Places Volume 5
On Assignment with conservation photographer Jerry Monkman.
On Assignment with conservation photographer Jerry Monkman.
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From Jerry<br />
I was just a week away from sending out this edition of <strong>Places</strong> when the<br />
Covid-19 pandemic changed all of our lives in so many ways. In my house,<br />
that meant the return of a college freshman and learning how to live<br />
together as a family of four again – a minor change that I’m grateful for! I<br />
hope you and your family are experiencing relatively mild impacts as well.<br />
On the Cover: Dawn breaks in New<br />
Hampshire’s Great Bay.<br />
During the last few months, we’ve all been itching to get out of the house<br />
whenever we get the chance to do it safely. In the best-case scenario that<br />
means being able to walk, run, or hike in a park or forest close to home.<br />
For me, the pandemic has reinforced the need for there to be a variety<br />
of conserved open space in all communities. The majority of my career<br />
has been spent working with non-profits to publicize land conservation<br />
projects throughout the northeastern US, and in these times, I am<br />
even more impressed with the amazing work these organizations have<br />
accomplished over the last three decades. Many of the photos on the<br />
following pages show how this work continues.<br />
Be well, stay safe, and enjoy the outdoors!<br />
-Jerry<br />
Table of Contents<br />
The Merrimack: River at Risk................................................................................4-5<br />
Putting a spotlight on one of America’s most endangered rivers.<br />
Conservation Photo Projects............................................................................... 6-21<br />
Forests, farms, fires and more from across the Northeast.<br />
Maine Tourism Shoots........................................................................................22-26<br />
An award-winning "Headin’ upta camp" marketing project.<br />
P.O. Box 59, Portsmouth, New Hampshire 03802<br />
603-498-1140<br /><br /><br />