Selwyn Times: May 20, 2020

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WEDNESDAY, MAY <strong>20</strong>, <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

Connecting Your Community<br />

starnews.co.nz<br />

Businesses<br />

need your<br />

backing<br />

Random<br />

acts of<br />

kindness<br />

Page 8<br />

Pubs gearing up to reopen<br />

District’s<br />

economy<br />

‘should<br />

pick up’<br />

PREPARED: Will Stock is ready to get The Famous Grouse taps pouring again.<br />

• By Devon Bolger<br />

BARS IN the district are<br />

gearing up to fully reopen from<br />

tomorrow.<br />

Many opened last week as<br />

restaurants and cafes as part of<br />

the Government’s alert level 2<br />

hospitality staggered start.<br />

But it is fairly much back to<br />

normal from tomorrow, a relief<br />

for those in the industry.<br />

Said Lincoln’s Famous<br />

Grouse Hotel manager Will<br />

Stock: “I think the community<br />

are excited to come and have<br />

a draft beer. We have had<br />

massive support from the<br />


district so far.”<br />

Crate and Barrel in Leeston<br />

owner Craig Bradford said<br />

they cannot wait to be serving<br />

patrons again.<br />

• Turn to page 5<br />

• By Devon Bolger<br />

A MAJOR player in the district’s<br />

construction industry says he<br />

is confident the economy will<br />

bounce back from Covid-19.<br />

An initial report prepared by<br />

economic analysts Infometrics<br />

in April predicts the district’s<br />

economy could contract by 5.4<br />

per cent because of the effects of<br />

Covid-19.<br />

The report<br />

projects the 5.4 per<br />

cent contraction<br />

will occur over<br />

the year to March<br />

<strong>20</strong>21.<br />

The construction<br />

sector is likely to<br />

be the hardest hit,<br />

which could see a<br />

reduction of 27 per cent,<br />

Russell<br />

Lilley<br />

while accommodation and food<br />

services could reduce by 22 per<br />

cent.<br />

Russell Lilley, owner of Russell<br />

Lilley Construction, which helped<br />

to build Rolleston Square said the<br />

figures surprise him.<br />

“I didn’t think construction<br />

would be hit as hard as hospitality<br />

and accommodation.<br />

• Turn to page 5<br />

Recycling – a change to plastics we can accept<br />

We can now only accept rigid plastic containers<br />

1 2 and 5 in your recycling bin (along with<br />

paper, cardboard, cans and glass bottles).<br />

See page 4 for more information.<br />


2 Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>20</strong> <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />


from the editor’s desk<br />

GENERAL INQUIRIES Ph 379 7100<br />


Star Media, a division of Allied Press Ltd<br />

PO Box 1467, Christchurch<br />

starmedia.kiwi<br />

BARS AND hotels can<br />

finally reopen as bars<br />

and hotels tomorrow (see<br />

page 1).<br />

The past week has seen<br />

many become overnight<br />

restaurants and cafes to<br />

comply with Government<br />

regulations.<br />

Why bars and hotels<br />

could not have operated<br />

the same way with social<br />

distancing and table service<br />

as they will have to from<br />

tomorrow is anyone’s guess.<br />

I’m sure many publicans<br />

would have even been<br />

happy with restricted hours<br />

in order to get people back<br />

in the doors and sidelined<br />

staff working again.<br />

And it will possibly<br />

mean driveway drinks like<br />

Golfie’s will be a thing of<br />

the past – in winter anyway.<br />

– Barry Clarke<br />

NEWS<br />

Devon Bolger<br />

Ph: 021 914 742<br />

devon.bolger@starmedia.kiwi<br />


Lynette Evans<br />

Ph: 364 7434<br />

lynette.evans@starmedia.kiwi<br />

sport<br />

New Zealand Cricket contract<br />

Former Lincoln pace bowler Kyle Jamieson has been offered a national<br />

contract after his player of the match performances against India during<br />

the summer series.<br />

Page 11<br />

The best-read local newspaper,<br />

delivered to <strong>20</strong>,622 homes<br />

every week.<br />

Ladbrooks • Tai Tapu • Leeston • Lincoln<br />

Southbridge • Prebbleton • Halswell<br />

Rolleston • Templeton • Burnham • Kirwee<br />

West Melton • Darfield • Arthur’s Pass<br />

tasty bites<br />

Sweet treats<br />

Condensed milk is the basis for the sugar rush treats your kids<br />

will want when the arrive home after school. Try baking our<br />

delicious rocky road fudge and strawberry slice. ​<br />

Page 14<br />



10 Years in <strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

Richard Gray<br />

Kate Warren<br />

Anita Molloy-Roberts<br />

Belinda Ferguson<br />

Emma-Jane Moore<br />

W: www.meareswilliams.co.nz<br />

T: (03) 374 2547<br />

E: reception<br />

@meareswilliams.co.nz<br />


78 Rolleston Drive, Rolleston<br />

Offices also located at:<br />

43 Gerald Street, Lincoln<br />

225 Papanui Road, Christchurch<br />



There will be a Support group<br />

ZOOM meeting on 27 <strong>May</strong> at<br />

19.00 (starting by 19.30pm).<br />

Intended participants will need to text or phone<br />

contact Coordinator Chris for the zoom link.<br />

A support group<br />

operating in <strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

for men and their<br />

families who are living<br />

with a diagnosis<br />

and treatment for<br />

Prostate Cancer.<br />

Co-ordinators Chris & Dianne Ward<br />

Phone: 027 437 1254 Email: selwyn@prostate.org.nz<br />

For more information call 0800 477 678<br />

Organised by the Prostate Cancer Foundation of New Zealand<br />


SELWYN TIMES Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>20</strong> <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong> 3<br />

News<br />

Quarry appeal period extended<br />

• By Devon Bolger<br />

AN OPPONENT of the<br />

controversial quarry near<br />

Weedons has managed to have<br />

the time to appeal against it<br />

extended.<br />

Fulton Hogan was last month<br />

given permission to develop the<br />

170ha quarry between Dawsons,<br />

Jones, Maddisons and Curraghs<br />

Rds.<br />

But a resident who lives near<br />

where the quarry will go has<br />

successfully applied to the<br />

Environment Court to have the<br />

appeal deadline extended to<br />

June 29 because of the impact of<br />

Covid-19.<br />

The appeal time limit had<br />

originally been scheduled to<br />

expire on Monday.<br />

The resident, who didn’t want to<br />

be named, told the <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong><br />

he plans to use his own money<br />

and seek donations from the community<br />

to fund the appeal.<br />

BATTLE: Submitters will now be able to appeal the decision<br />

to allow the Roydon Quarry near Templeton to go ahead until<br />

June 29. ​<br />

Individuals or groups who<br />

made submissions during the<br />

resource consent process are<br />

able to appeal the decision.<br />

Residents in the area are<br />

gravely concerned about<br />

the health, noise, and environmental<br />

impacts the developments<br />

will bring.<br />

The quarry could open in<br />

<strong>20</strong>22, producing more than half<br />

a million tonnes of gravel a year<br />

over the next 40 years.<br />

Environment Canterbury<br />

received 329 public submissions<br />

against the proposed quarry out<br />

of a total of 430.<br />

The submissions came from<br />

a wide scope of residents and<br />

businesses.<br />

Meanwhile, the Christchurch<br />

City Council, which submitted<br />

against the quarry, has decided<br />

not to pursue an appeal.<br />

This was after studying the<br />

commissioners’ decision and<br />

seeking a further independent<br />

expert and legal advice.<br />

The submission was made<br />

through the Waipuna/Halswell-<br />

Hornby-Riccarton Community<br />

Board on behalf of the city<br />

council.<br />

The decision not to appeal<br />

was made in the confidential<br />

segment of the city council<br />

meeting last Thursday to ensure<br />

the legal advice obtained could<br />

be discussed by elected members<br />

in detail.<br />

Weedons<br />

Residents Association<br />

member<br />

Simon Moore<br />

made an individual<br />

submission<br />

opposing<br />

Simon Moore<br />

the quarry.<br />

He said<br />

he would<br />

financially support an appeal if<br />

needed.<br />

Mr Moore said the city<br />

council’s decision not to make an<br />

appeal was very disappointing.<br />

“It’s just a matter of roll over<br />

and let it happen I guess. What<br />

can I say? They don’t think it’s<br />

worth fighting a battle for their<br />

people at Templeton.’’<br />

He said the people of<br />

Templeton will remember the<br />

decision of the city council.<br />

In Brief<br />


A total of 80 submissions have<br />

been made on the district<br />

council’s Annual Plan. Sixty<br />

people have also weighed<br />

in on the plan via an online<br />

survey. A district council<br />

spokesman said it is a higher<br />

number of submissions than<br />

would generally be expected at<br />

this stage of the process. They<br />

have not yet undertaken any<br />

analysis of the topics covered in<br />

the submissions. A key item in<br />

the consultation is the proposal<br />

to review the rate increases<br />

proposed for <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong>/21. Public<br />

consultation will close on<br />

Friday.<br />


Donations to help Husky Rescue<br />

NZ during the Covid-19 crisis<br />

have begun to dry up meaning<br />

it may have to downsize. The<br />

charity, which is based in<br />

Rolleston, is aiming to fundraise<br />

$32,000 a month to cover the<br />

cost of caring for its dogs.<br />

Founder Michelle Attwood<br />

said they received $27,000 in<br />

donations last month but have<br />

only raised about $7000 so far<br />

this month. To help Husky<br />

Rescue NZ, text HUSKY to 833<br />

to make an instant $3 donation.<br />

Or donate online at givealittle.<br />

co.nz/org/huskyrescuenz<br />

Keep your bubble local<br />

and switch to your local<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> Audiologist<br />

We are open at Level 2 and excited to open our bubble!<br />

For the month of <strong>May</strong>, we’re extending great offers on<br />

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<strong>Selwyn</strong> Auto<br />


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4 Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>20</strong> <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />


Recycling –<br />

a change to plastics we can accept<br />

We can now only accept rigid plastic containers 1 2 and 5 in your<br />

recycling bin (along with the paper, cardboard, cans and glass bottles).<br />

Containers must be empty, rinsed clean and the lids placed in the rubbish.<br />

You can usually find the<br />

plastic number on or near<br />

the bottom of the container.<br />

Accepted items<br />

Some examples include:<br />

· Condiment and spread jars<br />

(mayonnaise, peanut butter, jam)<br />

· Juice, soft drink and water bottles<br />

· Clear meat trays<br />

· Fruit and vegetable punnets<br />

· Milk bottles<br />

· Personal care bottles (shampoo, shower gel)<br />

· Tubs (margarine, ice cream, large<br />

yogurt containers)<br />

Not accepted<br />

Some examples include:<br />

· Plastic types 3 4 6 and 7<br />

· All soft plastic, plastic film or<br />

plastic wrap (frozen and fresh<br />

vegetable bags, courier bags, chip<br />

packets, bread bags, pet food<br />

bags, cracker and sushi trays)<br />

· Plastic strapping<br />

· Hose, tubing, PVC pipe<br />

· Polystyrene<br />

· Toothpaste tubes and<br />

toothbrushes<br />

· Laminated pouches (cat food,<br />

sauce, coffee pouches)<br />

· Hazardous chemical containers<br />

(antifreeze, pesticides) – these<br />

empty containers must go in your<br />

rubbish bin<br />

· Plastic items that aren’t containers<br />

(buckets, washing baskets, toys)<br />

Unsure about an item? Email: solid.waste@selwyn.govt.nz<br />


SELWYN TIMES Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>20</strong> <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong> 5<br />

News<br />

BUY A PAMS LaRGE Hot<br />

Cooked CHICKEN<br />

+ COCA COLA<br />

1.5L for only<br />

$<br />

14 49<br />

CONFIDENT: Low interest rates will mean the construction industry in the<br />

district will bounce back according to major building company owner<br />

Russell Lilley.<br />


Employment expected<br />

to decline by 2100 jobs<br />

• From page 1<br />

“We have a bit of work<br />

to do at the moment. It<br />

should begin to pick up<br />

even more now in level 2,”<br />

he said.<br />

Mr Lilley said he is not<br />

worried at all about the<br />

future of construction in<br />

the district.<br />

“The interest rates are<br />

so low at the moment, of<br />

course things will bounce<br />

back. You would be crazy<br />

not to build right now.<br />

“I am 70-years-old, I<br />

have been through a lot<br />

of stuff, I have never been<br />

through a pandemic but<br />

I’ve been through times<br />

when interest rates were 28<br />

per cent. That was in the<br />

80s.”<br />

The Infometrics report<br />

shows transport, postal<br />

and warehousing activities<br />

could fall by 16 per cent.<br />

Professional, scientific<br />

and technical services<br />

would be reduced by eight<br />

per cent, while retail and<br />

wholesale trade would fall<br />

by six per cent.<br />

Consumer spending and<br />

traffic volumes were down<br />

substantially during the<br />

lockdown.<br />

Around 56 per cent of<br />

Gaming, TAB will be operating<br />

• From page 1<br />

“We can’t get enough of<br />

it. We will have a register<br />

for when<br />

people<br />

come in<br />

and we will<br />

seat them<br />

straight<br />

away,” he<br />

said.<br />

Gaming<br />

Craig<br />

Bradford<br />

machines<br />

and TAB<br />

facilities<br />

will also be able to operate<br />

in hotels across the district.<br />

New rules mean patrons<br />

the workforce was able<br />

to work under the level 4<br />

lockdown, and the analysts<br />

expected 78 per cent of<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong>’s workforce was<br />

able to work during level 3.<br />

Employment in <strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

is expected to decline by<br />

2100 jobs in the year to<br />

March <strong>20</strong>21, a drop of<br />

8.6 per cent – but lower<br />

than the forecast national<br />

decline of 9.8 per cent.<br />

Job losses are expected at<br />

all skill levels.<br />

The loss of jobs means<br />

the overall unemployment<br />

rate in <strong>Selwyn</strong> is forecast<br />

to rise from 2.3 per cent in<br />

the March <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong> quarter, to<br />

7.1 per cent in March <strong>20</strong>21.<br />

This compares to the<br />

forecast national unemployment<br />

rate of 9 per cent.<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong>’s house prices<br />

are also expected to follow<br />

the national trend,<br />

and decline 10.8 per cent<br />

between December <strong>20</strong>19<br />

must be seated and will be<br />

served at their tables.<br />

Darfield Hotel owner Ray<br />

O’Connell said things have<br />

been going well he was<br />

looking forward to being<br />

fully open.<br />

“It will be good to<br />

have the bar back open.<br />

The gaming lounge and<br />

TAB will be available<br />

tomorrow,” he said.<br />

Coalgate Tavern coowner<br />

Steve Joy said they<br />

have been open for dine-in<br />

purposes but will be<br />

back to business as usual<br />

tomorrow.<br />

and December <strong>20</strong>21, before<br />

gradually recovering.<br />

Looking ahead, the report<br />

suggests that primary<br />

sector exports are expected<br />

to hold up and food product<br />

manufacturing will<br />

expand slightly, supporting<br />

the district’s longer-term<br />

recovery.<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>May</strong>or Sam<br />

Broughton the district<br />

council has a central part<br />

to play in the district’s<br />

recovery.<br />

“One of the key things<br />

we can do is maintain<br />

a steady programme of<br />

infrastructure projects that<br />

support local communities,<br />

along with the essential<br />

services that our residents<br />

rely on every day.<br />

“We’re also talking with<br />

community and business<br />

leaders about what the<br />

future looks like, and how<br />

we can work together to<br />

build a stronger <strong>Selwyn</strong>.”<br />

•The full Infometrics<br />

report, Economic<br />

Impacts of Covid-19 on<br />

the <strong>Selwyn</strong> Economy, is<br />

available on the <strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

District Council website<br />

atwww.selwyn.govt.nz/<br />

services/business/oureconomy<br />

Two Fat Possums<br />

director Murray<br />

Hickman said they<br />

have been preparing for<br />

reopening.<br />

“We are mostly just<br />

getting our systems in<br />

place such as building our<br />

stocks up. Making sure all<br />

our electronic terminals<br />

and things in the back<br />

office are working correctly<br />

and of course some<br />

cleaning.<br />

“We are very excited<br />

to open. It’ll be nice to<br />

get back into the normal<br />

things,” he said.<br />

Meadow Fresh Yoghurt<br />

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Wine and beer purchases restricted to persons aged 18 years old and over.<br />




6 Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>20</strong> <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />


News<br />

Council chief recognised with award<br />

• By Devon Bolger<br />

THE DISTRICT council’s chief<br />

executive David Ward has been<br />

commended for his work in<br />

local government.<br />

He received the president’s<br />

award for distinguished<br />

contribution to the Society<br />

of Local Government<br />

Managers.<br />

Mr Ward said he is proud<br />

and honoured to have<br />

received the award.<br />

Said a society<br />

spokesman: “David<br />

is a long-term and<br />

significant supporter<br />

of SOLGM. He has<br />

been a member since<br />

<strong>20</strong>03 and has been<br />

heavily involved in two SOLGM<br />

working parties spanning more<br />

than 15 years,’’ he said.<br />

David Ward ​<br />

Mr Ward joined the<br />

finance working party<br />

in <strong>20</strong>04 and became<br />

chairman in <strong>20</strong>09, a<br />

position he retained<br />

until <strong>20</strong>17.<br />

THe spokesman said<br />

Mr Ward is also a strong<br />

supporter and mentor<br />

to the young leaders that report<br />

to him.<br />

“He has supported them to<br />

attend the executive leaders<br />

programme and several<br />

have gone on become chief<br />

executives.<br />

“In <strong>Selwyn</strong>, David established<br />

a young leaders group, which<br />

is co-chaired by two different<br />

young leaders each year. Under<br />

his direction they establish a<br />

speaker programme for their<br />

monthly meetings which<br />

includes both internal and<br />

external speakers. They have<br />

a framework of learning from<br />

others and learning from<br />

themselves.”<br />

Mr Ward was appointed<br />

as the district council chief<br />

executive in <strong>20</strong>13. His contract<br />

was recently extended until<br />

<strong>20</strong>23.<br />

Before his current position he<br />

was the chief executive of the<br />

Horowhenua District Council.<br />

A sheepish<br />

baabble<br />

These two in Lincoln<br />

have been keeping<br />

cosy as the weather<br />

gets cooler.<br />


CLARKE<br />

Sites under evaluation for<br />

second Rolleston high school<br />

• By Devon Bolger<br />

PLANNING FOR a second high<br />

school in Rolleston has taken<br />

another step forward.<br />

Work is ongoing to acquire<br />

land for the school and the Ministry<br />

of Education is currently<br />

evaluating a number of sites.<br />

Engagement with other local<br />

schools and the community has<br />

been delayed due to Covid-19,<br />

but is expected to get this under<br />

way at the beginning of term 3<br />

in July.<br />

A Ministry of Education<br />

spokeswoman said they are<br />

unable to provide detail on the<br />

sites being considered at this<br />

stage.<br />

“So as not to prejudice or<br />

disadvantage our ability to carry<br />

out commercial negotiation.”<br />

The ministry has previously<br />

been in discussions with<br />

Rolleston College about the new<br />

school.<br />

The Ministry of Education<br />

funds land purchases through<br />

its capital budget.<br />

The ministry’s Canterbury<br />

National Education Growth<br />

Plan <strong>20</strong>30 predicts Rolleston<br />

College could reach its capacity<br />

of 1800 students by <strong>20</strong>27/28.<br />

Meanwhile, the establishment<br />

board of trustees for the new<br />

Rolleston East School has been<br />

appointed.<br />

“The board will oversee the<br />

development and construction<br />

of the year 1-8 school at Acland<br />

Park,” the spokeswoman said.<br />


Mike Bowie is an ecologist who specialises in<br />

entomology (insects and other invertebrates).<br />

Each week he introduces a new species found<br />

in his backyard at Lincoln. His column aims<br />

to raise public awareness of biodiversity,<br />

the variety of living things around us. Check out the full list<br />

of invertebrates found at www.inaturalist.org/projects/<br />

backyard-biodiversity-bugs-in-my-lincoln-section<br />

Spiders that spend<br />

entire life in a tunnel<br />

TRAPDOOR spiders (Cantuaria<br />

species) are large (<strong>20</strong>-30mm<br />

long) arachnids, of which there<br />

are more than 40 endemic<br />

species in New Zealand.<br />

THese spiders are characterised<br />

by a serrated comb used for<br />

digging. They live in a hole in the<br />

ground about 10mm in diameter<br />

and 15-30cm deep.<br />

Contrary to its name, not all<br />

species have trapdoors on their<br />

holes. Those species that do have<br />

hinged trapdoors have a highly<br />

camouflaged, circular silk lid<br />

woven with debris from the<br />

ground.<br />

Cantuaria spend their entire<br />

life in their tunnel apart from<br />

when mature males leave to seek<br />

a mate in winter. Prey that come<br />

too close to the hole entrance<br />

are snaffled and pulled back into<br />

their tunnel for consumption.<br />

Lincoln Univesity PhD student<br />

Victoria Smith used beetles<br />

tethered to cotton thread to<br />

entice trapdoor spiders out of<br />

their holes for a study. Trapdoor<br />

spiders can be parasitised by<br />

pompilid wasps that specialise<br />

in attacking larger spiders.<br />

These wasps sting and paralyse<br />

the spider, drag it back to a nest<br />

where they then lay an egg in it.<br />

THe wasp larva will develop<br />

inside the paralysed spider,<br />

finally killing it when it eats its<br />

vital organs. Trapdoor spiders<br />

are also parasitised by large<br />

nematodes (round worms).<br />

THese nematodes brainwash<br />

the spider to find water, where<br />

the nematodes emerge to<br />

complete their lifecycle.<br />

Although this usually occurs<br />

in natural waterbodies, I know<br />

of one case in Lincoln where a<br />

trapdoor spider and nematode<br />

was found in a water bowl left for<br />

pets.<br />

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SELWYN TIMES Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>20</strong> <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong> 7<br />

Rolleston College<br />

Enrolments <strong>20</strong>21<br />

Our mission is to empower our learners to transform their lives, communities and futures.<br />

Whakamanatia ngā ākonga kia pikia ngā taumata o nāianei, o ngā tau kei te heke mai, ā-tangata, ā-hapori hoki.<br />

Principal’s Message:<br />

In <strong>20</strong>17, Rolleston College became the first new<br />

secondary school to open in the South Island for<br />

more than 50 years. Four years after welcoming its<br />

first cohort of 2<strong>20</strong> Year 9 students, we now have<br />

a roll of over 950 students across Years 9 – 12.<br />

At Rolleston College, we create a culture where<br />

every learner can stand and succeed as the unique<br />

individual that they are. Our school values enhance<br />

learner’s opportunities to live our school values<br />

as they Develop Self, Build Communities and<br />

Transform Futures. Rolleston College has been<br />

designed to be modern and future-focused with a<br />

physical design which reflects our vision for studentcentred,<br />

personalised teaching and learning. State of<br />

the art facilities paired with a solid record of NCEA<br />

achievement makes Rolleston College the obvious<br />

choice for your child’s secondary education.<br />

Rachel Skelton, Principal<br />

Our Learning<br />

At Rolleston College we have top class facilities and<br />

an exciting and diverse academic programme that<br />

meets the needs of the individual learner.<br />

The curriculum framework is designed to ensure that<br />

the delivery of learning is innovative, learner centred,<br />

skills relevant and cover all aspects of the New<br />

Zealand Curriculum (NZC, <strong>20</strong>07).<br />

The Learning Vehicles:<br />

Ako - learners meet with their learning coach to<br />

monitor their progress, develop their personalised<br />

inquiry programme and develop their individual<br />

literacy and numeracy programme as well as their<br />

health and wellbeing programme.<br />

Connected - this is a multidisciplinary approach<br />

to skill and knowledge development and allows<br />

for an authentic context of learning in the areas of<br />

mathematics, science, social science and English.<br />

Selected - learners choose from a range of enrichment<br />

options - from technology, to music, forensic science<br />

to sports specific and all that lies in between.<br />

Senior School:<br />

In the senior years, learners will continue their<br />

journey in advanced learning environments that<br />

will prepare learners for academic success and<br />

achievement. The Rolleston College Curriculum aims<br />

at enabling learners to gain an idea of their passions<br />

and purpose in life. Learners will work towards<br />

NZQA certified qualifications (NCEA).<br />

Wellbeing:<br />

Rolleston College is one of many New Zealand<br />

schools to implement the Ministry of Education<br />

Positive Behaviour for Learner School Wide<br />

Framework. At our school this framework has been<br />

adapted to work within the context of our school<br />

and our learners. The purpose of Positive Behaviour<br />

for Learning-School Wide (referred to as Ready to<br />

Learn at Rolleston College) is to ensure the Rolleston<br />

Spirit is flourishing within our school. The staff have a<br />

strong belief that learners need to be Ready to Learn<br />

and Ready to Flourish. As part of our wellbeing<br />

programme we have a strong emphasis on our ‘Check<br />

and Connect’ programme.<br />

Check & Connect<br />

Our School Values<br />

The qualities that make up the Rolleston Spirit<br />

identify the key values and dispositions that are<br />

important for our learners to develop during their<br />

time at Rolleston College. They focus on developing<br />

the individual learner’s awareness of self, community<br />

and future.<br />

Developing the Rolleston Spirit will equip learners to...<br />

The Rolleston Spirit<br />

Check and Connect:<br />

This is a way of connecting with our learners on a<br />

daily basis and in all learning vehicles. There are a<br />

variety of ways that Check and Connect can operate<br />

- with the essential outcome being that all learners<br />

know that they have staff who care, are ready to help,<br />

and work together to create a flourishing learning<br />

environment. The learners can use and practice<br />

the tools from their kete, just as you would use and<br />

practice numerical skills.<br />

C.A.S.E (Culture, Arts, Sport, Education Outside<br />

the Classroom)<br />

Co-curricular activities are an important part of<br />

life in Rolleston College and the wider community.<br />

We provide a wide range of sports and physical<br />

activities as well as a wide range of arts related and<br />

cultural opportunities.<br />

Enrolment Information<br />

Enrolments are now open for <strong>20</strong>21<br />

for all those within our school zone.<br />

Online enrolment forms can be<br />

found on our website under the<br />

Enrolments Tab’.<br />

The deadline for enrolments for<br />

Canterbury Secondary Schools is<br />

the 31st July<br />

phone. 03 595 2490 email. admin@rollestoncollege.nz<br />

He kākano i ruia mai i Rangiātea<br />

The Seed will not be lost.

8 Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>20</strong> <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Our People<br />


Natasha Oliver<br />

Providing families with random acts of kindness<br />

Natasha Oliver has been<br />

managing donations for<br />

struggling families at<br />

Christmas for three years.<br />

The Rakaia resident<br />

speaks to Devon Bolger<br />

about her work with<br />

the <strong>Selwyn</strong> Kindness<br />

Initiatives group and her<br />

passion for helping those<br />

in need<br />

How did the idea for the<br />

group begin?<br />

Just over three years ago I<br />

wanted to have a box made up<br />

for everything in it that people<br />

could have for Christmas<br />

Day. I was thinking roast<br />

meat, vegetables, decorations,<br />

Christmas trees and presents.<br />

I thought about how I could<br />

start it and went around to a<br />

few local businesses and put the<br />

word out. I didn’t have much of<br />

anything at that point and it is<br />

quite hard to get things started<br />

when people don’t know who<br />

you are. I managed to get the<br />

vegetables from Healthy Harvest,<br />

about $5000 worth of Christmas<br />

decorations from The Warehouse<br />

and we got brand new presents<br />

from within the community.<br />

My garage was full of stuff and<br />

there were plenty of trips to<br />

The Warehouse to pick up the<br />

decorations. I was thinking well<br />

what do I do now? How do we<br />

get the word out to those people<br />

that don’t have anything? I found<br />

that process quite tricky but I<br />

decided to ask for nominations<br />

of people to give them to. I found<br />

that people would nominate<br />

people who really didn’t need<br />

it and want to use it more of a<br />

thank you or sympathy gift and<br />

that was hard because I wanted<br />

to make sure the boxes went to<br />

families who had nothing. It<br />

was still really nice and we got<br />

some great feedback such as we<br />

would drop a box off to a school<br />

and it would go to a family who<br />

needed it within that school<br />

community. My family and I did<br />

that off our own backs. We spent<br />

two days delivering and it took<br />

HELPING HAND: Natasha Oliver, of Rakaia, spends her free time bringing joy to struggling<br />

families in Rolleston.<br />

us quite a while. The following<br />

year I knew I was going to need<br />

a team and that’s when I started<br />

the group. We had about 40<br />

volunteers collecting food for<br />

about three months the first<br />

year and the second year we had<br />

about 30-something. There was<br />

a period a couple of years ago<br />

where I asked volunteers to come<br />

forward who had time to give<br />

such as lawn mowing and home<br />

cooking, things like that. We<br />

had that running for about three<br />

months and matched them with<br />

people in need.<br />

What community work has<br />

the group done most recently?<br />

I had some Easter buckets<br />

from New World in the North<br />

Island in my possession and<br />

I knew there are obviously<br />

going to be some children in<br />

the community missing out on<br />

Easter this year because of their<br />

family’s financial situation. I<br />

pulled the buckets out, contacted<br />

Rainbow Confectionery through<br />

a friend of mine who sent<br />

down some Easter eggs and<br />

then Covid-19 happened and<br />

we had to hold off. I thought<br />

we would add some colouring<br />

and things so the kids would<br />

have something to do. We have<br />

just been waiting for them to<br />

hand out and I dropped them<br />

off last week all sanitised and<br />

everything. I anonymously<br />

dropped off two buckets to a<br />

family in Rolleston and found<br />

out later that night the kids<br />

thought the Easter bunny had<br />

been released out of lockdown<br />

so he could deliver the eggs for<br />

them. I like to jump and run so<br />

people don’t know where the<br />

goodies have come from because<br />

some people didn’t want people<br />

to know they had nominated<br />

them. We were lucky enough<br />

to have all of the boxes for food<br />

collections donated by Storage<br />

King Rolleston for Christmas<br />

last year. We now drop off all of<br />

the food to the Ellesmere Food<br />

Bank because they cover quite<br />

a wide area around the district<br />

and they know who does really<br />

need it.<br />

Why did you choose<br />

Rolleston as the base for the<br />

initiative?<br />

Rolleston is our go-to in<br />

terms of shopping, petrol and<br />

everything. We think it is a<br />

good metropolitan area for the<br />

initiative. I don’t want to get too<br />

big and try to cover too much,<br />

we are just trying to do what we<br />

can.<br />

What is next for the group?<br />

We are always looking for<br />

volunteers. I am trying to get a<br />

team together to meet up soon,<br />

hopefully in the next couple of<br />

months. I have only so many<br />

ideas, whereas a team would<br />

have many more than I. I am<br />

wanting to start getting prepared<br />

for Christmas this year. I am so<br />

thankful for the people who have<br />

been a part of these initiatives for<br />

the last three years.<br />

The group is heading into its<br />

fourth year now, what keeps<br />

you going?<br />

Knowing there are people out<br />

there much worse off than I. I am<br />

grateful for what I have, I want<br />

to pay it back. I just sort of do<br />

what I can. I was a single mum <strong>20</strong><br />

years ago and I know how hard<br />

it is for some families. Christmas<br />

is my favourite time of the year<br />

and I hate the idea of going away,<br />

•To register your interest in<br />

volunteering or donating, join the<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> Kindness Initiatives group<br />

on Facebook.<br />

sitting there on Christmas Day<br />

and having everything we need<br />

knowing there are families out<br />

there who have nothing. I just<br />

can’t deal with that. It probably<br />

has a lot to do with the fact that I<br />

have empathy and I absorb all the<br />

wrongdoings of the world and I<br />

mourn for all of the sad things.<br />

What do you do for work?<br />

At the moment I am working<br />

at Little India Restaurant in<br />

Rolleston. I have been working<br />

there since late last year. I have<br />

been in hospitality for eight<br />

years. I trained as a teacher and<br />

then jumped into hospitality<br />

after the February 22, <strong>20</strong>11,<br />

earthquake and haven’t looked<br />

back. Another avenue I am<br />

wanting to follow is supporting<br />

hospitality businesses. I know<br />

a lot of them are closing down<br />

now which is sad. I haven’t quite<br />

worked out how to follow that<br />

path but we will see.<br />

Could you tell me a bit about<br />

your family?<br />

I am married to a soldier based<br />

at Burnham Military Camp. I<br />

have two children and they are<br />

21 and 23.<br />

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2/25 Illinois Drive, Izone, Rolleston

SELWYN TIMES Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>20</strong> <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong> 9<br />

Fresh, local products<br />

to your door<br />

A collaboration of two Darfield-based businesses<br />

has taken <strong>Selwyn</strong> by storm. When Johnny Fresh<br />

Darfield and Greendale Butchery decided to<br />

work together to supply the district with a<br />

unique delivery service, Fresh on Wheels, the two<br />

businesses never dreamed they would receive<br />

such a huge demand for their service and have<br />

such a positive impact on people’s lives, especially<br />

during the Covid-19 lockdown period.<br />

Johnny Fresh Darfield manager Mel Tapa says the<br />

fresh produce and meat delivery service became a<br />

lifeline for people living in isolation.<br />

“People really looked forward to seeing the drivers;<br />

kids waved to them from their windows and made<br />

signs to welcome us. It was a real highlight<br />

of our day, knowing we were helping<br />

people who relied on us.”<br />

Fresh on Wheels is the<br />

brainchild of Greendale<br />

Butchery owners Bronwyn<br />

and Matt Dering and<br />

Johnny Fresh Darfield<br />

owner John Heasley and<br />

manager, Mel. Bronwyn<br />

and Mel got together in<br />

late November <strong>20</strong>19 to<br />

work out how the service<br />

would operate and soon<br />

got it off the ground, the<br />

operation streamlined<br />

as their experience and<br />

knowledge grew. The service<br />

now delivers to around 300<br />

customers across the <strong>Selwyn</strong> District<br />

and is steadily growing.<br />

Both businesses pride themselves on offering<br />

fresh, local, quality products. Bronwyn says<br />

Greendale Butchery is a boutique, family owned<br />

and operated business with a small team, creating<br />

award winning smallgoods, bacon and ham.<br />

Johnny Fresh Darfield, says Mel, is a green grocer<br />

that focusses on supplying quality fruit and<br />

vegetables, ordered daily to keep their produce<br />

fresh for their customers.<br />

Fresh on Wheels meat and produce packs can be<br />

ordered on a weekly basis on their Facebook page,<br />

where customers can view variations of meat and<br />

produce packs.<br />

“The new packs, with photos and an order form,<br />

are launched every Sunday night,” says Mel. “We<br />

vary the packs each week and try to co-ordinate<br />

the meat and vegetables so people can create<br />

meals that work together.”<br />

The packs are affordable and family-sized<br />

with a range of purchasing options<br />

including meat, vegetables, and<br />

fruit; meat and vegetables;<br />

vegetables and fruit; meat,<br />

fruit or vegetables only, along<br />

with top ups and add ons.<br />

Deliveries are Tuesday to<br />

Friday – with Kirwee and<br />

West Melton on Tuesdays;<br />

Rolleston and Burnham<br />

on Wednesdays; and<br />

Prebbleton and Lincoln on<br />

Thursdays. Areas local to<br />

Darfield including Hororata,<br />

Sheffield, Waddington,<br />

Springfield and Oxford work on<br />

a click and collect basis.<br />

The Fresh on Wheels team is excited<br />

about their service and looks forward to<br />

providing <strong>Selwyn</strong> communities with a professional<br />

service supplying local, fresh products.<br />

If you would like to place an order and join their<br />

online community, visit their Facebook page:<br />

Fresh on Wheels.<br />

Fresh on Wheels: Bronwyn Dering of Greendale<br />

Butchery and Mel Tapa of Johnny Fresh Darfield with an<br />

example of a full meat, vegetable and fruit pack offered<br />

by their home delivery service, Fresh on Wheels.

10 Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>20</strong> <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />



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SELWYN TIMES Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>20</strong> <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong> 11<br />

Former Lincoln bowler Jamieson<br />

offered national cricket contract<br />

• By Jacob Page<br />


Canterbury Country cricketer<br />

Kyle Jamieson has been offered a<br />

New Zealand Cricket contract for<br />

the upcoming season.<br />

The 25-year-old, who moved<br />

back to Auckland last season after<br />

five years with Canterbury Country,<br />

burst onto the international<br />

stage this summer with player of<br />

the match performances in his<br />

debut home ODI and test series<br />

against highly-rated India.<br />

He is one of three new contracted<br />

players, with Wellington<br />

batsman Devon Conway and<br />

Central Districts spinner Ajaz<br />

Patel also on the list.<br />

Auckland batsman Jeet Raval<br />

SPORT<br />

and Colin Munro have missed<br />

out along with Canterbury spinner<br />

Todd Astle.<br />

Selection manager, Gavin<br />

Larsen said Jamieson deserved<br />

the accolade.<br />

“Kyle’s performances against<br />

the might of India were nothing<br />

short of outstanding and at 25<br />

years of age he’s certainly got a big<br />

future,” he said.<br />

As part of the formal contracting<br />

procedure, the New Zealand<br />

Cricket Players Association was<br />

consulted and it expressed satisfaction<br />

the process, as outlined<br />

in the master agreement, was<br />

adhered to.<br />

Players offered central<br />

contracts for <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong>-21 – Tom<br />

Blundell, Trent Boult, Devon<br />

Conway, Colin de Grandhomme,<br />

Lockie Ferguson, Martin Guptill,<br />

Matt Henry, Kyle Jamieson, Tom<br />

Latham, Henry Nicholls, James<br />

Neesham, Ajaz Patel, Mitchell<br />

Santner, Ish Sodhi, Tim Southee,<br />

Ross Taylor, Neil Wagner, BJ<br />

Watling, Kane Williamson, Will<br />

Young.<br />

The White Ferns contract<br />

offers are set to be released in the<br />

coming week.<br />

DESERVED: Former Lincoln pace bowler Kyle Jamieson made<br />

his Black Caps debut last season and has now been offered a<br />

national contract.<br />


Ransley second<br />

and <strong>20</strong> points<br />

clear of third<br />

PREBBLETON’S Jaden Ransley<br />

sits in outright second with three<br />

rounds remaining of the eSport<br />

Cup virtual motorsport series.<br />

Round eight tomorrow night is<br />

at Silverstone, the home of British<br />

racing.<br />

Ransley, 18, had a consistent<br />

seventh round last week.<br />

After a self-confessed “shocker”<br />

during qualifying where he<br />

managed 12th on the Oran Park<br />

track near Sydney, he managed<br />

sixth and third to remain well in<br />

contention for the title.<br />

“We had a bit of a shocker in<br />

qualifying so we were on the<br />

back foot from there but we<br />

had good momentum and good<br />

speed throughout the night<br />

which helped,” he said.<br />

“We now have a <strong>20</strong>-point<br />

buffer to third which is great<br />

with three rounds to go.”<br />

Ransley said the two races did<br />

not always go smoothly but he<br />

managed to avoid major issues.<br />

“In turn one of race two I<br />

got taken out but only suffered<br />

minor damage so I could keep<br />

going.<br />

“Keeping out of trouble, especially<br />

on a track like that which<br />

is small and tight is the way to<br />

go.<br />

“I’m learning from the other<br />

tracks not to be so aggressive on<br />

the first few laps and to just let<br />

things unfold in front of me,” he<br />

said.<br />



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12<br />

Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>20</strong> <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong><br />

Council services and facilities<br />

reopen under Level 2<br />

Welcome back! Most Council services and facilities are back to normal under COVID-19 Alert<br />

Level 2 conditions, but with some restrictions or reduced services.<br />

The Council’s Rolleston offices, including AA services, are open Monday to Friday, 8.30am–5pm.<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> libraries have also reopened – initially with reduced hours. Darfield and Leeston Library<br />

and Service Centre will be open from 10am–4pm Monday to Saturday, while Lincoln Library and<br />

Service Centre and Rolleston Library will be open from 10am–4pm Monday to Sunday. Most<br />

library programmes will not be operating, but online programmes and e-resources will continue to<br />

be available.<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> Aquatic Centre is open for adult lane swimming, aqua jogging, modified aqua fitness,<br />

higher level Learn to Swim programmes, and squad swimming from 6am–9pm Monday to Friday<br />

and 8am–8pm Saturday and Sunday.<br />

Community and recreation centres are open with reduced hours, and fitness programmes are<br />

gradually resuming.<br />

Parks, reserves, playgrounds and sports areas are open, but users are reminded to practice<br />

safe distancing. The Foster Park Playground and Rolleston Skate Park will remain closed until at<br />

least 25 <strong>May</strong> because of public health requirements. The limits on gathering numbers, along with<br />

requirements for contact tracing and cleaning, mean it is not possible to open them at present.<br />

People using playground equipment are encouraged to wash or sanitise their hands before and<br />

after use.<br />

Building consents processing and building inspections will resume as normal.<br />

Dog microchipping clinics have restarted using a booking system. If your dog is registered with<br />

the Council you can book for an appointment in Rolleston to have it microchipped for free by<br />

visiting selwyn.govt.nz/bookmcclinic.<br />

Customers planning to visit our offices or service centres are asked to note the following health<br />

and safety requirements:<br />

· Numbers of people entering the building may be limited to help manage safe distancing<br />

· All visitors must sign-in on entry for contact tracing purposes<br />

Please also consider delaying your visit to the Council offices for a few days, especially for nonurgent<br />

enquiries, while staff settle in to new systems and routines.<br />

People can also use online services or contact us by phone, 0800 SELWYN (735996) or email<br />

contactus@selwyn.govt.nz or via the Council website or on the Snap Send Solve app.<br />

ON THE<br />

ROADS<br />

On the roads<br />

Tennyson Street is closed from 43 Tennyson Street to the Rolleston Police Station<br />

due to the Rolleston Town Centre infrastructure upgrade and from 96 Tennyson<br />

Street to the Lowes Road intersection for three weeks. The closure is to allow for<br />

the renewal of a section of the sewer main that runs along the centre of Tennyson<br />

Street. A detour will be in place via Michelangelo Drive for vehicles heading<br />

south along Tennyson Street. Lowes Road will be open to two way traffic west of<br />

Tennyson Street and one way eastbound, east of Tennyson Street.<br />

Jones Road will be closed to the north and south of the roundabout until 29 <strong>May</strong> to allow important<br />

sealing work to get the road through the winter and to reduce. A detour is in place.<br />

One lane of Trents Road is closed heading south east away from Springs Road while upgrades are<br />

made to the sewer system. Traffic management is in place. Culvert construction is taking place on<br />

Malvern Hills Road. Traffic management is in place.<br />

Here’s the plan<br />

...have your say<br />

There’s still time to have your say on the Annual Plan.<br />

Consultation closes at 5pm, Friday 22 <strong>May</strong>. You can<br />

find out more and make a submission by visiting our<br />

YourSay <strong>Selwyn</strong> site selwyn.govt.nz/annualplan<strong>20</strong><br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> well placed to recover<br />

from pandemic impacts<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong>’s diverse economy and strong agricultural base are likely to<br />

reduce the impact of COVID-19 on the district’s economy, a report<br />

by economic analysts Infometrics shows.<br />

The report, prepared in April, projects <strong>Selwyn</strong>’s economy will<br />

contract by about 5.4 percent over the year to March <strong>20</strong>21.<br />

Employment is expected to decline by 2,100 jobs or by 8.6 percent<br />

– lower than the forecast national decline of 9.8 percent.<br />

The overall unemployment rate is forecast to rise to 7.1 percent in<br />

March <strong>20</strong>21, compared to 9 percent nationally. House prices are<br />

also expected to decline 10.8 percent between December <strong>20</strong>19 and<br />

December <strong>20</strong>21, before gradually recovering.<br />

Primary sector exports are expected to hold up and food product<br />

manufacturing will expand slightly, supporting the district’s longerterm<br />

recovery.<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>May</strong>or Sam Broughton says many households and<br />

businesses in <strong>Selwyn</strong> have been hard hit by this pandemic, but<br />

there are positives too.<br />

“It will take time for us to recover, but because we are less exposed<br />

to the international tourism market we’re better off than many other<br />

parts of the country.<br />

“It’s clear the construction boom will take a hit – but we know<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> offers a great lifestyle and affordable housing options that<br />

will remain attractive to many families.<br />

“Another real strength in <strong>Selwyn</strong> is our agricultural sector – and<br />

it’s encouraging to see that primary exports and food production<br />

are forecast to remain stable. I hope we’ll see employment<br />

opportunities open up in those sectors too.”<br />

The Council has a central part to play in the recovery, he says. “One<br />

of the key things we can do is maintain a steady programme of<br />

infrastructure projects that support local communities, along with<br />

the essential services our residents rely on.<br />

“We’re also talking with community and business leaders about<br />

what the future looks like, and how we can work together to build a<br />

stronger <strong>Selwyn</strong>. That will include things like making the most of our<br />

rural character and strong local networks, finding ways to support<br />

local businesses and encouraging locals and visitors to explore our<br />

outstanding natural environment.”<br />

The full Infometrics report is available on the Council website.<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong>...<br />

If you need help,<br />

reach out<br />

Key contacts for support<br />

· Urgent Welfare Support 0800 SELWYN (0800 735 996)<br />

Assistance for emergency food, household goods and services<br />

or other welfare-type requests<br />

· Healthline 0800 358 5453<br />

· Accommodation 0508 754 163<br />

· Financial support 0800 779 997<br />

· Need to talk 1737 (call or text)<br />

Or visit www.allright.org.nz for tips on getting through together<br />

Council Call<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> District Council<br />

Norman Kirk Drive, Rolleston<br />

Ph 0800 SELWYN (735 996)<br />

Rolleston Library<br />

Rolleston Drive, Rolleston<br />

Ph 347 2880<br />

Darfield Library & Service Centre<br />

1 South Terrace, Darfield<br />

Ph 318 8338 or 347 2780<br />


<strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>20</strong> <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

13<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

Community<br />

Fund<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> Community Fund<br />

closes 31 <strong>May</strong><br />

The fund is available for <strong>Selwyn</strong>-based<br />

community groups looking to run a project,<br />

event or initiative in the <strong>Selwyn</strong> district.<br />

Apply now at<br />

selwyn.govt.nz/selwyncommunityfund<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> Open – ahead of the game<br />

As part of our <strong>Selwyn</strong> Open campaign we’re profiling some of the many excellent businesses local to<br />

you. You can find these businesses on the <strong>Selwyn</strong> Business Directory at selwyn.govt.nz/directory<br />

This week we talk to Andrew and Priscilla Foster from Magnitude Sports Rolleston.<br />

As we reach the point where we can return to our favourite games, <strong>Selwyn</strong>’s only sports store<br />

Magnitude Sports is re-opening its doors.<br />

The store first opened its doors in February last year in Faringdon, later moving to a bigger store in<br />

Rolleston’s town centre.<br />

During Alert Levels 4 and 3, they kept going with online orders, product deliveries, contactless pickups,<br />

advice over the phone and social media competitions with prizes.<br />

With the number of sports clubs and events in <strong>Selwyn</strong>, the couple felt there was a need for a sports<br />

store in <strong>Selwyn</strong>, saving residents a drive into Christchurch city.<br />

“There’s no one else in <strong>Selwyn</strong> doing what we’re doing. We’ve got some pretty cool products that will<br />

save people from going into town to get them,” Andrew said.<br />

The store offers everything from fishing to footwear, home fitness gear and even sometimes motocross<br />

products, all supplied from New Zealand wholesalers, except for some overseas clothing brands.<br />

“We try to keep it as local as we can.”<br />

And if there’s anything they don’t have, Andrew says they are happy to order stock in.<br />

The Fosters have lived in <strong>Selwyn</strong> for 14 years and,<br />

with their children Jacob and Libby, are involved<br />

with local rugby, netball and football clubs. Living<br />

locally helps them keep up with local needs. They<br />

pride themselves on customer service and advice<br />

that can sometimes get lost in bigger stores,<br />

Andrew says.<br />

The store also supports the community by donating<br />

prizes to raffles and collaborating with sports clubs<br />

and local schools.<br />

“We’re just local people trying to get our business up<br />

and running. We want to thrive and get bigger so we<br />

can help out the community.”<br />

Be road safety aware – think small<br />

As we get back to moving around under Alert Level 2 this week we’re asking people to think small and<br />

look out for our children on the roads.<br />

Over 10,000 children go to school in <strong>Selwyn</strong> – that’s nearly <strong>20</strong>% of our population – and many are on<br />

the move, heading back to school this week.<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> School Road Safety Coordinator Stephanie Hautler is encouraging everyone to keep their eyes<br />

peeled for our young people heading back to school by foot and on wheels.<br />

For those heading to school here are some travel safety tips:<br />

· Be bright and be seen. Ask your school for a safety vest.<br />

· Tackle the routes together, talking about sneaky driveways and blind corners.<br />

· Get out and active together to reduce the chaos at the school gate.<br />

· Wear your helmets – this goes for caregivers too… young people are watching you!<br />

We’re heading<br />

back to school<br />

Please watch<br />

out for us<br />

Enjoying culture and community<br />

Continuing our series celebrating the Faces of <strong>Selwyn</strong>.<br />

Visit selwyn.govt.nz/facesofselwyn for the full story.<br />

warm, late-summer evening, early this year international students<br />

from Lincoln University’s Master of Science in Food Innovation meet<br />

at a house near Lincoln’s Liffey stream.<br />

Their host, toxicology Professor Ravi Gooneratne, interrupts the<br />

chattering with a big smile to thank everyone for coming.<br />

It is a privilege to work with young people from different countries<br />

and cultures, he says. Originally from Sri Lanka, he says he can<br />

relate to these students after studying for his PhD in Australia and<br />

teaching in Canada before moving to Lincoln.<br />

“I treat them as my sons and daughters to a large extent. I invite<br />

them to my place about twice a year and we have an evening where<br />

they bring their cultural dishes so we get a chance to taste all the<br />

different dishes from different countries.”<br />

Ravi, his wife and their two young children moved to Lincoln in 1988<br />

after six years at the University of Saskatchewan, where winters<br />

reach -40 degrees Celsius.<br />

The neighbours in Lincoln were very friendly, helping him settle. He<br />

joined the Lincoln Rotary club in 1994, becoming president in <strong>20</strong>05.<br />

“We have really enjoyed our stay in New Zealand and we have met a<br />

lot of friends. The Lincoln community is fantastic.”<br />

He’s even kept the same hairdresser from when he first arrived.<br />

“I’ve been paying the 1988 rates, even now she hasn’t increased the<br />

amount she charges,” he laughs.<br />

Every so often he visits the local Buddhist temple, gathering with<br />

friends from the Sri Lankan community. He also continues to travel,<br />

visiting family in Sri Lanka each year and working as a professor at<br />

two Universities in China; Guangdong and Jiangnan.<br />

In <strong>20</strong>18 he was awarded a key to the city of Zhanjiang for<br />

his outstanding contribution to its economic, cultural, social,<br />

educational and international relations.<br />

Supporting <strong>Selwyn</strong> businesses<br />

with digital smarts<br />

The Council is kick-starting a <strong>Selwyn</strong> Gets Digital webinar series<br />

which focuses on supporting <strong>Selwyn</strong> businesses to get the most out<br />

of going online.<br />

The series is being run by various Kiwi specialists including Yellow<br />

Design, Mint Design and Rushton Marketing and will support<br />

businesses to enhance their online presence and techniques and<br />

get maximum benefit from digital marketing.<br />

The series will cover tips for online purchasing, advice for digital<br />

marketing in a COVID-19 world and help on making the most of<br />

Facebook and social media advertising.<br />

Online purchasing and eCommerce<br />

Tuesday 19 <strong>May</strong> 1.30–2.30pm<br />

Beginner’s Digital Marketing in a COVID-19 World<br />

Tuesday 26 <strong>May</strong> 10–11am<br />

Facebook for Business (Beginners)<br />

Tuesday 2 June 10–11am<br />

Social Media Advertising<br />

Thursday 4 June 10–11am<br />

Register now: selwyn.govt.nz/getdigital<br />

Meetings<br />

Council meeting<br />

Wednesday 27 <strong>May</strong> 2pm, at Council Chambers, Rolleston.<br />

Leeston Library & Service Centre<br />

19 Messines Street, Leeston<br />

Ph 347 2871<br />

Lincoln Library & Service Centre<br />

Gerald Street, Lincoln<br />

Ph 347 2876<br />

0800 SELWYN<br />

www.selwyn.govt.nz<br />


14 Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>20</strong> <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />


Tasty Bites<br />

Sweet treats using condensed milk<br />

Consensed milk is milk<br />

that has had 60 per cent<br />

of its water evaporated<br />

away. The thickened milk<br />

then has sugar added<br />

to make it the perfect<br />

ingredient for decadent<br />

baking and desserts<br />

Five ingredient rocky road<br />

fudge<br />

32 servings<br />

Ingredients<br />

2 395g cans sweetened condensed<br />

milk<br />

130g salted honey-roasted<br />

peanuts<br />

140g pink and white marshmallows<br />

(about 2cm each)<br />

350g block milk chocolate,<br />

chopped<br />

Directions<br />

Grease an 18cm x 28cm slice<br />

pan. Line base and sides with<br />

baking paper, extending paper<br />

2cm above edges of pan.<br />

Place white chocolate and<br />

half the condensed milk in a<br />

microwave-safe bowl. Microwave<br />

on high for 1min 30sec, stirring<br />

every 30sec, or until melted<br />

and smooth. Add peanuts and<br />

marshmallows. Stir to combine.<br />

Pour mixture into prepared pan.<br />

Smooth surface. Refrigerate.<br />

Meanwhile, place the remaining<br />

condensed milk and the milk<br />

chocolate in a microwave-safe<br />

bowl. Microwave on high for<br />

1min 30sec, stirring every 30sec,<br />

or until melted and smooth.<br />

Carefully spoon mixture over<br />

white chocolate layer and gently<br />

smooth surface. Refrigerate for<br />

4hr or until firm. Serve.<br />

Strawberry and condensed<br />

milk slice<br />

15 servings<br />

Ingredients<br />

190g plain flour<br />

100g cold butter, chopped<br />

80g pure icing sugar, sifted<br />

1 ½ tbsp iced water<br />

An independent school<br />

education is a precious<br />

gift and it doesn’t have<br />

to break the bank<br />

At St Michael’s, we have been<br />

nurturing the children of our city<br />

for 169 years. Our small classes and<br />

traditional education offer your child<br />

outstanding specialist and individual<br />

attention. With twenty pupils per<br />

year – and twenty desks! – every child<br />

has a sense of identity and place at St<br />

Michael’s.<br />

Extension programmes begin in<br />

Year 5 in English and Mathematics,<br />

challenging your child to achieve to<br />

the best of their abilities. Specialist<br />

Science in our dedicated lab is wide<br />

ranging from the traditional to the<br />

experimental. Lessons are wide<br />

ranging too, as pupils frequently visit<br />

our extended campus: the gardens,<br />

library, museum…<br />

St Michael’s is at the heart of the city,<br />

and at the heart of St Michael’s are<br />

the essential values of Christian faith<br />

and good citizenship. Building on this<br />

foundation, our wider curriculums<br />

in History, Geography, languages, RE<br />

and Art teach good citizenship in a<br />

global context.<br />

St Michael’s children are wellrounded,<br />

participating in sport, music<br />

and drama in and out of school.<br />

Over half our pupils play at least one<br />

musical instrument, and sing in one<br />

of our three choirs. Stage Band and<br />

Orchestra offer your child key first<br />

steps in ensemble performance.<br />

At the senior level, Parare, our Y7&8<br />

programme, advances education<br />

outside the box, from financial literacy<br />

to outdoor ed, leadership challenges to<br />

new sports, art and technologies.<br />

If these opportunities suit your child,<br />

who will be in Year 6, 7 or 8 in <strong>20</strong>21,<br />

enrol for Scholarship Day, 25 <strong>May</strong><br />

(Alert Levels permitting.) There are<br />

tests in reading, writing and maths;<br />

auditions for those who play or sing;<br />

a chance to tour the school and meet<br />

the other pupils.<br />

To enrol for a scholarship or<br />

to arrange a tour, contact<br />

Mrs Bec Hitchcock:<br />

registrar@saintmichaels.co.nz;<br />

T: 379 9790.<br />

255g desiccated coconut, plus 2<br />

tbsp, extra<br />

40g self-raising flour<br />

395g can sweetened condensed<br />

milk<br />

2 eggs, lightly whisked<br />

2 tbsp shredded coconut<br />

250g fresh strawberries, hulled,<br />

thinly sliced<br />

Icing<br />

1 tbsp pure icing sugar, sifted<br />

½ tsp butter, room temperature<br />

2 tsp milk<br />

Directions<br />

Preheat oven to 180 deg C (160<br />

deg C fan forced). Grease the base<br />

and sides of a shallow 3cm-deep,<br />

<strong>20</strong> x 30cm slice pan and line with<br />

baking paper, allowing the paper<br />

to overhang the long sides.<br />

Place plain flour, butter and<br />

½ cup icing sugar in a food<br />

processor and process until<br />

mixture resembles fine crumbs.<br />

Gradually add the iced water<br />

and process until the mixture<br />

comes together in a ball (you<br />

may not need all the water). Press<br />

mixture evenly over the base of<br />

the prepared pan. Use a fork to<br />

prick the base all over. Bake for<br />

15-<strong>20</strong>min or until light golden.<br />

Set aside to cool.<br />

Meanwhile, combine desiccated<br />

coconut and self-raising flour<br />

in a large bowl. Add condensed<br />

milk and egg. Stir until combined.<br />

Spread evenly over base. Mix<br />

the shredded coconut and extra<br />

St Michael’s is<br />

pleased to offer<br />

academic, music and<br />

choral scholarships<br />

for <strong>20</strong>21 for pupils in<br />

Years 5, 6 & 7<br />

Contact us for<br />

application and<br />

audition details.<br />

desiccated coconut in a bowl<br />

then scatter over slice mixture.<br />

Arrange strawberry on top.<br />

Bake for 30min or until firm<br />

and golden. Set aside in pan for<br />

10min to cool slightly. Lift out<br />

of pan onto a wire rack to cool<br />

completely.<br />

To make the icing, combine<br />

icing sugar, butter and enough of<br />

the milk in a small bowl to form<br />

a thick paste. Place the bowl over<br />

a saucepan of simmering water<br />

(make sure bowl doesn’t touch the<br />

water) and stir until mixture thins.<br />

Spoon icing into a sealable<br />

plastic bag and snip off one<br />

corner. Drizzle over the slice.<br />

Set aside until set then cut into<br />

pieces.<br />

St Michael’s<br />

Your school at the heart<br />

of the city since 1851<br />


Monday 25 <strong>May</strong><br />

registrar@saintmichaels.co.nz<br />

www.saintmichaels.school.nz 249 Durham Street 379 9790

SELWYN TIMES Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>20</strong> <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong> 15<br />

Your Favourite<br />

Restaurants, PHARMACY Cafés<br />


Pubs & Liquor Outlets<br />

GIFTS &<br />


HEALTH &<br />

BEAUTY<br />

direct to your door, dine in or takeaway<br />

Your guide to <strong>Selwyn</strong>’s delicious food options and hospitality supplies<br />


NOW OPEN<br />


welcome to the famous grouse hotel<br />

open 7 days • ORDERS FROM 4PM • DELIVERIES 5PM - 8.30PM • Menu at famousgrousehotel.co.nz<br />








Monday - Thursday from 4pm<br />

Friday, Saturday, Sunday from Midday<br />

Restaurant bookings essential,<br />

entry off William St<br />

2 Gerald Street, Lincoln • P: 03 325 2408<br />

5<br />

Be Safe &<br />

Keep Others Safe<br />

The team @ Veenuz are happy to re-open the kitchen, adhering to all the new safety and<br />

social distancing practices for delivering food safely.<br />

Phone 03 344 5554. Shop 3, 575 Springs Road, Prebbleton<br />




Check our Facebook page for menu options - WEST MELTON TAVERN<br />

Please phone your order through to 03 347 8460<br />

We will ring you when your order is ready to pick up at the door of the restaurant.<br />

Restaurant<br />

now open for<br />

dining<br />

NOW<br />

OPEN<br />

FOR<br />


Orders can be made by phone, walk in (with enough distancing in place) and through Facebook messenger.<br />

Online ordering through the website www.veenuzindian.co.nz will commence Tuesday.<br />

Customers will be given a specific time for pickup. Delivery of orders are mainly handled by UBER and we can also deliver<br />

(local) in certain cases if we have sufficient staffing. The delivery facility will not be guaranteed for every order and will be<br />

the sole discretion of the management.<br />

Paywave will be available for payment.<br />


We can also do takeaway phone orders for alcohol<br />

from the bottle store! Phone us on 03 347 8460.<br />

1147 West Coast Road, West Melton<br />

Open for<br />

dining &<br />

takeaway<br />

orders<br />

17 West Belt Lincoln<br />

Please book your table or www.thelaboratory.co.nz<br />

order<br />

17<br />

your<br />

West<br />

takeaways<br />

Belt Lincoln<br />

on 325 3006.<br />

NOW OPEN<br />

Takeaway Pizza & Beer<br />

17 West Belt Lincoln<br />

Takeaway Pizza & Beer<br />

IS this Just what you've ALL been missing??<br />

17 West Belt Lincoln<br />

IS this Just what you've ALL been missing??<br />


Order by TEXT<br />

Contactless Pick-up and Pay<br />


Order by TEXT<br />

Contactless Pick-up and Pay<br />

See our website or Facebook for full menu and details<br />

www.thelaboratory.co.nz<br />

See our website or Facebook for full menu and details<br />

5<br />

We’re<br />

∞ Coffee Culture<br />

∞ Corianders<br />

∞ Hachi Hachi<br />

∞ Hell Pizza<br />

∞ Lazeez Mediterranean<br />

∞ Robert Harris<br />

∞ St Pierre’s Sushi<br />

∞ Subway<br />

Back<br />

Individual store trading hours and click ‘n’ collect services<br />

may vary – contact the store or check their website or<br />

Facebook page for details.<br />


16 Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>20</strong> <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />



Govt helps primary sector<br />

prepare for future droughts<br />

A new $500,000 fund will help farmers<br />

and growers prepare their businesses to<br />

recover from drought as the economy gets<br />

moving again, according to Agriculture<br />

Minister Damien O’Connor.<br />

The fund provides advisory services<br />

that usually cost $5000 to equip rural<br />

businesses with professional and technical<br />

advice to help them recover from and<br />

better prepare for future drought.<br />

“As we rebuild the economy following<br />

the effects of a global pandemic, we<br />

have an opportunity to build back better<br />

than before and factor in resilience for<br />

our productive primary sector,” Damien<br />

O’Connor said.<br />

“So far this year the Government has<br />

invested $17 million to help droughtstricken<br />

regions recover from what many<br />

are saying is the worst drought in living<br />

memory. It has affected all of the North<br />

Island and a good portion of the South.<br />

“Although there has been a bit of rain<br />

relief recently, it takes steady rain at the<br />

right time to get grass growing again. The<br />

flow-on effects of water shortages and low<br />

feed availability take a long time to fully<br />

recover from and some farmers will be<br />

dealing with the effects of this drought for<br />

a year or more.<br />

”One of the unusual consequences of the<br />

drought has already started to be noticed<br />

by consumers – that being the paler colour<br />

of our butter.<br />

“As the saying goes ‘you are what<br />

you eat’. The same goes for cows. New<br />

Zealand’s unique pasture-based farming<br />

system gives our butter a wonderful yellow<br />

colour. The shortage of grass and reliance<br />

on supplementary feed has meant our<br />

butter has started to turn white. A return<br />

to yellow will maintain our competitive<br />

advantage in our export markets.<br />

“We know that, with climate change, we<br />

can expect more acute weather events so<br />

it’s important we help farmers and growers<br />

get their businesses ready for future<br />

drought.<br />

“Key to recovery is making good<br />

decisions, based on sound advice. The<br />

purpose of this new fund is to ensure our<br />

farmers and growers can tap into this<br />

advice.<br />

“The fund will address the longer-term<br />

issues but there are also ongoing, acute<br />

issues that need to be addressed with<br />

urgency. Access to feed is the biggest<br />

acute issue so two feed coordinators are<br />

in place as of today, one in the North<br />

Island and another in the South, to make<br />

Firewood & Coal<br />

Coal<br />

<strong>20</strong> kg bags or<br />

500kg bulk bags<br />

Firewood<br />

Pick up or deliver<br />

(delivery charges apply)<br />

Free delivery to Darfield township when<br />

3 cubic metres or more is ordered.<br />

Landscape Products<br />

Now Available!<br />

• Forest Mulch<br />

• Bark Mulch<br />

• Bark Nuggets (10/<strong>20</strong>mm)<br />

• Premium Organic Compost<br />

• Screened Soil<br />

• Landscape Rocks<br />

• Paparoa Red Rock available in 3 grades<br />

• Railway Sleepers (2.1 Lengths)<br />

• Kindling Wood<br />

• Unscreened Bark<br />

Delivery fees apply.<br />

417 Creyke Road,<br />

Darfield<br />

Phone 03 975 4502<br />

Eftpos now available<br />

Open Monday to Friday 6am-6pm, Saturday 8am-1pm or after hours by appointment<br />

sure available feed gets from where it is to<br />

where it’s most needed.<br />

“The primary sector has shown time and<br />

again it has the strength, resilience and<br />

ability to recover from tough times and<br />

come back stronger than ever. I have every<br />

faith that – with this support – they’ll get<br />

through this too.’’<br />

The fund will be managed by the<br />

Ministry for Primary Industries and will<br />

pay for recovery advisory services of up to<br />

$5000 (excl GST) for selected applications<br />

in drought-affected regions.<br />

Funding can be used for a range of<br />

advisory services and drought-related<br />

advice, like:<br />

Strategic planning and the development<br />

of farm business plans<br />

Practical, on-the-ground advice and<br />

support like land management and<br />

sustainable management techniques<br />

Technical advice on soil and pastures,<br />

animal production, and feed budgeting.<br />

To be eligible for this fund:<br />

The farm is located in one of the <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

drought affected regions or districts<br />

including <strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

The business has been negatively affected<br />

Mon-Fri 7am-5pm<br />

Sat 8am-12pm (WOFs only)<br />

by the <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong> drought<br />

50% of the farmer’s income, in a normal<br />

year, is earned from this farming business<br />

The fund is open for applications<br />

between 11 <strong>May</strong> and 12 June <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong>.<br />



Fully galvanised, tandem axled transporter trailer, fitted with electric brakes, hand winch, side lights,<br />

spare wheel and rear side stands for smooth loading.<br />


Deck dimensions (L x W) (mm): 4000 x 1900<br />

Drawbar (mm): 1500<br />

Deck height (mm): 460<br />

Wheel rim: 13 inch<br />

Tyre: 175/80D13<br />

Net weight (kg): 580<br />

Max. carrying capacity (kg): 1600<br />

Winch capacity (kg): 900<br />

3 TRUCKS<br />

3 CARS<br />

3 LUBES<br />


3 FLEET WORK<br />

3 BOATS<br />




Tuatara Machinery Ltd • 291 Weedons Ross Road<br />

Tel. 03 347 4956 • Mob. 0274 770 070<br />

www.tuataramachinery.co.nz<br />

3 BRAKES<br />


3 WHEEL<br />



3 WOFs<br />

3 CAMBELTS<br />


PRICE: $5,500.00 GST inclusive<br />

839 Jones Road, Rolleston P.O. Box 16 Rolleston<br />

Phone Simon on 347 7110 or Mobile 027 272 9213

SELWYN TIMES Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>20</strong> <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong> 17<br />

New tech career in less than a year<br />

Tech is big and getting bigger. The technology sector boomed<br />

in <strong>20</strong>19, cementing its position as one of our largest export<br />

earners according to the latest annual TIN (Technology<br />

Investment Network) Report. The number of people employed<br />

by the technology sector increased by 7.9 per cent last year<br />

to 51,569, and Canterbury’s tech revenue alone grew by 10.3<br />

per cent. It has never been a better time to add tech to your<br />

skill set and start your journey into NZ’s fastest growing sector.<br />

The future is tech. Be part of it.<br />

When it comes to the world of tech, the employment<br />

opportunities are virtually limitless. SIGNAL’s SHIFT<br />

programme was created to help you explore, experience<br />

and embrace those opportunities, adding to your<br />

qualifications and expanding your earning potential in this<br />

vibrant, fast-paced sector.<br />

SHIFT fast-tracks your tech learning with an industryfocused<br />

one-year programme, that not only boosts your<br />

skills, but gives you practical industry experience and an<br />

industry network to help you move into tech.<br />

Quick. Smart. Relevant.<br />

SHIFT is an innovative industry-driven programme for<br />

those who are seeking a new career path, who may or may<br />

not have a tech background. Open to degree holders in<br />

any discipline, SHIFT learners have come from diverse<br />

backgrounds such as medicine, philosophy, sociology,<br />

commerce, geography, marketing, engineering and<br />

humanities.<br />

And if you already have a tech related degree, you can<br />

expand your expertise by focusing on a new area and<br />

gaining valuable industry skills and connections.<br />

A unique learning experience.<br />

Using immersive studio-based learning and real-world<br />

industry experience, SHIFT produces graduates with a<br />

solid base of core tech skills, as well as the communication<br />

and collaborative skills required in the tech industry.<br />

SHIFT enables you to meet and work with local tech<br />

employers. You will complete group projects with tech<br />

mentors, and also gain experience via a <strong>20</strong>0-hour<br />

placement within industry. This allows you to add value to<br />

your host and to showcase your capabilities.<br />

Opportunities.<br />

Tech roles exist in nearly every area, from aviation to zoology,<br />

and career possibilities are extensive. During SHIFT you<br />

can focus on software design and development, business<br />

analysis, data science, web design, project management,<br />

user experience design, technical writing, service delivery,<br />

and the list goes on.<br />

Diversity is important in the tech sector. The best designed<br />

products incorporate many viewpoints to meet customer<br />

requirements. Tech firms are actively recruiting to increase<br />

gender and ethnic diversity across their employees, and<br />

can sometimes offer flexible hours and remote working<br />

opportunities.<br />

SHIFT starts July <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong> and limited partial<br />

scholarships are also available.<br />

To find out more about what tech career<br />

opportunities exist and adding tech to your<br />

current skills, join us online at one of our<br />

Virtual Tech Careers Sessions. Register through<br />

signal.ac.nz/shift or call us on 0800 99 00 24.<br />

growth in Canterbury’s<br />

10.3% * tech revenue in <strong>20</strong>19.<br />

*<strong>20</strong>19 Technology Investment Network Report<br />

“I went from zero programming skills to<br />

full-time software engineer in less than<br />

one year; SHIFT helped me achieve<br />

what I thought was just a dream!”<br />

- Teo Bucutea, <strong>20</strong>19 SHIFT Graduate<br />

GRaduate programme<br />

Join us online for a<br />

Virtual Tech<br />

Careers Session<br />

Tues 19 <strong>May</strong>: 4pm-4.45pm<br />

Thur 21 <strong>May</strong>: 12pm-12.45pm<br />

Book at signal.ac.nz/shift<br />

SIGNAL ICT Grad School<br />

EPIC Innovation Centre<br />

76/106 Manchester Street<br />

Christchurch<br />

0800 990 024<br />

info@signal.ac.nz<br />

signal.ac.nz/shift<br />

The<br />

future<br />

is tech.<br />

Be part<br />

of it.<br />


18 Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>20</strong> <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />



Businesses continue to<br />

cater for their<br />

communities<br />

Supporting local has never been more important than now as businesses<br />

move into level two and re-open their doors and services to the public.<br />

The <strong>Selwyn</strong> district offers a diverse range of businesses and industry;<br />

support local and help our communities thrive…<br />

Gumleaf<br />

Extend the life of your spouting<br />

Gumleaf Gutter Guard is an effective way<br />

of preventing leaf litter from gathering in<br />

your spouting and can also protect tank<br />

water from being contaminated, ensuring<br />

the safety and quality of the water supply.<br />

Snow can also damage spouting and<br />

the Gutter Guard protects the spouting<br />

by spreading the load. Quotes can be<br />

provided within 24 hours and installation<br />

on an average sized house takes a few<br />

days. To discuss your requirements with<br />

Gumleaf Gutter Guard, phone 0800 486<br />

532 or email rohan@gumleaf.co.nz.<br />

Canterbury<br />

Timber & Hardware<br />

Timber Wood Fuel Pellets<br />

<strong>20</strong>kg Bag for $12.50<br />

Call in today for your free quote!<br />

NEW ENTRANCE: 167 Manion Road, Rolleston<br />

Jason Pester P 03 347 7465 F 03 347 7032 E jason@cthl.co.nz<br />

Mon-Fri: 7am-5pm Saturday: 8am-12pm<br />

Canterbury<br />

C T H Timber & Hardware<br />


We are here<br />

The Genuine<br />

Custom Made Garage<br />

Door Professionals<br />

0800 661 366<br />

info@custommade.co.nz<br />

Auckland • Christchurch • Wanaka<br />

www.custommade.co.nz<br />

Canterbury Timber and Hardware<br />

Timber to your door<br />

Canterbury Timber and Hardware<br />

provides landscaping and rural timber<br />

including NZ Pine, Oregon and<br />

Macrocarpa, along with imported<br />

sustainable timber and composite timber<br />

products. For the rural farmer or lifestyle<br />

block owner, they supply fencing materials<br />

including posts, wire and netting, gates<br />

and hardware and electric fencing<br />

products with daily deliveries. Canterbury<br />

Timber and Hardware also offers<br />

personalised pick and pack service and<br />

can quote your project, or feel free to call<br />

them on 03 347 7465 for advice. Their<br />

site at 167 Manions Road, Weedons, is<br />

wheelchair and disability friendly.<br />

Custommade<br />

Increase your home’s value<br />

Custom Made Garage Doors designs<br />

and builds high quality garage doors and<br />

is New Zealand’s leading architectural<br />

garage door company. All their innovative<br />

door designs and their workmanship are<br />

fully guaranteed along with their -the-shelf<br />

sectionals and tilt and roller doors. If your<br />

garage door needs repairs, spare parts or<br />

servicing, Custom Made Garage Doors<br />

can help. Their experienced team is happy<br />

to discuss a garage door solution that<br />

will best satisfy your budget, individual<br />

requirements and home aesthetics.<br />

Call Custom Made Garage Doors Ltd<br />

today on 0800 661366 or visit www.<br />

custommade.co.nz.<br />


hail, leaves, snow & vermin from<br />

blocking & damaging your spouting<br />

Quality materials: BHP Colorbond steel mesh with unique patented louvre<br />

will even keep out pine needles. Will not rust or sag with age or load.<br />

10 year warranty, range of colours.<br />

Proven in Australia & New Zealand over the last 15 years.<br />




Call Rohan anytime Mon-Sat for a<br />

no-obligation assessment & quote<br />

03 982 8850 0800 486532 www.gumleaf.co.nz

SELWYN TIMES Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>20</strong> <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong> 19<br />


Businesses continue to<br />

cater for their communities<br />

Juice Electrical<br />

Look local for electrical needs<br />

Locally owned and operated and based in Rolleston,<br />

Juice Electrical has been servicing the <strong>Selwyn</strong> district for<br />

over 14 years with Greg Horton and his team of qualified<br />

master electricians dedicated to the local community –<br />

and with no service vehicle charge for Rolleston. Juice<br />

Electrical can help with all your electrical needs providing<br />

a professional and timely service whether it is residential,<br />

commercial or industrial, indoors or outdoors. Look out<br />

for the brightly coloured Juice Electrical vans as they<br />

work hard to look after the <strong>Selwyn</strong> district’s electrical<br />

needs. Call Greg and the team at 03 379 6644.<br />

Heatstore<br />

Putting the heat on for winter<br />

Heatstore in Blenheim Road stocks the “best of the<br />

best” log and pellet fire options available in New Zealand.<br />

Heatstore supplies and installs a huge range of heating<br />

options including log and pellet burning fires exclusive<br />

to the company. They are also an accredited provider<br />

to both the ECan Healthier Homes loan and the EECA<br />

Warmer Kiwi Homes grant schemes. Heatstore has an<br />

excellent selection of fires on display at 472 Blenheim<br />

Road and is open 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday and<br />

10am to 1pm on Saturdays. To find out more visit<br />

heatstore.co.nz.<br />

Generation Homes<br />

Building on time and on budget<br />

Building on time and on budget is guaranteed when<br />

you choose Generation Homes. The team is treats<br />

everyone with respect including suppliers, contractors<br />

and of course, the clients with ongoing communication<br />

including frequent meetings, updates and walkthroughs.<br />

Once the site is excavated, every home is built in 18<br />

weeks. All up it is a six to seven month process that<br />

includes drawing the plans and going through the council<br />

consenting process. The Generation Homes show home,<br />

at 2 Reuben Avenue in Branthwaite, is open from 12pm<br />

until 4pm, Wednesday to Sunday.<br />

Our Services<br />

“Exclusive”<br />

Blaze King ULEB Wood Fires<br />

• House Re-Wiring<br />

• Garden Lighting<br />

• New Builds<br />

• Mitsubishi Heat Pumps<br />

• Office Re-Fits<br />

• Internet & Telephone<br />

• TV Aerials<br />

• Spa Pool Installation<br />

• Industrial Installation<br />

• Electrical Safety<br />

Certificates<br />

03 379 6644<br />

Mobile 021 22 77 275<br />

Web juiceelectrical.co.nz<br />

Email greg@aelectrical.co.nz<br />

PO Box 7778,<br />

Sydenham,<br />

Christchurch 8240<br />

Pellet and Wood Fire Specialists<br />

472 Blenheim Road<br />

Sockburn<br />

Phone: 03 343 1651<br />

Open 8:30am - 5pm<br />

Sat 10am - 1pm<br />

www.heatstore.co.nz<br />

opeN By<br />

AppoINtMeNtS<br />

IN ALL tHree<br />

LoCAtIoNS<br />

Our friendly team<br />

are here to help<br />

SHow HoMeS<br />

Halswell Commons<br />

19 Holmes Hanover Lane<br />

(Off Halswell Road)<br />

Copper Ridge<br />

1 Albert Wills Ave, Halswell<br />

(Off Halswell Junction Road)<br />

Branthwaite<br />

2 Reuben Avenue, Rolleston<br />

(Off Lincoln Rolleston Road)<br />

www.generation.co.nz/christchurch<br />


Generation Homes Christchurch

<strong>20</strong> Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>20</strong> <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />



Businesses continue to<br />

cater for their communities<br />

Sharon Crofts<br />

Beautiful gardens create appeal<br />

Sharon from Sharon Crofts Landscape<br />

Design can add the professional touch<br />

to your garden or outdoor area and<br />

create the finishing touches to the curb<br />

appeal of your property. Sharon covers all<br />

aspects of landscape design from initial<br />

site consultation to design concepts and<br />

planting proposals so homeowners can<br />

implement themselves or you can use<br />

her team of experienced and professional<br />

contractors. Whatever the size of your<br />

landscape project, give Sharon a call at<br />

Sharon Crofts Landscape Design on 03<br />

329 6229.<br />

Lagoon Pools<br />

Perfect time for that new pool<br />

Winter is the ideal time to get your new<br />

pool installed with Lagoon Pools and they<br />

can also include lighting and fountains to<br />

make the best of your new asset. Lagoon<br />

Pools installs pools in sizes to suit both<br />

large and small sections, ranging from<br />

three metres to 12 metres in length with<br />

a variety of widths, colours and shapes.<br />

Lagoon Pools is the Leisure Pools dealer<br />

for the South Island. Call Lagoon Pools<br />

at 0800 927 282 or 03 349 2160 or visit<br />

their website www.lagoonpools.co.nz for<br />

more details.<br />

Pumps and Filters<br />

Looking after your pump and filter<br />

needs<br />

Pumps & Filters can look after all<br />

pump and filter needs including design,<br />

manufacture, installation, maintenance<br />

and repairs. They supply and install tanks<br />

in a range of colours and sized from 425<br />

to 30,000 litres and tank pads to meet<br />

manufacturer specifications along with<br />

new pumps fitted to the tanks. The Pumps<br />

and Filters team also test water and install<br />

water filtration and purification systems.<br />

Their showroom is at 551 Halswell<br />

Junction Road, phone them on 03 423<br />

1925 or 0800 478 633, email chch@<br />

pumps-filters.co.nz or visit www.pumpsfilters.co.nz.<br />

Outdoor Space<br />

Everything for your outdoors<br />

Winter is a great time for landscaping<br />

with minimum interruption. The<br />

Outdoor Space can provide paving,<br />

irrigation, lawns including artificial grass,<br />

planting, fencing, water features, pergolas,<br />

outdoor fires, raised planters, decks,<br />

stone walls and pillars, brick and block<br />

laying, vegetable gardens - and lighting.<br />

Their range of stones, bark, timber and<br />

pavers can be viewed at their office at 211<br />

Wards Road in Rolleston. Or, with staff in<br />

Rolleston, Christchurch and Ashburton,<br />

they can bring the samples directly to<br />

your door. For more information or to<br />

view some of their projects, visit www.<br />

theoutdoorspace.co.nz.<br />

Sharon CroftS<br />

LandSCape d e S ign<br />

• Consultations • Design Concepts • Planting Plans<br />

For the Outdoor Space<br />

of your Dreams...<br />

Paving, Irrigation, Lawns, Planting,<br />

Fences, Pergolas, Water-features,<br />

Outdoor fires, Raised Vege beds,<br />

Decks, Artificial grass & more...<br />

P. 329 6229<br />

M. 0274 311 558<br />

s-crofts@xtra.co.nz<br />

www.sharoncrofts.co.nz<br />

Call Aaron & the team today!<br />

Phone: 03 347 4422 or 021 542 402<br />

Email: Aaron@theoutdoorspace.co.nz<br />

www.theoutdoorspace.co.nz<br />

Lagoon<br />

Pools<br />

03 349 2160<br />

0800 92 72 82<br />

Canterbury Ltd<br />

• Quotations for water system designs and water testing<br />

• Pipes, valves, fittings sales<br />

• Filtration supply and installation<br />

• Pump service, repairs and maintenance<br />

• Bore flush and development<br />

• Bore pump sales, servicing and maintenance<br />

• We also sell, service and repair most pump<br />

brands including sewage pumps<br />

551 Halswell Junction Road<br />

0800 GRUNDFOS / 0800 478 633<br />

For sales and service or<br />

after hours service call<br />

Jason 021 649 944<br />

or Mike 021 560 044<br />


SELWYN TIMES Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>20</strong> <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong> 21<br />


Businesses continue to<br />

cater for their communities<br />

Freeman Irrigation<br />

Home irrigation technology saves<br />

time and money<br />

Upgrade your watering system to some<br />

of the latest cost effective and easy to<br />

use automated options with Freeman<br />

Irrigation. With automated WiFi<br />

sprinklers can be connected to weather<br />

station forecasts so if rain is expected the<br />

amount of water is reduced. Automatic<br />

systems save water by irrigation at<br />

the correct time of day, minimising<br />

evaporation and being able to operate<br />

your system remotely also means you<br />

can adjust the flow at any time to suit the<br />

conditions. Freeman Irrigation provides<br />

installation and maintenance. Email<br />

phil@freemanirrigation.co.nz or call<br />

0800 22 33 92.<br />

Canterbury Lawns<br />

Hydroseeding specialists<br />

Canterbury Lawns specialises in<br />

hydroseeding, creating that perfect lawn<br />

within two to six weeks for your home<br />

or commercial property. They also install<br />

roll-out instant lawns using top quality<br />

and local sourced products. Landscaping<br />

is another part of the Canterbury Lawns<br />

service, whether you need garden<br />

preparation, site clearing, retaining walls,<br />

paving or paths. They not only work<br />

close to home on residential properties<br />

but also specialise in commercial and<br />

larger-scale work. For more information<br />

phone Zac at Canterbury Lawns on 027<br />

456 7777 or visit their website at www.<br />

canterburylawns.co.nz.<br />

Southern Woods<br />

Go to place for local plants<br />

The Southern Woods Garden Centre<br />

is the go to place for a huge selection of<br />

every kind of flowering plant, bush or<br />

tree waiting to find a home at your place.<br />

Most of them are grown on site and<br />

looked after by the team of 40 dedicated<br />

staff. Southern Woods provides on-site<br />

consultations and design landscape<br />

plans or take in your plans and they can<br />

help with planting inspiration. There is<br />

plenty of parking at Southern Woods<br />

on the corner of Main South Road and<br />

Robinsons Road. Call them on 0800 800<br />

352 or visit www.southernwoods.co.nz.<br />

Town & Country Gates<br />

Gate or fencing solutions for your<br />

home<br />

When it comes to custom-made gates<br />

and fencing, Town & Country Gates<br />

has the experience to help you choose<br />

the perfect gate or fencing solution for<br />

your home. A Canterbury-based familyoperated<br />

business, the team at Town &<br />

Country Gates pride themselves with<br />

their workmanship producing high<br />

quality customised gates and fencing to<br />

ensure you get a product built to last. The<br />

company offers a free measure and quote<br />

and a full installation service. To check<br />

out their products and services visit<br />

www.townandcountry.co.nz<br />

HydRoSEEdINg, INStaNt<br />

LawNS aNd LaNdSCaPINg<br />

• Locally owned &<br />

operated<br />

• Residential &<br />

commercial lawns<br />

• Hydroseeding<br />

• Instant roll out lawn<br />

• Full lawn preparations<br />

• Site clearing<br />

• Erosion and dust<br />

control<br />

• Irrigation<br />

• Posthole boring<br />

• Landscaping<br />

• No job too small<br />

Call us today to discuss all your lawn<br />

and landscaping requirements<br />

Phone 347 4000 or 027 456 7777<br />

Email zac@canterburylawns.co.nz<br />

www.canterburylawns.co.nz<br />

Looking for a<br />

few plants<br />

post-lockdown?<br />

See Southern Woods for all<br />

your tree & shrub needs.<br />

We’ve got plenty of options for customers looking<br />

to plant post-lockdown. Email Southern Woods for<br />

great advice, contact free garden consultations and<br />

online ordering anytime.<br />

• Driveway gates • Pedestrian gates<br />

• Sliding gates • Swing gates<br />

• Louvered gates • T & G gates<br />

• Aluminium frames with timber infill<br />

No obligation<br />

free measure<br />

& quote<br />

• Fencing aluminium or timber<br />

• Full gate automation systems<br />

• Keypads • Video intercom<br />

- New Zealand Natives - Specimen Trees<br />

Landscaping Plants - Ornamentals - Premium Tools<br />

- Expert Advice - Delivery Nationwide<br />

Stay safe, be kind, sort your garden.<br />

1002 Robinsons Rd, between Templeton & Rolleston 0800 800 352 southernwoods.nz<br />

Ph: 0508 4 gates (0508 442 837) 03 325 4397<br />

E: info@townandcountrygates.co.nz<br />

Town and Country Gates<br />


22 Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>20</strong> <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Hyundai Ioniq ramps<br />

up the EV market<br />

WATCH OUT Toyota<br />

Prius. The car that has<br />

dominated the hybrid<br />

market since its launch has<br />

a serious competitor.<br />

Enter Hyundai’s Ioniq – a<br />

trendy hatchback that is<br />

making big inroads into the<br />

electric vehicle market.<br />

Ioniq has been with us for<br />

two or three years now and<br />

is available as an electriconly<br />

vehicle, a traditional<br />

hybrid or, as in the test car’s<br />

case, a petrol/electric plugin<br />

hybrid.<br />

Put simply, the latter has<br />

the best of all worlds, you<br />

can treat it as a standard<br />

petrol-powered car and<br />

never bother charging it, or<br />

you can treat it as an electric<br />

vehicle and charge the batteries<br />

using a 230v supply.<br />

My old home isn’t compatible<br />

to the drain charging<br />

places on the circuitry, so I’ll<br />

never be an electric vehicle<br />

owner, however, I fully support<br />

those who see EVs as<br />

the way of the future.<br />

The Ioniq hybrid has a<br />

four-cylinder engine of<br />

1580cc. It has lowish power<br />

outputs but because it has<br />

the benefit of electric energy<br />

in tandem there is still<br />

sufficient power on hand.<br />

Hyundai claim outputs of<br />

77kW and 147Nm, with another<br />

44.5kW and 170Nm<br />

available through the electric<br />

motor. Drive is channelled<br />

through a six-speed<br />

dual clutch transmission to<br />

the front wheels.<br />

Driving the Ioniq doesn’t<br />

need any special technique.<br />

Sure, you do have to have<br />

a different mindset when it<br />

comes to filling up, if you<br />

do use the charging system<br />

frequently you’ll want to<br />

develop a system whereas it<br />

just becomes second nature.<br />

Of course, if the batteries<br />

do run low the Ioniq, in this<br />

form, will run happily all of<br />

the time on fossil fuel.<br />

The benefit of all of this<br />

is low fuel use. The Ioniq<br />

hybrid is rated by Hyundai<br />

with a 1.1-litre per 100km<br />

combined cycle average.<br />

That is a bold claim that<br />

can only be achieved under<br />

best possible operating<br />

conditions, however, the<br />

fuel usage readout was<br />

constantly listing around<br />

5l/100km which I thought<br />

was acceptable given many<br />

of my journeys were at city<br />

speeds with a lot of stopstart<br />

driving.<br />

I also took the hybrid on<br />

much the same route as I<br />

would normally use during<br />

an evaluation. A fierce<br />

nor’wester was blowing as<br />

I tackled the roads west,<br />

presenting the Ioniq with a<br />

battle to start with, so that<br />

was a fuel-saving challenge<br />

in the first instance.<br />

• Price<br />

Hyundai Ioniq PHEV,<br />

$53,990<br />

• Dimensions<br />

Length, 4470mm;<br />

width, 18<strong>20</strong>mm;<br />

height, 1460mm<br />

• Configuration<br />

Four-cylinder, frontwheel-drive,<br />

1580cc,<br />

77kW, 147Nm, sixspeed<br />

dual clutch<br />

automatic.<br />

• Performance<br />

0-100km/h, 10sec<br />

• Fuel usage<br />

1.1l/100km<br />


PHEV: Part of an<br />

extensive electric<br />

range.<br />

However, the Ioniq<br />

served to prove it travels<br />

much like any ‘normal’ car,<br />

it cruises happily at the legal<br />

limit and it was also quite<br />

responsive when it came<br />

time to overtake, that manoeuvre<br />

can be completed<br />

in about 6.5sec with a solid<br />

burst of energy through<br />

the mid-range. The Ioniq<br />

PHEV will also launch to<br />

100km/h in around 10sec.<br />

On the subject of figures,<br />

Hyundai claims a 52km<br />

journey on electric power<br />

only. Electric only drive can<br />

be initiated through a pushbutton,<br />

which would be ideal<br />

for the weekday commute.<br />

When the long straights<br />

run out and the Ioniq is<br />

pointed at some tricky corners,<br />

it handles a lot better<br />

than you might expect. Sure,<br />

it’s no sports car, and you<br />

could be forgiven for thinking<br />

that with a lot of battery<br />

power it is a heavy vehicle.<br />

At 1500kg, that’s far from<br />

the case, and what weight<br />

there is in the batteries sits<br />

low in the floorpan, so there<br />

is a low centre of gravity.<br />

That’s always conducive to<br />

respectable handling, and<br />

the Ioniq steers with strong<br />

precision and perfect body<br />

balance.<br />

The Ioniq PHEV lands here<br />

in two specifications, base<br />

model and Elite; the test car<br />

was the entry-level model<br />

which has cloth trim, and that<br />

would be my preference.<br />

If you think that you<br />

are going to be charged a<br />

premium price for the Ioniq<br />

hybrid, then think again. At<br />

$53,990 it fares well against<br />

its competitors, including<br />

those from its partner Kia.<br />

For interest’s sake an extra<br />

$6k will buy you into Elite<br />

specification, while a hybrid<br />

without plug-in facility lists<br />

at $46,990. As a guide to<br />

where it sits in the Hyundai<br />

line-up, an Ioniq EV Elite is<br />

priced at $71,990.<br />

The Ioniq is there for<br />

those who don’t want a<br />

sport utility vehicle and<br />

who want to distance themselves<br />

for whatever reason<br />

from Prius. The concept of<br />

the later and Ioniq is similar,<br />

they are both liftbacks,<br />

although the Ioniq is a little<br />

more compact at 4.5m.<br />

Nevertheless, it makes good<br />

use of its proportions and<br />

is a comfortable, easy car to<br />

drive and to be in.<br />

Quite clearly, Hyundai<br />

has targeted the hybrid<br />

market as a growth area, the<br />

Ioniq in all forms represents<br />

an environmentallyfriendly<br />

option as to the<br />

way we travel.<br />

Personally, if I had to<br />

go that way in a new car<br />

purchase, the standard<br />

hybrid would probably be<br />

the choice. However, full<br />

marks to Hyundai, having<br />

such an extensive range will<br />

only hold the company in<br />

good stead.<br />

Animals Livestock/<br />

Supplies<br />

WANTED Meadow Hay.<br />

Med Sq. Phone 0274 861<br />

707<br />

Funeral Directors<br />

Non-Service Cremation $1,745<br />

Commital service with cremation $3,950<br />

Chapel service with cremation $6,500<br />

Family burial service from $3,400<br />

Just Funerals, a family owned and<br />

operated company with qualified,<br />

registered and experienced staff.<br />

Phone 0800 804 663 - 24 Hour Availability<br />

Email: info@justfunerals.co.nz<br />

christchurch.justfunerals.co.nz<br />

To Let<br />

RENT ME!<br />

Ideal as an extra<br />

bedroom or office.<br />

no bond required<br />

Select Services<br />

Classifieds<br />

No job to big or small.<br />

Supply carpet, underlay and garage carpet.<br />

Experienced in installing second hand carpet.<br />

Carpet samples.<br />

Free measure and quote!<br />

Call David 0272319931<br />

www.davidfarmercarpetlayer.co.nz<br />


Boundary<br />

Trimming<br />

Call Tony Dempsey<br />

Phone 03 325 3256<br />

Mobile 0274 323 943<br />

Animals Livestock/<br />

Supplies<br />

WANTED Meadow Hay.<br />

Med Sq. Phone 0274 861<br />

707<br />

Fully insulated and double glazed for warmth.<br />

Three convenient sizes from $70 a week:<br />

Standard 3.6m x 2.4m<br />

Large 4.2m x 2.4m | Xtra-large 4.8m x 2.4m<br />

Visit our website<br />

www.justcabins.co.nz<br />

for display cabin locations<br />

www.justcabins.co.nz<br />

Heating<br />

Log Fires<br />

Pellet Fires<br />

Heat Pumps<br />

Sales<br />

Service<br />

Installations<br />

Free Quotes<br />

03 343 1651<br />

472 Blenheim Rd<br />

www.heatstore.co.nz<br />

Select Services<br />

Water Blasting<br />

Steam Cleaning<br />

Industrial<br />

Commercial<br />

Residential<br />

Silos Barns Farm<br />

Machinery etc<br />

Hi level Dust removal<br />

Free Quotes<br />

<strong>20</strong> years experience<br />

Contact Gerry<br />

021 740 428<br />

Need a hand?<br />

✤ Lawns & Edges<br />

✤ Landscaping<br />

✤ Gardening<br />

✤ Hedge Trimming<br />

✤ Handyman Jobs<br />

✤ Casual or One Off<br />

Phone Mike Lineton<br />

022 341 8848<br />

Your local<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> District<br />



ADD SOME<br />

COLOUR<br />



Personals<br />

Are you a friendly<br />

and well-presented<br />

woman aged<br />

40-70yrs?<br />

You can earn discreet<br />

income without the<br />

organisational hassle,<br />

and afford the things<br />

you desire.<br />

On PA, outings start<br />

as a commercial<br />

proposition - men pay<br />

women a fee for their<br />

time, which could<br />

include a variety of<br />

outings or dinner dates.<br />

There is no emotional<br />

expectation using the<br />

commercial approach<br />

and every person who<br />

joins is preapproved.<br />

Go to the website for<br />

more information<br />

privatearrangements.co.nz<br />

Or call Pam 027 662 1181<br />

Yes guys,<br />

we want you too!<br />

Select Services<br />

Specialising in:<br />

Driveways<br />

Outdoor Areas<br />

Patios, Pathways,<br />

Residential<br />

& Commercial Floors<br />

Professional Advice<br />

Free Quotes<br />

Frank McWatt<br />

03 423 9344<br />

027 274 0342<br />

allwaysconcrete@gmail.com<br />

www.allwaysconcrete.nz<br />

Select Services<br />

CHECK Your shoes and<br />

backpacks for stitching,<br />

patching and zip repairs.<br />

For Prompt attention, drop<br />

them into Cobbler Glenn’s<br />

Agent: Magnitude Sports<br />

(next to New World),<br />

Rolleston<br />

CHECK Your shoes and<br />

backpacks for stitching,<br />

patching and zip repairs.<br />

For Prompt attention, drop<br />

them into Cobbler Glenn’s<br />

Agent: Magnitude Sports<br />

(next to New World),<br />

Rolleston<br />

Trades & Services

SELWYN TIMES Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>20</strong> <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong> 23<br />

Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team 03 379 1100<br />

Trades & Services<br />




• Mirrors • Pet Door Specialists<br />

• Splashbacks • All Broken Windows<br />


Phone Cushla or Darren Twist<br />

027 352 6225<br />

• Driveways<br />

• Trenching<br />

• Section Clearing<br />

• Demolition<br />

• Tree/Stump Removal<br />

• Truck/Digger Hire<br />

• Post Driving<br />

• Section/Lifestyle Block Development<br />

Trades & Services<br />

• Irrigation • Drainage • Driveways<br />

• Auger Hole Drilling<br />

• Land Clearing & Development<br />

• Culvert Installation • Construction Site Works<br />

• Tree & Hedge Removal • Concrete Breaker<br />

Phone Mike: 027 272 8058 OR 03 324 4323 A/H<br />

g.m.contracting@xtra.co.nz<br />

www.gmcontracting.co.nz<br />


Dominion Trading Co Ltd<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

C O N T R A C T I N G<br />

Phone: 329 7165 or 027 616 1761<br />

Excavations<br />

• Driveways<br />

• Car Parks<br />

• Site Cleaning<br />

• Demolition<br />

• Farm Tracks<br />

• Drain Cleaning<br />

• Stump & Hedge<br />

Removal<br />

• Ashpalt Concrete<br />

Driveways<br />

Over 22 Years Experience<br />

Quality<br />

Workmanship<br />

• Driveways<br />

• Kerb &<br />

Channel<br />

• Garden Edging<br />

Freephone: 0800 081 400<br />

swainskiwikerb@gmail.com<br />

Wide range<br />

oF TruckS<br />

SWAINS<br />


(Since <strong>20</strong>05)<br />

• Tennis Courts &<br />

Swimming Pools<br />

• Chip Seal Driveways<br />

• Diggers – 2 Ton<br />

up to <strong>20</strong> Ton<br />

• Excavators<br />

• Bobcat & Drilling<br />

• For Posthole &<br />

Fence hole<br />

For a Free Quote<br />

on your next project<br />

Phone Steve on 021 338 247<br />

or 325 7922<br />

Free<br />

QuoTe<br />

landscaping<br />

Landscape<br />

Construction and<br />

Garden Maintenance<br />

You can have your gardens, trees,<br />

shrubs, plants and lawns maintained to look their best<br />

all year round, for a great price.<br />

Residential & Commercial Landscaping<br />

• Maintenance • Pruning • Reconstruction & Rejuvenation<br />

• Rental Property and Commercial Maintenance<br />

• Pre-Sale Tidy-Ups<br />

New Home Landscaping<br />

Lawns • Gardens • Decks • Paving • Water Features<br />

• Quality • Value for money • Experienced • Punctual<br />

• Professional • Flexible • Knowledgeable • Reliable<br />

Call Ross Legg - 027 222 0388<br />

Email ross@revivelandscaping.co.nz<br />

www.revivelandscaping.co.nz<br />

• Scrap metal buyers<br />

• Canterbury owned & operated<br />

• Top prices paid $$$<br />

• Open Saturday morning<br />

Open Mon-Fri 8am – 4.30pm Sat. 8.30am-12.30pm<br />

www.happyscrappy.co.nz<br />

03 343 9993 333 Blenheim Rd<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Lawn mowing<br />

Hedge trimming<br />

Gardening<br />

Weed eating<br />

Spraying<br />

and much more<br />

Call Todd<br />

021<strong>20</strong>59543<br />

toddmc.greenacres@gmail.com<br />


★Garden Clean-ups<br />

★Pruning<br />

★Lawn Mowing<br />

★Garden Maintenance<br />

Call us today for a FREE quote<br />

PH 0800 4 546 546<br />

(0800 4 JIMJIM)<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

Accounting<br />

Ltd<br />

For all your<br />

Accounting &<br />

Tax Needs<br />

03 741 1783<br />

027 332 8086<br />

brian@<br />

selwynaccounting.co.nz<br />

Trades & Services<br />


wet area waterproofing,<br />

underfloor heating, soap<br />

boxes, old to new, for best<br />

results, call Devon on 021<br />

375-888 or 03 329 5511<br />



Decks, T & G Flooring,<br />

Villa Restoring, New<br />

Homes, Weatherboards.<br />

Free Quotes. Bennet &<br />

Sons Ltd Sam 027 496-<br />

9362 or Tony 027 224-<br />

0374<br />

CARPET<br />

LAYING<br />

Exp. Repairs, uplifting,<br />

relaying, restretching.<br />

Phone John on 0800<br />

003181, 027 240 7416<br />

jflattery@xtra.co.nz<br />



Small Job Specialists,<br />

Carpentry, Repairs,<br />

Decking & Maintenance,<br />

40 years experience, no<br />

job too small, Ph Warren<br />

03 322-1103 or 027 697-<br />

8541<br />


Affordable Concrete<br />

Cutting with Quality, and<br />

removal work. Free quote.<br />

No job to small. Phone 027<br />

442-2219, Fax 359-6052<br />

a/h 359- 4605<br />

Bellamy’s<br />

Furniture<br />

Furniture made to<br />

order and restoration<br />

by tradesman with<br />

35yrs experience.<br />

PH Stephen<br />

021 073 2624<br />

Trades & Services<br />


Paving, Lawns, Irrigation,<br />

Decking, Fencing.<br />

Kanga & small digger<br />

services. Check out Squire<br />

Landscaping on facebook.<br />


Arthur 347-8796, 027<br />

2<strong>20</strong>-7014 Edwin 027 2<strong>20</strong>-<br />

7154<br />

Trades & Services<br />


Our Cable or yours,<br />

phone-fibre-water installs,<br />

COC supplied, trenching<br />

and cable locatingservice,<br />

owner operator<br />

FREE quote ph<br />

Gerard 0272379742<br />


Renovations, New Houses,<br />

Hot Water Cylinders,<br />

Kitchens Bathroom<br />

Upgrades, Laundries,<br />

General Maintenance ,<br />

Water Filters. Phone Mark<br />

0278690026<br />


Best price guarantee Tony<br />

0275 588 895<br />

TILING<br />

Flooring - Splashbacks -<br />

Wall incl tile removal, reg<br />

master tiler, ph Dave 027<br />

334 4125<br />

Public Notices<br />


Blank Firing<br />

22 <strong>May</strong> <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

The general public is to be advised that a New<br />

Zealand Army Exercise will be conducted in the<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> riverbed area on the 22 <strong>May</strong> <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong>.<br />

The exercise will involve up to <strong>20</strong> personnel of<br />

3rd Workshop Company from Burnham Military<br />

Camp.<br />

Training will involve soldiers carrying rifles and<br />

manoeuvring around the <strong>Selwyn</strong> riverbed in<br />

vehicles and foot.<br />

Blank rounds and pyrotechnics will be used<br />

from 9am until 3pm on Friday 22 <strong>May</strong>. The<br />

exercise will also involve the movement of<br />

troops and vehicles by day.<br />

The New Zealand Army takes fire risk seriously<br />

and will ensure fire mitigation is present.<br />

For more information please contact:<br />

Paul Fisher on 03 363 0334<br />

Operations Co-ordinator<br />

Our small privately owned trade-based<br />

building supplies store is looking for an<br />

operations co-ordinator.<br />

The successful candidate will be someone<br />

who has the drive and passion to deliver<br />

great customer service whilst getting the job<br />

done.<br />

This role will include co-ordinating stock<br />

control, organising orders for delivery and<br />

collection, co-ordinating our yard and<br />

store staff to achieve set targets, all whilst<br />

jumping in to lend a hand in a variety of<br />

other roles as needed.<br />

Any prior experience in a role similar to this<br />

would be an advantage, as would a current<br />

forklift licence and some building industry<br />

knowledge.<br />

Please submit applications, including a<br />

current CV, by Friday 5th June to<br />

sally@buildlinkselwyn.co.nz<br />

Vehicles Wanted<br />


$$CASH PAID$$<br />


& 4X4 WANTED<br />

NZ OWNED<br />

AND<br />


FOR<br />

24 YEARS<br />

We use world class vehicle<br />

depollution systems<br />

0800 8<strong>20</strong>0 600<br />


24 Wednesday <strong>May</strong> <strong>20</strong> <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />




THe BeST PRoPeRTieS AcRoSS<br />

THe SeLWYn DiSTRicT<br />

INSIDE<br />


Week commencing WeDneSDAY, <strong>20</strong>TH mAY ,<strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

Falcon Good Commercial<br />

Development Opportunity<br />

Once in a blue moon an opportunity presents<br />

itself to own the land, build and then be your<br />

own Landlord! This block of 1,752m2* is made<br />

up of three freehold titles available for sale in<br />

one of the newly established subdivisions in<br />

Rolleston - “Falcon’s Landing”. Situated minutes<br />

from Rolleston’s town centre, Rolleston College,<br />

opposite a playground and right next door a<br />

pre-school, this is a perfect location for your<br />

business and an opportunity not to be missed.<br />

46 Branthwaite Drive, Rolleston<br />

Deadline Sale:<br />

4pm, Wednesday 27th <strong>May</strong><br />

(unless sold prior)<br />

Brendan ‘Big Red’ Shefford<br />

Contact:<br />

Mobile: 027 224 4733<br />

rwtownandlifestyle.co.nz<br />

Listing ID: TLR<strong>20</strong>785<br />

Town & Lifestyle Real Estate Ltd<br />

Licensed (REAA <strong>20</strong>08) - Rolleston<br />

Get the power<br />

of three offices<br />

working for you<br />

Ray White Rolleston,<br />

Lincoln & West Melton<br />

Sales - Property Management - Loan Market<br />

Residential - Lifestyle - Commercial<br />

Lincoln - 03 325 7299<br />

Rolleston - 03 347 9988<br />

West Melton - 03 347 9933<br />

Town & Lifestyle Real Estate Ltd<br />

Licensed (REAA <strong>20</strong>08)



4<br />

Due to continued success as <strong>Selwyn</strong>’s leading<br />

Real Estate team, we need more homes to<br />

satisfy these genuine waiting buyers.<br />

Please, if you can help, call us today!<br />

West Melton/Weedons<br />

Approx 4 hectare lifestyle property<br />

Large modern family home<br />

Price $1M - 1.5M<br />

Contact<br />

Frank Dowle 027 528 0480<br />

frank.dowle@raywhite.com<br />

Lincoln<br />

3 bedrooms<br />

1 - 2 living rooms<br />

2 bathrooms<br />

Price mid $500,000’s - $600,000<br />

Contact<br />

Trina Rea 027 424 6901<br />

trina.rea@raywhite.com<br />

Lincoln<br />

4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms<br />

2 living rooms<br />

Minimum of <strong>20</strong>0m2 floor area<br />

Price early $600,000’s<br />

Contact<br />

Trina Rea 027 424 6901<br />

trina.rea@raywhite.com<br />

Rolleston<br />

3 bedrooms<br />

New or near new home<br />

Section 450m2 - 650m2<br />

Price up to $550,000<br />

Contact<br />

Mandie Ashwell 027 552 4478<br />

mandie.ashwell@raywhite.com<br />

Rolleston<br />

2 bedroom townhouse<br />

Small easy care section<br />

Price up to $400,000<br />

Contact<br />

Leisa Webster 027 722 5537<br />

leisa.webster@raywhite.com<br />

Rolleston<br />

4 bedroom well maintained home<br />

Good living space<br />

Section 650m2 plus<br />

Price $580,000 - $610,000<br />

Contact<br />

Leisa Webster 027 722 5537<br />

leisa.webster@raywhite.com<br />

Rolleston<br />

4 bedrooms, 3 car garaging<br />

Space to park a caravan<br />

Section up to 900m2<br />

Price $590,000 - $640,000<br />

Contact<br />

Leisa Webster 027 722 5537<br />

leisa.webster@raywhite.com<br />

Rolleston<br />

4 bedrooms, Butler’s pantry<br />

3 car garaging<br />

Section up to 1000m2<br />

Price $600,000 - $700,000<br />

Contact<br />

Leisa Webster 027 722 5537<br />

leisa.webster@raywhite.com<br />

Rolleston<br />

3-4 bedrooms<br />

Extra garaging or large shed<br />

Section 900m2 - 3000m2<br />

Price $650,000 - $750,000<br />

Contact<br />

Mandie Ashwell 027 552 4478<br />

mandie.ashwell@raywhite.com<br />

Rolleston<br />

5-6 bedrooms<br />

Triple or quad garage<br />

Section 800m2 plus<br />

Price up to $7<strong>20</strong>,000<br />

Contact<br />

Mandie Ashwell 027 552 4478<br />

mandie.ashwell@raywhite.com<br />

Prebbletonn<br />

4+ bedrooms<br />

Section 4000m2 - 2.5 acres<br />

Price $1.4M - $2.2M<br />

Contact<br />

‘Big Red’ Shefford 027 224 4733<br />

brendan.shefford@raywhite.com<br />

Rolleston<br />

3-4 bedroom well maintained home<br />

Walking distance to shops<br />

Section 700m2 easy care<br />

Price $550,000 - $6<strong>20</strong>,000<br />

Contact<br />

Leisa Webster 027 722 5537<br />

leisa.webster@raywhite.com<br />

West Melton<br />

4+ bedrooms<br />

3 car garaging<br />

Section 1<strong>20</strong>0m2 plus<br />

Price $780,000 - $850,000<br />

Contact<br />

Melanie Elliott 027 635 2643<br />

melanie.elliott@raywhite.com<br />

Kirwee/Darfield<br />

2 bedrooms<br />

Price $300,000 - $400,000<br />

Contact<br />

‘Big Red’ Shefford 027 224 4733<br />

brendan.shefford@raywhite.com<br />

Rolleston<br />

3 bedrooms<br />

1-2 bathrooms<br />

Price around $415,000<br />

Contact<br />

‘Big Red’ Shefford 027 224 4733<br />

brendan.shefford@raywhite.com<br />

Rolleston<br />

3 bedrooms<br />

1-2 bathrooms<br />

Price around $440,000<br />

Contact<br />

‘Big Red’ Shefford 027 224 4733<br />

brendan.shefford@raywhite.com<br />

Lincoln<br />

3 bedrooms, newish home<br />

750m2 section plus<br />

Any price range<br />

Contact<br />

Trina Rea 027 424 6901<br />

trina.rea@raywhite.com<br />

Rolleston<br />

3-4 bedrooms<br />

Must have 3 car garaging<br />

Section up to 750m2<br />

Price low $600,000’s<br />

Contact<br />

Nick Booth 027 306 3186<br />

nick.booth@raywhite.com<br />

Rolleston<br />

3-4 bedrooms<br />

1-2 bathrooms<br />

Double garage<br />

Price up to $450,000<br />

Contact<br />

Amanda Cherry 027 340 6955<br />

amanda.cherry@raywhite.com<br />

Rolleston<br />

3+ bedrooms<br />

2 bathrooms<br />

Nice living<br />

Price up to $500,000<br />

Contact<br />

Leisa Webster 027 722 5537<br />

leisa.webster@raywhite.com<br />

Are you considering selling? Do you have a property that matches one of these descriptions?<br />

Contact us now for a no obligation appraisal<br />

If you want to get SOLD, call us TODAY<br />

Ray White Rolleston 347 9988 | Ray White West Melton 347 9933 | Ray White Lincoln 325 7299<br />

rwtownandlifestyle.co.nz<br />

Ray White Town & Lifestyle Real Estate Limited Licensed (REAA <strong>20</strong>08)

5<br />


Hororata 2143 Bealey Road<br />

“Arbourlea” - 72.33 hectares<br />

Location, productivity and a wonderful environment is what sets “Arbourlea” apart from the rest. Situated on the<br />

outskirts of Hororata Village, this wonderful location provides fantastic access to all the things outdoor enthusiasts<br />

dream about - within a short drive to the rivers, lakes and mountains, yet only 40 minutes to Christchurch.<br />

Beautifully established gardens with mature specimen trees surround the extremely attractive home with a wraparound<br />

veranda. With renovations and refurbishments throughout, this fantastic home has large living and<br />

entertaining areas. A vast range of farm buildings, irrigated via Central Plains Irrigation, this very-well-setup, simple<br />

operation is designed for both ease of management and the ability to extract the best out of cashflow. With<br />

excellent soil types and effective use of water within the CPW catchment.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/551<strong>20</strong>19<br />

4 2 2 1<br />

Deadline Sale (unless sold prior)<br />

12pm, Thu 28 <strong>May</strong> <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

3 Deans Ave, Chch<br />

View by appointment<br />

Ben Turner 027 530 1400<br />

ben.turner@bayleys.co.nz<br />

Craig Blackburn 027 489 7225<br />



6<br />

New Zealanders<br />

Zealanders • • by<br />

Voted<br />

Voted<br />

<strong>20</strong>18-<strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong> •<br />

★<br />

<strong>20</strong>18-<strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

<strong>20</strong>18-<strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

★<br />

Real Estate Sales<br />

Four Seasons Realty <strong>20</strong>17 Ltd | Licensed Agent REAA <strong>20</strong>08<br />

Contributor to realestate.co.nz<br />

Your home for local property<br />


7<br />

New Zealanders<br />

Zealanders • • by<br />

Voted<br />

Voted<br />

<strong>20</strong>18-<strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong> •<br />

★<br />

<strong>20</strong>18-<strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

<strong>20</strong>18-<strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

★<br />

Real Estate Sales<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong>’s best value<br />

lifestyle sections!<br />

Sections from 640m 2- 6,000m 2<br />

Priced from only $<strong>20</strong>5,000<br />

Site office open Saturdays & Sundays 12.00 - 2.00pm<br />

1472 Springs Road, Lincoln | South of Lincoln University<br />

For more information:<br />

Natalie McLean<br />

027 943 6413 natalie.mclean@harcourts.co.nz<br />

verdecopark.co.nz<br />

Four Seasons Realty <strong>20</strong>17 Ltd | Licensed Agent REAA <strong>20</strong>08<br />

Contributor to realestate.co.nz<br />

Your home for local property<br />


8<br />

Zealanders<br />

Zealanders<br />

New • • by<br />

Voted<br />

Voted<br />

<strong>20</strong>18-<strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong> •<br />

★<br />

<strong>20</strong>18-<strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

<strong>20</strong>18-<strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

★<br />

Real Estate Sales<br />

Four Seasons Realty <strong>20</strong>17 Ltd | Licensed Agent REAA <strong>20</strong>08<br />

Contributor to realestate.co.nz<br />

Your home for local property<br />


9<br />

New Zealanders<br />

Zealanders • • by<br />

Voted<br />

Voted<br />

<strong>20</strong>18-<strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong> •<br />

★<br />

<strong>20</strong>18-<strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

<strong>20</strong>18-<strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

★<br />

Real Estate Sales<br />

Four Seasons Realty <strong>20</strong>17 Ltd | Licensed Agent REAA <strong>20</strong>08<br />

Contributor to realestate.co.nz<br />

Your home for local property<br />


10<br />

New Zealanders<br />

Zealanders • • by<br />

Voted<br />

Voted<br />

<strong>20</strong>18-<strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong> •<br />

★<br />

<strong>20</strong>18-<strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

<strong>20</strong>18-<strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

★<br />

Real Estate Sales<br />

Four Seasons Realty <strong>20</strong>17 Ltd | Licensed Agent REAA <strong>20</strong>08<br />

Contributor to realestate.co.nz<br />

Your home for local property<br />


11<br />

Congratulations<br />

to our top <strong>20</strong> sales consultants<br />

Top<br />

Mitch & Mana<br />

02<br />

Sue & Gemma Roberts<br />

Our Top <strong>20</strong> sales consultants exemplify<br />

everything Harcourts Four Seasons<br />

believes in - experience, local knowledge,<br />

professionalism, focus and commitment.<br />

Their efforts in providing for their clients<br />

have brought success after success.<br />

Thank you to all our wonderful clients.<br />

Four Seasons Realty<br />

AWARDS<br />

<strong>20</strong>19/<strong>20</strong><br />

03<br />

Richard & Sue Woerlee<br />

04<br />

Harley Manion<br />

05<br />

Jackie Frame<br />

06<br />

Katie Harrison<br />

07<br />

Jan Green<br />

08<br />

Stevie Golding<br />

09<br />

Lisa Tippen<br />

10<br />

Caine Hopcroft<br />

11<br />

Victoria Thompson<br />

12<br />

Lyn & Nicholas Martin<br />

13<br />

Fergus Spain<br />

14<br />

Glen Young<br />

15<br />

Steve Alfeld<br />

16<br />

Jayne Martin<br />

17<br />

Christine Tallot<br />

18<br />

Gary McNicholl<br />

19<br />

Linda Veitch<br />

<strong>20</strong><br />

Nathan Gilbert<br />

Harcourts National & Canterbury End Of Year Awards <strong>20</strong>19/<strong>20</strong><br />

Mitch & Mana<br />

Harcourts Canterbury <strong>20</strong>19/<strong>20</strong><br />

3 rd<br />

2 nd<br />

Richard & Sue Woerlee<br />

Sue & Gemma Roberts<br />

3 rd<br />

Rural & Lifestyle<br />

Sales Consultants<br />

Jackie Frame<br />

Harcourts Canterbury <strong>20</strong>19/<strong>20</strong> Harcourts Canterbury <strong>20</strong>19/<strong>20</strong> Harcourts Canterbury <strong>20</strong>19/<strong>20</strong><br />

Client Experience<br />

Individual Award<br />

The Palms<br />

3 rd<br />

5 th Harcourts National <strong>20</strong>19/<strong>20</strong><br />

2 nd<br />

Harcourts National <strong>20</strong>19/<strong>20</strong><br />

Sales Consultants<br />

10 th<br />

Total Units<br />

Rural & Lifestyle<br />

Sales Consultants<br />

Top<br />

Rural & Lifestyle<br />

Sales Consultants<br />

13 th Rural & Lifestyle<br />

12 th<br />

Harcourts Canterbury <strong>20</strong>19/<strong>20</strong><br />

Top<br />

Office - Revenue Per<br />

Sales Consultant<br />

Harcourts National <strong>20</strong>19/<strong>20</strong><br />

Top<br />

Office - Revenue<br />

Per Sales Consultant<br />

Congratulations<br />

Four Seasons Realty<br />

Your home for local property<br />

0800 789 10 11<br />

Four Seasons Realty <strong>20</strong>17 Ltd Licensed Agent REAA <strong>20</strong>08

12<br />



Boundary lines are indicative only<br />

Boundary lines are indicative only<br />

Prebbleton 212a Birchs Road<br />

Sheffield Pig Saddle Road<br />

Surplus to requirements - this<br />

will be sold!<br />

Our owners plans have changed, they are no longer<br />

building on this site and immediate possession is<br />

available. This 12ha property is superbly located a few<br />

minutes from Prebbleton, zoned for excellent schools<br />

and has easy access to the motorway for a quick<br />

commute to the city. Two-bedroom double-glazed<br />

cottage, well, driveway, three-bay hayshed and huge<br />

extra-height shed. Equestrian fencing and partially<br />

completed arena. Inner Plains zoning allows potential<br />

subdivision. Offers options and opportunities.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5512190<br />

2 1 1<br />

Deadline Sale (unless sold prior)<br />

1pm, Wed 10 Jun <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

View by appointment<br />

Chris Jones 027 2<strong>20</strong> 5043<br />

chris.jones@bayleys.co.nz<br />

Sam Sidey 027 346 3500<br />

sam.sidey@bayleys.co.nz<br />


Recreation, stunning views<br />

• Located only minutes from the Springfield Village<br />

the gateway to ski-fields, lakes and mountains<br />

• Approximately 130ha, currently the block is part of<br />

a larger property and would generally carry<br />

approximately 100 MA breeding cows<br />

• A great mix of easier contoured lower paddocks<br />

and gullies suitable for trees or regenerating natives<br />

and some higher tussock country<br />

• A fantastic opportunity to own your own hunting<br />

block with a great duck pond already in place<br />

• A solid asset in a great location, close to amenities,<br />

with Darfield only a short drive down the road<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5512160<br />

Deadline Sale (unless sold prior)<br />

12pm, Thu 4 Jun <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong><br />

3 Deans Ave, Chch<br />

View by appointment<br />

Ben Turner 027 530 1400<br />

ben.turner@bayleys.co.nz<br />

Craig Blackburn 027 489 7225<br />

craig.blackburn@bayleys.co.nz<br />


13<br />

Property Brokers Limited Licensed under the Real Estate Agents Act <strong>20</strong>08 6 Tennyson Street Rolleston rolleston@pb.co.nz Office 03 929 0306<br />

Country Luxe + Accommodation<br />

A Rare Find BUYERS $305,000+<br />

WEB ID LEU75924<br />


1/14 Mountain View Place<br />

If you are looking for `ease of living` or a `lock-up and<br />

leave` property, then this gem is worth a look. On offer<br />

here is a spacious open plan living/dining and kitchen<br />

area with loads of natural light. There are two generous<br />

bedrooms with built-in robes.And a centrally positioned<br />

bathroom and separate toilet to add to the functionality<br />

of this home.<br />

VIEW By Appointment<br />

WEB ID DFL75733<br />


101 Bulls Road<br />

Exuding classical elegance with contemporary flair<br />

comes a fully renovated family home without compare<br />

in peace, privacy and relaxing panoramic rural outlooks.<br />

If entertaining's a top priority you'll love the huge open<br />

plan kitchen grouped around a socially centred island<br />

with natural flow through dining and lounge where<br />

ambiance is enhanced by a rustic wood burner on a wetback<br />

supported by under-floor heating in tiled zones.<br />



View By Appointment<br />

DEADLINE SALE closes Wednesday 17th June, <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong> at<br />

4.00pm, (unless sold prior)<br />

Amy Jones<br />

Mobile 021 077 9945<br />

amy.jones@pb.co.nz<br />

Shar Simon<br />

Mobile 027 555 0654<br />

shar@pb.co.nz<br />

4<br />

2<br />

2<br />

Penny Dadson-Clausen<br />

Mobile 027 895 5943<br />

Office 03 929 0306<br />

pennyd@pb.co.nz<br />

Noel Lowery<br />

Mobile 027 432 8859<br />

noell@pb.co.nz<br />

So Worth Waiting For $535,000<br />

WEB ID DFU75307<br />


4 Thornton Street<br />

Only once in a while does a home with such inimitable<br />

style grace the listings and its taken 27 years for this<br />

sunny character-packed honey to present for<br />

acquisition.<br />

• Light-infused kitchen<br />

• Well-connected dining and lounge<br />

• Pioneer wood burner<br />

• Peaceful covered veranda<br />

• Second patio with bbq/pizza oven<br />

• 3 bedrooms / 2 bathrooms<br />

• Raised beds, garden sheds and flower gardens<br />

• Grow tunnel<br />

VIEW By Appointment<br />

Shar Simon<br />

Mobile 027 555 0654<br />

shar@pb.co.nz<br />

2<br />

1<br />

1<br />

3<br />

2<br />

2<br />

pb.co.nz<br />


7 Campion Place, Halswell<br />

7 Spencer Close, Rolleston<br />

OFFERS OvER $539,000<br />

Contemporary and Compelling<br />

Ease of living is fundamental in this four-bedroom<br />

family home that enjoys a peaceful cul-de-sac<br />

location.<br />

The kitchen makes a stylish statement with its sleek<br />

cabinetry & striking splashback, and a separate<br />

lounge delivers flexibility & presents a superb<br />

setting for entertaining. A paved patio extends from<br />

both the formal lounge and open plan zone, and<br />

it overlooks the garden, which is extremely lowmaintenance<br />

and fully fenced for peace of mind.<br />

Neighbouring Beaumont Park provides families<br />

with all the space they crave, while the multitude of<br />

amenities in Rolleston are only a short drive away.<br />

Contact Mike today for more information.<br />

OFFERS OvER $499,000<br />

Natural Charm & Complete Comfort!<br />

**Set Sale: all offers to be presented 5pm, 21st <strong>May</strong> (unless sold prior)**<br />

Striking the perfect balance between form and function, this superb three double bedroom home<br />

showcases space and style within a leafy Halswell setting.<br />

Great presentation and neutral décor is appealing in the sun-lit open plan dining area and lounge which<br />

cleverly interacts with the modern kitchen. A sizeable deck extends off the dining area, & a gate in the<br />

fence leads to the Westlake reserve grounds behind the property - perfect for walks, running or a great<br />

extension to the backyard that someone else looks after!<br />

A cul-de-sac location and reserve boundary promise peace and privacy, with convenience also assured<br />

courtesy of proximity to the countless amenities in Wigram and Halswell. Do not delay - this property<br />

will attract considerable attention. Contact Mike for more information today.<br />

42 Rossington Drive, West Melton<br />

By NEGOtiAtiON<br />

Spectacular Style AND Work From Home!<br />

Undeniable style and substantial proportions unite<br />

at this exceptional family home. With the single level<br />

floor plan totalling 294m² & a 3 car garage with drive<br />

through & separate pedestrian access to the front,<br />

this property has been set up to have an extensive<br />

work-from-home office in part of the garage. It has<br />

had the ducted air conditioning plumbed in, office<br />

lighting & the walls insulated with double glazed<br />

access door and loads of off-street parking.<br />

With a sleek kitchen, 2 separate living rooms, a mix<br />

of open & covered outdoor patios & four bedrooms,<br />

all set on 2100m² this home offers both lifestyle &<br />

sophistication. If you need to house the family &<br />

work from home in a private easy commute distance<br />

to city & have a budget in the 800’s, then you need<br />

to contact Mike now for a time to view.<br />

68 Rolleston Drive, Rolleston<br />

0800 645 346<br />

www.oneagencyres.co.nz<br />

Mike Goatley<br />

027 249 5561<br />

Elyse Campbell<br />

021 187 6217<br />

Nicola Curtis<br />

Administrator<br />

Julz Sibbe<br />

Administrator<br />

Real Estate Specialists Ltd Licenced REAA (<strong>20</strong>08)

14<br />

Property Brokers Limited Licensed under the Real Estate Agents Act <strong>20</strong>08 6 Tennyson Street Rolleston rolleston@pb.co.nz 03 929 0306<br />

Unique has a new meaning!<br />


WIGRAM<br />

99 The Runway<br />

This Family sized home is sure to impress! Showcasing<br />

uncompromised quality and outstanding levels of<br />

comfort, this 3 year old, four-bedroom home strikes the<br />

perfect balance between style and function. Designed<br />

with space, comfort and everyday ease in mind, the<br />

kitchen provides the perfect platform for entertaining<br />

and comes with a large pantry, top of the line Bosch<br />

appliances including a Combination Steamer and oven,<br />

Pyrolytic Oven, dishwasher and a 90cm Multi-zone<br />

Induction Hob. The spacious formal lounge with it's<br />

feature ceiling is the ideal place to put your feet up at<br />

the end of the day, while the light filled dining and living<br />

areas interact effortlessly with the flow through to the<br />

extensive decking, providing you with a covered area,<br />

complete with a gas fire and bar fridge, perfect for<br />

alfresco occasions. Situated in the sought after location<br />

of Wigram, with only a short walk to ‘The Landing’<br />

shopping centre, this immaculate home should seriously<br />

be considered.<br />

WEB ID ROU75946<br />

VIEW By Appointment<br />

DEADLINE SALE closes Tuesday 9th June, <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong> at<br />

4.00pm, (unless sold prior)<br />

Tanya Marillier<br />

Mobile 027 383 3844<br />

tanya@pb.co.nz<br />


4<br />

2<br />

2<br />

Beautiful on Billington!<br />


12 Billington Drive<br />

Looking chic and ready for its new owners, this 2<strong>20</strong>sqm<br />

home occupies a sunny 550sqm corner section in the<br />

coveted precinct of Country Palms. A large open plan<br />

kitchen over looks the spacious dining / living areas and<br />

flows generously to the outside, private secluded patio.<br />

The separate lounge is ideal for quiet movie nights and<br />

also opens to its own patio. Accommodation is offered<br />

by four bedrooms, complemented with a separate toilet<br />

and two exquisite bathrooms, one of which is the<br />

master ensuite, complete with tiled showers. The master<br />

also benefits from it's own private patio - ideal for an<br />

early morning coffee.<br />

pb.co.nz<br />

The separate laundry and additional storage cupboards<br />

will also ensure that you have enough space for all those<br />

things you'd like to keep out of sight.<br />

Located in this peaceful neighbourhood, the property<br />

benefits from zoning for Halswell School and is a short<br />

drive from the various amenities in and around Halswell<br />

Shopping Centre. Call Tanya today.<br />


VIEW By Appointment<br />

WEB ID ROU75876<br />

DEADLINE SALE closes Tuesday 2nd June, <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong> at<br />

4.00pm, (unless sold prior)<br />

Tanya Marillier<br />

Mobile 027 383 3844<br />

tanya@pb.co.nz<br />


4<br />

2<br />


15<br />

Property Brokers Limited Licensed under the Real Estate Agents Act <strong>20</strong>08 6 Tennyson Street Rolleston rolleston@pb.co.nz 03 929 0306<br />

Smart design and handy location<br />



116 Broadlands Drive<br />

Stop looking and start living in this beautiful home<br />

which is offered for 1 lucky purchaser to start calling<br />

home!<br />

oven, various lighting options and amazing walk in<br />

pantry are just a few of the details on offer to satisfy the<br />

master chef or entertainer of the family.<br />

VIEW Sunday 24 <strong>May</strong> 2.00 - 2.30pm<br />

WEB ID ROU75821<br />

BUYERS $659,000+<br />

With stunning street appeal using top quality materials<br />

and finishes, you are going to love the extra features this<br />

striking 4 bedroom home offers. The open plan kitchen<br />

dining living with A framed ceiling offer a point of<br />

difference with its large feature window which soaks up<br />

the afternoon sun.<br />

The stylish kitchen with stone benchtops, 90cm hob and<br />

If space is what you crave, the separate lounge will not<br />

disappoint and offers great outdoor flow to enjoy the<br />

summer evenings.<br />

My vendor is serious to sell and has priced this<br />

accordingly. This is definitely, quality & style at an<br />

attractive price. Viewing will not disappoint. Call Angela<br />

now to set up your inspection.<br />

Angela Hunt<br />

Mobile 021 548 777<br />

angela.hunt@pb.co.nz<br />

4<br />

2<br />

2<br />

More for Less!<br />

$369,000<br />

WEB ID DFU75815<br />


24 Torlesse Crescent<br />

An address to impress in quiet and private Torlesse<br />

where first-time family buyers can get in the game in a<br />

unique and easy-to-keep A-Frame. Packed with quirky<br />

character over 1<strong>20</strong> light-filled squares featuring upper<br />

level master bedroom and balcony plus one double and<br />

third double bedroom, bathroom and separate toilet<br />

below. Integration between modern kitchen, dining,<br />

lounge and expansive sunny decking seamlessly unifies<br />

indoor/outdoor living.<br />

VIEW By Appointment<br />

An educated Opportunity<br />

3<br />

1<br />


Shar Simon<br />

Mobile 027 555 0654<br />

shar@pb.co.nz<br />

1<br />

Spacious and sunny<br />


WEB ID LIU75217<br />


34 Caulfield Crescent<br />

Our owners decision has been made, they have found<br />

their dream home and are keen to see a Sold sticker.<br />

Built in <strong>20</strong>15 this lovely property was designed with<br />

spacious formal and informal living in mind and will<br />

accommodate the whole family both inside and out. The<br />

configuration of the fourth bedroom is positioned<br />

perfectly if you work from home or have a teenager<br />

wanting their own space. Close to playgrounds, schools,<br />

bus stop and an easy walk to Lincoln township.<br />

VIEW By Appointment<br />

WEB ID DFL75263<br />


275-281 Whitecliffs Road<br />


View By Appointment<br />


Dawn Pollard<br />

Mobile 022 073 7580<br />

Office 03 595 6954<br />

dawn.pollard@pb.co.nz<br />

Nicola Bray<br />

Mobile 027 755 8846<br />

Office 03 595 6954<br />

nicola.bray@pb.co.nz<br />

4<br />

2<br />

2<br />

The Old Malvern School located in Whitecliffs is now<br />

available to start a new chapter.<br />

Being sold "AS IS WHERE IS" Deadline Sale<br />

• 5800sqm land area in four titles.<br />

• School building with Heritage List as a Category 2<br />

Historic Place<br />

• Separate ablution block<br />

Viewings are by Open to view and by appointment.<br />

Jannetta Thomas<br />

Mobile 021 256 6295<br />

jannetta@pb.co.nz<br />

Gareth Cox<br />

Mobile 021 250 9714<br />

Office 03 975 4506<br />

gareth@pb.co.nz<br />

1<br />

2<br />


16<br />

M-A<br />



‘The<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

Experts’<br />

Residential<br />

Lifestyle<br />

Rural Property<br />

Licensed REAA<strong>20</strong>08<br />

ROLLESTON - 37B Masefield Drive<br />


• 4347m 2 (approx.) subdivisible land<br />

• Peter Ray Homes 277m 2 double glazed family home<br />

• Four large double bedrooms, WIR, ensuite, bathroom<br />

and separate toilet<br />

• Spacious open plan kitchen, dining, living and<br />

separate lounge<br />

• Log burner with wetback<br />

• Walk in pantry, study and separate laundry<br />

• Immaculate established four seasons garden<br />

• Double internal access garage with ample parking<br />

options<br />

• North facing aspect<br />

Jo Barrett<br />

021 859 006<br />

jo@marealestate.co.nz<br />



Open Home: Sun 1.30pm - 2.00pm<br />

Deadline Sale: Closing 3 June <strong>20</strong><strong>20</strong> (Unless Sold Prior)<br />

View: www.marealestate.co.nz/MA0718<br />


714 East Maddisons Road<br />

PEACE & TRANQUILITY ON <strong>20</strong>01M²<br />

• 230m² brick home<br />

• Four double bedrooms, WIR, ensuite, bathroom,<br />

separate toilet<br />

• Office, triple internal access garage with third toilet<br />

• Spacious open plan living and separate lounge<br />

• Log burner, heat pump, double glazing, air exchange<br />

and internal vacuum system<br />

• Four seasons garden<br />

• North facing aspect and parking for six plus vehicles<br />

• West Rolleston and Clearview Primary School Zones<br />


Viewing: By Appointment<br />

Price: Neg Over $679,000<br />

View: www.marealestate.co.nz/MA0715<br />

Jo Barrett<br />

021 859 006<br />

jo@marealestate.co.nz<br />

ROLLESTON - 62 Riverstone Drive<br />



• Superbly constructed in <strong>20</strong>18<br />

• Expansive 352m 2 executive home<br />

• Home and one-bedroom unit<br />

• Five double bedrooms<br />

• Large master with ensuite and walk in robe<br />

• Three living areas<br />

• Designated study<br />

• Premium kitchen with quality appliances<br />

• Large butlers pantry<br />

• Separate laundry<br />

• Four car garaging<br />

• Further additional parking for motor home and/or boat<br />

• Desirable and popular location<br />


Open Home: Sun 12.30pm - 1.00pm<br />

Price: Neg Over $949,000<br />

View: www.marealestate.co.nz/MA0719<br />

Jackie Derrick<br />

027 636 3576<br />

jackie@marealestate.co.nz<br />


ROLLESTON - 12 Frame Crescent<br />



• Substantial family home<br />

• Tw o separate living areas<br />

• Four double bedrooms<br />

• Large master bedroom<br />

• Ensuite and walk in wardrobe<br />

• Versatile study/office<br />

• Well-appointed kitchen/reputable appliances<br />

• Separate laundry<br />

• Fantastic outdoor entertaining area<br />

• Triple car garage<br />

• Additional parking space<br />

• Generous and secure 1486sqm section<br />

• Desirable location<br />


Open Home: Sun 2.15pm - 2.45pm<br />

Price: Neg Over $699,000<br />

View: www.marealestate.co.nz/MA0717<br />

Jackie Derrick<br />

027 636 3576<br />

jackie@marealestate.co.nz<br />


ROLLESTON - 57 Shadbolt Lane<br />


• A perfect starter package for first home buyers,<br />

investors or retirees<br />

• Built in <strong>20</strong>15, this 159m 2 home is set amongst other<br />

quality homes<br />

• Four good sized bedrooms<br />

• Large open plan living<br />

• Outdoor dining on sheltered kwila deck<br />

• Modern kitchen and appliances<br />

• Tw o spacious bathrooms<br />

• Heat pump<br />

• Double carpeted garage<br />

• Fully fenced 610m 2 landscaped garden<br />

• Easy care<br />

Price: Neg Over $5<strong>20</strong>,000<br />

View: www.marealestate.co.nz/MA07<strong>20</strong><br />

Cameron McRae<br />

027 7696 696<br />

cameron@marealestate.co.nz<br />


ROLLESTON - 2 Lucca Crescent<br />


• Built by Generation Homes<br />

• Three bedroom 135m² home<br />

• Complete with modern appliances<br />

• Excellent private outdoor living areas<br />

• Generous 576m² fully fenced and irrigated<br />

northfacing section<br />

• Avoid all the hassles of the building process<br />

and cost over runs<br />

• Well built and extremely well priced home<br />

• Immediate possession available<br />

Price: $495,000<br />

View: www.marealestate.co.nz/MA0684<br />

Andrew Taylor<br />

0274 355 930<br />

andrew@marealestate.co.nz<br />

ROLLESTON - <strong>20</strong> Coles Lane<br />


• Energy efficient 268m 2 home<br />

• Four bedrooms<br />

• Tw o living areas<br />

• High standard of fittings and fixtures throughout<br />

• Walk in pantry<br />

• Heat pump powered underfloor water heating<br />

• Solar powered with capacity to feed back to the grid<br />

• 56m 2 of wooden decking<br />

• Three car carpeted garage plus utility room<br />

• 2686m landscaped, irrigated and fenced section<br />

• Sought after Coles Fields subdivision<br />

Vendor considers all offers<br />

View: www.marealestate.co.nz/MA0709<br />

Andrew Taylor<br />

0274 355 930<br />

andrew@marealestate.co.nz<br />

LEESTON - 42 Chervier Street<br />


• Modern four bedroom home<br />

• Stylish kitchen with butlers pantry<br />

• Separate study and large attached garage<br />

• Tw o bathrooms including ensuite off master<br />

• Access to patio with sun shade<br />

• 716m 2 fully fenced landscaped section<br />

Price: $519,000<br />

View: www.marealestate.co.nz/MA0694<br />

Stephan Knowler<br />

027 229 9522<br />

stephan@marealestate.co.nz<br />

SOUTHBRIDGE - 12 Lee Street<br />


• Extensively renovated home<br />

• Three bedrooms with built in robes<br />

• Separate living with gas fire<br />

• Modern kitchen with new appliances<br />

• Attached double garage<br />

• Landscaped 1012m 2 section with studio<br />

Price: $419,000<br />

View: www.marealestate.co.nz/MA0699<br />

Stephan Knowler<br />

027 229 9522<br />

stephan@marealestate.co.nz<br />

WEST MELTON - 478 Hoskyns Road<br />



• 4 Hectares (2 road frontages)<br />

• Main home - Four double bedroom family home<br />

(270m²)<br />

• Second home - Modern Two bedroom<br />

• Established shelter belts and mature garden setting<br />

• Close proximity to the thriving Rolleston Township<br />

and all its amenities<br />

Open Home: Sun 1.00pm – 2.00pm<br />

Price: Neg Over $1,100,000<br />

View: www.marealestate.co.nz/MA702<br />

Chris Flanagan<br />

027 433 4657<br />

chris@marealestate.co.nz<br />


ROLLESTON PH: 03 347 9949 LEESTON PH: 03 324 3704 DARFIELD PH: 03 318 8<strong>20</strong>4 www.marealestate.co.nz<br />

Chris Flanagan<br />

027 433 4657<br />

Andrew Taylor<br />

027 435 5930<br />

Jackie Derrick<br />

027 636 3576<br />

Jo Barrett<br />

021 859 006<br />

Stephan Knowler<br />

027 229 9522<br />

Cameron McRae<br />

027 769 6696<br />

Paul Robinson<br />

021 277 2690<br />

Bronwyn van der Pol<br />

022 073 7757

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