Working from home

Confidence To Return Working from home

Confidence To Return Working from home


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from home

by Sandie Dennis

You want to keep

yourself as healthy as

possible so that your

immune system is able

to fight its own battles as

best it can.


We are living in unprecedented times and we all need to

follow the Government guidelines which are being updated

on a daily basis.

Many of us now are working from home

and, like me, you may not be used to

doing this. The day to day routine is very

different and getting used to that can

be quite an adjustment. And alongside

those changes, the aim is to keep yourself

mentally and physically well.

You want to keep yourself as healthy as

possible so that your immune system is

able to fight its own battles as best it can.

It is really important to eat as healthily as possible and avoid

foods that could weaken your body and immune system,

including processed foods, soft fizzy drinks. sugary snacks

and too much alcohol.

Aim to keep eating good amount of fruits and vegetables and

don’t forget frozen vegetables are fine too if fresh supplies

are limited or you can’t get out. Fruit and vegetables will

give you good amounts of vitamin C and supplementing this

important nutrient will support your immune system too.


As well as eating well, keep active as best you can

and think about reducing alcohol, as it may weaken

your immune defences.

Research has shown that drinking alcohol can

cause a nearly 50% increase in vitamin C excretion

through your urine and it can make it harder for

your body to absorb it. You don’t want to make

things harder for your body than is necessary.

Alcohol can affect your delicate balance of

beneficial bacteria in your gut which is important

for optimising your immune function. Alcohol

can also dehydrate you; getting enough water is

so important at this time so make sure you have a

regular supply near you during the day. Alcohol can

also affect your sleep patterns, causing you to wake

in the middle of the night.

You need enough good quality sleep as disrupted

sleep or less sleep can make you make you more

vulnerable to catching an infection. Also as alcohol

has diuretic effects, you can lose valuable nutrients

through your urine.

Right now having good levels of vitamin C for your immune system is really important, so reduce

your alcohol consumption, increase your vitamin C intake through fruit and vegetables and to

give yourself the best support, I recommend you top up with a good quality alkaline vitamin C

supplement too.

I have been lucky enough to recently collaborate with Dr Marilyn Glenville the owner of https://

www.naturalhealthpractice.com/ and now can offer all my corporate clients’ employees a

promo code of 20% when ordering any of the below suggested daily supplements. Just use the

code: Sandie20 when ordering.


Vitamin C Support

Vitamin C is essential to the health of your immune

cells and, did you know, they need almost double the

amount when you are unwell.

Research has shown that good levels of vitamin C can

help to reduce the length of time you might suffer

from an infection.

I do understand that the present situation is stressful

but staying as calm as possible is important because

stress depletes your stores of vitamin C.

You may not know it but as humans we can’t

manufacture vitamin C in our bodies, it has to come

from outside in food or supplements.

Most animals can manufacture their own vitamin C,

in the liver and kidneys, and increase that production

when they are stressed, replenishing stores to restore


When choosing the right vitamin C support

supplement for you I recommend you look for

an alkaline form of vitamin C which is made from

magnesium ascorbate.

This is the form that is gentler on your digestive system

than the ascorbic acid form of vitamin C which can

act as an irritant.

Because your body can’t make its own vitamin C,

you need to make sure that, during times of anxiety

or when wanting to support your immunity, you

supplement your own stores not only with increased

intake of vitamin C rich foods, but also with a good

alkaline form of vitamin C supplement.

You should take at least 1,000mg of vitamin C a day.

Take 500mg vitamin C twice a day (because this

vitamin is water soluble, it is better taken in two

amounts, as your body can’t store it).

To order your vitamin C support click here

Probiotic Support

As well as the antioxidant benefits of fruit and vegetables

which can help protect your cells from damage, they are

also rich in fibre which helps to ‘feed’ your beneficial


We now know that 70% of your immune function is in

your gut so at a time like this when you want maximum

support for your immunity, the levels of your beneficial

bacteria are even more important.

Over the last few years, research into probiotics and

how these beneficial bacteria can affect your health

has exploded – proving that probiotics have a far more

significant effect on your whole body than only the

positive effects on your gut health.

Your digestive system contains billions of bacteria,

weighing in at around 1kg (about 2lbs). You need

good levels of beneficial bacteria (ideally an advanced

probiotic support) to help to keep control of pathogenic

bacteria, parasites and yeasts.

There is a delicate bacterial balance to be had and

keeping that balance is extremely important for your

overall good health.

Lactobacillus acidophilus is the main species of

beneficial bacteria that colonises the small intestines

whereas the bifidobacterium is the main beneficial

inhabitant of the large intestines.

Having a good probiotic supplement that contains a

prebiotic can be particularly helpful as the prebiotic is

the food that the good bacteria use to thrive on so are

useful in helping to make sure that the levels of your

beneficial bacteria stay high.

Click here to order your probiotic support

Vitamin D Support

A number of other nutrients can be helpful

such as zinc but there is one other stand

out nutrient that is often not mentioned

and that is vitamin D, our sunshine vitamin.

Natural food sources of vitamin D are few.

It is found in oily fish and eggs and fortified

foods such as breakfast cereals. But your

body does not expect to get much vitamin

D from food as it is made by the exposure

of your skin to sunlight, so at this time of

the year, your levels can be low. That is why

Public Health England recommend that all

adults and children over one should be

supplementing with vitamin D.

Vitamin D is important for your immune system. It is classed as

an immune modulator, it helps to balance your immune system.

It can bring it up the immune function if low and bring it down if

overactive. And you are either deficient in vitamin D or not. It is

such a black and white result when you take a test and it is easy

to correct a deficiency.

I cannot stress enough how important it for you to have good

levels of vitamin D. It is not only the immune benefits but research

has now shown that it has found to:

• be vital for bone health and osteoporosis

• play a major role in breast and bowel cancer prevention

• help with other conditions as diverse as type 2 diabetes,

heart disease, joint pains and arthritis, depression, dementia,

autoimmune diseases, fertility, autism, and allergies

• help with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder).

Click here to order your vitamin D support


Sandie Dennis




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