North Canterbury News: April 16, 2020

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Living atAlert Level 4<br />

Thursday<strong>16</strong><strong>April</strong>Update<br />

Todayisthe first dayofweekfouratAlertLevel4.<br />

We know this is atrying time, so remember to ask forhelp<br />

if youneedit. Be kind and supporteach other.<br />

CanIsee my doctor forthings that arenot<br />

relatedtoCOVID-19?<br />

Yes. It’s importantthatyou do notneglect other health issues just<br />

because they arenot related to COVID-19. Don’t hold off or wait<br />

untilyou feel worse. Our health systemisopen and running and<br />

ready to help.Healthline is free and available 24 hours aday,<br />

7daysaweek on 0800 358 5453.<br />

Howcan Isee amedical professionaltodiscuss<br />

my health concerns?<br />

Start by calling your familydoctor.They canadvise you on next<br />

steps to take, and if aconsultation can takeplaceover thephone<br />

or if youshould visit them. If youdovisit,they will ensureyour<br />

safety while youare there.<br />

Whyisexerciseallowed?<br />

There areveryfew exceptions to staying home, but exercise is one<br />

of them. Goingfor awalk, runorbikerideisgoodfor yourphysical<br />

and mental health. Justremember to:<br />

• stayclose to home. Enjoy your neighbourhood, butgonofurther<br />

• gobyyourself, or only withthose youlivewith<br />

• keepa2-metre distancefromothers.<br />

What can IdoifIexperience, or know someone<br />

whoisexperiencing,violenceathome?<br />

If you’re notsafeathome, it’s okaytoleave your bubble to ask for<br />

help.Ifyou have to leave, youcan contact afriend or neighbour.<br />

Call 111 as soon as youcan. If you aresafe, remember thatyou can<br />

keepaneye-out forfriendsand neighbours.Ifyou have concerns<br />

about ayoung person, call 0508 FAMILY (0508 326 459).<br />

Wherecan Iseek helpifI’m feeling<br />

overwhelmed?<br />

If you feel you arenot coping,itisimportant to seek help and<br />

professionalsupport.Your family doctor is agood starting point.<br />

Forsupportwithgrief,anxiety, distress or mental wellbeing,you<br />

canalsocall ortext the ‘Need to talk?’ serviceon1737.This is free,<br />

and available24hoursaday,7days aweek. It givesyou thechance<br />

to talk with atrained counsellor.<br />

Is theresomewhereIcan access tools to help<br />

me throughfeelings of anxiety?<br />

Anew mental health campaign, ‘Getting through together’ishere<br />

to help New Zealanderscarefor their mental healthduring<br />

COVID-19. Formoreinformation go to Covid19.govt.nz.Italso<br />

includes tips forparents or caregiverswho want to discuss mental<br />

health and wellbeing with primary-school aged children.<br />

Howcan Ishowmysupportand kindness<br />

towardsothers?<br />

Be kind. If yousee someone out andabout,try nottojudge them.<br />

RememberthatmostNew Zealandersare doing their bit, and are<br />

probably justgetting exercise or picking up supplies. Justmake<br />

sureyou keep a2-metredistance, smile and wavebut please don’t<br />

stoptochat.<br />

Whocan IcontactifIseepeoplenot<br />

followingthe rulesonself-isolation?<br />

Youcan tell thePolice by completing the online form at<br />

105.police.govt.nz.Wherepossible, trytokeep the phones<br />

free forthose thatneedthem in an emergency.<br />

Thank youparents<br />

Aspecial thank you to all parents and caregivers. Term 2started yesterday<br />

–led by youathome. We appreciate you working around the clocktocare<br />

forNew Zealand’schildren, keepingthemsafeand healthy.<br />

Gotquestions?<br />

Find the answersfaster at Covid19.govt.nz

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