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All I Wanna Do<br />
Is Go The Distance
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Single or Dual Arch<br />
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Flexibility<br />
Connects to any IVS Vacuum or<br />
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Durable<br />
Constructed of Stainless Steel for<br />
long lasting durability<br />
Adjustable<br />
Booms can swivel 180° or can be<br />
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Arch signage can be customized<br />
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2 • SPRING 2020
Auto Sentry ® CPT<br />
Differentiate your self-serve site. Upgrade to an<br />
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Auto Sentry ® Central Payment Terminal (CPT)<br />
■ The Auto Sentry CPT provides convenient EMV credit card transactions at your self-service wash location.<br />
Customers pay at the CPT with EMV and tap credit cards, Apple Pay and other mobile wallets as well as bills<br />
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Defining the World of Car Wash Technology<br />
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SPRING 2020 • 3
Covid-19 ....................................... 6<br />
Mitigation and<br />
Response Resources<br />
Fun & Games .......................... 10<br />
Selling Your Car Wash .......... 14<br />
Yes, Virginia,<br />
there is life after carwashing<br />
Secrets to Longevity ............. 16<br />
Innovations ............................... 20<br />
Quick Tips ................................ 24<br />
Industry Dirt ............................ 26<br />
Extra! Extra! ............................. 30<br />
Tricks of the Trade ............... 34<br />
Association Calendar<br />
& News ....................................... 46<br />
Cover Story ............................... 54<br />
Going the Distance<br />
Darwin at the Carwash ....... 70<br />
VOL. 47, NO. 2, SPRING 2020<br />
Publisher Jackson Vahaly<br />
Editor Debra Gorgos<br />
Design Katy Barret-Alley<br />
Editor Emeritus Jarret J. Jakubowski<br />
Editor Posthumous Joseph J. Campbell<br />
Editor Posthumous Julia E. Campbell<br />
Self Serve Carwash News is published 4 times<br />
per year and is independently owned by Jackson<br />
Vahaly. Web address is www.sscwn.com.<br />
All inquiries should be directed to:<br />
Self Serve Car Wash News<br />
110 Childs Ln., Franklin, TN 37067<br />
jacksonv@sscwn.com<br />
Note to Self<br />
It was a Tuesday and my 7 year old was at<br />
catechism class. I was running errands with my<br />
daughter and my phone pinged with a message<br />
from Publisher Jackson Vahaly. He rarely<br />
texts, so I pulled into a parking lot, nervous<br />
that something serious was happening. The Car<br />
Wash Show is canceled, the text read. What in<br />
holy hell? Why?<br />
While the coronavirus was just starting to<br />
make headlines and seep into the everyday vernacular,<br />
it hadn’t yet revealed its massive and<br />
devastating impact. Impact is putting it lightly.<br />
More like abysmal terror. Putting together The<br />
Car Wash Show takes thousands upon thousands<br />
of hours. Like a wedding x 500,000 +<br />
1,000 Met Galas.<br />
This whole “corona” thing cannot be that<br />
bad? I wondered and questioned in the parking<br />
lot. Are they overreacting? Because it was still<br />
early March many things were still business<br />
as usual. I worried about canceling my flight,<br />
wondering if I would get my money back.<br />
Looking back, and realizing this was one of my<br />
first concerns, I realize that my friends and I are<br />
a far cry from the Greatest Generation. Things<br />
will be okay. But, in a swift kick to my optimistic,<br />
yet uninformed outlook for a worldwide virus,<br />
the International Carwash Association was<br />
spot on. Getting to its vendors, exhibitors and<br />
attendees, before real pandemonium struck<br />
was not only kind, but marked the Association<br />
as a pioneer of putting the people first. Lots<br />
and lots of money will be lost and people will<br />
be angry, but lives are at stake. It was a nod<br />
towards collective health tainted with a risk of<br />
a PR insanity, but the risk paid off.<br />
A few weeks later, the cancellation of the<br />
Show was not an isolated incident, but part of<br />
the worldwide “new normal.” A few times, while<br />
trying to homeschool, shop in swift dashes, and<br />
keep my own sanity at bay, I wondered if this<br />
whole thing was just a dream. Are we locked<br />
inside of a movie that, to the audience, seemed<br />
horrific? I have been a Type-1 Diabetic since<br />
I was four years old. I am also a germaphobe.<br />
And, while both diseases are not deadly, they<br />
both prepared me for colossal germ-awareness.<br />
Lysol wipes are my friend. Non-handwashers<br />
were my enemy. But this? This is a whole new<br />
ballgame. And while my own chronic disease<br />
was and always has been at the forefront of my<br />
subconscious, and I worried for my dear father,<br />
a widow and over the age of 70, I have also<br />
been more than sensitive to the plight of small<br />
business owners.<br />
As a car wash owner, I cannot imagine what<br />
you all are going through. Is your car wash essential?<br />
Non-essential? Do you have to wear a<br />
mask? What should my signage say?<br />
State by state, there was no blanketed conclusion<br />
and everyone was left to fend for themselves.<br />
Some of you have stayed the course,<br />
some of you were fined, and others didn’t care<br />
and many of you have worried. One good thing<br />
is that there is a lot of help for small businesses.<br />
And, as cleanliness is now a worldwide objective<br />
and car washes are a worldwide method of<br />
hygiene. Is there a serendipitous chance that the<br />
two notions could work together? Only time<br />
will tell. And, I hope this ‘movie’ ends soon.<br />
In other news, before this pandemic took over,<br />
my family and I traveled to Mexico for winter<br />
break. And, while I would love to expound on<br />
the food, the scenery and music, I instead need<br />
to use this space to revel in the fact that I got<br />
to meet and hang out with an esteemed member<br />
of the car washing and detailing community.<br />
Alan Read, who is originally from Texas, was<br />
for many years the National Sales Manager for<br />
Auto Magic, which was one of the leading detail<br />
chemical companies in the industry, was a<br />
founding member of the Professional Detailing<br />
Association and on the first Board of Directors.<br />
He was also the second president of the PDA.<br />
Not only that, but Read is a veteran, a former<br />
government agent and also a humanitarian, now<br />
spending his time volunteering at local schools.<br />
His tennis skills are nothing to shake a racquet<br />
at either. He teaches tennis and also has a wealth<br />
of knowledge regarding the sport. On the first<br />
full day of our trip, Alan reached out and said he<br />
would love to show my family and I around the<br />
area he now calls ‘home.’ Later that day, Alan<br />
took us on a walk, first to some Mayan ruins,<br />
then to the beach and then took us to a local<br />
eatery where we had the most delicious Mexican<br />
food. We talked detailing, his years with<br />
the PDA, and his years spent serving our country.<br />
He then went on a hunt to scope out local<br />
car washes for this publication. Despite a bad<br />
back, an earlier tennis lesson, hot sticky weather,<br />
and miles upon miles of on-foot travel (he<br />
ditched his vehicle years ago) he even carried<br />
my 65-pound son on his shoulders.<br />
Copyright 2019. 2 Dollar Enterprises/<strong>SSCWN</strong>. All Rights Reserved<br />
4 • SPRING 2020
Note to Self<br />
Is there anything this man cannot do? Some<br />
people are just magical. They have an unassuming,<br />
welcoming aura. Such people are not in any way<br />
panged with hidden agendas or prejudices. Alan is<br />
one of those people.<br />
Here are Alan’s photos of local car washes in<br />
Playa Del Carmen, Mexico:<br />
Before I sign off, I want thank you so much for<br />
being a part of our readership. I know everything is<br />
so coronavirus heavy and I promise, there are lots<br />
of articles in this issue that do not even mention<br />
the virus. I hope you enjoy it and I hope all of you<br />
are healthy.<br />
Until next time,<br />
Debra<br />
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SPRING 2020 • 5
Around the Wash<br />
COVID-19:<br />
Mitigation and Response Resources<br />
By Kimberly Grizzle, AAI<br />
• • •<br />
The World Health Organization declared<br />
COVID-19 a pandemic on March 11, 2020. The<br />
global economic impact on businesses, and the<br />
path of destruction on human lives remains incomprehensible.<br />
The one thing we do know about<br />
this virus...it does not discriminate, and it continues<br />
to alter life as we know it.<br />
The unforeseen circumstances and consequences<br />
of the coronavirus (COVID-19) are an<br />
eye-opening reminder for any business owner --<br />
understanding the potential risk elements in the<br />
business strategic planning process is crucial. Identify<br />
and evaluate the possibility of risk for an effective<br />
organizational guide to mitigation and management,<br />
business continuity, and crisis response<br />
management.<br />
As COVID-19 intensifies, company leaders<br />
and business owners across the nation are seeking<br />
knowledge, answers, and accurate interpretation<br />
of the information they’re receiving regarding<br />
COVID-19.<br />
The historic $2 trillion stimulus deal has generated<br />
new acronyms; FFRCA, CARES, PPP Loans<br />
-- leaving many business owners scrambling to understand<br />
it all. Employer compliance, small business<br />
loans, paycheck protection program loans,<br />
workplace health and safety, employee leave, responding<br />
to an employee test positive for coronavirus,<br />
and loss of business income coverage are just<br />
a few of the hot topics heard from business owners<br />
and company leaders.<br />
New legislation, employment law, government<br />
assistance resources, state level resources, and evolving<br />
updates can be overwhelming. Breaking it down<br />
into separate categories with an overview highlighting<br />
the available resources, compliance, and action<br />
steps for employers might be easier to digest.<br />
Employers are encouraged to familiarize themselves<br />
with the new Family First Response Coronavirus<br />
Act [FFRCA] requirements to ensure<br />
compliance. The employer must also follow the<br />
CDC recommended guidelines for workplace and<br />
workforce safety.<br />
Families First Response Coronavirus Act<br />
(FFRCA): The Families First Coronavirus Response<br />
Act took effect April 1st. The new federal<br />
law makes important changes to employee leave<br />
policies. These changes are aimed at helping workers<br />
who are sick or need to stay home for childcare<br />
reasons during the coronavirus threat.<br />
Business leaders need to quickly become familiar<br />
with the provisions of the law, as it could grant<br />
up to 12 additional weeks of paid leave to impacted<br />
employees. This includes many employers that<br />
are typically exempt from FMLA. The good news<br />
for employers is that the law requires the federal<br />
government to pay businesses for salary expenses<br />
incurred while employees are on paid leave.<br />
Learn more using these resources from the Federal<br />
Department of Labor.<br />
• Employer Paid Leave Requirements<br />
• Employee Paid Leave Rights<br />
• Employee Leave Request Form<br />
• FFRCA Questions and Answers<br />
Workplace Health and Safety – Control and<br />
Prevention: Prior to COVID-19, employers could<br />
not exclude an employee from working. However,<br />
the pandemic creates an evolving process for<br />
the employer’s right to protect its workforce, and<br />
the obligation to provide a safe workplace. Risk<br />
managers and Human Resources must undertake<br />
a fine balancing act in dealing with the coronavirus<br />
when it comes to the Americans with Disabilities<br />
Act but are being aided by some leniency on the<br />
part of the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity<br />
Commission.<br />
Measures for protecting workers from exposure<br />
to, and infection with, the novel coronavirus,<br />
COVID-19 depend on the type of work being performed<br />
and exposure risk, including potential for<br />
interaction with infectious people and contamination<br />
of the work environment. Employers should<br />
adapt infection control strategies based on a thorough<br />
hazard assessment, using appropriate combinations<br />
of engineering and administrative controls,<br />
safe work practices, and personal protective equipment<br />
(PPE) to prevent worker exposures. Some<br />
OSHA standards that apply to preventing occu-<br />
6 • SPRING 2020
The Next Evolution in Car Wash Lighting:<br />
Bay / Tunnel Light<br />
Create lines of light<br />
making a “runway”<br />
within your bays and<br />
tunnels. No more<br />
cables running between<br />
lights. Only seamless,<br />
bright light.<br />
Call Now for Special Introductory Pricing<br />
Introducing LEDLINE-X. A light that is made to fit your<br />
application at a price point comparable to the static,<br />
fixed size fixtures of the past. No more cables between<br />
lights. No more dark spots.<br />
A light made for car washes. Water-tight, chemical<br />
and UV resistant silicon housing designed to<br />
withstand the rigors of car wash environments.<br />
Unmatched versatility. Innovative mounting system<br />
enables easy use in bays, tunnels, chemical arches,<br />
vacuum arches, and building wraps.<br />
Vac Arch Light<br />
Delight your customers<br />
by adding light along<br />
the entire length of a<br />
vac arch to maximize<br />
light distribution inside<br />
of cars. Fixtures<br />
designed to fit your<br />
arch. Why light 8ft of<br />
your 14ft arch? Light all<br />
14ft and let your<br />
customers see the<br />
difference.<br />
Chemical Arch Light<br />
Seamless, gapless<br />
passageway of colorful<br />
light for a truly<br />
immersive effective.<br />
Make a continuous<br />
archway of light to<br />
showcase chemicals.<br />
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SPRING 2020 • 7
pational exposure to COVID-19 also require employers<br />
to train workers on elements of infection<br />
prevention, including PPE. Federal and state agencies<br />
have seen a large influx of workplace safety<br />
complaints related to the COVID-19 outbreak,<br />
and experts urge employers to create exposure<br />
control plans in case an agency comes knocking.<br />
Unlike the flu and common cold, COVID-19 is<br />
considered a recordable illness by the U.S. Occupational<br />
Safety and Health Administration.<br />
• Interim Guidance for Businesses<br />
• Control and Prevention<br />
Responding to an Employee Test Positive<br />
for Coronavirus: As the number of coronavirus<br />
(COVID19) cases continue to increase, employers<br />
are dealing with the difficult situation of responding<br />
to an employee’s positive COVID-19 test.<br />
Due to the rapid spread of COVID-19, employers<br />
should be prepared to respond to an employee<br />
testing positive for the disease. By being prepared,<br />
employers can swiftly respond to the employee,<br />
notify the rest of their organization and make<br />
plans for moving forward. The <strong>web</strong>site below provides<br />
an overview of how you can respond to finding<br />
out an employee has COVID-19.<br />
• Guidance for Employers<br />
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic<br />
Security (CARES) Act:<br />
• Provides direct assistance to individuals and<br />
families that need it most. Under the bill, a<br />
typical middle-class family of four would get<br />
$3,400 to help them meet their daily expenses.<br />
• Includes emergency funds for food and nutrition<br />
programs so families can continue to get<br />
that help if they need it.<br />
• Provides immediate assistance to childcare<br />
providers to prevent them from going out<br />
of business and supports childcare for families,<br />
including for healthcare workers, first<br />
responders, and others playing critical roles<br />
during this crisis.<br />
• Provides cash-flow assistance to small businesses<br />
through federally guaranteed loans,<br />
with certain expenses eligible for forgiveness<br />
if employers maintain their payrolls through<br />
this emergency.<br />
• Creates a temporary pandemic unemployment<br />
assistance program to give assistance<br />
to workers who aren’t normally eligible for<br />
unemployment benefits, such as the self-employed<br />
or independent contractors.<br />
• Ensures that testing and the eventual vaccine<br />
for coronavirus patients will be covered by<br />
private insurance.<br />
• Includes $100 billion in support for hospitals<br />
and health care providers and provides flexibility<br />
for them to receive both prospective<br />
payments and reimbursement for costs associated<br />
with coronavirus, including lost revenues.<br />
8 • SPRING 2020<br />
• Gives health care providers more capabilities<br />
to offer telehealth services.<br />
• Provides an additional $16 billion to procure<br />
personal protective equipment, ventilators,<br />
and other medical supplies for federal and<br />
state response efforts.<br />
• Allows the Secretary of Education to defer<br />
student loan payments, enables students who<br />
were forced to drop out of school due to coronavirus<br />
to keep their Pell Grants, and gives<br />
colleges and universities the flexibility to continue<br />
work-study payments to students who<br />
cannot work due to coronavirus closures;<br />
• Provides funding for elementary and secondary<br />
schools that can be released quickly to<br />
states to help schools respond to coronavirus<br />
and related school closures, including immediate<br />
needs of students and teachers, improving<br />
use of education technology, supporting distance<br />
education, and making up for lost learning<br />
time; and<br />
• Stabilizes major sectors of the economy without<br />
putting taxpayers on the hook for giant<br />
bailouts.<br />
• Small Business Emergency Loans Guide<br />
and Checklist<br />
• Guide to Employee Retention Tax Credit<br />
• Disaster Loan Assistance<br />
Coronavirus and Insurance<br />
Policies – Will insurance<br />
cover a COVID-19 claim?<br />
Government ordered quarantining, shelter-inplace,<br />
and nonessential business shutdowns are<br />
creating economic losses for businesses. Many organizations<br />
are asking if their business interruption<br />
policy will cover loss of income.<br />
Loss of Business Income Coverage: Business<br />
income and business property coverages depend<br />
on the cause of loss. Insurance Services Office<br />
(ISO) Form CP 10 30 Causes of Loss – Special<br />
Form is common. It defines covered cause of loss<br />
to mean “direct physical loss” unless otherwise<br />
limited or excluded. Form CP 10 30 also contains<br />
an exclusion for damage caused by “fungus,” “bacteria,”<br />
and “wet rot.<br />
Contingent Business Interruption: Coverage<br />
to compensate for losses due to supply chain interruption<br />
and/or partner/vendor losses that impact<br />
the insured.<br />
General Liability Coverage: Liability insurers<br />
typically agree to indemnify the insured for damages<br />
that the insured becomes legally obligated to<br />
pay as the result of an occurrence. ISO Form CG<br />
00 01 - Occurrence is defined as an accident (unexpected<br />
and unintended), including continuous<br />
or repeated exposure to substantially the same<br />
harmful condition. However, many policies are<br />
endorsed with limitations for damage or injury<br />
caused by fungi and bacteria.<br />
Workers’ Compensation: The determination<br />
of whether a communicable disease is “work-related”<br />
is a case-by-case evaluation.<br />
Health Insurance: Under Families First Coronavirus<br />
Response Act [FFRCA], all comprehensive<br />
private health insurance plans must cover testing<br />
approved by the Food and Drug Administration<br />
(FDA), and vaccination once it becomes available.<br />
Other types of potential losses:<br />
• Contamination to business property:<br />
• Pollution or Environmental insurance<br />
• Commercial General Liability insurance<br />
with pollution/environmental coverage<br />
• Employee claims against the business:<br />
• Workers’ Compensation insurance<br />
• Employment Practices Liability insurance<br />
(EPLI)<br />
• Cybersecurity breaches:<br />
• Property insurance<br />
• Cyber Liability insurance<br />
• Personal injury, and third-party property damage,<br />
claims against the business [e.g., alleged<br />
negligence leading to virus exposure]<br />
• Commercial General Liability insurance<br />
• Errors & Omissions Liability insurance<br />
• Pollution or Environmental insurance<br />
COVID-19 is uncharted territory for insurance<br />
policy analysis since traditional insurance policies<br />
did not contemplate pandemics when originally<br />
drafting coverage.<br />
Policy language varies, so there really are no universal<br />
answers about whether a COVID-19 loss<br />
will be covered. Most policies will have exclusions<br />
for contamination, pandemics, bacteria or viruses,<br />
or the exercise of civil authority.<br />
Each insured’s loss scenario and policy are<br />
unique. If you believe you have a covered loss,<br />
contact your insurance agent/broker to submit a<br />
claim under the policy in a timely manner to be<br />
reviewed for coverage determination.<br />
In conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic caught<br />
the world off-guard. Governments have launched<br />
unprecedented public-health and economic responses.<br />
And it’s evolving by the day.<br />
It’s truly a test of patience as we adapt to a new<br />
normal and await an ending to its wrath before we<br />
will know and understand the precise impact on<br />
human life, and the global economy this pandemic<br />
crisis created. We are all in this together.<br />
Kimberly Grizzle, AAI, is the Marketing and<br />
Business Development Strategist for The<br />
Insurancenter, an agency that was founded in<br />
1895 as a full service independent insurance<br />
agency serving the four state region of Missouri,<br />
Kansas, Oklahoma and Arkansas. A national<br />
car wash insurance program was introduced in<br />
1986. It has maintained the largest writer of car<br />
wash insurance policies.<br />
Grizzle received her Property and Casualty<br />
license in 1996, and an Accredited Advisor in Insurance<br />
(AAI) designation in 2002. She has been<br />
with The Insurancenter for 16+ years.
SPRING 2020 • 9
FUN&<br />
GAMES<br />
WHAT’S<br />
Think these two<br />
pictures taken at a<br />
self serve car wash<br />
are the same?<br />
Think again!<br />
There are six differences.<br />
Can you spot them all?<br />
1. Numbers are missing on Bill Changer sign<br />
2. Doorknob is flipped to other side<br />
3. Door is shorter<br />
4. Red arrow is a different color<br />
5. Plank is missing inside bay<br />
6. Planter is larger<br />
Quarantining has exhausted my puzzle collection and my television has been taken over by my children<br />
so I have resorted to, that’s right, online gaming. No, NOT online gambling, people! I was searching for a few<br />
puzzle-like games and came across this! The Car Wash Simulator. If anyone wants to play this game, or has<br />
already, please feel free to send your review to debrag@sscwn.com. Here is the official description (via Steam):<br />
Achieve your American dream as a small businessman in the car industry. Build, upgrade and<br />
modernize your car wash to attract more clients. You also need to be wary of your growing<br />
competition and other, not entirely legal, factions, that would love to take part in your success.<br />
Earn your money honestly, or accept shady deals for larger sums. It may be worth the risk,<br />
but remember to be thorough, because the local authorities might want to drop by for an<br />
unexpected visit.<br />
A wide variety of tools are ready at your disposal, so you could fulfil your clients’ wishes. Your<br />
reputation is at stake and time is limited, so manage it wisely.<br />
• Grow your business<br />
• Upgrade your gear<br />
• Fight the competition<br />
• Manage your time<br />
• Collaborate with the law<br />
enforcement or the mob<br />
• Gain reputation and<br />
respect in the ‘hood<br />
10 • SPRING 2020
SIGNS!<br />
FUN& GAMES<br />
This photo “re-touching” was done by Seattle<br />
artist Rudy Willingham. According to King5 News,<br />
Willingham combines paper cutouts with real Seattle<br />
landmarks to create humorous photos.<br />
“The most popular one I probably did was the elephant car wash<br />
and I made it say wash your hands,” he said in the story. “A lot of people<br />
have been buying it and putting it up in their bathrooms.”<br />
Willingham said he has been getting a lot of messages and comments<br />
like, “thank you for making me smile,” or, “I really needed that<br />
laugh.” The artist said he struggled with weather or not the virus was<br />
fair game or even funny. But he said he thought that maybe it will<br />
bring some levity to the very Sirius situation.<br />
SPRING 2020 • 11
12 • SPRING 2020
SPRING 2020 • 13
Around the Wash<br />
Selling Your<br />
Car Wash<br />
Yes, Virginia, there is life<br />
after carwashing<br />
By David Begin<br />
For many reasons, I decided to sell my car washes last<br />
year in 2019. I love being in the car wash industry<br />
and I also love the relationships that I have developed<br />
with industry colleagues, customers and employees. I<br />
knew that it was going to be a difficult transition into<br />
“civilian life”, but I still underestimated the emotional<br />
upheaval that selling your business would bring.<br />
I had every reason to be “crazy excited” about the<br />
transaction, but it also brought me many moments<br />
of sadness, confusion and loss. I learned many lessons<br />
and experiences that were beneficial during that time<br />
and I would like to share them with you.<br />
1. One day, you will not<br />
own your business.<br />
I am surprised when many carwash owners<br />
tell me that they would never sell their business.<br />
They tell me that it is such a big part of their lives<br />
and that they cannot even entertain the notion of<br />
selling their car wash to someone else. I admire<br />
that spirit and the love those types of owners feel,<br />
but the cold hard fact is that you will exit your<br />
business one day. A partner could try and take it<br />
over through a court action or a bad partnership<br />
breakup could occur. You could go bankrupt or<br />
the bank could call in the loan note you have.<br />
Or more likely, you will exit the business lying<br />
in a pine box. It concerns me when owners do<br />
not consider this fact that they will not own the<br />
business one day and have made no provisions<br />
for how they plan to transfer or sell the business.<br />
In my 15 years in the car wash business, I have<br />
seen far too many partnerships with either<br />
non-existent or poorly written<br />
and/or vague buy/sell agreements<br />
that even the best team attorneys<br />
could not defend or decipher. In<br />
my opinion, not developing a<br />
solid exit strategy is being a bit<br />
irresponsible to you and your<br />
loved ones. Leaving the matter<br />
to your family or the legal system<br />
to sort out will more<br />
than likely produce a result<br />
that will be less than<br />
optimal.<br />
2. You should have a sale<br />
price in mind.<br />
There was a sign at our local plumbing supply company<br />
in the “slightly dented” section of bathroom fixtures<br />
that stated: Make us an offer, but do not embarrass<br />
yourself. This comes to mind when I talk to car wash<br />
owners that operate “less than optimum” sites and expect<br />
to get what the mega car wash down the street got<br />
for their sites. You should always have a realistic value in<br />
mind for your wash and if a buyer makes you the offer,<br />
or offers you a premium to that amount, you should seriously<br />
consider it. Get an evaluation for your site if you<br />
need assistance with a sale price. You should always have<br />
an idea of what the market value is for your wash. Then<br />
come up with a price that you will accept if someone<br />
offers to purchase your wash. If the industry<br />
is offering 8x earnings for your type of<br />
wash and you expect 20x earnings, you<br />
will sit on the sidelines for a long, long<br />
time and no one will take you seriously.<br />
A buyer will pay a premium for certain<br />
washes under certain conditions, but they also<br />
need to figure out how to make the wash<br />
profitable when they become the owner.<br />
Overpricing a wash in hopes of someone<br />
giving you that offer communicates to a<br />
buyer that you are not really interested in<br />
a sale. We are fortunate to be in an industry<br />
where other parties are extremely interested<br />
in purchasing our business. Remember, many<br />
small businesses are out there and cannot be<br />
sold, so because car washes are always in demand,<br />
we are part of the fortunate few.<br />
3. Your wash is not “you”.<br />
A business such as your car wash is what you<br />
own and not who you are. This was a hard lesson<br />
for me to learn. For years I wrapped up much of<br />
my identity in being a car wash owner. If you cannot<br />
separate your professional identity from your<br />
personal identity, it will be difficult to sell your<br />
wash when a great opportunity to sell comes along.<br />
Many car wash owners have asked me, “What will<br />
I do and who will I be if I sell my car wash?” You<br />
cannot make rational decisions about selling your<br />
carwash if you have this mindset. You are not your<br />
car wash and you have to be able to “let it go.”<br />
Wise words from<br />
another car wash owner<br />
Jeff Paul, the owner of Valencia Car Wash in California,<br />
spoke to me when I was considering selling<br />
my car wash and offered me some great advice. Jeff<br />
had owned many businesses over the years and told<br />
me that I was a business owner first and a carwash<br />
owner second. He also stated that I would either find<br />
another business or find something else to do that<br />
could be just as fulfilling. This advice helped me to<br />
understand that I loved being a business owner and<br />
that at that time, I just happened to own a carwash.<br />
It gave me the freedom to let go of my current car<br />
washes with the anticipation that I could find something<br />
even more fulfilling in the future. Since selling<br />
the washes, I have created a coaching and consulting<br />
practice that helps other car wash owners become<br />
more efficient and successful. I am looking forward<br />
to the future and the next chapter of my life, and,<br />
yes, there is life after owning a carwash.<br />
David Begin has more than 15 years of experience in the car wash industry as an owner and operator. David has been active in the industry as an association leader. David<br />
is a past president of the Rocky Mountain Carwash Association and the International Carwash Association (ICA). David is a frequent speaker at regional, national and international<br />
carwash conventions and meetings. David is also the co-host of the popular podcast, Carwash, the Podcast. David is also the founder of Begin Insights, a coaching<br />
and consulting firm focused on the carwash industry. For more information go to www.begininsights.com.<br />
14 • SPRING 2020
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On Orders $1800 Or Over<br />
Exclusions Apply, See Details Below<br />
Tanks, pipe, sprayers and other large equipment are not included in this program.<br />
Applies to Continental U.S. ground shipments only.<br />
SPRING 2020 • 15
Around the Wash<br />
Secrets to<br />
Longevity<br />
In the Winter 2020 issue of Self Serve Car Wash<br />
News, the cover story featured car wash owners<br />
who had been in business for 10-40 years.<br />
The issue was sent to the presses before I was<br />
able to interivew Jerry NIx, who has owned a<br />
self serve since 1982. Nix has some wonderful<br />
advice to share and also delves into how his<br />
washes have changed over the years, from pricing<br />
to innovations.<br />
When and where did your self<br />
serve wash open?<br />
I opened my first location in Yelm, Washington, in<br />
1982. It was a five-bay Self Serve with a Truck Bay.<br />
My second location was opened in 1983 in Tacoma,<br />
Washington. A third location was opened in 1990<br />
in Parkland, Washington, a fourth location in 1994<br />
in Spanaway, Washington and a fifth location was<br />
opened in Lakewood, Washington in 1996.<br />
How has your car wash<br />
changed since then?<br />
The changes to the car washes have been dramatic<br />
in terms of technology, appearance, marketing, property<br />
maintenance, video security and the many wash<br />
services offered.<br />
How have your prices changed?<br />
Pricing has gone up in concern with expenses and<br />
inflation. When I started we charged $1.25 for 5<br />
minutes of time. Today, we charge $4 for 5 minutes of<br />
wash time.<br />
What has been the best<br />
innovation/advancement since<br />
you started out?<br />
The best innovation and advancement for the selfserve<br />
car washes, in my opinion, has been the in-bay<br />
automatic. Manufacturers have been instrumental in<br />
making their equipment compatible to retro-fit into a<br />
self-serve bay.<br />
What has been the biggest<br />
“problem” for self serves<br />
over the past 38 years?<br />
The biggest problem in the last 38 years in the self<br />
serve industry has been the disrespect of customers.<br />
From littering to customers who use the car wash<br />
without spending money (such as those who either<br />
dump their garbage on the ground or vandalize the<br />
equipment). I currently close three of my locations<br />
between 10 p.m. - 6 a.m. in an effort to discourage<br />
late night dumping or vandalism. We also clean our<br />
car wash facilities twice a day so they are clean and<br />
appealing to our customers.<br />
Are you surprised you have been<br />
doing this for 38 years?<br />
Yes, I’m a little surprised that I’m still working at<br />
my car washes, but I love the industry and I like the<br />
customer interaction. By building my businesses from<br />
the ground up, it takes on a certain level of satisfaction<br />
for my wife and myself.<br />
And, what do you think is the<br />
secret to your longevity<br />
(car wash ownership-wise)?<br />
Quality, service, and Selection. Quality in the cleaning<br />
products I offer my customers and the quality of the<br />
equipment that is offered. Both the products and the<br />
equipment are dependable and reliable. Service in the<br />
manner of answering customers concerns or questions<br />
about the services we offer. We make sure there<br />
is a live person on hand between 6 a.m. - 6 p.m. 7<br />
days a week. Selection in terms of tri-color soaps,<br />
pre-soaks, triple foam wax, countdown timers, credit<br />
card acceptance, bonus tokens, turbo vacuums with<br />
carpet cleaners and fragrance scents, expanded<br />
vending items, and clean appealing facilities.<br />
Don’t just take his word for it; the Yelp & Google reviews speak for themselves:<br />
I love coming to the car<br />
wash, every morning it’s<br />
being maintained and<br />
discount car washes<br />
between certain times.<br />
The gentleman who runs it<br />
is very kind and has great<br />
customer service!<br />
A car wash is always a great way to jump<br />
start your morning, Jenna! Our half-off<br />
special runs from 6 AM - 10 AM every<br />
day, and we’re always ready to help<br />
anyone who comes through. Next time<br />
you find yourself with some dirt on your<br />
rims, you can count on us to help.<br />
All the best, Jerry Nix, Ownerw<br />
Older facility but clean and always a<br />
stall open. Offers more services than<br />
the majority of self serve car washes.<br />
Offers xtras like rain x, tire cleaner,<br />
3stage conditioner, spot-free rinse, bug<br />
& tar remover. Plus a vending machine<br />
for anything else u might need . Will<br />
return to this car wash for sure<br />
16 • SPRING 2020
Increase Revenue<br />
When a customer purchases<br />
tokens, you have made a sale<br />
Added Security<br />
Put your mind at ease with<br />
tokens. Minimize staff<br />
supervision and deter theft<br />
Unique Alloys<br />
Hoffman Mint offers different<br />
alloys & sizes to best suit your<br />
car wash needs<br />
Reduce Cost<br />
Tokens help reduce operating<br />
cost and are a lower-cost<br />
payment option<br />
Marketing Options<br />
Set your business apart and<br />
help build your brand with<br />
custom tokens<br />
Flexibility<br />
Whether for a promotion or<br />
price fluctuation, simply adjust<br />
the value of your tokens<br />
Whether using our stock tokens<br />
or custom tokens,<br />
the benefits are endless.<br />
Learn more at<br />
www.hoffmanmint.com<br />
Hoffman Mint<br />
Fort Lauderdale, Florida<br />
sales@hoffmanmint.com<br />
SPRING 2020 • 17
Carwash<br />
Boom Assembly<br />
MODEL 203<br />
Zierco’s Original Swivel and<br />
Boom Assembly, with<br />
New Rebuildable<br />
Cartridge<br />
• Feather light rotating action<br />
• Twin compression springs are<br />
tension-adjustable for a variety<br />
of hose and gun weights<br />
• Swivel rotates 360˚ - 12 ft.<br />
diameter<br />
• Temperatures to 280˚ max.,<br />
pressure to 2000 psi<br />
• Longer hose life as spring<br />
prevents kinks<br />
• Ruggedly built, satisfaction<br />
guaranteed<br />
• Proven performance with over 50 years<br />
service in the field (Since 1962)<br />
107C CARTRIDGE<br />
CALL<br />
414-764-6630<br />
FAX: (414) 764-9763<br />
www.ziercowaterboy.com<br />
107C Cartridge Features:<br />
• Field Repairable<br />
• 100% 304 Stainless Steel Internal<br />
Materials Eliminate Failure Due to<br />
Corrosion<br />
• Double O-Ring Design Uses Any<br />
Type of Grease<br />
7355 S. 1st. Street<br />
Oak Creek, WI 53154<br />
sales@zierden.com<br />
TM<br />
VISA and Master Card accepted<br />
18 • SPRING 2020
Carwash<br />
Boom<br />
Assemblies<br />
Zierco’s Easy Service Swivel and<br />
Boom Systems with<br />
MODEL 204 and 206 FEATURES<br />
• Twin compression springs are tension-adjustable<br />
for a variety of hose and gun weights<br />
• Swivel rotates 360˚ - 12 ft. diameter<br />
• Temperatures to 280˚ max., pressure to 2000 psi<br />
• Longer hose life as spring prevents kinks<br />
• Ruggedly built, satisfaction guaranteed<br />
• Optional stainless steel components<br />
• Proven performance with over 50 years service in<br />
the field (Since 1962)<br />
Boom Systems with Full 360 Degree roTATIoN<br />
Booms are Available with 3 Different Mountings<br />
MODEL 204<br />
STYLE B<br />
Flat Plate<br />
Mounts directly<br />
to the ceiling or<br />
beam.<br />
Easy to Use -"Feather Light" rotating action<br />
STYLE C<br />
Swivel Base<br />
Mounts directly to<br />
the ceiling.<br />
MODEL 206<br />
OFFSET Overhead Carwash Boom<br />
Allows for TWO Center Boom Installation<br />
STYLE D<br />
Wall Bracket<br />
Mounts to wall and<br />
is adjustable so<br />
boom swings<br />
to wall when<br />
not in use.<br />
Ideal for foaming brushes.<br />
CALL<br />
(414)-764-6630<br />
www.ziercowaterboy.com<br />
204B<br />
To Convert Model 203<br />
to a 204 Assembly<br />
Remove boom body<br />
from hinge plate<br />
Rotate hinge plate<br />
counter clockwise to<br />
remove seal elbow<br />
Replace O-Rings<br />
7355 S. 1st Street<br />
Oak Creek, WI 53154<br />
Fax: (414) 764-9763<br />
sales@zierden.com<br />
TM<br />
VISA and Master Card<br />
accepted<br />
SPRING 2020 • 19
Edge-lit LED panel from LSI<br />
LSI Industries has launched an enhanced version of its edge-lit LED panel.<br />
The new luminaire features an innovative upgrade that enhances its versatility<br />
across numerous indoor applications.<br />
“Our enhanced, edge-lit LED panels fill a void in the marketplace,” said<br />
Mike Prachar, Chief Marketing Officer of LSI Industries. “They give customers<br />
significant flexibility to customize, and optimize the use of light in<br />
different areas throughout their facilities.”<br />
Customers can select up to three different options for both color temperature<br />
and wattage, giving them a total of nine different light settings<br />
from a single fixture. This gives facility managers, and others responsible<br />
for the property, significant flexibility to customize and enhance employee<br />
workspaces, increase safety and conserve energy.<br />
LSI’s enhanced LED product produces light from the sides, not the back.<br />
This makes them extremely thin and lightweight, which allows them to be<br />
mounted in a variety of applications. Panels are easy to install and available<br />
in multiple sizes, including 1x4, 2x2 and 2x4 feet.<br />
Podcast from<br />
CAR WASH Magazineand<br />
The How of Carwashing<br />
CAR WASH The Podcast is your source for real stories and real business<br />
insights from the experts—both in and out of the car wash industry. The<br />
show helps investors, owners, operators and managers think about ways to<br />
enhance their business—for free and on demand.<br />
CAR WASH The Podcast co-hosts Matt DeWolf and David Begin discuss<br />
some of the practical things you can do and should be doing right now to<br />
manage your car wash during the COVID-19 pandemic. They also discuss<br />
both the steps you need to take to keep your business stable—and how to<br />
really take advantage of any slow time you might be experiencing.<br />
For the latest trends impacting the industry, tips from successful industry<br />
leaders, and inspiration for our listeners, add CAR WASH The Podcast to<br />
your favorite podcatcher, like iTunes or Stitcher, or just bookmark www.<br />
carwash.org for the latest episodes.<br />
Ceramic Sales Program<br />
from Shine Time ®<br />
This revolutionary Shine Time® Ceramic chemistry provides car wash<br />
operators with an opportunity to offer your customers a new exciting Protectant<br />
that produces an instant, noticeable shine. The result is higher sales<br />
per vehicle and happy, satisfied car wash customers.<br />
The Shine Time® formula produces a “self-cleaning” effect whereby the<br />
applications in Arches and In-Bay automatics car washes adhere to positively-charged<br />
modern clear coat paint finishes and repel negatively-charged<br />
dirt and grime.<br />
● Game-changing technology<br />
● Long lasting results<br />
● Hand wax quality shine and protection<br />
Drive sales to your top car wash package with Shine Time®<br />
UWashApp also presents new<br />
opportunities for operators:<br />
• Advertise to customers during the car<br />
wash<br />
• Track new customers across multiple<br />
car wash locations<br />
• Geotarget customers with car wash<br />
and in-store specials<br />
• Partner with other local businesses to<br />
advertise and promote their offerings<br />
• Partner with nonprofit and government<br />
organizations on PSAs.<br />
Also, any payment method — Apple Pay, Google Pay, Credit Card payments,<br />
and others — are accepted through the app, giving consumers more<br />
choices and minimizing operator time managing cash and auditing other<br />
forms of payment.<br />
The UWashApp onboarding program includes hardware devices for all<br />
services at a site, customized app graphics and logos, an onboarding setup<br />
call, access to priority support during installation, access to the UWashApp<br />
management portal, and resources and training options to help maximize<br />
wash packages, loyalty pipelines, and in-app advertising.<br />
20 • SPRING 2020
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SPRING 2020 • 21
ISTOBAL develops arches for the disinfection of PPE and<br />
the exterior of vehicles in its fight against COVID-19<br />
In two weeks, it adapts its chemical application<br />
technology on vehicles and manufactures arches<br />
that spray disinfectant on the PPE of health personnel<br />
and emergency services, quickly and efficiently in<br />
15 seconds.<br />
It also manufactures arches for the external disinfection<br />
of vehicles with an average capacity of about<br />
1,000 disinfected vehicles per day.<br />
Its first arches for the disinfection of PPE and the<br />
exterior of vehicles are already working in Spain.<br />
Bristol (April, 16th 2020).- The Spanish group<br />
ISTOBAL, leader in wash and care solutions for<br />
the automotive industry, has developed automatic<br />
arches for the disinfection of PPE (Personal Protective<br />
Equipment) of health personnel, security forces<br />
and emergencies personnel in addition to arches for<br />
the external disinfection of vehicles in order to fight<br />
against COVID-19.<br />
The company has started the production of this<br />
equipment so that it can be installed near main accesses,<br />
quarantine areas, operating rooms, ICUs and<br />
other points. In this way, ISTOBAL reinvents itself<br />
with the manufacture of this equipment, adapting<br />
part of its production to combat the spread of the<br />
pandemic. In just two weeks, it has adapted its chemical<br />
application technology on vehicles for the manufacture<br />
of arches that can spray disinfectant on the<br />
PPE of restrooms, security and emergency departments,<br />
quickly and completely in 15 seconds.<br />
With a capacity to disinfect<br />
more than 4,000 people<br />
with PPE a day, this arch<br />
measures two meters in<br />
height and is easy to install,<br />
as it incorporates supports<br />
that can be comfortably attached<br />
to the ground or to<br />
any platform. It is made up<br />
of eight sprinklers that spray<br />
disinfectant product on the<br />
PPE of health and safety and emergency forces and<br />
are automatically activated in its path thanks to a<br />
photocell detection system that activates the sprinklers<br />
of this nebulization system.<br />
Arches for external vehicle disinfection<br />
Likewise, ISTOBAL is also producing arches for<br />
the external disinfection of medical vehicles such<br />
as ambulances and fleets of the security forces with<br />
an average disinfection capacity of about 1,000<br />
vehicles per day. This system is designed to spray<br />
vehicles with biocide and achieves disinfection of<br />
large vehicles.<br />
The first arches for the disinfection of PPE and the<br />
exterior of vehicles already work in Spain, in cities<br />
such as Madrid and Valencia.<br />
ISTOBAL, leader in the vehicle care sector<br />
ISTOBAL is a Spanish company located in Valencia,<br />
leader in the design,<br />
manufacture and marketing<br />
of vehicle wash and car care<br />
solutions. Since 1950, the<br />
company has brought innovative<br />
products for excellent<br />
vehicle care to the industry<br />
that ensure a positive user<br />
experience for consumers.<br />
It exports its products<br />
to more than 75 countries,<br />
working with a wide network of distributors around<br />
the world. It has 9 subsidiaries and three manufacturing<br />
and final assembly plants in Spain, USA. and<br />
Brazil. Currently, 78% of its production corresponds<br />
to international sales.<br />
The Spanish group, whose USA<br />
subsidiary is based in Bristol, VA,<br />
reinvents itself with the production<br />
of arches for the disinfection of<br />
Personal Protective Equipment<br />
(PPE) of health, security and<br />
emergency forces and studies<br />
their production internationally to<br />
combat the pandemic.<br />
22 • SPRING 2020
Replacement Doors For Ginsan, Jim Coleman and Many More.<br />
Flag Design Bubbles Design Blue Flame Design Water Design<br />
The Vault<br />
Strong • Secure • Dependable<br />
Features<br />
• 7 Gauge Stainless Shell Construction<br />
• Double Medeco Security Locks<br />
• Digital Display<br />
• Dimensions: 16” X 12.5” X 8.5”<br />
• Accepts Coins, Tokens, Bills, Credit Cards<br />
• Mercury Global Vision Payment System<br />
• 8, 10, or 12 Push Button or Rotary Selection<br />
• Push Button Selection has LED Back Lit Indicators<br />
• Eye Catching Graphics<br />
• Prefabricated Holes for Easy Electrical Access<br />
• Plug-In Wiring Harness for Easy Removal & Servicing<br />
• Safe Pipe Ready<br />
Custom Design<br />
Replace your existing Ginsan or Jim Coleman meter doors for<br />
ultimate flexibility, dependability and profitability. With the same<br />
high quality features as our Vault Door, we stock sizes for Ginsan,<br />
Jim Coleman, Dilling-Harris, Hamilton Dan, Mark VII, and many more.<br />
Call Us Today To Turn Your Wash Into A Reliable Revenue Producing Business.<br />
OVER<br />
Flexible • Profitable • Dependable<br />
(800) 421-5119<br />
225 Crown Blvd., Timberlake, NC 27583<br />
PO Box 488 | Roxboro, NC 27573<br />
www.cpcarwash.com | sales@cpcarwash.com<br />
SPRING 2020 • 23
Looking For<br />
Civilized Customers?<br />
Are you<br />
in a HUB zone?<br />
The HUBZone program is offered by the Small<br />
Business Association and is designed to support<br />
small business growth in underutilized business<br />
zones. If a business qualifies, the goal by the SBA<br />
is to award at least 3% of federal contract dollars<br />
to each business each year.<br />
According to the SBA, to see if your business<br />
qualifies, it must:<br />
3 Be a small business<br />
3 Be at least 51 percent owned and<br />
controlled by U.S. citizens, a Community<br />
Development Corporation, an agricultural<br />
cooperative, a Native Hawaiian<br />
organization, or an Indian tribe<br />
3 Have its principal office located<br />
in a HUBZone<br />
Want more “sophisticated” customers? Not to NPR and I can vouge for my opinion.<br />
generalize, but people who listen to public radio Local public radio stations are a great way to<br />
(local National Public Radio or NPR<br />
advertise your message. Usually found under<br />
stations) or NPR on SiriusXM are<br />
the “Underwriting” category, you can choose to<br />
considered to be of a certain ilk, if<br />
have your ad as part of a local segment. Currently<br />
there are over 1,000 local<br />
you will. That’s not to say sophisticated<br />
listeners do not also<br />
NPR stations, and 27.4 listeners<br />
listen to heavy metal stations<br />
across the nation.<br />
and Howard Stern—don’t<br />
To find your local public<br />
come at me, I interned at<br />
radio station, visit npr.org.<br />
Find a penny, get rich<br />
If you’re finding yourself knee-deep in trackers.com: This coin in average condition<br />
change—from your machines or from your will be valued at somewhere around $195,<br />
customers’ vacuumed out vehicles, you might while one in certified mint state (MS+) condition<br />
could bring as much as $21,019 at<br />
want to take a closer look at each coin.<br />
For instance, the quarter pictured<br />
auction. This coin in poor condition<br />
below looks like a regular old piece<br />
is still worth $192.3 more than<br />
of currency. But, think again! This<br />
the intrinsic value from silver<br />
quarter is worth anywhere between<br />
$195 - $21,091.<br />
more valuable to a collector than<br />
content of $2.7, this coin is thus<br />
Yes, that’s right. According to coin-<br />
to a silver bug.<br />
Here are some other coins to look for, according to cointrackers.com:<br />
3 Have at least 35 percent of its<br />
employees live in a HUBZone<br />
You can see if your business, and your employees,<br />
are in a HUBZone by visiting Sba.gov.<br />
Along with the federal financial assistance,<br />
other benefits, according to the sba include:<br />
3 The government limits competition for certain<br />
contracts to businesses in historically<br />
underutilized business zones. It also gives<br />
preferential consideration to those businesses<br />
in full and open competition.<br />
3 Joining the HUBZone program makes your<br />
business eligible to compete for the program’s<br />
set-aside contracts. HUBZone-certified<br />
businesses also get a 10 percent<br />
price evaluation preference in full and open<br />
contract competitions.<br />
3 HUBZone-certified businesses can still<br />
compete for contract awards under other<br />
socio-economic programs.<br />
24 • SPRING 2020<br />
Mercury Dime<br />
Year: 1916<br />
Mint Mark: D<br />
Value: This coin in average<br />
condition will be valued at<br />
somewhere around $949,<br />
while one in certified mint<br />
state (MS+) condition could<br />
bring as much as $41,000.<br />
AND NOW<br />
FOR THE<br />
a little nickel, only<br />
five of which were<br />
made, can bring in<br />
mega millions.<br />
Buffalo Nickel<br />
Year: 1924<br />
Mint Mark: S<br />
Value: This coin in average<br />
condition will be valued at<br />
somewhere around $17, while<br />
one in certified mint state<br />
(MS+) condition could bring<br />
as much as $14,000.<br />
Copper Wheat Penny<br />
Year: 1943<br />
Mint Mark: No mint mark<br />
Value: This coin in average<br />
condition will be valued at<br />
somewhere around $60,047,<br />
while one in certified mint state<br />
(MS+) condition could bring as<br />
much as $85,782.<br />
Liberty Head V Nickel<br />
Year: 1913<br />
Mint Mark: No mint mark<br />
Value: This coin in average condition<br />
will be valued at somewhere<br />
around $3,428,950, while one in<br />
certified mint state (MS+) condition<br />
could bring as much as $4,408,650
1<br />
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SPRING 2020 • 25
Worldwide car wash market projected to reach $26B by 2025Reynolds<br />
The worldwide car washing services market is<br />
projected to grow by US$5 Billion, driven by a<br />
compounded growth of 3.1%, according to ReportLinker,<br />
which is an award-winning market<br />
research solution provider. “The shifting dynamics<br />
supporting this growth makes it critical for businesses<br />
in this space to keep abreast of the changing<br />
pulse of the market. Poised to reach over US$25.9<br />
Billion by the year 2025, car washing services will<br />
bring in healthy gains adding significant momentum<br />
to global growth,” according to an April 14<br />
press release.<br />
Representing the developed world, the United<br />
States will maintain a 2.5% growth momentum.<br />
In Europe, Germany will add over US$189.3 Million<br />
to the region’s size and clout in the next 5<br />
to 6 years and over US$150.1 Million worth of<br />
projected demand will come from the rest of the<br />
European markets, the report states. In Japan, the<br />
market will reach US$1.6 Billion by the close of<br />
the analysis period. “As the world’s second largest<br />
economy and the new game changer in global<br />
markets, China exhibits the potential to grow at<br />
4.8% over the next couple of years and add approximately<br />
US$1.4 Billion in terms of addressable<br />
opportunity for the picking by aspiring businesses<br />
and their astute leaders.”<br />
Competitors identified in this market include,<br />
among others,<br />
3 7 Flags Car Wash<br />
3 Autobell Car Wash<br />
3 Brown Bear Car Wash<br />
3 Delta Sonic Car Wash<br />
3 Corporation<br />
3 Freedom Car Wash<br />
3 Goo-Goo Express Wash, Inc.<br />
3 Hoffman Car Wash & Hoffman Jiffy Lube<br />
3 IMO Car Wash<br />
3 Magic Hand Car Wash<br />
3 Mike’s Car Wash<br />
3 Mister Car Wash, Inc.<br />
3 Mr. Clean Car Wash<br />
3 Octopus Car Wash<br />
3 Otto Christ AG<br />
3 Petro-Canada<br />
3 Speed Car Wash<br />
3 The Wash Tub<br />
3 Wash Depot Holdings, Inc.<br />
3 Zips Car Wash<br />
Harrell’s acquires<br />
AutoShine of<br />
New England<br />
Generation Growth Capital Fund III, LP (GGC),<br />
a Milwaukee-based private equity firm that invests<br />
in lower middle-market companies, and Harrell’s<br />
Car Wash Systems, Inc., a full-service distributor of<br />
car wash systems and supplies, announced on February<br />
20 the acquisition of AutoShine of New England.<br />
A press release stated that AutoShine, which is<br />
headquartered in Manchester, Connecticut, is focused<br />
on selling, installing, and servicing car wash<br />
systems in addition to parts, chemicals, and ancillary<br />
items needed to operate car washes. AutoShine<br />
is the fourth add-on to join the Harrell’s platform.<br />
Frank Carpino, President of AutoShine, will continue<br />
to manage the company going forward.<br />
“Through our active acquisition strategy over<br />
the past few years, Harrell’s has accelerated into<br />
an industry-leading distributor and service provider<br />
of car wash systems and products. AutoShine<br />
complements the Harrell’s gold standard in endto-end<br />
car wash solutions and solidifies our market<br />
position in the Northeast U.S.,” said John Reinke,<br />
Managing Director of Generation Growth Capital,<br />
Inc., in a press release.<br />
Chad Tearman, President of Harrell’s Car Wash<br />
Systems, Inc., also stated in the press release, “As<br />
our company continues to grow, we look forward<br />
to finding ways to expand our product and service<br />
offerings in ways that add value to our customers.<br />
We really value the relationships that we have with<br />
customers. AutoShine brings a new product line to<br />
us and a strong technical expertise in tunnels that<br />
complements our Northeast region nicely. We are<br />
very excited about the trajectory of our company<br />
and the growth prospects we see throughout all of<br />
our markets.”<br />
G&G names new regional<br />
sales managers<br />
G&G Industrial Lighting of Clifton Park, New<br />
York, announced on March 9 that Chris Carpenter<br />
and Konner Kappelman joined the team as Regional<br />
Sales Managers. The RSMs are responsible<br />
for training and traveling with independent representative<br />
agencies, servicing lighting and electrical<br />
architects, engineers, contractors and distributors,<br />
according to a press release. With this expansion<br />
of the sales force, G&G will be able to effectively<br />
penetrate key markets such as car wash, food processing,<br />
transit, automotive services and industrial<br />
applications with their highly engineered LED<br />
lighting products while providing hands on support<br />
for all representatives.<br />
Carpenter most recently served as a Regional<br />
Sales Manager for Dialight, a provider of LED<br />
lighting to heavy industrial and hazardous locations<br />
customers. Kappelman previously served<br />
as a Lighting Controls Specialist for The Foley<br />
Group, a lighting-focused manufacturers’ representative<br />
agency.<br />
“What excites me is the opportunity to collaborate<br />
with our channel partners to provide specialized<br />
solutions for superior light performance,<br />
product durability, and environmental sustainability,”<br />
Carpenter stated in the press release. “G&G<br />
is a company with a sound growth plan, possesses<br />
an outstanding organizational culture, and is committed<br />
to product and service excellence with our<br />
reps, distributors and end users. “<br />
Kappelman also stated, “I was first drawn to<br />
G&G by its product, which is truly in a class of<br />
its own in the lighting industry. However, it was<br />
ultimately the core values of the company that<br />
really caught my attention as it is apparent that<br />
this company is truly a family and I am excited<br />
to officially be a part of what this family is going<br />
to accomplish. The sky is the limit with G&G.”<br />
Ben Jamison, Director of Business Development<br />
added that the newly-hired duo will allow<br />
G&G to continue to deliver our commitment<br />
to excellence in customer service and will keep<br />
G&G’s products at the forefront of our partner’s<br />
and customer’s minds when they consider<br />
their future lighting needs and requirements.<br />
Kleen-Rite announces date for 2020 Expo<br />
This year, the Kleen-Rite Expo will be held<br />
on Wednesday, November 18, at its headquarters<br />
in Columbia, Pennsylvania. The Expo,<br />
which takes place every other year, brings in<br />
over 300 car wash operators from around the<br />
country under one roof to learn about what is<br />
new in the industry. It also provides a delicious<br />
lunch and educational seminars.<br />
Kleen-Rite, which is a business wholesale<br />
supplier serving the car wash and other pressure<br />
cleaning and car care industries, hosted over 60<br />
manufacturers at its 2018 Expo.<br />
26 • SPRING 2020
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SPRING 2020 • 27
Automotive Industry executive Vic Keller<br />
acquires AUTEC Car Wash Systems<br />
DIRT<br />
AUTEC Car Wash Systems, a global manufacturer<br />
of high-volume, income-driven, fully automated<br />
car wash equipment based in Statesville, North<br />
Carolina, announced on February 25 that it was<br />
acquired by Dallas-based business leader and entrepreneur<br />
Vic Keller. The terms were not disclosed.<br />
According to a press release, since 1981, AUTEC<br />
has specialized and manufactured three fully automatic<br />
car wash systems – soft-touch car wash systems,<br />
touch-free car wash systems, and a combination<br />
car wash system that provides both. They also<br />
manufacture a premier soft-touch car polisher.<br />
Growing from a small company that started in<br />
the founder’s basement, to a multimillion-dollar<br />
corporation, the expert team at AUTEC Car Wash<br />
Systems grew to include marketing, design, research<br />
and development, engineering and drafting,<br />
welding and metal fabrication, paint and surface<br />
preparation, electrical, assembly, technical service<br />
and complete chemical blending, formulating and<br />
packaging operations.<br />
Keller is a seasoned automotive executive and entrepreneur.<br />
He has more than 25 years’ experience<br />
building, growing and leading a diverse portfolio<br />
of companies across numerous verticals including<br />
manufacturing and distribution, automotive, technology,<br />
e-commerce and financial services, the press<br />
release stated. Keller is a firm believer in investing in<br />
people, not just businesses, and his leadership philosophy<br />
focuses on intentionally instilling a great<br />
culture, delivering a profitable financial model and<br />
developing top talent to execute the vision.<br />
“I am thrilled to be operating in the automotive<br />
industry again and to be a part of the AUTEC<br />
team,” said Keller in the press release. “AUTEC has<br />
established themselves as an elite player in the car<br />
wash manufacturing space and has tremendous<br />
potential to further accelerate their footprint. We<br />
see a huge opportunity to drive innovation, technology<br />
and optimization to increase customer retention<br />
and CSI, also known as the customer satisfaction<br />
index, by providing an ultimate customer<br />
experience in order to help our customers reach<br />
their maximum return on investment.”<br />
Keller continued, “I am passionate about the incredible<br />
business that Tom Hobby, the founder of<br />
AUTEC, has built. The AUTEC team has been extremely<br />
welcoming and genuinely supportive of this<br />
transition, and we are working together to capitalize<br />
on strategic opportunities ahead. My vision is to<br />
leverage the successful model that Tom and the AU-<br />
TEC team have created, while driving innovation in<br />
key areas to lead the company into its next chapter.”<br />
In addition to AUTEC Car Wash Systems, Keller is<br />
the founder of KLV Capital, a Dallas-based private<br />
equity firm. Previously, he founded the ZAK Automotive<br />
Companies, which included ZAK products, a<br />
professional-use automotive chemical company that<br />
was an official partner of NASCAR; ZAKTEK, an<br />
insurance services company; and NEXEMO, a business<br />
to business e-commerce purchasing platform<br />
for the automotive industry.<br />
In 2015, after Berkshire Hathaway Inc. acquired<br />
the ZAK Automotive Companies, Keller continued<br />
as CEO and his senior executive responsibilities for<br />
Berkshire Hathaway Automotive, where he oversaw<br />
several operating departments in the multibillion-dollar<br />
organization, including the parts and service<br />
business. Keller developed and led the Berkshire<br />
Hathaway Automotive professional development<br />
department, which provided training, talent acquisition,<br />
sales strategy, customer experience and dealer<br />
academy services to more than 11,000 associates.<br />
Vending Machine News<br />
The sweet smell of success<br />
The power of a delicious scent can drive cravings,<br />
and cravings can drive impulse purchases. And one<br />
entrepreneur in Syracuse, New York, has invented a<br />
vending machine which perfumes the area in chocolatey<br />
sweet heave. According to a press release, the<br />
inventor, who is not releasing his name, stated, “After<br />
taking a tour of the Hershey Chocolate World<br />
Factory, I realized how powerfully I craved chocolate.<br />
I wanted to boost vending-machine sales by<br />
making people crave the items inside.”<br />
The inventor developed CHOCOLATE SCENTS<br />
FOR VENDING MACHINE to encourage potential<br />
customers to buy products from the vending machine.<br />
The unit entices people to crave items sold by<br />
the vending machine, stated the press release. It<br />
is designed to appeal to individuals with a sweet<br />
tooth. The invention is easy to use. Additionally, it<br />
can be used to sell a variety of food items.<br />
The original design was submitted to the Rochester<br />
sales office of InventHelp. It is currently available<br />
for licensing or sale to manufacturers or marketers.<br />
Vending market could hit<br />
$33B by 2025<br />
The global interactive kiosk market (which includes<br />
self-serve and vending kiosks) is expected to<br />
grow from USD 24.8 billion in 2019 to USD 32.8<br />
billion by 2025, at a CAGR of 4.6% from 2020 to<br />
2025, according to a ReportLinker analysis.<br />
A February 11 press release stated that the interactive<br />
kiosk market growth can be attributed to<br />
several factors such as enhanced shopping experience<br />
for customers, lower investment costs than<br />
traditional outlets, enhanced applications other<br />
than conventional ones, and innovations in touch<br />
screen display and glass technology. However, the<br />
high set up cost and need for regular maintenance<br />
of the kiosks and rising cyber-crime incidents are<br />
expected to hamper the growth of the market, the<br />
press release stated.<br />
Vending kiosks, which offer things such as snacks<br />
and beverages and are primarily used in retail<br />
stores, quick-service restaurants, hotels, airports,<br />
railway stations, malls, and so on, held the largest<br />
share of the interactive kiosk market in 2019<br />
The report did cover the fact that putting up<br />
an outdoor kiosk is more challenging as it can be<br />
prone to theft and fraud. Also, it should have a protection<br />
system against dust, rain, temperature, and<br />
humidity, the press release added. North America<br />
held the largest share of the interactive kiosk market<br />
in 2019 in terms of revenue, and the trend is<br />
expected to continue during the forecast period.<br />
The interactive kiosks market in North America<br />
is driven by various factors, such as the need to<br />
save time, accuracy, and high living standard as<br />
compared to other developed regions. The United<br />
States is the largest market for interactive kiosks in<br />
this region, according to the report<br />
POLL<br />
Do you play<br />
music (on<br />
overhead speakers)<br />
at your car wash?<br />
YES<br />
35%<br />
NO 65%<br />
28 • SPRING 2020
New technology: Incorporated into low<br />
and high pH detergents<br />
Works with touch-free in bay automatics,<br />
friction units and self service washes.<br />
Removes road film, bugs, salts and other<br />
highway grime<br />
Contains no HF or ABF (hydroflouric<br />
acid/ammonium bifluoride)<br />
Environmentally friendly,<br />
bio-degradable<br />
Demos available: We show you how it<br />
works at your location<br />
Works in heated or cold water — spray<br />
on, rinse off<br />
One or two-step process — two-step is<br />
recommended<br />
SPRING 2020 • 29
EXTRA!<br />
EXTRA!<br />
Presenting the news stories featuring<br />
self serve car washes<br />
They met at a car wash and<br />
the rest is history<br />
National Business<br />
Week postponed<br />
Not all love stories begin at a ball or on a<br />
blind date. Some, wistfully poetic with enchantment<br />
and hearts and flowers begin at….<br />
a self-serve car wash. Back in 1969 Bertha<br />
Gober was getting ready to wash her 1966<br />
Mustang on a sunny afternoon in North Little<br />
Rock, Arkansas. It was then that she saw Jessie,<br />
who five years older. He offered to wash<br />
her car for her and from there, a love story<br />
unfolded. Their love story was profiled in the<br />
February 9 edition of the Northwest Arkansas<br />
Democrat Gazette.<br />
“He said he was impressed with the car and<br />
me,” she said in the story. “He offered to wash<br />
it. He said, ‘Hey, you need some help? I’ll wash<br />
it for you.’ So, I said, ‘Hey, I’ll let you do that.’”<br />
Jessie was at the car wash day to clean his<br />
1967 Chevrolet Caprice. leaning<br />
“I didn’t know that much about her, but I<br />
had seen her and kind of wanted to talk to<br />
her,” he said in the story. “This was my chance.”<br />
When he finished Bertha’s car, the story<br />
reported, he was getting ready to go back to<br />
work on his own. First, though, he asked for<br />
her phone number.<br />
They got engaged about seven months after<br />
they met and were married on February 22,<br />
1970, in the church where Bertha grew up.<br />
“It’s just flown by,” says Bertha of their<br />
half-century-long marriage. “I don’t even feel<br />
like I’m the age I am.”<br />
And, 50 years later, Jessie still washes and<br />
cleans Bertha’s car when it needs<br />
“Yes ma’am,” she said in the story.<br />
Jessie added that he was washing her car the<br />
day of the interview!<br />
How sweet! Here’s to you, Bertha, Jessie<br />
and here’s to positive car washing news.<br />
For more than 50 years, the President of the United<br />
States has issued a proclamation announcing National<br />
Small Business Week, which recognizes the critical<br />
contributions of America’s entrepreneurs and small<br />
business owners. This special week was supposed to<br />
take place from May 3 - May 9, 2020, but it has been<br />
postponed due to the Coronavirus pandemic.<br />
According to the Small Business Association (SBA),<br />
As part of National Small Business Week, the U.S.<br />
Small Business Administration takes the opportunity<br />
to highlight the impact of outstanding entrepreneurs,<br />
small business owners, and others from all 50 states<br />
and U.S. territories. Every day, they’re working to grow<br />
small businesses, create 21st century jobs, drive innovation,<br />
and increase America’s global competitiveness.<br />
More than half of Americans either own or work for a<br />
small business, and they create about two out of every<br />
three new jobs in the U.S. each year.<br />
Updates can be found by visiting www.sba.gov<br />
Celebrities<br />
washing cars<br />
Pictured here is Chace Crawford, star of Gossip<br />
Girl and The Boys. The photo was taken at a West<br />
Hollywood self service car wash on April 27.<br />
From farming to car washing, self serve<br />
owner finds success in small<br />
Californian town<br />
Former farmer is now a successful self serve<br />
owner Shayne Brady not only owns the only<br />
self serve car wash in town, but he also is offering<br />
up many other profit centers, the Holtville<br />
Tribune reported. Brady was profiled in<br />
the April 17 issue in which he opened up<br />
about his road to success.<br />
He bought out the former owner of California-based<br />
Holtville Car Wash in December<br />
2018 and immediately put a plan in place for<br />
improvements.<br />
“All four bays have the spot-free air shammy,”<br />
Brady said in the story. “It incorporates<br />
soft water and reverse osmosis, so it won’t<br />
spot your car. But customers must do a thorough<br />
job to get all the water off.”<br />
Brady always knew the value of hard work.<br />
Throughout high school he, along with his<br />
two older brothers helped out their father<br />
with his custom row-crop tractor business,<br />
farming everything from lettuce, carrots, melons,<br />
tomato beds and sugar beets. He attended<br />
and graduated from Cal Poly Pomona in 1986<br />
with a Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture<br />
Management and worked again for his<br />
father’s farming business. His father sold the<br />
business in 1999 and then started a storage<br />
facility business and a few years later Shayne<br />
opened a tow trucking business.<br />
As for the Holtville Car Wash, Brady did everything<br />
from completely re-landscaping the<br />
property to adding new equipment and token<br />
boxes.<br />
“We’re getting set up to accept credit or<br />
debit cards,” Brady said in the story. “There<br />
still are some processes to complete with the<br />
credit card companies, as well as the card<br />
readers. Then we’ll have to shut down the car<br />
wash for about two weeks to be refitted to<br />
accommodate credit transactions. It is more<br />
intense than I expected.”<br />
Brady acknowledged in the story that there<br />
are a number of moving parts with the car<br />
wash and things can wear down. Yet should<br />
anything go wrong, he wants his customers to<br />
reach out to him immediately.<br />
“We’ll hurry over and get you into another<br />
bay,” said Brady. “The residents here appreciate<br />
having a good car wash and not having<br />
to drive to El Centro and we value them for<br />
their loyalty.”<br />
30 • SPRING 2020
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Operator’s Choice for over 50 Years!<br />
5842 W 34th St • Houston, TX 77092<br />
1.800.999.9878 • 713.683.9878<br />
www.colemanhanna.com<br />
Find us on Facebook:<br />
/ColemanHannaCarwash<br />
SPRING 2020 • 31
EXTRA!<br />
EXTRA!<br />
Looking Back to ... Spring 1995<br />
What was happening 25 years ago, according to the Spring 1995 edition of Self Serve Car Wash News?<br />
New Self Serves<br />
■ Altona, Ontario<br />
The Sun Valley Co-op in Altona, Ontario, is now in<br />
hosts a self serve car wash. According to a February 16<br />
Pembina Valley Online story, the car wash opened in<br />
January.<br />
General Manager Brad Iverson said in the story, “We<br />
are excited to add this new service and will continue<br />
to offer great car wash options for years to come with<br />
the Co-op name. We are committed to improving and<br />
expanding the services we provide and look forward to<br />
offering increased carwash promotions through our locations.”<br />
The Sun Valley Co-op Car Wash provides three automatic<br />
wash options and six self serve wash bays.<br />
According to its <strong>web</strong>site, The CO-OP® brand is used<br />
by a network of retail co-operative associations across<br />
Western Canada that own and operate Co-op Agro<br />
Centres, food stores, gas bars/convenience stores, home<br />
centres, pharmacies and more.<br />
■ Bee Cave, Texas<br />
Plans are underway for a new self-service car wash<br />
within the Bella Colinas commercial subdivision in Bee<br />
Cave, Texas.<br />
According to an April 30 CommunityImpact.com<br />
story, the 1.58-acre lot will consist of a 4,162-squarefoot<br />
building and include an automated wash-bay, storage<br />
area and a small office space. Proposed hours of operation<br />
for the car wash are from 6 a.m.-10 p.m.<br />
32 • SPRING 2020<br />
■ Victorville, California<br />
An abandoned Del Taco is slated for demolition to<br />
make way for a new car wash, an April 15 Daily Press<br />
story said. The one-acre parcel of land will soon be home<br />
to a Quick N Clean Car Wash, which has other locations<br />
in California, Arizona, Nevada, Colorado and Texas.<br />
The site, which has been vacant since the Del Taco<br />
closed in 2017, will be razed to make room for a 150-<br />
foot long tunnel, 35 vacuum stations, including 26 that<br />
will be covered; and a 5,400 square-foot office and storage<br />
building.<br />
Progressive Senior VP Paul Galmarini represented the<br />
seller, a Santa Monica-based private investor and Progressive<br />
Senior Retail Specialist Albert Lopez represented<br />
Quick N Clean in the transaction, the story said.<br />
“The Bear Valley Road location was ideal for Quick<br />
N Clean because it features many of the traits they look<br />
for, including high traffic counts, outstanding visibility,<br />
excellent access and close proximity to other service<br />
and food-oriented retail uses,” Lopez said.<br />
He added that the company is actively seeking additional<br />
expansion opportunities throughout Southern<br />
California.<br />
“While the excellent location made the property very<br />
attractive, it was a complex and lengthy transaction in<br />
that there were several adjacent properties with dominant<br />
easement rights over this site that had to be negotiated<br />
and extinguished,” Galmarini said.<br />
■ Milford, Delaware<br />
The Buccaneer Car Wash located across from Milford<br />
High School. Is now open for business, according to a<br />
February 11 Milford Live story.<br />
Karan Gupta said in the story, “We saw potential in<br />
the car wash business since we were already running<br />
them at our gas stations,” Gupta said. “Milford is the<br />
next town emerging on the Delaware map and there<br />
seemed to be a good opportunity to serve the people<br />
of Milford and become a part of this close-knit town.<br />
Milford is the next booming town after Middletown<br />
with the opening of the new hospital and all the other<br />
businesses opening up it gave us confidence to invest in<br />
Milford. We have had a very good and encouraging response<br />
from the people of the community and we hope<br />
to provide them with ongoing excellent service.”<br />
Gupta said he plans to continue upgrading the 24-<br />
hour car wash including offering free vacuums with the<br />
purchase of a car wash. They also hope to add unlimited<br />
monthly wash packages in the future.<br />
“We offer self-serve washes starting at $3 using 100<br />
percent hot water wash with a lot of options that are<br />
not offered at other locations in this area,” Gupta said in<br />
the story. “This includes the tire cleaner, pre-soak, soap<br />
foam brush, high-pressure soap, high pressure wax and<br />
more. The best services are the hot wax and air dryer on<br />
the self-serve options.” Automatic washes start at $8 and<br />
a free towel dry is offered between the hours of 8 a.m.<br />
and 6 p.m. every day.”<br />
Having driven several cars over the years, Gupta said<br />
that he has personally seen the importance of keeping<br />
a vehicle clean.
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SPRING 2020 • 33
Presenting some of the best discussions from the Self Serve, IBA and General Discussions sections of CarwashForum.com. To view more<br />
posts discussing some interesting and common problems, as well as some of the best and brightest solutions, visit CarwashForum.com<br />
(Note: Some posts feature minor edits for readability.)<br />
Bye Bye birdies<br />
Metal screens, Netting,<br />
Bird Be Gone, Rubber snakes<br />
How do you guys get rid of birds? They are all over<br />
the place right now and making a huge mess. NOOB<br />
I am dealing with the same problem. I have installed<br />
expanded metal screens and bird spikes.<br />
Both worked. At this point, the small areas are becoming<br />
a roosting spot. I just bought netting to see<br />
how that goes and thinking I should have done that<br />
in the first place. Will know in a few weeks. THECKIE<br />
I used to have problems with barn swallows<br />
roosting at the car wash. The only thing you can<br />
do to get rid of them is to seal up the building. On<br />
the areas that they’d land or roost on I ended up<br />
putting metal and wood cut at an angle so they<br />
couldn’t land or roost. Any nest I found I got rid of<br />
it right away. I think pigeons are the worst, nothing<br />
more than a rat with wings. RANDY<br />
I live trap the sparrows and starlings. Pigeons get<br />
it with air rifle. Living in a rural town I tend to get<br />
away with stuff that others can’t. SWAMPDONKEY<br />
I used to use a product called Bird B gone. Came<br />
in a tube that fit in a caulking gun. It was basically<br />
a substance you applied and it stayed effective for<br />
How I fixed it!<br />
After many years, my R.O. membrane needed replacement. It<br />
went from 1.5 gpm to 3.5 gpm instantly. Bits of the membrane<br />
were found in the storage tank. The TDS was at 90 in the storage<br />
tank. I installed a new membrane. When I first pressurized the<br />
new membrane it was flowing at 3 gpm @170 psi. I let it sit overnight<br />
and tried it again. This time it flowed at 2 gpm @170psi.<br />
After a couple of days, I checked the storage tank and it was at a<br />
TDS of 20. But today I noticed the membrane flowing at 3gpm<br />
@170psi. The output TDS is reading 70.<br />
maybe 6 months. It was just real sticky stuff that<br />
the birds hated. BB guns are also effective if you’re<br />
a good shot. MAC<br />
I 2nd Mac on Bird B Gone. Take a full rainy day<br />
& 2/3 tubes of that stuff & put it EVERYWHERE<br />
they land. They will be gone in 48 hrs & stay gone.<br />
Will cost you about $40 & the problem is gone!<br />
Recently, at our rural location, we had a buzzard<br />
get into the mechanical room, scaring the<br />
you-know-what out of our city boy mechanic. He<br />
left the mechanical door open and returned many<br />
minutes later to find the buzzard gone. I hope it’s<br />
not an omen for something. WASH4LIFE<br />
I think I saw it on the forum before we tried<br />
it but rubber snakes from the dollar store have<br />
seemed to make a real difference for us. We have<br />
a flat roof so I threw a couple up there and on top<br />
of the walls between the bays. BERT79<br />
High<br />
membrane<br />
flow<br />
Metal<br />
screens<br />
Netting<br />
Rubber snakes<br />
Bird<br />
Be Gone<br />
<strong>SSCWN</strong> EDITOR CHIMES IN:<br />
Before anyone loads their firearm<br />
or slingshot, it’s important to know<br />
that all wild birds (except pigeons,<br />
English sparrows and starlings)<br />
are protected by federal and state<br />
laws, according to the U.S. Fish<br />
and Wildlife Service. This means<br />
you cannot trap, kill or possess<br />
protected species without federal<br />
and state permits. And, even if<br />
you are allowed to harm a pigeon,<br />
there’s a better way to handle them<br />
(killing of pigeons could lead to a<br />
PR nightmare…) The first step,<br />
according to the U.S. Fish and<br />
Wildlife Service is to identify<br />
the bird and determine why it is<br />
attracted to your property.<br />
THE SOLUTION: I remembered that when I took<br />
the old membrane out, I noticed the O ring in the cap was<br />
partially dislodged. I put it back in the groove and then installed<br />
the new membrane. When I woke up at 2:30 in the morning I had a hunch that the<br />
excessive flow rate and high TDS was water partially getting past the membrane.<br />
I pulled the cap off and found the O ring was partially out of the groove again. I<br />
grabbed another O ring and installed it, and things are running normal. It was<br />
untreated water getting past the O ring and causing high “flow” and high TDS<br />
readings. The old membrane that I took out is most likely fine. I will look at putting<br />
some adhesive in the O ring groove to keep the O ring in place if this happens again.<br />
This O ring is hit with 170 psi when the pump starts up.<br />
34 • SPRING 2020
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SPRING 2020 • 35
Help Wanted<br />
... from myself<br />
Any guys out there that own/run car washes full time as their job? Particularly<br />
self service car washes. I’m wondering at what point did you know you had to<br />
quit your day job and go out on your own. [This would be for] 3 or 4 car washes?<br />
I know it all depends on size and profitability of each wash. I want to expand,<br />
but it will be hard to do with my 6-5 millwright job (that I hate). SHINESHED<br />
Do Not Work<br />
with Family<br />
Get<br />
enough<br />
experience<br />
My full-time job in the industry began in 1996<br />
when I opened my full-service stand-alone detail<br />
shop. It was rough; I was in business with family,<br />
which I DO NOT RECOMMEND, for many reasons.<br />
We rented a location (which we built ourselves;<br />
long story). The business only made money<br />
8-9 months a year because of seasonality. I went<br />
without pay for those months. I was able to do this<br />
because I was good with my money and my family<br />
members always lived hand-to-mouth. Eventually<br />
my partner got another job and sold me his ‘share’<br />
of the business, which was insolvent at the time. It<br />
was my plan all along to build a self-serve car wash,<br />
so I did. I went and got a job part time at a great local<br />
chain called Golden Nozzle so I could learn the<br />
business firsthand. I learned so much from my old<br />
boss, Mike Forgotch. I put a business plan together<br />
and went to banks. I experienced a lot of rejection. I<br />
worked hard to refine the plan and got my little 2/1<br />
SS wash open. Then I lost my lease and was evicted<br />
from my old location for the detail shop. I went<br />
back to the bank, borrowed more $$$ and built a<br />
sweet 4 car detail shop next to my wash. Then I applied<br />
for and got my used car dealer’s license. Now,<br />
all this time later, I operate the business full-time,<br />
along with an 8 plex apartment building I bought at<br />
the urging of 2 good friends. What a great decision<br />
that was for me! It is awesome to be diversified, especially<br />
now. WAXMAN<br />
You’re asking the wrong question. You yourself<br />
know that in your current situation, expansion<br />
will be hard to do.<br />
Here’s what I look at your main question as being,<br />
Do I keep the full-time job and my one car<br />
wash, or do I leave the full-time job in order to<br />
expand?<br />
Another question to ask yourself is, Is working<br />
a full-time job allowing me to maximize profits at<br />
my current business? WASH4LIFE<br />
Trust me, I know from experience, it’s hard to<br />
keep a full-time job and run one SS car wash, unless<br />
you have someone to clean up. I did it for seven<br />
years back in the 90s, and I’m doing it again<br />
now. Back then it wasn’t so bad -- I was younger<br />
and I had gotten things where I barely spent 30<br />
minutes at the wash most days. Customers there<br />
respected the place and almost never made a mess.<br />
My current wash doesn’t have that yet, may never<br />
because of the customer base. I spend at least two<br />
hours just cleaning every day, even if it rains. At<br />
least I’m making some decent money, more than<br />
the full-time job pays. MEP001<br />
I own and operate a 5 bay plus an awesome automatic,<br />
and it is my only job. Since I sold my regular<br />
business last year, I needed something to do to get<br />
me out of the house. And trust me on this, if you<br />
spend 24 hours with your wife, things can get uncomfortable<br />
sometimes. There was one time I really<br />
regretted showing my wife how to use a handgun,<br />
but that’s another story. So I spend anywhere from<br />
three to nine hours a day at the wash. The customers<br />
love the fact that someone is there. And I listen<br />
to them when they tell me what they like or don’t,<br />
and what they would like to see added MAC<br />
Started part time in 1992 and became full time<br />
in 2000. I’ve run as many as seven low-moderate<br />
SS only washes at a time. I know people that have<br />
run more. I really don’t want to work full time<br />
anymore so I’m down to just two nice SS/IBA (although<br />
will be starting to rehab a third soon) and<br />
work four-five hours a day most days. I make more<br />
at a part time job than I could make working for<br />
someone else, unless I had MD after my name.<br />
You have to learn the 80/20 rule if you want to<br />
run multiple locations: 80% of your results come<br />
from 20% of your efforts. You can spend all day at<br />
one wash if you want to try multiple profit centers,<br />
lots of vending, etc. and run a spotless wash, or<br />
you can run several pretty good locations in the<br />
same amount of time if you keep things simple<br />
and aren’t as OCD about the cleanliness. I’m in<br />
the latter category.<br />
One piece of advice I give new operators: Never<br />
clean up your own wash if you can afford an employee<br />
-- it will eat up your time and ruin your<br />
attitude. GREG PACK<br />
Thank you for that, Greg.<br />
Really good advice. I had that<br />
exact<br />
conversation with my manager last week after he<br />
had gotten lazy on cleaning. I told him that the<br />
wash will be clean, no matter what. If he does his<br />
job all will be good. If I have to do his job, I’ll be<br />
[mad] about it every single day. KLEANRIDE<br />
I think it depends what type of wash you want<br />
to run.<br />
If you are the maintenance man and the one<br />
calling all the shots, you cannot have a full time<br />
job. If you can find a manager that is handy and<br />
intelligent then, yes, you probably could manage<br />
1-2 washes and still have a full time job.<br />
You really have to weigh the pros and cons<br />
though. For me, when I purchased my 2nd and 3rd<br />
wash I quit my full time job because I could see<br />
the upside of the car washes potentially making<br />
more than my full time job salary. What I mean<br />
by that is if I keep improving, my car washes’ sales<br />
would continue to increase which I felt would ultimately<br />
over time be more than my salary and<br />
then-current car wash profit ever was. I can say<br />
now that my car wash profit the year after I quit<br />
my full time job was more than my previous year’s<br />
car wash profit + the salary at my old job.<br />
People want to see a well-managed car wash, I<br />
feel like I can always tell when an SS wash has an<br />
absentee owner.<br />
It was the right move for me to quit my job. I<br />
currently own 4 washes (18 SS bays & 4 autos)<br />
and have the time to look for new opportunities<br />
and growth. WYATT<br />
I’ve been in [the self serve business] for 31 years.<br />
28 years ago I decided the best way to run my 2nd<br />
wash was to move on site. My 2nd wash was a former<br />
car dealership building I converted to 3,000 sf<br />
of living space. 3rd wash was a muffler shop that I<br />
converted to an SS and 1,800 sf apt. which I currently<br />
live in. I got a car wash mortgage, no house<br />
payments. On site for me was the best way to go.<br />
36 • SPRING 2020
SPRING 2020 • 37
VIDEO CA<br />
Successful Car Wash<br />
Self-Serve to E<br />
Location<br />
Get in the trenches with Scott Oster as he describes the renovation of this existing<br />
self-serve site that converted successfully to a 110-foot express exterior tunnel. Scott<br />
guides you through the project’s design and permitting, as well as the technology<br />
upgrades and marketing decisions that made this Grand Re-Opening a huge success.<br />
5 Self-Serve Bays & 2 Inbay Automatics<br />
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Watch Scott Oster, owner of Aqua Blue Car Wash<br />
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38 • SPRING 2020
Format Conversions<br />
xpress Tunnel<br />
Location<br />
Go behind-the-scenes with Marcus Kittrell as he shows us how he converted a<br />
limited, pre-existing self-serve car wash into a 80-foot express exterior tunnel now<br />
known as MARC-1 Car Wash Palisades. Marcus is the owner of seven Marc-1 car wash<br />
locations in the state of Alabama.<br />
3 Self-Serve Bays & 3 Inbay Automatics<br />
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80-EDT<br />
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_<br />
Watch Marcus Kittrell, owner of marc-1 Car Wash<br />
as he explains his successful conversion<br />
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SPRING 2020 • 39
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40 • SPRING 2020
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SPRING 2020 • 41
Scoring with storing<br />
I have excess land at my carwash and for years have thought it would be a<br />
good place for a self storage building. I know just enough about the<br />
self storage business to be dangerous. I am looking for some<br />
advice from veteran operators. I see the ISS (Inside Self Storage)<br />
has a convention. Anyone familiar with it? Is it worth attending?<br />
I’d like to hear from some carwash/self storage operators as<br />
to how the mix of the two works out for them. RIC<br />
Yes, I own both - a self serve carwash 3/2 and a<br />
40K’ mini storage facility. However, they are not<br />
on adjoining properties. The mini storage is about<br />
4 miles away. Been open about 18 months. LOUISE<br />
I’ve been considering the same thing on some<br />
unused and otherwise useless property behind<br />
our wash, but local restrictions would make it<br />
almost impossible to make it profitable unless I<br />
could keep it at least 98% leased. MEP001<br />
Self storage is a great easy business. Steve Wilson<br />
in Tampa used to build self service and self<br />
storage together. As I understand, he has demolished<br />
the car washes, and built more self storage.<br />
We have been in the self storage business for over<br />
20 years. Unlike a car wash, it is very easy to get<br />
into and run. Few employees, and little maintenance.<br />
The problem is that it is so easy to get into,<br />
there is often ‘over building’. They can and often<br />
are built next to each other. ...If you are doing<br />
good, someone will build a self storage right next<br />
door (sounds like the express wash business).<br />
In the past 2 years over 300,000 sq. ft. have<br />
been built surrounding each of the 2 self storages<br />
that we are involved with. Occupancy dropped<br />
15 to 20 %. It is easy to over build, build too<br />
expensively and too much. There is a new 4 story<br />
project that has just recently been built near<br />
one of my washes, great idea, but too crowded. it<br />
will be hard to access the multi-story building…<br />
Self-storage is a good business. Self-Storage facilities<br />
are becoming very popular nowadays. The storage<br />
services are useful for everyone. RAYMONDHALL<br />
We have storage behind our wash. It’s working<br />
well. Once you build it people copycat the heck<br />
out of you.<br />
Since we built, another company put some<br />
right across the street from us. And another just<br />
down the road.. And on the other side of a small<br />
town, and another and another.<br />
Anyone with mon- ey jumps on it<br />
when they see you are successful.<br />
If you build it, build it full out with<br />
maximum units for your<br />
area that<br />
budget allows, so there’s<br />
less room for others to<br />
copy on the business. Actually,<br />
this is one area I would<br />
say go over budget to lock<br />
the occupancy #s..<br />
When other investors see the market saturated<br />
they will shy away.<br />
We should have put up 4 times more than we<br />
started with!! MRFIXIT<br />
I can say a storage facility is a good business, but<br />
you need to market also and invest time and effort<br />
to brand your business. MIDLANDBOATRVSTORAGE<br />
The self-storage business is very beneficial as it<br />
is very easy to use and install. Self-storage businesses<br />
are becoming very popular these days. You<br />
can easily make storage space with the help of<br />
industrial curtains.<br />
Industrial curtains can be the best option if you<br />
want to open a temporary self-storage business.<br />
This will help you to cut down the labor and<br />
maintenance charges annually. I have recently<br />
started with this business and yes I am getting<br />
good revenue out of it. BEN STOKES<br />
I looked into doing this. Very expensive and just<br />
like the car wash business as soon as you put one in<br />
everyone else does the same thing and over builds.<br />
I went the way of storage for RV and campers.<br />
Low cost to start with -- stone lot, no fence. Put<br />
a 3x12 banner up and listed in Craigslist. Boom!<br />
Got lots of calls and filled up the area I started<br />
with and made a second lot. You will find that you<br />
can no longer park your RV in the yard in most<br />
new subdivisions. You need to do some research<br />
first but I found this to be a low cost low overhead<br />
and minimal time employee wise. WASHALLDAY<br />
Watch for<br />
eyesore<br />
complaints<br />
Great,<br />
easy business!<br />
Have looked at mobilecontainersales.<br />
com. They ship<br />
flat and you assem- ble them on<br />
site. Can stack 3 high and possibly can be movable<br />
with a basic tow truck. Haven’t gotten quite that<br />
far yet.<br />
I think the problem with this is competing with<br />
Pods and Uhaul for the long haul. Unless we’re<br />
able to make an independent national network to<br />
provide collection and return or trade of containers,<br />
if they decide to move out of your area, you’d<br />
need to charge them for the container. MSAXONII<br />
Just a “heads up” my large facility interior design<br />
neighbor (the balance of the total city block)<br />
had to eventually remove their mobile storage<br />
units because supposedly the city got a bunch<br />
of complaints from a few vocal citizens about<br />
the so-called ‘eyesore’ factor. Not sure if that<br />
even comes close to applying in other localities<br />
though. MJWALSH<br />
42 • SPRING 2020
TODAY!<br />
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SPRING 2020 • 43
What’s the proper etiquette<br />
when it comes to criminals?<br />
We have notified police of a break-in. We have good pics of their<br />
truck & the perps ... So, should we post those pics on our Facebook,<br />
or not? Is it legal to do that? If legal, is it a dumb move? Bad PR, or is<br />
that a smart move? SOONERMAJIC<br />
I think the only customers that would be offended<br />
by it are the ones you wouldn’t want on your<br />
property. One of the car washes in my area did a<br />
$20 Facebook ad recently with video of some people<br />
that tried to break into their equipment and<br />
ended up catching them with the help of people<br />
who saw it. OVERACHIEVER<br />
I had a guy breaking into my vacs and I told my<br />
snow cone stand tenants and they posted the pictures<br />
on their Facebook page and even asked for<br />
help identifying them....within an hour someone<br />
responded with the names of the individuals and<br />
they were caught. I would if I was you... RFREEMAN<br />
I think VERY FEW people will think negatively<br />
of you for posting pictures of people breaking<br />
into your equipment. You aren’t the bad guy<br />
here! ERICH<br />
I concur. Post the pictures, we are encouraged to<br />
help our sheriff’s department by posting on Facebook<br />
because there are more eyes and leads that<br />
come from that type of platform. We’ve had people<br />
post on our “People of Des Moines” FB page<br />
of crimes and sometimes hours later a mugshot<br />
would appear with “Apprehended” above from our<br />
police department. DIAMONDWASH<br />
Definitely post on Facebook.<br />
I’d also posted pics outside each bay, all the vacs,<br />
vending and changer. I would even post his pic by<br />
the street entrance with a sign, “DO YOU KNOW<br />
It would make an impression on all your customers.<br />
I wouldn’t care about the few that don’t<br />
like it because the ones that might think about doing<br />
something bad at your wash will know their<br />
face will be planted all over your lot.<br />
Might stop someone from doing “anything” bad<br />
at your place in the future. JMMUSTANG<br />
I used Facebook last fall to catch a paint dumper<br />
at my wash, but when I handed his info over to<br />
the cops they completely blew it off. My manager<br />
suggested we put up a sign board next to the<br />
bill changers and start posting, “A$$#@!? of the<br />
month” photos, but I’m afraid that’ll just motivate<br />
kids to drop by and try to win that title. KLEANRIDE<br />
Instead of posting, “Info Wanted for Committing<br />
X Crime,” which could be libelous, post, “Info<br />
Wanted for Persons of Interest in Connection with<br />
XXX).”<br />
Unfortunately, many operators have discovered<br />
that police today really don’t care about “minor”<br />
crimes such as these. So, I heartily agree to not<br />
only post the pictures, but write what they did. I<br />
think most of your customers will be glad that you<br />
care about your operation. At a wash I used to own<br />
I had a stringer hit my wash four days in a row. So,<br />
I went to the local authorities, explained my loss,<br />
around $2,000, and asked if I could just stake out<br />
the place with my revolver, and capture them. Was<br />
shocked when the cop said I better not or I could<br />
get in trouble. So, be proactive… MAC<br />
I think it would depend on how blatantly the<br />
clearness of the criminal intent is & if 100% proof<br />
existed with no ambiguities. The ability to prove<br />
a non-alterable time date stamp of the pic-video<br />
could be a factor. It seems like almost every criminal<br />
always pleads not guilty at first.<br />
Possibly proportionality could come into the<br />
picture??? ... in terms of the person having his or<br />
her reputation ruined at a much greater cost than<br />
just a more discreet and less publicized remedy<br />
along with restitution from the perp could be at<br />
times the better fit???<br />
If it was a hit & run accident ... the perp could<br />
possibly play dumb & say he or she did not the<br />
object was scraped or hit etc???<br />
Without a license number ... possibly someone<br />
could say their truck was similar & they were damaged<br />
by a mistaken identity guess by whoever posting<br />
back publicly could be an issue??? MJWALSH<br />
Don’t<br />
do it<br />
Post their<br />
pictures!<br />
<strong>SSCWN</strong> EDITOR CHIMES IN:<br />
Catching criminals via Facebook is<br />
a great tool for the Florida-based<br />
Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.<br />
Since 2017 the department has<br />
hosted a live Wheel of Thieves<br />
segment garnering public adoration.<br />
According to the Wheel of Thieves<br />
<strong>web</strong>site, the segment is hosted<br />
by Sergeant Melony Peterson and<br />
Chief Public Information Officer<br />
Amber Southard on Wednesdays.<br />
They spin a wheel to see who will<br />
be the ECSO’s featured Fugitive of<br />
the Week. The episode is loaded<br />
onto social media (Facebook and<br />
YouTube; as well as, edited for time<br />
for Instagram & Twitter). “The lucky<br />
fugitive who wins will be plastered<br />
across the ECSO’s social media and<br />
electronic billboards for the next<br />
week.” Last April, local news station<br />
abc 3 reported that the program<br />
has an 80% success rate and 21<br />
people were still at large after being<br />
featured.<br />
44 • SPRING 2020
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SPRING 2020 • 45
2020<br />
JUNE 8-10<br />
CAR WASH<br />
SUMMIT<br />
Hotel Bennett<br />
Charleston, South Carolina<br />
www.carwash.org<br />
JUNE 22-24<br />
WOMEN IN<br />
Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada<br />
www.womenincarwash.com<br />
SEP 14-16<br />
2020 AMERICAN<br />
Georgia World Congress Center<br />
Atlanta, Georgia<br />
https://secwa.org<br />
OCT 5-7<br />
Atlantic City Convention Center<br />
Atlantic City, New Jersey<br />
www.nrccshow.com<br />
46 • SPRING 2020<br />
Association News<br />
International Carwash Association ® (ICA)<br />
CEO Eric Wulf warns against letter scam<br />
There is a document making the rounds throughout<br />
the carwashing community and, unfortunately, it<br />
is a scam. Eric Wulf, CEO of the ICA wants people<br />
to know he has nothing to do with it and also noted,<br />
it asks readers to contact “Eric Wolf” which is an obvious<br />
misspelling.<br />
In a letter to ICA members, Wulf wrote:<br />
A document entitled “Essential Business” has<br />
recently circulated within the car wash community.<br />
In it, readers are advised to contact “Eric Wolf” from<br />
the “International Car Wash Association” for more<br />
information about whether car washes may operate<br />
during government imposed restrictions related to<br />
According to the official statement from the<br />
ICA: Anthony Analetto, President of Sonny’s Car<br />
Wash Equipment Division, has been chosen as the<br />
winner of the 2020 Distinguished Achievement<br />
Award, presented by International Carwash Association<br />
to recognize unique and exemplary contributions<br />
to the car wash industry.<br />
Anthony has been washing cars for more than<br />
30 years, with decades of industry knowledge that<br />
started in his family’s business. Their site included<br />
a gas station, three self-service bays, and a 70-foot<br />
exterior tunnel. After college, he left the family business<br />
to work as a manager at the Sonny’s car wash<br />
chain in Boston.<br />
At Sonny’s, Anthony managed new projects,<br />
car washes, quick lube builds, and conversions from<br />
touch-free to touch-less to hybrid processes. Between<br />
projects, Anthony traveled the country, installing<br />
washes for Sonny’s Enterprises, LLC. Soon<br />
after, Anthony became Director of Operations at<br />
Wash Depot Holdings, where he was responsible for<br />
onboarding all acquisitions to a chain of 74 washes,<br />
28 quick lubes, and 14 gas stations across 13 states.<br />
the coronavirus crisis.<br />
Please be advised that this document was NOT<br />
authored or approved by the International Carwash<br />
Association. The Association’s position, and other resources,<br />
are to be found at www.carwash.org/sharing.<br />
These are challenging times, and our goal is to<br />
provide you with the best information possible. We<br />
wish safety and good health to you and yours, and<br />
welcome your comments and questions.<br />
Sincerely,<br />
Eric Wulf, CEO<br />
Anthony Analetto of Sonny’s recognized for exemplary<br />
contributions to the industry<br />
The ICA hosted the first-ever edition of its<br />
weekly livestream, CAR WASH Magazine Live, took<br />
place March 26, and reached nearly 6,000 people.<br />
Hosted by CAR WASH Magazine Editor-in-Chief<br />
Matt DeWolf, the inaugural episode featured guests<br />
Tom Hoffman, Jr., owner of Hoffman Car Wash, and<br />
Eric Wulf, ICA Chief Executive Officer.<br />
The episode covered a variety of issues related<br />
to the COVID-19 pandemic — including resources<br />
and details shared by ICA, how Hoffman Car Wash<br />
has handled the issue in the virus hot spots in New<br />
York State, and the pandemic’s overall effects on<br />
wash owners, operators, and the industry at large.<br />
You can watch it now on Facebook or on the ICA<br />
YouTube channel.<br />
Another episode aired April 2 and was designed<br />
to help operators and owners navigate the latest<br />
stimulus bills in the United States (CARES and<br />
FFCRA) from both human resources and business<br />
Noting his hard work and talent, Paul Fazio<br />
reached out to Anthony and invited him to work at<br />
Sonny’s Enterprises—a dynamic collaboration that<br />
has now spanned 20 years. At Sonny’s, Anthony has<br />
created state-of-the-art innovations to keep equipment<br />
cutting edge.<br />
“There are few faces more well known in the car<br />
wash industry today than Anthony’s,” said Eric Wulf,<br />
CEO of International Carwash Association. “He is a<br />
recognized expert on car wash operations and equipment,<br />
and has been the face of the extensive Sonny’s<br />
video library. Anthony appears as a regular contributor<br />
to car wash industry magazines and speaks often<br />
at association events. His decades of experience in<br />
both the retailer and supplier sides of the industry, as<br />
well as his commitment to teaching and supporting<br />
others, made Anthony’s selection as the DAA winner<br />
an easy decision.”<br />
In recognizing Anthony Analetto with a Distinguished<br />
Achievement Award, ICA highlights the importance<br />
of innovation, education, and giving back to<br />
the car wash community. Kudos to Anthony for his<br />
decades of leadership!<br />
Association’s first-ever livestream reaches thousands of attendees<br />
perspectives. Guests included Claudia St. John, president<br />
of Affinity HR Group and Joanna Johnson,<br />
president of Johnson Policy Associates. Plus, Andrew<br />
Zamora, president of Racer Classic Car Wash, talked<br />
about how his wash managed COVID-19. The first<br />
episode had more than 300 viewers during the livestream,<br />
and had 5,750 viewed the livestream. The<br />
ICA hopes you’ll be counted among this number<br />
for future episodes which can be found by visiting<br />
the ICA Facebook page at www.facebook.com/carwashorg.<br />
If you cannot make the scheduled stream,<br />
you can watch afterwards on Facebook, or visit our<br />
YouTube channel.<br />
If you have ideas about a feature for an upcoming<br />
episode, the ICA asks you to contact Matt De-<br />
Wolf at mdewolf@carwash.org.
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SPRING 2020 • 47
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1131 Greensburg Road • Lower Burrell, PA 15068 • Phone 724.337.8255 • Fax 724.337.8554<br />
Touch Free<br />
In-Bay Automatic<br />
The WORLD’S finest self service automatic continues to set the<br />
standards for CLEAN CARS and HIGH PRODUCTION.<br />
While our competitors claim their equipment is high tech<br />
because of its good looks and aesthetics that does not mean it<br />
will make you successful in the car wash business.<br />
This business is all about clean cars and happy customers. It is<br />
not about having the prettiest equipment.<br />
All Turbo Wash<br />
units come with<br />
the Rear Blaster!<br />
High volume car washes that can deliver clean, shiny cars need<br />
to be a “WORK HORSE”, and that is what the TURBO WASH is<br />
often called. In fact, there are more units of the TURBO WASH<br />
basic design that are 10, 20 even 30 years old that are still out<br />
there washing cars. What other manufacturer can make that<br />
statement?<br />
Top Reasons to buy a<br />
Clean cars! Better than any other touch free<br />
Available to fit in existing bays easily<br />
Simplicity of operation<br />
Extensive use of Stainless Steel<br />
Highest quality components throughout<br />
High production – you wash more cars<br />
Will STILL be running when you make your<br />
last payment<br />
UL approved electrical throughout<br />
48 • SPRING 2020
The Total Self-Service Package<br />
1200-1500 psi • 3 hp • 3 phase Available up to 8 Bays.<br />
Includes: Soap • Wax • Rinse • Pre-Soak • Foaming Tire Cleaner and Foaming Brush<br />
Standard Features<br />
• Stainless Steel Frame Construction<br />
• Stainless Steel Holding Tanks<br />
• Stainless Steel 360 o Boom<br />
• Stainless Steel 180 o Brush Boom<br />
• Stainless Steel Coin Box (vault ready)<br />
• Coin Box Heaters<br />
• Electronic Coin Acceptors<br />
• Digital Readout Timers<br />
• Motor Starters with Overload Protectors<br />
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• Trigger Gun and Hose Assembly<br />
• Hogs Hair Foaming Brush<br />
• Automatic High Pressure Weep<br />
• Roof Trough Manifold<br />
• All High Pressure and Low Pressure<br />
Hoses and fittings<br />
• 100 KVA Transformer Per Bay<br />
• Stainless Steel Pre-Soak Pump<br />
• Sign Package<br />
• Wire from Coin Box to Panel<br />
• U.L. Listed Control Panel<br />
Call us for our Special Pricing on Upgrading your Present Equipment<br />
Check us out on the Web: www.manniwashsystems.com<br />
Manni’s Wash Module<br />
Manni's 1131 GREENSBURG ROAD • LOWER BURRELL, PA 15068<br />
WASH SYSTEMS 724-337-8255 800-552-4492 Fax: 724-337-8554<br />
SPRING 2020 • 49
Association News<br />
Connecticut Carwash Association (CCA)<br />
Scholarship deadline extended to June 1<br />
The Kenneth M. Gustafson Sr. scholarship<br />
deadline has been extended to June 1 due to<br />
COVID-19. The two CCA $1,000 scholarships<br />
are available to CCA-member employees.<br />
To date, the CCA has awarded $25,000 in<br />
Car Wash Operators of<br />
New Jersey (CWONJ)<br />
Scholarship applications extended to June 1<br />
CWONJ Scholarship Chairman Dan Saidel<br />
posted they are also extending the application<br />
deadline for 2020 scholarships to June 1, 2020.<br />
Two $1,000 scholarships will be awarded<br />
to CWONJ-member employees in 2020. “It is<br />
important to note that this award can be used<br />
for a two- or four-year education, be it full or<br />
part time. Applicants will be evaluated based<br />
on their high school standing, leadership capabilities,<br />
community involvement, strength<br />
of character, personal achievement, plan of<br />
study and future goals. The scholarship will<br />
be awarded to individuals who, through their<br />
work in the community and at your business,<br />
have demonstrated excellence and a genuine<br />
Australian Car Wash Association (ACWA)<br />
Good news for Sydney car wash operators<br />
In a March 5, 2020, post from ACWA Business<br />
Manager Douglas Cross, he announced that<br />
water restrictions in the greater Sydney area<br />
were dropping from level 2 to level 1. Sydney is<br />
the most populated city in Australia.<br />
Cross wrote:<br />
NSW Water Minister, Melinda Pavey recently<br />
announced that from 1 March 2020 water<br />
restrictions would drop from level 2 to level<br />
1 for greater Sydney, the Blue Mountains and<br />
the Illawarra Water. However, on checking the<br />
Sydney Water <strong>web</strong>site, ACWA discovered that<br />
conditions for commercial car washing remained<br />
unchanged.<br />
It is pleasing to report that as of today,<br />
this situation has been resolved and commercial<br />
car washes in areas under Sydney Water’s<br />
authority will revert to more favourable Level<br />
1 conditions. Indeed, Sydney Water has<br />
approved an additional concession, allowing<br />
operators to average water use per car across<br />
all wash types on the site. This is a condition<br />
ACWA fought for during Level 2 Restrictions.<br />
50 • SPRING 2020<br />
scholarships since the program’s inception in<br />
2003. Gustafson, Sr., who passed away in 2003,<br />
was President of the Kwick Auto Wash, a veteran<br />
of World War II and was the first president<br />
of the CCA.<br />
desire to expand their knowledge.”<br />
To be eligible an applicant must:<br />
• Be an employee or direct family member<br />
of an employee of any CWONJ member<br />
• Have been an employee, full or part time,<br />
for at least 1 year<br />
• Have graduated high school or have the<br />
equivalent<br />
• Be enrolled or plan to enroll at an accredited<br />
two- or four-year college or university, and<br />
• Not be an owner, or direct family member of<br />
an owner of a carwash facility, manufacturer<br />
or retail supplier to the carwash industry.<br />
• Level 1 Restrictions for commercial<br />
car washing in Sydney, the Blue Mountains<br />
and the Illawarra are:<br />
• All commercial car washes must apply<br />
for a Water Restrictions Exemption.<br />
• Commercial car washes may wash<br />
vehicles using any wash method.<br />
• Commercial car washes must use<br />
an average* of fewer than 125 litres of<br />
drinking water for each car washed*.<br />
• *125L/wash is the efficiency requirement.<br />
• Most car wash sites use multiple car<br />
wash systems (self-serve and auto, for<br />
example).<br />
• Average water use is calculated per<br />
vehicle across each washing method<br />
used on the site.<br />
ACWA encourages all members to ensure<br />
they hold a Water Restrictions Exemption. The<br />
Exemption is an online application process and can<br />
be found at: https://www.sydneywater.com.au.<br />
Members should also be aware that a fine<br />
of $550 (per day) may be applied to businesses<br />
who have not applied for an Exemption.<br />
Car Wash Association<br />
of the United Kingdom<br />
(CWA)<br />
Illegal washes are a national<br />
disgrace, says CWA<br />
Not to be confused by the ICA, the CWA is the association<br />
for car washes throughout the United Kingdom. Back<br />
in February, the CWA helped in the mission to end illegal<br />
car washes. “We are excited that Government, through the<br />
Office for Labour Market Enforcement, is at last proposing<br />
practical measures to combat the fast growing, mostly<br />
illegal, trade of non-compliant hand car washes,” said Brian<br />
Madderson, Chairman of the Petrol Retailers and Car<br />
Wash Associations, according to a press release.<br />
Matthew Taylor, the Interim Director of the Office<br />
for Labour Market Enforcement (OLME) called for<br />
tighter regulations on the UK’s hand car washes, by introducing<br />
a national licensing scheme in order to combat the<br />
prevalence of human trafficking, poor working conditions<br />
and environmental concerns, amongst other issues, the<br />
press release stated.<br />
Research conducted by Experian Catalist for the<br />
CWA confirmed that less than 5% of the 10,000 or more<br />
third party hand car washes are located on operational<br />
forecourts, stated the press release. “This means they are<br />
typically located on brown and greenfield sites, car parks of<br />
major retailers and disused forecourts.”<br />
“It is a national disgrace that the UK has become the ‘go<br />
to’ country in Europe for non-compliant hand car washes<br />
that openly flout tax, labour abuse and environmental regulations,”<br />
added Madderson in the press release. “They are a<br />
serious social blight caused by ineffective enforcement and<br />
contrast starkly with countries like Germany, Austria and<br />
Benelux which have virtually none.”<br />
The sooner this new Government tackles this issue,<br />
Madderson continued, the sooner will our rivers and<br />
countryside be freed from toxic chemical waste and labour<br />
abuse will be eliminated. “We enthusiastically welcome<br />
Mr. Taylor’s call for a licensing scheme.”<br />
Southwest Car Wash<br />
Association (SCWA)<br />
Annual show was a huge success,<br />
included a welcoming from<br />
George W. Bush<br />
According to the SCWA, more than 2,000 car wash<br />
attendees gathered at the Fort Worth Convention Center<br />
in January for the 2020 SCWA Convention & Car<br />
Wash EXPO. According to former Association President<br />
Andrew Zamora, “The event this year was the best ever!<br />
We set a few new records with the largest pre-registration<br />
plus attendees, not including exhibitors, from 45 states<br />
and three foreign countries.”<br />
The EXPO featured 336 booths displaying the latest<br />
in car wash, lube and detail equipment, supplies and<br />
services. The keynote address was given by former U.S.<br />
Vice President Dick Cheney. And, even his former boss,<br />
President George W. Bush was on-hand, via video message,<br />
to welcome the attendees. “Laura and I send our<br />
best wishes to each of you for a successful 2020.”<br />
Also, at the EXPO, Brian Campbell was awarded the<br />
2020 SCWA Lifetime Achievement Award. Brian, states<br />
the SCWA, is a legend in the car wash industry and a<br />
wonderful friend to so many car wash owners and vendors<br />
across the nation.
COVID-19<br />
SPRING 2020 • 51
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52 • SPRING 2020
I succeed because I keep<br />
going, and going, and going!<br />
There is a lot of information, and misinformation<br />
regarding germs and public safety. Public<br />
panic and unconfirmed viral Facebook posts are<br />
causing widespread panic. And, since detailers are<br />
in the business of dealing with sullied surfaces and<br />
are also looking to calm customers’ concerns over<br />
contaminated consoles, crevices and compartments,<br />
it is important to know the health risks if<br />
dealing with an infected vehicle interior and/or<br />
customer. Thankfully, the risks of fake news reports<br />
are lessened thanks to four big authorities<br />
including the Center for Disease Control and<br />
Prevention, and OSHA. All four are continuously<br />
updating their <strong>web</strong>sites, trying to put out timely,<br />
important and accurate information regarding the<br />
recent flu outbreak and the worldwide pandemic<br />
public enemy number one: The Coronavirus. Days<br />
were spent gathering up the truth about germs,<br />
not only for your benefit, but so that you can also<br />
properly inform and educate your customers and<br />
your employees. If a customer is worried their<br />
car is contaminated, a self serve car wash owner<br />
shouldn’t necessarily bank on their paranoia but<br />
should properly inform the customer of the steps<br />
needed to decontaminate the exterior and interior.<br />
There is also ample opportunity to do some good<br />
such as offering free washes to essential workers,<br />
to handing out free masks. State to state, everything<br />
is different. Some governors declared car<br />
washes as an essential business, and others forced<br />
them to close. If you’re up and running, are you at<br />
risk? Yes, germs can live on surfaces, but they do<br />
have an expiration date. If a customer had or has<br />
the virus, is your equipment at risk of cross-contamination?<br />
Staying healthy is nothing to sneeze<br />
at and having an arsenal of concrete knowledge is<br />
paramount during these times of hysteria, which,<br />
unfortunately, is somewhat warranted.<br />
The rules regarding what is essential, what is<br />
not essential, and how and when car washes are<br />
allowed to open are changing every day. The Cybersecurity<br />
and Infrastructure Security Agency<br />
(CISA) has updated its guidelines for determining<br />
what is critical infrastructure multiple times.<br />
According to the Agency’s official statement,<br />
CISA executes the Secretary of Homeland Security’s<br />
authorities to secure critical infrastructure.<br />
Consistent with these authorities, CISA has developed,<br />
in collaboration with other federal agencies,<br />
State and local governments, and the private<br />
sector, an “Essential Critical Infrastructure Workforce”<br />
advisory list. This list is intended to help<br />
State, local, tribal and territorial officials as they<br />
work to protect their communities, while ensuring<br />
continuity of functions critical to public health<br />
and safety, as well as economic and national security.<br />
Decisions informed by this list should also take<br />
into consideration additional public health considerations<br />
based on the specific COVID-19-related<br />
concerns of particular jurisdictions.<br />
If you’re interested in learning whether car<br />
washes in other states (and counties in cases of<br />
California, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Missouri,<br />
New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania,<br />
Tennessee, and Texas) are doing, the International<br />
Carwash Association has a comprehensive listing<br />
of each state and whether or not car washes are<br />
allowed to be open. For that listing, visit carwash.<br />
org/sharing and click the Car Wash Essential Business<br />
Statements link.<br />
54 • SPRING 2020
Designed for the automatic and self-serve markets, Hamilton’s diverse range of loyalty<br />
programs, pay stations, and bay timers can help differentiate your car wash and bring a<br />
truly unique value proposition to your customers.<br />
Styled and named after your car wash brand, users can:<br />
Join a Monthly Wash Club | Buy & Gift Washes | Claim Deals & Discounts<br />
Earn Loyalty Rewards | Pay for Self-Serve Bay Time | Receive a complimentary Birthday Wash<br />
Improve throughput, loyalty, and cashflow by offering a Monthly Wash Club program. Using RFID<br />
technology, a unique windshield tag on the customers vehicle is read before vending their chosen<br />
package. Our flexible system includes custom greetings, multiple pass types, and automated billing.<br />
Customized to your brand, our new Ecommerce site lets customers sign up for RFID plans, update<br />
credit card information, purchase gift cards, check gift card balances, add new balance, and buy<br />
Single Washes & Wash Bundles.<br />
All Hamilton loyalty programs are managed through a single cloud-based system for ease of use.<br />
Hosted Solutions also provides multi-site data reporting, a site status diagnostic tool, and Single<br />
Use Codes for rapid customer service responses.<br />
www.hamiltonmfg.com | sales@hamiltonmfg.com | 888-723-4858<br />
SPRING 2020 • 55
Q &<br />
A<br />
From the Southeast to the Heartland, to across the oceans<br />
to Australia, we spoke with area Association leaders for advice<br />
and input on how to stay in business and stay positive.<br />
President of the Heartland<br />
Carwash Association:<br />
<strong>SSCWN</strong>: What advice do you have for self-serve<br />
car wash owners in terms of staying hopeful and<br />
productive during these “uncertain” times?<br />
• Stay positive and keep your messaging positive<br />
and uplifting. If your location has a message<br />
board, post encouraging messages for your<br />
customers. (ex. “We will all get through this”)<br />
• Let customers know that you have implemented<br />
measures to sanitize bays and equipment<br />
as best you can. Signs in the bays let your<br />
customers know what measures you are taking<br />
to sanitize at your location.<br />
• Protect your employees by providing masks,<br />
gloves, and disinfectant.<br />
• Keep to previous employee hours and<br />
schedules, they have families and bills and need<br />
those paychecks. Besides businesses are getting<br />
help with payrolls.<br />
• Apply for the EIDL Advance on the SBA <strong>web</strong>site.<br />
($1,000 per employee, up to $10,000 and is a<br />
grant).<br />
• Apply for PPP and if you do not get funded use<br />
the Employee Retention Credit (up to $5,000 per<br />
employee).<br />
• If you did get your PPP app funded, come up<br />
with a PPP forgiveness Plan (only what you<br />
spend in the 56 days after you get funded can<br />
count toward forgiveness).<br />
• Remember that the car wash business is<br />
recession proof and we will come back from this.<br />
• Follow the HCA on social media to keep up on<br />
the latest.<br />
• Smile, it takes fewer muscles and customers like it.<br />
56 • SPRING 2020
CAR CARE<br />
According to Josh Buckler CD-SV, IDA<br />
Marketing & Communications Committee<br />
Co-chair, there are key things a small business<br />
owner can do to stay afloat, healthy and<br />
vigilant during this time.<br />
Yuck! During studies for the National Institute<br />
of Health, Staphylococcus aureus, the germ most<br />
commonly known for MRSA, was found on most<br />
frequently touched surfaces in a vehicle, such as the<br />
steering wheel, gear shifter, and center console. If<br />
your self serve offers up interior cleaning services<br />
and products, here some ways to advise those on<br />
disinfecting their cars who visit your car wash:<br />
• Hot water extraction: The fibers of the carpet<br />
and fabrics inside a vehicle can embed germs<br />
and facilitate growth. Using an extractor can<br />
allow for embedded germs to be lifted from the<br />
fibers of the carpet.<br />
• Steam: Using steam can kill 99.9% of germs.<br />
Ways to reaching out to your customers during<br />
this pandemic, include:<br />
• Create: Using your email list, send a brief<br />
email newsletter. Stay away from the already<br />
saturated “Coronavirus” headline. Use a 4-7<br />
words that grab their attention immediately such<br />
as “Vehicles get sick too!”, and “Take your car to<br />
the doctor”, etc.<br />
• Follow up: Send<br />
a mass text using<br />
an online platform,<br />
or take it a step<br />
further and find the<br />
customers who you<br />
know have kids that also<br />
ride in the vehicle regularly.<br />
• Share: Reach out to local media<br />
outlets and explain the importance to them. Most<br />
press have a general place online to send a story<br />
too. Write up something educational and email<br />
any you can think of. They’re looking to stay<br />
current with what is popular.<br />
• Collaborate: Link up with a local business<br />
to go live on social media together and offer<br />
tips todetermine a vehicle’s health.’ Consider<br />
holding a day long “free check up” and team up<br />
with a detailer. Create a checklist like an auto<br />
mechanics suggestions. To build rapport, don’t<br />
just write the things you see that need attention,<br />
but those that are positive and complementing<br />
too. Then, customers can also wash their cars in<br />
your bays for a discounted price.<br />
This article was provided courtesy of the International Detailing<br />
Association (IDA) and its entirety was provided to<br />
all IDA members. Only a portion of the article is included<br />
here and was edited to relate to self serve car wash owners.<br />
For more information, visit the IDA at https://the-ida.com/.<br />
There is much more to learn about the transmissibility,<br />
severity, and other features associated with<br />
COVID-19 as the outbreak investigation continues,<br />
according to OSHA. According to the CDC, spread<br />
from person-to-person is most likely among close<br />
contact (about 6 feet). Person-to-person spread<br />
is thought to occur mainly via respiratory droplets<br />
produced when an infected person coughs or<br />
sneezes, similar to how influenza and other respiratory<br />
pathogens spread. These droplets can land<br />
in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby<br />
or possibly be inhaled into the lungs. “It’s currently<br />
unknown if a person can get COVID-19 by touching<br />
a surface or object that has the virus on it and<br />
then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly<br />
their eyes.”<br />
As of March 1, 2020, OSHA released the following<br />
statement: Workers who conduct cleaning tasks<br />
must be protected from exposure to blood, certain<br />
body fluids, and other potentially infectious materials<br />
covered by OSHA’s Bloodborne Pathogens<br />
standard (29 CFR 1910.1030) and from hazardous<br />
chemicals used in these tasks. In these cases, the PPE<br />
(29 CFR 1910 Subpart I) and Hazard Communication<br />
(29 CFR 1910.1200) standards may also apply.<br />
Also note: Do not use compressed air or water<br />
sprays to clean potentially contaminated surfaces, as<br />
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<strong>SSCWN</strong>2019.indd 1<br />
SPRING 2020 • 57<br />
4/15/19 9:05 AM
Q &<br />
A<br />
President of the Southeastern<br />
Car Wash Association<br />
<strong>SSCWN</strong>: In a few words, how would you describe your<br />
thoughts on this pandemic?<br />
TYREE BROWN: The world is in a particularly scary<br />
place. However, fear is an emotion that does us little<br />
good unless it motivates the right actions with meaningful<br />
outcomes. I believe many of us are working<br />
hard to be responsible with compliance and to be a<br />
part of the solution instead of feeding the problem.<br />
There are so many tough decisions being made. As<br />
many of us are fighting to keep our businesses solvent,<br />
there are so many are fighting for their lives.<br />
These are very tough times.<br />
<strong>SSCWN</strong>: How has it affected the self serve car washes<br />
in the Southeast?<br />
TYREE BROWN: The pandemic has affected many<br />
in different ways. In many situations, entrepreneurs<br />
handle situations in incredibly innovative and different<br />
ways with the best outcome for each in mind.<br />
Such is the case for many car washes in the Southeast.<br />
Some have been mandated to shut down and<br />
are fighting voraciously, others have made the choice<br />
to temporarily close based on lower volumes, safety<br />
or position in the market. There are others that<br />
have dug in and are fighting to adapt and to stay open<br />
amidst many of the pressures of the new no touch<br />
and social distancing world in which we live.<br />
<strong>SSCWN</strong>: Do you think self serves will survive this?<br />
TYREE BROWN: I think self-serves are well positioned<br />
to survive. Like other challenges it may force a<br />
bit of innovation and exiting from operational comfort<br />
zones. From my perspective, the table is set for an independent<br />
experience that fits into the distancing elements<br />
prescribed by health care experts. There may be a need<br />
for glove use between the handling of guns and wands<br />
as well as vacuum consoles. But there may be more opportunities<br />
instead of barriers. Gloves can certainly be a<br />
vending machine item so there is a great opportunity.<br />
<strong>SSCWN</strong>: What is a message you would like to send out<br />
to our readers who are in the Southeast?<br />
TYREE BROWN: I believe the human spirit is resilient,<br />
the human race is intelligent, our ability to<br />
persevere is unmatched. We have spectacular scientists<br />
that are beyond capable of finding a cure to this<br />
dreadful enemy. We will all need to demonstrate a<br />
strong sense of responsible adaptability while together<br />
we search for this global solution.<br />
According to OSHA, contaminated<br />
clothing, tools and equipment should also be<br />
cleaned. It is preferable that soap and clean<br />
water be used when available. If only contaminated<br />
water is available use the following:<br />
• 1/4 cup bleach.<br />
• 1 gallon of water.<br />
• Immerse objects in the solution for 10<br />
minutes; if clothing, gently swirl every few<br />
minutes.<br />
• If clothing, wring out as much moisture as<br />
possible.<br />
Protect Yourself:<br />
Cleaning Chemicals<br />
and Your Health<br />
Working with cleaning chemicals can cause:<br />
Coughing<br />
Wheezing<br />
Red, Itchy Eyes<br />
Skin Rashes<br />
Skin and Eye Burns<br />
What You Need to Know<br />
Shortness of Breath<br />
Sore Throat<br />
Headaches or Dizziness<br />
Nosebleeds<br />
Asthma<br />
If you have health problems that you think are caused by using<br />
cleaning chemicals, tell your supervisor and ask to see a doctor.<br />
Do not mix cleaning products that contain bleach and ammonia. Dangerous gases can be released<br />
and can cause severe lung damage.<br />
Your employer is required to provide a safe workplace that includes:<br />
Protective clothing, gloves, and safety goggles, when needed.<br />
Labels on containers of cleaning chemicals.<br />
Training on the hazards of cleaning chemicals you are using and safe work practices.<br />
Your employer must train you to:<br />
Know the hazards of cleaning chemicals BEFORE using them.<br />
Know how to use and store cleaning chemicals safely.<br />
Know how and when to dilute cleaning chemicals you are using.<br />
Know what to do if there is a spill or other emergency.<br />
Know how to obtain and use hazard information on labels and material safety data sheets<br />
(MSDS). Know how and when to use protective clothing, gloves, and safety goggles.<br />
Remember<br />
Wash your hands after using cleaning chemicals and before eating, drinking, or smoking.<br />
What are they?<br />
organizations as safer to use and less<br />
harmful to your health and the environment.<br />
Cleaners with “green” in their name do not mean<br />
Ask your employer.<br />
Green Cleaners<br />
Safety Reminder<br />
• If tools or<br />
equipment, allow<br />
the object to drain<br />
and then transfer<br />
it directly to the<br />
bleach solution<br />
used for hand cleaning.<br />
• Re-immerse the clothing in the household<br />
bleach solution used for hand cleaning for<br />
10 minutes with periodic gentle swirling of<br />
the clothing.<br />
• If clothing, wring out as much moisture as<br />
possible.<br />
• Allow clothes to thoroughly dry before<br />
using again.<br />
Many have met performance standards for its<br />
intended use.<br />
Also, many green cleaners are “fragrance-free” but still<br />
This guidance document is not an OSHA standard or regulation but it contains recommendations that are advisory in nature and intended to<br />
assist employers and workers in providing a safe and healthful workplace. The mention of any nongovernmental organization in this document<br />
does not constitute an endorsement by NIOSH or OSHA of that organization, its products or services.<br />
DHHS (NIOSH) Publication No. 2012-125 OSHA Publication No. 3511-2-12<br />
58 • SPRING 2020
these techniques may aerosolize infectious material.<br />
Surfaces that are heavily contaminated with<br />
mold, feces, or body tissues should be disinfected<br />
using the following household bleach solution:<br />
• 1 1/2 cups bleach.<br />
• 1 gallon of water.<br />
• Place the solution in a spray dispenser.<br />
• Thoroughly douse surfaces that have heavy<br />
deposits of contaminants and allow to stand for<br />
3 minutes.<br />
• Wipe the contaminants from the surface with a<br />
paper towel.<br />
• Discard the towel.<br />
• Douse the surface again but use the bleach<br />
solution that is used for hand washing and wipe<br />
off the residual contamination with a paper<br />
towel.<br />
• Discard the towel and allow surface to dry.<br />
• Use gloves and eye protection when<br />
cleaning clothes, tools/equipment, and<br />
surfaces. Use respirator protection (an<br />
N-95 respirator is recommended) when<br />
mold is present.<br />
• All containers should be labeled “Bleachdisinfected<br />
water: DO NOT DRINK.”<br />
NEIL FOX<br />
President of the Australian<br />
Car Wash Association<br />
Q & A<br />
<strong>SSCWN</strong>: How is your areas of the world handling this<br />
pandemic and are the self serves in your areas open (as<br />
of March 28, 2020)?<br />
NEIL FOX: No one can be sure where the coronavirus<br />
journey will take our industry and more importantly,<br />
Australia. However, it is these kinds of situations that<br />
make membership in an [organization] like ACWA,<br />
all the more critical. At times like this, ACWA can<br />
play a pivotal role in ensuring that members are informed<br />
and are [galvanized] in a community. Through<br />
the ACWA family, we can find support if we need it<br />
and importantly learn from the experience of others.<br />
Each day the Government’s regulations around the<br />
COVID-19 pandemic are increased. These regulations<br />
are implemented to protect our community and we<br />
all need to play our part in managing our way through<br />
this crisis by complying with the changing conditions.<br />
As I pen this, the impacts on car washing in Australia<br />
from COVID-19 restrictions are starting to bite. While<br />
we haven’t been shut down completely, there are significant<br />
reports of dropping sales. There is no doubt the<br />
Government’s request to stay at home is being taken<br />
seriously by the public and unfortunately for our businesses,<br />
this means fewer cars will be washed.<br />
The question that nobody seems to be able to answer<br />
is, how long the COVID-19 crisis will be with us?<br />
Businesses have been asked to look at their operations<br />
from a hygiene perspective, and most wash operators<br />
have taken up the challenge. Most have invested in<br />
improving their cleaning processes and ensuring social<br />
distancing happens on wash sites. We are told that these<br />
will be the core tools that may allow us to keep operating<br />
our businesses in the short-term.<br />
Our strategy must be to delay a shutdown situation<br />
for as long as we possibly can. The way we do this is<br />
by; abiding by the Government regulations imposed<br />
on us, looking after our communities and staff and<br />
simply doing the best we can. In doing this, we will<br />
be giving the car wash industry the best chance of<br />
continuing to deliver our product.<br />
Of course, we are all business owners with families<br />
we worry about. The unanswered question is; if and<br />
when the time comes that car washing is required to<br />
shut down, how will I manage? In Australia, we can<br />
find consolation in the knowledge that each of us is<br />
experiencing the same doubts and concerns. At times<br />
like this, we need to band together and support each<br />
other as best we can.<br />
SPRING 2020 • 59
HELP<br />
IS OUT<br />
THERE<br />
Here is a<br />
breakdown<br />
of the<br />
governmental<br />
resources<br />
available for<br />
self serve<br />
car washes.<br />
SBA:<br />
On Friday, March 27, 2020, President Donald<br />
Trump signed into law the CARES Act, which<br />
contains $376 billion in relief for American workers<br />
and small businesses.<br />
The SBA also resumed accepting Paycheck Protection<br />
Program applications from participating<br />
lenders on Monday, April 27, 2020.<br />
With the additional funding provided by the<br />
new COVID-19 relief package, SBA will resume<br />
processing EIDL Loan and Advance applications<br />
that are already in the queue on a first come, firstserved<br />
basis, and will provide further information<br />
on the availability of the EIDL portal to receive<br />
new applications (including those from agricultural<br />
enterprises) as soon as possible.<br />
The Paycheck Protection Program is a loan designed<br />
to provide a direct incentive for small businesses<br />
to keep their workers on the payroll.<br />
SBA will forgive loans if all employees are kept on<br />
the payroll for eight weeks and the money is used for<br />
payroll, rent, mortgage interest, or utilities.<br />
You can apply through any existing SBA 7(a)<br />
lender or through any federally insured depository<br />
institution, federally insured credit union, and Farm<br />
Credit System institution that is participating. Other<br />
regulated lenders will be available to make these<br />
loans once they are approved and enrolled in the<br />
program. You should consult with your local lender<br />
as to whether it is participating in the program.<br />
Enables small businesses who currently have a<br />
business relationship with an SBA Express Lender<br />
to access up to $25,000 quickly.<br />
Express Bridge Loan Pilot Program: This allows<br />
small businesses who currently have a business relationship<br />
with an SBA Express Lender to access up to<br />
$25,000 quickly. These loans can provide vital economic<br />
support to small businesses to help overcome<br />
the temporary loss of revenue they are experiencing<br />
and can be a term loans or used to bridge the gap<br />
while applying for a direct SBA Economic Injury Disaster<br />
loan. If a small business has an urgent need for<br />
cash while waiting for decision and disbursement on<br />
an Economic Injury Disaster Loan, they may qualify<br />
for an SBA Express Disaster Bridge Loan.<br />
TERMS<br />
• Up to $25,000<br />
• Fast turnaround<br />
• Will be repaid in full or in part by proceeds from<br />
the EIDL loan<br />
The SBA is providing a financial reprieve to<br />
small businesses during the COVID-19<br />
As part of our coronavirus debt relief efforts, the<br />
SBA will pay 6 months of principal, interest, and<br />
any associated fees that borrowers owe for all current<br />
7(a), 504, and Microloans in regular servicing<br />
status as well as new 7(a), 504, and Microloans<br />
disbursed prior to September 27, 2020. This relief<br />
is not available for Paycheck Protection Program<br />
loans or Economic Injury Disaster loans. Borrowers<br />
do not need to apply for this assistance. It will<br />
be automatically provided as follows:<br />
For loans not on deferment, SBA will begin<br />
making payments with the next payment due on<br />
the loan and will make six monthly payments.<br />
For loans currently on deferment, SBA will begin<br />
making payments with the next payment due<br />
after the deferment period has ended and will<br />
make six monthly payments.<br />
• For loans made after March 27, 2020 and fully<br />
disbursed prior to September 27, 2020, SBA will<br />
begin making payments with the first payment<br />
due on the loan and will make six monthly<br />
payments.<br />
SBA has notified 7(a), 504 and Microloan Lenders<br />
that it will pay these borrower loan payments.<br />
60 • SPRING 2020
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SPRING 2020 • 61
Lenders have been instructed to refrain from collecting<br />
loan payments from borrowers. If a borrower’s<br />
payment was collected after March 27,<br />
2020, lenders were instructed to inform the borrower<br />
that they have the option of having the loan<br />
payment returned by the lender or applying the<br />
loan payment to further reduce the loan balance<br />
after SBA’s payment.<br />
Borrowers should contact their lender if they<br />
have any questions regarding this payment relief.<br />
For current SBA Serviced Disaster (Home and<br />
Business) Loans: If your disaster loan was in “regular<br />
servicing” status on March 1, 2020, the SBA is<br />
providing automatic deferments through December<br />
31, 2020.<br />
What does an “automatic deferral” mean to borrowers?<br />
• Interest will continue to accrue on the loan.<br />
• 1201 monthly payment notices will continue<br />
to be mailed out which will reflect the loan is<br />
deferred and no payment is due.<br />
• The deferment will NOT cancel any established<br />
Preauthorized Debit (PAD) or recurring<br />
payments on your loan. Borrowers that have<br />
established a PAD through Pay.Gov or an<br />
OnLine Bill Pay Service are responsible for<br />
canceling these recurring payments. Borrowers<br />
that had SBA establish a PAD through Pay.gov<br />
will have to contact their SBA servicing office to<br />
cancel the PAD.<br />
• Borrowers preferring to continue making<br />
regular payments during the deferment period<br />
may continue remitting payments during<br />
the deferment period. SBA will apply those<br />
payments normally as if there was no deferment.<br />
• After this automatic deferment period, borrowers<br />
will be required to resume making regular<br />
principal and interest payments. Borrowers<br />
that cancelled recurring payments will need to<br />
reestablish the recurring payment.<br />
ACCESS<br />
SBA provides a number of loan resources for<br />
small businesses to utilize when operating their<br />
business. For more information on loans or how to<br />
connect with a lender, visit: https://www.sba.gov/<br />
funding-programs/loans.<br />
• 7(a) program offers loan amounts up to<br />
$5,000,000 and is an all-inclusive loan program<br />
deployed by lending partners for eligible small<br />
businesses within the U.S. States and its<br />
DO<br />
• Take your<br />
temperature<br />
before work.<br />
• Wear a face mask<br />
at all times.<br />
• Practice social<br />
distancing in<br />
the workplace<br />
as work duties<br />
permit.<br />
DO<br />
DON’T<br />
• Stay at work if<br />
you become sick.<br />
• Share headsets<br />
or objects used<br />
near face.<br />
• Congregate in<br />
the break room<br />
or other<br />
crowded places.<br />
• Take employee’s temperature and assess<br />
symptoms prior to their starting work.<br />
• If an employee becomes sick during the day,<br />
send them home immediately.<br />
• Test the use of face masks to ensure they do<br />
not interfere with workflow.<br />
• Increase air exchange in the building.<br />
• Increase the frequency of cleaning<br />
commonly touched surfaces.<br />
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62 • SPRING 2020
territories. The uses of proceeds include: working<br />
capital; expansion/renovation; new construction;<br />
purchase of land or buildings; purchase of<br />
equipment, fixtures; lease-hold improvements;<br />
refinancing debt for compelling reasons; seasonal<br />
line of credit; inventory; or starting a business.<br />
• Express loan program provides loans up to<br />
$350,000 for no more than 7 years with an option<br />
to revolve. There is a turnaround time of 36 hours<br />
for approval or denial of a completed application.<br />
The uses of proceeds are the same as the<br />
standard 7(a) loan.<br />
• Community Advantage loan pilot program allows<br />
mission-based lenders to assist small businesses<br />
in underserved markets with a maximum loan<br />
size of $250,000. The uses of proceeds are the<br />
same as the standard 7(a) loan.<br />
• 504 loan program is designed to foster economic<br />
development and job creation and/or retention.<br />
The eligible use of proceeds is limited to the<br />
acquisition or eligible refinance of fixed assets.<br />
• Microloan program involves making loans<br />
through nonprofit lending organizations to<br />
underserved markets. Authorized use of loan<br />
proceeds includes working capital, supplies,<br />
machinery & equipment, and fixtures (does not<br />
include real estate). The maximum loan amount<br />
is $50,000 with the average loan size of $14,000.<br />
on the incident, there may be access controls or<br />
movement restrictions established which can impede<br />
your customers from reaching your business.<br />
Additionally, there may be public concerns about<br />
public exposure to an incident and they may decide<br />
not to go to your business out of concern of<br />
exposing themselves to greater risk. SBA’s Resources<br />
Partners and District Offices have trained<br />
experts who can help you craft a plan specific to<br />
your situation to help navigate any rapid changes<br />
in demand.<br />
MARKETING: It’s critical to communicate openly<br />
with your customers about the status of your<br />
operations, what protective measures you’ve implemented,<br />
and how they (as customers) will be<br />
protected when they visit your business. Promotions<br />
may also help incentivize customers who<br />
may be reluctant to patronize your business.<br />
OSHA:<br />
Occupational safety and health professionals<br />
use a framework called the “hierarchy of controls”<br />
to select ways of controlling workplace hazards. In<br />
other words, the best way to control a hazard is<br />
to systematically remove it from the workplace,<br />
rather than relying on workers to reduce their exposure.<br />
During a COVID-19 outbreak, when it<br />
may not be possible to eliminate the hazard, the<br />
most effective protection measures are listed from<br />
most effective to least effective. Please note, information<br />
has been omitted that does not pertain to<br />
car wash environments.<br />
• Engineering controls<br />
• Administrative controls<br />
• Safe work practices (a type of administrative<br />
control), and<br />
• PPE.<br />
There are advantages and disadvantages to each<br />
type of control measure when considering the ease<br />
of implementation, effectiveness, and cost. In most<br />
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64 • SPRING 2020
SPRING 2020 • 65
cases, a combination of control measures will be<br />
necessary to protect workers from exposure to<br />
SARS-CoV-2. In addition to the types of workplace<br />
controls discussed below, CDC guidance for<br />
businesses provides employers and workers with<br />
recommended SARS-CoV-2 infection prevention<br />
strategies to implement in workplaces:<br />
• Engineering Controls. These controls involve<br />
isolating employees from work related hazards.<br />
In workplaces where they are appropriate, these<br />
types of controls reduce exposure to hazards<br />
without relying on worker behavior and can be<br />
the most cost-effective solution to implement.<br />
Engineering controls for SARS-CoV-2 include:<br />
• Installing high-efficiency air filters.<br />
• Increasing ventilation rates in the work<br />
environment.<br />
• Installing physical barriers, such as clear<br />
plastic sneeze guards.<br />
• Specialized negative pressure ventilation in<br />
some settings, such as for aerosol generating<br />
procedures (e.g., airborne infection isolation<br />
rooms in healthcare settings and specialized<br />
autopsy suites in mortuary settings).<br />
• Administrative Controls Administrative controls<br />
require action by the worker or employer.<br />
Typically, administrative controls are changes in<br />
work policy or procedures to reduce or minimize<br />
exposure to a hazard. Examples of administrative<br />
controls for SARS-CoV-2 include:<br />
• Encouraging sick workers to stay at home.<br />
• Minimizing contact among workers, clients,<br />
and customers by replacing face-to-face<br />
meetings with virtual communications and<br />
implementing telework if feasible.<br />
• Establishing alternating days or extra shifts<br />
that reduce the total number of employees<br />
in a facility at a given time, allowing them to<br />
maintain distance from one another while<br />
maintaining a full onsite work week.<br />
• Discontinuing nonessential travel to locations<br />
with ongoing COVID-19 outbreaks. Regularly<br />
check CDC travel warning levels at: www.<br />
cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers.<br />
• Developing emergency communications<br />
plans, including a forum for answering<br />
workers’ concerns and internet-based<br />
communications, if feasible.<br />
• Providing workers with up-to-date education<br />
and training on COVID-19 risk factors and<br />
protective behaviors (e.g., cough etiquette<br />
and care of PPE).<br />
• Training workers who need to use protecting<br />
clothing and equipment how to put it on, use/<br />
wear it, and take it off correctly, including<br />
in the context of their current and potential<br />
duties. Training material should be easy to<br />
understand and available in the appropriate<br />
language and literacy level for all workers.<br />
• Providing resources and a work environment<br />
that promotes personal hygiene. For example,<br />
provide tissues, no-touch trash cans, hand soap,<br />
alcohol-based hand rubs containing at least 60<br />
percent alcohol, disinfectants, and disposable<br />
towels for workers to clean their work surfaces.<br />
• Requiring regular hand washing or using of<br />
alcohol-based hand rubs. Workers should always<br />
wash hands when they are visibly soiled and<br />
after removing any PPE.<br />
• Post handwashing signs in restrooms. Personal<br />
Protective Equipment (PPE) While engineering<br />
and administrative controls are considered more<br />
effective in minimizing exposure to SARS-CoV-2,<br />
PPE may also be needed to prevent certain<br />
exposures. While correctly using PPE can help<br />
prevent some exposures, it should not take the<br />
place of other prevention strategies.<br />
• Gloves<br />
• Goggles<br />
• Face shields<br />
• Face masks, and<br />
• Respiratory protection, when appropriate.<br />
• Selected based upon the hazard to the worker.<br />
• Properly fitted and periodically refitted, as<br />
applicable (e.g., respirators).<br />
• Consistently and properly worn when required.<br />
• Regularly inspected, maintained, and replaced,<br />
as necessary.<br />
• Properly removed, cleaned, and stored<br />
or disposed of, as applicable, to avoid<br />
contamination of self, others, or the environment.<br />
Employers are obligated to provide their workers<br />
with PPE needed to keep them safe while<br />
performing their jobs. The types of PPE required<br />
during a COVID-19 outbreak will be based on<br />
the risk of being infected with SARS-CoV-2 while<br />
working and job tasks that may lead to exposure.<br />
Compliance Assistance Specialists OSHA compliance<br />
assistance specialists can provide information<br />
to employers and workers about OSHA<br />
The following procedures have been collected<br />
from car wash operators across the United States,<br />
as they have implemented safety-enhancing operating<br />
procedures to keep communities, customers<br />
and employees safe. International Carwash Association<br />
provides these for information purposes<br />
only, and advises every car wash operator to evaluate<br />
the operating requirements and health advisories<br />
in their particular market, and confer with<br />
trusted advisors and official authorities prior to<br />
implementing any procedure(s).<br />
• Stationed employees near vacuum areas<br />
to clean nozzles after every use<br />
• Discontinued towel and other customer giveaway<br />
programs<br />
• Closed every other vacuum stall (for customers);<br />
maintain only one vacuum lane (for employees)<br />
• Purchased masks and gloves for employees<br />
• Used a plastic shield at cashier window<br />
• Limited interior vehicle cleaning to only one<br />
employee at a time<br />
• Restricted access to enclosed spaces (e.g.<br />
waiting areas)<br />
• Reduced staffing onsite<br />
• Closed office, lobby and bathroom access to the<br />
public<br />
• Closed every other wash bay<br />
• Eliminated staff greeters at pay stations<br />
• Closed interior cleaning<br />
• Closed express detaining<br />
• Removed public brush buckets (e.g. bug prep)<br />
• Marked 6 foot spacing in greeter area<br />
• Discontinued hand drying of vehicles<br />
• Cleanliness<br />
• Regularly cleaned payment terminals and wash<br />
selector equipment<br />
• Regularly cleaned bay guns and vending<br />
machines<br />
• Closed free vacuum area<br />
• Installed hands-free, foot-pull doors<br />
• Provided hand sanitizer dispenser for customers<br />
in vacuum area<br />
• Used phone apps and payment solutions (NFC,<br />
QR codes) to prevent need to touch payment<br />
terminals<br />
• Offered a sanitizing product for interior cleaning<br />
• Used a bucket for accepting, and then cleaning,<br />
cash<br />
• Added a hand sanitizer dispenser next to the<br />
payment kiosk.<br />
66 • SPRING 2020
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SPRING 2020 • 67
standards, short educational programs on specific<br />
hazards or OSHA rights and responsibilities, and<br />
information on additional compliance assistance<br />
resources. Visit www.osha.gov/complianceassistance/cas<br />
or call 1-800- 321-OSHA (6742) to<br />
contact your local OSHA office.<br />
• Region 1: Boston Regional Office (CT*, ME*, MA,<br />
NH, RI, VT: (617) 565-9860<br />
• Region 2: New York Regional Office (NJ*, NY*,<br />
PR*, VI*) (212) 337-2378<br />
• Region 3: Philadelphia Regional Office (DE, DC,<br />
MD*, PA, VA*, WV) (215) 861-4900<br />
• Region 4: Atlanta Regional Office (AL, FL, GA,<br />
KY*, MS, NC*, SC*, TN*) (678) 237-0400<br />
• Region 5: Chicago Regional Office (IL*, IN*, MI*,<br />
MN*, OH, WI) (312) 353-2220<br />
• Region 6: Dallas Regional Office (AR, LA, NM*,<br />
OK, TX) (972) 850-4145<br />
• Region 7: Kansas City Regional Office (IA*, KS,<br />
MO, NE) (816) 283-8745<br />
• Region 8: Denver Regional Office (CO, MT, ND,<br />
SD, UT*, WY*) (720) 264-6550<br />
• Region 9: San Francisco Regional Office (AZ*,<br />
CA*, HI*, NV*, and American Samoa, Guam and<br />
the Northern Mariana Islands) (415) 625-2547<br />
• Region 10: Seattle Regional Office (AK*, ID, OR*,<br />
WA*) (206) 757-6700<br />
CDC:<br />
Consider improving the engineering controls<br />
using the building ventilation system. This<br />
may include some or all of the following<br />
activities:<br />
• Increase ventilation rates.<br />
• Increase the percentage of outdoor air that<br />
circulates into the system.<br />
Support respiratory etiquette and hand<br />
hygiene for employees, customers, and<br />
worksite visitors:<br />
• Provide tissues and no-touch disposal<br />
receptacles.<br />
• Provide soap and water in the workplace. If soap<br />
and water are not readily available, use alcoholbased<br />
hand sanitizer that is at least 60% alcohol.<br />
If hands are visibly dirty, soap and water should<br />
be chosen over hand sanitizer. Ensure that<br />
adequate supplies are maintained.<br />
• Place hand sanitizers in multiple locations to<br />
encourage hand hygiene.<br />
• Place posters that encourage hand<br />
hygiene to help stop the spread at the entrance<br />
to your workplace and in other workplace areas<br />
where they are likely to be seen.<br />
• Discourage handshaking – encourage the use of<br />
other noncontact methods of greeting.<br />
• Direct employees to visit the coughing and<br />
sneezing etiquette and clean hands <strong>web</strong>page for<br />
more information.<br />
Perform routine environmental cleaning and<br />
disinfection:<br />
• Routinely clean and disinfect all frequently<br />
touched surfaces in the workplace, such as<br />
workstations, keyboards, telephones, handrails,<br />
and doorknobs.<br />
• If surfaces are dirty, they should be cleaned<br />
using a detergent or soap and water prior to<br />
disinfection.<br />
• For disinfection, most common EPAregistered<br />
household disinfectants should<br />
be effective. A list of products that are<br />
EPA-approved for use against the virus that<br />
causes COVID-19 is available. Follow the<br />
manufacturer’s instructions for all cleaning<br />
and disinfection products (e.g., concentration,<br />
application method and contact time, etc.).<br />
• Discourage workers from using other workers’<br />
phones, desks, offices, or other work tools and<br />
equipment, when possible. If necessary, clean<br />
and disinfect them before and after use.<br />
• Provide disposable wipes so that commonly<br />
used surfaces (for example, doorknobs,<br />
keyboards, remote controls, desks, other work<br />
tools and equipment) can be wiped down<br />
by employees before each use. To disinfect,<br />
use products that meet EPA’s criteria for use<br />
against SARS-Cov-2external icon, the cause of<br />
COVID-19, and are appropriate for the surface.<br />
Perform enhanced cleaning and disinfection<br />
after persons suspected/confirmed to have<br />
COVID-19 have been in the facility:<br />
• If a sick employee is suspected or confirmed to<br />
have COVID-19, follow the CDC cleaning and<br />
disinfection recommendations.<br />
Implementing Safety Practices for Critical<br />
Infrastructure Workers Who May Have Had<br />
Exposure to a Person with Suspected or<br />
Confirmed COVID-19<br />
To ensure continuity of operations of essential<br />
functions, CDC advises that critical infrastructure<br />
workers may be permitted to continue work following<br />
potential exposure to COVID-19, provided<br />
they remain asymptomatic and additional precautions<br />
are implemented to protect them and the<br />
community.<br />
A potential exposure means being a household<br />
contact or having close contact within 6 feet of an<br />
individual with confirmed or suspected COVID-19.<br />
The timeframe for having contact with an individual<br />
includes the period of time of 48 hours before<br />
the individual became symptomatic.<br />
Critical Infrastructure workers who have had an<br />
exposure but remain asymptomatic should adhere<br />
to the following practices prior to and during their<br />
work shift:<br />
• Pre-Screen: Employers should measure the<br />
employee’s temperature and assess symptoms<br />
prior to them starting work. Ideally, temperature<br />
checks should happen before the individual<br />
enters the facility.<br />
• Regular Monitoring: As long as the employee<br />
doesn’t have a temperature or symptoms, they<br />
should self-monitor under the supervision of their<br />
employer’s occupational health program.<br />
• Wear a Mask: The employee should wear a face<br />
mask at all times while in the workplace for 14<br />
days after last exposure. Employers can issue<br />
facemasks or can approve employees’ supplied<br />
cloth face coverings in the event of shortages.<br />
• Social Distance: The employee should maintain<br />
6 feet and practice social distancing as work<br />
duties permit in the workplace.<br />
• Disinfect and Clean workspaces: Clean and<br />
disinfect all areas such as offices, bathrooms,<br />
common areas, shared electronic equipment<br />
routinely.<br />
If the employee becomes sick during the day,<br />
they should be sent home immediately. Surfaces<br />
in their workspace should be cleaned and disinfected.<br />
Information on persons who had contact<br />
with the ill employee during the time the employee<br />
had symptoms and 2 days prior to symptoms<br />
should be compiled. Others at the facility with<br />
close contact within 6 feet of the employee during<br />
this time would be considered exposed.<br />
Employers should implement the recommendations<br />
in the Interim Guidance for Businesses and<br />
Employers to Plan and Respond to Coronavirus<br />
Disease 2019 to help prevent and slow the spread<br />
of COVID-19 in the workplace. Additional information<br />
about identifying critical infrastructure<br />
during COVID-19 can be found on the CDC’s<br />
specific First Responder Guidance page.<br />
68 • SPRING 2020
• Follow CDC guidance for cleaning and<br />
disinfection.<br />
Current evidence, though still preliminary,<br />
suggests that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes<br />
COVID-19, may remain viable for hours to days<br />
on surfaces made from a variety of materials. It<br />
may be possible that a person can get COVID-19<br />
by touching a surface or object that has the virus<br />
on it and then touching their own mouth, nose,<br />
or possibly their eyes, but this is not thought to<br />
be the main way the virus spreads.<br />
If the machinery or equipment in question are<br />
not accessible to employees or have not been in<br />
contact with someone infected with COVID-19,<br />
they will not present an exposure hazard.<br />
If machinery or equipment are thought to<br />
be contaminated and can be cleaned, follow<br />
the CDC cleaning and disinfection recommendations.<br />
First clean dirty surfaces with soap and<br />
water. Second, disinfect surfaces using products<br />
that meet EPA’s criteria for use against<br />
SARS-Cov-2external iconexternal icon and<br />
are appropriate for the surface.<br />
If machinery or equipment are thought to be<br />
contaminated and cannot be cleaned, they can<br />
be isolated. Isolate papers or any soft (porous)<br />
surfaces for a minimum of 24 hours before<br />
handling. After 24 hours, remove soft materials<br />
from the area and clean the hard (non-porous)<br />
surfaces per the cleaning and disinfection<br />
recommendations. Isolate hard (non-porous)<br />
surfaces that cannot be cleaned and disinfected<br />
for a minimum of 7 days before handling.<br />
• Wait 24 hours before cleaning and disinfecting<br />
to minimize potential for exposure to respiratory<br />
droplets. If 24 hours is not feasible, wait as long<br />
as possible.<br />
• Open outside doors and windows to increase air<br />
circulation in the area.<br />
• Clean dirty surfaces with soap and water prior to<br />
disinfection.<br />
• Next, disinfect surfaces using products that meet<br />
EPA’s criteria for use against SARS-Cov-2external<br />
iconexternal icon, the virus that causes COVID-19,<br />
and that are appropriate for the surface.<br />
• Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for<br />
all cleaning and disinfection products for<br />
concentration, application method, contact time,<br />
and required PPE.<br />
• Operations can resume as soon as the<br />
cleaning and disinfection are completed.<br />
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SPRING 2020 • 69
Darwin<br />
DARWIN at<br />
the<br />
The investment in security cameras pays off for carwash operators (and the readers of <strong>SSCWN</strong>)<br />
with these mostly frustrating, sometimes funny -- and always cautionary -- stories of Darwins Caught on<br />
Camera. Images of these criminals and/or their vehicles were given to police and the press. Many have been<br />
caught thanks to the prowess of security cameras.<br />
Let’s start off with some news out of<br />
California. A a man in Porterville<br />
was caught trying to break into<br />
Greg’s Express Car Wash using a fire<br />
extinguisher. According to The Recorder, on March<br />
15, Stephen Eredia was arrested at 9:20 a.m. after<br />
being caught on camera attempting to force open<br />
an office door and a coin acceptor’s faceplate.<br />
“Video surveillance depicted a Hispanic male<br />
adult arriving at the business at 4:07 a.m. Thursday<br />
morning with a red fire extinguisher. The male<br />
used the fire extinguisher to attempt to force open<br />
a secured office door and faceplate to a coin acceptor,<br />
however, he was unsuccessful. These attempts<br />
caused an excess of more than $400 in damages,”<br />
according to the story.<br />
Traditional camouflage really only<br />
works in a wood- and leaf-laden<br />
setting, correct? If you’re going to camouflage<br />
yourself to commit a crime at a car wash,<br />
the garb should be covered in bubbles, or timer<br />
buttons or even try and match it to the colors of<br />
the walls? But it looks like another dumb criminal<br />
thought his duds wouldn’t make him stand out.<br />
Now, if you look at the picture below, a screenshot<br />
from the crime-in-action, taken from Custom<br />
Car Wash surveillance footage, you will see there<br />
is ample opportunity for better concealment. Perhaps<br />
an all-white outfit? Thankfully, the thief in<br />
the picture was caught by police. The car wash<br />
70 • SPRING 2020<br />
owner of Caribou, Maine, John Morrill, released<br />
a screenshot of security camera footage depicting<br />
the alleged thief shortly after the incident on February<br />
18, according to The County. Morrill said<br />
the thief vandalized all four vaults and timers from<br />
the self-serve bays at the car wash and also stole<br />
roughly $1,500 worth of quarters, the story said.<br />
A little after a week later, police arrested Justin<br />
Adams of Caribou in connection with theft and<br />
vandalism.<br />
How much is that puppy at the car<br />
wash? I think the biggest crime of this story is<br />
that I was forced to go to the Lincoln, Nebraska,<br />
humane society <strong>web</strong>site and view all of the dogs<br />
and cats up for adoption. There are some real cuties<br />
that need a good home. If you’re from or around the<br />
Lincoln area, I will personally send you a gift basket<br />
of treats and toys and food if you adopt one of the<br />
animals. Just do it, please! The reason I was on the<br />
Capital Humane Society was because a woman was<br />
caught on camera abandoning an adorable puppy at<br />
a self serve car wash back in March.<br />
Police said in a KOLN report that around 8:45<br />
a.m. on March 9, someone found a puppy abandoned<br />
inside the car wash stall. The puppy was in<br />
blankets but was shaking and cold when Lincoln<br />
Animal Control arrived, the story said.<br />
After reviewing surveillance video, investigators<br />
determined the suspect, let’s call her Cruella<br />
Tra Verse, was driving a gold Chevy Traverse with<br />
expired in-transit plates. The good news is that<br />
the puppy was checked out by a veterinarian and<br />
was put up for adoption and found his forever<br />
home just four days later.<br />
Well, this is a new one and proof<br />
that people are really starting to<br />
lose their minds being locked up<br />
inside. In Kelowna, Canada, at the Xcalibur<br />
In other, “Leave the fire<br />
equipment for real heroes,”<br />
news (see previous), a man<br />
in Liberty Hill, Texas,<br />
was arrested for using fire department<br />
equipment to break into a coin machine<br />
at the Wash Time Car Wash. Back<br />
in January, suspect Casey Marre, a<br />
volunteer firefighter with the Burnet<br />
Volunteer Fire Department, was arrested<br />
and accused of stealing $210 from the<br />
car wash machine, KXAN reported.<br />
Investigators reviewed the car wash’s<br />
security footage from the night of the<br />
incident and recognized the firefighting<br />
equipment. Marre also was also seen<br />
on fire station surveillance taking a<br />
Hurst tool, that is more commonly<br />
known as “the jaws of life,” from the fire<br />
station. The same tool was seen being<br />
used at the Wash Time car wash.<br />
Footage showed Marre removing the<br />
tool, placing it into a large red bag then<br />
loading it into his car around 11:30 p.m.<br />
the night before the robbery, according<br />
to the arrest affidavit.<br />
Police said he admitted to using the<br />
tool to break into the coin operated<br />
machine claiming he was desperate to<br />
get money to buy drugs. Well, at least<br />
he was being honest.
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SPRING 2020 • 71
The Trucks Stop Here<br />
Kimberly Berg, owner of Citrus Heights Car<br />
Wash in California, had received a phone call<br />
from her business’s neighbor on January 29.<br />
He wanted to let her know that something<br />
strange was happening on her property. Berg<br />
checked her surveillance equipment and knew<br />
she had to rush on down to her car wash as<br />
something completely bizarre, and illagal, was<br />
taking place.<br />
“Between [my car wash] and the abandoned<br />
gas station behind me is a 4’ foot height<br />
differential, separated by a concrete retaining<br />
wall. This couple (brother and sister) had<br />
parked a large Penske moving van at the gas<br />
station, and were ATTEMPTING to drive their<br />
pick-up truck up flimsy metal ramps, over<br />
the retaining wall and into the rented moving<br />
van. The brother is in poor health, and unable<br />
to drive his pick-up truck to Colorado to be<br />
with family. So they came up with this idea,<br />
to transport his truck inside a moving van!<br />
Although it might sound like a good idea, it’s<br />
TOTALLY ILLEGAL. When I arrived, I demanded<br />
that they STOP and they REFUSED! Instead<br />
they became defensive and upset with me,<br />
complaining that I was over-reacting and<br />
getting into their business! They honestly saw<br />
nothing wrong with their plan. They reassured<br />
me that no one was going to get hurt, and<br />
the retaining wall was strong enough. I was<br />
overwhelmed and fearful. I walked away, and<br />
quickly called 911! As the police pointed out<br />
when they arrived, there is NO way to properly<br />
secure the truck inside, to prevent it from rolling<br />
forward, possibly crushing the occupants in<br />
the cab of the van, or sliding backwards, into<br />
innocent vehicles on the freeway!”<br />
Kimberly, who possibly saved countless lives<br />
thanks to her intervention and quick thinking,<br />
was kind enought to share the following photo<br />
of the incident: Now, the next question is, how<br />
in the heck did they remove the truck out of<br />
the Penske van without hurting anyone or<br />
damaging the retaining wall?<br />
“I’ll give you a hint,” said Kimberly, “Two<br />
tow 72 trucks!” • SPRING 2020<br />
Car Wash, cameras caught what appears to be a<br />
fireworks battle of some sort. The car wash owner<br />
had thought he had seen everything until he saw<br />
people using his property for some sort of makeshift<br />
fourth of July April festival.<br />
“Well, that is something new,” Xcalibur Car<br />
Wash owner Terry Robinson posted to his Facebook<br />
page, along with video footage.<br />
Robinson admitted to Castanet News that crime<br />
in the area had been on the rise but considered the<br />
fireworks showdown as particularly bizarre. “It was<br />
kind of unbelievable,” he said in the story.<br />
A few days later, Robinson posted a second video<br />
showing a hooded man entering the car wash bays<br />
and attempting to break into the coin boxes. Between<br />
the fireworks showdown and the attempted<br />
break in, Robinson decided he had enough.<br />
“Due to all of these scumbags coming around<br />
and trying to steal and destroy equipment, Xcalibur<br />
Car Wash will no longer be open all night,” he<br />
posted. Robinson changed his hours from 5 a.m. to<br />
11 p.m. as a result.<br />
I don’t understand how people who<br />
steal massive items think they will<br />
get away with it. If you have a party, and<br />
have a huge Pepsi Machine set up in your kitchen,<br />
don’t you think people will ask about it? “If anyone<br />
needs a refreshment, grab one out of the Pepsi Machine.<br />
You will need to pay for it, as it’s a vending<br />
machine…” Maybe criminals don’t have a lot of<br />
house parties? Or maybe their friends aren’t noisy<br />
about their choice of beverage containment? In<br />
Laurel County, Kentucky, a man thought he could<br />
get away with stealing a Pepsi machine from Ron’s<br />
Country Market. According to WYMT News,<br />
Ron had multiple surveillance cameras set up and<br />
caught the incident, as well as the thief’s getaway<br />
truck on tape. Footage was released to the public<br />
to try and identify the culprit. A few days later,<br />
in early April, police tracked down the truck and<br />
were able to recover the machine which was right<br />
there in plain view. Police arrested 41-year-old Michael<br />
R. Cornett and also determined Cornett was<br />
the same person caught on camera damaging vacuum<br />
machines at the nearby Super Car Wash. The<br />
damage amounted to almost $500. When Cornett<br />
was being questioned at police headquarters, he<br />
didn’t think it was funny when they offered him a<br />
Pepsi. I made that last sentence up.<br />
In other Laurel County news, in the<br />
Winter 2020 issue of Self Serve Car Wash News,<br />
we included another Dumb Criminals story which<br />
also took place in the same area. In that case, three<br />
suspects were caught on camera burglarizing the<br />
Ultra Shine car wash. Officials said the three suspects<br />
apparently stole hundreds of dollars’ worth<br />
of hose nozzles. Well, we have an update! According<br />
to local news reports, police are “closing in” on<br />
apprehending the three suspects.<br />
I would like to tip my hat to the<br />
person who wrote this story as it is<br />
pretty darn funny. News Talk KLFD of<br />
Richland, Washington, reported on a thieving duo<br />
who tried to steal from the Elephant Car Wash<br />
back in April. The suspects were caught on camera,<br />
although they didn’t take off with anything.<br />
The writer of the KLFD story said it best when<br />
he or she wrote, “Considering car washes have not<br />
been open for a while due to COVID, not likely<br />
they would have found any cash or coin on site.<br />
Most car wash owners wisely emptied out valuables<br />
prior to COVID shutdowns.”<br />
With a name like Shain Gordon Slick,<br />
you’re either going to become a rodeo cowboy, a<br />
Superman newspaper reporter or a criminal in a<br />
Looney Tunes episode voiced by Mel Blanc. However,<br />
in this instance, Slick is just a plain ‘ol thief.<br />
Slick of Waterloo, Iowa, was arrested for trying to<br />
break into coin boxes at various car washes in the<br />
Cedar Rapids area.<br />
Police say the 28-year-old attempted to drill into<br />
a lock on a safe inside a wash bay at Ultra Spray<br />
February 19.<br />
Later that day, at 3 p.m., Slick was at the Marigold<br />
Car Wash, where he allegedly tried to drill into the<br />
vacuum cleaner machines. When that wasn’t successful,<br />
he allegedly broke into the office area and<br />
took cash from a desk, according to court records.<br />
Slick was arrested just a few days later for second-degree<br />
criminal mischief, two counts of third-degree<br />
burglary, and possession of methamphetamine.<br />
Last fall, some minors stole one of<br />
his cement bollards, and this past February,<br />
a man tried using a hacksaw to break into his<br />
vacuums. Now, the owner of The Spot Free Car<br />
Wash, in Columbus, Ohio, is beefing up his security<br />
by installing multiple security cameras and adding<br />
bars to his pay stations and vending machines.<br />
“It’s a high crime area, a lot of problems,” car<br />
wash owner Ruthiran Savi told abc 6 news. “I am<br />
kind of worried but scared too.”
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SPRING 2020 • 73
Supporting the car wash owner’s<br />
claim in the previous story about<br />
it being a high-crime area, we have<br />
another crime story out of Columbus. This one<br />
involves a man who apparently wanted to leave<br />
behind a scent? Police in Columbus, Ohio, are<br />
using footage to track down a man who robbed<br />
the Mr. Good Car Wash on March 22. He stole a<br />
trash can’s worth of air fresheners, car phone chargers<br />
and snacks. Footage shows the culprit looking<br />
around the lobby of the car wash while holding<br />
a gray trash can. He looks into the cash register,<br />
which seems to have been closed out for the night,<br />
then looks into the display case. With a swift kick,<br />
he knocks down the case and fills the trash can<br />
with the goods. Not sure if he intended to steal<br />
the air fresheners, but if he did, his bandit name<br />
should be: The Odorous Outlaw.<br />
Police said he also caused thousands of dollars’<br />
worth of damages. I bet he smells nice, though!<br />
Some guy who is either obsessed<br />
with Michael Jackson or OJ Simpson,<br />
or both, is wanted for causing<br />
$11,000 in damages to a Doylestown Spa Car<br />
Wash coin box back in February. Patch.com reported<br />
that the Doylestown, Pennsylvania-based<br />
car wash posted footage of the incident which<br />
showed a man, who was wearing dark clothes and<br />
one glove, using a crowbar to break into the coin<br />
box. He also stole an unknown amount of cash.<br />
Not so smooth criminal. Who’s bad? Not this guy!<br />
I am certainly not one to generalize or attempt to<br />
understand the likes and cravings of a criminal. Cigarettes?<br />
Sure. Cigars? Okay. But, a pair of thieves in El<br />
Paso, Texas, which, by the way, was home to one of<br />
Old West’s famous shoot-outs and saw its fair share<br />
of criminal outlaws over 100 years ago, can now list<br />
these guys alongside the city’s notorious bandits.<br />
That is because while robbing a convenience store,<br />
they demanded…. Reese’s Pieces candy bars.<br />
According to KFOX14/CBS4, in late February,<br />
two men walked into a 7-11, approached the store<br />
employee, and one of them pulled out a handgun.<br />
The men demanded money from the business and<br />
forced the employee to open the cash register.<br />
The men fled the scene with a small, undisclosed<br />
amount of money, several boxes of Marlboro cigarettes,<br />
Swisher Sweets cigars, a flashlight and sev-<br />
74 • SPRING 2020<br />
eral Reese’s candy bars, according to the report.<br />
The men exited out the back of the business and<br />
went through the attached car wash.<br />
Nothing is too interesting about this<br />
crime story, other than the fact that it took<br />
place in the little town of Amory, Mississippi, which<br />
is home to the annual Railroad Festival, and also the<br />
birthplace of the song Blue Suede Shoes (after songwriter<br />
Carl Perkins visited the town in 1955), a man<br />
was caught on camera robbing a local car wash.<br />
On April 20, Dustin Jones, 35, apparently broke<br />
into the car wash building, damaging equipment<br />
and burglarizing the office. According to WCBI<br />
news, Amory police said they used surveillance<br />
video to help lead them to Jones.<br />
Some stolen items were also recovered when<br />
Jones was arrested. And it looks like this isn’t<br />
Jones’ first foray into car wash shenanigans as police<br />
said he could face more charges in connection<br />
with another car wash burglary.<br />
Across the way in jolly ‘ol England,<br />
a car wash fire has been deemed<br />
‘suspicious’ and police are relying on CCTV<br />
footage to track down a suspect. According to KentOnline,<br />
two cars were destroyed in what appears<br />
to have been an arson attack at a car wash in Canterbury.<br />
Around 1:30 a.m. on April 20 a car parked<br />
at the car wash caught fire. Three hours later a second<br />
car parked at the car wash also caught on fire.<br />
“Fire crews rushed to the scene and managed<br />
to safely extinguish the blaze, but both cars were<br />
damaged beyond repair. Officers investigating the<br />
case have reviewed CCTV footage, but no suspects<br />
have yet been identified.”<br />
One of the few positives of this<br />
whole pandemic (along with the<br />
kindness of and heroic acts of people<br />
and those working on the frontlines) is that<br />
crime is down. This section is somewhat lighter<br />
than usual, and, yes, that is a plus. However, unfortunately,<br />
we have an update to a murder case<br />
that was included in the Fall issue of Self Serve<br />
Car Wash News. In that issue we reported about<br />
a man with serious mother issues who dumped a<br />
suitcase containing her head, hands and feet into<br />
a car wash’s dumpster last October. Thanks to the<br />
car wash’s surveillance system, footage shows the<br />
man, as well as his vehicle, who turned out to be<br />
the victim’s son, pulling into the Pueblo, Colorado-based<br />
car wash. The footage was released to the<br />
public and leads started to flow in and police were<br />
able to track down Anthony Cuevas. Now, the rest<br />
of the woman’s remains were found in April in a<br />
trash bag near the Arkansas River. Thanks to that<br />
evidence, as well as the car wash footage, Cuevas<br />
was arrested on suspicion of first-degree murder.<br />
And, now, according to kktv.com, a second person<br />
has been arrested. Cuevas’s wife, Melanie Cuevas,<br />
36, was arrested for accessory to first-degree murder<br />
on April 16th, 2020, in Monte Vista, Colorado.<br />
And Now for Something<br />
Completely Dumb…<br />
So, not sure where this “security<br />
measure” took place, but we<br />
thought it might warrant a laugh or<br />
two. Homehacks.com offered up a<br />
slideshow entitled: 50 Security Fails<br />
That Are Just Too Funny. One that<br />
was particularly silly was this.<br />
Sure, this lock system looks pretty<br />
solid, but unlocking just one padlock<br />
will foil the entire arrangement:<br />
In second place, is this “gated”<br />
• 29” long x 24” wide x 68” high.<br />
• Direct Drive connection.<br />
• Configurable for 1-2 self service bays.<br />
• Pre-wired, Pre plumbed and factory tested.<br />
• Electrical isolation for maintenance.<br />
• 3 or 5 horsepower, single or<br />
three phase motors.<br />
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and General pumps.<br />
• Low water cut-off protection.<br />
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and Flo-Jet pumps.<br />
• 27” long x 42” wide x 76” high.<br />
• Direct Drive connection.<br />
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• Pre-wired, Pre plumbed and factory tested.<br />
• Electrical isolation for maintenance.<br />
• 3 or 5 horsepower, single or<br />
three phase motors.<br />
• Utilizes industry leading CAT, Arimitsu<br />
and General pumps.<br />
• Low water cut-off protection.<br />
• Thermostatic weep system.<br />
• Utilizes industry leading 506 Hydrominders<br />
and Flo-Jet pumps.<br />
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SPRING 2020 • 75
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