Static Live Magazine June 2020

STATIC LIVE Magazine is Central Florida’s premier publication dedicated to celebrating music and culture. STATIC LIVE provides extensive, detailed community information from fashion to art, entertainment to events through noteworthy interviews, sensational photography and in-depth editorial coverage. STATIC LIVE is the only publication of its kind in Central Florida and reaches all target markets through wide distribution channels. Our staff includes highly accomplished contributors with award-winning backgrounds in music and entertainment; we know how much business is captured from the entertainment market. Our free full color publication can be found throughout Central Florida at key retailers, hotels and restaurants in high traffic areas. Our mission is to highlight the incredible talent, culture and lifestyle in Central Florida. With eye-opening profiles and coverage of the music and art community, STATIC LIVE readers will be positively influenced by our topical content and trending advertisers. STATIC LIVE Magazine is the most effective tool for branding connectivity with consumers in our area.

STATIC LIVE Magazine is Central Florida’s premier publication dedicated to celebrating music and culture. STATIC LIVE provides extensive, detailed community information from fashion to art, entertainment to events through noteworthy interviews, sensational photography and in-depth editorial coverage. STATIC LIVE is the only publication of its kind in Central Florida and reaches all target markets through wide distribution channels. Our staff includes highly accomplished contributors with award-winning backgrounds in music and entertainment; we know how much business is captured from the entertainment market. Our free full color publication can be found throughout Central Florida at key retailers, hotels and restaurants in high traffic areas. Our mission is to highlight the incredible talent, culture and lifestyle in Central Florida. With eye-opening profiles and coverage of the music and art community, STATIC LIVE readers will be positively influenced by our topical content and trending advertisers. STATIC LIVE Magazine is the most effective tool for branding connectivity with consumers in our area.


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Oh My...Goddess<br />

2<br />

Keslyn<br />

LIVE virtual concerts are the flavor of the day with<br />

Aunt ‘Rona still in town. Lockdowns keep us in but<br />

NO WAY can that dim our spirits! Musicians have<br />

a real advantage when we are all quarantined - we<br />

have something to DO after Youtube and Netflix get<br />

old.<br />

I’ve been using the time to hone my skills and get<br />

back to basics. Not just fundamentals of technique<br />

but also the metaphorical side of WHY I play music.<br />

It IS the best meditation for myself and many others.<br />

by Adam Floyd<br />

challenging material to work on technical difficulties.<br />

It has the added benefit of improving songs you<br />

perform for the public. Paganinni, Dont, Carcassi<br />

and Sor are particularly helpful for me. Oh, and lots<br />

of finger tapping on major and minor scale.<br />

The meditative aspect of music can be lost on many<br />

types of gigs. The beer bash at the pub can pay well<br />

and be a blast but it’s hard to convey a subtle turn of<br />

phrase when everyone is hammered and dancing.<br />

The poorly contained plague is an opportunity to<br />

spiritualize your groove and get back to what’s really<br />

cool. Whether it’s a Shankar raga interpretation in<br />

the mornings or inspirational music from an unfamiliar<br />

faith tradition late at night, we can go deeper.<br />

I try to see through the haze of an unpredictable<br />

future with timeless classics and create a comforting<br />

narrative.<br />

Technique is about control. Control your fingers<br />

and make them do what you want. Finger exercises,<br />

musical etudes and complex dances of the<br />

Hi! My name is Keslyn Hart. I am going into my senior year at<br />

the University of Florida and I’m studying Business Administration.<br />

My favorite things to do are travel, hang out with friends<br />

classical masters to get a few things worked out.<br />

hands keep us sharp and limber. I’ve been reviewing<br />

What do Metal and Mozart have in common? More<br />

and family, and model. Some of my favorite places I’ve been include<br />

Bali, Paris and Hawaii. An interesting fact about me is last<br />

than most people know. A brilliant technique is It has also been a relief to play my nicer guitars and<br />

needed in either style, but without feeling forced or violins more often. I seldom bring out the good stuff<br />

year I placed top 10 in the Miss Swimsuit USA International modeling<br />

competition. Something most people don’t know about me<br />

like it’s nothing. One debate that rages is Scales vs damage. I put my down time to good use and can<br />

needy. I am required to throw off impossible riffs when I’m on the road or at the local clubs, to avoid<br />

is that I am incredibly goofy and I never take myself too seriously.<br />

I would like to thank <strong>Static</strong> <strong>Live</strong> <strong>Magazine</strong> for having me!<br />

refined ad infinitum. The purity of a scale having no without the amplification and hoopla. It has<br />

Repertoire. The scales crowd likes the simple to be deploy the finer aspects of a musical idiom<br />

distractions. On the other side of the coin are those reminded me that music is not just a living<br />

PHOTO CREDIT: Mandy Lynn who favor the practicality of using passages from but a way to live.<br />


“It seems our brave new world is<br />

becoming less tolerant, spiritual and<br />

educated than it ever was when I was<br />

young.” ~ Lemmy Kilmister<br />

2<br />

3<br />

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14<br />

16<br />

18<br />

22<br />

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28<br />

30<br />

36<br />

38<br />

39<br />

Oh My Goddess<br />

A Day in the Life of a Gigging Musician<br />

Motörhead Rock God Lemmy<br />

Daytona’s Greatest Metal Moments<br />

The New Normal and the Post-Covid<br />

Direction of Music<br />

State of Recreation<br />

Covid Can’t Stop the Music<br />

Art Feature - Azari Art<br />

The Accidental Nudist<br />

The Shape of Metal<br />

Behind the Mic<br />

Runway Chronicles<br />

Rocktails<br />

Metal Compost<br />

Snap It<br />



<strong>Static</strong> <strong>Live</strong> Media Group, LLC<br />

927 S. Ridgewood Ave., Suite A5<br />

Edgewater, FL 32132<br />

386-847-2716 www.staticlivemag.com<br />

Sean Impara, Publisher<br />

Billy Chapin, Co-Publisher<br />

Jenny McLain, Editor<br />

Jamie Lee, Graphic Artist<br />

Lindsay Kroman, Graphic Artist<br />


© <strong>2020</strong>, <strong>Static</strong> <strong>Live</strong> Media Group, LLC. All rights<br />

reserved. No part of this publication may be<br />

reproduced or transmitted in any form by any<br />

means electronic, mechanical, photocopying,<br />

recording or otherwise without the prior written<br />

permission of the authors.<br />

Making great music since 1999<br />

For scheduling, Contact Sean at (386) 847-2716

6<br />


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A pandemic sweeping the world, the coronavirus striking fear into the hearts of millions, COVID-19<br />

has disrupted so many people’s lives and livelihoods it is hard to make sense of the craziness. In my<br />

lifetime and experience, many people (including myself) turn toward music as their salvation<br />

when faced with the negative but, what do you do when you can’t attend a concert, see your<br />

favorite band at the corner watering hole, stay for three to four days at a music festival in<br />

tents...? In this case, media has saved us because-COVID can’t stop the MUSIC! (Feel<br />

free to break into the song-you know you know the words!)<br />

YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and cable television have been a calming haven not<br />

only for the musicians to have an outlet but, for the general public to experience<br />

something even more unique than the general concert. Though social media has<br />

given us a behind the scenes look at our favorite celebrities for a<br />

while now, in this unique time of worldwide quarantine they<br />

have shown us an even more in-depth look of sincerity and<br />

many more sides of our favorite faces and their families.<br />

this is <strong>June</strong> 4th, 7 pm) you can feel the togetherness that the music industry is trying to show our<br />

world.<br />

The influencers of the music industry have made sure some of our favorite cable<br />

shows like American Idol have finished their season, with some of the most<br />

interesting finales. As Ryan Seacrest sat behind a desk with a monitor<br />

(broadcasting from his garage) and only the live shots of the five finalists for<br />

this season- all live from home and the judges Lionel Richie, Katy Perry, and<br />

Luke Bryan also live from their homes it is setting the new normal for reality<br />

music television and ended the season with one for the<br />

books like so many other firsts have happened since<br />

quarantine. (A girl named ‘Just Sam’ from the Bronx won<br />

- you all should check her out- she is phenomenal!)<br />

Celebrities have stepped up to the challenge and are using their<br />

stardom for greatness. Since the start of the pandemic icons like;<br />

Brad Paisley, Blake Shelton, and Lil Wayne went LIVE on Oasis<br />

Center’s Facebook page to raise money for COVID-19, Billie<br />

Eilish and Finneas performed on Verizon’s #PayItForward<strong>Live</strong><br />

to support small businesses, Third Eye Blind is doing ‘Quaran<br />

-tine Kitchen Sessions’ every Tuesday to promote social distanc<br />

-ing, “We want to be part of the solution and not the<br />

spread.”<br />

When legends, like Dolly Parton<br />

are going live on their Facebook<br />

page reading imaginative library<br />

books (Thursdays at<br />

7pmEST<br />

‘Goodnight<br />

with Dolly,’<br />

last date to<br />

catch<br />

Music is an art form, a life force in itself, music can change<br />

your mind, change your thoughts, change your heart, and<br />

make you dance-if you allow it. Even though we are coming<br />

out of this time of isolation, we can take a cue from the<br />

influencers of the world and remember to always give back,<br />

always stay positive, and always move forward. The music<br />

spans the globe flowing through every river<br />

valley, desert, tundra, and rainforest on every<br />

continent, every south, west, north,<br />

and east corner of every country<br />

and states, every doorway,<br />

driveway, hallway and<br />

living room<br />

because...<br />

COVID<br />

CAN’T<br />

STOP the<br />

MUSIC!<br />

16<br />



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24<br />



Behind the Mic: Riggs<br />

95.7 the Hog, Daytona Beach<br />

Hello, friends!<br />

This issue of STATIC LIVE is my favorite because I love<br />

metal and hard rock. I live it. In fact, I believe that I<br />

may have a “Benjamin Button” deal going as it seems that<br />

my thirst for loud rock grows as I get older. In fairness<br />

to my musical roots, I started out with names like<br />

John Denver, Barry Manilow, Bee Gees, Kenny Rogers<br />

and Babs Streisand. Then came KISS and game on. So<br />

when I pondered a subject for this themed issue, it was a<br />

no-brainer. The nicest rock star I ever met, the King of<br />

Rock & Roll… The late, great Ronnie James Dio. I first<br />

met Ronnie James Dio on the winter leg of the Holy Diver<br />

tour in Atlanta. It was an after show meet & greet and<br />

he was very affable and chatty. My fear was that his aura<br />

of evil and darkness would ruin the excitement I had to<br />

meet one of the best voices in the game. But he couldn’t<br />

have been any different. More than just a “nice to meet<br />

you, where you from?” or an autograph signing, Ronnie<br />

was like a host at his own house party. He gave me<br />

a brief tour of the backstage rooms, highlighted where<br />

the refreshments were and led me to the guitar room.<br />

Vivian Campbell (guitar prodigy who would later gig<br />

with Whitesnake and still resides with Def Leppard) was<br />

the band’s guitarist and sat on a couch practicing AFTER<br />

the show. Ronnie introduced me and said “Do you play,<br />

Riggs?”. I nervously said no but accepted their offer to<br />

sit and catch a quick lesson. An amazing night for a kid<br />

who loved his unique brand of rock and roll.<br />

We met before the show and sat down for what was one<br />

of the more eye opening hours of my career.<br />

I was obviously a huge fan but I had to curb that and<br />

direct the conversation to what would hopefully be an<br />

interesting and entertaining piece of television. We talked<br />

about the tour, making the new album and more, but fell<br />

into a discussion of the hard rock/metal charity project<br />

that he helped create called Hear ‘n Aid. The effort was<br />

considered the rock genre’s answer to USA for Africa’s<br />

“We Are The World” fundraising single. As Ronnie<br />

described the frustration with the song being held up for<br />

almost a year in legal issues and the plight of the starving<br />

people of Africa and similar issues in the United States,<br />

I was struck by his passion. The politics of the music<br />

business I started producing a music video program in the<br />

late ‘80s and secured a one-on-one interview with Ronnie<br />

at another Atlanta show. and the hypocrisy of the charity<br />

organizers had clearly impacted him. It was a moment<br />

that I went from viewing him as the imposing dark character<br />

he was labeled with from his singing career to seeing<br />

him as a compassionate, ethereal soul. His intensity and<br />

desire to use his music to help less fortunate people was<br />

something I had never encountered. It struck me that I<br />

was speaking with a kind man, not the mystique of the<br />

larger-than-life rock god. It changed forever the way that<br />

I ingested his lyrics and music.<br />

His singing voice was like a giant dragon stomping its way<br />

through a paper city. And it emerged from a 5’ 4” shell<br />

which made Ronnie Dio’s persona even more unique.<br />

Think about the impact of his songwriting… he co-penned<br />

“Long <strong>Live</strong> Rock ‘n’ Roll”, “Man On The Silver Mountain”,<br />

“The Mob Rules”, “Heaven And Hell” and so many more<br />

staples of the ‘70s and ‘80s rock landscape. And his was<br />

the voice that took the iconic band Rainbow to the next<br />

level. Then he steps into an arguably impossible gig replacing<br />

Ozzy in Black Sabbath and in 2 short years, cranks out<br />

classics like “Neon Knights” and “Children of the Sea”. He<br />

kept that heavy metal original relevant after they lost what<br />

may be the most recognizable frontman in rock history.<br />

An impressive result indeed. And then as he embarks on<br />

a solo career and launches DIO, he crushes with one of the<br />

best debut records of all time. “Holy Diver”, “Rainbow In<br />

The Dark” and more… and the bar had been raised. There<br />

was simply no other rock singer that took bands he fronted<br />

to a higher profile more than Ronnie James Dio.<br />

I caught up with him on the Lock Up The Wolves tour stop<br />

in 1990. And though record sales had diminished, he was<br />

as vibrant as ever. He introduced me and my friends to the<br />

crew, gave us a tour of the theatrical staging for the show,<br />

then insisted that I try my first Guinness beer. The dude I<br />

idolized and somewhat feared when meeting him a decade<br />

earlier was now bartending for me at one of his shows.<br />

It was a surreal, awesome moment. And he remembered<br />

my name… I still am sure that his wife or manager<br />

whispered it to him before I walked onto the tour bus, but<br />

whatever… I felt like a friend. I interviewed him a few<br />

times after, at much smaller venues with the DIO band in<br />

a different configuration, and later with the reunited Black<br />

Sabbath. That was another career highlight as I sat with<br />

all four members of the centerpiece of heavy metal. And<br />

Ronnie was as humble and kind as ever, saying that it was<br />

simply for the fans that they regrouped and toured. For<br />

the love of the game.<br />

And don’t forget, Dio was the man that, if not invented,<br />

popularized the Rock Horns or “Devil Horns” hand<br />

gesture. He used it in every show, even on the DIO album<br />

covers. You see it today at every rock show. And ironic<br />

that the guy that was often labeled as evil and accused of<br />

dropping satanic subtleties in his music and album art actually<br />

took that hand gesture from his old Italian heritage<br />

as a symbol to ward off evil. He was about positive<br />

energy. He was about light beyond the darkness.<br />

He battled brutal stomach cancer that led to his death yet<br />

continued to record and tour til the very end. The heart<br />

and soul of the man was out of this world. He defined a<br />

generation of rock music. And with the combination of<br />

growl and passionate melody, his voice was unmatched. If<br />

you haven’t indulged before, go chase some of Dio’s music<br />

and drop on your headphones… and know you are hearing<br />

a master at his craft.<br />

I wish he was around today not as much for the music but<br />

for his spirit. I wish I could interview him not as a nervous,<br />

idolizing fan but as a professional who is intrigued<br />

by his lyrics and visions. And I was told later that he<br />

wrote “MAGIC” on autographs for people he felt a connection<br />

with, and I’ve always cherished that notion. To the<br />

legacy of words, music and memories, I raise a Guinness<br />

to Ronnie James Dio.<br />

Cheers!<br />


The Morning HOG / 95.7 The HOG Weekdays 5-10am<br />

& SATURDAY NIGHT LOUD 9-midnight<br />

@saturdayloud on Twitter The Morning Hog on fb<br />

riggs@957thehog.com<br />



Trivia Questions<br />

Crossword Puzzle<br />

1.Though there may be some dispute on the subject, most people agree this British band<br />

started the genre known as Heavy Metal, forming in 1969?<br />

3<br />

6<br />

2.Which of these is a band-titled debut album? a. Metallica b. Alice in Chains c. Byzantine d.<br />

Korn<br />

3.Which of the following bands formed first? a. Fear Factory b. Soulfly c. They all formed at<br />

the same time d. Metallica.<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4.What band includes Matt Heafy and Corey Beaulieu?<br />

2<br />

4 5<br />

5.The song Lemuria belongs to what band?<br />

6.What United States band recorded “Under The Influence?”<br />

7.What band is famous for the song “Dragonaut?”<br />

5 4<br />

8.Michael Kiske was the lead singer for the heavy metal band Halloween from 1986 till 1993,<br />

when he was fired, who became the band’s vocalist?<br />

9.Which part of the body did Accept describe as being metal on the title track of their classic<br />

1985 album, “Metal_________?”<br />

10.What band won multiple Grammy awards for the Best Metal Performance, including their<br />

first for “One,” in 1990?<br />

11.What band released the “Darkness Descends” LP in 1986?<br />

12.Which band was formerly known as Tormentor before changing their name and becoming<br />

one of Germany’s leading thrashers?<br />

13.What was the title of Metallica’s modified version of “Mechanix?”<br />

14. Which metal band is associated with John Campbell, Mark Morton, Chris Adler, Randy<br />

Blythe & Willie Adler?<br />

34<br />

Across<br />

1.The Motörhead song “You Better Run” was re-recorded<br />

in2004 as “__________________” for the<br />

SpongeBob SquarePants Movie.<br />

2.What extreme metal English band penned albums<br />

like “The Principle of Evil Made Flesh,” “Cruelty and<br />

the Beast,” and “Damnation and a Day?”<br />

3.Motörhead main man Lemmy Kilmister once<br />

worked as a roadie for..?<br />

4.Their album “Covenant” is one of the top selling<br />

death metal albums of all time, what Tampa, Florida<br />

based band recorded it?<br />

5.What is Venom’s Cronos’s real name?<br />

6.The song “Motörhead” is the only song in recorded<br />

rock history to contain the word...?<br />

6<br />

Down<br />

1.In 1965 Lemmy Kilmister joined a band called<br />

The Rockin’ Vickers, which reportedly was the<br />

first band to visit the Socialist Federal Republic of<br />

___________________.<br />

2.What were Danish thrashers Artillery afraid of in<br />

1985?<br />

3.Which New York thrash band featured identical<br />

twins?<br />

4.Which Metal band was prolific metal producer<br />

Michael Wagener a founding member of?<br />

5.The 14th album recorded by Motörhead was<br />

“Snake Bite _____?”<br />

6. What band of Armenian descent told you<br />

to “Steal This Album!” in 2002? 35

Trivia & Crossword Answers<br />


8. ANDI DERIS<br />

2. KORN<br />

9. HEART<br />

3. METALLICA<br />

10. METALLICA<br />

4. TRIVIUM<br />

11. DARK ANGEL<br />

5. THERION<br />

12. KREATOR<br />

6. OVERKILL<br />



36<br />

3 B<br />

L<br />

E<br />

6 S<br />

1 Y O U B E T T E R S W I M Y<br />

U S S<br />

G 2 C R A D L E O F F I L T H<br />

O D E<br />

S 3 H E N D R I X M<br />

L 2 T E O<br />

A 4 M O R B I D A N G E 5 L F<br />

V M T O D<br />

I O H V O<br />

A R E W<br />

R<br />

N<br />

5 C O N R A D L 5. A N T<br />

W<br />

C<br />

C<br />

6. P A R A L L E L O G R A M<br />

P<br />

T<br />



On March 10th, weeks before the Covid -19 Pandemic shut down Florida and life as we know it, thrash metal pioneers Overkill<br />

and Exhorder infected the House of Blues in Orlando with some old school moshing. Opening band Hydraform from Denver,<br />

Colorado got the crowd moving with their form of toxic progressive metal. Next, Exhorder, fronted by original singer Kyle Thomas,<br />

gave the herd some gumbo-style Louisiana metal to fester on, including early favorites “Slaughter In The Vatican” and classic<br />

“Desecrator “. Finally, unmasked singer Bobby “Blitz” Ellsworth and bassist D.D. Verni, Overkill’s founding members, contaminated<br />

the metal mob into zombie-like dance floor convulsions . Fans of the New York thrash titans heard seventeen mind blistering<br />

tunes from a catalog that included 11 albums. Unfortunately Overkill decided to omit any songs from their classic album “Taking<br />

Over “. Bummer! Overall, ‘twas a great show considering what the world would be going through the following months ahead . TP<br />

included.<br />


April 3, <strong>2020</strong>, marks the 13th studio album by thrash kings, Testament. It is entitled “Titans of Creation.”<br />

Ironically, the release of this album happened during a world pandemic of which the front man himself was affected, along with<br />

his wife and several crew members, while on tour in Europe. I am happy to report they are feeling much better and looking forward<br />

to live venues reopening as soon as “the powers that be” figure this mess out.<br />

Testament truly has stood the test of time and Titans of Creation definitely confirms they are still at the top of their game. Front<br />

man Chuck Billy, combined with guitarist Alex Skolnick and Eric Peterson, who have shredded on the earlier albums, reinforced<br />

by Steve DiGiorgio ripping bass, and Gene Hoglan destroying the drums, these badasses turned out twelve unique thrash classics<br />

on this LP.<br />

Testament opened the album with “Children of the Next Level”, which tells the story of a<br />

religious cult in San Diego, Heaven’s Gate, back in 1997. The incident concluded with<br />

thirty-nine people joining in a mass suicide. Song titles such as “Night of the Witch”, “Ishtar’s<br />

Gate”, “City of Angels” and “Dream Deceiver” follow inspiration from some of history’s darker<br />

subjects. Titans of Creation is loaded with everything you could possibly want to hear in good<br />

thrash metal. In my opinion, Testament will be back in the studio very soon to record their<br />

14th crushing LP, especially after recording this album with the likes of Andy Sneap, mixing<br />

and mastering, and engineer Juan Urtega. Released on Nuclear Blast Records, Titans of<br />

Creation is definitely going to be one of the top metal releases of <strong>2020</strong>.<br />


For many early old school metal enthusiasts , Possessed “Seven Churches “ is the blueprint<br />

for what would be later known as “Death Metal “ . Born in the wake of San Francisco’s<br />

thrash scene in the mid-eighties , Possessed’s growling/regurgitating vocals were believed<br />

to be the first of their kind . Signed to Relativity/Combat records and recorded in 1985 ,<br />

this debut took thrash metals intensity to new levels of brutality . The Ultra fast drumming<br />

and monstrous riffs were way ahead of their time as one can hear on the opening song “The<br />

Exorcist “. Other blusterous offerings are “Pentagram”, “Fallen Angel”, and the closer, ultimately<br />

titled “Death Metal”. Rated among the top 10 death metal albums of all time, “Seven<br />

Churches” influence on the future death metal scene cannot be denied . On a trivia footnote,<br />

guitarist Larry LaLonde would later go on to play for Alt pioneers Primus. Horns up metal<br />

brethren!<br />


3401 S. Atlantic Avenue, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 386-423-8787<br />

UNDER JUNE NEW <strong>2020</strong> MANAGEMENT<br />

Reopening Monday, May 4 th !<br />


We will be reopening the doors at Chases<br />

on the Beach with 6ft apart seating,<br />

social distancing and following all the<br />

rules 7pm to keep our staff and guests 7pmsafe!<br />

Can’t wait to see everyone!<br />

Fridays 3pm-<br />

5th-Bradford BuckleY<br />

Join us for a special Mother’s 13th Day music<br />

festival on Sunday, 20th May 10 th .<br />

Drink specials all day<br />

27th-Jay Paski<br />

Full bar and menu<br />

Five bands starting at 2pm (lineup TBA)<br />

12th- The Cyclones<br />

19th-Nate Utley<br />

26th-Dyer Davis<br />

Presented By:<br />

Presented by: by:<br />

Saturdays 2pm-<br />

6th-Chuck Morel<br />

13th-The Transfers<br />

20th-Jimmi Soldo

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