Christianity, Pluralism, and Public Life

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Building on this idea of what pluralism requires of Christians, we believe Christians should view rising religious disaffiliation

and secularism as not just a challenge, but an opportunity. Christians can no longer rest on the assumption that their

neighbors understand what it means to be Christian, but this means that they have the opportunity to introduce their

neighbors to Christian principles and practices. This is a historically significant moment. Much of what presents as cultural

antagonism or cold indifference may derive from a lack of understanding of Christianity. This situation creates an opportunity

for Christian individuals and institutions to educate others about the faith and encourage meaningful dialogue with those

who do not identify as Christian.


In a pluralistic environment, diverse relationships and interactions are essential to living out the command to love your

neighbor. It is impossible to show love for neighbors without knowing them and expressing interest in learning more

about them. Christian leaders and organizations should focus on building bridges across various kinds of difference as an

expression of the expansiveness and transcendence of God’s love and of their concern for the communities in which they are


Christians and Christian organizations can seek to build bridges for the sake of relationship alone, but, as many of the leaders

we interviewed noted, building bridges is easier when it is oriented toward some shared goal or purpose. Some of the most

fruitful efforts are built around service and a pursuit of the common good.


Diversity alone does not make for healthy pluralism. Pluralism is healthy when people feel they can enter the public as they

are, free to express themselves without fear. Christians have made and can continue to make contributions in a pluralistic

America that are not uniquely Christian. Such contributions

offer great benefits. However, we believe Christians who are

willing to take up the call should also be welcomed to make

distinctly, identifiably Christian contributions in public.

Christians—like anyone from any faith background or none

at all—need a place in the public square to express their

views and make distinct contributions that result from living

out their faith commitments.

48 | Christianity, Pluralism, and Public Life in the United States

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