Trinity School at River Ridge Annual Report 2018-19
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CAMPUS<br />
On September 26, 20<strong>19</strong>, <strong>Trinity</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>at</strong> <strong>River</strong> <strong>Ridge</strong><br />
was named a N<strong>at</strong>ional Blue Ribbon <strong>School</strong> with the<br />
design<strong>at</strong>ion of Exemplary High Performing <strong>School</strong>.<br />
We received this honor previously, in <strong>19</strong>96 and 2008,<br />
making us the only high school in Minnesota to<br />
receive the honor three times. 45 minutes after the<br />
Department of Educ<strong>at</strong>ion announcement, bells rang<br />
to end fourth period early, and students, faculty and<br />
staff headed to the auditorium. The excitement was<br />
palpable as students specul<strong>at</strong>ed about wh<strong>at</strong> the good<br />
news might be.<br />
This moment served as an opportunity to remind<br />
ourselves th<strong>at</strong> the stuff of our ordinary days — solving<br />
problems, preparing for the Christmas concert, and<br />
conducting Humane Letters seminars — is the living<br />
out of our extraordinary vision for educ<strong>at</strong>ion, and<br />
th<strong>at</strong> this mission is made possible by the<br />
community of families and friends th<strong>at</strong> supports<br />
and sustains our community of learners. We<br />
celebr<strong>at</strong>ed with an all school picture and cupcakes!<br />
18 <strong>Trinity</strong> <strong>School</strong>s <strong>2018</strong> / 20<strong>19</strong>