Selwyn Times: June 17, 2020

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WEDNESDAY, JUNE <strong>17</strong>, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Connecting Your Community<br />

starnews.co.nz<br />

Passion for<br />

birds leads<br />

to award<br />

Page 6<br />

Events taking<br />

place in your<br />

community<br />

Page 16<br />

Street names honour Kiwi icons<br />

• By Devon Bolger<br />

IF YOU take a stroll down the<br />

streets of this new Rolleston<br />

subdivision you will find<br />

yourself surrounded by kiwi<br />

icons.<br />

Billy T and Sir Richard<br />

Hadlee Lanes are just some of<br />

the street names within Acland<br />

Park.<br />

All but two of the streets<br />

follow the theme in the<br />

subdivision, which has more<br />

than 1000 sections.<br />

Other street names include<br />

Kate Sheppard Drive, who<br />

was fundamental in securing<br />

women the right to vote in<br />

1893, and Ed Hillary Drive<br />

who, of course, conquered Mt<br />

Everest.<br />

Names that have been approved<br />

for the subdivision but<br />

have yet to have signs installed<br />

include Lomu Way (named after<br />

All Black great Jonah Lomu),<br />

Truby King St (named after<br />

the New Plymouth man who<br />

founded Plunket in 1905).<br />

Clement Ave will also<br />

feature in the subdivision<br />

(named after Jemaine Clement<br />

from comedy group Flight of<br />

the Conchords).<br />

• Turn to page 11<br />


Scorch<br />

Broadband<br />

0800 726 724<br />

www.scorch.co.nz<br />

Council<br />

introduces<br />

measures<br />

to lower<br />

rates<br />

increase<br />

• By Devon Bolger<br />

RESIDENTS SAY the district<br />

council’s decision not to proceed<br />

with a zero rates increase was<br />

pragmatic.<br />

Rates will increase by about 1.6<br />

per cent for the coming financial<br />

year, lower than the expected 3.5<br />

per cent increase.<br />

The general rate will increase<br />

by three per cent, the water supply<br />

rate by four per cent and the<br />

water race rate by three per cent<br />

which equates to the average 1.6<br />

per cent.<br />

The impact on rates for a<br />

sample of properties in dollar<br />

amounts is outlined:<br />

•An urban residential property<br />

with sewerage – $47 increase<br />

•A rural property near Darfield<br />

– $385 increase<br />

•A rural property near Lincoln<br />

– $100 increase<br />

Other options considered<br />

included keeping rates at the<br />

level they are now, increasing the<br />

volumetric water charge by 21 per<br />

cent and proceeding with the 3.5<br />

per cent increase.<br />

• Turn to page 5<br />


A sneak beak<br />

Choose from our wide range of titled and newly released Rolleston sections<br />


OpEN 12 - 4pM WEDNESDAy - SuNDAy<br />

email: enquiries@yoursection.nz or call 03 741 1340<br />



yoursection.nz<br />

Residential sections, Big Range, Canterbury Wide

2 Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

from the editor’s desk<br />


GENERAL INQUIRIES Ph 379 7100<br />


Star Media, a division of Allied Press Ltd<br />

PO Box 1467, Christchurch<br />

starmedia.kiwi<br />

THE DISTRICT council<br />

has made a commonsense<br />

decision over the rates<br />

increase for the coming<br />

financial year (see page 1).<br />

Ratepayers will face an<br />

average increase of 1.6 per<br />

cent, down from a possible<br />

3.5 per cent hike.<br />

This means for an urban<br />

property the increase will<br />

be just under $1 a week, and<br />

between $2 and $6 a week for<br />

a rural property depending<br />

where you live.<br />

The trade off for the 1.6<br />

per cent increase is that<br />

some planned projects such<br />

as refurbishments at the<br />

district council offices, and<br />

public toilets for Lincoln and<br />

Prebbleton will be put on<br />

hold.<br />

Some people who made submissions<br />

to the council wanted<br />

the zero increase option.<br />

But the district has to keep<br />

going forward, even in tough<br />

times.<br />

- Barry Clarke<br />

NEWS<br />

Devon Bolger<br />

Ph: 021 914 742<br />

devon.bolger@starmedia.kiwi<br />


Lynette Evans<br />

Ph: 364 7434<br />

lynette.evans@starmedia.kiwi<br />

news<br />

Book sale planned at Ellesmere College<br />

Ellesmere College is planning a book sale to try to make up for lost<br />

fundraising opportunities during the Covid-19 lockdown.<br />

Page 11<br />

The best-read local newspaper,<br />

delivered to 20,622 homes<br />

every week.<br />

Ladbrooks • Tai Tapu • Leeston • Lincoln<br />

Southbridge • Prebbleton • Halswell<br />

Rolleston • Templeton • Burnham • Kirwee<br />

West Melton • Darfield • Arthur’s Pass<br />

tasty bites<br />

There’s no need to risk it for the brisket<br />

Beef brisket really is the gift that keeps on giving. It’s inexpensive,<br />

full of flavour, and low-effort as far as making a delicious meal goes.<br />

Page 13<br />

POP UP<br />

@ The Laboratory<br />

<strong>17</strong> West Belt<br />

Lincoln<br />

Book to dine at<br />

the Lab before or<br />

after ph 3253006<br />

New films arriving weekly<br />

Buy your tickets online<br />

or from the bar<br />

apollo.thelaboratory.co.nz<br />

Cheap $10 Tuesdays<br />

Private Hire available<br />

Prebbleton<br />

Community<br />

Cottage<br />

Danish Women’s Fashion<br />

Design Labels<br />


Monday 22nd <strong>June</strong><br />

10am - 7pm<br />

www.kjole.co.nz<br />

Corner Blakes &<br />

Springs Road<br />

Prebbleton<br />

Comedic Banter<br />

Ozark Actress<br />

Tuesday, 16 <strong>June</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

11:00 AM All at Sea<br />

1:00 PM The Assistant<br />

3:00 PM Les Misérables<br />

5:00 PM The Trip to Greece<br />

7:00 PM Jojo Rabbit<br />

Wednesday, <strong>17</strong> <strong>June</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

11:00 AM Mums &Bubs - The Trip<br />

to Greece<br />

1:30 PM Jojo Rabbit<br />

3:35 PM All at Sea<br />

5:20 PM Les Misérables<br />

7:30 PM The Assistant<br />

M<br />

M<br />

R13<br />

M<br />

M<br />

M<br />

M<br />

M<br />

R13<br />

M<br />

French Drama Jane Austen Comedy Award Winning UK Feel Good<br />

Thursday, 18 <strong>June</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Saturday, 20 <strong>June</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

11:00 AM All at Sea<br />

M 10:30 AM The Assistant<br />

M<br />

12:50 PM Jojo Rabbit<br />

M 12:20 PM The Trip to Greece M<br />

3:00 PM The Assistant M 2:30 PM Jojo Rabbit<br />

M<br />

5:00 PM The Trip to Greece M 5:00 PM All at Sea<br />

M<br />

7:00 PM Love Sarah<br />

M 7:00 PM Love Sarah<br />

M<br />

Friday, 19 <strong>June</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

11:00 AM Jojo Rabbit<br />

1:10 PM All at Sea<br />

3:00 PM The Trip to Greece<br />

5:00 PM Love Sarah<br />

7:00 PM The Assistant<br />

M<br />

M<br />

M<br />

M<br />

M<br />

Sunday, 21 <strong>June</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

10:30 AM Emma<br />

1:00 PM Love Sarah<br />

3:00 PM The Assistant<br />

5:00 PM The Trip to Greece<br />

7:00 PM Little Women<br />

powered by<br />

people<br />

PG<br />

M<br />

M<br />

M<br />

G<br />

Tania McDonald<br />

Registered Legal Executive<br />

Your local expert in Residential<br />

Property, Wills, Powers of<br />

Attorney and Estate Planning<br />

E: tania.mcdonald@saunders.co.nz

SELWYN TIMES Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2020</strong> 3<br />

News<br />

Demolition team<br />

levels fire-damaged Kirwee Tavern<br />

• By Devon Bolger<br />

THE KIRWEE Tavern has<br />

been demolished after being<br />

destroyed in a fire last year.<br />

Work on demolishing the<br />

building finished on Friday<br />

after it began late last month.<br />

Licensee Steve Evans said<br />

they found a second deep cellar<br />

that was not known about.<br />

“I will reveal more about that<br />

when we investigate it next<br />

week when the rubble has been<br />

cleared.”<br />

The Kirwee Tavern was almost<br />

completely destroyed when a<br />

fire broke out in the late hours<br />

of Christmas Eve. About 60 firefighters<br />

were needed from across<br />

Canterbury to tackle the blaze.<br />

The cause of the fire was<br />

found to be an electrical fault<br />

due to old wiring.<br />

Mr Evans said negotiations<br />

have started with the insurance<br />

company for a rebuild of the<br />

REBUILD:<br />

The remains<br />

of the<br />

Kirwee<br />

Tavern after<br />

the final<br />

steps of<br />

demolition<br />

were<br />

completed<br />

on Friday. ​<br />

tavern.<br />

“Quite a few items have been<br />

comedy night<br />

marked to be incorporated into<br />

the ‘New Wee.’ I will keep you<br />

updated in due course.”<br />

In December last year the<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> District licensing<br />

committee released its decision<br />

to unanimously refuse the<br />

renewal of the on and off liquor<br />

licences held by Evansbury​<br />

Holdings Ltd, of which Mr<br />

Evans sole director.<br />

In January, Mr Evans<br />

appealed the decision to decline<br />

the renewal of the licences.<br />

[ R18 ]<br />

In Brief<br />

Ben Hurley<br />

Jarred Fell<br />

Alan McElroy<br />

The Fan Brigade<br />

saturday <strong>17</strong> october in lincoln<br />

www.liveinlincoln.nz tickets on sale now<br />


The new tube slide at Foster Park<br />

has been closed after cracking<br />

was discovered. The new slide<br />

was installed in February after<br />

cracks were discovered on the<br />

original slide in September last<br />

year. The slide will remain closed<br />

while an engineering assessment<br />

is carried out. A spokesman said<br />

further options will be considered<br />

following the assessment.<br />


The upgrade of the Tennyson St<br />

and Lowes Rd intersection, in<br />

Rolleston, is expected to be complete<br />

next month. A district council<br />

spokesman said the contractor<br />

has gained momentum since work<br />

recommenced after the lockdown.<br />

They have been concentrating on<br />

completing work on underground<br />

services as well as kerbs and<br />

footpaths. The upgrade includes the<br />

installation of traffic lights at the<br />

intersection. The project is expected<br />

to be complete by July 23. Eleven<br />

thousand vehicles a day travel across<br />

the intersection and the upgrades<br />

are aiming to improve safety. The<br />

project is expected to cost $3.2<br />

million and the work is a part of a<br />

wider programme to upgrade three<br />

major intersections in Rolleston.<br />

Switch to your local<br />

audiologist, <strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

We’re celebrating the Level 1 announcement! We now have<br />

dedicated ear wax removal appointments in Rolleston. Special<br />

discounts on ear wax removal services for all hearing aid<br />

wearers when you switch to Brenna Sincock Hearing for all your<br />

hearing needs.<br />

Call 03 390 2332<br />

Shop 40 Rolleston Square,<br />

9 Masefield Drive<br />

Rolleston | Darfield | Leeston | Lincoln<br />

Local <strong>Selwyn</strong> Audiology<br />




78 Rolleston Drive, Rolleston<br />

10 Years in <strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

Richard Gray<br />

Kate Warren<br />

Anita Molloy-Roberts<br />

Belinda Ferguson<br />

Emma-Jane Moore<br />

W: www.meareswilliams.co.nz<br />

T: (03) 374 2547<br />

E: reception<br />

@meareswilliams.co.nz<br />

Offices also located at:<br />

43 Gerald Street, Lincoln<br />

225 Papanui Road, Christchurch

4 Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />


Caring about quality repairs<br />

We all want the vehicle we drive to be reliable<br />

and safe on the road. We also want to know<br />

any needed repairs, will be carried out correctly<br />

and to a high standard. You can help ensure this,<br />

by taking your vehicle to an automotive centre with<br />

the specialist skills, equipment and commitment to<br />

seeing your vehicle back on the road and functioning<br />

as it should.<br />

The team at Rolleston Diesel & Petrols pride<br />

themselves on providing honest advice. Their vast<br />

experience in the field and reputation for reliable<br />

vehicle servicing, is assurance they will give you an<br />

honest appraisal of your vehicle’s condition, clearly<br />

explaining what is involved to repair any problems it<br />

might have. If they find any issues during a routine<br />

service or while carrying out repairs, they will liaise with<br />

you, before embarking on further work.<br />

“We’re committed to 100% satisfaction and safety of<br />

all our customers,” says Simon, owner of Rolleston<br />

Diesel & Petrols.<br />

Simon is known for going the extra mile. He will not<br />

compromise on quality, whether it is the oil or parts<br />

used or workmanship of the repair. Quality, customer<br />

service and the environment are all at the heart of the<br />

ethos of this business.<br />

“We’ve built up some great relationships with the<br />

people we deal with, from customers through to<br />

suppliers,” admits Simon.<br />

At Rolleston Diesel & Petrols, they look after a vast<br />

range of customers from teenagers with their first<br />

car through to those a little older. Whether a family or<br />

business vehicle, every customer is treated with the<br />

same level of care and keenness to do a good job.<br />

Simon, Hayden and Vince share a wealth of knowledge<br />

in automotive repairs, taking pride in what they do. All<br />

live in <strong>Selwyn</strong>, sharing a genuine involvement in and<br />

commitment to the local community.<br />

Rolleston Diesel & Petrols is a locally owned, wellappointed<br />

repair and service centre, registered for<br />

WOFs and member of the Motor Trade Association.<br />

It has the latest diagnostic equipment suitable for<br />

diesel and petrol engines. They repair cars, Utes,<br />

4WDs, vans, light commercials, motorhomes, buses,<br />

motorcycles, jet skis, boats, ride-on lawnmowers,<br />

horse floats and more.<br />

If you have any concerns about your motor vehicle or<br />

wish to book it in for a check, service or repairs, pop<br />

into Rolleston Diesel & Petrols and have a chat with<br />

Simon, Hayden or Vince. You will find them only too<br />

willing to help you out.<br />

Simon is committed to providing a quality service<br />

Rolleston Diesel & Petrols is a well-appointed repair & service centre.<br />

Rolleston Diesel & Petrols is located at 839 Jones Road (Izone side of Rolleston); phone 03 347 7110;<br />

email simon@rollestondieselandpetrols.co.nz or go to www.rollestondieselandpetrols.nz<br />

3 TRUCKS<br />

3 CARS<br />

3 LUBES<br />


3 FLEET WORK<br />

3 BOATS<br />




3 BRAKES<br />


Mon-Fri 7am-5pm, Sat 8am- 12pm (WOFs only)<br />




3 WOFs<br />

3 CAMBELTS<br />

839 Jones Road, Rolleston P.O. Box 16 Rolleston<br />

Phone Simon on 347 7110 or Mobile 027 272 9213

SELWYN TIMES Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2020</strong> 5<br />

News<br />

‘I feel that this was a<br />

pragmatic decision’<br />

• From page 1<br />

The district council identified<br />

savings of $1.7 million to reduce<br />

the level of the rates increase.<br />

Deferred projects include refurbishments<br />

at the district council<br />

offices and public toilets for Lincoln<br />

and Prebbleton. Catering at<br />

district council meetings will also<br />

be stopped.<br />

Councillor Grant Miller was<br />

the only one to vote against it, instead<br />

voting to increase the volumetric<br />

water charge increased.<br />

Rolleston Residents Association<br />

chairwoman Michelle Jones said<br />

she understands why the decision<br />

was made.<br />

“I feel that this was a pragmatic<br />

decision based on the feedback<br />

that was given to the council.<br />

“While I personally would have<br />

liked a rates freeze, after reading<br />

all the submissions I can see why<br />

this decision has been reached.”<br />

Leeston community committee<br />

chairman Lloyd Clausen wrote a<br />

submission on behalf of the committee<br />

which said they supported<br />

the planned 3.5 per cent increase.<br />

He says he thinks the decision<br />

to proceed with a lower increase<br />

was a pragmatic one.<br />

Michelle<br />

Jones<br />

Lloyd<br />

Clausen<br />

“The district council have to<br />

be the ones to make the big decisions.<br />

We presented a certain<br />

viewpoint but they had a lot more<br />

information that we didn’t have.”<br />

Weedons Residents Association<br />

chairman Stephen Bain, who<br />

made an individual submission<br />

calling for a freeze on rates, said<br />

he is appalled the district council<br />

is proceeding with any rates<br />

increases.<br />

“It is a very middle-income<br />

area and there are people who are<br />

going to be feeling very uneasy<br />

about their jobs, the last thing<br />

they need is an announcement<br />

there rates are going up.”<br />

The district council will now<br />

formally adopt the Annual Plan<br />

on July 24.<br />

Popular home show now<br />

scheduled for August<br />

THE HUGELY popular Star<br />

Media Home and Leisure Show<br />

<strong>2020</strong> will be held on August 21<br />

to 23 at Horncastle Arena.<br />

Originally scheduled for<br />

late <strong>June</strong>, and after many<br />

event cancellations due to the<br />

pandemic and the guidelines<br />

around mass gatherings, it has<br />

been difficult to plan a date<br />

with any certainty. However,<br />

Star Media is very excited to be<br />

the first home show back in the<br />

market.<br />

Held annually and attracting<br />

strong crowds of more than<br />

10,000 people, the three-day show<br />

has been inspiring Cantabrians<br />

for more than 20 years as it<br />

showcases everything about your<br />

home, living and leisure.<br />

Said event manager Lisa<br />

Lynch: “This is a great outcome,<br />

we are excited to produce a show<br />

this year that reconnects the<br />

community after a tough time,<br />

with thousands of ideas for their<br />

homes and lifestyle.<br />

“Again we have fantastic prizes<br />

to be won including another<br />

electric vehicle to give away to<br />

one lucky show-goer.<br />

“The events industry as<br />

a whole has rejoiced in the<br />

INSPIRATIONAL: The Star Media Home and Leisure Show<br />

attracts a crowd of more than 10,000.<br />

announcement that New<br />

Zealand has moved into alert<br />

level 1, meaning that mass<br />

gatherings can occur in safety<br />

once more.<br />

“This year’s show is sure to<br />

very popular as it will be full<br />

of fantastic and interesting<br />

exhibitors offering the best ideas<br />

and value for our attendees.<br />

“Plus we have a few new<br />

concepts at our show this year<br />

which we believe will make the<br />

<strong>2020</strong> show our best yet.’’<br />



A support group is operating in <strong>Selwyn</strong> for<br />

men and their families who are living with a<br />

diagnosis and treatment for Prostate Cancer.<br />

Co-ordinators Chris & Dianne Ward<br />

Phone: 027 437 1254<br />

email: selwyn@prostate.org.nz<br />

Meeting<br />

Wednesday<br />

24 th <strong>June</strong><br />

7.30pm<br />

Lincoln events Centre,<br />

Meijer Dr, Lincoln<br />

Elephant in cramped attic store<br />

For more information call 0800 477 678<br />

Organised by the Prostate Cancer Foundation of New Zealand<br />

www.prostate.org.nz<br />

Case moths ate this rabbit’s fur<br />


The Ellesmere College Board of Trustees invites<br />

applications from parents who wish to enrol their sons<br />

and daughters at Ellesmere College for the 2021 year.<br />

Enrolment at the school is governed by an enrolment<br />

scheme, details of which are available from the school office.<br />

A Prospectus which includes the College Enrolment form<br />

is available on request from the College Office at<br />

(03) 324 3369 or e-mail: poorterd@ellesmere.school.nz<br />

The deadline for receipt of applications for out of zone<br />

places is Friday 31 July, <strong>2020</strong><br />

It would be appreciated if parents of students who live<br />

within the College Home Zone also apply by this date in<br />

order to assist planning for next year. Enrolment packs<br />

are available from the school office.<br />

The Board has determined that Thirty (30) places are<br />

likely to be available for out of zone students next year.<br />

The exact number of places will depend on the number<br />

of applications received from students who live within the<br />

school’s home zone.<br />

If the number of out of zone applications exceeds the<br />

number of places available, students will be selected by<br />

ballot. If a ballot is required it will be held on 4th August,<br />

<strong>2020</strong>. Parents will be informed of the outcome of the<br />

ballot within three school days of the ballot being held<br />

and will have until 14th August, <strong>2020</strong>, to accept a place at<br />

Ellesmere College.<br />

Thank you for your interest in Ellesmere College.<br />

Ellesmere College Board of Trustees<br />

Rolleston Avenue, Christchurch<br />

Free entry; donations appreciated<br />


6 Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Our People<br />


Anne Richardson<br />

A life-long passion for wildlife<br />

Anne Richardson has<br />

worked for the Isaac<br />

Conservation and Wildlife<br />

Trust. The Hororata<br />

resident speaks to<br />

Devon Bolger about her<br />

passion for birds and<br />

becoming an officer of<br />

the New Zealand Order<br />

of Merit<br />

How did your passion for<br />

conservation start?<br />

I actually started work at<br />

Orana Park. I worked there<br />

for 10 years and like every new<br />

keeper wanted to work with the<br />

lions, tigers and monkeys.<br />

I soon specialised in birds<br />

because it is actually a challenge<br />

just to keep them alive let alone<br />

get them to breed.<br />

While I was there, Lady Diana<br />

Isaac came down and met me<br />

because she wanted to move into<br />

conservation. She asked me for<br />

advice on what birds she could<br />

have and how to build an aviary.<br />

We got to know each other<br />

quite well and she made me<br />

a very tempting offer to start<br />

working in conservation.<br />

The trust was already established<br />

at that point, it actually<br />

started in the 1950s when they<br />

first moved onto the land. It has<br />

all been quarried.<br />

There were quite a few aviaries<br />

here when I started. We have<br />

just built upon what was there<br />

already. I went on as the wildlife<br />

manager and have kept that position<br />

since.<br />

What does the Isaac<br />

Conservation and Wildlife<br />

Trust do?<br />

It is private and not open to<br />

the public and sits on the Isaac<br />

Construction site.<br />

The trust fully funds the whole<br />

programme that we do such as<br />

building the aviaries and all our<br />

wages and everything.<br />

I have connections at the Department<br />

of Conservation and<br />

one day we pointed out to them<br />

COMMITMENT: Anne Richardson with ‘Hunter’ a blue duck. The Hororata resident has been<br />

working for the Isaac Conservation and Wildlife Trust for 28 years. PHOTO: GEOFF SLOAN<br />

that we were prepared to build<br />

aviaries and help with endangered<br />

birds.<br />

We just slowly started getting<br />

all the endangered species and<br />

built the aviaries to suit them. I<br />

think because we are not open to<br />

the public we just do so well with<br />

the breeding.<br />

I just love what I do, I mean<br />

it is not even work for me, it is<br />

a passion. When you have the<br />

resources to be able to do it, it is<br />

amazing.<br />

With this being a working<br />

quarry we can build really huge<br />

aviaries and we have all the road<br />

equipment and machinery we<br />

need on-site.<br />

All of the truck drivers that<br />

work here are all really supportive<br />

of what we are doing.<br />

Whenever I walk past them<br />

they always ask me what we are<br />

up to so I think they are really<br />

keen and proud of what we do<br />

here.<br />

Are there any achievements<br />

or successes with the trust that<br />

stand-out for you?<br />

One of the big ones is we<br />

started doing the incubation of<br />

blue duck eggs, DOC actually<br />

collected them from the wild, we<br />

incubated and hand-reared them<br />

and were able to release them<br />

into the wild.<br />

The adults would actually<br />

double-clutch, which is when<br />

an animal lays two sets of viable<br />

eggs, with DOC doing all the<br />

predator work we were doubling<br />

the population numbers.<br />

We increased the number<br />

of blue ducks so much, it has<br />

worked really well.<br />

Another one is our work with<br />

the orange-fronted parakeet,<br />

they are only found up in the<br />

Arthur’s Pass area.<br />

We have actually saved them<br />

from extinction. We bred them<br />

here and released them into the<br />

wild.<br />

I think the good part about the<br />

job is that we can actually go on<br />

the releases too so we can go out<br />

to the wild and see what happens<br />

after we have bred the animals<br />

so that is really cool. That is our<br />

little reward getting to go along<br />

to them.<br />

Do you have a favourite bird?<br />

I would have to say the black<br />

stilt because they are really really<br />

endangered and we have helped<br />

them out a lot with DOC in<br />

Twizel.<br />

I also like the blue duck<br />

babies because they are so cute<br />

and we have done so much<br />

hand-rearing, we could end up<br />

breeding about 30-40 of them<br />

a season.<br />

You were recently made an<br />

officer of the New Zealand<br />

Order of Merit, what was that<br />

like?<br />

I actually thought it was a hoax<br />

when I got the email. I thought<br />

someone was having me on.<br />

Then I read it through again<br />

and thought oh my god. I was<br />

really tickled about it actually.<br />

I think it is because you are<br />

being rewarded for something<br />

you do, but really it’s just a<br />

passion to me and I love doing<br />

it so to get an award is really<br />

amazing.<br />

How long have you lived in<br />

Hororata?<br />

I have been here 22 years. I<br />

travel to work near Christchurch<br />

Airport every day. I actually<br />

moved out to Hororata with my<br />

dogs from Christchurch.<br />

What do you like about living<br />

there?<br />

I look out my back window<br />

and see the mountains. I live in a<br />

really old cottage on quite a bit of<br />

land, and I love my garden.<br />

I don’t like living in the city,<br />

it is so much quieter and more<br />

peaceful out here. I would never<br />

go back into town now.<br />

Do you have any hobbies or<br />

skills outside of conservation?<br />

No. Well, actually I would<br />

have to say dogs. I used to<br />

have quite a few Alaskan<br />

malamutes, but am dogless at<br />

the moment. I am hoping to get<br />

another one.<br />

Could you tell me about your<br />

family?<br />

I am divorced. I moved out to<br />

Hororata with the dogs and left<br />

the husband in Christchurch.<br />

I do not have any children. I<br />

would never give up my job for<br />

that, I made that decision when I<br />

was at Orana Park.<br />

I was only about 23 or 24 but<br />

I thought no I don’t want kids I<br />

love my job too much.<br />



100%<br />

Capital gain<br />

to the resident<br />

Phone. 03 421 7796 | Email. sales@woodcroftestate.co.nz<br />



Lifestyle Village<br />

• On call village sales representative available during the week for visitors<br />

and residents support<br />

• Phone for viewing or enquiries 021 292 1141<br />

• Initial weekly fee of $75 includes rates, insurance, window washing,<br />

all gardening, repairs & maintenance<br />

• Gated community and monitored emergency call button in each villa<br />

• Two & three bedroom villas with single or double garage from $425,000<br />

• Pavilion being built now<br />

• 100% capital gain to the resident<br />


SELWYN TIMES Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2020</strong> 7<br />



DELI<br />


Short on time? The in-store deli kitchen has an<br />

array of healthy, delicious options. Find a range<br />

of handcrafted salads, sushi & gourmet ready-tocook<br />

pizzas perfect for a quick & easy dinner.<br />

Or want to treat yourself? Try some of<br />

our cheese straight from the round, our<br />

deli chef Stefan recommends the Smoked Brie.<br />


& AGED MEAT<br />

We will be offering a range of dry cured meat, gourmet cuts<br />

& small goods as well as fish fresh from the market daily.<br />

There will also be a Himalayan pink salt chamber creating<br />

exceptional mouth-watering dry-aged cuts. Talk to our<br />

in-store butchers to add your very own meat cut to<br />

the chamber, and then each time you visit, take a<br />

slice from your aged-delicacy.<br />

PS spots will fill up fast,<br />

so get your name on the list.<br />



Visit our in-store bakery for a tasty selection<br />

of freshly baked artisan breads. Our baker Avi<br />

recommends the sourdough & with 12 years<br />

experience we trust his judgement. He also<br />

prides himself on his scone recipes so be sure<br />

to check them out!<br />

Or satisfy your sweet tooth with our range of<br />

treats, we have pastries, cakes from Divine Cakes<br />

& freshly baked muffins.<br />


ONE CAFÉ<br />

The Platform One Café has something<br />

for everyone. You can find freshly brewed<br />

Underground coffee, freshly baked<br />

scones, gourmet sandwiches, keto slices, a<br />

selection of hot & cold cabinet food and<br />

real fruit ice creams.<br />

This is the perfect spot to sit and relax<br />

before you do your shopping.<br />


o Shop online with pick up & delivery options – download the app or visit FreshChoiceYourWay.co.nz. o<br />

o You will find fresh flowers in-store daily. We have a range of contemporary every day flowers & beautiful bouquets for those special occasions. o<br />

o We are dedicated to looking after the environment, each trolley is made from 152 recycled milk bottles. o<br />

o We have EV charging stations available in the car park. o<br />

o We have a bike station with puncture repair kits in case you need a patch up while out on a ride. o<br />


8 Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />


News<br />

PROGRESS: Fresh Choice Prebbleton will be opening on <strong>June</strong> 23. ​<br />

Shoppers can use new<br />

supermarket next week<br />

• By Devon Bolger<br />

THE FRESH Choice<br />

supermarket development in<br />

Prebbleton has had its carpark<br />

completed and is ready to open<br />

on <strong>June</strong> 23.<br />

The supermarket on the<br />

corner of Tosswill Rd and<br />

Central Ave is a joint project<br />

between Woolworths New<br />

Zealand Ltd and Prebbleton<br />

Properties Ltd.<br />

Work on the construction<br />

of the development began in<br />

September last year.<br />

The supermarket will be<br />

1300m2 and will open 7am-<br />

10pm, seven days a week.<br />

The total population of<br />

the Prebbleton township<br />

increased by 62.8 per cent<br />

between 2013 and 2018 to 4515<br />

residents.<br />

•HAVE YOUR SAY: Are<br />

you excited about the<br />

new supermarket for<br />

Prebbleton? Email your<br />

views to devon.bolger@<br />

starmedia.kiwi<br />

THE E-SCOOTER trial in<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> has been extended<br />

because the machines could not<br />

be used during the lockdown.<br />

The trial for Lime and Lincolnbased<br />

company Lava Scooters<br />

began in December last year<br />

and was expected to finish this<br />

month.<br />

Said district council regulatory<br />

manager Billy Charlton: “The<br />

council has extended the trial to<br />

cover six months of the scooters<br />

in operation.<br />

“The aim of the trial was<br />

to gather data and assess the<br />

operation of the scooters over<br />

a six-month operating period,<br />

which is why we have extended<br />

it,” he said.<br />

E-scooters were unable to<br />

operate during alert level 4 which<br />

REVIEW:<br />

Lincoln’s Phillip<br />

and Angela<br />

Eberhard are<br />

relieved the<br />

trial for Lava<br />

e-scooters has<br />

been extended. ​<br />

PHOTO:<br />

SHANE<br />


E-scooter trial extended<br />

•HAVE YOUR SAY: Do you<br />

enjoy having e-scooters in the<br />

district? Email your views to<br />

devon.bolger@starmedia.kiwi<br />

means they lost about a month of<br />

the trial.<br />

“Staff are carrying out ongoing<br />

analysis of the data being provided<br />

to the council, which will<br />

be included in the review of the<br />

e-scooters.”<br />

The district council has not<br />

received any applications from<br />

other scooter companies to operate<br />

in <strong>Selwyn</strong>.<br />

The e-scooters are allowed<br />

to operate in Rolleston, Lincoln<br />

and Prebbleton and to travel<br />

between the towns using cycle<br />

lanes.<br />

What’s your view on:<br />

A proposal to modify the<br />

resource consent process<br />

for work on the reinstatement<br />

of Christ Church Cathedral<br />

The resource consent process can be modified under the<br />

Christ Church Cathedral Reinstatement Act 20<strong>17</strong> (the Act)<br />

by an Order in Council (Order) made by the Governor-General.<br />

Before a final decision is made to recommend the proposed<br />

Order to the Governor-General, the Act requires it to be<br />

tested robustly. This includes seeking your feedback on<br />

an explanation document that sets out:<br />

• an explanation of what the proposal is intended to achieve;<br />

• a description of the proposed effect of the Order; and<br />

• an explanation of why the Minister considers that the Order<br />

is necessary or desirable for the purpose of the Act.<br />

Let us know your views on the explanation document<br />

The document can be viewed and written comment made online<br />

at www.dpmc.govt.nz/cathedraloic<br />

Also, they are available on request from Christchurch City Council<br />

service centres and libraries and the main office of <strong>Selwyn</strong> and<br />

Waimakariri District Councils during normal business hours.<br />

Anyone can make a written comment but they must<br />

be received by: 5pm Monday, 22 <strong>June</strong> <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

DPMC0106Comm<br />

‘Famous for their roasts!’<br />


Two courses: $<br />

23<br />

Soup/Roast or Roast/Dessert<br />

Special available lunch only<br />

Monday - Saturday 12pm - 2.30pm<br />

Conditions apply<br />


Kid’s Special<br />

Two courses<br />

Great Kids menu plus<br />

designated play area.<br />

$<br />

13<br />


Open daily from 6.30am - Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner<br />

The<br />


& Motorlodge<br />

118 Racecourse Rd, Sockburn,<br />

Christchurch. Ph 03 342 7150<br />

www.racecoursehotel.co.nz<br />


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Phone us today for your free consultation & quote<br />


PHONE 03 366 0525<br />

www.enviromaster.co.nz<br />

“A local team for local people”

SELWYN TIMES Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2020</strong> 9

TUESDAY, MARCH 24, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Connecting Your Community<br />

– page 4<br />

TUESDAY, MARCH 24, <strong>2020</strong>starnews.co.nz<br />

The local news<br />

destination<br />

for Cantabrians<br />

Thursday, March 19, <strong>2020</strong><br />

– pages 6 & 7<br />

ACTION: Six city counci lors including<br />

Catherine Chu, Sam MacDonald (top right),<br />

James Daniels (above left) and Aaron<br />

Keown have ca led on Mayor Lianne Dalziel<br />

to lead a conversation on how to achieve a<br />

zero per cent rates increase this year.<br />

• By Louis Day<br />

CALLS HAVE b en made to<br />

stop rates increases in response<br />

to the Covid-19 crisis.<br />

City counci lors James Gough,<br />

Sam MacDonald, Catherine<br />

Chu, Phil Mauger, Aaron Keown<br />

and James Daniels have sent a<br />

le ter to Mayor Lianne Dalziel<br />

asking her to lead a conversation<br />

as to how a zero per cent rates<br />

increase could be achieved this<br />

year.<br />

The city council is proposing<br />

an average rates increase of 4.65<br />

per cent acro s a l ratepayers in<br />

this year’s Draft Annual Plan<br />

which is cu rently under public<br />

consultation until April 5 and<br />

will be finalised before July 1.<br />

The 2018-2028 Long Term<br />

Plan also predicts a 50 per cent<br />

rates increase over 10 years.<br />

Said Cr MacDonald: “In<br />

the current environment it’s<br />

clear business as usual is not<br />

appropriate and the council<br />

n eds to l ok at how we enable<br />

this 12-month rates increase<br />

fr eze to o cur, it’s crucial for<br />

the economic confidence of our<br />

city.”<br />

Ms Dalziel said the las thing the council’s budget, which is urchNZ, the Canterbury Employers’<br />

Chamber of Commerce<br />

the city council needed was for not entirely funded by rates, and<br />

someone to hit the panic button. the consequences that will flow and other key players so we are<br />

“Calm heads must and wi l from decisions we make. best prepared for the economic<br />

prevail,” she said.<br />

“The Annual Plan is not challenges that lie ahead.”<br />

“Our residents and busine ses signed off for thr e months so City council chief executive<br />

will be depending on us to we have time to get this advice. Dawn Baxendale did not rule a<br />

make adjustments, and we wi l, A the same time, the council zero rates rise out.<br />

however, we will need advice is m eting with our economic “We’re considering a series of<br />

on the impacts on all aspects of development agency, Christch-<br />

options in light of the extraordinary<br />

circumstances related to the economy in response to the<br />

Covid-19. We wi l discu s these Covid-19 pandemic.<br />

options with elected members The bi gest b ost is $5.1<br />

as we develop the Annual Plan,” billion towards wage subsidies<br />

she said.<br />

for affected busine ses in a l<br />

The push from city counci lors sectors and regions.<br />

for a fr eze on rates rises comes •Tips for weathering virus, p3<br />

shortly after Minister of Finance<br />

•Mayor’s column, p9<br />

Grant Robertson announced<br />

a $12.1 bi lion package to aid •From the editor’s desk, p10<br />

No review<br />

A message<br />

Councillor takes<br />

Davids heads<br />

Views on<br />

Lively group<br />

over<br />

of love, unity<br />

matters into<br />

community board cricket nets<br />

celebrate<br />

multi-storey<br />

and prayers<br />

his own hands<br />

advocating body sought<br />

St Patrick’s Day<br />

house<br />

for peace<br />

Page 3 Page 6<br />

Page 3 Page 5<br />

Page 3 Page 7<br />

Eastern<br />

Motorway<br />

Bid to<br />

suburbs<br />

opening<br />

secure<br />

repairs<br />

delay<br />

funding to<br />

could take<br />

brings<br />

demolish<br />

a while<br />

relief<br />

service<br />

RESIDENTS MOST affected by<br />

• By Louis Day<br />

centre<br />

the new Northern Motorway are<br />

WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Connecting Your Community<br />

IT COULD<br />


be a while until<br />

MARCH 25, starnews.co.nz<br />

<strong>2020</strong><br />

Connecting Your Community relieved to hear the Christchurch TUESDAY, starnews.co.nz<br />

MARCH 24, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Connecting Your Community<br />

starnews.co.nz<br />

• By Georgia O’Connor-Harding<br />

the eastern suburbs start to<br />

Northern Corridor opening has<br />

see Lianne Dalziel’s campaign<br />

been delayed by six months.<br />

THE earthquake-damaged<br />

aspirations for the area come to<br />

The CNC was due to open in<br />

former Sockburn Service Centre<br />

fruition.<br />

the middle of this year, but last<br />

could finally be demolished in<br />

During October’s local body<br />

week the New<br />

July – if the funding needed is<br />

elections, Ms Dalziel identified<br />

Zealand Transport<br />

Agency<br />

It comes as the<br />

obtained.<br />

repairs to the eastern part of the<br />

city’s footpaths, pipes and roads<br />

announced more<br />

Halswell-Hornby-Riccarton<br />

as one of her main priorities for<br />

time was needed<br />

this term.<br />

to complete the<br />

Community<br />

“We need a fully integrated<br />

$290m motorwayten<br />

in its draft<br />

Board has writ-<br />

programme of works for the<br />

east, I have loosely called this<br />

The original<br />

submission to<br />

Readers respond<br />

Chance to the eastern alliance, which<br />

scope of the<br />

the city council’s<br />

would essentially be an alliance Helpless to<br />

Victorious<br />

Delay in<br />

Market day<br />

project has been Mark Wilson<br />

Annual Plan<br />

Mike Mora<br />

to supermarket<br />

farewell Holden<br />

of contractors who can take<br />

extended include<br />

stoked<br />

making mall<br />

goes green at 2019-<strong>2020</strong>,<br />

stop property<br />

captain the whole area bit by bit and<br />

a third southbound lane on<br />

requesting the city council addresses<br />

the budget gap so the<br />

rebranding<br />

in style<br />

systematically get the work<br />

the Waimakariri River bridge and<br />

flooding<br />

with cup done,” she said during the<br />

a clip-on win<br />

exit safer<br />

Cashmere HS<br />

cycleway.<br />

buildings can be removed as soon<br />

campaign.<br />

St Albans resident Mark Wilson<br />

as possible.<br />

Page 8<br />

GIRL Page BOSS: Julia <strong>17</strong> Holmes But chief wants executive to be a Dawn geneticist after Page high school, 3 and feels the GirlBoss Advantage programme will Page help 10 said GIRL the BOSS: community Julia Holmes are “somewhat<br />

her achieve thankful” her for dreams. the delay.<br />

Page 3<br />

PHOTO: GEOFF SLOAN Page 11 said the final submission is yet to<br />

wants to be a geneticist after high school, and feels the GirlBoss Advantage programme will help Board chairman Mike Mora<br />

her achieve her dreams. Baxendale said any request to<br />


• By Bea Gooding<br />

pursue a specific for biology, project in and the from a young Julia is one of 25 young were often male-dominated, •“The By community Bea Gooding will be somewhat<br />

thankful for a reprieve of the<br />

for biology, and from a young Julia is one of 25 young were often male-dominated, be completed but it was likely the<br />

east would have age to has be always agreed been interested women chosen around the with particular focus on science,<br />

technology, engineering<br />

age has always been interested women chosen around the with particular focus on science,<br />

technology, engineering requested.<br />

demolition of the site would be<br />

FIFTEEN-YEAR-OLD upon Julia by council.<br />

effects of this motorway for six<br />

South New Brighton School pupil Jacob McMillan enjoying the foam pit at Christchurch School of<br />

City councillors are yet to pass<br />

Gymnastics, which opened its doors to pupils while the school was closed due to fire damage.<br />

Holmes is on a mission on to<br />

in how things worked, often country to participate in the<br />


Consent<br />

in how things worked, often country to participate in the<br />

months, but it’s still there. Until<br />

taking things apart just to put GirlBoss Advantage programme<br />

next month, designed She was shocked to hear the<br />

and maths.<br />

Holmes is on a mission to Rates<br />

taking things apart just to put GirlBoss Advantage programme<br />

next month, designed She was shocked to hear the Main South Rd, has been a source<br />

and maths.<br />

The former service centre, on<br />

make a difference in the world. any guidance them to back staff together. around<br />

decisions are made to put our<br />

make a difference in the world. them back together.<br />

•Story, more photos, page 5<br />

PHOTO: GEOFF The SLOAN year 11 St Margaret’s this, she said.<br />

community first, then there is no<br />

That passion has landed her to mentor the female leaders news from her mother.<br />

The year 11 St Margaret’s That passion has landed her to mentor the female leaders news from her mother.<br />

of tension for years with residents<br />

College student has a passion •Turn to page the 5<br />

relief,” he said.<br />

opportunity granted<br />

of her dreams. of tomorrow in industries that • Turn to page 6<br />

College student has a passion decision<br />

the opportunity of her dreams. of tomorrow in industries that • Turn to page 7<br />

unhappy with the state of the site.<br />

•Turn to page 6<br />

•Turn to 5<br />

BLINDS...Cleaned, Repaired & Restored... for Collett’s BLINDS...Cleaned, Repaired & Restored... to come<br />

BLINDS...Cleaned, Repaired & Restored...<br />

Restore your oiled CEDAR BLINDS with our Limited re-oiling service. stock<br />

Restore your oiled CEDAR BLINDS with our re-oiling service. R V STORAGE CENTRE<br />

Restore your oiled CEDAR BLINDS with our re-oiling service.<br />

• By Matt Slaughter<br />

Rejuvenate your lacquered CEDAR BLINDS<br />

Corner plan<br />

from Govt<br />

Rejuvenate your lacquered CEDAR BLINDS<br />

SPREYDON residents are<br />

Rejuvenate your lacquered CEDAR BLINDS<br />

High-tech Cleaning Fujitsu 6kw heat pumps<br />

High-tech Cleaning<br />

preparing High-tech Cleaning<br />

We clean and repair all types of blinds –<br />

• By Jess Gibson<br />

We clean and repair all types of blinds – Boats, Caravans, • By Devon to help Bolger members of<br />

We clean and repair all types of blinds –<br />

their community if they are<br />

What’s in store for<br />

Venetians, Cedar, Verticals, Roller, Hollands,<br />

Venetians, Cedar, Verticals, Roller, Hollands,<br />

Venetians, Cedar, Verticals, Roller, Hollands,<br />

Romans and Pleated – with environmentally SAVE<br />

RESOURCE consent has been<br />

forced<br />

ANY<br />

to<br />


self-isolate<br />

on<br />

because<br />

helping<br />

of<br />

people<br />

Romans and Pleated – with environmentally<br />

the property market<br />

Motorhomes<br />

Romans and Pleated – with environmentally<br />

friendly cleaning products. $ granted for a major commercial<br />

Covid-19.<br />

who may struggle to pay their rates<br />

friendly cleaning products.<br />

in <strong>2020</strong>?<br />

Temperature Controlled Drying 350<br />

and residential development in<br />

Temperature Controlled Drying<br />

Expressions of interest sought Spreydon<br />

will come<br />

to Neighbourhood<br />

from the Government,<br />

Re-oiling & Rejuvenating<br />

Lyttelton.<br />

Re-oiling & Rejuvenating<br />

rent covered and open space<br />

Network<br />

the district<br />

in<br />

Facebook<br />

council<br />

group<br />

says.<br />

admin<br />

Read the full article at<br />

Fabric Blinds - such as Austrian and Buy Now.<br />

Collett’s Corner, a three-storey<br />

Sonya Hodder got behind<br />

Said district<br />

the<br />

the above proposed centre based<br />

teamgriff.co.nz<br />

Roman<br />

complex, is now a step closer to<br />

idea after one of its<br />

council<br />

members<br />

chief<br />

in I Zone Park Rolleston.<br />

Keep warm WE ARE OPEN being built on Oxford St after<br />

posted asking if residents<br />

executive<br />

are<br />

David<br />



Mon - Fri<br />

Mon - Fri<br />

+ Healthy<br />

Christchurch City Council<br />

willing to support people<br />

Ward:<br />

who<br />

“(We) will<br />

On site facilities will include Mon - Fri<br />

8.00am to 5.00pm approved the consent application<br />

8.00am to 5.00pm are self-isolating<br />

the following:<br />

by<br />

be<br />

dropping<br />

guided by<br />

off<br />

8.00am to 5.00pm<br />

from Ohu Development - the<br />

D Security Fence, Swipe food card, and Gate other supplies.<br />

government<br />

D Dump Station On Site<br />

group behind the project.<br />

Entrance<br />

Said Mrs Hodder:<br />

policy<br />

D Trickle “One<br />

and<br />

of Feed the Power<br />

***NEW LOCATION***<br />

***NEW LOCATION***<br />

The project is being funded by<br />

D CCTV Camera ladies who is in Dthe guidelines<br />

Office group works<br />

in<br />

And Toilet Complex<br />

***NEW LOCATION***<br />

Ph 377 0770,<br />

Ph 377 0770,<br />

Ph 377 0770,<br />

Caleb Griffioen 0276 370 231<br />

47 Mandeville St, Riccarton Ph 377 the first crowdfunding 0034 campaign<br />

D Wash Down Facility for the Red Cross Dand relation<br />

Affordable she’s like<br />

to fifnancial<br />

David Ward<br />

Rental Charges<br />

under taken in New Zealand for a<br />

47 Mandeville St, Riccarton an emergency person, you<br />

assistance<br />

know,<br />

47 Mandeville St, Riccarton<br />

www.blindcare.co.nz<br />

Christchurch www.dimocksenergy.co.nz sales@dimocks.net.nz<br />

commercial development. www.blindcare.co.nz<br />

Christchurch<br />

she goes out with the<br />

for<br />

four-wheeldrive<br />

ratepayers.<br />

Christchurch<br />

Reply to: rvstoragecentre@gmail.com<br />

www.blindcare.co.nz<br />

However, before work starts on<br />

It is<br />

and<br />

likely<br />

that, and<br />

be a<br />

she<br />

national<br />

came up<br />

the complex, Ohu Development<br />

with<br />

decision.”<br />

the idea and so I agreed that<br />

will need to raise between<br />

we should<br />

Mr Ward<br />

use our<br />

said<br />

Facebook<br />

it is still too<br />

page<br />

early<br />

$800,000 and $1.4 million in its<br />

as an<br />

to tell<br />

avenue<br />

exactly<br />

if anybody<br />

what assistance<br />

does<br />

the<br />

second round of crowdfunding,<br />

need<br />

community<br />

help.<br />

will need.<br />

which is planned to start on<br />

“I’m<br />

“It’s<br />

not<br />

very<br />

sure<br />

early<br />

how<br />

days<br />

needed<br />

and<br />

that<br />

I<br />

PHOTO: GEOFF SLOAN April 2.<br />

it will<br />

think<br />

be<br />

that<br />

because<br />

we are<br />

most<br />

just<br />

of<br />

looking<br />

the supermarkets<br />

The public will decide whether<br />

at how we<br />

are<br />

respond<br />

providing<br />

to the<br />

online<br />

virus.<br />

DEDICATED: Dave Bryce is passionate about gardening as it is sustainable and promotes healthy eating. GIRL BOSS: Julia Holmes wants to be a geneticist after high school, and feels the GirlBoss Advantage programme will help<br />

or not the second crowdfunding<br />

delivery<br />

For us,<br />

and<br />

it’s<br />

things<br />

about responsiveness<br />

like that but<br />

her achieve her dreams.<br />


bid will go ahead on that date.<br />

it’s<br />

to<br />

just<br />

the<br />

hard<br />

central<br />

to know<br />

government<br />

how it’s going<br />

• By Jess Gibson<br />

the chairman of Redcliffs/Te Features and was one of seven At the moment, edible<br />

• By Bea GoodingIn a survey by Ohu from a young age has always Julia is one of 25 young industries that were oten maledominated,<br />

with particular “I<br />

guidelines,<br />

to pan out.<br />

the safety of staff<br />

WITH MORE than 100 edible<br />

Rae Kura Eco Village Group, recognised in the Residential items in Mr Bryce’s garden<br />

Development, people been can interested in how things women chosen around the<br />

and<br />

just<br />

the<br />

think<br />

safety<br />

they<br />

of<br />

[people]<br />

our communities.”<br />

just<br />

species in his garden, Dave<br />

was successful at the Linwood- House Category.<br />

include pumpkins, courgettes, WEST MELTON’S choose Julia whether they worked, think oten the taking things country to participate in focus on science, technology, need to let us know what they<br />

Bryce would give any vegetable<br />

Central-Heathcote Edible<br />

The awards were presented to beans, lettuce, rhubarb, Holmes celery,<br />

It follows calls from<br />

is on a mission crowdfunding to campaign apart just should to put them back the GirlBoss Advantage engineering and maths.<br />

need and we’ll do our best to<br />

shop a run for its money. Garden Awards.<br />

Mr Bryce at a ceremony held at tomatoes, berries, nuts make and<br />

Christchurch city councillors to<br />

a difference continue, the world.<br />

should together. be paused<br />

programme next month,<br />

She was shocked to hear the help,” she said.<br />

the worst happens.<br />

Network] are about, that’s why tricky if the supermarkets stop aged not to actually go there if<br />

Which is why the Mt<br />

He received a special<br />

the Matuku Takotako: Sumner herbs among others.<br />

stop rates increases in response<br />

The fifteen-year-old until has the Covid-19 outbreak That passion is has landed her designed to mentor the<br />

news from her mother.<br />

Mrs Hodder said there is no “I just think anything to help we exist.<br />

working and things like that, and they’re sick, but to phone in and<br />

to the Covid-19 crisis.<br />

Pleasant resident, who is also award for Best Sustainability Centre earlier this month.<br />

• Turn to page 6 a passion for biology, brought and under control. the opportunity of her dreams. female leaders of tomorrow in • Turn to page 5<br />

need to panic but it is important our community, that’s what we “We’ve got to look after each the doctors, it’s hard for them as things like that,” she said.<br />

those who can help do<br />

• Turn<br />

their<br />

to<br />

bit<br />

page<br />

if<br />

3<br />

[the Spreydon Neighbourhood other. I guess it’s going to get well. People need to be encour-<br />

•Turn to page 6<br />

At The Laboratory<br />

Buy your tickets online<br />

Looking for a mortgage broker?<br />

<strong>17</strong> West Belt<br />

or from the bar BLINDS...Cleaned, Repaired & Restored...<br />

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Restore your oiled CEDAR BLINDS with our re-oiling service.<br />

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Rejuvenate your lacquered CEDAR BLINDS<br />

Refinancing home loans to get best possible interest rates<br />

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We clean and repair all types of blinds –<br />

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Lending for purchase of rental and investment properties<br />

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Do you have trouble<br />

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Tuesday, 24 March<br />

Thursday, 26 March<br />

Saturday, 28 March<br />


11:00 AM The Gentlemen<br />

R16 11:00 AM Little Women G<br />

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10:30 AM The Big Trip PG<br />

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• Hearing aids in all price brackets •<br />

1:10 PM Parasite<br />

R13 1:35 PM Jojo Rabbit M 12:10 PM Parasite R13<br />

8.00am to 5.00pm<br />

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your best hearing.<br />

3:40 PM Parasite R13 2:40 PM Emma<br />

PG<br />

I Spy Food<br />

6:05 PM Emma<br />

PG 6:10 PM Radioactive M 5:10 PM The Gentlemen R16<br />

8:30 PM All at Sea<br />

M 8:20 PM All at Sea M 7:30 PM All at Sea M<br />

Wednesday, 25 March<br />

Friday, 27 March<br />

Sunday, 29 March<br />

***NEW LOCATION***<br />

78 Barrington Street,<br />

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Michelle lindsay<br />

Call (03) 390 2332<br />

10:30 AM Mums and Bubs, All at Sea M 11:00 AM Emma PG 10:30 AM Emma<br />

PG<br />

Ph 377 0770,<br />

Somerfield<br />

12:40 PM Emma<br />

PG 1:25 PM Radioactive M 1:00 PM The Big Trip PG<br />

Mortgage advisor<br />

Shop 40 Rolleston Square, 9 Masefield Dr, Rolleston 7614<br />

3:10 PM The Gentlemen<br />

R16 3:45 PM The Big Trip PG 2:45 PM All at Sea M<br />

47 Mandeville St, Riccarton 03 337 0422<br />

MichelleLindsayMortgageAdvisor<br />

Phone 021 346 265<br />

Rolleston | Darfield | Leeston | Lincoln<br />

Local <strong>Selwyn</strong> Audiology<br />

5:30 PM 19<strong>17</strong><br />

R13 5:30 PM All at Sea M 4:30 PM Little Women G<br />

Christchurch<br />

7:40 PM The Invisible Man R16 7:20 PM Emma PG 7:10 PM Radioactive M www.blindcare.co.nz<br />

Small batch made from scratch, Coffee to go!<br />

Ro ler Blinds cleaned<br />

from as li tle as $ 2<br />

per blind<br />

The local news<br />

destination<br />

for Cantabrians<br />

Connecting Your Community<br />

Take in an<br />

ice cream or<br />

drink<br />

TUESDAY, MARCH starnews.co.nz 24, <strong>2020</strong><br />

Ge ry Brownl e<br />

MP for Ilam<br />

283 Gr ers Road Bryndwr,<br />

Christchurch<br />

ilam@parliament.govt.nz<br />

0 359 0582<br />

Funded by the Parliamentary Service.<br />

Authorised by Ge ry Brownl e MP,<br />

Parliament Buildings, We lington.<br />

Ro ler Blinds cleaned<br />

from as li tle as $ 2<br />

per blind<br />


Scorch<br />

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Cheap Tuesdays $10 Any Film, Any Time<br />

Dine a the<br />

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Connecting Your Community<br />

Ro ler Blinds cleaned<br />

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per blind<br />

Ge ry Brownl e<br />

MP for Ilam<br />

283 Gr ers Road Bryndwr,<br />

Christchurch<br />

ilam@parliament.govt.nz<br />

0 359 0582<br />

Funded by the Parliamentary Service.<br />

Authorised by Ge ry Brownl e MP,<br />

Parliament Buildings, We lington.<br />

Ro ler Blinds cleaned<br />

from as li tle as $ 2<br />

per blind<br />

starnews.co.nz<br />

The local news<br />

destination<br />

for Cantabrians<br />

Place your orders now<br />

10<br />

Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

News<br />

Biodiversity to get a boost<br />

from new wetland<br />

A NEW wetland near Tai Tapu<br />

aiming to create a new habitat<br />

for native plants and animals in<br />

the area has been completed.<br />

Since the Covid-19 lockdown<br />

ended, contractors have been<br />

able to complete the final<br />

earthworks for the wetland at<br />

Ahuriri Lagoon which drains<br />

into Lake Ellesmere.<br />

Final works included the<br />

removal of a temporary earthen<br />

dam between the culvert<br />

exiting the wetland and the<br />

main channel of the Halswell<br />

River.<br />

This connected the wetland<br />

with the river, making it fully<br />

operational.<br />

Netting installed to protect<br />

plants from being uprooted<br />

by pūkeko before becoming<br />

established is still in place but<br />

will be removed in the coming<br />

weeks.<br />

An Environment Canterbury<br />

spokesman said: “Low rainfall<br />

this year has left low water<br />

levels in Ahuriri Lagoon and<br />

flow in the Halswell River,<br />

but when rain returns, the<br />

wetland will be seen in its full<br />

glory.”<br />

The wetland works as a<br />

The revolution<br />

in heat pumps<br />

is here now!<br />

BOOST: A new wetland near the Halswell River is operational<br />

and ready to increase biodiversity in the area. ​<br />

natural filter for the Halswell<br />

River which has degraded water<br />

quality.<br />

Water leaves the main branch<br />

of the river and flows through<br />

part of the original channel,<br />

passing alongside the Little River<br />

Rail Trail in a section newly<br />

planted with native seedlings,<br />

before entering the top of the<br />

wetland.<br />

“There it meanders through<br />

an area containing more than<br />

80,000 aquatic plants that act<br />

as a filter to remove nitrates<br />

and other contaminants, before<br />

The revolution in heat pumps is here now!<br />

Say hello to Fujitsu’s latest lifestyle range<br />


The Fujitsu e3series<br />

The brilliant<br />

heat pumps from Fujitsu<br />

<br />

e1 : efficiency<br />

e2 : environment<br />

e3 : economy<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

rejoining the river, which flows<br />

into Te Lake Ellesmere.”<br />

The Whakaora Te Ahuriri<br />

project, which is being run<br />

by the co-governers of Lake<br />

Ellesmere consisting of the<br />

district council, Environment<br />

Canterbury, Te Rūnanga o Ngāi<br />

Tahu, Christchurch City Council<br />

and Department of Conservation<br />

started in July 2018.<br />

The $3.5 million project is<br />

funded by the Government’s<br />

Freshwater Improvement Fund,<br />

Environment Canterbury<br />

and NIWA.<br />

Conditions apply<br />


Mike Bowie is an ecologist who specialises in<br />

entomology (insects and other invertebrates).<br />

Each week he introduces a new species found in<br />

his backyard at Lincoln. His column aims to raise<br />

public awareness of biodiversity, the variety of<br />

living things around us. Check out the full list of invertebrates<br />

found at www.inaturalist.org/projects/backyard-biodiversitybugs-in-my-lincoln-section<br />

NEW ZEALAND has over 230<br />

described caddisflies, known<br />

scientifically as Trichoptera.<br />

Many of these caddisflies are<br />

highly sensitive to agricultural<br />

pollution and become locally<br />

extinct, thereby impacting on<br />

their predators, including other<br />

invertebrates, fish and birds.<br />

Cleaner streams such as on<br />

Banks Peninsula can contain<br />

over 30 species of caddisflies.<br />

Fly fisherman are very familiar<br />

with caddisflies as they are a<br />

significant component of the<br />

diet of trout and salmon, so<br />

some artificial flies that are<br />

manufactured are attempting to<br />

replicate them.<br />

The smallest Tricoptera are<br />

microcaddisflies, or purse-case<br />

caddisflies, measuring 5mm or<br />

less.<br />

By far the most common and<br />

widespread of the two species of<br />

microcaddisflies found in New<br />

Zealand is Oxyethira albiceps.<br />

The adults of this species look<br />

much like a very small moth,<br />

but lack the scales and coiled<br />

mouthparts.<br />

It is thought that most adult<br />

caddisflies live for a short<br />

Keep<br />

connected<br />

Digital<br />

editions<br />

available on<br />

your screen<br />

24/7<br />

Circulation 93,000 starnews.co.nz<br />

Vaping rules<br />

in CDHB<br />

spotlight<br />

Parent’s<br />

frightening<br />

journey<br />

Covid-19 prompts call for<br />

zero per cent rates increase<br />


Oxyethira albiceps<br />

time with the sole purpose of<br />

reproduction, so do not feed.<br />

However Oxyethira albiceps<br />

larvae are aquatic and live in a<br />

range of fresh water habitats.<br />

They are often found amongst<br />

aquatic weed beds and algal<br />

growth and likely to feed on<br />

filamentous algae.<br />

Larvae drift in water with the<br />

highest densities of them found<br />

75min after sunset.<br />


Do you have a son or daughter<br />

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✭ Courses every weekend.<br />

✭ 2, 5 & 7 day School Holiday courses.<br />

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✭ ½ day lessons and treks available.<br />

Website: www.pshc.co.nz<br />

Finance available<br />

FREE consultation from your local<br />

Accredited Heat Pump Expert<br />

Phone today: 03 381 6950<br />


Klouds – for total foot comfort<br />

For the coming<br />

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selections<br />


FG1441<br />

Fujitsu’s Catechin Filters are<br />

approved by the Asthma and<br />

Respiratory Foundation NZ’s<br />

Sensitive Choice ® programme.<br />

Email: info@pshc.co.nz<br />

Foam fun follows fire Julia’s on<br />

a mission<br />

to make a<br />

difference<br />

Award for green-fingered Bryce Julia’s on<br />

a mission<br />

to make a<br />

difference<br />

www.starmedia.kiwi/digital-editions<br />

Same Day Pick Up & Drop Off<br />

We offer a same-day, pick up and drop<br />

off service for most types of blinds.<br />

Bookings are required.<br />

Convenient Location<br />

We are located at 47 Mandeville St,<br />

Riccarton (next to Window Treatments<br />

NZ Ltd), parking available onsite<br />

Hear Better,<br />

Live Better<br />

Fabric Blinds - such as Austrian and<br />

Roman<br />

Same Day Pick Up & Drop Off<br />

We offer a same-day, pick up and drop<br />

off service for most types of blinds.<br />

Bookings are required.<br />

Convenient Location<br />

We are located at 47 Mandeville St,<br />

Riccarton (next to Window Treatments<br />

NZ Ltd), parking available onsite<br />

Julia’s on<br />

a mission<br />

to make a<br />

difference<br />

Preparation starts to support<br />

those who are self-isolating<br />

friendly cleaning products.<br />

Temperature Controlled Drying<br />

Re-oiling & Rejuvenating<br />

Fabric Blinds - such as Austrian and<br />

Roman<br />

Same Day Pick Up & Drop Off<br />

We offer a same-day, pick up and drop<br />

off service for most types of blinds.<br />

Bookings are required.<br />

Convenient Location<br />

We are located at 47 Mandeville St,<br />

Riccarton (next to Window Treatments<br />

NZ Ltd), parking available onsite<br />

friendly cleaning products.<br />

Temperature Controlled Drying<br />

Re-oiling & Rejuvenating<br />

Fabric Blinds - such as Austrian and<br />

Roman<br />

Same Day Pick Up & Drop Off<br />

We offer a same-day, pick up and drop<br />

off service for most types of blinds.<br />

Bookings are required.<br />

Convenient Location<br />

We are located at 47 Mandeville St,<br />

Riccarton (next to Window Treatments<br />

NZ Ltd), parking available onsite<br />

SUPPORT: Sonya<br />

Hodder says<br />

the Spreydon<br />

Neighbourhood<br />

Network will help<br />

residents if they<br />

have to selfisolate<br />

because<br />

of Covid-19.<br />


SLOAN<br />

• HAVE YOUR<br />

SAY: Tell us<br />

what you’re<br />

doing to help<br />

your community<br />

prepare for<br />

Covid-19? Email<br />

matt.slaughter@<br />

starmedia.kiwi.<br />

2264064<br />

711 Island Rd View Hill, OXFORD 7495<br />

03 312-4309 www.kowhai.co.nz<br />

Fashionable • Functional • Footwear<br />

Unit 3, 355 Riccarton Rd, Upper Riccarton<br />

P. (03) 929 0927 E. info@theshoeroom.co.nz<br />


SELWYN TIMES Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2020</strong> 11<br />

News<br />

Book sale planned<br />

at Ellesmere College<br />


planning a book sale to try to<br />

make up for lost fundraising<br />

opportunities during the<br />

Covid-19 lockdown.<br />

Student Margarida Dias said:<br />

“We would very much appreciate<br />

it if everyone in our community<br />

could help.<br />

“Either by donating any books,<br />

records, puzzles, DVD’s and<br />

magazines they no longer need or<br />

by coming along to the event.”<br />

The book sale will be held at<br />

the school between 2-6pm on<br />

<strong>June</strong> 26.<br />

Margarida said the lockdown<br />

brought big challenges for the<br />

school.<br />

“The student council has barely<br />

had an opportunity to come<br />

together as a group, so we had to<br />

re-think how we could operate<br />

during the lockdown conditions.<br />

“We started our meetings online<br />

through Google Meets and<br />

this worked really well for the 24<br />

members who represent students<br />

across all of the year levels.”<br />

She said an important focus<br />

for the student council this year<br />

is creating a caring school community<br />

where people look out for<br />

BOUNCE BACK: The Ellesmere College student council is<br />

hoping their planned book sale will make up for lost fundraising<br />

opportunities because of Covid-19. ​<br />

each other.<br />

“We want to continue to help<br />

create an environment where<br />

students feel valued and are keen<br />

to come to school.<br />

“We encourage everyone to<br />

come along as there will be<br />

some great bargains. All for a<br />

great cause – funding student<br />

wellbeing activities for the local<br />

college.”<br />

Donations of goods may be<br />

delivered to Ellesmere College any<br />

time during school hours or given<br />

to a student to bring to school.<br />

Alternatively, you can phone<br />

the school to organise a pick up<br />

of your donation.<br />

STREET APPEAL: Sir Richard Hadlee has had a street<br />

named after him in Acland Park, Rolleston.<br />

Sir Richard attended<br />

opening of street<br />

• From page 1<br />

Avanda Group is developing<br />

the subdivision. South Island<br />

sales and marketing manager<br />

Eddie McLean said Billy T Lane<br />

has been very popular.<br />

“We have had many of the<br />

purchasers comment on how<br />

much they love the name and<br />

one even picked a section on<br />

this lane due to the name.<br />

“Kiwi icons is a great theme<br />

and there is a good size pool to<br />

pick from.”<br />

Mr McLean said there is<br />

plenty to think about when<br />

naming the streets as they can<br />

not be too similar to others.<br />

He said a great moment for<br />

them was when Sir Richard<br />

Hadlee went along to the opening<br />

of the street named after him.<br />

The names need approval<br />

from the district council and<br />

Land Information NZ before<br />

they can be used.<br />



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We will match or better<br />

any genuine quote on<br />

tyres in Canterbury<br />

- GuaraNTeed!

12 Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />


Thank you for<br />

helping your<br />

community<br />

Fall Zones<br />

To all of you who have had your trees<br />

trimmed before they became a<br />

problem, thank you for keeping all the<br />

farms working and families in your<br />

community warm, happy and healthy.<br />

We know it can be a hassle, but tree branches touching the<br />

powerlines are one of the main causes of power cuts. So, you can<br />

be proud of the fact that you kept the local cowsheds milking,<br />

water pumps pumping and sheep shearers shearing. And if it’s<br />

still on your to-do list, now’s the time to do it, as winter sets in.<br />

You’re our priority.<br />

Notice and Growth limit zones<br />

B<br />

A<br />

Power line voltage A. Growth limit zone B. Notice zone<br />

66,000 volts 4.0m 5.0m<br />

33,000 volts 2.5m 3.5m<br />

11,000 volts 1.6m 2.6m<br />

400/230 volts 0.5m 1.5m<br />

We’re not exaggerating.<br />

On our network, 10-20% of all unplanned power outages are<br />

caused by trees — including vegetation — coming into contact<br />

with power lines. Other than this, fire damage to property from<br />

branches sparking in dry conditions and serious injury from<br />

electrocution from contact with trees touching power lines are<br />

also possible consequences of not maintaining your trees.<br />

How close is too close?<br />

While most damage is caused by trees falling on power lines,<br />

significant risk exists from trees merely touching them. This risk<br />

increases the higher the voltage of the power line.<br />

The minimum distances that must be maintained between trees<br />

and power lines, as defined in the Electricity (Hazards from<br />

Trees) Regulations 2003, are outlined in the diagrams above.<br />

All vegetation should be kept out of the growth limit zone and<br />

preferably the notice zone.<br />

Sometimes it may not be practical to have a tree trimmed at the<br />

rate at which it grows and unfortunately, this means it may need<br />

to be removed. Other situations may require trees to be removed,<br />

most commonly when they are at a high risk of falling due to<br />

disease or adverse weather events.<br />

Where do I start?<br />

Before you begin, remember to keep yourself, and those around<br />

you, safe. We recognise that not everyone is experienced in tree<br />

trimming and are happy to advise you on what to do. We can arrange<br />

for trees near power lines to be trimmed at your expense, however<br />

we recommend you hire professionals to safely carry out the work.<br />

If you or someone working for you intends to work within four<br />

metres of power lines, a close approach consent is required from<br />

Orion before you start. As a tree owner, you may be liable for any<br />

damage caused by carrying out trimming or felling of trees.<br />

Will I be fined if I don’t comply?<br />

If a cut or trim notice is given to you and you fail to have the tree<br />

trimmed and/or advise us of the time and location of the trim<br />

without a reasonable excuse, this is an offence. This will make you<br />

liable for a fine not exceeding $10,000. If the offence continues,<br />

you will be liable for a further fine of not more than $500 for every<br />

day or part day during which the offence continues.<br />

More info can be found on our website and if<br />

you have any questions or notice any trees<br />

touching power lines in your area, please call<br />

us on 03 363 9898 or 0800 363 9898.<br />

oriongroup.co.nz<br />

Orion operates, and maintains, the electricity distribution<br />

network that provides power to central Canterbury.<br />

We are always here to help if you have any questions<br />

or concerns about the network.

SELWYN TIMES Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2020</strong> 13<br />

Tasty Bites<br />

There’s no need to<br />

risk it for the brisket<br />

Beef brisket really is the gift that keeps on giving. It’s<br />

inexpensive, full of flavour, and low effort as far as making a<br />

delicious meal goes<br />

Slow-cooked<br />

pulled beef brisket<br />

in tomato sauce<br />

Ingredients<br />

2kg beef brisket (some fat<br />

trimmed)<br />

2 tbsp olive oil<br />

2 onions, chopped<br />

2 garlic cloves, minced<br />

400g can tomato purée<br />

100ml barbecue sauce<br />

2 tbsp honey (optional)<br />

4 tbsp Worcestershire<br />

sauce<br />

300ml stock (beef is good<br />

but any works fine)<br />

2 tsp smoked paprika<br />

Fresh parsley, to garnish<br />

Directions<br />

Preheat the oven to 150<br />

deg C.<br />

Heat 1 tbsp olive oil in a<br />

large non-stick frying pan.<br />

Place the brisket on a<br />

chopping board and season<br />

with salt and pepper all<br />

over.<br />

In your heated frying<br />

pan, brown the brisket on<br />

all sides. This should only<br />

take a couple of minutes.<br />

Transfer to a large oven<br />

proof dish (ideally with a<br />

lid).<br />

In your frying pan, cook<br />

onions and garlic for a few<br />

minutes and then add to<br />

the brisket dish.<br />

Add the tomato purée,<br />

barbecue sauce, honey,<br />

Worcestershire sauce,<br />

stock and paprika to the<br />

brisket dish and bring to<br />

the boil.<br />

Cover your dish and<br />

place it in the oven. Let<br />

your beef cook in the oven<br />

for up to 5hr.<br />

Beer-braised brisket.<br />

Transfer the beef to a<br />

clean chopping board and<br />

cover with foil to let the<br />

beef rest for at least 20min.<br />

Return your beef to<br />

the dish (where the sauce<br />

remains) and use forks<br />

to pull the meat apart. It<br />

should pull quite easily.<br />

Serve with parsley and<br />

bread, tacos, coleslaw or<br />

vegetables.<br />

Beer-braised<br />

brisket<br />

12 servings<br />

Ingredients<br />

6 garlic cloves<br />

2 tbsp brown sugar<br />

2 tbsp Dijon mustard<br />

2 tbsp olive oil<br />

1 tbsp ground black<br />

pepper<br />

1 tbsp ground cumin<br />

1 tbsp paprika<br />

1 tsp cayenne pepper<br />

¼ cup salt, plus extra<br />

3-4kg untrimmed brisket<br />

2 onions, thinly sliced<br />

355ml can lager<br />

Directions<br />

Finely chop garlic in a<br />

food processor. Add brown<br />

sugar, mustard, oil, black<br />

pepper, cumin, paprika,<br />

cayenne, and ¼ cup salt and<br />

process until smooth. Rub<br />

all over brisket, working<br />

into crevices. Wrap in<br />

plastic and chill for 24-48hr.<br />

Let meat sit out until room<br />

temperature, about 1hr.<br />

Preheat oven to 160 deg<br />

C. Scatter onions in a large<br />

roasting pan and set brisket,<br />

fat side up, on top.<br />

Add beer and cover with<br />

foil. Braise until meat is<br />

very tender, 5-6hr.<br />

Remove from oven and<br />

switch oven to grill. Grill<br />

brisket, until top is browned<br />

and crisp, 5-10min.<br />

Let brisket cool slightly.<br />

Remove from pan and<br />

shred or slice. Remove<br />

onions with a slotted spoon<br />

and mix into brisket. Taste<br />

and moisten with some<br />

cooking liquid and season<br />

with salt if needed.<br />

Pams Fries 1kg<br />

$<br />

2 29 ea<br />

Coca-Cola,<br />

Sprite, Fanta,<br />

L&P 1.5 Litre<br />

ANY<br />

2 FOR<br />

$<br />

4 49<br />

IT’S<br />

BACK<br />


& EASY<br />

PEEL<br />

WEEK<br />

Shore Mariner<br />

Crumbed<br />

Fish Fillets<br />

840g<br />

$<br />

9 49 ea<br />

Pascall<br />

Confectionery<br />

150-180g<br />

$<br />

1 99 ea<br />

Fresh NZ Quality<br />

Mark Prime Beef<br />

Mince 500g<br />

$<br />

7 99 ea<br />

Satsuma Mandarins<br />

Loose Product of<br />

New Zealand<br />

$<br />

3 99 kg<br />

www.foursquare.co.nz<br />

facebook.com/FourSquareNZ<br />

Slow-cooked pulled beef brisket in tomato sauce.<br />

Specials available South Island only from Monday 15th <strong>June</strong> until Sunday 28th<br />

<strong>June</strong> <strong>2020</strong> or while stocks last. Wine and beer available at stores with an off<br />

licence. Wine and beer purchases restricted to persons aged 18 years old and over.

14<br />

Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong><br />

Journeys through stars<br />

and story for Matariki<br />

Journeys through the stars and stories will be at the heart of Matariki celebrations in <strong>Selwyn</strong>.<br />

Matariki is the traditional Māori new year celebration, observed in July, when the constellation<br />

of Matariki rises in the dawn sky. It is a time for whānau to come together, to remember those<br />

who have passed away in the last year and to celebrate the dawn of a new mahinga kai (food<br />

and natural resource) season. With the kūmara recently harvested it was also a time of feasting,<br />

celebrating and wānanga (learning).<br />

For Ngāi Te Ruahikihiki, the local people of Taumutu, the kūmara harvest is even more significant<br />

as Taumutu is the southernmost point where kūmara was grown in Aotearoa New Zealand. This<br />

year Matariki will be marked on 13 July, but celebrations will be held surrounding that date.<br />

To mark Matariki in <strong>Selwyn</strong> there will be a special visit from Manu, a digital guide who will take<br />

people on a walk through the maramataka or the Māori lunar calendar. Using a smartphone app<br />

‘The Journeys of Manu’ will see virtual guide Manu tell the story of the maramataka as people<br />

walk along a path with way points in Foster Park and along the Liffey in Lincoln. The Journeys of<br />

Manu app can be downloaded from arajourneys.com/journeys-of-manu-maramataka.<br />

The Journeys of Manu will be available from Monday 6 to Sunday 19 July.<br />

The Council will also provide a star guide, put together by volunteers from the West Melton<br />

Observatory, so children and parents can study the night sky and learn about the constellations,<br />

planets and moons. This will be available from Council facilities.<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> libraries will hold story times at the libraries from Tuesday 7 to Friday 10 July. There will<br />

also be a star hunt quiz with prizes available at each of the <strong>Selwyn</strong> Libraries and the Council<br />

recreation centres, and an online kite-making tutorial.<br />

A message from the Mayor<br />

As we reach a new milestone in New Zealand from the impacts of COVID-19, Mayor Sam Broughton<br />

has shared a message reflecting on the past months.<br />

We did it – and when I say we, I mean Team <strong>Selwyn</strong>.<br />

No part of our community was untouched by the effects of COVID-19 and every one of us played our part<br />

in getting through the most extraordinary three months in New Zealand’s modern history.<br />

From the outset our Council stuck to a simple plan—keep essential services going, respond to<br />

immediate needs and look out for the vulnerable.<br />

While we were busy keeping on top of these basics, our community pulled out all the stops. I was<br />

humbled by the countless acts of kindness, ingenuity and compassion shown in Level 3 and 4. A great<br />

example was local vegetable farmer Allen Lim inviting volunteers to pick excess stock for food banks.<br />

He has now offered a section of his property where he will grow vegetables exclusively for foodbanks<br />

on an ongoing basis<br />

Reflecting the gargantuan community effort, our Community Response Teams mail dropped information<br />

on support services to over 1500 isolated members of our community, and our welfare team called<br />

3000 vulnerable people across Canterbury to see if there was anything they needed. Much needed food<br />

parcels were delivered and we manned a 24/7 help line.<br />

As we all become more reliant in the internet our library staff called<br />

their over-70s members to check in on them and offer support with<br />

online services. We are all ‘Zoom experts’ now.<br />

As a Council we rapidly adapted, setting up online tools and other ways<br />

to keep services going. We learnt many lessons from this experience<br />

that help us deliver a better service to you. I urge you to do the same.<br />

As we pick up the pieces, it is evident that there is still much hardship<br />

to come. The impact on our households and businesses is still not<br />

fully understood. We will continue to do all we can to support those in<br />

need. You can do your bit by supporting local, that’s what I’ll be doing<br />

for the foreseeable future.<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> rates increase cut to<br />

1.6% average<br />

The Council has signalled it expects to cut its rates increase from an<br />

average 3.5% to around 1.6% for the <strong>2020</strong>/21 year, starting from 1<br />

July <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

The Council completed deliberations on its draft Annual Plan last<br />

week and indicated it had identified net savings of $1.7 million,<br />

which will be used to reduce the level of the rates increase.<br />

The draft Annual Plan, developed prior to the COVID-19 pandemic,<br />

initially proposed an average rates increase of 3.5%. A revised<br />

plan was issued for consultation in April, and the Council asked for<br />

community feedback on options for reducing the rates increase.<br />

Savings identified during the consultation process include deferring<br />

a number of new building projects, streamlining some planning<br />

work, and removing township and ward discretionary funds from the<br />

coming year’s budgets.<br />

Refurbishment work at the Council’s Rolleston offices will also be<br />

deferred, and catering at Council meetings will be stopped. There<br />

will be no increase in staffing numbers this year, other than those<br />

required for new facilities currently under construction. There will<br />

also be no funding for staff salary increases. Council chief executive<br />

David Ward had already confirmed he will take a 15% salary<br />

reduction for the coming 12 months.<br />

Most requests for unbudgeted new funding in the coming year will<br />

not be accommodated at this stage, and several projects will be<br />

reconsidered under the Long-Term Plan process next year.<br />

The expected 1.6% rates increase is an average across the district.<br />

The actual increase will vary according to different property types<br />

and the services provided. The range of increases is expected to<br />

vary between 1.4% for urban residential properties (around $1 a<br />

week) and 3.2% for some larger rural properties. The Council has<br />

also put in place a rates assistance package to help people affected<br />

by COVID-19, including an extended rates payment period and<br />

reduced penalty fees.<br />

The final plan, including confirmed budget and rates proposals, will<br />

be considered by the Council for adoption on Wednesday 24 <strong>June</strong>.<br />

Demolition of Lincoln<br />

building begins<br />

Work will begin next week on the demolition of the Lincoln Chinese<br />

Takeaway building on Gerald Street.<br />

The building at 5 Gerald Street is being removed as the first step in<br />

opening up the retail area and transforming the street appeal for the<br />

Lincoln Town Centre upgrade.<br />

The work was due to take place at the end of March, but had to<br />

be delayed due to the Alert Level 4 lockdown. Work to prepare<br />

the building for demolition is due to begin on Thursday 25 <strong>June</strong> is<br />

expected to be completed by Friday 7 August.<br />

The demolition will also allow further developments in this area to<br />

occur more easily during the Lincoln Town Centre upgrade, which is<br />

scheduled to start in 2023, and allow any developments to remain in<br />

keeping with the rest of the town centre design.<br />

A traffic management plan will be in place for the duration of the<br />

demolition works. Car parks directly in front of the building will<br />

also be closed during the work for safety reasons and for use by<br />

the contractors. Pedestrian access to the adjacent businesses will<br />

be maintained.<br />

A specialist team will safely remove asbestos from the building during<br />

July before the demolition itself starts on 27 July. New Zealand has<br />

strict laws for safe removal and this team will be working to the<br />

Worksafe New Zealand Code of Practice for the management and<br />

removal of asbestos and a site specific safety plan.<br />

Councillor Grant Miller and Council Group Manager Property Douglas Marshall<br />

outside the Gerald Street property ahead of demolition.<br />

Council Call<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> District Council<br />

Norman Kirk Drive, Rolleston<br />

Ph 0800 SELWYN (735 996)<br />

Rolleston Library<br />

Rolleston Drive, Rolleston<br />

Ph 347 2880<br />

Darfield Library & Service Centre<br />

1 South Terrace, Darfield<br />

Ph 318 8338 or 347 2780<br />


<strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

15<br />

Notices<br />



Sport New Zealand Rural Travel<br />

Funding is available for <strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

sport teams who need to travel<br />

to local competition games and<br />

are comprised of members aged<br />

5-19 years (school competitions<br />

Meetings<br />

Public Forums: Council,<br />

Community Board and local<br />

committee meetings are open<br />

to the public. Time is available at<br />

the start of meetings for people<br />

to speak on matters of concern.<br />

Please notify Therese Davel or<br />

Bernadette Ryan if you wish to<br />

speak at the Council meeting at<br />

least five days before the meeting.<br />

Township, Hall and Reserve<br />

Committees: To list or make<br />

changes to meeting details, email<br />

meeting.changes@selwyn.govt.<br />

nz or phone 347 2800 or 318<br />

8338 by 9am Wednesday the<br />

week before publication.<br />

*These meetings will also be<br />

livestreamed via the Council<br />

website and YouTube Channel.<br />


BOARD<br />

Malvern Community Board<br />

Mon 22 <strong>June</strong> 4pm<br />

Darfield Library<br />

KidsFest coming soon<br />

in school time are not eligible).<br />

This funding round is for<br />

winter sports only. For further<br />

information and application<br />

forms go to selwyn.govt.nz/<br />

services/funding/sport-nz-ruraltravel-fund<br />

or contact Stuart<br />

Westoby, 03 347 2708, stuart.<br />

westoby@selwyn.govt.nz<br />

Council*<br />

Wed 24 <strong>June</strong> 1pm<br />

Rolleston Council Offices<br />

Audit & Risk Subcommittee*<br />

Wed 1 July 9.30am<br />

Rolleston Council Offices<br />



Coalgate Township Committee<br />

Tue 23 <strong>June</strong> 7.30pm<br />

Coalgate Fire Station<br />

Darfield Township Committee<br />

Thu 18 <strong>June</strong> 7.30pm<br />

Darfield Library<br />

Doyleston Community<br />

Committee<br />

Wed 1 July 7.30pm<br />

Osborne Park<br />

Glentunnel Township Committee<br />

Mon 29 <strong>June</strong> 7.30pm<br />

Glentunnel Community Centre<br />

Killinchy Community<br />

Centre Committee<br />

Mon 22 <strong>June</strong> 7.30pm<br />

Applications for this funding<br />

round close Friday 26 <strong>June</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />


ADLEC Ventures Limited has<br />

applied for an on licence.<br />

Objections are open until 29<br />

<strong>June</strong>. For more information go to<br />

selwyn.govt.nz/alcoholnotices.<br />

Leeston Park Committee<br />

Mon 29 <strong>June</strong> 7.30pm<br />

Leeston Park Pavilion<br />

Rolleston Residents’ Association<br />

Mon 22 <strong>June</strong> 7pm<br />

Rolleston Community Centre<br />

Sheffield-Waddington<br />

Community Committee<br />

Thu 18 <strong>June</strong> 7.30pm<br />

Sheffield Community Hall<br />

Springston Committees -<br />

Community, Hall & Reserve<br />

Wed <strong>17</strong> <strong>June</strong> 7.30pm<br />

Errol Tweedy Pavilion,<br />

Springston Reserve<br />

Tawera Memorial Hall<br />

Committee<br />

Wed 1 July 7pm<br />

Tawera Memorial Hall<br />

West Melton Residents’<br />

Association<br />

Wed <strong>17</strong> <strong>June</strong> 7.30pm<br />

West Melton Community and<br />

Recreation Centre<br />

KidsFest is back for the winter holidays and bookings have<br />

opened at selwyn.govt.nz/kidsfest.<br />

Events will be run at <strong>Selwyn</strong> Libraries and <strong>Selwyn</strong> Aquatic Centre<br />

and across the district, from giant inflatables at <strong>Selwyn</strong> Aquatic<br />

Centre to dancing it up at Discomania.<br />

Families are encouraged to get in quick to register their children for their preferred activities, with<br />

perennial favourites such as the high ropes challenge always booking out quickly. This year sees the<br />

return of the always popular Hip Hop classes, with classes available in West Melton and Lincoln. While<br />

the Discomanias will be held allowing children from 3-13 years old to get their wiggle on in Leeston,<br />

West Melton and Lincoln.<br />

ON THE<br />

ROADS<br />

How do I book an<br />

AA appointment?<br />

AA at the Council’s Rolleston HQ have introduced an online<br />

booking system for driver licensing to alleviate disruptions<br />

caused by increased customer volumes.<br />

Customers now need to book an appointment for a driver<br />

licensing application through the online booking portal on the<br />

council website by visiting selwyn.govt.nz/bookaa.<br />

Customers can book a timeslot up to seven days ahead for<br />

slots that are not already booked. They just need to click on<br />

the empty slots on the booking portal.<br />

Customers will need to bring all relevant documentation<br />

to their appointment. If you are unsure what you need to<br />

bring, please visit the NZTA website or phone us on 0800<br />

SELWYN (735 996).<br />

Bookings via the online booking portal are only required<br />

for driver licensing. Other transactions are running as usual<br />

and do not require prior booking.<br />

On the roads<br />

Tennyson Street is closed from 43 Tennyson<br />

Street to Markham Way due to the Rolleston<br />

Town Centre infrastructure upgrade. Due to the<br />

Lowes Road and Tennyson Street intersection<br />

upgrade, Lowes Road is one way on both<br />

sides of the intersection, with lanes open for<br />

traffic heading away from the intersection, but<br />

not towards it. A stop/go system and speed restrictions are also in<br />

place on Tennyson Street.<br />

Leeston Road and Old Bridge Road intersection is being upgraded.<br />

Traffic management is in place.<br />

Trents Road is closed heading south east away from Springs Road<br />

while upgrades are made to the sewer system.<br />

Leeston Road and Brookside Irwell Road intersection is being<br />

upgraded. The intersection is closed to traffic looking to exit<br />

Brookside Irwell Road and a stop/go system is in place for traffic<br />

looking to turn from Leeston Road into Brookside Irwell Road.<br />

Helping others follow in her footsteps<br />

Continuing our series celebrating the Faces of <strong>Selwyn</strong>. Visit selwyn.govt.nz/facesofselwyn for the full story.<br />

Sheetal Sharma always loved everything about New Zealand. She worked as an education consultant<br />

in India promoting study options in New Zealand until she convinced herself and her husband to study<br />

there too.<br />

“He was planning for higher studies in the US, but I convinced him to come to New Zealand because of<br />

the Kiwi lifestyle and friendly people.<br />

"I just want to live a life in a country where you are close to nature, because I come from a busy city<br />

with lots of traffic and people. The total population of New Zealand is the total population of my city.”<br />

The pair arrived in Invercargill in 2012 and worked in Wellington and Auckland, before moving to<br />

Christchurch in 20<strong>17</strong>.<br />

Arriving in Christchurch, Sheetal was pregnant with her first child and they went searching for their first<br />

family home. After a visit to friends in Rolleston the couple decided it was the place to be.<br />

Fortunately, the property next door was for sale and they snatched it up.<br />

Sheetal works full time with international students at Lincoln University, helping them to settle into the<br />

new country and supporting their academic needs.<br />

“I understand the challenges of new migrants and I really like to help them. It doesn’t matter if they<br />

come from India, China or any other country; I feel that they have the same challenges in settling in, the<br />

language barrier or the cultural shock, or homesickness – which is why I took up this job.”<br />

Growing up in Hyderabad, in southern India, she lived with her<br />

extended family and her husband under the same roof and had lots<br />

of domestic help that took care of needs around the house. Listening,<br />

reading and watching the news helped her to adapt, she says.<br />

By attending many cultural activities, visiting the temple for prayers<br />

and cooking biryani rice Sheetal stays connected to her culture.<br />

She spends most of her free time with her three-year-old daughter<br />

Arnika who loves feeding the ducks at the pond near their home.<br />

Are you a business owner?<br />

Register your business today – it’s free!<br />

· Build your google rankings<br />

· Free to advertise in the situations vacant page<br />

· Free Love <strong>Selwyn</strong> business decal to display<br />

· Support local business to business –<br />

collaborate with other <strong>Selwyn</strong> businesses<br />

· Council promotes the directory<br />

To register visit<br />

selwyn.govt.nz/businessdirectory or email<br />

business.directory@selwyn.govt.nz<br />

Leeston Library & Service Centre<br />

19 Messines Street, Leeston<br />

Ph 347 2871<br />

Lincoln Library & Service Centre<br />

Gerald Street, Lincoln<br />

Ph 347 2876<br />

0800 SELWYN<br />

www.selwyn.govt.nz<br />


16 Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />


Virtual Reality Drop-In<br />

Sessions<br />

Darfield and Lincoln on<br />

Thursday 3.30-5.30pm<br />

The libraries have some<br />

awesome new tech to check<br />

out. Kayak with the penguins<br />

in Antarctica, fly to the<br />

international space station<br />

and experience zero-gravity,<br />

complete our Beat Saber<br />

challenge, or even tour Anne<br />

Frank’s house. Don’t miss these<br />

sessions to test out the new VR<br />

headsets. Suitable for ages 13 and<br />

over.<br />

Darfield and Lincoln libraries<br />

Device Drop In<br />

Lincoln on Friday, 10am-noon,<br />

Darfield on Friday, 1.30-3.30pm,<br />

Leeston on Friday, 2-4pm<br />

Head along to the informal<br />

support groups to help familiarise<br />

yourself with your digital device.<br />

Whether it’s a tablet or mobile<br />

phone, someone will be able to<br />

help you with the basics.<br />

Lincoln, Darfield, Leeston<br />

libraries<br />

Storytimes<br />

Leeston on Thursday, 10-<br />

10.30am, Lincoln on Thursday,<br />

10.30-11am Darfield on Friday,<br />

10-10.30am and Rolleston on<br />

Sunday, 10.30-11am<br />

Share rhymes, stories and<br />

Email devon.bolger@starmedia.kiwi by<br />

5pm each Wednesday<br />

songs to support your baby’s<br />

early language development,<br />

communication and social skills.<br />

Take a blanket. Aimed at those<br />

aged up to one, but older siblings<br />

welcome. Free, weekly sessions,<br />

term-time only.<br />

Leeston, Lincoln, Darfield and<br />

Rolleston libraries<br />

Rhymetime: Wriggles and<br />

Giggles<br />

Lincoln on Friday, 9.30-10am<br />

Stories, songs, rhymes and<br />

bubbles make up this session,<br />

which is designed to assist with<br />

early language development.<br />

Aimed at children aged one to<br />

three. Free, weekly sessions,<br />

term-time only.<br />

Lincoln Library<br />

Lego Club<br />

Darfield on Friday, 3.30-<br />

4.30pm and Leeston on Monday,<br />

3.30-4.30pm<br />

Recommended for primary<br />

school aged children. Children<br />

under eight years of age must<br />

be accompanied by an adult.<br />

Free. Drop in only, with limited<br />

spaces. No bookings taken.<br />

Leeston Library<br />

Discovery Time<br />

Lincoln on Sunday, 1.30-3pm<br />

Head along to discover a new,<br />

fun and creative activity each<br />

Go along to the baby sensory events which are designed to help cultivate early language<br />

and literacy, and support the development of motor skills from birth to 1 year. Share<br />

interactive songs, stories, sensory boards and bubbles. Lincon Library on Thursday, 9.30-10am<br />

and Rolleston Library on Friday, 9.30-10am. ​<br />

week at the library. Drop in, no<br />

bookings necessary.<br />

Lincoln Library<br />

Mahjong Beginners Group<br />

Lincoln on Monday, 1-3pm<br />

Are you interested in playing<br />

mahjong? Go along to this<br />

session to learn how to play. No<br />

bookings are necessary.<br />

Lincoln Library<br />

Lincoln Farmers and Craft<br />

Market<br />

Saturday, 10am-1pm<br />

The market is back up and<br />

running again with some<br />

restrictions. The organisers<br />

recommend people only attend<br />

if they are going to shop and no<br />

seating or tables will be provided<br />

to minimise contact. No tastings<br />

or samples will be on offer. If you<br />

are ill please do not attend.<br />

Gerald St<br />

Market@254<br />

Saturday, 9.30am-1pm<br />

Go along to enjoy local food<br />

and entertainment and browse<br />

the wide variety of stalls. This<br />

weekend will be the market’s very<br />

first car boot sale. Rain or shine.<br />

254 Lawford Rd, West Melton<br />

Rolleston Farmers Market<br />

Sunday, 9am-12.30pm<br />

Most stalls in the market are<br />

back up and running. A great<br />

range of veges, meats, honey,<br />

flowers, cheeses, coffee will be<br />

on offer plus an Oamaru stone<br />

carver will be showing his<br />

wares.<br />

96 Rolleston Drive<br />

3 CG EVENTS presents<br />


Ben<br />

Hurley<br />

Jarred<br />

Fell<br />

Alan<br />

McElroy<br />

The Fan<br />

Brigade<br />

comedy night [<br />

R18 ]<br />


sat <strong>17</strong> oct in lincoln<br />

tickets on sale now www.liveinlincoln.nz

SELWYN TIMES Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2020</strong> <strong>17</strong><br />



ALL DAY,<br />





After years of trading as a franchise, we’ve branched out so we can bring you the best furniture in the New Zealand<br />

market, at a more affordable price. Come and find us in the old Target building, on the corner of Blenheim & Curletts Road,<br />

Sockburn. Or visit our website to find out more about us.<br />

Finance Offer: Twelve months<br />

payment holiday using qCard<br />


18 Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />



NZI Rural Women NZ<br />

Business Awards open<br />

Rural Women New Zealand (RWNZ)<br />

and Premier Partner NZI are excited to<br />

launch the NZI Rural Women NZ Business<br />

Awards <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

“The Awards are a great opportunity to<br />

showcase the creativity and innovation<br />

of rural women entrepreneurs and how<br />

they support rural communities with their<br />

businesses,” says National President Fiona<br />

Gower.<br />

“We are especially pleased that NZI will<br />

be joining as Premier Partner again this<br />

year.<br />

“We recognise that it has been an<br />

incredibly tough time for many New<br />

Zealanders and that makes it even more<br />

relevant to celebrate the resilience of these<br />

women-owned and operated businesses by<br />

holding these Awards this year.<br />

“There has never been a better time to<br />

celebrate and support local businesses.<br />

“Many of these businesses have grown<br />

because a rural woman has identified a<br />

need in their family or community and<br />

they have developed their skills and<br />

knowledge to bring these businesses to life.<br />

“These business owners employ local<br />

people as their businesses grow and<br />

also support other local businesses and<br />

suppliers which in turn, creates more<br />

opportunities in those local communities<br />

and economies.<br />

“As a result of the Covid-19 virus<br />

this year the judges will specifically be<br />

considering the resilience, innovation and<br />

adaptability of the entrants’ businesses as<br />

part of the judging criteria.<br />

“We want to encourage rural women<br />

who own and/or operate rural businesses<br />

to enter the Awards this year so that we<br />

can support and promote them, and<br />

celebrate their entrepreneurial journeys.<br />

“If you are a rural woman in business,<br />

enter. If you know a rural woman in<br />

business, encourage her to enter.<br />

Entries close on Friday, 31 July at<br />

5pm. For details on how to enter and<br />

the Award categories, visit: https://<br />

ruralwomennz.nz/home/nzi-ruralwomen-new-zealand-business-awards/<br />

“<br />

Take it from last year’s<br />

Rural Champion, Kate<br />

Taylor, who said that<br />

the process of entering<br />

is just as valuable as<br />

the reward so don’t<br />

hold back – just enter<br />

”<br />

- Ms Gower.<br />

Firewood & Coal<br />

Coal<br />

20 kg bags or<br />

500kg bulk bags<br />

Firewood<br />

Pick up or deliver<br />

(delivery charges apply)<br />

Free delivery to Darfield township when<br />

3 cubic metres or more is ordered.<br />

Landscape Products<br />

Now Available!<br />

• Forest Mulch<br />

• Bark Mulch<br />

• Bark Nuggets (10/20mm)<br />

• Premium Organic Compost<br />

• Screened Soil<br />

• Landscape Rocks<br />

• Paparoa Red Rock available in 3 grades<br />

• Railway Sleepers (2.1 Lengths)<br />

• Kindling Wood<br />

• Unscreened Bark<br />

Delivery fees apply.<br />

4<strong>17</strong> Creyke Road,<br />

Darfield<br />

Phone 03 975 4502<br />

Eftpos now available<br />

Open Monday to Friday 6am-6pm, Saturday 8am-1pm or after hours by appointment<br />

Diesel Blower Heaters<br />

• An industrial diesel powered blower heater, which is<br />

ideal for warming a large area.<br />

• Clean burning technology and diesel economy allow it<br />

to operate for up to 14 hours on a single tank.<br />

• Designed especially to keep operation noise to an<br />

absolute minimum.<br />

• Plug the heater into a standard three<br />

pin plug power point and turn the<br />

thermostat to the desired heat setting<br />

and the burner starts automatically<br />

and will continue operation until<br />

it reaches the preset heat setting,<br />

automatically turning itself off<br />

and on as required to maintain the<br />

temperature.<br />

• A truly powerful, versatile and<br />

economical heater.<br />

special<br />

offer<br />

$100 off<br />

the advertised price<br />

OR Buy 2 & get<br />

$150 off<br />

each heateR<br />

30 kW - $795.00 gSt incl<br />

50 kW - $895.00 gSt incl<br />

Tuatara Machinery Ltd • 291 Weedons Ross Road<br />

Tel. 03 347 4956 • Mob. 0274 770 070<br />

www.tuataraatv.com • Email: info@tuataraatv.com<br />



When you advertise your rural business in the Rural Life feature<br />

in The <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong>, your ad will reach 20,600 rural and<br />

residential households across the ENTIRE <strong>Selwyn</strong> District.<br />

The <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> is delivered FREE each Wednesday, covering<br />

the latest local news and information with digital editions also<br />

available to view online at www.starnews.co.nz.<br />

CALL Lynette TODAY to discuss how she can help<br />

PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS to local <strong>Selwyn</strong> readers,<br />

or to the entire Canterbury district.<br />

Don’t forget to ask about our “Support Local” packages to<br />

assist the Covid Business recovery. We’re here to help!<br />

Contact Lynette DDI: 03 3647434 Mobile: 021 222 7831 Email: Lynette.Evans@starmedia.kiwi

SELWYN TIMES Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2020</strong> 19<br />


Good winter grazing<br />

practices urged as<br />

cold weather closes in<br />

The Winter Grazing Action Group<br />

says farmers are taking steps to improve<br />

wintering systems despite the challenges<br />

of COVID-19 restrictions and weather<br />

events.<br />

Action group chair Dr Lindsay Burton<br />

said it was important everyone worked<br />

together to ensure farmers had the right<br />

tools to get through winter.<br />

“Ensuring you follow a gradual<br />

transition plan when moving your<br />

animals from pasture to crop and back<br />

again will help prevent issues. This is<br />

particularly important for cattle wintered<br />

on fodderbeet,” says Dr Burton.<br />

“For farmers, the focus heading into<br />

winter should be on providing the right<br />

feed at the right time, as well as shelter<br />

and easy access to drinking water. Doing<br />

this should have the flow-on effect of<br />

limiting stock movement and help reduce<br />

damage to crop and soil.”<br />

Farmers and rural professionals should<br />

refer to the levy organisations websites<br />

– Beef+LambNZ, DairyNZ & Deer<br />

Industry NZ. They have advice on good<br />

winter grazing practices and specific<br />

recommendations for transitioning stock<br />

onto crop and balancing the diet which<br />

differs between the species.<br />

During the lockdown period, Dr<br />

Burton says the action group has<br />

remained committed to progressing its<br />

work to improve wintering practices,<br />

meeting virtually to keep up the<br />

momentum.<br />

“We recognise the good work that<br />

has already been done by farmers<br />

throughout New Zealand but particularly<br />

in Southland, to improve their wintering<br />

systems. The fact that everyone has been<br />

so proactive, in spite of the challenges<br />

they have faced with adverse weather<br />

events and COVID-19 restrictions,<br />

should be applauded.”<br />

Following a nationwide anti-grazing<br />

campaign which highlighted some<br />

Southland cows standing in mud,<br />

Agriculture Minister Damien O’Connor<br />

set up a taskforce which undertook a<br />

review of current practices and made 11<br />

recommendations to be taken forward<br />

by the pan-sector Winter Grazing Action<br />

Group.<br />

The recommendations, which<br />

included some work to understand and<br />

mitigate the causes of the animal welfare<br />

consequences from intensive winter<br />

grazing practices; and work to recognise<br />

the barriers to adopting improved animal<br />

welfare practices, have been taken up by<br />

the action group with gusto, Taskforce<br />

chair Dr John Hellström says.<br />

“Improving winter grazing systems<br />

is not something that can be achieved<br />

overnight but the action group is on<br />

the right track and I’m confident that<br />

the recommendations the taskforce<br />

made are being progressed to ensure<br />

improvements for this winter and<br />

beyond.”<br />

The action group is focussed<br />

on educating farmers on careful<br />

management when introducing stock to<br />

new feed types and ensuring contingency<br />

plans are in place to manage any severe<br />

or prolonged wet winter weather.<br />

In the short-term, Burton says there<br />

are actions farmers can take now to<br />

ensure the immediate welfare of their<br />

animals, including making appropriate<br />

shelter available when needed as well as<br />

suitable areas for stock to lie down.<br />

“That could be as simple as planning to<br />

graze the best sheltered paddock last, and<br />

keeping it ‘up your sleeve’ for a weather<br />

event.<br />

“Changing practice will take a long<br />

time; this is not a one-winter solution but<br />

we will keep working with farmers and<br />

sector leaders to improve things now and<br />

in the future.”<br />

3 TRUCKS<br />

3 CARS<br />

3 LUBES<br />


3 FLEET WORK<br />

3 BOATS<br />




Mon-Fri 7am-5pm<br />

Sat 8am-12pm (WOFs only)<br />

3 BRAKES<br />


3 WHEEL<br />



3 WOFs<br />

3 CAMBELTS<br />


839 Jones Road, Rolleston P.O. Box 16 Rolleston<br />

Phone Simon on 347 7110 or Mobile 027 272 9213

20 Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />



No excuse for<br />

treating yourself<br />

You don’t need an excuse to step inside<br />

Any Excuse in Lincoln and you will be<br />

forgiven for not wanting to leave without<br />

that special gift or treat for yourself.<br />

Owner Denise Arnst prides herself on<br />

offering quality homeware, art, jewellery<br />

and gifts for all occasions and the<br />

majority are sourced locally.<br />

Of the 12 South Island suppliers, 10 are<br />

from Christchurch, including Ico Traders,<br />

Klippan, Image Vault, Ned Collection,<br />

Lyttelton Lights and Linden Leaves.<br />

“There is a wealth of creative talent out<br />

there and I am really proud to source as<br />

many local companies as I can. All the<br />

artworks are by New Zealand artists.”<br />

Any Excuse has been open for a year<br />

and is a labour of love for Denise, offering<br />

an opportunity to use her design and<br />

creative skills after 22 years in banking.<br />

Denise and her team of Janine and Viv<br />

love helping customers come up with<br />

special gifts or design advice for that<br />

throw or cushion that can transform and<br />

personalise even the most simple décor.<br />

The shop has so many choices when it<br />

comes to a last minute birthday or special<br />

occasion gift that shows you care with a<br />

range of prices including candles, baby<br />

clothes, soaps, accessories, coffee mugs or<br />

leather wallets and bags. After all it is the<br />

thought that counts.<br />

Most popular as a gift, and as a treat,<br />

says Denise, is their range of handselected,<br />

unique and classy jewellery. And<br />

there are plenty of beautifully coloured<br />

scarves, snoods, hats and gloves for<br />

winter add warmth and colour to your<br />

winter outfit.<br />

Complemented by a huge choice of<br />

plant holders the healthy looking indoor<br />

plants are a recent addition at Any Excuse<br />

adding that finishing touch to any room<br />

or as a simple gift for people of all ages.<br />

Next time you are in Lincoln you do<br />

not need an excuse to visit Any Excuse<br />

as they are open seven days a week at<br />

3/4Eastfield Drive, Lincoln. Opening<br />

hours are 9am until 5pm Monday to<br />

Friday and 10am until 3pm during<br />

the weekend. Phone 03 321-7557 or<br />

021 02206287 or visit them at www.<br />

anyexcuse.co.nz or on Instagram and<br />

Facebook.<br />

We have a large range<br />

of scarves, snoods, hats<br />

and gloves for winter.<br />

3/4 Eastfield Drive, Lincoln | Phone 03 321 7557 | www.anyexcuse.co.nz<br />


hail, leaves, snow & vermin from<br />

blocking & damaging your spouting<br />

Quality materials: BHP Colorbond steel mesh with unique patented louvre<br />

will even keep out pine needles. Will not rust or sag with age or load.<br />

10 year warranty, range of colours.<br />

Proven in Australia & New Zealand over the last 15 years.<br />




Call Rohan anytime Mon-Sat for a<br />

no-obligation assessment & quote<br />

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SELWYN TIMES Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2020</strong> 21<br />


It’s a good time<br />

to own a home<br />

Copper Ridge showhome - 1 Albert Wills Ave.<br />

Current market conditions are particularly<br />

favourable to home ownership. Interest rates are at<br />

their lowest for some time and there are a number of<br />

incentives available for first home buyers.<br />

Now is a good time to enter the housing market,<br />

to increase the equity in your home by paying more<br />

principal off your mortgage, or to trade up.<br />

Government restrictions on the loan-to-value ratio<br />

(LVR) have recently been eased, giving banks the<br />

ability to lend to people with a lower deposit. First<br />

home buyers also have the capacity to draw down<br />

their KiwiSaver funds, and to apply for a Government<br />

HomeStart Grant. Add to this, the low interest rates,<br />

and there may never have been a better time to move<br />

from renting to realising the dream of owning a<br />

home. More financial support may also be available to<br />

first home buyers who build new.<br />

The team at Generation Homes are very<br />

experienced in assisting first home buyers, guiding<br />

them through the process and determining what is<br />

right for their needs.<br />

Generation Homes’ owners, Evan and Nadja Beker<br />

are committed to ensuring their clients have a positive<br />

experience. Clients are included throughout the build<br />

and their Sales Consultant keeps them informed as<br />

the build progresses. Their expertise and customer<br />

focus is the reason they have hundreds of satisfied<br />

clients.<br />

A full design service is part of the Generation<br />

Homes’ package, along with assistance in the choice<br />

of fixtures and fittings, and services of a Colour<br />

Consultant.<br />

Generation Homes offers peace of mind with a fully<br />

fixed price contract and guaranteed build time so<br />

clients know exactly what their new home will cost,<br />

and when they will move in.<br />

A complete package with no surprises is part of the<br />

Generation Homes’ experience. From the land to the<br />

building of the home, kitchen appliances, fixtures and<br />

fittings, hard landscaping like paths and driveway,<br />

clothesline and letterbox, all are included in the<br />

quoted price. There is also the capacity to have the<br />

soft landscaping of lawns and garden beds completed.<br />

Many extra features are part of Generation Homes’<br />

standard specifications, like: a RibRaft foundation<br />

ensuring the most solid foundation available; solid<br />

external building wrap, which adds rigidity to the<br />

home with less movement and helps reduce future<br />

maintenance; architraves and coving; and tiled<br />

windowsills in high traffic areas.<br />

Home ownership provides financial security,<br />

something which is even more important in these<br />

unprecedented times. Generation Homes can help<br />

you have your own brand new, three bedroom home<br />

in a well-serviced community with good schooling,<br />

for as little as $450,000. To learn more, visit: www.<br />

generation.co.nz/christchurch. You might also like<br />

to visit their showhomes.<br />

Branthwaite showhome - 2 Reuben Ave.<br />

Halswell Commons showhome - 19 Holmes Hanover Ln.<br />

Our Services<br />

“Exclusive”<br />

Ravelli ULEB Wood Pellet Fires<br />

• House Re-Wiring<br />

• Garden Lighting<br />

• New Builds<br />

• Mitsubishi Heat Pumps<br />

• Office Re-Fits<br />

• Internet & Telephone<br />

• TV Aerials<br />

• Spa Pool Installation<br />

• Industrial Installation<br />

• Electrical Safety<br />

Certificates<br />

03 379 6644<br />

Mobile 021 22 77 275<br />

Web juiceelectrical.co.nz<br />

Email greg@aelectrical.co.nz<br />

PO Box 7778,<br />

Sydenham,<br />

Christchurch 8240<br />

Pellet and Wood Fire Specialists<br />

472 Blenheim Road<br />

Sockburn<br />

Phone: 03 343 1651<br />

Open 8:30am - 5pm<br />

Sat 10am - 1pm<br />

www.heatstore.co.nz<br />

“ “ “ “<br />

We build modern and warm<br />

new homes for a fully fixed<br />

price and with a guaranteed<br />

build time. Security and<br />

trust have never been more<br />

important, and we’re here<br />

to stand the test of time<br />

with you.<br />

amit srivastav<br />

P: 022 076 4631<br />

E: amits@generation.co.nz<br />

Building a new home is<br />

about trust. I will listen to<br />

and communicate with you<br />

every step of your new home<br />

journey. And a fully fixed price<br />

means no surprises along<br />

the way.<br />

viveK srivastava<br />

P: 021 054 5460<br />

E: viveks@generation.co.nz<br />

our sHow Homes<br />

are open!<br />

If it’s your first home or third,<br />

I love assisting you in making<br />

your new home a reality.<br />

Trust in our modern design,<br />

affordable quality and fully<br />

fixed price for your peace<br />

of mind.<br />

marCeL FeKKes<br />

P: 027 256 9327<br />

E: marcelf@generation.co.nz<br />

Every client is unique.<br />

Making their new home a<br />

reality is a truly enjoyable and<br />

rewarding experience. And<br />

we offer a fully fixed price and<br />

guaranteed build time to give<br />

you the security you need.<br />

CHaD oJaLes<br />

P: 021 228 8377<br />

E: chado@generation.co.nz<br />

www.generation.co.nz/christchurch<br />

Generation Homes Christchurch<br />

we’re Here<br />

to HeLp.<br />

we can provide peace<br />

of mind and security<br />

through a fully fixed<br />

price and a guaranteed<br />

build time.

22 Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />



All you need for your outdoor space<br />

Local company The Outdoor Space<br />

is truly the place to go to for anything<br />

you need for your outdoor space and<br />

owner Aaron Bartlett recommends<br />

a landscaping plan as an excellent<br />

investment.<br />

For $495 you will be provided with<br />

a full section design under 1000m2,<br />

making it a great investment whether<br />

you do the work or get The Outdoor<br />

Space on the job.<br />

This time of year ready lawn can<br />

still be laid and it is also a good time<br />

to think about irrigation.<br />

“We can design and install a fully<br />

automatic system for lawns, gardens<br />

and vege gardens, even with wifi so<br />

you can water your garden while<br />

away on holiday. Artificial grass is<br />

becoming more popular as an easy<br />

care alternative with little upkeep<br />

expenses,” says Aaron.<br />

It is also a good time to get the team<br />

to build your raised vegetable gardens<br />

ready for spring planting. Options<br />

include macrocarpa sleepers, old<br />

railway sleepers, pine or The Outdoor<br />

Space can build a kitset you can put<br />

together yourself or provide one<br />

fully installed complete wit soil and<br />

compost.<br />

Extending your living space is all<br />

about creating an outdoor area where<br />

you can entertain and cook.<br />

Outdoor fires and fire pits make<br />

your outdoor space useable over<br />

winter and the team sells prebuilt<br />

kitset fires or they can personally<br />

design and build to suit your needs.<br />

Pizza ovens and outdoor kitchens are<br />

another way of making the best use of<br />

your outdoor space and, again, the<br />

team can design and build.<br />

The Outdoor Space team love<br />

new challenges and enjoy bringing<br />

clients’ ideas to life including<br />

paving, irrigation, lawns, planting,<br />

fences, pergolas, water features,<br />

outdoor fires and fire pits, raised<br />

planters, decks, stonework, brick<br />

and blockwork, artificial grass,<br />

outdoor kitchens and garden sheds.<br />

To keep up to date with<br />

The Outdoor Space like them<br />

on Facebook. Or for more<br />

information call Aaron on 021<br />

542402 or 347 4422, visit their<br />

website at www.theoutdoorspace.<br />

co.nz and by email on Aaron@<br />

theoutdoorspace.co.nz.<br />

For the Outdoor Space<br />

of your Dreams...<br />

Paving, Irrigation, Lawns, Planting,<br />

Fences, Pergolas, Water-features,<br />

Outdoor fires, Raised Vege beds,<br />

Decks, Artificial grass & more...<br />

Sharon CroftS<br />

LandSCape d e S ign<br />

• Consultations • Design Concepts • Planting Plans<br />

Call Aaron & the team today!<br />

Phone: 03 347 4422 or 021 542 402<br />

Email: Aaron@theoutdoorspace.co.nz<br />

P. 329 6229<br />

M. 0274 311 558<br />

s-crofts@xtra.co.nz<br />

www.sharoncrofts.co.nz<br />

www.theoutdoorspace.co.nz<br />

Lagoon<br />

Pools<br />

03 349 2160<br />

0800 92 72 82<br />

Canterbury Ltd<br />

• Quotations for water system designs and water testing<br />

• Pipes, valves, fittings sales<br />

• Filtration supply and installation<br />

• Pump service, repairs and maintenance<br />

• Bore flush and development<br />

• Bore pump sales, servicing and maintenance<br />

• We also sell, service and repair most pump<br />

brands including sewage pumps<br />

551 Halswell Junction Road<br />

0800 GRUNDFOS / 0800 478 633<br />

For sales and service or<br />

after hours service call<br />

Jason 021 649 944<br />

or Mike 021 560 044<br />


SELWYN TIMES Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2020</strong> 23<br />


Garage doors increase home’s value<br />

A garage door is the biggest door in<br />

your home and needs to stand up to<br />

the elements for years to come. Custom<br />

Made Garage Doors designs and builds<br />

high quality garage doors in <strong>Selwyn</strong>/<br />

Christchurch and is New Zealand’s leading<br />

architectural garage door company.<br />

The company also has a branch in<br />

Wanaka and covers the Queenstown<br />

Southern Lakes area offering an extensive<br />

range of options that fit your home’s<br />

individuality.<br />

Their mission is to give you the best<br />

quality and design for your money while<br />

providing the look of tomorrow today.<br />

They stand by their workmanship and<br />

innovative door designs and invite you to<br />

find out what garage door works best for<br />

you and your home.<br />

Custom Made Garage Doors Ltd<br />

dominates the market in architectural<br />

garage doors throughout New Zealand<br />

supplying over 35 other door companies<br />

as well as their own local clients.<br />

The company is renowned for the best<br />

flat panel insulated sectional doors on the<br />

market today. This top-selling insulated<br />

range includes the Phoenix flat panel and<br />

Nevada/Idaho negative detail sectional<br />

doors followed closely by their popular<br />

Smart Line range.<br />

All doors are quality built, powder<br />

coated and can be insulated for<br />

energy efficiency. They are available in<br />

aluminium, Corten steel and copper and<br />

are in high demand nationwide.<br />

Custom Made Garage Doors also<br />

specialises in timeless cedar doors and<br />

gates. Choose from the popular vertical<br />

and horizontal TG&V cedar style or<br />

consider a barn style cedar door to create<br />

a memorable impression.<br />

Their extensive range of doors can be<br />

manufactured to suit their clients’ needs<br />

with some doors being up to 8 metres<br />

wide. Affordable off-the-shelf sectionals<br />

and tilt and roller doors are also available<br />

and the company is the authorised dealer<br />

for Merlin garage door and gate openers.<br />

If your garage door needs repairs, spare<br />

parts or servicing, Custom Made Garage<br />

Doors can help. All their products and<br />

workmanship are fully guaranteed.<br />

Their experienced team is happy to<br />

discuss a garage door solution that will<br />

best satisfy your budget, individual<br />

requirements and home aesthetics.<br />

Call Custom Made Garage Doors Ltd<br />

on 0800 661366 to discuss your options<br />

or visit www.custommade.co.nz.<br />


Established in 1987, Southern<br />

Woods has been growing millions of<br />

quality plants for over a generation.<br />

Talk to our knowledgeable team<br />

about fruit trees for your next<br />

project.<br />

Order your<br />

Fruit Trees now.<br />

Over 75 varieties<br />

available this winter<br />

The Genuine<br />

Custom Made Garage<br />

Door Professionals<br />

0800 661 366<br />

info@custommade.co.nz<br />

Auckland • Christchurch • Wanaka<br />

www.custommade.co.nz<br />

HydRoSEEdINg, INStaNt<br />

LawNS aNd LaNdSCaPINg<br />

• Locally owned &<br />

operated<br />

• Residential &<br />

commercial lawns<br />

• Hydroseeding<br />

• Instant roll out lawn<br />

• Full lawn preparations<br />

• Site clearing<br />

• Erosion and dust<br />

control<br />

• Irrigation<br />

• Posthole boring<br />

• Landscaping<br />

• No job too small<br />

- New Zealand Natives - Specimen Trees<br />

- Landscaping Plants - Ornamentals<br />

- Free Expert Advice - Delivery Nationwide<br />

Visit our great plant centre - Open 7 days<br />

1002 Robinsons Road - Between Templeton & Rolleston 0800 800 352 southernwoods.nz<br />

Call us today to discuss all your lawn<br />

and landscaping requirements<br />

Phone 347 4000 or 027 456 7777<br />

Email zac@canterburylawns.co.nz<br />


24 Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />



The perfect<br />

gate for every<br />

home<br />

• Driveway gates • Pedestrian gates<br />

• Sliding gates • Swing gates<br />

• Louvered gates • T & G gates<br />

• Aluminium frames with timber infill<br />

No obligation<br />

free measure<br />

& quote<br />

• Fencing aluminium or timber<br />

• Full gate automation systems<br />

• Keypads • Video intercom<br />

Ph: 0508 4 gates (0508 442 837) 03 325 4397<br />

E: info@townandcountrygates.co.nz<br />

Town and Country Gates<br />

www.townandcountrygates.nz<br />

When it comes to custom-made gates<br />

and fencing, Town & Country Gates has<br />

the experience to help you choose the<br />

perfect gate or fencing solution for your<br />

home.<br />

A Canterbury-based and familyoperated<br />

business, the team at Town &<br />

Country Gates prides themselves with<br />

their workmanship, producing high<br />

quality customised gates and fencing to<br />

ensure you get a product built to last.<br />

Town & Country Gates offers a range<br />

of gate styles including louvered, slat,<br />

T & G, ACM or standard open railed<br />

designs for sliding or swing driveway<br />

and pedestrian gates. Choose from<br />

aluminium, timber or a combination of<br />

both (dependant on gate design).<br />

They also make metal fencing panels<br />

to match your gates as well as being an<br />

agent for colour screen fencing.<br />

You can get an idea of the colours<br />

and designs that will best suit your<br />

needs and complement your property<br />

by visiting their website at www.<br />

townandcountry.co.nz and clicking on<br />

Gate Visualiser.<br />

Helping to keep your property<br />

safe is also part of their service. Gate<br />

automation is a popular way to secure<br />

your property using quality automation<br />

systems including keypads, video<br />

intercoms or just a standard kit.<br />

Town & Country Gates offers a<br />

free measure and quote and a full<br />

installation service. To check out their<br />

products and services visit<br />

www.townandcountry.co.nz<br />

Canterbury<br />

Timber & Hardware<br />

Timber Wood Fuel Pellets<br />

20kg Bag for $12.50<br />

Call in today for your free quote!<br />

NEW ENTRANCE: 167 Manion Road, Rolleston<br />

Jason Pester P 03 347 7465 F 03 347 7032 E jason@cthl.co.nz<br />

Mon-Fri: 7am-5pm Saturday: 8am-12pm<br />

Canterbury<br />

C T H Timber & Hardware<br />

We are here

SELWYN TIMES Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2020</strong> 25<br />

HOME<br />


Horncastle Arena,<br />

21-23 August <strong>2020</strong><br />

Exhibitors<br />

Book now<br />

Don’t miss your opportunity to<br />

showcase your business in front of<br />

10,000+ qualified attendees<br />

New exhibitor packages available<br />

lisa.lynch@starmedia.kiwi or 021 800 809

26<br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />


Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team 03 379 1100<br />

Classic Cars & Motorcycles<br />

Towing<br />

For safe, damage free<br />

car transportation<br />

call Ashley’s Tow Taxi<br />

Special care for special cars<br />


Breakdown & Relocation<br />

0800 TOW TAXI • 0800 869 8294<br />

Animals Livestock/<br />

Supplies<br />

Experienced<br />

Sheep Shearer<br />

No Job Too Big or<br />

Too Small! Can do<br />

drenching and trim<br />

hooves. Over 35 yrs<br />

experience.<br />

Please contact<br />

John 027 568 6218<br />

Funeral Directors<br />

direct<br />

cremation<br />

$2,000 GSt inclusive<br />

(includes committal)<br />

0800 27 28 29<br />

www.mainland<br />

crematorium.co.nz<br />

Funeral Directors<br />

Heating<br />

Log Fires<br />

Pellet Fires<br />

Heat Pumps<br />

Sales<br />

Service<br />

Installations<br />

Free Quotes<br />

03 343 1651<br />

472 Blenheim Rd<br />

www.heatstore.co.nz<br />

Non-Service Cremation $2,000<br />

Commital service with cremation $3,950<br />

Chapel service with cremation $6,500<br />

Family burial service from $3,400<br />

Just Funerals, a family owned and<br />

operated company with qualified,<br />

registered and experienced staff.<br />

Phone 0800 804 663 - 24 Hour Availability<br />

Email: info@justfunerals.co.nz<br />

christchurch.justfunerals.co.nz<br />


Boundary<br />

Trimming<br />

Call Tony Dempsey<br />

Phone 03 325 3256<br />

Mobile 0274 323 943<br />

Hire<br />

Excavator & Dozer Hire<br />

Enquire for rate<br />

Tim: 027 285 7454<br />

Barry: 027 432 5195<br />

Excavator & Dozer Hire<br />

Enquire for rate<br />

Tim: 027 285 7454<br />

Barry: 027 432 5195<br />

Excavator & Dozer Hire<br />

Enquire for rate<br />

Tim: 027 285 7454<br />

Barry: 027 432 5195<br />

Hire<br />

Excavator & Dozer Hire<br />

Enquire for rate<br />

Tim: 027 285 7454<br />

FOR<br />

HIRE<br />



Quality equipment<br />

reasonable rates.<br />

PHONE / TEXT<br />

027 499 2908<br />

ADD SOME<br />

COLOUR<br />


Barry: 027 432 5195<br />

Select Services<br />

Specialising in:<br />

Driveways<br />

Outdoor Areas<br />

Patios, Pathways,<br />

Residential<br />

& Commercial Floors<br />

Professional Advice<br />

Free Quotes<br />

Frank McWatt<br />

03 423 9344<br />

027 274 0342<br />

allwaysconcrete@gmail.com<br />

www.allwaysconcrete.nz<br />

Need a hand?<br />

✤ Lawns & Edges<br />

✤ Landscaping<br />

✤ Gardening<br />

✤ Hedge Trimming<br />

✤ Handyman Jobs<br />

✤ Casual or One Off<br />

Phone Mike Lineton<br />

022 341 8848<br />

Your local<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> District<br />



Select Services<br />

Hedge tRimming<br />

& gaRden<br />

maintenance<br />

• Hedge Trimming<br />

• Small Trees and Shrubs Topped,<br />

Shaped or Removed<br />

• Trenching and Digging Buckets<br />

• Garden Maintenance<br />

• Landscaping<br />

• Cleanups Available<br />

• Wood Splitter for Hire<br />

JuSt Small<br />

HedgeS<br />


Phone: (03) 325-4664 | Mobile: 021-500-519<br />

hedgesandmore.co.nz<br />

To Let<br />

RENT ME!<br />

Ideal as an extra<br />

bedroom or office.<br />

no bond required<br />

Fully insulated and double glazed for warmth.<br />

Three convenient sizes from $70 a week:<br />

Standard 3.6m x 2.4m<br />

Large 4.2m x 2.4m | Xtra-large 4.8m x 2.4m<br />

Visit our website<br />

www.justcabins.co.nz<br />

for display cabin locations<br />

www.justcabins.co.nz<br />

Trades & Services<br />

• Irrigation • Drainage • Driveways<br />

• Auger Hole Drilling<br />

• Land Clearing & Development<br />

• Culvert Installation • Construction Site Works<br />

• Tree & Hedge Removal • Concrete Breaker<br />

Phone Mike: 027 272 8058 OR 03 324 4323 A/H<br />

g.m.contracting@xtra.co.nz<br />

www.gmcontracting.co.nz<br />




• Mirrors • Pet Door Specialists<br />

• Splashbacks • All Broken Windows<br />


Phone Cushla or Darren Twist<br />

027 352 6225<br />

Tyre Servicing<br />

All tyres & tyre servicing at home or work<br />

Pricing options to suit your needs<br />

Mobile Tyreland Christchurch<br />

03 3895005 or hamish.gerard@mobiletyreland.co.nz<br />

No job to big or small.<br />

Supply carpet, underlay and garage carpet.<br />

Experienced in installing second hand carpet.<br />

Carpet samples.<br />

Free measure and quote!<br />

Call David 0272319931<br />

www.davidfarmercarpetlayer.co.nz<br />

Lawn mowing<br />

Hedge trimming<br />

Gardening<br />

Weed eating<br />

Spraying<br />

and much more<br />

Call Todd<br />

0212059543<br />

toddmc.greenacres@gmail.com<br />

Trades & Services<br />


Driveways<br />

SWAINS<br />


(Since 2005)<br />

Over 22 Years Experience<br />

Quality<br />

Workmanship<br />

• Driveways<br />

• Kerb &<br />

Channel<br />

• Garden Edging<br />

New Paint • Repaints<br />

Wallpapering • Fences<br />

Feature Walls<br />

Floor & Roof Painting<br />

Spray Painting<br />

Light Commercial<br />

Restoring Timber<br />

* Finance available (T’s & C’s apply)<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> based but service the whole of Canterbury<br />

www.andertondecorators.co.nz<br />

www.facebook.com/andertondecorators<br />

027 724 6846 027 PAINTIN<br />

Freephone: 0800 081 400<br />

swainskiwikerb@gmail.com<br />

Trades & Services<br />


★Garden Clean-ups<br />

★Pruning<br />

★Lawn Mowing<br />

★Garden Maintenance<br />

Call us today for a FREE quote<br />

PH 0800 4 546 546<br />

(0800 4 JIMJIM)<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

Accounting<br />

Ltd<br />

For all your<br />

Accounting &<br />

Tax Needs<br />

03 741 <strong>17</strong>83<br />

027 332 8086<br />

brian@<br />


SELWYN TIMES Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2020</strong> 27<br />

Classifieds Contact us today Phone our local team 03 379 1100<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Trades & Services<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

Situations Vacant<br />

Excavations<br />

• Driveways<br />

• Car Parks<br />

• Site Cleaning<br />

• Demolition<br />

• Farm Tracks<br />

• Drain Cleaning<br />

• Stump & Hedge<br />

Removal<br />

• Ashpalt Concrete<br />

Wide range<br />

oF TruckS<br />

For a Free Quote<br />

on your next project<br />

Phone Steve on 021 338 247<br />

or 325 7922<br />

landscaping<br />

You can have your gardens, trees,<br />

shrubs, plants and lawns maintained to look their best<br />

all year round, for a great price.<br />

Residential & Commercial Landscaping<br />

• Maintenance • Pruning • Reconstruction & Rejuvenation<br />

• Rental Property and Commercial Maintenance<br />

• Pre-Sale Tidy-Ups<br />

New Home Landscaping<br />

Lawns • Gardens • Decks • Paving • Water Features<br />

• Quality • Value for money • Experienced • Punctual<br />

• Professional • Flexible • Knowledgeable • Reliable<br />

Call Ross Legg - 027 222 0388<br />

Email ross@revivelandscaping.co.nz<br />

www.revivelandscaping.co.nz<br />

D & H Autos<br />

wanted<br />

Vehicles, 4x4,<br />

motorbikes<br />

• Tennis Courts &<br />

Swimming Pools<br />

• Chip Seal Driveways<br />

• Diggers – 2 Ton<br />

up to 20 Ton<br />

• Excavators<br />

• Bobcat & Drilling<br />

• For Posthole &<br />

Fence hole<br />

Free<br />

QuoTe<br />

Landscape<br />

Construction and<br />

Garden Maintenance<br />



Andrew Owen B Com (Ag)<br />

With over thirty years experience in the<br />

Rural Finance and Farm Appraisal industry<br />

I am well qualified to assist South Island<br />

Farming Families, particularly in the areas of:<br />

• Family farm succession<br />

• Funding negotiations with Rural Financiers<br />

• Ongoing governance of farming business’s<br />

Phone: 0274 344 886<br />

Email: aowenselwynagri@gmail.com<br />


Not running, rusty, damaged,<br />

unfinished projects, deceased<br />

estates. Any make from 1920s<br />

to 1990s. We pay top dollars.<br />

For friendly service phone<br />

Harry 021 550 038<br />


FIRES<br />



Logburners –<br />

Pellet – ULEB<br />

Installations<br />

Maintenance<br />

Bird Protection<br />

Phone Duane<br />

027 428 9026<br />

328 9990<br />

Keeping the home<br />

fires burning<br />



For all painting and<br />

decorating services.<br />

Fully Qualified<br />

• Interior &<br />

Exterior Painting<br />

• Wallpapering<br />

• Plastering<br />

• Roof Painting<br />

Quality Services<br />


Contact Udi Aale<br />

Ph. 021 074 2075<br />


24/7<br />

MOSS<br />


ROOFS $300<br />

• Oamaru StOne<br />

• Driveway<br />

• PathS<br />

• hOuSe<br />

• General exterior<br />

wash Down<br />

• tidy up<br />

Ph: 027 561 4629<br />

Kevin<br />

ACE HIGH<br />


All Plumbing<br />

Gasfitting<br />

Drainlaying<br />

Blocked Drains<br />

Log Fires,<br />

Wetbacks<br />

Gas Hotwater<br />

Phone<br />

021 454 864<br />


wet area waterproofing,<br />

underfloor heating, soap<br />

boxes, old to new, for best<br />

results, call Devon on 021<br />

375-888 or 03 329 5511<br />


Decks, T & G Flooring,<br />

Villa Restoring, New<br />

Homes, Weatherboards.<br />

Free Quotes. Bennet &<br />

Sons Ltd Sam 027 496-<br />

9362 or Tony 027 224-<br />

0374<br />


Exp. Repairs, uplifting,<br />

relaying, restretching.<br />

Phone John on 0800<br />

003181, 027 240 7416<br />

jflattery@xtra.co.nz<br />



Small Job Specialists,<br />

Carpentry, Repairs,<br />

Decking & Maintenance,<br />

40 years experience, no<br />

job too small, Ph Warren<br />

03 322-1103 or 027 697-<br />

8541<br />

Bellamy’s<br />

Furniture<br />

Furniture made to<br />

order and restoration<br />

by tradesman with<br />

35yrs experience.<br />

PH Stephen<br />

021 073 2624<br />

Trades & Services<br />


Paving, Lawns, Irrigation,<br />

Decking, Fencing.<br />

Kanga & small digger<br />

services. Check out Squire<br />

Landscaping on facebook.<br />


Arthur 347-8796, 027<br />

220-7014 Edwin 027 220-<br />

7154<br />


Our Cable or yours,<br />

phone-fibre-water installs,<br />

COC supplied, trenching<br />

and cable locatingservice,<br />

owner operator<br />

FREE quote ph<br />

Gerard 0272379742<br />


Renovations, New Houses,<br />

Hot Water Cylinders,<br />

Kitchens Bathroom<br />

Upgrades, Laundries,<br />

General Maintenance ,<br />

Water Filters. Phone Mark<br />

0278690026<br />


MOBILE<br />

Fast friendly professional<br />

service. 25 yrs exp.<br />

Shearing, drenching, hoof<br />

trimming etc. Call Shaun<br />

021 204 1274<br />


Best price guarantee Tony<br />

0275 588 895<br />

TILING<br />

Flooring - Splashbacks<br />

- Wall incl tile removal,<br />

reg master tiler, ph<br />

Dave 027 334 4125<br />

TILING<br />

Flooring - Splashbacks<br />

- Wall incl tile removal,<br />

reg master tiler, ph<br />

Dave 027 334 4125<br />


Brown & White Ltd.<br />

Family owned since 2001.<br />

Ph Paul 027 229 3534<br />



Watkins Home Kill<br />

Processing Beef, Pigs,<br />

Sheep, Deer & Fish.<br />

Smoking Bacon, Ham<br />

and small goods.<br />

Mobile slaughter service.<br />

124 Burdons Road<br />

Burnham<br />

Phone Tim 347 6693<br />

We are seeking a motivated, energetic,<br />

positive person to join our Learning Assistants<br />

(Teacher Aides) team. The position will be<br />

primarily supporting the learning programme in<br />

the area of Years 5 - 8. The key task is to support<br />

learners’ engagement in learning.<br />

This role is 13 hours 30min per week for Term 3.<br />

Future terms will be determined at a later point.<br />

There will be the opportunity to work with other<br />

learners with a variety of learning needs,<br />

including behaviour needs, in the future.<br />

Previous experience working with high needs<br />

learners and engaging reluctant learners in their<br />

learning is preferred.<br />

Applications close Wednesday 24 <strong>June</strong> at 12pm<br />

please send your CV and covering letter to:<br />

Tracey Ogle: office@westmelton.school.nz<br />

Please direct any queries to Jeanette Neal:<br />

jeanette.neal@westmelton.school.nz<br />

Public Notices<br />


Tai Tapu <strong>June</strong> 26 th & 27 th<br />

Old tractors, Trucks and Cars. Farm &<br />

Contractors machinery and Implements<br />

Mazda 929 Sedan, Ford Transit truck, Volvo 760<br />

car, T.E.A Fergy tractor and implements, Allis<br />

Gleaner F2 Combine, modern large Rotary Hoe,<br />

Mulcer, Aitchison drill, Cultivators Rollers etc Plus<br />

many more general items.<br />

Viewing day Friday 26 th <strong>June</strong>.<br />

Sale by sealed bid tender onsite. Results posted on<br />

site after 1.30pm. Sign posted from Hayes Road,<br />

Halswell – Tai Tapu Road<br />

Enquiries Wayne 313 5462 | Elaine 323 8298<br />

Vehicles Wanted<br />


$$CASH PAID$$<br />


& 4X4 WANTED<br />

NZ OWNED<br />

AND<br />


FOR<br />

24 YEARS<br />

We use world class vehicle<br />

depollution systems<br />

0800 8200 600<br />

www.pickapart.co.nz<br />

2284592<br />

Aussie <strong>2020</strong> HArvest<br />

We are looking for 2-3 NZ guys with a<br />

farming background to come and join<br />

us for harvest.<br />

Duties include mainly combining,<br />

swathing, chaser bin operation,<br />

maintenance and oaten hay<br />

production.<br />

Accommodation, meals<br />

& vehicle supplied.<br />

Starting in northern New South Wales<br />

mid October and finishing in Southern<br />

Victoria early to mid January.<br />

Wages negotiated upon experience.<br />

Please send applications to:<br />

smithandsmith3475@gmail.com<br />

Public Notices<br />


Range Shooting and<br />

Night Firing Activity<br />

15 <strong>June</strong> – 03 July <strong>2020</strong><br />

The general public is to be advised that a NZ Army<br />

Exercise will be conducted on the West Melton<br />

Rifle Range area over the period of 15 <strong>June</strong> – 03<br />

July <strong>2020</strong>.<br />

The exercise will involve up to 30 personnel of 2/1<br />

Battalion, Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment<br />

from Burnham Military Camp.<br />

Training will involve soldiers firing on the range<br />

and will include a Night shoot on the 24 <strong>June</strong> with<br />

all firing finished no later than 9pm.<br />

Other than the 24 <strong>June</strong>, all other firing will be<br />

conducted between 8am & 5pm daily. No High<br />

explosives will be used. No soldiers will be moving<br />

in public with weapons during this exercise.<br />

For more information please contact:<br />

Tony Hewitt on 0211670421.<br />



Phone for further details<br />

(03) 379 1100

28 Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

M-A<br />



‘The<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

Experts’<br />


Residential<br />

Lifestyle<br />

Rural Property<br />

Licensed REAA2008<br />

ROLLESTON - 112 Branthwaite Drive<br />


• 224m 2 4 bedroom 2 bathroom brand new home<br />

• Fully fenced 753m 2 section on council reserve<br />

boundary<br />

• Sunny open-plan living and separate lounge<br />

• 2.7m stud plus overheight doors<br />

• Kitchen with walk-in pantry and high-end appliances<br />

• Heated by log burner and 2x roof mounted heat<br />

pumps<br />

• Fully tiled, underfloor heated bathrooms<br />

• Carpeted 2 car garage & separate laundry<br />

• Excellent location on a quiet, private section<br />


Open Home: Sun 1.00pm - 1.30pm<br />

Price: Neg Over $680,000<br />

View: www.marealestate.co.nz/MA0734<br />


ROLLESTON - <strong>17</strong> Philippa Drive<br />


• 2 year old, 193m 2 , high-spec, modern home<br />

• 3 bedroom, open-plan living<br />

• Fully tiled showers, including a double in ensuite<br />

• Ducted heatpump throughout<br />

• Large north-facing deck with built-in seating and<br />

planter boxes<br />

• Drive-through, carpeted garage<br />

• Masterbuild guarantee<br />

• Lemonwood School zone<br />


Open Home: Sun 1.45pm - 2.15pm<br />

Price: $570,000<br />

View: www.marealestate.co.nz/MA0725<br />


Andrew Taylor<br />

0274 355 930<br />

andrew@marealestate.co.nz<br />

Andrew Taylor<br />

0274 355 930<br />

andrew@marealestate.co.nz<br />

ROLLESTON - 62 Riverstone Drive<br />



• Superbly constructed in 2018<br />

• Expansive 352m 2 executive home<br />

• Home and one-bedroom unit<br />

• Five double bedrooms<br />

• Large master with ensuite and walk in robe<br />

• Three living areas<br />

• Designated study<br />

• Premium kitchen with quality appliances<br />

• Large butlers pantry<br />

• Separate laundry<br />

• Four car garaging<br />

• Further additional parking for motor home and/or boat<br />

• Desirable and popular location<br />

Open Home: Sun 12.30pm - 1.00pm<br />

Price: Neg Over $949,000<br />

View: www.marealestate.co.nz/MA0719<br />

Jackie Derrick<br />

027 636 3576<br />

jackie@marealestate.co.nz<br />


ROLLESTON - 12 Grace Way<br />


• Four double bedrooms<br />

• Tw o separate living areas<br />

• Modern kitchen with stone benchtops<br />

• Master suite with stunning ensuite and WIR<br />

• Beautifully specified bathroom<br />

• Large deck for entertaining<br />

• Well established and spacious section<br />

• Garden shed<br />

• Double internal access garage<br />

• Fantastic location<br />

View: By Appointment<br />

Price: Neg over $530,000<br />

View: www.marealestate.co.nz/MA0728<br />

Jackie Derrick<br />

027 636 3576<br />

jackie@marealestate.co.nz<br />


DUNSANDEL - 6 Albert James Place<br />


5459M 2 SECTION<br />

• Beautifully maintained 5459m 2 property<br />

• Three double bedrooms in main house<br />

(master with ensuite)<br />

• Modern kitchen with living areas either side<br />

• Heated by log burner, heat pump and HRV<br />

• Rumpus room or 3rd lounge<br />

• Large sun drenched deck and BBQ area<br />

• Tw o bedroom self contained cottage<br />

• Several small paddocks, separate four bay shed and<br />

plenty of privacy in all directions<br />


Open Home: Sun 2.30pm - 3.00pm<br />

Price: Neg Over $680,000<br />

View: www.marealestate.co.nz/MA0727<br />

Cameron McRae 027 7696 696<br />

Chris Flanagan 027 433 4657<br />


ROLLESTON - 1<strong>17</strong>5 Goulds Road<br />



• 210m2 home on easy care 682m2 section<br />

• Handy to schools, town centre and dog park<br />

• Four genuine double bedrooms<br />

• Double glazing<br />

• Roomy practical kitchen<br />

• Adjoining dining area<br />

• Huge separate lounge<br />

• Tw o quality bathrooms including ensuite<br />

• Separate laundry<br />

• Attached double garage and stacks of storage<br />

Cameron McRae<br />

027 769 6696<br />

cameron@marealestate.co.nz<br />


Open Home: Sun 12.00 - 12.30pm<br />

Price: $559,000<br />

View: www.marealestate.co.nz/MA0726<br />


WEST MELTON - 478 Hoskyns Road<br />



• 4 Hectares (2 road frontages)<br />

• Main home - Four double bedroom family home<br />

(270m²)<br />

• Second home - Modern Two bedroom<br />

• Established shelter belts and mature garden setting<br />

• Close proximity to the thriving Rolleston Township<br />

and all its amenities<br />

View: By Appointment<br />

Price: Neg Over $1,100,000<br />

View: www.marealestate.co.nz/MA0702<br />

Chris Flanagan<br />

027 433 4657<br />

chris@marealestate.co.nz<br />

DARFIELD - Creyke Road<br />


• 7 x 1 Hectare blocks<br />

• Power, telephone, fibre and town water<br />

to boundary<br />

• Close to all Darfield amenities<br />

• Titles issued<br />

Agent on Site Sun 2.30 – 3.30pm<br />

Price: $250,000 Per Block<br />

View: www.marealestate.co.nz/MA0542<br />

Chris Flanagan<br />

027 433 4657<br />

chris@marealestate.co.nz<br />


WEST MELTON - 506 West Melton<br />

Road<br />


• 5 bedroom, 280m 2 family home on 4 hectares<br />

• 3 living areas leading onto outdoor living areas<br />

• Separate bedroom with ensuite located off the garage<br />

• Deer fenced, well subdivided, and sheltered<br />

• Excellent outbuildings including stables and hayshed<br />

• Unique, established NZ native planted area<br />

• Located on the fringe of the West Melton township<br />

Andrew Taylor<br />

0274 355 930<br />

andrew@marealestate.co.nz<br />


Open Home: Sun 12.00 – 12.30pm<br />

Price: Neg Over $1,040,000<br />

View: www.marealestate.co.nz/MA0724<br />

WEST MELTON - 74 Alpineview<br />


• Secluded quiet lifestyle block<br />

• Well maintained four/five bedroom 266m2 family<br />

home<br />

• Recent upgrades include master bedroom incl<br />

ensuite, main bathroom & double glazing<br />

• Unique layout<br />

• Heatpump, log burner & gas hot water<br />

• Heated concrete swimming pool with large<br />

entertaining deck area<br />

• Well subdivided allowing a multitude of livestock<br />

options<br />

• Recently installed new submersible pump<br />

Andrew Taylor<br />

0274 355 930<br />

andrew@marealestate.co.nz<br />


Open Home: Sun 2.30 – 3.00pm<br />

Price: Neg Over $890,000<br />

View: www.marealestate.co.nz/MA0672<br />

ROLLESTON PH: 03 347 9949 LEESTON PH: 03 324 3704 DARFIELD PH: 03 318 8204 www.marealestate.co.nz<br />

Chris Flanagan<br />

027 433 4657<br />

Andrew Taylor<br />

027 435 5930<br />

Jackie Derrick<br />

027 636 3576<br />

Jo Barrett<br />

021 859 006<br />

Stephan Knowler<br />

027 229 9522<br />

Cameron McRae<br />

027 769 6696<br />

Paul Robinson<br />

021 277 2690<br />

Bronwyn van der Pol<br />

022 073 7757

SELWYN TIMES Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2020</strong> 29<br />

Front<br />

An open letter to the residents of <strong>Selwyn</strong>,<br />

I’m writing to introduce myself and seek your support in electing me as your next Member of Parliament.<br />

In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic and the economic crisis it has caused, <strong>Selwyn</strong> needs an<br />

experienced, energetic, empathetic representative - and we urgently need to return to a National<br />

Government to get New Zealand working again.<br />

I’ve worked as journalist and an export trade specialist, a communications manager for large tourism<br />

companies and a jack of all trades for small start ups. I grew up on a sheep and beef farm here in this<br />

region and I spent nearly four years working for the previous National Government - three years as Press<br />

Secretary to Rt Hon Sir Bill English as Minister of Finance and as Prime Minister.<br />

All those experiences have taught me how crucial it is for our families and businesses to be<br />

supported with frameworks that allow them to get ahead.<br />

With our current local MP Amy Adams moving from <strong>Selwyn</strong> to the National Party list, our electorate<br />

needs another strong voice in Parliament to continue advocating for the critical infrastructure and<br />

investment our rapidly growing communities need to realise our ambition.<br />

It would be my privilege to serve you.<br />

Kind regards<br />

Nicola Grigg<br />

National Party Candidate for <strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

Nicola Grigg<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

nicola.grigg@national.org.nz<br />

nicolagrigg.national.org.nz<br />

@NicolaGrigg<strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

Authorised by Nicola Grigg, Level 2, 363 Colombo Street, Christchurch

I<br />

i<br />

r<br />

30 Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />


Centre Spread<br />

I love this region. I was born and raised on our family farm in<br />

Mt Somers - I grew up here and am proud to call it home.<br />

My whole family farm in this district - from the Rakaia Gorge, down to the foothills,<br />

and out across the Canterbury plains.<br />

I’ve been immersed in farming and politics most of my life - I am the great granddaughter<br />

of the MP for Ashburton, Major Arthur Grigg and his wife Mary Grigg –<br />

who later became National’s first female MP following the death of her husband in<br />

Africa during the second World War.<br />

I<br />

I<br />

c<br />

Nicola Grigg <strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

nicola.grigg@national.org.nz<br />

nicolagrigg.national.org.nz<br />


SELWYN TIMES Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />

Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2020</strong> 31<br />

In my most recent role as a trade specialist at New Zealand Trade and Enterprise<br />

I’ve been given some real insights into how business owners in this electorate are<br />

coping in the current economic environment.<br />

I care deeply about the sustainable conservation of our natural environment and,<br />

in my spare time, spend as much of it as I can in <strong>Selwyn</strong>’s great outdoors hiking,<br />

running, riding and skiing.

32 Wednesday <strong>June</strong> <strong>17</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

Latest Canterbury news at starnews.co.nz<br />


Back<br />

In my view the biggest impact of Covid-19 on <strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

communities has been economic - unemployment<br />

is expected to jump to 7.1 per cent, there’s been<br />

an alarming 48% increase in people applying for<br />

job seeker benefits and recent Infometrics data<br />

confirmed our local economy will contract by around<br />

5 per cent in the next year, coupled with the loss of<br />

over 2000 jobs.<br />

This is especially concerning given <strong>Selwyn</strong> has<br />

historically been something of a national economic<br />

powerhouse, with a GDP at twice that of the rest of<br />

the country and unemployment at half the rate.<br />

That is why I so firmly believe we absolutely must<br />

return to National’s proven formula of economic<br />

management. Now, more than ever, we need to<br />

deliver a message of hope and ambition to New<br />

Zealanders by offering practical, solutions-driven<br />

policy and ideas - as only National can.<br />

With just three months to go until the <strong>2020</strong> General<br />

Election, I will be working tirelessly to earn your vote so<br />

that we can return to the kind of leadership that will<br />

allow <strong>Selwyn</strong> to grow and thrive.<br />

I will be out and about in the electorate every day<br />

and I look forward to meeting you. Please feel free to<br />

contact me at any time.<br />

Nicola Grigg <strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

nicola.grigg@national.org.nz<br />

nicolagrigg.national.org.nz<br />

@NicolaGrigg<strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

Authorised by Nicola Grigg, Level 2, 363 Colombo Street, Christchurch

THe BeST PRoPeRTieS AcRoSS<br />

THe SeLWYn DiSTRicT<br />

INSIDE<br />


Week commencing WeDneSDAY, <strong>17</strong>TH JUne, <strong>2020</strong><br />



TwO SePaRaTe DwelliNgS - eNDleSS POSSibiliTieS<br />

In the heart of Rolleston this appealing property offers a fantastic<br />

opportunity for large/extended families, work from home and a<br />

possible income stream alternative. The main 295sqm (approx)<br />

home, offers 4 double bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 2 ensuites, 2<br />

separate living areas, separate dining and recently upgraded<br />

kitchen with stone bench tops and pantry. Recent renovations<br />

provide a separate studio that offers a large double bedroom,<br />

tiled ensuite, separate living area and modern kitchen. Access to<br />

the studio area is non-intrusive to the rest of the home allowing<br />

for maximum privacy. The heating solutions include, double<br />

glazing, modern central heating system and 2 cosy gas fires.<br />

The second dwelling built in 2012, is separate from the main<br />

home and consists of 63sqm (approx) of modern living and is<br />

ideally suited for a couple. It consists of an open plan living area,<br />

modern well-equipped kitchen with gas hob/quality appliances,<br />

large double master bedroom with walk in robe and modern<br />

bathroom. This property is double glazed, has its own heat pump<br />

and fibre. The combined living of both properties offers: 5 double<br />

bedrooms, 4 living areas, 3 kitchens, 2 bathrooms and 2 ensuites.<br />

Another feature is the triple car garage, in-ground heated solar<br />

and heat pump swimming pool sited on 1297sqm (approx.)<br />

section.<br />

Price by Negotiation<br />

www.marealestate.co.nz/MA0729<br />

Jackie Derrick<br />

Contact:<br />

027 636 3576<br />

03 347 9949<br />

jackie@marealestate.co.nz<br />

15 Frame Crescent, Rolleston Open Home: Sunday, 1.15pm - 1.45pm<br />



‘The<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

Experts’<br />

Licensed under the REAA Act 2008<br />

Local Knowledge<br />

Experienced Agents<br />

Proven Results<br />

Call today we would be delighted to assist you<br />

ROLLESTON PH: 03 347 9949 LEESTON PH: 03 324 3704 DARFIELD PH: 03 318 8204 www.marealestate.co.nz

2<br />

Darfield 44 McLaughlins Road<br />

Darfield <strong>17</strong> McHugh Crescent<br />

A family-sized opportunity<br />

4 2 2 2<br />

Office and view at <strong>17</strong> McHugh<br />

3 2 2 4<br />

This executive 240sqm (approximately) family home<br />

boasts four spacious bedrooms, including a master<br />

with ensuite and walk-in-robe. The kitchen is simply<br />

superb, with distinctive design elements contributing<br />

to a space which is at once both highly-functional and<br />

aesthetically pleasing. Thoughtfully configured living<br />

areas with two heat-pumps and seamless<br />

indoor/outdoor flow. The landscaped 800sqm<br />

(approximately) section is ideal for families of all<br />

shapes and sizes, with manicured lawns offering<br />

plenty of room for the kids to play and pets to roam.<br />

Rural outlook and close to schools.<br />

For Sale offers invited over $650,000<br />

View 10.45-11.15am Sun 21 Jun<br />

or by appointment<br />

Jo McIntosh 027 384 4279<br />

jo.mcintosh@bayleys.co.nz<br />

Emma Groom 027 555 1075<br />

emma.groom@bayleys.co.nz<br />

Adrienne Goodeve 021 977 877<br />

adrienne.goodeve@bayleys.co.nz<br />


Contemporary 295sqm (approx.) family home with<br />

three double bedrooms (master with ensuite and walkin<br />

robe), family bathroom and separate toilet. Wellappointed<br />

kitchen with modern appliances and walkin<br />

pantry. Open plan north-facing dining/living area.<br />

Upstairs space with kitchenette and balcony with<br />

mountain views giving options as a great space for<br />

both living or working from home. The sunny,<br />

sheltered courtyard is ideal for entertaining and<br />

relaxing. Generous 6,978sqm (approx.) section with<br />

landscaped gardens including established orchard,<br />

vegetable beds, garden shed and tunnel house.<br />

Asking Price $869,000<br />

View 2-2.30pm Sun 21 Jun or by appointment<br />

Jo McIntosh 027 384 4279<br />

jo.mcintosh@bayleys.co.nz<br />

Emma Groom 027 555 1075<br />

emma.groom@bayleys.co.nz<br />

Adrienne Goodeve 021 977 877<br />

adrienne.goodeve@bayleys.co.nz<br />


bayleys.co.nz/551<strong>17</strong>58<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5511635<br />


Boundary lines are indicative only<br />

Self-contained unit<br />

Darfield <strong>17</strong> Bridge Road<br />

Halswell 352/352A Marshs Road<br />

Private family sanctuary<br />

Contemporary 270sqm (approximately) family home<br />

sits on an expansive 1.1868ha (approximately) lifestyle<br />

block. Five bedrooms and two living areas offer the<br />

ultimate versatility with excellent indoor/outdoor flow<br />

promoting easy access outside. The modern kitchen<br />

has good bench and cupboard space allowing you to<br />

cater to the masses. A covered verandah overlooks<br />

established trees and sun-soaked grounds. The icing<br />

on the cake is the orchard oasis with a variety of fruit<br />

and nut trees. A double internal access garage and<br />

separate single garage complete the appeal.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5511528<br />

5 2 2 3<br />

Price by Negotiation<br />

View 1.30-2pm Sun 21 Jun or by appointment<br />

Jo McIntosh 027 384 4279<br />

jo.mcintosh@bayleys.co.nz<br />

Adrienne Goodeve 021 977 877<br />

adrienne.goodeve@bayleys.co.nz<br />

Emma Groom 027 555 1075<br />

emma.groom@bayleys.co.nz<br />


Lifestyle and location - invest<br />

in land!<br />

4.8ha lifestyle property located within a few minutes<br />

of Prebbleton and only 15 minutes to the inner city.<br />

The 326sqm home was tastefully modernised in the<br />

late 1990's. Fully self-contained one bedroom unit.<br />

Multitude of outbuildings, parking and garage<br />

facilities. Working from home is a real option here. 4ha<br />

bare land lot with power and phone connections is<br />

adjacent and also for sale. This is the ideal property,<br />

providing genuine opportunities in a high profile<br />

location.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5511946<br />

6 3 2 3<br />

Deadline Sale (unless sold prior)<br />

1pm, Tue 23 Jun <strong>2020</strong><br />

View Sun 2.30-3pm<br />

Chris Jones 027 220 5043<br />

chris.jones@bayleys.co.nz<br />

Sam Sidey 027 346 3500<br />

sam.sidey@bayleys.co.nz<br />



3<br />

Boundary lines are indicative only<br />

Rolleston 23 Ledbury Drive<br />

Tai Tapu 768 Christchurch Akaroa Road<br />

Exceptionally attractive<br />

4 2 2 2<br />

A lifestyle less ordinary<br />

3 3 2 5<br />

This quality 233sqm (approx.) family home boasts<br />

four generously proportioned bedrooms, including a<br />

master accompanied by a luxurious ensuite. The sleek,<br />

contemporary kitchen is a highlight, while the open<br />

plan layout harmoniously blends versatile living areas.<br />

Excellent indoor/outdoor flow provides easy access<br />

outside. The easy-care 762sqm (approx.) section<br />

features a sheltered Kwila deck (complete with down<br />

lights) and a sun-soaked patio that's perfect for<br />

entertaining and relaxing, while double, internal<br />

access garaging adds further appeal.<br />

Asking Price $680,000<br />

View 3-3.30pm Sun 21 Jun or by appointment<br />

Adrienne Goodeve 021 977 877<br />

adrienne.goodeve@bayleys.co.nz<br />

Jo McIntosh 027 384 4279<br />

jo.mcintosh@bayleys.co.nz<br />


This 3ha property is only a minute away from the<br />

centre of Tai Tapu and a comfortable drive to the city<br />

centre. Epitomising contemporary flair, the distinct<br />

semi-circular residence maximises natural light and<br />

features include interconnecting living and dining<br />

areas, an elegant kitchen, a discreet library nook and<br />

separate study. A sleepout complete with a bathroom<br />

is a further bonus. Sited upon a private, rear section<br />

featuring established trees, three paddocks, an<br />

orchard and vegetable garden. Grasp this opportunity<br />

to secure a local escape like no other.<br />

Deadline Sale (unless sold prior)<br />

1pm, Wed 1 Jul <strong>2020</strong><br />

View Sun 1.15-1.45pm<br />

Chris Jones 027 220 5043<br />

chris.jones@bayleys.co.nz<br />

Sam Sidey 027 346 3500<br />

sam.sidey@bayleys.co.nz<br />


bayleys.co.nz/5512165<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5512310<br />



Boundary lines are indicative only<br />

Boundary lines are indicative only<br />

Weedons 7/634 Weedons Road<br />

West Melton 23 Whitewood Crescent<br />

A lifestyle to love<br />

6 2 3 2<br />

A great little lifestyle<br />

4 2 2 3 2<br />

Expansive home on 4.2ha with unobstructed rural<br />

vistas, open plan living area, modern kitchen, formal<br />

lounge, five bedrooms on the ground floor (master<br />

with ensuite and WIR) and self-contained studio<br />

above the internal access double garage. Easy care<br />

garden with scope to further enhance this outdoor<br />

space. Three open-bay shed with stable, dual access<br />

off Braemoor Lane and seven paddocks with a central<br />

lane system. Located city-side of the thriving centre of<br />

Rolleston and with fast new motorway access for a<br />

quicker commute into the city, countless<br />

conveniences are within easy reach.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5512334<br />

Deadline Sale (unless sold prior)<br />

1pm, Tue 23 Jun <strong>2020</strong><br />

View Sun 12-12.30pm<br />

Chris Jones 027 220 5043<br />

chris.jones@bayleys.co.nz<br />

Sam Sidey 027 346 3500<br />

sam.sidey@bayleys.co.nz<br />


Unseen from the road, this 1.1ha property has been<br />

landscaped to maximise privacy. The timeless home<br />

showcases an attractive combination of Oamaru<br />

stone and cedar and has received recent<br />

enhancements. A three-car garage, two-car carport<br />

and an additional two-bay shed provide excellent<br />

storage options. The paddock offers enough land to<br />

have a pony, a tennis court, an orchard or graze a few<br />

sheep. This property is a natural choice for those<br />

looking for privacy, a little extra space and something<br />

very special.<br />

bayleys.co.nz/5512197<br />

Deadline Sale (unless sold prior)<br />

1pm, Wed 24 Jun <strong>2020</strong><br />

View Sun 10-10.30am<br />

Chris Jones 027 220 5043<br />

chris.jones@bayleys.co.nz<br />

Sam Sidey 027 346 3500<br />

sam.sidey@bayleys.co.nz<br />



4<br />

Zealanders<br />

Zealanders<br />

New • • by<br />

Voted<br />

Voted<br />

2018-<strong>2020</strong> •<br />

★<br />

2018-<strong>2020</strong><br />

2018-<strong>2020</strong><br />

★<br />

Real Estate Sales<br />

Four Seasons Realty 20<strong>17</strong> Ltd | Licensed Agent REAA 2008<br />

Contributor to realestate.co.nz<br />

Your home for local property<br />


5<br />

Zealanders<br />

Zealanders<br />

New • • by<br />

Voted<br />

Voted<br />

2018-<strong>2020</strong> •<br />

★<br />

2018-<strong>2020</strong><br />

2018-<strong>2020</strong><br />

★<br />

Real Estate Sales<br />

Four Seasons Realty 20<strong>17</strong> Ltd | Licensed Agent REAA 2008<br />

Contributor to realestate.co.nz<br />

Your home for local property<br />


6<br />

New Zealanders<br />

Zealanders • • by<br />

Voted<br />

Voted<br />

2018-<strong>2020</strong> •<br />

★<br />

2018-<strong>2020</strong><br />

2018-<strong>2020</strong><br />

★<br />

Real Estate Sales<br />

Four Seasons Realty 20<strong>17</strong> Ltd | Licensed Agent REAA 2008<br />

Contributor to realestate.co.nz<br />

harcourts.co.nz<br />

Your home for local property

7<br />

Hornby<br />

Office<br />

Rolleston<br />

Office<br />

Your local &<br />

most trusted<br />

real estate<br />

team<br />

Lincoln<br />

Office<br />

★<br />

Zealanders<br />

Zealanders ¥ ¥<br />

New by<br />

2018-<strong>2020</strong> ★<br />

Voted<br />

Voted ¥<br />

2018-<strong>2020</strong><br />

2018-<strong>2020</strong><br />

Real Estate Sales<br />


Harcourts Four Seasons Realty has a<br />

formidable presence in the <strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

district with 42 sales agents working<br />

out of three offices.<br />

Contact your local and most trusted Real<br />

Estate experts to help you with your next<br />

move. We’ve got you covered.<br />

Your local offices<br />

Hornby Office<br />

03 349 9919<br />

hornby@harcourts.co.nz<br />

395 Main South Road, Hornby<br />

Lincoln Office<br />

03 662 9933<br />

lincoln@harcourts.co.nz<br />

6 Gerald Street, Lincoln<br />

Rolleston Office<br />

03 347 4711<br />

rolleston@harcourts.co.nz<br />

Unit 13, 70 Rolleston Drive, Rolleston<br />

Your home for local property<br />

Four Seasons Realty 20<strong>17</strong> Ltd | Licensed Agent REAA 2008<br />

Four Seasons Realty






13<br />

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14<br />

Property Brokers Limited Licensed under the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 6 Tennyson Street Rolleston rolleston@pb.co.nz 03 929 0306<br />

Lifestyle with Luxury<br />



1437 Old West Coast Road<br />

Drawing together an elegant ensemble of lifestyle,<br />

luxury, easy live-ability and entertaining exceptionality<br />

comes a 300sqm home where floor plan flexibility<br />

promotes options for working from home or extended<br />

family.<br />

White, bright and flooded in natural light the kitchen is<br />

a hosts delight boasting an array of quality appliances.<br />

Skylights, two heat-pumps and wood burner keep<br />

interiors perfectly acclimated.<br />

On-site cricket pitch, tennis and petanque court serves<br />

up some great outdoor recreation options. Ideal for<br />

small scale agriculture/boutique farming set on a wellsheltered<br />

7.2ha holding accommodating ten paddocks<br />

(with irrigation), a four-bay shed, sheep and cattle yards<br />

and a consented well supported by fertile Rakaia and<br />

Fereday soils.<br />

A seductive blend of lifestyle and luxury in a prized semirural<br />

location only 30km to the CBD. Call Shar and Amy<br />

for viewing arrangements or further information.<br />

WEB ID DFL76346<br />

VIEW 21 & 28 Jun 1.00 - 1.30pm<br />

DEADLINE SALE closes Thursday 2nd July, <strong>2020</strong> at<br />

1.00pm, (unless sold prior)<br />

Shar Simon<br />

Mobile 027 555 0654<br />

shar@pb.co.nz<br />

Amy Jones<br />

Mobile 021 077 9945<br />

amy.jones@pb.co.nz<br />


4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong>,<br />

Proud to be here<br />

Looking to buy, sell, invest or have your<br />

property managed?<br />

Give us a call at Property Brokers <strong>Selwyn</strong>, or<br />

pop in to talk to one of the team today!<br />

Property Brokers <strong>Selwyn</strong> | P 03 929 0306<br />


15<br />

Property Brokers Limited Licensed under the Real Estate Agents Act 2008 6 Tennyson Street Rolleston rolleston@pb.co.nz 03 929 0306<br />

2 Addresses, 1 Title<br />



612/624 Robinsons Road<br />

Known as 612/624 Robinsons Road, working from<br />

home just took on a new meaning. Enjoy all the benefits<br />

of a warm and beautiful modern home that is designed<br />

to maximise indoor outdoor living and still keep that<br />

work life balance by having your home office right on<br />

your back door Step.<br />

•Boasting 10+ car garaging, or various workshop options<br />

•Full work from home self contained office with room to<br />

expand<br />

• Separate 2 bedroom (plus large fully lined storage<br />

room) 2nd dwelling, (perfect for the extended family or<br />

joint venture)<br />

•Large 297m2 approx main home with sheltered<br />

outdoor living<br />

•Motor cross track to keep the kids entertained & still<br />

room for the Pony!<br />

An option is to also take advantage of the existing<br />

business, which is happy to continue to rent the office<br />

space for the next year from you! This property is worth<br />

getting excited about!<br />

Call Angela to arrange your private inspection!<br />

WEB ID ROU76193<br />

VIEW By Appointment<br />

TENDER closes Wednesday 24th <strong>June</strong>, <strong>2020</strong> at<br />

1.00pm<br />

Angela Hunt<br />

Mobile 021 548 777<br />

angela.hunt@pb.co.nz<br />

TENDER<br />

6<br />

3<br />

10<br />

Close to the action!<br />


44 Othello Drive<br />

Rolleston is spreading its wings further and further into<br />

the countryside, but if you want to be in the heart of the<br />

town and close to the shops here is your chance to<br />

purchase a home that is just a short stroll from the town<br />

centre.<br />

In addition, if you are looking for space then look no<br />

further! A fantastic 4-bedroom family home sitting on<br />

760m2 of land, providing all the space required for the<br />

busy family.<br />

The central hub of the home is the generous kitchen<br />

pb.co.nz<br />

boasting lots of bench space and storage, overlooking<br />

the dining and large living area.<br />

Keeping toasty this winter is sorted with the living areas<br />

getting all day sun. In addition there is a log burner<br />

featuring Timaru Bluestone basalt hearth & surround, a<br />

heat transfer and a large heat pump plus double<br />

glazing.<br />

The home has been set up for practical living with vinyl<br />

planking floors throughout the living room and kitchen,<br />

and new carpets in all bedrooms and hallway.<br />


VIEW Sunday 21 Jun 11.00 - 11.30am<br />

WEB ID ROU76216<br />

Angela Hunt<br />

Mobile 021 548 777<br />

angela.hunt@pb.co.nz<br />

BUYERS $519,000+<br />

4<br />

2<br />


A large, quality home sited in a private and established<br />

5021m 2 park-like se ting in the sought after Claremont<br />

Estate on the boundary of Christchurch City.<br />

The home features four bedr oms (master with<br />

en suite and walk-in robe), open-plan kitchen, dining<br />

and living along with formal dining, lounge and<br />

conservatory. Great ind or outd or flow to a large<br />

sheltered deck set in sprawling lawns and easy care<br />

gardens with automated watering. Triple car garaging,<br />

security gates, ducted heating, solar energy and<br />

security system are just a few of the many extras on<br />

offer with this property. There is a separate standalone<br />

spacious office/studio that gives options for<br />

those who require a dedicated work from home space<br />

or alternatively, r om for a dependant relative.<br />

Set amongst other quality homes on larger sections,<br />

this property maintains a semi-rural f el whilst being<br />

a short, easy commute into the city or ou to Ro leston.<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong><br />

Auction (unless sold prior)<br />

Thursday 19 October, 2pm<br />

411 Blenheim Road<br />

www.pggwre.co.nz/DAR26164<br />

Karen Hennessy<br />

Contact:<br />

Phone: 03 341 4301<br />

Mobile: 027 967 0186<br />

karen.he ne sy@p gwrightson.co.nz<br />

W ek commencing Tuesday, 3Rd ocToBeR 20<strong>17</strong><br />

Brand new ‘show stopper’ with 4 car garaging<br />

As always, this builder has finished his latest new build to<br />

perfection, incorporating a l the ‘must haves’ and more for<br />

the discerning buyer. Situated on a 12 0m 2 section, with<br />

an established backdrop, the substantial 315m 2 fl or plan<br />

provides the ultimate in family living options. The su ny &<br />

spacious open plan living r om boasts a designer kitchen<br />

with 90cms oven, stone bench tops & a walk in pantry,<br />

together with define dining, living & study spaces that<br />

The formal lounge als opens to the landscaped garden<br />

& has a boxed high stud ceiling with sound speakers. A l 4<br />

bedr oms are fabulously proportioned qu en sized r oms,<br />

with the master suite providing the perfect parents’ retreat<br />

featuring an amazing dre sing r om with fu l wardrobe<br />

system, a ditional storage & a beautiful tiled ensuite with<br />

double tiled shower, fr estanding bath & twin vanities. The<br />

family bathr om is equa ly elegant with a tiled shower &<br />

twin vanities. Cosy up in front of the log burner, k ep your<br />

toes warm with the under tile heating in the bathr oms &<br />

k ep c ol or warm, as required, a the push of a bu ton with<br />

2 heat pumps.<br />

The home’s practical layout also includes a walk-in linen<br />

r om, a substantial separate laundry, a tic storage with<br />

la der a ce s and last, but certainly not least, hugely sought<br />

after 4 car garaging. From the moment you a proach this<br />

premium property, you wi l a preciate what a privilege it<br />

would be to be able to ca l it ‘home’.<br />

www.flemington.co.nz<br />

DeaDline Sale:<br />

Closing 4pm on Monday<br />

11th <strong>June</strong> 2018<br />

(unless sold prior)<br />

rwro leston.co.nz/RLL23148<br />

Town & Lifestyle Real Estate Ltd<br />

Licensed (REAA 2 08) - West Melton<br />

Sarah Booth<br />

Contact:<br />

Mobile: 027 527 8258<br />

Brendan ‘Big Red’ Shefford<br />

Contact:<br />

Mobile: 027 224 4733<br />

Lincoln - 03 325 7299<br />

Ro leston - 03 347 9988<br />

West Melton - 03 347 9933<br />

THe BeST PRoPeRTieS AcRo S<br />

W ek commencing WeDneSDAY, 23RD mAY 2018<br />

Town & Lifestyle Real Estate Ltd<br />

Licensed (REAA 2 08)<br />

2<br />

16 [Edition datE]<br />

Your guide to all things Real Estate<br />

in the <strong>Selwyn</strong> District<br />

Managing the<br />

mortgage<br />

The Covid-19 lockdown has led to<br />

some people experiencing financial<br />

hardship.<br />

Local mortgage broker, Ricky Rhodes<br />

says a key to managing debt is talking to<br />

your broker or bank.<br />

“Everyone’s circumstances are<br />

different so it’s important to get<br />

individual advice. There are a range<br />

of options available to assist people<br />

who are finding it hard to meet their<br />

mortgage commitments,” advises Ricky.<br />

Support packages are generally<br />

tailored to the needs of individual<br />

borrowers. Options range from<br />

restructuring a mortgage to deferring<br />

or minimising payments, like paying<br />

interest only for a period of time.<br />

Restructuring a loan, means those<br />

who have the capacity can still work<br />

at decreasing the principal component<br />

of their mortgage, along with making<br />

interest payments. Lower repayments<br />

will extend the length of a mortgage.<br />

Mortgage deferment allows mortgage<br />

repayments to be suspended for up to<br />

six months. The amount owed will be<br />

higher in six months’ time, than would<br />

otherwise be the case, had the mortgage<br />

holiday not been taken. The advantage<br />

of this option, is it allows people time to<br />

work out their finances.<br />

Where finances are particularly<br />

tight, interest only payments can be<br />

made. The loan balance will not change<br />

so more time will be added to the<br />

mortgage.<br />

Where only one partner’s income<br />

has been affected, rather than choosing<br />

interest only payments, it might be<br />

more financially viable to make at least<br />

some payment off the principal as well.<br />

Ricky reminds: “Every situation is<br />

different. The most important thing<br />

is for people to get through the now,<br />

understanding the options available.”<br />

Where it is possible, he encourages<br />

people to pay more than the minimum<br />

amount off their mortgage so when<br />

situations like unemployment occur,<br />

their payments can easily be adjusted<br />

back to the minimum required.<br />

“Paying your mortgage off as quickly<br />

as possible, reduces the interest expense<br />

of your mortgage and overall cost of<br />

purchasing your home,” advises Ricky.<br />

“Maintaining a habit of paying more<br />

also creates future opportunities such<br />

as the chance to upscale your home.”<br />

Home ownership provides financial<br />

security and the opportunity to<br />

increase your asset base whereas<br />

continually borrowing against a<br />

mortgage for holidays and other<br />

consumables simply increases the<br />

principal owing over time. The aim<br />

should be to purchase a property<br />

within your means rather than<br />

set your expectations too high<br />

and over-extend your financial<br />

position by stretching the budget<br />

too far.<br />

“With interest rates so low, it is<br />

a good time to pay off your own<br />

home rather than paying off the<br />

landlord’s loan,” says Ricky who<br />

admits he enjoys helping people<br />

buy a home.<br />

Local mortgage<br />

broker, Ricky Rhodes.<br />


THe SeLWYn DiSTRicT<br />

INSIDE<br />

Quality Home, Private Setting, Sought After Location<br />

extend through sliding d ors to a large deck & covered ‘al<br />

fresco’ entertaining area.<br />

63 Rossington Drive, West Melton Open Home: Sunday 2.00pm - 2.30pm<br />

EVERY WEDNESDAY inside <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong><br />

Address: 19 Devine Drive, Templeton Open Home: Sunday 8 & 15 October, 1pm - 1.45pm<br />

Get the power<br />

of three offices<br />

working for you<br />

Your section hunt<br />

starts here<br />

New Falcon’s Landing sales office open, <strong>17</strong> Branthwaite Drive, Ro leston,<br />

Ray White Rolleston,<br />

Lincoln & West Melton<br />

Sales - Property Management - Loan Market<br />

Residential - Lifestyle - Commercial<br />

Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays from 1-3pm. Come, visit and share in our vision<br />

for Ro leston. Or ca l us anytime 03 741 1340. Email enquiries@yoursection.nz<br />

Get your messages into homes throughout<br />

the <strong>Selwyn</strong> District.<br />

Delivered to every home & rural letterbox<br />

(also available at selected pick up points).<br />

For full information on placing your<br />

advertising call:<br />

Lynette Evans<br />

Ph 021 222 7831 | email: lynette.evans@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Printed on<br />

high impact<br />

Gloss!<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> dedicated to getting you outstanding results & making our district a better place to live.

<strong>17</strong><br />


Visit one of our three stunning showhomes to gather ideas for your dream home<br />

Show<br />

home<br />

Guide<br />

97 Ledbury Drive, Faringdon 37 Prestons Park Drive, Marshland<br />

39 Prestons Park Drive, Marshland<br />


All three showhomes<br />

Open Wed-Sun 12pm-4pm<br />

Promote your<br />

Showhome<br />

throughout<br />

Christchurch<br />

and the <strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

District<br />

Contact Mike Fulham:<br />

Phone 03 379 7100<br />

mike@starmedia.kiwi<br />

now is the right time<br />


31 Watts Road, Sockburn<br />

Open Mon-Fri 8am-5pm<br />

0800 844 488<br />

signature.co.nz<br />

Thinking of Building?<br />

Come on over... and be inspired.<br />

Jennian Homes Canterbury are proud to deliver quality homes at affordable prices, alongside<br />

our Jennian Completion Promise and a 36 month defects warranty.<br />

Start your building journey by visiting us at any one of our three Display Homes...<br />

Rolleston<br />

2 Thornborough Drive<br />

The Borough<br />

Open Saturday and Sunday<br />

12-4pm or by appointment<br />

Ashburton<br />

Cnr Whiteoak Gr and<br />

Waterford Pl, Oaklea, Tinwald<br />

Wednesday and Thursday 12-<br />

3pm, Sunday 12-3pm<br />

Jennian Homes Canterbury | 212 Main South Road, Sockburn, Christchurch<br />

P 03 7411436 | E canterbury@jennian.co.nz | jennian.co.nz<br />

full deSign/build<br />

Showhome open<br />

39 Sherborne Street, St Albans<br />

Call now: 021 575 545<br />

www.firsthomes.nz<br />


Ravenswood<br />

2 John Raven Lane,<br />

Ravenswood, Woodend<br />

Opening 30th May <strong>2020</strong>!<br />

Christchurch<br />



FROM $530,000<br />

House <strong>17</strong>6m2 Section 480m2<br />


We are the property investment specialist<br />

who simply make your development easy.<br />

explore a new way of living<br />

With over 800 homes built and 19+ years<br />

experience we know how it’s done and done well.<br />

Lets chat about how we can secure a<br />

rock solid investment and safe future.<br />

Call Andrew on 027 220 6558<br />

www.touchstonehomes.co.nz<br />

Touchstone Homes<br />

Falcons Landing Rolleston<br />

15 Falcon Road, Rolleston<br />

Open Wednesday to Sunday<br />

10pm - 4pm<br />

03 961 6046<br />

www.touchstonehomes.co.nz<br />

Jennian Homes<br />

Canterbury<br />

Rolleston<br />

2 Thornborough Drive<br />

The Borough<br />

Open Saturday to Sunday<br />

12pm - 4pm<br />

New Display Home Now Open<br />

Woodend<br />

9 John Raven Lane, Ravenswood<br />

Open Saturday & Sunday<br />

12pm - 4pm<br />

Ashburton<br />

Whiteoak Grove, Oaklea<br />

Development, Tinwald<br />

Open Wednesday & Thursday<br />

12pm - 3pm<br />

Open Sunday<br />

12pm - 3pm<br />

www.jennian.co.nz<br />

First Homes<br />

St Albans<br />

39 Sherborne Street<br />

Phone 021 575 545 1480<br />

www.firsthomes.co.nz<br />

Signature Homes<br />

Farington, Rolleston<br />

97 Ledbury Drive, Faringdon<br />

Open Wednesday to Sunday<br />

12pm - 4pm<br />

Falcons Landing, Rolleston<br />

1 Falcon Road, Falcons Landing<br />

Open Wednesday to Sunday<br />

12pm - 4pm<br />

Prestons Park<br />

37 & 39 Prestons Park Drive<br />

Marshland, Christchurch<br />

Both open Wednesday to Sunday<br />

12pm - 4pm<br />

Show Room/Office:<br />

31 Watts Road, Sockburn<br />

0800 8444 88 or 03 3427788<br />

www.signature.co.nz<br />

To advertise in<br />

The Showhome Guide<br />

Contact Elaine: (03) 364 7436<br />


A large, quality home sited in a private and established<br />

5021m 2 park-like se ting in the sought after Claremont<br />

Estate on the boundary of Christchurch City.<br />

The home features four bedr oms (master with<br />

en suite and walk-in robe), open-plan kitchen, dining<br />

and living along with formal dining, lounge and<br />

conservatory. Great ind or outd or flow to a large<br />

sheltered deck set in sprawling lawns and easy care<br />

gardens with automated watering. Triple car garaging,<br />

security gates, ducted heating, solar energy and<br />

security system are just a few of the many extras on<br />

offer with this property. There is a separate standalone<br />

spacious office/studio that gives options for<br />

those who require a dedicated work from home space<br />

or alternatively, r om for a dependant relative.<br />

Set amongst other quality homes on larger sections,<br />

this property maintains a semi-rural f el whilst being<br />

a short, easy commute into the city or ou to Ro leston.<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong><br />

Auction (unless sold prior)<br />

Thursday 19 October, 2pm<br />

411 Blenheim Road<br />

www.pggwre.co.nz/DAR26164<br />

Karen Hennessy<br />

Contact:<br />

Phone: 03 341 4301<br />

Mobile: 027 967 0186<br />

karen.he ne sy@p gwrightson.co.nz<br />

W ek commencing Tuesday, 3Rd ocToBeR 20<strong>17</strong><br />

Brand new ‘show stopper’ with 4 car garaging<br />

As always, this builder has finished his latest new build to<br />

perfection, incorporating a l the ‘must haves’ and more for<br />

the discerning buyer. Situated on a 12 0m 2 section, with<br />

an established backdrop, the substantial 315m 2 fl or plan<br />

provides the ultimate in family living options. The su ny &<br />

spacious open plan living r om boasts a designer kitchen<br />

with 90cms oven, stone bench tops & a walk in pantry,<br />

together with define dining, living & study spaces that<br />

The formal lounge als opens to the landscaped garden<br />

& has a boxed high stud ceiling with sound speakers. A l 4<br />

bedr oms are fabulously proportioned qu en sized r oms,<br />

with the master suite providing the perfect parents’ retreat<br />

featuring an amazing dre sing r om with fu l wardrobe<br />

system, a ditional storage & a beautiful tiled ensuite with<br />

double tiled shower, fr estanding bath & twin vanities. The<br />

family bathr om is equa ly elegant with a tiled shower &<br />

twin vanities. Cosy up in front of the log burner, k ep your<br />

toes warm with the under tile heating in the bathr oms &<br />

k ep c ol or warm, as required, a the push of a bu ton with<br />

2 heat pumps.<br />

The home’s practical layout also includes a walk-in linen<br />

r om, a substantial separate laundry, a tic storage with<br />

la der a ce s and last, but certainly not least, hugely sought<br />

after 4 car garaging. From the moment you a proach this<br />

premium property, you wi l a preciate what a privilege it<br />

would be to be able to ca l it ‘home’.<br />

www.flemington.co.nz<br />

DeaDline Sale:<br />

Closing 4pm on Monday<br />

11th <strong>June</strong> 2018<br />

(unless sold prior)<br />

rwro leston.co.nz/RLL23148<br />

Town & Lifestyle Real Estate Ltd<br />

Licensed (REAA 2 08) - West Melton<br />

Sarah Booth<br />

Contact:<br />

Mobile: 027 527 8258<br />

Brendan ‘Big Red’ Shefford<br />

Contact:<br />

Mobile: 027 224 4733<br />

Lincoln - 03 325 7299<br />

Ro leston - 03 347 9988<br />

West Melton - 03 347 9933<br />

THe BeST PRoPeRTieS AcRo S<br />

W ek commencing WeDneSDAY, 23RD mAY 2018<br />

Town & Lifestyle Real Estate Ltd<br />

Licensed (REAA 2 08)<br />

2<br />

18 [Edition datE]<br />

Your guide to all things Real Estate<br />

in the <strong>Selwyn</strong> District<br />

Rolleston’s<br />

Falcon’s Landing has released stage 5.<br />

residential<br />

growth<br />

Eastonfield, sections 550-748sqm.<br />

For some years, land has been<br />

opening up for residential development<br />

throughout the district. While housing<br />

subdivisions have popped up in<br />

Darfield, Leeston, Lincoln, West Melton<br />

and Southbridge, the most extensive<br />

growth has been in Rolleston.<br />

Pockets of land have been re-zoned<br />

residential on an almost continual basis,<br />

offering options on section sizes and<br />

locations for people who are looking to<br />

build a new home. Development and<br />

the sale of lots has progressed at such<br />

a speed that as quickly as stages in new<br />

subdivision are released the sections are<br />

sold.<br />

Along Springston-Rolleston Road,<br />

a few sections remain in Branthwaite.<br />

At Falcon’s Landing, stage five has now<br />

been released. The four previous stages<br />

of the planned total 600 sections, which<br />

range from 430-1,000sqm and start at<br />

$158,000, are nearly all sold.<br />

Bordering the Lincoln-Rolleston Road<br />

a number of new housing subdivisions<br />

have risen from the paddocks. Across<br />

from Rolleston College, Urban Estates<br />

has a prime location, close to the town’s<br />

amenities, perhaps explaining why<br />

there are only a few lots still available.<br />

In the smaller Eastonfield next door,<br />

sections range from 550 to 748sqm with<br />

a starting price of $180,500.<br />

At The Borough (across from and<br />

part of the Faringdon development)<br />

land options are between 488sqm<br />

and 550sqm, priced from $165,000.<br />

In Acland Park, lots range from 400-<br />

1,000sqm and begin at $155,000.<br />

Urban Estates has another<br />

subdivision, Fairbairn, on Fairbairn<br />

Road. This will ultimately link up with<br />

Goulds Road, along which the housing<br />

development of Goulds Estate offers<br />

house and land packages. Nearby on<br />

East Maddisons Road, sections are now<br />

being sold at Olivefields.<br />

In West Rolleston, the very last<br />

sections of Stonebrook, Newman Park<br />

and Maddisons Park are for sale.<br />

To the east, a small pocket of land has<br />

opened up in Park Lane while the larger<br />

blocks in the eco-friendly emphasis<br />

Coles Fields, have been ticking away.<br />

Affordability is a key influencer in<br />

attracting people to Rolleston. Section<br />

prices come in around $50,000 to<br />

$100,000 less than for an equivalent<br />

size in the city. Land prices in Rolleston<br />

are generally comparable with little<br />

variance in price. There is also a good<br />

number of house and land packages<br />

available.<br />

Retirees too, are now catered for<br />

in Rolleston with the Mary Brittan<br />

Lifestyle Village, developed by Mike<br />

Greer Homes, The Boulevard and<br />

Woodcroft Estate.<br />

Urban Estates has a prime location.<br />


THe SeLWYn DiSTRicT<br />

INSIDE<br />

Quality Home, Private Setting, Sought After Location<br />

extend through sliding d ors to a large deck & covered ‘al<br />

fresco’ entertaining area.<br />

63 Rossington Drive, West Melton Open Home: Sunday 2.00pm - 2.30pm<br />

EVERY WEDNESDAY inside <strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong><br />

Address: 19 Devine Drive, Templeton Open Home: Sunday 8 & 15 October, 1pm - 1.45pm<br />

Get the power<br />

of three offices<br />

working for you<br />

Your section hunt<br />

starts here<br />

New Falcon’s Landing sales office open, <strong>17</strong> Branthwaite Drive, Ro leston,<br />

Ray White Rolleston,<br />

Lincoln & West Melton<br />

Sales - Property Management - Loan Market<br />

Residential - Lifestyle - Commercial<br />

Thursdays, Fridays and Sundays from 1-3pm. Come, visit and share in our vision<br />

for Ro leston. Or ca l us anytime 03 741 1340. Email enquiries@yoursection.nz<br />

Get your messages into homes throughout<br />

the <strong>Selwyn</strong> District.<br />

Delivered to every home & rural letterbox<br />

(also available at selected pick up points).<br />

For full information on placing your<br />

advertising call:<br />

Lynette Evans<br />

Ph 021 222 7831 | email: lynette.evans@starmedia.kiwi<br />

Printed on<br />

high impact<br />

Gloss!<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong> <strong>Times</strong> dedicated to getting you outstanding results & making our district a better place to live.

This Week’s<br />

19<br />

12.00pm – 12.30pm<br />

12.00pm – 12.30pm<br />

12.30pm – 1.15pm<br />

12.45pm – 1.15pm<br />

1.00pm – 1.30pm<br />

1.30pm – 2.00pm<br />

2.00pm – 2.30pm<br />

11.00am – 12.00pm<br />

12.00pm – 12.30pm<br />

12.45pm – 1.15pm<br />

1.00pm – 1.30pm<br />

1.00pm – 1.30pm<br />

1.00pm – 1.30pm<br />

1.30pm – 2.00pm<br />

1.45pm – 2.15pm<br />

2.00pm – 2.30pm<br />

2.00pm – 3.00pm<br />

2.30pm – 3.30pm<br />

2.30pm – 3.15pm<br />

2.45pm – 3.15pm<br />

10.00am – 10.30am<br />

10.45am – 11.15am<br />

11.00am – 12.00pm<br />

11.00am 11.30am<br />

11.00am 11.30am<br />

11.00am – 11.30am<br />

11.00am – 11.30am<br />

11.15am – 11.45am<br />

11.30am – 12.00pm<br />

11.30am – 12.00pm<br />

11.30am – 12.00pm<br />

12.00pm – 12.30pm<br />

12.00pm – 12.30pm<br />

Thursday 18Th june<br />

<strong>17</strong> Dalkeith Street, Hoon Hay<br />

Harcourts Four Seasons Realty<br />

48 Blakes Road, Prebbleton<br />

Harcourts Four Seasons Realty<br />

8 Payne Court, Lincoln<br />

Harcourts Four Seasons Realty<br />

19 Dalkeith Street, Hoon Hay<br />

Harcourts Four Seasons Realty<br />

9 Mersham Drive, Prebbleton<br />

Harcourts Four Seasons Realty<br />

21 Dalkeith Street, Hoon Hay<br />

Harcourts Four Seasons Realty<br />

62 Dryden Avenue, Rolleston<br />

Harcourts Four Seasons Realty<br />

saTurday 20Th june<br />

9 Farnborough Way, Rolleston<br />

Harcourts Four Seasons Realty<br />

<strong>17</strong> Dalkeith Street, Hoon Hay<br />

Harcourts Four Seasons Realty<br />

19 Dalkeith Street, Hoon Hay<br />

Harcourts Four Seasons Realty<br />

422 Yaldhurst Road, Russley<br />

Property Brokers<br />

82 Forest Drive, Methven<br />

Bayleys Canterbury<br />

15 Patton Street, Methven<br />

Bayleys Canterbury<br />

21 Dalkeith Street, Hoon Hay<br />

Harcourts Four Seasons Realty<br />

2273 Bealey Road, Hororata<br />

Ray White West Melton<br />

59 Lemonwood Drive, Rolleston<br />

Harcourts Four Seasons Realty<br />

11 Petticoat Lane, Doyleston<br />

Property Brokers<br />

8 Payne Court, Lincoln<br />

Harcourts Four Seasons Realty<br />

380 Halkett Road, West Melton<br />

Ray White West Melton<br />

164 Karanga Road,Dunsandel<br />

Ray White Rolleston<br />

sunday 21sT june<br />

23 Whitewood Crescent, West Melton<br />

Bayleys Canterbury<br />

44 McLaughlins Road, Darfield<br />

Bayleys Canterbury<br />

9 Farnborough Way, Rolleston<br />

Harcourts Four Seasons Realty<br />

11 Chedworth Court, Rolleston<br />

Ray White Rolleston<br />

44 Othello Drive, Rolleston<br />

Property Brokers<br />

422 Yaldhurst Road, Russley<br />

Property Brokers<br />

20 Wilfield Drive, West Melton<br />

Ray White West Melton<br />

12 Crowder Street, Lincoln<br />

Ray White Rolleston<br />

1/21 Hoon Hay Road, Hoon Hay<br />

Ray White West Melton<br />

45 Tobollie Drive, Rolleston<br />

Ray White West Melton<br />

43 Clausen Avenue, Leeston<br />

Bayleys Canterbury<br />

5 Runnymede Drive, Templeton<br />

Harcourts Four Seasons Realty<br />

<strong>17</strong> Dalkeith Street, Hoon Hay<br />

Harcourts Four Seasons Realty<br />

12.00pm – 12.30pm<br />

12.00pm – 12.30pm<br />

12.00pm – 12.30pm<br />

12.00pm– 12.30pm<br />

12.00pm – 12.30pm<br />

12.00pm – 12.30pm<br />

12.00pm – 12.30pm<br />

12.00pm – 12.30pm<br />

12.00pm – 12.30pm<br />

12.00pm – 12.30pm<br />

12.00pm – 12.30pm<br />

12.15pm – 12.45pm<br />

12.15pm – 12.45pm<br />

12.30pm – 1.00pm<br />

12.30pm – 1.00pm<br />

12.30pm – 1.00pm<br />

12.30pm – 1.00pm<br />

1.00pm – 1.30pm<br />

1.00pm – 1.35pm<br />

1.00pm – 1.30pm<br />

1.00pm– 1.30pm<br />

1.00pm – 1.30pm<br />

1.00pm – 1.30pm<br />

1.00pm – 1.30pm<br />

1.00pm – 1.30pm<br />

1.00pm – 1.45pm<br />

1.00pm – 1.45pm<br />

1.00pm – 1.30pm<br />

1.00pm – 1.30pm<br />

1.15pm – 2.00pm<br />

1.15pm – 1.45pm<br />

1.15pm – 1.45pm<br />

1.15pm – 1.45pm<br />

1.15pm – 1.45pm<br />

1.30pm – 2.00pm<br />

1.30pm – 2.15pm<br />

1.30pm – 2.00pm<br />

1.30pm – 2.00pm<br />

48 Blakes Road, Prebbleton<br />

Harcourts Four Seasons Realty<br />

6 Barcote Lane, Rolleston<br />

Harcourts Four Seasons Realty<br />

31 Rolleston Drive,Rolleston<br />

Ray White Rolleston<br />

23B Jozecom Place, Rolleston<br />

Ray White Rolleston<br />

1045 Goulds Road, Rolleston<br />

Ray White Rolleston<br />

1 Lignite Drive, Rolleston<br />

Property Brokers<br />

116 Broadlands Drive, Rolleston<br />

Property Brokers<br />

4 Hulme Lane, Rolleston<br />

Ray White Rolleston<br />

7/634 Weedons Road, Weedons<br />

Bayleys Canterbury<br />

1<strong>17</strong>5 Goulds Road<br />

Matson & Allan Rolleston<br />

506 West Melton Road<br />

Matson & Allan Rolleston<br />

4 Graycliffe, Halswell<br />

Ray White Lincoln<br />

33 Tobollie Drive, Rolleston<br />

Ray White West Melton<br />

153A High Street, Rolleston<br />

Harcourts Four Seasons Realty<br />

1 Kelly Close, Lincoln<br />

Ray White Rolleston<br />

62 Riverstone Drive<br />

Matson & Allan Rolleston<br />

37 Falcon Road, Rolleston<br />

Ray White rolleston<br />

84 Kemble Drive, Rolleston<br />

Harcourts Four Seasons Realty<br />

9 Mersham Drive, Prebbleton<br />

Harcourts Four Seasons Realty<br />

22 Pollock Place,Rolleston<br />

Ray White Rolleston<br />

16 Bellbird Place, Rolleston<br />

Property Brokers<br />

40B Beaumont Drive, Rolleston<br />

Ray White Rolleston<br />

1437 Old West Coast Road, West Melton<br />

Property Brokers<br />

30 Fairfield Way, Rolleston<br />

Property Brokers<br />

46 Andesite Drive, Rolleston<br />

Property Brokers<br />

264 Days Road, Springston<br />

Property Brokers<br />

89 Durey Road, Lincoln<br />

Ray White West Melton<br />

1315B Courtenay Road, Kirwee<br />

Bayleys Canterbury<br />

112 Branthwaite Drive<br />

Matson & Allan Rolleston<br />

47 Melton Grange Road, West Melton<br />

Harcourts Four Seasons Realty<br />

11D Camron Crescent, Rolleston<br />

Ray White West Melton<br />

8C Renoir Drive, Rolleston<br />

Ray White Rolleston<br />

768 Christchurch Akaroa Road, Tai Tapu<br />

Bayleys Canterbury<br />

15 Fram Crescent<br />

Matson & Allan Rolleston<br />

21 Dalkeith Street, Hoon Hay<br />

Harcourts Four Seasons Realty<br />

8 Wilfield Drive, West Melton<br />

Harcourts Four Seasons Realty<br />

14 Grace Way, Rolleston<br />

Ray White West Melton<br />

<strong>17</strong> Bridge Road, Darfield<br />

Bayleys Canterbury<br />

1.45pm– 2.15pm<br />

1.45pm – 2.15pm<br />

1.45pm – 2.15pm<br />

2.00pm – 2.30pm<br />

2.00pm – 2.30pm<br />

2.00pm – 2.30pm<br />

2.00pm – 2.30pm<br />

2.00pm – 2.30pm<br />

2.00pm – 2.30pm<br />

2.00pm – 2.30pm<br />

2.00pm – 3.00pm<br />

2.00pm – 2.30pm<br />

2.00pm – 2.30pm<br />

2.15pm – 3.00pm<br />

2.15pm – 2.45pm<br />

2.15pm – 2.30pm<br />

2.15pm – 2.45pm<br />

2.30pm – 3.15pm<br />

2.30pm – 3.30pm<br />

2.30pm– 3.00pm<br />

2.30pm – 3.00pm<br />

2.30pm – 3.00pm<br />

2.30pm – 3.30pm<br />

2.45pm – 3.15pm<br />

3.00pm – 3.30pm<br />

3.00pm – 3.30pm<br />

3.00pm – 3.30pm<br />

3.15pm – 3.45pm<br />

3.15pm – 3.45pm<br />

3.15pm – 3.45pm<br />

3 Julia Close, Rolleston<br />

Ray White Rolleston<br />

1/353 Main South Road, Hornby<br />

Ray White Rolleston<br />

<strong>17</strong> Philippa Drive<br />

Matson & Allan Rolleston<br />

59 Lemonwood Drive, Rolleston<br />

Harcourts Four Seasons Realty<br />

62 Dryden Avenue, Rolleston<br />

Harcourts Four Seasons Realty<br />

37 Renoir Drive Rolleston<br />

Ray White Rolleston<br />

13 Tobollie Drive, Rolleston<br />

Ray White Rolleston<br />

30 Fairfield Way, Rolleston<br />

Property Brokers<br />

2 Liddington Way, Rolleston<br />

Property Brokers<br />

19 Liddington Drive, Rolleston<br />

Ray White Rolleston<br />

315 Hasketts Road, Yaldhurst<br />

Ray White Lincoln<br />

<strong>17</strong> McHugh Crescent, Darfield<br />

Bayleys Canterbury<br />

31 George Street<br />

Matson & Allan Rolleston<br />

226 Dunns Crossing Road, Rolleston<br />

Harcourts Four Seasons Realty<br />

3 Milton Court, Rolleston<br />

Ray White Rolleston<br />

40 Bavaria Drive, Rolleston<br />

Ray White Rolleston<br />

46 Andesite Drive, Rolleston<br />

Property Brokers<br />

3 Payne Court, Lincoln<br />

Harcourts Four Seasons Realty<br />

8 Payne Court, Lincoln<br />

Harcourts Four Seasons Realty<br />

16 Bellbird Place, Rolleston<br />

Property Brokers<br />

6 Albert Jam s Place<br />

Matson & Allan Rolleston<br />

74 Alpineview<br />

Matson & Allan Rolleston<br />

Torlesse Estate, Creyke Road<br />

Matson & Allan Darfield<br />

38 Masefield Drive, Rolleston<br />

Ray White Rolleston<br />

18A Fatima Street, Redwood<br />

Harcourts Four Seasons Realty<br />

43 Oakley Drive, Rolleston<br />

Property Brokers<br />

23 Ledbury Drive, Rolleston<br />

Bayleys Canterbury<br />

107 East Maddisons Road, Rolleston<br />

Ray White Rolleston<br />

8 Tobollie Drive, Rolleston<br />

Ray White Rolleston<br />

34 Whitehorn Drive, Lincoln<br />

Ray White Lincoln<br />







For full details of all<br />

Open Homes, please<br />

contact the Real<br />

Estate companies<br />


Rolleston 03 347 9988<br />

www.rwRolleston.co.nz<br />

WEST MELTON 03 347 9933<br />

www.rwwestmelton.co.nz<br />

LINCOLN 03 325 7299<br />

www.rwlincoln.co.nz<br />


www.propertybrokers.co.nz<br />

Rolleston 03 929 0306<br />


03 375 4700<br />

www.bayleys.co.nz<br />


www.fourseasons.harcourts.co.nz<br />

Harcourts HORNBY 03 349 9919<br />

Harcourts Rolleston 03 347 4711<br />

Harcourts LINCOLN 03 662 9933<br />


www.marealestate.co.nz<br />

Rolleston 03 347 9949<br />

DARFIELD 03 318 8204<br />

LEESTON 03 324 3704

20<br />

M-A<br />



‘The<br />

<strong>Selwyn</strong><br />

Experts’<br />

Residential<br />

Lifestyle<br />

Rural Property<br />

Licensed REAA2008<br />

ROLLESTON - 112 Branthwaite Drive<br />


• 224m 2 4 bedroom 2 bathroom brand new home<br />

• Fully fenced 753m 2 section on council reserve<br />

boundary<br />

• Sunny open-plan living and separate lounge<br />

• 2.7m stud plus overheight doors<br />

• Kitchen with walk-in pantry and high-end appliances<br />

• Heated by log burner and 2x roof mounted heat<br />

pumps<br />

• Fully tiled, underfloor heated bathrooms<br />

• Carpeted 2 car garage & separate laundry<br />

• Excellent location on a quiet, private section<br />


Open Home: Sun 1.00pm - 1.30pm<br />

Price: Neg Over $680,000<br />

View: www.marealestate.co.nz/MA0734<br />


ROLLESTON - <strong>17</strong> Philippa Drive<br />


• 2 year old, 193m 2 , high-spec, modern home<br />

• 3 bedroom, open-plan living<br />

• Fully tiled showers, including a double in ensuite<br />

• Ducted heatpump throughout<br />

• Large north-facing deck with built-in seating and<br />

planter boxes<br />

• Drive-through, carpeted garage<br />

• Masterbuild guarantee<br />

• Lemonwood School zone<br />


Open Home: Sun 1.45pm - 2.15pm<br />

Price: $570,000<br />

View: www.marealestate.co.nz/MA0725<br />


Andrew Taylor<br />

0274 355 930<br />

andrew@marealestate.co.nz<br />

Andrew Taylor<br />

0274 355 930<br />

andrew@marealestate.co.nz<br />

ROLLESTON - 62 Riverstone Drive<br />



• Superbly constructed in 2018<br />

• Expansive 352m 2 executive home<br />

• Home and one-bedroom unit<br />

• Five double bedrooms<br />

• Large master with ensuite and walk in robe<br />

• Three living areas<br />

• Designated study<br />

• Premium kitchen with quality appliances<br />

• Large butlers pantry<br />

• Separate laundry<br />

• Four car garaging<br />

• Further additional parking for motor home and/or boat<br />

• Desirable and popular location<br />

Open Home: Sun 12.30pm - 1.00pm<br />

Price: Neg Over $949,000<br />

View: www.marealestate.co.nz/MA0719<br />

Jackie Derrick<br />

027 636 3576<br />

jackie@marealestate.co.nz<br />


ROLLESTON - 12 Grace Way<br />


• Four double bedrooms<br />

• Tw o separate living areas<br />

• Modern kitchen with stone benchtops<br />

• Master suite with stunning ensuite and WIR<br />

• Beautifully specified bathroom<br />

• Large deck for entertaining<br />

• Well established and spacious section<br />

• Garden shed<br />

• Double internal access garage<br />

• Fantastic location<br />

View: By Appointment<br />

Price: Neg over $530,000<br />

View: www.marealestate.co.nz/MA0728<br />

Jackie Derrick<br />

027 636 3576<br />

jackie@marealestate.co.nz<br />


DUNSANDEL - 6 Albert James Place<br />


5459M 2 SECTION<br />

• Beautifully maintained 5459m 2 property<br />

• Three double bedrooms in main house<br />

(master with ensuite)<br />

• Modern kitchen with living areas either side<br />

• Heated by log burner, heat pump and HRV<br />

• Rumpus room or 3rd lounge<br />

• Large sun drenched deck and BBQ area<br />

• Tw o bedroom self contained cottage<br />

• Several small paddocks, separate four bay shed and<br />

plenty of privacy in all directions<br />


Open Home: Sun 2.30pm - 3.00pm<br />

Price: Neg Over $680,000<br />

View: www.marealestate.co.nz/MA0727<br />

Cameron McRae 027 7696 696<br />

Chris Flanagan 027 433 4657<br />


ROLLESTON - 1<strong>17</strong>5 Goulds Road<br />



• 210m2 home on easy care 682m2 section<br />

• Handy to schools, town centre and dog park<br />

• Four genuine double bedrooms<br />

• Double glazing<br />

• Roomy practical kitchen<br />

• Adjoining dining area<br />

• Huge separate lounge<br />

• Tw o quality bathrooms including ensuite<br />

• Separate laundry<br />

• Attached double garage and stacks of storage<br />

Cameron McRae<br />

027 769 6696<br />

cameron@marealestate.co.nz<br />


Open Home: Sun 12.00 - 12.30pm<br />

Price: $559,000<br />

View: www.marealestate.co.nz/MA0726<br />


WEST MELTON - 478 Hoskyns Road<br />



• 4 Hectares (2 road frontages)<br />

• Main home - Four double bedroom family home<br />

(270m²)<br />

• Second home - Modern Two bedroom<br />

• Established shelter belts and mature garden setting<br />

• Close proximity to the thriving Rolleston Township<br />

and all its amenities<br />

View: By Appointment<br />

Price: Neg Over $1,100,000<br />

View: www.marealestate.co.nz/MA0702<br />

Chris Flanagan<br />

027 433 4657<br />

chris@marealestate.co.nz<br />

DARFIELD - Creyke Road<br />


• 7 x 1 Hectare blocks<br />

• Power, telephone, fibre and town water<br />

to boundary<br />

• Close to all Darfield amenities<br />

• Titles issued<br />

Agent on Site Sun 2.30 – 3.30pm<br />

Price: $250,000 Per Block<br />

View: www.marealestate.co.nz/MA0542<br />

Chris Flanagan<br />

027 433 4657<br />

chris@marealestate.co.nz<br />


WEST MELTON - 506 West Melton<br />

Road<br />


• 5 bedroom, 280m 2 family home on 4 hectares<br />

• 3 living areas leading onto outdoor living areas<br />

• Separate bedroom with ensuite located off the garage<br />

• Deer fenced, well subdivided, and sheltered<br />

• Excellent outbuildings including stables and hayshed<br />

• Unique, established NZ native planted area<br />

• Located on the fringe of the West Melton township<br />

Andrew Taylor<br />

0274 355 930<br />

andrew@marealestate.co.nz<br />


Open Home: Sun 12.00 – 12.30pm<br />

Price: Neg Over $1,040,000<br />

View: www.marealestate.co.nz/MA0724<br />

WEST MELTON - 74 Alpineview<br />


• Secluded quiet lifestyle block<br />

• Well maintained four/five bedroom 266m2 family<br />

home<br />

• Recent upgrades include master bedroom incl<br />

ensuite, main bathroom & double glazing<br />

• Unique layout<br />

• Heatpump, log burner & gas hot water<br />

• Heated concrete swimming pool with large<br />

entertaining deck area<br />

• Well subdivided allowing a multitude of livestock<br />

options<br />

• Recently installed new submersible pump<br />

Andrew Taylor<br />

0274 355 930<br />

andrew@marealestate.co.nz<br />


Open Home: Sun 2.30 – 3.00pm<br />

Price: Neg Over $890,000<br />

View: www.marealestate.co.nz/MA0672<br />

ROLLESTON PH: 03 347 9949 LEESTON PH: 03 324 3704 DARFIELD PH: 03 318 8204 www.marealestate.co.nz<br />

Chris Flanagan<br />

027 433 4657<br />

Andrew Taylor<br />

027 435 5930<br />

Jackie Derrick<br />

027 636 3576<br />

Jo Barrett<br />

021 859 006<br />

Stephan Knowler<br />

027 229 9522<br />

Cameron McRae<br />

027 769 6696<br />

Paul Robinson<br />

021 277 2690<br />

Bronwyn van der Pol<br />

022 073 7757

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