Beginner's Guide to Home Care

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Does your Loved One Need In-Home Health Care?


Overlook tasks that pose a safety concern?

Feel confused, forgetful or lost?

Miss appointments?

Struggle to buy food and/or pay bills?

Forget to take or mix up medications?

Emotional and Social

Feel depressed or lonely?

Feel stressed or frustrated?

Show less interest in activities they used to enjoy?

Avoid social interaction and people?

Medical and Physical

Have trouble maintaining their household?

Have trouble dressing, bathing, eating or walking?

Avoid social interaction and people?

Notice a change in eating habits?

Bruise easily or fall more often?

Need additionally personal care?

Need additional medical attention?

Need daily treatments, such as IV therapy or dialysis?

Use medical equipment, such as an oxygen tank?

Does your Loved One Need In-Home Health Care?

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