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One Word That Will Change Your Life One Word That Will Change Your LifePromotional eBooks One Word That Will Change Your Life

One Word That Will Change Your Life
One Word That Will Change Your LifePromotional eBooks One Word That Will Change Your Life


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"One Word "explains how to

simplify your life and business

by focusing on just ONE WORD

for the entire year. This fullcolor

second edition will

includeAdditional impact

stories of One Word (with

pictures) in chapter 7A new

chapter called "One Word

Legacy," which identifies and

describes the legacy readers

will leave as a result of their

annual One Words.An

additional 6 dimensions to the

Action PlanAdditional material

on developing the One Word

for teams and families,

specifically how a group of

people can also have a One

WordThe simplicity of choosing

one word makes it a catalyst

for life-change. Clutter and

complexity lead to

procrastination and paralysis,

while simplicity and focus lead

to success and clarity. Readers

will learn how to develop

simplicity in their world and

develop a discipline for life.

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if you want to know more about this book VISIT PAGE 5 OR 6

● Author : Jon Gordon

● Pages : 100 pages

● Publisher : Wiley

● Language : eng

● ISBN-10 : 1118809424

● ISBN-13 :


Book Synopsis:

"One Word "explains how to simplify your life and business by focusing on just ONE

WORD for the entire year. This full-color second edition will includeAdditional impact

stories of One Word (with pictures) in chapter 7A new chapter called "One Word

Legacy," which identifies and describes the legacy readers will leave as a result of their

annual One Words.An additional 6 dimensions to the Action PlanAdditional material on

developing the One Word for teams and families, specifically how a group of people

can also have a One WordThe simplicity of choosing one word makes it a catalyst for

life-change. Clutter and complexity lead to procrastination and paralysis, while

simplicity and focus lead to success and clarity. Readers will learn how to develop

simplicity in their world and develop a discipline for life.



Author : Jon Gordon

Pages : 100 pages

Publisher : Wiley

Language : eng

ISBN-10 : 1118809424

ISBN-13 : 9781118809426

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Books Apereance

"One Word "explains how to simplify your life and business by focusing on just ONE

WORD for the entire year. This full-color second edition will includeAdditional impact

stories of One Word (with pictures) in chapter 7A new chapter called "One Word

Legacy," which identifies and describes the legacy readers will leave as a result of their

annual One Words.An additional 6 dimensions to the Action PlanAdditional material on

developing the One Word for teams and families, specifically how a group of people

can also have a One WordThe simplicity of choosing one word makes it a catalyst for

life-change. Clutter and complexity lead to procrastination and paralysis, while

simplicity and focus lead to success and clarity. Readers will learn how to develop

simplicity in their world and develop a discipline for life.

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"One Word "explains how to simplify your life and business by

focusing on just ONE WORD for the entire year. This full-color

second edition will includeAdditional impact stories of One

Word (with pictures) in chapter 7A new chapter called "One

Word Legacy," which identifies and describes the legacy

readers will leave as a result of their annual One Words.An

additional 6 dimensions to the Action PlanAdditional material

on developing the One Word for teams and families,

specifically how a group of people can also have a One

WordThe simplicity of choosing one word makes it a catalyst

for life-change. Clutter and complexity lead to procrastination

and paralysis, while simplicity and focus lead to success and

clarity. Readers will learn how to develop simplicity in their

world and develop a discipline for life.


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