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Hostal Santa Clara EstartitSanta Cl
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ChineseArabicHindiIt is not ETHICAL
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"They are like Mora's dog,that's fa
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22.5% of "such" property or promise
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cantonada),That should be a music s
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advantageand fall in love with what
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In Catalan paremiology it is said:"
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It is impossible to explain here wh
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A server who writes this and thatal
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But now that the hotel has been sol
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They also want a third partthat my
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In the same way that they aredistri
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not even the buildingof the church
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And garages, etc.Isn't Mora's dog v
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I have never received any money fro
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("The song of the Birds", songpopul
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We will denounce it and we will not
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Not all the places where you t is w
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"the Song of the Invaded",It was a
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merKleinem FensterarefinVensier<—
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Photo of Santa Clara Estartit Hoste
- Page 65 and 66: Outdoor Ch*TUSteerieure
- Page 67: Photo of the awakening with the sin
- Page 70 and 71: Map and aerial view of the hostel's
- Page 72 and 73: years.We will take them to the cour
- Page 74 and 75: PIAMILCULIWY! IY] ==segueixdonantaq
- Page 76 and 77: HIS MAN who works as awaiter in sum
- Page 78 and 79: left TO CALL ME BEFOREtoand he WILL
- Page 80 and 81: me with his wife (who's theBRAIN an
- Page 82 and 83: comfort, security ..."Right to the
- Page 84 and 85: papers and also the co-ownerone...
- Page 86 and 87: that's how the rights are incontinu
- Page 88 and 89: she from bar cantonada) HAVEBUILD,
- Page 90 and 91: These (town hall) would be the ones
- Page 92 and 93: Little sanity that also showedthese
- Page 94: ARCHIVE OF CAUSES led (atleast the
- Page 98 and 99: Hostal Restaurant Santa Clara Estar
- Page 100 and 101: exemplary, unlike me). Iwonder why
- Page 102 and 103: Worthy
- Page 104 and 105: nothing - his man explained itto us
- Page 106 and 107: the Treasury may be "IN A BIGCRACK
- Page 108 and 109: future to appropriatesomething more
- Page 110 and 111: What insensibility!What FAMILIARITY
- Page 114 and 115: 2) Reviews Rooms HostalSanta Clara
- Page 120 and 121: kitchen through the open patio (ope
- Page 122 and 123: Leaving now the opinions andreturni
- Page 124 and 125: also accompanying him tocontinue fo
- Page 126 and 127: with his new partner, partnervery w
- Page 128 and 129: .........ten years .....eighteen ye
- Page 130 and 131: there are those who choose itas a p
- Page 132 and 133: Amb humor, com sempreOhh ... and th
- Page 134 and 135: brother, father of thedaughter of t
- Page 136 and 137: ...Well, let's start again, awoman
- Page 138 and 139: BUT ...TO ENDORSE HIM TO MELIKE BEF
- Page 140 and 141: What Barça FANS CLUB!!!Why do they
- Page 142 and 143: any importance for them, andthen th
- Page 144 and 145: The father didn't steal my artwork
- Page 146 and 147: reproached me and threatenedwith hi
- Page 148 and 149: The stolen work of art was there fo
- Page 150 and 151: And then her daughter willdeny that
- Page 152 and 153: does she not knowhow to stop herbot
- Page 154 and 155: What if her motherdoesn't stop them
- Page 156 and 157: Let's see if at the end appearsthe
- Page 158 and 159: the most FAMILIARfrom ESTARTIT!UNDE
- Page 160 and 161: Santa Clara l'Estartit, don'tknow w
- Page 162 and 163: Children live in another worldand "
- Page 164 and 165: them in the future a narrationthat
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And his eldest son came onesummer t
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"victimization of the aggressor",th
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or "mask" (faces now ofsuperbuenas,
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The circus is life ...Life is a cir
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son and holy spirit - I am thisas I
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histories .. (it cost but thetechni
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Santa Clara l'Estartit ... andblah,
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but see dyslexics,stut.t.ter (iep..
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day and kneeling, with armsand hand
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...... and something veryNORMAL for
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free ofand also, that MANY only see
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being this person who avoidshis gra
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digest well. This is what theyshoul
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tomorrow ???Some abusers?God forbid
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Whoever wants to tell youwhat neigh
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WORKING (that now they donot love t
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And for nonsense (my brother- does
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We rely on observations, factsand n
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(that unlike how they do withme) I
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Hostal Santa Clara EstartitHumanity