Slipstream - April 2020
The monthly newsletter of the Maverick Region of the Porsche Club of America
The monthly newsletter of the Maverick Region of the Porsche Club of America
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APRIL 2020
Taycan. Rhymes with icon.
Park Place presents a classic in the making: the new Taycan. It’s the first all-electric
Porsche ever produced—and a high-performance sports car through and through.
With two permanent-magnet synchronous motors generating up to 750 hp and
acceleration faster than a skydiver in free fall. Plus, an 800-volt battery that can be
partially recharged to add up to 62 miles of range in just over five minutes. And this
iconic Porsche comes equipped with a legendary dealership experience.
That’s what makes Park Place feel like Your Place.
Park Place Porsche Dallas
6107 Lemmon Ave.
Dallas, TX 75209
©2020 Porsche Cars North America, Inc. Porsche recommends seat belt usage and observance of all traffic laws at all times.
APRIL 2020
Some of our members check out the new guy at Porsche Dallas
photo by Paul Moseley
6 | February Tech Session: The Phoenix Insurance
8 | 2020 Maverick Concours Weekend
12 | The Bluebonnet Tour: Preview
15 | Taycan Introduction at Park Place Dallas
16 | Hippity Hop For Hope!: Help Hope Happen
16 | Autocross Series: Event 1: Lone Star Park
19 | Maverick Marktpreis: 991.1
20 | Coffee, Cars & Conversation: David Tierney
26 | Maverick PCA HPDE Track Days Program: What is it?
29 | Winter Doldrums
6 | 2020 Porsche Parade Registration
22 | Easter Hop Porsche Gimmick Rally
22 | Motoring Mavs at Mayo
23 | Mavs & Mochas
23 | Maverick Lunch Series
2 | Board Botschaft (Executive Board Member Column)
2 | Maverick of the Month
4 | List of Officers and Board Chairs
4 | Zone 5 Presidents
11 | New Mavericks
11 | Member Moments
31 | Porsche Trivia
34 | Advertiser Index
34 | Anniversaries
36 | Oversteer (Editor’s Column)
Slipstream (USPS 666-650) is published monthly by the Maverick Region, Porsche Club of America, 155 Jellico
Southlake, TX 76092. Subscription price is $24.00 per year. Periodical postage is paid at Fort Worth, TX.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Hiram Saunders, Slipstream, 155 Jellico, Southlake, TX 76092.
Opinions expressed herein are not necessarily endorsed by the Club’s membership or officers. Contributions will be
printed on a space available basis. Chartered regions of PCA may reproduce items from this issue provided the author/
artist and Slipstream are credited. Slipstream is printed by Ussery Printing Company in Irving, Texas.
See more details and check for event updates via the QR code
here or our online calendar at
CANCELLED Maverick Board Meeting ....................................... (Wed) 1
CANCELLED Mavs & Mochas: TURBO Coffee ............................. (Sat) 11
CANCELLED Easter Hop Porsche Gimmick Rally ........................ (Sat) 11
CANCELLED Lewisville area lunch..............................................(Tue) 14
CANCELLED Mav Happy Hour....................................................(Thu) 16
CANCELLED Motoring Mavs at Mayo......................................... (Sat) 18
CANCELLED Tech Session: see .............................. (Sat) 21
CANCELLED Southlake area lunch.............................................(Thu) 23
Garages and Gearheads Having Coffee..................................... (Sat) 25
CANCELLED HPDE .........................................................(Sat-Sun) 25-26
CANCELLED Maverick Bluebonnet Tour.................................... (Sun) 26
All British & European Car Day 2020 ...........................................(Sat) 2
Maverick Board Meeting .......................................................... (Wed) 6
Mavs & Mochas: Montgomery Plaza ...........................................(Sat) 9
Lewisville area lunch.................................................................(Tue) 12
Cars & Cannoli........................................................................... (Sat) 16
Motoring Mavs at Mayo............................................................ (Sat) 16
Tech Session: see ................................................. (Sat) 16
Autocross Cup #4..................................................................... (Sun) 17
Mav Happy Hour: see 21
Autocross Cup #4..................................................................... (Sun) 24
Southlake area lunch................................................................(Thu) 28
Garages and Gearheads Having Coffee..................................... (Sat) 30
Austin Schnell Fest DE ...................................................(Fri-Sun) 29-31
Maverick Concours Weekend .......................................(Sat-Sun) 30-31
On the Cover
Igor Tulandin and his Cayenne GTS at our first
autocross of the year. Check out the results on
page 17, Igor knows how to use it.
Photograph by Robert Kirby of
Lightspeed Images
I’ve mentioned before that one of the great things
about this club is that we have such a variety of events
for our members, intended to appeal to a wide range of
interests. And there’s also something for a wide range
of Porsches as well. Beyond our official club events and
offerings, there are numerous national and local groups
dedicated to specific Porsche models, such as 356, 914,
924, 928, 944, 968, 993, 986, 987, 996, 997, etc. The
knowledge and assistance of these groups can greatly
enhance the ownership experience of a Porsche that may
be 40+ years old.
About two years ago, I decided I wanted to buy a 928.
I had owned a number of different Porsches over the years
(911, 924, 944, Boxsters, Cayenne), but not a 928 at that
point. I had always admired the design of the 928, but
had never driven one. I knew a Maverick member who
owned a 928, so I let him know I was considering buying
one. I was promptly invited to the local monthly 928
breakfast, where I got plenty of input to start me on my
928 search. As I started looking at potential cars to buy,
local 928 owners were there as a sounding board and to
offer specific advice on what to look for on a 928.
Shortly after buying my first 928, I was running some
errands, came out to start it up . . . nothing. Turning the
ignition key yielded no results, although the car had power
for the radio, windows, etc. So, here I am, sitting in a liquor
store parking lot, in 95 degree weather, with a 37-year-old
Porsche that won’t start. I could have just called Hagerty
roadside assistance and had the car towed, but I was only
a mile from home and didn’t want to give up that easily.
I decided to post a question on the local 928 group
Facebook page, asking for advice. Within just a few
minutes, I had several helpful suggestions. First, check
the ground strap and battery cables. All fine there. Next,
does the horn work? I thought that was kind of odd, but
I checked the horn, and it did work. Then I was told to
2 April
Board Botschaft: Get Specific
by Chris Flaugh, Region Treasurer
Matt Wilson
unplug the starter relay, unplug the horn relay and plug it
into the starter relay position. I had no idea where these
relays were located, or even where the relay panel was.
About a minute later, a copy of the relay panel diagram was
sent to me, showing exactly where the relays in question
were. So, I swapped the relays, the car started right up,
and I drove home. I own two 928s now, and that’s the only
time either of them have left me stranded.
So, the point of my story is, if you have an older
Porsche, find your people - those who know and love that
same model - it can make a huge difference in how much
you enjoy your car!
Matt has been with the PCA for a little over 10 years now. He is affectionately known as a
member of the Westside, as he’s a resident of Fort Worth. Matt knows that Porsches are meant
to be driven, so crisscrossing the Metroplex for events is no issue for him. Whether he’s driving
his 981 Cayman S or his 997 Turbo, Matt is always there early to help us set up for so many of
our club events. Matt has always been our go-to guy when selecting locations on the west side
of the Metroplex to meet, so it was a wonderful welcome to have Matt step into the Chair
position for our Coffee Meets. There was a high bar already set, as Mavs & Mochas is one of
our most popular monthly events. Matt has taken the wheel and is steering us to another
successful year. We look forward to the upcoming locations he has picked out. Matt doesn’t
stop there; he shifts gear to make sure we continue the “shop talk” at Motoring Mavs at Mayo’s
and Garages & Gearheads. This is yet another shining example for our club staying Fueled By
Volunteers. Please join me in congratulating Matt as our Maverick of the Month.
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2020 Maverick Region Board - Officers and Chairs
William Kruder
Vice President
Carey Spreen
Jennifer Parma
Chris Flaugh
Autocross Chair
Mark Schnoerr
Charity Chair
Jimmy Gallegos
Club Race Co-Chair
David Hodges
Club Race Co-Chair
David McBee
Coffee Meets Co-Chair
Derrick Tate
Coffee Meets Co-Chair
Matt Wilson
Concours Chair
Scott Kellogg
DE Co-Chair
Keith Olcha
DE Co-Chair
Renee Hayden
DE Registrar
Jason Brodigan
DE Chief Driving Coach
Craig Janssen
DE Medical Chair
Dr. Jeffery Komenda
Merchandise Chair
Peter Wen
Region Historian
Carey Spreen
Marketing, Social
Media Chair
Bill Orr
Membership Chairs
Beckie & Tom Gomer
Monthly Social Chair
Claudia & Jeff Reynolds
PCA Tours Co-Chair
Sam Bryant
PCA Tours Co-Chair
Brant Worrell
PCA Junior Ambassador
Brady Stogner
Rally Chairs
Ginger & Tom Heuerman
Registrar, Club Race
Wendy Shoffit
Safety Co-Chair
Nikolaus Klemmer
Slipstream Advertising
Mike Mahoney
Slipstream Content Ed.
Carey Spreen
Slipstream Editor
Kurt Scaggs
Slipstream Event Ad Design
David Tierney
Slipstream Mailing
Andy Mears
Slipstream Printing
Fran Ussery
972--438-8344 (W)
817-481-8342 (H)
Social Chair
Debi Kruder
Tech Sessions Co-Chair
Michael Baynton
Tech Sessions Co-Chair
Mike O’Hare
Time Trial Chair,
(AX/TT Rules)
Travis Howard
TT Registrar, AX/TT
Schools, Swap Meets
Robyn Howard
Tub Club President
George Maffey
Trivia Chair
Jerry DeFeo
Volunteers Chair
Landon Stogner
Web Site Chair
James Shoffit
Link to
Ken Chandler,
2020 PCA Zone 5 Presidents and Zone Representative
Tuffy von Briesen
Phil Daigrepont
Brian Swope;
Chris Hines
Bryan Kerrick
Doug Carroll
Dennis Halmai
William Kruder
John Showalter
Robert Handy
not listed
Leonard Zechiedrich
Chuck Bush
(703) 577-0562
4 April
February Tech Session: The Phoenix Insurance
by Mike O’Hare, Tech Sessions Co-Chair
photos by Michael Baynton
Who would really want to
attend an insurance seminar on
a beautiful Saturday morning?
How about 35 passionate
Porsche owners looking to save,
or gain peace of mind on a
coverage plan that best meets
their individual needs! Well,
that’s exactly what happened on
Saturday February 22, when
Justin Husman and Jason Olson
from The Phoenix Insurance
Company hosted this very
informative Tech Session. The
duo fielded all types of questions
regarding options of coverage,
claims, deductibles, and
premiums. At the end, Phoenix’s
message was simple: find a
coverage plan tailored to meet
your own specific needs, as we
are all different!
Special thanks to Dave Perry•Miller Real
Estate for hosting this insightful tech session.
6 April
Our response to COVID-19
A note from our Maverick Region President, Bill Kruder
Fellow Mavericks,
The Maverick Executive Board is working closely with PCA National to monitor the coronavirus situation.
In all things we do, first and foremost is the health and safety of our members, volunteers and sponsors. In our
effort to Drive Friendships Safely, we are CANCELING ALL INDOOR EVENTS THROUGH END APRIL hosted
by the Maverick Region.
The following events have been canceled:
April 1 - Maverick Board Meeting
April 14 - Lewisville Area Lunch
April 16 - Mav Happy Hour
April 23 - South Lake Area Lunch
April 26 - Tech Session
We will continue to update you as new information
is made available. Please check for updates
on our events. In the interim follow the General Health
Precautions below provided by PCA.
Driving Friendships Safely,
William Kruder
Your mind’s been racing.
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5924 W Plano Pkwy.
Plano, TX 75093
(214) 579-1911
©2018 Porsche Cars North America, Inc. Porsche recommends seat belt usage and observance of traffic laws at all times.
2020 Maverick Concours Weekend
by Scott Kellogg, Region Concours Chair
In our continuing effort to bring judged car shows
back to the Maverick Region, we will be hosting three
car show events in 2020, to include one Concours and
two People’s Choice events.
This year, we are excited to host a Concours
weekend! Mark your calendar for the May 30-
31 as we bring our Concours to a whole new
level, and invite our friends from Zone 5 too.
Many thanks to our sponsors, Tactical Fleet, Stuarts,
Fifth Gear, Autoscope, Tim Schutz - Allie Beth Allman,
Billie Go Plumbing, Phoenix Insurance, The Lift Doctor,
Innovative Automotive, Schofner Films, and Corsa
Werks, for partnering with us on this event.
The event kicks off with a reception for all registered
participants on the night of May 30 at 6:00 pm. This
will be hosted at Mena’s Grill in Flower Mound and
will include a fajita bar with two drink coupons. The
Concours the following day, May 31, will be at the
beautiful Silver Lake Marina Park in Grapevine. Roll-in
will begin at 7:00 am and the show will officially open at
9:11 am. Once your vehicle is parked in the designated
class area, goodie bags will be distributed at the awards
area. Each registered participant receives a vehicle card to
be placed on the driver’s side dash, a show T-Shirt, and a
show poster, as well as other assorted goodies.
Online registration will open May 1st and available
on the Maverick Region PCA website and social media.
Registration fee for the driver and driver’s vehicle is $50
and includes the Saturday night reception dinner and
drinks, t-shirt, poster, and goodie bag. Registration fee
for passengers is $25 and includes the reception only.
Show shirts may also be purchased following the event
on the Maverick Region website.
We are really excited this year, as there will be a total
of 13 classes, as follows:
• 356
• 911 ‘64-‘73
• 911 ‘74-‘88
• 911 ‘89-‘98
• 911 ‘99-‘12
• 911 ‘13-Present
• 914
• 924/944/968/928
• Boxster/Cayman
• Panamera/Cayenne/Macan
• GT all years
• Outlaw*
• Race/Competition*
*These classes will require 5 vehicles
The 2020 Maverick Region Concours will be a Show
and Shine event, and is technically a top-down clean
car show. Judges will look at the car’s interior, exterior,
engine and trunk. Judging will be based on cleanliness
and condition only for this show.
Awards will be given to Best in Class for each class,
Best in Show, and President’s Choice.
I am very excited about this new year and the show
events we have planned! I look forward to seeing you all
there for a fun and entertaining weekend on May 30.
8 April
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©2018 New York Life Insurance Company,
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Insure. Prepare. Retire.
Introducing HPDE/Track Day Insurance
High performance driving school is a blast. It’s a chance to push your car and your
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Drive with us. Nolan Eberl-Coe | 682-219-5206 |
Hagerty Track Day program is underwritten by RLI. Some coverage not available in all states. This is a general description of coverage. All coverage subject to
policy provisions, exclusions, and endorsements. Hagerty determines final risk acceptance. Hagerty & The Steering Wheel Logo are registered or common law
trademarks of the Hagerty Group LLC, ©2019 The Hagerty Group, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
10 April
Welcome Our New Mavericks!
by Becky and Tom Gomer, Region Membership Chairs
New Members February 2020
Brandon Anderson The Colony 1995 911 Carrera
Johnny Arnold Arlington 2007 911 Carrera Cabriolet
Ralph Baine (Jennifer) Fort Worth 2015 911 Carrera S
Charles Bancroft III Grand Prairie 2019 911 Carrera GTS
Cynthia Banish Plano 2001 911 Carrera
Stephen Barotta McKinney 2002 911 Carrera
Douglas Bashaw Celina 2016 911 Carrera GTS
(Sherri Humphrey Rulli)
Sid Castleberry Longview 2014 Cayman S
Geoffrey Cramer Dallas 2009 911 Carrera
Anthony Custable Dallas 2006 Cayman S
Jonathan Dalrymple Dallas 2019 911 Carrera S Cabriolet
Gloria Dodson Lancaster 2017 718 Boxster
R. Paul Evans Lewisville 1986 944 Turbo
Jorge Ferrer Allen 2006 Boxster S
Lee Griffith (Olivia) Whitehouse 2019 911 GT3 RS
Jeff Hanson (Susan) McKinney 2008 911 Carrera S
William Heine Frisco 2018 Macan
Mark Jenkins Sherman 2019 718 Cayman GTS
David Larsen Keller 2006 911 Carrera S Cabriolet
Dennis Lau Southlake 1997 911 Carrera S
Brian Maxwell Farmersville 2018 718 Cayman
Shane O’Neill Plano 2017 Macan
Ghentry Pace Celina 2002 911 Carrera Cabriolet
George L. Potter Granbury 2003 911 Carrera
Emilio Ramos Dallas, Tx 2006 Cayenne S
Jasmine Shoffit Irving 2017 Macan Turbo
Matt Springfield Murphy 2015 911 Carrera GTS
John Tennant Colleyville 1990 911 Carrera 2
Milton Thomas Sr. Saint Paul, MN 2006 911 Carrera
Ali Vafa Dallas 2009 911 Carrera 4S
Mike Viola Southlake 1986 944
Scott Wilcox Fort Worth 2012 Boxster S
Gene Woodhouse Plano 2005 911 Carrera S
Johnnie Yellock II Lantana 1984 911 Carrera Targa
Transfers In
Stephen Barotta (LST) McKinney 2002 911 Carrera
David Delzell (HCT) Heath 1990 911 Carrera 2
Jeff & Susan Hanson (LSY) McKinney 2008 911 Carrera S
Please give a Maverick Welcome to these new members when you meet them
Member Moment
Emilio Ramos
Merrill Lynch Wealth
If you have any changes that
you would like to make to the
MRPCA membership guide, contact Tom or
Becky at
Primary reason for joining PCA
I love Porsche! It’s the probably one of the best
cars/brands of all time. I’m so lucky that I got
that text message from my uncle two years
ago asking if I wanted my aunt’s Cayenne. I’m
also fresh out of college and new to Dallas. To
be with a group of people who own and love
Porsches will keep me motivated to work hard
enough to buy one on my own in the future.
Current Porsche(s)
2006 Cayenne
Best thing about Porsche ownership
The acceleration. Once you’re in and driving for
it the first few times you just know there’s no
going back.
Hobby and/or leisure interests
Formula 1, basketball, and food.
Member Moment
Olga Taylor
I make sure people play well
together. In particular, I am
an Organization Development
Consultant. This means Executive Coach and Catalyst
for positive change. I also teach graduate business
students at Southern Methodist University.
Primary reason for joining PCA
Great friendships with terrific people and their
Porsches. Exhilarating sights and sounds are
punctuated by stories about people and their
Porsches. We are a family. Originally joined in
1984 with Oregon Region.
Current Porsche(s)
1980 911 SC Targa (Baby) and 2009 911 997.2
Coupe (Buddy)
Best thing about Porsche ownership
Driving: there is no substitute
Hobby and/or leisure interests
I appreciate moments when someone shares a
story with me. It is fun to explore familiar and
different places whether far away or nearby. I
love to bake. In my spare time, I plan to play my
piano (lol). For fun, I attend the symphony when
my favorites are featured.
Maverick Membership Statistics as of March 1
Primary Members: 2128 Affiliate Members: 1027 Total Membership: 3155
The Bluebonnet Tour: Preview
by Sam Bryant, Tours Co-Chair
photos provided by Jay Lynch
Our first tour of the 2020 season takes place on
Sunday, April 26. It is the very popular Bluebonnet
Tour that takes place in and around Ennis, Texas. Ennis
was designated by the 1997 State
Legislature as the home of the
“Official Texas Bluebonnet Trail”
and was designated the “Official
Bluebonnet City Of Texas.”
Ennis showcases over 40 miles of
Bluebonnet trails. These trails are
the oldest such trails known in the
state, and tens of thousands make
the short trek to Ennis to view this
wonderful wildflower show.
The Bluebonnet tour starts in Red Oak at the Red Oak
Middle School, 154 Louise Ritter Blvd, Red Oak, Texas 75154,
which is south of Dallas on Interstate 35 in Ellis County. The
destination is 210 South Interstate 45, Ennis, Texas 75119.
The Maverick Executive Board is working closely
with PCA National to monitor the Coronavirus
situation. We are CANCELING ALL INDOOR
tour will not stop at the destination.
We have two classes on our tours. Choose Vintage class
for a more relaxed scenic tour, or Modern Class for the same
tour that we have provided in the past. Whichever class you
choose, it is your decision no matter
what type of Porsche you drive.
After you register, and three days
before the tour, we will send you all
the information needed to attend.
We hand out packets the day of the
tour with all the information as well.
The Drivers’ Briefing will begin at
10 am, so please arrive early so that
you are signed in on time. Most tour
attendees arrive early to meet new
friends and socialize with familiar faces. Arriving early
also helps our volunteers get everyone signed in on time
so the tour will be on schedule. No special equipment is
needed. Our Group Leaders will be familiar with the route
and will guide each group of Porsches to the destination.
Volunteers needed. Do you want to lead the pack? We
are in need of your help! You can help by signing in
attendees. Or better yet, would you like to be a Group
Leader? Please contact us at email:
12 April
A Curated Selection of Pre-owned Timepieces
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River Oaks District Houston, TX 77027 713.621.2400
Peaceful Retreat
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6119 Glendora Avenue, Preston Hollow
5 Bed • 5.2 Bath • 6,254 Sq.Ft.
Formals • Study • 3-Car Garage
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214.507.6699 •
14 April
Taycan Introduction at Park Place Dallas
by Tom Stout
photo provided by Paul Moseley
There was quite a “buzz” at
Park Place Porsche in Dallas on
Saturday, February 15. Scores of
Maverick PCA members were
treated to an exclusive unveiling
of the new Taycan. Park Place GM
Patrick Huston gave an enthusiastic
and informative briefing on the
new wheels, and along with his
staff, answered questions from the
coffee and donuts crowd.
Members were given the
opportunity to sit in the seats,
fire up the lights, and watch the
new sleek blue coupe quietly
glide off the showroom floor. One
lucky participant even got the
opportunity to take it for a spirited
test drive around the block.
It was certainly a fun morning to share with our
partners and fellow enthusiasts in Dallas, and a great
start to an additional new era for Porsche and the
Park Place Dallas GM Patrick Huston and 100 lucky Maverick members preview the new Taycan.
Maverick Region. We are looking forward to more
events like this - and of course, for the first Maverick to
roll up to the next Cars and Coffee or ? with the first
new Taycan . . . .
Hippity Hop For Hope!: Help Hope Happen
by Bill Middleton
In conjunction with the April
11 Mavs & Mochas, and the
Easter Hop Gimmick Rally on
the same date, Maverick Region
Charities will be holding their first
donation drive!
Huffaker-Hughes Hope House provides much
more than emergency shelter to battered and
abused women and children of North Texas.
Counseling and legal services as well as clothing
and a food bank are among the services your
generous donations help to support.
To best utilize donated
resources, both Hope Charities
and the Maverick Region have
obtained association with
some large hospitality vendors,
who provide all the typical
amenities that are consumed
by the hospitality industry such
as bedding goods, bathroom
goods, personal amenities such
as soaps, shampoo, toothpaste/
toothbrushes, etc.,
and any number of
other goods. Other
items always in
need are gently used
clothing – mainly
for women and kids
– in most any sizes.
Also needed on a
near constant basis
are disposable diapers in just about
any size – but infants and toddlers
preferred. Walmart gift cards are
also very much appreciated, as
it gives the clients at the shelter
the opportunity to pick up small
personal items to help their stay be
a little bit more comfy.
If you would like to “Help Hope
Happen,” please consider bringing
a donation to the April Mavs &
Mochas in the form of plain old
folding cash, gently used clothing,
a pack of disposable diapers, or
Walmart gift cards.
Thanks SO much for
participating in the Maverick
Regions events, and for donating
to “Help Hope Happen”!!!!
If you would like further
information regarding the Maverick
Region charitable organizations,
events to support those agencies, or
to inquire about volunteering,
please contact Jim Gallegos at
16 April
Autocross Series: Event 1, Lone Star Park, February 23
by Mark Schnoerr, Region Autocross Chair
Early season Autocross events can bring some
interesting weather and this one did not disappoint.
Cold, windy, and even some drizzly rain greeted the
four different run groups which totaled 134 drivers. The
Porsche Team (15 drivers) worked the first session and
drove their six runs in session three, with light drizzle
that did not seem to change conditions very much.
The new 2020 Porsche class breakdowns
seem to be working well. See
Charts_1_10_2020.pdf for car class details. The 15
Porsche drivers in attendance for this event fit into
four classes. We had two Porsche SUVs in Class P0.
Their times were close to each other, but Igor Tulandin
P0 - 'PCA Zero'
1T P0 958 Igor Tulandin Silver Cayenne GTS 58.155
2 P0 232 Gagik Farmanyan Mahogany Macan S 58.955
P1 - 'PCA 1'
1T P1 915 Mark Schnoerr Lime Green 914 55.344
2T P1 5 Ed Mayo Silver 911S 55.798
3 P1 914 Sigrid Schnoerr Lime Green 914 55.857
4 P1 76 Amir El-Baghdady Maroon 944 S2 61.809
5 P1 9 Julia Underwood Silver 911S 67.176
P2 - 'PCA 2'
1T P2 906 Carey Spreen GT Silver Boxster S 57.032
2T P2 81 Jeff Herrmann Seal Grey 996 TT 57.366
3T P2 429 Holli Coulman Carrera White Turbo Cabriolet 57.488
4 P2 47 Russ Rosenberg Grey 911 58.488
5 P2 8 Lisa Herrmann Seal Grey 996 TT 61.335
P3 - 'PCA 3'
1T P3 428 Owen Coulman Guards Red 911 GT3 55.466
2 P3 98 Dawn Marie Gray Racing Yellow Cayman S 58.821
3 P3 219 Jeff Duncan White Boxster S 63.359
photos by Robert Kirby of Lightspeed Images
(Cayenne GTS) was able to outrun Gagik Farmanyan
(Macan S) by just under a second. Interestingly, Igor
was quicker than seven of the Porsche sportscars, or
nine of them if you look at the Performance Index
(PAX) standings.
Class P1 started out a lot like the prior few years,
with the Ed Mayo 1972 911S and the Schnoerr’s 1974
914 2.0 going after each other and driving times down
each run. Mark, Ed, and Sigrid ended up covered by
just 0.513 seconds and finishing in that order.
Class P2 saw Carey Spreen in his Boxster S just
ahead of two Turbo 996 entries driven by Jeff Hermann
and Holli Coulman, with just 0.456 seconds from 1st
to 3rd place.
Class P3 saw Owen Coulman take
his 996 GT3 to the win over Dawn
Marie Gray in her newly acquired
Cayman S, and Jeff Duncan in his
newly-acquired Boxster S.
For this event, the entrants
completed 780 timed runs, averaging
111 timed runs per hour. The next
events are both at Burleson High
School: May 17 and May 24 (there
are no events in April). Novice
instruction and coaching are provided
at every event. Entries are accepted
on-line (including a pre-registration
discount) or just walk up at the event.
Carey Spreen lifting an inside wheel in his new Boxster S
18 April
Maverick Marktpreis is proudly sponsored by:
Maverick Marktpreis: 991.1
by Peter Wen
Can 2020 be the Year of Water-Cooled 911s? The
editors at Total 911 magazine certainly think so. In
their “Cars to Buy in 2020” article in issue 189/Mar
‘20, seven out of ten cars featured were water-cooled.
Specifically, they called out 991.1 Carrera/S to be of
“outstanding value for the money.”
The 991.1 was produced from 2012-2016. It was
the last non-turbo 911 generation, and the generation
that blurred the lines between sports car and grand
touring car. Data clearly shows that, compared to the
997 generation, the next generation 991.1 is a better
performance car. The 991.1 is more powerful, more
technologically advanced, has better fuel economy, and
weighs less - all while being a bigger car! It offers a
quieter and more upscale cabin with loads of creature
comforts. It’s a car you can daily-drive and take on long
trips without hesitation.
Since the 991 is the most populous 911 generation,
finding the right one does not present too great a challenge.
My brief search yielded several fine examples that have
depreciated 40~60% from the original MSRP. Truly a
great bargain for a modern, high-performance 911.
991.1 - ’12-‘16 '17-'18 ($k) '18-'19 ($k) '19-'20 ($k)
Base $60-$85 $60-$85 $55-$80
Cabriolet $65-$90 $65-$90 $60-$80
S $70-$100 $65-$95 $65-$90
S Cabriolet $75-$105 $70-$100 $65-$90
Source: Excellence magazine’s Porsche Buyer’s Guide
$RED indicates drop in value from previous year
Fun fact: The 991 was the first 911 generation equipped
with electric power steering (which replaced the
feedback-rich hydraulic steering). Purists such as Richard
Hammond bemoans that “as a result of the change, the
911 is now George Clooney without the twinkle, Cindy
Crawford without the mole”.
2014 911 Carrera S Coupe
Sold for $87,000 + $4,350 buyer fee
24k miles
PTS Mexico Blue / Black
3.8L Flat-Six
7-speed manual
Sport Chrono, exhaust,
Yellow dials/belts/calipers
2014 911 Carrera S Coupe
Sold for $66,000 + $3,300 buyer fee
23k miles
Platinum Silver / Carrera Red
3.8L Flat-Six
7-speed manual
Sport Chrono, PDCC, PASM,
premium pkg
2016 911 Carrera Coupe
Sold for $50,000 + $2,500 buyer fee
61k miles
White / Black
3.4L Flat-Six
7-speed manual
Heat/vent seats, sunroof, spare set of tires
2014 911 Carrera 50 th Anniversary Edition
Sold for $91,500 + $4,575 buyer fee
28k miles
Black / Black
3.8L Flat-Fix w/ Exclusive PowerKit
7-speed manual
Sport Chrono, PCCB, Adap. Sport seats
2012 911 Carrera S Coupe
Sold for $60,500 + $3,025 buyer fee
34k miles
Platinum Silver / Black & Platinum Silver
3.8L Flat-Six
7-speed PDK
Sport Chrono, exhaust, heat/vent seats
2014 911 Carrera 50 th Anniversary Edition
Sold for $121,125 + $6,056 buyer fee
6k miles
Geyser Grey / Agate Grey w/ Houndstooth inserts
3.8L Flat-Fix
7-speed manual
Sport Chrono, Burmester, PDCC, Sunroof
At Hagerty, our love for cars and their owners drives our
business forward, allowing us to offer you better
classic car insurance coverage for less.
Coffee, Cars & Conversation
by Bill Kruder
photos provided by author
So every month when I’m sitting
down to visit with someone I am
continually amazed at the people
I get to meet and what they share.
This month I decided to pick some
one that you all “know” well. You
know his work in the club as he
designs all our club and event ads.
For the longest time when he took
this job from Kurt Scaggs, our
Editor, I didn’t even know who he
was. I would email what I needed
and he would with in 24-48 hours
send something back to me. Finally
after months we meet face to face
at a board meeting. Still having no
idea what he drove mind you. As the
months turned into a couple years
now I have gotten to know both
him and his wife and I can tell you
they are what our club is all about.
So here is the next in my series
of “conversations” I would like to
share with you . . .
David Tierney, member since 2016
Owner 1999 911 996 cab
Bill Kruder: So where are you two
David Tierney: I was born and raised
in Elizabeth, 45 minutes from
Pittsburgh, PA, didn’t leave that
area until I graduated college.
BK: And where was that?
DT: I went to California University
known as Cal U. It’s a small school
with about 7K students, and no it’s
not in that California (laughing).
It’s in California, PA which is
only about an hour southeast
of Pittsburgh. I commuted and
worked through college living with
roommates in houses with wheels.
BK: Sounds like a story, but tell me
first what was your degree in?
DT: It’s in Advertising and
Commercial Design.
BK: How did you decide on that?
DT: I always liked to draw and my
uncle had an advertising agency in
Houston. I thought I’d take 5 years
to get a 4-year college degree, move
to Houston and work for him. The
beaches of Florida and quality time
with my brother took me south
instead. All these years later I never
made it to Houston but I did get
the chance to work with him on
freelance projects.
BK: So let’s go back to leaving
Pennsylvania, when and where?
David and Susan Tierney
DT: After graduating, I packed up
everything in my 1974 Ford stepbed
truck and journeyed to Ft.
Lauderdale, Florida to work and
live with my younger brother. For
the next year and half, we were
longshoreman loading cargo ships
at Port Everglades.
BK: Then what?
DT: The next chapter in my life…
the military. Why not, Bill Murray
made it look fun. I had neighbors
in the National Guard and they
talked me into joining the 743rd
Maintenance Unit. It was in Ft.
Lauderdale how bad could it be. So
that’s what I did and needless to say
my civilian career took me west.
BK: So how you did you end up
in Dallas?
DT: I started working for Blockbuster
corporate in Florida that moved to
Dallas, and then my advertising
career moved me L.A., Kansas, and
back to Dallas in 2014. During that
time, I was designing graphics for
Nickelodeon and Viacom Retail
Group then on to some ad agency
BK: And now?
DT: I’m the Creative Director for
Panini America. No, we don’t do
sandwiches (smiling). We are the
world’s largest maker of trading
cards much like Topps, but we do
all the sports worldwide.
BK: I know you are married, how
did you and Susan meet?
DT: It was on my first move to Dallas
in 1998. I was in lower Greenville
celebrating a friend’s birthday.
Well Susan walks over to me and
says, “didn’t we go to the same
high school” and I replied “no, not
unless you’re from Pittsburgh.”
We shared numbers and after the
“how many days to make the first
call” debate with friends, Well I
didn’t have to … Susan called me.
We were inseparable and dated for
about two years and we married
in 2000. We have a son, Shawn
who’s turning 17, a junior in high
school and he would make any
parent proud.
20 April
BK: You mentioned
something about cancer?
DT: Yep, not many people
know I’m a survivor
of Squamous Cell
Carcinoma. It happened
in 2015. I had three
surgeries, chemo, and
radiation, but happy to
say we’ve beaten it this
round and all is good.
BK: Ok first car?
DT: 1974 Chevy Malibu,
my Dad paid $200. I
worked on it everyday during high
school, then I “accidentally” lost it.
BK: First Porsche?
DT: Well heck it’s our 99 911. I
always loved them but figured I
couldn’t afford one until Susan
found this one.
BK: What was you first attraction to
DT: “Who’s the U-boat commander?”
Risky Business! That was the movie
that introduced me to Porsche. That
car was just sensational looking.
BK: So why the 996 cab?
DT: I had been driving a BMW 128
and it was totaled. The insurance
company gave us two weeks with
a rental to find a new car.
Susan started looking and
we found this one from
a private party who was
selling it to pay for his
daughter’s college. We
test drove it, had the car
checked out, and loved it.
BK: So tell me a fun fact
no one knows about you?
DT: Easy! I was an extra
in the movie “Just Cause”
with Sean Connery. They
had me as a hotel bellman.
But my brush with fame
was off camera. Sean Connery
was standing at the concierge desk
between takes and dropped his pen
and I happened to be there and
picked it up and handed it back
And there you have it…Driving
22 April
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24 April
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Visit the website for a detailed list of products.
Rick Dyer (PCA member since 1981) 972 824-2233
Maverick HPDE Track Days Program: What is it?
by Craig Janssen, Chief Driving Coach
“Floor it!” Mike was riding in my passenger seat as
my driving coach. We were exiting Big Bend corner at
MotorSport Ranch in Cresson, and a long straight was
ahead of us.
Whew. Am I allowed to floor it? We’re doing 70 mph
already! Will I be able to stop at the end of the straight
and make it through the right-hand corner in front of me?
No need to worry; Mike had it handled and guided me
calmly. We made it around the right-hand corner easily
and safely. The hook was set. It was 2004 and I went on
to spend the next 15 years attending, teaching, and now
serving on the leadership team of the Maverick PCA HPDE
Track Days program. My driving skills have improved
exponentially and perhaps even more importantly, I’ve
made fantastic friends along the way and have had an
incredible amount of fun. What started as an exploration
of what a HPDE was became a long love affair with driving
on a racetrack and helping others to learn to do the same.
With over 3,000 members in the DFW area, Maverick
PCA is a large club with a fabulous rage of activities for
members to engage in. I’ve found that many are interested
in our HPDE Track Day program or at least have heard of
it, but don’t really know what it is, how it works and what
to do to get engaged. Here is the insider story.
HPDE is the acronym for High Performance Drivers’
Education. The focus of our Maverick PCA HPDE Track
Days program is to give club members an opportunity
to drive on a racetrack in their street cars, develop their
driving skills and to do this in a safe and awesomely
fun way. We run the Maverick PCA HPDE Track Days
weekend events 4-6 times a year in the DFW area, and our
sister PCA clubs in Houston and Austin run an additional
4-6 events a year.
The vast majority of new attendees to our HPDE
Track Days events have no prior driving experience
on a racetrack and so we have designed the
program to ensure a very easy onramp to the world
of HPDEs. When you sign up, we chat to you about
your driving background and depending on your
level of experience, place you in one of four groups,
ranging from beginner to advanced.
Each group attends classroom training relevant to their
level of experience. For beginner and intermediate drivers,
we always place a highly experienced PCA approved coach
in the right seat to help you improve your driving and help
to keep you safe.
The most frequent question we are asked is “is this
like racing?” The short answer is absolutely not! This is a
driving education program with strict rules of safety and
behavior on the track. Passing among participants in all
but the advanced group, is limited to well-defined “passing
zones” on straight parts of the track, and then only with
approval from the car in front via hand signals. You only
drive as fast as you are comfortable driving or as fast as
your driving coach feels is safe. There is no pressure to be
the fastest on track and there is no “winning.” Our HPDE
Track Days program is entirely about helping you to learn
to be a better driver, having fun, and making new friends.
There is no level of prior experience required to attend
our Track Day events, although a desire to learn new
driving skills is essential, as is a desire to have a lot of fun.
And perhaps a willingness to be humbled as you learn how
much you don’t know! While many of our participants
drive Porsches ranging from Macans to GT3s, we welcome
all types of cars and you will also see Miatas, Corvettes,
and Mustangs.
We are passionate about what we do at Maverick
HPDE Track Days and get a HUGE kick out of introducing
people to the track and helping them to become better
drivers. Our HPDE Track Days programs are tremendous
fun, but don’t take that from me. Listen to what some of
our HPDE Track Day attendees say about the program:
“I was a bit intimidated to sign up as I had never been to a track and
couldn’t sleep the night before due to anticipation. However, upon
reaching the track I began to realize there were a lot of people just
like me... NEW. My instructor Peter made all of that go away and it
was THE most exhilarating, challenging, incredibly awesome thing
I have ever done. The two days are worth your time and money. I
marked my calendar for the next registration so I wouldn’t miss
the March event. Sign up and - even if it’s not for you - at the
end of the weekend you will be a better driver of your Porsche.”
- Matt
“It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life”!
- Max
“I can’t say enough about my instructor Toby. He was
excellent, a great teacher and coach”
- Joe
You can find out more information about our HPDE
Track Days program at
HPDE/. If I can answer any questions, please reach out
to me at or to Renee and Keith at de@
Feel free to drop by any of our events to come look at
the cars, watch us drive, and ask questions. You don’t
need to register if you are not driving on track; just show
up, come find us and say hi.
26 April
THE 2020
JUNE 21-27
La Quinta (Palm Springs), California
use this small one
when reproducing
less than 1/2 inch
PCA_Parade 2020_Flyer_Shevitz.indd 1
1/24/20 1:53 PM
28 April
Winter Doldrums
by Robert Turner
LMNHED (aka) my Racing Yellow 981 Cayman
S must think it’s Groundhog Day. It sits in the garage
gathering dust; different day, same routine. Wake up,
sit there. Mid-day, sit there some more. Sundown? Still
sitting there! Only difference is the amount of ambient
light in the garage. Day after day the bright yellow
Porsche sits in contrast against the stark (newly painted)
white wall. Rinse and repeat. The only variation is the
overall temp in the garage. This is winter in Texas after
all; it could be 70° one day and 22° with freezing rain
three days later.
I do have a routine: if the car goes three weeks
without getting started, I put a battery tender on
it. Oh, there’s the occasional break – for instance,
Mavs & Mochas on the second Saturday of every
month, rain or shine, hot or really cold. I must admit
LMNHED is a fair-weather Mavs & Mochas attendee
– we’ll do cold, but no rain (and it goes without saying
no snow) – which so far has not been a threat. If, by
some weird twist of North Texas weather fate, we ever
have snow, I will for sure bring the Cayenne Diesel
out; that car is built for crappy weather! So, on the
odd sunny Saturday during the winter we head out
to commiserate with other Porsche owners. It is a
great event with a great vibe with great cars and their
owners. You get the picture.
I keep thinking that spring is imminent. After all,
on this year’s actual Groundhog Day, the infamous
Punxsutawney Phil didn’t see his shadow. That means
that spring is right around the corner, right!? LMNHED
is counting on it. (Remember the “gathering dust”
part I mentioned earlier.) What LMHNED counts on
is a day above 60°, a little bit of sun, and an afternoon
with no plans; well with the exception of maybe
drinking a malted beverage – or two – and the CAR
WASH. Trust me, LMNNED doesn’t need it, but I love
washing cars. It’s one of my favorite things to do.
I have a wash routine. Griot’s car wash, a special
wash mitt from Chemical Guys, and a stack of Chemical
Guys’ soft and plush purple microfiber towels. Every
surface is wiped free of water, and then the details:
wiping every tiny edge. Free of water, LMNHED
drives the whole 20 feet back into the garage. Then I
clean the barrel and outside surface of every wheel. It is
during that process I find something. (Hey! You knew
there had to be a reason for this column, right?) I felt
the grooves of the super sticky Michelin Super Sport
S4 rear tires. They had a build date of late 2017, but
were already down to the wear bars. Crap! Actually, I
love buying tires. So, a visit to my local Discount Tire
is imminent.
So, I’m really looking forward to spring. The season
of renewal, everything green again. Well, excluding
the yellow pollen, but LMNHED hides it well. As if it
ever gets that dirty.
My wife and I are planning a spring trip to the
Texas Hill Country, a chance to celebrate spring, drive
the Three Sisters (Ranch Roads 335, 336, and 337),
my 60th (OUCH) and our 30th anniversary. (YEAH,
my wife said I better say that). But mostly we’ll enjoy
each other’s company during the best time of the year.
The tires? Time to break them in!
30 April
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We have the knowledge and experience
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We indulge the needs of the connoisseur who values unsurpassed expertise
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You can test your
knowledge (or Google
search ability) of all
things Porsche by
participating in the
monthly trivia contest
posted online at http://
Answers are due by the
last day of each month.
The winner of the trivia contest receives a $25 gift certificate
from our sponsor, Zims Autotechnik. In the case of ties, a
random drawing determines the winner.
Here are the Questions and Answers for the February
2020 Trivia. We went with a Trivia that brings Q&A this
month dealing with the 50th Anniversary 911 Porsche, and
other Miscellaneous Trivial Porsche Racing Items. The
Winner this month getting 4
of 5 Correct was Greg Kneifl.
We have to give Honorable
Mention to Tom Martin who
also got 4 of 5 Correct.
Maverick Trivia: Are you a Porschephile?
Jerry DeFeo
sponsored by Zims Autotechnik
Answers: 1)b, 2)d, 3)d, 4)c, 5)a
1. In 2015 Porsche built a limited number of a 50th Anniversary
911 Model called the 911-50 to commemorate 50 years since
they brought the 911 to America. How many did they build?
a. 911 b. 1963 c. 1965 d. 2015
Source: May 2015 Excellence, p 59
2. They were all Special Cars with certain Features. Which of
the following was NOT standard on the 911-50?
a. Wide-body from 991 Carrera 4S b. Powerkit 3.8 L Engine
c. Rear-wheel Drive d. 19” Fuchs style wheels
Source: May 2015 Excellence, p 59
3. And, which of these following Items was NOT Standard on
the 911-50? a. Gauges w/Green Letters & White Needles
b. Houndstooth Cloth Seat Inserts c. Sport Chrono Package/
PASM d. 16-mm Lower Ride Height
Source: May 2015 Excellence, p 61
4. In 1970 Porsche brought out the 911S/T Rally Car. Due to
some Rule Changes it had a little different Engine (911/20),
which included Twin-plug Ignition System, than some of the
standard 1970 911 and 911S’s known as the ______ Engine.
a. 2.2 Litre b. 2.2R Litre c. 2.3 Litre d. 2.4 Litre
Source: May 2015 Excellence, p 67
5. This same Engine in ‘Race-trim’ produced 260 HP at 8000 RPM;
however a motor in this state of tune was far too highly strung
for long distance Rally work. Thus, the Factory issued Rally
Version was detuned to a more manageable _______ HP; and
attached a 915 gearbox. a. 190 b. 205 c. 215 d. 230
Source: May 2015 Excellence, p 67
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32 April
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108 C
200 C
Ussery Printing
Printer of SliPStream
Since 1982
4201 Airborn Drive • Addison, Texas 75001
Marketing Solutions Commercial Print Logistics
Maverick March Anniversaries
50 Years
Eugene Foose (Judith)
Jerry Sutton
45 Years
Ralph Kauffman (Barbara)
35 Years
Joe McGlohen (Terry Lancy)
30 Years
Christopher Hart (Andrea)
20 Years
Keith Jones (Julie)
John Szysh (Angelia)
15 Years
Daniel Hatton (Patricia)
10 Years
Wade Andres
Dominick Farinella
David Jackson (Steve)
Scott Stubbs (Pamela)
5 Years
Marston Alexander (Claudia Herrmann)
Phillip Cavender (Kimberly)
Fred Cornwall
Charles Curtis
Michael Gilster
Renee Hayden
Leslie Kerfoot
James Martin (Andrea)
Joe Mrak
Bill Orr (Matthew Ryan)
Chris Paladino (Libby)
Shane Smith (Ronda Marie)
Sri Srikanth (Nimmy)
Russell Tarver
Daniel Zimmerman
Fort Worth
Member Moment - 10th PCA Anniversary, November 2019
Allen Myers
First Porsche
1997 Boxter
Current Porsche(s)
2010 Cayman S
Most memorable Maverick or PCA event
DE’s at the two local tracks and the “two lap drive-around” at COTA
Best thing about Porsche ownership
It’s fun experience every time you get in it
Shreveport, LA
The Colony
Flower Mound
Advertiser Index
Advertising rates available upon request.
For more information contact Mike Mahoney
Apex Automotive........................................ 31
The Ashe..................................................... 24
Attic Butlers................................................. 33
Autobahn Motorcar Group........................ B.C.
Autoscope................................................... 24
Bennett Motor Werks.................................. 32
BillyGo Plumbing and Air............................ 27
Concorso Detailing...................................... 28
deBoulle Diamond & Jewelry...................... 13
Falgout & Associates, P. C ............................ 24
Fifth Gear Motorsports................................ 36
Financial Enlightenment............................. 35
The French Room........................................ 15
Garages of Texas...................................... 6, 10
Hagerty Drivers Club............................... 9, 19
Heptig Motorsports..................................... 25
Innovative Autosports................................... 5
Invisibra...................................................... 32
Louden Motorcar Services....................... I.B.C.
Mayo Performance...................................... 21
Mullenix Motorsport................................... 16
Neiman Marcus........................................... 32
New Concepts............................................... 9
New York Life................................................ 9
The Nest...................................................... 21
OCD’tailers.................................................. 25
Onsite Tires................................................. 28
Park Place Porsche................................... I.F.C.
The Phoenix Insurance.................................. 6
Porsche Plano............................................... 7
ProTecht...................................................... 25
RAC Performance.......................................... 3
Stuart’s Paint and Body............................... 18
Tactical Fleet................................................ 14
Texas Motor Works...................................... 33
Tim Schutze Real Estate............................... 13
Ussery Printing........................................... 33
Zims Autotechnik........................................ 35
These advertisers support our
Maverick Region. Tell them you saw
their ad in Slipstream!
34 April
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Oversteer: Letter from the Editor
by Kurt Scaggs, Managing Editor
At the risk of stating the obvious, these are strange
times we’re living in today. It’s an election year and that
always ramps up the strange, but we’ve got a lot of stories
vying for our attention and fear and outrage. Well, this
will not be one of them.
I usually have a pretty good idea what I’m going to
share with you before I sit in front of the keyboard and
start pecking away. Tonight is not one of those times, so
let’s go on a trip together. Where you might ask? No clue,
we’re just going to see where this road leads.
Have you ever done that? Gotten in your car with no
particular place to go but a worm in your brain that you
need to entertain? Or forget? I certainly have. Growing
up outside of New Orleans we weren’t blessed with the
topography of the Hill Country, but we did have roads
passing through acres of tall pine trees that let the light
filter through just so. Two lane roads with ditches on
either side that demanded concentration if taken at speed.
These were the perfect places to put your worries on the
back burner and become Hans Stuck or Derek Bell. I
believe I’ve mentioned in the past that I’ve always had
an appreciation for Porsche. I just haven’t always had a
Porsche, so these roads were carved in my trusty japanese
companion, a 1985 Honda Accord hatchback. And if you
squinted in just the right light... it was still a 1985 Honda
Accord. But it was mine and that’s all that mattered.
I still feel that way, except now I realize what I’d been
missing and didn’t even know it. It wasn’t the power or
control that comes in vehicles from our favorite marque.
(my Honda had neither by the way) Rather, it was the
chance to share it with like minded folks after the drive.
That’s my favorite part of the club, and has become one
of my favorite parts of the drives too. In these days of
weirdness and division, we can get together around
something that each of us in the club can agree on. But the
cars merely get us together. They aren’t the focus at the
weekly coffee meet up I attend, they are just the catalyst.
That and the caffeine I guess.
PCA’s slogan is “It’s not just the cars, it’s the people”.
Never has that been more true for me. I hope it’s true for
you too. These things are great, but they don’t call to
check on you. They are very patient, non-judgemental
listeners if you’re so inclined, but that might be sharing
too much. Think about calling a buddy and finding a
good road or just chat about cars, it will clear your head.
Whatever you do, stay connected and enjoy the drive.
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