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Dear readers, my name is

Nadine Garcia and I am a sixteen

year old girl who is currently in

her second year of highshool in

the American School Foundation

of Monterrey. I have always had

this very strong belief and obsession

on bettering my lifestyle

because it has made my life much

happier and peaceful. I have decided

to share with you some of my

tips and tricks on having a peacful

state of mind and bettering your

lifestyle. I hope you all take and

implement these tips onto your

life and enjoy them.

Page 2

2. E D I T O R S N O T E

3. C O N T E N T S

5. M E D I T A T I O N & Y O G A

5. E A T I N G & H E A L T H Y

8. I M P O R T A N C E O F E A T I N G H E A L


11. P R O D U C T I V E N E S S

14. T R A V E L

16. I N D I V I D U A L I T Y

Page 3

M E D I T A T I O N &


Important Benefits of Yoga and Meditation

By: Stella Jones

Yoga and meditation when practiced together reinforce the connection between mind and

body, improving mainly health and well-being. There are several styles of yoga that merge

meditation with the physical routines, which use controlled breathing throughout the poses

of yoga. By simply unwinding, clearing the mind and concentrating on controlled breathing,

one can meditate without practicing yoga as well. Both yoga and meditation have proven

health benefits when practiced regularly. Here are some of the significant benefits of yoga

and meditation:


Regular yoga practice assists to reduce stress responses in the body, according to Health

Line. The stress-related condition such as high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases

significantly reduces when the inflammatory response to stressors on the body is reduced.

Meditation is also a useful component of reducing the stress.


The office workers have to sit in the office seats for most of the day that leads to

reduced muscle mass, fitness, and flexibility. Also, office work raises neck and shoulder

strain from bending over in front of a computer all day long. The poses of yoga focus on

stretching the muscles. It increases the elasticity of muscles that helps your daily movements

such as lifting and bending. Many athletes around the world include yoga into their

workout to maintain flexibility.


Both yoga and meditation significantly improve the focus of mind and give an overall

sense of well-being. A study by International Journal of Yoga found that yoga participants

happy, calm and positive in contrast to the group who had a reduction in general well-being.

Meditation offers an emotional improvement through deep relaxation and it can be

practiced by taking just a 10-minute meditation break right at your desk.

Page 5


Regular yoga practice can help decrease the level of sugar in the blood, along with lowering

blood pressure, and keeping a check on weight. The practice of yoga reduces the symptoms

and slows the progression of diabetes, as well as reducing the severity of further complications.

The stress is one of the most important reasons for diabetes like for most lifestyle

diseases. It raises the secretion of glucagon hormones and increases blood glucose levels in

the body. The consistent practice of yoga body postures and breathing exercises with daily

meditation can help reduce stress in the mind and body. This, in turn, reduces glucagon and

can also help lower insulin levels.


The modern life is full of stressful situations, exhaustion from long hours and less sleep, hypersensitivity,

and anxiety disorders. By including one of the several different types yoga or

meditation to your life you will improve the value and possibly the quantity of your life. By

improving your health you can take part in more physical activities and simply feel superior

to the things you do every day.

Moreover, studies commend that doing yoga consistently improves health and body responsiveness,

leading to better habits of eating. This, in turn, guides to increased confidence

and the wish to take care of own body.

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September is More Matters month, reminding us of the importance of vegetables and fruits in our diet. Cottage

Health registered dietitian, Stacey Bailey, outlines the foods for healthy eating.

“By including more plant foods in your diet you can lower your risk for many diseases. These foods should

be the basis of your diet along with lean protein sources such as chicken and fish and low fat dairy (or alternatives).

This also helps lower sodium intake, as fresh foods have little to no sodium, and keep you below

the recommended limit of 2000mg per day.”

“Eating a healthful diet may not prevent every disease, but it gives you the best defense to live a long and

healthy life!” Bailey adds.

Healthy diet foods to live by include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds.


Vegetables are very low in calories and contain high levels of antioxidants that can benefit health. Choosing

a variety of colors will ensure that you get all of the different nutrients that you need to give you the most

health benefits. For example tomatoes contain lycopene which has been shown to decrease risk of prostate

cancer and carrots contain beta-carotene which can help keep your skin and eyes healthy. Aim for at least

2-1/2 cups daily.


Fruit also contains high levels of antioxidants to benefit health. Blueberries are one of the highest antioxidant

foods and contain nutrients that can help decrease risk of cancer. Fruit also is considered “nature’s

candy” and can take the place of other sweet (and not as healthy) foods for more nutrients and less calories.

Try to get a least 2 servings of fruit daily.

Whole Grains

Whole Grains contain fiber which can lower cholesterol levels and in turn decrease risk of heart disease. They

can also lower risk of digestive cancers such as mouth, lung, esophageal, and stomach. A high fiber diet can

also lower your risk of diabetes. You should try to make all of the grains in your diet whole grains.


Beans also contain fiber and are an excellent source of protein. They are very low in saturated fat so can

replace other high saturated sources of animal protein in your diet. Saturated fat is linked to increased cholesterol

levels and risk for heart disease.

Nuts and Seeds

Nuts and Seeds are also good sources of protein and fiber but also contain healthy fats. Walnuts specifically

are a good source of omega-3 fats which can decrease inflammation and risk for heart disease. Studies have

shown that people who eat a serving of nuts (about 1 ounce) on a daily basis weigh less than people who

don’t eat nuts. Nuts keep you full due to their fat and protein content, so are a good choice for a healthy


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No matter the condition of a statue, all are cut from the same stone---similar to humans

from genetics. Statues are captivating, even the broken and unfinished ones.

Like a marble statue, you are a work of art, but it is crucial to remember that you are also

a work in progress. And you, too, can chisel yourself into a better person by being productive.

Even if you don’t have your sh*t together, you can still improve your life. Contrary to what

you might think, you don’t need Gucci sneakers to take a step in the right direction. You

can take that step barefoot.

You don’t have to start out being the best; you just have to start. Picasso probably played

with finger paints before making masterpieces.

When you’re productive, you can develop other aspects of your life, like your intelligence,

relationships, health, creativity and muscles. Do this, and your life will mirror the ones in


But don’t feel pressured to be the next Chris Gardner from “The Pursuit of Happyness.”

What matters about improving yourself is that you’re making yourself your first priority.

Being productive doesn’t just increase your bank account; it amplifies your happiness. It’s

the chicken soup for any soul: It sutures a broken heart, alleviates physical pain, and cuts

away at boredom -- all while improving your body and mind.

Who knew blood, sweat and tears could make a potion for happiness?

Being productive gives you purpose.

Maybe you don’t believe in the Ten Commandments, but you can believe in the 10 things

on your to-do list.

No matter your beliefs, you can go to sleep with a dream and wake up with a vision. Having

a specific goal can help you skyrocket out of bed in the morning like the firework you are.

Keep your eye on the prize, and focus on that. When you do this, all of your big-picture

problems will blur together. Your happiness level will rise.

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In other words, have your sugar, but don’t forget to take your vitamins. When it comes to productivity,

balance is key.

Being productive can increase your quality of life.

When you wear your passion like perfume, people -- including your boss! -- will take notice. Being

driven is essential to unlocking raises and promotions.

People say that money doesn’t buy happiness. It doesn’t, but no one is immune to the draw of

a comfortable life. With a little extra money, you can upgrade from your spring mattress. You

can buy medicine that you might have been going without.

If you are already living comfortably, you can move to a better apartment or take some time

for peace of mind on vacation.

Being productive can improve your mood.

Productivity translates to different things for different people. For some, it means crossing off

dream destinations from your bucket list. For others, it’s something like exercise.

The Anxiety and Depression Association for America reminds visitors to its site that, according

to some studies, “regular exercise works as well as medication” for certain people.

And once you prove that you can be mentally strong in a gym, you know that you can do the

same in an office.

Other de-stressors, like coloring, have become popular as well. Psychologist Gloria Martínez Ayala

explained to The Huffington Post why coloring relieves stress. Businesses have listened: On

lower Broadway, the Strand Book Store dedicates several tables to adult coloring books.

So, whether you’re lifting a weight or a crayon, you have the power to clear your mind and lift

your spirit.

Page 12

Being productive helps you evolve.

Being productive teaches you to continuously push yourself. And the more productive

you are, the easier it is to evolve into a better self. And because things in motion tend

to stay in motion (thanks, Newton!), being productive can easily lead to creating better


For example, when ten pounds of weights start to feel like ten Pixy Styx, you can upgrade

to 20 pounds. Waking up at 6 in the morning can make you more accustomed to waking

up at 5.Your schedule itself isn’t important; whether you’re a night owl or a morning bird,

you can still be productive. As long as you keep moving forward and improving yourself,

growth can take place at any hour.

Start pushing yourself so much that it feels wrong to stay still. Find a comfort zone in

being uncomfortable.

Being productive motivates the people around you.

When you inspire yourself, you inspire others.

And when you post motivational quotes, you’re (maybe unintentionally) helping other people

feel motivated, too. Some may complain that motivational quotes clutter their news

feeds. I would say they’re influential. Words make contact with people’s eyes and hearts.

Doing your own little dance encourages others to make moves. And when people see you

improve, it gives them hope that they can do the same.

Be proud of the work that you do, and know that you pave the way for those who applaud

you. Your steps leave footprints for others to follow.

Page 13


I N L I F E.

Travelling is the most important way to enjoy life and know something different from your

routines. Who didn’t like travel ? I think more than 99.99% people loves to travel from one destination

to another. Humans are travelling since they find a way to travel from one place to another.

In the history of mankind, humans travelled so much through walking to find new places as well as

to discover new things. Now a days, there are lots of facilities exist to travel from one place to

another without any much hurdles.

1. Experience New Cultures

Travel is the way to know other people’s culture very much easily. All of us wants to know

each and every culture, this is the nature of every human. Without travelling, it is not possible to

know other people’s culture. We have to travel outside our city, state or even country to know their

own culture. How they eat, wear clothes, enjoy festivals and so on.

2. For the Pleasure and Enjoyment by Ourselves

Why we travel other than knowing culture? We travel to make some fun with our family and

friends at best locations around the World. Main reason for travelling is enjoyment and pleasure of

ourselves. Travelling provides us positive energy to live happily. Without travelling, we feel boring in

life. Travelling at your favorite destination will fill new positive energy to do something new.

3. Find New Ways of Living Life

Are you tired from your routine life? Are you looking for new reasons to live better life?

Then travelling once in 6 months or 12 months is must to make your life better than earlier. It will

provide you more reasons to live better in your life. Each and every travel trip will provide new ideas

to make your life better than earlier. We have to observe how we can improve our life through travel.

4. Taste New Food Items

Besides essential food, most of people love to eat new food items during their travelling to

a new destination. I have seen lots of travelers whose only aim to search and eat popular food items

in the host city/state/country. Each and every city has their own unique food recipes. So, travelling

is the most important way to taste your favorite food.

5. Make New Friends

Who didn’t like to make new friends? Travelling is the best way to make new friends. I have

also made lots of friends during my journey. Making friends is the art of any human. You must have

good communication skill to communicate with stranger people to make them your friend. Making

friends is also one of the reason for travelling outside your city/state/country.



“Come as you are, as you were, as I want you to be.” Nirvana’s famous song

lyrics that mimic society’s false presentation of the “be yourself ” motto.

The meaning behind this lyric is how society constantly tells people to be

themselves, then get labeled as an outcast for not fitting the mold. From the

time I was a little kid I was always told to be myself, so I did exactly that.

There were always times where people I knew did not approve of who I was

and still am. It is something that happens to everyone, but a little more to

the kids labeled as “weirdos.” I am completely guilty of judging, but we all

are. Of course, little kids have the reputation of bullying, but coming from

a small town I have seen it from every age. If anything, young adults and

older adults are the worst. We are coming to a time where we see the importance

of the individual’s personality and how vital it is to a functioning


Everyone has their own personal experience with being singled out for

a quirky characteristic. When I was a kid, I remember a classmate being

picked on because he had a different personality. He was random, goofy,

the typical kid in the back of the classroom listening to screamo. I’ve never

seen someone so shunned just for being comfortable with themselves. The

preppy girls really liked to whisper and laugh about him while the jocks

were shamelessly awful to him. They used him as their entertainment

source. The only great thing that happened was how our teacher was so

great with this kid. He always made sure he felt included in class discussions.

The greatest part about this individual was when called on to speak,

the most brilliant things I had ever heard came out of his mouth. The

only things I ever heard come out of the jocks mouth were three things:

something unbelievably sexist, sports related hooey, and how they are

the greatest thing to ever happen to this world. Yet these idiots were the

ones singling out the brilliant one. I don’t know about you, but this kind

of story sounds all too familiar. This kid and his brilliance are going to go

places because he thinks differently and is a little eccentric. As far as I’m

concerned, the kids that picked on him are probably living on their parent’s

couch until their football career becomes a reality. The point of this story is

to show that these sorts of people have a point in society. Some force you to

view the world through a different lens. Because of people like this, I have

viewed certain subjects completely differently than I did before.

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