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The Office of Nursing Practice and Professional Services<br />
(Centre for Addition and Mental Health) and<br />
the Faculty of Social Work (University of Toronto)
The Office of Nursing Practice and Professional Services<br />
(Centre for Addiction and Mental Health) and<br />
the Faculty of Social Work (University of Toronto):<br />
Kirstin Bindseil<br />
Marion Bogo<br />
Tim Godden<br />
Marilyn Herie<br />
Eva Ingber<br />
A Pan American Health Organization /<br />
World Health Organization Collaborating Centre<br />
Regine King Kathy Ryan<br />
Kate Kitchen Rani Srivastava<br />
Jane Paterson Lea Tufford<br />
Maria Reyes<br />
Cheryl Rolin-Gilman
ISBN: 978-0-88868-725-8 (PRINT)<br />
ISBN: 978-0-88868-726-5 (PDF)<br />
ISBN: 978-0-88868-727-2 (HTML)<br />
Product code PG121<br />
Printed in Canada<br />
Copyright © 2008 Centre for Addiction and Mental Health<br />
Any or all parts of this publication may be reproduced or copied with acknowledgement,<br />
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This book was produced by the following camh staff:<br />
Editorial: Diana Ballon, Jacquelyn Waller-Vintar<br />
Design: Nancy Leung<br />
Print production: Christine Harris<br />
3542/03-2008 PG121<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong>
Contents<br />
v Contents<br />
ix Introduction<br />
ix Development of the <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
ix Perspectives on <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
x Literature Review<br />
x Framework for <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
1 Models of clinical supervision<br />
Social Work<br />
Nursing<br />
Common Elements<br />
Components of <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> Models<br />
3 <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> at camh<br />
Practice Environment<br />
Leadership<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> Principles<br />
9 Components of <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
Roles<br />
Supervisory Activities<br />
11 Clinician Development<br />
12 Supervisor Development<br />
13 <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong>, <strong>Knowledge</strong> Translation and Evidence-Based Practice<br />
Incorporating Evidence-Based Practice into <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
17 Cultural Competence and <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
Cultural Competence<br />
Incorporating Cultural Competence into <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> Practices<br />
23 Beginning <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
The <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> Relationship and Contracting<br />
When <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> is at the Request of the Manager<br />
Giving Feedback on Performance<br />
Learning Styles<br />
Learning Styles and <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
37 Ongoing <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
Methods Of <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
Cultural Competence and Diversity<br />
Group <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
Individual <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
A Case Presentation Model for <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
Spontaneous <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong>: <strong>Clinical</strong> Supervisor as Lighthouse<br />
71 Interdisciplinary <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
Strengths of the <strong>Clinical</strong> Staff<br />
Staff Cultural Diversity and its Impact on <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
Context of Interdisciplinary <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
Interdisciplinary <strong>Supervision</strong> in Practice<br />
75 Nursing and <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
Reflective Practice<br />
Exploring Nurse’s Perceptions of <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
Practical Issues<br />
Preparation<br />
78 A Multi-Method Professional Development Approach in Daily Practice<br />
Integrated Care and Building Capacity in the Schizophrenia Program<br />
82 Ethical Considerations in <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
Standard of Care<br />
Ethical Considerations: An Example<br />
85 Evaluating <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
86 Core Competencies in <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
Benefits and Barriers to Effective <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
Evaluating Diversity Competence in <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> Supervisor Evaluation<br />
Documentation of <strong>Supervision</strong> In <strong>Clinical</strong> Settings<br />
103 APPENDIX 1<br />
103 Conceptualization of <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong>: A Review of the Literature<br />
Social Work<br />
Nursing<br />
Conclusion<br />
115 APPENDIX 2<br />
115 Evalautions For a <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> Group<br />
PART A<br />
PART B<br />
117 APPENDIX 3<br />
117 <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> Contract<br />
119 APPENDIX 4<br />
Contents<br />
119 Core <strong>Clinical</strong> Practice Competencies<br />
Levels of Practice<br />
Domains of Practice<br />
Introduction<br />
This handbook is the result of a group of advanced practice nurses and clinicians<br />
who function as clinical supervisors at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health<br />
(camh) using their collective experiences to articulate a model of clinical supervision<br />
in this organization. It reflects the integration of clinical experience, practice<br />
wisdom and contributions from contemporary literature and research. The literature<br />
and research base informing this handbook is drawn primarily from the social work<br />
and nursing fields, with some references to psychology and organizational change. A<br />
comprehensive review and integration of the supervision literature from all allied<br />
health disciplines is beyond the scope of this handbook; however, we hope that readers<br />
from all disciplines will find relevant and practical tips and suggestions.<br />
We used a range of iterative and developmental activities to create the handbook.<br />
Initially there was considerable reflection and discussion about the nature of clinical<br />
supervision, the activities and processes that appeared to work, and the challenges<br />
faced. Individuals or small groups volunteered to develop topics further.<br />
Conceptual, practice and empirical literature about clinical supervision was reviewed<br />
from the perspectives of social work, nursing, psychology and other relevant sources.<br />
Further discussion of the material led to refinement of ideas and practices. The discussion<br />
also revealed confusion and tension about the definition of clinical supervision<br />
within an organization and about developing effective supervision practices.<br />
The development of the handbook was an inter-professional practice activity that<br />
brought together a team of experienced social workers and nurses. The members of<br />
the team share:<br />
• a commitment to client-centred care<br />
• a commitment to professional education and development<br />
• a common vision as employees of camh.<br />
Professions have their own distinct cultures, histories and practices. Terms such as<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
“supervision” therefore have different meanings for nurses than they do for social<br />
workers. As the working group explored clinical supervision, it became apparent<br />
that this concept and function is interrelated with ideas about:<br />
• power, authority, accountability and autonomy of individuals, managers and<br />
clinical supervisors<br />
• decision making in groups and teams<br />
• the perceived organizational conditions necessary for education and professional<br />
development.<br />
The review of the literature presents the diverse way these themes are conceptualized<br />
and the similarities and differences between professions (see Appendix 1, p. xx). Even<br />
within professions there are different models of clinical supervision with varying<br />
emphasis on accountability, reflection, applying theory to practice, coaching and skill<br />
development, and integration of evidence-based practice. Through dialogue, it also<br />
became evident that individuals have different perspectives about the complex issues<br />
related to clinical supervision based on their own educational and work experiences.<br />
The handbook therefore merges concepts from diverse clinical disciplines, particularly<br />
nursing and social work, to develop an approach to clinical supervision that respects and<br />
builds on these traditions while providing guidance for the challenges of supervision<br />
and practice in mental health and addiction in contemporary society.<br />
The framework for supervision (see p. xx) represents current conceptualizations and<br />
can provide principles to guide the process of clinical supervision through its various<br />
stages. The goal is to enhance the knowledge of our clinical supervisory staff and<br />
delineate the standards of clinical supervision we provide at camh. Three interrelated<br />
functions of clinical supervision identified in both the nursing and social literature<br />
are discussed: administrative, educational and supportive (Kadushin, 1976; Kadushin<br />
& Harkness, 2002; Proctor, 1986). Methods and competencies for supervisors are presented<br />
along with a suggested evaluation method. Special issues in mental health and<br />
inter-professional settings are also examined.<br />
Since camh is a major teaching centre, it is important to note that the practice of<br />
clinical supervision of staff is distinct from supervision of students. <strong>Clinical</strong> supervision<br />
Introduction<br />
can involve complicated organizational dynamics, hierarchies of administrative<br />
authority and multiple accountabilities (Tsui, 2005). Anyone who provides clinical<br />
supervision must be skilled in these practices. In <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong>, we discuss the<br />
ways in which a psychologically safe environment can be created so that complex<br />
clinical dilemmas can be brought forward. We also examine the clinical supervisor’s<br />
ability to provide clear and meaningful feedback and outline the parameters of clinical<br />
supervision.<br />
This handbook is a “work-in-progress” that will be expanded and further refined<br />
over time. We will continue to address the challenges outlined above through further<br />
consultation with clinical staff and colleagues in similar organizations. We welcome<br />
your comments and suggestions.<br />
Models of clinical supervision<br />
The definition of supervision differs across settings and professions.<br />
Social work literature reflects a long history of valuing clinical supervision as the<br />
crucial vehicle for professional development of the social worker (see Appendix 1,<br />
Conceptualization of clinical supervision: a review of the literature, p. 103). <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
in social work is essentially conceived as a method to ensure the organization’s<br />
mandate is achieved through enhancing the supervisee’s*ability to provide effective<br />
service. Through discussion of routine and complex clinical situations, clinicians are<br />
better equipped to meet client needs, and that, in turn, contributes to improved<br />
client outcomes.<br />
In the nursing literature there is less agreement on the definition of clinical supervision<br />
(see Appendix 1, Conceptualization of <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong>: A Review of the Literature,<br />
p. 107). Logistical realities of nursing—including time away from clients, rotating<br />
shifts, 24-hour care and stringent time-oriented duties make the use of clinical<br />
supervision challenging. It appears from this literature that clinical supervision<br />
has often been viewed as an authoritarian and hierarchical activity that arises in<br />
response to an error or indiscretion.<br />
This is beginning to change. Jones (2005) reviewed research literature on clinical<br />
supervision and credits Winstanley and White (2003) with the most comprehensive<br />
definition: “[clinical supervision focuses] upon the provision of empathetic support<br />
to improve therapeutic skills, the transmission of knowledge and the facilitation of<br />
reflective practice. The participants have an opportunity to evaluate, reflect, and develop<br />
their own clinical practice and provide a support system to one another” (p. 8).<br />
A comparison of the social work and nursing literature on clinical supervision<br />
reveals common elements in the approaches offered by Kadushin’s model of three<br />
interrelated functions of social work supervision and one model in nursing, Proctor’s<br />
three function-interactive model (see Appendix 1, p. 103). Both nursing and social<br />
work agree that clinical supervision should be differentiated from, on one hand, an<br />
exclusive focus on line management, and, on the other, a quasi-therapeutic approach,<br />
although elements of each may be present at times in the process of supervision.<br />
Administrative/normative (managerial)<br />
Kadushin uses the term administrative supervision to describe selecting and orienting<br />
workers/clinicians, assigning cases, monitoring, reviewing and evaluating work;<br />
serving as socializing agent; and advocating and buffering within the organization.<br />
Proctor uses the terms normative or managerial to describe a function that promotes<br />
and complies with organizational policies.<br />
Educational/formative<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
Both professions’ models have an educational component. For Kadushin, education<br />
encompasses activities that develop the professional capacity of supervisees, including<br />
teaching knowledge and skills, and developing self-awareness (Barker, 1995;<br />
Munson, 2002) through, for example, teaching, case consultation, facilitating learning<br />
and growth. For Proctor, educational supervision addresses skill development<br />
for evidence-based nursing practice.<br />
Supportive/restorative<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> at camh<br />
Kadushin’s third component is supportive supervision. He sees this component as<br />
helping workers to handle job-related stress by providing appropriate praise and<br />
encouragement, normalizing work-related reactions, affirming strengths, and sharing<br />
responsibility for difficult decisions. Proctor’s third component, restorative (also<br />
referred to as pastoral), is similar. It is a support function that helps the nursing<br />
practitioner to understand and manage the emotional stress of nursing practice.<br />
Each of these components is seen as influencing each other and as producing more<br />
effective services for clients when operating in concert.<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> at camh<br />
At camh, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of clinical care and<br />
practice and to supporting the best clinical practice, professional education and professional<br />
development for our staff. We strive to be a workplace where people excel<br />
in a culture that embraces diversity and encourages teamwork, quality improvement,<br />
safety and respect. We have a rich inter-professional environment at camh with<br />
approximately 1,500 clinical staff representing 16 professional disciplines. It is essential<br />
that these clinicians be supported in the work they do and that they receive the<br />
organizational support required for ongoing professional growth and development.<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> supervision has been identified as one of the most important factors in<br />
determining job satisfaction and quality of service to clients (Tsui, 2005). We therefore<br />
believe that it is important to establish standards for clinical supervision<br />
practice. We also realize the vital role that clinical supervision plays in supporting<br />
clinicians in adapting to change. Initiatives such as Concurrent Disorders Capacity<br />
Building, <strong>Clinical</strong> Cultural Competence, Building a Culture of Safety, Family<br />
Centred Care, and Implementing a Recovery Framework are examples of broadbased<br />
initiatives at camh that are supported by clinicians. Front-line clinicians are<br />
vital to the successful implementation of these initiatives and when operational<br />
challenges are encountered, clinical supervision plays a crucial support role.<br />
The practice environment must include multiple perspectives and interests.<br />
Individual clinicians are accountable to clients, colleagues, organizations and regulatory<br />
bodies. Organizations must ensure standards and delivery of high quality care.<br />
External stakeholders may influence practice with advice on models of practice that<br />
should be emphasized. Funders link resources to outcomes, and consumer and family<br />
groups are now active partners in program planning and service delivery. As an<br />
organization, we must acknowledge and accept differing—and at times opposing—<br />
positions on issues related to practice. For instance, at times legal advice may in fact<br />
differ from the practice advice from a regulatory body. It is our task to create a practice<br />
environment that allows for the expression of divergent opinions with the goal of<br />
resolving issues. <strong>Clinical</strong> practice dilemmas and errors are a fact of life; it is the<br />
response that counts. A culture of blame, over-regulation and punitive responses<br />
will deter disclosure. Opportunities to identify the underlying conditions that led<br />
to those clinical dilemmas and errors will be lost unless processes for review and<br />
reflection are established to allow disclosure and discussion of difficult issues. Thus<br />
clinical supervision has a dual focus: clinician development; and improved care and<br />
enhanced health for our clients.<br />
At camh, the desired practice environment includes:<br />
• clinicians practicing ongoing critical self-appraisal<br />
• an openness to the opinions and input of the client, and the work of the clinical<br />
supervisor<br />
• honest communication<br />
• clear and regular documentation<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
• clinical practice that actively explores, examines and contributes to the evidencebase<br />
for care and support<br />
• an acknowledgement of the complexities of clinical practice<br />
• empowerment of clients, families and communities<br />
• active and ongoing dialogue among employees at all levels.<br />
The process of clinical supervision is integral to the realization of these goals.<br />
The clinical discipline chiefs, the advanced practice group and the clinical leadership<br />
in the program areas have primary responsibility for development of professional<br />
knowledge and skills. The discipline chiefs and the advanced practice group are in<br />
many ways more similar than different in the roles and functions they perform in<br />
the organization. The roles of both groups comprise five interrelated domains:<br />
• practice<br />
• consultation<br />
• education<br />
• research and scholarship<br />
• leadership.<br />
Perhaps the greatest difference between the two groups is that the discipline chiefs<br />
are senior clinicians who lead the entire professional discipline across the organization<br />
and are responsible for ensuring that professional practice standards are<br />
adhered to across camh. The Advanced Practice Nurses or Clinicians (apn/c), also<br />
senior clinicians, work directly in the clinical programs and supervise clinicians<br />
from various disciplines. Members of the discipline chiefs, program clinical leadership<br />
and the advanced practice groups can all have a role in the clinical supervision<br />
of staff. It is important that those responsible for front-line staff be skilled in the area<br />
of clinical supervision in order that job achievement be recognized and acknowledged.<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> supervision at camh is guided by the following interrelated principles:<br />
• organization context and its crucial impact on the nature and quality of clinical<br />
supervision<br />
• improved client outcomes<br />
• accountability<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> at camh<br />
• advancement of clinicians’ specialized knowledge, skill and use of evidence-based<br />
practice<br />
• learning and professional development.<br />
These principles support the organization’s goals of improved client-centred<br />
care; enhanced health and client safety; and support, growth and retention of the<br />
best professional staff.<br />
Organizational context<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> supervision occurs within the organizational context and will be customized<br />
in response to the unique characteristics of a particular clinical program area.<br />
Organizations that value and promote clinical supervision as both an educational<br />
process for clinicians and as a way to enhance accountability achieve greater employee<br />
satisfaction and improved client outcomes.<br />
Two overarching organizational themes characterize camh: a unionized environment<br />
and clientele divided between inpatient and outpatient services. The hierarchical<br />
environment of a unionized setting places the responsibility for clinical supervision<br />
on those at the managerial level. All clinicians require high-quality clinical supervision<br />
to meet their challenges and need for ongoing support. As an organization,<br />
it is important that we find ways to provide clinical supervision to staff that work<br />
shifts in the inpatient and residential areas at times when managers and clinical<br />
supervisors may not be readily available to provide consultation.<br />
When two or more hospitals merge to form a new organization, the organizational<br />
culture often differs from that of its founding organizations. This may affect the<br />
availability, perception and experience of clinical supervision. It takes time to develop<br />
a shared perspective on the nature and process of clinical supervision. Any organization<br />
comprises many departments, disciplines and individuals with a range of working<br />
styles that contribute to its overall rhythm and achievements. <strong>Clinical</strong> supervision<br />
requirements will vary with the unique program, culture, team members and learning<br />
styles of its participants and so must be tailored accordingly. For example, when<br />
camh was formed, there wasn’t a consistent practice of clinical supervision across<br />
the entire organization. Although it was agreed that clinical supervision is integral to<br />
clinical practice, it was necessary to redefine clinical supervision in this new culture.<br />
Improved client outcomes<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
One of the aims of clinical supervision is the improvement of client outcomes. Given<br />
the breadth of service at camh outcomes are not the same for all clients but fluctuate<br />
to accommodate client needs and challenges. Increasingly, we experience greater<br />
complexity in the client populations we treat.<br />
Accountability<br />
The supervisory relationship entails accountability within a supportive and educational<br />
framework. By virtue of their role in the organization, clinical supervisors,<br />
along with the staff they supervise, have accountability for client outcomes. Also, the<br />
clinical supervisor is responsible for monitoring the clinical performance of staff.<br />
The accountability demands on health care organizations are generally steep and the<br />
clinical supervisor needs to account for client and worker outcomes. It is challenging<br />
for the supervisor to balance the two functions of support and accountability. People<br />
engaged in clinical supervision need to discuss this duality from the outset. It also<br />
challenges more traditional notions of clinical supervision, where a clinician would<br />
be assured of almost complete confidentiality in processing cases with the clinical<br />
supervisor.<br />
Specialized knowledge, skill and use<br />
of evidence-based practice<br />
The following summarizes the generic competency required of all camh clinical staff<br />
regardless of professional discipline:<br />
• clinician-client relationship<br />
• family and social support<br />
• professional autonomy and accountability<br />
• professional development and research<br />
• assessment and monitoring<br />
• interviewing, formulation and documentation<br />
• treatment planning<br />
• therapeutic interventions<br />
• anticipating and responding to rapidly changing clinical situations<br />
• evaluation of care<br />
• teaching, coaching and empowering<br />
• teamwork, collaboration and partnerships<br />
• ethical, organizational and legal accountabilities<br />
• consultation and education<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> at camh<br />
For a description of the requirements for each of these domains, see Appendix 4,<br />
p. 119.<br />
As well as generic competencies, all clinicians are expected to have specialized<br />
knowledge and clinical skills associated with the clinician’s program.<br />
Professional development<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
Professional development within one’s discipline flows from a commitment to lifelong<br />
learning: clinical supervision is one method for achieving this goal. Regulated<br />
health professionals are members of regulatory bodies with annual educational<br />
requirements and standards of practice and ethical conduct. Unregulated clinicians<br />
who are members of professional associations often must meet educational objectives<br />
to qualify for, and maintain, membership. <strong>Clinical</strong> supervision can help clinicians<br />
stay abreast of developments in their field.<br />
Educational and clinical supervisory opportunities may be provided in ones’ place<br />
of employment. Many professionals participate in external educational activities such<br />
as courses, workshops or private consultation. In organizationally offered clinical<br />
supervision, clinicians demonstrate their commitment to ongoing learning and show<br />
accountability to the process through their willingness to learn, their interest in<br />
developing their clinical skills and being open to receiving support and being challenged.<br />
Through the formation of a partnership for learning, clinical supervisors<br />
and clinicians agree to journey together toward both the development of clinicians<br />
as learners and as members of their colleges.<br />
Components of <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
ROLES<br />
Clinician<br />
Components of <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
In clinical supervision, clinicians can achieve a higher level of expertise in their<br />
discipline and/or specialized area of practice. A hallmark of clinical supervision is<br />
the opportunity to reflect on one’s own practice, to gain others’ opinions and hence<br />
develop a more accurate self-appraisal and, through discussion, to draw the links<br />
between theory and practice.<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> supervisors and clinicians work together to develop and maintain productive,<br />
goal-oriented supervision. They negotiate the framework in which clinical supervision<br />
is carried out, including establishing the frequency of meetings, avoiding outside<br />
interference and being prompt. Clinicians define their own learning goals. The goals<br />
often arise from the case examples they select. These goals can be met through learning<br />
from supervision and from activities clinicians undertake beyond the supervisory<br />
session. Clinicians prepare for clinical supervision by having an agenda and information<br />
pertinent to the case or to clinical dilemmas. Information can include case notes,<br />
segments of tapes, a care plan and case questions. Case material should represent<br />
challenges and difficulties as well as successes. By choosing to discuss cases where they<br />
have encountered difficulties, clinicians demonstrate their willingness to take risks<br />
and learn from others. The learning process involves dialogue, openness to in-depth<br />
reflection on practice, and receiving both challenging and supportive feedback. The<br />
clinician records the supervisor’s recommendations and the actions or outcomes he<br />
or she has taken as a result of clinical supervision in the outpatients’ progress notes<br />
and in the interdisciplinary plan of inpatients.<br />
Clinicians are active participants in clinical supervision and give feedback to the<br />
supervisor so they can jointly evaluate the process in relation to the verbal or written<br />
supervision contract. Contracting at regular intervals allows the clinician to discuss<br />
learning goals, and the clinical supervision process, and to adjust the contract as<br />
necessary. It is the responsibility of the clinician to apply what he or she has learnt<br />
with clients. Self-evaluation is imperative and allows clinicians to determine when<br />
learning goals are met and when the clinician is ready for a more active or autonomous<br />
role with clients, such as in leading a group.<br />
Learning is not relegated to the confines of the supervision session. The clinician<br />
and clinical supervisor, working together, must negotiate and agree on the expectations<br />
for learning between sessions. Activities may include reading, viewing videos<br />
and writing process recordings or detailed notes of sessions.<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> supervisor<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> supervisors demonstrate substantive or content knowledge in multiple<br />
domains through discussion of clinical issues, examination of organizational development<br />
and inter-professional practice. The ability to work with the content of<br />
multiple domains engenders confidence in supervisory skills. <strong>Clinical</strong> supervisors’<br />
credibility, based on formal education and depth of experience, is an important<br />
contributor to the supervisor-clinician relationship. Another factor is the availability<br />
of clinical supervisors for both scheduled and unscheduled supervision, since concerns<br />
related to clients also arise beyond the usual hours of the working day. Good<br />
clinical supervisors recognize and value diverse perspectives. They also acknowledge<br />
the clinician’s previous work experiences. These factors contribute to a rich, heterogeneous<br />
work environment.<br />
Shared responsibility<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
The supervisor and the clinician share responsibility for creating a safe environment<br />
for clinical supervision. Safe environments are characterized by respect, openness,<br />
support, trust and the provision of non-judgmental feedback. The establishment<br />
of a safe environment allows creativity to flourish when dealing with challenging<br />
situations and expands the possibilities of service delivery.<br />
Power and authority<br />
The hierarchical aspect of the supervisor-clinician relationship can lead to conflict,<br />
stress and tension. Effective clinical supervisors don’t ignore the inevitable power<br />
dynamics. Instead they model a parallel process of journeying together. <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
experts note as crucial the ability to exercise supervisory responsibility in a respectful,<br />
fair and objective manner and to purposefully avoid the abuse of power (Centre<br />
for Substance Abuse Treatment, 2007).<br />
Clinician Development<br />
Clinicians come to clinical supervision with a diverse array of learning styles, such<br />
that the adage “one size fits all” doesn’t apply. Recognizing and then adapting<br />
teaching to match the learning styles of clinicians is a critical supervisory skill<br />
(see Learning styles, p. 33). Observation, discussion, feedback, role play, coaching,<br />
demonstrating and questioning are examples of supervisory activities. Supervisors<br />
need to master each of these so they can customize learning activities to meet the<br />
needs of all the clinicians with whom they are working.<br />
Conceptual frameworks that link theory to practice that’s relevant to camh clients<br />
help clinicians’ work to progress in an intentional and planned manner. Reflection<br />
encourages and provides the opportunity for clinicians to consider their experiences<br />
in practice, explore feelings invoked through working with clients, and understand<br />
the meanings they give to interactions. This process allows clinicians to arrive at<br />
more mindful and deliberate subsequent interventions. Critical self-reflection and<br />
self-inquiry helps clinicians recognize their strength and growth areas.<br />
Clinician Development<br />
Clinicians pass through stages in their careers. In the early stages of their careers, or<br />
when they join a new organization, clinicians may benefit from increased support,<br />
education and clinical supervision as they orient themselves to the organizational<br />
environment and clientele. Later career professionals may require less clinical supervision<br />
and more focused case consultation.<br />
Most professionals are educated in their specific disciplines, and while in training<br />
may have little opportunity to collaborate with other disciplines. However, in health<br />
care organizations, they are expected to participate in teamwork and collaborative<br />
practice. There is an increasing number of inter-professional education initiatives<br />
that recognize the knowledge base required to practice collaboratively. The curricula<br />
of the health care disciplines are evolving so that students will have the opportunity<br />
for curriculum and practicum experiences in collaborative practice.<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
The optimization of holistic clinical care first requires clinicians to be well grounded<br />
in their own professional discipline. It is a challenge for a junior clinician to maintain<br />
this professional identity and assert the unique perspective of the discipline within<br />
the interdisciplinary team. Without the opportunity for regular clinical supervision<br />
and reflection on their unique roles in teams, junior clinicians can risk aligning<br />
themselves with the power base on a team, thus silencing the unique perspective of<br />
their discipline. The clinical supervisor therefore must consider the career stage of the<br />
clinician in choosing pertinent material and issues for supervisory sessions.<br />
Supervisor Development<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> supervisors, similar to clinicians, engage in professional development in<br />
their various roles. Reflection on their practice as clinicians and as supervisors allows<br />
them the opportunity to examine themselves from cognitive, affective and behavioural<br />
angles. By acknowledging strength areas and challenging inherent assumptions<br />
and ineffective patterns, clinical supervisors deepen their level of service offered to<br />
both clients and clinicians and are able to seek their own supervision as required.<br />
Professional development may also result in further expertise in a clinical issue or<br />
exploration of a new area. <strong>Clinical</strong> supervisors are in an excellent position to provide<br />
leadership with respect to evidence-based practice through staying abreast of the<br />
most current literature and introducing new concepts, practices and guidelines in<br />
their supervisory meetings with clinicians. Continuous learning refreshes clinical<br />
processes, allows clinical supervisors to remain current and promotes a similar<br />
commitment on the part of clinicians.<br />
The processes of transference and countertransference are two of the inevitable<br />
by-products of working in helping professions. Effective clinical supervisors understand<br />
the dynamics of these two processes both between client and clinician and<br />
between clinician and clinical supervisor. <strong>Clinical</strong> supervisors facilitate clinicians’<br />
understanding of how these dynamics impact on clinical work. At the same time,<br />
clinical supervisors reflect on their personal transference and countertransference<br />
issues to promote their development.<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong>, <strong>Knowledge</strong> Translation and Evidence-Based Practice<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong>,<br />
<strong>Knowledge</strong> Translation<br />
and Evidence-Based Practice<br />
Organizations of all sizes are increasingly concerned that clinical practice be based<br />
on research where possible. The rise of “best practice” documents and guidelines<br />
attests to the urgency of bridging the gap between research and practice and reflects<br />
the reality that most clinicians do not read—let alone incorporate—scientific findings<br />
and practice protocol. Funders, consumer groups, researchers and agency/program<br />
management have all identified “knowledge translation” as a major challenge.<br />
<strong>Knowledge</strong> translation has been defined by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research<br />
(cihr) as “the exchange, synthesis and ethically-sound application of research findings<br />
within a complex system of relationships among researchers and users.” There is a<br />
growing body of literature on the topic of knowledge translation relevant to health<br />
care. The notion that clinical decisions should be made based on evidence-based<br />
practices and systematic review has become widely accepted (Zwarenstein & Reeves,<br />
2006). It is also well recognized that the results of research are unevenly adopted in<br />
clinical practice (Haines, 1998). The process of translation does not happen on an<br />
immediate or consistent basis because of the varying characteristics of adopters<br />
(i.e., practitioners). For example, Rogers (1983) suggests that innovations are picked<br />
up first by innovators and early adopters—the “champions” of practice innovations—<br />
followed by the early majority, the late majority and the small group of late adopters<br />
or “laggards.” In recognition of the challenges of transferring and adapting research<br />
findings to clinical practice, attention has been focused on understanding factors<br />
affecting the transfer of knowledge.<br />
Reviews of knowledge transfer literature have suggested that the failure of collaboration<br />
and communication between health care professionals has a profoundly negative<br />
effect within the health care system (Kerner et al., 2005; Zwarenstein & Reeves, 2006).<br />
To address this issue, it is important to design a clinical supervision process that<br />
accommodates the needs of the many professions and disciplines in the health care<br />
system, and to develop good inter-professional collaboration.<br />
One of the most common strategies in enhancing or incorporating evidence-based<br />
practice has been through clinically focused, continuing education workshops.<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
However, research has shown that clinical practice is minimally influenced by training<br />
alone (see Miller et al., 2006 for a review of this research.) In fact, Miller et al. (2006)<br />
point out that “[s]elf-reports of competence . ..bear little or no relationship to<br />
actual behavioural proficiency in delivering a treatment” (p. 32). On the other hand,<br />
there is some evidence that clinical training combined with ongoing feedback and<br />
coaching (such as that provided through supervision) can yield significant improvement<br />
(Miller et al., 2006).<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> supervision is, therefore, critical for promoting the use of evidence-based<br />
models and tools, as well as an effective means of disseminating these approaches.<br />
As Miller and colleagues (2006) state, “The dissemination of knowledge-focused<br />
material and workshops cannot substitute for proper clinical training, feedback and<br />
supervision in helping providers learn more effective ebt [Evidence-Based Treatments]”<br />
(p.35, emphasis added). Given the importance of offering—and having clinicians<br />
adhere to—evidence-based treatment models, knowledge translation should be a<br />
major focus of clinical supervisors’ work.<br />
Ongoing feedback and coaching are critical in helping clinicians to implement<br />
evidence-based practice applications and treatment protocols. <strong>Clinical</strong> supervision<br />
is an obvious and ideal context for this to occur. A number of important elements<br />
are prerequisites:<br />
• <strong>Clinical</strong> supervisors and clinicians understand and are committed to evidencebased<br />
practice approaches.<br />
• The clinical supervisor has expertise in the evidence-based methods in which<br />
clinicians are practising.<br />
• There are opportunities for observation and practice of clinicians’ clinical<br />
interactions during supervision sessions.<br />
• <strong>Clinical</strong> supervisors provide corrective feedback that is experienced by clinicians<br />
as constructive, relevant and credible.<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong>, <strong>Knowledge</strong> Translation and Evidence-Based Practice<br />
Commitment to evidence-based practice<br />
The implementation of evidence-based approaches is not without controversy<br />
among human service practitioners, and has been criticized on the grounds that<br />
it privileges empiricism over other dimensions and sources of wisdom, such as<br />
qualitative research, practice wisdom, consumer perspectives, cultural considerations<br />
and situational context (Petr & Walter, 2005). This perspective, however, doesn’t<br />
acknowledge the ways in which our understanding of evidence-based practice has<br />
evolved. For example, Petr and Walter discuss how, in the social work field, the<br />
rise of empirically based practice in the late 1980s emphasized clinical practice<br />
based primarily on scientific expertise. By the mid-1990s this notion broadened<br />
to consider the appropriateness of research applications to individual situations,<br />
ethical issues, and client values and expectations. Current conceptualizations refer<br />
to “evidence-based practice wisdom,” with an appreciation of multiple sources<br />
of “evidence” applied in a value-critical approach. It may be necessary for clinical<br />
supervisors to discuss clinicians’ understanding of evidence-based practice, and<br />
to explore how clinicians apply advances in scientific knowledge and integrate<br />
these with other knowledge sources.<br />
Supervisor expertise<br />
In the supervision context, “expertise” means more than one’s ability to demonstrate<br />
advanced proficiency in evidence-based treatment protocols. <strong>Supervision</strong> requires<br />
a deep, critical understanding of the theoretical, research and practice dimensions<br />
of these treatment approaches, as well as an ability to deconstruct these approaches<br />
into concrete, practical applications. As an analogy, not all outstanding athletes are<br />
successful coaches: applying skills is different from teaching and supporting skill<br />
development in others. There is a large literature related to adult education and<br />
training that is beyond the scope of this handbook. However, Renner (1999) provides<br />
a summary of adult learning theory and practice that is concise yet comprehensive.<br />
Opportunities for observation and practice<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> supervisors need to resist the temptation to use clinical supervision time<br />
primarily for discussing cases and dispensing advice. Learning by doing, or active<br />
learning (based on the learning theory known as constructivism), has become the<br />
hallmark of current approaches to teaching and learning (Tight, 1996). Examples<br />
of incorporating active learning into supervision might include:<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
• role-playing a challenging case example with the clinician<br />
• live observation and feedback of a clinical consultation<br />
• practising a discrete skill (such as complex reflections in motivational interventions)<br />
with clinicians<br />
• playing a video recording of a session with frequent pauses for critical, reflective<br />
commentary by the clinician and/or clinical supervisor/group.<br />
• In all of the above examples, clinical skills are examined in the context of the<br />
evidence-based treatment application being applied or demonstrated.<br />
Psychological safety and constructive feedback<br />
Demonstrating skills in front of clinical supervisors and peers is often experienced<br />
as “high-risk” by clinicians, and demands that clinical supervisors convey collegial<br />
respect, positive regard and non-judgmental acceptance. Fostering a positive learning<br />
climate can be better accomplished when clinical supervisors model their willingness<br />
to take risks and are transparent about the areas they need to further develop. For<br />
example, the clinical supervisor could first demonstrate practice activities before<br />
asking clinicians to do so. In addition, feedback is generally experienced as more<br />
constructive and salient when it is neutral, concrete and references the skills or<br />
philosophy underlying the clinical approach.<br />
In summary, advancing skills development in evidence-based practice approaches<br />
means that clinical supervisors must:<br />
• facilitate a shared understanding and appreciation of the meaning of evidencebased<br />
practice<br />
• be proficient in supporting clinicians to learn evidence-based approaches and<br />
apply these approaches to practice<br />
• apply and critique concrete strategies and tools in a safe and supportive learning<br />
context.<br />
Cultural Competence and <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
Cultural Competence and<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
The diverse, multicultural makeup of our society means we must carefully consider<br />
issues of race, culture and other dimensions of diversity. Developing cultural competence<br />
is now “a recognized requirement for achieving professional standards in therapy<br />
and supervision training” (Divac & Heaphy, 2005, p. 282). The need for cultural<br />
competence in mental health practice has been described as a professional as well as<br />
a moral and ethical imperative. As noted by Sue and colleagues:<br />
White culture is such a dominant norm that it acts as an invisible veil<br />
that prevents people from seeing counseling as a potentially biased<br />
system.…What is needed is for counselors to become culturally aware,<br />
to act on the basis of a critical analysis and understanding of their<br />
own conditioning, the conditioning of their clients, and the sociopolitical<br />
system of which they are both a part. Without such awareness,<br />
the counselor who works with a culturally different [sic] client may<br />
be engaging in cultural oppression using unethical and harmful<br />
practices. (Sue et al., 1992, p.72-73)<br />
The term cultural competence was first defined by mental health researchers over a<br />
decade ago as “a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes, and policies that come together in<br />
a system, agency, or amongst professionals and enables that system, agency or those<br />
professionals to work effectively in cross cultural situations”(Cross et al., 1989 p. iv).<br />
In this definition “culture” refers to integrated patterns of human behaviour that<br />
include the language, thoughts, communications, actions, customs, beliefs and values<br />
of racial, ethnic, religious or social groups. Culture should not be conceptualized<br />
narrowly in terms of only race, ethnicity, and country of origin; instead, culture must<br />
be defined broadly as inclusive of various diversity dimensions including, but not<br />
limited to, age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation and socio-economic status.<br />
“Competence” implies having the capacity to function effectively as an individual<br />
and an organization within the context of the cultural beliefs, behaviours and needs<br />
presented by the clients, consumers and their communities (Cross et al., 1989). Thus<br />
cultural competence is differentiated from cultural sensitivity and awareness by a<br />
need for action and altering practices to effectively interact with different cultural<br />
groups. (cdc National Prevention Information Network, n.d). Cultural competence<br />
in clinical care encompasses an understanding of the other’s worldview, a critical<br />
understanding of the dynamics of power and social location in our society, and the<br />
ability to adapt one’s practice accordingly (camh Diversity Programs Office, 2003).<br />
There are many frameworks and models of cultural competence across the various<br />
disciplines. A critical examination of the literature, however, reveals remarkable similarity<br />
in the requisite competencies. The differences are more in the area of emphasis<br />
(Haarmans, 2004). There is general agreement that clinical cultural competence<br />
comprises three domains as described by Sue and colleagues:<br />
• awareness of attitudes, values and biases (affective domain)<br />
• knowledge (cognitive domain)<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
• skills required to be effective in cross-cultural encounters (behavioural domain).<br />
In addition, a fourth dimension of power/relationships has also emerged as an<br />
important domain for consideration (cno, 2003; Sandowsky et al., 1994). This<br />
domain refers to the dynamics inherent in a clinician-client relationship with similar<br />
and different cultural values, racial identity attitudes and issues of power, control,<br />
and oppression (Haarmans, 2004). For a more comprehensive discussion of clinical<br />
cultural competence, see Haarmans.<br />
Development of cultural competence is generally recognized as a process that evolves<br />
with time, experience and deliberate attention. As such, cultural competence is often<br />
described on a continuum, with one end reflecting little recognition of the need for<br />
incorporating culture into care, and the other end where cultural knowledge and<br />
insight lead to innovative practices and positive outcomes for the client, the clinician<br />
and the health care organization (Cross et al., 1989; Tripp-Reimer et al., 2001).<br />
Although much has been written on the need to develop cultural awareness, skills<br />
and knowledge to provide clinical supervision (D’Andrea & Daniels, 1997; Sue, 1991),<br />
little information is available on how to imbed and develop cultural competence<br />
within clinical supervision (Leong & Wagner, 1994; Johnson, 1987). The lack of an<br />
operationalized definition for clinical cultural competence (ccc) and a corresponding<br />
lack of validated, comprehensive measures needed for training and research are<br />
major impediments to the development of cultural competence (Lo & Fung, 2003).<br />
Within the supervision process, the need for cultural competence is evident at two<br />
distinct, but inter-related levels. These are:<br />
• developing a clinician’s capacity in cultural competence<br />
• addressing the dynamics of culture and difference within the superviseesupervisor<br />
relationship.<br />
The supervision process is an effective vehicle for assessing a clinician’s multicultural<br />
competence and further developing cultural awareness, knowledge and skills. It has been<br />
described as an effective process for examining the conscious and the unconscious<br />
pathologizing of clients and therapists (Tummala-Narra, 2004). Raising cultural<br />
issues encourages self-exploration and can be “eye opening,” leading to development<br />
of new perspectives and practices (Cashwell et. al., 1997). Supervisors need to develop<br />
strategies that move supervisees from knowing that cultural differences exist<br />
(cultural sensitivity) to knowing how to work with individuals from diverse groups<br />
(cultural competence) (Cashwell et al., 1997). To support this journey, intellectual<br />
understanding needs to be augmented by actual examples from practice. An understanding<br />
of how our own gender, race, ethnicity, religion, socioeconomic class,<br />
generation and geographical region shape our sense of self can result in increased<br />
appreciation of how others are shaped by the same variables (Okun et al., 1999).<br />
Power dynamics<br />
Cultural Competence and <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
The challenges of cultural dynamics are not limited to work with clients; they apply<br />
equally to the process of supervision itself and the supervisor-supervisee relationship.<br />
Research examining the experiences of supervisees of colour highlights the<br />
perception that the supervisors’ clinical approaches are often “rooted in a limited,<br />
dominant culture perspective, despite their good intentions to attend to issues of<br />
difference” (Tumala-Narra, 2004, p. 304). In some instances, supervisors may minimize<br />
racially or culturally relevant material, either because of a lack of knowledge, or due<br />
to fear of being perceived as a racist. Supervisors who expect themselves to be “all<br />
knowing” can feel threatened by the client’s or the supervisee’s cultural knowledge.<br />
However, such supervisory encounters perpetuate racial enactments and can be<br />
silencing for the therapist and the client (Tummala-Narra, 2004).<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
Another emotion that can impede the supervision encounter is shame. Lybarger<br />
(2001) describes three progressively deeper levels of shame: embarrassment, humiliation<br />
and mortification. Embarrassment is associated with feeling self-conscious, ill<br />
at ease, disconcerted or flustered; humiliation occurs when there is a perceived loss<br />
of pride or dignity and mortification occurs when humiliation is deep and is associated<br />
with feelings of helplessness, hopelessness and despair. Tummala-Nala suggests<br />
that the lack of supervisor initiative to explore issues of diversity can contribute to<br />
lowered self-esteem and the experience of shame, which in turn may trigger defensive<br />
reactions such as avoidance and withdrawal on the part of the supervisee. Although<br />
it is important to explore diversity issues in the supervisory encounter, it needs to be<br />
done with an awareness that racial discourses continue to be highly emotional and<br />
can lead to feelings of vulnerability. For these reasons it is critical to determine the<br />
extent to which the supervisory relationship is a safe space for exploration of such<br />
issues (Tummala-Nala, 2004).<br />
Supervisory competencies and<br />
strategies for addressing diversity<br />
While there is no one approach to developing cultural competence for clinical supervision,<br />
there are a variety of methods that can assist supervisors. It is critical that<br />
supervisors “walk the talk.” The walk is a journey that enhances personal growth and<br />
identity development. “Culturally skilled counselors are constantly seeking to understand<br />
themselves as racial and cultural beings and are actively seeking a nonracist identity”<br />
(Pedersen, 2000, p. 20). The cultural awareness and skill development of clinical staff<br />
is often dependent upon clinical supervisors who consistently model behaviour that<br />
is reflective and acknowledges the power held in a supervisory relationship.<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> supervisors are in the unique position to be mentors, teachers, supporters<br />
and evaluators. This unique relationship of supervisor-supervisee is markedly different<br />
than the relationship staff members form with a client (Baird, 1999). Culturally<br />
competent supervisors are able to understand and put into perspective the worldviews<br />
of their diverse supervisees and clients and reflect the experience to the staff.<br />
During supervision they are able to create a positive environment where there is<br />
an opportunity for staff members to address and discuss issues that may be related<br />
to culture in an open and explicit manner (D’Andrea & Daniels, 1997). Culturally<br />
competent supervisors have the ability to work across cultures and work with clinical<br />
staff to do the same.<br />
Supervisors can influence clinicians by helping them investigate ways to maintain<br />
language competency while communicating or when trying to understand the<br />
diverse communication styles of their clients. In supervision, they can share valid<br />
and reliable assessment tools and techniques (Gopaul-McNicol, 2001; Paniagua, 1998).<br />
Supervisors can also use a variety of strategies to address issues of diversity, race and<br />
culture. However, a willingness to engage in ongoing self-examination and an openness<br />
to new and unknown information are foundational requisites for these strategies<br />
(Tummala-Narra, 2004). Some approaches to develop cultural competence include<br />
role play, interpersonal process recall, first person feedback and metaphor (for a<br />
detailed discussion see Cashwell et al., 1997; Divac & Heaphy, 2005; Hernandez, 2003).<br />
Tummala–Narra (2004) describes four strategies that can be utilized by supervisors:<br />
• increasing cultural knowledge<br />
Cultural Competence and <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
• initiating the discussion of race and culture<br />
• attending to transferential responses<br />
• engaging in multicultural education.<br />
Although no individual is expected to have detailed knowledge about every cultural<br />
group, it is important for supervisors to attain a “reasonable” level of cultural awareness,<br />
knowledge and range of communication skills in order to model these to their supervisees<br />
(Garret et al., 2001). This generic cultural knowledge includes knowledge of:<br />
• institutional barriers that prevent some clients from using mental health services<br />
• history, experience and consequences of oppression, prejudice, discrimination,<br />
racism and structural inequalities<br />
• the heterogeneity that exists within and across cultural groups and the need to<br />
avoid overgeneralization and negative stereotyping (Haarmans, 2004).<br />
While it may be important at times for the supervisor to ask the supervisee about<br />
issues pertinent to a particular cultural group (or for the therapist to ask a client),<br />
such inquiries should not be considered sufficient to serve as a knowledge base that<br />
guides supervision or psychotherapeutic interventions (Tummala-Narra, 2004).<br />
Supervisors and clinicians need to make a commitment to acquire such knowledge<br />
as part of their ongoing learning, and use the supervisee or client to validate the<br />
issues pertinent to them as members of particular groups.<br />
Initiating discussion of cultural and diversity issues is another recommended strategy.<br />
Such initiation by the supervisor recognizes the power dynamics of the relationship<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
and challenges the traditional notion of neutrality and normalizing the complexity<br />
associated with diversity (Tummala-Narra, 2004). It is important for supervisors to<br />
create a safe environment where such discussions can occur openly and without the<br />
experience of shame. Such discussions can also highlight communication barriers that<br />
may be rooted in cultural differences that need to be addressed (Garrett et al., 2001).<br />
Encounters between clients, supervisees and supervisors from different cultures<br />
involve a set of interconnected transference reactions (Tummala-Narra, 2004, p. 309).<br />
These reactions may be based on individual characteristics as well as characteristics<br />
associated with particular racial or cultural groups. In reflecting on transferential<br />
responses it is important to critically reflect on one’s own assumptions and traditional<br />
views. It is also important to consider the ways in which racial and cultural<br />
identity shapes social and psychic realities and interpretations. Such a stance will<br />
minimize avoidance and treatment of cultural issues as “extraneous” or “exotic”<br />
(Tummala-Narra, 2004).<br />
Lastly, it is important for supervisors to engage in ongoing education on multicultural<br />
perspectives as they relate to psychopathology and therapy. Research indicates a<br />
strong link between self-rated competence and the number of diverse clients seen by<br />
the therapist, suggesting that treating diverse client groups is an important training<br />
experience (Allison et al., 1996). It is also important for supervisors to seek out literature<br />
and engage in discussions on race, culture and mental health. Such exploration<br />
and reflection will assist the supervisor and the supervisee in understanding the<br />
complexities of culture and its relationship to mental health and mental illness.<br />
In summary, the rapidly changing demographics of clients require increased attention<br />
to culture and the supervisory relationship. The tools for ensuring supervisees’ cultural<br />
competence are within reach and require a commitment from each one of us as<br />
clinicians and as supervisors. Cultural competence is a critical skill for both individual<br />
and group supervision and can be developed through a variety of experiential<br />
learning approaches. Integral to this process is reflection on such issues as power<br />
dynamics, divergence of world views and stereotyping.<br />
Beginning <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
As you begins to meet with clinicians, it is useful to identify what one already knows<br />
about clinical supervision, what the program leadership hopes to obtain from clinical<br />
supervision and what the clinician knows about and expects from the clinical supervision<br />
process. This is an opportunity to develop relationships and clarify expectations.<br />
In the process of contracting, you can begin to provide a foundation for the clinical<br />
supervisory relationship. Although this is useful to do at the beginning, it is important<br />
to remember that relationship clarification and contracting will likely occur throughout<br />
the clinical supervisory process.<br />
Shulman (1993) identifies four main areas of contracting as you develop relationships<br />
in the beginning phase of a clinical supervisory situation:<br />
• share the sense of purpose<br />
• describe the clinical supervisor’s role<br />
• elicit feedback from the clinician on his or her perceptions of clinical supervision<br />
• discuss mutual obligations and expectations related to the clinical supervisor’s<br />
authority.<br />
Sense of purpose<br />
The clinical supervisor should discuss the purpose and expectations of clinical<br />
supervision with the clinician. A shared purpose offers clarity about the clinical<br />
supervisory process for the program staff, the clinical supervisor and clinician. You<br />
should discuss several definitions of clinical supervision with the program and<br />
clinician to learn how the program staff will use the clinical supervision process in<br />
day-to-day work.<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> supervisor’s role<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
As programs and services in health care evolve, new leadership roles (e.g., discipline<br />
chiefs and advanced practice clinicians / nurses) have been created to carry out the<br />
functions of clinical supervision and support of staff. There is a growing recognition<br />
that these roles are distinct from that of the manager in that the manager is the individual<br />
responsible for the administrative functions of the program. These leadership<br />
roles of clinical supervisor and manager have many areas of shared responsibility<br />
such as program development and the facilitation of team processes. The challenge<br />
for people in these roles is to navigate the boundary between performance management<br />
and clinical supervision. The challenge is to deliver supervision that provides<br />
enough of a safe space for front-line staff to explore practice issues, while at the same<br />
time making sure that administrative managers feel adequately informed about matters<br />
under their purview.<br />
Elicit feedback from the clinician<br />
A discussion about perceptions, beliefs and attitudes about clinical supervision can<br />
help to demystify the process. A discussion of how the clinician felt about her or his<br />
last clinical supervisor or the clinical supervision model can help to clarify present<br />
expectations and allow constructive feedback. This is an opportunity to begin to<br />
develop trust and understanding with the clinician.<br />
Discuss mutual obligations and expectations related to<br />
authority<br />
Although clinical supervisors may be uncomfortable with discussing authority, they<br />
should discuss the balance between their supervisory and managerial roles with<br />
every one they supervise as soon as possible in the supervision relationship. Many<br />
clinicians are concerned about when information will be shared with management<br />
and if the information will be included in a performance review. For example: Will<br />
the manager attend some of the sessions? Will management receive reports about<br />
the clinical supervision sessions? It is important to be clear about expectations,<br />
Beginning <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
procedures and roles so that clinicians can develop a clear understanding of the<br />
parameters of the clinical supervision process.<br />
Dealing with suboptimal standards of practice<br />
What are the clinical supervisors’ obligations once they have become aware of<br />
suboptimal standards of practice?<br />
To answer this question, we need to consider at least two scenarios:<br />
• when issues arise spontaneously in supervision<br />
• when issues are generated from performance management and supervision.<br />
When issues arise spontaneously in supervision<br />
A well-functioning supervision relationship can resolve many challenges. A good<br />
general rule is that a practice issue identified in supervision sessions can remain<br />
within the confines of supervision as long as the client’s care has not been seriously<br />
compromised and the supervision process is yielding results. If either of these<br />
conditions were not met, the clinical supervisor would need to consult with the<br />
manager. For example:<br />
• When clients complain about inappropriate staff behaviour, the manager should<br />
be informed and directly involved in the plan to follow up on the complaint,<br />
since the event could lead to disciplinary action. The clinical supervisor’s role<br />
can be to follow up with the areas of concern highlighted by the complaint and<br />
to monitor the staff member’s progress in the hope that he or she does not repeat<br />
the inappropriate behaviour.<br />
• If the clinician and the clinical supervisor don’t agree that the clinician’s behaviour<br />
is a concern, then the clinical supervisor should inform the manager and all could<br />
decide together how to proceed.<br />
• If the clinical supervisor learns at any time that a clinician has broken the code<br />
of conduct of the organization or has violated the code of ethics as established by<br />
the clinician’s regulatory body, then the manager must be informed.<br />
Even when the clinical supervisor takes an issue outside the confines of clinical<br />
supervision, the consultation with the manager can be considered a resource to help<br />
to resolve a problem that may not require performance management and discipline.<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
When issues are generated from performance management processes<br />
Any clinical supervision task generated by the performance management system<br />
should include the following:<br />
• a precise description of what aspect of the staff member’s practice is below standard<br />
• a precise description of how a staff member’s practice has to change in order to<br />
meet expectations<br />
• a precise plan outlining what kind of documentation will be required from the<br />
clinician to monitor performance<br />
• the maximum length of time available for achieving the task at hand<br />
• details on how the clinical supervisor will report progress and to whom these<br />
reports will be given<br />
• an understanding of the consequences if there is a recurrence of the suboptimal<br />
practice.<br />
Attending to the above details will assist clinical supervisors and staff in marking the<br />
end of a specific, performance-management supervision task, and the restoration of<br />
a “business as usual” clinical supervision relationship.<br />
Discuss the goals of clinical supervision<br />
It is helpful to talk about the atmosphere clinicians believe they need to develop<br />
their clinical skills. This is likely to entail discussions about the importance of creating<br />
a safe place for clinicians to share information, thoughts and feelings related to<br />
their work. <strong>Clinical</strong> supervision is different from therapy in that clinical supervision<br />
focuses on the clinicians’ struggles and challenges as they relate to client care. The<br />
process of developing trust and safety in the relationship is introduced in the initial<br />
meeting and is reinforced through the experiences of interacting with the clinical<br />
supervisor in the day-to-day work.<br />
It is also useful to discuss with the clinician the types of approaches available in the<br />
program for professional development and growth. For example, in some programs<br />
two-way mirrors can be used for direct supervision, coaching and feedback. In<br />
others, audio- or videotapes are available. Some programs present opportunities<br />
for learning through co-therapy and review, while others will rely primarily on<br />
case presentation and consultation. This is further discussed in the next section.<br />
Contracts can be general or specific with regards to learning goals, activities and<br />
Beginning <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
time frames. Contracts can be verbal or written. The following case example<br />
illustrates the process of establishing a verbal contract.<br />
Regina, a new clinician who recently graduated from school,<br />
starts a permanent position as an addiction therapist in the residential<br />
program. As part of her orientation, Regina is asked to<br />
meet with the clinical supervisor (an advanced practice clinician)<br />
and manager to discuss roles and expectations, the role of clinical<br />
supervision in this setting, the process of group clinical supervision<br />
and the scheduling of individual clinical supervision. The<br />
clinician is also offered a few definitions of clinical supervision<br />
that are used in this setting.<br />
Because she will report to both the clinical supervisor and manager,<br />
Regina is given some guidelines about areas appropriate for<br />
discussion with the clinical supervisor and other areas to be<br />
discussed with the manager. The APC role focuses on practicerelated<br />
issues through education and support while the manager’s<br />
role is more administrative, as well as being supportive.<br />
In building the relationship with the clinical supervisor, Regina is<br />
asked questions about past clinical supervision as a student as<br />
well as any questions or concerns she has about working with the<br />
clinical supervisor in this setting. From this discussion, the clinical<br />
supervisor learns that Regina experienced her student supervisor<br />
as holding grudges and often felt punished for earlier mistakes in<br />
her placement. This information leads the clinical supervisor<br />
to be sensitive when giving feedback, to acknowledge that the<br />
clinician cannot always make perfect choices and to articulate her<br />
hope that the clinician approach her if she were unsure of her<br />
work in the early days, as a way to obtain help and support.<br />
The clinical supervisor also discusses circumstances that are<br />
somewhat unique to the program. Unlike other settings, there is<br />
opportunity for the clinician to connect with the clinical supervisor<br />
around daily clinical issues. Also, there are some situations such<br />
as discharging a client, where a consultation from a representative<br />
from management is required. The clinical supervisor would<br />
share, upon request from the manager, the level of participation<br />
negotiated for clinical supervision, consistent with the initial<br />
discussion of roles and responsibilities.<br />
Finally, the clinician is asked to reflect on her work as a student<br />
and identify some goals she has for this staff position. Regina is<br />
also asked if there are any resources or courses that might<br />
enhance her clinical practice.<br />
When clinicians are told that they are required to attend clinical supervision, a variety<br />
of feelings may arise for both clinician and clinical supervisor. The clinical supervisor<br />
may believe that he or she should have offered supervision earlier or may wonder if<br />
he or she could have provided a more supportive environment so the clinician could<br />
have come to supervision sooner. From the perspective of the clinician, there may be<br />
positive feelings because the clinician has struggled with a clinical situation and now<br />
feels supported by the added attention or help. Alternatively, clinicians can feel very<br />
stressed as they may feel targeted as having done something wrong. Clinicians may<br />
feel that they have been betrayed by sharing their struggle with another member of<br />
the team, and telling the truth about a difficult situation or be embarrassed because<br />
other clinicians told management about unsafe clinical practices. In circumstances<br />
when a clinician is returning to the workplace after disciplinary action, there can be<br />
feelings of anger and embarrassment.<br />
Clinicians may be told to attend clinical supervision because they need to:<br />
• comply with the mandatory regulating body<br />
• acquire skills (required by the program) that can be learned in clinical supervision<br />
• attend clinical supervision as part of a disciplinary action or as part of a return<br />
to work procedure<br />
• integrate evidence-based practice into their work<br />
• focus on client-centred care<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
• manage burnout and workload<br />
• concentrate on a specific deficiency in clinical competency that<br />
has been identified.<br />
Clear contracting is crucial under these circumstances as often the perception of trust,<br />
between team members and management, has weakened and some type of a report is<br />
expected. Some examples of questions to consider for the purpose of clarity are:<br />
• Will the requested need for clinical supervision address the concern entirely or<br />
are there other important components (i.e., training that may or may not be part<br />
of the role of the supervisor)?<br />
• What is the time frame expected for the clinician to accomplish the goal of<br />
clinical supervision?<br />
• What details in the report does the manager expect?<br />
• What will happen if the clinician does not attend or comply?<br />
• What are indicators of compliance?<br />
Beginning <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
• What will happen if the clinical supervisor does not write a positive report?<br />
It is helpful to clarify the clinical supervisor’s role to ensure the best outcome of<br />
clinical supervision. Once the role has been determined, the manager, clinician and<br />
clinical supervisor should meet to review the expectations and document what is<br />
being requested.<br />
Similar to the processes described earlier regarding contracting in general and establishing<br />
the working relationship with the clinician, it can be helpful to obtain feedback<br />
about how the clinician feels about the structure of the supervision process.<br />
Additionally, the supervisor can ask the clinician for his or her input, such as: “Since<br />
we are meeting, what would you like to get out of this scheduled time?” Connecting<br />
with the clinician about his or her clinical goals can help the clinician see the value<br />
of clinical supervision, improve his or her professional skills and fulfil the needs of<br />
the program.<br />
Jacob, a social worker on a psychiatric inpatient unit, continued<br />
to see the parents of a client after the client was transferred to<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
another clinical team. Jacob did not believe the new social worker<br />
understood the family’s distress or perspective because he<br />
thought he could better identify with their Eastern European background.<br />
When management learned that Jacob was seeing this<br />
family, it was decided that he had overstepped his boundaries<br />
and should have referred the family to the new clinical team. He<br />
was disciplined and asked by his manager to attend clinical<br />
supervision.<br />
Jacob came to clinical supervision not really knowing what to<br />
expect. He recognized that he had overstepped a boundary; however,<br />
he was upset with being disciplined and thought his manager<br />
had treated him unfairly. He also did not want talk to anyone<br />
about the situation because he did not believe that he would be<br />
supported if he sought out clinical supervision. A contract was<br />
developed to reflect the expectation to discuss boundary crossing<br />
and ways that Jacob could approach management for more support<br />
if needed. Also, Jacob was asked if there were any other areas<br />
of skill that he would like to develop in clinical supervision. He<br />
mentioned that given the increased workload in documentation,<br />
he would like some guidance around documentation.<br />
A meeting was set with Jacob, the clinical supervisor and the<br />
manager to discuss the goals of clinical supervision (boundaries,<br />
asking for more support and documentation). It was negotiated<br />
that the individual sessions occur once a week for one month as<br />
this appeared to be adequate time to discuss these topics. After<br />
one month, the clinical supervisor—with Jacob’s input—would<br />
complete a report of Jacob’s progress. If more time were<br />
required, this would need to be renegotiated.<br />
In clinical supervision, Jacob discussed his current clinical cases,<br />
the clinical supervisor brought thoughtful articles and information<br />
for Jacob to consider and documentation was reviewed. After<br />
one month, Jacob felt more confident in his work and better able<br />
to ask for assistance in the future.<br />
Beginning <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
The clinical supervisor and clinician should regularly review the clinical supervision<br />
process and recontract when necessary. Later in the handbook, we will discuss ways<br />
the clinical supervisor can request and receive feedback (see p. 92); this section is<br />
meant to provide some ideas about offering feedback to clinicians.<br />
Clinicians will usually have many opportunities to receive feedback. Although<br />
clinicians will learn from a variety of sources, the clinical supervisor has an explicit<br />
responsibility to assist in the clinicians’ development and growth.<br />
The task of providing feedback may feel quite strange especially if the clinical supervisor<br />
has recently been promoted from the role of clinician. A discussion with peer<br />
supervisors about the change of roles at this time can be invaluable. There are many<br />
reasons why a clinical supervisor will have the capacity to provide unique and valuable<br />
feedback. The clinical supervisor:<br />
• can often compare strategies used by a variety of supervisees and offer<br />
opportunities to develop consistency among clinicians<br />
• has more time to look at the bigger picture of the organization’s values and<br />
goals and help to match practice to the organizational context<br />
• is not working directly with the client and therefore has the opportunity to<br />
review issues with more distance and perhaps clarity<br />
• is simply able to provide alternate perspectives that have not been considered.<br />
Feedback should highlight strengths as well as identify opportunities for learning. It<br />
is important to take any opportunity to offer positive feedback. If a clinician shows<br />
strength in some aspect of the work, the clinical supervisor can use this as an opportunity<br />
to highlight the work. By offering this strength-based approach to feedback<br />
early and often, the clinician can place any difficult or change-oriented feedback in<br />
the overall context of a positive work environment that values the clinician’s strengths<br />
and need for continuous learning.<br />
When offering feedback that may be difficult for the clinician to hear, the clinical<br />
supervisor will want to provide an optimal learning environment. The best option is<br />
to offer the feedback in regular individual sessions. If this is not possible, it is wise to<br />
find a time that the clinician can meet without interruption in a confidential space.<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
It is helpful to offer the feedback in a way that is specific and concrete. Sometimes<br />
the feedback is about a particular situation and will allow an opportunity for the<br />
clinician to respond and perhaps offer more information. If the issue is not linked<br />
to a specific incident or situation, the clinical supervisor might need to provide<br />
concrete examples to support the feedback. Providing the clinician with an example<br />
illustrates the precise nature of the concern and also gives the clinician a chance<br />
to clarify any misunderstandings. The clinical supervisor may also wish to provide<br />
this feedback in writing.<br />
It is important to offer the feedback in a timely fashion. Although it can seem timeconsuming<br />
to give clinicians feedback that may seem minor, early feedback can<br />
give clinicians the opportunity to absorb the information, respond faster and use<br />
other resources in addition to clinical supervision to assist with making changes<br />
to their practice.<br />
Janet is a clinical nurse in an outpatient addiction treatment service.<br />
At her bi-weekly clinical supervision, Janet described working with<br />
a client who was “mandated” by the child protection authority<br />
Children’s Aid Society (cas) and who she felt was “just going<br />
through the motions” to get her child back. The client had stopped<br />
using crack cocaine; however, she reportedly used marijuana<br />
occasionally.<br />
The marijuana use and the fact that the client was not interested<br />
in making any psychological changes concerned Janet and were<br />
the reasons she was asking for clinical supervision. The fact that<br />
the client was intending to end treatment in two more sessions<br />
also caused Janet to worry that she had not done all that she<br />
should to help effect change.<br />
The clinical supervisor first wanted to point out how the sessions<br />
with the client appeared successful in relation to her goals<br />
of treatment, part of which was to see the client stop using<br />
crack. Janet could agree that the previous sessions may have<br />
been helpful but was unsure about whether she had sufficiently<br />
addressed her client’s cannabis use. They discussed the importance<br />
of the therapeutic relationship apart from the client’s<br />
cannabis use—which Janet felt was quite positive—as well as the<br />
importance of the client’s efforts and strengths outside of the<br />
therapeutic relationship.<br />
The clinical supervisor then explored feelings around the client<br />
“going through the motions” and discussed if this interfered with<br />
Janet’s lack of feelings of success about this client. The clinical<br />
supervisor then asked about whether cas would object to<br />
occasional marijuana use, given that her doctor had prescribed<br />
her marijuana, and concluded this would likely not be a great<br />
concern to cas.<br />
Finally the clinical supervisor gave her some feedback about her<br />
approach with the client. She told Janet that she could use the last<br />
two sessions to tell the client what she really thought about the<br />
marijuana use, or she could work toward cultivating a<br />
relationship with the client so if she ever wanted to address the<br />
marijuana use or her feelings around using crack cocaine, this<br />
would be a safe place for the client to return regardless of whether<br />
she was still involved with cas.<br />
Janet was able to see that her approach to the client had been<br />
focused more on substance use (very common in a substance<br />
use service) and less on maintaining a relationship with the client<br />
to foster further growth and development if the client wished to<br />
seek out further treatment.<br />
Beginning <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
A learning style is “a predominant and preferred approach which characterizes an<br />
individual’s attitude and behaviour in a learning context” (Bogo & Vayda, 1998,<br />
p. 100). Clinicians may not have considered how their learning styles or needs might<br />
differ from those of their colleagues or the clinical supervisor. Learning styles can<br />
vary on a variety of dimensions.<br />
structured unstructured<br />
method description intuition<br />
concrete abstract<br />
active reflective<br />
individual group learning<br />
visual auditory<br />
self-directed clinical supervisor-directed<br />
There are a variety of models of learning styles available for learners to consider.<br />
Kolb (1984) has developed a highly regarded and utilized model. He presents how<br />
people can learn on two axes: a perceptual continuum from concrete to abstract<br />
and a processing continuum from active to passive. From this work, he presents<br />
four distinct learning styles:<br />
• accommodator<br />
• diverger<br />
• converger<br />
• assimilator.<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
Accommodator style (feel and do): preference for concrete<br />
experience and active experimentation<br />
Accommodators are “hands on” and rely on intuition rather than logic. They prefer<br />
a practical and experiential approach. Accommodators may prefer to rely on instinct<br />
instead of providing a logical response. This is a useful approach when the situation<br />
requires action and initiative. Accommodators work well on teams to complete tasks.<br />
They set targets and work in the field trying different ways to achieve their objectives.<br />
Learning activities include shadowing, doing the clinical work and talking about it in<br />
clinical supervision or having the clinical supervisor observe the work.<br />
Beginning <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
Diverger style (feel and watch): combination of concrete<br />
experience and reflective observation<br />
Divergers are often able to look at a situation from different perspectives. Such<br />
learners are sensitive, and prefer to watch rather than do, tending to gather information<br />
and use imagination to solve problems. They prefer to work with groups, to<br />
listen with an open mind and to receive personal feedback.<br />
Learning activities include shadowing, role modelling and reviewing teaching tapes.<br />
Converger style (think and do): abstract conceptualization<br />
and active experimentation<br />
Convergers are problem solvers. They prefer to focus on technical tasks, and are less<br />
concerned with relying on others to learn. They are best at finding practical uses for<br />
ideas and theories. They are good researchers and often have technological abilities.<br />
They like to experiment with new ideas, to simulate and to work with practical<br />
applications.<br />
Learning activities include reading various theoretical perspectives, getting feedback<br />
from clinical supervisor reviewing their clinical work, developing treatment plans<br />
and role plays.<br />
Assimilator style (think and watch): combination of abstract<br />
conceptualization and active experimentation<br />
Assimilators are logical and concise. They tend to focus on ideas and concepts. They<br />
look for a clear explanation rather than a practical response. They excel at understanding<br />
wide-ranging, often theoretical information and organizing it in a clear and<br />
logical format. They are less focused on people and more interested in ideas and<br />
abstract concepts. Like the converger, the assimilator likes a scientific approach.<br />
They prefer to read, attend lectures, explore analytical models and have time to think<br />
things through.<br />
Learning activities include reading various theoretical perspectives, viewing learning<br />
tapes, developing treatment plans and watching other clinicians.<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
While most people may see aspects of themselves reflected in each style, each discrete<br />
style can be regarded as a particular type. These types provide ways to help<br />
both clinician and clinical supervisor identify their own preferred learning styles.<br />
Most people will have a mix of styles, but one usually predominates. When clinician<br />
and supervisor have different learning styles, each can expand their repertoire and<br />
adapt to how information is presented and absorbed by the other, producing rich,<br />
new ways of extracting optimal learning from various situations. Supervisors can<br />
assist clinicians to use familiar and new learning styles to try new and challenging<br />
practices, acknowledge discomfort and set goals that overcome barriers.<br />
The supervisor can also share his or her own preferred learning style and then discuss<br />
learning options outside of the clinical supervisor’s preferred learning style. This helps<br />
to stimulate discussions about how the clinician can further enhance his or her clinical<br />
practice and allow for a variety of approaches to be used depending on the clinical<br />
situation. In this way, the clinical supervisor works with the clinician to construct<br />
the best learning environment.<br />
In developing a new psychotherapy group, a clinician had done a<br />
great deal of preparation by reading books on the topic, speaking<br />
to another therapist who leads this type of group and observing a<br />
few sessions of this type of group. However, the clinician still felt<br />
there was more to learn. The clinical supervisor thought there<br />
was little more to offer the clinician to assist in preparation, and<br />
therefore decided to talk about learning styles. The clinician<br />
acknowledged that he was more reflective and enjoyed conceptualizing<br />
the group from descriptions that emerged from the literature.<br />
The clinical supervisor acknowledged that he learned best<br />
with active participation and would be the type of learner who<br />
would start the group and intuitively learn more as he went along.<br />
This allowed both to pause and reflect on what else was needed<br />
for the clinician to feel able to start the group. It was decided that<br />
the clinician was likely ready to start the group in two weeks and<br />
both would assess progress as the group went forward.<br />
As this example illustrates, the clinician and clinical supervisor<br />
were able to address the learning needs of the clinician by first<br />
discussing their own unique learning styles. These discussions<br />
can further assist in developing new ways to plan, conduct and<br />
evaluate the learning. Often this will come about as part of a discussion<br />
when some type of mismatch is occurring. This discussion<br />
can lead to a positive and productive discussion of clinical<br />
practice.<br />
Ongoing <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
There are a variety of methods used to provide clinical supervision. Some include<br />
direct observation of the clinician and/or supervisor at work with clients and others<br />
rely on review of clinicians’ work by examining audio, video or written records or by<br />
verbal case presentations. This section discusses four of these methods:<br />
• demonstration / reflecting mirrors<br />
• co-therapy<br />
• role-playing<br />
• reviewing audio and / or videotapes.<br />
Ongoing <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
These methods address the various learning styles described by Kolb: accommodator,<br />
diverger, converger and assimilator.<br />
Demonstration / reflecting mirrors<br />
Demonstration<br />
Typically, the clinical supervisor and clinician meet in advance and discuss a particular<br />
struggle that the clinician is having or identify a particular set of skills that the<br />
clinician needs to learn. Then the clinical supervisor meets with the clinician and his<br />
or her client and takes the lead in the interview with the client. The clinical supervisor<br />
debriefs with the clinician afterward, asking the clinician what he or she noticed and<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
how the clinical supervisor’s responses were similar and different to those of the<br />
clinician. The clinician is present during the interview between the client and the<br />
clinical supervisor and the debriefing is an opportunity for the clinician to compare<br />
what the clinical supervisor did with what the clinician would have done if he or<br />
she were conducting the interview.<br />
Reflecting Mirrors<br />
In the reflecting mirrors technique, the clinical supervisor is in a room with the<br />
client. The clinician sits outside of the room, looking through a reflecting mirror.<br />
The process is the same in terms of how the interview is set up—purpose, goals,<br />
process, debriefing. The supervisor and clinician roles can be reversed, with the<br />
clinical supervisor observing the clinician interview the client.<br />
Both the Keeping Safe and Enhancing Women’s Well Being<br />
groups are co-facilitated with a member of staff or a student as a<br />
way of modelling how to run the group. The clinical supervisor<br />
shows them how to:<br />
• help the group establish norms<br />
• review the content of the handouts in a way that respects the<br />
needs that the clients bring forward in the sessions<br />
• manage conflict within the sessions<br />
• ensure there is a balanced opportunity for clients who tend to be<br />
silent and for those who are more outspoken to share the floor<br />
• elicit opportunities for clients to hear the commonality of experience<br />
and learn that they have something to offer one another<br />
• demonstrate respect for the clinician/student co-facilitator by<br />
verbally underlining meaningful interventions that she or he<br />
makes and returning to them if they get lost in the session.<br />
For the Enhancing Women’s Well Being Group, the clinical supervisor<br />
facilitates the sessions with a graduate student in a room<br />
that has a one-way mirror. While this method is used for student<br />
learning, it can also be used for staff development. Other students<br />
and staff are invited to observe. They are given a sheet of<br />
paper with specific questions to reflect on as they watch the<br />
group. The clinical supervisor uses these questions to shape the<br />
learning experience for all supervisees. The questions are:<br />
1. What is different and similar about this group and other groups<br />
you have observed or participated in?<br />
2. How is gender playing itself out in this group? What themes do<br />
you notice?<br />
3. How are diversity issues experienced in this group (i.e., class,<br />
culture, sexuality)?<br />
4. What questions do you have about the choices that the co-facilitators<br />
made in terms of facilitation during this session?<br />
General comments and debriefing<br />
A range of questions can be used depending on what the supervisor intends observers<br />
to learn from the observation experience. For example, MacKenzie (1990) developed<br />
a Group Climate Questionnaire that asks observers (and group members and facilitators)<br />
to rate the group as a whole along various dimensions that break into three<br />
subscales: engaged (a positive working environment), conflict (a negative atmosphere<br />
with anger and distrust) and avoiding (of personal responsibility for group work).<br />
Using a tool like this increases observers’ awareness of the interaction between members<br />
and between members and facilitators. The tool reinforces the differences between<br />
working with clients individually and within a group, highlighting areas to explore<br />
further in future sessions when gaps are noticed.<br />
After the group, the co-facilitators debrief with the observers, discussing their responses<br />
to the questions as well as processing their observations of group member interactions<br />
and what they observed the co-facilitators do. This provides an excellent learning<br />
opportunity for all involved since there are often a variety of strategies that can be<br />
used at any given time.<br />
Co-therapy<br />
Ongoing <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
Co-therapy is the joint facilitation of a client group by two clinicians—in this case,<br />
the clinician and the clinical supervisor. This allows the clinician to observe the<br />
strategies used by his or her clinical supervisor, and it enables the clinical supervisor<br />
to observe the clinician’s interventions and to provide immediate feedback.<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
The clinical supervisor meets with the staff member before he or<br />
she begins co-facilitating in order to provide some background /<br />
history of the group, its goals, co-facilitators’ roles, what the clinician<br />
can expect to occur, and to explore what the clinician feels comfortable<br />
doing. The clinical supervisor continually evaluates the<br />
clinician’s involvement and interventions over time and monitors<br />
the clinician’s desire to take more risks within the group.<br />
Prior to each session, the clinical supervisor and staff member<br />
(co-facilitators) meet briefly to discuss the plan for that day. For<br />
the Enhancing Women’s Well Being Group, which is a 14-session,<br />
closed outpatient group, there is greater opportunity for continuity<br />
since the same people facilitate for the whole cycle. The cofacilitators<br />
can review previous sessions and decide what needs<br />
to be followed up on and what roles they might each take for the<br />
particular meeting.<br />
After the session, the clinical supervisor takes some time to<br />
debrief. During this time, the co-facilitators reflect on what<br />
occurred with respect to the clients—themes, participation level,<br />
critical issues—and what they noticed each other do and the<br />
response from clients. This provides them with the opportunity to<br />
notice how their skills are developing and the impact their strategies<br />
are having on the group. The clinical supervisor shares what<br />
she was thinking during the group that influenced what she said<br />
or did not say. After the clinical supervisor has modelled this<br />
process, the staff member does the same, which expands the<br />
opportunity to discuss what he or she did and did not do and the<br />
reasons underlying interventions. The co-facilitators discuss what<br />
their follow-up will be in the next session and the cycle continues.<br />
The clinical supervisor invites her co-facilitator to risk trying a<br />
strategy that the clinician had thought about, but had not done.<br />
Within the Keeping Safe Group, staff members learn that even<br />
though it theoretically makes sense for the program’s clients to<br />
have safety plans, the process goes beyond ensuring that clients<br />
have completed these plans. Staff members need to be open to<br />
eflecting on the barriers that clients experience, speaking about<br />
what prevents them from being able to follow through on using<br />
their plans, and helping clients process their resistance as<br />
opposed to getting into a power struggle with them.<br />
Role playing<br />
After the clinician describes a challenge he or she is encountering with a client, the<br />
clinical supervisor can suggest a role play where the clinician and clinical supervisor<br />
act out the situation where the clinician had trouble. For example, if the clinician<br />
plays the role of the client, the clinical supervisor can show the clinician other ways<br />
of responding to what the client is saying. The roles can be reversed, with the supervisor<br />
taking on the client role. This variation requires that the supervisor has enough<br />
information about the client’s responses to be able to respond meaningfully. The<br />
supervisor can see how the clinician responded to the situation in question and then<br />
give feedback.<br />
Reviewing taped sessions<br />
Ongoing <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
The clinician is asked to either audio- or videotape the session or sessions with a<br />
client. The clinician must ensure that the client understands that this is being done<br />
to help the clinician provide optimal care. After this has been explained, the clinician<br />
must obtain written consent from the client. The clinician reviews the tape and<br />
marks the segment that he or she would like to discuss with his or her supervisor.<br />
The clinician plays this segment during the session and the clinician and clinical<br />
supervisor discuss their observations. The clinician may first be asked to talk about<br />
what he or she was thinking and feeling at the time and how these thoughts and<br />
feelings contributed to what he or she did or did not say.<br />
Influence of privilege and oppression<br />
in the therapeutic relationship<br />
Skilled clinicians possess knowledge and understanding about how oppression, racism,<br />
discrimination and stereotyping affect them both personally as well as in their work.<br />
They are knowledgeable about how sociopolitical influences impinge on the lives of<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
people who are marginalized because of race, culture, gender, sexuality, age, language,<br />
religion and abilities. Without this awareness, clinicians can respond to their clients<br />
with a range of feelings such as anger, defensiveness, sadness and powerlessness, and<br />
miss opportunities to explore how these life experiences have contributed to the<br />
client’s mental health and addictions. The Wheel of Intersecting Axes of Privilege,<br />
Domination and Oppression (see Figure 1, p. 43) is a tool that can be used to help<br />
clinicians raise their awareness in this area as they plot themselves along the various<br />
axes and consider where their clients are located as well. This helps to identify where<br />
there might be tensions in the clinician-client relationship due to meanings that<br />
either person may attribute to specific incidents within the relationship based on life<br />
experience. This tool also facilitates the exploration of contextual factors that are<br />
important to consider as the clinician assists the client in his or her recovery. For<br />
example, a client is not open about her sexual identity as a lesbian. Keeping this<br />
hidden influences her relationships with others resulting in shame, guilt, depression<br />
and anxiety. She drinks to cope. The clinician assumes the client is heterosexual<br />
and thus misses a key issue that has contributed to the client’s mental health.<br />
Using the tool<br />
Introduce the tool to clinicians by explaining the rationale for its use, as described<br />
above. Then ask the clinicians to take some time and put an “X” on each axis at the<br />
point that represents where they see themselves. If this exercise is done in group clinical<br />
supervision, tell the clinicians that they are not required to share the details with<br />
the group. After they have completed the exercise, ask them what they noticed—did<br />
anything in particular jump out for them? Many people are surprised at the number<br />
of axes and how they experience greater privilege in some areas as opposed to others.<br />
Next, ask the clinicians to think about the clients they currently see and to place<br />
them on all of the axes based on what they know about them. Then ask how they<br />
think their experiences and those of their clients might influence their relationship<br />
with one another. For example, the clinician is a Caucasian, well-educated woman,<br />
middle class, married, with two children. Her client is a single, black woman, making<br />
enough money to pay her bills, raising three young children on her own. She did not<br />
complete high school. She has been involved in the sex trade as her main source of<br />
income to support herself and her children. She uses alcohol and marijuana to cope<br />
with her feelings, and the experience of having been sexually abused in childhood<br />
by her father. Based on the clinician’s experience and biases, she or he may not raise<br />
questions about how racism and childhood sexual abuse may have contributed to<br />
dropping out of school, having limited employment opportunities due to discrimination<br />
and an overall poor sense of self.<br />
Ongoing <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
Source: From A., Diller, B. Houston, B., Morgan, K.P. and Ayim, M. (1996).The Gender Question in Education: Theory,<br />
Pedagogy, and Politics. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. Reprinted with permission.<br />
Questions for reflection<br />
In addition to using the diagram, clinicians are asked to consider the following<br />
“Questions for Reflection” to further explore what influences their perceptions of the<br />
client in addition to experiences of privilege and oppression. Through this exercise,<br />
the clinical supervisor helps the clinician to break through stereotypes; acknowledge<br />
his or her beliefs and values; and understand how stereotypes, beliefs and values can<br />
be barriers to understanding the client’s experience. The exercise may raise new<br />
issues for discussion with the client (e.g., asking about experiences of discrimination,<br />
and what it is like for them having a therapist who is from a different culture, race).<br />
These questions were developed by Donna Akman, PhD, CPsych, and Cheryl<br />
Rolin-Gilman, rn, mn, cpmhn(c), Women’s Program, Centre for Addiction<br />
and Mental Health.<br />
A Thoughts/feelings about client/session:<br />
• What am I puzzled by with this client/situation?<br />
• What occurred in the interaction with this client?<br />
• What were my thoughts and feelings?<br />
B Personal/social location:<br />
• What is my personal/social location with respect to this client,—i.e., along continuum<br />
of privilege to oppression—(race, gender, language, sexuality, race, ability, education,<br />
age, fertility, European in origin vs. non-European, Aboriginal, attractiveness,<br />
colour, etc.)?<br />
C Observations/reflections about session:<br />
• What did I learn from observing/reflecting on my experience? What are the<br />
essential aspects that I am aware of?<br />
• What are alternative methods of action that I can take with my understanding?<br />
D From the questions below, choose one that you would like to discuss:<br />
• What factors influenced my response in this situation?<br />
• What was I trying to achieve?<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
• How were others feeling? How did I know this?<br />
• Does this situation connect with previous experiences I have had?<br />
• How do I feel about this experience?<br />
• What were my hopes for the outcome of this incident?<br />
• How were my hopes related to my own expectations?<br />
• What are the sources of my knowledge in my life and work?<br />
• What are the sources for my ideas and values?<br />
• To what extent were social norms or expectations (including organizational)<br />
operating in this incident?<br />
Adapted from: Johns, C. (2000). Becoming a Reflective Practitioner: A Reflective and Holistic Approach to <strong>Clinical</strong><br />
Nursing Practice Development and <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong>. Oxford, England: Blackwell Science.<br />
Tate, S. (2004). Using critical reflection as a teaching tool. In S. Tate & M. Sills (Eds.), The development of critical<br />
reflection in the health professions. Occasional paper (4). Learning and Teaching Support Network (LTSN) Centre<br />
for Health Sciences and Practice, (pp. 8–17).<br />
Ongoing <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
Although the literature tends to focus on individual clinical supervision, given time<br />
and budget constraints, clinicians will probably be more exposed to group supervision.<br />
The following is adapted from a series of studies on group supervision conducted<br />
by Bogo, Globerman and Sussman (2004a).<br />
In group supervision, a group of clinicians meet on a regular basis with one supervisor.<br />
Group supervision allows clinicians to present examples of their practice and, through<br />
discussion, learn from exposure to a wide range of ideas and perspectives offered by their<br />
supervisor and peers. Through peer interaction, clinicians can develop a more accurate<br />
self-appraisal of their ability and learn about group process and group dynamics.<br />
Groups can function in different ways. Examples include rotating case presentations<br />
or focusing on particular topics and their relationship to the therapeutic relationship<br />
(e.g., working with clients with a trauma history, stage-oriented trauma treatment).<br />
Novice clinicians have the opportunity to learn from experts. Experts develop by<br />
demonstrating their ability to self-reflect. They do this by bringing their experiences<br />
of their clients to the group, and by sharing their thought processes as they discuss<br />
the questions they have asked themselves in order to better understand the choices<br />
they made in response to their client’s behaviour. They talk about the connection<br />
they make between theory and similar situations they have encountered with other<br />
clients, illustrating where they have been able to generalize an approach and where<br />
they have had to make modifications.<br />
Purposes of group supervision<br />
Group supervision provides opportunities for clinicians to learn skills in peer supervision<br />
and to experience support from colleagues who may be struggling with similar<br />
feelings around caring for a challenging client. Group supervision can also contribute<br />
to team cohesiveness and provide a rich experience for exploring several different<br />
perspectives. Group supervision may be more feasible than individual clinical supervision,<br />
particularly on a busy inpatient unit where taking time away to meet oneto-one<br />
may not always be practical. It may also be a desirable method of supervision<br />
with reduced resources.<br />
Successful group supervision<br />
Group supervision is most successful when the supervisor is available and supportive,<br />
and regular scheduled sessions are offered that are flexible in duration and protected<br />
from interruptions. Supervisors can show support by demonstrating respect for<br />
the supervisees, by not minimizing their opinions, and by allowing them to make<br />
mistakes. Successful group supervision is highly dependent on the supervisor’s ability<br />
to assist group members to process group dynamics, especially when they interfere<br />
with sharing practice and learning issues.<br />
Leadership style<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> supervisors need to provide staff with an orientation to group supervision.<br />
Staff members must feel safe (i.e., not feel embarrassed, shamed or sense that others<br />
are competing with them to be the “best clinician”) and understand what is expected<br />
of them. They should also be asked what they expect from the group and the supervisor.<br />
The clinical supervisor should ensure that both content and process issues are<br />
addressed. <strong>Clinical</strong> supervisors model expected behaviour of a group member and<br />
provide feedback in a way that focuses on the clinician’s strengths rather than his or her<br />
mistakes. They intervene when group members’ behaviours do not support the norms<br />
of risk-taking and providing constructive feedback. For example, in the case of a<br />
clinician who does not discuss difficulties that she or he has working with clients,<br />
tending instead to focus on questioning others about their practice, an intervention<br />
y the clinical supervisor might be to ask the clinician if he or she ever experiences<br />
what other group members are discussing (e.g., similar feelings in response to client<br />
behaviours) and how the clinician dealt with these feelings when they arose. <strong>Clinical</strong><br />
supervisors provide equal opportunity for each clinician to participate, rather than<br />
favouring one clinician over others.<br />
Benefits of group supervision<br />
Group supervision:<br />
• allows for learning from other clinicians’ interactions with clients; from the<br />
diverse backgrounds and experiences of both clinicians and clients; and from<br />
different perspectives on issues<br />
• provides opportunities for reflection and discussion with others—hearing how<br />
others reflect on their work, including the kinds of questions they ask<br />
• examines the relationship between theory and practice<br />
• helps clinicians learn about group dynamics<br />
• allows clinicians to practice new behaviours<br />
• demonstrates the universality of concerns, such as, “I am not the only one who<br />
thinks they do not know what they are doing” or “I am not the only one who is<br />
feeling hopeless about this client situation”<br />
• helps clinicians develop more accurate self-appraisals.<br />
Obstacles to productive group supervision<br />
Learning is compromised when some or all of the following occur.<br />
Content issues<br />
Ongoing <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
• There is too much focus on administrative issues such as scheduling<br />
and procedures.<br />
• Not enough time is spent reviewing clinical issues.<br />
• Too much time is spent sharing information rather than on reflection and dialogue.<br />
Process issues<br />
• Group supervision turns into individual supervision with an audience (i.e., clinicians<br />
place themselves in a vulnerable position by disclosing their struggles while the<br />
est of the team says nothing and the supervisor only focuses on the presenting<br />
clinician).<br />
• The supervisor does not process feedback from others (i.e., no one ties feedback<br />
together or links to others’ experiences).<br />
• Clinicians feel overly criticized.<br />
• Clinicians feel others are not taking risks.<br />
• A lack of open communication impedes group cohesion.<br />
• The clinical supervisor shares conflicts with staff, personal issues or his or her<br />
own frustrations about clients in a non-professional manner.<br />
• Conflicts occur with team members who are attending the supervision and others<br />
who are outside of the group. (It is helpful to have strategies to address this within<br />
the group.)<br />
Importance of trust and safety in group supervision<br />
The development of trust and safety may be impeded when a member of the group<br />
takes on the role of “consultant” (i.e., the person who is never listening, always “one<br />
upping” other team members, or giving an answer or suggesting a “better” approach).<br />
For example, group members who do not take risks, who only present the cases<br />
they are not having difficulty with and do not reflect on their own practice in group<br />
supervision tend not to bond with the group. Trust and safety in the group may be<br />
compromised when the members vary significantly in their approaches to practice,<br />
and/or when members come from a variety of disciplines with varied levels of<br />
experience.<br />
Open vs. closed group<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
Providing group supervision on an inpatient unit with an interdisciplinary team<br />
requires some flexibility due to nurses’ schedules. Having a closed group requires<br />
nurses to come in on days off. Open groups accommodate a variety of schedules.<br />
However, they present other challenges.<br />
In an open group, participants may be reluctant to self-disclose. How much a clinician<br />
chooses to self-disclose often depends on the cohesion of the group as a whole and the<br />
mix of staff attending the group that day. Closed groups can achieve a greater sense of<br />
cohesiveness and safety, making it easier for staff members to expose their vulnerability.<br />
Ongoing <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
Other disadvantages of open groups include an absence of focus and the need to<br />
repeat content. In a closed group, clients can be discussed over time, with more<br />
opportunities for clinicians to report on results of following through on recommendations<br />
and the insights that emerge during group clinical supervision. When the<br />
group is open, this kind of continuity is more difficult. The clinical supervisor needs<br />
to deal with the needs of the group generated by the most emergent needs of clients<br />
currently on the unit.<br />
Five tips to successful open-ended groups<br />
1. Review group norms for every group meeting and have a handout<br />
available that outlines the norms.<br />
2. Offer group members an opportunity to provide a case outline<br />
for any ongoing case.<br />
3. Obtain feedback from all staff on a regular basis both from<br />
those who attend and those who do not to assess the effectiveness<br />
of the group.<br />
4. Ensure that there is a focus from group to group relevant to all<br />
participants and be prepared with potential topics for discussion<br />
(e.g., ethical dilemmas), should the group have difficulty<br />
identifying a focus.<br />
5. Avoid repetition of content because group members who<br />
attend regularly may get bored and frustrated.<br />
Strategies to promote group cohesion<br />
Structure<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
• Teach group skills and how they relate to group rationale and goals for group<br />
supervision.<br />
• Clarify purposes of the group (informational, educational, administrative).<br />
• Explain how clients will be discussed, group norms, structure, how feedback will<br />
be given and received, how time is shared, how conflict and competition in the<br />
group will be handled.<br />
Group process<br />
• Encourage open communication about current and immediate issues among<br />
group members, such as group tensions.<br />
• Intervene to ensure that group norms are respected.<br />
• Provide leadership by modelling and identifying facilitative group member<br />
behaviours, such as risk taking, and providing constructive feedback.<br />
• Facilitate focused discussion and feedback.<br />
• Provide supportive and helpful feedback.<br />
• Ensure that feedback about practice is balanced and focused and propose<br />
possible next steps.<br />
• Encourage team members to respond to each other’s concerns in a positive<br />
manner.<br />
• Ask direct questions regarding clinician’s experiences if soliciting ongoing group<br />
feedback is a challenge, such as “sometimes clinicians can feel overly criticized<br />
in group supervision. Are any of you having that experience in this group?”<br />
This targeted feedback may encourage more group level disclosure because it<br />
normalizes clinicians’ concerns.<br />
• Validate different perspectives and approaches and stages of learning.<br />
• Rework formative stages of group process.<br />
• Discuss what is and is not working in the group process.<br />
• Provide time for critical reflection on practice and integrate theory and practice<br />
in each session.<br />
Ongoing <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
Yalom’s therapeutic factors and group supervision<br />
• Yalom’s therapeutic factors are listed below and described in relation to the experience<br />
of being a member of a supervision group:<br />
• Instillation of hope: Within the context of group supervision, clinicians get a<br />
sense that there is light at the end of the tunnel when working with challenging<br />
clients. Hearing the experiences of others can highlight progress that the presenting<br />
clinician might have lost sight of because he or she has lost some objectivity.<br />
• Universality: A sense that clinicians are not alone in the work they are doing and<br />
how they are feeling. Feeling validated from other clinicians who discuss similar<br />
experiences with clients.<br />
• Imparting of information: Providing information to others about the client, how<br />
to work with them or the process of self-reflection.<br />
• Altruism: Having the opportunity to help other staff.<br />
• The corrective recapitulation of the primary family group: Traumatic re-enactments<br />
play out in the team based on the clients projected experiences, power differentials<br />
within the team and how these are processed, parallel process and how conflicts<br />
are managed within the team.<br />
• Development of socializing techniques: Learning how to communicate with one<br />
another within the team using interpersonal feedback and constructive feedback<br />
without judgment.<br />
• Imitative behaviour: Learning how other team members work with clients and<br />
each other by observing what they say and do in supervision.<br />
• Catharsis: An opportunity to vent and label feelings.<br />
• Existential factors: Issues that come from the person’s confrontation with the<br />
“ultimate concerns of existence”: death, freedom, isolation and meaninglessness.<br />
In working with clients, a significant existential issue that clinicians encounter<br />
over and over again is human suffering. Having an opportunity to process these<br />
issues is helpful to clinicians who may otherwise feel overwhelmed.<br />
• Cohesiveness: The sense of belonging and value within the team.<br />
• Interpersonal learning: How the team interacts with one another in the here<br />
and now while discussing a client can be a reflection of the client’s relationships<br />
in the world outside (e.g., staff that takes on the negative aspects of the clients,<br />
those who are the vessels of the positive) (Yalom, 1995).<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
An example of group clinical supervision<br />
We find that the clinicians’ experience is most helpful and safe when it is structured<br />
in such a way that the expectations of all participants and what is expected of the<br />
participants are clear. This allows them to come to the sessions prepared, understanding<br />
their roles in the context of the person requesting assistance and giving<br />
constructive feedback to others.<br />
The clinician begins by presenting a clinical dilemma in the form<br />
of a question so the group has a frame of reference before hearing<br />
about the client. An example of this would be, “I would like<br />
your help with the client I am going to present. I am feeling stuck<br />
and would welcome your ideas about how to help the client consider<br />
some other alternatives.” Another example might be, “This<br />
client is feeling overwhelmed with many stressors in her life. She<br />
isn’t working. Her kids are a handful for her. She does not feel<br />
safe where she is living. She continues to have flashbacks and<br />
nightmares. When I listen to her, I don’t know where to start.<br />
I feel overwhelmed myself. I would welcome your ideas.” The purpose<br />
of introducing this question is to keep the feedback focused,<br />
diminishing the possibility of a “free-for-all.” Other clinicians<br />
might ask several questions that do not address the needs of<br />
the clinician and assume the clinician has not already covered or<br />
considered what is being asked. After the question / dilemma<br />
is put forward, the clinician presents some background on the<br />
client (e.g., major concerns, history of her or his work with<br />
the client, attempted solutions—material that directly relates to<br />
the question).<br />
As the clinician receives feedback from the group, he or she takes<br />
notes and then shares what most stands out and what specifically<br />
was gleaned from the consultation. The clinician then discusses<br />
what she or he would like to try and how it might be helpful. The<br />
clinician will then make a note of this recommendation in the<br />
progress note or on the Interdisciplinary Plan of Client Care.<br />
In a round table format, each person is invited to ask one question<br />
of the clinician once he or she is finished providing the overview.<br />
Ongoing <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
Individuals may pass if they do not have a question. Specific<br />
questions are intended to help the other consultants develop an<br />
understanding of the client. The clinician provides brief answers<br />
to the questions and makes a special note of questions he or she<br />
cannot answer, as these may be keys to future possible solutions<br />
to consider. Examples of questions could be, “What happens<br />
when you suggest the strategies that you have with your client?”<br />
“Do you know if she has had similar experiences within other relationships?”<br />
“Do you know about the community resource that<br />
can help her with…?” If individuals wish to do a second or third<br />
round of questioning (depending on the size of the group), they<br />
may do so, again with options to pass. The discussion is opened<br />
up to everyone, and ideas offered in a spirit of curiosity. This is an<br />
important point to emphasize so that clinicians don’t feel as<br />
if their colleagues are attacking them or that the questions are<br />
coming from a place of judgment and competition rather than a<br />
desire to be helpful.<br />
Individual clinical supervision is the most widely used model of clinical supervision<br />
in social work practice (Kadushin & Harkness, 2002), and has been described by<br />
nurses as a valuable process providing the time to reflect on and learn from their<br />
practice (Teasdale et al., 2001; White et al., 1998). Nursing best practice guidelines<br />
for establishing therapeutic relationships recommend the provision of clinical<br />
supervision to support the establishment of therapeutic relationships between<br />
nurses and clients (rnao, 2002). <strong>Clinical</strong> supervision is an opportunity to help and<br />
support clinicians to reflect on clinical dilemmas, challenges and successes; and to<br />
explore how they responded to, solved or achieved them (Cutcliffe & Lowe, 2005).<br />
It is a forum for considering the personal, interpersonal and practical aspects of<br />
care to develop and maintain clinicians who are skilled and self-reflective (Cutcliffe<br />
& Proctor, 1998).<br />
In individual clinical supervision, concepts crucial to the development of therapeutic<br />
relationships with clients, such as trust, respect, empathy, empowerment and a nonjudgmental<br />
approach are understood by developing a trusting, supportive relationship<br />
with a clinical supervisor. The supervisory process is like a journey as clinical supervisor<br />
and clinician explore clinical material together, with a view to arriving at a deeper,<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
more meaningful understanding of the client. In this way, the supervisor-clinician<br />
relationship parallels the clinician-client relationship.<br />
Beginning individual clinical supervision<br />
The first task of the clinical supervisor is to create a safe space in which the clinician<br />
can re-experience clinical difficulties and the feelings associated with them. Creating a<br />
safe space and a supervisory alliance with the clinician involves developing a trusting<br />
relationship and providing education regarding clinical supervision: what it is and<br />
how it works (Gallop, 2004). This is particularly important because clinicians will<br />
bring their own perceptions of clinical supervision to the supervisory relationship.<br />
Exploring previous experiences with clinical supervision and the feelings associated<br />
with these will provide an opportunity to correct any misconceptions that the clinician<br />
has about the supervisory process. Even if the clinician has not had clinical supervision<br />
before, it will be important to explore preconceived notions about it. The word<br />
supervision itself may conjure up negative feelings, particularly from nursing staff<br />
where historically, it was associated with management and surveillance. On the other<br />
hand, social workers view clinical supervision as a crucial component of their practice.<br />
Education regarding supervision should also establish clear boundaries by not only<br />
addressing what clinical supervision is, but also addressing what it is not; for example,<br />
clinical supervision is not personal therapy. The focus is on the clinician-client<br />
relationship. Having said that, there may be times when personal issues are having<br />
an impact on the clinician-client relationship and this needs to be acknowledged.<br />
A safe space is further constructed by scheduling regular time to meet with the clinician<br />
in a private place, such as the supervisor or clinician’s office. Scheduling a minimum<br />
of 45 minutes to one hour every four weeks for individual clinical supervision is<br />
recommended in the nursing literature (Butterworth et al., 1997; White et al., 1998)<br />
while social work supervision is usually provided weekly or every second week.<br />
Winstanley and White (2003) note that clinicians in monthly or bimonthly sessions<br />
scored higher on the Manchester <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> Scale (Winstanley, 2000), a scale<br />
that measures the effectiveness of clinical supervision. <strong>Supervision</strong> time is protected,<br />
uninterrupted time that both clinical supervisor and clinician respect. The clinical<br />
supervisor demonstrates his or her availability, consistency, respect and reliability<br />
by being present and punctual, which not only serves to establish a trusting, safe<br />
relationship with the clinician but also models qualities that clinicians ideally transfer<br />
to their clinical practice to build therapeutic relationships with their clients. Some<br />
clinicians may be reluctant to engage in scheduled supervisory sessions or may feel<br />
Ongoing <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
they cannot take time away from a busy inpatient unit. These clinicians may prefer<br />
more informal support at least as a starting point to building trust and engaging in<br />
more formal clinical supervision (see Spontaneous <strong>Supervision</strong>, p. 66). Additionally,<br />
engaging inpatient nursing staff in particular in individual clinical supervision can<br />
be challenging due to unit constraints (see Nursing and <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong>, p. 75).<br />
Confidentiality is critical to the development of a safe and trustworthy environment.<br />
The clinical supervisor explains that discussions in the sessions are confidential. The<br />
only time this confidentiality is broken is if the clinician has been involved in unsafe<br />
or unethical behaviour with a client. The supervisor must confront such behaviour.<br />
Ideally, the supervisor helps the clinician identify the problem and initiate corrective<br />
action. The supervisor monitors the process (Gilmore, 2001). If supervision has been<br />
mandated, the supervisor is obligated to share information with the manager. (See<br />
When <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> is at the Request of the Manager, p. 28). A strong confidential<br />
ethic contributes to a safe environment. Without the establishment of a safe<br />
environment, the clinical supervisor and clinician will be less likely to explore the<br />
more risky aspects of unprofessional practice (Epling & Cassedy, 2001).<br />
A discussion of goals is important to the development of a focus for clinical supervision<br />
sessions (see Beginning of the Relationship and Contracting, p. 23). Clinicians<br />
may come with very specific goals, such as addressing difficulties experienced while<br />
caring for a particular client, a client population or diagnosis, or they may require<br />
assistance in exploring and developing their goals within a framework of clinical<br />
supervision. Frameworks or models of supervision within both nursing (Proctor,<br />
1991) and social work (Kadushin, 1976) frequently include the components of<br />
support, education/learning and administration, and supervision is described as a<br />
reflective process (see Appendix 1, a review of the literature, pp 103). It is important<br />
to note, as Fowler and Chevannes (1998) suggest, that some clinicians may not be<br />
ready to or able to cope with intense examination of themselves and their work. If the<br />
clinician is inexperienced clinically, then a focus on reflection may not be appropriate,<br />
at least not initially. A more directive approach such as a preceptorship may better<br />
meet the clinician’s goals, with clinical supervision being available when the clinician<br />
is more experienced.<br />
The opportunity to off-load in the context of a supportive relationship builds trust<br />
and a foundation for later exploring clinical material in more depth. Caring for<br />
clients living with mental illness and/or addictions is hard work. Listening to clients’<br />
stories and bearing witness to their pain and suffering can take a toll on clinicians<br />
and contribute to burnout and low morale. Novice clinicians may be particularly<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
vulnerable to feeling alone and overwhelmed. An affirming and empathic supervisory<br />
experience can enhance morale and increase self-confidence. It provides a starting<br />
point, and a strong foundation in which the clinician feels safe, supported and gradually<br />
is able to take more risks within the relationship. Similarly, this opportunity to<br />
off-load and receive support is critical in the development of a therapeutic alliance<br />
with clients. In this way, the supervisor-clinician relationship mirrors the clinicianclient<br />
relationship as an experience of feeling comforted and understood.<br />
The working phase of individual clinical supervision<br />
Once a trusting, safe foundation is established, the clinical supervisor and clinician<br />
begin the process of exploring and understanding thoughts and feelings, such as<br />
those experienced by the clinician toward the client, and the client toward the clinician.<br />
Developing a deeper understanding enables the clinician to respond in a less<br />
emotionally reactive and more conscious, thoughtful manner to the client (Gallop,<br />
2004). Ideally, it is the clinician or the supervisor-clinician dyad that arrives at this<br />
deeper understanding of a particular client situation. If this doesn’t happen, the clinical<br />
supervisor may need to take a more directive approach at least in the earlier<br />
stages of supervision. The process of journeying together is modelled by the clinical<br />
supervisor, as illustrated in the vignette below, and is empowering to the clinician. In<br />
the clinician-client relationship the therapist models a similar process of journeying<br />
with the client, as issues are explored and better understood.<br />
Part of the journey includes the development of self-awareness in the clinician and a<br />
recognition that his or her own experience is influenced by multiple factors such as<br />
race, culture, health, socio-economic conditions, gender, education, early childhood<br />
experiences, current relationships, beliefs and so on. With the development of this<br />
self-knowledge the clinician is better able to distinguish between her own experience<br />
and values, and those of her client. “In this way, she is able to appreciate the unique<br />
perspective of the client, is able to avoid burdening the client with her issues, and<br />
can prevent imposing her own beliefs and preferred solutions upon the client”<br />
(rnao, 2002).<br />
The following example illustrates some of the concepts discussed so far.<br />
Ongoing <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
A nurse on an inpatient unit met with her supervisor to discuss a<br />
client with whom she was having difficulty engaging. This client<br />
had a chronic mental illness and also suffered from diabetes. The<br />
nurse described her interactions with the client and talked about<br />
how she was focusing on the client’s diabetes, which was not well<br />
controlled, and her mental illness. She herself felt as though she<br />
was “nagging” the client “all the time” about the importance of<br />
following a diet to better control her diabetes. The client became<br />
withdrawn and uncommunicative in her interactions with the<br />
nurse. The nurse said she had reached an impasse with this client.<br />
The clinical supervisor explored the nurse’s feelings, as well as<br />
how the client may have been feeling. The nurse felt like a<br />
“nagging parent,” constantly pointing out to the client what she<br />
ought to be doing. She cared for the client and was fearful that the<br />
client’s health would deteriorate further, and she would never get<br />
better if she did not adhere to her dietary and treatment regime.<br />
She also felt a sense of urgency and responsibility, given her timelimited<br />
involvement with the client as an inpatient nurse. If the<br />
client didn’t get better, she wasn’t doing a good job. The client,<br />
she thought, may have felt powerless, frustrated and tired of<br />
“being a patient.” The nurse and the clinical supervisor began to<br />
wonder if her focus on the client’s illness was interfering with her<br />
seeing the client as a whole person and with getting to know her,<br />
beyond her illness. Perhaps that is why the client had withdrawn.<br />
Together they explored an empathic perspective and tried to see<br />
and feel the world as her client was seeing and feeling it. They<br />
wondered: what was it like for her to be ill and in hospital? How<br />
did it feel for her to have so much of her life revolve around “being<br />
a patient”? How did it feel for her to be dependent on others for help<br />
indefinitely? By trying to experience the client’s world from her<br />
perspective, they came up with an intervention aimed at helping<br />
the nurse reconnect with her client. This involved taking the client<br />
off the unit, perhaps for a walk or to the coffee shop (the client<br />
would decide on the activity) in a “less illness” focused context<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
and trying to engage her around non-illness related topics—getting<br />
to know her as a person, her hopes, her dreams, her interests,<br />
her past and so on.<br />
For the next four weeks, the nurse did this. When the clinical<br />
supervisor met with the nurse again she described the process<br />
and outcome. The client chose the coffee shop and they made a<br />
point of going there to “chat” at least once a week. The nurse<br />
refrained from discussing the client’s illness during these outings,<br />
and instead explored topics of interest to her client—they talked<br />
about what her life was like before she became ill, how she liked<br />
to dress and wear her hair; and her dream to work as a hair stylist.<br />
These outings to the coffee shop became important to the client<br />
and she looked forward to them. The nurse noticed that over the<br />
course of the next four weeks, her client became much less defensive<br />
with her on the unit, and more relaxed. She started to pay<br />
more attention to her dress and her appearance. Eventually she<br />
was receptive to the nurse addressing her illness issues again.<br />
When the client was discharged from the hospital she gave the<br />
nurse a coffee mug. The clinical supervisor and nurse discussed the<br />
significance of this, an affirmation that these trips to the<br />
coffee shop had been meaningful to the client and had contributed<br />
significantly to them working together therapeutically to<br />
achieve a positive outcome.<br />
This clinical situation highlighted for the nurse the limits of her<br />
role and resulted in her understanding more clearly that she<br />
could not “control” the client. By taking a holistic approach to the<br />
client, getting to know her beyond the illness, she communicated<br />
respect for her client as a person, understanding and a hopefulness<br />
that facilitated the therapeutic relationship and contributed<br />
to the client’s recovery. This example demonstrates how concepts<br />
such as holistic care, empathy and recovery are woven into the<br />
supervisory process. For the nurse, these concepts are brought to<br />
life and more deeply understood as they are experienced in the<br />
context of a real therapeutic relationship.<br />
Ongoing <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
Another example highlights the concept of empathy and its role in developing therapeutic<br />
relationships.<br />
A clinician was providing care to an outpatient, a young woman<br />
who was recovering from a first episode of psychosis. All<br />
attempts to engage her in a dialogue about the illness and discuss<br />
the need for ongoing medication had failed. The client<br />
would “shut down” and repeat very defensively that she was fine<br />
and she didn’t need to talk about this.<br />
When the clinician met with her clinical supervisor, she shared<br />
her frustrations about the client not being receptive to her health<br />
teaching and education about her illness. The clinical supervisor<br />
acknowledged her frustration and explored her feelings, further<br />
revealing the clinician’s concerns about this client becoming ill<br />
again if she did not develop insight into her illness. Together, they<br />
stepped back and tried to look at the situation from the client’s<br />
perspective. The clinical supervisor asked the clinician to tell her<br />
more about this young client. The clinician described a young<br />
woman who had just experienced a first episode of psychosis.<br />
She had been functioning well prior to the illness, attending<br />
university and had lots of friends. She had to take time off university<br />
to recover from her illness, and felt cut off from her friends. The<br />
clinician and clinical supervisor talked about how the client now<br />
had to come to terms with having suffered a highly stigmatizing<br />
illness that had significantly interrupted her life. They talked<br />
about the implications of her illness, which included an uncertain<br />
future. Together they arrived at a more meaningful understanding<br />
of what might be going on inside this young woman.<br />
The next time the clinician met with her client the following interaction<br />
unfolded:<br />
Clinician: “I’ve been thinking about our meetings and have realized<br />
that I’ve been talking a lot about the importance of medication in<br />
preventing further illness episodes. And I’ve noticed that isn’t of<br />
much interest to you right now.”<br />
Client: nodded her head in agreement<br />
Clinician: “I’m wondering how you’re feeling about this illness<br />
right now (pause) and I’m thinking that it must really suck. It’s<br />
really interrupted your plans.”<br />
Client: Tears start to well up in her eyes as she says angrily, “I hate<br />
it. I don’t want to take medication. I don’t want to be sick. Why<br />
can’t things just be the way they were before? It’s just not fair!”<br />
Clinician: “Yes. You’re right. It’s not fair. It’s awful when something<br />
disrupts your life like this, especially an illness. I can understand<br />
why you feel so angry and sad and just want it all to go away.<br />
Client: nods and begins to weep.<br />
This vignette illustrates how an empathic approach allowed the clinician to attend to<br />
the subjective experience of the client and validate that her understanding was an<br />
accurate reflection of the client’s experience. She gained entrance to the client’s inner<br />
world and was able to better understand the client’s experience. The result was a<br />
strengthening in the bond between the clinician and client as the client felt the comfort<br />
of being understood. This interaction opened the door to addressing the client’s<br />
experience of illness and the meaning it had for her. The client no longer felt that<br />
the clinician was “pushing” her agenda onto the client. Eventually, the client was able<br />
to negotiate with the clinician and her psychiatrist a medication regime that she the<br />
client felt comfortable with.<br />
Boundaries<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
Clinicians have an obligation to put client needs before their own and to act in the<br />
client’s best interests. “Sometimes, our own conscious or unconscious wishes make<br />
it hard to recognize boundary violations” (rnao, 2002). A very important function<br />
of individual clinical supervision is the development in the clinician of an awareness<br />
and understanding of the boundaries and limits of the professional role. This understanding<br />
of boundaries is crucial to providing safe and ethically sound clinical<br />
Ongoing <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
practice. Within a safe and trusting relationship, the clinician can explore the client’s<br />
thoughts and feelings related to the client, and discuss behaviours that may indicate<br />
the crossing of boundaries, such as spending extra time with clients, having special<br />
clients, or doing activities with clients that the clinician does not share with colleagues.<br />
In this way, clinical supervision is a proactive process that can prevent boundary<br />
transgressions. Proctor (1991) refers to this function of clinical supervision as “normative.”<br />
Normative supervision is concerned with promoting high quality care and<br />
reducing risks. The supervisor is obligated to confront any situation or practice he<br />
or she feels is unethical or unsafe. As mentioned previously, an ideal process is one<br />
in which the supervisor facilitates the clinician to identify the problem and initiate<br />
corrective action.<br />
Transference, countertransference and parallel process<br />
As supervision moves beyond the initial stages of developing trust and safety, a more<br />
in-depth understanding of the client is achieved by exploring the processes of transference,<br />
countertransference and parallel process. Transference refers to a process in<br />
which the client transfers past or present attitudes and feelings toward family members<br />
or other important persons in their life onto the clinician. It may be positive or negative<br />
and, in classic psychoanalytic literature, is described as an unconscious phenomenon.<br />
Clients may repeat interaction patterns characteristic of earlier relationships in their<br />
relationship with the clinician. The client’s transference is important to explore with<br />
the clinician as it contributes to greater understanding of the client’s difficulties. For<br />
example, one might speculate that the client in the first vignette developed a negative<br />
transference toward the nurse responding to her like a critical parent may have in<br />
the past. The nurse, feeling as though she was “nagging” the client, and the client’s<br />
subsequent withdrawal from the relationship, supports this notion.<br />
Countertransference refers to thoughts and feelings experienced by the clinician toward<br />
the client. Countertransference may also be experienced by the supervisor toward<br />
the clinician, and by the clinician toward the supervisor. Similar to transference, these<br />
feelings may be positive or negative. Before any exploration of countertransference,<br />
it is crucial that there be a trusting relationship between clinical supervisor and<br />
clinician. The clinical supervisor must also be cognizant of maintaining the boundaries<br />
of the supervisory relationship. “The guiding principle is that all discussion<br />
relates to the client. If the supervisor or supervisee sees a drift towards exploration<br />
of factors relating to the supervisee’s relationships and life apart from reactions<br />
to and feelings about the client, the supervisor should stop, rethink, and consider<br />
alternatives.” (Falender, 2006, p. 39)<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
Parallel process refers to changes in the supervisor-clinician relationship that relate<br />
to dynamics in the clinician-client relationship; in other words, it involves a series<br />
of transference-countertransference interactions. The supervisor needs to be alert to<br />
changes in the clinician’s mood or behaviour, as well as feelings within him- or herself.<br />
Such changes may indicate that a parallel process is taking place (Gallop, 2004).<br />
Grey and Fiscalini (1987) note that the motivation for the clinician engaged in parallel<br />
process with the clinical supervisor is that by acting like his client he is trying to<br />
communicate information not consciously accessible, or that he is trying to see how<br />
the clinical supervisor would handle the situation.<br />
An example is described in the following vignette.<br />
A social worker was involved with a client on an inpatient unit,<br />
and his wife. He described to the clinical supervisor the conflict<br />
this couple was experiencing and the events that led up to a<br />
restraining order being issued by the court prohibiting the husband<br />
from having any contact with his wife. This followed a physical<br />
assault by the husband. The social worker described his experience<br />
of working with this client and the couple. The husband<br />
and wife, although physically apart, continued to communicate<br />
indirectly through the social worker. He found himself in the role<br />
of intermediary between the wife and the husband. As the social<br />
worker described the relationship and his involvement as an<br />
intermediary, the supervisor began to find it difficult to follow.<br />
She had to frequently seek clarification from the social worker as<br />
his communication became increasingly convoluted and she<br />
becoame increasingly confused. She shared her confusion with<br />
the clinician and asked if this was how he was feeling in his work<br />
with this couple.<br />
This led to a discussion of the social worker’s role with this couple,<br />
including the boundaries of his role, and the couple’s conflict,<br />
ambivalent feelings and hidden agenda that seemed to be getting<br />
played out through the social worker. Afterward, the clinician felt<br />
less burdened and was able to focus more clearly on the boundaries<br />
of his role with this couple and set clear limits. He also<br />
ecognized the limitations of his professional involvement and<br />
more clearly understood what could realistically be achieved with<br />
this couple during a brief inpatient stay.<br />
Authority and dependency issues are frequently at the root of parallel processes<br />
(Grey & Fiscalini, 1987). If the clinical supervisor and clinician don’t explore<br />
motivations for engaging in this process, they may get stuck in a series of transferencecountertransference<br />
interactions. Grey and Fiscalini (1987) state that this is avoided<br />
if the clinical supervisor empathizes with the clinician, but does not get stuck in<br />
the empathic process. The clinical supervisor is able to see the client and clinician’s<br />
perspectives, and differentiate them from his or her own. The supervisor is then able<br />
to clarify the transference-countertransference interplay occurring. However, if the<br />
clinical supervisor does get caught up in a parallel process, he or she can use his or<br />
her own emotional response to explain the anxiety in the clinician-client dyad and,<br />
additionally, the anxiety in the supervisor-clinician dyad.<br />
Exploring transference, countertransference and parallel process as they emerge<br />
within the supervisory relationship and clinician-client dyad ultimately illuminates<br />
a deeper, more meaningful understanding of the client.<br />
Conclusion<br />
Ongoing <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
Individual clinical supervision, when conducted in the context of a supportive, trusting<br />
relationship, is a vital process that contributes significantly to quality client care.<br />
As the clinician’s capacity to engage in reflective practice grows, so too does his or<br />
her ability to establish therapeutic relationships with clients. The supervisory process<br />
is a journey that clinical supervisor and clinician embark on together. It is a journey<br />
that in so many ways models the clinician-client relationship by introducing experientially<br />
concepts critical to the development of healthy and therapeutic relationships<br />
with clients such as empowerment, empathy, trust and boundaries. The supervisory<br />
process and the client are better understood through discussions of transference,<br />
countertransference and parallel process as they emerge along the way. While taking<br />
time out of one’s busy schedule to participate in or conduct clinical supervision<br />
may at times seem challenging, this is time well spent, particularly when one sees<br />
the positive outcomes for clients, the therapeutic impasses that are overcome, and<br />
the boundary transgressions that are avoided.<br />
Presenting a case to a supervisor and / or colleagues helps clinicians organize information<br />
about treatment into coherent themes and concepts. It also gives the clinical<br />
supervisor a chance to evaluate which areas of practice and client management the<br />
clinican has mastered and which could be improved or enhanced (Ask & Roche,<br />
2005) There are many ways that case presentations can be structured. The following<br />
section describes the approach used by one camh program.<br />
Using the Core Conflictual Relationship Theme<br />
The clients of a camh program that provides inpatient and outpatient transitional<br />
care treatment for women with a mood disorder associated with a history of interpersonal<br />
trauma (childhood and/or adulthood physical, emotional and/or sexual<br />
abuse often experience the consequences of trauma including substance abuse, selfharm<br />
behaviour and dysfunctional interpersonal relationship patterns. Because they<br />
experience these problems within their relationships, the Core Conflictual Relationship<br />
Theme (ccrt) and the consideration of feminist themes are used as frameworks to<br />
enhance clinicians’ understanding of the client’s dynamics.<br />
Luborsky (1997) believed that the ccrt was a valuable approach to setting treatment<br />
goals in short-term hospital settings. It provides a way of both clinicians and clients<br />
increasing their understanding of the client’s relationship difficulties and ways of<br />
overcoming them. The ccrt method is based on the principle that redundancy across<br />
relationship narratives is a good basis for assessing the central relationship pattern.<br />
A relationship pattern consists of:<br />
• the person’s wish in relationships<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
• what they experience as the reaction of others (RO) to them<br />
• how they respond to these reactions (the reaction of self (RS).<br />
People generally approach relationships with a wish for something particular from<br />
the other person (e.g., the wish to be loved, validated or generally cared for). They<br />
experience others responding to them in particular ways (e.g., loving, abusive, silencing)<br />
and they react in kind (e.g., withdraw, push the other person away in anger). Through<br />
describing different relationships, the clinician and client can see patterns emerge.<br />
The pattern is the ccrt (e.g., the client yearns to be loved and noticed but finds that<br />
most people in her life are abusive in different ways. She reacts by withdrawing and<br />
thus experiences loneliness and isolation).<br />
Using the ccrt as an organizing framework, the clinician preparing to present his or her<br />
client would come to the clinical supervision session with the following information:<br />
• client’s initials<br />
• number of sessions (when the client being presented was part of an outpatient<br />
program) or date of admission for inpatients<br />
• identifying data<br />
• age<br />
• history relevant to concerns client is expressing<br />
• relationship experiences/status<br />
• issues related to diversity<br />
• client belief system<br />
Ongoing <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
Provisional ccrt<br />
Wish 1: to be heard and validated for who she is, to have a sense of self, to be able to<br />
establish more effective boundaries<br />
RO (response of others) 1: ignore her, tell her what to do, beat, humiliate or<br />
abandon her<br />
RS (response of self to others’ reaction) 1: feels angry, withdraws, feels like she<br />
cannot make her own decisions and relies on others to do so, feels depressed, pushes<br />
people away, feels silenced<br />
Wish 2: to be taken care of (if I were wealthy, I could live the kind of life I want)<br />
Associated feminist themes: violence, patriarchy, powerful feminine figures (goddess,<br />
grandmother), emphasis on appearance as a measure of worth<br />
RO 2: “You are stupid.” “You do not deserve to live.” “You cannot do what you want<br />
to do (travel, dance).”<br />
RS 2: not take advantage of opportunities, withdraw, “I am too tired to make changes,”<br />
“I am stupid” pushes people away by being difficult to be with or saying she does not<br />
want to commit<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
In addition to the above, clinicians in this program consider information related to<br />
traumatic re-enactments. With this comes the understanding that a common feature<br />
in these clients’ relationships are the roles of perpetrator, victim and rescuer and<br />
how the client can assume these roles interchangeably with others in their lives based<br />
on their childhood experiences. This includes their relationships with clinicians.<br />
After presenting this information to the clinical supervisor and the group, the team<br />
and the clinician working with the client have a better understanding of the underlying<br />
dynamics and can use this to help the client look at alternatives and make sense<br />
of how this pattern continues to be problematic.<br />
Adapted from Luborsky, L. (1997). In T. D. Eells (Ed.), <strong>Handbook</strong> of Psychotherapy Case Formulation: The Core<br />
Conflictual Relationship Theme. New York, NY: The Guilford Press.<br />
Using the lighthouse as a metaphor for the clinical supervisor presents the image<br />
of a steady beacon for temporarily lost and stranded ships in the fog. The clinical<br />
supervisor can provide direction, guidance and support for safe passage when it is<br />
most needed. The lighthouse connotes a symbol of leadership, assurance, safety<br />
and hope.<br />
In the busy life of a program, it’s important to consider how adhering to a too-rigid<br />
definition of clinical supervision may be a barrier to staff receiving important support<br />
in their work. Requests for clinical supervision can come in many forms. Important<br />
supervision issues, especially in an inpatient setting, often arise spontaneously and,<br />
although it may be unrealistic to expect that the supervisor can provide a totally<br />
comprehensive supervision in a short time (within 10 to 20 minutes), unscheduled<br />
conversations about client care can be consistent with a traditional definition of<br />
clinical supervision. These conversations may also be a starting point for more formal<br />
supervision. Supervisors should be encouraged to consider multiple, brief clinical<br />
conversations that include Socratic questions, affirmation of the supervisee’s skills<br />
and capacities, and promoting client-centred care within a program—as very real<br />
examples of clinical supervision. In other words, the sum of multiple effective contacts<br />
can equal or exceed one scheduled formal session.<br />
If supervision is limited to scheduled conversations, many opportunities for responding<br />
to staff needs for consultation will be lost. Staff needs for support, education and<br />
guidance cannot be totally addressed without this more open access to the clinical<br />
Ongoing <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
supervisor. Access to the supervisor can be a good way for staff members to flag<br />
issues as they arise and to sort out which ones need to be addressed in the moment<br />
and which ones warrant a more full exploration in scheduled supervision.<br />
In the realm of established and formal clinical supervision, one could argue whether<br />
“clinical supervision on the fly” or “spontaneous clinical supervision” has validity.<br />
Given a culturally diverse staff makeup, along with varying degrees of competency<br />
levels, some staff members may seek spontaneous clinical supervision while others<br />
prefer scheduled supervision. Historically, many nursing staff have come to associate<br />
scheduled supervision with disciplinary action. In such a context, spontaneous<br />
supervision provides a mechanism for clinicians to introduce supervision issues<br />
ahead of time. This may be less of a concern for newer nursing graduates with more<br />
experience at receiving formal supervision than for nurses who may have begun<br />
practising at a time when supervision was associated with discipline. Currently,<br />
nurses receive mentorship during their training and expect it from designated senior<br />
colleagues or their direct supervisor.<br />
Another way of viewing spontaneous clinical supervision is as a vital component<br />
of the life of an inpatient unit in which traditional, scheduled supervision may not<br />
be realistic. Some of the benefits of spontaneous supervision can include reduction<br />
of feelings of isolation on the part of staff and alleviation of feelings of anxiety that<br />
may arise during the work day. One observable factor when assessing how staff<br />
members learn is the use of self-reflection, which might be more familiar for the<br />
allied health professionals. This may be new to some nurses, who might view it<br />
as a luxury they do not have time for. Nurses working on inpatient units are often<br />
expected to work at a fast pace, and at times may feel that stopping for reflection<br />
means that they are putting a greater workload on others or are short-changing the<br />
immediate physical needs of their clients.<br />
Critical support in the areas of education and administration is provided when it<br />
is needed. When guided, staff are able to use independent critical thinking through<br />
process and analysis. The clinical supervisor lets staff problem-solve, which promotes<br />
confidence in their ability to function and provide effective service in the moment<br />
and may help to reduce any possible fears of “admitting a mistake.” Professional<br />
growth is observable through attitude change and a positive perspective toward<br />
learning while doing. As one nurse remarked: “there is a sense of renewed hope, which<br />
fosters a sense of belief in myself.” There is no greater motivator than someone<br />
acknowledging your worth as a clinician, as a colleague and as a person. Open recognition<br />
of excellent performance can bring a much-needed smile to even the most<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
isolated staff member. On the floor it can be seen that clinicians shine with a simple<br />
gesture of thanks, “great work on capturing near-misses,” “what a tremendous work<br />
on that eIPCC” or “great job on assisting that client with transition.”<br />
In addition to the support and guidance provided to staff, the supervisor responding<br />
to these spontaneous requests is modelling clinical skills and techniques important<br />
to the development of therapeutic relationships with clients, such as flexibility, availability<br />
and support. Being flexible and available to staff demonstrates an approach<br />
that clinicians can translate into their relationships with clients. The challenge for<br />
the supervisor is knowing when to back off or redirect staff to scheduled sessions.<br />
If staff are only using these spontaneous opportunities and not engaging in more<br />
formal supervision, then the supervisor may want to explore with the staff the possibility<br />
of setting time aside in advance to discuss clinical practice issues.<br />
Spontaneous clinical supervision is not a brief “quick-fix, give-me-the-answer-now”<br />
interaction. It involves critical educational, emotional and clinical support, which<br />
can open the door for follow-up sessions, in which fuller discussions of clinical<br />
scenarios and dilemmas contribute to the growth of the staff member. Spontaneous<br />
supervision does not replace a more traditional model of supervision but offers a<br />
starting point by engaging staff, is flexible and responsive to the needs of staff working<br />
in a busy program, and can also provide an adjunct to traditional supervision.<br />
A clinical supervisor on a long-term care inpatient unit was<br />
approached by the charge nurse, who wanted to take time from<br />
her busy day to visit a patient who had been transferred to a general<br />
hospital for medical investigation. She understood that it<br />
would mean turning the charge nurse responsibilities over to<br />
another nurse for that time, but felt that it was important to<br />
respond to the perceived needs of the individual patient. She did<br />
not have a regular clinical supervision time scheduled for that<br />
morning but showed up at the clinical supervisor’s door to<br />
discuss her plan and its implications. The clinical supervisor<br />
provided support and assisted her in developing and following<br />
through on the plan.<br />
Ongoing <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
The nurse did go to visit the patient and when she returned,<br />
again, flagged down the clinical supervisor because she felt the<br />
need to discuss the case. She reported that her clinical intuition<br />
(although she did not use that term) that a visit by her was needed<br />
was accurate. Because she knew the condition of this patient<br />
so well, she was able to help the staff arrive at the diagnosis of<br />
pneumonia and to provide emotional support for a very ill<br />
patient. This led to a discussion of a recent personal loss for this<br />
nurse and her fears for the future of her patient. This second conversation<br />
only took a matter of 10 to 15 minutes (the nurse needed<br />
to get back to provide noon medications) but in it the clinical<br />
supervisor was able to affirm and support a dedicated staff member<br />
for her clinical assessment and care.<br />
Interdisciplinary <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
In many therapeutic settings, clinical supervision works with groups that include<br />
staff from many different disciplines. At camh, a nurse educator (NE) and an advanced<br />
practice clinician (apc) regularly provide interdisciplinary clinical supervision in a<br />
longer-term unit within the Schizophrenia Program for an inter-professional staff<br />
made up of registered nurses (RNs), registered practical nurse (rpns), social workers,<br />
occupational therapists and recreational therapists. In this section on special issues,<br />
we will start with their experiences.<br />
We would like to begin with two apparently contradictory thoughts. The first is a<br />
quote that was attributed to H.G. Wells. He called professions the “enemy of the<br />
people.” While one wouldn’t necessarily give much thought to the philosophies of<br />
H.G. Wells, the apc heard it in the context of a conference on recovery, in which<br />
professions were being presented as a way in which professionals distance themselves<br />
from their clients and get into unnecessary conflicts with their colleagues. The second<br />
comes from something heard by the apc from a wise supervisor whose professional<br />
training was in social work. She said that every time she felt certain that she understood<br />
nursing she would find that something that the nurses were pointing out as<br />
a big problem was something that she would not have noticed at all. The apc knows<br />
what she means; when providing clinical supervision with the NE, she will ask a<br />
question about nursing clinical practice and it will take her several minutes to understand<br />
what the NE is referring to and why, but the nurses get the importance of it<br />
immediately and the apc eventually does.<br />
So which approach is right? Is it that the divisions between the professions create<br />
unnecessary gulfs between us, making it impossible to really see and care for our<br />
clients, or is it that we need to become more aware of our differences and more<br />
appreciative of one another’s strengths? The NE and the apc have found that it<br />
is both.<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
In a busy inpatient unit, clinical supervision goes on all the time. The rhythm of the<br />
day cannot be determined in advance. Beginning first thing in the morning, either<br />
the NE or the apc can be stopped by staff with questions about client care and clinical<br />
practice. At first they would just try to answer quickly, and that still happens at<br />
times, but these ongoing questions provide opportunities for discussing clinical care.<br />
It becomes clear very quickly that the NE and apc will each have slightly different<br />
takes on what needs to happen. That might be a problem except for the respect that<br />
each of them feels for the other—both for the unique clinical perspective that the<br />
other brings to each issue and the trust they have in each other’s caring for clients<br />
and staff. And they cannot stress enough that they also bring shared values for<br />
reflective, client-centred care.<br />
There have been times when a nurse wonders aloud to the NE about the apc’s<br />
understanding of their workload. The message that she gives is that the apc can<br />
appreciate and respect their contribution even if she is not a nurse. This confidence<br />
from the NE in the abilities of a social worker to lead nurses sends a reassuring<br />
message that they have the same goals and values in their work.<br />
So what are the important qualities that make interdisciplinary clinical supervision<br />
work, and even work so well as to bring qualities that are greater than the sum of<br />
one nurse and one social worker? As already discussed, awareness and appreciation<br />
of each other’s professional knowledge base and the trust that each brings the best<br />
of these to her work are important. Implied in that is respect. When either one of<br />
them speak, the other listens and they make this clear to staff. In this way they model<br />
professional respect, including respectful communication, to their staff.<br />
In planning clinical supervision, both the NE and apc spend time reviewing the<br />
strengths of individual staff members, as well as the strengths inherent in professions<br />
they represent. While each profession makes unique contributions to the clients,<br />
there are large areas of overlap, especially in terms of values and goals for clients.<br />
On this particular client care unit, the social workers are the champions of reflective<br />
practice and the big picture of client care; the occupational therapists understand<br />
what clients need to be able to function well in the community; the recreation therapists<br />
are masters at getting clients active after years of inactivity; and the nurses shine<br />
in areas that can seem like a bit of a mystery to the others—what used to be called<br />
patient management, and is now thought of as core nursing practice. As a social<br />
Interdisciplinary <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
worker, the apc often listens in admiration to the attention nurses give to the physical<br />
side of client care. As a nurse, the NE expresses appreciation for the initiative and<br />
willingness of the rest of the staff to address all aspects of a client’s life.<br />
After joining the team, the apc immediately saw the richness of culture on the unit.<br />
The majority of the nursing staff either comes directly from or is descended from<br />
Africa, the Caribbean or South Asia. The apc with the assistance of the NE, have<br />
sought to distinguish and identify the cultural differences and norms within the team.<br />
This has helped in valuing the wisdom in culturally specific traditions, practices,<br />
beliefs and expectations. For example, the apc realized after establishing a working<br />
relationship with the nursing staff that some of the nurses come from a cultural<br />
background where a one-to-one meeting with a supervisor is culturally acceptable;<br />
by contrast, others prefer and seek the benefit of a “group meeting/supervision” to<br />
find the guiding wisdom of the “elder.”<br />
The nurse educator was already providing supervision and leadership on this particular<br />
unit when the apc arrived. They immediately began individual training in the<br />
new electronic plan of client care, the eIPCC. Some of the nurses expressed apprehension<br />
about this training. They felt that their typing and computer skills were<br />
lacking and that the new apc would not respect them. Instead, the apc wanted to<br />
talk about the electronic plan of care as a tool for expressing caring and concern<br />
for clients, beginning with common ground, not technical limitations. The apc was<br />
accustomed to using supervision time to support reflective practice and incorporated<br />
it into the training. She found that some nurses were familiar with this approach<br />
but that there were others for whom the questions the apc would ask opened a new<br />
door to nursing care.<br />
For example, “Client lacks insight into their illness” was a common issue presented<br />
in the plan of care. It might be thought that exploring the meaning of this issue with<br />
the client was providing clinical supervision from a social work perspective. This<br />
introspective approach to clinical supervision has been championed by social workers.<br />
By including it in the training it opened the door to reflection, to looking at the care<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
for the client, and the goals for his or her future, with a wider and deeper lens than<br />
simply making the goal “Client will gain insight into his or her illness.” Why would<br />
that be our goal? What would the client gain from it? Would the client gain anything<br />
from it? Sometimes using oneself as the example will bring insight: Why would it be<br />
important for me to gain insight into my asthma? How would that help my health or<br />
advance me as a human being?<br />
This led to deeper conversations about the needs of individual clients. It seemed<br />
especially important for the nursing staff, some of whom seemed to believe that they<br />
did not have the right to be that involved in their client’s inner life. The importance<br />
of the nurse educator’s support for this approach by the apc cannot be overstated.<br />
Her vote of confidence for this interdisciplinary approach gave the nurses permission<br />
to develop their clinical skills.<br />
An important part of what makes this partnership work so well is the support of both<br />
the manager and the physicians in the program. Everyone in leadership positions on<br />
this particular unit is “on the same page” when it comes to supporting client-centred<br />
care, clear communication and ethical clinical practice. In daily interactions and<br />
clinical directions large and small, the NE and apc feel confident that their work will<br />
be supported.<br />
The nurse educator and the advanced practice clinician are often in the position of<br />
working together on staff leadership. Here is a typical example of a situation in which<br />
the two professions are greater than the sum of their parts. In dealing with a conflict<br />
between two nursing staff members, both the NE and the apc each gravitated toward<br />
different but equally important questions regarding clinical practice. The apc asked<br />
each person to reflect on contributions she might be able to make to improve the<br />
situation. The NE focused on clinical responsibility, asking the RN charge nurse / team<br />
leader how she communicated client assignments. Each asked a different version of<br />
the same question but each elicited different and helpful answers, and together they<br />
gave a full picture of how each person approached their professional practice.<br />
Many staff members on the unit have worked in positions in which professions have<br />
been separate and sometimes competitive. Bringing clinical supervisors from two<br />
different professions together to provide clinical supervision to staff from several<br />
professions means providing an opportunity for staff to appreciate the strengths and<br />
gifts of their colleagues, to learn from one another and improve co-operation in<br />
providing service to their clients.<br />
Nursing and <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
Providing clinical supervision with nurses offers challenges that are unique, particularly<br />
when their work is on inpatient units. As noted earlier, nurses’ experience with<br />
clinical supervision and the meaning attached to it can be different from how social<br />
workers and psychologists see it. For nurses, clinical supervision is often associated<br />
with management rather than clinical practice. For example, nursing supervisors<br />
focus more on operational issues and provide support to staff nurses in the absence<br />
of managers on evenings, nights and weekends around issues such as staffing and<br />
transferring clients between units and to other hospitals.<br />
Nursing and <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
“Reflective practice” is more familiar terminology than “clinical supervision” for<br />
nurses. As members of their professional college, nurses are required to demonstrate<br />
that they have engaged in reflective practice to maintain licensure. This entails being<br />
attuned to the nurse’s own professional needs and ensuring that they obtain the<br />
necessary continuing education to practice competently. Within the college and<br />
university systems, nurses are often asked to reflect on situations with clients in<br />
terms of how they responded, how they understood what went on in light of their<br />
readings/literature, and what alternatives they would consider based on their synthesis<br />
of this information. Analysis of transference and countertransference (see p. 61)<br />
are not generally part of the reflection. A mental health and addiction rotation is<br />
currently not a requirement in training for all undergraduate nursing programs. For<br />
example, one university in Toronto places nursing students at camh in the context<br />
of a “community” experience instead of the more traditional psychiatry placement.<br />
Cleary and Freeman (2005) explored nurses’ perceptions of clinical supervision relative<br />
to other professional support opportunities in acute inpatient mental health settings.<br />
They found that nurses valued having a supportive forum to air their concerns in a<br />
non-judgmental, collegial way, and to discuss practice issues with peers, such as issues<br />
around boundaries with clients. They also viewed dialogue and sharing with their<br />
peers as an opportunity to “reflect on and develop clinical skills” (p. 494). Although<br />
many nurses were aware of the advantages of clinical supervision and supported it in<br />
principle, many preferred informal, ad-hoc approaches with their peers. Most found<br />
it difficult to find the time for clinical supervision, particularly individual clinical<br />
supervision, on a busy, acute care unit and questioned its feasibility. Instead, “informal<br />
support with one’s peers was seen to be more responsive to the clinical realities<br />
of everyday work as generally colleagues were available and accessible” (p. 495).<br />
The clinical supervisor can use this knowledge to help nurses look at the similarities<br />
and differences between what they obtain through these informal means of support<br />
and peer supervision, and what formal clinical supervision can provide. Nurses on<br />
one inpatient unit at camh have identified that although peer support is valuable, it<br />
does not always help them to process their feelings. Hearing others share that they<br />
have had similar feelings and experiences can be validating, but it does not assist<br />
them in seeing connections to their previous personal experiences, wishes or social<br />
location. Sometimes nurses identify with one another’s feelings of powerlessness in<br />
working with a client, making it difficult to gain the objectivity to move beyond<br />
these feelings. The risk of relying on peer support alone is that the status quo may<br />
be maintained and alternative approaches or ways of understanding a situation may<br />
not be considered.<br />
More than other disciplines, nurses on inpatient units rotate shifts. This makes<br />
consistent attendance at group clinical supervision sessions more difficult. To<br />
accommodate their schedules, the group clinical supervision happens in open rather<br />
than closed sessions. This can have an impact on group cohesion when membership<br />
changes from session to session. Given the high turnover of clients on inpatient<br />
areas, the focus of the clinical supervision tends to change from session to session<br />
ather than staff being able to talk about particular clients over an extended period<br />
of time. One way of attending to this, particularly given the “revolving door” nature<br />
of hospital admissions, is to provide time to discuss clients who are re-admitted as<br />
an opportunity to learn from their previous stays. This underlines the importance of<br />
the clinical supervisor being flexible and available to address the issues that can arise<br />
on an inpatient unit spontaneously on a day-to-day basis. This is further discussed<br />
in Spontaneous <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong>: <strong>Clinical</strong> Supervisor as Lighthouse, p. 66.<br />
Nurses on inpatient units have 24-hour responsibility for their clients and no separate<br />
office space. On one unit they described feeling as though they are in a fish bowl,<br />
constantly being observed and accessible to clients in a way that other professionals<br />
are not. This makes boundary setting with clients more challenging. Nurses may feel<br />
powerless because they feel they have less control over their environment.<br />
Nurses usually see clients when the clients are in crisis. They are less likely than other<br />
members of the team to see clients at other stages in their lives such as when they are<br />
functioning in the community. Nurses attend to a broad range of clients’ needs that<br />
include physical as well as emotional needs, and are involved in tasks such as providing<br />
medication, restraining clients, caring for wounds and establishing a therapeutic<br />
relationship. This places nurses within the client’s personal space in ways that are<br />
quite different from other disciplines. This is an important difference for the clinical<br />
supervisor to consider.<br />
Nursing and <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
Since nursing staff may not be familiar with the process of clinical supervision, clinical<br />
supervisors should provide education up front about what clinical supervision is and<br />
is not in order to develop a “safe” environment where nurses are willing to disclose<br />
their practice challenges. The preparation includes:<br />
• acknowledging their unique position on the team and how that affects their<br />
client interactions<br />
• differentiating between the procedural activities that are the focus of<br />
administrative supervision<br />
• explaining the differences between therapy and clinical supervision to reinforce<br />
the respect for appropriate boundaries between the clinical supervisor and<br />
the nurse.<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
The clinical supervisor explains that the focus is on the professional development<br />
of the nurse in the context of his or her work with the client, rather than on the<br />
development of action plans for the nurse’s personal problems. In other words, the<br />
focus is on the nurse’s process and behaviour with the client. The clinical supervisor<br />
explains that clinical supervision is an opportunity for nurses to turn what they<br />
know and feel into skillful action by paying deliberate attention to their experience,<br />
and critically analyzing feelings and observations. The intended outcome is a new<br />
perspective on a situation that they initially found puzzling or surprising.<br />
A Multi-Method Professional<br />
Development Approach in<br />
Daily Practice<br />
In order to support staff to practice new skills and reflect on how it will change clinical<br />
practice, staff members have needed supervision and coaching to increase their<br />
confidence and knowledge base to address concurrent disorders. One of the camh’s<br />
strategic directions focuses on providing integrated care to clients. Best practice literature<br />
suggests that program integration means:<br />
[M]ental health treatments and substance abuse treatments are<br />
brought together by the same clinicians/support workers, or team of<br />
clinicians/support workers, in the same program, to ensure that the<br />
individual receives a consistent explanation of illness/problems and a<br />
coherent prescription for treatment rather than a contradictory set of<br />
messages from different providers. (Health Canada, 2001, p. vii)<br />
Consequently, the clinical staff continues to develop skills to address how addictions<br />
and mental health impact each other when working with clients.<br />
A Multi-Method Professional Development Approach in Daily Practice<br />
Historically, clients were sent to specialized programs that separated mental health<br />
and addictions. In the Schizophrenia Program, many of the staff participated in<br />
trainings to address concurrent disorders. The staff has been working toward providing<br />
integrated care. While many staff members are addressing these issues regularly,<br />
some also express the concern that maybe “I could be doing more” as a clinician.<br />
W.R. Miller et al. (2006) note that “to learn any new behavioural skill, people need<br />
not only informational training but also:<br />
• clear and accurate feedback regarding their performance<br />
• guidance from a supervisor / coach who has greater expertise and proficiency in<br />
the skill.<br />
Without performance feedback, significant change in practitioner behaviour does<br />
not occur.” (W.R. Miller et al., 2006, p. 35) While trainings provide clinicians with a<br />
foundation around theory, there is a lack of confidence expressed by staff members<br />
in their ability to provide integrated treatment. They say that they need ongoing<br />
practice to develop skills in developing concurrent disorders treatment.<br />
Coaching/Partnering Style of <strong>Supervision</strong>—<br />
A Motivational Interviewing Approach<br />
An approach to clinical supervision has been used to help staff members develop<br />
their clinical skills around concurrent disorders. This approach involves coaching<br />
and gives clinicians an opportunity to work with the clients who are actively using<br />
substances. The clinical supervisor uses a motivational interviewing approach that<br />
promotes a coaching rather than instructional style. <strong>Clinical</strong> supervisors model and<br />
teach motivational interviewing approaches in the way that they work with the clinician,<br />
as well as the client. The coach communicates to the clinician that ambivalence<br />
is expected when clients are considering changing their substance use patterns, and<br />
that clients choose whether or not to make a change. Typically clinicians seek out<br />
this support from the supervisor when clients are in an early stage of treatment<br />
and may be starting to consider making a change in their substance use (e.g., the<br />
engagement or persuasion stage of treatment). These stages are defined by Mueser<br />
et al., 2003, pp. 123-124).<br />
During this process, the role of the clinical supervisor evolves from one of cofacilitator<br />
and role model to observer as the clinician develops the skills and confidence<br />
needed to provide integrated care. Initially, the clinical supervisor may be more<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
engaged with the client, but over time steps back. The supervisor role is explained to<br />
the client so that she or he knows that the primary relationship is with the clinician.<br />
The clinical supervisor and clinician usually contract that every four sessions they<br />
will evaluate and decide whether to re-contract to continue the process. The client<br />
is also consulted about the length of involvement to see if this matches his or her<br />
goal for treatment. The clinical supervisor asks for written evaluations from the<br />
clinician to assess the usefulness of this role. The clients have also been asked to fill<br />
out evaluations on their experiences. This approach has been used primarily for<br />
individual sessions.<br />
Group supervision<br />
When the clinical supervisor is involved in coaching/supervising staff in co-facilitating<br />
a group on concurrent disorders, the contract is usually for a longer time period.<br />
The focus in this setting is to help staff develop skills needed to work with clients<br />
presenting with concurrent disorders issues. Some clinicians may also need help with<br />
developing group facilitation skills. For example, a clinical supervisor and clinicians<br />
work together to develop a handbook that would guide the staff in facilitating sessions.<br />
The long-term goal for the clinical supervisor is to step back, observe and provide<br />
feedback until the clinicians decide they are ready to continue facilitating the group<br />
on their own. The clinical supervisor often becomes more of a clinical consultant as<br />
needed, rather than a supervisor or coach.<br />
Community of practice<br />
Beitler (2005) discusses the idea of a community of practice as a group of like-minded<br />
clinicians who are interested in exploring and developing skills in a specific practice<br />
area. He notes:<br />
The primary focus is the sharing of experiences and new ideas that<br />
members can use in practice. Key themes include a domain of common<br />
issues, developing a sense of community that includes trust and<br />
a social bond, and the element of practice. The majority of the members<br />
must be seasoned practitioners who are bringing their issues,<br />
ideas, advice and applying this knowledge to their practice, and then<br />
reporting back their experiences (pages 1, 7–8).<br />
(Beiter, M.A. (2005). “Strategic Organizational Learning.” Greensboro,<br />
NC: Practioner Press International. (pp. 70-77)).<br />
A Multi-Method Professional Development Approach in Daily Practice<br />
Beitler indicates that the co-ordinators do not have to be the leading experts in the<br />
field, but do need to be passionate about the knowledge domain and be well respected.<br />
One such project has been a pilot of a Motivational Interviewing Community of<br />
Practice. These sessions provide opportunities for people with more advanced training<br />
in motivational interviewing to practice skills through participation in role plays,<br />
watching videos and discussing challenges in their practice. This process of learning<br />
gives clinicians an opportunity to review best practice literature, learn from each<br />
other and practice skills. Peers take responsibility for the sessions. The early sessions<br />
have been organized and co-facilitated by a group of clinicians who are experienced<br />
in the area of motivational interviewing and have provided training in this area. This<br />
project is in its beginning phase. Initial evaluations have been positive. Clinicians<br />
are invited to participate in planning and continuing the developing of this learning<br />
initiative. In addition, a practice is being developed with staff members who are less<br />
experienced in motivational interviewing in the Schizophrenia Program. The staff<br />
are working to apply the recovery model and want to practice skills of motivational<br />
interviewing. Staff may have less experience with motivational interviewing, but would<br />
like to develop skills; share knowledge and challenges; and develop confidence in their<br />
practice. In the near future, as this project continues, there may be access to a listserv<br />
to help people share articles, discuss clinical challenges and network around motivational<br />
interviewing issues.<br />
Concurrent disorders journal club<br />
These journal clubs started out as a way to share best practices on integrated care.<br />
This learning is not clinical supervision but a way of sharing information based<br />
on readings from the book Treating Concurrent Disorder: A Guide for Counsellors<br />
(Skinner, 2005). This six-session group is held monthly and is facilitated by one or<br />
two staff members who specialize in concurrent disorders. Each month one of the<br />
authors comes to discuss his or her chapter. The meeting focuses on comments,<br />
thoughts, and questions related to the chapter (e.g., motivational interviewing, family<br />
issues, youth and setting up group programming). The clinicians are asked to evaluate<br />
this learning experience at the end of the cycle. Approximately 10 people are involved<br />
in each journal club.<br />
An advanced journal club has evolved in response to people’s participation and<br />
interest in further learning. In this group, guest speakers focus on a topic related to<br />
concurrent disorders best practices guidelines. Clinicians share clinical scenarios<br />
and request feedback. This format is continuing to evolve as the clinicians suggest<br />
learning ideas. As staff develop their skills and confidence in working with clients<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
that present with concurrent disorders issues, they are providing leadership in facilitating<br />
and organizing the journal clubs. As stated by Miller, et al. (2006), “a persistent<br />
novice golfer on a driving range can gradually learn how to drive a ball farther, but<br />
learning can be substantially accelerated by a little coaching from an experienced<br />
professional” (pp. 35-36).<br />
Ethical Considerations in<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
Because the clinical practice environment is becoming more complex, clinicians are<br />
bringing clinical scenarios to supervision sessions that defy neat and tidy resolutions,<br />
thus challenging clinical supervisors to tread ethical paths they may have never<br />
encountered in their own front-line careers. For this reason, a new emphasis has been<br />
placed on the importance of ethics training for all clinical supervisors, no matter how<br />
much clinical experience they have to inform their work with clinicians.<br />
Frederic Reamer, a professor of social work in the United States, has done extensive<br />
work on ethical considerations in clinical practice and supervision (Reamer, 1994,<br />
1999, 2001, 2003). He emphasizes that it is crucial for clinical supervisors to have<br />
the skills and background necessary to develop in their clinicians a way of thinking<br />
ethically, since it is not possible to have hard and fast rules about many of the dilemmas<br />
encountered in clinical practice. This way of thinking involves ethical decision-making,<br />
which takes into account conflicting values and duties, identifies individuals and<br />
groups likely to be affected by a certain decision, and tentatively identifies all possible<br />
courses of action with possible risks and benefits. In addition, Dr. Reamer’s approach<br />
examines reasons for and against each possible course of action. He recommends<br />
that ethical theories, principles and guidelines; codes of ethics; legal principles;<br />
discipline-specific practice theory and principles; personal values; and agency policies<br />
and regulations all be used to inform the examination.<br />
In a 14-week graduate social work course at Rhode Island College, Dr. Reamer<br />
covers a wide range of “key risk areas,” which he maintains are taken into account<br />
by good quality clinical supervision. The areas include:<br />
• client rights<br />
• confidentiality and privacy<br />
• informed consent<br />
• service delivery<br />
• boundary issues and conflicts of interest<br />
• documentation<br />
• defamation of character<br />
• client records<br />
• supervision<br />
• staff development and training<br />
• consultation<br />
• client referral<br />
• fraud<br />
• termination of services and client abandonment<br />
• practitioner impairment<br />
• evaluation and research.<br />
Ethical Considerations in <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
Dr. Reamer points to the principle of “standard of care,” which he defines as “what<br />
an ordinary, reasonable, and prudent professional, with the same or similar training,<br />
would have done under the same or similar circumstances.” He considers this the<br />
most important sentence in clinical supervision. It can guide discussion of complex<br />
clinical dilemmas. Dr. Reamer cites two types of standards of care.<br />
• A “substantive” standard of care is one that is widely accepted across clinical<br />
practice settings, for instance, the norm that dating clients is indefensible on<br />
ethical grounds.<br />
• “Procedural” standards of care cover processes that are invoked with difficult,<br />
ethically complex scenarios—cases in which experienced clinicians and practice<br />
leaders commonly disagree about what constitutes the best course of action.<br />
Activities that encompass procedural standards of care include consulting with<br />
colleagues and supervisors; reviewing relevant ethical standards; reviewing relevant<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
laws, policies and regulations; reviewing relevant literature; obtaining legal consultation<br />
when necessary; consulting an ethics committee, if available; and documenting<br />
decision-making steps.<br />
It is beyond the scope of this guide to cover the depth and breadth of what ethical<br />
training clinical supervisors require. However, it may be helpful to consider a common<br />
clinical issue in which ethical considerations figure prominently. Client discharge<br />
or termination provides a good example. In many instances, clinicians may struggle<br />
with decisions to discharge a client before he or she has completed a treatment<br />
program. This struggle may involve weighing the circumstances that precipitated the<br />
potential discharge against an appreciation of the client’s significant ongoing needs.<br />
If the decision to discharge is carried out, Dr. Reamer recommends the following<br />
guidelines to protect clients and minimize risk:<br />
• Provide clients with names, addresses and telephone numbers of at least three<br />
appropriate referrals.<br />
• Follow up with a client who has been terminated. If the client does not go to<br />
the referral, write a letter to him or her about relevant risks.<br />
• Provide as much advance warning of the termination as possible.<br />
• When clients announce their decision to terminate prematurely, explain the<br />
risks involved and suggestions for alternative care. Include this information<br />
in a follow-up letter.<br />
• Carefully document in the case record all decisions and actions related to<br />
termination.<br />
• In cases involving discharge from residential facilities, prepare a comprehensive<br />
discharge plan and, with client consent, notify significant others.<br />
• Provide clients with clear instructions to follow in the event of an emergency.<br />
Ask clients to sign a copy acknowledging that they have received the instructions<br />
and that the instructions were explained to them.<br />
• Consult with colleagues and supervisors about termination strategy and decisions.<br />
• Consult relevant code of ethics standards.<br />
Evaluating <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
Although clinical supervision is regarded as an important factor in enhancing client<br />
outcome in mental health and other human service settings, there is limited research<br />
support for the effectiveness of clinical supervision (Strong et al., 2003). In particular,<br />
there has been a call for research in the following areas:<br />
• evaluating supervisory training<br />
Evaluating <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
• examining diversity issues in clinical supervisor-clinician relationships and in<br />
various service settings<br />
• exploring the impact of clinical supervision on client outcomes (Bruce & Austin,<br />
2000).<br />
Some recent exploratory research addresses key areas related to evaluating the clinical<br />
supervision context and supervisor skills. Areas that have been addressed include:<br />
• core competencies in supervision (Falender et. al., 2004)<br />
• diversity / cultural competence in supervisors (Armour et al., 2004)<br />
• benefits and barriers to effective clinical supervision (Strong et al., 2003)<br />
• trainee preferences in clinical supervisor feedback (both positive and negative)<br />
(Heckman-Stone, 2003).<br />
This section will summarize these findings and will provide a number of concrete<br />
suggestions for evaluation approaches and tools that can be used in clinical supervision.<br />
The section will conclude with a brief discussion of the importance of documenting<br />
supervision in clinical settings—an area that has been identified as being of key legal<br />
and ethical importance (Falvey & Cohen, 2003). Note that performance evaluation<br />
of clinicians is not addressed in this section, as it falls outside of the purview of<br />
clinical supervision camh, and is already carried out annually using approved<br />
protocols and tools.<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
Core Competencies in<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
Falender and colleagues (2004) recently published a consensus statement on core<br />
competencies in psychology supervision. This was done in response to recommendations<br />
arising from an international working conference held in 2002. The primary<br />
aim was to identify areas of consensus and difference in a variety of research and<br />
practice domains, including clinical supervision. (For more information about conference<br />
topics and membership, see Falendar et al., p. 773.) Falender and colleagues<br />
note that identifying competencies helps move professions from normative (or subjective)<br />
assessments to criterion-based (or objective) assessments. This approach has<br />
the advantage of introducing greater rigour to the clinical supervision process as well<br />
as to the performance and techniques of individual supervisors. A brief overview of<br />
these core competencies sets the stage for a discussion of what we might evaluate in<br />
clinical supervision, and how this can be best carried out.<br />
Although the competencies outlined below were developed in reference to the<br />
discipline of psychology, they are broadly applicable and relevant to other clinically<br />
focused disciplines such as social work, nursing, medicine, psychiatry, occupational<br />
and recreation therapy. <strong>Clinical</strong> supervisor competencies have been divided into six<br />
general categories, with a number of micro-skills within each area. The broad competencies<br />
of knowledge, skills, values, social context / overarching issues, training<br />
and assessment are summarized in Table 1. The final area, assessment, is particularly<br />
relevant to evaluation of clinical supervision. Note that the wording of the discrete<br />
micro skills has been somewhat adapted to better reflect clinical practice at camh.<br />
1. <strong>Knowledge</strong> • <strong>Knowledge</strong> of area being supervised<br />
• <strong>Knowledge</strong> of relevant models, theories, interventions and<br />
research<br />
• <strong>Knowledge</strong> about clinicians’<br />
• Learning and professional development<br />
• <strong>Knowledge</strong> of ethical and legal issues relating to supervision<br />
Core Competencies in <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
• <strong>Knowledge</strong> of clinical outcome and process evaluation<br />
• <strong>Knowledge</strong> and awareness of diversity, marginalization and<br />
oppression issues and diversity competence<br />
2. Skills • <strong>Supervision</strong> methods<br />
• Relationship skills (building a supervisory alliance)<br />
• Sensitivity to multiple roles with supervisee and able to balance<br />
multiple roles<br />
• Ability to provide constructive and effective feedback<br />
• Ability to promote supervisee self-assessment and growth<br />
• Ability to conduct own self-assessment process<br />
• Ability to assess supervisee’s learning needs and developmental<br />
level<br />
• Ability to encourage and use evaluative feedback from<br />
supervisees<br />
• Teaching skills<br />
• Ability to set appropriate boundaries and seek consultation/<br />
supervision (assess own competence)<br />
• Flexibility<br />
• Integrating and presenting evidence-based practice and<br />
best practice principles<br />
• Documentation procedures<br />
• Ability to impart evidence-based practice knowledge within<br />
the supervisory session<br />
3. Values • Supervisor is accountable for supervision provided—to<br />
supervisee and to client<br />
• Respectful<br />
• Responsible for diversity awareness and competence<br />
• Balance between support and constructive feedback/<br />
challenging<br />
• Empowering<br />
• Commitment to continuous learning and professional growth<br />
• Balance between clinical and training needs<br />
• Valuing ethical principles<br />
• Knowing and using supervision research and best practices<br />
• Committed to knowing own limitations<br />
4. Social context / • Diversity<br />
overarching • Ethical and legal issues<br />
issues • Developmental process<br />
• <strong>Knowledge</strong> of organization and expectations re. clinical<br />
supervision<br />
• Awareness of socio-political context within which supervision<br />
is conducted<br />
• Creation of climate in which authentic, honest feedback is<br />
the norm (both supportive and challenging feedback)<br />
5. Training in • Continuing education in supervision knowledge and skills<br />
supervision • Receives supervision of supervision, including observation<br />
competencies (videotape/audiotape/in vivo observation with critical<br />
feedback)<br />
6. Assessment of • Successful completion of supervision course / workshop<br />
supervision • Documented evidence of supervision of supervision, noting<br />
competencies readiness to supervise independently<br />
• Evidence of direct observation<br />
• Documented evidence of supervisory experience reflecting<br />
diversity competence<br />
• Documented supervisee feedback<br />
• Self-assessment and awareness of need for<br />
consultation / supervision when necessary<br />
• Assessment of supervision outcomes<br />
• Impact of client outcomes<br />
Adapted from Falender et al., 2004, p778<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
Based on the micro-skills outlined in competency number six, assessment of<br />
supervisor competencies, evaluation of clinical supervision should ideally incorporate<br />
the following elements:<br />
• Certificate of completion of some form of continuing professional education<br />
(e.g., course, workshop) in clinical supervision<br />
• Documentation that the supervisor has had supervision that focuses on his or her<br />
role as supervisor, and recommendations (with follow-up and development plan)<br />
Core Competencies in <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
• <strong>Clinical</strong> supervisor self-assessment (reflective practice) (e.g., through attendance<br />
in a supervisors’ supervision group, or through openness to learning from and<br />
implementing evaluation feedback by supervisees)<br />
• Evidence of diversity competence (e.g., completion of camh diversity training,<br />
other measures of diversity / cultural competence, which can be used with both<br />
supervisor and supervisees)<br />
• <strong>Clinical</strong> supervisor evaluation (completed by clinicians)—both process and<br />
outcome (e.g., using the <strong>Supervision</strong> Feedback Scale (Heckman-Stone, 2003),<br />
discussed on page XX in this section)<br />
• Link to client outcomes—possibly via the Interdisciplinary Plan of Client Care<br />
(ipcc) if possible.<br />
In order to better understand the clinical supervision context, its strengths and areas<br />
for improvement, Strong and colleagues used focus groups and brief interviews to<br />
explore clinical supervision practice among allied health professionals in a large<br />
mental health service. The focus group questions, which closely mirrored the questions<br />
used in the brief interviews, can provide a useful, semi-structured guide for<br />
carrying out periodic process evaluations of clinical supervision groups. The questions<br />
asked included:<br />
• What do you see as the benefits of supervision?<br />
• What would you regard as ideal supervision in your profession?<br />
• What do you see as the best aspects of current supervision practices in your<br />
employing organization?<br />
• In what ways is current supervision less than ideal?<br />
• What are the main barriers to good supervision in mental health service?<br />
• What issues have been raised by your experiences with cross-professional<br />
supervision?<br />
• What are the three most important things that need to be done to improve<br />
supervision practice? (Strong, et al., 2003, p. 195)<br />
If a culture of authenticity and honesty is fostered in clinical supervision groups,<br />
periodically reflecting on the process of clinical supervision can lead to valuable<br />
insights and enhanced effectiveness of the supervisors. The research found that clinical<br />
supervision was a key to improving clinical competence and implementation of best<br />
practices, as well as a source of support for staff. The main barriers identified were<br />
the absence of a clear organizational policy on clinical supervision and failure to<br />
allocate sufficient resources to support clinical supervision practice. Articulating a<br />
model of clinical supervision and a training agenda were also seen as primary issues.<br />
It may be interesting and illuminating to compare the experiences and perceptions<br />
of camh clinicians with the findings of Strong and his colleagues (2003).<br />
The issue of diversity competence has been identified as being of key importance in<br />
clinical supervision, and is reflected in a number of the core micro-skills of clinical<br />
supervisor competencies noted above. As Divac and Heaphy (2005) point out,<br />
“developing cultural competence is now a requirement for achieving appropriate<br />
professional standards in therapy and supervision training” (p.282). Diversity is a<br />
factor not only in working with clients, but in the heterogeneity of supervision groups<br />
and dyads as well. Thus, diversity competence is relevant in clinical supervisors’<br />
feedback around case formulation and intervention, and in power dynamics, experiences<br />
of privilege/oppression/marginalization, and working across difference in the<br />
clinical supervision context. There is a small but growing literature focused on the<br />
development, application and evaluation of diversity / cultural competence in clinical<br />
supervisors (Armour et al., 2004; Constantine et al., 2005; Divac & Heaphy, 2005).<br />
Evaluation tools<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
A number of tools have been developed and validated for use by instructors, clinical<br />
supervisors and/or clinicians. These range from brief process evaluations to more<br />
extensive summary evaluations. These tools may help clinical supervisors to assess<br />
their own competence in this area.<br />
Armour et al. used a closed-ended, 13-item, self-administered questionnaire and<br />
anonymously written responses to five reflecting questions in a repeated measures<br />
design. (A copy of the closed-ended questionnaire is included in Armour et al.’s<br />
Core Competencies in <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
article as an appendix, p. 38.) Both clinical supervisors and clinical supervision<br />
groups could use this tool to periodically assess progress in diversity competence,<br />
and to stimulate discussion about areas for professional and personal growth.<br />
The questionnaire addressed comfort with diversity; awareness of issues of power,<br />
control and interpersonal conflict; and knowledge about oppressed groups. The<br />
added open-ended reflecting questions included:<br />
• highlights in practitioners’ diversity training experiences<br />
• peak enjoyable or disturbing experiences (or both) in diversity training<br />
• an idea or skill supervisors could use with supervisees<br />
• how supervisors’ insights (facilitated by their responses to previous questions)<br />
could contribute to their effectiveness in supervision<br />
• actions that supervisors could take to enhance the cultural competence in their<br />
agency or program. (Armour et al., 2004, p. 34)<br />
The study showed significant gains in diversity awareness in the period between the<br />
end of the training and follow-up. <strong>Clinical</strong> supervisors also noted areas for further<br />
development in improving supervision practice, including normalizing discomfort,<br />
awareness of retreating from exploring diversity, and permission to address “socially<br />
taboo” topics.<br />
Divac and Heaphy (2005) suggest that ongoing feedback and reflection in supervision<br />
of supervision sessions is an important formative evaluation strategy for diversity<br />
competence. They also suggest that semi-structured interviews with trainee supervisors<br />
should be carried out at the end of the academic year. (The content of the interviews<br />
was not yet developed by the authors at the time of publication of their article.)<br />
Divac and Heaphy describe the content and format of monthly sessions for clinical<br />
supervisors, where the specific focus was on fostering diversity competence. This<br />
approach may be of particular relevance to the professional development of clinical<br />
supervisors due to its richness in process and experiential emphasis. In this model,<br />
trainee supervisors meet one day per month to discuss key issues, skills and abilities<br />
in cross-cultural practice. Divac and Heaphy note that the main focus is on the<br />
process and experience of engaging with subjective assumptions, biases and experience<br />
related to their own and others’ cultures. In addition, trainees use the group format<br />
to reflect on diverse aspects of their identities, which may be privileged in some<br />
contexts and disadvantaged in others. Finally, group sessions are videotaped and<br />
reviewed to encourage continued reflection and exploration of issues.<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
In another study, Constantine, Warren and Miville (2005) present and discuss the use<br />
of the multicultural case conceptualization ability exercise, a tool and coding system<br />
used to determine the extent to which clinicians are able to integrate salient cultural<br />
issues into two different conceptualizations of a client case.<br />
Finally, Pope-Davis and colleagues (2000) describe the development and validation<br />
of the Multicultural Environmental Inventory—an instrument designed to measure<br />
the degree to which graduate counselling programs address multicultural issues in<br />
their curricula, clinical supervision, climate and research. The instrument was condensed<br />
from 53 to 27 items based on the results of factor analyses, and showed promise<br />
in its ability to assess change over time, as well as good validity and reliability. Although<br />
designed for academic settings, it may be useful to test either the instrument as a whole,<br />
or the supervision subscale, as a way to evaluate clinical supervisors’ effectiveness in<br />
addressing and promoting cultural competence in clinical supervision groups.<br />
Cultural and diversity competence is now being addressed in a more rigorous fashion<br />
in clinical supervision settings. This reflects a growing awareness of their importance,<br />
and of the need for ways to assess and identify gaps in knowledge and skills (both in<br />
clinical supervisors and in front-line clinicians).<br />
Providing and accepting clear and concrete feedback, identifying strengths and areas<br />
for improvement, and specific concerns with respect to good clinical care can be<br />
difficult for both clinical supervisor and clinician. Yet “when supervisees reflect on<br />
their supervision, what comes to mind most often is the quality and quantity of<br />
feedback they received” (Bernard & Goodyear, 1998). Therefore, clinical supervisors<br />
need to evaluate the extent to which they are providing constructive and salient<br />
feedback to clinicians.<br />
Heckman-Stone (2003) carried out a pilot study with 40 graduate students from<br />
three training programs (counselling psychology, clinical psychology and masters<br />
degree in counselling). She used a scale of 10 items rated on a seven-point, Likert-type<br />
scale, where 1= strongly disagree, 4 = neutral, and 7 = strongly agree. In addition,<br />
the author included four open-ended items designed to elicit examples of positive<br />
and negative feedback in clinical supervision, and the characteristics of good<br />
and poor use of feedback and evaluation by clinical supervisors. An example of<br />
the instrument, adapted for use with more experienced clinicians—as opposed to<br />
students—is presented below. Based on the results of the pilot study, Heckman-<br />
Stone outlines a number of recommendations in providing feedback to clinicians.<br />
These include:<br />
• Begin by describing the process of supervision.<br />
• Set clear, mutually agreed upon performance criteria.<br />
• Reliably observe the supervisee’s work.<br />
• Compare the observations with performance objectives/criteria.<br />
• Have supervisee provide a self-evaluation first.<br />
• Start with positive evaluations.<br />
Core Competencies in <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
• Specify the skill area being addressed in giving the feedback.<br />
• Have supervisees set the agenda for supervision sessions as much as possible.<br />
• Monitor supervisees’ use of feedback and evaluation.<br />
The <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> Feedback Scale can be used as either a process or outcome<br />
evaluation for clinical supervisors to assess their skills in providing feedback, and<br />
identify areas for development. Another structured clinical supervision evaluation<br />
instrument, the Group Supervisory Behavior Scale (gsbs, White and Rudolph, 2000)<br />
has also been demonstrated to have good reliability and validity, and may be useful<br />
in evaluating supervisor behaviours in group supervision contexts.<br />
1. My supervisor welcomed comments about his or her<br />
style as a supervisor.<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />
2. My supervisor’s comments about my work<br />
were understandable.<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />
3. I didn’t receive timely information about how<br />
I was doing as a therapist. [reverse scored]<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />
4. I have had written feedback from my supervisor<br />
about my clinical work.<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />
5. My supervisor balanced his or her feedback<br />
between positive and negative statements.<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />
6. The feedback I received from my supervisor<br />
was based on his or her direct observation of my work<br />
(including video / audiotapes).<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />
7. The feedback I received was directly related to<br />
the goals I set in supervision.<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />
8. There were inconsistencies between my supervisor’s<br />
feedback to me in session and written feedback.<br />
[reverse scored]<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />
9. I am satisfied with my supervisor’s use of feedback<br />
in session.<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />
10. I am satisfied with my supervisor’s written feedback. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />
Open-ended items:<br />
11. Please describe a positive experience you have had<br />
with feedback in supervision.<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />
12. Please describe a negative experience you have had<br />
with feedback in supervision.<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />
13. Please list characteristics of good use of feedback<br />
by your supervisor.<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />
14. Please list characteristics of poor use of feedback<br />
by your supervisor.<br />
1 2 3 4 5 6 7<br />
Adapted from Heckman-Stone, 2003, p.28.<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
The importance of documentation in clinical supervision cannot be overstated, and<br />
is an important source of evaluative feedback to clinicians. As Falvey and Cohen state:<br />
Keeping records is standard practice for virtually all human services<br />
and medical disciplines. From a legal as well as an ethical perspective,<br />
if it isn’t documented, it didn’t occur. The question for supervisors,<br />
then, is not whether to document, but how to do so in an efficient<br />
manner. (Falvey et al., 2003, p. 77)<br />
The authors note that over-documentation can be as much an issue as under-documentation,<br />
and suggest the use of structured forms to capture case review data and<br />
recommendations. Falvey et al. also strongly recommend that clinicians not be given<br />
sole discretion in selecting cases for review in clinical supervision. They note that<br />
clinicians may not recognize important practice issues in all cases, and that significant<br />
client care problems or issues may not be addressed unless all cases are periodically<br />
reviewed. As the authors state:<br />
Leaving the choice of which cases to review up to the supervisee, while<br />
commonplace, is not an ethically or legally viable supervisory practice.<br />
Evaluation anxiety, concern over clinical errors or boundary violations,<br />
negative reactions to the supervisor, or failure to recognize the<br />
importance of clinical signs and symptoms contribute to a high rate<br />
of supervisee nondisclosure. (Falvey et al., 2003, p. 72)<br />
Falvey and Cohen also highlight the importance of a clinical supervision contract,<br />
records of all clinical supervision sessions (with details on cases discussed and<br />
decisions made); notes on cancelled or missed supervision meetings, and on significant<br />
conflicts in clinical supervision sessions and how they were handled. These documents<br />
can assist in identifying training/professional development needs, and provide<br />
“evidence of competent supervision should a supervisee grievance or client lawsuit<br />
subsequently arise” (Falvey & Cohen, 2003, p.68). They present samples of forms<br />
developed as part of a clinical supervision process evaluation/tracking package, titled<br />
the Focused Risk Management <strong>Supervision</strong> System (FoRMSS). (The authors provide<br />
sample forms in their article; see pages 73, 74 and 76.) These forms (or FoRMSS) can<br />
be adapted for use in clinical supervision groups as a way of maintaining a record of<br />
case discussions and a process evaluation of clinical supervision issues and outcomes.<br />
Conclusion<br />
Core Competencies in <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
Evaluation of clinical supervision is a complex and challenging task. However, it<br />
is crucial to fostering transparency, accountability and modelling of best practices.<br />
Areas for further research identified in the literature include evaluating/assessing<br />
clinical supervisors’ diversity competence, and demonstrating the impact of clinical<br />
supervision on client care outcomes. The latter may be facilitated by more active use<br />
of the Interdisciplinary Plan of Client Care (ipcc) in clinical supervision sessions,<br />
where ipcc goals and outcomes are routinely discussed as part of the case review<br />
and clinical feedback process. In the absence of clear and unequivocal empirical<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
support for best practice tools in clinical supervision assessment and evaluation,<br />
these preliminary instruments and scales should be regarded as a starting point in<br />
introducing greater rigour and accountability into the clinical supervision context.<br />
Available in pdf and Word versions on Insite:<br /><br />
References<br />
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Fact Sheet produced by: Liz Lambert, Research Assistant, University of Toronto, which was a summary of<br />
the above articles. Available:<br />
APPENDIX 1<br />
Conceptualization of <strong>Clinical</strong><br />
<strong>Supervision</strong>: A Review of the Literature<br />
<strong>Supervision</strong> in social work is essentially conceived of as a method to ensure the<br />
organization’s mandate is achieved by enhancing the supervisee’s* ability to provide<br />
effective service. The supervisor is accountable for the job performance of agency<br />
workers (Kadushin, 1976; Kadushin & Harkness, 2002) with administrative, educational<br />
and supportive activities being used to achieve this goal. <strong>Supervision</strong> scholars in<br />
social work agree on the importance of a positive relationship between supervisor<br />
and supervisee as the context for learning and performance (Barretta-Herman,<br />
1993; Kadushin & Harkness, 2002; Munson, 2002; Shulman, 1993, 2005) while<br />
emphasizing the parallel process in the working relationship between client-worker<br />
and worker-supervisor.<br />
Three interrelated functions of supervision were proposed by Kadushin (1976)<br />
—administrative, educational and supportive—a conceptualization that has continued<br />
to receive support (Bruce & Austin, 2000; Munson, 2002; Shulman, 1993).<br />
Administrative supervision encompasses selecting and orienting workers/clinicians;<br />
assigning cases; and monitoring, reviewing and evaluating work. It serves as a<br />
socializing agent, advocating, and buffering within the organization. Agencies grant<br />
supervisors authority to direct others’ work and they use both formal power such<br />
as rewards, coercion, position in the organization, and informal power derived from<br />
their expert knowledge and relationships with their supervisees.<br />
*The term supervisee is used in this section to maintain consistnecy with the literature.<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
Educational supervision encompasses activities that develop the professional capacity<br />
of supervisees, including teaching knowledge and skills, and developing self-awareness<br />
(Barker, 1995; Munson, 2002) through, for example, teaching, case consultation,<br />
facilitating learning and growth. Kadushin and Harkness (2002) note that in the<br />
general social work supervision literature, the term clinical supervision frequently<br />
refers to a focus on the professional practice of the supervisee. Others associate clinical<br />
supervision with an analytic focus on the dynamics of the client situation and the<br />
worker’s interventions and interactions with clients (Gibelman & Schervish, 1997).<br />
We prefer the definition of clinical supervision in professional psychology, which<br />
includes both enhancing the professional performance of the junior member of the<br />
profession while monitoring the quality of services offered to the client (Bernard<br />
& Goodyear, 2004). Supportive supervision encompasses helping workers handle<br />
job-related stress by providing appropriate praise and encouragement, normalizing<br />
work-related reactions, affirming strengths and sharing responsibility for difficult<br />
decisions (Kadushin & Harkness, 2002). Stress is related to the emotional demands<br />
on social workers faced with traumatic and acute social problems that may be<br />
challenging to articulate within the supervision setting (Barretta-Herman, 1993).<br />
Supportive comments are meaningful when given within the context of a relationship<br />
with a respected and valued supervisor (Kaiser & Barretta-Herman, 1999).<br />
In an analysis of themes in the supervision literature, Bruce and Austin (2000) predict<br />
that supervisors in the future would need to incorporate the following: change<br />
management skills including understanding the multiple governmental, community<br />
and organizational contexts of practice; practice in racially and culturally diverse<br />
organizations and communities; use of client outcomes to monitor service delivery;<br />
and processes that promote effective inter-professional work.<br />
In summary, this review of the literature found a view of supervision for social work<br />
that includes the interrelated elements of administration, education and support.<br />
Each of these factors influences all of the others and, when operating in concert,<br />
produce more effective services for clients. Separating educational or clinical elements<br />
from this holistic definition distorts the fundamental essence of social work supervision.<br />
Similar to principles of effective practice, supervision is an interpersonal and interactional<br />
process between worker and supervisor. The importance of offering and<br />
modelling positive elements in a supportive, performance and outcomes-oriented<br />
relationship is reinforced in the literature.<br />
Conceptualization of <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong>: A Review of the Literature<br />
Toward an evidence-base for clinical social work supervision<br />
Does the research on social work supervision provide evidence to support this<br />
conceptual model and related principles and practices? Two recent reviews of the<br />
empirical research on social work supervision, one spanning 1970–1995 (Tsui, 1997)<br />
and one spanning 1994–2004 (Bogo & McKnight, 2005) uncovered a dearth of studies<br />
in this regard. The existing studies used small sample sizes, used exploratory, survey<br />
and cross-sectional designs; and contributed modestly to theory-building or providing<br />
evidence for best practices. The studies reviewed, however, did offer some support<br />
for some elements identified in the conceptual literature. For example, Erera and<br />
Lazar (1994) found supervision consisted of the three major functions: administrative,<br />
educational and supportive. A number of studies investigated the organizational<br />
context of supervision and found that the agency’s mandate and focus shape the nature<br />
of supervision provided (Berger & Mizrahi, 2001; Gibelman & Schervish, 1995,<br />
1997; Gleeson & Philbin, 1996). Organizational climate affects supervisors’ and staff<br />
performance and is positively associated with an environment that emphasizes task<br />
orientation, staff involvement, autonomy and clarity of rules (Eisikovits et al., 1985).<br />
Organizational climate also affects satisfaction with greater levels of trust among<br />
colleagues associated with higher satisfaction in child welfare (Silver et al., 1997).<br />
The influential nature of the supervisory relationship was supported (Hensley, 2002).<br />
Administrative, educational and supportive aspects were valued by supervisees and<br />
seen in behaviours such as availability, delegated responsibility to supervisees who<br />
can undertake a task (Granvold, 1978; York, 1996), are knowledgeable about tasks<br />
and skills (Drake & Washeck, 1998; Himle, et al., 1989), are able to relate techniques<br />
to theory (Drake & Washeck, 1998), provide instrumental support (Himle et al., 1989)<br />
and serve as a role model (Drake & Washeck, 1998; Hensley, 2002). General support<br />
was associated with higher worker satisfaction (Newsome & Pillari, 1991; Rauktis &<br />
Koeske, 1994). Workers were more satisfied when they perceived supervisors’ use of<br />
authority as based on their knowledge and skill rather than their middle manager<br />
role (Munson, 1993) and when supervisors communicated in a mutual style (Bowers,<br />
et al., 1999; York & Denton, 1990).<br />
References<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
Barker, R.L. (1995). Social work supervision. In Social Work Dictionary. Washington, DC: NASW Press.<br />
Barretta-Herman, A. (1993). On the development of a model of supervision for licensed social work<br />
practitioners. The <strong>Clinical</strong> Supervisor, 11 (2), 55–64.<br />
Berger, C. & Mizrahi, T. (2001). An evolving paradigm of supervision within the changing health care<br />
environment. Social Work in Health Care, 32 (4), 1–18.<br />
Bernard, J.M. & Goodyear, R.K. (2004). Fundamentals of clinical supervision (3rd ed.). Boston, MA:<br />
Pearson.<br />
Bogo, M. & McKnight, K. (2005). <strong>Clinical</strong> supervision in social work: A review of the research literature.<br />
The <strong>Clinical</strong> Supervisor, 24 (1/2), 49–67.<br />
Bowers, B., Esmond, S. & Canales, M. (1999). Approaches to case management supervision.<br />
Administration in Social Work, 23 (1), 29–49.<br />
Bruce, E.J. & Austin, M.J. (2000). Social work supervision: Assessing the past and mapping the future.<br />
The <strong>Clinical</strong> Supervisor, 19 (2), 85–107.<br />
Drake, B. & Washeck, J. (1998). A competency-based method for providing worker feedback to CPS<br />
supervisors. Administration in Social Work, 22 (3), 55-74.<br />
Eisikovits, Z., Meier, R., Guttman, E., Shurka, E. & Levinstein, A. (1985). <strong>Supervision</strong> in ecological context:<br />
The relationship between the quality of supervision and the work and treatment environment. Journal<br />
of Social Service Research, 8 (4), 37–58.<br />
Erera, I.P. & Lazar, A. (1994). The administrative and educational functions in supervision: Indications of<br />
incompatibility. The <strong>Clinical</strong> Supervisor, 12 (2), 39–56.<br />
Gibelman, M. & Schervish, P. H. (1995). Pay equity in social work: Not! Social Work, 40 (5), 622–629.<br />
Gibelman, M. & Schervish, P.H. (1997). <strong>Supervision</strong> in social work: Characteristics and trends in a changing<br />
environment. The <strong>Clinical</strong> Supervisor, 16 (2), 1–15.<br />
Gleeson, J.P. & Philbin, C.M. (1996). Preparing caseworkers for practice in kinship foster care:<br />
The supervisor’s dilemma. The <strong>Clinical</strong> Supervisor, 14 (1), 19–34.<br />
Granvold, D.K. (1978). Training social work supervisors to meet organizational and worker objectives.<br />
Journal of Education for Social Work, 14, 38–45.<br />
Hensley, P.H. (2002). The value of supervision. The <strong>Clinical</strong> Supervisor, 21 (1), 97–110.<br />
Himle, D.P., Jayaratne, S. & Thyness, P.A. (1989). The buffering effects of four types of supervisory<br />
support on work stress. Administration in Social Work, 13 (1), 19–34.<br />
Kadushin, A. (1976). <strong>Supervision</strong> in Social Work. New York, NY: Columbia University Press.<br />
Kadushin, A. & Harkness, D. (2002). <strong>Supervision</strong> in Social Work (4th ed.). New York, NY: Columbia<br />
University Press.<br />
Kaiser, T.L. & Barretta-Herman, A. (1999). The <strong>Supervision</strong> Institute: A model for supervisory training.<br />
The <strong>Clinical</strong> Supervisor, 18 (1), 33–46.<br />
Munson, C.E. (1993). <strong>Clinical</strong> Social Work <strong>Supervision</strong> (2nd ed.). Binghamton, NY: Haworth Press.<br />
Munson, C.E. (2002). <strong>Handbook</strong> of <strong>Clinical</strong> Social Work <strong>Supervision</strong> (3rd ed.). Binghamton, NY: Haworth<br />
Press.<br />
Conceptualization of <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong>: A Review of the Literature<br />
Newsome, M. & Pillari, V. (1991). Job satisfaction and the worker/supervisor relationship. The <strong>Clinical</strong><br />
Supervisor, 9 (2), 119–129.<br />
Rauktis, M.E. & Koeske, G. F. (1994). Maintaining social worker morale: When supportive supervision is<br />
not enough. Administration in Social Work, 18 (1), 39–60.<br />
Shulman, L. (1993). Interactional <strong>Supervision</strong>. Washington, DC: NASW Press.<br />
Shulman, L. (2005). The clinical supervisor-practitioner working alliance: A parallel process. The <strong>Clinical</strong><br />
Supervisor, 24 (1/2), 23–47.<br />
Silver, P.T., Poulin, J.E. & Manning, R.C. (1997). Surviving the bureaucracy: The predictors of job<br />
satisfaction for the public agency supervisor. The <strong>Clinical</strong> Supervisor, 15 (1), 1–20.<br />
Tsui, M.S. (1997). Empirical research on social work supervision: The state of the art 1970–1995.<br />
Journal of Social Service Research, 23 (2), 39–51.<br />
York, R.O. (1996). Adherence to situational leadership theory among social workers. The <strong>Clinical</strong> Supervisor,<br />
14 (2), 5–24.<br />
York, R.O. & Denton, R.T. (1990). Leadership behavior and supervisory performance: The view from below.<br />
The <strong>Clinical</strong> Supervisor, 8 (1), 93–108.<br />
Scholars in nursing practice have noted that the multiple definitions, models and<br />
organizational structures create more confusion than clarity in understanding clinical<br />
supervision (Clearly & Freeman, 2005; Cutcliffe & Lowe, 2005; Jones, 2003; Kelly et al.,<br />
2001; Yegdich, 1999).<br />
Definitions<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> supervision in nursing means different things to various organizations and<br />
the people they employ (Rizzo, 2003) and it becomes difficult to find one definition<br />
that captures all the key elements (Cutcliffe & Lowe, 2005). Butterworth and Faugier<br />
(1992) define clinical supervision as “an exchange between practicing professionals<br />
to assist the development of professional skills” (p. 12). <strong>Clinical</strong> supervision is also<br />
defined as “a practice-focused professional relationship involving a practitioner<br />
reflecting on practice, guided by a skilled supervisor” (UKCC 1996, p. 4).<br />
Jones (2005) reviewed research literature on clinical supervision and credits Winstanley<br />
and White (2003) with the most comprehensive definition: “focusing upon the<br />
provision of empathetic support to improve therapeutic skills, the transmission of<br />
knowledge and the facilitation of reflective practice. The participants have an opportunity<br />
to evaluate, reflect, and develop their own clinical practice and provide a<br />
support system to one another” (p. 8). She further identifies the following aspects of<br />
supervision that have achieved agreement by nurse educators:<br />
• It is a formal growth-focused relationship.<br />
• It provides an opportunity for the supervisor to review the professional<br />
development of a new practitioner.<br />
• It provides a forum for discussing the practice of care.<br />
• It allows colleagues to learn from and encourage each other.<br />
• It reduces professional isolation, emotional strain and stress.<br />
• It may lead to the development of practice theory. (Jones, 2005)<br />
She adds that clinical supervision in the United States is also known in clinical<br />
settings as “the relationship between the nursing staff and an administrative clinical<br />
staff member. This relationship is primarily supportive and evaluative in function<br />
and does not meet the criteria for clinical supervision as defined in the UK” (p.149).<br />
In summary, these definitions, though varied, describe a process in which the supervisee<br />
and the supervisor discuss issues related to the supervisee’s practice, development<br />
and, to some extent, performance.<br />
Models<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
Sloan (1999) notes that there is no one model of supervision that can deal with the<br />
diversity of clinical needs found in nursing. Differences in definition, models and<br />
the practice of clinical supervision reflect cultural differences between countries,<br />
organizations and nursing specialties. They also reflect differences between North<br />
American and European conceptualizations of clinical supervision.<br />
In North America, clinical supervision refers to relationships between an administrator<br />
or a superior and a more junior supervisee with the supervisor having supervisory<br />
responsibility for the performance of the supervisee (Cutcliffe & Lowe, 2005).<br />
In Europe, clinical supervision emphasizes professional development and support<br />
for the practitioner (Gilmore, 2001). It also focuses on supervisee-led issues that<br />
range from patient care to interpersonal issues with peers (Cutcliffe & Lowe, 2005).<br />
Similarly Jones (2005) refers to the U.K. model as a mandatory reflective practice<br />
between the supervisee and the supervisor, while in the United States, the model<br />
refers more to a relationship between an expert supervisor and a novice or new<br />
Conceptualization of <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong>: A Review of the Literature<br />
nurse supervisee.<br />
Additionally Jones (2005) identifies the three models of clinical supervision found in<br />
the nursing literature:<br />
• the growth model and support model (Faugier, 1992)<br />
• the integrative approach (Hawkins & Shohet, 1989)<br />
• the three function-interactive model (Proctor, 1986).<br />
Growth model<br />
In the growth model, the supervisor facilitates growth both educationally and personally,<br />
assisting in developing clinical autonomy in the supervisee. The focus is on the<br />
relationship aspect of clinical supervision and includes mentorship (Faugier, 1992).<br />
Integrative model<br />
The integrative model divides supervision into four components: supervisor, supervisee,<br />
client and work context. The supervisor and supervisee develop a contract with<br />
negotiated shared tasks and goals (Hawkins & Shohet, 1989).<br />
Three-function interactive model<br />
Proctor’s (1986) three-function interactive model is based on a normative or managerial<br />
function, which promotes and complies with organizational policies. Educational<br />
supervision encompasses activities that develop the professional capacity of supervisees,<br />
including teaching knowledge and skills, and developing self-awareness (Barker, 1995;<br />
Munson, 2002) through, for example, teaching, case consultation, facilitating learning<br />
and growth. This educational component and the restorative or pastoral support<br />
function help the nursing practitioner to understand and manage the emotional<br />
stress of nursing practice.<br />
In the ideal working environment, these models of clinical supervision present benefits<br />
for nursing practice. For instance, several studies have shown that nursing staff<br />
who access clinical supervision acquire a greater readiness to act as well as a greater<br />
openness to change attitudes and outlooks when it comes to:<br />
• solving problems that arise in care relations (Begat et al., 1997; Magnusson et al.,<br />
2002)<br />
• co-ordinating their responses with others (Jones, 2003)<br />
• experiencing greater job satisfaction (Arvidsson et al., 2001; Hyrkäs, 2006)<br />
• improving creativity and organizational climate (Berg & Hallberg, 1999).<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
Toward an evidence-base for clinical supervision in nursing<br />
Does the research on clinical supervision in nursing provide evidence to support the<br />
diverse conceptualizations? Two reviews of the empirical research on clinical supervision<br />
in nursing, one spanning 1990–1999 (Williamson & Dodds, 1999), and the other<br />
spanning 1996–2004 (Jones, 2005) found that different aspects of clinical supervision<br />
are widely studied and described in the nursing literature. This growing interest in<br />
clinical supervision, however, derives mainly from Europe (U.K. and the Scandinavian<br />
countries) and from Australia and New Zealand. There is a paucity of research from<br />
North America (Cutcliffe, 2005; Jones, 2005). The studies reviewed employ surveys<br />
and exploratory interviews with descriptive and systematic qualitative designs and<br />
have begun to contribute to an empirical base. However, investigators note that these<br />
studies address the concept of clinical supervision in nursing while lacking a consensus<br />
about the definition of the term or its components (Yegdich, 1999).<br />
The existing studies contribute to the formation of a definition and all provide<br />
support for its utility. For example, Kelly and colleagues (2001) found that managers<br />
(87.5 per cent), supervisors (85.2 per cent), and the great majority of clinical<br />
psychiatric nurse respondents supported the view that supervision can lead to<br />
personal development.<br />
Studies examined the process of clinical supervision. In one study, it was found that<br />
a focus on the nurse “doing” (defined as the nurse-patient relationship) and not on<br />
the nurse “being” (defined as the nurse as a person) made it easier for nurses to talk<br />
about their feelings and actions (Berg & Hallberg, 1999). A number of studies found<br />
that clinical supervision helps nurses gain knowledge and competence, a sense of<br />
security in nursing situations, and a feeling of personal development (Arvidsson et al.,<br />
2001; Jones, 2003; Magnusson et al., 2002). Additionally, Arvidsson and colleagues<br />
(2001) found that supervision gave nurses a sense of feeling independent, increased<br />
energy, fellowship with others and greater job satisfaction.<br />
Format of clinical supervision<br />
The format of clinical supervision has been investigated by a number of researchers.<br />
In a study of nurses in an acute inpatient mental health setting, Cleary and Freeman<br />
(2005) found nurses preferred ad hoc coping methods such as informal sharing and<br />
support of trusted colleagues rather than a more formal approach. These nurses felt<br />
that one-on-one clinical supervision was impossible due to unit constraints. <strong>Clinical</strong><br />
supervision in open groups was difficult to arrange due to staff leaves, rotations and<br />
Conceptualization of <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong>: A Review of the Literature<br />
skill mix. In contrast, Kelly et al., (2001) found that one-on-one clinical supervision<br />
was the commonly adopted approach by three-quarters of their sample of nurses<br />
in Northern Ireland. Group supervision was offered to only seven per cent of nurses<br />
surveyed.<br />
Factors contributing to quality of supervision<br />
In investigating the factors that contribute to the quality of supervision, Berg and<br />
Hallberg (1999) found that quality depended on the supervisor’s ability to encourage<br />
and create a permissive atmosphere while Kelly and McKenna (2001) identified the<br />
importance of training. They found that 100 per cent of managers and more than<br />
90 per cent of supervisors and clinical psychiatric nurses strongly supported the<br />
need for supervisor training. They also found an overwhelming majority of all<br />
participants agreed that managers are not the best supervisors.<br />
Rafferty, and colleagues (2003) used a modified Delphi method with expert clinical<br />
supervisors to elicit their perceptions about the multi-dimensional aspects of clinical<br />
supervision and to achieve some consensus about crucial components. They found<br />
three main factors that contribute to effective supervision:<br />
• professional support<br />
• learning<br />
• accountability.<br />
Professional support refers to use of time, supervisory environment and mutuality in<br />
the relationship. Supervisors demonstrated the value of supervision by maintaining<br />
appointment times and defining supervision as part of the work. A positive supervisory<br />
environment was defined as offering consistency, comfort, privacy and the absence<br />
of inappropriate distractions. Relationships were built on mutual respect, choice and<br />
negotiation of ground rules.<br />
The second factor is learning, which refers to focus, knowledge and interventions.<br />
Supervisors assist supervisees to articulate, reflect and make meaning of their activities,<br />
which promotes safety and effective nursing care. <strong>Knowledge</strong> is enhanced when<br />
supervisors elicit explanations and identify supervisees’ abilities and needs for professional<br />
development, when they affirm appropriate practice, support professional<br />
esteem, and encourage the continual need for achievable challenges.<br />
The third factor is accountability, which refers to organizational support, recording,<br />
and competency. The organization must provide the commitment and resources<br />
to enable supervisees and supervisors to receive or offer appropriate supervision.<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
A competent supervisor is conscientious about recording processes that specify<br />
content, about knowing who has a right to access information, and recognizing what<br />
constitutes good practice. The maintenance of personal reflective diaries enabled<br />
supervisors to define their own needs for supervision, clarify expectations, and<br />
further develop their skill in supervision.<br />
In summary, clinical supervision researchers in nursing conclude that clinical supervision<br />
is necessary for safe and effective nursing practice and can lead to personal<br />
and professional development (Arvidsson, et al., 2001; Berg & Hallberg, 1999; Kelly<br />
& McKenna, 2001; Rafferty et al., 2003). Nurses, managers and supervisors agree<br />
that the process and format vary depending on the organizational context in which<br />
clinical supervision takes place (Arvidsson, et al., 2001; Berg & Hallberg, 1999;<br />
Jones, 2003; Kelly & McKenna, 2001). Commonly identified elements are:<br />
• positive interpersonal relationships<br />
• affirmation of appropriate practice<br />
• deliberate scheduling of time and space<br />
• reflection and provision of specific applied knowledge<br />
• organizational support<br />
• staff accountability.<br />
A comparison of the social work and nursing literature on clinical supervision reveal<br />
common elements in the approaches offered by Kadushin’s model of three interrelated<br />
functions of social work supervision and Proctor’s three-function interactive model<br />
of nursing supervision. Both models of supervision include an administrative,<br />
supportive and educational component that can lead to increased accountability<br />
and feelings of personal support.<br />
A significant difference between social work and nursing supervision is the lack of<br />
consensus about the definition of clinical supervision in nursing. What is more,<br />
the logistical realities of nursing, including time away from clients, rotating shifts,<br />
24-hour care and stringent time-oriented duties make it challenging to implement<br />
clinical supervision within a nursing environment. By comparison, in many social<br />
work agencies, the daily activities of social work are exempt from many of these<br />
constraints and offer an environment more conducive to regularly scheduled clinical<br />
Conceptualization of <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong>: A Review of the Literature<br />
supervision sessions. Finally, social work has a long history of valuing clinical supervision<br />
as the crucial vehicle for professional development of the social worker. By<br />
contrast, in nursing, it appears from the literature that clinical supervision is more<br />
frequently viewed as an authoritarian and hierarchical activity that arises in response<br />
to an error or indiscretion.<br />
References<br />
Arvidsson, B., Löfgren, H. & Fridlund, B. (2001). Psychiatric nurses’ conceptions of how group<br />
supervision programme in nursing care influences their professional competence: A 4-year follow-up<br />
study. Journal of Nursing Management, 9, 161–171.<br />
Begat, I.B.E., Severinsson, E.I. & Bergen, I.A. (1997). Implementation of clinical supervision in a medical<br />
department: Nurses’ views of the effects. Journal of <strong>Clinical</strong> Nursing, 6, 389–394.<br />
Berg A. & Hallberg I.R. (1999). The meaning and significance of clinical group supervision and supervised<br />
individually planned nursing care as narrated by nurses on a general team psychiatric ward. Journal of<br />
Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 6, 371–381.<br />
Butterworth, T, Faugier, J. (1992). <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> and Mentorship in Nursing. London: Chapman<br />
and Hall.<br />
Cleary, M. & Freeman, A. (2005). The cultural realities of clinical supervision in an acute inpatient<br />
mental health setting. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 26, 489–505.<br />
Cutcliffe, J.R. (2005). From the guest editor—<strong>Clinical</strong> supervision: A search for homogeneity or<br />
heterogeneity? Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 26, 471–473<br />
Cutcliffe, J.R., & Lowe, L. (2005). A comparison of North American and European conceptualizations of<br />
clinical supervision. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 26, 475–488.<br />
Faugier, J. (1992). The supervisor relationship. In T. Butterworth & J. Faugier (Eds.), <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
and Mentorship in Nursing. London, UK: Chapman and Hall<br />
Gilmore, A. (2001). <strong>Clinical</strong> supervision in nursing and health visiting: A review of the UK literature.<br />
In J.R. Cutcliffe, T. Butterworth & B. Proctor (Eds.), Fundamental Themes in <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong><br />
(pp. 125–140). London, UK: Routledge.<br />
Hawkins, P. & Shohet, R. (1989). <strong>Supervision</strong> in the Helping Professions. Milton Keynes: University Press<br />
Hyrkäs, K. (2006). Editorial. <strong>Clinical</strong> supervision: How do we utilize and cultivate the knowledge that we<br />
have gained so far? What do we want to pursue in the future? Journal of Nursing Management, 14, 573–576<br />
Jones, A. (1999). <strong>Clinical</strong> supervision for professional practice. Nursing Standard, 14 (10), 42–44.<br />
Jones, A. (2003). Some benefits experienced by hospice nurses from group clinical supervision. European<br />
Journal of Cancer Care, 12, 224–232.<br />
Jones, J. (2005). <strong>Clinical</strong> supervision in nursing: What’s it all about? The <strong>Clinical</strong> Supervisor, 24 (1/2),<br />
149–162.<br />
Kelly, B., Long, A. & McKenna, H. (2001). A survey of community mental health nurses’ perceptions of<br />
clinical supervision in Northern Ireland. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 8, 33–44.<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
Magnusson, A., Lützén, K. & Severinsson, E. (2002). Journal of Nursing Management, 10, 37–45.<br />
Proctor, B. (1986). <strong>Supervision</strong>: A co-operative exercise in accountability. In M. Marken & Payne (Eds.),<br />
Enabling and Ensuring. Leicester: National Youth Bureau and Council for Education and Training in<br />
Youth and Community Work.<br />
Rafferty, M. & Coleman, M. (2001). Educating nurses to undertake clinical supervision in practice.<br />
Nursing Standard, 10 (45), 38–41.<br />
Rafferty, M., Jenkins, E. & Parke S. (2003). Developing a provisional standard for clinical supervision in<br />
nursing and health visiting: The methodological trail. Qualitative Health Research, 13 (10), 1432–1452.<br />
Rizzo, M.D. (2003). <strong>Clinical</strong> supervision: A working model for substance abuse acute care settings. Health<br />
Care Manager, 22 (2), 136–143.<br />
Sloan, G. (1999). Understanding clinical supervision from a nursing perspective. British Journal of<br />
Nursing, 8 (8), 524–529.<br />
United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting (1996). Position statement<br />
on clinical supervision for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting. London: Author.<br />
Williamson, G.R. & Dodds, S. (1999). The effectiveness of a group approach to clinical supervision in<br />
reducing stress: A review of the literature. Journal of <strong>Clinical</strong> Nursing, 8, 338–344.<br />
Winstanley, J. & White, E. (2003). <strong>Clinical</strong> supervison: Models, measures and best practice. Nurse Researcher,<br />
10(4), 7–38.<br />
Yegdich, T. (1999). <strong>Clinical</strong> supervision and managerial supervision: Some historical considerations.<br />
Journal of Advanced Nursing, 30 (5), 1195–1204.<br />
APPENDIX 2<br />
Evaluation For a<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> Group<br />
PART A<br />
YES NO<br />
Are you currently in supervision elsewhere? ■ ■<br />
If yes, how long have you been in supervision elsewhere? ■ ■<br />
How many times have you attended the clinical supervision group? ■ ■<br />
PART B<br />
YES YES NO<br />
1. The clinical supervision group has helped ■ ■ ■<br />
improve my clinical practice.<br />
If yes, please elaborate on how the clinical supervision group has helped your clinical<br />
practice…<br />
YES YES NO<br />
2. The clinical supervision group makes me<br />
feel more supported in my practice.<br />
■ ■ ■<br />
3. Through the clinical supervision group,<br />
I have learned new ways to approach practice.<br />
■ ■ ■<br />
4. The clinical supervision group has increased<br />
my self-awareness.<br />
■ ■ ■<br />
5. The clinical supervision group has helped me cope<br />
with difficult situations.<br />
■ ■ ■<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
YES YES NO<br />
6. The clinical supervision group has helped<br />
me look more objectively at my work.<br />
■ ■ ■<br />
7. Through attending the clinical supervision group,<br />
I have developed skills in providing peer supervision.<br />
■ ■ ■<br />
8. I feel safe participating in the clinical<br />
supervision group.<br />
■ ■ ■<br />
** If you said somewhat or no to the above question, can you suggest some ways that<br />
would improve safety?<br />
Please comment on the following:<br />
9. What do you feel is missing from the clinical supervision group?<br />
10. What advice do you have for the facilitators?<br />
Developed by Kathy Ryan (2005) in consultation with Ruth Gallop<br />
APPENDIX 3<br />
DATE: _______________________________<br />
As clinician and clinical supervisor, we agree to the following:<br />
• to work together to facilitate in-depth reflection on issues affecting<br />
practice, so developing both personally and professionally to develop<br />
a high level of clinical expertise.<br />
• to meet on average once per week as a group for one hour.<br />
• to protect the time and space for clinical supervision, by keeping to<br />
agreed appointments and time boundaries. Privacy will be respected<br />
and interruptions avoided.<br />
• to provide a record for our employer, showing the times and the dates<br />
of the clinical supervision sessions.<br />
• We will work to the clinician’s agenda, within the framework and focus<br />
negotiated at the beginning of each session. However, the clinical<br />
supervisor reserves the right to highlight items apparently neglected<br />
or unnoticed by the clinician.<br />
• We will work respectfully, both of us being open to feedback about<br />
how we handle the clinical supervision sessions.<br />
We both agree to challenge aspects of this agreement that may be<br />
in dispute.<br />
As a clinician I agree to:<br />
• prepare for the sessions, for example, by having an agenda or<br />
preparing notes, videos, observation opportunities, audiotapes.<br />
• take responsibility for making effective use of the time (including<br />
punctuality), the outcomes and any actions I may take as a result<br />
of clinical supervision.<br />
• Be willing to learn, to develop my clinical skills and be open to<br />
receiving support and challenge.<br />
117<br />
continue next page...
As a clinical supervisor I agree to<br />
• Keep all information you reveal in the clinical supervision sessions<br />
confidential, except for these exceptions:<br />
– You describe any unsafe, unethical, or illegal practice that you are<br />
unwilling to go through the appropriate procedures to address.<br />
– You repeatedly fail to attend sessions.<br />
• In the event of an exception arising, I will attempt to persuade and<br />
support you to deal appropriately with the issue directly yourself.<br />
If I remain concerned, I will reveal the information only after informing<br />
you that I am going to do so.<br />
• At all times work to protect your confidentiality.<br />
• Not allow procedural issues of the work to monopolize the clinical<br />
supervision session.<br />
• Offer you advice, support, and supportive challenge to enable you<br />
to reflect in depth on issues affecting your practice.<br />
• Be committed to continually developing myself as a practicing<br />
professional.<br />
• Keep a record of our clinical supervision sessions.<br />
• Ask for feedback for the purpose of evaluating the clinical supervision<br />
process.<br />
• Use my own clinical supervision to support and develop my own<br />
abilities as a clinical supervisor and clinician, without breaking<br />
confidentiality.<br />
Anything else?<br />
Frequency of Meetings<br />
Venue<br />
Duration of <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> Relationship<br />
Next Review Date<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
Signed Signed<br />
(Clinician) (<strong>Clinical</strong> Supervisor)<br />
Thank you for completing this questionnaire!<br />
Adapted from Bolton Primary Care Trust (2003). <strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> Guidance Document. Available at<br /> Accessed January 15, 2008<br />
APPENDIX 4<br />
Core <strong>Clinical</strong> Practice Competencies<br />
This document has been developed to articulate the practice competencies required<br />
by camh clinicians of all professional disciplines. Each discipline has unique<br />
domains and standards of practice determined by a regulatory body and/or professional<br />
association. All camh clinicians must maintain membership in good standing<br />
in their college or professional association. This document is offered as a guide to<br />
the essential competencies required of all professionals in the organization. Other<br />
documents such as the camh Code of Conduct, camh Leadership Profile and camh<br />
Values and Mission Statement also delineate expectations of camh staff. This document<br />
is specifically intended for use by camh clinicians to improve clinical practice and<br />
client care. It may act as a framework by which camh clinicians develop learning plans,<br />
monitor practice, set career milestones, and create professional development goals. It<br />
may also act as a guideline for reviewing competency at each level of development.<br />
Additionally, it may be used by:<br />
• camh staff involved in orientation of students and new staff<br />
• clients and other people using camh services to better understand the various<br />
levels of practice of camh clinicians<br />
• apn /apc / discipline chiefs and program managers to create a context for guiding<br />
and evaluating the practice of supervisees<br />
• camh administrators to effectively distinguish, maintain and further refine<br />
standards of practice of camh clinicians, and to support them in the hiring and<br />
retention of individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills required to<br />
meet the needs of clients.<br />
This document has been organized along a continuum of practice in order to<br />
acknowledge that clinicians acquire knowledge and skills over time and that practice<br />
matures in recognizable and definable ways. In domains of practice common to all<br />
mental health and addictions professionals—therapeutic relationships, assessment,<br />
intervention, evaluation, professionalism, collaborative practice—these core<br />
competencies provide common language about job and performance expectations.<br />
Ultimately, the development of these competencies across the organization will ensure<br />
that camh clinicians are current in providing clients with evidence-based practices.<br />
Three distinct levels of practice are delineated and each level coincides with the<br />
development of practice as clinicians continue to gain skill, knowledge and professional<br />
wisdom. It is possible that one may practice at a higher or lower level in certain<br />
domains but the level of practice is defined by where one most consistently practices,<br />
keeping all areas in mind. The same levels are for use across disciplines, and each<br />
discipline has its own body of work and expertise, so the skills and behaviours practised<br />
at each level will be different for each discipline. Each level of practice builds upon the<br />
previous one, with increasingly greater competency, proficiency and excellence in the<br />
breadth and depth of practice. It is also written in such a way that each clinical program<br />
can adapt it more specifically to the particular needs of their client population.<br />
The levels of practice identified here are:<br />
• competent practice<br />
• proficient practice<br />
• expert practice.<br />
Competent practice<br />
Competent practice is characterized by entry-level clinical knowledge and skill by<br />
a clinician who has completed an accredited educational program of study. The<br />
competent clinician requires ongoing clinical supervision in order to become<br />
proficient in specific knowledge and skill areas.<br />
Proficient practice<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
Proficient practice is characterized by specialized clinical knowledge and skill whereby<br />
the clinician is practising at an autonomous or intermediate level (typically three<br />
years of experience in a specialized mental health/addiction field). The proficient<br />
clinician is a recognized role model, student preceptor, clinical resource and leader<br />
demonstrating clinical mastery and commitment to achieving program goals while<br />
continuing to seek improvement through clinical supervision or consultation.<br />
Expert practice<br />
Expert practice is characterized by the ability to lead, direct, support and influence<br />
clinical practice within the organization. This clinician possesses intuition and has<br />
developed a specialized knowledge and skill level that is grounded in higher education<br />
and practical experience (typically five or more years). The expert clinician teaches,<br />
supervises and consults with other members of the health care team. He or she takes<br />
on an active part in the achievement of program goals.<br />
NOTE: The term “client” is used to inclusively refer to individuals and their families,<br />
groups or communities serviced by camh clinicians. However, the “client” of the<br />
expert clinician is often clinical staff functioning at competent and/or proficient levels<br />
of practice or the organization itself. “Family” is whoever the client determines his<br />
or her family to be.<br />
The following chart outlines the domains of practice required for clinicians at<br />
camh. The domains are:<br />
• clinician-client relationship<br />
• family and social support<br />
• professional autonomy and accountability<br />
• embracing cultural diversity<br />
• clinical assessment: interviewing, formulation, treatment planning and<br />
documentation<br />
• therapeutic interventions with clients, groups and families: practice,<br />
documentation and case management<br />
• anticipation and responding to rapidly changing situation<br />
• program development, implementation and evaluation of care<br />
• outreach<br />
• teamwork, collaboration and partnerships<br />
• ethical, organizational and legal accountabilities<br />
• professional development and research<br />
• consultation and education<br />
Core <strong>Clinical</strong> Practice Competencies<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong> Core <strong>Clinical</strong> Practice Competencies<br />
Proficient Expert<br />
Possesses expert knowledge,<br />
skill and intuition and applies<br />
the competency in the most<br />
complex situations at various<br />
levels within and across the<br />
organization<br />
Possesses specialized, advanced<br />
clinical knowledge and skill and<br />
practices autonomously across<br />
a wide range of increasingly<br />
complex clinical situations<br />
Competent<br />
Possesses entry-level clinical<br />
knowledge and skill and has<br />
knowledge and skill to implement<br />
the competency in routine<br />
practice in a variety of clinical<br />
situations<br />
• Engages in and role-models<br />
excellence in therapeutic<br />
relationships with clients as<br />
well as professional relationships<br />
with supervisees and<br />
other staff<br />
• Demonstrates high level of<br />
self-awareness and able to not<br />
only acknowledge own personal<br />
• Demonstrates mastery in<br />
effectively engaging in, maintaining<br />
and terminating<br />
therapeutic relationships<br />
• Models therapeutic relationships<br />
with clients and demonstrates<br />
the same principles in<br />
relationships with students,<br />
staff and larger systems<br />
• Understands that the therapeutic<br />
relationship between<br />
clinician and client is foundational<br />
to effective mental<br />
health and addiction practice<br />
• Facilitates therapeutic relationships<br />
with clients that:<br />
– focus on trust, respect,<br />
compassion, empathy and<br />
Clinician-Client Relationship<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong> Core <strong>Clinical</strong> Practice Competencies<br />
Competent Proficient Expert<br />
values, transference/countertransference<br />
and, parallel<br />
process issues and respond<br />
accordingly but also intuitively<br />
anticipates the same<br />
• Effectively demonstrates<br />
differential use of self in<br />
therapeutic relationships<br />
• Fosters, and consistently<br />
monitors, the environment to<br />
ensure that clients and<br />
clinicians are safe from abuse<br />
• Provides ongoing training and<br />
clinical supervision to assist<br />
and support staff in engaging<br />
in effective therapeutic relationships<br />
following the guidelines,<br />
values and principles<br />
outlined in the camh <strong>Clinical</strong><br />
<strong>Supervision</strong> handbook<br />
• Provides debriefing after<br />
critical incidents involving<br />
clinicians and clients<br />
• Seeks consultation with<br />
colleagues as needed<br />
• Demonstrates high level of<br />
self-awareness and an ability<br />
to respond effectively to<br />
transference and countertransference<br />
issues<br />
• Promptly and effectively<br />
addresses any inequitable or<br />
discriminatory behaviours<br />
toward clients, families and<br />
others at camh<br />
• Advocates on behalf of the<br />
client and champions camh<br />
Bill of Client Rights<br />
• Provides guidance, support,<br />
knowledge and skills to staff<br />
and students in understanding,<br />
creating and maintaining<br />
therapeutic relationships<br />
• Seeks supervision as needed<br />
regarding to clinician-client<br />
relationship issues<br />
client strengths<br />
– promote and provide biopsychosocial-spiritual<br />
and<br />
cultural comfort and<br />
sensitivity to clients<br />
– protect client confidentiality<br />
– respect client autonomy,<br />
dignity, privacy and rights<br />
• Demonstrates self-awareness<br />
of his or her beliefs, values,<br />
social location and culture<br />
and their influence on therapeutic<br />
relationships<br />
• Responds appropriately when<br />
differences arise between self<br />
and clients from diverse<br />
groups<br />
• Ensures that appropriate<br />
boundaries between professional<br />
therapeutic relationships<br />
and non-professional<br />
personal relationships are<br />
maintained<br />
• Recognizes when triggers<br />
Clinician-Client Relationship<br />
continued<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong> Core <strong>Clinical</strong> Practice Competencies<br />
Competent Proficient Expert<br />
regarding staff-client issues<br />
that arise with supervisees or<br />
with own clients<br />
occur (e.g., own “buttons”<br />
are pushed) and responds<br />
appropriately seeking supervision<br />
as necessary<br />
• Assumes a wellness and<br />
recovery perspective<br />
• Creates a safe, respectful and<br />
caring environment for clients<br />
• Communicates with respect<br />
• Uses language that is nonstigmatizing.<br />
• Seeks out guidance, support,<br />
knowledge, skills and regular<br />
supervision with respect to<br />
therapeutic relationships and<br />
clinical work<br />
Clinician-Client Relationship<br />
continued<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong> Core <strong>Clinical</strong> Practice Competencies<br />
Competent Proficient Expert<br />
Family and Social Support • Understands the impact of • Has a comprehensive knowl- • Recognized as an expert in<br />
family functioning on mental edge of family systems theory, one or more models of family<br />
health/illness/addictions<br />
family process, dynamics and therapy practice<br />
• Values and appropriately<br />
functioning<br />
• Provides family therapy<br />
includes family and social • Understands the impact of training and supervision<br />
support systems in the<br />
illness on family functioning across the Centre and at<br />
assessment, planning and and family functioning on local, provincial and national<br />
treatment of client care<br />
illness<br />
forums<br />
• Is able to assess family needs • Conducts family assessments<br />
and how best to involve them using evidence-based models<br />
in the client’s care<br />
• Purposefully works with client<br />
• Shares knowledge of commu- and family to enhance family<br />
nity supports and resources functioning and cohesion<br />
for families with a member using evidence-based family<br />
experiencing mental health therapy models<br />
and/or addiction problem(s) • Able to provide treatment that<br />
• Seeks out family therapy<br />
emphasizes family as the unit<br />
training and supervision<br />
of care<br />
• Supervises others in family<br />
therapy<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong> Core <strong>Clinical</strong> Practice Competencies<br />
Competent Proficient Expert<br />
• Uses standards of practice,<br />
legislation, ethical and legal<br />
knowledge to clarify scope of<br />
practice for self and others<br />
• Anticipates factors that may<br />
interfere with professional<br />
autonomy of staff situation<br />
(i.e., staffing ratios, low staff<br />
morale) and seeks to remedy<br />
• Shares and models dissemination<br />
of evidence-based<br />
practices to continuously<br />
improve outcomes for clients<br />
and families experiencing<br />
mental health and / or<br />
addiction problems<br />
• Displays strong leadership<br />
skills within the program,<br />
organization and community<br />
to influence the profession,<br />
mental health and addiction<br />
health care, and the provincial<br />
health care system<br />
• Monitors, refines and advances<br />
standards of practice in his or<br />
her profession and program<br />
• Shares knowledge and expertise<br />
with other clinicians and<br />
students to meet client need<br />
• Informs competent staff<br />
and students of resources<br />
available to support their<br />
practice, consolidation and<br />
development<br />
• Displays initiative for new<br />
ideas within the program and<br />
organization<br />
• Works within program,<br />
organization and community<br />
to decrease stigma associated<br />
with mental health and<br />
addiction<br />
• Works autonomously and<br />
makes clinical decisions seeking<br />
supervision appropriately<br />
as needed<br />
• Understands her or his scope<br />
of practice, and seeks timely<br />
assistance from proficient<br />
and expert clinicians<br />
• Recognizes and embraces<br />
the importance and value of<br />
helping relationships<br />
• Demonstrates a commitment<br />
to helping clients and families<br />
achieve their goals<br />
• Practises honesty, dignity,<br />
respect, compassion and<br />
integrity with each individual<br />
and family<br />
• Honours and maintains client<br />
and family confidentiality<br />
• Understands the influence of<br />
stigma on clients and supports<br />
clients and family who feel<br />
stigmatized<br />
• Maintains competency and<br />
refrains from activities<br />
in which he or she is not<br />
competent<br />
Professional Autonomy<br />
and Accountability<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong> Core <strong>Clinical</strong> Practice Competencies<br />
Competent Proficient Expert<br />
• Has comprehensive and<br />
detailed knowledge and skill<br />
in working with diverse populations<br />
and applies to program<br />
planning and evaluation<br />
• Is a recognized expert in<br />
diversity training and provides<br />
consultation to specialized<br />
populations, colleagues and<br />
other health care professionals<br />
who are learning to implement<br />
culturally sensitive care<br />
• Possesses extensive knowledge<br />
of diversity issues and<br />
delivers culturally sensitive<br />
care to individuals, agencies<br />
and communities<br />
• Mentors colleagues in diversity<br />
training<br />
• Helps diverse client populations<br />
to implement programs<br />
in their communities<br />
• Understands, identifies and<br />
responds to issues of diversity<br />
and how they influence client<br />
health and illness<br />
• Incorporates knowledge of<br />
cultural and socio-economic<br />
issues and develops effective<br />
working relationships with<br />
various client populations<br />
within and outside of camh<br />
Embracing Cultural Diversity<br />
• Recognized by others as<br />
expert in assessment<br />
processes<br />
• In own clinical practice and in<br />
supervising others, is able to<br />
take a meta-perspective on<br />
client/family situation and<br />
rapidly synthesize and interpret<br />
multiple levels of data in<br />
complex client and family<br />
assessment situations<br />
• Demonstrates a whole<br />
systems perspective in clinical<br />
interviewing, formulation and<br />
documentation<br />
• Able to independently<br />
conduct family assessments<br />
utilizing a systemic,<br />
strengths-based approach<br />
• Has acquired and applies<br />
substantial knowledge of<br />
clinical assessment process,<br />
• Collaborates with clients and<br />
other members of the health<br />
care team to complete comprehensive<br />
assessments that<br />
consider mental, psychological,<br />
social, spiritual and physical<br />
health<br />
• Demonstrates sensitivity to<br />
client gender and diversity<br />
issues<br />
• Selects, applies and interprets<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> Assessment:<br />
Interviewing, Formulation,<br />
Treatment Planning and<br />
Documentation<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong> Core <strong>Clinical</strong> Practice Competencies<br />
Competent Proficient Expert<br />
• Applies development research<br />
in evaluating assessment<br />
tools and instruments to<br />
measure clinical outcomes<br />
• Teaches, champions and<br />
advances innovative knowledge<br />
in assessment practices—<br />
interviewing, formulation,<br />
treatment planning and camh<br />
documentation initiatives<br />
(e.g., electronic health record)<br />
• Demonstrates masterful<br />
knowledge, skill and experience<br />
in understanding and enhancing<br />
client motivation<br />
• Demonstrates masterful<br />
knowledge, skill and experience<br />
in developing plans of care in<br />
complex clinical situations<br />
that honour and respect client<br />
goals particularly when goals<br />
of client and family differ<br />
from those of the clinician<br />
• Transfers knowledge and<br />
provides supervision to<br />
measurement tools, and<br />
evidence-based treatments<br />
for clinical population<br />
• Demonstrates advocacy for<br />
clients at a higher organizational<br />
level (e.g., odsp)<br />
• Demonstrates knowledge of<br />
tools for special populations<br />
(e.g., t-ace (screening for<br />
alcohol dependence in<br />
pregnant women)<br />
• Responds to issues of culture<br />
and diversity in a purposeful<br />
manner, building on client<br />
strengths and seeking additional<br />
supports and resources<br />
as needed<br />
• Identifies barriers within the<br />
care delivery process that can<br />
impact on client goals being<br />
achieved<br />
• Designs treatment plans for<br />
complex, sensitive situations<br />
that require substantial<br />
co-ordination between services<br />
evidence-informed screening<br />
and/or assessment tools<br />
• Utilizes cultural assessments<br />
tools<br />
• Understands and utilizes evidence-based<br />
tools appropriate<br />
to the client’s situation (i.e.,<br />
subscribed outcome tools in<br />
treat, mse, dsm iv, ciwa-a<br />
cage and physical examination<br />
including screening for<br />
co-morbidity)<br />
• Understands and takes into<br />
account social determinants<br />
of health (i.e., poverty,<br />
employment, housing, health,<br />
social support, past trauma)<br />
during the assessment<br />
• Understands the influence of<br />
having an addiction on mental<br />
health and of mental health<br />
problems on the development<br />
of an addiction<br />
• Considers concurrent disorders<br />
in assessment:<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> Assessment:<br />
Interviewing, Formulation,<br />
Treatment Planning and<br />
Documentation continued<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong> Core <strong>Clinical</strong> Practice Competencies<br />
Competent Proficient Expert<br />
others, ensuring clinical<br />
integrity in clinical assessment<br />
practices—<br />
interviewing, formulation<br />
and documentation<br />
• Engages with the client and<br />
other resources to adjust the<br />
treatment plan as needed<br />
• Works with staff to help<br />
bridge any gaps between<br />
client goals and clinician<br />
goals for client and develops<br />
strategies to enhance client<br />
motivation<br />
• Coaches and/or mentors<br />
others to ensure clinical<br />
integrity in assessment<br />
processes—interviewing,<br />
formulation, treatment<br />
planning and documentation<br />
• Seeks supervision as needed<br />
with respect to interviewing,<br />
formulation and<br />
documentation<br />
– able to screen for alcohol<br />
and other drug problems,<br />
dependence, symptoms of<br />
withdrawal and intoxication<br />
– able to take a history of<br />
alcohol and drug consumption,<br />
consequences of<br />
alcohol and drug use<br />
(physical and social);<br />
assess sexual practices,<br />
injection drug use, driving<br />
while impaired<br />
• Considers trauma factors<br />
in assessment<br />
• Ensures physical health<br />
issues are included in<br />
assessment<br />
• Assesses clients’ need for<br />
language support<br />
• Formulates an individualized,<br />
comprehensive plan of care<br />
with the client to accurately<br />
respect and reflect the complexity<br />
of client values, preferences,<br />
needs and goals and<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> Assessment:<br />
Interviewing, Formulation,<br />
Treatment Planning and<br />
Documentation continued<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong> Core <strong>Clinical</strong> Practice Competencies<br />
Competent Proficient Expert<br />
that integrates evidencebased<br />
treatment modalities<br />
• Recognizes and respects<br />
clients’ unique differences,<br />
strengths and barriers and<br />
customizes individual plans<br />
of care accordingly<br />
• Determines and shares with<br />
the client the treatment plan,<br />
monitors course of treatment<br />
and assists clients experiencing<br />
setbacks<br />
• Documents client assessments<br />
in a clear, concise and<br />
timely manner on camhapproved<br />
forms (e.g., eIPCC)<br />
and in accordance with camh<br />
documentation policies and<br />
guidelines<br />
• Seeks assistance from experienced<br />
staff in all aspects of<br />
clinical assessment<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> Assessment:<br />
Interviewing, Formulation,<br />
Treatment Planning and<br />
Documentation continued<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong> Core <strong>Clinical</strong> Practice Competencies<br />
Competent Proficient Expert<br />
• Recognized as an expert in<br />
providing individual, group<br />
and/or family therapy utilizing<br />
most effective evidence-based<br />
approaches in a flexible,<br />
innovative and confident<br />
self-directed approach<br />
• Communicates and models<br />
excellence in client care<br />
• Effectively facilitates group<br />
therapy in which complex<br />
issues arise (e.g., disruptive<br />
behaviours, disengaged members)<br />
and provides others in<br />
the field with group therapy<br />
supervision or published<br />
materials<br />
• Evaluates evidence-based<br />
approaches for mental health<br />
and/or addiction treatment<br />
• Creates a program context<br />
that supports quality practice<br />
• Forms partnerships to facilitate<br />
programs within and<br />
outside of camh<br />
• Has substantial knowledge of<br />
and skills related to client,<br />
group and/or family specific<br />
interventions (e.g.,<br />
Motivational Interviewing,<br />
cbt, dbt, ipt, ccrt, family<br />
therapy)<br />
• Delivers and models above<br />
interventions using a whole<br />
systems perspective<br />
• In group therapy, recognizes<br />
difficult group dynamics and<br />
facilitates discussion to<br />
resolve issues while achieving<br />
group goals<br />
• Demonstrates an ability to<br />
make autonomous clinical<br />
decisions<br />
• Applies a variety of mechanisms<br />
to ensure excellence in<br />
clinical care (e.g., client<br />
satisfaction, accreditation)<br />
• Provides mentorship to staff<br />
with respect to clinical practice,<br />
documentation and case<br />
• Ensures that his or her practice<br />
is grounded in theory and<br />
applies evidence-based practices<br />
to meet specific client<br />
and family mental health<br />
and/or addiction concerns<br />
and needs<br />
• Delivers client-, group- and<br />
family-centred interventions<br />
in a non-judgmental and nondiscriminatory<br />
manner<br />
• Tailors interventions to meet<br />
developmental and cultural<br />
needs of the client and family<br />
• Understands group dynamics<br />
and is able to effectively<br />
facilitate group therapy,<br />
engaging the group while<br />
accommodating needs of<br />
specific individuals<br />
• Understands how to access,<br />
and subsequently provides,<br />
appropriate information and<br />
resources to clients and<br />
families to help them<br />
Therapeutic Interventions with<br />
Clients, Groups and Families:<br />
Practice, Documentation and<br />
Case Management<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong> Core <strong>Clinical</strong> Practice Competencies<br />
Competent Proficient Expert<br />
• Ensures resources are available<br />
across the organization<br />
for staff to provide most<br />
effective treatments for clients<br />
• Develops opportunities for<br />
client education and empowerment<br />
and demonstrates<br />
leadership in the field at local,<br />
and national educational<br />
events and programs<br />
• Develops policies and practices<br />
to meet needs of diverse<br />
populations<br />
• Sets standards of excellence<br />
for client care<br />
• Develops, modifies and<br />
evaluates camh documentation<br />
policies, practices and<br />
forms to continuously<br />
improve client and family care<br />
management issues<br />
• Forms partnerships with<br />
community groups<br />
• Seeks supervision as needed<br />
with respect to clinical practice,<br />
documentation and case<br />
management<br />
participate in and/or make<br />
informed decisions about<br />
their care and treatments<br />
• Advocates on behalf of client;<br />
shares knowledge of advocacy<br />
resources available to clients<br />
and families internally and<br />
externally<br />
• Supports family members<br />
• Seeks supervision or<br />
resources / evidence needed<br />
to inform safe, effective clinical<br />
practice<br />
Therapeutic Interventions with<br />
Clients, Groups and Families:<br />
Practice, Documentation and<br />
Case Management continued<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong> Core <strong>Clinical</strong> Practice Competencies<br />
Competent Proficient Expert<br />
• Takes leadership in developing,<br />
modifying and evaluating<br />
policy and practice guidelines<br />
regarding to emergency codes<br />
• Explicitly identifies, anticipates<br />
and foresees an emergency<br />
code (e.g., client appearing<br />
aggravated and becoming<br />
increasingly defiant) and<br />
prevents it from occurring<br />
with de-escalation strategies<br />
• Provides debriefing and<br />
supervision to staff after critical<br />
incidents (i.e., code white,<br />
code Blue) involving staff<br />
and clients<br />
• Regularly analyses code<br />
functioning with team<br />
• Invites external perspectives<br />
on risk assessment and<br />
mitigating strategies<br />
• Provides leadership, intervention<br />
and support in all camh<br />
emergency codes<br />
• Supports and educates staff<br />
and students according<br />
emergency codes<br />
• Modifies environment to<br />
minimize occurrence of codes<br />
(e.g., triggers to a code white)<br />
• Continuously assesses and<br />
anticipates psychiatric emergencies<br />
(e.g., self harm, harm<br />
to others) within specified<br />
client population using<br />
evidence-based tools<br />
• Recognizes symptoms and<br />
risk of withdrawal from<br />
alcohol and / or drugs and<br />
responds in a timely manner<br />
using evidence-based<br />
protocols<br />
• Analyzes and interprets<br />
unusual client responses and<br />
responds in a timely manner<br />
• Creates and documents<br />
safety plans<br />
• Recognizes role in a code<br />
white and for nursing staff,<br />
or a code blue<br />
• Familiar with policies and procedures<br />
related to emergency<br />
responses (e.g., codes blue,<br />
white, red) and participates in<br />
educational opportunities on<br />
Anticipating and Responding to<br />
Rapidly Changing Situations<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong> Core <strong>Clinical</strong> Practice Competencies<br />
Competent Proficient Expert<br />
these codes<br />
• Demonstrates ability to intervene<br />
appropriately with<br />
clients assessed to be at risk<br />
of harm to self or others<br />
• Seeks immediate assistance<br />
in rapidly changing situations<br />
that exceed level of competence<br />
or confidence<br />
Anticipating and Responding to<br />
Rapidly Changing Situations<br />
continued<br />
• Leads team in program development,<br />
implementation and<br />
evaluation across programs,<br />
camh as an organization<br />
and within the community<br />
• Acts as leader for camh in<br />
addressing gaps for specialized<br />
populations at local,<br />
provincial or national level<br />
and incorporates findings<br />
into ongoing program<br />
development<br />
Proficient<br />
• Demonstrates global perspective<br />
on developing, implementing<br />
and evaluating client<br />
care programs<br />
• Leads team and supervises<br />
others in generating ideas for<br />
new programs or modifying<br />
existing ones, and in implementing<br />
and evaluating<br />
programs<br />
• Collaborates effectively with<br />
colleagues involved in the<br />
Competent<br />
• Recognizes, respects and<br />
validates client and family<br />
goals in the development,<br />
implementation and evaluation<br />
of camh approaches<br />
to care<br />
and programs<br />
• Identifies need for refining<br />
current approaches to care<br />
and/or for developing new<br />
approaches or programs<br />
of care<br />
Program Development,<br />
Implementation and Evaluation<br />
of Care<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong> Core <strong>Clinical</strong> Practice Competencies<br />
Competent Proficient Expert<br />
• Is a recognized expert<br />
and leader in program<br />
development, planning<br />
and evaluation<br />
program development and<br />
evaluation<br />
• Applies knowledge of<br />
research methodologies in<br />
analysing data<br />
• Independently writes reports<br />
related to program changes,<br />
development of new programs<br />
and evaluation of programs<br />
• Plans and implements new<br />
programs and utilizes analytical<br />
skills to evaluate them<br />
• Evaluates outcomes of treatment<br />
in light of client and<br />
health care team goals and<br />
modifies plans with client and<br />
team accordingly<br />
• Contributes to reports related<br />
to modifying or designing<br />
new approaches or programs<br />
Program Development,<br />
Implementation and Evaluation<br />
of Care continued<br />
• Is a recognized expert for<br />
designing outreach programs<br />
for specialized populations<br />
• Identifies gaps in outreach<br />
programs and collaborates<br />
with community partners to<br />
improve and modify existing<br />
programs or create new ones<br />
• Provides supervision and<br />
leadership across camh and<br />
supports programs to be<br />
delivered within communities<br />
• Delivers a variety of evidencebased<br />
outreach services in<br />
the community<br />
• Supports and supervises<br />
others to design and deliver<br />
culturally sensitive outreach<br />
services<br />
• Demonstrates good understanding<br />
of outreach needs<br />
in a community within<br />
specialized population<br />
• Participates in program delivery<br />
and evaluation of culturally<br />
sensitive outreach programs<br />
based on evidence-based<br />
practices<br />
• Seeks out necessary supervision<br />
in delivering and<br />
evaluating outreach programs<br />
Outreach<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong> Core <strong>Clinical</strong> Practice Competencies<br />
Competent Proficient Expert<br />
• Creates a team culture that<br />
facilitates collaboration on<br />
multiple dimensions within<br />
multiple systems to improve<br />
client care<br />
• Teaches, coaches and mentors<br />
staff and draws forth their<br />
strengths<br />
• Offers supervision that is consistent<br />
with qualities of a<br />
supervisor-supervisee relationship<br />
as outlined in the camh<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong><br />
• Creates opportunities to<br />
develop clinicians into leaders<br />
• Possesses community development<br />
skills and pursues<br />
partnerships with other internal<br />
and external providers<br />
• Fosters innovation, creativity<br />
and commitment to organizational<br />
change<br />
• Builds partnerships with<br />
various levels of government<br />
to champion the agenda of<br />
camh<br />
• Possesses excellent understanding<br />
and demonstrates<br />
skill related to effective team<br />
dynamics and functioning<br />
• Successfully assists staff to<br />
manage conflicts that arise<br />
within the team<br />
• Shares information directly<br />
and openly and will engage in<br />
difficult conversations<br />
• Builds teams that work well<br />
together, experience trust,<br />
openness and flexibility<br />
• Creates team context that<br />
effectively addresses conflict<br />
and ambiguity<br />
• Works with team differences<br />
to develop a stronger, more<br />
effective team<br />
• Addresses power dynamics<br />
• Demonstrates knowledge of<br />
the roles of various members<br />
of the team<br />
• Displays initiative, works collaboratively<br />
within the team,<br />
asks questions, exercises<br />
professional judgment and<br />
seeks consultation as needed<br />
• Recognizes potential for conflict<br />
and applies basic conflict<br />
resolution strategies<br />
• Possesses knowledge and<br />
skill in professional communication,<br />
leadership and<br />
negotiation strategies<br />
• Works positively within team<br />
to effectively transform situations<br />
of conflict into healthier<br />
interpersonal interactions<br />
• Demonstrates good understanding<br />
of team and group<br />
dynamics<br />
• Embraces and behaves in<br />
accordance with camh values<br />
and strategic direction<br />
Team Work, Collaboration and<br />
Partnerships<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong> Core <strong>Clinical</strong> Practice Competencies<br />
Competent Proficient Expert<br />
• Recognized as an expert in<br />
ethics in the field of mental<br />
health and addiction<br />
• Collaborates with other health<br />
care professionals to challenge<br />
and co-ordinate institutional<br />
resources to achieve the most<br />
effective outcomes<br />
• Creates environments within<br />
camh and with external partners<br />
that promote safe, ethical,<br />
legal, professional practice<br />
and deals effectively with staff<br />
and/or clients when ethical<br />
issues arise<br />
• Leads accreditation and quality<br />
improvement initiatives at<br />
organizational level and in<br />
collaboration with camh<br />
external partners<br />
• Represents camh externally<br />
(e.g., committees, media,<br />
community development<br />
projects) as a leader in a<br />
• Advocates for the best possible<br />
care for clients, for her or<br />
his profession and for the<br />
health care system<br />
• Engages self and staff in critical<br />
thinking about identifying and<br />
resolving ethical issues,<br />
concerns and dilemmas<br />
• Works with camh partners to<br />
ensure compliance to standards<br />
of professional, ethical<br />
practice<br />
• Creates manageable staff<br />
workload and scheduling for<br />
staff giving them sufficient<br />
time to discuss and plan care<br />
with colleagues<br />
• Leads accreditation and quality<br />
improvement initiatives at<br />
program level<br />
• Represents program and / or<br />
camh in internal / external<br />
committees<br />
• Has a strong working knowledge<br />
of legislation in caring<br />
• Identifies and understands<br />
ethical concerns, issues and<br />
dilemmas as they pertain to<br />
the client-clinician relationship<br />
and to the larger field of<br />
mental health and addictions<br />
• Demonstrates knowledge of<br />
the implications of ethical issues<br />
in interactions with clients<br />
experiencing mental health<br />
and/or addiction problems<br />
• Collects and uses available<br />
resources from various<br />
sources to resolve ethical<br />
issues<br />
• Has a good working knowledge<br />
of ethics and is able to<br />
make ethical decisions<br />
• Is knowledgeable about camh<br />
values, policies, procedures,<br />
program specific initiatives<br />
and strategic directions<br />
• Demonstrates awareness<br />
of relevant legislation that<br />
guides practice<br />
Ethical, Organizational and<br />
Legal Accountabilities<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong> Core <strong>Clinical</strong> Practice Competencies<br />
Competent Proficient Expert<br />
specialized field of mental<br />
health and / or addiction<br />
practice and / or research<br />
for clients and families in his<br />
or her specialized mental<br />
health and / or addictions<br />
field<br />
• Ensures client safety and<br />
protects the client from abuse;<br />
reports unsafe practices<br />
• Organizes workload and<br />
develops time management<br />
skills to meet responsibilities<br />
• Integrates quality improvement<br />
initiatives into practice<br />
• Completes all required workload<br />
measurements in a timely,<br />
professional manner<br />
• Completes documentation<br />
in accordance with camh<br />
standards<br />
• Displays commitment to<br />
continuous quality improvement<br />
(i.e., cqi, InfoMed)<br />
• Participates in program and<br />
camh internal/external<br />
committees<br />
Ethical, Organizational and<br />
Legal Accountabilities continued<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong> Core <strong>Clinical</strong> Practice Competencies<br />
Competent Proficient Expert<br />
• Independently monitors and<br />
evaluates his or her own practice,<br />
professional development<br />
needs and goals, and need for<br />
clinical consultation/supervison<br />
• Develops, facilitates and<br />
implements learning activities<br />
to promote professional<br />
development of all interdisciplinary<br />
staff members<br />
• Provides constructive feedback<br />
and recognition of<br />
accomplishments to staff<br />
• Critically analyses program<br />
practice and makes recommendations<br />
at program and<br />
senior administration level for<br />
improvement<br />
• Leads team in evaluation of<br />
practice through research and<br />
application of current outcome<br />
measures and development<br />
of population-specific ones<br />
• Actively develops proposals<br />
for funding<br />
• Assumes responsibility for<br />
monitoring her or his own<br />
needs with respect to professional<br />
development and seeks<br />
out supervision and consultation<br />
as needed<br />
• Provides competent staff and<br />
students with feedback that<br />
encourages professional<br />
growth<br />
• Demonstrates mastery in<br />
evaluation of practice, utilization<br />
and dissemination of<br />
research<br />
• Engages in research by<br />
critiquing research reports<br />
• Takes leadership role in<br />
clinical research activities<br />
(e.g., literature searches,<br />
subject recruitment, pre /<br />
post testing, report writing)<br />
• Conducts internal and external<br />
presentations of clinical<br />
work and / or research<br />
• Identifies opportunities for<br />
continued professional development<br />
that correspond with<br />
personal career goals<br />
• Seeks out and receives clinical<br />
supervision on a regular basis<br />
consistent with the value of<br />
lifelong learning<br />
• Engages in reflective practice<br />
and completes annual selfevaluation<br />
(padr) with<br />
Program Manager and / or<br />
Program apn/apc/discipline<br />
Chief<br />
• Utilizes research and identifies<br />
research opportunities<br />
Professional Development and<br />
Research<br />
<strong>Clinical</strong> <strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong> Core <strong>Clinical</strong> Practice Competencies<br />
Competent Proficient Expert<br />
• Participates in the ethical<br />
review of research ensuring<br />
that ethical guidelines are<br />
followed to protect research<br />
participants and investigators<br />
• Publishes papers in clinical<br />
and / or research journals<br />
and books<br />
Professional Development and<br />
Research continued<br />
• Acts as primary supervisor for<br />
Masters and PhD students<br />
and staff<br />
• Creates a context for staff to<br />
be offered supervision in a<br />
safe, respectful, non-judgmental<br />
manner (as •outlined<br />
in the camh <strong>Clinical</strong><br />
<strong>Supervision</strong> <strong>Handbook</strong>) as a<br />
means of improving clinical<br />
practice andclient outcomes<br />
• Provides supervision of supervision<br />
to clinical colleagues<br />
• May provide teaching and / or<br />
training to community partners<br />
universities<br />
Consultation and Education • Acts as a<br />
• Provides supervision of new<br />
preceptor/mentor/supervisor camh staff, undergraduates<br />
for students and new staff to and students from community<br />
support professional growth colleges<br />
• Respects and solicits interdis- • May provide teaching and / or<br />
ciplinary input into client and training to community part-<br />
family care<br />
ners and / or universities<br />
PG121<br />
A Pan American Health Organization /<br />
World Health Organization Collaborating Centre 3542/03-2008