Places Volume 5
On Assignment with conservation photographer Jerry Monkman.
On Assignment with conservation photographer Jerry Monkman.
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Manomet<br />
I’ve had a blast shooting primarily<br />
video projects for Manomet during<br />
the last two years as we work on<br />
telling their story of using science<br />
and partnering with business to<br />
foster a sustainable world. Manomet<br />
applies conservation science to<br />
industries that impact all of us:<br />
forestry, commercial fisheries, and<br />
agriculture. The organization got<br />
its start 50 years ago conducting<br />
bird research and that’s still a big<br />
part of their work (and really fun to<br />
shoot!) They have one of the longest<br />
continuously run land bird banding<br />
stations in the world, and they are<br />
leaders in the study of shorebirds<br />
in the western hemisphere (like this<br />
whimbrel being outfitted with a<br />
GPS transmitter in the back seat of<br />
a Toyota.)<br />