />
“Moderation is the key!”<br />
See you next month- I’m<br />
already thinking ahead to the<br />
promise of fresh rhubarb and<br />
asparagus that signal spring.<br />
I also have set aside several<br />
recipes that I want to try, so<br />
I’m off to locate some taste<br />
testers from family or my<br />
neighbors.<br />
BUSINESS &<br />
Joe Brandel<br />
20 E. Center St.<br />
Lawrenceburg IN<br />
812-537-0619<br />
557 W. Eads Parkway<br />
Lawrenceburg IN<br />
812-537-0610<br />
SHOP LOCAL and tell our advertisers you saw them in The BEACON!<br />
Page 12B THE BEACON <strong>March</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />
B<br />
eacon<br />
Vacation<br />
The Gutzwiller Family traveled to Niagara Falls. A<br />
great time was had by all. Pictured are Ed and Mel<br />
Gutzwiller, St. Leon; Sharon Simmermeyer, St. Mary’s;<br />
Nita Gutzwiller, Batesville; and Diane and Carroll<br />
Gramman of Sunman. The trip included a ride on the<br />
Maiden of the Mist and other points of interest in the<br />
Niagara Falls area.<br />
The <strong>Beacon</strong> went with Carol Morton of Brookville to all<br />
of Iceland. Here we are at Gulfoss, one of the spectacular<br />
waterfalls in this incredible country.<br />
If business or pleasure takes you out-of-town,<br />
take your hometown newspaper along for the trip.<br />
Send your photo, displaying the <strong>Beacon</strong>, to<br />
editor@goBEACONnews.<br />
Please include where you live. It’s interesting to see<br />
how well-traveled our readers are!<br />
Dr. Calvin and Barbara<br />
Finch, Brookville,<br />
visited the Hofburg<br />
Palace in Vienna for<br />
Dr. Finch’s birthday.<br />
Don Siemers, Kyle and Kay Koelling, and Penny Edwards<br />
in Old Jerusalem on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land.<br />
(Regular and Shredded)<br />
7247 State Road 46E<br />
Batesville, IN 47006<br />
812.932.3300<br />
GRAVEL<br />
& DELIVERY<br />
Debbie & Rodney Hamilton, Pam Taylor and Mooch<br />
Hamilton at the Hoover Dam.<br />
Jeff Thomas and Tami<br />
Sallee-Thomas in<br />
Old Jerusalem on a<br />
pilgrimage to the Holy<br />
Land.<br />
Oral Surgery Services<br />
Are Now Available<br />
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Lawrenceburg, IN 47025<br /><br />
Twenty-five Years of Bringing our Community and Businesses Together.<br />
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Last Updated: 27 January <strong>2020</strong> 11:21 am