The Woman's Exchange-3

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Responsibility fo the President, Board of

Directors, Committee Chairpersons

Refer to Article VI, Section 3A of the By Laws

which state "The Board of Directors shall

authorize the expenditure of all funds for

the normal operation fo the organization",

and Article VIII, Section A, which states "The

Executive Committee may act for the Board

of Directors between meetings as


A. "Normal Operation" means those items

which occur on a monthly basis such as

utility bills, telephone bills, employee

payroll, etc.

B. Required repairs of air conditioning,

sprinkler system, broken dish washer, ice

machine, etc. will be authorized by the

House Chairperson after reviewing the cost

of the repair with the House Treasurer and

notifying the President. Quotes from

vendors should be requested and received in

writing prior to the repair taking place, if

possible. These will be considered "Normal

Operation", as well.

C. Committee Chairs will be given budgets

which will assist in managing the normal

operation of the budgets. Exceptions to the

budget will be discussed with the House

Treasurer and the President and changes

made as required. Those exceptions will be

reviewed with the Board of Directors, or the

Executive Committee. In the event of an

emergency the President will be notified.

D. The Shop Committee will be authorized

to expend funds for merchandise and

supplies. At least one trip to market will be

taken yearly. Approval of funds for The

Woman's Exchange Gift Shop will be

through the Gift Shop Treasurer or

Committee Chairperson.

E. For reimbursement, all receipts for

budgeted expenses must be attached to a

check request form and placed in the

appropriate Treasurer's folder.

F. Each year The Woman's Exchange will be

represented at the Federation of Woman's

Exchanges' annual meeting. Our delegate

will be the Consignor Chair or her designee.

Other members may attend and be

reimbursed depending on funds available.

G. Expenses, other than for normal

operation, must be presented to the Board

of Directors for approval at the monthly

Board meeting, or to the Executive


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