凝視 攝影集 GAZE Photo Book

「凝視」 2019年,香港政府無視市民擔憂及爭議,欲強行修訂《逃犯條例》,激起百萬香港人遊行抗議。然而,港府對大眾的訴求仍無動於衷,視若無睹,意欲藉著制度暴力通過有關修訂。幸得一群青年為公義前仆後繼捨身抗爭,政府才不情願地暫緩修例。 這輯照片嘗試記錄99位青年在這場社運中的抗爭精神,並將其結集成書,讓社會大眾能更深入了解他們的想法和感受,同時亦希望以此向所有參予這場社運的青年致敬! Gaze In 2019, despite widespread public opposition and concern, the Hong Kong Government proposed highly controversial amendments to the Extradition Bill. Millions took to the streets in protest, but the Government, supported by a legislative majority, was determined to force the amendment through a non-representative legislature. It was through the personal sacrifice of many youths that the amendment was shelved. This collection of photographs, collated in a book form, captures the spirit of activism of 99 youngsters during this social movement. It is an attempt to make available to the public their thoughts and sentiments, as well as a tribute to all who played an important part in this movement! 「凝視」




In 2019, despite widespread public opposition and concern, the Hong Kong Government proposed highly controversial amendments to the Extradition Bill. Millions took to the streets in protest, but the Government, supported by a legislative majority, was determined to force the amendment through a non-representative legislature. It was through the personal sacrifice of many youths that the amendment was shelved.

This collection of photographs, collated in a book form, captures the spirit of activism of 99 youngsters during this social movement. It is an attempt to make available to the public their thoughts and sentiments, as well as a tribute to all who played an important part in this movement!


<strong>GAZE</strong><br />


2019<br />

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<br />

In 2019, despite widespread public opposition and concern, the Hong Kong<br />

Government proposed highly controversial amendments to the Extradition<br />

Bill. Millions took to the streets in protest, but the Government, supported<br />

by a legislative majority, was determined to force the amendment through a<br />

non-representative legislature. It was through the personal sacrifice of many<br />

youths that the amendment was shelved.<br />

99<br />

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<br />

This collection of photographs, collated in a book form, captures the spirit<br />

of activism of 99 youngsters during this social movement. It is an attempt to<br />

make available to the public their thoughts and sentiments, as well as a tribute<br />

to all who played an important part in this movement!


What do we study so hard for? To have no regrets now and in the future.<br />

20190704_01_001<br />



We don’t persist just because we have hope; we persist so that we will have hope. I hope that<br />

“ Hong Kong, of our times” is more than just an empty slogan, but can<br />

motivate Hongkongers into action and persist in our resistance. Hongkongers, you can do it!<br />

Give me liberty or give me death<br />

Give me liberty or give me death.<br />

20190711_01_004<br />



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Sky-high property prices and an incredibly stressful pace of life had many<br />

hesitant about whether Hong Kong is the place to live and work. But there are<br />

many of us who’d to do anything to protect our city, out of love (No, we never<br />

got paid). In this movement I see not ‘rioters’ that the government and police<br />

condemn, but my fellow compatriots – a kind, selfless bunch who love Hong<br />

Kong more than themselves. To me, they are like my very own hands and feet!<br />

I have much to say but nothing that really needed saying. I want to sign off by<br />

quoting a section from my favourite song Speechless.<br />

“I won’t be silenced<br />

You can’t keep me quiet<br />

Won’t tremble when you try it<br />

All I know is I won’t go speechless”<br />

Let’s meet again at the bottom of the pot (the LegCo Demonstration Area)!<br />

Hong Kong,<br />

of our times.<br />

20190712_01_005<br />



We can’t go back.<br />

We will never forget the smell of tear gas.<br />

We will never forget the pain of losing love ones.<br />

We will never forget their brutality.<br />

Never forget never forgive.<br />

20190712_01_006<br />



A life changing movement, built on justice and liberty.<br />

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Destroying C is our final goal. Not only to free the Chinese,<br />

and to do the world a flavour.<br />

20190717_01_007<br />



Those born in a time of chaos bears a responsibility<br />

<br />

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<br />

For justice, for our conscience, for democracy and freedom, we<br />

Hongkongers are willing to pay whatever price we have to. We vow<br />

never to stay silent, we will not be the voiceless.<br />

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“And waiting gives experience; and experience, hope.” (Romans 5:3)<br />

We wish we can all find hope in these hard times, and we look<br />

forward to the day when we take off our masks and embrace one<br />

another at the bottom of the pot (the LegCo Demonstration Area).<br />

20190717_02_008<br />



Think wise and do the right thing<br />

Don’t let the anger guide you<br />

20190717_03_009<br />



The regime deserves to cower in fear – not the people who have risen<br />

up in resistance. We long for the day when the tyrannical regime is<br />

burnt away by each pair of vengeful eyes. We wish for glory upon our<br />

city. Hong Kong, of our times.<br />

20190717_04_010<br />



From early summer to the depths of winter, then spring came around. Don’t<br />

we all remember all that happened these past nine months? There is a lot I<br />

wanted to say, but more importantly: Hong Kong, of<br />

our times, and don’t forget what we set out to do in the beginning.<br />

20190808_01_011<br />



Nothing to<br />

lose <br />

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Unlike what the “Hong Kong pigs” may think, we who have come<br />

out aren’t those who have “nothing to lose”. We expect to be beaten,<br />

to choke on tear gas, to lose an eye, to be imprisoned for decades.<br />

We are here because we want to do something for the future of<br />

Hong Kong and for fellow Hongkongers. You may disagree with our<br />

ways, but don’t besmirch us by saying we are the source of chaos.<br />

To sum it all up, I want to quote Edward Leung.<br />

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2016<br />

“It was always those in power who are the source of social chaos –<br />

not those who resist. What the society should reflect upon is what<br />

caused the uprising. Why are you pointing fingers at the oppressed,<br />

but not the oppressor? This is not right.” – Edward Leung (2016)<br />

20190812_01_012<br />



The revolution has been in motion as soon as those who are in<br />

power squandered the consent of the governed.<br />

Today, you might not be the victim of the corrupted system, but<br />

one day, it can be you, your family, your descendants.<br />

The time has come, we must fight on for our freedom and<br />

democracy, and we must not surrender to all kinds of injustice.<br />

<br />

A Hong Konger<br />

20190812_02_013<br />



As people we can be ignorant. Nevertheless when facts are laid<br />

out before us and we choose to ignore them, we are forfeiting our<br />

conscience – and endorsing acts of atrocity.<br />

20190812_03_014<br />



20190812_04_015<br />



20190812_05_016<br />



20190812_06_017<br />



Be water<br />

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I would call the social unrest the “Be water revolution”, because no matter<br />

when strategising or battling on the frontlines, Hongkongers have displayed<br />

the true spirit of “Be Water”. As I write this, Wuhan Pneumonia is ravaging<br />

across China – undoubtedly a man-made disaster – and this epidemic has<br />

injected new impetus into the “Be Water Revolution”. There could even be<br />

a major strike tomorrow. I do not know what tomorrow or the next moment<br />

may bring; I only hope that everyone of us, including my cowardly self, would<br />

take a step more – then a second, then a third. When everyone keeps forging<br />

ahead, I believe glory will be with Hong Kong, and<br />

will be upon us.<br />

20190925_01_018<br />



69<br />

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I joined my first demonstration on June 9. In the 3 months since then, I joined<br />

many more, some big, some small. I played different roles in this social<br />

movement, and I witnessed a lot.<br />

<br />

<br />

The selflessness of Hongkongers. The cold indifference of the government.<br />

The brave sacrifice of protesters. The brutality and abuse of the police.<br />

<br />

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<br />

What angers me most is how far Hong Kong has fallen, and how people would<br />

be able to turn a blind eye, that they can’t tell right from wrong, that some even<br />

collude with the evil regime.<br />

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Yes we’re indeed wreaking havoc on Hong Kong, but have you considered why<br />

we’re doing what we’re doing? If as a Hongkonger you truly love Hong Kong, the<br />

least you can do is to come out of your comfort zone, and look long and hard at<br />

what is happening on the society. Then you may understand us better.<br />

Finally, I wish to thank everyone who has acted for our society.<br />

“As compatriots we march forward, hand in hand. For justice, we herald<br />

of our times.”<br />

20190926_01_019<br />



Since June last year, a good portion of the public has expressed their<br />

demands through demonstrations. Not only has the government refused<br />

to address protesters’ demands, but has resorted to forms of legal<br />

injustice including emergency laws and court orders to silence our voice.<br />

Worse, they acquiesce to the police abusing their powers and making<br />

unlawful arrests. The situation will only worsen if the government refuses<br />

to address our deep-seated grievances.<br />

<br />

6.91006.16200 +1<br />

8.18170<br />

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The public has voiced their demands peacefully, in multiple instances<br />

including the 1-million strong demonstration on June 9, 2-millionplus-1<br />

demonstration on June 16, and the 1.7-million ‘mobile assembly’<br />

on August 18 – and all fell to deaf ears. It’s precisely because of the<br />

government’s attitude that caused today’s crisis.<br />

<br />

Five demands, not one less.<br />

20190926_02_020<br />



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I have gone through different emotional states in this movement – anger, grief, even joy.<br />

In the earlier days – June and July, my situation forbade me from taking part in assemblies<br />

or protests, so I tended to be more ‘objective’, believing both the police and protesters acted<br />

with excessive violence.<br />

In August, I was no longer burdened and I started joining the demonstrations and protests.<br />

From being neutral I increasingly sympathized with their cause, until I attended every single<br />

assembly and protest. I played different roles and every time I came out, I witnessed how<br />

passionate Hongkongers were about striving for their freedoms.<br />

What angered me the most was how the police kept lying in their press conferences. They<br />

put the blame entirely on the protesters. Even as the police abused their power and arrested<br />

unlawfully, there was nothing we could do – I felt powerless.<br />

I remembered there was one day when localized protests blossom all over Hong Kong. I saw<br />

a youngster, who appeared in his teens, donning only a black t-shirt and a black surgical<br />

mask on the battlefield. I was saddened and worried. I couldn’t fathom what drove this child<br />

to come out and fight, while many were seemingly living in a parallel universe.<br />

Recently two friends of mine were prosecuted for rioting. One of them was arrested during<br />

the siege of the Polytechnic University. They were really nice people, and have taken great<br />

care of me in the movement. Now even as they face imprisonment, they would still smile and<br />

comfort me. It brought tears to my eyes.<br />

There was much to feel depressed about, but we did scored a win in the District Council<br />

Elections in November. The Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act was signed into<br />

law in the US, and nations around the world are rallying to support Hong Kong in their own<br />

ways. It was a much needed confidence boost for Hongkongers.<br />

We are certainly in for the long haul. If we go about social activism like the Japanese did, we<br />

would feel nothing but physical and psychological pain, which is why I always encourage<br />

the activists to be ‘Hong Kong pigs’ once in a while – to relax and indulge.<br />

Finally, although one of our five demands has been met – the bill has been withdrawn, what<br />

we ask for is all five demands, not one less. We want to tell CCP’s puppets in Hong Kong that<br />

we have no fear of tyranny. We will not forget all the atrocities committed on these days –<br />

June 12, July 21, August 31, October 1 – as well as the siege of Chinese University and<br />

Polytechnic University. We will not forget all those who have given their lives to the cause.<br />

<br />

Hong Kong,<br />

of our times.<br />

20190926_02_021<br />



Some would ask, if there is no hope of winning, why come<br />

out? Because I believe with persevering comes hope.<br />

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<br />

Hong Kong is my home. I would do my utmost to<br />

safeguard this place, no matter the cost. When I see<br />

Hongkongers who were originally strangers come<br />

together, and took a stand for a common goal – to say no<br />

to this tyrannical regime, I realize I was never alone. It<br />

moved my beyond words.<br />

<br />

<br />

Hongkongers, if you persevere, one day we will see glory<br />

return to Hong Kong.<br />

20190927_01_022<br />



If survival means to be chained up, I’d rather die.<br />

20191001_01_023<br />



I have this quote that I want to share with everyone<br />

Hong Kong is always your<br />

of the times, and on one else’s.<br />

You fight for your sense of justice<br />

You fight for human rights and freedom<br />

You fight for your conscience<br />

To resist is your own personal decision<br />

You can give up at any time<br />

You are not part of a resistance<br />

No one can define you, put a category upon you<br />

No one can say you are a valiant or a peace-rational<br />

There isn’t a leader to tell you what to do<br />

Resistance is just a personal part of you<br />

How much time, effort and money you spend on it<br />

How big or small that “part” is<br />

It’s all up to you<br />

So you’ve made your choice<br />

Why are you still wasting your time, stuck in the middle?<br />

You either lead a hedonist life and be one of the ‘Hong kong pigs’<br />

Or you do your best balancing act of work and resistance<br />

It’s all your choice<br />

What people around you say or do<br />

Why would it have any bearing on your resistance?<br />

Only you know whether you would regret later on<br />

Would you give up, or would you persist?<br />

Give it some real thought and make your choice<br />

Then put it into resolute practice<br />

20191005_01_024<br />



We are born in Hong Kong; we are citizens Hong Kong. It is<br />

our duty to protect our city. If you don’t step forward now,<br />

you don’t deserve to be called a Hongkonger. To resist is<br />

our duty; it is far more than just a game.<br />

20191005_02_025<br />



If we give up, who would be left to protect our city? It is our duty to<br />

stand up to tyranny, to protect this place we call home.<br />

721831<br />

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<br />

Police brutality, the unlawful arrests, the incidents on July 21,<br />

August 31, the numerous unsuspicious “suicides”, the anti-mask<br />

law, and many more. It is our duty to resist.<br />

20191005_03_026<br />



I do not know whether we can succeed in the end. However<br />

things have now reached a point where we have only one<br />

choice – to resist and fight on no matter what.<br />

20191014_01_027<br />



We’d rather die making ourselves heard Than live on in silence.<br />

20191019_01_028<br />



I am responsible for protecting my home.<br />

20191019_02_029<br />



condom<br />

My frontline compatriots are no ‘condoms’ – they’re not disposable.<br />

20191022_01_030<br />



To live is what I desire; justice is also what I desire. If I cannot<br />

have both, I will sacrifice my life to achieve justice.<br />

20191022_02_031<br />



Through these protests, we tell the whole world that Hong<br />

Kong people won’t be silent under the suppression of<br />

President Xi Jinping and Carrie Lam.<br />

20191022_03_032<br />



In each picture, each face was invisible<br />

Yet their beauty was beyond any words<br />

Without your kindness, your sense of justice<br />

We could not have witnessed this scene<br />

With your life you paint the picture of our times<br />

20191023_01_033<br />



If the Hong Kong society is fair and just, who would brave the rain and<br />

sun and take to the streets? If we could return power to the people<br />

through peaceful protests, who would risk their lives in violent clashes?<br />

<br />

Until we win or die.<br />

<br />

From early summer to the deep of winter, we Hongkongers have<br />

never relented.<br />

Until we win or die.<br />

20191023_02_034<br />



6.11<br />

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The government ignored the million-strong protests and continued to<br />

push through the amendment. Since June 11 tens of thousands went to<br />

Timar Park for “picnic” and to “sing hymns”, trying to stop the second<br />

reading by surrounding the legislative council. Even the rain could not<br />

stop our determination to resist the autocracy. During noon time, office<br />

goers occupied Harcourt Road, umbrella in hand, to support the resistance<br />

efforts. Sadly the government not only ignored the public outcry, but used<br />

disproportionate force to crack down on unarmed members of public.<br />

“One, two, one two” is our rhythm, meaning together we advance and<br />

together we fall back, not one less. These past six months we have built an<br />

unbreakable bond. “One, two, one two” represents Hongkongers’ unique<br />

spirit of “rise together, fall together”. May glory return to Hong Kong and<br />

may Chow Tsz-lok rest in peace. We’ll meet again under the pot.<br />

20191023_03_035<br />



When truth is buried, when the rule of law is broken, when the pigeon no<br />

longer symbolize peace, what remains is an abyss of tyrannical rule.<br />

20191102_01_036<br />



“In war, truth is the first casualty”<br />

Aeschylus<br />

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It’s better to fight for something than nothing, and this “something” is the core<br />

values of many Hong Kongers. Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Want, Freedom<br />

from Fear… it is ours to fight for. As someone who watches on the sidelines as a<br />

wannabe journalist, I am truly inspired by the people who are standing up against<br />

the biggest and most powerful threat to freedom and liberty that mankind<br />

have ever seen. I may not be a true Hong Konger (For my lack of Cantonese and<br />

heritage), but I stand and fight by the people. We’ve all paid the price for freedom,<br />

losing our friends, families and more, but It is better to die on your feet than to live<br />

on your knees.<br />

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What is the difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter? A terrorist<br />

attacks a population indiscriminately, they use cruel and unsettling methods<br />

to ensure that they coerce the civilians to act according to the interests of the<br />

regime. But a freedom fighter, they acts on behalf of civilians usually oppressed<br />

to ensure that they get their liberty and freedom. They use violence when they<br />

must, but never on innocent civilians. Freedom is something that is rightfully<br />

ours, but in the hands of the terrorists. When freedom is ours, we will be satisfied.<br />

<br />

<br />

“Whoever stands by a just cause cannot possibly be called a terrorist.”<br />

Yassar Arafat<br />

20191108_01_037<br />



2019 6<br />

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From June 2019 onwards<br />

Hong Kong has entered a dark era<br />

With the future so bleak, Hongkongers can only play it by ear.<br />

<br />

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Governments have the responsibility to maintain peace and order, to protect the people from threats<br />

But the Hong Kong government does the opposite; they keep pushing us into a corner<br />

So that we have nowhere to go<br />

Whatever Hongkongers do now, the Hong Kong Government would think we are in the wrong<br />

<br />

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The government has lost all its legitimacy and the so-called police its control and restraint<br />

It continues to protect and give free reign to the lawless police thugs<br />

So that whatever they do, there is no consequence, which exacerbates their disorder<br />

And in turn angers the Hongkongers even more<br />

But Hongkongers would not back down so easily<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Compared to protests around the world<br />

Hongkongers’ demands are simple and humble<br />

We only want what we have in the first place, to have a future we deserve<br />

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From the first day Hongkongers have lost a lot, and sacrificed even more<br />

The movement lasted a whole summer<br />

Students sacrificed their summer break<br />

Workers sacrificed their career<br />

Youths sacrificed their hopes and dreams<br />

Because they are the future of Hong Kong<br />

They are only acting to protect their future and their home<br />

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<br />

Now there is no turning back, we can only move forward and play it by ear<br />

From “rise up” to “resist”, to “take revenge”<br />

The change in slogan wordings attest to the anger of Hongkongers<br />

Such that today, our wrath is raging<br />

Our scars are forever etched<br />

This is why Hongkongers will never give up<br />

We will not forget, we will not forgive<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

I wish Hongkongers to maintain our original resolve, to be united in our purpose<br />

Never forget our compatriots who have given their lives, their future to our cause<br />

Don’t let their sacrifice be in vain<br />

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Together we advance, together we fall back<br />

May glory return to Hong Kong<br />

Five demands, not one less<br />

Hong Kong,<br />

of our times<br />

20191110_01_038<br />



They may have forgotten but destroying the evil is a civic<br />

duty. They may have averted their face, stayed silent,<br />

forgotten, become indifferent, become concerned, resorted<br />

to vigilantism, or become lost in words, or have never<br />

known… but the blood will remind them. Doing battle is<br />

a noble act, an act of beauty, the duty of warriors. Civic<br />

citizens are warriors, and they should act accordingly.<br />

20191115_01_039<br />



To our rotting skin and bones,<br />

Our aimless melancholy, the pain of our loss<br />

They may respond with tears of deep empathy<br />

Or a disdainful smirk, a contemptuous sneer.<br />

I still believe with our backbone,<br />

Our countless explorations, wandering, failures and successes<br />

Would earn us a passionate, objective and fair judgement.<br />

Yes, I am eager for their judgement.<br />

20191124_01_040<br />



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To quote Hermann Hesse,<br />

Demian: Die Geschichte von Emil Sinclairs Jugend:<br />

“I wanted only to live in accord with the promptings which came from<br />

my true self. Why was that so very difficult?” This is an apt depiction<br />

of my sentiment and those of my peers. The least a person should do<br />

is to reflect upon one’s existence as a part of this world.<br />

20191126_01_041<br />



All along we’ve been educated to believe in the separation of<br />

powers. We were indoctrinated into trusting systems as pillars<br />

of this society.<br />

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However, this past half year when we were forced to see our<br />

home for what it really was, we saw that underneath all that<br />

superfluous beauty lies a reality we were unwilling to admit –<br />

violence as a key pillar of this society. The systemic violence is<br />

no different from its physical counterpart – but it lies hidden<br />

in the depths of our nation and our communities, behind the<br />

facade of law and ethics. In a way it is a necessary evil.<br />

<br />

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<br />

We are in pain and we want to leave the frontlines. Yet our<br />

friends are still fighting, suffering beatings for values we’ve<br />

lost. This is why we cannot walk away, we have to stay and<br />

fight until we pay the ultimate price.<br />

20191211_01_042<br />



Why? and For what?<br />

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility<br />

<br />

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility<br />

<br />

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<br />

I am but a normal Hongkonger. There are times that I fear. If the<br />

unthinkable happens I would be imprisoned for a decade, but after that I<br />

can still continue my life. Compared to my compatriots I have done very<br />

little. Someone has to step up, and why not me? I am physically fit and I<br />

run fast, so there’s a lot that I can do. Most importantly I am not burdened;<br />

I’m not my family’s breadwinner, so I don’t have much to regret. I have<br />

what it takes – so who else but me?<br />

20191219_01_043<br />



Those born in a time of chaos bears a responsibility.<br />

<br />

This saying is why I have persisted until today.<br />

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<br />

<br />

I once believed I lived in a free country, but after the Umbrella Movement, the Mongkok<br />

Riots, and the Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement, the society and its<br />

regime have been exposed for their filth and unjustice.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Activists suffer oppression and white terror. Some become targets of police brutality<br />

and sexual assault. There are even those who are murdered yet covered up as suicides,<br />

ending up as floating corpses. We give our lives only to defend freedom and fight for<br />

democracy, and protect our city – Hong Kong.<br />

Freedom is a fundamental human right. We cannot stay silent in the face of tyrannic<br />

oppression and social injustice.<br />

To quote an internet saying,<br />

“Justice always comes about – though sometimes later rather than sooner. Sometimes<br />

we just gave up too soon.”<br />

“We all love this land Let us live by Hong Kong, and die by Hong Kong”<br />

<br />

Hong Kong,<br />

of our times.<br />

20191219_02_044<br />



Hongkongers have never suffered such immense pain<br />

Yet we have to pretend everything is alright<br />

When facing pain, what kind of people we choose to be<br />

is always our decision to make<br />

We feel frustrated, we want to give up<br />

Yet in the end we take to the streets<br />

Because we all know with certainty that this is the last time<br />

I am proud of being a Hongkonger<br />

Let us become legends<br />

For this way, we will be able to live with no regret.<br />

20191219_03_045<br />



The Hong Kong government tried to force the amendments to the<br />

Extradition Bill through the LegCo<br />

Ending up inciting widespread protests on the streets<br />

Hongkongers are resentful of the diminishing freedoms<br />

And most youths are very concerned<br />

From being politically indifferent<br />

They took to the frontlines<br />

Do you think they like making resistance a daily affair?<br />

Sacrificing their time with family,<br />

Their schooling<br />

Their future<br />

Only to protect a free Hong Kong<br />

To hold on to what we still have<br />

Hong Kong’s status quo is the sole responsibility<br />

Of the Hong Kong Government<br />

Whose neglect of public opinion<br />

Whose wilful insistence<br />

Who, led by a cold-hearted Chief Executive<br />

Endorsed police brutality<br />

And all forms of white terror<br />

People murdered masqueraded as suicides<br />

Blatant lies uttered in police press conferences<br />

They are all pushing Hongkongers to the brink<br />

Who can we rise up and resist?<br />

<br />

<br />

What will future be like for Hong Kong?<br />

I believe the night will pass and the sun will come up<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Hong Kong,<br />

May glory return to Hong Kong<br />

of our times<br />

20191219_04_046<br />



Freedom Summer<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

it’s our spirit that changes the world.<br />

it’s our determination keep us fighting for the fundamental value for better world.<br />

it’s our courage risk our lives to protect our home.<br />

it’s our longing for ultimate true democracy and freedom united us together.<br />

<br />

Hong Kong – a city of warrior, a city of faith.<br />

Jack London<br />

I would rather be ashes than dust.” – quote from Jack London.<br />

20191223_01_047<br />



2019 6<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

home sick<br />

<br />

In June 2019 when the movement began, I spent the whole month in west Portugal.<br />

I thought being in a different country would distance me emotionally, and that I no<br />

longer care about this society and this regime. Until one day when I could not help<br />

but broke into tears in the changing room of a public swimming pool. The Portuguese<br />

around me ask what was wrong, and I said, “Home sick.” It was then I realised how<br />

much I missed my home.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

be water my friends<br />

Upon return to Hong Kong, the movement grew in intensity and the government kept<br />

up the oppression. From “rise up” to “resist”, the people remember every single scene<br />

that bring us to this day. This is not a fight to the death, but a revolution, an uprising<br />

against the prison of thought. It is a fight to liquefy the society. Be water my friends.<br />

20200129_01_048<br />



20200129_02_049<br />



20200130_01_050<br />



30<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

I’m almost 30 now, and for so many years I’ve been indifferent to politics.<br />

I used to only seek joy in food, play, and work. The anti-extradition<br />

movement changed me, because as a dancer/artist, freedom of creativity<br />

and speech is important. Dance is a way to express my emotions and<br />

thoughts, and if such freedoms are restricted, I would not be able to<br />

express my true self. We will gradually turn into the Chinese Mainland. I<br />

also furious about the police brutality and their blatant lies in front of the<br />

press; I cannot accept living in a police state, where you can be arrested<br />

simply because you caught their eye. My tattoos also make me an even<br />

more apparent target for stop-searches. The police are supposed to<br />

protect and serve, but in Hong Kong they only hurt the innocent and frame<br />

the protesters. This is very depressing for me.<br />

20200219_01_051<br />



Those of us who come out to protest are also fearful<br />

But we have compatriots and even though we didn’t know each other,<br />

we are no longer alone<br />

We will not let the sacrifice of our compatriots be in vain<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

When the day of<br />

comes<br />

We will remove our gear, talk our hearts out<br />

And meet again under the pot<br />

20200219_02_052<br />



I am weak and cowardly, and I don’t even want to relive what<br />

has happened. I only wish that people around me stay safe.<br />

20200219_01_053<br />



I’m sorry, but I am born as a person and I long for freedom!<br />

My wish:<br />

Hong Kong<br />

of our times<br />

20200220_01_054<br />



The kind worries not<br />

The wise confuses not<br />

The brave fears not<br />

It is never easy to protect my city, but fortunately you<br />

and me stand together<br />

May Hongkongers be more courageous<br />

May glory return to Hong Kong.<br />

20200220_02_055<br />



A that is full of uncertainties<br />

How can the entire population come together and resist the tyranny?<br />

Will Hongkongers, who still live a life of comfort, resist?<br />

Will those who are not yet affected rise up?<br />

<br />

<br />

Selfishness is the hardest to overcome, but precisely because we are<br />

selfish, we need to fight for our own future.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Hong Kong,<br />

Five demands not one less<br />

of our times<br />

20200303_01_056<br />



Once, I was a politically insensitive “Hong Kong pig”<br />

Once, I buried myself in work, caring not what happens around me<br />

Once, I thought leaving this place would solve everything<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

I am now more mature, and I understand no matter how far I go, Hong<br />

Kong remains my home, where I was born and raised. I have the duty to<br />

protect my city. I am thankful that the youth have the courage to come<br />

forward, to sacrifice their future, even their lives to protect our city.<br />

<br />

All for one and one for all!<br />

20200305_01_057<br />



I was born and raised here<br />

Facing the absurdities of this regime, I will not stay silent<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Hong Kong,<br />

of our times<br />

I invite you to stay with me and witness our liberation<br />

May glory return to Hong Kong<br />

20200309_01_058<br />



20200317_01_059<br />



When freedoms are oppressed, rights are deprived, rule of law<br />

eroded. Before all is lost, is waiting all we can do?<br />

<br />

<br />

We exist for the future, and to keep existing what can we do?<br />

This is possibly the question we need to ponder: “The next step”<br />

<br />

<br />

Be ready to make our final stand<br />

Even when the head is severed, the heart remains strong<br />

20200319_01_060<br />



What is<br />

of our times?<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

of our times is a long struggle against totalitarianism, a lifelong<br />

endeavour of an entire generation<br />

We are helpless, worried, weak, but we are not cowardly<br />

We suffer pain, disappointment, aimlessness, but we never give up<br />

We fall, bleed, struggle to rise, but we never admit defeat<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

We may have dreamt the same dream, where we don’t know one another<br />

We do know we are compatriots, friends, brothers, family<br />

The dream may be long, and we may never wake up; perhaps we may die in this dream<br />

<br />

<br />

I believe that even if the road is long and dark, not a hint of star or moon in the night sky<br />

By forging ahead hand in hand, we will make it through<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

All because our cry is the roar of the times<br />

All because our will is the spirit of the times<br />

All because our fight is<br />

of the times<br />

All because the Hong Kong collective is born through the trial of pain<br />

<br />

<br />

We will tell the world, “Hong Kong belongs not to<br />

, but to Hongkongers. It belongs to<br />

<br />

the free-willed.”<br />

20200320_01_061<br />



Under authoritarian rule, fear always loom over you even when you stay silent. The only<br />

way out is Hong Kong’s<br />

. Only then can Hongkongers survive.<br />

20200325_01_062<br />



There are people who sacrificed their jobs, their family, their wealth, even their<br />

lives for Hong Kong. They bled only to fight for what’s rightfully ours! They’ve<br />

achieved so much more than we did, with far brighter futures ahead of them. But<br />

they’ve put their very lives on the line, not for the pursuit of fame or profit but our<br />

affirmation, our support. In return, we didn’t take them seriously; we continued<br />

our normal lives, stood indifferent even as they fought for our freedom.<br />

<br />

<br />

One by one, we’re losing the compatriots who’ve sacrificed their future for our<br />

remaining days of freedom. It’s all too late!<br />

<br />

“Your peaceful days come at the price of having someone bearing your load.”<br />

20200429_01_063<br />



- <br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

To resist is freedom in itself.<br />

When you pursue, fight and refuse to submit - you are free.<br />

Growing up, we had our freedoms limited by family and school; now<br />

adults, we are bound by various social norms for example work,<br />

livelihood, marriage and buying a property…<br />

Freedom should never be taken for granted.<br />

Freedom only comes when we fight for it.<br />

The act of resistance is the act of freedom.<br />

I wish we can all keep freedom in our hearts and keep ourselves<br />

burning bright, to light up the world even as a mere firefly.<br />

20200625_01_064<br />



One year has passed and we’ve witnessed the rapid deterioration of HK’s<br />

democracy, both in form of oppression and self-censorship. It’s hard to<br />

even imagine how we still had the right to march, to voice our views a year<br />

ago - when freedoms to resist still exist, and we were still hopeful. Fastforward<br />

a year, and our slogan is now outlawed, oppression of dissidents<br />

under absurd pretexts happens every day. Honestly, how optimistic do we<br />

have to be to carry on resisting with hope?<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

2019<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

But (and this is the most important word in life)…<br />

Even as the voices of dissidence are no longer heard, and our slogan (or<br />

other common phrases we share) is now only a whitewashed blotch on<br />

the pavement, our journey since 2019 is already etched in our minds<br />

through blood and sacrifice. Forgetting is no longer an option; faith has<br />

already taken root in our hearts. No matter where we are, we will remain<br />

brothers and sisters for life, and we will do whatever we can, however we<br />

can, to help fellow HKers. Like Joshua once said, “Don’t give up.” There<br />

will be a day when we can emerge in a brave new world. Be strong HKers!<br />

20200629_01_065<br />



20200630_01_066<br />



There came a point in time<br />

When freedom seemed to drift away from us<br />

But I hope everyone won’t stay strong,<br />

And continue to fight for what we should have.<br />

<br />

<br />

I remember one saying with particular clarity:<br />

“If you give up, who will be left to defend our city?”<br />

20200717_01_067<br />



“As wave a thousand feet high looms over Hong Kong’s shore<br />

We would never forgot how a thousand junk boats used grace our harbour<br />

Our hopes for Hong Kong, numerous beyond count<br />

Our one wish is but for this coastal city to shine ever bright!”<br />

<br />

- Original stage production A Tale of Southern Sky<br />

20200717_02_068<br />



One night in September, I was on the road looking to give students a<br />

ride home. I stopped for 3 girls, all secondary school students, whose<br />

diminutive stature and childish looks did little to hide their true age. As<br />

usual I didn’t ask much – and they didn’t dare say much either.<br />

<br />

<br />

100<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

As we approached our stop, the girls said, “Sorry, this is all we have.”<br />

Looking at the less than $100 cash they handed over, I held back my tears<br />

and thought of the future they saw: not where they would be chilling out<br />

next week, or the quizzes and exams they needed to pass next month, but<br />

whether they would one day be arrested, detained, charged, or forced to<br />

give up a decade of their young lives.<br />

I hope those who still have a conscience in their hearts will protect our<br />

young generation.<br />

20200731_01_069<br />



2005<br />

<br />

In 2005, the HK Government promoted International Bill of Human Rights in a<br />

now well-known advertisement:<br />

<br />

“Boy and girl: We have the right to education<br />

<br />

Judge: The rule of law protects human rights<br />

<br />

Performer: We have the right to participate in culture<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Together: We have the right to freedom of speech,<br />

association and assembly<br />

Together: We have the right to freedom to enter and leave Hong Kong<br />

VO: In Hong Kong, economy, society, culture, civic and political rights are<br />

protected by the International Bill of Human Rights. These fundamental rights<br />

are intimately tied to our daily lives.”<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

2019<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

Having been indifferent to politics, I’ve always naively believed that the<br />

advertisement had been true, that Hong Kong is blessed, that things will at least<br />

remain unchanged for 50 years.<br />

It wasn’t until 2019, when the anti-extradition law amendment bill movement<br />

began, that I was crudely awaken. All that the government has done deeply<br />

disappointed me and was the exact opposite of what the advertisement said.<br />

It’s plain to everyone that how degenerated and corrupt this regime, this society<br />

was. When those in power abuse it, when public demands fell on deaf ears, when<br />

there’s no check to police power, when white work with the black… everything<br />

proceeded exactly as the CCP planned it – all to drain HK of its resources.<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

The road to resistance is long, and the only consolation is that there are still just<br />

people in Hong Kong, those who walk the same path, who will fight this regime<br />

no matter the sacrifice.<br />

20200731_02_070<br />



Be salt and light. We vow to march together for justice.<br />

20201109_01_071<br />


Special thanks:<br />

Winnie Yeung<br />

Goby Lo<br />

Vivian So<br />

Byron<br />

Because Yeung<br />

Alvin Leung<br />

Design:<br />

Goby Lo<br />

Binding:<br />

Because Yeung<br />

Translation:<br />

Alvin Leung

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