Newsletter 11- 06.03.20

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NEWSLETTER16.03.20<br />


A word from the Principal...<br />

Welcome,<br />

The biggest talking point of the moment is the COVID-19 virus that is spreading across the world.<br />

We have held whole school assemblies and the teachers have been reinforcing their expectations<br />

to the children so that they are aware that whilst the virus should not cause panic, it is in our best<br />

interest to try and prevent and delay the spread where possible. Please help us reinforce the recommended<br />

hygiene protocols from Public Health England on the next page.<br />

Thank you to all of you who attended Parent’s Consultation Day this week and took the time to<br />

complete the Local Academy Committee questionnaire. There was a huge amount of information<br />

that we will share to you after they have been analysed, but I want to briefly mention the most<br />

commonly suggested area for improvement – parking. We are aware that this is an issue but unfortunately,<br />

it is very unlikely that we will be able to provide designated drop off spaces or a school<br />

car park large enough for this purpose. However, there is a large car park at the Community Centre<br />

with a path that leads directly into the school grounds. This walk takes no more than two minutes<br />

and is perfectly safe from traffic.<br />

This week we welcomed Dr Lynn Jones and her husband to our school to speak with Y1, Y2 and<br />

Y3. Lynn and her husband are both doctors and have spent much of their lives working in refugee<br />

camps across the globe. They spoke about the lives of refugees and shared stories for children that<br />

she has met through her work. We welcome Lynn and her husband back next week to work with<br />

Y4, Y5 and Y6.<br />

Kind regards,<br />

Adam Anderson<br />


A word from the Principal...<br />

Advice on the coronavirus<br />

for places of education<br />

How serious is the coronavirus?<br />

• i tcancauseflu-likesymptoms,includingfever,<br />

cough&difficultybreathing<br />

• theinfectionisnotseriousformostpeople,<br />

includingchildren<br />

• thereiscurrentlynovaccine<br />

• mostpeoplegetbetterwithenoughrest,<br />

watertodrinkandmedicineforpain<br />

How likely are you to catch the virus?<br />

• youcanonlycatchitifyouhavebeenclose<br />

toapersonwhohasthevirus<br />

• thechanceofbeingincontactwiththevirus<br />

iscurrentlylowintheUK<br />

• ifyouhavetravelledtoareaswheremanypeopleare<br />

infected,yourchanceofcatchingthevirusishigher,<br />

i.e.Chinaandanyaffectedareas<br />

How can you stop coronaviruses spreading?<br />

If you need to cough or sneeze<br />

You should wash hands with soap & water or hand sanitiser<br />

Catch it<br />

with a tissue<br />

Bin it<br />

Kill it<br />

by washing<br />

your hands with<br />

soap & water or<br />

hand sanitiser<br />

After breaks<br />

& sport<br />

activities<br />

Before<br />

cooking<br />

& eating<br />

On arrival at<br />

any childcare<br />

or educational<br />

setting<br />

After using<br />

the toilet<br />

Before<br />

leaving<br />

home<br />

Try not to touch your<br />

eyes, nose, and mouth<br />

with unwashed hands<br />

Do not share items that come<br />

into contact with your mouth<br />

such as cups & bottles<br />

If unwell do not share items<br />

such as bedding, dishes,<br />

pencils & towels<br />

Stop germs spreading with our e-Bug resources on hand and respiratory hygiene lesson plans<br />

for KS1, 2 and 3: campaignresources.phe.gov.uk/schools<br />

©Crowncopyright2020.PublicHealthEnglandgatewaynumber:2019253<br />

What should you do if you feel unwell?<br />

Keepawayfromothersandstayathometostoptheinfectionspreading.Avoidpublictransportifyou<br />

thinkyouhavesymptomsofcoronavirus.Ifyoubecomeunwellataplaceofeducation,tellamember<br />

ofstaffandletthemknowifyouhavetravelledtoanyothercountriesinthelast14days.<br />

Ifyourstaffmemberorparentthinksyouhavesymptomsofcoronavirus,theyshouldcall<br />

NHS <strong>11</strong>1foradvice.FollowtheUKGovernmentadviceforchildcareoreducationalsettings<br />

gov.uk/government/publications/guidance-to-educational-settings-about-covid-19.<br />

ParentscanvisitNHS.UK tofindoutmoreinformation.Teachersandsupportstaffshould<br />

followtheUKGovernmentadvice.<br />

Staff,studentsandpupilswhohavereturnedfromIran,specificlockdownareasinnorthern<br />

Italy,specialcarezonesinSouthKoreaorHubeiprovinceChina(returnedinthepast<br />

14days)shouldselfisolate,andNOTattendeducationorworkfor14days.<br />

See NHS.UKforadviceoncoronavirus.<br />

If there is an emergency, call 999 immediately

Broad and balanced...<br />

EYFS<br />

This half term the Early Years children<br />

are learning about growing. We are finding<br />

out what plants need to grow. They<br />

have enjoyed planting runner beans,<br />

cress and sunflower seeds. They listened<br />

to the story of The Tiny Seed and we<br />

learnt all about the different seasons.<br />

The whole class was amazing at retelling<br />

the story of the Little Red Hen with<br />

actions and we even had a go at making<br />

our own bread!<br />

Yesterday, the children had a fun packed<br />

day learning about Saint Piran. They listened<br />

to the story, made Cornish flags,<br />

pasties and heavy cake<br />

Y6<br />

Y6 Digital Art:<br />

In Year 6, we have had a go at creating<br />

some digital art. We were inspired<br />

by pictures drawn by children who are<br />

refugees, which represented the journeys<br />

they have taken. They worked<br />

hard on adding lots of detail to their<br />

pieces and creating emotive pictures.<br />

We have also become more confident<br />

at creating and uploading documents<br />

onto Seesaw.

Broad and balanced...<br />

Y3<br />

Class 3 have been creating beautiful art related to our refugee topic. We used<br />

water-colours to create an effective background and poster paint for the foreground<br />

image that gave a silhouette effect. We have also attached our Quatrain<br />

poems which gave an emotive idea of the hardship that some refugees face on<br />

a daily basis.<br />

Can you imagine,<br />

Walking for miles.<br />

Hot and burning.<br />

Sand piles and piles.<br />

Can you imagine,<br />

Running from war.<br />

Bombs dropping.<br />

No respect for law.<br />

Can you imagine,<br />

Your family in fear.<br />

Walking, walking, walking all day.<br />

Is it safe here?<br />

Can you imagine,<br />

Being alone and scared.<br />

Crying out loud<br />

As if nobody cared<br />

Can you imagine,<br />

Ripped clothes and no leather.<br />

Darkness feels like ice.<br />

Bitterly cold weather.<br />

Can you imagine,<br />

Walking for hours.<br />

Further and further, non-stop.<br />

No home to call ours.<br />

Can you imagine,<br />

relentless bomb blasts.<br />

Fearful and trembling,<br />

how long will this last?<br />

Can you imagine,<br />

Fleeing by boat.<br />

Will we survive?<br />

Will it stay afloat?<br />

Can you imagine,<br />

Finding a safe place.<br />

Welcomed and treated well,<br />

no matter your race.

Broad and balanced...<br />

Y1<br />

Year 1 have been learning how many<br />

tens and ones are in different numbers.<br />

We went into teams and had to race to<br />

the maths resources to make a given<br />

number before returning to our team,<br />

who would check it was correct, before<br />

sitting down to show the task was complete.<br />

If our team decided we had made<br />

an error we had to race back and try<br />

again. It was lots of fun!<br />

Year 1 had a relaxed story afternoon<br />

for world book day. The children that<br />

brought in books to share had the<br />

opportunity to read these with their<br />

friends.<br />

Y5<br />

This week Class 5 have created a<br />

piece of art out of recycled plastic.<br />

They all worked together as a team to<br />

make the finished product which we<br />

will hang in the school. We were really<br />

impressed with their teamwork skills.<br />

Next week they will being learning<br />

about healthy diets with a qualified<br />

dietitian and making healthy foods.

Broad and Balanced...<br />

Y4<br />

Class 4 were fantastic representatives of Ludgvan School at the St Piran’s Day<br />

parade in Penzance. They danced through the rain and sunshine with smiles on<br />

their faces before singing Trelawney with hundreds of other people!<br />

Swimming<br />

On Tuesday 3rd March our Year 3 and 4 swimming team competed against<br />

other schools in the Primary School Games swimming gala. This was the first<br />

time this team had competed in a gala and they all gave their best efforts and<br />

swam well. Well done to Addison, Seth, Felix, Sophie.M, Rowan, Elijah, Bella,<br />

Ezra, Ena and Alana. We had three children making the finals from their heats<br />

and two of these children got medals. Well done to Sophe Crehan and Finley<br />

Osborne for their medal positions.<br />

Cricket<br />

On Thursday 5th March some of our Year 1 and 2 children took part in a Continuous<br />

Cricket festival at Mounts Bay Academy. For most of the children this<br />

was a new sport. They played 6 games against other schools in which they<br />

were working as a team to bat and then field. The children worked brilliantly<br />

as a team and showed some good skills. They also showed great sportsmanship<br />

towards the other school teams. Most importantly they had fun and developed<br />

a new skill and excitement for a different sport.<br />

Well done to Zara, Quinn, Martha, Alex, Teddy and Hugo.

What’s been going on...<br />

Other news...<br />

Science Week<br />

10th-13th March<br />

Throughout the week, every child will engage in lots of Science based activities for<br />

our school Science Week.<br />

During this week, every child will be asked to send in a ‘Science selfie’ (before Thursday)<br />

which will then be shown in assembly on Friday to the whole school and some<br />

will be included in the next newsletter. These can be any form of Science that you see<br />

in your day to day lives and the more imaginative, the better. There will be Science<br />

prizes for the most imaginative Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 selfies. Please add all<br />

selfies to the correct dropbox by following the links below.<br />

Key Stage 1 using the link;<br />

https://www.dropbox.com/request/k87t1ahnOzb9XxSa8Cgl<br />

Key Stage 2 using the link;<br />

https://www.dropbox.com/request/YtcR3GPaYYz05nreKnoE<br />

During the morning of Thursday 12th March, the annual boat race will take place. All<br />

children are asked to design a boat at home and to bring to school on this morning.<br />

After racing the boats class by class in the local stream, we will reward 1st place with<br />

a prize and certificate, and 2nd and 3rd places with certificates. We will then take<br />

each class’s winning boat to race once more to find an overall whole school winner<br />

who will win the school cup and a Science prize. As well as this, there will be Science<br />

prizes for the best dressed boat for each class so make sure your boat not only races<br />

well, but also looks fantastic too!<br />

During the afternoon on this day, classes will pair up together to work collaboratively<br />

on a joint science based activity including; making lava lamps, making balloon rockets,<br />

creating energy transfer rockets and/or creating fruit/vegetable circuits.<br />

On Friday 13th March, the children are invited to come to school dressed appropriately<br />

for the theme ‘Science is all around us’. They can dress up as anything that is related<br />

to Science such as; robots, flowers, bees, scientists, stars, doctors, animals etc.<br />

Again, the more imaginative, the better! The children will be completing more in class<br />

based Science activities on this day too.<br />

We are looking forward to a Science filled week!<br />

Thank you for your continued support,<br />

Mrs Wheeler

What’s been going on...<br />

Other news...<br />

Expectations and Standards<br />

Apologies for the nature of this page of reminders, but it is important to clarify the<br />

expectations that remain in place so that we can retain high standards throughout.<br />

• Large JoJo bows and other hair accessories are not appropriate headwear. Hair<br />

should be tied back with simple hairbands.<br />

• Blue hoodies with the school logo on are excellent for outside PE sessions or clubs,<br />

but are not to be worn in place of a school jumper or cardigan as part of the uniform.<br />

• School PE kit consists of a coloured Ludgvan PE T-shirt (the colour of their team)<br />

and black shorts or leggings. Tracksuits or other warm clothing can be worn for<br />

outside PE.<br />

• PE kit should be in school every day. The classes have set days for PE each week,<br />

but there may be changes to the schedule or the opportunity for extra sessions.<br />

Children without PE kit will be unable to participate in PE lessons.<br />

• The school register is taken at 8:55am. Children not in their classrooms by this<br />

time will be marked as late. A punctual start to the day is vital for your child to ensure<br />

they are settled and prepared for their learning to begin.<br />

• Clubs finish at 4:15 unless otherwise stated and it is important that children are<br />

collected at this time. There have been a number of occasions where children have<br />

been collected significantly later than this and this puts an unfair expectation on<br />

staff who need to stay to ensure your children remain safe. We appreciate that<br />

circumstances can sometimes be out of your control, but should this happen more<br />

than once, a £5 fine per 15 minutes may be applied at the Principal’s discretion.<br />

School Parliament<br />

A big thank you from our School Parliament to those that supported our Jumble Sale.<br />

We made £55.83 towards some new play equipment.<br />

Marazion Messy Church<br />

Sunday 15th March 4-6pm in Marazion Community Centre. We’ll be hearing the bible<br />

story of Baby Moses – a story about loving and caring. We’ll then be staying with that<br />

theme while we make things, sing, pray and eat together. Messy Church is for families<br />

who want a different sort of church. Find us on Facebook and at www.mountsbayub.com<br />

Sport Relief<br />

To support sport relief this year, during the week beginning 9th March, each class will<br />

take part in a sponsored sporting challenge, please see your children’s sponsor form<br />

for a date and activity etc<br />

This year, it links really strongly with our refugee topic as:<br />

‘£2 could buy a warm blanket for a child living in a refugee camp’<br />

‘£10 could buy a pair of warm winter shoes for a child living in a refugee camp in<br />


Important Dates<br />

What’s been going on...<br />

Term Date Event<br />

17 th – 21 st February<br />

Half Term<br />

4 th March<br />

Parent Consultation Day<br />

9 th March<br />

Inset Day<br />

Spring<br />

Term<br />

18 th March EYFS High Tea<br />

19 th March<br />

23 rd March 1:30-3 @ Ludgvan<br />

Community Centre<br />

Thursday 26 th March @ 9:30am<br />

Friday 27 th March<br />

Opera Holland Park<br />

performance<br />

Global Empathy<br />

Exhibition<br />

Easter Service at<br />

Ludgvan Church<br />

Break up for Easter<br />

Tuesday 14 th April<br />

Return to School<br />

Summer<br />

Term<br />

Friday 8 th May (not Monday 4 th )<br />

Bank Holiday<br />

1 st June<br />

Inset Day<br />

25 th – 29 th May<br />

Half Term<br />

30 th June<br />

Sports Day<br />

13 th July KS1 Summer Show<br />

14 th July<br />

Y3 and Y4 Summer<br />

Show<br />

15 th July<br />

Y5 and Y6 Summer<br />

Show<br />

Thursday 23rd July<br />

Break up for Summer

What’s Congratulations... been going on...<br />

Y6 responsibilities, Stars of the week, Dojo winners and Pen License awards.<br />

Over the last 2 weeks, we have celebrated various<br />

successes, including name our Head Boy and Girl,<br />

Team Captains and Librarians.<br />

Congratulations to:<br />

Head Girl: Jenna Morrall<br />

Head Boy: Gabrield Tswei<br />

Red team captains – Harry and Darcie<br />

Green team captains – Kacey and Oliver N<br />

Yellow Team captains – Evie and Max<br />

Blue team captains -Tristan and Nina<br />

Lirarians – Oliver M and Isabella

What’s Congratulations... been going on...

Stage Struck Theatre Company, Penzance<br />

Hairy<br />

What’s Congratulations... been going on...<br />

Tale<br />

Rock!<br />

The Centre, Newlyn<br />

March 21st & 22nd 2020<br />

21st at 2.00pm & 7.30pm<br />

22nd at 6.30pm<br />

Adults £7.50 (matinee £6.50)<br />

16 & under £5.50 (matinee £5)<br />

Box Office 01736 368953<br />

Book by Charles Lovett & Judith Nicholls<br />

Music & Lyrics by Bill Franceur<br />

By arrangement with Pioneer Drama Inc

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