Project Magazine Nicolette Richards pdf

magazine project 1 for English Lit.

magazine project 1 for English Lit.


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An open letter

from the


of Beowulf

Test your Knowledge with

the Beowulf cross word

A look into the life of


Love Advice from


author: Marie De France


opinion on

limiting a


power to

make laws


Film Review

Need a job?

Look no


Best Armor Sale

& More!

Table of ConTenTs

An Open Letter to You from the Author of Beowulf ………………………………………….…………..1

Beowulf Cross Word Puzzle …………………………………………………………….………...2

Sword Advertisement …………………………………………………………………….………...3

Beowulf Film Review by Wiglaf …………………………………………………………………...4

Armor Sale …………………………………………………………………………………………..5

What is Bisclavret up to today? .............................................................................................6

Hunting Dogs for Adoption/Sale ......…………………………………………………….………..7

Love Advise Q&A with Marie De France …………………………………………………………8

Interview with Ismene……………………………………………………………………………….9

Help wanted ads & Classifieds .…………………………………………………….………..10-12

Work Cited Page .…………………………………………………………………………………13

An Open Letter to You from the Author of Beowulf

Dear Fans,

I hope this letter finds you well, and that the manuscript I left behind was

entertaining. I found myself being inspired by the idea that mythical creatures like Grendel

and the Dragon could exist, and that there would be someone like Beowulf to come to the

rescue. The idea good vs. evil comes to mind. However, I also wanted to tell a story of a

hero that fought and overcame many monsters for the sake of what he believed was right.

In doing this I was hoping it would inspire my readers to fight for what they believe in, even

if the odds were against them. Beowulf was meant to be a character that many could relate

to as well as someone to look up to. So I hope that I was able to entertain you as well as

inspire you to believe in yourself, and stand up for what you believe to be right.

- Author Unknown

Beowulf Cross Word

1 2 3

4 5

6 7 8

9 10 11

12 13 14 15

16 17

18 19

20 21 22





1.What Beowulf encountered and slew on the way to

2.Hrothgar's best friend; killed by Grendel's mother

Grendel's mother

3.It was guarded by the dragon

6.King of the Danes

4.They first put Beowulf in written form

8.Long, narrative poem

5.Higlac's wife

9.Person that Grendel and his mom were descended

6.Name of Unferth's sword


7.A story told on two levels

10. Taken by slave from the dragon 9.Place where Grendel and his mother dwelled

12. Handle of a sword or dagger 11.Hrothgar's homeland

13. They rode around Beowulf's grave 14.Awakened the sleeping dragon

16. Beowulf's father 15.Protective chains worn by Beowulf

19. Beowulf's inspiration 17.King of the Geats at the beginning of the epic

20. Translator of Beowulf 18.What Hrothgar cautions Beowulf against

23. The Beowulf author 21.The only thing that lasts, according to the

24. Beowulf's homeland Anglo-Saxons

. 22.Funeral fire

Is your old sword out of date and rusty?

do you fInd yourself worrIed or unmotIvated when

runnIng Into battle?

we have just the rIght thIng for you!!!!

here are some of the new styles of KnIght swords our

blacKsmIths at sword and stone have desIgned!

all at a resonable prIce of 20 pence.

(We are also open to trade pigs, livestock, hay, and other goods.)

Beowulf Film Reviewed by: Wiglaf

The movie certainly captured the spirit of

Beowulf in the way that he was fearless and

always went into battle with confidence. Although

this film was very action packed and entertaining

to watch it did jazz things up a bit too much. They

took away the poetry and original language to

make it be more understandable to a wider

audience as well as made drastic changes to some

of the characters in the original poem. This made

the audience interested in the movie but was not

accurate to the original story at all.

One example, in the film is that Grendel’s

mother played by Angelina Jolie was changed so

much you could even say the demon was sexy at

times. Manohla Dargis said it best when he said,

“If you don’t remember this evil babe from the

poem, it’s because she’s almost entirely the

invention of the screenwriters Roger Avary and

Neil Gaiman and the director Robert Zemeckis, who together have plumped her

up in words, deeds and curves.” The audience does not get the full effect of an

angry, scary, demon mother plotting her revenge for the death of her son.

Instead the audience is captivated by the evil women’s beauty and draws the

audience’s attention else ware. I understand why they would make changes like

this to the movie for the sake of entertainment but I also feel some of the

history is lost in making these changes. The audience is not given the right

setting or tone for the events taking place in the original poem. If Beowulf was

here today he would think that the movie was a cool, over exaggerated

interpretation of what happened, but would also be the first to tell you that the

film was not a true reflection of the story.

Over all if you are looking for a action packed film, with lots of gore, and

fighting this is a good movie for you. However if you are looking for accuracy of

characters, language, or settings this may let you down a little. I would

recommend watching this film for enjoyment over education purposes.

armor sale!

looK & feel as confIdent as beowulf goIng Into battle!

Heorot Steel

½ mile North of Lord Hygelac’s quarters

Open all week until sunset

Brief Back Story of Bisclavret:

Bisclavret, a man who was once a knight had a very big

secret! He would turn into a werewolf every week sometimes for

days at a time, and go into the forest for his hunt. His wife who

became worried he had found another women and was having an

affair begged and begged him to tell her where he was for so many

days. Finally she broke him and he trusted her with his secret and

told her he would go into the woods, undress, hide his clothes, and

then transform into a werewolf. Instead of helping Bisclavret keep

this secret, she betrayed him by telling her new boyfriend what she

had learned. The two then made a plan to follow Bisclavret the next

time he needed to transform so that they could steal his clothes.

Bisclavret needed his clothes to turn back into a human and so he

was forced to stay in his wolf form.

One day a king was out hunting and found Bisclavret and

instead of killing the beast he took him in as a pet because Bisclavret

showed human like qualities. One day Bisclavret saw his wife and

her new boyfriend, now husband, in the kingdom and attacked! The king had never seen Bisclavret

be violent towards anyone so he knew that the wolf had to have a reason behind his aggression. The

king asked the women why the wolf would attack her, when he had never attacked anyone before.

After a long while and a lot of coxing the women confessed that the wolf was actually her husband

she had betrayed long ago. The king then demanded that she give his clothing back and that allowed

Bisclavret to turn back into his human form. The women and her new husband were then chased out

of the country, and disgraced.

what Is bIsclavret up to today?

After Bisclavret turned back into his human form him and the king who took him in stayed

best friends. Bisclavret tells us that him and the king go on fox hunting trips together often and

remain close.

Bisclavret has also remarried and his new wife Claire is very supportive and understanding

of his weekly outings into the woods. While there still are some people who disapprove or stick their

noses up at him and his new found love their lives together are mostly filled with happiness. The two

now have three little boys of their own ages 3, 7, and 14. Only the 14 year old has shown signs of

inheriting the werewolf trait. Bisclavret says he plans on helping his son navigate through these

difficult times of transforming into a wolf by going on the hunts with his son, even if that means he

himself has to transform more often. He wants his son to remain safe and is also trying to teach him

not to hurt any people while he is in his wolf form. The two will hunt and eat animals while on their

trips into the forests. This can be accomplished in time, and will take a lot of self-control but he

believes it is possible since they have such a great support system now.

We have the best bread of hunting

dogs available!

All ready to be adopted/sold in 10


Love Advice

From Marie De France

We asked some of our old friends to send in their love advice questions they had for Marie De France,

and her answers were just as witty and clever as we would suspect.

This person wished to remain anonymous in fear of his life if the parties involved found out his identity,

so we will just call him the knight next door.

Question: Dear Marie, I am writing in because I need advice, I seem to have fallen in love with a women

who lives very close by. However, her husband is also a close friend of mine. I and my mistress have

exchanged longing looks and flirty little gifts, but we have not acted on our feeling because my friend is

quick tempered and a very controlling man. He even killed a bird and threw it at my beloved out of anger

because he found her out of bed in the middle of night. What should I do? Should I go to him and tell

him how I feel? Or keep it to myself and never be able to be with the women I love?

Answer: Dear Knight next door, in my opinion if the women you love is already married you should

leave her alone. Especially if she is married to your good friend who you are also very afraid of. She

made the choice to marry your friend and if she can marry him and still be making eyes at you, don’t you

think she would treat you the same once you are together? What if she found another neighbor? Another

friend? She is not loyal to her husband now, and probably will not be loyal to you either. Look for

another single women in your kingdom, court and marry her. Find someone who will be loyal to you and

that doesn’t put your life at risk. After all, you can’t be together if you’re dead.

This question was sent in by Antigone daughter of Oedipus

Question: Dear Marie, I am stuck in the middle of loyalty to my family and loyalty to the family I am to

marry into. My soon to be father in law made it illegal for anyone to burry my brother because he was

fighting the war against our city. The punishment is to be sentenced to death, which is a bit extreme if

you ask me. Should I burry my brother out of respect for my family and the Gods? Or should I let it go

so that I can be betrothed to the man I love?

Answer: Dear Antigone, that is a very tough spot to be in and I think that you already know the answer

to what you have to do. You have to do what is right for you, your morals, and your family. Burry your

brother, honor your family and the Gods, because in the end the Gods will is what should be done. No

king is above the Gods laws and he will be rightfully punished for his wrong doings. As for your love I

am sorry to say after you do this I do not think you will be together. Let your husband to be know you

love him but your love for the Gods and your family is more. Maybe you will be together in the afterlife

but not in this one.

The last question was sent in to us by another well-known author Sophocles

Question: Dear Marie, most of my stories end in tragedy where the people in love do not get to be

together. Do you think this is because I feel like I will never find love? Or that I have a negative outlook

on love?

Answer: Dear Sophocles, I cannot speak on your mindset and how you feel about love because I am not

an expert of the mind or how it works. However, maybe you just tell the stories as a warning of what

could happen if love goes wrong or if people chose to take the wrong paths in life. Have you ever

thought of it that way? Just because you tell stories that end in tragedies does not mean that’s how your

love life will end. Be positive and go find yourself a women!

IntervIew wIth Ismene antIgone’s sIster

Do Kings have the right to make laws that go against the morals of their people,

and against the God’s will? And should we be expected to abide by these laws?

Ismene is able to answer these questions because she had a very personal

experience with this happening to her family. Ismene was forced to make the choice

of following King Creons law and not burry her brother, or going against him by

standing up for her family’s morals with her sister Antigone. In this brief interview we

will be able to see and understand the struggles of the people in cities like Thebes who

feel like there should be a limit to the king’s power of making such laws.

Ismene shared with us that when she first heard about the king’s new law

prohibiting anyone from burying or giving funeral rights to her brother Polyneices,

she felt gutted. The punishment for breaking this law would be being put to death. She

wanted to honor her brother and her Gods by completing the funeral rituals her and

her family’s religion believed in, but was also scared for her life. She told us “No one

should be forced to dishonor their family and go against their religion for the sake of

one man’s ignorance and pride.” Ismene shared with us that she and other people in

her city feel like the city’s Chorus or council should be able to prohibit kings from

enforcing such laws onto their people. “It should be our right to follow our

religion/God’s in any way we see fit. We should not have to choose between loyalty to

our city and loyalty to our religious believes.” Ismene and many people in her city

have been requesting for an audience with the city of Thebes Chorus to discuss

limiting the kings power, but many have failed because the Chorus is too afraid to act

against King Creon in fear he will have them executed.

Help WanTed KnigHTs


ConTaCT us aT 1-800-K-n-i-g-H-T-M-e

or see your King for More deTails

Job openings in briTTany

Acrobat- needed for our traveling circus. We entertain the rich, the poor, &

anyone who is willing pay us at the door.

*Must be able to juggle, walk tight rope, & be very agile.

Auditions will be held in the big red tent in town square noon-2 p.m. all week


Armorer- Full-time position available. Contact your local blacksmith John Steel

at the Sword & Stone shop, located 1 mile south of the King’s castle.

Baker- Bakers needed in the Kings kitchen in preparation for the annual ball.

Bring your most delicious breads, cakes, and treats for King Arthur to sample.

Candlemaker- Candlemakers needed at Overhills workshop.

Hunter- Professional Hunter needed to find and kill the wolf that has been

terrorizing the village of Brittany, by eating farmers live stock. This is a very

dangerous job and you will be paid 10 Schillings from the king himself once the

wolf’s body is presented to the head Knight.

Servant- Will be expected to keep the kitchen clean, cook, and watch over the

children as needed. Housing Quarters will be provided. Please come to the

home of Mr. & Mrs. John Billingsworth if interested.

Multi Family Livestock sale!!!!!

Held by the Ecglaf’s, Hygelac’s

& Wale’s Family

Bring your pence, bring your schillings, or bring

goods to trade!

We are open to offers!

Work Cited

Puchner, Martin. The Norton Anthology of World Literature. Fourth edition. New York: W.W.

Norton & Company, 2018. (Pages 299-305) Volume B

Dargis, Manohla. “Confronting the Fabled Monster, Not to Mention His Naked Mom.” The New York

Times, The New York Times, 16 Nov. 2007, www.nytimes.com/2007/11/16/movies/16beow.html.


Castle Cover picture


Beowulf Picture after the open letter


cross word puzzle


pictures of swords for advertisement


Beowulf movie cover picture


armor sale picture


paw print icon


picture of Ismene/Antigone/and brother


Knight on a horse pic job advertisement


farm animals livestock picture

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