North Canterbury News: April 16, 2020
VIEWS 6 North Canterbury News, April 16, 2020 In the Electoratewith MattDoocey MP forWaimakariri Authorised by MattDoocey,Level1ConwayLane,188 High Street,Rangiora. Efforts of essential workers ‘humbling’ I’ve been greatly moved by the individual stories of how our community is being impacted by Covid19. Since the country moved into lockdown Ihave been workingalongside anumberofour residents, families, community groups and businesses to support them during this challenging time. If Ican help you, please do get in touch on (03) 327 0514 or (03) 310 7468, or email In adifficult time like this it’s important to me to be as accessible as possible to help. My teamand Iare working virtually from home—we’re set up ready to respond andconnectwith you by phoneoremail. Ihave alsobeenhumbled by the commitment to supporting our community from our essential workers, our resthome workers, our farmers, our supermarket checkout operators, our medical professionals and our emergency responders, to nameafew. Thank you for everything you continue to do to keep ourcommunity safe and well. That’s why when local health professionals reached out to me in desperation after staff were being abused by frustrated patients while their hands were tied waiting on supplies of flu vaccines and Covid19 tests, Iwas happy to help. After Ipublished their openletter, local GP practices have had their cancelled flu vaccine backorders reinstated and, in many cases, delivered, and alocal Covid19 Community Based Directory set up Food and beverage producers in the Waimakariri, Hurunui and Kaikoura districts are being invited to register theirbusiness on anew North Canterbury Food and Beverage Directory to help connect the community withlocal products. Initially the directory will be published on the Enterprise North Canterbury website, and will start with promoting businessesthatare operational during the Level4lockdown. This willbegrowers, producers and some manufacturers. Following the lockdown, additional businesseswill be invited to list, such as cafes and restaurants. Laterinthe year, the information willbe transferred to anew NorthCanterbury Food and Beverage website that will feature business profiles, stories, and an interactivemap. To register on the Food and Beverage directory go to 200907167644861. Assessment Centre (CBAC)has opened in Waimakariri for testing of residents. More importantly, local health professionals have reported thatthe occurrences of abuse and harassment that they were experiencing from patients who were frustrated with not being able to access either aflu vaccine or Covid19 test due to alack of availability, has greatlyreduced. Last week, Iwrote to Minister Phil Twyford to seek an urgent review of the decision to closesome local food produce shops in Waimakariri. Ihave been contacted by several local residents andbusinesses who are concerned their local food produce shop has been forced to close, suchasVege’n Out in Woodend. While Iaccept thereneeds to be some closing of foodproduce shops for public health and safety, what is not acceptable is the closing of the only food produce shop in atown, forcing residents to drive to another town in search of food. Since advocating for this review,I have beeninformed that several of our local food produce shops have now been given the green light to openina contactless and safe environment. Nextweek is ANZAC Day and with services across the country cancelled, I’m backing the RSA’s call to #StandAtDawn. Instead of gettinguptoattend Kaiapoi’s dawn service as we normally would, we can go downtoour gate and stand andobserve one minute’s silence at 6am. We will remember them. Waimakariri Focus from Dan Gordon, Mayor Lockdown was abold call, but the right one We arenow three weeksonfromthe start of the lockdown. Ihopethat you,your familyand allinyourbubbleare OK. It has beenachallenging time as we haveall learnttoadjust.Wewill all probablyhave thebestlookinggardens, tidiestgarages,and befitter as aresult of gettingout for exercise. Imissed seeingfamilymembers with Easter just gone. Itwasabold decision to takeourcountryinto lockdown. It has been theright decision when we see how other countries have handled the virus and thenumber of casesand deaths. The business of the council has continued,withall staff transitioningto workingfrom home. Wehave become accustomed tousing technologies such as video conferencing and theuse of Zoom.Ispendalot of time on Zoom calls.Ihaveadailymeetingwith councilmanagementwho have held meetings with theirteamsand fed any issuestobeaddressed throughtothis. Ialso have callswithratepayers and weekly calls withcouncillors, Canterbury Civil Defence,Canterburymayorsand WaimakaririMPMattDoocey. Keeping connected through thisperiod hasbeen important, as has beenhelping people with theirissues and connecting people with the rightservice. Weare here to help and Iwelcome contact fromanyone who needs help. Email me at The useoftechnology has taught us we can be more efficientwithour use of time andI’m surethat the useoftechnology willbecomeevenmorecommon. We understand that people are feeling uncertainaboutthe future,and the next ratesinstalmentisdue out soon. Wewantyou to knowthat thereare several ways thatwecan helpyou, including deferral. Pleaseget in touch by emailon office@wmk.govt.nzorphone0800 965468 so we canworkout asolution that works for you. We can’t do anything about the current rates amount asthey areset, butwecan changenextyear’sand future rates. As mayor andcouncillors, we have asked staff to reviewbudgets. This week we are holding aworkshop to lookacross the boardwheresavings canbefound. Followingthis, we will be in aposition to let you knowour thinking. Iunderstand thatthe communitywants us to keepthe rates as low as possible, especiallyatthisuncertain time. The councilhas an Emergency Operations Centre running. If youknow anyone needing support please getin contact onoffice@wmk.govt.nzor0800 965468. The councilhas supportedthe Canterbury District Health Board and local GPs in supplying theHockey Pavilion at Coldstream Road for aCovid 19 CommunityBasedAssessment Centre (CBAC) for the testing of residents. Iwould like to thankallessential workers forall that theyhavebeen doing to supportour community. It is important thatweallcontinue to staycalm, stayhome, follow the rules and be kind and take careofeachother. Together, united, we willbeatthisvirus. Find family and friends in museum collection Cantabrians withaninterest in family historyare being called on to help CanterburyMuseum during thelockdown. The museum wants to identify people and placesinthousands of photographs takenbyNew Zealand's longestrunning photography studio, Standish and Preece. Aproject to digitise and cataloguethe imageshas been underway since 2019. The first batch of about32,000 photos has just been uploaded to the Collections Onlinearea of the museum’s website. Here, people can helpbyaddingtheirown knowledgeaboutpeople and places. FrankStandish and Alfred Preece founded the studio in Christchurch in 1885.While their partnership lasted only five years, the business operated until 2011, closing down after the Canterburyearthquakes. Its photographers captured a multitudeoffaces and the social history of Christchurch for more than 126 years.Many of the photographs are individual or family portraits but they also include school groups, sports teams, weddings and corporate events. Fashion trends,changing demographics and eventhe growth and development of Christchurch's architectural heritage can be seen across the decades.Thereare racy images (whichmay not makeitonline), cute images and the downright weird. Standish and Preece gave their photographicnegativesdating up to the 1960s —about36,000 images —tothe museum in 1992. Another39,000 photographs dating from 1960 until the studio’s closurein2011 weredonated to the museum in 2017 by John Hunter,the lastowner of the business. Three fulltime staffmembers began scanning and cataloguing the negativesin2019. The threeyear projecthas been funded by the Lottery GrantsBoardand from abequestbyformer honorary museum curatorRose Reynolds. The collection of 75,000 images willbeuploaded to Collections Online in batches every fewmonths. Many images came with a recordofthe name of the group, organisationorfamily, but not the individuals in the image. The museum hopes the public will be able to supplymore details. Special projects curatorDan Stirland,who is managing the undertaking,says any extra information will make the collection moreusefulinfuture. ‘‘We’d really like people to browse through the images, hopefully see some faces they Canterbury history online ... One of the many thousands of images awaiting names and details. PHOTO: SUPPLIED recognise and supply the Museum withnamesand stories via the Collections Online commentsbox,’’ he says. In thefuture, thisinformation couldbeused to help peoplefind photos of relativesand be useful to familyand socialhistory researchers. Humanhistory curator Dr Jill Haleysaysthe collection is a windowinto lifeinCanterbury through the decades. There are somequirkyimages, like portraits of people’spets. ‘‘We’dlove to know more about any and all of them —even the names of the pets!’’ The collection is online at: collection.canterburymuseum. com/highlights/23/objects? limit=25.
External Agencies-Who doItalkto? Communities can be affected by emergencies in different ways, and may need different types of welfare services, including the following (but not limited to): Please call the Canterbury Welfare Call Centre 0800 24 24 11 MONEY CONCERNS Mortgages -people should get in touch with their MinistryofSocial Development (WINZ) Visit 0800 559 009 and redundancy Wage Subsidy 0800 40 80 40 LOCAL BUSINESS CONTINUITY FOOD SHORTAGES Waikari Foodbank: Call 03 314 2044 or 027 448 6594 AmberleyFoodbank: Call 03 314-7464 or email Inspire Your PantryFood Rescue: Call 03 314-6950 or 027-210-2917 or email Hanmer Springs Pop-Up Food Bank, Hanmer Springs Business Association: Call 027 929 7299 RURALSUPPORT GENERAL WELLBEING OF PEOPLE Call 03 310 6375 Their mission: We provide quality services that respond effectively to existing and emerging social and community needs. Theycan assist with counselling services and connections to other agencies for vulnerable people. FAMILYVIOLENCE Enterprise North Canterbury Visit Call 03 327 3135 or email CHILDREN Worried achild is unsafe? Oranga Tamariki Call 0508 326 459 or email Talking with Children about COVID-19 Save the Children Supportand Information Visit Home Schooling Advice MinistryofEducation Visit Questions about Child &BabyHealth Plunketline Call 0800 933 922 HEALTH ADVICE AND SELFISOLATION Healthline Call 0800 358 5453 MinistryofHealth Visit COVID-19 QUESTIONS New Zealand Government COVID-19 Team Visit Visit Call 0800 787 254 Rural SupportTrust -Supporting rural people relationships, and work pressures) ANIMAL WELFARE Concerns about Welfare MinistryofPrimaryIndustries Call 0800 008 333 VetrinaryServices&COVID-19 Service: NZ VetrinaryAssociation Visit ACCOMMODATION TemporaryAccommodation Service at the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment Call 0508 754 163 INTERNATIONAL VISITORS Help with Travel Bookings i-SITE -Visit Visa Concerns Immigration New Zealand Call 0508 558 855 or visit Embassy Details MinistryofForeign Affairs and Trade Visit Visit Reportnon urgent issues via 105 In an emergency always call 111 Family violence ANXIETY, DISTRESS OR MENTALWELLBEING NationalTelehealth Service Free text or call 1731 PRESBYTERIAN SUPPORT Visit Call 0800 477 874 Collectively,the Presbyterian Supportorganisations are one of the largest providers of social and health services in the country. We work with older people, people with disabilities, families at risk, children and young people. NOT SURE WHO TOTALK TO? Government Helpline Call 0800 779 997 Hurunui District Council |66Carters Road, Amberley7410 |03314 8816 |
- Page 1 and 2: FREE! FREE! Thursday,April 16,2020
- Page 3 and 4: NEWS North Canterbury News, April 1
- Page 5: Customers show support By SHELLEY T
- Page 9 and 10: Living atAlert Level 4 Thursday16Ap
- Page 11 and 12: Winning trio eye big final By DAVID
- Page 13 and 14: COMMUNITY NOTICEBOARD APRIL 16 2020
- Page 15 and 16: Denture Clinic AFFORDABLEDENTURE CL
External Agencies-Who doItalkto?<br />
Communities can be affected by<br />
emergencies in different ways, and<br />
may need different types of welfare<br />
services, including the following<br />
(but not limited to):<br />
Please call the <strong>Canterbury</strong> Welfare<br />
Call Centre 0800 24 24 11<br />
Mortgages -people should get in touch with their<br />
<br />
MinistryofSocial Development (WINZ)<br />
Visit<br />
0800 559 009<br />
and redundancy<br />
Wage Subsidy 0800 40 80 40<br />
Waikari Foodbank:<br />
Call 03 314 2044 or 027 448 6594<br />
AmberleyFoodbank:<br />
Call 03 314-7464 or email<br />
Inspire Your PantryFood Rescue:<br />
Call 03 314-6950 or 027-210-2917<br />
or email<br />
Hanmer Springs Pop-Up Food Bank,<br />
Hanmer Springs Business Association:<br />
Call 027 929 7299<br />
GENERAL WELLBEING OF PEOPLE<br /> Call 03 310 6375<br />
Their mission: We provide quality services<br />
that respond effectively to existing and emerging<br />
social and community needs.<br />
Theycan assist with counselling services and connections<br />
to other agencies for vulnerable people.<br />
Enterprise <strong>North</strong> <strong>Canterbury</strong><br />
Visit<br />
Call 03 327 3135<br />
or email <br />
Worried achild is unsafe?<br />
Oranga Tamariki<br />
Call 0508 326 459 or email<br />
Talking with Children about COVID-19<br />
Save the Children Supportand Information<br />
Visit<br />
Home Schooling Advice<br />
MinistryofEducation<br />
Visit<br />
Questions about Child &BabyHealth<br />
Plunketline<br />
Call 0800 933 922<br />
Healthline<br />
Call 0800 358 5453<br />
MinistryofHealth<br />
Visit<br />
New Zealand Government COVID-19 Team<br />
Visit<br />
Visit<br />
Call 0800 787 254<br />
Rural SupportTrust -Supporting rural people<br />
<br />
relationships, and work pressures)<br />
Concerns about Welfare<br />
MinistryofPrimaryIndustries<br />
Call 0800 008 333<br />
VetrinaryServices&COVID-19<br />
Service: NZ VetrinaryAssociation<br />
Visit<br />
TemporaryAccommodation Service at the Ministry<br />
of Business, Innovation and Employment<br />
Call 0508 754 <strong>16</strong>3<br />
Help with Travel Bookings<br />
i-SITE -Visit<br />
Visa Concerns<br />
Immigration New Zealand<br />
Call 0508 558 855<br />
or visit<br />
Embassy Details<br />
MinistryofForeign Affairs and Trade<br />
Visit<br />
Visit<br />
Reportnon urgent issues via 105<br />
In an emergency always call 111<br />
Family violence<br /><br />
NationalTelehealth Service<br />
Free text or call 1731<br />
Visit Call 0800 477 874<br />
Collectively,the Presbyterian Supportorganisations are<br />
one of the largest providers of social and health services<br />
in the country. We work with older people, people with<br />
disabilities, families at risk, children and young people.<br />
Government Helpline<br />
Call 0800 779 997<br />
Hurunui District Council |66Carters Road, Amberley7410 |03314 88<strong>16</strong> |