Modern Symbolist catalogue

This catalogue was made by Liba WS for the Modern Symbolist Show hosted by Krab Jab Studios in Seattle in 2017. The show was curated by Krab Jab's Julie Baroh and Dreams and Divinities' Liba WS.

This catalogue was made by Liba WS for the Modern Symbolist Show hosted by Krab Jab Studios in Seattle in 2017. The show was curated by Krab Jab's Julie Baroh and Dreams and Divinities' Liba WS.


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Gromyko Semper


Symbols are like words. We arrange them interchangeably to convey our thoughts, emotions,

hopes, dreams, and aspirations. The same hold true with Symbolist Art. It is this and more. Whilst

words have the power to “inspire and create”, symbols, when used in Art gives us something

more…something deeper than the written word. A symbolist uses Symbols to convey something

transcendent, something that fathoms deeper realms of existences.

A Symbolist is a gardener of exotic plants, each with a different bloom and foliage that exudes a sense

of marvel and inspiration. They create worlds beyond worlds, and beings imbued with Spirit and Love.

They are the antithesis of contemporary artistic explorations which succumb into the negative aspects

of the Psyche.

The Symbolist is like a shaman, a Healer, a Visionary, a Mystic Prophet revealing something that can

unite humans to free ourselves from greed, power, war, and inequality. They preserves and conserve

what is vital, that which is creative, the side of us that is transcendentally Spiritual, that which makes

us humans.

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