North Canterbury News: April 16, 2020
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Customers show support<br />
The ownersand staff at apopular<br />
Rangiora cafe are feelingthe lovefrom<br />
customersmissing them duringthe Covid<br />
19 lockdown.<br />
‘‘Customers havebeen sending<br />
messagesofsupport, buying vouchersand<br />
generallytelling us how they can’twait to<br />
come back in,’’ saysKarlHorwarth, who<br />
owns FoolsofDesireCafe (F.O.D.) in<br />
Conway Lane with fiance Elisa Leach.<br />
‘‘That customer support makesahuge<br />
difference for the team and makes us more<br />
confident aboutour chances of opening<br />
back up.’’<br />
The last few daysbeforelockdown was a<br />
‘‘crazy’’ timefor staffatthe cafe.<br />
‘‘We holdthousands of dollars worthof<br />
stock, and alot of it can’t be stored, frozen<br />
or keptfor any lengthoftime,’’ Karl says.<br />
‘‘So we put out acall to our amazing<br />
customersand they were fantastic. People<br />
were buying milk, trays of sweets, all our<br />
frozen seafood chowder.Wealso had<br />
friends and familyhelp us out by offering<br />
to store and freeze things we didn’thave<br />
room for.’’<br />
Although the cafe is closed during<br />
lockdown, the fridges and freezers have to<br />
be checked daily to ensure everything is<br />
safe.<br />
‘‘It is very strangebeinginanempty<br />
cafe,’’ Karl says. ‘‘Weare really looking<br />
forward to reopeningwhenever that will<br />
be. The wholeteam will tell you that they<br />
really miss each other, the customersand<br />
the buzz we normallyhave everyday at the<br />
cafe.’’<br />
The Government’s Covid19 wage<br />
subsidy schemehas been a‘‘lifesaver’’ for<br />
the cafe.<br />
‘‘We found it quick and easytoaccess<br />
and received the grant within afew days of<br />
applying,’’ Karlsays.‘‘Without it we would<br />
have had to make staff redundant.’’<br />
The is keepingbusy during<br />
lockdown doingtraining courses online in<br />
food hygiene, alcohol management and<br />
hospitality, while amentor is due to speak<br />
Lockdown ... Elisa Leach, coowner of Rangiora’s Fools of Desire Cafe, about to leave the<br />
cafe after closing for the last time before the Covid19 lockdown.<br />
with staff during the nextfew weeks.<br />
Head chefMelissa Dealy is working<br />
online withher teamtodevelop new<br />
kitchensystemsand menuitems.<br />
In addition, the managementteam is in<br />
regularcontact to discuss strategy and<br />
ideas, Karlsays.<br />
Customers wanting to purchase agift<br />
vouchertosupport F.O.D., ‘‘or any of their<br />
favourite cafes’’, can do so via the website<br />, Karlsays.<br />
F.O.D. giftvouchers can also be<br />
purchased at<br />
‘‘Buyingagift voucher will allow us to<br />
get ahead start once we open and giveus<br />
some revenuetobuy stock. However, we<br />
are aware that manypeopleare suffering,<br />
so as much as we lovethe support we only<br />
want peopletopurchase vouchersifthey<br />
can afford it.’’<br />
NEWS<br />
<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong> <strong>News</strong>, <strong>April</strong> <strong>16</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
Tips lead<br />
to arrest<br />
5<br />
An offduty officer in Cheviot has taken a<br />
wanted offender off the streets thanksto<br />
tips from locals.<br />
The officer, who was on his dayoff,<br />
started receiving callsfrom locals who<br />
saw the driver of ablack ute acting<br />
suspiciously in the township.They had<br />
information to suggest theute might have<br />
been involved in recent local burglaries.<br />
The officer found the vehicle, which<br />
had been reported stolen, that evening<br />
near the intersection of Nonoti and<br />
Domett Roads,Cheviot.<br />
The driverfailedtostop.<br />
Apursuitbegan,and the vehiclewas<br />
tracked out towards Gore Bay, where<br />
contact waslost.<br />
The vehicle was found10minutes later<br />
having been abandonedonGore Bay<br />
Road.Adog unit tracked the offender,<br />
who was arrested.<br />
A28yearold man hasappearedin<br />
Christchurch DistrictCourt on several<br />
charges,including failing to stop, driving<br />
whiledisqualified and dangerous<br />
driving, as wellasdishonesty offences,<br />
including burglary.<br />
He is next due to appear on <strong>April</strong>20.<br />
<strong>Canterbury</strong> RuralArea Commander,<br />
Inspector Peter Cooper, commended the<br />
localofficer, saying they had aspecial<br />
relationship withtheir communities.<br />
‘‘They’re usually wellknown and<br />
relied on, and we know theyoften go<br />
aboveand beyond even on days off to<br />
make sure their communityissafe and<br />
feelssafe.<br />
‘‘Butthat relationship goes two ways,<br />
and we are truly appreciative of the local<br />
people who saw something they knew<br />
wasn’t right, and made sure they let us<br />
know,’’ Inspector Coopersays.<br />
‘‘Stories like this demonstrate the<br />
powerofusall working together to hold<br />
offenderstoaccount.’’<br />
Help available for Kaikoura businesses<br />
Ahelping hand is available to<br />
businessesinthe Kaikouraarea<br />
to help them through the next<br />
few months.<br />
Enterprise <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
(ENC) has contracted Mel<br />
Skinner for 12 weeks as an<br />
additional business support<br />
resource in the Kaikoura region.<br />
Her appointment was made<br />
possible through the Regional<br />
BusinessPartner (RBP) Covid<br />
19 Advisory Funding allocated<br />
by the Government.<br />
She will support Miles Dalton<br />
and Guy Graham, of ENC,<br />
working with Kaikoura<br />
businesses to help identify key<br />
areas wheresupport is needed<br />
to enable an enhanced recovery<br />
from the Covid19 lockdown.<br />
If Kaikoura businessesmeet<br />
RBP criteria, eligiblefirms will<br />
be able to access arange of<br />
approved supportservicesin<br />
the following areas:<br />
Human resources: Challenges<br />
with Covid19related employmentlaw<br />
obligations around<br />
restructuring, redundancyand<br />
change of work hours.<br />
Business continuity planning:<br />
Support creating contingency<br />
plans to help businessesget<br />
through the nextfew months<br />
and build team readiness.<br />
Financeand cashflow<br />
management: Adviceand<br />
support around cashflow,<br />
payrolland accounts.<br />
Health and wellness:<br />
Understanding how to deliver<br />
positive messaging, stay<br />
connected, and access<br />
programmes.<br />
To be considered for funding,<br />
Kaikourabusinesses willneed<br />
to have met with Mel, registered<br />
on the RBP platform, and will<br />
need criteria that include<br />
having fewer than50full time<br />
equivalent employees, be GSTregistered,<br />
and beingprivately<br />
ownedoraqualifyingMaori<br />
trust. To learn more, email:<br /><br />
Mel Skinner<br />
Send us your Home School photos!<br />
The<strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><strong>News</strong>invites readers<br />
to send their favouritepic from their home<br />
schooling.<br />
Selected pics will be published in the NC <strong>News</strong><br />
and on our<br />
Please send ahigh resolution jpg by noon,<br />
Monday, <strong>April</strong> 20 to