Community Together - May/June Issue combining Beaconsfield Together & Amersham & Chalfont's Together
A special issue combining the communities of Beaconsfield and Amersham & Chalfonts together. Uplifting community stories and a special thank you to NHS and key workers during the coronavirus pandemic. #covid19 #communitytogether
A special issue combining the communities of Beaconsfield and Amersham & Chalfonts together. Uplifting community stories and a special thank you to NHS and key workers during the coronavirus pandemic. #covid19 #communitytogether
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<strong>Together</strong><br />
Connecting communities in <strong>Beaconsfield</strong>,<br />
<strong>Amersham</strong> & Chalfonts together<br />
Thank you to our Champion <strong>Community</strong> Sponsors<br />
March / April 2020 <strong>Issue</strong> 18
Design by Joe Booth<br />
Welcome to a very special issue bringing <strong>Beaconsfield</strong>, <strong>Amersham</strong> & Chalfont’s publications<br />
together in this one-off issue - ‘<strong>Community</strong> <strong>Together</strong>’.<br />
If you live on your own, do not get out much, or have been self isolating because of coronavirus,<br />
then this magazine is for you. Not everyone is internet friendly or able to get out and about so,<br />
on behalf of the two communities we want to share what’s been going on since lockdown.<br />
Please spare a thought and give your thanks to all the Champion <strong>Community</strong> Sponsors<br />
(see front cover) who have supported this issue financially and made it possible to print and<br />
distribute via Royal Mail delivery to nearly 15,000 homes. A huge thank you from me.<br />
It has been really tough for everyone who’s had Covid-19 and had to self isolate and for businesses<br />
who’ve been forced to close or to re invent themselves. Staying at home ultimately saves lives so<br />
we must remember that. If you have been feeling low, help is at hand. Please reach out to your<br />
community and ask for help, there are so many wonderful people out there.<br />
Please see page 4 for our features list and if you are online visit<br />
for a list of food companies, online exercise classes and helpful resources in your area.<br />
So grab yourself a cup of tea, relax in your favourite chair and have a read. The poem on p5 is especially<br />
poignant. As always please text or email me with any comments<br />
Keep safe and stay at home and let’s hope by the next issue everything will be changing for the better.<br />
Best wishes,<br />
Therese<br />
PS. Special thanks to Alex Dunlop who encouraged me to forge ahead with this, Mat Peet my<br />
designer who I’m indebted to, Nick Bartolucci, Melissa Scallan, Joe Booth, James Cooklin and<br />
huge thanks to David for putting up with all sorts.<br />
Meet the Team<br />
Publisher, Editor & Sales<br />
Therese Cooklin - 07786 735711<br />
Magazine Designer<br />
Mathew Peet, Digital Bear Design - 01949 839206<br />
Friday 8th <strong>May</strong> - Veterans in Europe Day (Bank Holiday)<br />
- let’s not forget the bravery of all those that fought and<br />
lost their lives in the 2nd world war, so raise a glass and<br />
toast them on the day.<br />
Events and Features Co-ordinator<br />
Judith Morris -<br />
Content is accurate to the best of our knowledge, however <strong>Community</strong><br />
<strong>Together</strong> part of Abstract Niche Ltd cannot be held liable for loss or<br />
damage, caused by errors or omissions. Inclusion of advertisers does<br />
not indicate our endorsement of their products or services.<br />
Monday 11th <strong>May</strong> - <strong>Beaconsfield</strong> Charter Fair<br />
Monday 25th <strong>May</strong> - Spring Bank Holiday<br />
Sunday 21st <strong>June</strong> - Happy Fathers’ Day to all dads!
Whats in your community issue?<br />
6 6 13 19<br />
Joy Morrissey<br />
<strong>Beaconsfield</strong> MP<br />
Alex Dunlop<br />
<strong>May</strong>or of <strong>Beaconsfield</strong><br />
Anita Cranmer<br />
Education & Skills<br />
Cabinet Member<br />
Dame Cheryl Gillan<br />
Chesham &<br />
<strong>Amersham</strong> MP<br />
Covid-19 <strong>Community</strong> Support & Help<br />
Better Connected <strong>Beaconsfield</strong> 8 and 10<br />
Chalfont St Peter support 19<br />
Local businesses helping you & the NHS 20<br />
Waitrose <strong>Beaconsfield</strong><br />
shopping Covid-19 update 22<br />
News from Neighbourhood Watch 27<br />
Chalfont St Peter support 19<br />
Green tips for while you are at home 34<br />
Health and support<br />
Avoid anxiety during self-isolation 12<br />
Counselling support and resources 12 and 13<br />
Legal<br />
Did you know these legal facts? 21<br />
Navigating a ‘good’ divorce 28<br />
<strong>Community</strong> Features<br />
NHS <strong>Community</strong> Love in pictures 16 and 17<br />
Living with NHS front line workers 20<br />
Meet Gay Flashman and Ryan Toms 24<br />
British Airways fly for NHS supplies 27<br />
Sharing lockdown stories 29<br />
<strong>Community</strong> news 30 and 31<br />
Education<br />
How our school’s & students are<br />
looking after our planet 14<br />
10 lessons to teach your children<br />
about money 26<br />
Childrens’ puzzles 32<br />
Skipping challenge for children 33<br />
Find your local trade on our Trade Page 35<br />
<strong>Community</strong> Impact Bucks is a local charity<br />
which supports people and groups & makes<br />
a difference in Buckinghamshire communities.<br />
Helping local people in crisis<br />
Contact us to donate or volunteer.<br />
e:<br />
t: 01494 775668 w:<br />
Registered charity number 1146699<br />
Charities or organisations needing volunteers email:<br />
e:<br />
Helping local people in crisis<br />
Contact us to donate or volunteer.<br />
To volunteer register online:<br /><br />
coronavirus/community-hub/helping-others/<br />
volunteer-help/<br />
e:<br />
t: 01494 775668 w:<br />
Registered charity number 1146699<br />
4<br />
<strong>Community</strong> <strong>Together</strong> - bringing <strong>Beaconsfield</strong>, <strong>Amersham</strong> & Chalfonts together
This poem is called ‘Timeless’<br />
and was written in 1869<br />
by Kathleen O’Mara and<br />
reprinted during the Spanish<br />
flu pandemic in 1919. The<br />
Spanish flu pandemic occurred<br />
exactly 100 years before the<br />
current Covid-19 pandemic.<br />
So please switch off your<br />
phones, televisions and<br />
computers, sit in a quiet spot<br />
and give this a proper read.<br />
It is so poignant in the light of<br />
the current situation and maybe<br />
it’s a warning to the world that<br />
we must look after each other,<br />
always be kind and look after<br />
our planet....<br />
Timeless<br />
Words by Kathleen O’Mara<br />
And people stayed at home<br />
And read books<br />
And listened<br />
And they rested<br />
And did exercises<br />
And made art and played<br />
And learned new ways of being<br />
And stopped and listened<br />
More deeply<br />
Someone meditated, someone prayed<br />
Thank you to our Champion <strong>Community</strong> Sponsors<br />
Someone met their shadow<br />
And people began to think differently<br />
And people healed.<br />
And in the absence of people who<br />
Lived in ignorant ways<br />
Dangerous, meaningless and heartless,<br />
The earth also began to heal<br />
And when the danger ended and<br />
People found themselves<br />
They grieved for the dead<br />
And made new choices<br />
And dreamed of new visions<br />
And created new ways of living<br />
And completely healed the earth<br />
Just as they were healed.<br />
Joy Morrissey -<br />
<strong>Beaconsfield</strong>’s MP<br />
Joy Morrissey, elected as <strong>Beaconsfield</strong>’s<br />
MP in November 2019, spoke on Better<br />
Connected <strong>Beaconsfield</strong>’s weekly<br />
webinar on Saturday 11th April.<br />
Having contracted coronavirus herself and self<br />
isolating for a while, she thanked all of the Better<br />
Connected <strong>Beaconsfield</strong> team and volunteer<br />
Buddies for the work they were doing for the<br />
<strong>Beaconsfield</strong> community. Joy said that they were<br />
“leading the way” both in the county and also<br />
nationally with their response to this crisis.<br />
The work is having a huge and positive impact on<br />
people in <strong>Beaconsfield</strong> and literally saving lives.<br />
Joy also thanked <strong>Beaconsfield</strong> Rugby Club for<br />
its enormous help with deliveries and other<br />
activities. She said that they haven’t scored any<br />
tries lately but have been saving many lives. She<br />
also said if any local business is struggling, or if they<br />
wanted to contact Joy for any reason, she is now<br />
out of Covid-19 isolation and you can email her at<br /><br />
6<br />
Alex Dunlop<br />
- <strong>May</strong>or of<br />
<strong>Beaconsfield</strong><br />
Councillor Alex Dunlop, <strong>May</strong>or of<br />
<strong>Beaconsfield</strong> sent a video message to<br />
everyone in <strong>Beaconsfield</strong>.<br />
He conveyed the message that the onset of<br />
Covid-19 has impacted everyone in the town<br />
and has been very worrying. HIs message was<br />
that during the lockdown everyone should continue<br />
to follow government advice on how to mitigate<br />
the risks associated with this disease. The majority<br />
of residents adhering to the instructions to stay<br />
home, shop only when absolutely necessary, follow<br />
the 2 metre rule and wash hands regularly for<br />
20 seconds and this has helped to stop the<br />
spread of the disease.<br />
His core message to everyone was:<br />
‘Help your Neighbour - <strong>Beaconsfield</strong> Needs You’.<br />
He was delighted that the community had pulled<br />
together and that through groups including<br />
Better Connected <strong>Beaconsfield</strong>’s Buddy Network,<br />
the churches and many local residents’ and<br />
Neighbourhood Watch organisations, residents<br />
have organised support for the vulnerable and<br />
older neighbours in the streets and across the town.<br />
All extremely admirable.<br />
Waitrose and Sainsbury’s supermarkets have<br />
played a part in supporting the community and<br />
helped volunteers shop for their neighbour by<br />
introducing special times to shop during the day.<br />
The library has been turned into a support hub for<br />
the most vulnerable: more details to follow on this.<br />
The Town Council’s priority is to maintain public<br />
services and continue to support voluntary<br />
organisations wherever possible. Alex said, ‘We care<br />
about the wellbeing of all our residents and that’s<br />
our prime concern’.<br />
<strong>Community</strong> <strong>Together</strong> - bringing <strong>Beaconsfield</strong>, <strong>Amersham</strong> & Chalfonts together
In light of the current<br />
outbreak, individuals and<br />
families are having to<br />
assess their finances.<br />
To help you through this challenging<br />
time, we are offering you FREE Financial<br />
Health Checks throughout <strong>May</strong> and <strong>June</strong>.<br />
Email Ben or call for a chat:<br /><br />
m: 07590 263 606<br />
Walter & Partners Ltd is authorised and regulated by the Financial<br />
Conduct Authority. Registered in England and Wales No.09259743.<br />
Registered office address: 14 Coach & Horses Yard, London, W1S 2EJ.<br />
All aspects of TREE SURGERY<br />
& HEDGE CUTTING undertaken<br />
• Free estimates & fully insured<br />
• Local and reliable<br />
Call now for a professional service<br />
Call Vernon: 01494 758 862 or 07788 763 127<br />
Email:<br />
Design, Installation & Maintenance of<br />
Air Conditioning Equipment<br />
t: 01494 875 978 t: 020 8479 3580<br />
m: 07920 867 682<br /><br />
Thank you to our Champion <strong>Community</strong> Sponsors<br />
COVID-19:<br />
As the reality of COVID-19<br />
became apparent, many<br />
good people in <strong>Beaconsfield</strong><br />
responded by contacting their<br />
neighbours with kind offers of<br />
support. Local charity, Better<br />
Connected <strong>Beaconsfield</strong><br />
(BCB), is helping to coordinate<br />
the volunteering activity to<br />
ensure that all residents in<br />
the community are offered<br />
the support they need at this<br />
challenging time.<br />
BCB is now coordinating<br />
over four hundred wonderful<br />
volunteers – known as Buddies:<br />
n Buddies can help with light<br />
shopping for vital supplies,<br />
collecting prescriptions,<br />
friendly phone calls, dog<br />
walking and any other<br />
support that can be<br />
conducted at the doorstep<br />
(they don’t enter resident’s<br />
homes)<br />
n Buddies are checked and<br />
insured by BCB<br />
n BCB connects people in<br />
need with a Buddy who lives<br />
nearby<br />
n The elderly, sick or<br />
vulnerable, and those who<br />
are unable to leave their<br />
house or call on family and<br />
friends, are prioritised for<br />
Buddy assistance<br />
n BCB has set up The<br />
Listening Ear, a telephone<br />
support service, staffed by<br />
26 trained volunteers. It can<br />
be accessed by registering<br />
on the BCB website or<br />
calling 01494 919232<br />
There are various ways<br />
you can help, so please do<br />
consider volunteering with<br />
BCB. Although we have lots of<br />
kind people volunteering now,<br />
we anticipate our volunteers’<br />
circumstances may change,<br />
for example, they may need<br />
to self-isolate or support<br />
members of their own family.<br />
Please sign up on the BCB website:<br /><br />
8 <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Together</strong> - bringing <strong>Beaconsfield</strong> & The Chalfonts together<br />
8 <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Together</strong> - bringing <strong>Beaconsfield</strong>, <strong>Amersham</strong> & Chalfonts together
<strong>Beaconsfield</strong> Advisory Centre<br />
Help given to those who need advice in confidence.<br />
Appointments available outside office hours & home<br />
visits can be arranged for the housebound.<br />
Open: Monday - Friday 10am - 12pm<br />
18 Aylesbury End (next to the United Reformed Church)<br />
t: 01494 672 987<br />
e:<br />
Buckinghamshire Adult Learning<br />
Contact us on<br />
01296 382403<br /><br />
Online courses now available<br />
Enrol now on over 150 online courses.<br />
Courses include:<br />
Tai Chi, Pilates, Yoga and Meditation<br />
French, Spanish and Italian at a range of<br />
different levels.<br />
Over 50 creative classes including<br />
floristry, drawing, painting, garden<br />
design, cooking and creative writing.<br />
Thank you to our Champion <strong>Community</strong> Sponsors<br />
POP-UP<br />
LARDER<br />
Better Connected <strong>Beaconsfield</strong><br />
is working in partnership with<br />
<strong>Beaconsfield</strong> Rugby Club to<br />
collect food and other essential<br />
items, which are being given<br />
to those in urgent short term<br />
financial need due to COVID-19.<br />
<strong>Beaconsfield</strong> Rugby Club volunteer helping with food deliveries<br />
This initiative is called the Pop-Up<br />
Larder. BCB is very grateful for the<br />
support from the rugby club.<br />
Every Wednesday, <strong>Beaconsfield</strong><br />
residents are invited to place<br />
donations outside their home,<br />
ready for collection at 1pm.<br />
Donations are then collected<br />
by the BCB Buddies. They are<br />
then distributed to those in need<br />
and any surplus is given to other<br />
charities, including One Can Trust.<br />
A huge THANK YOU to the<br />
wonderful, kind and generous<br />
people of <strong>Beaconsfield</strong>. The<br />
number of items that have been<br />
donated is fantastic: four van<br />
loads in each of the first two<br />
weeks! This ‘share if you can<br />
spare’ initiative will continue<br />
every Wednesday until further<br />
notice.<br />
There are specific criteria to be<br />
eligible and a tracking system<br />
makes sure requests are met<br />
and delivered from start to<br />
finish.<br />
Please let a local support<br />
agency, such as your<br />
church or the <strong>Beaconsfield</strong><br />
Advisory Centre, know if<br />
you’re experiencing financial<br />
difficulties, due to changing<br />
circumstances. They will<br />
contact the Pop-Up Larder on<br />
your behalf.<br />
BCB and BRFC are also<br />
working together to provide a<br />
free prescription delivery<br />
service for all<br />
<strong>Beaconsfield</strong> and<br />
Penn residents.<br />
Currently, around<br />
200 prescriptions<br />
are being delivered,<br />
for free, on a daily<br />
basis.<br />
If you’d like to use this service,<br />
please let your GP know to<br />
send your prescription requests<br />
to Pyramid Pharmacy<br />
and then contact<br />
Pyramid, on 01494<br />
673014, to let<br />
them know you’d<br />
like the home<br />
delivery service.<br />
HELP US<br />
BCB is hoping to raise £10,000<br />
to support <strong>Beaconsfield</strong><br />
residents who need it most<br />
through this crisis.<br />
If you would like to help us<br />
carry on the good work,<br />
please visit the website and<br />
click DONATE.<br />
Better Connected <strong>Beaconsfield</strong> is a Charitable Incorporated<br />
Organisation. Registered Charity Number: 1185885<br />
10 <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Together</strong> <strong>Together</strong> - bringing - bringing <strong>Beaconsfield</strong>, <strong>Beaconsfield</strong> <strong>Amersham</strong> & The & Chalfonts together
Stay in the home you love<br />
Our carers are continuing to work during<br />
this Covid-19 crisis.<br />
Please do not hesitate to pick up the phone<br />
if you feel we may be able to help you<br />
Whether it be 1 hour per week or full time, it is a<br />
privilege to be trusted to care for you or your loved ones.<br />
5 Reasons to use us<br />
• High standard of care<br />
• Established over 3 decades<br />
• All profits go to charity<br />
• Satisfied clients<br />
• Competitive charges<br />
Tel: 01494 678811<br /><br />
9 Windsor End,<br />
Thank you to our Champion <strong>Community</strong> Sponsors<br />
Bucks HP9 2JJ<br />
Avoid anxiety<br />
during self<br />
isolation<br />
By Dr Riccardo Di Cuffa<br />
(Your Doctor)<br />
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues<br />
to hit countries around the world, and<br />
people in this country are forced into<br />
lockdown, it is important not only to<br />
address your physical but also your<br />
mental health during these challenging<br />
times.<br />
Here are a selection of tips which may help you:<br />
1. Exercise – regular exercise helps to combat<br />
stress. It not only relieves stress hormones, it<br />
aids sleep and helps build self-esteem and<br />
confidence. Find something that you can do<br />
daily for 15 mins. This may be an online<br />
workout, walking cycling or Yoga.<br />
2. Reduce caffeine - Caffeine is a stimulant,<br />
commonly found in coffee, tea and chocolate.<br />
High doses increase anxiety. Some people<br />
are more sensitive to its effects than others.<br />
Moderate your consumption if you are feeling<br />
anxious and drink green tea or water instead.<br />
3. Communication with friends and family.<br />
It is important to continue to communicate with<br />
people even though we aren’t physically able<br />
to see them at this time. This personal contact<br />
helps you to feel connected with the world<br />
and makes your world feel bigger. Video calls,<br />
phone calls or even messaging services have<br />
made contact with people easier than ever<br />
before. It’s also an opportunity to catch up with<br />
people who you haven’t for a while.<br />
4. Mindfulness is a process where you try to<br />
anchor yourself in the present. It can help<br />
reduce negative thoughts and,in a recent<br />
student study, was found to help reduce mental<br />
health issues. Numerous APPs such as Calm<br />
and Headspace are available which can help<br />
you achieve this. Remember there are health<br />
professionals who can help if you are really<br />
struggling.<br />
5. Sleep - It is important to remember that<br />
sleeping well will significantly help to reduce<br />
anxiety. A good sleep regime will contribute<br />
to a good quality, 7-9 hours of recommended<br />
sleep. Meals which are rich in carbohydrates,<br />
consumption of alcohol, and excessive screen<br />
time before bedtime will all disturb your sleep<br />
and contribute to increasing anxiety.<br />
If you feel you need to talk to a professional,<br />
please get in touch.<br />
Your Doctor 0330 088 2020<br /><br />
Suffering from anxiety? You are not alone - 1<br />
out of 6 people suffer from a common mental<br />
issue every year. Call National Charity Helpline.<br />
Helpline: 03444 775 774 | Text Service:<br />
07537 416 905 W:<br />
Fiona Murray - Counselling & Coaching<br />
T: 01494 723 787<br />
W:<br />
Sara Torrome - offers online support<br />
W:<br />
Need emotional wellbeing support?<br />
A service to children, young people and<br />
More resources that may help:<br />
their families in the Buckinghamshire area.<br />
W: based in CSP<br />
Call Jayne at Calm Little Minds.<br />
W:<br />
T: 07395 636 382<br />
Vanessa Birt<br />
12 <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Together</strong> - bringing <strong>Beaconsfield</strong>, <strong>Amersham</strong> & Chalfonts together<br />
W:<br />
Valerie Queyrel W:
News from Anita<br />
Cranmer - Cabinet<br />
member for<br />
Education and Skills<br />
Anita Cranmer is Chairman of Better<br />
Connected <strong>Beaconsfield</strong> and since<br />
April 1st the Executive Unitary Councillor on<br />
the newly formed Buckinghamshire Council.<br />
She sits as the Cabinet member for Education<br />
and Skills and with a budget of £700m<br />
she oversees 234 schools. She says it is a<br />
challenging and wonderful job which engages<br />
her with the very heart of care for our children<br />
in the county. Better Connected <strong>Beaconsfield</strong><br />
was founded with a Bucks Council grant which<br />
she secured through the Local Area forum in<br />
2018. When schools were told to close when<br />
Covid-19 lockdown was announced, there were<br />
80 schools that remained open so front-line key<br />
worker’s children could remain at school aiding<br />
their to carry on saving lives. This means that<br />
1800 - 2000 children have gone to school every<br />
day and also during the Easter holidays schools<br />
have helped out.<br />
Anita thanks the Heads of schools and staff<br />
involved who have gone above and beyond<br />
all expectations and have been brilliant.<br />
In addition, many schools have also donated<br />
710 goggles to the NHS, which does mean<br />
there will be a shortage of googles in the<br />
science labs when normality does finally return!<br />
Anita advises that if there are any issues<br />
with your school, please contact the<br />
school concerned directly or to contact<br />
Buckinghamshire Council directly. Bucks<br />
Council:<br />
covid-19-corona-virus-latest-advice<br />
<strong>Amersham</strong> School<br />
highest performer<br />
in England<br />
The school won two<br />
SSAT Educational Outcomes awards for their<br />
outstanding key stage 4 results in 2019. Chief<br />
Exec of SSAT said, “This success is down to<br />
the superb learning and teaching, outstanding<br />
support and inspirational leadership.”<br />
Chalfont St Giles<br />
Junior School<br />
scores ‘Outstanding’<br />
The school has been awarded an ‘outstanding’<br />
grade in their 2020 Ofsted inspection. The report<br />
said, “This is a school which places no limits on<br />
what pupils can achieve, both academically<br />
and personally.” For full stories please visit:<br /><br />
Would it help to have a Listening Ear?<br />
If you need someone to talk to, for whatever reason,<br />
we have Listeners ready to help.<br />
01494 919 232<br />
or visit:<br />
Tell your friends!<br />
Thank you to our Champion <strong>Community</strong> Sponsors<br />
We look to our<br />
children to save<br />
our planet<br />
Since the onset of Coronavirus pandemic,<br />
we have seen carbon emissions decline<br />
enormously.<br />
With businesses, factories, and non-essential<br />
trades forced to cease operating, there are fewer<br />
cars on the roads, limited planes in the sky, and<br />
less pollution in the air. Our planet seems cleaner<br />
and air fresher. Is coronavirus a warning that we<br />
must drastically take action to save our planet?<br />
With inspiring speeches on climate change from<br />
Swedish seventeen year old, Greta Thunberg, we<br />
take a closer look at what our young students are<br />
doing in local schools to tackle the environmental<br />
issue.<br />
In March of this<br />
year, Dr Challoner’s<br />
Grammar School<br />
hosted the<br />
Climate Emergency<br />
Conference ran<br />
by The Economist<br />
Educational<br />
Foundation.<br />
Passionate pupils<br />
from schools<br />
all around<br />
Buckinghamshire<br />
convened for the<br />
event with an aim<br />
to inspire change in<br />
schools, and allow<br />
student bodies to<br />
brainstorm ideas to<br />
design approaches to<br />
issues such as food waste, electricity usage, and<br />
recycling around school.<br />
“Do you think climate change will force us<br />
to abandon our planet?”<br />
Professor Smith, Director of the Royal<br />
Geographical Society gave an insightful<br />
overview of climate change from the<br />
geographical perspective: its impact on both<br />
Aerial view of Dr Challoner’s Grammar School<br />
humans and physical systems, and the need to<br />
balance industrial development with the hazards<br />
and risks associated with increased carbon<br />
emissions.<br />
The conference sparked discussions over difficult<br />
questions such as ‘Do you think climate change<br />
will force us to abandon our planet?’, and ‘Do you<br />
think even the most disruptive climate protests are<br />
justified?’<br />
Ideas and plans for tackling specific areas of the<br />
student’s school community requiring a more<br />
sustainable and less environmentally damaging<br />
alternative were developed and were taken back<br />
to their headteachers and governors.<br />
At Chesham Grammar School the Senior<br />
leadership team, Year 13s launched a campaign<br />
in March to reduce the tide of plastic waste at<br />
school. Their project is being supported by<br />
a crowdfunding campaign with the Aviva<br />
<strong>Community</strong> Fund. Both students and staff want<br />
to come together to make a difference to the<br />
rising tide of plastic.<br />
They have a comprehensive plan which includes<br />
introducing new recycling bins to sort general<br />
waste, install new water fountains, ban single use<br />
plastic and improve the outdoor green space<br />
areas. Year 10 students have been working with<br />
Kew Garden, ‘Grow Wild Youth’ growing native<br />
flowers in un-mown areas within the ponies<br />
paddock at the Equestrian Club.<br />
At <strong>Beaconsfield</strong> High School they are equally<br />
passionate about the environment. Cafeteria food<br />
is either served in biodegradable containers or<br />
they are encouraged to bring their own re-usable<br />
containers by giving discount at the tills and<br />
skip the long lunch queues! When they return to<br />
school the plan is to introduce the biodegradable<br />
spork to further reduce waste.<br />
14 <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Together</strong> - bringing <strong>Beaconsfield</strong>, <strong>Amersham</strong> & Chalfonts together
Head Girl, Sahar at Becky High wants to<br />
introduce ‘meat-free Mondays’<br />
Water filling stations have been installed in the<br />
school bathrooms and all vending machines were<br />
recently removed from corridors.<br />
The school pond is being regenerated thanks to<br />
the combined efforts of students and the Chiltern<br />
Rangers. They have already been awarded<br />
Eco-Schools Silver Award. Newly elected Head<br />
Girl, Sahar is working with prefects and the Eco<br />
Committee to achieve the final Green Flag award<br />
before Spring 2021.<br />
The <strong>Beaconsfield</strong><br />
School teaches that<br />
every day behaviour<br />
can have an impact<br />
on the future of our<br />
planet.<br />
“<strong>Amersham</strong> School make clever Ecobricks<br />
to help protect the environment.”<br />
(See page 34 to make yours)<br />
Other eco initiatives include having ‘Big School<br />
Cleans’, reducing energy around the school, eg<br />
switching off lights when not in use. Reducing<br />
carbon footprint by encouraging walking or<br />
cycling to school.<br />
Thorpe House School also have their Eco-Warrior<br />
initiatives up and running with committee members<br />
from Reception to Year 11 getting involved.<br />
The committee looks at bio-diversity, energy,<br />
global links, healthy living, litter, school<br />
environment, marine life, transport, waste and<br />
water. They are also working towards Green<br />
School status and have lots of fun along the way.<br />
When school<br />
re-opens students<br />
will be bringing in<br />
reusable drinking<br />
bottles instead of<br />
buying single use<br />
plastic bottles.<br />
The school has invested £2000 into this initiative<br />
such that four new fountains have been installed,<br />
two externally and two internally, and in December<br />
two more will be in placed in the Sports Hall so<br />
water will be freely available to all students.<br />
Innovate, their catering partner are working<br />
with them to reduce plastic. There will be no<br />
plastic bottles sold and all drinks will be in<br />
recyclable cartons as well as being free of<br />
artificial sugars.<br />
<strong>Amersham</strong> School are highly motivated to<br />
work towards a Green Flag Award through<br />
the Eco Schools Project. They have a number<br />
of excellent initiatives including reducing plastic<br />
by squashing it together into a bottle to make<br />
plastic “Ecobricks’.<br />
New water fountain installed at The <strong>Beaconsfield</strong> School<br />
Junior schools are also joining in with eco initiatives<br />
and an exceptional school to mention is Chalfont<br />
St Giles Junior School. Their Eco-Warriors hold<br />
assemblies on climate change and classes have<br />
allotments to grow their own food and compete<br />
yearly! They also plant wild flowers in certain areas<br />
around the school to encourage wild life to flourish.<br />
Do take a look at their beautiful website to see<br />
more from these young students. See below.<br />
It certainly is inspiring to see each school and<br />
their students doing their bit to look after the<br />
environment, because as The <strong>Beaconsfield</strong><br />
School point out, ‘After all, there is no Planet B’<br />
Thank you to these school’s that participated in writing this feature:<br />
<strong>Amersham</strong> School:<br /><br />
<strong>Beaconsfield</strong> High School:<br /><br />
Chalfont St Giles Primary School:<br /><br />
Chesham Grammar School:<br /><br />
Chesham Grammar School:<br /><br />
Dr Challoner’s Grammar School:<br /><br />
The <strong>Beaconsfield</strong> School:<br /><br />
Thorpe House School:<br />
To NHS staff<br />
& key workers<br />
The love and support the nation<br />
have shown over these weeks to<br />
the NHS & key workers has been<br />
remarkable. It’s because we care<br />
about you, we are staying at home<br />
so that you can go to work and<br />
save lives. THANK YOU<br />
Deb Sanders showing ‘pillow love’<br />
from <strong>Beaconsfield</strong> WI (see p30)<br />
From applauding from rafters of our<br />
homes every Thursday at 8pm to small<br />
children chalk drawing rainbows on<br />
pavements and painting their love<br />
to hang on windows. A 99 year old<br />
war veteran has walked in his garden<br />
and raised millions and inspired all.<br />
Teams of ladies are busy in their homes<br />
churning out scrubs and scrub bags for<br />
nursing staff.<br />
On a local level this is no exception<br />
and here are some beautiful images<br />
to share with you. Thank you for your<br />
courage, dedication and love to those<br />
patients that need your care. We<br />
know it must be so difficult for you but<br />
THANK YOU!<br />
Khaled from Rotary <strong>Beaconsfield</strong> with Gail from Waitrose<br />
supplying food in the community<br />
16 <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Together</strong> - bringing <strong>Beaconsfield</strong>, <strong>Amersham</strong> & Chalfonts together
Runner up of Hilton King<br />
Locke ‘Design a dream house’:<br />
Roop Bal Age 7<br />
Nikki (and daughter) receiving 40 laundry bags for<br />
Harefield Hospital<br />
Left<br />
Leanne Franklin at Stoke Mandeville showing off one of the 40 NHS<br />
mugs received, donated and designed by Miranda at Gifty Room<br />
Top<br />
Tilly Burge age 3 winner of Hilton King Locke ‘Design your dream home’<br />
Bottom<br />
Gayhurst pupils and sisters, Emily (7) and Poppy (8) painting NHS<br />
rainbows<br />
Thank you to our Champion <strong>Community</strong> Sponsors<br />
Now in Chalfont St Giles<br />
HP8 4NW<br />
Tel: 01494 873045<br />
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18 <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Together</strong> - bringing <strong>Beaconsfield</strong>, <strong>Amersham</strong> & Chalfonts together<br />
The Spirit of our<br />
Chalfont Villages is<br />
praised by Rt Hon.<br />
Dame Cheryl Gillan MP<br />
The sense of community spirit and<br />
neighbourliness in Chalfont St Peter,<br />
Chalfont St Giles and Little Chalfont has<br />
been evident to Chesham and <strong>Amersham</strong>’s<br />
MP, Rt Hon Dame Cheryl Gillan, throughout<br />
her 28 years representing these warm and<br />
welcoming villages.<br />
Volunteering has always been at the heart of<br />
life here. Residents have met challenges in the<br />
past and the present Covid-19 pandemic is no<br />
exception. Individuals are stepping up every day<br />
to help, either formally through the co-ordinated<br />
community hubs, or informally, by assisting<br />
neighbours and those who are vulnerable.<br />
This emergency comes at a time when local<br />
government is in transition, with elections to the<br />
Buckinghamshire Unity authority being delayed<br />
until next year. Our current councillors are<br />
staying in place and working with all levels of<br />
government to make sure our communities are<br />
safe and the right help gets through where it is<br />
needed. For them, says Dame Cheryl, “It is very<br />
definitely business as usual, in unprecedented<br />
and unusual circumstances. Everyone is doing a<br />
magnificent job.”<br />
It’s also ‘business as usual’ for Dame Cheryl and<br />
her Westminster staff. Cheryl and all members of<br />
her team are working full time from home to help<br />
constituents and local businesses. Information is<br />
also updated regularly on Dame Cheryl’s website,<br /><br />
“The greatest things can happen amidst the<br />
darkest days,” comments Dame Cheryl. “The<br />
comfort and support which so many people are<br />
giving to others, through kind words and actions,<br />
is an inspiration and typifies the spirit of our<br />
Chalfont villages.”<br />
Thank you to our Champion <strong>Community</strong> Sponsors<br />
Living with NHS<br />
front line workers<br />
In a house of four, with my mum and<br />
younger sister working for the NHS as<br />
Healthcare Support Assistants, it’s safe to<br />
say the atmosphere at home has changed.<br />
Not only do we all worry about the risk they’re<br />
putting themselves at on every shift, we’ve had to<br />
make the decision to keep our distance from one<br />
another as best we can, and on many days the<br />
house is very quiet as they both frequently work<br />
night shifts, most of which are consecutive too.<br />
At 18 years old and having only started her<br />
apprenticeship 3 months ago, my sister has<br />
well and truly been thrown in at the deep end.<br />
Not only is she dealing with COVID-19 patients<br />
first hand on a daily basis, but sadly, she has also<br />
seen several patients pass away. On top of this,<br />
her apprenticeship has been ‘paused’ during<br />
the pandemic, so she is working 48-hour weeks<br />
Shayla (middle) socially distanced from mum, Suzie (left)<br />
and younger sister Kyah (right)<br />
(in constant contact with Coronavirus) on a mere<br />
£6.15 an hour!<br />
As you can probably imagine, their shifts are long,<br />
incredibly draining and regularly understaffed.<br />
Yet, in spite of everything they have to face they<br />
remain positive and I couldn’t be prouder of the<br />
work they are doing for our country, and how<br />
fearlessly my sister has risen to the challenge.<br />
Although living at home isn’t quite what it was,<br />
we all look forward to the day we’re able to give<br />
each other a big hug!<br />
Local businesses<br />
helping you &<br />
the NHS<br />
Miranda at Gifty Room is offering readers<br />
10% off her products bought online.<br />
W:<br />
Use code: NEWCUSTOMER10<br />
Marie at Fired Works will donate 10%<br />
of funds raised on all her RAINBOW<br />
products bought online.<br />
W:<br />
Wyld & Creative have designed lovely<br />
greeting cards including 1st class stamp<br />
25% of all profits go to Masks for<br />
NHS Heroes.<br />
Did you know these<br />
legal facts?<br />
A warm hello to everyone. It is so heartening<br />
to know that this great community we live<br />
in is working together to get through these<br />
unprecedented times by staying at home and<br />
heeding the Government guidelines.<br />
In the spirit of this issue of the magazine offering tips<br />
and tricks for things to occupy you at home, I shall try<br />
to offer a little light relief and entertainment. Given<br />
that I am restricted to keeping a legal theme, you will<br />
appreciate that this is not the easiest task!<br />
Those of you who know me and my firm will know<br />
that we are anything but stuffy, but it might be fun to<br />
delve into some of the ancient curiosities that litter<br />
the long history of the Law in England and Wales and<br />
its reputation for being dry. I owe all of the following<br />
information to barrister and TV presenter Clive<br />
Anderson and a radio show he did in 2012, so if<br />
there are any inaccuracies or errors please send your<br />
complaints to Mr C Anderson c/o the BBC…<br />
Following the Norman Conquest of 1066, French was<br />
used for court cases in England and Wales but when<br />
was a law passed to change it to English? Was it:<br />
(a) 1362, the year of the death of Pope Innocent VI;<br />
(b) 1731, the year of the death of Daniel Defoe (writer<br />
of Robinson Crusoe), or; (c) 1928, the year Blackburn<br />
Rovers won the FA Cup (my hometown heroes)?<br />
A slight trick question, as the answer is both (a) and<br />
(b). In 1362 a statute required all trials to be heard in<br />
English but French survived in spite of it, until 1731<br />
when another Act to abolish French in the courts was<br />
passed. Even that wasn’t quite the end of it though.<br />
They had to pass yet another Act in 1733. Can you<br />
think why? They had forgotten to include Wales in<br />
the 1731 Act…<br />
In medieval Europe, animals were often tried in<br />
court in the same way as humans, but which animal<br />
do you think was most often in the dock? Those of<br />
you thinking that it was horses, as you like the idea<br />
of them answering ‘neigh’ to every question on the<br />
stand, get a bonus point for the pun. Those of you<br />
thinking magpies, because of their reputation for<br />
stealing things, are also applauded. The true answer,<br />
though, is … pigs.<br />
Don’t ask me why. It even went so far as a pig being<br />
accused of murder in 1386. The poor animal was<br />
tried, convicted and then hanged at the gallows.<br />
Lastly, have you ever wondered why barristers wear<br />
black robes in court? Might it be: (a) to ensure that<br />
juries are not unfairly influenced by their dress; (b)<br />
to mourn the death of Queen Anne, or; (c) because<br />
Oliver Cromwell deemed colour to be ungodly?<br />
Well now, allegedly it is a follow-on from the death of<br />
Queen Anne in 1714(!) It is said that the courts went<br />
into mourning as a sign of respect and have simply<br />
kept on wearing black ever since.<br />
There you go. We’ve come a long way in some ways,<br />
and less so in others. Stay safe everyone, and we’ll<br />
see one another again in better times.<br />
Best wishes, Janine. Partner at Leigh Duncan Solicitors.<br />
Thank you to our Champion <strong>Community</strong> Sponsors<br />
News from Waitrose<br />
in <strong>Beaconsfield</strong><br />
I caught up with Danny Comber,<br />
Partner and Deputy Branch Manager<br />
of <strong>Beaconsfield</strong> store, to find out the<br />
latest measures in place to tackle<br />
Coronavirus in the community.<br />
Waitrose has been working alongside<br />
Better Connected <strong>Beaconsfield</strong>, The<br />
Christian Eye Charity, the Rugby Club<br />
and Rotary groups to help the elderly,<br />
disadvantaged and those vulnerable<br />
in <strong>Beaconsfield</strong> who have had to self<br />
isolate from coronavirus.<br />
Measures have been put in place to<br />
keep all customers and partners safe<br />
and these include:<br />
• 2 metre queueing system outside store –<br />
regularly checked by marshalls<br />
• Trolley and basket handles are sterilised.<br />
• Customers are directed to different<br />
locations in store to control flow.<br />
• 2 metre social distancing floor stickers<br />
throughout the shop.<br />
• Regular tannoy calls to remind<br />
customers about social distancing<br />
• Protective customer fronted screens<br />
installed at all checkouts.<br />
Partners: Alison, Jane and Teresa standing by the<br />
NHS priority table.<br />
NHS worker priority<br />
A designated NHS shopping area with<br />
essential basics is available for all NHS key<br />
workers and also priority entry is given, so<br />
they can shop later in the day and around<br />
their shifts.<br />
Charitable donations<br />
The store is donating more than usual to<br />
FareShare charities and this also prevents<br />
food wastage. Food care packages have<br />
been made up containing non-perishable<br />
goods and donated via <strong>Beaconsfield</strong><br />
Rugby and Rotary Clubs.<br />
Danny would like to thank everyone<br />
for shopping at the store during these<br />
challenging and worrying times. Their<br />
prime priority is listening to and working<br />
with the community to provide a safe<br />
environment for all. He says he is seeing<br />
the best of the community all working<br />
together which is fantastic.<br />
Opening hours<br />
• Open at 8am Monday - Saturday and<br />
the first hour 8 - 9am is for the elderly<br />
and vulnerable.<br />
• Extra 15 minutes browsing time on<br />
Sundays, begins 9:30 - 10:30am<br />
Address: Waitrose <strong>Beaconsfield</strong>, Penn Rd,<br />
<strong>Beaconsfield</strong> HP9 2PW<br />
Phone: 01494 676 818<br />
SAVE THE DATE FOR 2021!<br />
16 TH MAY.<br />
2020 GX Fun Run<br />
postponed due<br />
to coronavirus.<br />
Thanks to all<br />
sponsors and<br />
supporters, we<br />
hope you will<br />
be back with us<br />
for 2021.
A warm welcome<br />
to The Greyhound<br />
The Greyhound, a pub and restaurant<br />
serving modern British cuisine, was opened<br />
in <strong>Beaconsfield</strong> Old Town in December last<br />
year - headed up by two former Gordon<br />
Ramsay front-of-house staff.<br />
Daniel Crump and Margriet Vandezande-Crump,<br />
who have both worked in some of the UK’s top<br />
restaurants, have sympathetically redesigned<br />
the Grade II listed old Coaching Inn on Windsor<br />
End, turning the 17th century building into a<br />
modern pub and restaurant.<br />
Since its opening, The Greyhound has become<br />
a firm favourite with locals and established itself<br />
as a foodie destination for those travelling from<br />
further afield. Remarkably, despite only being<br />
open for three months, it was named as one of<br />
Britain’s 30 best pubs to visit for lunch by The<br />
Times newspaper.<br />
The pub and restaurant offers guests a modern<br />
take on British classics, served in a dining room<br />
created with comfort in mind. It also offers an<br />
extensive wine list, and beers and ales from<br />
local breweries.<br />
Like all hospitality businesses, the COVID-19<br />
enforced closure has created a new set of<br />
challenges for the pub and restaurant. Despite<br />
the current lockdown, the owners are already<br />
looking to the future.<br />
but we are where we are. We have all worked<br />
incredibly hard to launch The Greyhound<br />
and we will be working even harder to make<br />
sure that we are able to give our guests the<br />
experience they will all be pining for after this<br />
period passes.<br />
“We are using this time to see what we can do<br />
to further improve what we do, both on a food<br />
and service front. We are currently ploughing<br />
ahead with our plans for our dining terrace and<br />
outside spaces and cannot wait to share these<br />
with our guests when we reopen.”<br />
Margriet added: “We have been humbled by<br />
the support we’ve had from locals to date as<br />
so many people have been calling to offer their<br />
support by buying vouchers to use when the<br />
lockdown is over.”<br />
Lyn Flew, a local resident and regular at The<br />
Greyhound added: “We have been lucky to<br />
have seen the time and effort Dan and Margriet<br />
have put into the restoration of The Greyhound<br />
inside and out. Their menus are tantalising and<br />
different all served up by the amazing staff.<br />
“Eating at The Greyhound is a memorable<br />
experience and we can’t wait to eat at The<br />
Greyhound again.”<br />
Vouchers can be purchased by calling 01494<br />
671 315. To book a table for later in the year,<br />
or sign up to receive newsletters, please visit<br /><br />
Daniel explains: “We never expected to be in<br />
this situation after three months of opening<br />
Thank you to our Champion <strong>Community</strong> Sponsors<br />
Business News<br />
The Covid-19 lockdown has shaken up the economy and the business world has turned<br />
‘upside down’ overnight.<br />
For small independents, retailers, sole traders and those in the hospitality sector, it is really<br />
tough. Many have sought to re-arrange their businesses and seek other ways of making a<br />
living. Businesses that need financial help can go to Buckinghamshire Council’s resources page:<br /> or seek financial<br />
help from a Buckinghamshire Business First website:<br />
<strong>Community</strong> movers and shakers<br />
Of course there are many many brilliant community people you may know but on<br />
my journey to get this magazine completed two individuals in particular stood out.<br />
Thank you for all you have done for your communities.<br />
Gay Flashman - former Managing Editor at Channel 4 News and programme<br />
editor at BBC News, now works in the heart of <strong>Beaconsfield</strong>. Gay lives<br />
in <strong>Beaconsfield</strong> with her family and set up her own business 6 years ago -<br />
Formative Content, a digital content agency which leads corporate<br />
communication throughout the world.<br />
Not only is Formative Content at the heart of Covid-19 communications and<br />
content for some of the world’s leading organisations but she also voluntarily<br />
heads up communications for local charity Better Connected <strong>Beaconsfield</strong><br />
(BCB). She has been instrumental in pulling PR, marketing, videographers and<br />
digital volunteers together to help BCB help the vulnerable and elderly within<br />
<strong>Beaconsfield</strong>, as well as running Facebook feeds and instigating the design of<br />
a new website via complimentary support from local agency, Indigo Tree.<br />
Ryan Toms - has been in the property world for 16 years and previously worked<br />
at Savills in Rickmansworth for a number of years. He lives in Chalfont St Peter<br />
with his wife and 2 young children. At the beginning of 2020, re-evaluating his<br />
family life, he decided to set up his own agency. Family being his motivation, it<br />
felt fitting to name the company after his children, Arthur and Grace, as saying<br />
their name every day reminded him of why he had chosen to start a business,<br />
providing continual motivation, hence creating Arthur Grace Residential.<br />
Launch of a new business with the start of Covid-19 pandemic meant he had<br />
more time on his hands so instead of sitting idle, he actively threw himself into<br />
helping CSP community. He set up a Facebook group - ‘CSP <strong>Community</strong> -<br />
Covid support’ and co-ordinated delivery of leaflets in the whole area with<br />
help from local residents, along with many other acts of kindness. There are<br />
now more than 300 members and together with the support of Matt from the<br />
Wonky Agency, a brand new website for the community was born. There are 70<br />
people set up as volunteer street buddies to help and assist those in need but more volunteers are still<br />
required. To volunteer or if you need help in any way please visit website:<br />
or see p19 for contact details.<br />
24<br />
<strong>Community</strong> <strong>Together</strong> - bringing <strong>Beaconsfield</strong>, <strong>Amersham</strong> & Chalfonts together
No painting or repairs for 25 years?<br />
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Ten lessons to teach<br />
your children about<br />
money<br />
When it comes to teaching your children<br />
about money there are some lessons<br />
that can’t be taught in the classroom.<br />
During global lockdown, this may be a<br />
good opportunity for them to learn about<br />
managing their finances.<br />
1. Budget to save<br />
Today’s school-age children are facing a long<br />
wait to get on the property ladder and to retire.<br />
We recommend getting them into the habit of<br />
saving and budgeting as early as possible, so<br />
they are prepared for these milestones.<br />
2. You only spend it once<br />
Children need to understand the value of<br />
money. There are now apps and prepaid cards<br />
that can be used for purchases and monitored<br />
by parents. This will gradually introduce them to<br />
an increasingly cashless society.<br />
3. Needs vs wants<br />
It is important to help children decide when to<br />
spend now and how to budget in later life.<br />
4. Money is earned<br />
Don’t give pocket money without requiring your<br />
child to do something for it.<br />
5. Save to give<br />
Children are naturally generous. Being able to<br />
give some of their pocket money to charity may<br />
be an incentive for them to save more.<br />
6. Paper vs plastic<br />
Just because you can’t see the money<br />
when using a card, it doesn’t mean that it isn’t<br />
being spent. Explain the difference between a<br />
credit and debit card and how the money in a<br />
current account is just like paper money.<br />
7. Keep half, spend half<br />
A good mantra is, “keep half, spend half.<br />
This is something children can apply now, as<br />
they do not have the large outgoings adults may<br />
have. If they carry this principle into adulthood,<br />
it will transform their life financially.<br />
8. Avoid peer pressure<br />
Stress the importance of making healthy choices<br />
with money and life in general. Look at social<br />
channels and point out how things are manipulated,<br />
how ‘influencers’ are paid to sell products.<br />
9. Compound interest<br />
Described as the eighth wonder of the world by<br />
Albert Einstein. It is important to teach children<br />
about the effects of compound interest<br />
10. Prepare for the unexpected<br />
The latest virus pandemic has shown us all how<br />
important it is to have savings for a rainy day.<br />
Building on good financial health helps deal with<br />
all types of events both good and, not so good.<br />
Philip Harper is an<br />
Independent Financial Planner<br /><br />
01494 817151<br />
Penn Barn, Elm Road,<br />
Penn, Bucks HP10 8LB<br /><br />
25<br />
Y E A R S<br />
“Life’s better now we have a plan”<br />
Financial Management. Independent Financial Advice<br />
Contact us: 01494 817151 | |<br />
Penn Barn, By the Pond, Elm Road, Penn, Bucks HP10 8LB<br />
Financial Management is a trading title of Philip Harper LLP which is<br />
authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority<br />
Simply safer and stronger<br />
We have all seen the strong community spirit<br />
in <strong>Beaconsfield</strong> and the Chalfont villages in<br />
recent difficult times. Neighbourhood Watch<br />
schemes are active throughout the area and<br />
these have been particularly valuable in the<br />
recent crisis, with the community coming<br />
together as never before.<br />
In the Chalfonts areas, WhatsApp groups<br />
have been organised to keep everyone in touch,<br />
giving social support, with everyone joining the<br />
regular NHS applause. Shopping for neighbours<br />
is available when needed, and isolated people<br />
don’t feel alone.<br />
One <strong>Beaconsfield</strong> Neighbourhood Watch<br />
scheme focused on support for the elderly,<br />
collecting food and prescriptions. Another<br />
lovely gesture was explained as follows: “A<br />
member with a son who is a Dr on the front<br />
line at St Thomas’s was worried because he<br />
had no time to buy food. So we organised a<br />
collection and his mother drove up with three<br />
crates of stuff which he shared with the staff.<br />
It really has been a moving time.”<br />
Neighbourhood Watch schemes improve<br />
safety by helping the police, but this is only<br />
one benefit - even if the biggest. Schemes<br />
make communities stronger too, by providing<br />
advice on many topics through our national<br />
network. You can locate your nearest scheme<br />
at, by simply entering<br />
your postcode.<br />
If you do not have a Neighbourhood Watch<br />
scheme in your road, please consider setting<br />
one up right away. The process is free and<br />
very easy, so to find out more, please email to<br /><br />
CSP mum proud<br />
of son<br />
Proud mum, Mary Kendall, member of CSP<br />
Tennis club and resident in Chalfont St Peter<br />
(CSP) and St.Giles for over 55 years, couldn’t<br />
help share with the community how her son<br />
Rob had been asked by British Airways to fly<br />
vital medical supplies to Britain for the NHS.<br />
Captain Robert Kendall, employed by British<br />
Airways for 28 years, headed a team of flight<br />
crew operating a Boeing 777 to pick up<br />
ventilators as well as personal protective<br />
equipment (PPE) on 9th April.<br />
The flight which arrived at Heathrow from<br />
Shanghai was the first of several British<br />
Airways flights containing medical equipment<br />
and supplies coming into the UK from<br />
China. Over the coming days 55 tons of<br />
hand sanitiser will arrive in the UK on a similar<br />
flight from Shanghai.<br />
Captain Rob said, ‘There was a large team<br />
involved in getting this equipment to the UK.<br />
All of us were very proud to do our bit to help<br />
protect the NHS.’ We commend Robert and his<br />
crew and all at British Airways for providing this<br />
vital service to the NHS.<br />
Thank you to our Champion <strong>Community</strong> Sponsors<br />
Navigating a<br />
“good” divorce<br />
There has been much speculation about divorce<br />
rates being impacted by Coronavirus and family<br />
isolation. No-one really knows if this will be<br />
so, but if you do find yourself going through a<br />
divorce don’t assume it will inevitably involve<br />
bitter court battles or cost thousands.<br />
For many couples it is possible to have a ‘good<br />
divorce’ through less acrimonious options:<br />
1. Direct discussions - we call this “kitchen table<br />
negotiations”. Each party takes legal advice on<br />
whether their agreement is fair and may ask lawyers to<br />
make the agreement legally binding.<br />
2. Mediation – a voluntary process involving a<br />
trained Mediator assisting discussions. It needs<br />
goodwill and trust on both sides, and you may<br />
need a lawyer to give you independent legal advice<br />
about your settlement.<br />
3. Collaborative law – non-confrontational meeting<br />
of all parties and their solicitors, agreeing not to go<br />
to court. The parties set the agenda with their lawyers<br />
involved in negotiations.<br />
4. Solicitor negotiations - popular and very often<br />
successful. Negotiations are by letter (where offers<br />
are exchanged) or can be at round table meetings.<br />
5. Arbitration - a good alternative to the court<br />
process involving an expert private judge and a<br />
timeframe set by the parties.<br />
Whichever process you choose, these are our top tips:<br />
• Encourage communication and transparency<br />
• Focus on the children, try to put children’s interests<br />
foremost in discussions and don’t undermine each<br />
other’s roles in the family<br />
• Try not to let the grief of separation cloud your<br />
judgement<br />
A good divorce means clients can move on with<br />
minimal emotional wounds and if they have children,<br />
can focus on their new roles as separated parents.<br />
Rupinder Rai, Legal Director at<br />
<strong>Beaconsfield</strong> Office Rayden Solicitors<br />
Rupi specialises in matrimonial cases<br />
involving complex financial issues and<br />
also child arrangements, and has worked<br />
on cases that involve international<br />
proceedings.<br />
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28 <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Together</strong> - bringing <strong>Beaconsfield</strong>, <strong>Amersham</strong> & Chalfonts together
Sharing lockdown<br />
stories - Lockdown<br />
in Nice, France<br />
The vast majority of the world is currently<br />
under some sort of lockdown. Differing from<br />
country to country and varying somewhat<br />
between cities, this is how lockdown affects<br />
our day-to-day life in Nice, France.<br />
Lockdown here started in mid-March and<br />
Monsieur Macron announced on 13th April that<br />
the rules currently in place will extend until at<br />
least 11th <strong>May</strong>.<br />
The basic rule is to stay at home #restezchezvous,<br />
however there are certain exceptions allowed<br />
provided you fill out and sign a form stating why<br />
and when you want to go out. If you are stopped<br />
by the police and found to be abusing the<br />
situation you will be fined €135 the first time<br />
and thousands of euros thereafter.<br />
Exceptions include: going to work if working<br />
from home is not possible, visiting the shops for<br />
essential supplies, health care if impossible via<br />
videoconference, critical family care and daily<br />
exercise. At the shops, social distancing and<br />
queues are the norm and the spirit is not to<br />
pop out every day just for a fresh baguette. Any<br />
sortie should be on your own or with one other<br />
member of your confined household. If you’re<br />
out walking or running it can be for maximum<br />
1 hour within a 1 km radius of your home.<br />
The city of Nice has also implemented some<br />
more severe lockdown rules including a curfew<br />
from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m., restrictions on exercise<br />
times, no access to beaches, including the<br />
beach-side of the Promenade des Anglais, and,<br />
shortly, the obligation to wear a non-medical<br />
mask whenever out of your home.<br />
Indoor family life revolves around cake-baking and<br />
cooking, reading, social media and games. Our<br />
daughter has been fortunate that she can continue<br />
her French university education through a daily<br />
video link with her tutors and the rest of her class.<br />
With the streets practically deserted, the noise<br />
and pollution from cars and buses is virtually<br />
non-existent and the sound of birdsong is only<br />
interrupted at 8 p.m. by widespread applause<br />
in appreciation of the critical work performed by<br />
medical staff.<br />
Words by dad living with wife and 3 children,<br />
Nice, France<br />
Day 21. Safe at home,<br />
not stuck at home<br />
Let’s admit it, we were not prepared for this.<br />
If you are like me, you might have spoken to<br />
some of your neighbours for the very first time,<br />
might even have offered to shop for them<br />
(hoping really they would politely decline).<br />
I even sat down and spoke to my wife properly on<br />
the sofa the other day - she is quite nice!<br />
Teenage sons seem happy: 1 part online<br />
tuition, 2 parts eating, 1 part exercise and 6<br />
parts Xbox/Facetime/Youtube/Zoom/Houseparty<br />
and whatever else the wifi allows to entertain<br />
them. Note to readers: they are almost 18 so<br />
less policing required but random checks still<br />
applied.<br />
Had to clear out the office fast: found stuff I<br />
have been looking for for a few years, including<br />
old photographs. Or are they called photos?<br />
(Remember them?). Finally located the cricket<br />
bat too - not that it will likely be needed this year.<br />
Work has been very productive in my cleaned<br />
out office. My newly planted herb and vegetable<br />
garden is beginning to flourish, for the first time.<br />
Wife asks why it has taken so long to discover my<br />
green finger skills. Epic!<br />
Wife is the only one who leaves the house: she<br />
cannot bring her frontline work home. I am<br />
thankful for her dedication and commitment.<br />
We bang our pots and pans on Thursday extra<br />
hard knowing where she is. You are not stuck<br />
at home, but you are safe there. Enjoy the<br />
experience.<br />
Words by dad of 2 with wife on the frontline,<br />
Clubs and groups adapting to lock down<br />
Many clubs and groups have had to find other ways to operate due to the<br />
corona lockdown. We catch up with a few to see how they have adapted<br />
and kept themselves busy.<br />
<strong>Beaconsfield</strong> WI is one of thousands of WIs across the country to offer support to frontline workers.<br />
They provided Harefield Hospital 40 laundry bags to take their clothes home in to wash, within<br />
24 hours of asking! President, Deb Sanders, a former NHS radiographer herself, also organised<br />
through her team of seamstresses including the Better Connected <strong>Beaconsfield</strong> Buddy network of<br />
400+ volunteers a further 250 bags and counting! She wants to thank everyone for the wonderfully<br />
rapid response and pulling together at this time of need.<br />
Chalfont Common WI have also been busy and President Chris Coteman<br />
(pictured left) has also rallied her WI troops together, plus many neighbours on<br />
Copthorne Lane have all been busy sewing, cutting and threading. At time of<br />
print, they had delivered 350 scrub bags to the Wycombe co-ordinator. Chris is<br />
also a member of CSP Tennis Club and they have had a request from another<br />
member for bags for the District Nurses.<br />
The word has spread to Denham Lane and more ladies are willing to lend a<br />
hand. Fabulous team effort!<br />
Sing Your Pain Away now online!<br />
Group singing classes for wellbeing, health and fun are now online virtually via Zoom. Meet<br />
on Thursdays at 2.45pm (Gerrards Cross/Chalfonts/<strong>Beaconsfield</strong>) and 3pm on Wednesdays<br />
(<strong>Amersham</strong>). Singing songs from the 50s & 60s, songs from the shows and ABBA! Sing, laugh<br />
& dance round in your living room! Contact<br />
Chiltern Textiles (CETG)<br />
CETG is keeping in touch with members through weekly newsletters, sharing photos of stitching<br />
projects, and suggesting online resources and sewing challenges. We hope to support one<br />
another in our group, and others in our local community, to keep well and carry on stitching.<br />
For more information on joining visit:<br />
St Peter Players going strong for 72 years!<br />
The St Peter Players based for over 72 years in<br />
Chalfont St Peter has been a very active Drama<br />
Group performing three productions a year in<br />
March, July and December.<br />
In December 2019, the St Peter Players performed<br />
a very high spec show - ‘Seussical The Musical ‘<br />
with a thirty strong cast. It was a lot of work but<br />
also great fun.<br />
This crisis has meant production and rehearsals are on temporarily hold but If you are interested in<br />
joining this fun group contact Tina on 01494 837203 / 07798 567 028 W:<br />
30 <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Together</strong> - bringing <strong>Beaconsfield</strong>, <strong>Amersham</strong> & Chalfonts together
Thames Hospice<br />
need urgent help<br />
Honor Blackman<br />
- rest in peace<br />
We pay tribute to Honor Blackman who recently<br />
passed away in April aged 94. She visited Chalfont<br />
St Peter in December 2013 for a ball themed in<br />
honour of her starring as Bond girl - Pussy Galore in<br />
the film Goldfinger for local charity, Williams<br />
Fund. ( Ms Honor Blackman<br />
was touched by the charity and was delighted to<br />
say a few words in front of an audience of around<br />
300. Guests included residents and local businesses.<br />
She was seen having a flutter in the casino and was<br />
very comfortable talking to many of the guests. Ms<br />
Blackman will be sorely missed and contributed<br />
greatly to the film industry.<br />
For the last 3 weeks Thames Hospice in Windsor<br />
has been supporting the NHS and local<br />
community by providing end of life care to<br />
people with and without coronavirus at its Hospice in Windsor and in peoples’ own homes. They have<br />
seen the number of visits to people at home double in number, and have totally changed the way in<br />
which they offer care at the Hospice itself to ensure that they are able to keep everyone safe. As a charity,<br />
the Hospice doesn’t receive any additional funding for this and has suffered a drastic reduction in funds<br />
because it has had to close all of its shops. If you would like to support Thames Hospice Emergency<br />
Appeal please visit<br />
Indigo feed 100’s at Wexham<br />
Owner of Indigo, Jazz Singh has been quietly and generously<br />
feeding staff at Wexham Park Hospital since the onset of the<br />
lockdown in March. He has been providing 100 vegetarian lunches<br />
every weekday and delivering them personally to staff at A&E and<br />
ICU. The food has been gratefully received as can be seen from the<br />
photo. Indigo has had to repurpose and can be found on the A40<br />
from Tatling End to Gerrards Cross.They are open Friday/Saturday<br />
and Sundays for takeaway and delivery. e:<br />
t: 01753 883 100 w:<br />
The Wonky Agency<br />
your local creative digital agency for<br />
graphic design / websites / print design / social media<br />
Keeping children<br />
active while schools<br />
are closed<br />
Since it now seems certain schools are going to<br />
be closed for some time due to the coronavirus<br />
pandemic, there is an understandable concern<br />
amongst parents as to how their children can be<br />
encouraged to keep physically (and mentally)<br />
active.<br />
To promote such activity, the company Skipping<br />
Workshops hopes children can develop their interest<br />
in skipping. One strategy is to get children involved,<br />
on a regular basis, in the ‘National Skipping<br />
Challenge’. Select ‘National Skipping Challenge’<br />
option from the website - details below.<br />
The website challenge has been popular with many<br />
schools for over 15 years and every year almost<br />
1000 children take part. There are three challenges<br />
for the children to have a go at: continuous crossovers,<br />
pretzels and double unders. Throughout the 15<br />
years there has been one simple rule: scores can<br />
only be submitted by the child’s Skipping Workshops<br />
coach or by a member of staff at the school. However,<br />
to encourage children to take an active part during the<br />
coming months the rule will be suspended and, with<br />
the permission and support of their parents, children<br />
will be allowed to send in their own scores.<br />
All you need to do is to send an email with your name,<br />
school, category and the score. This will then be<br />
posted on the website. Children love looking up their<br />
score and seeing what they need to do to move up<br />
the league table. If you can manage some crossovers,<br />
pretzels or double unders, please send in your scores<br />
as soon as possible. Please note: it is free to take part!<br />
If any children are keen to take part but don’t have<br />
their own rope, they can buy one from the online<br />
shop. In addition, the video page has ideas on<br />
skipping skills to improve. Happy skipping!<br />
Website:<br />
Thank you to our Champion <strong>Community</strong> Sponsors<br />
Green Goddess<br />
Author of Save<br />
Pounds and the Planet<br />
Hi, I’m Jeannette Buckle<br />
and I am passionate about<br />
our planet. In my book I<br />
share hundreds of planetfriendly<br />
tips that save you<br />
time & money too.<br />
During this coronavirus pandemic, I have put<br />
together some planet friendly tips we can all try<br />
at home.<br />
With no green waste collections and the<br />
‘recycling centre/tip’ closed, it’s the perfect<br />
time to start your compost heap, providing<br />
you with free top soil with minimal effort.<br />
1. Easy home compost no need to turn away<br />
anything: start a pile of browns, using twigs<br />
dry leaves, animal bedding etc on soil, then<br />
layer with any greens (think vegan diet only -<br />
grass cuttings, uncooked fruit and veg, tea<br />
and coffee grounds). Keep repeating, always<br />
finishing with a layer of greens. This heats up<br />
your heap quickly, breaking down woody<br />
material while getting air into the heap with<br />
layering. Once ready it looks like moist soil,<br />
crumbly, dark with some twiggy bits. To use,<br />
roughly mix in a wheelbarrow with spade, then<br />
put around your plants. Not enough browns?<br />
Use egg cartons or toilet rolls. Adding compost<br />
improves soil structure, reduces the need<br />
to water, encourages healthy plant growth and<br />
saves on fertilizers.<br />
2. Try letting the grass grow a bit longer and<br />
just trimming the top and leave this on the grass<br />
to add nutrients back. It’s less work & the grass<br />
will be more drought resistent.<br />
The average houseold wastes £60 a month on<br />
food waste! This really is the time to make the<br />
most of your food and reduce those trips to<br />
the supermarket. All you need to remember is<br />
measure & freeze.<br />
3. Freeze leftovers, milk and sliced bread. Chop<br />
it up, blend it or grated cheese in portion sizes.<br />
4. A lot of food waste is rice and pasta (we cook<br />
too much then bin it). Just get the scales out.<br />
Dry weight for rice is 50grams or 60g for pasta<br />
per person. In South Bucks District the food<br />
waste is still being collected but unfortunately<br />
Chiltern District Council food waste collections<br />
have been suspended.<br />
For an update in Bucks Council services go to:<br /><br />
coronavirus/service-changes/coronaviruswaste-services-all-districts/<br />
For more everyday eco<br />
friendly tips visit the website<br /><br />
Why not follow me too on<br />
STEP 1<br />
Collect clean and dry<br />
plastic waste at home<br />
STEP 2<br />
Find a clean, dry<br />
2-litre cool drink<br />
bottle with a lid<br />
STEP 3<br />
Compress waste<br />
into the bottle<br />
with a stick<br />
34<br />
STEP 4<br />
Pack tightly throughout<br />
the process to ensure it<br />
is compressed<br />
STEP 5<br />
Put the lid back on and<br />
your EcoBrick is ready<br />
to be built with<br />
<strong>Community</strong> <strong>Together</strong> - bringing <strong>Beaconsfield</strong>, <strong>Amersham</strong> & Chalfonts together
<strong>Community</strong> <strong>Together</strong><br />
Trades Directory<br />
Share your recommendations with us at<br />
A J Dunlop Car Servicing Ltd<br />
Free MOTs for NHS and key workers during <strong>May</strong><br />
t: 01494 670 510<br />
w: booking<br />
Chalfont St Giles Motor Company<br />
One of the best selections of quality used<br />
vehicles for sale locally.<br />
t: 01494 873 045<br />
w:<br />
Back to Life Cleaning Services<br />
Carpet and upholstery cleaning services<br />
t: 0800 2118 (Freephone) / 07726 491 580<br />
w:<br />
Castle Doors & Windows<br />
Specialists in the installation of windows,<br />
doors and conservatories.<br />
e:<br />
t: 01494 873 399<br />
w:<br />
Chalfont Oven Cleaning<br />
First class results every time.Ovens, hobs,<br />
extractors, grills, stoves, microwaves,<br />
Aga cookers, barbecue trays.<br />
t: 01753 889 922 / 07950 962 214<br />
e:<br />
Churchill Cooling Services<br />
Design, installation and maintenance of air<br />
conditioning equipment<br />
t: 01494 875 978 / 020 8479 3580<br />
m: 07920 867 682<br />
w:<br />
ColourFence<br />
Low maintenance metal garden<br />
fences that stand the test of time.<br />
t: 01494 711 400<br />
e:<br />
w:<br />
D Hearn & Sons Painters and Decorators<br />
Top quality workmanship for all your<br />
interior and exterior decorating needs.<br />
t: 01494 784 727 / m: 07888 181 320<br />
Gutter Pro<br />
Gutters cleared – no call out charge.<br />
t: 01628 878 448<br />
w:<br />
LRK Window Cleaning<br />
Windows, gutters, conservatory and orangerie<br />
roofs, fascia and soffit<br />
t: 01494 728 077 / m: 07775 499 216<br />
N. Gillie Decorating Services<br />
Experienced, friendly professional internal and<br />
external decorators who have been working in<br />
the area since 1993.<br />
t: 01494 681 794 / 07771 521 263<br />
w:<br />
Oliver Twist Chimney Sweep<br />
Safe, efficient chimney sweeping for open fires,<br />
stoves or boilers.<br />
t: 0777 5630 432<br />
e:<br />
Tames Tree Services<br />
All aspects of tree surgery and hedge cutting<br />
t: 01494 758 862 / m:07788 763 127<br />
e:<br />
Thank you to our Champion <strong>Community</strong> Sponsors<br />
We're here for<br />
you.<br />
If you need to see a private GP in these uncertain<br />
times, we are still running limited face-to-face<br />
clinics, have phone and video consultations<br />
available, and can issue private prescriptions.*<br />
Mon-Fri:<br />
Sat:<br />
8AM - 6PM<br />
8.30AM - 12 NOON<br />
Visit:<br />
Call: 0330 088 2020<br />
*Some restrictions may apply<br />
Your health, your choice.<br />
0330 088 2020