5 Reasons Why You Should Inspect Your Heavy Duty Casters Regularly

Heavy duty casters come in a wide range of styles and types, and some offer unique benefits that can improve production and revenue in specific industries, keep employees safe, or even withstand extreme conditions. Visit: http://www.casterconcepts.com

Heavy duty casters come in a wide range of styles and types, and some offer unique benefits that can improve production and revenue in specific industries, keep employees safe, or even withstand extreme conditions. Visit: http://www.casterconcepts.com


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5 Reasons Why You Should Inspect Your Heavy Duty

Casters Regularly

Heavy duty casters come in a wide range of styles and types, and some offer unique benefits that can improve

production and revenue in specific industries, keep employees safe, or even withstand extreme conditions. However,

casters can only live up to these claims when they are inspected regularly. Here are five of the top reasons to inspect

your heavy duty casters regularly.

#1 – Reduced Downtime

One of the most important reasons to inspect your casters regularly involves reducing downtime caused by preventable

issues and failures. Inspections and maintenance should be scheduled in such a way that they do not impact

production/productivity, such as on a rotating schedule or when the specific department is not operating. By keeping

casters clear of debris, tightened, and lubricated during these times, you can greatly reduce the amount of downtime

unexpected failures can cause.

#2 – Fewer Employee Injuries

Regular caster inspections allow employees to catch potential issues that could lead to employee injuries. These issues

might include things like a loose top plate, a broken swivel, or a brake that does not properly hold a load in place during

loading. Reducing employee injuries not only keeps productivity at its peak, but it also reduces your costs and improves

workplace morale a great deal. Employee injuries lead to significantly higher insurance premiums, which can cost you a

great deal depending on your industry and your payroll.

#3 – Less Frequent Replacements/Longer Lifespan

Though today’s casters are designed with state-of-the-art materials like steel and polyurethane, failing to maintain them

will cause excessive wear. In turn, this will lead to more frequent replacements due to failure and/or unsafe operating

conditions. When you take the time to regularly inspect your casters, you extend their lifespan a great deal, which can

save you a great deal of time and money in the long run.

#4 – Reduced Floor Damage

Aside from preventing injury, inspecting your casters regularly can also reduce floor damage. As the tread on casters

wears down, the metal it covers becomes closer and closer to the flooring below. Eventually, the tread will wear away

completely and leave the metal in direct contact. This can lead to scratches and scrapes that can be unsightly or even

dangerous in certain environments.

#5 – Less Noise and Vibration

Noise exposure is an important consideration in every industry, particularly in large, wide-open production areas filled

with machinery and numerous carts or racks on the move at any given time. Inspecting your casters for things like

excessive play, worn tread, and loose bolts is important for reducing the amount of noise they create. Though one noisy

caster may not seem like a significant issue, when numerous casters, pieces of equipment, forklifts, and more are all

making noise at the same time, it can quickly exceed noise limits and lead to permanent hearing loss.

Inspecting your casters frequently may seem like an annoyance, but in truth it’s one of the best ways to prevent

employee injury, save money, and improve your company’s production. Schedule your inspections on a rotating

schedule or during scheduled downtime in order to reduce the impact such inspections might have on your operations.

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