Ashburton Courier: April 23, 2020
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Council leads<br />
recovery plan<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Mayor Neil Brown will<br />
likely chair alocal economic recovery<br />
advisory groupthat will include Mid<br />
Canterbury people representing<br />
eight different sectors including<br />
agriculture, retail and hospitality.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Councillors<br />
will meet today to talk about their<br />
response to Covid19 and council<br />
economic development manager<br />
Bevan Rickerby has proposed a<br />
special advisory group to assist and<br />
support the district throughthe<br />
pandemic cycle.<br />
Mr Rickerby said the district was<br />
in alockdown response phase but<br />
would movenext to aresilience<br />
stage.<br />
‘‘In an economic sense, businesses<br />
will be focused on rebuildingand<br />
maintaining cash flows and jobs.<br />
‘‘Council as an organisation is<br />
clearly involved in itsown right, but<br />
there is also arole for support,<br />
facilitation and empathy with the<br />
business sector to ensure thereisa<br />
smooth transitionback to full<br />
employment.’’<br />
He said the phase after resilience<br />
would be the ‘‘return to capacity’’<br />
phase as industrysectors rebuilt.<br />
‘‘Thefinal phase, which is<br />
envisaged to be at least two to three<br />
years away, will be the new norm and<br />
what that is goingtolook likewill<br />
take visionary thinking.’’<br />
Mr Rickerby said in the resilience<br />
phase, council needed to involve<br />
meats<br />
Make shopping easy<br />
those in the community that had<br />
vision and understanding of their<br />
particular sectors.<br />
He has suggested aCovid19<br />
economic recovery advisorygroup to<br />
be led by the mayor. It could also<br />
include council chief executive<br />
HamishRiach, the economic<br />
development manager, iwi<br />
representation and reps from sectors<br />
involved in agriculture,<br />
infrastructure, construction,<br />
contracting, tourism,retail,<br />
hospitality and transport.<br />
Infometrics and the Canterbury<br />
Employers Chamber of Commerce<br />
could also be invited.<br />
Mr Rickerby said given the impact<br />
of Covid19 on many Mid<br />
Canterbury businesses, council’s role<br />
extended beyondthe more<br />
traditional infrastructure and welfare<br />
response and included supporting a<br />
wider economic, social, cultural and<br />
environmental recovery, working<br />
with key sectorsand agencies.<br />
It wouldbethe biggest challenge<br />
Mid Canterbury would face ‘‘in our<br />
lifetimes,’’ he said.<br />
Councillors will vote on<br />
establishing the advisory group<br />
today.<br />
Council has been told by asenior<br />
economist that the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
District will be in abetter position<br />
than most other regions postCovid<br />
19.<br />
See Page4<br />
The Tinwald Tavern’s reopening was thwarted by Covid-19.<br />
Planning for postcovid cheer<br />
By Mick Jensen<br />
Amajor refurbishment and refit<br />
project at the Tinwald Tavern<br />
complex was just two weeks away<br />
from completion when the<br />
coronavirus lockdown halted<br />
everything.<br />
For business owner Greg King<br />
the timing couldn’t have been<br />
worse. It means the prospect of an<br />
uncertain future for him and staff.<br />
Mr King, who took over running<br />
the tavern, bottle store and motels<br />
in September 2017, has invested<br />
heavily in the tavern<br />
refurbishment, which includes a<br />
new conference/function centre<br />
and anew, relocated restaurant.<br />
Building owner, the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Licensing Trust, has also invested<br />
$1 million plus into roofing and<br />
other repair work.<br />
‘‘Just about now we were looking<br />
at reopening and unveiling anewlook<br />
tavern with abright future.<br />
‘‘I’ve invested profits back into<br />
the business for the refit and the<br />
trust has looked after the outside.’’<br />
Mr King predicts tough times<br />
ahead for his business and many<br />
others.<br />
Continued Page 3<br />
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Page 2, <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>April</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
Build customers,<br />
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Kim plans to serve up coffee fix<br />
Some Mid Canterbury cafes are preparing<br />
for alert level 3restrictions that will allow<br />
them to sell coffee and take away food in a<br />
contactless way.<br />
Taste Cafe owner Kim Baynes said a<br />
number of her customers had shown akeen<br />
interest in the service and areturn to their<br />
coffee fix.<br />
Ms Baynes said she was busy working on<br />
setting up awebsite that would allow online<br />
ordering and payment options.<br />
She hoped it would be operational by<br />
Tuesday when restrictions dropped to alert<br />
level 3.<br />
She would look at providing areduced<br />
menu and her staff would operate in teams to<br />
adhere to social distancing rules.<br />
Food and drinks would be offered from<br />
Tuesday to Saturday and for limited hours.<br />
Ms Baynes said orders could be collected<br />
from atable set up in front of Taste at the<br />
Countdown complex and there would be<br />
updates on her Facebook page over the<br />
coming days.<br />
‘‘Being able to operate again, albeit at<br />
limited capacity, means we can generate<br />
some cashflow and start earning again, which<br />
is great.’’<br />
The Pantry in Methven is another venue<br />
looking at providing coffee and alimited<br />
food range of takeaway options from next<br />
week.<br />
It is considering using online ordering via<br />
the app Regulr.<br />
There will be no deliveries and pickup will<br />
be via the door barrier at the Main Street<br />
shop.<br />
On her Facebook page, owner/operator<br />
Victoria Totty said her business has taken a<br />
huge hit and ‘‘needed to regain some<br />
cashflow’’ before it could offer its normal<br />
selection.<br />
Taste Cafe owner Kim Baynes (right)<br />
enjoys acoffee with friend Andrea Lee<br />
before lockdown.<br />
Chooks, flowers reset for 2021<br />
Brian Glassey with Buddy the cat and<br />
one of his SilkyGirl chooks.<br />
By LindaClarke<br />
Brian Glassey is keeping his champion<br />
chrysanthemum blooms to himself next<br />
month. Not by design, but by lockdown.<br />
The flower grower has been working since<br />
last spring to produce flowers that will win<br />
over judges at the national chrysanthemum<br />
show in Timaru. But like everyone else, he<br />
has been in lockdown, and the flower show<br />
on May 10 has been cancelled.<br />
He has been catching up on jobs around<br />
the garden and is philosophical about not<br />
being able to show at the nationals.<br />
Poultry shows that Brian also exhibits at<br />
over the winter have also been cancelled by<br />
Covid19.<br />
So he has been enjoying the colourful<br />
blooms himself, instead of taking them to<br />
the nationals at Timaru on May 10 or to the<br />
Canterbury Horticultural Society’s annual<br />
chrysanthemum show in the Christchurch<br />
Botanic Gardens, which would have been<br />
on this weekend.<br />
“You can’t do anything about it. You<br />
have to do what you are doing. You have to<br />
move on.<br />
‘‘I can go and enjoy them though. Igo<br />
out and have alittle talk to them.”<br />
Brian’s chrysanthemums are grown in<br />
outdoor beds that he covers like atunnel<br />
house when they start to show flowers. He<br />
has about 360 plants, in three tunnel<br />
houses; each plant can have several<br />
blooms, unless he is debudding to<br />
encourage growth.<br />
He is still tending the plants and catching<br />
up with some other garden jobs, including<br />
taming an unruly clematis and replacing<br />
rotten edging on his vege plots.<br />
The routine is great but he misses not<br />
seeing his flowergrower friends and<br />
customers at Mitre 10, where he works<br />
parttime.<br />
Daughter Janet has taken some photos<br />
of his flowers before they pass their best so<br />
he has arecord of the unique <strong>2020</strong> showing<br />
season.<br />
His chooks, scores of them, still need<br />
feeding too. There will be no chance to<br />
show off their fine feathers and form at<br />
poultry shows around the South Island.<br />
Brian says virtual poultry shows, with<br />
photos of the chooks, just wouldn’t be the<br />
same.<br />
He is already thinking about the 2021<br />
season and<br />
looking forward<br />
to spring when<br />
preparation in<br />
both fields<br />
begins again.<br />
Right: A<br />
blooming<br />
beauty in<br />
Brian’s<br />
garden.<br />
Lockdown harvest looks sweet<br />
By Toni Williams<br />
CharRees Vineyard owners Charlie and<br />
Esma Hill put acall out on social media for<br />
help to harvest during lockdown. They were<br />
so overwhelmed by community response,<br />
including some from Christchurch, they had<br />
to turn people away.<br />
The lockdown harvest, approved by<br />
Ministry for Primary Industries as essential<br />
for food and beverage production, saw<br />
around 20 people from <strong>Ashburton</strong> and<br />
Methven –many who had never harvest<br />
grapes before –put their hand up to help.<br />
The pickers worked alongside family<br />
members of the couple and vineyard workers<br />
to pick the first of three annual grape<br />
harvests.<br />
The tonne and ahalf of grapes picked,<br />
which registered an impressive 24 brix (high<br />
in sweetness) on the refractometer, will make<br />
the <strong>2020</strong> Pinot Noir wine.<br />
It is now with winemaker Kirk Bray, in<br />
Waipara, who was also impressed with the<br />
harvest, citing it as the best he’s seen from<br />
the Tinwald vineyard, Mr Hill said.<br />
It will take at least 15 months before it is<br />
available for sale however some of the grapes<br />
will go towards making Sparkling Rose,<br />
available at the end of the year.<br />
CharRees Vineyard owners were blown<br />
away by community response to help<br />
harvest. Photo supplied.<br />
“I’m more than happy with what we got<br />
considering the hail damage (late last year)<br />
…wewere very lucky with the extra effort<br />
put in to the vines,” Mr Hill said.<br />
“It won’t be the best, but as far as quality<br />
goes it is one of the highest ones we’ve had.”<br />
The next harvest will see Pinot Gris grapes<br />
picked early May, and the final harvest is the<br />
Riesling grapes which could be up to amonth<br />
later.<br />
Mr Hill, grateful for the response from<br />
people, said was agood few hours picking,<br />
over two days, working under conditions very<br />
different from normal.<br />
Aside from providing asupply of face<br />
masks, gloves and hand sanitiser and<br />
sterilising tools between users, there was<br />
social distancing to take into account.<br />
Mr Hill said grapes for Riesling had been<br />
kept as late as Queen’s Birthday weekend in<br />
the past but it would depend on the weather.<br />
“There is aheap of green leaf there yet,”<br />
he said, which is one of the ways to judge the<br />
level of ripeness needed to flavour the wines.<br />
Other ways include taste, look and<br />
firmness –but getting them before they<br />
shrivelled and lost too much moisture. The<br />
refractometer gauged sweetness.<br />
In the past the vineyard has used local<br />
service club members for harvest which they<br />
had done as afundraiser but lockdown<br />
restrictions had made many of them<br />
Local news at <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>April</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong>, Page 3<br />
Wedding plans on hold<br />
By Toni Williams<br />
Arable farmers Brian and Rachel<br />
Leadley have welcomed ahouse guest<br />
during lockdown, found new ways of<br />
functioning in their work bubble and<br />
endured the postponed wedding of<br />
their eldest daughter; meant to take<br />
place in the garden of the family farm<br />
on <strong>April</strong> 4.<br />
It’s meant coexisting with the<br />
motherinlaw for Brian, but the gardens,<br />
which are looking immaculate,<br />
have been afocal point for Rachel to<br />
maintain during lockdown.<br />
Otherwise it’s mostly business as<br />
usual on the 400odd hectare property<br />
where Brian and Rachel primarily run<br />
agrain and seed operation, with store<br />
lambs.<br />
It’s just taken extra planning.<br />
‘‘We are fortunate that we can run<br />
the business, we are thankful for that,’’<br />
said Brian, who is also United<br />
Wheatgrowers’ NZ chairman.<br />
He said the timing of Covid19<br />
restrictions for arable farmers had also<br />
done little to disrupt production;<br />
harvest was able to be completed, they<br />
were able to replant and buy in lambs.<br />
‘‘The effect is not too major and we<br />
can do those things.’’<br />
However nonessential jobs such as<br />
fencing maintenance, hedge cutting or<br />
general cleanups had been put on the<br />
backburner.<br />
Keeping everyone on farm safe <br />
they have one full time worker and one<br />
extra at harvest time has also meant<br />
changing practices to provide hand<br />
sanitiser, limiting machinery and<br />
vehicle use to one user or sterilising<br />
between users and social distancing.<br />
Amakeshift smoko room had also<br />
been set up in anearby shed to limit<br />
the number of people entering the<br />
Final stage for tavern refit<br />
From Page 1<br />
‘‘I feel abit more<br />
fortunate having a<br />
business here in Mid<br />
Canterbury because we<br />
have astrong farming<br />
economy than can help<br />
cushion the blow and<br />
support things to some<br />
extent, but Ijust don’t<br />
know what the future is<br />
going to look like<br />
moving forward.’’<br />
Mr King said he Greg King<br />
employed 30 staff at<br />
present and had plans to extend that to<br />
35 after the reopening.<br />
He had received the wages subsidy for<br />
staff, but that did not cover all costs, he<br />
said.<br />
‘‘Ninetyfive per cent of employers<br />
want to look after their staff, but to do<br />
that they need to be able to run aviable<br />
business.<br />
‘‘I can’t make anew business plan<br />
because Ijust don’t know what the<br />
Farmer Brian Leadley grabs abite to eat during clover harvest.<br />
No decision on art expo<br />
The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Society of Arts is<br />
holding off making adecision about its<br />
annual exhibition, in the hope that<br />
Covid19 restrictions will ease so it can<br />
go ahead.<br />
President Jen Dearborn said the<br />
committee had been watching the news<br />
like everyone else and trying to work out<br />
if the exhibition would be able to go<br />
ahead this year.<br />
‘‘Unfortunately it is still not at all clear<br />
if the <strong>Ashburton</strong> Art Gallery will be able<br />
to open, if social distancing will allow us<br />
to install the artworks or how we will<br />
manage the receiving of works. We,<br />
alongwith the staff of <strong>Ashburton</strong> Art<br />
Gallery have some creative possible<br />
solutions to these problems so we will<br />
just have to wait and see what happens.’’<br />
The society will be in touch with<br />
members on May 11 aboutwhether the<br />
exhibition will go ahead and what form<br />
that might take. If the exhibition does go<br />
ahead, entries willopen later in May and<br />
will be open for ashorter period of time.<br />
‘‘In the meantime Ihope this enforced<br />
break has resulted in some new art or<br />
ideas.’’<br />
future holds.’’<br />
Mr King said<br />
everyone would be hit<br />
financially by the<br />
lockdown.<br />
Managing losses and<br />
trading out of debt was<br />
the big task ahead for<br />
businesses.<br />
The Tinwald Motels<br />
are still open for<br />
essential workers, and<br />
on ‘‘busy’’ nights six<br />
rooms are taken.<br />
The Liquorland outlet<br />
at the complex can be reopen when alert<br />
level 3restrictions come in next Tuesday<br />
and acontactless, online click and<br />
collect system will operate.<br />
Mr King said what can and can’t be<br />
done at alert level 2isstill not totally<br />
clear, and another uncertainty is the<br />
future behaviour of people.<br />
Some will be doing it tough and there<br />
could be anumber of issues for society<br />
to deal with when ‘‘normality’’ resumes.<br />
house bubble, which was where smoko<br />
was held in the past.<br />
‘‘We are able to operate and while I<br />
am not technology minded, we have<br />
technology on our side. Twenty years<br />
ago it would have been a bit more<br />
challenging. Family contact has certainly<br />
been ahelp for us,’’ Brian said.<br />
The Leadleys’ three adult daughters<br />
all live outside the district; two in<br />
Christchurch and one in Fairlie.<br />
While he has been in telephone and<br />
texting contact with people, he is<br />
looking forward to ‘‘face to face<br />
connections being resumed.’’<br />
‘‘It’s highlighted the importance of<br />
people in our life.’’<br />
On the farm, there had been plenty<br />
of industry support with field representatives,<br />
stock agents, or machine<br />
engine and transport companies making<br />
contact by phone rather than<br />
visiting.<br />
Shearing, which started this week,<br />
just afew weeks later than normal, also<br />
took more time with gaps between<br />
stands and the process around collecting<br />
wool. Where usually there were<br />
three or four shearers, the Leadleys<br />
had just two, due to demand, and they<br />
were unable to travel together.<br />
A trip to town for drench, now<br />
means aphone call first and contactless<br />
pickup.<br />
‘‘How fortunate we are to keep our<br />
business going where others can’t.<br />
Crops and animal welfare have to be<br />
looked after.’’<br />
Image Credit:,@SIOUXSIEW,@XTOTL<br />
Source: WHO,CDC -CC-BY-SA<br />
My officesin<strong>Ashburton</strong>and Timaru<br />
arecloseddue to COVID-19.<br />
For any assistance you can still contact me<br />
by ringing 03 308 7510 or email me directly at:<br /><br />
Anyone with symptoms of COVID-19 should phone<br />
their doctor or Healthline on 0800 3585453<br />
Authorised by Andrew Falloon MP,<br />
139Stafford Street,Timaru.<br />
Online directory to<br />
help our businesses<br />
By Linda Clarke<br />
Mid Canterbury retailers and<br />
service providers, gearing up<br />
for business as the country<br />
eases Covid19 restrictions, are<br />
being urged to register on a<br />
free business directory being<br />
created by the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
District Council.<br />
As part of acampaign called<br />
Mid Canterbury: Open for<br />
Business, business owners will<br />
be able to log on and add their<br />
name and details to adatabase<br />
of shops and services.<br />
Economic development<br />
manager Bevan Rickerby said<br />
stores would be able to<br />
advertise free when they<br />
expected to be back in<br />
business, how they were<br />
trading, hours and if they were<br />
looking for staff.<br />
He said it was part of<br />
council’s plan to help local<br />
businesses recover and adapt<br />
in the postCovid19<br />
landscape. The public<br />
directory will benefit business<br />
owners and customers,and<br />
encourage people to buy local.<br />
Council is also running a<br />
series of webinars to help local<br />
retailers and businesses. These<br />
are being recorded and can be<br />
accessedany time on council’s<br />
YouTube channel.<br />
Over the past week and into<br />
this week, there have been<br />
sessions on mental wellbeing<br />
(hosted by Pup Chamberlain<br />
and ConnieQuigley); getting<br />
your business online from<br />
home (Kim Hamill); cashflow,<br />
continuity and KiwiSaver<br />
(Kirsty Naish and Michelle<br />
Andrew Falloon,<br />
MP forRangitata<br />
Parkin); surviving to thrive and<br />
capital raising (Leandra<br />
Fitzgibbon and Nathan Mills);<br />
and employment and health<br />
and safety(Jane ArgyleReed<br />
and Jane Fowles).<br />
Mr Rickerby said council<br />
wanted to help businesses<br />
come out of lockdown and get<br />
back to work.<br />
He said the district would<br />
have to work hard to retain its<br />
migrant workers, who might be<br />
tempted to returnhome once<br />
international travel restrictions<br />
eased, and to retrain workers<br />
who had lost their jobs.<br />
The economic landscape<br />
was constantly changing<br />
though, he said.<br />
‘‘So far there is no indication<br />
of mass redundancies in our<br />
district. Businessowners are<br />
indicating that they are looking<br />
closely at resizing their<br />
businesses and that will affect<br />
some workers.’’<br />
Councillor Carolyn<br />
Cameron said the futurewould<br />
be challenging for both retail<br />
and nonretail businesses.<br />
She said council should lead<br />
the way by adjusting its<br />
procurement policy (for things<br />
like pens and paper) to favour<br />
local businesses. She suggested<br />
a10per cent positive<br />
weighting for locals when<br />
quoting for council business.<br />
Council staff will prepare a<br />
report on procurement policy<br />
for afuture meeting.<br />
Chief executive Hamish<br />
Riach said council had to keep<br />
abalance between supporting<br />
local businesses and getting<br />
the best value for ratepayers.<br />
For thelatest info:<br />,
Page 4, <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>April</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
Well placed to<br />
weather virus<br />
By Linda Clarke<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> District’s economy is in a<br />
better position than other regions to<br />
weather the storm bought by Covid19,<br />
says aNew Zealand senior economist.<br />
Infometric’s Brad Olsen said that<br />
with more than onethird of Mid<br />
Canterbury jobs in the agri and agriprocessing<br />
sectors, the primary sector<br />
provided astable economic platform.<br />
‘‘People still want food,’’ Mr Olsen<br />
told <strong>Ashburton</strong> District councillors,<br />
though they were likely to become<br />
more frugal and focus on essential<br />
items.<br />
He also predicted house prices would<br />
fall and demand for new homes,<br />
hospitality and office buildings would<br />
drop.<br />
He said <strong>Ashburton</strong> would also have<br />
other opportunities, including arise in<br />
the number of people who wanted to<br />
live here but commute some days to<br />
Christchurch and work the rest from<br />
home. The district’s cheaper housing<br />
and appeal to families could be<br />
attractive as people mixed old ways of<br />
working with new ways forced by the<br />
level 4lockdown.<br />
He predicted astate of flux and<br />
flexibility for up to four years, with<br />
people finding new ways to operate<br />
while the economy took aUshaped<br />
recovery.<br />
Retail would include more online<br />
marketing and buying; even the local<br />
farmers’ market could operate in a<br />
virtual world.<br />
While he had some positive<br />
observations, he painted adim view<br />
nationally.<br />
‘‘We are looking at the most<br />
incredible economic event in almost a<br />
century. Far worse than the Global<br />
Financial Crisis and closely<br />
approaching the level of economic<br />
chaos of the 1930s’ Great Depression.’’<br />
He expected national unemployment<br />
could rise to 10 per cent, compared to<br />
6.7 per cent in the GFC. In Mid<br />
Canterbury, unemployment is expected<br />
to rise to at least 6per cent, from almost<br />
zero.<br />
‘‘We expect the New Zealand<br />
economy will continue to contract in<br />
the next 18 months. It will hold for 69<br />
months then grow again. It will be three<br />
and ahalf years before the economy is<br />
in the same position it was prior to<br />
Covid19.’’<br />
Mr Olsen said tourism would bear<br />
the brunt of job losses with no<br />
international tourists coming into the<br />
country. Mid Canterbury had just 7per<br />
cent of its local workforce in tourism so<br />
was less exposed.<br />
But that tourism dropoff meant aloss<br />
of $64 million not spent in local<br />
businesses. Domestic tourism would<br />
likely centre on Mt Hutt skifield and<br />
Methven, with aproximate market in<br />
Christchurch.<br />
Mr Olsen said council could help its<br />
small businesses survive by getting them<br />
online and achieving contactless<br />
transactions.<br />
In recovery, reeducation and the<br />
ability to redeploy people with new<br />
skills was important, he said.<br />
There would be increased levels of<br />
volunteering, he also predicted.<br />
Local news at<br />
Mavis bakes, bleeds brakes<br />
By Toni Williams<br />
Bike riding, monarch butterfly<br />
watching, taming wild kittens and<br />
household chores are keeping<br />
Mavis Wilkins, and husband Bryan,<br />
occupied during lockdown.<br />
Mavis who has been involved in<br />
Women’s Institute for more than 50<br />
years and is the Mid Canterbury<br />
Federation of WI president, has<br />
been married to Bryan for 46 years.<br />
“It has been very quiet with only<br />
Bryan (and I) in our bubble. We<br />
have been married for 46 years so<br />
we know each other very well.’’<br />
The couple have resurrected an<br />
old jigsaw puzzle which they work<br />
on each day and go for regular<br />
outings.<br />
“Most days we go for abike ride,<br />
it is great to not have traffic flying<br />
past. We have had about 30<br />
Monarch butterflies hatch, so that is<br />
great to see happening,” she said.<br />
Home is afarmlet so the couple<br />
have their own spaces where they<br />
can retreat.<br />
“Bryan has his ‘toy box’ where he<br />
spends alot of time and Ican go and<br />
hide in the garden,’’ she said.<br />
“I have managed to clean all the<br />
windows inside and out between<br />
going to pushin brake pedals to<br />
bleed brakes on Bryan’s toys.”<br />
There have also been quite afew<br />
cupboards cleaned out and items<br />
found that have been missing for<br />
some time, and plenty of baking<br />
being done in the kitchen.<br />
The garden has received some<br />
attention and Bryan has been trying<br />
to tame two wild kittens.<br />
Mid Canterbury Federation of Women's Institutes president<br />
Mavis Wilkins has been baking during lockdown.<br />
Just “when he thinks he can<br />
handle them out comes the claws<br />
and teeth sometimes, so that<br />
doesn’t go down too well,” she said.<br />
Mavis also keeping in touch with<br />
WI members through email and by<br />
telephone.<br />
There is planning under way for<br />
the Federation’s 85th anniversary<br />
event, meant to take place this<br />
month but now deferred until later<br />
in the year and the upcoming midyear<br />
Federation Cup Day schedule<br />
which has been sent out.<br />
She said any past members<br />
wanting to register their interest in<br />
attending the 85th celebration can<br />
make contact with any member.<br />
More information will be sent out<br />
once details are confirmed.<br />
Aside from missing her<br />
hairdresser, Mavis is gutted to<br />
have missed out on avisit from<br />
her daughter and three<br />
grandchildren who were due to<br />
visit from Perth during the<br />
school holidays.<br />
“That was areal<br />
disappointment for us, and also<br />
for them,” she said.<br />
However she is looking<br />
forward to the restrictions<br />
lifting and making contact with<br />
people in person again.<br />
“I am looking forward to a<br />
lovely family dinner with our<br />
(other) children and<br />
grandchildren. Agathering of<br />
WI ladies will (also) be top of<br />
the list when we can.”<br />
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2264292<br />
By Linda Clarke<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> man Roger Martin<br />
credits aGreen Prescription<br />
following aknee replacement a<br />
couple of years ago for his new<br />
lease on life.<br />
He has shed about 15kg, plays<br />
walking netball, badminton and<br />
pickleball and is keenly interested<br />
in fueling his body with good,<br />
nutritious food. The team sport is<br />
on pause during the Covid19<br />
lockdown, but he has upped his<br />
walking game to daily trips up to an<br />
hour long.<br />
The Green Prescription was<br />
arranged by his doctor and that is<br />
where he met Sport Canterbury<br />
physical health advisor Aimee<br />
Cosgrove.<br />
Aimee said Roger had become<br />
one of her star pupils and was a<br />
great advocate of the Green<br />
Prescription programme.<br />
She introduces about 10 people a<br />
week to the programme, some are<br />
referred by their doctor, some are<br />
selfreferred.<br />
All are hoping regular exercise<br />
will help them become fitter, lose<br />
weight, recover from injuries and<br />
operations and generally improve<br />
their bodies and minds.<br />
Aimee’s job is to keep them on<br />
course. She conducts an initial<br />
consultation then rings them<br />
regularly to see how they are<br />
progressing and working towards<br />
their goals; some are on her books<br />
for five months while she embeds<br />
the green prescription<br />
philosophies.<br />
She said her clients ranged in<br />
age, ability and health. Some had<br />
anxiety, osteoarthritis or were<br />
recovering from aheart attack;<br />
others were learning to use exercise<br />
Sport Canterbury physical health advisor Aimee Cosgrove and<br />
daughter Amelia, 10, on one of their regular bike rides during<br />
lockdown.<br />
to beat depression.<br />
Many were missing the<br />
hydrotherapy pool at the EA<br />
Networks Centre, which was closed<br />
along with other <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
District Council facilities during<br />
the lockdown.<br />
She said many other people<br />
would benefit from agreen<br />
prescription and she encouraged<br />
them to fill in aselfreferral form<br />
on Sport Canterbury’s website.<br />
During lockdown, her catchup<br />
calls are as much about welfare as<br />
they are about mental and physical<br />
health.<br />
Aimee said some needed<br />
encouragement to walk to their<br />
letterbox, while others had tried tai<br />
chi online or walked around their<br />
local block more times than usual.<br />
Lockdown was agood time to be<br />
making new habits.<br />
Sport Canterbury has also<br />
launched a28day health and<br />
wellbeing campaign to help people<br />
through the remaining days of<br />
restrictions.<br />
Hauora at Home is based on a<br />
Maori philosophy of health and<br />
wellbeing and Sport Canterbury’s<br />
physical health advisors created a<br />
28day calendar of ideas and tasks<br />
for all ages and all bubbles, keep<br />
well and motivated.<br />
The advisors share updates and<br />
tips about better sleep, smarter<br />
snacks and keeping active at home.
Local news at <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>April</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong>, Page 5<br />
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Page 6, <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>April</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
Challenging times,<br />
but ‘hang in there’<br />
By Mick Jensen<br />
RodgerLetham will never forgetthe<br />
economic crisis,toughfarming years and<br />
the loss of his farm in the late 1980s, but<br />
he came through the other side and is<br />
urgingMid Cantabrians to ‘‘hangin<br />
there’’ because things will improve after<br />
the coronavirus lockdown.<br />
Now were challenging times for<br />
everyone, but new opportunitieswould<br />
emergeand life would get backto<br />
normal, and likely quicker than many<br />
imagined.<br />
Mr Letham said therewere new and<br />
different challengesassociated with<br />
Covid19, not least an unprecedented<br />
lockdown that affected everyone.<br />
The situationfaced by many New<br />
Zealand farmersmore than 30 years ago<br />
was very different, but would never be<br />
forgotten by those affected.<br />
The time of Rogernomicshad seen the<br />
end of farming subsidies, veryhigh<br />
interest rates and low commodityand<br />
land prices.<br />
‘‘I took overthe mixed family farm at<br />
Lauriston on July1,1981 and for the next<br />
eight years we had three droughts.<br />
‘‘Interestrates were 19.5 per cent and<br />
there was a24per cent rate on my<br />
overdraft.’’<br />
The situationhad been very serious,<br />
and different from today’s pandemic,but<br />
it had tested people’s character and<br />
resilience.<br />
Mr Letham was forced to sell his farm.<br />
He cleared his debtsand took a$45,000<br />
payoutfrom the Government.<br />
‘‘At the time Ireally thoughtI’d never<br />
come out the other side.’’<br />
Mr Letham said the blackhole he was<br />
in was something that somepeople were<br />
facingnow.<br />
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‘‘There is light at the end of the tunnel<br />
and things will turn around,’’ he said.<br />
Stresslevelsand emotions werebeing<br />
tested, but therewas better support<br />
emotionally and financially todaythan<br />
there had been for farmers in the late<br />
1980s.<br />
‘‘I think the Government has handled<br />
the coronavirus situation pretty well.<br />
‘‘Tough decisions have beenmade and<br />
the country has supportedthem because<br />
but they have been necessary.’’<br />
Mid Canterburywas in abetter<br />
position thanother districts to manage<br />
and come throughthe other side because<br />
of its strongruraleconomy.<br />
‘‘I couldn’t wishtolive in abetter town<br />
and in abetter countryinthe world right<br />
now, and I’m verythankful for that.’’<br />
The Western Ward districtcouncillor<br />
reinvented himself after losing his farm<br />
and at the age of 45 took on anew career<br />
as arural real estate agent. He is still<br />
juggling that job 31 years later with his<br />
dutiesasafirstterm councillor.<br />
>><br />
2272206<br />
2271216<br />
Local news at<br />
Pizza delivery coming, says Domino’s owner<br />
Amit Thakar, of Domino's <strong>Ashburton</strong>, has<br />
been having ‘‘lots and lots’’ of meetings and<br />
discussions on what happens once life deescalates<br />
through lower Covid19 alert levels.<br />
He hasmissed working with Domino’s staff,<br />
and customers, as wellasthe ‘‘everyday<br />
hustle‘‘ but cannot believehegot to stay home<br />
all dayduring lockdown.<br />
There have beenmanyphonemeetings and<br />
Zoomsessions around theplanning for<br />
reopening and there are lists drafted, ‘‘we just<br />
havetohit send button’’.<br />
‘‘Weare aware things arenot goingtobe<br />
samelikebefore,’’hesaid.<br />
‘‘Aslongasweand the communityfeels<br />
ADC chief executive Hamish Riach<br />
safer there is not much we can predict.<br />
‘‘The top priorityis... what we have achieved<br />
in lockdown, we shouldnot letitdown.Asfar<br />
as Domino’sservice... we will aggressivelybe<br />
taking saferfoodhandlingpracticesand<br />
deliveringzerocontactlessprepaid deliveryonlywithin<br />
thecommunity.’’<br />
He saidcustomerscan restassured they will<br />
be able to resume gettinggood,tastyfood<br />
delivered whichwill havesafety at the<br />
forefrontfor peace of mind.<br />
Right: Domino's <strong>Ashburton</strong> owner Amit<br />
Thakar.<br />
New campaign launching to<br />
support our local economy<br />
For four weeks now, we have all been doing<br />
our bit to reduce the spread of Covid19 by<br />
staying home, keeping in our bubbles and<br />
washing our hands regularly and thoroughly.<br />
It was very reassuring to hear on Monday<br />
that those efforts have helped lead us to a<br />
point where the Government is satisfied that<br />
we can begin transitioning to alesser alert<br />
level next week, then areview and hopefully<br />
apossible further lower level two weeks later.<br />
The news provides some certainty to our<br />
community, particularly our workforce who<br />
have been unable to work during this time,<br />
and to the businesses who’ve had to close<br />
their doors and cease trade: certainty, in that<br />
we now have a timeline and information<br />
about when our economy might start opening<br />
up again.<br />
In anticipation of this recovery phase, the<br />
council has been quickly developing auseful<br />
Keen to get styling again<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> hair stylist Marc<br />
Auwerdahas adapted his routine<br />
and quiteenjoyed his forced<br />
lockdown, but he loves his job and<br />
is ready to get back to work.<br />
The ‘‘compulsory’’holiday has<br />
given him time to reflect on life,<br />
meant more time with his partner<br />
Anneand included aregimeof<br />
daily walks aroundhis<br />
neighbourhood.<br />
There’salso been countless<br />
games of the card gameFive<br />
Crowns,indoor golf, plenty of book<br />
reading and other activities.<br />
Aselfconfessedworkaholic, the<br />
Dutch born hairdresser has owned<br />
and operatedhis salon Mac &<br />
Maggies in <strong>Ashburton</strong>for many<br />
years.<br />
Latelast yearhemadethe<br />
decision to scale down the business<br />
and is now asole operator,working<br />
fromadedicated, customised space<br />
at thisAllenton home.<br />
‘‘I’ve actually been enjoyingmy<br />
‘compulsory’ holiday. It’s been a<br />
totally new experience for me<br />
because I’venevertaken that long<br />
off work before.<br />
‘‘It’s been strange not getting out<br />
of bed in the morningand into the<br />
salon to cut hair and see clients.’’<br />
Mr Auwerda saidhewas readyto<br />
start up againonce restrictions were<br />
lifted and he had spoken to clients<br />
and had afull appointment book.<br />
At his former salonatthe<br />
Countdown complexhehad<br />
employed staff and had more foot<br />
traffic, but he now worked from<br />
home, and was fortunate that he did<br />
not have to pay the commercial rent<br />
thatmany business owners had to<br />
pay.<br />
‘‘I’m looking forward to catching<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> hair stylist Marc Auwerda in his home salon.<br />
up with clientsagain, hearing about<br />
theirlivesand,ofcourse, styling<br />
theirhair.’’<br />
‘‘I’ve known some clientsfor 30<br />
yearsand they are like extended<br />
family.’’<br />
Mr Auwerdasaid he believed the<br />
Government had managedthe<br />
Covid19 pandemic well.<br />
He had been pleased thatthe<br />
response had beenabout‘‘people<br />
rather than politics’’ andhe<br />
supported the decision that<br />
considered hairdressing not to be<br />
an essentialservice, unlikethe call<br />
made by the Australian<br />
Government.<br />
‘‘Your hairgrows around 1cm<br />
each month, so Idon’t see how<br />
hairdressing can be considered an<br />
essential service.<br />
‘‘Many of my clients are on five<br />
week cycles, so Iexpect to be very<br />
busy when things return to normal,<br />
whichhopefullyisvery soon.’’<br />
tool and accompanying campaign to help<br />
local businesses and our community begin<br />
operating again.<br />
Mid Canterbury Open for Business is<br />
exactly what it says. It’s a free, online<br />
directory designed to help businesses communicate<br />
what days and times they will be<br />
open, what they are offering –especially as<br />
the alert levels may continue to place some<br />
restrictions on certain things, and what deals<br />
and specials they may have.<br />
For shoppers and people needing to access<br />
services, it will be an easy to use onestop<br />
shop to find businesses in their area.<br />
The idea of Mid Canterbury Open for<br />
Business is to encourage and help us all to<br />
find out which businesses are open, support<br />
local businesses wherever possible, and to<br />
help kick start our region’s economy after the<br />
lockdown.<br />
Mr Auwerda said he is much<br />
happier being in New Zealand than<br />
in his former homeland during the<br />
pandemic.<br />
Holland is the size of Canterbury,<br />
has apopulationof18million, and<br />
is the mostdensely populated<br />
country in Europe.<br />
He kept in very close touch with<br />
familythere, includinghis father<br />
who was over 90, but aplanned trip<br />
in June had now beencancelled,<br />
and rescheduling it ‘‘might not<br />
happenfor quiteawhile’’.<br />
MrAuwerda said he was looking<br />
forward to seeing more of New<br />
Zealand on future holidays,<br />
includingareturntohis favourite<br />
spot of the Marlborough Sounds.<br />
He was alsoanticipatingmore<br />
road trips in his weekendcar,ared<br />
Mazda MX5, as wellascatching up<br />
with family and friends and the<br />
freedom to walkCanterbury’s<br />
hikingtrails.<br />
If you have abusiness in the district, take<br />
advantage of this free resource by registering<br />
your business to be listed at MidCanOpen<br /> Simply fill out the online form on<br />
the page.<br />
Likewise, if you want to know what is or<br />
will be open, or what products and services<br />
are available, head to the website and search<br />
for abusiness or category.<br />
The directory is in its early stages at this<br />
point and is growing every day. The council<br />
has been reaching out to many businesses to<br />
add them to the list, so you’ll continue to see<br />
the directory expand as we progress.<br />
We have begun launching the campaign<br />
this week, with the support of anumber of<br />
local media outlets who are getting behind<br />
the initiative to help spread the word.<br />
When alert levels begin easing, let’s work<br />
together, safely, to restart Mid Canterbury.
Local news at <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>April</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong>, Page 7<br />
Seltos offers great value for money<br />
By Ross Kiddie<br />
There’s no doubt sport<br />
utility vehicles are beneficial<br />
to families.<br />
Their practicality and<br />
often the option of seven<br />
seats make them particularly<br />
appealing for those<br />
with children in tow.<br />
However, as is often<br />
the case, those who<br />
would benefit most from<br />
an SUV aren’t in aposition<br />
financially to own<br />
one, especially those that<br />
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are new off the showroom<br />
floor.<br />
Enter, Kia’s completely<br />
new compact,<br />
fiveseat SUV, the Seltos.<br />
It has just launched here<br />
and in entrylevel LX<br />
form lists with a very<br />
special price – $25,990.<br />
To my way of thinking,<br />
that is amazing value for<br />
aquality, stateoftheart<br />
vehicle that will suit a<br />
young family.<br />
Of course the Seltos is<br />
available in four other<br />
Call us for a<br />
FREE<br />
QUOTE<br />
•Collection/Delivery<br />
‘FreeofCharge’<br />
in <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
2267397<br />
specifications, there’s<br />
even a fourwheeldrive<br />
model which tops the<br />
range at $46,990. Inbetween,<br />
the other variants<br />
list at $35,990,<br />
$37,990 and $42,990.<br />
Before you think the<br />
base model car lacks on<br />
kit, it doesn’t. Sure there<br />
aren’t all the hightech<br />
features of its stablemates,<br />
but there is<br />
enough specification to<br />
provide years of fulfilling<br />
motoring.<br />
Even though Kia calls<br />
the Seltos compact, it’s<br />
not really. Sure at 4.4m it<br />
isn’t large, but it does<br />
make good use of its<br />
proportions with high<br />
comfort levels, it has<br />
plenty of leg and head<br />
room in the rear passenger<br />
compartment. That<br />
area is not compromised<br />
by ahealthy load space –<br />
468litres, expanding to<br />
1428litres with the rear<br />
seats folded flat. I rate<br />
2271856<br />
2272453<br />
the load space on any<br />
vehicle as to how well it<br />
houses the rather large<br />
cricket gear bag Iuse to<br />
coach aYear 8Sydenham<br />
team. In the case of the<br />
Seltos there was ample<br />
room to spare, and it has<br />
an easy load height.<br />
The LX variant gets<br />
cloth trim and that would<br />
far be my preference,<br />
there are no design surprises,<br />
the trim is fairly<br />
conservative but you get<br />
just enough goodies that<br />
go with the pleasure of<br />
buying anew car, some of<br />
the functions are operable<br />
through a central<br />
screen display. Even<br />
though the Seltos has yet<br />
to be crash tested, it<br />
would be expected to<br />
meet the fivestar<br />
Australasian New Car<br />
Assessment Program<br />
safety rating.<br />
In LX form the Seltos<br />
is powered by a 2litre,<br />
naturallyaspirated fourcylinder<br />
petrol engine,<br />
that’s opposed to a<br />
1.6litre turbocharged<br />
unit fitted to the rangetopping<br />
fourwheeldrive<br />
Limited.<br />
I’d also opt for the base<br />
engine, it is avery sweet<br />
unit, quiet and smooth.<br />
Drive is channelled<br />
through the latest generation<br />
continuously variable<br />
transmission which<br />
is described by Kia as<br />
behaving like a traditional<br />
automatic transmission,<br />
acting as if it has<br />
regular gear changes. I’m<br />
quite excited about this<br />
driveline, you would<br />
hardly pick a CVT is<br />
transmitting power, while<br />
the seamless way it operates<br />
enhances driveline<br />
smoothness.<br />
Power is channelled<br />
through the front wheels<br />
only, yet the entire drive<br />
and chassis setup has<br />
benefited from a lot of<br />
development catering for<br />
the special needs of<br />
Australasian roads. The<br />
suspension is a good<br />
compromise of what is<br />
needed for occupant<br />
comfort, but there is balance<br />
and control when<br />
highcountry corners are<br />
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OPEN SATURDAYS FOR WOF, 8.00am to 12 noon<br />
presented.<br />
Interestingly, the LX<br />
grade model gets just<br />
16in wheels against 17in<br />
and 18in rims of higher<br />
grade variants. However,<br />
the benefit in LX grade is<br />
super quiet motion and a<br />
hugely smooth ride. The<br />
highprofile Kumho tyres<br />
(205/60) have a lot of<br />
sidewall flex, consequently,<br />
they just soak up<br />
the big bumps and contribute<br />
to tidy handling<br />
manners.<br />
Steerage is relatively<br />
precise and there is good<br />
feedback as to what the<br />
tyres are doing. Ienjoyed<br />
the way the test car<br />
behaved in acorner, and<br />
to my way of thinking the<br />
wheel/tyre setup in the<br />
LX is far from compromised.<br />
Ilike entrylevel kit<br />
and the Seltos in this<br />
form presents no surprises.<br />
Kia rates the engine<br />
with 110kW and 180Nm,<br />
if these figures look<br />
familiar that’s because it<br />
is much the same engine<br />
that powers Cerato and<br />
2271198<br />
Sportage from the Kia<br />
stable.<br />
Maximum torque is<br />
available from 4500rpm<br />
and peak power is<br />
reached at 6200rpm.<br />
They are quite high in the<br />
rev band and you could<br />
be forgiven for thinking<br />
it’s an engine which likes<br />
to have the revs up.<br />
However, one of the<br />
other benefits of CVT is<br />
that there are no gaps to<br />
fill between gearing. That<br />
being the case, the engine<br />
works the midrange, it<br />
isn’t flighty and feels<br />
strong beneath the throttle<br />
pedal.<br />
Of course, there is a<br />
sport mode if you wish to<br />
have the engine working<br />
harder but Iused normal<br />
mode most of the time I<br />
was in the evaluation car<br />
and it is most suitable in<br />
all situations. There is<br />
also an eco mode if you<br />
want to make maximum<br />
use of your tank of fuel.<br />
To me it’s abit numbing<br />
but if you drive casually<br />
then eco will earn you<br />
fuelsaving benefits.<br />
On that subject, Kia<br />
claims a 6.8l/100km<br />
combined cycle fuel<br />
usage average. That’s a<br />
healthy figure for an<br />
SUV which has a kerb<br />
weight extending to<br />
1700kg. That being the<br />
case, Icouldn’t replicate<br />
Kia’s figures, however,<br />
when Itook the test car<br />
back to the dealership it<br />
was showing a respectable<br />
8.8l/100km average,<br />
helped by a 5l/100km<br />
figure showing at asteady<br />
100km/h, the engine<br />
turning over at 1800rpm<br />
in the tallest part of the<br />
gearing.<br />
I always like it when<br />
new cars land. Kia is<br />
capitalising on the worldwide<br />
demand for SUVs,<br />
its range is extensive and<br />
my only concern would<br />
be if the Seltos cannibalises<br />
sales from Kia’s own<br />
Niro and Sportage.<br />
At its price the Seltos is<br />
avery desirable proposition,<br />
I just hope that<br />
those who would benefit<br />
from owning an SUV<br />
recognise its value. If that<br />
is not tempting in itself,<br />
bear in mind the Seltos is<br />
sold with a fiveyear/<br />
100,000km warranty.<br />
Peace of mind really.<br />
Price –Kia Seltos LX,<br />
$25,990<br />
Dimensions –Length,<br />
4370mm; width,<br />
1800mm; height,<br />
1615mm<br />
Configuration –Fourcylinder,<br />
frontwheeldrive,<br />
1999cc, 110kW,<br />
180Nm, continuously<br />
variable automatic.<br />
Performance –<br />
0100km/h, 9.3sec<br />
Fuel usage –<br />
Page 8, <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>April</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
Family tunes into lockdown lessons<br />
By Toni Williams<br />
Ross family siblings Flynn, Louie,<br />
Jesse and Marlie were among the<br />
thousands of children around the<br />
district who took to distance learning<br />
last week at the start of term two.<br />
Nationwide, schools had the twoweek<br />
holiday period fasttracked<br />
because of lockdown but now, as<br />
term two gets under way, and with<br />
lockdown still in place there has been<br />
amajor readjustment.<br />
Distance learning for students, in<br />
many forms, is being done at home<br />
with the support of parents/<br />
caregivers and teachers.<br />
Schools, and teachers, around the<br />
district have been in contact with<br />
their students to give guidance and<br />
assurance, to answer questions and<br />
direct their learning until such time<br />
as school can resume in the<br />
classroom.<br />
Some families without access to<br />
digital technology have been hooked<br />
up by the Ministry of Education<br />
through their school orare still<br />
waiting others are sticking to<br />
teaching from school education<br />
packs for their children.<br />
The Ross children, who are at<br />
primary or intermediate school level,<br />
are like many around the district and<br />
have been given arange of online<br />
Ross siblings (from front) Flynn, 7, Louie, 8, Jesse, 10 and Marlie, 12, get back into learning while at home<br />
during lockdown.<br />
and offline tasks they can do during<br />
their home school day, overseen by<br />
parents and caregivers.<br />
While younger pupils have more<br />
optional choices to fill in their school<br />
day, many older students may have<br />
set work tasks to complete as<br />
directed by their class teachers.<br />
Schools and early childhood<br />
education centres, for children up to<br />
Year 10 (around 14 years old) will be<br />
allowed to reopen under alert level 3<br />
but parents and caregivers should,<br />
where they can, keep their children<br />
at home. Schools will be open for<br />
those who need them though.<br />
Students in years 1113 will<br />
continue to learn at home.<br />
Welfare checks keep elderly connected<br />
Reaching out and connecting with<br />
elderly people in the community has<br />
been afocus for many organisations<br />
in the district during lockdown.<br />
Among them are Age Concern<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> and <strong>Ashburton</strong> District<br />
Council, who have been working for<br />
Ministry for SocialDevelopment<br />
(MSD) making sure elderly residents<br />
are not missing out during lockdown<br />
restrictions.<br />
Age Concern MidCanterbury<br />
president Trish Small said there had<br />
been many telephone calls to the<br />
organisation, whichwere being<br />
answered by manager Dianna<br />
Leonard who was working from<br />
home.<br />
“We havebeen very,very busy<br />
with inquiries, both from concerned<br />
relatives who don’t live in <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
to check systems are in place for<br />
their elderly relatives, to people<br />
themselves ringing in with inquiries,”<br />
Mrs Small said.<br />
“Dianna has been fielding the calls<br />
…and directing them to the right<br />
place or offering suggestions.”<br />
Canterburywide, Age Concern<br />
had received more than 400 calls<br />
Grocery drops to elderly residents are commonplace during<br />
lockdown.<br />
from people concerned about<br />
themselves, family, friends or<br />
neighbours. And the need to<br />
maintain contact was highlighted last<br />
week by the death of an elderly<br />
woman in Christchurch.<br />
The pensioner, who lived alone,<br />
had not been seenbyneighbours for<br />
many days before policewere called<br />
to carryout awelfare check.<br />
In <strong>Ashburton</strong>, Age Concern are<br />
making suretokeep in touch with<br />
members by phone and offering<br />
support.<br />
Mrs Small said there was also<br />
constant communication with Age<br />
Concern’s head office in Wellington<br />
aboutwhat each branch was doing to<br />
support their elderly community’s<br />
health and wellbeing and whatmore<br />
can be done.<br />
“We realise there are alot of<br />
people we don’t havecontact details<br />
for, so peoplecan contact us on<br />
3086817 (and speak to Dianna, or<br />
leave amessage).”<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> District Council chief<br />
executive officer Hamish Riach, in<br />
an address to council, said staff in<br />
council’s People and Capabilities<br />
team were reassigned or helping<br />
other sectorsofthe community.<br />
There were extra staff assigned to<br />
the council0800 number and helping<br />
MSD contact by telephone some of<br />
the 12,000 elderly people across<br />
Canterbury.<br />
The <strong>Ashburton</strong> staff were enjoying<br />
connecting with different people.<br />
There had been alot of praise during<br />
the telephone calls as wellasthe odd<br />
dinner invitation.<br />
He said 44 council staff had been<br />
redeployed and were helping Civil<br />
Defence, the communitybased<br />
assessment centre at <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Hospital and deliveringpharmacy,<br />
food or goods itemsand Meals On<br />
Wheels.<br />
Mr Riach said there was no<br />
significant need for more people in<br />
these roles, but rather aneedto<br />
continue the level already<br />
established.<br />
Local news at<br />
Rent holiday<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Licensing Trust has<br />
givenits tenants aonemonth<br />
‘‘rentholiday’’ and willoffera<br />
delayed paymentoption for a<br />
second month in agesture of<br />
support during the coronavirus<br />
lockdown. Trust general manager<br />
Rob Reid said the trust had 17<br />
tenants in Somerset House,as<br />
well as thoseatthe Tinwald<br />
Tavern complex andHotel<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>. It had obtained the<br />
wagessubsidy for its own staff,<br />
including thoseat the Devon<br />
Tavern, abusiness still owned and<br />
operated by the trust. Mr Reid<br />
said support was intendedtoease<br />
tenants through the unsettling<br />
times.<br />
Skifields hope<br />
Mt Huttskifield’sparent<br />
company NZSki is still hopeful<br />
that the <strong>2020</strong> season can still be<br />
enjoyed by skiers and<br />
snowboarders. NZSki boss Paul<br />
Anderson said the ski industry was<br />
still waitingfor government<br />
decisions on alertlevels. While it<br />
was ‘‘impossible’’ for skifieldsto<br />
operate under level 4restrictions<br />
and ‘‘improbable’’under level 3,<br />
he believed skifieldscould operate<br />
underlevel2.But, even in a‘‘bestcase<br />
scenario’’, skier numbers<br />
were expected to be down by at<br />
least twothirds.<br />
YMCA board<br />
YMCA South and Mid<br />
Canterbury is seekingnew<br />
members to join avolunteer<br />
governance board. Anyone with a<br />
passionfor making adifference in<br />
the community and desire to<br />
enable young people to succeed is<br />
encouraged to contact YMCA.<br />
For acopy of the job description<br />
or to findout more contact Barrie<br /> or<br />
on 021 169 0324.<br />
Green rail<br />
The Greens have included<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> in an intercityelectric<br />
rail projectthatcould stimulate<br />
the economypost Covid19. The<br />
proposal is for $9 billion intercity<br />
rail investment over10years to<br />
roll out fast, electric passenger<br />
services connecting key provincial<br />
centres with Christchurch,<br />
Wellington and Auckland. Over<br />
time it would see fast trains<br />
connecting Rangiora and<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> with Christchurch, and<br />
eventually Timaru.<br />
Jennian Homes Canterbury<br />
Michele Strange<br />
P 027 491 5266<br />
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• DairyNZ accredited<br />
Effluent Pond Design<br />
andConstruction<br />
• Pond Constructionand<br />
Irrigation Development<br />
• Hedgeand Stump<br />
Removal<br />
• Farm Conversions<br />
• DairyTracks–<br />
Lime or Gravel<br />
• PumpHire<br />
• Wellsand Galleries<br />
• Bulk Earthworks<br />
• Subdivisions<br />
• Site Works<br />
• Tree Shear<br />
• Transportation<br />
Local news at <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>April</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong>, Page 9<br />
Stand at Dawn campaign<br />
planned for Anzac Day<br />
Public Anzac Day services to honour<br />
past and present veterans and service<br />
personnel will be different this year: we<br />
will remember them together, but<br />
apart.<br />
Due to Covid19 restrictions and the<br />
fact many of New Zealand’s Returned<br />
Soldiers’ Association (RSA) members<br />
are in the 70 yearsplus age group, a<br />
nationwide campaign to Stand at Dawn<br />
is planned.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> RSA president Merv<br />
Brenton said the campaign, organised<br />
by the New Zealand Defence Force<br />
and RSA National, is calling for people<br />
to stand together on <strong>April</strong> 25 at 6am,<br />
while tuned into anational radio<br />
broadcast via 101.3FM.<br />
Even though public Anzac Services<br />
are unable to go ahead, it does not<br />
mean that the tradition of<br />
remembering and commemorating<br />
veterans and service personnel should<br />
be cancelled too.<br />
The Stand at Dawn campaign asks<br />
for people across New Zealand to<br />
stand at their mailboxes, at their front<br />
doors, in their living rooms or<br />
backyards to listen to the dawn service<br />
broadcast on radio.<br />
Mr Brenton said alocal initiative was<br />
also calling for people to stand for a<br />
moment’s remembrance at 11am,<br />
which was the usual time for the civic<br />
service in the district.<br />
Both times are achance to<br />
remember the sacrifices made and<br />
those which continue to be made by our<br />
servicemen and servicewomen who are<br />
called upon to serve New Zealand<br />
during times of war, conflict and<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> RSA president Merv Brenton has apoppy, made by his fouryear-old<br />
grandson Thomas, on his mailbox.<br />
disaster.<br />
Awebsite (<br />
has been set up with activities for the<br />
whole family to do to commemorate<br />
Anzac Day. They include making<br />
poppies, decorating letterboxes and<br />
researching family members who<br />
served New Zealand.<br />
Mr Brenton has ahomemade feltpoppy<br />
on his mailbox created by his<br />
fouryearold grandson Thomas. He<br />
also has agiant poppy on his lawn with<br />
two white crosses as acommemoration<br />
to the national day.<br />
RSA president Merv Brenton<br />
No services, but we<br />
will remember them<br />
‘‘This would have to be one<br />
of the most unusual Anzac<br />
Day addresses that one will<br />
hopefully ever have to give in<br />
their lifetime, no services<br />
this year and with all the<br />
pomp and ceremony that is<br />
the usual on Anzac day, all<br />
cancelled, but we can all still<br />
Stand at Dawn (6am on the<br />
25th) as anation to<br />
remember all those that<br />
sacrificed so much during<br />
times of war.<br />
‘‘The current situation<br />
means we can now physically<br />
relate to some of those<br />
sacrifices made by our<br />
Anzacs and their families in<br />
times gone by, lockdown,<br />
isolation and to the unknown<br />
future, from in this case a<br />
virus as the enemy which<br />
isn’t visible until it hits you.<br />
Neither were the bullets our<br />
soldiers faced.<br />
‘‘All experiences our<br />
soldiers and families<br />
endured during times of war,<br />
all without social media and<br />
the daily updates as to the<br />
current situation, very scary<br />
it must have been.<br />
‘‘We have all heard how<br />
hard it was from stories told<br />
to us by grandparents and<br />
some of you will have<br />
personal memories to some<br />
of the hardships, relating to<br />
supply and availability of<br />
necessities to healthy living<br />
during those times.<br />
‘‘None of us thought about<br />
the possibility of rationing,<br />
the norm in these situations<br />
in the past, but with the<br />
hoarding of toilet paper,<br />
flour, sanitizers and hand<br />
washes and the like by some,<br />
should there have been<br />
ration books to stop the<br />
supermarket stampedes,<br />
would we have coped? I<br />
don’t think so.<br />
‘‘This situation we are in is<br />
aworldwide pandemic, it is<br />
not …nation verse nation,<br />
ethnic group verse ethnic<br />
group, religion verse religion<br />
…itsimply affects us all.<br />
‘‘It is now time to stand as<br />
one and give support to all<br />
others, especially those less<br />
fortunate than ourselves.<br />
‘‘We are now anation of fit<br />
individuals going by the<br />
numbers out walking daily<br />
and all will have abetter<br />
knowledge and<br />
understanding of your<br />
neighbourhoods.<br />
‘‘We may not be able to<br />
celebrate Anzac Day as<br />
normal but our thoughts still<br />
go out to all those affected<br />
by war and now Covid19,<br />
the words We will never<br />
forget them still rings true.<br />
‘‘Stay safe, stay in your<br />
bubbles and ask for help if<br />
required, don’t be asilent<br />
lonely hero.’’
Page 10, <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>April</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
DEATHS<br />
MAW, Charles Amos:<br />
With sadness we<br />
announce the peaceful<br />
passing of Charlie on<br />
Tuesday 14th <strong>April</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />
at Rosebank, <strong>Ashburton</strong>,<br />
aged 93. Dearly loved<br />
husband of Joyce for 66<br />
years. Cherished father<br />
of Elizabeth (deceased)<br />
and John Chynoweth,<br />
Leslie and Annette,<br />
Geoffrey, Ian and Vicki.<br />
Loved grandfather of<br />
Richard and Tracey,<br />
Sara and TJ, Jacqui and<br />
Brad and Grant. Adored<br />
great grandad to Jaryn,<br />
McKenna, Andee, Freya,<br />
Xanthe, Charlie and<br />
Thomas. The family wish<br />
to send their special<br />
thanks to the caring staff<br />
at Rosebank fortheir care<br />
of Charlie over the past<br />
years. Messages to the<br />
Maw Family. 1433 Back<br />
Track, RD12Rakaia. Due<br />
to COVID19 a private<br />
burial will take place.<br />
Paterson’s<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
FDANZ<br />
03 3077433<br />
FORBES, Grace Lillian:<br />
(formerly Smart)<br />
17/4/1937-18/4/<strong>2020</strong><br />
Passed away peacefully at<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> hospital with<br />
her belovedsonsMichael<br />
and Robert byher side.<br />
Loving wife to the late<br />
Ash Forbes, mum to<br />
Robyn (deceased). Much<br />
loved Mum to Gary and<br />
Jody (Perth) and mum in<br />
law toDebbie. Loved by<br />
her grandchildren,<br />
Angela, Vicki, Jason,<br />
Siobhorn, Logan, Dillon,<br />
Liam and Brearna. Loved<br />
great Nana, tobegreat<br />
great Nana, sister, aunty,<br />
cousin and to many a<br />
friend.<br />
Gracewill be greatly<br />
missed by us all,<br />
her humour,cooking,<br />
knitting,crafts, cardsand<br />
housie.<br />
Anymessages can be sent<br />
to mike.smart1<strong>23</strong>456@<br /> The boy’s<br />
respectfully request<br />
that in lieu of flowers<br />
donations can be<br />
made to the <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Cancer Society. Aprivate<br />
cremation will be held<br />
for Grace but due to the<br />
current circumstances<br />
we are unable to hold a<br />
memorial however we<br />
will look at doing so at a<br />
laterdate.<br />
FamilyNotices<br />
DEATHS<br />
PAGE, Joy Leonie, on<br />
<strong>April</strong> 16, <strong>2020</strong>. Passed<br />
away peacefully at<br />
Rosebank Resthome,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>, aged 78<br />
years. Dearly loved sister<br />
of Brian Oliver, and much<br />
loved aunty of all her<br />
nieces and nephews.<br />
Will be dearly missed by<br />
her good friend Dorothy<br />
and the Lefeber family.<br />
Messages to POBox 472,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>7740. Aspecial<br />
thank you tothe staff at<br />
Rosebank Resthome for<br />
their loving care of Joy.<br />
At Joy’s request aprivate<br />
cremation has been held.<br />
Paterson’s<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
FDANZ<br />
03 307 7433<br />
WELLS, Natalie Doreen:<br />
on <strong>April</strong> 14, <strong>2020</strong>: Passed<br />
away peacefully at<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Hospital. Aged<br />
87 years. Dearly loved<br />
wife of the late Arthur<br />
George Wells. Cherished<br />
mother and mother in<br />
law of Alison and John<br />
Menary, Graeme and<br />
Megan Wells, Jennifer and<br />
Mark Holmes, Carolyn and<br />
Jeffery Menzies, Kenneth<br />
Wells and Robert Wells.<br />
Treasured grandmother of<br />
all her grandchildren and<br />
their partners: Lisa and<br />
Ben, Carl and Victoria, and<br />
Talia and Cameron; Ashley<br />
and Emily and Clawrence;<br />
Callum and Toni, Courtney<br />
and Karl and Brittaney and<br />
Blair; Cameron and Henni,<br />
Kerris and Sabrina; Braden<br />
and Hilary; Aleisha and<br />
Mikayla and Cameron.<br />
Loved great grandmother<br />
of Ari, Freya, Isla, Tessa<br />
and Noah. Messages to<br />
the Wells Family, POBox<br />
472, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 7740. We<br />
would like to acknowledge<br />
the wonderful care given<br />
by ward 1 <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Hospital. Because of the<br />
current circumstances a<br />
private burial has taken<br />
place. It is proposed to<br />
hold a memorial service<br />
at St Stephens Anglican<br />
Church at alaterdate.<br />
Paterson’s<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
FDANZ<br />
03 307 7433<br />
Supporting the<br />
community<br />
96 Tancred Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
LREA2008<br />
Phone 307 8317<br />
MCRE<br />
Family owned,<br />
locally owned<br />
22 MooreStreet,<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
0800 2636679<br />
2262527<br />
COULTER Craig:<br />
In loving memory of a<br />
much loved husband<br />
anddad taken from us <strong>23</strong><br />
<strong>April</strong>2019.<br />
Youare<br />
missed each<br />
and everyday,<br />
for youwere<br />
someone special<br />
who meant moretous<br />
than wordscan ever say<br />
Loved and remembered<br />
always<br />
Carolyn, Lucy, Holly; Lee,<br />
Sophie,Charlie; and Vinny<br />
COULTER Craig:<br />
One year ago you left us<br />
Dad.<br />
We will always remember,<br />
that special smile,<br />
that caring heart,<br />
the special hugs,<br />
youalways gaveus.<br />
Youbeing there,<br />
for Mum and us,<br />
through all times<br />
no matter what.<br />
We will always remember<br />
youDad.<br />
Love forever<br />
Lucy and Holly xx<br />
Birth notices listed<br />
by parents will<br />
continue to be free in<br />
the Family Notices<br />
column.<br />
The initial death<br />
notice lodged by a<br />
funeral director will<br />
be listed without<br />
charge. There will<br />
be asmall charge of<br />
$15 for subsequent<br />
notices related to<br />
the same death, up<br />
to amaximum of 35<br />
words and on aperline<br />
basis after that.<br />
The same low<br />
charges apply to<br />
other family notices,<br />
such as engagements,<br />
acknowledgments,<br />
in memoriam notices<br />
and anniversaries.<br />
Aperfect venue for<br />
Functions,<br />
Funerals<br />
and<br />
Weddings.<br />
Trott’s Garden<br />
371RacecourseRoad, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br /> |Email:<br />
2258775<br />
Local news at<br />
Online meat sales take off<br />
By Mick Jensen<br />
Trading mighthave looked uncertain whenlockdown<br />
restrictions started, but Netherby Meats is now going great<br />
guns and an online salesplatform is keeping nine staff<br />
members in full time employment.<br />
Demand is so great that business owner MikeHanson<br />
is considering taking on more people to help with<br />
deliveries and otherjobs.<br />
‘‘Forthe first coupleofweekswedidn’t really know<br />
what we wereallowedtodo wewere open, then closed<br />
and then open again,’’said Mr Hanson.<br />
Staffwere working five to 10 hours aweek and he was<br />
wonderingwhat the futureheld.<br />
He had applied for the Government’swage subsidy and<br />
things were not looking too great.<br />
‘‘I found myself stuck with $20,000 worth of meat that<br />
I’d ordered before lockdown and thought I’d be allowed<br />
to sell.<br />
‘‘I wasn’tsure what to do with it. But thenthe story was<br />
shared on television and countlessofferscame in from<br />
people wanting to buy it.’’<br />
Thosebuying it had donated the meat to Ronald<br />
McDonald House, the Salvation Armyand othercauses,<br />
‘‘which was quite amazing really’’.<br />
Mr Hansonsaid themeat had been snapped up in just<br />
two days.<br />
NetherbyMeatstarted offering online sales on <strong>April</strong>6,<br />
with the first delivery three days later.<br />
On day one therewere 150 orders, and 100 on day two.<br />
Saleshad continued to be brisk, said Mr Hanson, and<br />
all of his staff were busyworking full days.<br />
‘‘Customersare happy to orderonline.<br />
‘‘They tick the items they want, pay online and then we<br />
deliver.’’<br />
Mr Hanson said local orders weredelivered by his staff<br />
and acourier had been usedfor orders received from<br />
Timaru, Geraldine and Christchurch.<br />
He had put the time into developingthe online sales<br />
Labour List MP Jo Luxton<br />
Thank you to ateam of five million<br />
Thiscolumn is about your unity,your sacrifice, and your<br />
success so far.You should be enormously proud of what<br />
we are achievingtogether, even though there’s plenty<br />
moretodo.<br />
We’re showing that ateamoffive million, working<br />
together, really can take ahuge step towards the goal of<br />
eliminatingCovid19from New Zealand.<br />
Now we havetofinish the job.<br />
As you will have heard, New Zealand willmove out of<br />
alert level 4after Anzac Day, on <strong>April</strong> 28. The<br />
Government wouldnot have been abletomake that<br />
decision without your efforts. Across New Zealandwe<br />
cametogetherasone team. We went hard,and early, to<br />
protect our bubbles and breakthe chain of transmission.<br />
So far, your efforts looktobepayingoff.<br />
Our infection rate (thenumber of caseseach person<br />
withthe virus passesitonto) is now 0.48 (as at Monday),<br />
lessthan half aperson each.Overseas the averageismore<br />
thanfive times as high.That progressisthanks to you.<br />
Nearly every case identified since <strong>April</strong>1isrelatedto<br />
an existing cluster or personwith the virus. Fewer than 10<br />
cases don’thave one of thoseclear links, whichisjust 0.6<br />
per cent of the total number of cases. Thatsmall number<br />
is thanks to you, too.<br />
In addition, we have now testedover 85,000New<br />
Zealanders for Covid19and almostall those testsare<br />
negative. Thatgives me confidence the risk of hidden<br />
communitytransmission is low.<br />
Netherby Meats owner Mike Hanson is flat out<br />
with online meat orders.<br />
platform, but it was ‘‘paying off big time’’.<br />
‘‘I will keep it up and running postlockdown, because<br />
people are gettingusedtoitand it is aconvenient wayfor<br />
some to shop.’’<br />
NetherbyMeats has alsobeen operating amobile<br />
abattoir, and therehas been gooddemand from local<br />
farmers.<br />
Mr Hansonwas still lookingforward to restrictions<br />
beinglifted and his shop reopening but believed under<br />
alertlevel 3the shop would remainclosed, which would<br />
be disappointingbut something he had to accept.<br />
Six projects put forward for funds<br />
The <strong>Ashburton</strong> DistrictCouncil<br />
hopes to hear by theend of the<br />
month if sixprojects, including a<br />
second <strong>Ashburton</strong> River bridge, will<br />
be part of government’s economic<br />
stimulus packagepostCovid19.<br />
The Government has tagged$800<br />
million forshovelready<br />
infrastructure projectsthat can start<br />
in thenext six monthsorassoon as<br />
the constructionindustryreturns to<br />
normal.<br />
Councils all over the country<br />
scrambled to putforwardprojects<br />
and thefundhas beenmassively<br />
oversubscribed.Auckland councils<br />
submitted 90 projectsand<br />
Wellington councils submitted<br />
projectsworth $1.3billion.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> DistrictCouncilchief<br />
executiveHamish Riach said the<br />
volumeand scale of theprojects was<br />
extraordinary butcouncil staff had<br />
workedhard overthe Easterbreak<br />
to make sure <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s projects<br />
stood thegreatestchance of being<br />
among those selected by Crown<br />
Infrastructure Partners.<br />
“It will be reallyinteresting to see<br />
how theCrown Infrastructure<br />
Partners canassess themountain of<br />
applicationsfrom across the<br />
country.”<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Mayor NeilBrownis<br />
hopeful<strong>Ashburton</strong>projectswillbe<br />
among those selected,given the<br />
South Islandmissed out on the<br />
Government’s Infrastructure<br />
Upgradepackageearlierthisyear.<br />
The council has rankedits projects<br />
across different categories, with the<br />
alreadyplanned secondbridge over<br />
the <strong>Ashburton</strong>Riverontop.Italso<br />
submitted applications forthe<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Libraryand Civic Centre,<br />
the <strong>Ashburton</strong>relief sewer,Methven<br />
water supply upgrade, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
railsiding relocationand safety<br />
improvementsonroadfreightroutes<br />
likeInland 72.<br />
The Government saiditwould<br />
consider funding projects around<br />
water, transport, clean energy and<br />
buildings, that would have apublic or<br />
regionalgood, createjobsand be<br />
abletoget under way in six months.<br />
Althoughthe Crown was seeking<br />
larger projects, over $10m,which<br />
would have an immediate<br />
stimulatory effectonthe<br />
construction industry, smaller<br />
projects are alsobeingconsideredif<br />
theydemonstrate adirect and<br />
immediate benefit to regional<br />
economies andcommunities in<br />
which theyare based.<br />
In short, our team of five millioneffortisdoing the job<br />
we set out to do.<br />
Do not underestimate whatyou have achieved so far.<br />
The situationtoday couldhave beenvery different. But<br />
rememberthis is amarathon, not asprint.<br />
As we move to alert level3,let’s not waste this chance<br />
to eliminate the virus by losing our focusordiscipline.<br />
We’re not out of the woods yet.Any complacency now can<br />
undoeveryone’shardwork.<br />
Schools will reopen on <strong>April</strong>29, but remember<br />
attendance is voluntary –parents shouldkeep children at<br />
homeifthey can.The small number of children attending<br />
willprimarily be the childrenofparents who have to<br />
return to their workplace.<br />
Winning the fight against this virus is the best way to<br />
savelives, butit’s alsothe bestthingwecan do for our<br />
economy. That’s why there are stillstrict measuresinplace<br />
at alert level 3.<br />
Our aim is to enterlockdownonce,doitright,and<br />
hopefullynever return. We all wanttomove down alert<br />
levels as soon as we safely can. That’s the best way to<br />
protect jobs and get our economy on the road to recovery,<br />
too.<br />
The discipline we have displayed at alertlevel 4must<br />
now become the hallmark of our actions in alert level 3.<br />
Kia kaha Mid Canterbury, you have shown your<br />
resilience and communityspiritduring this alert level4<br />
lockdown, let’s finish the job.
Local news at <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>April</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong>, Page 11<br />
Rural&Lifestyle<br />
Broccoli, lettuce crops in<br />
By Toni Williams<br />
Staff at LeaderBrandhave adapted at<br />
work to makesure they are keeping<br />
themselves, andtheir workmates, safe<br />
fromCovid19infection.<br />
Thehorticultural business has farms<br />
at Chertsey andGisborneand employs<br />
around200 permanent staff<br />
nationwide, with an additional300<br />
people during summer harvest.<br />
At Chertsey around 40 staff have<br />
been busyharvesting broccoli and<br />
lettuce destined for the supermarket<br />
shelves.There arealsoaround six staff<br />
in Christchurch who are workingin<br />
sales and able to workfrom home.<br />
LeaderBrand chiefexecutiveofficer<br />
Richard Burke said it was abusy time<br />
but nationwidethe biggest onerouson<br />
staff was around the way they<br />
operated.<br />
‘‘There are massivechanges, butthe<br />
teamacross the countryhave come on<br />
board.<br />
As aserviceprovider to the farming<br />
sector, we areavailable during these<br />
restrictions to ensureour farmers are<br />
able to carryonfarming –<br />
7days aweek!<br />
As our showroom is closed during the<br />
lockdown period,all customers will<br />
need to ring or email ahead to order<br />
parts and service.<br />
We will then arrange asafe<br />
non-contactpick up foryou.<br />
We areavailable by phone or email<br />
between the hours of<br />
8.00am –5.00pm, 7daysaweek.<br />
Phone Paul on 308 6509 or 027 431 5513,<br />
or email us on<br />
‘‘The guys havereallytakenon<br />
board the safety side of having to<br />
continue to work each day,’’hesaid.<br />
Mr Burke saidthe Covid19<br />
lockdown hadcreated a‘‘big<br />
challenge’’not onlyinhow harvest<br />
operationswere carried outbut also<br />
with marketdemand.<br />
‘‘Thereisnoreal pattern to it,’’ he<br />
said,ofconsumers buyingtrends.<br />
‘‘The market is completely<br />
different.’’<br />
Theteamwereworking on<br />
harvesting and ‘‘so far,sogood, we’re<br />
on track,’’and even withstrictharvest<br />
and distribution rules in place, due to<br />
branding,therehad been minimal<br />
wastewithmarketsfound forproduce.<br />
Mr Burkesaidthe company would<br />
‘‘keep pushing thoseexisting lines’’.<br />
‘‘It’shard work,you don’t know<br />
what’s normal,’’hesaid.<br />
‘‘We are lucky we have ateam<br />
dedicated to turn up toworkeachday<br />
whenothersare stuck at home.’’<br />
Environment awards take<br />
new, innovative approach<br />
Organisers of the Ballance Farm<br />
Environment Award are taking an<br />
innovative approach to announcing this<br />
year’s award recipients.<br />
Due to the nationwide Covid19<br />
response, the remaining award<br />
functions will go online and virtual<br />
regional announcementswill be made<br />
from <strong>April</strong>22.<br />
Each Wednesday at 7.30pm an<br />
announcement videowill go on<br />
YouTube and then all the latest<br />
information and video links will be<br />
available on the<br />
website.<br />
Run by the New Zealand Farm<br />
EnvironmentTrust, the annual<br />
Ballance Farm Environment Awards<br />
champion sustainable farming and<br />
growing.<br />
Generalmanager James Ryansays<br />
he’s delighted thatthis year’s award<br />
entrants and recipients are being<br />
celebrated in anew and creative way.<br />
‘‘“It’sdifficult to predict when life<br />
will return to normal. However, what I<br />
do know is that it’s important to have<br />
events to look forwardto–where we<br />
catchupand celebratethe best of<br />
humanity. So this year –reflecting the<br />
innovation andagility of our entrants –<br />
we'retaking an innovative approach to<br />
announcing award recipients.”<br />
The East Coast andCanterbury<br />
awardrecipientshave already been<br />
announced.<br />
Regenerative agriculture<br />
Beef +LambNZ is undertaking aglobal<br />
study into regenerative agriculture.<br />
The purpose is to understand similarities<br />
and differences to New Zealand farming<br />
practices, and the opportunities itmight<br />
present for farmers.<br />
Regenerative agriculture is an approach<br />
to farming which seeks to engage conservation<br />
goals such as improving soiland water<br />
health and mitigating climate change.<br />
The B+LNZ study will look at the<br />
market potential of regenerative agriculture;<br />
what it means to experts and the<br />
wider industry as well as Government,<br />
consumer and expert perceptions of the<br />
industry.<br />
2271877<br />
Andrew Stephenson, wife Phillippa and children Maddy and Hunter.<br />
Giant hay bunny created<br />
The Stephenson family,<br />
of Fords Road,<br />
Willowby, spent Easter<br />
Saturday creating agiant<br />
female bunny to lurein<br />
the Easter Bunny and<br />
put asmile on the faces<br />
of people driving past.<br />
And it worked.<br />
The bunny, made of<br />
hay bales, shaped plastic<br />
from empty 200litre<br />
drums (ears) kline pods<br />
(for eyes), alkathene<br />
pipe (for whiskers) and<br />
has painted arms and<br />
features, including long<br />
eyelashes, sits in a<br />
paddock facing the road.<br />
It has had alot of<br />
interest from passing motorists, including Police,<br />
going about their essential travels and successfully<br />
lured the Easter Bunny who arrived the following day<br />
much to the delight of seven year old Maddy and two<br />
year old Hunter.<br />
But he didn’t make his Easter delivery easy; he left<br />
12 clues around the farm which lead to the discovery<br />
of achocolate egg stash.<br />
With the help of parents Andrew and Phillippa, the<br />
children followed the clues which took three hours<br />
for the family to crack and included travelling the<br />
length and width of the <strong>23</strong>0 hectare Park Lane Dairy<br />
farm, where Mr Stephenson is farm manager. The<br />
CoBee creators Abby Henderson-Geddes, 12,<br />
and Maddy Wilson-Stephenson, 7, with two year<br />
old Hunter Stephenson.<br />
farm is aFonterra<br />
supplier, milking 650<br />
cows during the season,<br />
and 150 cows wintermilking,<br />
on a54Rotary<br />
platform.<br />
At the other side of<br />
the farm onLongbeach<br />
Road next to some<br />
nervous looking Belgium<br />
blue calves up for sale <br />
sits agiant teddy bear,<br />
named CoBee, which is<br />
also drawing attention.<br />
CoBee is arural<br />
tribute to the nationwide<br />
windowsill movement<br />
and was made days<br />
before his neighbouring<br />
female bunny rabbit. It is<br />
the ‘brainbear' of HendersonGeddes siblings<br />
Caitlyn, 14, and Abby, 12, (who are also good at<br />
organising scavenger hunts) and neighbour Maddy<br />
WilsonStephenson.<br />
The trio may live at different houses on Park Lane<br />
Dairy farm, which has been in the Geddes family of<br />
David and Jill for the past 50 years, but researched<br />
and designed the bear together from other rural<br />
creations around the country. It is made from large<br />
hay rounds (body and head), hay bales (arms), tyres<br />
(ears) with painted features; Mr Stephenson, no<br />
stranger to making oversized novelty animals, which<br />
he did in England, did the tractor work.<br />
More nitrous oxide research needed, say Feds<br />
Arecent finding that livestockare<br />
responsible for less nitrous oxide than<br />
previouslyestimated underlines the value of<br />
indepth research and accurate data,says<br />
Federated Farmers.<br />
‘‘Achieving netzero nitrous oxide<br />
emissions by 2050 will not be easy to do, but<br />
is nonetheless atask we are committed to,’’<br />
said Federated Farmers climate change<br />
spokespersonAndrewHoggard.<br />
‘‘Thedifficulty in reducing nitrous oxide<br />
is due to the emissions being mainly caused<br />
by the urineoflivestockproviding too much<br />
nitrogen for the soil to absorb. While<br />
nitrogen is good for plant growth, when<br />
there is too muchnitrogen in one spot, some<br />
will be releasedinto the air as nitrous<br />
oxide.’’<br />
‘‘The absurdimpracticality of measuring<br />
the emissions caused by the urine of<br />
individual livestock on farm means that<br />
totalsare estimated using models and the<br />
best scientific research on hand.<br />
‘‘Unlike afactory,wecannotuse adevice<br />
to directly measure the emissions from<br />
animalsonfarms and must attemptto<br />
estimate complex biologicalprocess as best<br />
as we can.’’<br />
New research undertaken by Kiwi<br />
scientistsshow that urine deposited by<br />
livestock on hilly terrain spreadsover a<br />
larger area and is therefore able to be better<br />
absorbed by the soil.<br />
‘‘The new research resultsina1,700 kt<br />
CO2ereduction in agriculturalnitrous<br />
oxide emissions estimatedfor 2017, an<br />
almost 20% reduction,’’ said Mr Hoggard.<br />
The bulk of these reductions came from<br />
sheep and beeflivestock on steep slopes,but<br />
alack of data resulted in the assumption<br />
being made that all dairy cattle were located<br />
entirely on flat terrain.<br />
‘‘We encourage the researchers and<br />
officials to continue to work with the<br />
agriculture industry in New Zealand in<br />
order to alsomake thisinnovative research<br />
applicable to Kiwidairyfarmers.<br />
‘‘This research results in hill country<br />
sheep and beef nitrous oxide emissions<br />
being reduced by about twothirds and onethird<br />
respectively in the emissions inventory<br />
back to 1990.<br />
‘‘Farmers acrossNew Zealand are<br />
committedtoimproving environmental<br />
outcomesathome, whilecontinuing to<br />
provide soughtafter and nutrition packed<br />
food across the globe. This research<br />
highlights the fundamental importance of<br />
accurate data in managing environmental<br />
outcomes, such as greenhousegas<br />
emissions.’’<br />
New Zealand was at the cutting edge of<br />
agricultural climate change research and<br />
Federated Farmersencouraged researchers<br />
and officials to continue theirhard work<br />
towards more accuratelyunderstanding the<br />
‘‘wicked’’problem of climate change that is<br />
facing farmers,along with all New<br />
Zealanders.<br />
Maintaining Alert Level 4<br />
It’s time to digdeep, andkeeplocking-inthe gainswehavealready<br />
made at AlertLevel 4. Thank youall forcontinuing to do your bit.<br />
CanbusinessesopenatAlert Levels 4or3?<br />
Only essential businessescanoperate at AlertLevel 4. At Alert<br />
Level3,businessescan starttrading,aslong as they cando<br />
so safely.Atbothalert levels,peoplemust continue to work<br />
from home wherethis is possible.<br />
At Alert Level 3workplacesmust:<br />
• meetappropriate public healthrequirements<br />
• maintainphysicaldistancing betweenworkers at alltimes<br />
• tradewithout physicalcontactwithcustomers(e.g. viaphone<br />
or online orders,and by ensuring allpick-ups, drive-throughs<br />
anddeliveriesare contactless)<br />
• ensure customers arenot allowedonpremises.<br />
CanIsend children to school or EarlyChildhood<br />
Centres?<br />
UnderAlert Level3mostchildren andyoungpeoplewill continue<br />
distancelearning. Early Childhood Centres and schools willopen<br />
on Wednesday29<strong>April</strong> forstudentsuptoYear 10.However,<br />
children that canstayand learn at homeshoulddoso. Children<br />
whoaresick or vulnerable should alsostayhome andtheywill be<br />
supported to do so.<br />
In themeantime, whileweare still at AlertLevel 4, schools will be<br />
cleaned, andgrounds tidied up.Ifyou have anyquestions about<br />
distancelearning or returning to school,contact your school.<br />
CanIexpand my bubble at AlertLevel 3?<br />
Always keepyourbubbleasmall as possible.<br />
If youdoneed to expandyourbubble, youcan do so to bringin<br />
aclose family member,isolatedpeople or caregivers.<br />
CanIleave my bubbleifI’m feelingunsafe?<br />
If you’re notsafeathome,it’sokaytoleave your bubbletoaskfor<br />
help immediately.Ifyou have to leave, youcan contactafriend or<br />
trustedneighbour.Call 111 as soon as youcan,or Women’sRefuge.<br />
If youhave concerns aboutayoungperson, call 0508 FAMILY<br />
(0508 326459).<br />
ShouldIget tested forCOVID-19?<br />
It is importantthatevery sniffle and sneeze is takenseriously.<br />
If youhavesymptoms, seek advice from your GP or Healthline<br />
aboutgetting atest, as quicklyas possible.<br />
Remember –thereisnostigma to COVID-19. Anyone cangetit,<br />
throughnofault of theirown. We will only be successful if<br />
everyone is willing to play theirpartinfinding it,whereveritis.<br />
CanIsee my doctor forthings that arenot<br />
relatedtoCOVID-19?<br />
It’s importantthatyou do notneglect other healthissuesjust<br />
becausetheyare notrelatedtoCOVID-19.<br />
Don’t hold off or wait until youfeelworse. Ourhealthsystem<br />
is open and running andready to help.Healthlineisfreeand<br />
available24hours aday,7days aweekon0800 3585453.<br />
Howcan Imakesuremyfriends andrelatives<br />
aged 70+are feelingsupported?<br />
We knowtherearepeopleinourcommunity feeling isolated<br />
and lonely during this time. Some maynot be reaching outasthey<br />
feel ‘likeaburden’.Now is thetimetopickupthe phone,orstart<br />
avideo-chat, andremindthem that we’reall in this together.<br />
Even somethingas simpleas offering afriendly wave throughthe<br />
windowwhenyou’reoutonyourdaily walk,can go along wayto<br />
making them feel included.Alittlekindnessandrecognitiongoes<br />
alongway.<br />
When can Iuse my car or public transportin<br />
AlertLevel 3?<br />
Youcan use your car to travel forrecreation at Alert Level 3–<br />
just keep it local. Youcan alsouse yourcartotravel if you are:<br />
• gettingessentialsupplies<br />
• using essential services<br />
• attending your workplace, or working<br />
• going to or from school (ifyou need to).<br />
Youshouldlimit theuse of public transport to theabove only,<br />
as therewillbelimited capacity.<br />
If in doubt: Stay local. Stay safe.<br />
Thank yousmallbusinessowners<br />
Your patience and strength, despite the many hardships the virus<br />
is causing,has been exceptional. Youare playing acrucial role in<br />
breaking the chain of transmission.<br />
Gotquestions?<br />
Find the answersfaster at
Local news at <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>April</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong>, Page 13<br />
Property Brokersare<br />
openfor business<br />
and herefor you!<br />
Agriculture’s Time to Shine<br />
As we contemplatethe transition out of Lock-Down-Level4it is apoignanttimetoconsider<br />
what the impactoflast 4weeks will meanforall of as individual’s, our families, our businesses<br />
and the communitieswe liveinover the next fewweeks or months.All essential workers and<br />
sectors who have unselfishly worked through this period aretobe applauded. This includes<br />
the work of our farmersplus support industries to agricultureas theyhave continued on<br />
throughthis period to keep the economic wheels turning via supply of food domestically and<br />
maintaining export earnings.<br />
If nothing else the nationwide lock-down has never emphasised morethe importance of our<br />
agricultural base and economyinourcommunity, country and the world. Agriculturehastobe<br />
an integral part of the strategy to lead New Zealand out of this economic crisis. All of us will<br />
have adifferentview of howthis is achieved. Howeverit’s not the timeforseveral agenda’s,<br />
politics, themor us, city vs country mentality. As anationweare all in this together so key<br />
partners to agricultureneed to unified. With acommongoal to assist the primary sector<br />
remain akeyexport and economic driver in arecovery.<br />
Thereis arealneed forour rural financiersmorethan everto supportour farmers by<br />
maintaining the supply of capital andrecirculating capital repaid by farmersdirectly back<br />
into agriculture(not the residential property market). Enabling farmerstoinvest andenhance<br />
productivitythrough technology, on-farm performance, meeting environmental standards,<br />
increasing scale to maintain competitiveness on the world stage arefundamentaltoa<br />
recovery. The revenue from export receipts will provide the capital to our local economyand<br />
filter down to all sectors including those that have suffered asignificantdownturn.<br />
Other partners include central, regional and local governmentwith investmentinrural<br />
infrastructuretostimulatethe economyand improvethe resilience of rural communities.<br />
This includes roading, telecommunications, waterresources and schemes, measured<br />
environmentalexpectations and supportforworkers who have lost employmenttoretrain and<br />
work in the agricultural sector toreplace overseas workers.<br />
2510 MethvenHighway<br />
Governmentsupport overthe past month has been oxygen to enable businesses to stay<br />
afloat, to paywagesand supportemployees. Thishas been acriticalshort-term measurebut a<br />
quick as possible return to normality is needed with operatingspending brought under control,<br />
surpluses restored and debt being repaid. Our hard-working farmerswill be thereto lead the<br />
wayand theyneed our support forthem to do this, let’s all unite-Its Agricultures time to shine!<br />
Locked Down but Not Locked Out<br />
Likemany, our team has transitioned prior to Level4from theoffice or officeon wheels to<br />
work from home. While the lack of visits and interactioninperson creates some challenges for<br />
conducting real estateit has been acase of communicating by phone/zoom/Microsoft Teams<br />
and using the technology to our advantage. Video appraisals, digital listing authorities and<br />
remoteAML areall nowfirmly part of the tool-box.<br />
Locked downhas definitely not meantlocked out forthe Property Brokers rural team. Activity<br />
over the past 4weeks has included an unconditional sale achievedon adairy farm near<br />
Methven. Settlementof a148ha Methvenarable/dairy support farm and an unconditional<br />
arable/dairy support sale at Mayfield.Conditional/unconditional agreements on three lifestyle<br />
properties including multipleoffers on one of these and twofarm leases fortender and<br />
negotiated with one evolving into apurchase. Someofthese have called on the individual<br />
sales consultantorour collectiveteamsexperience to bring agreements together. Especially<br />
when presented with complex issues requiringnegotiations to be undertaken by phone/<br />
electronically and working in tandem with vendors, purchasers and professionals including<br />
solicitors, accountants and banks to obtain asuccessful outcome.<br />
Along with our skilled local and national sales support, our experienced rural team areready<br />
to hit the ground runningoverthe next fewweeks as we get back to anew normal post<br />
lockdown. While none of us knowwhat that normal will be, we areoptimistic that positive<br />
signs seen in rural and lifestyle sale activity in recentmonths together with lowinterest rates,<br />
favourable commodityprices andexchange rateswill continue. If youhaveanyquestions<br />
about your property,the market or just wantachat please call anyone of the Mid Canterbury<br />
team anytime.<br />
Greg Jopson<br />
027 447 4382<br />
Chris Murdoch<br />
027 434 2545<br />
Rodger Letham<br />
027 433 3436<br />
350 Line Road, Methven<br />
Paul Cunneen<br />
027 432 3382<br />
Robert Harnett<br />
027 432 3562<br />
Written by Greg Jopson<br />
Rural and Lifestyle Sales Consultant<br /><br />
Property Brokers Ltd Licensed REAA 2008
TUESDAY, MARCH 24, <strong>2020</strong><br />
South New<br />
Bri<br />
Gymnastics<br />
s, w<br />
WEDNESDAY,MARCH 25, <strong>2020</strong><br />
By Jess Gibson<br />
WITH MORE than100 edible<br />
speciesinhis garden, Dave<br />
Brycewould give anyvegetable<br />
shop arun for its money.<br />
Which is whythe Mt<br />
Pleasant resident,who is also<br />
Lending for buying, building or renovating your new home<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Business lending<br />
<br /><br />
<br />
Connecting Your Community<br />
thechairmanofRedcliffs/Te<br />
RaeKura Eco VillageGroup,<br />
wassuccessful at theLinwood-<br />
Central-HeathcoteEdible<br />
Garden Awards.<br />
He receivedaspecial<br />
awardfor BestSustainability<br />
Connecting Your Community<br />
DEDICATED: Dave Bryce is passionate about gardening as it is sustainable and promotes healthyeating.<br />
Mortgage Advisor<br />
Phone 021 346 265<br />
Features andwas one of seven<br />
recognised in theResidential<br />
House Category.<br />
The awards were presented to<br />
Mr Bryceataceremony held at<br />
theMatuku Takotako: Sumner<br />
Centre earlier thismonth.<br />
At themoment,edible<br />
items in Mr Bryce’sgarden<br />
includepumpkins, courgettes,<br />
beans, lettuce,rhubarb, celery,<br />
tomatoes, berries, nuts and<br />
herbs amongothers.<br />
•Turn to page 6<br /><br />
By Jess Gibson<br /><br />
RESOURCE consent hasbeen<br />
granted foramajor commercial<br />
andresidentialdevelopment in<br />
Lyttelton.<br />
Collett’sCorner, athree-storey<br />
complex, is nowastepcloser to<br />
being builtonOxfordStafter<br />
Christchurch City Council<br />
approvedthe consentapplication<br />
from Ohu Development -the<br />
group behind the project.<br />
The project is being fundedby<br />
the first crowdfundingcampaign<br />
under taken in NewZealandfor a<br />
commercial development.<br />
However,before work starts on<br />
the complex, OhuDevelopment<br />
will need toraise between<br />
$800,000 and $1.4 million in its<br />
second round of crowdfunding,<br />
whichisplanned to start on<br />
<strong>April</strong> 2.<br />
The public willdecide whether<br />
or notthe second crowdfunding<br />
bid will go ahead on thatdate.<br />
In asurvey by Ohu<br />
Development, people can<br />
choosewhether they think the<br />
crowdfundingcampaignshould<br />
continue, or should bepaused<br />
until theCovid-19 outbreakis<br />
brought under control.<br />
TUESDAY, MARCH 24, <strong>2020</strong><br />
JuliaHol<br />
Connecting Your Community<br />
Page 3 Page 5<br />
WEDNESDAY,MARCH 25, <strong>2020</strong><br />
Connecting Your Community<br />
283 Gr ers Road Bryndwr,<br />
Christchurch<br /><br />
03 359 0582<br />
Funded by the Parliamentary Service.<br />
Authorised by Ge ry Brownl e MP,<br />
Parliament Buildings, We lington.<br /><br />
GIRLBOSS: Julia Holmes wantstobeageneticist after high school, and feelsthe GirlBoss Advantage programme will help<br />
her achieveher dreams.<br />
By Bea Gooding<br />
from ayoung agehas always Juliaisone of25young industries that were often maledominated,withparticular<br />
been interested in how things women chosen aroundthe<br />
WEST MELTON’S Julia worked, oftentakingthings country to participatein focus on science, technology,<br />
Holmes is on amissionto apart justtoput them back theGirlBoss Advantage engineeringand maths.<br />
make adifference in theworld. together.<br />
programme next month, Shewas shocked to hear the<br />
The fifteen-year-old has That passionhas landed her designed to mentor the newsfromher mother.<br />
apassionfor biology, and theopportunity of herdreams. femaleleadersoftomorrowin •Turn to page5<br />
Do you have trouble<br />
hearing and need a<br />
hearing test? Your<br />
local hearing expert,<br />
Brenna Sincock, is<br />
here tohelp you get<br />
your best hearing.<br />
Call (03) 390 <strong>23</strong>32<br />
Shop 40 Rolleston Square, 9Masefield Dr, Rolleston 7614<br />
Rolleston |Darfield |Leeston |Lincoln<br />
•Open 5days aweek •<br />
•Late night appointments (these fill fast!) •<br />
•FREE adjustments for ACC funded clients •<br />
•Fully funded ACC options •<br />
•Hearing aids in all price brackets •<br />
Local Selwyn Audiology<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
TUESDAY, MARCH 24, <strong>2020</strong><br /><br />
By DevonBolger<br />
ANYDECISIONonhelping people<br />
who may struggletopay theirrates<br />
will come from theGovernment,<br />
thedistrictcouncil says.<br />
Said district<br />
councilchief<br />
executiveDavid<br />
Ward:“(We) will<br />
be guidedby<br />
government<br />
policy and<br />
guidelines in<br />
relation to financialassistance<br />
David Ward<br />
forratepayers.<br />
It is likely to be anational<br />
decision.”<br />
Mr Ward said it isstill too early<br />
to tellexactly what assistancethe<br />
community willneed.<br />
“It’sveryearly days andI<br />
think that we arejust looking<br />
at how we respondtothe virus.<br />
Forus, it’s aboutresponsiveness<br />
to thecentral government<br />
guidelines,the safetyofstaff<br />
andthe safety of ourcommunities.”<br />
It follows callsfrom<br />
Christchurch citycouncillors to<br />
stop ratesincreases in response<br />
to theCovid-19 crisis.<br />
•Turn to page 3<br />
<br />
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No review<br />
over<br />
multi-storey<br />
house<br />
TUESDAY, MARCH 24, <strong>2020</strong><br />
ByMattSlaughter<br />
SPREYDON residentsare<br />
preparingtohelpmembers of<br />
theircommunity if they are<br />
forced to self-isolatebecause of<br />
Covid-19.<br />
Spreydon Neighbourhood<br />
Network Facebookgroup admin<br />
SonyaHodder got behindthe<br />
idea after one of its members<br />
postedaskingifresidentsare<br />
willing to supportpeople who<br />
areself-isolating by dropping off<br />
foodand other supplies.<br />
Said MrsHodder: “One of the<br />
ladies who is in thegroup works<br />
for theRed Cross andshe’s like<br />
an emergency person, you know,<br />
she goesout with thefour-wheeldrive<br />
andthat,and shecameup<br />
with theidea andsoIagreed that<br />
we should use ourFacebookpage<br />
as an avenueifanybody does<br />
need help.<br />
“I’m notsurehow needed that<br />
it will be becausemostofthe supermarketsare<br />
providingonline<br />
deliveryand things likethatbut<br />
it’s just hardtoknowhow it’s going<br />
to panout.<br />
“I just thinkthey[people]just<br />
need to letusknowwhat they<br />
need andwe’ll do ourbestto<br />
help,”she said.<br />
MrsHodder saidthereisno<br />
need to panicbut it is important<br />
those who canhelpdotheirbit if<br />
Connecting Your Community<br />
theworst happens.<br />
“I just think anything to help<br />
our community,that’s what we<br />
[the Spreydon Neighbourhood<br />
Amessage<br />
oflove, unity<br />
and prayers<br />
forpeace<br />
Connecting Your Community<br />
Network]are about, that’s why<br />
we exist.<br />
“We’ve gottolookafter each<br />
other.Iguess it’s going to get<br />
Restore your oiled CEDAR BLINDS with our re-oiling service.<br />
Rejuvenate your lacquered CEDAR BLINDS<br />
High-tech Cleaning<br />
We clean and repair all types of blinds –<br />
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Romans and Pleated – with environmentally<br />
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Temperature Controlled Dry<br />
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Re-oiling & Rejuvenating<br />
Fabric Blinds - such as Austrian and<br />
Roman<br />
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Convenient Location<br />
We are located at 47 Mandeville St,<br />
Riccarton (next to Window Treatments<br />
<br /><br />
per blind<br />
283 Gr ers Road Bryndwr,<br />
Christchurch<br /><br />
03 359 0582<br />
Funded by the Parliamentary Service.<br />
Authorised by Ge ry Brownl e MP,<br />
Parliament Buildings, We lington.<br /><br />
trickyifthe supermarkets stop<br />
workingand things likethat,and<br />
Mon -Fri<br />
8.00am to 5.00pm<br />
***NEW LOCATION***<br />
Ph 377 0770,<br />
47 Mandeville St, Riccarton<br />
Christchurch<br /><br />
SUPPORT: Sonya<br />
Hodder says<br />
the Spreydon<br />
Neighbourhood<br />
Network will help<br />
residents if they<br />
have to selfisolate<br />
because<br />
of Covid-19.<br />
SLOAN<br />
• HAVE YOUR<br />
SAY: Tell us<br />
what you’re<br />
doing to help<br />
your community<br />
prepare for<br />
Covid-19? Email<br />
matt.slaughter@<br /><br />
thedoctors, it’s hard forthemas<br />
well.Peopleneedtobeencouraged<br />
nottoactuallygothereif<br />
they’resick, buttophone in and<br />
things like that,” she said.<br />
•Turn to page 6<br />
Somerfield<br />
03 337 0422<br />
Small batchmade from scratch, Coffee to go!<br />
Page 14, <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>April</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
All of Mid Canty back<br />
in Rangitata electorate<br />
Rakaia, Chertsey, Dorie, Pendarves and Lauriston are<br />
back in the Rangitata electorate, after an adjustment<br />
of electoral boundaries.<br />
The change affects some 3300 voters inthose rural<br />
areas who werepart of the Selwyn electorate in the last<br />
general election.<br />
Rangitata MP Andrew Falloon had been lobbying<br />
for them to return to his electorate and said having all<br />
of Mid Canterbury in the same electorate made<br />
complete sense.<br />
He was among more than 400 people who made<br />
submissions to the Representation Commission when<br />
boundaries were reviewed last year. Other submitters<br />
from Geraldine said they wanted to be part of the<br />
Rangitata electorate, but they remain in the Waitaki<br />
electorate.<br />
Selwyn electorate loses Banks Peninsula, which is<br />
merged with eastern parts of Christchurch previously<br />
in the Port Hills electorate.<br />
Changes around the country range from major to<br />
minor. Anew seat proposed as Flat Bush will instead<br />
be named Takanini. Other name changes are Helensville,<br />
which becomes Kaipara ki Mahurangi, Hunua<br />
becomes Port Waikato and Rimutaka becomes<br />
Remutaka.<br />
Mr Falloon said he was happy the commission had<br />
agreed with his submission.<br />
‘‘I put forward what I thought was a pretty<br />
compelling case to have the Rakaia River as the<br />
boundary rather than where it has been at Dromore<br />
corner, which alot of people found quite odd.’’<br />
He and Selwyn MP Amy Adams had operated a‘‘no<br />
wrong door’’ policy, which meant he had helped people<br />
in places like Rakaia, Chertsey and Lauriston despite<br />
them being in the neighbouring electorate.<br />
‘‘I’ll continue to do that until the election, and<br />
beyond that Idon’t take anything for granted.’<br />
‘‘I’ve worked hard to be a strong voice for our<br />
district in Parliament and I’ll keeping working hard<br />
every day to earn the support of people to do so again.’’<br />
Temporary work visas extended<br />
Mid Canterbury workers on temporary<br />
work visas, like thousands of<br />
others around the country, have<br />
had their visas extended by Immigration<br />
New Zealand because of<br />
the Covid19 pandemic.<br />
Visas due to expire between<br />
<strong>April</strong> 2 and July 9 have been<br />
automatically extended by Immigration<br />
New Zealand (INZ) until<br />
September 25.<br />
The temporary visas total around<br />
270,000 and cover work, visitor,<br />
student and limited visas.<br />
Federated Farmers and Dairy<br />
NZ were among those asking the<br />
Government to consider extending<br />
visas for migrants already working<br />
in New Zealand when the extent of<br />
the coronavirus became known and<br />
when borders were set to close.<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> immigration consultant<br />
Maria Jimenez said the visa<br />
extension decision was after an<br />
Epidemic Management Notice had<br />
been issued to INZ which meant<br />
that their current instructions were<br />
no longer practical.<br />
It was good news and areassurance<br />
for Mid Canterbury workers<br />
and others on temporary work<br />
visas.<br />
Entry into New Zealand was only<br />
open to NZ citizens and residence<br />
visa holders, although INZ was<br />
allowing very limited exceptions to<br />
assist certain circumstances such as<br />
humanitarian reasons and essential<br />
health workers.<br />
‘‘INZ also needstomake atough<br />
decision on which visa type needs<br />
to be prioritized. Health care<br />
workers who have a job offer to<br />
start from March <strong>2020</strong> to June <strong>2020</strong><br />
are prioritized because they will be<br />
working for critical purposes. On<br />
the other hand, anumber of visa<br />
programmes have been suspended,<br />
not cancelled, just suspended.’’<br />
They included expressions of<br />
interest for the skilled migrant and<br />
parent categories.<br />
Ms Jimenez, a licensed immigration<br />
adviser, said INZ needed to<br />
accommodate a huge number of<br />
changes because of the Covid19<br />
pandemic.<br />
Local news at<br />
Footballers urged<br />
to stay fit, practise<br />
Mid Canterbury United Football<br />
Club development officer Darren<br />
Cavill is encouraging football players<br />
around the district to keep up their<br />
fitness and skills levels and to prepare<br />
for afootball season.<br />
He is hopeful some sort of season<br />
will happen after Covid19<br />
restrictions, but says any season start<br />
will not be before May 30 at the<br />
earliest.<br />
‘‘New Zealand Football and its<br />
seven Federations have announced<br />
that the community football<br />
postponement has been extended<br />
until at least Queen’s Birthday<br />
Weekend due to the pandemic.<br />
‘‘The best case scenario at this<br />
stage is that training can resume on<br />
May 16 with the community football<br />
and futsal seasons starting two weeks<br />
later.<br />
‘‘The worst case scenario is that we<br />
don’t get afootball season at all,<br />
which would be ahuge<br />
disappointment for all players,<br />
regardless of age.’’<br />
Mr Cavill said excitement and<br />
expectation for the new season had<br />
been building before coronavirus<br />
restrictions kicked in and senior<br />
teams had started preseason<br />
training.<br />
‘‘It is important to keep fitness<br />
levels up and to keep enthusiasm for<br />
the game during lockdown.<br />
‘‘I encourage kids to get out with<br />
their parents and others in their<br />
bubbles to enjoy arun around and<br />
kick around.’’<br />
Mr Cavill intends posting aseries<br />
of videos on the Mid Canterbury<br />
Football development officer<br />
Darren Cavill.<br />
United Football Club Facebook page<br />
with short messages and tips on how<br />
to improve and develop technical<br />
skills.<br />
They will include demonstrations<br />
on how to dribble, juggle, pass and<br />
kick the ball, and are aimed primarily<br />
at those under 14 years.<br />
New Zealand Football is also<br />
offering an online home training<br />
programme that focuses on its fourcorner<br />
holistic training model <br />
technical, tactical, physical and<br />
mental.<br />
Keep connected<br />
Circulation 93,000<br />
Thursday, March 19, <strong>2020</strong><br />
Digital<br />
editions<br />
available on<br />
your screen<br />
24/7<br />
t<br />
fr<br />
th<br />
cit<br />
M<br />
the<br />
som<br />
“C<br />
preva<br />
“Ou<br />
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make<br />
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By Lou uis Day<br />
CALLS HA AVE been made to<br />
stop rates increases in response<br />
to the Covid d-19 crisis.<br />
City counc cillors James Gough,<br />
Sam MacDon nald, Catherine<br />
Chu, Phil Ma uger, Aaron K<br />
and James Da<br />
i<br />
l t<br />
Vaping rules<br />
in CDHB<br />
spotlight<br />
– page 4<br />
Parent’s<br />
frightening<br />
journey<br />
Covid-19 prompts call for<br />
ero per cent rates increas<br />
Councillor takes<br />
matters into<br />
his ownhands<br />
Page 3<br />
Page 6<br />
Davidsheads<br />
community board<br />
advocating body<br />
Foam fun followsfire<br />
Readers respond<br />
to supermarket<br />
rebranding<br />
Page 8<br />
The local news<br />
destination<br />
for Cantabrians<br />
Chanceto<br />
farewell Holden<br />
in style<br />
Page 17<br />
Eastern<br />
suburbs<br />
repairs<br />
could take<br />
awhile<br />
The local news<br />
destination<br />
for Cantabrians<br />
Consent<br />
Awardfor green-fingered Bryce<br />
granted<br />
forCollett’s<br />
Corner plan<br />
Views on<br />
cricket nets<br />
sought<br />
Julia’s on<br />
a mission<br />
to make a<br />
ff<br />
f<br />
Helplessto<br />
stop property<br />
flooding<br />
Page 3<br />
Julia’s on<br />
a mission<br />
to make a<br />
difference<br />
– pages 6 & 7<br />
crease<br />
Lively group<br />
celebrate<br />
St Patrick’s Day<br />
Page 10<br />
Gerry Brownlee<br />
MP for Ilam<br />
Motorway<br />
opening<br />
delay<br />
brings<br />
relief<br />
Victorious<br />
captainstoked<br />
with cupwin<br />
Scorch<br />
Broadband<br />
0800 726 724<br /><br />
Page 3 Page 7<br />
Julia’s on<br />
a mission<br />
to make a<br />
fff<br />
Rates<br />
decision<br />
to come<br />
from Govt<br />
STO<br />
oats, Carav<br />
a<br />
omes<br />
ECE<br />
Delay in<br />
makingmall<br />
exit safer<br />
Page 3<br />
Page 11<br />
Gerry Brownlee<br />
MP for Ilam<br />
Bid to<br />
secure<br />
funding to<br />
demolish<br />
service<br />
Market day<br />
goes green at<br />
Cashmere HS<br />
The local news<br />
destination<br />
for Cantabrians<br />
Preparation starts to support<br />
those whoare self-isolating<br />
Lookingfor amortgage broker?<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
Hear Better,<br />
Live Better<br />
BLINDS...Cleaned,Repaired &Restored...<br />
ally Ro ler Blinds cleaned<br />
from as li tle as $22<br />
Place your orders now<br />
Local news at <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>April</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong>, Page 15<br />
Scan the QR code<br />
using the camera<br />
on your phone to<br />
view our current<br />
listings in 3D!<br />
view anyofour properties fromthe comfort of<br />
your home in 3D...becauseyou can!<br />
Trevor Hurley Real Estate Ltd LREA 2008 -MREINZ<br />
Desirable Westside Property<br />
• Appealing home built in the 1980’s<br />
•Wellpresented, spacious open plan living<br />
•Positioned nicely forall daysun<br />
•Verysecurefencedsection<br />
•Doublegarage with internal access<br />
$365,000<br />
(W680)<br />
3 1 2<br />
16 CountryPlace (W687)<br />
•Sought afterlocation in Coniston<br />
•Open planconcept<br />
•Seamless indoor outdoor flow, captures all daysun<br />
•Manicured and established gardens<br />
$PBN BIR $699,000 -$749,000<br />
Viewing By Appointment<br />
4 2 2<br />
48 Cambridge Street (E665)<br />
•Recently renovatedinsideand out<br />
•Sunnyliving areas with greatindoor outdoor flow<br />
•Semi attached hobbyorrumpus room<br />
•Plenty of off street parking<br />
•Perfect investmentproperty<br />
•Bequicktoview, thisproperty wont last long!<br />
OffersOver$249,000<br />
3 1 0<br />
46a Eton Street<br />
(E696)<br />
•Sun drenched living area<br />
•Open plan kitchen/dining,perfect forentertaining<br />
•Heatpump to keep youwarminwinter&coolinsummer<br />
•Double glazed<br />
•Securefencing forchildren, lowmaintenancesection<br />
•Act quickly hereasthis won’tsit forlong!<br />
Offers Over $399,000<br />
3 2 2<br />
4Andrew Street<br />
(W695)<br />
•Modernised open plan kitchen &dining, large living area<br />
•Frenchdoors into spacious lounge<br />
•Modernbathroom with walkin shower<br />
•Large bedrooms,Frenchdoors &patios forevery room<br />
•Spa pool in aprivate setting<br />
•Two modernrooms fullylined and with heatpump<br />
$PBN BIR $349,000 -$379,000<br />
4 1 2<br />
24 Galbraith St (E693)<br />
•Kitchen fit forGordonRamsey,hugegas &electric hob with<br />
four ovens!<br />
•Spacious living opens on to acovered entertainers area<br />
•Double garage with workshop &hobbyroom<br />
•Familysized section with plenty of spacefor<br />
•Situatedonthe Westside<br />
Offers Over $299,000<br />
3 1 2<br />
Lockdownislifting soonand we are ready...areyou?<br />
Bookinnow foryour property to be filmed in the<br />
amazing virtual 3D immersive technology for FREE!!<br />
Spaces arefilling up yours today!<br />
Phone 308 6173 today formore details.<br />
Check out our3Dvirtual tour on our<br />’s amazing!<br />
Scan the QR code usingthe cameraonyour<br />
phone to view our current listings in 3D<br />
Proud supporters of the HeartFoundation of NewZealand! Wedonate from everypropertysold!<br />
Trevor Hurley<br />
0275 435 799<br />
Tracey Henderson<br />
027 405 8064<br />
Manu Otene<br />
022 308 6885<br />
Linda Cuthbertson<br />
0274087965<br />
Stephen Watson<br />
027 433 9695<br />
Julie Srhoy<br />
021 354 885<br />
Deborah Roberts<br />
Page 16, <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>April</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
Local news at<br />
RayWhite knowhow to get you<br />
the best price foryour property.<br />
12 Charles Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
9Allison Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
98 Pages Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
65 Northpark Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
This lovely permanent material four bedroom home<br />
proudly sits ona927sqm section in theAllenton<br />
area. With possible subdivision potential, this property<br />
also makes agreat investment option.<br />
ForSale<br />
Offers over $335,000<br />
Email:<br /><br />
Mark Totty<br />
021 664 113<br /><br />
Mid Canterbury Real Estate Limited LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />
Four double bedrooms, two bathrooms, En-suite,<br />
Heat pump, open plan living, Twotoilets, separate<br />
laundry, Large double garagewith off street parking.<br />
Fully fenced section.<br />
ForSale<br />
$525,000<br />
Email:<br /><br />
Mike Grant ncre<br />
021 272 0202<br /><br />
Mid Canterbury Real Estate Limited LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />
Make your dreams and memories here.<br />
Room forthe whole family with 4large bedrooms,<br />
Very tidy and open plan living<br />
Easy care garden and room forthe motorhome<br />
ForSale<br />
Price bynegotiation<br />
Email:<br /><br />
Lynne Bridge<br />
027 410 6216<br /><br />
Mid Canterbury Real Estate Limited LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />
5Bedrooms, 3bathrooms plus office,Entertainers<br />
kitchen/dining/living. Separate media room/lounge.<br />
Indoor swimming pool.10 car garaging plus 3bay<br />
shed. Picturesque property of1.17 hectares.<br />
ForSale<br />
By Negotiation<br />
Email:<br /><br />
BruceMcPherson<br />
027 438 4250<br /><br />
Mid Canterbury Real Estate Limited LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />
22a Church Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
24 Charles Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
48/1<strong>23</strong>6 River Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Village Green, LakeHood<br />
-3 bedrooms, 1bathroom<br />
-Open plan kitchen/dining/lounge<br />
-Compliant logburner/heatpump/HRVsystem<br />
-Double garage with extra parking space<br />
ForSale<br />
$400,000<br />
Email:<br /><br />
Cheryl Fowler<br />
027 461 2614<br /><br />
Mid Canterbury Real Estate Limited LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />
Everydayliving revolves around the ground floor<br />
which hosts amodern kitchen/dining &living areas<br />
and aseparate lounge aswell as 2bedrooms PLUS<br />
an office.Heating is provided via acompliant log fire.<br />
ForSale<br />
$495,000<br />
Email:<br /><br /><br />
Mid Canterbury Real Estate Limited LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />
Armand vander Eik<br />
021 597 527<br />
Twoample Bedrooms. Fabulous familyfriendly open<br />
plan kitchen/dining/living area. Bathroom complete<br />
with toilet/shower/vanity/bathroom heater.Recently<br />
painted inside and out. Afree standing log fire.<br />
ForSale<br />
$110,000<br />
Email:<br /><br />
Kim Miller<br />
027 <strong>23</strong>6 8627<br /><br />
Mid Canterbury Real Estate Limited LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />
House &Land Package available.The village green<br />
is perfectlypositioned for those who appreciate the<br />
fresh clean air of the country only 7mins from the<br />
centre of <strong>Ashburton</strong>. “Private and Exclusive”<br />
ForSale<br />
Price onapplication<br />
Email:<br /><br />
Jill Quaid<br />
027 437 6755<br /><br />
Mid Canterbury Real Estate Limited LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />
119 William Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
73 Northpark Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
11a Charlesworth Drive, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
115 Smithfield Road, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Mi<br />
Ready to move in, this lovely warm and comfortable<br />
corner townhouse unit iscentrally located for ease<br />
to town.You will enjoycooking up astorm in this<br />
spacious modern kitchen that has been updated.<br />
ForSale<br />
Price bynegotiation<br />
Email:<br /><br />
Lynne Bridge<br />
027 410 6216<br /><br />
Mid Canterbury Real Estate Limited LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />
Aprivate sheltered setting with afourbedroom plus<br />
office family home sitting on1.000ha of land only<br />
five minutes’ drive from<strong>Ashburton</strong> town centre that<br />
has subdivision potential.<br />
ForSale<br />
$749,000<br />
Email:<br /><br />
BruceMcPherson<br />
027 438 4250<br /><br />
Mid Canterbury Real Estate Limited LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />
Aspacious private section of 767m2 inthe sought<br />
after location of Charlesworth Drive inAllenton. A<br />
sealed, shared drivewayleads to this fabulous site<br />
which features newfencing and live trees.<br />
ForSale<br />
$218,000<br />
Email:<br /><br />
Cheryl Fowler<br />
027 461 2614<br /><br />
Mid Canterbury Real Estate Limited LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />
-4360 sqm 5minutes from town<br />
-Powerand Fibre atboundary<br />
-Shared well alreadyinplace<br />
-Great building site<br />
ForSale<br />
$226,000<br />
Email:<br /><br />
BruceMcPherson<br />
027 438 4250<br /><br />
Mid Canterbury Real Estate Limited LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />
52 South Belt, Methven<br />
-3double bedrooms, 2storeyunit<br />
-Tidykitchen with new bench top, dishwasher<br />
-2separate bathrooms, 1upstairs &1downstairs<br />
-2separate toilets, 1upstairs &1downstairs<br />
ForSale<br />
$379,000<br />
Email:<br /><br />
ShirleyFitzgerald<br />
027 220 1528<br /><br />
Mid Canterbury Real Estate Limited LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />
Camrose Estate, Methven<br />
Just Released stages 5&6<br />
Sections ranging in size from 725m2 to970m2.<br />
Situated on the north side of Methven.<br />
Golf courses and great river and lake fishing.<br />
ForSale<br />
Price onApplication<br />
Email:<br /><br />
Margaret Feiss<br />
021 751 009<br /><br />
Mid Canterbury Real Estate Limited LICENSED (REAA 2008)<br />
DuetoCovid-19lockdown,<br />
pleaseregister your interest<br />
in aproperty by emailing<br />
thelisting agent shown<br />
under each property<br />
Mid Canterbury Real Estate Limited REAA 2008<br />
View our listings online at:<br />
Jill Quaid<br />
Manager<br />
027 437 6755<br />
RichardQuaid<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 454 4745<br />
Kim Miller<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 <strong>23</strong>6 8627<br />
ChrissyMilne<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 290 6606<br />
Margaret Feiss<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
021 751 009<br />
ShirleyFitzgerald<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 220 1528<br />
Mark Totty<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
021 664 113<br />
Cheryl Fowler<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 461 2614<br />
Armand vander Eik<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
021 597 527<br />
Lynne Bridge<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 410 6216<br />
Mike Grant ncre<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
021 272 0202<br />
Denise McPherson<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 242 7677<br />
BruceMcPherson<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 438 4250<br />
Justin Waddell<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 437 1111<br />
Jarrod Ross<br />
Sales Consultant<br />
027 259 4644<br />
RogerBurdett<br />
SalesConsultant<br />
021 224 4214<br />
96 TancredStreet, <strong>Ashburton</strong> 03 307 8317 Main Road,Tinwald 03 307 8317<br /><br />
36 McMillan Street,Methven 03 303 3032
Local news at <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>April</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong>, Page 17<br />
What’s your home worth?<br />
Find out for FREE<br />
Quick,easy,confidential<br />
Just email<br />
and asalespersonwill be in touch to<br />
virtually appraiseyour home<br />
MidCanterburyReal Estate Ltd–Licensed REAA 2008<br />
Page 18, <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>April</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
Build customers,sales and<br />
profits,with us ...<br />
Over 16,065 copies delivered everyThursday<br />
QUICK PUZZLE NO. 8563<br />
ACROSS<br />
7. Highway (12)<br />
8. Motionless (6)<br />
9. Song (6)<br />
10. Condiment (7)<br />
12. Nip (5)<br />
15. Seat(5)<br />
16. Crafty (7)<br />
18. Eraser (6)<br />
20. Plain (6)<br />
22. English county (12)<br />
DOWN<br />
1. Small-talk (8)<br />
2. Rascal (4)<br />
3. Dog (7)<br />
4. Pursue (5)<br />
5. Holiday(8)<br />
6. Aperture (4)<br />
11. Musical instrument<br />
(8)<br />
13. Plot (8)<br />
14. Cookery (7)<br />
17. Criminal (5)<br />
19. Unsightly (4)<br />
21. Resound (4)<br />
ACROSS<br />
7. Use to make up the prescriptionordowithout (8,4). 8.<br />
It is, pet, aslug on theplant (6). 9. Went easy on the water<br />
left (6). 10. Cover charge (7).12.Very hot when that is put<br />
into cook (5). 15. Will it protect themarket gardener against<br />
financial loss? (5). 16. Arrive around sunset to eat (7).<br />
18.An air filter (6). 20. Observing the dumb-bell has it?<br />
(6). 22. Goes the sailor (4,5,3).<br />
DOWN<br />
1. Makeyou feel ill, though you say otherwise (8). 2. Revolve<br />
round atrip (4). 3. Quickly takes apicture of, having<br />
alittle drink... (5,2). 4. ..tight and nervous(5). 5. What<br />
are in the tablets in the tinMavisproduced?(8).6.“Something<br />
to wear? Getaway!” yousay (4). 11.Iadmit in writing<br />
they’re drifters (8). 13. Foreigners it’smadness to give<br />
the run-around to (8). 14. Storm or not, isrough round<br />
aboutnow (7). 17. It smells, not us, stupid! (5). 19. Got up<br />
to getafunny old garment (4). 21. Rushed towardsagain<br />
(4).<br />
SUDOKU<br />
MEDIUM No. 5217<br />
MEDIUM<br />
No.5217<br />
5 6<br />
1 9 2 8<br />
5 6 8 4<br />
4 7 9<br />
7 1<br />
9 2 3<br />
9 8 3 5<br />
8 4 5 7<br />
7 2<br />
Solution to previous Sudoku<br />
Howto<br />
solve<br />
Sudoku!<br />
Fill the grid<br />
so thatevery<br />
rowand every<br />
3x3 square<br />
contains the<br />
digitals 1to9<br />
5 2 4 6 1 9 7 3 8<br />
3 7 6 5 2 8 4 9 1<br />
9 1 8 4 3 7 6 2 5<br />
2 8 3 9 7 6 1 5 4<br />
4 6 7 2 5 1 9 8 3<br />
1 9 5 8 4 3 2 7 6<br />
6 5 1 3 9 2 8 4 7<br />
8 3 9 7 6 4 5 1 2<br />
7 4 2 1 8 5 3 6 9<br />
Solution to previous crossword<br />
Across -6,Saxophonist.7,Dash. 8, Economic.9,Glance.<br />
10, Redden. 12,Career.15, Cobalt.17, Lacrosse.19, Nous.<br />
20, Oxfordshire.<br />
Down -1,Exchange.2,Sphere.3,Colour.4,Lido. 5, Attire.<br />
6, Snail. 11, Debonair. 13, Amazon. 14, Resort. 15,<br />
Crease. 16, Louse. 18, Rife.<br />
Across -6,Before lunch. 7, (s)Lim-b(ody). 8, Some-time.<br />
9,Orders. 10, S-adis-t. 12, Stakes. 15, Co-F-fee. 17, Spotless.<br />
19, O-L-af. 20, Firm promise.<br />
Down -1,Off-break. 2, Prises (anag.). 3, Clam-p-s. 4,<br />
U-nit (rev.). 5, Champs. 6, B-r-I-ar.11, Da-ffod-I-l (rev.).<br />
13, Tip-off. 14, S-Lee-py.15, Castor (-oil). 16, Erase. 18,<br />
Turn.<br />
ContactJann Thompson 03 308 7664<br />
VirtualReality 3D Marketing......<br />
purchasers<br />
view our<br />
properties<br />
anywherein3D<br />
It’sjust likebeing there!<br />
Scan the QRcode using the cameraonyour<br />
phone to viewour current listings in 3D!<br />
Local news at<br />
wanted<br />
to deliver the <strong>Ashburton</strong><strong>Courier</strong><br />
and Realtyevery Thursdayinthe<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong>urban area.<br />
RENT ME!<br />
Ideal as an extra<br />
bedroomoroffice.<br />
Fully insulatedand<br />
double glazed forwarmth.<br />
Threeconvenientsizes:<br />
Standard3.6m x2.4m,<br />
Large 4.2m x2.4m<br />
Xtra-large 4.8m x2.4m.<br />
Visit our displaycabin<br />
418WestStreet or callfor a<br />
freebrochure.<br /><br />
2262540<br />
0800 58 78 22<br />
HIRE<br />
SCISSORLIFTS for hire.<br />
4WD and slab lifts available<br />
for daily or weekly hire.<br />
Pickup or delivery. Phone<br />
North End Engineering 308<br />
8155 for abooking.<br />
SELL<br />
LPG<br />
Small LPG cylinders<br />
Off Street Parking<br />
Available<br />
Arthur Cates Ltd<br />
26 McNally Street<br />
Ph 308 5397<br />
Riverside Industrial Estate<br />
9kg cylinders<br />
$27.50<br />
Askabout our<br />
deliveryservice<br />
Anysizecylinder filled<br />
17 Grey St,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Phone 307 2707<br />
2270636<br />
2270677<br />
PEA STRAW Conventional<br />
Bales $5 per bale Medium<br />
Square Pea Straw, barley<br />
straw and linseed bales for<br />
Sale $40 a bale delivery<br />
$10 per bale. Ph<br />
02040<strong>23</strong>3792<br />
Phone Leonie on<br />
308 7664 or email<br /><br />
AWESOME office space for<br />
lease, rent or hire. Park like<br />
setting. Indoor and outdoor<br />
areas. North-west town<br />
boundary. Must view.<br />
Phone 027 475 4241.<br />
STORAGE: Secure self storage<br />
units available long or<br />
short term at <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Storage Facilities. Contact<br />
us on 027 436 2636 or www.<br /><br />
2264293<br />
Forall other medicalassistanceoutsideofnormal<br />
hours please phone your generalpracticeteam, 24/7,<br />
to speak with ahealth professionalwho will giveyou<br />
free healthadviceonwhattodoorwheretogoifyou<br />
need urgentcare.<br />
If youdon’t have aregular general practice, call any<br />
GP team 24/7 forfreetelephone health advice.<br />
All non-residents and visa holders please bring your<br />
passporttoyour surgeryappointment.<br />
New Zealanders’tobring some form of ID.<br />
The<strong>Ashburton</strong>DutyPractice for ...<br />
Saturday25th <strong>April</strong> is<br />
Sealy Street Medical Practice,Sealy Street.<br />
Consultations will be by appointmentonly.<br />
To make an appointmentcall your regular GP 24/7.<br />
Sunday26th <strong>April</strong> is<br />
Tinwald Medical Centre,33Archibald Street.<br />
Consultations will be by appointmentonly.<br />
To make an appointmentcall your regular GP 24/7.<br />
Monday27th <strong>April</strong> is<br />
ThreeRivers Health, 7-11 Allens Road.<br />
Methven and Rakaia: Formedical attention on the<br />
weekend and public holidays please telephone<br />
MethvenMedical Centre on 03 302 8105<br />
or Rakaia Medical Centre on 03 303 5002.<br />
Details foraccessing the afterhours services will be on the<br />
answer phone.<br />
Wises Pharmacy,CountdownComplex,<br />
East Street will be open on ...<br />
Saturday from 9.00am until 1.00pm<br />
Sunday from 10.00am until 1.00pm<br />
At Geraldine: TheGeraldine Pharmacywill be open<br />
normal trading hours during the week,and on<br />
Saturdaymorning from 9.30am to 12.30pm.<br />
Closed Sundays and Public Holidays<br />
Forfree24hour Telephone Health Advice<br />
Phone the healthline on 0800 611 116<br />
Broughttoyouby<br />
STORAGE available, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Self storage, variety<br />
of sizes. Phone Rainbow<br />
Storage 03 307 0401.<br />
ROOF COATINGS: All roof<br />
types, specializing in<br />
Decramastic and Long Run<br />
Iron, Coloursteel etc, steep<br />
roofs not a problem. —<br />
Spraymaster 027-433-7780.<br />
CountdownComplex, East Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Phone: 03 308 6733 Fax: 03 308 6755
Local news at <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>April</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong>, Page 19<br />
Having problems with your internal gutter systems?<br />
Do your drains keep blocking,causing leakage into the soffits and even your house?<br />
Areyour soffits falling out due to water rot?<br />
We canconvert your internal gutters to standard external gutters.<br />
ALPS<br />
2272201<br />
We areyour one stop glass shop for<br />
AUTO and HOUSE<br />
REPAIR or REPLACE 152 Wills Street,<br />
“Your placeorours” <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
Ph.308 8485<br />
Need help with BOOKKEEPINGor<br />
Youdidn’tgointobusiness to do the<br />
books, butwedid!<br />
Let’shaveachatovercoffeeand seehow Ican help<br />
Silvia Haddock 027 2169478<br /> l<br />
BUILDING and property<br />
solutions. For your complete<br />
alteration or renovation.<br />
We project manage<br />
the whole process. Home<br />
and small commercial.<br />
Qualified tradesmen.<br />
Phone Kiwi Building &<br />
Maintenance Ltd. Gary 308<br />
4798, 027 207 1478 or<br />
Cawte 027 418 7955.<br />
CARPET 2You -For all your<br />
flooring needs. Supplier<br />
and installer of carpet and<br />
vinyl, re-stretch & repair<br />
and carpet cleaning. Phone<br />
Mike Gill on 027 491 4210.<br />
CARPET cleaning -Powerful<br />
equipment & fast drying.<br />
Upholstery, mats and rugs.<br />
Experienced owner/operator.<br />
Phone John Cameron<br />
at Supersucker 027 435<br />
1042 or 308 1677.<br />
CHIMNEY sweep - For a<br />
professional service call<br />
Dan McKerrow Chimney<br />
Sweep and Repairs on 021<br />
118 7580.<br />
CHIMNEY sweep. It’s time to<br />
start thinking about it.<br />
Camera inspection carried<br />
out and full inspection<br />
checklist is left for you. Call<br />
Allan 027 209 5026.<br />
COMPUTER problems? For<br />
prompt reliable computer<br />
servicing and laser engraving<br />
contact Kelvin, KJB<br />
Systems Ltd, 4 Ascot<br />
Place, <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone<br />
308 8989. SuperGold discount<br />
card accepted.<br />
CONCRETE pavers direct to<br />
you - Best prices, many<br />
sizes, textures and colours<br />
- Paveco, 13 Robinson<br />
Street, Industrial Estate.<br />
2271160<br />
2271214<br />
COMPUTER repairs, sales,<br />
training, setup -wireless -<br />
networks, spyware cleanup.<br />
On-site day or evening.<br />
LOW FEES. Call Robin<br />
Johnstone, Networks<br />
Firewalls & PC’s Ltd, 308<br />
1440 or 027 768 4058.<br />
DENTURES; Dr Peter<br />
Rumping repairs existing<br />
dentures and also provides<br />
new dentures. Phone 027<br />
220 9997.<br />
ENGINEERING repairs, fabrication,<br />
farm equipment<br />
service and maintenance,<br />
W.O.F. repairs, machining<br />
and welding. Odd jobs a<br />
speciality. Mobile workshop.<br />
Can collect. Phone<br />
Malcolm 027 475 4241.<br />
FLY control and spider<br />
proofing. For all domestic<br />
and industrial pest control<br />
needs phone AJ Kerr at<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> Pest Control on<br />
03 308 8147 or 027 432<br />
5447.<br />
FURNITURE removals -For<br />
all your household removal<br />
needs call Nudges Furniture<br />
Removals, phone 027<br />
224 0609.<br />
GARDENING, mowing,<br />
pruning, fertilising, projects<br />
or general spruce ups? Call<br />
Andrew at Spruce Gardens<br />
to get the job done right.<br />
027 765 2899 or 03 307 1693.<br /><br />
LEGAL work -Phone Peter<br />
Ragg (<strong>Ashburton</strong> Law) for<br />
house sales, purchases<br />
and refinances. Will call at<br />
home evenings for wills,<br />
enduring powers of<br />
attorney. Phone 308 0327.<br />
Allworkmanship guaranteed<br />
Ben Kruger 021 808 739 or 308 4380<br />
HYDRAULICS; Martin<br />
Bennett -Onsite hydraulic<br />
hose repair service 24/7.<br />
Stockists of Aero Quip<br />
hoses &fittings, Commercial<br />
hydraulics, Dynacool,<br />
Spool valves etc., MP Filtri,<br />
Walvoil. Call Justin on 308<br />
9778.<br />
New or existing,<br />
level 4finish, full skim<br />
plaster or repairs<br />
The Finishing Company<br />
03 307 8870 2272200<br />
PAINTER for all your painting<br />
needs. No job too small,<br />
inside or outside. Professional<br />
friendly service.<br />
Phone Pete 03 308 1672 or<br />
027 200 1619.<br />
PAINTING wallpapering,<br />
plastering - No job too<br />
small. Interior, exterior.<br />
Professional, prompt, competitive<br />
service. Phone<br />
Tony Sivier at Paint It <strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
on 021 878 794 or<br />
307 7289.<br />
PLUMBING, drainlaying,<br />
blocked drains. Phone<br />
Lindsay at Doaky’s Plumbing<br />
on 027 555 5575 or 308<br />
1248 (Master Plumbers &<br />
Drainlayers).<br />
SUN Control Window Tinting:<br />
Privacy, UV, glare, heat<br />
control for homes -offices -<br />
and cars. Phone Craig<br />
Rogers 307 6347, member<br />
of Master Tinters NZ.<br />
TILING - For all your tiling<br />
requirements including kitchen<br />
splash backs, flooring<br />
etc. (full water proofing),<br />
call Kevin on 027 496 8314.<br />
LOOKING to earn extra<br />
money, even while you’re<br />
out walking? Delivery<br />
people required. Phone<br />
The <strong>Courier</strong> 308 7664.<br />
<strong>23</strong>2 BoundaryRoad,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br /><br />
E;<br />
2270885<br />
TINT-A-WINDOW, fade, UV<br />
block, glare, heat control,<br />
safety, security, privacy,<br />
frosting films, solar protective<br />
window films. Free<br />
quotes, 20 years local service.<br />
Phone 0800 368 468<br />
now, Bill Breukelaar, www.<br /><br />
THE <strong>Courier</strong> is the best way<br />
to advertise in Mid Canterbury.<br />
Ask anyone who<br />
regularly advertises with us<br />
and they’ll tell you, they get<br />
results.<br />
TV Reception Specialists for<br />
all your digital freeview<br />
installations and repairs,<br />
TV wall mounting, Smart<br />
TV set-up, home theatre<br />
installation. Call John at<br />
<strong>Ashburton</strong> TV &Audio Ltd<br />
03 308 7332 or 027 277<br />
1062.<br />
ARE you looking for a<br />
flatmate, somewhere to<br />
rent or a boarder? What<br />
better place to advertise<br />
than The <strong>Courier</strong>.<br />
WINDSCREENS and house<br />
glass. Qualified flat glass<br />
glazier now in-house. Anything<br />
glass, give us acall.<br />
Your place or ours. Wilson<br />
Windscreens, 152 Wills<br />
Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>. Phone<br />
03 308 8485.<br />
OUR newspaper goes into all<br />
RD’s so why not advertise<br />
with us! The <strong>Courier</strong>, best<br />
read in town.<br />
WHAT better place for a<br />
public notice than <strong>Ashburton</strong>’s<br />
The <strong>Courier</strong>! Simply<br />
clip the form for a run-on<br />
advert like this or telephone<br />
us on 308 7664 if you<br />
require adisplay advertisement.<br />
ADVERTISEMENT makeover!<br />
From before to after.<br />
You’ll notice the difference<br />
with The <strong>Courier</strong>, 308 7664.<br />
Being in<br />
business and not<br />
advertising is<br />
likewaving in the<br />
dark....<br /> know you’re there<br />
but no-one else does!<br />
Don’t be left in the dark,<br />
The<strong>Courier</strong> Newspaper<br />
has the key to your event,<br />
productorbusiness<br />
advertising.<br />
Phone Jann, Roselle or Karen<br />
on (03) 3087664<br />
Email:<br />
Scholarship<br />
The <strong>Ashburton</strong> Plains Rotary Club iscurrently awarding<br />
$1,000 Tertiary Education scholarships for students in the<br />
Mid Canterbury area. You must be under 25 and be<br />
completing your second year oftertiary education in<strong>2020</strong>.<br />
For further information and to apply goto<br /><br />
TheCancer Societyoffering<br />
supportfor people<br />
with acancer diagnosis<br />
and their families<br />
TheMackenzie Centre,<br />
122 Kermode Street,<strong>Ashburton</strong><br />
ContactAnnie on 03 307 7691<br />
2271224<br />
ORDER NOW!<br />
Hy-Line Pullets for only $26 each.<br />
*Pick-up and Delivery Available<br />
Contact Gordon /Rosie at 03 308 3783<br />
Youmay also email<br />
2272451<br />
2272546<br />
HOSPICE Mid Canterbury.<br />
Dealing with alife limiting<br />
illness? Contact us to see<br />
how we can support you.<br />
Phone 307 8387 or 027 227<br />
8387.<br />
CJ’S Driving School -<br />
Classes 2 & 5,<br />
endorsements F & D,<br />
forklift F&OSH, dangerous<br />
goods. NZTA approved<br />
course provider. MITO &<br />
Competenz assessor.<br />
Locally owned. Phone<br />
Christine 027 245 2563.<br />
PANELBEATING and spray<br />
painting of cars, trucks,<br />
buses, horse floats &<br />
motorhomes, caravans,<br />
trailers, farm machinery, jet<br />
boats. Light engineering<br />
and aluminium welding.<br />
Bus &Truck Bodyworks, 17<br />
Range Street, <strong>Ashburton</strong>.<br />
Phone 307 0378.<br />
POTATOES, Nadine &Agria<br />
$2 per kilo. Phone 308<br />
3195 or 027 531 9103. 81<br />
Elizabeth Street.
Page 20, <strong>Ashburton</strong>'s The <strong>Courier</strong>, Thursday <strong>April</strong> <strong>23</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />
Local news at<br />
• Residential electrical<br />
• Home appliance repairs<br />
• Get wifi in the right spot<br />
• Pivot wiring<br />
• Variable Speed Drive (VSD)<br />
• Professional home wiring<br />
• TV&Audio Installation<br />
• Outdoor and ceiling speakers<br />
• Dairy shed maintenance<br />
• Irrigation harmonic filter<br />
• LED downlight replacement<br />
• Air conditioning &ventilation<br />
• Heatpump servicing<br />
• TVwall mounting &installation<br />
(including brackets)<br />
• Distribute TVthroughout<br />
your home<br />
• Homeautomation<br />
• Motorhome &caravan wiring<br />
• Dairy/Farm electrical<br />
• Waterpumps -stock &house<br />
• Generator change overswitches<br />
• Effluent systems<br />
• Motor &pumpcontrol<br />
• Commercial/industrial electrical<br />
• 24/7 breakdown service