VGB PowerTech - International Journal for Generation and Storage of Electricity and Heat. Issue 11 (2019). Technical Journal of the VGB PowerTech Association. Energy is us! Power plant operation: legal & technology. Pumped hydro storage. Latent heat storages.

VGB PowerTech - International Journal for Generation and Storage of Electricity and Heat. Issue 11 (2019).
Technical Journal of the VGB PowerTech Association. Energy is us!
Power plant operation: legal & technology. Pumped hydro storage. Latent heat storages.


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<strong>VGB</strong> PowerTech <strong>11</strong> l <strong>2019</strong><br />

Editorial<br />

The Green Deal of the new EU Commission<br />

A further great challenge for power generation<br />

Ladies and Gentlemen,<br />

On <strong>11</strong> December <strong>2019</strong>, the<br />

European Commission presented<br />

the “European Green<br />

Deal “*, a roadmap to make<br />

the Community economy<br />

sustainable. The challenges<br />

of climate and environmental<br />

protection are to be shaped<br />

as opportunities for all policy<br />

areas and the transition is<br />

to be fair and shaped jointly<br />

with all those involved. EU<br />

President Ursula von der Leyen<br />

accompanied the publication<br />

with the words: “The European Green Deal is our new<br />

growth strategy – for growth that gives us more back than it<br />

takes away ...”. EU Vice-President Frans Timmermanns noticed:<br />

“We are in a climate and environmental emergency.<br />

The European Green Deal is an opportunity to improve the<br />

health and well-being of our people by transforming our economic<br />

model....”.<br />

The Green Deal presented includes a roadmap with measures<br />

to promote the efficient use of resources. The future economy<br />

is to be transformed into a clean and circular-oriented system,<br />

climate change is to be halted, biodiversity preserved<br />

and pollution reduced. It is also essential that the roadmap<br />

and subsequent measures cover all economic sectors, namely<br />

transport, energy, agriculture and buildings, as well as the<br />

steel, cement, information and telecommunications sectors,<br />

the textile and chemical industries.<br />

Key points concerning the energy/electricity sector in the 24-<br />

page document can be summarised as follows:<br />

––<br />

Timeline<br />

The Commission will propose a European climate<br />

law in March 2020 to incorporate the climate neutrality<br />

target for 2050 into Community legislation.<br />

By summer 2020, the EU will present an impact assessment<br />

to revise the greenhouse gas reduction target for 2030 (50<br />

to 55 %).<br />

––<br />

EU climate target and emissions trading system<br />

The Commission will propose a revision of the EU Energy<br />

Tax Directive. It will focus on environmental aspects and<br />

allow the European Parliament and the Council to adopt<br />

proposals in this area by qualified majority rather than unanimity<br />

under the ordinary legislative procedure.<br />

––<br />

National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs)<br />

Member States will present their revised energy and climate<br />

plans by the end of <strong>2019</strong>. The Commission will assess<br />

the objectives of the plans and the need for additional<br />

measures if the level of the objectives is insufficient. This<br />

will feed into the process of increasing the climate targets<br />

for 2030, for which the Commission will review the relevant<br />

legislation by June 2021 and revise it if necessary.<br />

––<br />

Energy efficiency and smart market integration<br />

Priority will be given to energy efficiency. The European energy<br />

market should be fully integrated, networked and digitised,<br />

while maintaining technological neutrality. Decarbonised<br />

gases are to be increasingly used in the gas sector.<br />

––<br />

Transport<br />

Achieving climate neutrality requires a 90% reduction in<br />

transport emissions by 2050. In 2020, the Commission<br />

will adopt a strategy for sustainable and intelligent mobility<br />

that meets this challenge and addresses all sources of<br />

emissions. The development of electromobility, including<br />

the necessary infrastructure, will be important.<br />

––<br />

Financing and innovation<br />

The Commission proposes a target of 25% of the EU budget<br />

for climate action and will present a European Sustainable<br />

Investment Plan to mobilise up to €1,000 billion over the<br />

next 10 years. Innovations for climate action under Horizon<br />

Europe will account for 35% of the budget.<br />

Following the “World Energy Outlook” with its scenarios for<br />

global energy supply summarised and commented on here in<br />

the last editorial, the EU Commission is currently positioning<br />

itself even more ambitiously for the EU states on climate<br />

and environmental issues as well as energy supply. From the<br />

roadmap it can be generally seen that from earlier considerations<br />

on climate and environmental issues and a fixation<br />

solely on the energy sector, often only electricity generation,<br />

this is seen as a comprehensive social challenge. For the implementation<br />

of the goals, it remains the case that the technological<br />

component will remain the decisive factor in the<br />

implementation. Whether with higher efficiency and better<br />

environmental protection of existing technologies or even<br />

completely new technologies is not yet answered. There is<br />

unlikely to be one solution. Many individual solutions as a<br />

whole are more likely and technology neutrality in development<br />

and application as well as respect for and consideration<br />

of aspects of energy supply security and social components<br />

should not give way to daily guiding principles.<br />

Dipl.-Ing. Christopher Weßelmann<br />

Editor in Chief, <strong>VGB</strong> PowerTech<br />

Essen, Germany<br />

* The European Green Deal: https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/info/files/<br />

european-green-deal-communication_en.pdf<br />

https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_19_6691<br />


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