Trinity School at Greenlawn Annual Appeal 2018-19
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CAMPUS<br />
With support from some of our most generous<br />
benefactors, <strong>Trinity</strong> <strong>School</strong> has been able to enhance<br />
its teaching and learning spaces, <strong>at</strong>hletic spaces, and<br />
physical accessibility in the school over the past year<br />
with over $500,000 of renov<strong>at</strong>ion work. Amazing!<br />
Sixteen primary classrooms now have ceilingmounted<br />
projectors, mounted screens, document<br />
cameras, sound bar speakers, Apple TV units,<br />
and specially designed lecterns th<strong>at</strong> contain the<br />
necessary hookups enabling faculty members to<br />
simply plug-and-play to use the technology. Faculty<br />
members have provided very positive feedback on<br />
the new classroom setups and the ways in which it<br />
has enhanced their class sessions enabling gre<strong>at</strong>er<br />
interaction, clarity, and freedom of movement<br />
around the classroom.<br />
The main floor girls’ b<strong>at</strong>hroom was gutted and<br />
renov<strong>at</strong>ed to meet ADA accessibility standards<br />
providing a more welcoming and accessible space<br />
for students, faculty, and guests. Additionally,<br />
the faculty lounge was renov<strong>at</strong>ed to provide a more<br />
functional and hospitable space for faculty during<br />
planning periods, lunch, and breaks in between<br />
classes.<br />
Work began on an ambitious renov<strong>at</strong>ion of the Field<br />
House (formerly known as the soccer arena) <strong>at</strong> the<br />
<strong>Trinity</strong> Athletic Center. The space is anchored by a<br />
large multi-sport area of nearly 30,000 sq. ft. th<strong>at</strong><br />
will be striped to include three basketball courts for<br />
practice and games, an indoor soccer court, indoor<br />
track, and three volleyball courts. Work will be<br />
completed in time for use in the 20<strong>19</strong>-2020 season.<br />
18 <strong>Trinity</strong> <strong>School</strong>s <strong>2018</strong> / 20<strong>19</strong>