Beginner's Guide to Home Care

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Does your Loved One Need In-Home Health Care?

Signs Your Parent or Loved One Needs Home Health Care

#1 They start to forget important details.

Not all details are important, but if your loved one has started becoming much more forgetful than in the past, this could mean they need

assistance with a home health care aid. Individuals who are aging tend to have issues remembering important details, such as neglecting to

take medications, buying food, doing laundry or going to a doctor’s appointment. Let’s not forget to mention, forgetfulness tends to lead to

nancial issues as well. When someone becomes forgetful, missed payments on bills or forgetting to cancel an unneeded service can cause a

world of problems. So, if you’ve started to notice your parent becoming increasingly forgetful, it may be time to enroll them in health care


#2 They struggle with easy and normal daily activities.

Your parent or loved one may nd home health care extremely bene cial if they have started to struggle with normal, day-to-day tasks. Simple

activities such as cleaning and cooking may start to be much more exhausting and frustrating than in the past. If they have become much more

time-consuming than they once were, it may be time to reach out to our home health care professionals in Naples for advice.

#3 They need medical assistance.

Does your loved one or parent need attention from medical professionals regularly? If so, this could be a sure sign they are in need of a home

health nurse or aid. The help of a medical assistant will give your parent or loved one the assistance needed to stay healthy by having

medications administered or oxygen tanks replaced. Furthermore, if your parent or loved one has suddenly lost the ability to obtain their

weight, have lost energy or seems ill, they may not have the adequate care they need to stay healthy on their own.

#4 They require help to maintain personal hygiene.

Many individuals who struggle to maintain their personal hygiene may need extra assistance compared to a health individual. If you notice that

your loved one or parent has started to lose control on their personal hygiene, it may be time to seek out professional health care for help.

When you hire a home health care assistance, nurse or aid, your loved one can rest assured that all of their hygiene issues will be put to rest.

We can help with any type of hygiene help, including bathing, using the toilet, applying deodorant, shaving, etc.

Does your Loved One Need In-Home Health Care?

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